Tech Draw 8 First Quarter

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ANGELYN B. URSABIA (Writer/Illustrator)


(8 weeks)
CONTENT STANDARD • Types and uses of drafting materials and tools/drawing
(CS) instruments
• Description of drafting materials tools and drawing
PERFORMANCE 1. Drafting materials and tools/drawing instruments are
STANDARD(PS) identified per job requirements.
2. Materials and tools/drawing instruments are classified
according to their uses to a specific drafting project.
MELC 1 Prepare Drawing Materials and Tools
Week 1-2 LO 1.1 Identify drawing materials and tools applicable to a specific job

Technical Terms:
➢ Mechanical drafting – a process for making accurate drawings using
special drawing tools and instruments
➢ Drawing – a picture, diagram made of lines, a graphic representation
of real thing, an idea or a design for production or construction
➢ Sketch – a quickly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as
a finished work


There are a great variety of drafting materials and tools used in
mechanical drawing. The drafting materials and tools discussed in this
Module include most of the basic ones but sufficient enough for your initial
understanding about mechanical drawing.

1. Drawing paper- a hard and smooth surface. It does not “groove”
easily when pressure is applied to the pencil. It can withstand
erasures. Oslo paper is an example of good drawing paper.

2. Tapes- - These are used to fasten paper to the drawing board or

table. Masking tape, scotch tape and other tapes are used. Thumb
tacks are sometimes used in place of tapes.

3. Pencil Sharpener- Pencils should be sharpened whenever they show

sign of dullness. Various types and designs are available in the store
for use.

4. Eraser- This is used to clean the dirt off the drawing. A soft eraser is
advantageous in removing smudges and pencil marks, whereas, a
harder eraser is useful for making changes and correcting errors in
the drawing.

5. Drawing pencil- This is one of the most important tools in drawing. It

comes in various grades. The grade of pencil to be used depends on
the quality of paper to be used. You have to take into consideration
also the type of line work required.
A. Hard pencils – are used where extreme accuracy is required
especially working on graphs, diagrams and charts
B. Medium pencils – are used for general purpose work in drawing.
C. Soft pencils– are too soft to be used in mechanical drafting. They
are very useful for art work of various kinds.

6. Triangular Scales - This is a tool generally used when reproducing a
drawing in an enlarged or reduced form to some regular proportion.
The architect’s scale is the most commonly used for general drawing.
Its main function is to
reproduce the
measurements of an
object in full size,
reduced size, and
enlarged size.

7. Erasing Shield- This tool is made up of metal with irregular holes. It

is a useful tool to protect the rest of the drawing when clearing up
smudges, unnecessary pencil lines and other erasures.

8. Technical Fountain Pen- - with the tube and needle point, is available
in several line width which are fixed and suitable for freehand and
mechanical drawing and line work.

Drawing instruments are used for drawing and designing purposes.
Their quality is very essential if you want to have good result. Cheaper
drawing tools and instruments do not only provide poor quality results
but also do not last long. You have to observe proper handling and care
if you want them.
9. T-square
It is a drawing instrument used when making horizontal lines. It
is also used for guiding triangles when drawing vertical lines. It is
made of wood, plastic or the combination of both. There are three
(3) types of T- square, namely:
A. Fixed Head. The head is fastened to the blade. It is used for
ordinary work.
B. Movable Head or Adjustable Head.
It has one fixed and one adjustable
head and used only for occasional
C. Detachable Head or Removable
Head. It is designed for comfort
when carrying the T-square.

10. Triangles- It is a three-sided

ruler, used to draw vertical and oblique lines. Commonly used
triangles are:
A. 30 degrees X 60 degrees
B. 45 degrees X 45 degrees

11. Compass-- tools used in drawing arcs and circles. Similar to

dividers, they are adjusted the same way.

12. Divider- This is a drawing instrument used when transferring

measurements, dividing lines and arcs into the desired number of
equal parts.

13. Protractor - It is a semi-circular instrument divided into 180
equal parts, each of which is called a degree. It is used to determine
gradations of the degrees when measuring arcs, angles and circles.

14. French Curve- - used to draw irregular curves.

15. Drawing Table/ Drawing board- - refers to a table where the

drawing paper is laid and fastened.


Week 3-4 Pictorial Drawing is used to communicate ideas which cannot be
described easily in words. It is used by engineers, architects, designers and
drafters to illustrate the size and shape of an object.

Technical Terms
➢ Angle- refers to the space or opening between two straight lines that
➢ Oval- an elliptical shape that resembles an egg.
➢ Symmetrical - is a balanced arrangement between two sides.
➢ Principles - a guiding rules to follow.
➢ Parallel Lines - are lines equidistant from each other at all points.
➢ Projection - is a line or object that shows a distance.
➢ A circle - is a plane figure bounded by a circumference which is
equidistant from a common point, the center.
➢ An arc - is a portion or a segment of a circumference of the circle.
➢ A picture plane - is an imaginary flat surface wherein the top view must
be drawn and viewed.

LO 2.1 Construct Isometric Drawing

An isometric drawing is a type of 3D drawing that is set out using 30-

degree angles. It's a type of axonometric drawing in which the same scale
is used for every axis, resulting in a non-distorted image. An isometric
drawing is a 3D representation of an object, room, building or design on a
2D surface. One of the defining characteristics of an isometric drawing,
compared to other types of 3D representation, is that the final image is not
distorted. This is due to the fact that the foreshortening of the axes is equal.
The word isometric comes from Greek to mean 'equal measure'.
Isometric drawings are built around
30-degree angles (Image credit:
Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan, Mike

Isometric drawings differ from

other types of axonometric drawing,
including dimetric and trimetric
projections, in which different scales
are used for different axes to give a
distorted final image.

