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Third Party Risk Management Solution

Private and confidential

March 2019 Risk Advisory
©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 1
©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 2
1. The extended enterprise

2. Third party risks in an extended enterprise network

3. Deloitte’s Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) solution

4. Deloitte’s third-party risk management - Approach and methodology

5. Deloitte’s engagement delivery models for TPRM programme

©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 3
The extended enterprise
©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 4
The extended enterprise

The extended enterprise is the concept that an organisation does not operate in isolation. Its success is dependent upon
a complex network of third-party relationships.


– Sales agents
Certification – Licensing – Distribution
R&D – Distributors
bodies Labs – and Sales – Loyal partners

Inventory –
Logistics Customers
Shipping –

Tier 1-N suppliers –

– Warranty processing
Fourth – Brokers/Agents – Customers
parties Sourcing – Call center
Contract – support

– Advertising – Media
Marketing agency ad sales
Infrastructure and –
application support
Hosted vendor solutions – – Office products
Technology Facilities – Waste disposal
Disaster recovery –
Licensed vendor solutions – – Cleaning
Hardware lease –
– Recruiting
Human – Contractors
Insurance – Benefits providers
– Payroll processing

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Third party risks in an extended
enterprise network
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Third party risks in an extended enterprise network

Loss of reputation – Risk to the reputation of the organisation from the use of third-party
relationships due to a myriad of reasons, including misuse of intellectual property, poor
product quality, lack of compliance to human rights, and environmental regulations, etc.

Supply chain disruption – Key third-party business disruptions due to bankruptcy,

geopolitical issues, macro risks, etc. can result in supply chain disruption

Data risk – Loss, misuse, or mishandling of critical data of the organisation or its
customers by a third-party relationship can result in financial loss; hefty fines and
Extended decrease in shareholder value
Product recall – Poor product quality, safety issues, or faulty packaging by third parties can
• Sell side lead to product recalls resulting in recall costs, lawsuits from consumers, increased costs
• Buy side from settlements, and lost revenue from missed sales opportunities
• Infrastructure
Financial impact – Financial loss from under-reporting of revenue from licenses,
royalty partners, distributors, franchisees, etc. and over-payment for services from
third-party relationships

Lack of compliance – Third party acts corruptly to gain business advantage for organisation
resulting in hefty fines or is not in compliance with the environment, conflict minerals, health
and safety, labour rights, etc. regulations

Poor performance – Lack of sustained performance from third-party relationships, resulting

in costly mistakes, over allocation of capital to oversee relationships, and defeating the
purpose of outsourcing strategy

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Deloitte’s Third-Party Risk
Management (TPRM) solution
©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 8
How can we help?

Our delivery model is scalable, adaptable, and built

on industry-specific benchmarks to fast-track an
organisation’s extended enterprise management
With our TPRM solution, executives across the value
chain receive the following: Holistic view of Optimise risk
third-parties management
A holistic view of risks and third-parties through and risks efficiency
the central repository of Deloitte’s automated platform
with an executive dashboard and benchmarking
against industry standards.
Ongoing Drive cost
Leading standardised processes applied across all monitoring reduction
markets and businesses, with a consistent application
of third-party risk scoring, sensing, and monitoring.
Optimising risk management efficiency, enhancing
revenue recovery, and driving cost reduction Enhanced
solution Enhance
in managing the third-party risk management decision revenue
programme at an operational level making recovery
Information for enhanced decision-making
through analysis of the latest data from the ongoing
assessments to arrive at a more informed decision
from a governance perspective Compliance to Obtain risk
regulations maturity
Access to subject-matter expertise through trained
Deloitte professionals with risk domain experience.
Ongoing monitoring and zero instance of non-
compliance to regulations by leveraging Deloitte’s
proprietary industry-specific risk intelligence maps

©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 9
TPRM automation platform

