Script For Immerse: Firt General Assembly Hosts: Mike Asiado & Micah Angelu Buela

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Hosts: Mike Asiado & Micah Angelu Buela


 The script is subject to change if the atmosphere asks. Be as flexible as we can.

 Edit/improvise as we see fit.


12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Attendance (Log In) for the First General Assembly
1:00 pm – 1:10 pm Opening Prayer
1:10 pm – 1:15 pm Singing of the Philippine National Anthem
1:15 pm – 1:45 pm Opening Remarks
1:45 pm – 2:00 pm Accomplishment Report
2:00 pm – 2:10 pm Financial Report
2:10 pm – 2:20 pm Calendar of Activities
2:20 pm – 2:25 pm Intermission Number
2:25 pm – 2:45 pm Message by Engr. Carmela Ramos Mirandilla
2:45 pm – 2:55 pm ME Acquaintance and Welcome Party and Induction Ceremony
2:55 pm – 3:05 pm Income Generating Project
3:05 pm – 3:10 pm Intermission Number
3:10 pm – 3:20 pm 11th PSME National Conference
3:20 pm – 3:30 pm PSME Month
3:30 pm – 3:35 pm Intermission Number
3:35 pm – 3:45 pm Open Forum
3:45 pm – 3:50 pm Raffle Draw
3:50 pm onwards Attendance (Log out)

(To be repeatedly announced every 10 minutes)


