Chapter 4 Cost of Capital

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Chapter 4

The Cost of Capital

To Thi Thanh Truc

Faculty of Finance and Banking
University of Economics and Law

Learning outcomes
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
 Define the overall “cost of capital” of the firm.
 Explain why the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is used
in capital budgeting.
 Estimate the costs of different capital components—debt, preferred
stock, retained earnings, and common stock.
 Combine the different component costs to determine the firm’s
 Understand pitfalls of overall cost of capital and how to manage

 Handout
 Brigham & Houston, Fundamentals of financial
management, chapter 10.
 Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Fundamentals of Corporate
finance, chapter 14.
 Jim DeMello, 2006, Cases in Finance, Mc Graw- Hill (Case
19, 20)

 The Cost of Capital: Some Preliminaries
 The Cost of Equity
 The Costs of Debt and Preferred Stock
 Divisional and Project Costs of Capital
 Flotation Costs and the Weighted Average
Cost of Capital

Some Preliminaries

What is Cost of Capital

The required rate of return on the various

types of financing. The overall cost of capital
is a weighted average of the individual
required rates of return (costs).

Why Cost of Capital Is
 We know that the return earned on assets
depends on the risk of those assets
 Our cost of capital provides us with an
indication of how the market views the risk of
our assets
 Knowing our cost of capital can also help us
determine our required return for capital
budgeting projects

Required Return
 The required return is the same as the appropriate
discount rate and is based on the risk of the cash
 We need to know the required return for an
investment before we can compute the NPV and
make a decision about whether or not to take the
 We need to earn at least the required return to
compensate our investors for the financing they
have provided

What sources of long-term
capital do firms use?


Long-Term Preferred Common

Debt Stock Stock

Retained New Common

Earnings Stock
Calculating the weighted
average cost of capital
WACC = wdrd(1-T) + wprp + wcrs

 The w’s refer to the firm’s capital

structure weights.
 The r’s refer to the cost of each

How are the weights determined?

WACC = wdrd(1-T) + wprp + wcrs

 Use accounting numbers or market

value (book vs. market weights)?
 Use actual numbers or target capital

Capital Structure Weights
 Notation
 E = market value of equity = # of outstanding

shares times price per share

 D = market value of debt = # of outstanding

bonds times bond price

 V = market value of the firm = D + E

 Weights
 wE = E/V = percent financed with equity

 wD = D/V = percent financed with debt

Taxes and the WACC
 We are concerned with after-tax cash flows,
so we also need to consider the effect of
taxes on the various costs of capital
 Interest expense reduces our tax liability
 This reduction in taxes reduces our cost of debt
 After-tax cost of debt = rd(1-T)
 Dividends are not tax deductible, so there is
no tax impact on the cost of equity

Should our analysis focus on
historical (embedded) costs or new
(marginal) costs?

 The cost of capital is used primarily to

make decisions that involve raising new
capital. So, focus on today’s marginal
costs (for WACC).

Overview of Coleman
Technologies Inc.
Firm calculating cost of capital for major expansion
 Tax rate = 40%.

 15-year, 12% coupon, semiannual payment noncallable bonds sell for

$1,153.72. New bonds will be privately placed with no flotation cost.

 10%, $100 par value, quarterly dividend, perpetual preferred stock sells for

 Common stock sells for $50. D0 = $4.19 and g = 5%.

 b = 1.2; rRF = 7%; RPM = 6%.

 Bond-Yield Risk Premium = 4%.

 Target capital structure: 30% debt, 10% preferred, 60% common equity.
Overview of Coleman
Technologies Inc.

Number of shares not given in problem, so actual

calculations cannot be done. Analysis is meant
for illustration. Typically, book value capital
structure will show a higher percentage of debt
because a typical firm’s M/B ratio > 1.
Cost of debt

Cost of debt
WACC = wdrd(1-T) + wprp + wcrs

 rd is the marginal cost of debt capital.

That is the required return on the
company’s debt.
 Why tax-adjust, i.e. why rd(1-T)?

Cost of Debt
 We usually focus on the cost of long-term
debt or bonds
 The required return is best estimated by
computing the yield-to-maturity on the
existing debt
 We may also use estimates of current rates
based on the bond rating we expect when
we issue new debt
 The cost of debt is NOT the coupon rate
Case: Coleman Technologies
Cost of Debt
 The current price of Coleman’s 12%
coupon, semiannual payment, noncallable
bonds with 15 years remaining to maturity
is $1,153.72. Coleman does not use short-
term interest-bearing debt on a permanent
basis. New bonds would be privately placed
with no flotation cost. What is cost of debt?