Perform third-party due diligence

Store and retrieve evidence

for each assessment

Build third-part risk

In today’s digital world, TPRM capabilities need to also be
questionnaires technology-driven to automate processes, report generation,
Customise reports and dashboards analyse data that TPRM activities generate, and track overall
as per stakeholder requirement
Report on your third-party profile
The TPRM automation platform increases efficiency
Manage assessment findings along with productivity, reduces overall cost of the TPRM
programme, and enables efficient monitoring of ongoing
Chart trends and insights
with smart analytics activities, including third-party risks and compliance through
a centralised platform. This provides a consistent client user
Drag-and-drop user interface
experience and reduces human errors.
Assess third-party viability
and impact on risk Additionally, the use of technology increases data integrity
Conduct trigger-based approval and provides seamless and reliable reporting.
and review actions
These benefits outweigh the cost of acquiring technology
Track third-party performance
solutions to automate the TPRM process.
Scale and integrate with
flexible workflows

©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 10
Deloitte’s third-party risk management
- Approach and methodology
©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 11
Deloitte’s third party risk management - Approach and methodology

Policy, procedures, standards and guidelines

Data sources (Company internal systems like ERP, CRM, billing system)

New/Existing Third-party prioritisation Review type Review method


Third-party Parameters/Third- Financial health/solvency

Spend Services Others Self Assessment
evaluation party information
Contract risk and compliance review

Information security and cyber security Onsite

Third-party • Confidentiality
Risk engine Integrity
selection • Availability Privacy review

Health and safety Remote

Contract and Third-party • Service categorisation
on-board • Inherent risk profile SLA/Performance review Continuous
Integrity and regulatory review Monitoring
Third-party coverage • Review method • Frequency Quality review
Termination Hybrid
model • Review type • Reporting
Employment practices

Manage, monitor and remediate

CISO Team Chief Risk Office Supply chain Business controller Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Views Workflow Data repository Analytics and reporting

Review of Review of both business and Review of information

Review coverage business controls information security controls security controls

©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 12
Deloitte’s engagement delivery
models for TPRM program
©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 13
Deloitte’s engagement delivery models for TPRM program
Various engagement delivery model

Project based / Assessment specific Staff augmentation / Co-sourcing

Description: Description:
Deloitte VIC Deloitte
• Client engages Deloitte to assess their • Deloitte delivers TPRM through
third parties on a fixed cost or T&M Deloitte provides its trained staff Provides staff
basis staff and assets • Client may provide the tools,
Trend: framework, and methodology Service delivery Delivery
• Client and Deloitte teams work supervised by client
• Works when there is a tactical
Service delivery based as one Joint team
requirement to address specific
on fixed cost or time
assessments and material basis Trend: Functions
Client are shared
• Client are moving to other models • Increasing trend when client
since third-party Risk Management has Organisation
have their centralised captive assets such as
become more strategic centres operating out of tools, assessment
India and other low-cost framework etc.

Managed service Build-Operate-Transfer

Description: Description:
Deloitte VIC Client Deloitte VIC
• The client receives service delivery • In a Build-Operate-Transfer
as per the defined SLA Service provider staff, (BOT) model, the TPRM Organisation Service provider
tools, framework, and staff and assets staff and assets
• Trained staff, framework, and tools offshore delivery centre is
take entire ownership of
are provided by Deloitte usually developed based
deliverables and quality Deloitte develops
on specific requirements Service
new delivery
Trend: of a client delivery
capabilities on
to organisation
• Clients use this model to deliver TPRM
Managed service delivery Trend:
TPRM effectively and efficiently as
per the assessment costing model Often selected by clients who Service Deloitte
do not have skill sets, scale, Delivery staff and assets
Client or capability within a function Ownership
Captive TPRM delivery
Receives service delivery or geography centre transfer capabilities

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Key contacts

Rohit Mahajan
Risk Advisory

Munjal Kamdar

Gautam Kapoor

Vishal Chaturvedi

©2019 Deloitte Touche Tomatsu India LLP Third Party Risk Management Solution 15
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©2019 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

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