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Chapter 1

My head felt heavy as I woke up, still closing my eyes I sat down in the bed,
and hanged down my feet at the side, my head hurts, dammit.

The bed was super soft, but as I remember it correctly, mine wasn’t this

The strong fragrance filled my nostrils, it smell masculine.


I shrugged into my own thoughts, and decided to get a bath.

As I opened my eyes, an unfamiliar room welcomed me, and realized I

wasn’t at my apartment.

The cream colored room was spacious there’s a mini table at the end of the
bed, expensive looking furniture’s were displayed.

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There’s a wide window at the right side of the room, but it was covered with I checked the dress I’m wearing it was in mint green floral ruffle dress, it’s
dark red curtains. beautiful and I must admit look elegant with it, and a small smile was
formed in my lips, not until I realized I’m not at my own home.

There’s no light from the outside entering this room.

I went out of the bathroom, sat at the side of the bed and get my bag, I’m
thankful I brought my compact mirror that day, I quickly look into my neck
I panicked. through it, I caress it and felt a rough texture on the bitten area. I had 2 pair
of bite, maybe that monster bit me two times, before the silver eyed man
saved me.

“Where am I?” I asked to myself and got up. I sighed once more, and closed my compact mirror, I don’t have to wear
lipstick or any make up on, ‘cause my lips are naturally pink, and my
eyebrows looks just fine.
Then memories rushed into my head,

I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard a knock, I didn’t answer back,
I quickly look for a mirror but failed to find one, what I only found is a door, I’m in a stranger’s house, how can I be sure this stranger won’t take
leading me the bathroom of this room, advantage of me?

I sighed and decided to get a bath before wearing the dress that is left at “f*ck” when I didn’t answer back, the door was forcedly open,
the side table together with my bag and a note.

As the door open roughly, I quickly placed my hair in my shoulder to hide

Please wear this dress once you wake up, I know you don’t want a man to the bitten area, and look down avoiding the strangers gaze.
change your clothes

- Marcus
Surely, I wanted to know why I am here in his house, if it is his.

I wanted to know what happened to me, and why am I still alive,

But I must kept my mouth shut, baka may hidden agenda siya.

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If he is a vampire, maybe he kept me here to be his food source.

I stayed still as he sat beside me at the space in my left.

If he was the one who saved me, maybe it was okay, he saved me twice Finally I can have a gaze on him in my peripheral vision while his attention
anyway, and I should have at least something in return for him. are at the thing he put at the side table, and the only thing that I can finally
say is “Silver”

It was him! Di ako pwedeng magkamali.

but what If he is a mere human like me? How can he beat that monster that
quick? Is he a Halfling? But what does he want from me? Is he a stalker ? A
stalker really Stef?
He was the guy who saved me that night!

“Hmm?” he hummed questioningly.

I had too much questions in my head I wanted to asked, but I’m too afraid
to ask them.
Slowly I raised my head and to finally met his gazed.

I was even more surprised when I finally saw his silver eyes.
The man in a black suit, stayed silent while standing still at the door,

It was really him!

Maybe he is staring at me, his feet are facing my direction.

Shocked was written all over my face, but I kept my mouth shut, and cover it
with my both hands.

I wonder what he looks like.

He look at me confusingly,

I heard a deep sigh coming from the man. His brows are curled, while looking at me.

He walk towards me, holding a tray elegantly on his left hand, and place it at
the side table at my left side.

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He was wearing a pair of black tuxedo, black pants and cream shirt My vision were vivid, but I can clearly read the worry that is written in his
underneath and black leather shoes and a black socks. face.

This man surely loves black. Why do you look so worried? I wanted to ask but I’m too tired.

Then those confused look was replaced with a laugh. Then darkness welcomed me again.

Huh? Is he crazy?

“Run Keannea!” mom shouted as blood comes out from her mouth.

Then he laughed hard. My body went cold, seeing my mom bathing in her own blood. My brother
has been slaughtered and been a food source by the vampires, same goes
with my father, and now they raped my mom and slaughtered her too.
My shock expression was replaced with a confused one

“KEANNEAAAA! RUUUUUUUUUUUUN!” my mom’s shout made my body

“Huh?” I whispered to myself, still being confused. quivered,

“w-why a—“ I was about to asked him on why was he laughing at me, but Reluctantly I run away from her, I went to my room in the second floor of
my migraine attacked, I quickly massage my temples wishing it can move our home, put everything I’ll be needing in a small backpack, the money I
away the pain I’m feeling, but it’s no use, the pain only got severed, saved for 3 years straight, that I was about to use for my college entrance
exam this year, my bible, and the necklace and ring my brother gave me on
my 17th birthday.
My vision is blurred, After readying everything, I ran out of my room,
I feel light-headed, I was about to take my turn to the staircase, when a lady in black dress
My surrounding is twirling around, appeared just in front of me.

