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School Improvement Plan

Digos City National High School

Existing Condition Recommendation Plan of Action

(Area to be Evaluated)

Vision, Mission, and Goals.

Vision - DiCNHS shall produce students

who are academically equipped,
technologically competitive and
morally upright towards building a
progressive society in cooperation with
the community.
Mission - DiCNHS provides quality
instruction, programs, projects and
activities to prepare the students to To realize this Vision, Mission and Goals, rigid The School Planning Team to evaluate with scrutiny and
face the challenges of the new enforcement and re-enforcement of various tools, clear conscience the reality of the school vision, mission and
millennium. practices, programs, projects, approaches and goals for purposes of determining its achievement level which is
Goals: assessments as determinants by the school principal, the ultimate target of the school.
 Curriculum Goal. department heads, teachers as well as non-teaching
To provide a curriculum which extends personnel and the community should be religiously
and supports students through performed, maintained and sustained.
appropriate teaching and learning
 Learning Environment Goal.
To develop conducive learning
environment where mutual respect is
demonstrated among students,
teachers, parents and community.
 Staff Management Goal.
To implement school management
policies and practices that support
efficient and effective administration,
staff professional development and
effective decision-making.
 Resources Management
To develop, maintain and allocate
physical and financial resources in line
with the goals and improvement areas
of the school.
 Community Building Goal.
To establish mutual beneficial
relationship with parents and the
community based on shared trust and

Infrastructure or physical

DiCNHS has a land area of 7 hectares, The philosophy of student-centered learning. The The School Planning Team to create a committee whose
has 244 classrooms with 1:1 chair ratio, teacher plays a range of roles in directing, managing, members are in-charge of the proper maintenance of the school
Gen Ed has 1:50 class size, facilitating, and supporting student learning. Indeed, premises (beautification, cleanliness, water/electricity system,
specialization has 1:40 class size, 2 classrooms should not be designed with a discernible front drinking system, drainage system, classrooms, toilets) to sustain
gymnasiums (basketball, volleyball, and back. To accommodate learners' diverse learning conduciveness of the learning environment.
badminton), playground for soccer and styles and preferences, each classroom and school
track and field events. building, ground, the school plant in general allow optimal
opportunity for the use of a range of communication
modes and activities. Infrastructure or physical aspects of
the school stimulate students to know what to expect, it
provides meaning to the environment.

Faculty and staff development:

Teachers’ and non-teaching Teaching and non-teaching personnel attending The school planning committee to organize masters and
professional development, 273 trainings, seminars, workshops and pursuing post- PhDs to conduct in service trainings, workshops, special
teachers are able to attend In-Service graduate studies (masters degrees and PhDs) is highly programs for faculty development related to teaching, learning,
Trainings conducted by the school correlated with effectiveness, productivity, dedication, and skills acquisition.
administration or by the department management skills, passionate, and hard working to
they belong. Some are able to attend encourage students to work at their best.
trainings outside the school as it is
needed for the special programs they
are teaching and the rest of the
teachers attend seminars simply
because of professional development.
While others are personally enrolled in
post-graduate studies (masteral and

Curriculum and Instruction


DiCNHS offers 10 curricula: Gen Ed, Curriculum is a complex phenomenon, it can simply The most populated curriculum is the General Education
STEM, SPA, SPS, SPFL, TVE, SPEd, IPEd, referred to as a course of study or plan for what is to be with 2 shifts in as much as possible it has to be in 1 shift; 4 hours
ALS and OHSP. taught in an educational institution. It plays a significant in the morning and 4 hours in the afternoon. Department heads
role in determining what is considered worthwhile where the rest of the curricula fall should concentrate on the
knowledge, desirable attitudes and relevant skills. It procurement of needed facilities to enhance the realization of
should not divorce from societal expectations. Indeed, it the program/s. Department head with SPFL curriculum should
projects to shape to a complete individual who is able to network with educational institutions for collaboration for
think outside the box, to offer solutions to problems that Spanish and Chinese mandarin citizen teachers for assistance.
affect society (e.g. poverty, mismanagement, bad Department head in TVE curriculum open further skills trainings
governance, corruption); be they educational, commercial, of TVE teachers to project replacement of retiring teachers.
industrial, social or otherwise in this ever-changing Department heads who compose the SPT-SIP (School Planning
environment. Team-School Improvement Plan) to sanction teachers to handle
ALS and OSHP classes to optimize section class size (no