A 15-year, 12% semiannual coupon
bond sells for $1,153.72. What is
the cost of debt (rd)?
 Remember, the bond pays a semiannual
coupon, so rd = 5.0% x 2 = 10%.

INPUTS 30 -1153.72 60 1000


Cost of debt
 Interest is tax deductible, so
A-T rd = B-T rd (1-T)
= 10% (1 - 0.40) = 6%
 Use nominal rate.
 Flotation costs are small, so ignore

Cost of preferred stock

Cost of preferred stock
WACC = wdrd(1-T) + wprp + wcrs

 rp is the marginal cost of preferred stock,

which is the return investors require on a
firm’s preferred stock.
 Preferred dividends are not tax-deductible,
so no tax adjustments necessary. Just use
nominal rp.
 Our calculation ignores possible flotation
Cost of Preferred Stock
 Reminders
 Preferred stock generally pays a constant

dividend each period

 Dividends are expected to be paid every

period forever
 Preferred stock is a perpetuity, so we take the
perpetuity formula, rearrange and solve for rP
 rP = D / P0

Case: Coleman Technologies
Cost of Preferred Stock
 Coleman has preferred stock that has an
annual dividend of $10. If the current
price is $111.1, what is the cost of
preferred stock?
 rP = 10/ 111.1 = 9%

Is preferred stock more or less
risky to investors than debt?
 More risky; company not required to pay
preferred dividend.
 However, firms try to pay preferred dividend.
Otherwise, (1) cannot pay common dividend,
(2) difficult to raise additional funds, (3)
preferred stockholders may gain control of

Cost of Equity

Cost of Equity
WACC = wdrd(1-T) + wprp + wcrs

 rs is the marginal cost of common equity

using retained earnings.

 The rate of return investors require on the

firm’s common equity using new equity is
r e.

Cost of Equity
 The cost of equity is the return required by
equity investors given the risk of the cash
flows from the firm
 Business risk

 Financial risk

 There are three major methods for

determining the cost of equity
 Dividend growth model


 Cost of debt plus risk premium

Three ways to determine the
cost of common equity, rs

 DCF (DGM): rs = (D1 / P0) + g

 CAPM: rs = rRF + (rM – rRF) b

 Own-Bond-Yield-Plus-Risk-Premium:
rs = rd + RP

The DCF Approach (Dividend
growth model - DGM)
 Start with the dividend growth model
formula and rearrange to solve for rs
P0 
rs  g
rs  g
Case: Coleman Technologies
Cost of Equity DCF

 Coleman’s common stock is currently selling for

$50.00 per share. Its last dividend (D0) was
$4.19, and dividends are expected to grow at a
constant rate of 5% in the foreseeable future.
Coleman’s beta is 1.2, the yield on T-bonds is
7%, and the market risk premium is estimated to
be 6%. For the bond-yield-plus-riskpremium
approach, the firm uses a risk premium of 4%

Case: Coleman Technologies
Cost of Equity - DCF Model

D1 = D0 (1 + g)
D1 = $4.19 (1 + .05)
D1 = $4.3995

rs = (D1 / P0) + g
= ($4.3995 / $50) + 0.05
= 13.8%
Can DCF methodology be applied if
growth is not constant?
 Yes, nonconstant growth stocks are
expected to attain constant growth at
some point, generally in 5 to 10 years.
 May be complicated to compute.

Advantages and Disadvantages of
DCF Model (DGM)
 Advantage – easy to understand and use
 Disadvantages
 Only applicable to companies currently paying
 Not applicable if dividends aren’t growing at a
reasonably constant rate
 Extremely sensitive to the estimated growth
rate – an increase in g of 1% increases the cost
of equity by 1%
 Does not explicitly consider risk

The CAPM Approach
 Use the following information to compute
our cost of equity
 Risk-free rate, rRF

 Market risk premium, rM – rRF

 Systematic risk of asset, 

rs  rRF  β (rM  rRF )

Case: Coleman Technologies
Cost of Equity - CAPM

If the rRF = 7%, RPM = 6%, and the

firm’s beta is 1.2, what’s the cost of
common equity based upon the CAPM?

rs = rRF + (rM – rRF) b

= 7.0% + (6.0%)1.2 = 14.2%

Advantages and
Disadvantages of CAPM
 Advantages
 Explicitly adjusts for systematic risk

 Applicable to all companies, as long as we can

estimate beta
 Disadvantages
 Have to estimate the expected market risk
premium, which does vary over time
 Have to estimate beta, which also varies over time