Good day! In a few moments, we are going to start our program. Kindly update your friends and
block mates thru chat or text to come and join the GMeet or tell them to stay tuned in the page for
the Facebook live.
Kindly mute your microphones and only unmute if necessary. We also remind you to only chat
relevant messages in our chat section. Strictly refrain from sharing any irrelevant, offensive or
malicious statements.
For your attendance, kindly log-in the comment section with this format: Name, Year & Block, and
Thank you.
Mike: We shall now start our program through a prayer and the singing of the Philippine National
*Prayer and National Anthem*
Mike: What’s up, mechanical engineers in the making! Welcome to the first general assembly of
the academic year, imMErse!
Micah: We are glad to be with you today. We are your hosts, Micah Buela
Mike: and Mike Asiado.
Micah: This time is the perfect time for us to truly immerse in what lies ahead of us.
Mike: Prepared for you are the different reports from the former academic year
Micah: As well as the timetable of activities thoroughly considered and set for all of us over the
next two semesters.
Mike: Would you take this chance to type in the comment section the phrase, “I imMErse”, with
ME in capital letters
Micah: Again, comment “I imMErse”, with ME in capital letters
Mike: Again, welcome to imMErse!
Micah: The first General Assembly of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Before anything
else, we would like to thank our sponsor for today’s event, IAM Technical Solutions. IAM Technical
Solutions provide us technical mechanical engineering services.
Mike: They also give EPCC support services for rotating, static, and package equipment system,
and facility & machinery maintenance services.
Micah: If ever you need their services, just message their Facebook page, IA Technical Solutions or
email them at
Mike: Alright. First off, we shall have our Department Head, Engr. Joseph Del Villar for his
welcome remarks, and Engr. Francia Abarientos for her words of inspiration. Let us all give them a
virtual round of applause.
Micah: Thank you, Sir JDV and Ma’am Cia for your words of inspiration. At this point, we shall also
hear from the BUCENG Extension Coordinator, Engr. Jason Anthony Consulta to be followed by our
Assistant Dean, Engr. Rolando Dacillo. Let’s give them a big hand.
Mike: Thank you Engr. Rolando and Engr. Jason. This time around, we shall have the presentation
of the Accomplishment and Financial Reports by Cyrene Cillan, our Executive Secretary, and Renzo
Louie Millano, our Executive Financial Officer. Let us all give them a virtual round of applause.
Micah: Thank you, Ate Cyrene and Kuya Renzo for those meticulously done reports. Truly, we have
heard that the organization has achieved quite a lot but as we move on to the next part of our
program, we shall witness more events and activities prepared for us this academic year.
Mike: To present to us the Calendar of Activities for AY 2021-2022, we have our Deputy Secretary,
Adeline Joy Reales, and our Executive Coordinator in Secretariat, Sean Rohan Ante. Let’s give them a
big hand.
Micah: Thank you Sean and Adeline. Are you still good, mga ka-ME? To give us a breather, let us all
welcome Lord Jireh Barquez, a BSME 4 student, for a song number. A virtual round of applause
Mike: Thank you Jie for that wonderful number. At this juncture, we shall also hear from the
BUCENG Research Coordinator, Engr. Carmela Ramos Mirandilla, ASEAN. A big round of applause
Micah: Thank you Engr. Carmela. Also, again we would like to thank our sponsor for today’s event,
IAM Technical Solutions. IAM Technical Solutions provide us technical mechanical engineering
Mike: They also give EPCC support services for rotating, static, and package equipment system,
and facility & machinery maintenance services.
Micah: If ever you need their services, just message their Facebook page, IAM Technical Solutions
or email them at
Mike: At this point, we shall now hear from Danielle Nicole Armeñ a, our Internal Vice President,
everything about the most awaited ME Acquaintance and Welcome Party.
Micah: After that we shall also have the Induction Ceremony to formally introduce our officers and
to put them into office. Let’s give it up for Dani.
Mike: Thank you Dani! Are you excited for the Acquaintance Party? If you are, make sure to not
miss it out!
Micah: Now, we have come to the presentation of the income-generating projects of the PSME-
BUSU. We have Mark Bernard Agarin, our Business Manager. A warm virtual applause please.
Mike: Thank you Mark. Again, to give us an intermission number, we have Kyle Brian Silerio, a
BSME 3 student. Let us welcome him with a big hand!
Micah: Thank you KB for that heartwarming performance! We shall now introduce to you two of the
biggest events in PSME, the 11th PSME NatCon and the PSME Month. We have here Adneil Kyle
Joseph Oronan, our External Vice President. Let’s put our hands together for Kuya Kyle.
Mike: Thank you Kyle. Before we proceed, let us take a brief pause and witness an intermission
number from John Carlo Carillo, a BSME 3 student. A round of applause please.
Micah: Thank you Carlo for that heartfelt performance. Before we proceed to the open forum, let us
first listen to Nanz Esquillon, our Deputy Finance Officer, for the discussion of USC/CSC, Insurance
and ID Validation Fees. Let’s give her a big hand.
Micah: Thank You Nanz! So, we have already laid the plans for this academic year to you. This time
around, let us hear from you through this Open Forum.
Mike: If you have questions or concerns, feel free to raise a hand so we could recognize you or just
chat in the comment section your query. We have our President, Adrian Jones dela Torre to preside
the Open Forum.
*Open Forum*
Micah: Alright. That concludes our Open Forum. Thank you Kuya Aid and to our officers for
answering the queries of our fellow ka-ME.
Mike: Once again, we also would like to thank our sponsor for today’s event, IAM Technical
Solutions. IAM Technical Solutions provide us technical mechanical engineering services.
Micah: They also give EPCC support services for rotating, static, and package equipment system,
and facility & machinery maintenance services.
Mike: If ever you need their services, just message their Facebook page, IA Technical Solutions or
email them at
Micah: We are not going to let this program end while leaving you empty-handed. We shall have a
raffle draw and award fifteen students with a hundred-worth of load.
Mike: And, that concludes our imMErse: the first General Assembly of the Mechanical Engineering
Micah: Don’t forget to log-out in the comment section by typing in your full name, your year and
block, and the time out.
Mike: Thank you everyone for participating in today’s event.
Micah: Once again, these has been your hosts, Micah Buela
Mike: and Mike Asiado, now signing off.
Micah: Padayon, inhinyeros!

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