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Fresh Produce ©2007 Global Science Books

Forage Quality: Techniques for Testing

Cecilia L. Fulgueira1* • Susana L. Amigot1 • Mónica Gaggiotti2 • Luis A. Romero2 •
Juan C. Basílico3
1 Centro de Referencia de Micología, Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Suipacha 531, S2002LRK Rosario, Argentina
2 INTA Rafaela Ruta 34 km 227, 2300 Rafaela, Argentina
3 Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santiago del Estero 2829, S3000AOM Santa Fe, Argentina

Corresponding author: *

Forage quality refers to how well animals consume a forage and how efficiently the nutrients in the forage are converted into animal
products. Six major factors affecting forage quality: maturity (harvest date), crop species (differences between grasses and legumes),
techniques of harvest and storage, environment (moisture, temperature and amount of sunlight), soil fertility, variety or cultivar. Also,
weeds, insect pests, plant diseases and presence of bacteria, molds, and/or some of their metabolites, e.g. mycotoxins can negatively affect
forage quality. Recommended tests for determining forage quality are: dry matter (DM), pH, crude protein (CP), available protein,
amoniacal nitrogen (as % NH3/TN), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), lignin and ash. Energy values such as total
digestible nutrients (TDN), net energy (NE) and relative feed values (RFV) can be calculated from these core analyses. There are two
methods used to analyse such variables: the traditional chemistry analysis and the newer, near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
analysis. Currently, the quality of a forage has been evaluated only through those chemico-fermentative parameters. However, recent
studies propose to incorporate the analysis of microbiological parameters such as fungal propagule counts, the presence of Aspergillus
fumigatus and mycotoxins (aflatoxins and deoxynivalenol) as decisive parameters of forage acceptability. Forage quality information is
important for formulating nutritionally balanced rations, evaluating forage management practices (growing conditions, timing of harvest,
and handling from harvesting to utilization) and marketing and pricing forages.

Keywords: chemico-fermentative evaluation, feedstuffs, fungal contamination, mycotoxins, silages


FORAGE CONSERVATION SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................................. 121

Hays....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Silages ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Haylage or round bale silages................................................................................................................................................................ 122
FORAGE QUALITY ................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
Factors that influence forage quality...................................................................................................................................................... 122
Forage quality evaluation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 123
Sensory evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 123
Forage sampling................................................................................................................................................................................ 123
Chemico-fermentative evaluation ..................................................................................................................................................... 123
Nitrogen values ................................................................................................................................................................................. 124
Fibers ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 124
Minerals ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 124
Calculated energy values................................................................................................................................................................... 125
Microbiological evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................... 125
Forage bacteria.................................................................................................................................................................................. 125
Fungal contamination of forages....................................................................................................................................................... 126
Toxic – fungal analysis ..................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Fungal propagule counts – Identification of isolates......................................................................................................................... 128
Mycotoxins ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 129
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 129
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................................................................... 129

FORAGE CONSERVATION SYSTEMS thods make it possible for the feed management of herds to
improve and to become more cost-effective (Taysom 2002;
Current systems of dairy and beef production demand Beltzer 2003).
deeper knowledge of the production processes and quality Forage conservation arises out of the need to rationally
of every available feed (Bruno et al. 1998). Although they profit from the excess of pastures – lucerne, winter soilage,
may vary according to region, cattle-rearing production sys- etc. and of annual crops that have been specially grown for
tems are based upon the direct grazing of forage resources ensilage – maize, sorghum, oat, ryegrass, soya, etc. (Ro-
with supplementary feeding, such as: grains, crop by-pro- mero et al. 2003).
ducts, and stored forages like hay or silage, etc. These me- These conservation processes had been previously used

Received: 12 July, 2007. Accepted: 23 September, 2007.

