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Using Publish-Subscribe Model for Applications

in Mobile Adhoc Network

Swaroop R. Chougule Prof. Mrs. M.A. SHAH Prof. Dr SM.Deshpande
Walchand College of Engineering , Walchand College of Engineering , Walchand College of Engineering ,
Sangli Sangli Sangli

II. Need of Content Based Routing in MANET

Abstract – MANET is becoming an emerging trend to With the steady growth of consumer products such as
cope with radio communications capability and increasing Laptop, PDA which acts as wireless mobile routers,
access to data in wireless network. The publish /subscribe MANETs are becoming increasingly common and resources
messaging paradigm has a number of characteristics that are shifting towards the edge of network For this purpose,
make it very attractive in this internet world. These need for efficient multi-hop routing protocols rises. Due to its
include scalability, efficiency, decoupling between volatile nature, communicating over a MANET is unreliable
publishing and subscribing entities, and the ability to and takes a relatively long time, forming a highly unattractive
integrate a wide variety of devices and systems. In this networking environment.
paper, we explore the application of the publish/subscribe The problem occurred in MANETs is that traditional
messaging paradigm. We present application of MUSIC protocols i.e. whether it is in the application layer, network
Shoppe which makes use of content based routing in layer etc are address-based and require that all
publish-subscribe paradigm. A middleware (REDS) is communication partners know each other. All applications
used for experimentation. related ,that are mainly interested in what they exchange; not
with whom, in fact place a burden on routing that can often
Index Terms----MANET, Publish-Subscribe, Content be avoided. Internet radio stations, peer-to-peer file sharing
Based Routing (CBR), REDS and group conferences are all examples of applications that
are mainly interested in what they exchange; not with whom.
Such applications may benefit from content-based routing
In conventional systems, the sender explicitly specifies the
A "Mobile Ad Hoc Network" (MANET) is an
intended message recipients using a unicast or multicast address.
autonomous system of mobile routers (and nodes, associated Instead, in CBR the sender simply injects the message in the
hosts) connected by wireless links[1].The mobile nodes that network, which determines how to route it according to the
are in range of each other can directly communicate, whereas nodes interests. These identify the relevant classes of messages
others needs the aid of intermediate nodes to route their based on their content, e.g., using key-value pairs or regular
packets. expressions.
MANETs have no central point of administration, nor are There are many approaches of CBR to route content both
they supported by any fixed infrastructure. Instead, due to the effectively (everyone gets the content they want) and
routing capabilities of the nodes themselves, the network is efficiently (content only reaches those parts of a network
self-organizing. Nodes that are not in each other’s radio range where it is wanted). Systems are often compared by the
may communicate by means of multi-hop routing, in which percentage of subscribers that get what they want (called the
nodes that interconnect the communication partners aid in the completeness ratio), the percentage of messages that are
forwarding of data. Networking technologies and products received that are actually wanted (called the precision ratio)
now enable a high degree of connectivity across a large and the overhead that the system’s routing scheme places on
number of computers, applications, and users. In these the network (this includes the forwarding of the content
environments, it is important to provide asynchronous itself).
communications for the class of distributed systems that
operate in a loosely-coupled and autonomous fashion, and III PUBLISH-SUBCRIBE SYSTEM
which require operational immunity from network failures.
This requirement has been filled by various middleware Publish/subscribe (or pub/sub) is a messaging pattern
products that are characterized as messaging, message where senders (publishers) of messages are not programmed
oriented middleware (MOM), message queuing, or publish- to send their messages to specific receivers (subscribers).
subscribe. Rather, published messages are characterized into classes,
without knowledge of what, if any, subscribers there may be.
Subscribers express interest in one or more classes, and only
receive messages that are of interest, without knowledge of removed rather than inserted. The main benefit of message
what, if any, publishers there are. This decoupling of forwarding is that it does not require subscriptions to be
publishers and subscribers can allow for greater scalability propagated.
and a more dynamic network topology. But it has some disadvantages that highest overhead at
In a content-based system, messages are only delivered to publishing time.
a subscriber, if the attributes or content of those messages 2. Subscription Forwarding is an alternative and more
