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Prepared by-
Arpit Pandey
Parmeet Singh Walia

Indian Power Sector at the time of project conceptualization

• Focus was on more generation
• Demand Supply Gap – 12.7%
• Peak Power Shortage – 10.1%
• Un-electrified village - 30%
• RE Contribution – Only 1%
• AT&C Losses - >28%
• Transformer Failure Rate >10%
• Investment for generation was a challenge as private
investors were unwilling to invest.
• Monopolistic attitude towards consumers
DRUM Objectives

DRUM is the product of extensive discussion within both India and the
US. Its design is drawn from a detailed analysis titled “Study Report:
India Electricity Distribution Reform Initiative”. The overall
programmatic goal is to demonstrate commercially viable electricity
distribution systems that provide reliable power of sufficient quality to
consumers and to establish a commercial framework and a replicable
methodology adopted by Indian Financial Institutions (FIs) for providing
non-recourse financing for DRUM activities and programs.
• To create Centres of Excellence in distribution sector in urban and
rural area.
• To develop capacity of distribution engineers/technicians and build
institutional capacity of Indian institutions
• To establish partnership between Indian and U.S. institutions for
sharing best practices.
• To promote market development of renewable energy.
• To assist GOI in developing Smart Grid Vision for the Indian
Power Sector and sensitize stakeholders on smart grid.
Partner institutions under DRUM:-
1. MDI



The process of reforming the Energy and Power sector in India has
reached a crucial level and experts are expecting acceleration in the
process of reforms in the future. It is therefore necessary to build a cadre
of young managers who would take the reforms to newer heights. In
order to cope with the new realities and changing contours of the Energy
sector, MDI launched its 15 month PG Diploma in Business
Management (PGDBM): Energy Management course in collaboration
with Ministry of Power, Government of India and USAID.


 A minimum of 3 years Bachelor's degree or equivalent in any

discipline recognized by the Association of Indian Universities /
AICTE as eligible for Post-Graduate Studies in Management.
 Minimum 5 years of post qualification executive work experience
in the Power sector in central/state/private/other industries.
 For self sponsored candidates age is not more than 32 years.
 For sponsored candidates age is not more than 45 years.
In order to address the general concerns and issues in electricity
distribution and inculcate awareness and exchange good practices
amongst distribution companies, specifically the engineers and officers
at level of JE/ AE and equivalent, a distance learning program on Power
Distribution Management has been launched by IGNOU under DRUM
program. It is a six month program, to be conducted twice in a year. The
program has interactive video conferencing sessions delivered at Study
Centres of IGNOU spread across the country. 75% of the program fee is
reimbursed under DRUM program to all sponsored participants of
distribution utilities. The program is also open to other non sponsored
eligible applicants.


 To disseminate information about the current developments and

reforms in the power distribution sector,
 To generate awareness about the applications of emerging
technologies and trends in the sector, and


Engineering graduates/ Engineering Diploma holders

Science/ Commerce/ Arts graduates or equivalent with 2 years
experience in power utilities or the electricity sector.

The certified courses offered by these institutes professionals employed

in electrical power utilities or the electricity sector to upgrades their
skills, enhance systemic efficiency and deliver quality power to the
satisfaction of the beneficiaries.    
equal importance for all level of employees viz managerial, technical,
lineman state utilities, franchisees and private discoms

The course deals with following areas-

Power distribution sector-The course material deals with the major

burning issue in the power sector i.e. energy efficiency,

 The curriculum deals with BEE and its various aspects,

 The distribution losses which are plaguing the power sector
are also introduced to the students and various methods to
deal with lowering the losses are also covered.
 Sectorial overview of power sector is given to the
participants and various acts like EA’03,tariff policies are
studied in order to let them understand the situation better.

Effect on employees-

State utilities are particularly benefitted from such programs as SBUs

are especially under heavy losses and the employees do not have any
particular knowledge about BEE and energy efficiency. This course plan
would definitely help them to negotiate with the poor performance of the

Private companies- As the private companies like NDPL, Rajhdani

Power has to achieve according to norms specified by DERC hence their
employees has to be updated in order to meet the continuous varying
demands of the power sector

Franchisees- Since the existing employees have to be trained so as to

improve their efficiency and help them to come out of the shell where
they start believing selling electricity as a service instead of business,
this course would help them in giving both technical as well as
behavioral knowledge..
2) Energy auditing and accounting- This is also another important
aspect in the power sector which is currently under heavy power deficit.
As there are new methods been evolved to reduce the commercial losses
hence it is very important that the employees should be upgraded of
these new techniques ie Smart metering, Demand Side Management are
explained to the course participants.

