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Orbital Differential Equation [mln46]

Equation of motion for radial motion: mr̈ − = F (r), F (r) = −V 0 (r).
Angular velocity: ϑ̇ = .
Use new radial variable: u ≡ .
dr d 1 1 du 1 du dϑ ` du
⇒ = =− 2 =− 2 =− .
dt dt u u dt u dϑ dt m dϑ
d2 r ` d2 u dϑ 2
` d du ` 2 d u
⇒ = − = − = − u .
dt2 m dt dϑ m dϑ2 dt m dϑ2
`2 2 d2 u `2 3
⇒ − u 2
− u =F .
m dϑ m u

d2 u
m 1
Orbital differential equation: 2
+ u = − 2 2F .
dϑ `u u
Initial conditions: u(0) = 1/rmin , 1/rmax , u0 (0) = 0.
Like the orbital integral, the orbital differential equation describes the rela-
tion between the radial and angular coordinates of an orbit, a relation from
which the variable ’time’ has been eliminated.
While the orbital integral is most useful for calculating orbits of a given cen-
tral force potential, the orbital differential equation is particularly useful for
finding central force potentials in which given orbits are realized.


• Kepler problem [mex48]

• Exponential spiral orbit [mex49]
• Circular orbit through center of force [mex50]
• Linear spiral orbit [mex52]

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