Invited Review
Fresh Produce 1(2), 121-131 ©2007 Global Science Books

to store excess forage so as to resort to it during feed shor- - To improve pasture or crop managements where the
tage periods (winter). Nowadays, they are used all year silage enables other management practices to be carried
round in order to obtain more balanced diets. out. For instance, ensiling temperate fodder crops with
increased tiller density at the beginning of the season
Hays when there is excessive growth enables the earlier plan-
ting of a subsequent crop.
Hay is a stored forage that is essentially characterized by - To profit from excess growth. Generally, this excess is
having low percent moisture content (less than 15%). This considered to be a waste. Ensiling allows excess growth
means it can be stored unharmed by fermentation or mold to be stored so that losses due to maturation or decay in
development (Beltzer 2003; Reboux et al. 2006). Although situ are avoided.
most forage crops can be stored as haylages, the nutritional - To balance the nutrient content of the diet. The silage is
value of the latter is closely linked to the type of plant or used to provide nutrients whenever the feeds available
original forage. Among the substantial benefits brought are deficient. For instance, the use of legume silage to
about by this forage conservation system, the following can complement maize silage, or combining the use of
be mentioned: low farm labor demand (both for forage maize silage with grazed legume pastures, or resorting
harvesting and supply), reduced production costs (Lascano to silages of varied fiber contents.
2002; Romero et al. 2003). - To enable storage of perishable materials since the en-
siling process ensures the feed can be used over an ex-
Silages tended period of time, for instance, the ensiling of wet
by-products. This method is similar to that of preserva-
Fresh forage crops, such as maize, sorghum, wheat and tion of feeds through the addition of chemical substan-
lucerne, can be preserved by ensiling (Oude Elferink et al. ces or the exclusion of air from high-moisture grains.
1999a). Ensiling is a forage preservation method based on a - To preserve the dry matter content and keep income po-
spontaneous acid lactic fermentation under anaerobic condi- tential (palatability, consistency and composition) of the
tions (Whitlow and Hagler 2002; Seglar 2003b). Silage fermented feed.
techniques minimize the loss of nutrients as from harvest
time until storage. Moreover, they also improve the quality Haylage or round bale silages
of feed (Beltzer 2003).
The epiphytic (existing on plants) lactic acid bacteria Haylage is a conservation system for wet forages. Feed is
(LAB) that are present on forage crops are involved in the preserved in a combined process of hay and silage making.
fermentation of water-soluble carbohydrates to lactic acid Forage containing around 50% moisture content is rolled up
and, to a lesser extent, to acetic acid. As a result, the pH in bales and then wrapped tightly in polythene or bagged in
level of the ensiled material is reduced so the activity of self-adjustable stretch bags (Lascano 2002). In this way, as
spoilage microorganisms is inhibited. Once the fresh mate- long as air is not allowed to enter, a bale becomes a small
rial has been stored, compacted and covered to exclude air, silo where anaerobic fermentation takes place. Although
the ensiling process can be broken down into four phases any forage can be baled, it is advisable to use high quality
(Weinberg and Muck 1996; Driehuis and Oude Elferink pastures such as lucerne, clovers and grasses that have a
2000). high nutritional value since the additional cost associated
Aerobic phase: In this phase, which only lasts a few with packing should to be taken into account (Beltzer 2003).
hours, the amount of atmospheric oxygen present in the The most significant advantages brought about by this
forage is reduced due to the respiration of the plant material system are related to agronomic and nutritional aspects, for
and to aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms such instance (Schroeder 2004c; Muck and Holmes 2006):
as yeasts and enterobacteria. - Weather-related losses are reduced due to shorter air
Fermentation phase: It starts once anaerobic condi- drying time.
tions are reached in the ensiled material. It can last for seve- - Since this ensiling process uses wet forage, field losses
ral days or for as long as several weeks, depending on the (mainly from leaves) that result from production, dis-
characteristics of the forage material and the ensiling condi- tribution and supply are minimized.
tions. If the fermentation is successfully carried out, LAB - Small pasture areas can be kept. This differs from sila-
will develop and become the predominant population, while ges, since they demand larger areas.
pH will decrease to values around 4.0. - Since anaerobic conditions are created, the fermentation
Stable phase: As long as the silo is properly sealed so process starts quickly.
that air is not allowed to enter, there are relatively few - Low farm labor demand at baling time.
changes. Most microorganisms of the previous phase slowly - It requires a relatively low capital investment.
decrease in number. - No special storage facilities are required.
Aerobic spoilage phase: It starts when the silo is - It is easy to handle for rationing and it allows for com-
opened so that oxygen has unrestricted access to the silage. plete mechanization for operations to take place.
However, it can start earlier if the silage covering is da- - Storage losses are low (3-7%).
maged, for instance, by animals or other agents. Deterio-
ration begins through degradation of forage preserving or- FORAGE QUALITY
ganic acids by yeasts and occasionally by some bacteria.
This results in a rise in pH. Then, temperature increases as Forage quality is defined as an expression of the character-
well as the activity of spoilage microorganisms such as istics that affect consumption, nutritional value, and the re-
some bacilli and other aerobic and facultative microorga- sulting animal performance (Amigot et al. 2005). In other
nisms such as molds and enterobacteria (Driehuis et al. words, forage quality refers to how well animals consume a
1999; Driehuis and Oude Elferink 2000). forage and how efficiently the nutrients in the forage are
The advantages of using silage can be summarised as converted into animal products (Twidwell and Wegenhoft
follows (Cowan 2001; Schroeder 2004e; Romero et al. 1999; Taysom 2002). Thus, the best measure related to for-
2006): age quality is animal productivity, which can be affected by
- As a reserve during times of extreme feed shortage peri- nutrient intake, digestibility and utilization efficiency.
ods, for instance drought seasons, which entails ensiling
pasture or crops under optimal conditions and storing Factors that influence forage quality
them for a period of 1 to 20 years.
- To enhance productivity due to the increase of the Six biological and technological factors affecting forage
amount of feed available to livestock. The storage peri- quality (not yield) have been traditionally recognized: crop
od takes less than one year. species, soil fertility and variety, maturity stage, harvest and

Testing techniques for forages. Fulgueira et al.

