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Akshay Wuppuluri



15 September 2021

Acquainted with the night analysis

This poem has a very seldom and sad tone to the poem as we see the speaker being

lonely and depressed and we can imagine that the speaker is by himself and walking around

with now purpose or reason. It sounds like the author knows what he is talking about and it

sounds like the speaker is familiar with this feeling and continues to feel this feeling. This

speaker looks down a lane that looks sad and sounds as though there is very little lighting and

not very clean with crumby and disgusting streets and walls. The speaker then passes a

watchman and drops his eyes. This shows that the speaker doesn’t want protection or help as a

watchman’s job so they protect places and people and help people. The speaker hears a

random sound from far away but that sound doesn’t seem to be specific and care or show

some emotion toward the speaker. They also see something in the sky such as the moon as

they say “an unearthly height, one luminary clock against the sky.” This moon can be seen as a

clock and is not on earth as it is farther away than in earth's atmosphere. And this clock being

the moon doesn’t give any good or bad information. This makes the speaker acquainted with all

these things and these feelings. This speaker does things every night that makes them feel

these feelings and become one with the dark, sad and depressing night.

This poem has a sonnet format. In each stanza the first and third lines rhyme except for

the last stanza as that is a couplet. There is also anaphora for most of the poem with the phrase

“I have” coming into the beginnings of most lines.

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