Example Team Charter

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Team Charter 

1. Team Goals: ​[list out 4-6 specific goals that the team shares. Be sure to include both 
high-level goals as well as specific and measurable goals] 
a. Efficiency  
b. Turning in completed projects, meeting deadlines and assignment requirements. 
c. Fulfilling all project tasks 
d. Everyone actively contributing 
e. Learn from our projects.  
f. Good communication between team members. Being responsive to 
2. Personal Goals: ​[list out at least one personal goal for each team member] 
a. Cedric Iwuala: To have good time management and finish my part early. 
b. Joshua Thomas: To develop leadership experience and to complete the project well 
and on time.  
c. Jahron Adolphin: To develop more experience in working with groups. 
d. Abdullah AlAbdulRazzaq: To create efficiency and be active in the team.  
e. Cody Hogan: To work well with my group and efficiently complete tasks. 
3. Potential Obstacles: ​[List out potential obstacles during the group project. Also decide on 
how you will respond to those obstacles] 
Obstacle  Response 
Procrastination and not actively contributing to  1. Group talk with team members. 
assignments. (Not completing assignments on  2. Write in report concerning his 
time.)  conduct.  
3. Contact professor as a last resort (if 
1-2 do not resolve conflict).  
Lack of communication or responsiveness  1. David will send a reminder a day 
before a team meeting.  
2. The team leader will serve as backup 
if needed regarding reminders. 
3. Group will continue to reach out to 
team members. 
4. A response is always required to a 
request. Anyone unable to attend a 
meeting, must send a message in 
Hangouts to let the team know.  
5. If team member is not responsive for 
48 hours, then the team will record 
that behavior in its progress reports. 
6. All team members will strive to 
answer communications within 24 
hours or less.  
Mismanagement of time.  1. Create a calendar with all deadline, 
group meeting dates, etc. 
2. Establish times where team can be 
available to meet.  
Conflicting ideas  1. Give everyone a chance to be heard. 
2. Take everyone’s opinions seriously 
3. Don’t be afraid to disagree 
4. Offer and accept constructive 
5. Find points of agreement with others 
who hold different views. 
6. When the group does make a 
decision, support it fully. 
Absence in class/meetings  1. Contact the team member. 
2. Record absence in progress reports. 
3. Talk to the professor. 
Turn in Guidelines  1. David will send reminders five days 
for the assignment deadline. 
2. Team members will finish their parts 
of the assignment two days before the 
assignment deadline date in order to 
revise if needed.  
3. David will send a reminder to upload 
assignment at 1 p.m. on the day it is 
4. The team leader will turn in final 
form of assignment in pdf form into 
5. If the team leader is not responding 
or has not uploaded project by seven 
p.m., then Jahron will turn in final 
form of assignment in pdf format 
6. Whoever submits assignment will 
send a confirmation picture to team 
in the Hangouts. 
Group Meetings  1. One rotating observer will document 
each meeting. 
2. Open with a summary of previous 
3. Discuss current task and goals for the 
4. One meeting will cover the goals for 
the week.  
5. Another meeting will be a progress 
report for the week.  
4. Conflict Resolution: ​[Write a 1-2 sentence protocol for resolving conflict] 
a. In the event of a conflict, the group will come together and discuss possible 
solutions. In discussions concerning the direction of the project, all ideas will be 
encouraged and the group will vote on what direction to take. The direction will be 
chosen by a majority vote of 3 team members. Concerning personal disputes, the 
team will address the team member(s) involved. If conflict is not resolved, then the 
team members will write concerns in the progress reports.  
b. An objective for the team is not to demotivate people from doing work and the best 
way to do so is to give the specific task that the team members would like to work 
on if possible. 
5. Missed Deadlines: ​[List out team protocol if a member is 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours 
late on a deadline] 
Deadline   Response 
24 hours late  Send a text or call. 
48 hours late  Talk face to face. 
72 hours late  Document behavior in progress reports. 
  Last resort, talk to the professor. 
Communication Plan: ​[Complete the table below] 
  Urgent ​(Immediate  Medium  Low 
Response  Importance  Importance 
Required​)  (Need response  (Need response 
  within 24 hours)  within 48 hours) 
Examples: ​Meet a     
deadline; send a  Examples:​ Edit a  Examples: 
file​; ​reminder for  draft of a  Congratulatory 
impending deadline  document  and/or social 
Individual communication​ (one-to-one)   Hangouts  Hangouts  Email 
Group communication ​(to at least 2 members in the  Hangouts  Hangouts  Talk before, 
group)  during or after 
Simple Messages ​(don’t require lots of explanation)  Hangouts  Hangouts  Talk before, 
  during or after 
Examples: “​Send me your edits”  class 
Complex Messages ​(require explanation or discussion)  Hangouts  Hangouts  Talk before, 
      during or after 
Examples: ​“The third paragraph needs more research.  class 
Let’s discuss.” 
File Sharing   Email  Email  Email 
  Google Drive  Google Drive  Google Drive 
Examples: ​Sharing a draft of a report. 
Collaboration ​(co-authoring, group discussions that are  Hangouts  Hangouts  Hangouts 
not face to face)  Google Drive  Google Drive  Google Drive 
Team Roles: ​[Enter each team members name, role, and strength’s/special abilities.] 
Team Member  Role  Strengths 
Joshua Thomas  Team Leader  [Bulleted list of strengths relevant to the project.] 
    ● Consistent 
● Organized 
● Good at writing  
● Hardworking 
● Loyal 
● Analytical 
Cedric Iwuala  Organizer  ● Hard Worker 
  ● Good Listener 
● Motivated 
● Organized 
Jahron Adolphin.  Editor  ● Good an analyzing and finding errors. 
  ● Quick to find mistakes. 
Abdullah  Idea Machine  ● Good at making ideas. 
AlAbdulRazzaq  ● Make things more efficient. 
  ● Somewhat organized. 
Cody Hogan  Design/Format  ● Efficient Worker 
  ● Experience w/research projects and 
● Creative 
● Decently organized 


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