storage techniques, environment (Frey et al. 2004; Schroe- compounds are highly digestible. Since the material of the
der 2004d; Reboux et al. 2006). cell wall is the primary constituent of forages, one of the
Crop species: There can be substantial differences in main aims of forage analysis is to characterize the cell wall
forage quality between grasses and legumes. These distinc- fiber (Cherney JH 2000).
tions are generally related to differences in fiber and protein
content, digestibility, etc., which have a negative impact on Sensory evaluation
consumption and animal productivity (Twidwell and We-
genhoft 1999; Cherney JH 2000). Forages have been traditionally evaluated according to phy-
Soil fertility: Soil fertility exerts greater influence on sical parameters such as: color, leaf content, maturity, odor,
forage yield than it does on quality. Appropriate soil phos- softness, purity, observations on palatability, etc. Although
phorus and potassium levels not only contribute to keep these parameters are important in determining forage qua-
legumes in a mixed seeding, but they also reduce weed rela- lity, there may be some limitations regarding assessment,
ted problems. It is necessary to balance soil fertility to avoid since they remain both highly subjective and difficult to
mineral imbalances in forages. It has been proved that high standardize (Schroeder 2004a).
levels of fertilization in grasses make dry matter production
increase. However, as non-protein nitrogen values also in- Forage sampling
crease, unbalanced relationship carbohydrates/protein re-
sults. Therefore, the fermentation process may be affected Accurate findings during the quality evaluation of forages
(Schroeder 2004g). depend on the implementation of good sampling techniques,
Variety (cultivar): After decades of enhancing forage appropriate handling of samples after collection and upon
yield and persistence, attention has recently been aimed at reliable analytical procedures in the laboratory that carries
developing or identifying varieties with improved composi- out the evaluation (Schroeder 2004a). So as to conduct a
tional quality. Variety or cultivar can affect the chemical forage quality study, it is important to take into account that
make-up of forages, but not to the same extent as the other the first major obstacle lies in the collection of samples;
factors. In lucerne crops, selection processes to improve since it has to faithfully represent the type of feed that will
quality are being carried out by most commercial compa- be consumed by livestock (Faithful 2002). Sampling is the
nies (e.g. HQ and multifoliated lucerne), and several firms major factor affecting the accuracy of forage quality ana-
have also started to select improved maize and sorghum lyses. It has been considered variation from sampling pro-
hybrids (better stem quality, crops that stay green longer, cedures to be 5 up to 10 times higher than that from labora-
grains with higher nutritional value, etc.) for ensiling. tory procedures (Ferret 2003; Macaulay 2003; Schroeder
Maturity: It refers to the growth stage of a plant at the 2004f). The type of sampling depends upon feed character-
time that it is harvested. Maturity is the most important fac- istics, establishing a clear difference between hay/haylages
tor affecting forage quality. This quality is not static; plants and silages.
continually change in quality as they mature. In fact, forage Whenever hay samples are collected, it is advisable to
plants change so rapidly that it is possible to detect signifi- use a probe that is larger than 1 cm in internal diameter and
cant declines in forage quality every two or three days. place it 30 to 45 cm deep. Thus, core samples from the bale
Thus, protein, soluble carbohydrate and vitamin contents of can be extracted without opening it so that mistakes during
the plant cell wall increase. The amount of lignin, cellulose sampling can be avoided. It is advisable to collect 20 sub-
and hemicellulose increases as well. While cellulose and samples (1 for each bale) and form a pool of 500 to 1000 g
hemicellulose can be partially digested by livestock, lignin (Ferret 2003).
is not digestible. As the amount of structural fiber and lignin There are two different general aims that influence the
increases, digestibility of the forage and its consumption by collection of silage samples: to make a reasonable predic-
livestock decreases (Twidwell and Wegenhoft 1999). tion of the silage average quality before ensiling or to know
Harvest and storage conditions: Inappropriate harvest the quality of the forage being fed to animals (Muck and
techniques can seriously reduce forage quality, for instance Holmes 2006). To achieve the first aim, a probe that allows
the loss of leaves in haying. Both storing a forage crop with for the sample to be collected at a certain depth is used. It is
an incorrect moisture content, and improper ensiling can also important to seal the holes created by sampling as
lower its quality and molds can appear. Fungi generate heat carefully as possible. For a truly representative sample of
through respiration. This reduces protein content and forage silage content to be obtained, it is advisable to take aliquots
digestibility. of the average points from the 4 segments generated at the
Environment: Climatic conditions (moisture, tempera- intersection formed by 2 diagonal lines traced in the upper
ture, and the amount of sunlight) affect both forage quality part of the silage (Faithful 2002; Ferret 2003). So as to
and its production. When harvesting is delayed due to bad achieve the second aim, sampling will be conducted by
weather conditions, forage crops become overmatured so collecting different subsamples (12 to 15) from the front
that their quality is lowered. High temperatures may in- part of the silage and from the same kind of forage material
crease lignin accumulation and decrease quality, but being fed to animals. This procedure is to be repeated at
drought stress may increase quality by delaying maturity. different times as the content of the silage is used. Moldy or
The amount of rainfall during the harvest period may bring damaged subsamples that are not appropriate to be fed to
about losses in forage quantity and quality since dry matter animals should be avoided. Thus, it is not advisable to col-
content and soluble nutrients decrease. lect subsamples in areas that are too near the plastic cover.
In addition, the presence of weeds, the damage brought Between 500 and 1000 g of forage material will be collec-
about by insects, bacteria, molds, and/or their metabolites ted during each sampling procedure.
(mycotoxins) significantly affect forage quality (Cherney
JH 2000). Chemico-fermentative evaluation
Other important factors that should also be taken into
account are: type of silo, filling speed, forage density after Traditional laboratory methods involve various chemical,
packing, sealing technique, feedout speed, amount of forage drying and burning procedures to determine the major che-
extracted, use of additives, forage supply techniques (Bol- mical components within the forage. Chemical analyses
sen 1998; Jahn et al. 2000). prove to be fundamental to estimate forage quality (Colom-
batto 2000; Undersander and Moore 2002; Redfearm et al.
Forage quality evaluation 2004).
Wet chemistry procedures are presently the most widely
All forage plants are made up of cells that are composed of used for forage evaluation. They are based on sound chemi-
fibrous cell walls used for support and protection. There are cal and biochemical principles and take considerably more
several soluble compounds within the cells. Most of these time to complete than the newer electronic methods such as

