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3: Design

Question and Answer

Virtual Human Technology

Shashwat Manish
This document shows the detailed list of questions and answers that were built using research for exam and study related stress, as well as helpful guidance
from my teacher and my product experts. This was integrated into the product to facilitate natural flow of conversation, and the contents to be relevant.
Artificial intelligence and usage-based linking ensures the correct matching of questions to answers. Based on the feedback from the product expert, I have
incorporated ‘feel-good’, ‘getting to know the person’, ‘building trust/connection/rapport’ related questions together with specific questions/answers on
the strategies to cope up with the stress/anxiety. It ended up being a pretty comprehensive list of approximately 300 questions and 150 answers for the
chosen scope. In the original plan, the list was going to be fact checked and rehearsed using data gathered from field studies across various schools.
However, this was descoped due to lockdown and pandemic and can be taken up later post the project completion. The tool used for this exercise was ‘NPC
Editor’, and multiple detailed snapshots of questions, answers and their linking based on relevance is shown below (1-6, 6 being most relevant). This
integrates in real time while using the product (for detailed architecture, please refer to Methods.pptx). This collection and linking of questions and answers
facilitates a natural flow of conversation between the user and the virtual human. Ultimately, the goal of this interaction is for the user to feel less stressed
and anxious compared to before, and also provide some reassurance and solutions to prevent problems the future.
Linking Answers
Questions and Answers Used for the Video Demonstration
Questions Answers
Hey Hi there, I'm Brad, a virtual human. How is the weather over there?
The weather is pretty great out here. The sun is out, and it is shining I agree, I think I might go for a jog in the evening. So, tell me, what is it
brightly that is bothering you?
First of all, relax. I can assure you that you are not the only person feeling
I am anxious about how I might do in the exams, especially with everyone
stressed or anxious. In fact, statistics tell us that over 20,000 students feel
so well prepared. I feel I am lagging behind and would fail to perform
this way every year in NSW alone. Let me offer you some simple
techniques which should help.
You can talk to someone you trust e.g., a teacher or a peer, share that
you are under pressure and build a support system. Teachers have a lot of
What do I need to do?
resources to be able to help you with your specific problem, they can also
help you deal with people and situations that are causing stress.
But I feel I am struggling with Maths If you are struggling with your studies, try to join a study group.
If others are putting pressure on you, be it your teachers, peers or family,
use your list to remind them of what you can or can't do. Setting
I feel that I am under pressure from family and peers to do well
reasonable expectations and telling others that your expectations are
different from theirs would greatly help reduce the stress and anxiety.
Take lots of breaks, look after yourself. Your mental health is so much
What else can I do? more important than how you do in exams, there are always other
options if you don't do as well as you want to.
Exams aren't the be-all and end-all. There are so many wonderful things
Those seem like great ideas. about you not determined by exams. There is a future without exams,
and you will get through.
Do you know that a lot of highly successful people didn't do well in their
Is that really true?
high school? Your success in life doesn't depend on one exam.
Anytime. Tell me some of the things that you have achieved and are
proud of.
That is very awesome. You've already achieved so much and will achieve
Oh, I did pretty well in athletics this year. I came first in the school
more. If need be, these exams can be redone. Creating an immense
competition. I also like caring for animals and have been volunteering at
amount of stress for yourself may lead to things that can't be undone.
the animal farm to take care of cows and chickens.
Look after yourself first.
It was great to get to know you. You are such a wonderful person with a
charming personality. Look after yourself, try your best and not worry
Well, thank you so much. This has really helped me.
unnecessarily about the results. There are plenty of very good options
even if you don't do as well as you would have liked.

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