match constraints defined by the subscriber. The subscriber is widely used strategy which limits the overhead of message
responsible for classifying the messages. forwarding by spreading knowledge about subscriptions
beyond the first broker, i.e. the broker where the publisher is
First we elaborate the terms related with this system attached, along the un rooted tree connecting brokers.
a. Clients: They interact by publishing events and by Specifically, when a broker receives a subscription from one
subscribing to the classes of events they are interested in. of the application components connected to it, not only it
b. Event dispatcher: It is a main component of the stores the associated predicate into its subscription table as in
middleware. It collects all the subscription ad forwards the message forwarding, but also it forwards such a predicate to
events to subscribe. It is responsible for collecting the neighboring brokers. During this propagation, each broker
subscriptions and forwarding events to subscribers. message forwarding, but also it forwards such a predicate to
Recently, many publish-subscribe middleware have the neighboring brokers. During this propagation, each broker
become available, which differ along several dimensions. behaves as a subscriber with respect to its neighbors. This
1. Subject-based systems, where subscriptions identify only process effectively sets up routes for messages through the
classes of events belonging to a given channel or subject. reverse path followed by subscriptions. It has only one
2. Content-based systems, where subscriptions contain drawback is that it fills the subscription tables of each broker.
expressions (called event patterns) that allow sophisticated But as compare to Message forwarding it is more
matching on the event content. In this the selection of a advantageous because it offers the best performance at
message is determined entirely by the client, which uses publishing time.
expressions (often called filters) that allow sophisticated To avoid confusion in the figure only brokers are shown,
matching on the message content. Clearly, the message without clients in Fig 1. A) and B) the above strategies are
format constraints the subscription language. For instance, if compared by showing the same setting, characterized by a
the message is simply a string, then regular expressions are distributed dispatcher composed of 16 brokers. Two of them,
the typical subscription language. Also, the expressive power namely S1 and S2, have components connected to them that
of the subscription language impacts the inner working of the subscribed to the same predicate, represented as a “black”
middleware. For instance, as described in [5], under some color, while broker S3 received a “gray” subscription. Colored
conditions it is possible to detect that a filter is subsumed by arrows represent the content of subscription tables for the
an already existing one, or even to fuse together two filters corresponding filters. Broker P published a message matching
into a more general one, thus reducing the matching space.
In this paper we assume a content-based subscription
language, as this represents the most general and challenging
case. The architecture of the event dispatcher can be either
centralized or distributed. In this paper, we uses distributed
type of architecture. In such middleware a set of dispatching
servers are interconnected in an overlay network &
cooperatively route subscription and event messages.
The systems exploiting a distributed dispatcher can be
further classified according to the interconnection topology of
dispatchers and the strategy exploited for message routing.
There are two Publish-subscribe routing strategies:
(a) Message forwarding
(b) Subscription forwarding
1. Message forwarding is a simplest approach in which
brokers are connected to form unrooted tree. Publishers send
messages to their associated broker, which forwards them to
all other brokers by following the tree topology. Moreover,
A) Message forwarding B) Subscription forwarding
each broker keeps track of the subscriptions coming from the
software components directly attached to it into a local
subscription table, which is used to determine the Fig.1 A) and B) indicates that the Publish-subscribe routing strategies.
components, if any, that should receive incoming messages. the black filter but not the gray one. The path followed by this
Requests to unsubscribe from a given event pattern are message is shown through thick, directed lines, while black
handled and propagated analogously to subscriptions, and gray arrows represent the content of subscription tables.
although at each hop entries in the subscription table are More specifically, each broker has a colored arrow oriented
towards another broker if it received the corresponding
subscription from that broker. Figure 1(a) shows how
message forwarding incurs in the highest overhead at
publishing time, while it does not require subscriptions to be
propagated. Subscription forwarding (Fig. 1(b)) fills the
subscription tables of each broker but offers the best
performance at publishing time.