Fresh Produce 1(2), 121-131 ©2007 Global Science Books

near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis present can be digested. It is usually accepted that only ~70-
(Schroeder 2004a). This technique combines methods from 72% of the protein can be assimilated.
spectroscopy, statistics and computing and generates mathe- Unavailable or bound protein: Unavailable or bound
matical models that relate chemical compositions (presence protein is the portion of crude protein that is not usable by
of active chemical groups) with changes in energy in the the ruminant. This is fundamental in describing heat
area corresponding to the near infrared range (wavelengths damaged wet forages, where some of the protein has been
between 800 and 2500 nm) (Deaville and Flinn 2000; Coz- rendered unusable due to excessively high temperatures
zolino et al. 2003). The advantages of this technique are as reached during fermentation. It is advisable to perform this
follows: it provides information on the nutritional value of analysis in those forages with high-protein content that will
feeds within seconds, it is a non-destructive method that be fed to animals. Whenever its value, regarding the total
only asks for a minimal requirement or even no requirement nitrogen content of the sample, is higher than 12%, some
for sample treatment, it minimizes impact on the environ- overheating of the silage has occurred. Therefore, the diges-
ment and it is a multi-analytical technique that allows for tibility of the available protein in the animal’s rumen dec-
various factors to be predicted at the same time. Once the reases.
spectrophotometer is calibrated with the same forage crops Ammoniacal nitrogen: A substantial part of the forage
that come from the same region, the implementation of protein fraction is degraded to peptides, amino acids,
NIRS methodology can help conducting cost-effective ana- amines, and ammonia by plant and microbial enzymes,
lyses. Thus, this method has been internationally accepted which reduces the nutritional value of the feedstuff (Schroe-
(Reeves and van Kessel 2000; Reeves et al. 2002). It is der 2004g). Therefore, ammonia concentration (usually ex-
more difficult to interpret analyses obtained by NIRS when pressed as total nitrogen percentage %NH3/TN) is generally
feeds are made up of different forage crops (Stokes and used as an indicator of the silage protein degradation and,
Prostko 1998). consequently, of its bad preservation (Driehuis and Oude
The chemico-fermentative parameters that are generally Elferink 2000; Ferret 2003). The nitrogen content in a
evaluated are as follows: forage sample can also be determined by fluid obtained by
Dry matter (DM): It corresponds to the percentage of pressing or maceration.
forage which is not water. It has traditionally been deter- According to pH and %NH3/ TN values a forage may
mined by drying forages at high temperatures over short pe- be classified as: Very Good (pH < 4 and % NH3/TN d 5);
riods of time. However, other volatile compounds can also Good (pH d 4 and % NH3/TN between 5 and 15), Fairly
be evaporated during this process. So as to overcome this Good (pH > 4 and % NH3/TN d 15) and Bad (pH > 4 and %
problem, regression equations have been developed. They NH3/TN > 15) (Fahey 1994).
correct DM values determined by oven-drying through dis-
tillation with toluene (Haigh 1995a, 1995b). The moisture Fibers
content of forages varies according to crop species, physio-
logical state and season. Thus, all the results should be ex- The ruminants need a minimum amount of fibers to main-
pressed on a DM basis (as it is the most useful factor to per- tain a good function of rumen. The vegetal fibers include
form comparisons). cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
pH: It is considered to be the individual parameter that Detergent or Van Soest Method of Cell Wall Deter-
best determines the quality, fermentation and conservation mination: The detergent analysis system is a wet chemical
of forages with a high moisture content (higher than 65%). method that separates soluble cell contents (starches, pro-
The method for measuring pH is both fast and simple: a pH- teins, sugars, pectins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc.) from the
meter probe is placed into a sample fluid obtained by fiber fraction (structural support of the plant). The fiber
pressing or maceration (Ferret 2003; Maculay 2003; Ward fraction of a forage is divided into two components that
2005a). nutritionists use to prepare feed rations: neutral detergent
fiber and acid detergent fiber (van Soest 1994).
Nitrogen values Neutral detergent fiber (NDF): It estimates the total
fiber content of a forage (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin). It
Crude protein (CP): The term crude protein is used is the insoluble part of feed in detergent under neutral con-
because it represents all of the nitrogen that is in the form of ditions (Bruno et al. 1998). NFD is partially digestible de-
non-protein nitrogen (NPN) such as nitrates, ammonia, urea pending on forage crop and maturity stage. NDF levels are
and single amino acids, as well as the nitrogen present as used to predict feed intake. High NDF levels in a forage not
true protein. The total nitrogen concentration of a feed sam- only decrease intake, but also limit forage effectiveness in,
ple is generally determined by resorting to some variant of for example, high milk production (Stokes and Prostko
the Kjeldhal method (Cherney DJR 2000), but it can also be 1998; Ward 2005b).
measured using a total combustion technique by means of Acid detergent fiber (ADF): It measures cellulose and
an autoanalyser (AOAC 1990). Crude protein is represented lignin contents of a plant and shows the animal ability to
by the total amount of nitrogen present when analyzed and digest a forage. It is the insoluble part of a detergent in acid
then multiplied by a conversion factor of 6.25. This is based conditions. ADF is also partially digestible. When ADF
on the assumption that true protein contains 16% nitrogen. levels increase, forage digestibility usually decreases, so
However, as this is not always the case, Cherney DJR that low levels of ADF are desirable. Some factors that in-
(2000) suggested that when determining crude protein a crease ADF in a forage are as follows: maturity, weathering,
correction factor for N content should be included. As rain damage, high temperatures and weeds (Stokes and
plants mature, the crude protein usually decreases. Although Prostko 1998; Beltzer 2003).
ruminants can use, to a certain extent, all these types of nit- Lignin: It is a non-carbohydrate substance that is the
rogen compounds (Schroeder 2004a), a crude protein analy- main factor which influences the digestibility of plant cell
sis that follows this criterion proves to be inappropriate in wall material. It is a fiber component with no energetic
determining the quality of the protein present in the forage value for animals but it can affect the digestibility of other
(van Soest 1994). The analysis of the protein fraction of a fiber components. Low levels are desirable. When lignin in-
feed should include data on how that protein influences creases, digestibility, intake and performance usually dec-
microbial protein formation, on the amount of dietary pro- rease (Stokes and Prostko 1998; Beltzer 2003).
tein escaping ruminal degradation, etc. (Broderick 1994;
Beever and Mould 2000). Minerals
Available protein: Available protein is the portion of
crude protein that is digestible by the ruminant. It is usually Ash: Forage analyses generally report the content of major
used in describing protein that is ‘available’. Because of the minerals. The total mineral content of a forage is called ash
feeding rate and rumen retention time, not all of the protein and it represents 3 to 12% of DM. The minerals typically

Testing techniques for forages. Fulgueira et al.