Effect on employees-

State utilities-The managerial level employees had to be well-versed

with the accounting and auditing techniques as this will bring financial

The line man and meter readers are provided special training under
IGNOU program to read,install and account the new energy meters
which are more sensitive than the older ones

Private companies-At the managerial level learning auditing techniques

would certain help them to implement various DSM schemes and
introduce new concepts like Demand response.

The front level employees that have to deal with consumers directly
would be specially benefited as they would be provided with incentives
and perks on better performance

Franchisees- This course would really benefit the existing as well as the
new recruits because the primary aim of any distribution franchisee is to
improve the collection efficiency and reduce the losses. The employees
would get a feel of things during the drills conducted in the course and
would help them in spreading awareness among the consumers
regarding energy efficiency.

3)IT in Distribution- This is currently one area that power sector has
not adopted fully by the DISCOMS but this can prove to be a boon to
the sector as SCADA implementation, GIS,SMART GRID etc will not
only help to reduce losses but will also help the DISCOMS in better
revenue recovery and in fighting pilferages. As the utilities are
susceptible to such IT reforms, but the courses offered by the institutions
would definitely help in changing their perspective.

Effect on employees-

State utilities- The top level managers need to be aware of the latest IT
techniques as IT implementation in power sector can certainly prove to
be a turning point in the depleted power sector. The course will help the
management employees in forming various strategies.

The SEBs in especially need to implement IT as they are currently

suffering from huge deficits.

Private companies-The private utilities like NDPL have already

enrolled many of their top management in such courses in order to
enable them to understand the IT implementation better.

No special on-hands training are not provided to the front end employees
and the line man hence special care needs to be taken

Franchisee- The areas which are given to a franchisee usually suffer

from huge AT&C losses. These losses cannot be curbed without the
implementation of IT techniques. The areas in GUJRAT which are under
TORRENT POWER have been able to significantly reduce the losses
with the implementation of IT applications.

These private companies have revolutionalized the power distribution

3) Customer Relationship Management-In current power scenario
only efforts from the utilities side is not enough but for efficient revenue
recovery the utilities also needs to understand and facilitate the
consumer better. Hence getting an idea about such concepts is necessary
for employees of different utilities. Various call centres, online bill
payment etc are such initiatives discussed in such courses

Effect on employees-

State utilities- As the SEBs do not have any expertise in customer

relations hence such courses have definitely help the top level
management in understanding their consumers better

Private companies- The private companies although have already laid

emphasis on CRM skills but the training given to front level employees
which makes them to learn work ethics and behavior etc

Franchisee- In order to improve the collection efficiency, a close

relationship needs to be developed with the consumers. This course
would help the employees with the ways in which they could develop a
bond with their consumers and the consumers instead of being hostile
would react positively.

4) Management Principles-The courses especially the one offered by

MDI lays special emphasis on management principles like time
management, strategic implementation etc, such topics are particularly
helpful for top level management people, as in present scenario only
generation, transmission and distribution of power is not enough but its
management is also necessary in order to provide cheap and quality
supply to the consumers.
Effect on employees-

State utilities-The state utilities which are under heavy losses definitely
needs to pay attention on such principles which will result in better
controlling of operations

Private DISCOMS-As NDPL and BSES have got already trained

employees hence such programs would further enhance their skills but
lesser, in comparison to SEBs

Franchisee- The employees in Agra who earlier showed hostile

behavior towards the private company which has taken over the
distribution franchisee after undergoing the training showed immense

5) Project Development-The course curriculum also covers project

development and planning of different phases. Thus providing the top
management new dimensions of making strategies for further
development of generation facilities and augmenting transmission
networks etc.

