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Client/Matter Name: First American/Schneider Page 2

Reference: Laurence Schneider

HELOC Foreclosure
Matter Number: 317.18

Hours Amount

11/9/2016 HHS - -report to First American Bank re: - 0.60 210.00

11/15/2016 HHS Receive, review and forward Attorney Trent's Second Motion for 0.40 140.00
Extension (2 days) to FAB/confer with Garry Smith re:

SM Review Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's Motion for Extension of Time in 0.20 45.00
Which to File Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaim;
participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:1111-
11/17/2016 HHB Receive, review, analyze and forward Answer, Affirmative Defenses 1.20 420.00
and Counterclaim to FAB - review file.

HHS Confer with co-counsel/jointly analyze Answer, Affirmative Defenses 1.40 490.00
and Counterclaim/identify issues - "to-do" items/docket deadlines.

HHB 0.50 175.00

SM Review and analyze Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's Answer Affirmative 1.30 292.50
Defenses and Counterclaim; meet with Mr. Bolz re: iiilii; participate in
telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: 1111
11/18/2016 HHB Review S&A Capital Partners' file/documents/prepare Event 1.40 490.00
Chronology (Johnnie Washington loan) - initiate Motion to Sever/Motion
to Strike.

HHB Review Fair Credit Reporting Act statute and cases 1.30 455.00
- confer with co-counsel.

HHS Initiate legal research into 0.80 280.00

and collate documents rela mg o

HHB Confer with Attorney Mesa re : 0.50 175.00

HHB Begin outlining series of discovery pleadings directed to Laurence and 0.50 175.00
Stephanie Schneider.

HHB Receive, review and forward Supreme Court Order suspending 0.30 105.00
Attorney Trent from the practice of law for 30 days (10 Dec 2016 - 9
Jan 2017).

HHS 0.30 105.00

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