determined are calcium and phosphorus. Laboratory tech- ferent interpretations and must be a relatively powerful pre-
niques used to determine forage minerals are: wet chemistry, dictive tool for nutritionists (Putnam 2004).
colorimetric methods and atomic absorption. Minerals can
be divided into two groups: macronutrients (such as Ca, P, Microbiological evaluation
K, Mg), and micronutrients (such as Co, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn
and Se (Stokes and Prostko 1998). Microbiology of forages: The successful outcome of the
conservation process mostly depends upon the microflora
Calculated energy values present on forages. A wide range of microorganisms are
naturally as contaminants found in cereals, oilseeds, their
Accurately predicting the digestible energy of forages for by-products and other components (Driehuis et al. 1999).
ration formulation and animal performance is important They can be classified into two main groups: desirable
(Bagg 2004). micro-organisms and undesirable microorganisms. As men-
Measuring the energy content of a feed requires very tioned before, the presence of lactic bacteria might be bene-
sophisticated equipment and animal metabolism trials. ficial during forage fermentation. LAB and yeasts have feed
However, it has been discovered that feed energy content is probiotic properties, lowering scouring and stimulating ani-
inversely related to fiber content. Thus, many equations mal growth performance.
have been developed to predict energy value from fiber Undesirable microorganisms from soil and animal feces
content, dry matter, etc. However, there is no one that can can contaminate and deteriorate forages (Driehuis and Oude
estimate it in all forages (Linn and Martin 1999; Rayburn Elferink 2000). They cause anaerobic deterioration (clostri-
2002). Moreover, laboratories have not agreed on standar- dia, enterobacteria) or aerobic deterioration (yeasts, bacilli,
dized formulas. This makes it difficult to perform inter- Listeria sp. and molds). Many of these undesirable orga-
laboratory comparisons. nisms (Listeria sp., clostridia, molds, and bacilli) not only
There are different measures to describe the energy reduce the nutritional value of the forage, but they may also
value of a feed. The most popular terms are: net energy affect animal health or alter the quality of milk, meat and
(NE), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and relative feed eggs, or both (Oude Elferink et al. 1999b, 2002).
values (RFV) that can be calculated from core analyses Successful conservation of high moisture forages de-
(Stokes and Prostko 1998). pends on the control of microbial activity. The preservation
Net energy (NE): NE is the energy used for mainte- process by acidification, dehydration and/or air exclusion
nance and for productive purposes, i.e. growth, gestation early during the storing period should restrict the develop-
and lactation. Net energy is derived from animal studies by ment of those undesirable microorganisms. However, oxy-
measuring the gross energy minus fecal energy, minus gen can enter the silo through holes in the polyethylene
energy lost in urine and minus combustible gases and heat cover or during exposure to air once the cover is open
loss. Net energy (lactation), however, can also be calculated (Driehuis and van Wikselaar 1996). Water activity (aw) can
on a dry matter basis for hay, haylage and corn silage using also increase if hermetical conditions are not kept. In these
the forage Acid-Detergent Fiber (ADF) analysis (Rayburn situations, undesirable microorganisms can develop in the
2002). forage (Gotlieb 2002).
Total digestible nutrients (TDN): This measure repre-
sents the digestible portion of a feed and it can also be used Forage bacteria
to estimate the energy content of a forage (Beltzer 2003). To
calculate TDN contents, previous digestion trials need to be Lactic acid bacteria. The natural population of lactic bac-
carried out. Forage components can be analysed both from teria grows significantly between harvest and silage (Oude
the feed of a group of animals or from their feces, the dif- Elferink et al. 2002). Anaerobic conditions should be kept
ference can determine the digestibility of each type of nutri- at each stage of the fermentative process to allow LAB to
ents (Schroeder 2004a). The current formula is: % TDN proliferate using endogenous vegetable sugars to produce
= % digestible crude protein + % digestible crude fiber + % enough quantities of acid to lower the pH level to 4 (opti-
digestible starch and sugars + % digestible fats x 2.25. (Fats mum for a successful conservation) (D’Mello 2002). Accor-
are multiplied by 2.25 because they contain more energy ding to sugars metabolism, LAB can be classified as obli-
per unit weight). TDN values for hay, haylage and corn gate homofermenters, facultative heterofermenters or obli-
silage, however, can also be calculated on a dry matter basis gate heterofermenters. Obligate homofermenters, such as:
using the forage Acid-Detergent Fiber (ADF) analysis (Ray- Pediococcus damnosus and Lactobacillus ruminis produce
burn 2002). more than 85% of lactic acid from hexoses (for instance
As forages tend to lose an important part of energy glucose) but they can not degrade pentoses (for instance
mainly during ruminal fermentation, the TDN % may be xylose). Facultative heterofermenters, which include Lacto-
overestimated (Schroeder 2004a). Therefore, it is advisable bacillus plantarum, L. pentosus, Pediococcus acidilactici, P.
to use net energy values to formulate rations. pentosaceus and Enterococcus faecium, also produce, pri-
Relative feed values (RFV): A number of factors must marily, lactic acid from hexoses. However, they can also
be considered to accurately evaluate forage quality. RFV is degrade some pentoses producing lactic acid, acetic acid
an index (not units attached) that combines digestibility and and/or ethanol. Therefore, they constitute the group that
potential intake into one number. This term is useful for converts forage sugars to lactic acid more efficiently
comparing forages of the same type. It is calculated based (D’Mello 2002). Obligate heterofermenters, which include
on dry matter and dry matter intake. Digestible dry matter is members of the genus Leuconostoc and some Lactobacillus
a function of ADF, and dry matter intake is a function of such as L. brevis and L. buchneri, degrade hexoses and pen-
NDF. Therefore, fiber components have an integral effect toses but they degrade the hexoses into equimolar quantities
on RFV. of lactic acid, CO2, acetic acid and/or ethanol (Schleifer and
Generally, nutritionists will require a larger set of analy- Ludwig 1995; Oude Elferink et al. 2002). LAB are non-
ses to balance rations than what might be required to iden- proteolytic organisms so they contribute to the preservation
tify the quality of forage in the marketplace. Many nutri- of labile proteins and free amino acids in the forage.
tionists are interested in a wide range of analyses, from Wet forages are difficult to preserve by acidification and
basic fiber and crude protein to minerals, protein digestion they provide conditions for the development of undesirable
estimates, ash, and sometimes detailed carbohydrate analy- bacteria such as clostridia and enterobacteria (D’Mello
ses. However, analyses of forage for marketing purposes 2002).
may only be a subset of these, and should have the follow- Clostridia are anaerobic bacteria that form endospores.
ing characteristics: must be rapid, be reliable and utilize re- Many of them can ferment carbohydrates and proteins. As a
cognized methods, be repeatable across labs and across time, result, they reduce the nutritional value of the silage and, as
must not change significantly over time or be subject to dif- well as enterobacteria, they produce biogenic amines which