Effect on employees-

State utilities-The state utilities in particular have a top management

that is not well versed with the latest trends in project development
hence will help them to a great extent

Private DISCOMS-To sustain continuous growth and face the

challenging competition with other private utilities, all private players
have to plan out different strategies in order to adapt to various
conditions hence such courses help them to open a new and different
strategic dimension

Franchisee- When the private player takes over the distribution circle
from the SEBs, they have to start everything from scratch. Knowledge
about project development provided in the course shall help the
employee in timely completion of allocated tasks and sequencing the
tasks based upon priority.
Relevance of the training of employees
The main objective of the electricity industry is to achieve customer
satisfaction through generation of electricity of the right quality and
quantity at an affordable cost and supply to the consumers efficiently
whenever and wherever required. Though technical training is important
in making the employees aware of newer and modern technologies for
making their work easier, it doesn’t address many more crucial issues.
There is little attempt to make the employees understand the benefits of
adapting to the change, psychology of the customers and their co-
workers. No emphasis is laid on making the front end employees
sensitive towards the problem faced by their customers or making the
management understand the emotions and sentiments of their

The most effective way to develop people is by focusing on enabling

learning and development for people as individuals – which extends the
range of development way outside traditional work skills and
knowledge. Training helps individual employee to renew emotional
contract with his or her surrounding and other team members so as to
spur him or her to raise the bar of his efficiency, effectiveness and
expertise learning.

Impact perceived from training of employees

 Development of Human Resource- Training helps to provide an
opportunity and broad structure for the development of human
resources’ behavioral skills in the organization. It also helps th
employees in attaining personal growth.
 Productivity- Training also helps in increasing the productivity
of the employees that helps the organization to achieve the long
term goal.
 Team Spirit- Training helps in increasing the sense of team
work, team sense and inter-team collaborations.
 Quality- Training helps in improving the quality of work and
 Morale- Training helps in improving the morale of workforce
 Profitability- Training leads to improved profitability and more
positive attitude towards profit orientation.
The Recommended model for training employees
The program envisioned creation of not only best in class structure,
systems, and processes in a utility but also the internalization of the
center of excellence amongst the people who will usher in the change.
There is a strong need to catalyze and sensitize the people to herald and
embrace change not only in their functional establishments but also
attitudinally in their feelings, thoughts and actions.
Hence following objectives should be kept in mind
• To support and facilitate sustained change
• To introduce new ways of thinking
• To reinforce business bias amongst people
• To help people continually assess organizational issues and trends
for improvement
• To create new awareness about the needs and expectations of the
• To help people acquire new management tools

Training structure
In tandem with physical implementation, an innovative multi-phased and
multi-dimensional behavioral training should be organized.
Training needs at different levels
In tandem with partner utilities, the training modules were designed for
bringing in planned interventions in the behavior, attitude and
performance of people at the pilot site. The program capsule is shown in
the exhibit below:
Leadership Tier- This tier included senior level officials, Chief
engineers, Superintending engineers, Executive engineers and Sub-
divisional officers
Tactical Tier- This tier included Junior Engineers, Accountants and
Operational Tier- This tier included linesman, meter readers, field
staff, office assistants etc

Training Course Design

To meet the training needs of the three different tiers behavioral training
covered the following topics-

Leadership Tier
1. Self-discovery, innovation harnessing, effective management,
communication integrity, synergy, negotiation, coaching and
2. Leadership and team building
3. Problem solving
Tactical tier
1. Self-discovery, role effectiveness, communication, emotion
management, synergy and work ethics.
2. Self development and self improvement, performance orientation
and innovation
3. Customer sovereignty including a session on internal customers
4. Sustenance of efforts and initiatives
Operational Tier
1. Self introspection, self role evaluation, time management, change
management, team building and work ethics.
2. Communication tools
3. Customer delight
Post evaluation of the feedbacks received from the participants, it was
concluded that the behavioral training made a huge impact on the
employee by bringing change in their mindset and has helped them
maintain a better work-life balance. Behavioral training can help the
participants in the following:-
1. Change Management- The participants are able to adapt to the
changes at work and personal life more easily.
2. Cooperation- The participants understood that any task can be
made simpler with better team work.
3. Confidence of individuals- The participants felt more confident
handling situations at work.
4. Courtesy- The participants are more courteous towards their
superiors, peers and subordinates.
5. Clarity of thought- The participants are encouraged to think out of
the box which has helped them in solving problems at work and
home more creatively.
6. Communication- The participants are more confident in
communicating their ideas and problems with their peers and
7. Consumer Handling- The participants learnt to handle the grieving
consumers with more patience and serve them politely.
8. Cleanliness- The participants maintain more cleanliness in their
work area and are more particular about neatly dressing up for
The training has helped the participants in becoming better leaders,
better co-workers, better team members and better individuals who are
able to manage their work-life balance efficiently.

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