The basic requirements of today’s' distributed systems are

high degrees of decoupling and flexibility. One of the
solution to tackle all these issues is to use publish-subscribe
middleware. In this paper we provide the brief introduction to
REDS (Reconfigurable Dispatching System) middleware
which is basically meant for reconfiguration.

REDS (REconfigurable Dispatching System) is a framework

of Java classes to build publish-subscribe applications for
large, dynamic networks. REDS provides the client API to
write publish-subscribe applications and defines a general
framework of components, with clearly defined interfaces, to
build a distributed dispatcher organized as a set of brokers
linked in an overlay dispatching network, which collaborate Fig.2. Present REDS middleware Architecture
to route messages from publishers to subscribers. REDS is Comparable interface -This represents filters that can be
the first publicly available and implemented system expressly “covered” by others according to some notion of partial
designed to tolerate arbitrary topological reconfigurations of ordering. Transport- (Transport and neighbor) this layer
the message dispatching network independently from the provides the mechanisms used to transport messages,
underlying networking scenario. (un)subscriptions, and any other kind of broker specific
control message through the network. Moreover, it also hides
The first approach of reconfiguration concerns the very the mechanisms used to address and access brokers and
configuration of the middleware architecture, and addresses clients, and to setup the dispatching network in case the
the problem of enabling the selection of different mechanisms dispatcher is distributed. Routing - (Core, Router, Neighbored
for different deployment scenarios. Thus, for instance, it is and ConnectionManager and SubscriptionTable) CORE-the
possible to select the routing strategy (or network transport, interface Core abstracts the central component of a REDS
or matching semantics, and so on) that is most appropriate for broker mediating the communication among the other
the application at hand. Moreover, proper extension components, which therefore do not have direct visibility of
mechanisms are in place that enables programmers to define each other CONNECTIONMANAGER - the
their own variants, if needed. ConnectionManager interface describes the component in
The second reconfiguration approach concerns instead the charge of managing the overlay dispatching network.
dynamic reconfiguration of the topology of the message SUBSCRIPTION TABLE-SubscriptionTable provides
dispatching network, and therefore addresses the needs of methods for inserting and removing filters, as well as for
highly dynamic systems where the topology of the network selectively retrieve the filters that are relevant to a given
undergoes continuous change (e.g., mobile and peer-to-peer neighbor or set of neighbors, or those matching a given
systems). This second form of reconfiguration will be message. NEIGHBOURSET-A convenience class provided
embedded in some of the components we develop for as a way to simplify the task of accessing, from within the
scenarios in wireless networks. Here, classes used in current routing components, information concerned with the broker’s
REDS middleware are briefly explored, dispatching service-It neighbors represented by Neighbor instances. SimpleCore-
provides methods to open a connection with a REDS broker, The class implements a basic core that delegates all its
close it, get the identifier associated with the connection, operations to the other components, i.e., the Router and the
subscribe to and unsubscribe from a set of messages, get ConnectionManager, without any additional processing.
messages dispatched to the component, and publish new Generic Table -The class implements the SubscriptionTable
messages. Filter interface- It defines a method matches that is interface by maintaining a list of all the filters received for
supposed to be redefined with the filtering logic specified by each neighbor. DeferredUnSubCM -This class implements
the implementing class. In addition, the methods hash code the deferred unsubscription strategy described in [7], but does
and equals are used internally by REDS brokers to store and
compare filters.
not provide any mechanism to attempt reconnection of the specify the type and ranges for each attribute as shown in the
overlay network in presence of link failures. following example:
ManetDeferredUnSubCM - It adopts the same strategy for
reconciling subscription tables, but includes also a A:[class:’HINDI’][ARTIST:@string][PAYLOAD:@string]
mechanism [24] to repair the overlay network, inspired by the [RATING:1-5] [YEAR: YYYY] [BITRATE: int]
MAODV multicast protocol [31] and geared towards mobile
ad hoc networks. The above advertisement indicates that the publisher will
publish data related to ‘HINDI’ songs with its artist, year,
V. EVALUATION rating and bitrates available. An advertisement is said to
1. Experimentation Setup: induce publications: the attribute set of an induced
We have performed the experiments using seven publication is a subset of attributes defined in the associated
desktop PCs connected in wired network. Different advertisement, and the values of each attribute in an induced