Then I felt a soft thing underneath my body,

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“Running away sweetheart?” she asked mischievously while walking
towards me
I screamed loudly, as if my energy depends on how loud it can be. I made a
I stepped back, holding my bag tight and trying to grab anything I can use to twirl in the air, hold the two ends of the necklace in my both hands, and
protect myself from her. strangled her with it.

When she saw, fear in my face, she laughed evilly, and showed me her
I am now on her back, strangling her neck.

“No, please!” I pleaded her, as I continue to step back.

‘Sorry kuya’ and a tear fell down.

I step back once more, I look around me, trying to find anything silver, but
She was trying to save herself
can’t find one.

She was undeniably strong but it’s no use this necklace is made of silver, one
‘My necklace’
of their weaknesses are silver.

But it was a gift from my brother to keep this monster away from me, so
I strangled her even more and put all my energy in my necklace.
that they cannot touch nor drink my blood through my neck.
Then she vanished, she became dust.
And the ring to protect my wrist.

I fell down on my knees, and cried.

But I have no choice. While biting my lips as I tremble getting my necklace in
my back pocket. Once I had it in my hand, I wear my backpack just like how
you are supposed to wear it.
Then I felt a sting of pain in my neck.

It was too late, when I realized I was being bitten.

Holding it tightly in my hand, I ran through her, not thinking of what might
I felt even weaker, as I already am.
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“You miss ‘em?”

I can’t die yet. I nodded as a response.

I don’t want to die.

I know it’s him. The silver eyed man who saved me 5 years ago.

Then I fell to the ground, and saw a man in silver hair and eyes, in an all-
black suit and a half mask hiding the lower half of his face starting from the
bridge of his nose, as he kill the guy whom I assumed the one who bit me.

And he saved me again.

Am I going to die? Is this my really my end?

“You saved me again” I whispered just enough for him to hear me.
“You won’t die, he only had a drop of your blood.” The silver eyed man told
me, while carrying me in his arms.

I wanted to ask him badly, not that I’m not thankful for his saving, but I’m
really confused why did he saved me?
“Thank you.” I tried my best to say it to him but it only comes out as a
whisper, and lose my consciousness.

“Why?” I asked still hugging my knees,

The next morning, I woke up in a hospital room

But what he answered made me look at him and confused me more, he was
at the other side of the bed, reading a book while the only light that gives
I woke up in a quick manner, while tears are falling down from my eyes.
him is the lampshade on his side on where the side table was placed.

“Mom” I whispered, I curled up my legs and hug them.

“Cause your special”

I cried silently.
Am I?

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“Anyway, you we’re unconscious for four days, I know you are hungry, here “I transferred blood in you yesterday.” He added again and get the tray out
I made a meal for you, it’s already past 8 in the evening” he said then closed of the bed and place it in the side table near him.
the book and handed me a tray filled with delicious food.

Transferred me blood? Alam niya blood type ko? How?

Now that made my tummy grumble.

“I tested your blood” he answered the question in my head, as if he can

I thanked him and started to eat the food quietly. read them.

I nod at him then silence.

The moment I finish my food, I laid my back at the headboard and sighed in
contentment. Then a smile was finally formed through my lips, I haven’t
“I’m Marcus Alexander Lusica by the way”
tasted such food for the last five years of my life.

Lusica? There are only one clan that is known. It can’t be him. I mean yes
“Why am I unconscious for four days? How did it happen?” I asked him.
this room is huge and all, but that’s not possible right? Why would a count
save me? Kamag-anak niya kaya siya?

“Actually before you went unconscious last time, you were asleep for a day “Lusica? Are you from the royalty?” I asked out of confusion,
when I entered here, I was about to check on you, and your neck, I was
shocked to see you conscious so I just stared at you for a moment, when I
sat beside you, I know you haven’t gain you energy yet and you look pale, “A count” he said as if it wasn’t a big deal.
then you whispered something…”
My eyes widened in disbelief.

He look at me confusingly.
“Silver” I continued.

“Don’t give me that face, it’s not as if it’s a big deal, that’s just a title” he
“Yeah, ‘silver’ then you went unconscious again and woke up 3 days after.” said.
He explained and chuckled

“You were unconscious because of too much blood lost” he seriously added

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“well it is, your highness” I answered him with courtesy, he is a count, I must
act how I should have act, I can be put behind bars if I didn’t acknowledge
I guess not all birds, have the same feathers
him and his position in this country.