Library services:
The school librarian should request a library assistant or
DiCNHS has a lone certified The school has a large population, the school
librarian needs even one library assistant to man the aide to help manage the numerous students conducting
librarian II, an E-Library with one out of
students particularly during congestion. Increasing and researches and related activities in the library. Also,
the 4 units of old computer stations is
upgrading of the four old computer stations to ten is a procurement of additional computer units be included in the
functional and has a shared WI-FI
reasonable move to cater students researches. Also, it has PPMP-PAP to realize and materialize the E-Library environment.
connection from the computer
to have a separate internet connection since slow Another plan is to have a separate connection of internet to
laboratory. The entire library is a wi-fi
connection is a common complain. And wi-fi should be have fast wi-fi. Faster connection facilitates researches thereby
zone but controlled by password. The
accessible to everybody with in the zone. catering to more number of students. This makes the library a
library is house in a converted 3-
place of opportunity, learning hubs and homework help center
classroom area located at the second
where technology is used with the latest information resources.
floor in a lone building with a
considerable distance from the main .

Every department of the school is The School Planning Team (SPT-school principal,
Educational research is important because it is
encourage to conduct action department heads, administrative officer & guidance
conducted in order to provide reliable information
researches focusing on educational coordinator) should find and spearhead the conduct/implement
regarding educational issues and their solutions. However,
issues (curriculum, subject & learner’s of localized researches regarding educational issues and shorten
findings from researches are information, and applying the
problems). But the step by step that gap between knowing and doing.
findings is implementation. Realistically knowing is a long
procedures in conducting even action way from doing.
researches is tedious. It is the same as
conducting post graduate thesis or
dissertations. Likewise, teachers are
pre-occupied that conducting research
is taxing.

Community extension:

DiCNHS has 7 junior high school Of the seven (7) junior high schools extensions and The school principal IV, supported by SPT, must always
extensions and annexes. These annexes, three of which were already independent (Matti remind and enforce TICs of dependent extensions and annexes
extensions and annexes positively HS Annex, Dawis Extension and Napan Extension). These to follow up proposals for independence for them to be self-
decreased the population of Digos City extensions and annexes positively decreased the governed, have their own school budget and free from external
National High School (DiCNHS) Main population of Digos City National High School (DiCNHS) control. Independence means financial support from the main
Campus from more than 9,000 to 8,939 Main Campus. The four non-independent junior high campus ceases, therefore increasing back the financial budget
since students from distant and nearby school extension and annexes TICs (teacher in-charge) for the latter.
barangays are already being catered. should work harder to become independent from the
main campus for them to benefit from autonomy.

The use of ICT:

There are nine (9) computer The nine (9) computer classroom laboratories where The school administration as endorse by the SPT to include
classroom laboratories where students the entire studentry can hands-on base on the in their yearly budgetary plan the PPMP-PAP (Project
hands-on are scheduled by department’s schedule is a conservative approach to Procurement Management Plan-Program Project Activity) the
departments. suffice the computerization program of the school every wi-fi zoning of the school classroom buildings to access the
school year. Since a significant number of the student internet in support of the computerization program of the
population has android where they can browse related department.
topics of every subject matter, the school administration
can now turn the entire classroom school buildings into a
wi-fi zone.

The linkages and networking:

The school can enjoy linkages and Since most of the linkages and networks are national School Planning Committee to organize a committee in-
networking activities with and local, the school administration is challenge to charge of soliciting assistance from foreign organizations whose
international, national and local communicate foreign organizations whose advocacy is to advocacy is to help Philippine educational institutions who
organizations in the community for support educational institutions of the third world desire for excellence.
mutual benefits and assistance needed. countries who desire for excellence.
Brief description of the school.