scenarios have been developed, that uses five number of publication must satisfy the predicate constraint defined in the
brokers, single publisher and varying number of advertisement. Note that a publisher may only issue
subscribers. Results are analyzed depending on No. of publications that are induced by an advertisement it has sent.
messages received and time of arraival. Two possible publications P1 and P2 induced by the above
The Music shopee application we developed is advertisement are listed below, while P3 is not induced by the
analysed for subscription forwarding behaviour. Here advertisement due to the extra attribute film.
message published is list of artists and their hindi songs. P1: class:’ HINDI’][ARTIST:’A’][PAYLOAD:”AB”]
Subscribers have selected artists according to their choice. As P2: [class:’ HINDI’] [ARTIST:’A’][PAYLOAD:”AB”]
a result of content based routing mechanism Songs of given [YEAR:1989]
choice have been reached to individual subscribers. A P3: [class:’ HINDI’][ARTIST:‘A’],[FILM:‘xx’]
publication is allowed to traverse the system only if there are Subscribers express their interests in receiving publication
data sinks, or subscribers, who are interested in the data. messages by issuing subscriptions which specify predicate
Subscribers indicate their interest using subscription constraints on matching publications.
messages which are detailed below. If there are no interested S: [class: ‘HINDI’][ARTIST:‘YHOO’][PAYLOAD: @string]
subscribers, the publication is dropped. A publication may Similar to publications, each subscription message has a
also contain an optional payload, which is a blob of binary mandatory predicate specifying the class of the message, with
data. The payload is delivered to subscribers, but cannot be the remaining predicates specifying constraints on other
referenced in a subscription constraint attributes [8].
Before a publisher can issue publications, it must supply A publication is said to match a subscription, if all
a template that specifies constraints on the publications it will predicates in the subscription are satisfied by some [attribute,
produce. These templates are expressed via advertisement value] pair in the publication. For instance, the above
messages. In a sense, an advertisement is analogous to a subscription is matched by publications of all songs by artist
database schema or a programming language type. ‘A’. A subscription is said to cover another subscription, if
The language model is based on the traditional [attribute, and only if any publication that matches the latter also
operator, value] predicates used in several other content- matches the former. That is, the set of publications matching
based publish/subscribes systems. In this,each message the covering subscription is a superset of those matching the
consists of a message header and a message body. The header covered subscription.
includes a unique message identifier, the mes-sage type The Following graphs indcates results for different
(publication, advertisement, subscription, or notification).The scenarios. In the first scenario we considered single
content and for-mats of each message type are detailed below. publisher, no. of brokers and single subscriber. The
Data producers, or publishers, encapsulate their data in publisher has published 100 messages. The graph (3.a)
publication messages which consist of a comma separated set shows time delay for messages to reach to the desired
of [attribute, value] pairs. Each publication message includes subscriber.
a mandatory tuple describing the class of the message. In second scenario, we considered single subscriber and
publisher performing the same operations using the
The class attribute provides a guaranteed selective
previous parameters but with increased number of hops in
predicate for matching, similar to the topic in topic-based
between. The results have been compared with previous one
publish/subscribe systems. A publication that conveys
and plotted as shown in the fig. 3 (b). The graph shows that
information about a music shopee listing may look as
that the delay occured in forwarding messages in second
scenario was more than first one.
Finally, running the third scenario by considering many
Before a publisher can issue publications, it must supply
brokers,many clients and publisher attracts the same
a template that specifies constraints on the publications it will
explanation about routing strategy.Its results are also shown
produce. These templates are expressed via advertisement
in the fig 5(c).
messages. In a sense, an advertisement is analogous to a
database schema or a programming language type, and can
measured communication range was about 35 m. Users
moved in a 60 _ 150 m area in a park behind our department.
Therefore, the resulting network scenario was rather sparse.
Each user was instructed to move according to the Random
Waypoint mobility pattern, randomly choosing a target point
within the test area and walking toward it along a straight line
and with constant speed. Upon reaching the target, the user
stopped for a random time between20 seconds and 60
seconds and then repeated the process. Traffic was generated
by a client installed on each laptop, publishing between 1 and
24 msg/s.Subscriptions were allowed to change dynamically.
The work is in progress and the preliminary results are
encourage ing.

