Indirect Questions Review

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Task 1: Study the following examples.

Where is the docent?

Can you tell me where the docent is?

What do you like about the museum?

I wonder what you like about the museum.

Task 2: Make these direct questions more formal by starting them with the words given.
Make sure you change the order in the questions.

Direct Questions Indirect Questions

Where's the station? Can you tell me

__________________________________ ?
Are you coming to the party? Can you let me know if ____________________________ ?
How does it work? Can you explain _________________________________ ?
What's the matter? Please tell me ___________________________________ .
Where are you from? I'd like to know _________________________________ .
How long does it take to get Do you know ___________________________________ ?
Has she reached a decision Has she told you whether _________________________ ?
What time are you leaving?" Do you know __________________________________ ?
Does Annie know about I wonder whether ________________________________ .
Excuse me. How do you get to Could you tell us _______________________________ ?
the post office from here?
What are you doing?! Do you have any idea _________________________ ?!
Could you lend me 50 Riyals? "I don't suppose __________________________________ .
Could you take me to the Is there any chance ____________________________ ?
Does Susana like classical I wonder if ___________________________________.

Adapted by: S. Palomo

Adapted by: S. Palomo

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