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Summative Assignment #1

‌ LM#1 and ELM #2


‌ usiness‌‌Technology‌‌Management‌‌‌
CMN-279 ‌
Richard McMaster
‌(Professional Communication)‌‌
‌October 10,‌‌2021‌

We speak, read facial expressions, move our bodies, read emotions, to establish a tone and
atmosphere that makes us and the person we're speaking with feel at ease. Through conversions,
we drive to promote comfort and ease, which influences the formation of deep ties with friends,
managers and customers. We can define this ability to create a sense of comfort through
communication as communicative intelligence. Communicative intelligence isn't just useful for
maintaining relationships. Employees with Communicative Intelligence gain the abilities needed
in today's workplace, whether it's giving constructive feedback to coworkers, conveying the
importance of a critical project, or effectively engaging with the public on social media. Such
communicative intelligence-driven abilities are critical to contemporary organizations, given the
floods of information and emphasis on collaboration. We discovered the relevance of three
strategic concepts in message planning during the ELMs sessions. ELM argues that “it is crucial
to the success of our intended message that we think about who or what we are communicating
with.” Thus, to gain a better understanding of an audience, ask analytical questions such as
“What is their role?” and “Are there any cultural differences?”. Knowing this information allows
you to communicate with a wide range of people while also cultivating an atmosphere of
empathy. When composing or planning a message, it is critical to define the scope as it aids in
contrasting the amount of detail required to convey a message for a specific action. Finally, ELM
advises that when writing a message, consider the action you request and be sure to link it to the
message’s purpose. As it prevents getting sidetracked, excluding information and obscuring the

Email memos are a cost-effective and timely method of communication widely used by
businesses to perform a variety of important tasks, such as informing employees about upcoming
events, providing information for decision-making, announcing a policy change, and persuading
someone to support an initiative or change a policy. Email memos are also distinguished by their
numerous features, which include a brief formal opening, numerous body paragraphs, and a
conclusion. They are usually written with cohesion, consistency, and coherence in mind, but they
also have other qualities, such as headers. In the business world, emails are read based on their
urgency and ability to be understood quickly; subject lines can reflect that urgency while also
summarizing the subject matter. Emails without headers or subject lines are often rejected or
spammed, emphasizing the importance of including one. The formality of an email is another
crucial feature to consider. When it comes to successfully counselling and relaying essential
information, knowing when to be professional and when to be informal is a critical component of
communication. Not understanding the difference between formality and informality while
dealing with a manager or a client can lead to a negative outlook toward oneself and the
company. Understanding what an email memo is and how to use these important characteristics
furthers the level of communication between a recipient and a sender.


In the second ELM, we were entrusted with supplying Landal with an analytical report on the
performance fluctuations in Regency 3. This was accomplished through acquiring essential data
from a third-party stakeholder at Eidos and an internal stakeholder who is also one of Monarch's
senior developers. Although the aim of the emails was the same for both stakeholders, there were
some distinctive differences. For example, I asked each stakeholder a distinct series of questions
to acquire as much information as possible about the problem and a diverse viewpoint on the
situation. Additionally, when it came to asking questions about the issue with Regency 3, I
tended to direct my significant questions more toward Isaac rather than Inês. I also inquired his
thoughts on the likely origins of the algorithmic crisis. This strategy was most likely motivated
by Isaac's status as Monarch’s senior developer and Regency 3’s design lead, which led to the
idea that he knew more about the problem. To generate a good first impression and establish a
sense of ease and professionalism. I used a respectful, welcoming tone all while provided
information about my position at Monarch and the objective of the inquiries. Although supplying
this information wasn't required when contacting Leath, it was for Inês. In retrospect, it would
have been better if I had supplied even more detail about the problem or even summarised what
Isaac had told me, in order to prevent Inês from stating the following in his emails introduction
(3rd picture). The tone and format of all my emails remained consistent with both Isaac and Inês.
Each email consisted of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a formal greeting and a goodbye.
The parallels and differences in my communication styles with both stakeholders allowed me to
obtain a satisfying quantity of information for my analytical report, while also gaining a sense of
what I needed to improve upon.

1st picture
(Questions inquired from Isaac leath )

2nd picture
(Questions inquired from Inês Carneiro)
3rd picture
Taken from: Ametros E-learning Module 2

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