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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name ___Abby Conie______ Activity Title __Color Sort_____

Number of children participating at one time ________ Ages __3-5________

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.

Ohio Early Domain: Cognitive and general Knowledge (math)

Learning &
Strand: Algebra
Standards: Topic: group and categorize
List at least 1 Standard Statement: Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes (e.g., size, number).
standard that is
addressed by this
activity. Write out
each component
completely and
exactly, as
published in

Lesson This lesson students will open seesaw app on their tablet, iPad or computer and in the new assignments find two
activities; gummy bear sort and farm color sort. Once finished they click the green check mark to submit the

Estimated Circle time we will read “Bear sees colors” by karma Wilson and Jane Chapman “How the crayons saved
the rainbow” by Monica Sweeney taking roughly 15 minutes each. Then the three activities will take
around 15-20 minutes each for students to complete. TOTAL TIME 60 minutes.

Preparation of What preparation is needed?

materials and Gather children in circle time to read “Bear sees colors” by karma Wilson and Jane Chapman.
environment Children will need to review their basic colors and then have adult read the instructions of the assignment to them.
“How the crayons saved the rainbow” by Monica Sweeney
What materials will be used?
Ipad,tablet or computer will be needed for this assignment. Adult to read instructions.
“Bear sees colors” by karma Wilson and Jane Chapman
“How the crayons saved the rainbow” by Monica Sweeney
How will the learning environment be set up?
This assignment can be done at home or in the classroom at a table or comfortable seat in the circle area.
Instructional Procedures:
The reading of “Bear sees colors” by karma Wilson and Jane Chapman and “How the crayons saved the rainbow” by
Monica Sweeney during circle time will help teach children their colors and remind them the names. Then we will collect
our devices they use to access seesaw and have the instructions read out loud while demonstrated by the teacher on
their own device for each activity.

Day 1:
First 30 minutes we will gather in morning circle time for morning meeting where we will complete or calendar, weather,
birthday charts.
30 minutes: recess free play
15 minutes: clean up
20 minutes: snack time
1 Hour: nap/quiet time
10 minutes: clean up
15 minutes: circle time read “Bear sees colors” by karma Wilson and Jane Chapman and discuss colors on color wheel
15 minutes: seesaw activity color sorting. (gummy bear sorting)

Day 2:
First 30 minutes we will gather in morning circle time for morning meeting where we will complete or calendar, weather,
birthday charts.
30 minutes: recess free play
15 minutes: clean up
20 minutes: snack time
1 Hour: nap/quiet time
10 minutes: clean up
15 minutes: circle time read “How the crayons saved the rainbow” by Monica Sweeney and discuss colors on color wheel
15 minutes: seesaw activity color sorting. (farm color sort)

“Colors for Kids - Colors Songs for Kids - Educational Video to Learn Colors”

This youtube video gives the children more visual learning of colors incorporating songs to help children make
connections with the color name and what the color actually looks like not just hearing the name and being able to
repeat the name. Some children can remember names but cannot connect the name with the actual colored object. The
video shows the color as a crayon repeats the name then shows other objects that are the same color.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students:
This activity can be altered for gifted children by making the children do one color at a time instead of at random or have
the also count how many objects are in each bowl at the end and write them on or under the bowls.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
The material can be changed so that each jar os the color that is wrote on the jar to help children who are struggling to
read or differentiate each part. Also that can have the objects more spread out before organizing to avoid clusters and
less pressure.

Vocabulary: Sorting- grouping or putting alike objects together in a pile or jar. not mixing up.
color wheel- show students a color wheel and explain primary and secondary colors.

For teachers computer, iPad or tablet.

projector to show video of books or youtube video during circle time.

For students
Computers, iPads, tablets are needed for this activity

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