 We are using the past to predict the future, which

is not always reliable

Case: Coleman Technologies
Cost of Equity - CAPM
If the rRF = 7%, RPM = 6%, and the
firm’s beta is 1.2, what’s the cost of
common equity based upon the CAPM?

rs = rRF + (rM – rRF) b

= 7.0% + (6.0%)1.2 = 14.2%

Case: Coleman Technologies
Cost of Equity - CAPM

If the rRF = 7%, RPM = 6%, and the

firm’s beta is 1.2, what’s the cost of
common equity based upon the CAPM?

rs = rRF + (rM – rRF) b

= 7.0% + (6.0%)1.2 = 14.2%

Find rs Using the Bond-Yield-Plus-Risk-
Premium Approach
Case: Coleman Technologies

rd = 10% and RP = 4%.

 This RP is not the same as the CAPM RPM.
 This method produces a ballpark estimate of
rs, and can serve as a useful check.
rs = rd + RP
rs = 10.0% + 4.0% = 14.0%

What is a reasonable final
estimate of rs?
Method Estimate
CAPM 14.2%
DCF 13.8%
rd + RP 14.0%
Average 14.0%

Why is there a cost for
retained earnings?
 Earnings can be reinvested or paid out as
 Investors could buy other securities, earn a return.
 If earnings are retained, there is an opportunity
cost (the return that stockholders could earn on
alternative investments of equal risk).
 Investors could buy similar stocks and earn rs.

 Firm could repurchase its own stock and earn rs.

The Weighted Average Cost of
 We can use the individual costs of capital that
we have computed to get our “average” cost of
capital for the firm.
 This “average” is the required return on the
firm’s assets, based on the market’s perception
of the risk of those assets
 The weights are determined by how much of
each type of financing is used

Case: Coleman Technologies
What is the firm’s WACC?

WACC = wdrd(1-T) + wprp + wcrs

= 0.3(10%)(0.6) + 0.1(9%) + 0.6(14%)
= 1.8% + 0.9% + 8.4%
= 11.1%

What factors influence a
company’s composite WACC?
 Market conditions.
 The firm’s capital structure and
dividend policy.
 The firm’s investment policy. Firms
with riskier projects generally have a
higher WACC.

Extended Example – WACC - I
 Equity  Debt Information
Information  $1 billion in
 50 million shares outstanding debt
(face value)
 $80 per share
 Current quote = 110
 Beta = 1.15
 Coupon rate = 9%,
 Market risk premium
semiannual coupons
= 9%
 15 years to maturity
 Risk-free rate = 5%
 Tax rate = 40%
Extended Example – WACC -
 What is the cost of equity?
 RE = 5 + 1.15(9) = 15.35%
 What is the cost of debt?
 N = 30; PV = -1,100; PMT = 45; FV =
1,000; CPT I/Y = 3.9268
 RD = 3.927(2) = 7.854%
 What is the after-tax cost of debt?
 RD(1-TC) = 7.854(1-.4) = 4.712%
Extended Example – WACC -
 What are the capital structure weights?
 E = 50 million (80) = 4 billion
 D = 1 billion (1.10) = 1.1 billion
 V = 4 + 1.1 = 5.1 billion
 wE = E/V = 4 / 5.1 = .7843
 wD = D/V = 1.1 / 5.1 = .2157
 What is the WACC?
 WACC = .7843(15.35%) + .2157(4.712%)
= 13.06% 4-50
Eastman Chemical I
 Click on the web surfer to go to Yahoo Finance to get
information on Eastman Chemical (EMN)
 Under profile, you can find the following information
 # of shares outstanding

 Book value per share

 Price per share

 Beta

 Under analysts estimates, you can find analysts

estimates of earnings growth (use as a proxy for
dividend growth)
 The bonds section at Yahoo Finance can provide the T-
bill rate
 Use this information, along with the CAPM and DGM to
estimate the cost of equity 4-51
Eastman Chemical II
 Go to NASD’s bond information to get market
information on Eastman Chemical’s bond issues
 Enter Eastman Ch to find the bond information

 Note that you may not be able to find

information on all bond issues due to the

illiquidity of the bond market
 Go to the SEC site to get book market information
from the firm’s most recent 10Q

Eastman Chemical III
 Find the weighted average cost of the
 Use market values if you were able to get
the information
 Use the book values if market information
was not available
 They are often very close
 Compute the WACC
 Use market value weights if available 4-53
Flotation costs

Flotation costs
 If a company accepts a new project, it may
be required to to issue new bonds and stocks.
This means that the firm will incur some
costs, which is flotation costs.
 Companies generally use an investment
banker when they issue new stocks and
bonds. In return for a fee, investment bankers
help the company structure the terms, set a
price for the issue, and sell the issue to
 The bankers’ fees are called flotation costs.
Flotation costs
 Flotation costs depend on the firm’s risk
and the type of capital being raised.
 Flotation costs are highest for common
equity. However, since most firms
issue equity infrequently, the per-
project cost is fairly small.

