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CAREC Short Course J.


Tutorial: Water Flooding and WAG application

Builder Grid Properties (Field Units)

 Create Cartesian grid 7 * 7 * 3

 I direction: 7 * 500
 J direction: 7 * 500
 K – direction: Up (first layer is at the bottom of the reservoir)
 Start Date : 1986-12-01

Reservoir Properties

 Grid Thickness: 50, 30, 20

 Grid Bottom: 2000 ft
 Porosity – 0.30
 Permeability I – 200, 50, 500 md
 Permeability J – 200, 50, 500 md
 Permeability K – 25, 50, 50 md
 Oil Saturation – 0.8
 Water Saturation – 0.2
 Pressure – 4000 psi
 Solvent Saturation Pressure – 2302.3 psi
 Rock Compressibility (CPOR) – 5.000E-6 1/psi
 Reference Pressure for rock compressibility (PRPOR) – 4000 psi


Click Model

Launch Dialog to Create Quick Black oil Model Using Correlations

1) Model Tab : Pseudo-miscible with no chase gas (Assumes gas injected (if any) has the same
composition as solution gas. MISCG: pseudo-miscible model, with chase gas. Assumes
solution gas always remains in solution)
2) PVT Regions
a. General Properties
1. Oil Density = 38.53 lb/ft3
2. Gas Density = 0.06864 lb/ft3
3. Water Density = 62.4 lb/ft3
4. Under-saturated Oil Compressibility = 2.185E-5 1/psi
5. Oil phase viscosity pressure dependence = 2.5500E-5 cp/psi
6. Water formation volume factor = 1
7. Water Compressibility = 3.3000E-6 1/psi
8. Reference pressure for water = 14.7 psi
9. Water viscosity = 0.7 cp

10. Pressure dependence of water viscosity = 0

PVT Table Tab:

P (psi) Rs Bo Eg visc-oil visc-gas

14.7 0.0 1.03480 4.730 0.310 0.0107
500.0 117.600 1.10170 168.800 0.295 0.0127
1000.0 222.600 1.14780 350.803 0.274 0.0134
1200.0 267.700 1.16770 426.603 0.264 0.0138
1500.0 341.400 1.19970 541.800 0.249 0.0145
1800.0 421.500 1.23500 657.808 0.234 0.0153
2000.0 479.000 1.26000 735.168 0.224 0.0159
2302.3 572.800 1.30100 850.991 0.208 0.0170
2500.0 634.100 1.32780 907.703 0.200 0.0177
3000.0 789.300 1.39560 1015.022 0.187 0.0195
3500.0 944.400 1.46340 1096.972 0.175 0.0214
4000.0 1099.500 1.53210 1159.958 0.167 0.0232
4500.0 1254.700 1.59910 1215.953 0.159 0.0250
4800.0 1347.800 1.63980 1245.020 0.155 0.0261

3) Solvent Properties:
a. Density – 0.06248 lb/ft3
b. Gas and solvent mixing parameter – 0.77
c. Minimum Solvent saturation – 0.2

PVT table

p rss es viss omega_s

14.7 0.0 4.480 0.011 0.0
500.0 0.0 178.501 0.012 0.0
1000.0 0.0 395.100 0.013 0.0
1200.0 0.0 491.304 0.014 0.0
1500.0 0.0 641.313 0.016 0.0
1800.0 0.0 790.077 0.018 0.0
2000.0 0.0 885.269 0.019 0.0
2302.3 0.0 1020.096 0.022 0.0
2500.0 0.0 1100.715 0.023 0.21
3000.0 0.0 1280.902 0.027 0.74
3500.0 0.0 1429.797 0.031 0.74
4000.0 0.0 1555.210 0.034 0.74
4500.0 0.0 1661.958 0.037 0.74
4800.0 0.0 1719.100 0.038 0.74

Rock-Fluid Properties

 Rock type – New Rock Type

Water – Oil Table

Sw Krw Krow Pcow Sorm

0.2000000 0.0 1.0000 45.00 0.0
0.2899000 0.0022 0.6769 19.03 0.0
0.3778000 0.0180 0.4153 10.07 0.0
0.4667000 0.0607 0.2178 4.90 0.0
0.5556000 0.1438 0.0835 1.80 0.0
0.6444002 0.2809 0.0123 0.50 0.0
0.7000000 0.4089 0.0 0.05 0.0
0.7333000 0.4855 0.0 0.01 0.0
0.8221999 0.7709 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.9111000 1.0000 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.000001.0000 0.0 0.0 0.0

Liquid – Gas Table (Liquid Saturation)

Sl krg krog Pcog

0.2000000 1.00 0.0 30.000
0.2889000 0.56 0.0 8.000
0.3500000 0.39 0.0 4.000
0.3778000 0.35 0.0110 3.000
0.4667000 0.20 0.0370 0.800
0.5556000 0.10 0.0878 0.030
0.6444002 0.05 0.1715 0.001
0.7333000 0.03 0.2963 0.001
0.8221999 0.01 0.4705 0.0
0.9111000 0.001 0.7023 0.0
0.9500000 0.0 0.8800 0.0
1.000000.0 1.0000 0.0

Initial Conditions

Calculation Methods

Click Advanced

Select User specified pressure and saturations for each grid block (USER_INPUT)


*PRES *KVAR ** Pressure is constant in each layer

4000.0 3990.3 3984.3 ** but varies between the layers.

*PB *CON ** Initial bubble point pressure is

2302.3 ** constant throughout

*PBS *CON ** Initial solvent bubble point pressure

2302.3 ** is constant throughout.

*SW *CON ** Water saturations are constant.


*SO *CON ** Oil saturations are constant.


Wells & Recurrent

 Dates
 Click: 1986-12-01 (which is initial time – start time)
 Add a range of dates
 From: 0.0 days
 To: 2009-12-01
 Step: 1 Month
 Click the last date to add stop of simulation
 Wells
 Name : Producer – 1
 Type : Producer
 Constrains:
 Operate – STO Surface oil rate – Max – 12000 bbl/day
 Operate – BHP Bottom hole pressure – MIN – 1000 psi
 Monitor – GOR gas-oil ratio – 10000 ft3/bbl – STOP
 Monitor – WCUT water-cut(fraction) – 0.83 – STOP

[Primary operating constraint, Bottomhole pressure is also

monitored, Monitor GOR and stop simulation if hit, Monitor
Water Cut and stop simulation]

 Name : Water injector

 Constrains:
 Operate – STW Surface water rate – Max – 12000 bbl/day

 Operate – BHP Bottom hole pressure – MIN – 1000 psi

 Injected Fluid : Solvent

 Name : Solvent injector

 Constrains:
 Operate – STO Surface solvent rate – Max – 12000000 ft3/day
 Operate – BHP Bottom hole pressure – MIN – 1000 psi
 Injected Fluid : Solvent

For the first two years both injectors are shut in; only the producer is

 Perforations: (PERF)

Producer – 7, 7, 1
Water Injector – 1, 1, 3
Solvent Injector – 1, 1, 3

1. Water flooding v/s WAG
2. Change WAG ratio

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