Fresh Produce 1(2), 121-131 ©2007 Global Science Books

cause several problems. In addition, the presence of clos- mal waste, and Salmonella can persist in untreated farm
tridia alters milk quality since their spores can survive waste for up to two years (Winfield and Groisman 2003).
throughout the digestive tract of animals. As a result, clos- Proper utilization and composting of animal wastes are im-
tridia can be found in feces and may contaminate the milk portant steps for reducing Salmonella and E. coli contami-
directly or indirectly when udders are not clean. There are nation, and breaking the cycle of reinfection (Teplitski
two groups of clostridia: the saccharolytic group (Clostri- 2006).
dium butyricum and C. tyrobutiricum) and the proteolytic Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogenic facultative an-
group (C. bifermentans and C. sporogenes). The first group aerobic organism to several animals and to men. It is widely
ferments residual sugars such as lactic acid to butyric acid, distributed in nature and can contaminate forages. Animals
increasing the pH level; while the second group ferments with temporary inhibited immune systems (pregnant fe-
amino acids to different products (butyric acid and acetic males and neonates) are susceptible to L. monocytogenes
acid, amines, CO2 and NH3) and may also increase the pH infections. The L. monocytogenes contaminated silage has
level (D’Mello 2002). Some types of clostridia can cause been associated with fatal cases of listeriosis in sheep and
serious health problems. The most important species in the goats and it has been one of the main sources of raw milk
dairy industry is C. tyrobutyricum, an acid-tolerant orga- contamination by L. monocytogenes. The increase in the
nism. It can not only ferment carbohydrates but it can also incidence of listerosis in sheep and cows has been related to
degrade lactic acid to butyric acid, H2 and CO2. Butyric the usage of big bale silages, a kind of low density and
fermentation interferes with the lactic fermentation in sila- limited fermentation forage that favours the growth of L.
ges and cheese and causes gas production (Oude Elferink et monocytogenes. Growth and survival of Listeria spp. in the
al. 2002). A usual “clostridial silage" shows large amounts silage are determined by the failure of keeping anaerobic
of butyric acid, high levels of pH (>5 in silages with low conditions and by the pH value of the silage. L. monocyto-
DM content), ammonia and amines. Ensiling techniques genes can tolerate low pH levels, between 3.8 and 4.2, for
that allow a rapid and significant drop of pH would prevent long periods as long as there is oxygen even in minimum
this problem since enterobacteria and clostridia are inhib- concentrations. However, they die in a strictly anaerobic
ited at low pH values. Moreover, clostridia show more sus- environment with low pH value (Oude Elferink et al. 1999a,
ceptibility to the absence of moisture (low aw value) than 1999b). This microorganism can contaminate animal pro-
LAB. Every measure taken to decrease the aw value in a ducts destined for human consumption.
forage, such as inducing wilting to increase the value of the
DM content, allows for the selective inhibition of clostridia Fungal contamination of forages
to take place (Oude Elferink et al. 2002).
Enterobacteria are anaerobic facultative organisms. Fungal contamination of cereals, oilseeds and forages repre-
Most of the enterobacteria present in the silage are sents a major risk for human and animal health in the world.
considered non-pathogenic. Nevertheless, their growth Both yeasts and filamentous fungi can contaminate forages.
should be avoided since they compete with LAB for sugars, Yeasts mainly include Candida and Saccharomyces species.
fermenting them to acetic acid, ethanol, CO2 and H2. Yeasts are frequently the most numerous isolates. They are
Besides, they can degrade proteins and catabolize amino eukaryotic, facultative anaerobic and heterotrophic micro-
acids to NH3, increasing pH (D’Mello 2002). Protein degra- organisms. Yeast population can reach 107 CFU/g during the
dation causes a reduction in the nutritional value of the first weeks of the ensiling process; however long-term
silage and leads to the production of toxic compounds such storage gradually reduces the presence of yeasts. Available
as biogenic amines and branched fatty acids. Biogenic oxygen facilitates the growth of yeast during storage where-
amines have a negative effect on silage palatability (van Os as a high level of formic acid or acetic acid reduces survival
1997; D’Mello 2002). The ammonia generated by proteoly- (Driehuis and van Wikselaar 1996; Oude Elferink et al.
sis increases the buffer capacity of a silage; this counteracts 1999b). Under anaerobic conditions yeasts ferment sugars
any rapid pH drop. Moreover, enterobacteria can produce to ethanol and CO2. The production of ethanol decreases the
nitrite, nitrogen oxides (NO2), nitrogen monoxide (NO) and amount of sugar available to produce acetic acid and affects
ammonia. NO and NO2 gases produce lung tissue damage milk taste (Randby et al. 1999). With the introduction of
and can cause an illness with symptoms similar to those of oxygen in the silo, a large amount of yeast species aerobic-
pneumonia, known as the “silo filler’s disease” (O’Kiely et ally degrade lactic acid to CO2 and H2O. The degradation of
al. 1999). lactic acid increases the pH level of the silage and allows
Escherichia coli O157 belongs to the group of Gram the growth of other undesirable organisms such as filamen-
negative bacteria. It is closely associated with human patho- tous fungi (Seglar 2003a).
logies, for example: hemolytic-uremic syndrome. However, Molds are eukaryotic organisms that grow in any part of
it has not been associated with animal pathologies. O157 is the silo where there is oxygen, even in small amounts. In a
widespread in nature. Besides cattle, it is ubiquitous in birds, good silage that happens at the beginning of the storage
deer and other wildlife. Thus, eradication is not possible. period and it is restricted to the surface of the ensiled mass.
Ecological control measures focus on control of bacterial But during aerobic deterioration all the silage can be in-
intake in feed and water (Teplitski 2006). vaded by molds (Rankin and Grau 2002).
Salmonella also belongs to the group of Gram negative The most significant factor that determines fungi
bacteria. It contains many serotypes involved in human and growth in hays is moisture. Hence, molds are mostly found
animal pathologies. Among them, S. typhimurium is univer- in hays that are stored wet. Whereas, the factor that deter-
sally distributed and S. enteritidis has appeared as a patho- mines fungi growth in silages is pH. If the silage is stored
gen agent in birds and as egg and chicken meat contami- too dry or not compacted enough or uncovered, air infiltra-
nator. Salmonellosis is one of the most important features in tion will produce microbial activity which, in turn, will deg-
cattle biosecurity. The risks for salmonellosis are minimised rade the acids of the silage while increasing the pH level,
if the right practices are implemented when handling feed and promoting mold growth (Whitlow and Hagler 2000).
and following disinfection and vaccination protocols. Cattle Filamentous fungi more frequently identified in forages
feed is frequently contaminated with Salmonella. The inten- belong to the genera Aspergillus, Eurotium, Penicillium,
sive use of contaminated pastures with infected animal Fusarium, Mucor, Byssochlamys, Absidia, Arthrinium, Geo-
feces and the use of poultry slurry provide additional sour- trichum, Monascus, Scopulariopsis and Trichoderma (Oude
ces of illness (D’Mello 2002; Winfield and Groisman 2003). Elferink et al. 2002). Molds not only decrease the nutri-
Animals with subclinical infection are more frequent tional value and palatability of the forage but also represent
than ill animals and they are more susceptible to other in- a risk for animal and human health. Inhalation or intake of
fectious processes. However, asymptomatic carriers elimi- fungal propagules may cause diseases collectively known as
nate millions of these microorganisms through their feces. mycosis (Di Costanzo et al. 1995; D’Mello 2002). Mold
Virulent E. coli strains can survive for a few months in ani- growth in forages expose animals to respiratory problems,