Fig. 3.a) One Subscriber and One publisher From the above results it, can be seen that the delivery
time depends on the number of hops or the hop distance
between publisher and subscriber. Additional time is required
due to lookup in the subscription table to match the data
received from neighbour against the appropriate filter.The
message format for the data sent by the publisher gives the
efficient way to handle the issue of subscription matching. It
also facilitates the subscriber to subscribe to particular fields
in the messages being received.The REDS system provides
mechanism for reconfiguration in case of link or node failure
so this will be useful in case of wireless network where the
nodes are mobile.
REDS is part of larger research collaboration with Paolo
Costa, Davide Frey, Matteo Migliavacca, Luca Mottola, and
Fig. 3. b) Two subscriber and One publisher Amy L. Murphy. Moreover, REDS developers include
Fabrizio Buzzi, Sandro Calzoni, Kubilai Hernandez, and
Alessandro Monguzzi. The authors are deeply obliged with
all of the aforementioned people, especially to Prof.
Gianpaolo Cugola for his valuable discussion and guidance
about the topic of paper.
This work is supported by the AICTE under Research
Promotion Scheme (RPC) in 2008-09.
[1] C.-K. Toh. Ad hoc Mobile Wireless Networks. Prentice Hall PTR,
Upper Saddle River, 2002.
[2] Roberto Baldoni, Roberto Beraldi, Leonardo Querzoni, Gianpaolo
Cugola, Matteo Migliavacca. Content-Based Routing in Highly
Dynamic Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, October 24 2005
[3] Gianpaolo Cugola and Gian Pietro Picco .REDS: A Reconfigurable
Fig. 3. c) Many subscriber and Many Brokers Dispatching System. Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione,
The above graph showa result of operation. The Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
masseges published by publisher are first broadcasted to all [4] Gian Pietro Picco ,Gianpaolo Cugola ,Amy L. Murphy. Efficient
Content- Based Event Dispatching in the Presence of Topological
the brokers in wired nework.After publishing, the subscriber Reconfiguration.
subscribes to only those masseges he/she is interested in. [5] Gianpaolo Cugola ,Gian Pietro Picco . REDS: A Reconfigurable
And based on connection topology betweeen them the Dispatching System
contents are routed to subscriber. [6] Luca Mottola, Gianpaolo Cugola, and Gian Pietro Picco.A Self
Repairing Tree Topology Enabling Content-Based Routing in Mobile
Ad Hoc Networks.
The encouraging results presented above in wired network [7] Laurea thesis of:Luca Mottola ,id. 644048, Advisor: Prof. G.P.
have prompted us to develop the similar scenario in wireless Picco,Co-advisor: Prof. G. Cugola .Overlay Management for Publish-
network. In our experiments, eight users participated by Subscribe in Mobile Environments.Academic year 2003-2004
[8] Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Alex Cheung, Guoli Li, Balasubramaneyam
carrying a laptop equipped with an 802.11g wireless card Maniymaran, Vinod Muthusamy, Reza Sherafat Kazemzadeh ”The
configured in ad hoc mode and without any encryption. The PADRES Publish/Subscribe System “

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