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1. Who sponsored the Rizal Bill in Congress?

What are their arguments in support ofthe bill?Answer: The one who sponsored the Rizal bill in the
congress is Senator Jose P.Laurel, the chairman of the Committee, He support and presented the
bill to themembers of the Upper House. And the other one who sponsored and supported theRizal bill
is Senator Claro M. Recto he Vehemently refuting the arguments of oppositionand exclaimed that the
novels have no intensions of discrediting the Church. More so,he said that the bill only aims to
contextualize Rizal’s heroism in the face of Spanishtyranny

2. What are the arguments of the position of the bill?Answer: The arguments of the position of the bill
of Rizal is that the bill was an attemptto discredit the Catholic religion And Inimical to the tenets of the
faith to which 170 linesin the 2 novels were offensive to the Church doctrine. And The bill might divide
thenation and Compulsion to read something against one’s faith impaired freedom ofspeech and
religious freedom.

3. What is the importance of having dissenting opinions in democratic legislationprocesses?

Answer: Having dissenting opinions is important because dissenting opinions isanopinionin

alegal casein certain legal systems written by one ormorejudgesexpressing disagreement with
themajority opinionof thejudicature whichgives rise to its judgment. When not necessarily referring to a
legal decision, this canalso be referred to as aminority report. And dissenting opinions may disagree with
themajority for any number of reasons such as diverse interpretation of the existing caselaw, the
application of diverse standards, or a diverse interpretation of the facts

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