Testing techniques for forages. Fulgueira et al.

allergies, abnormal ruminal fermentation, diminished repro- monly associated with storage than with preharvest conta-
ductive function, reduced production, renal damage, skin mination of grain (CAST 2003).
and eye irritation (Scudamore and Livesey 1998; Gotlieb Fusarium is a large complex genus with species adapted
2002). Fungal contamination affects both the organoleptic to a wide range of habitats. They are worldwide in distribu-
characteristics and the alimentary value of feed, and ex- tion and many are important plant pathogens. However,
poses animals to the potential risk of toxicosis. Mycotoxins many species are soil borne and exist as saprophytes impor-
are fungal secondary metabolites that are produced accor- tant in breaking down plant residues. A few species are sig-
ding to a wide range of genetic and environmental factors nificant mycotoxin producers and some of them are present
(D’Mello 2002; Amigot et al. 2005). preharvest in contaminated grains as well as in other plants.
Mycotoxin contamination of forages and cereals fre- Toxigenic Fusarium include: F. graminearum, F. culmorum,
quently occurs after plants are infected with specific patho- F. sporotrichioides, F. poae, F. verticillioides, F. prolifer-
genic fungi or symbiotic endophytes. Moreover, contami- atum (Moss 2002c). These species produce a wide range of
nation may occur during feed processing and storage, when- mycotoxins. Trichothecenes, fumonisins and zearalenone,
ever environmental conditions (moisture content and am- are relevant to human and animal health. Trichothecenes are
bient temperature) are appropriate for fungal colonization subdivided into 4 basic groups: the most important are
and mycotoxin production (Rankin and Grau 2002). Fungal groups A and B. Group A trichothecenes include toxins T-2
growth and mycotoxin production are related to extreme and HT-2, neosolaniol and diacetoxyscirpenol. Group B tri-
weather conditions, inadequate storage practices, bad forage chothecenes include: deoxynivalenol, (also known as vomi-
quality and faulty feeding conditions (Whitlow and Hagler toxin or DON), nivalenol and fusarenon-X. Some Fusarium
2000; Lanyasunya et al. 2005). Conventionally, toxigenic produce zearalenone together with some trichothecenes.
fungi have been devided into “field” organisms (or vegetal Fumonisins are synthesized by a particular Fusarium group
pathogens and “storage” organisms (or saprophytic/spoil- (F. verticillioides, F. proliferatum). Three related com-
age organisms). Claviceps, Fusarium and Altrernaria are pounds are generally present in maize: fumonisins B1, B2
usual field fungi; Aspergillus and Penicillium are examples and B3 (Moss 2002c).
of storage organisms. When field fungi are isolated from Mycotoxins that are most frequently found in forages
forages they indicate poor preservation conditions because are: aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin, fumonisins, T-2
these fungi need a higher aw to develop, and they are often toxin and deoxynivalenol (Akande et al. 2006). Contamina-
absent from adequately stored silos (Scudamore and Live- tion with aflatoxins in cattle feed has been mainly registered
sey 1998; Akande et al. 2006; Amigot et al. 2006). in seeds stored in warm climates (Hell et al. 2000; da Silva
Although there are over 100000 species of known fungi, et al. 2000; Whitlow 2005). However, most published arti-
the majority of the known toxigenic species fall into three cles on forage mycotoxin contamination come from mild-
recognized genera. These genera are Aspergillus, Penicil- cold regions where the use of silages is indispensable to
lium, and Fusarium. Also, most of the known mycotoxins reinforce pastures. In these regions, Fusarium mycotoxins
are elaborated by these genera. prevail. Among them, DON, a Fusarium graminearum
The genus Aspergillus is within a large, very diverse mycotoxin, is the most commonly reported. The co-occur-
family of fungi that are world-wide in distribution but rence of various mycotoxins (aflatoxin and some Fusarium
primarily occupy subtropical and warm temperate climates. mycotoxins such as DON, T-2 toxin, zearalenone or/and
They are generally regarded as saprophytes that are impor- fumonisins) has been also registered in feeds (Dairy Busi-
tant in nutrient cycling. Their growth at high temperatures ness Communications 2004; Amigot et al. 2005, 2006).
and low water activity allows for their involvement in the The biological effects of mycotoxins depend on the
colonization of a variety of crops, sometimes with limited ingested amounts, number of occurring toxins, duration of
parasitism especially under favorable conditions. Some of exposure to mycotoxins and animal sensitivity (D’Mello
the most economically important toxigenic species of fungi 2002; Yiannikouris and Jouany 2002a, 2000b). Taking these
belong to this genus. Four species are responsible for the factors into account, health problems may range from mild
production of mycotoxin with larger incidence: A. flavus digestive disturbances, decrease in feed intake, weight loss,
and A. parasiticus that synthesize aflatoxins, and A. ochra- reduced milk production, minor fertility problems and a
ceous and A. carbonarius that produce ochratoxins (Moss decrease in natural defenses – generally related to the lack
2002b). Aflatoxins include: aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2. of response to diet change and therapies, to serious damage
Moreover, aflatoxin M1, the result of the hepatic biotrans- (even cancer) to the liver, kidney and abortions (Scudamore
formation of aflatoxin B1, may be present in the milk of and Livesey 1998; Moss 2002a; Amigot et al.2006). Myco-
dairy cows that eat feed contaminated with aflatoxin B1. toxin effects are cumulative over a period of time (di Cos-
When cows consume aflatoxin B1, it can not only be toxic tanzo et al. 1995). Chronic effects on human and animal
to the cow but also it appears in the milk within 24 hours. health are more often noted than acute ones. Often animals
Generally, the levels of aflatoxin M1 appearing in milk are 1 do not die or show acute signs early in a mycotoxicity. It
to 2 percent of the aflatoxin B1 content of the feed. Research may take several days to several weeks to cause market
data indicate aflatoxins will clear the system of dairy cows changes in performance or acute symptoms (Adams et al.
within 48 to 96 hours after the contaminated feed is re- 1993; Bhat and Vasanthi 2003). The presence of more than
moved from the ration (Waldner and Lalman 1998). Afla- one mycotoxin may increase their effects. The co-occur-
toxin contamination is predominant in maize and tropical rence of several mycotoxins, even in low concentrations
feeds such as oilseed by-products derived from groundnuts, (lower than the stipulated limits in the countries with regu-
cottonseed, and peanut (D’Mello 2002). lations) is of great importance (Rankin and Grau 2002).
Ochratoxins are known to be produced by Penicillium Due to the possibility of addition, synergism or potentiation,
verrucosum and species of the Aspergillus ochraceus group the effect of the mixtures cannot be predicted solely on the
(Moss 2002b). However it has been recently reported that basis of the effect of the individual toxins (Yiannikouris and
black Aspergilli: A. carbonarius, A. japonicus, as well as Jouany 2002a). A review of the literature on mycotoxin
other species that belong to the A. niger species complex interactions indicates that additive or less than additive
(Samson 2000) also produce these toxins. Ochratoxins A effects were the predominant interactions observed. Syner-
and B are present as natural contaminators mainly in cereal gistic interactions are the least frequent (CAST 2003).
seeds and in tissues of animals fed with contaminated Because of mycotoxin presence in commonly ensiled
forage (Heenan et al. 1998). forages and their potential for affecting dairy cattle produc-
Members of the genus Penicillium generally grow and tion and health, mycotoxin analysis should be part of the
can produce mycotoxins over a wider range of temperatures routine evaluation of silages (Díaz 2006).
than those of the genus Aspergillus (Ominski et al. 1994;
Moss 2002b). The Penicillium spp. are more abundant in
temperate climates. Members of this genus are more com-