How to account for flotation
 Two approaches:
 The firm’s WACC should be adjusted
upward to reflect flotation costs.
 Add flotation costs to a project’s initial


Flotation Costs – adjust upward
 If there are flotation costs, the issuing firm receives
only a portion of the capital provided by investors, with
the remainder going to the underwriter.
 To provide investors with their required rate of return
on the capital they contributed, each dollar the firm
actually receives must “work harder”
 That is, each dollar must earn a higher rate of return
than the investors’ required rate of return

Flotation Costs – adjust upward
 Cost of capital is the discount rate that equates the
present value of CFs the firm have to pay investors with
the useable capital today.
 For common equity: re = D1/P0(1-F) + g

 For preferred stock: rp = D/P0(1-F)

 For debt:

P0(1-F) = C/(1+rd) + C/(1+rd)2 +…+ C/(1+rd)n + FV/(1+rd)n

Coleman Technologies:
If issuing new common stock incurs a flotation
cost of 15% of the proceeds, what is re?

D 0 (1  g)
re  g
P0 (1 - F)
$4.19(1.05 )
  5.0%
$50(1 - 0.15)
  5.0%
 15.4%
Flotation Costs – considered
as initial cost of project
 The required return depends on the risk, not how the
money is raised
 However, the cost of issuing new securities should not just
be ignored either
 Basic Approach
 Compute the weighted average flotation cost

 Use the target weights because the firm will issue

securities in these percentages over the long term

NPV and Flotation Costs -
 Your company is considering a project that will cost $1
million. The project will generate after-tax cash flows
of $250,000 per year for 7 years. The WACC is 15%
and the firm’s target D/E ratio is .6 The flotation cost
for equity is 5% and the flotation cost for debt is 3%.
What is the NPV for the project after adjusting for
flotation costs?
 FA = (.375)(3%) + (.625)(5%) = 4.25%
 PV of future cash flows = 1,040,105
 NPV = 1,040,105 - 1,000,000/(1-.0425) = -4,281
 The project would have a positive NPV of 40,105
without considering flotation costs
 Once we consider the cost of issuing new securities,
the NPV becomes negative 4-62
Divisional and Project Costs
of Capital

Divisional and Project Costs of
 Using the WACC as our discount rate is only
appropriate for projects that have the same
risk as the firm’s current operations
 If we are looking at a project that does NOT
have the same risk as the firm, then we need
to determine the appropriate discount rate for
that project
 Divisions also often require separate
discount rates
Risk and cost of capital
Rate of Return
(%) Acceptance Region


12.0 H

10.5 A Rejection Region

9.5 B
8.0 L

0 Risk L Risk A Risk H 4-65
Cost of capital for projects with
different risk
Rate of Return
Division H’s WACC

Project H

Composite WACC
9.0 Project L
for Firm A

7.0 Division L’s WACC

0 RiskL Risk Average RiskH
Divisional and Project Costs of
 Note, if the company correctly risk-adjusted the
WACC, then it would select Project L and reject
Project H.
 Alternatively, if the company didn’t risk-adjust
and instead used the composite WACC for all
projects, it would mistakenly select Project H and
reject Project L.

The Pure Play Approach
 Find one or more companies that specialize in
the product or service that we are considering
 Compute the beta for each company
 Take an average
 Use that beta along with the CAPM to find the
appropriate return for a project of that risk
 Often difficult to find pure play companies

Subjective Approach
 Consider the project’s risk relative to the firm
 If the project has more risk than the firm, use
a discount rate greater than the WACC
 If the project has less risk than the firm, use
a discount rate less than the WACC
 You may still accept projects that you
shouldn’t and reject projects you should
accept, but your error rate should be lower
than not considering differential risk at all4-69
Subjective Approach - Example
Risk Level Discount Rate
Very Low Risk WACC – 8%
Low Risk WACC – 3%
Same Risk as Firm WACC
High Risk WACC + 5%
Very High Risk WACC + 10%

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