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The Impact On Body Image And Self-Esteem:The

Importance of Beauty.
Culture- Is defined as a social system that is characterized
by the shared meanings that are attributed to people and events
by its members (Hewstone,2015).
Young adolescents are force to adhere to society's definition
of beauty lest they be labelled ugly or "pangit" in the local dialect.
In this age of plastic surgery or "retoke", water proof and oil
proof make-up, hair color and high lights, colored contact lenses
and photo shop, NOBODY is ugly.
Meriam and Webster defines beauty as the quality of being
physically attractive or the qualities in a person or a thing that give
pleasure to the senses or the mind.
For it is said that "beauty" lies in the eye of the
"beholder".Put simply what are may consider beautiful may not be
for another.
BEAUTY is what social media dictates,what fashion models
look like and how his/her favourite celebrity dresses and behaves.
The body image created by the adolescent which includes
perception and feelings about oneself could either be positive or
The Filipino Concept of Beauty
Eurocentrism- defined as "a tendency to interpret the world
in terms of European or Anglo American values and experiences".
The extant standard of beauty has strong implications on
how the Filipinos on the society perceive beauty.
The "tisoy" and "tisay" beauty standard is strongly promoted
in media today by casting actors that do not physically resemble
the everyday Filipino.
Eurocentrism- called colorism is defined as "the prejudicial or
preferential" treatment of same race people based solely on the
color of their skin.
Self-Esteem And The Body Image
Self Esteem- as the overall evaluation that a person has a
himself which can be positive or negative, high or low.
Self esteem is a measure of the person self worth based on
some personal or social standard.
Adolescents body image includes the following:
1. Perception of their physical self when they look in the
2. Feelings of like or dislike about the physical self that they
3. Their thoughts and how they relate to their physical self.
4. Perception of how other people view them physically.
An adolescent may reaort to extreme negative behaviours in
order to meet so-called status quo.

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