I came back sitting at the bed and hugged my legs again, and he finally let go
I move out of the bed.
of my hand
I can’t be near him, I must keep my distance from him.

“I’m Estefania Keannea Balthazar-Grecian, the daughter of the deceased

“Please, I’m tired being called and treated like that” he said as he reached Estefan Minrod Grecian, and Kassandra Nina Balthazar, your highness” I
for my hand. introduce myself to him, feeling awkward.

My heart went wild the moment our skin touched. Who wouldn’t be? I’m alone with the Count in a room, and for a fact, that
he is too close to me, in the bed alone with him.

“I know who you are” he smiled sweetly at me, and returned at his gaze
I froze.
with a questioning look.

Who wouldn’t be? I’m alone with the Count in a room, and for a fact, that
How can he have such an effect in me like this? he is too close to me, in the bed alone with him.

“I don’t want you to treat me as a member of the royal hierarchy, I want What does he want from me?
you to treat me just like an ordinary person.” He pleaded again, that made
Will he sell me, like what other nobles do to a commoner like me?
me look into his eyes.
Am I going to be a slave to pay his kindness to me?

Or will I be his food-source?

And what does he mean by he knew me? Is he my schoolmate before?

And here I am, thinking all royalties are the same, cocky, thick-faced, and ill-
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“What does a Count from me? I’m no longer a noble” I asked him. Schooling at morning till 2pm and work from 2:30 till 8:15 in the evening,
after my shift, I have to walk my way home from my work to save money.

“Those monster took everything from me, from my family to my wealth” I

added bitterly, still hugging my knees. 4 years later, I graduated finally, and months after my graduation I am able
to get a stable job in a publishing company.

1 year of working, I am now able to feed myself 3 times a day, unlike before,
“You will stay a noble as long as you have the Balthazar-Grecian in your
I only ate 2 times in a day, and I have to save money.
blood and in your name.”
People would constantly asked me what happened to me, and why I am not
It was just a name now, “I’m the last Balthazar-Grecian here in Astrid and in
a noble anymore, and would laugh at me because of my life standard now.
Romanda, and it’s not possible.” I said, and laid my back at the headboard
and stared at the ceiling of the room. It’s humiliating of course, but I have to ignore them, and focus on my career.

I’ve been living with my own for 5 years straight, with no contact to any of I sighed as I remember what I’ve been through after that horrible night.
my relatives.

I waited for them to take me, but no one did.

I am able to stand on my own now.

I live alone and live like a commoner now, way too far from being a noble
“Yes, you are the last Balthazar-Grecian here, but not in the entire
kingdom.” He said after a long silence between us.

With my savings, I was able to apply for college, buy myself foods, and pay
my bills.
“If you are giving me false hope your highness, please I’m begging you, stop.
It’s been years and no Balthazar nor Grecian knocked on my door after what
happened 5 years ago, after you saved me” my voice cracked as I say those
But the money wasn’t enough to support me for a year

I have to sell our mansion in Romanda, and move here in Hope city, trying
I look at his silver eyes, and saw pity in them, then a tear fell down from my
my luck here, I transferred school in Astrid Kingdom University.
eyes, I look away, and tried to stop myself from crying.

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Please don’t pity me.

To his big round silver eyes,

I admit, I still hope that one day, someone will come to my house and told To his straight lashes,
me they are from the two families.
To his small cute nose,
I closed my eyes trying to stop them from crying, but they won’t stop.
Up to his pink kissable lips.
Then I felt something soft in my cheeks.
He is indeed handsome.
I opened my eyes and saw the man beside me wiping my tears away with
his thumb.
I smiled a little, held his hand which is still in my cheeks, and say my
“Let go of the past Fania, it’s not healthy.” he said with a low masculine
outmost gratitude to the man who saved me.
voice contradicting to his baby face.
“Thank you for saving me 5 years ago, if it wasn’t because of you, I might
not be able to be here, surviving. And thank you for saving me again that
I look at him confusingly. night. You have saved my life twice, and yet, I have nothing to return to
your kindness, I’m lucky you were the one who’s there, if it wasn’t you, I
might be a dead meat by now.”
Why is he doing all of this?

“y-you remember me?” he asked, he look shocked.

“It’s all in the past now, you have to move on.”

I nodded.
Maybe he’s right,
“How can I forgot those silver eyes, and hair of the same man who saved me
Maybe I should have move on, 5 years ago and 4 days ago?” I answered him while smiling.

Maybe I should let my family, have their peaceful rest.

How can I forgot those eyes that captured my heart that night?

I stared at his beautiful face, examining every feature he has,

Then those confused face, became a happy one.

From his thick black eyebrows,

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He smiled at me weakly.

I thought she already remember me. He thought.

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