The Digos City National High School (DICNHS) was originally named Digos Junior High School founded in August 1946
with a land area of 7 hectares. It started with just two humble nipa huts at Rizal Avenue, Digos, Davao del Sur. Since August of
1946, the school has seen a tremendous progress. It gave birth to 7 (seven) extensions and annexes, three of which were already
independent (Matti HS Annex, Dawis Extension and Napan Extension). These extensions and annexes positively decreased the
population of Digos City National High School (DiCNHS) Main Campus from more than 9,000 to 8,939 since students from distant
and nearby barangays are already being catered. Digos City Ordinance No. 05- II changed the name of Davao del Sur
National High School into Digos City National High School last November 10, 2005. Seemingly, there is an increase in the
Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) population that leads for accreditation to the life-long skills being offered in the said
Based on recent data gathered, the school has a total of 244 classrooms. Luckily, there is a 1:1 ratio of chairs – sufficient
enough to serve its clienteles. Occupied and used mostly by the students from the General Curriculum and the other 9 (nine)
Special Programs:
1. STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics,
2. SPA – Special Program in the Arts,
3. SPS – Special Program for Sports,
4. SPFL – Special Program for Foreign Language (Spanish & Mandarin),
5. TVE – Technical Vocational Education,
6. SPED – Special Education,
7. IPED – Indigenous Peoples Education,
8. ALS – Alternative Learning System, and
9. OHSP – Open High School Program.
Most students are occupying buildings based on their specializations. Classes under the General Curriculum are
scheduled in 2 shifts; grades 7 and 8 classes begin 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon while grades 9 and 10 classes begin 12:10 p.m. to
6:10 p.m.. ALS and OHSP classes fall on Saturdays while IPED falls on Sundays. The rest of the curricula schedules 4 hours in
the morning and 4 hours in the afternoon from Monday to Friday.
There might be difficulties encountered but the school administration able to hurdle all these circumstances by working as
One School, One Family under the sturdy leadership of the Secondary School Principal IV, Datu Roger A. Manapol a Doctor of

Why do we need to have an SIP (rationale)?

School Improvement Plan is a process by which members of the school-community conducts a thorough evaluation of the
school’s educational programming in the previous school years and a written school plan that establishes the starting point for
ongoing evaluation of efforts and unifies independently organized areas of the total school program into a single, focused process.
SIP – a road map that establishes the changes that the school needs to improve student achievement and shows how and when
these changes will be made. A comprehensive overview of major priorities to which the school will commit its resources including
activities which are supportive of the national program of the Department and best/effective practices to be sustained. A
document which embodies what a school wants to achieve and the manner with which to achieve it ensuring that the school
maintains its present strengths towards an enhancing learning environment for students and by which the community can hold the
school accountable for student performance.

Purposes of the SIP.

No Child Left Behind, Access – every Filipino has access to complete basic education. Education law
known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires all public schools to demonstrate yearly progress in reading and
mathematics. This is usually measured by standardized state assessments. Each school sets its own standards for
meeting adequate yearly progress. Failure to reach for two consecutive years triggers school improvement
requirements, which start with a school improvement plan.
It views a school improvement plan as the first step in the improvement process for campuses that feel to
meet standards for yearly academic progress by their students.
The law requires schools and their districts to specify the area(s) in which the school fell short of required
performance standards and to set measurable performance goals. The school also must outline a set of research-
based strategies that are designed to meet those goals.
Time Frame. The school improvement program is a "two-years-on, two-years-off" process. When drafting a
school improvement plan, the school must not only seek input from the faculty and school district, but also from
parents and the community in which the campus is located. In addition to departments of education have their own
school accountability systems, which may include requirements for school improvement plans. These may apply to
all schools or only to those that do not meet standards for academic performance.

Submitted by:

Radee King R. Corpuz, RN

PhDel 609, Educational Planning and Management

Submitted to:

Prof. Susan Labutap

PhDel 609, Educational Planning and Management

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