Fresh Produce 1(2), 121-131 ©2007 Global Science Books

Toxic – fungal analysis these problems. The following interpretation levels for mold
counts in feed have been proposed: 103 CFU/g - Relatively
As mentioned before, the quality of a forage is currently Safe, 103–105 – Transition Zone, 105–106 – Caution Advised,
evaluated only through chemico-fermentative parameters, > 106 – Recommended not to feed (Taysom 2002). There-
among them pH and % NH3/TN (McDonald et al. 1991). fore, fungal propagule count should be considered a toxic-
Although these parameters are sufficient to evaluate forage fungal parameter to determine forage quality. Although
nutritional quality and its potential bacteriologic contamina- counts of fungi on feed are essential, qualitative inves-
tion, they fail to predict the presence of fungi and/or myco- tigations that provide additional information about the kind
toxins. of fungi (harmless or dangerous) contribute to know the
High fungi concentration records, identification of spe- product’s mycoflora.
cies pathogenic to humans and animals and/or potentially Even though mold counts may be low, identification of
toxigenic and the identification of mycotoxins in forages the isolated mold is highly recommended. These data are
destined for animal feed indicate that many times the tech- indicative of the potential toxicity and pathogenity of for-
nology applied during the development of crops, their har- ages and they become very important if producers do not
vest and the preparation and conservation of forages should pay special attention to proper handling and storage of feed
be improved. Moreover, this information acts as a warning (Whitlow and Hagler 2002). In many studies, it has been
on the need to evaluate, not only chemico-fermentative reported that potentially toxigenic species represent the
parameters but also toxic fungal parameters to determine larger percentage of the isolated fungi (Amigot et al. 2006).
the acceptability of a forage. Recent studies suggest that a Apart from finding potentially toxic fungi, it is impor-
count of fungal propagules, some fungi species in particular tant to evaluate the presence of other species such as Asper-
(such as Aspergillus fumigatus) and some mycotoxins (de- gillus fumigatus (important human and animal pathogen)
oxynivalenol, aflatoxins or both), should be included as de- which is considered as the pathogenic agent associated with
cisive parameters to evaluate forage quality and, therefore, mycotic hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) in dairy cattle
its acceptability (Amigot et al. 2003, 2005, 2006; Diaz mainly in immunosuppressed animals (Puntenney et al.
2006; Gaggiotti et al. 2007). 2003; Tekaia and Latgé 2005). A. fumigatus has been found
both from dehydrated and fermented forages (Whitlow and
Fungal propagule counts – Identification of Hagler 2002). It produces gliotoxin, a mycotoxin that can
isolates suppress immunity, therefore increasing the infectivity of
the fungus (Melo dos Santos and Dorner 2002; Whitlow
Both yeasts and filamentous fungi can contaminate forages 2005). It has often been associated with forage putrefaction
exposing humans and animals to different diseases (Gotlieb and heating (Scudamore and Livesey 1998). As a result, A.
2002). It has been determined that fungal concentrations fumigatus has been proposed as another forage quality indi-
higher than 106 CFU/g in a forage may be the reason for cator (Amigot et al. 2006).








A.fumigatus AFLATOXINS


Fig. 1 Protocol to be followed for a quick and safe evaluation of a forage sample.

Testing techniques for forages. Fulgueira et al.

Mycotoxins acquainted with quality analyses to produce forages dairy-

beef producers would be willing to pay for (Stokes and
Mycotoxin analysis can be used as an indicator of manage- Prostko 1998).
ment problems, and thereby, it may be a useful diagnostic
tool (Thomas et al. 1998). The isolation of potentially toxi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
genic fungi cannot be considered a per se indicator of for-
age contamination with those mycotoxins (Magan et al. We would like to address special thanks to Rocío Gómez and
2003) and, therefore, some toxin analyses must be carried Cecilia Martínez, English <> Spanish translators, for their help in
out. Amigot et al. (2006) have suggested that the quality of the achievement of this work.
maize, sorghum and lucerne forages should be evaluated as
follows: those forages with bad chemical quality would be REFERENCES
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