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Part I

Growing up in the Filipino community as a part of the Silent Generation

My grandfather belongs to the silent generation, so I asked him several questions about
his life before. The first question I asked is, does he have strict parents growing up? My
grandfather’s answer is no, he is free to do what he wants, and he also stated that, in
his time before he really obeyed and respected his parents. The second question I
asked is, how many friends does he have before? His answer is he had a lot of friends
before, but those companions are only just in his place, before when he was a teenager
his friends were ranging from five (5) up to eight (8) people, because he just barely went
out and played. Since my grandfather has worked many jobs before, as time went by he
got many friends that he can rely on. The third question I asked is, in terms of
communicating to a friend or family who is far away, what thing he does to
communicate with them? And how he communicate with them? My grandfather's
answer is, in terms of communicating to a friend or family who is far away, since there is
no gadget or cellular phone before, he just goes to his friend or family’s house to
communicate or to have a casual “kamustahan” and “tambay.” He also stated to me
that “‘pag makikipagusap ako dati pupunta lang ako sa bahay nila tapos tatambay o
kaya minsan pagmemeryendahin nila ako, atsaka malapit lang din naman yung mga
bahay ng mga kaibigan ko atsaka ng mga lolo mo (his brother) noong panahon dati.”
The fourth question I asked is, how often does he go out to have fun? Or does he go
out to have fun? His answer is, when he was in the adolescent stage he barely goes out
of the house, but when he grew up, he’s going out and doing many jobs. He also stated
to me many things before that, he goes out eating at the Chowking with my mother if my
mother got high grades in her report card, every time we’re riding a jeepney when going
home in Bulacan, he would tell to me that he worked in different places in Manila, and
he will point where does he watch movie with his friend after work. The fifth and last
question I asked is, what things did he do to kill time? Or what activities does he have to
pass time? My grandfather’s answer is, when he was a child, he barely goes out of the
house, all he do is making slippers out of thick paper or what we called “ Kariton”, but
when grew up, he plays different kind of card games and Mahjong with his friends.
Part II
Growing up as a Millenial in the Filipino Culture
A person from the millennial generation answered the given question about their life in
their time. The first question is if she has strict parents. The answer was yes, her
parents have several rules for her because she was a girl, like no dating, going home
before sunset and things like that. Our next question was if she had a lot of friends
growing up, she answered yes, she said that almost all of her classmates were close to
her may it be boys or girls. After that is the question on how she communicates with
someone who is far from her, she answers through a letter. Because in their generation
gadgets were non-existent or it was only for the privilege that is why they used to send
letters or mails via a mail man. Second to the last question was if she goes out a lot and
answered no, she also said that she likes staying at home more than going out. But
then we asked what does she do to kill time and what are the activities she does, the
answer was, when she was a kid she like to play outside with her friend and they would
play street games like tumabang preso, taya-tayaan, tagu-taguan ect. But when she
turned highschool she liked staying at home and watching television, sometimes going
to her friend’s house to hangout and have fun.

Part III
Similarities and Differences

Question asked Similarities Differences

Do they have strict - When it comes to having strict parents,

parents? a respondent from the Millennial
Generation has stricter parents than the
respondent from the Silent Generation.
How many friends do The two respondents' But, when it comes to having friends
they have before? responses are similar during adolescence, the respondent
in that they both from the Millennial Generation have
stated that they have more friends than the respondent from
a large number of the Silent Generation.

In terms of They both However, In terms of communicating to

communication with communicate with a family or friend who is far away, they
someone who is far their friend or family have a big difference. The respondent
away friend or family who is far away. from Millennial Generation sends a
how do they letter to a family or friend who is far
communicate? away to communicate. But the
respondent from The Silent Generation
stated that he goes to the house of his
relative or family just to communicate
with them.

How often do they go The two respondents -

out to have fun? Or do both do not go out to
they go out to have have fun in their
fun? adolescence stage. 

What do they do to kill They both kill time. However, in terms of doing stuff to kill
time? And What are time and tasks that they do to pass the
the activities they do time. They have a large difference
or have? since respondent from the Millennial
Generation prefer to play outside their
homes. However, the Silent Generation
respondent prefers to play, and all he
does to pass the time is do whatever he
wants inside his home.

P.S. The experiences listed in this pary are limited to their childhood and puberty stage

Part IV


Based on the data we collected and compared, we concluded that living in Silent
Generation is much more peaceful than today. Although parenting may depend on how
a parent raises their children, kids before are more polite and considerate than today,
because of the new technology that can affect a child’s attitude and how he/she thinks
about the world. In terms of having a friend or how they communicate with others, we
concluded that communicating in Silent Generation is way better than the Millennial
Generation and today’s generation. Since for a person to communicate who is far away,
a person needs to go to his/her friend or relative’s place or house just to do some
“kamustahan” and “casual talk.” Those things and effort will show how relevant and
lucky people who have friends before, because they are focused on communicating and
having fun with their friends or relatives. Unlike in the Millennial Generation and today’s
generation, even people who are close to us are likely distracted by gadgets, especially
cell phones. While the great advantage of Millennial Generation and today’s generation
than the Silent Generation is, since it is easy to communicate because of the advanced
technology that we’re using today, there is a more chance to have many friends
because of the gadget and different online platforms that we’re using. Especially in this
time of pandemic that it is very hard and risky to go out and communicate with others,
today’s generation are so lucky, because in just one click we can talk with different
people who are far to us.  

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