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Number 1 answer:
In my opinion, balance constitutes a good life. A balanced lifestyle means considering all aspects
of a person’s life: relationships, work, fitness and health, emotional well-being, and spiritual life.
Commonly, people have difficulty juggling a multi-tasking life that affects negatively them as a
person. Balance life is the foundation of a person’s well-being, such as developing and
maintaining good physical health and fitness, a good level of energy and vitality, the ability to
express creativity, enjoying emotional and psychological stability, and healthy spirituality. A
balanced individual is practical and stable in all aspects of life that help them overcome
challenges in life.

Good life means for me means you have everything in your life such as wealth and hapiness. A
person with a good life fullfills everything good in life. In short a good life is a satisfaction in life.

As for me, good life is satisfaction. Its not about acquiring material possessions but rather about
acquiring valuable life lessons. We must be responsible and learn how to appreciate the positive
aspects of life rather than the negative.

For me, a good life consists of having faith and a sense of meaning, both of which are important
to people, and experiencing all of this in the midst of an abundant set of connections where one
belongs is at the heart of what most people would agree makes for a good life.

A good life is where someone lives in their own satisfying way and desire. It is where you can
dive on your own comfort zone without any uncertain circumstances making it look like you have
an unornamented life. A good life represents the contentment and joy as time passes living the
life the way you want it.

Good life means there is nothing comes to haunt you every night when you sleep. Having a good
life doesn't mean wealth, power or anything that makes you unique in this world but just the sense
of being responsible, good, and humble makes a life good.

For me, a good life is one in which you can do what you want and fulfill your urges while also
being kind to yourself and others. Accomplish anything without trampling anyone

Number 2 answer:
According to Aristotle, happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime,
all the goods — health, wealth, knowledge, friends, etc. — that lead to the perfection of human
nature and to the enrichment of human life. This requires us to make choices, some of which may
be very difficult. This MUST still stand in the contemporary world because most people are being
obsessed with material things. For most people, having a good life is being rich with material
possessions. They miss to remember that happiness and having a good life is living a life that is
consistent with having high moral standards.

Aristotle easily said that Happiness may be attained through maintaining good standards of
morality. In today’s contemporary world where people needs something to thrive, the high moral
standards might leave a complacency feeling in order to dwell your newfound euphoria
Aristotle believed that good life is ultimately about happiness and this happiness can be achieved
by virtue or high moral standards. In the contemporary world, everyone's ultimate goal is still to
be happy but achieving this by being virtuous or having high moral standards is fading away as
people just want to be happy by any means possible, regardless of reason.

According to Aristotle, the good life is the happy life, as he believes happiness is an end in itself.
Yes, it still stands true in today's world because when we have done everything we want or
achieved our dreams, we will be happy and it leads to a good life.

According to Aristotle having a good life is having a happiness and it still stands in contemporary
world because must of the people is obsessed with material things and they doing all the things
they can to achieve it to have a good life.

The activities of the soul in accordance to virtue according to aristotle is the one that still stand in
the contemporary world. We all know that the way we think as a person affects our daily life. It
means the way we think in accordance with virtue will have a good life. Thinking of our Virtue or
the moral behavior is one of the reasons why many people have a good life even they are not
wealthy as rich. So having a virtue affects our life now a days.

Number 3 answer:
Progress of Science and Technology leads us to good life because it allows us to have the

1. Easy Access to Information - Because there is continuous development in the field of science
especially to technology, information can now be easily accessed. With just a click, tons of
information is shown to you. You need not go to a library to search for the book or read a lot of
resources just to get the information that you need. The internet will provide you almost all the
things you need. You just need to be careful because not all in the internet are credible

2.Faster Resolution to Problems - A good example of this is in the field of healthcare. There are
diseases that were categorized as dreaded before but can now be easily treated. Medical
professionals as well as specialists from the field of research made is possible. They never
stopped looking for solutions especially to those fatal diseases. With science and technology
being improved progressively, the trend of improved treatment will surely continue.

3. Better and More Options to Choose From - If before, we are left to the option we get used to,
the improvement in science and technology empowered people to search and discover to better
options. Options are presented for people to choose, whichever will be convenient to them. This
also gives people the liberty to choose.

The science and tge advancement of technology is one of the factors that affects the economy of
one country, if the country's economy becomes better because of science and technology it means
that it affects the life of one's person resulting a good life.
The progress in science and technology had a very big impact towards having a good life.
The new inventions make our everyday life much easier than before.

One of the progress is an easy accessing in any information that the science and technology lead
us to a good life. Because of the contionous innovation and development of different aspect of
science and technology, it makes sense that this will help an individual in a society to lead their
life a good and very easy with the use of science and technology.

Progression is crucial to a productive future and towards a betterment of life. It is substantial for
us people who lives at this particular time the practicality of the modern day devices, biologically,
economically and specially to our techlogical advancement.

Science and technology innovate as time passes; it gives us ease in what we do for the work we
encounter every day. Science and technology resolves the problems we encounter and reciprocate
solutions through them granting us the ability to surpass predicaments sometimes without any

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