In an isometric drawing, the object appears as if it is being viewed

from above from one corner, with the axes being set out from this corner
point. Isometric drawings begin with one vertical line along which two
points are defined. Any lines set out from these points should be
constructed at an angle of 30 degrees.

Axonometric Drawing
- It is a pictorial drawing which shows the front side and top faces of an
object in one view. The receding lines in isometric are always parallel.
Three Divisions of Axonometric Drawing:
o Isometric
o Dimetric
o Trimetric drawing
Principles of Isometric, Dimetric and Trimetric Drawing
o Isometric - All receding edges are 30º.
o Dimetric - One receding edge is 15º and the other one is 45º.
o Trimetric - All receding edges are in different angles.
Ellipse is a closed curve in the form of a symmetrical oval.
Principles of Ellipse Drawing:
1. Isometric circles are drawn by drawing first the isometric square
which surrounds the given circle.
2. The four-center ellipse procedure is sufficient for isometric circle.

LO 2.2 Construct Oblique Drawing

Oblique projection is a type of parallel projection. Oblique drawing is

also the crudest "3D" drawing method but the easiest to master. Oblique is
not really a 3D system but a 2-dimensional view of an object with 'forced
depth'. One way to draw using an oblique view is to draw the side of the
object you are looking at in two dimensions, i.e. flat, and then draw the
other sides at an angle of 45 degrees, but instead of drawing the sides full
size they are only drawn with half the depth creating 'forced depth' - adding
an element of realism to the object. Even with this 'forced depth', oblique
drawings look very unconvincing to the eye. For this reason, oblique is rarely
used by professional designers and engineers.
In an oblique pictorial drawing, the angles displayed among the axes,
as well as the foreshortening factors (scale) are arbitrary. More precisely,
any given set of three coplanar segments originating from the same point
may be construed as forming some oblique perspective of three sides of a
cube. This result is known as Pohlke's theorem, from the German
mathematician Pohlke, who published it in the early 19th century
( Retrieved December 2011).

Two Types of Oblique Drawing:

1. Cavalier oblique- This type of oblique drawing is drawn in its actual
measurement. Mostly this type of drawing is constructed in Oblique
Projection. In this drawing, one axis is horizontal, and the other is
vertical while the third axis is at 45° to the horizontal line.

2. Cabinet oblique - This is a type of oblique drawing wherein receding

line is reduced by half of its size. In this drawing, one axis
is horizontal, and the other is vertical while the third axis is from 30°
to 60° to the horizontal line. Such drawing resembles much with the
actual image. The dimensions on the horizontal and vertical axes are
given from the actual scale, whereas the scale on the inclined plane
is 1/2 or 2/3 of the actual scale.

Principles of Oblique Drawing:

1. The longest
measurement should
be placed in front
2. Irregular shapes of the
object should be
placed in front to
minimize distortion
3. Arcs and circles in
objects should be
placed in front to
minimize distortion
Some objects have inclined or oblique surfaces which cannot be
represented in their true or exact shapes in any of the three regular
orthographic views. In such case, it is necessary to make an extra or
“helping” view which will be perpendicularly projected from the inclined
surface. This extra view is called an Auxiliary view and can be classified as
an orthographic view.

LO 3.1 Construct primary auxiliary views

When creating engineering drawings, it is often necessary to show
features in a view where they appear in true size so that they can be
dimensioned. Many objects are quite complex, and the three principal
views may not best present the geometry of the part. In this case one or
more auxiliary views are typically drawn. Primary auxiliary views are
projected off one of the principal views. Secondary auxiliary views are
projected off a primary auxiliary view.
To utilize an auxiliary view to show a surface is true size (TS), a view
must exist or be drawn where that surface appears as a line. It is not
possible to show oblique surface TS in a primary auxiliary view. Once a
given or constructed view showing the surface as a line is identified,
projecting that surface onto a plane parallel to it will show its TS.
( notes/auxiliary/. Retrieved
December 2011).

Auxiliary views
In drawing an auxiliary view, it is always projected from the regular
view on which the inclined surface appears as a line. Also, the construction
lines projecting from the inclined surface are always on the right angles to
the cut.
In figure 1, the same objects are similarly drawn, the differences in
both figures, is that there are extra views perpendicularly projected from
the front view where the inclined edges appear.
Fig. 1

Orthographic views
Fig. 2

An Auxiliary View Added to the Orthographic Drawing

Types of auxiliary views

There are six recognized types of auxiliary views: right auxiliary view,
left auxiliary view, front auxiliary view, rear auxiliary view, right auxiliary
elevation, and left auxiliary elevation.

Fig. 3

Left and right auxiliary views are projected perpendicularly from the
front view.
Fig. 4

The front and rear auxiliary views are projected from the side view.
Fig. 5

Left and right auxiliary elevations are projected from the top view.
When drawing auxiliaries, the usual practice is to show only the
inclined portion of the view. It is seldom necessary to draw a full projection
of an object.




The object shown below has an inclined surface (P) that does not
appear in its true size and shape in any regular view. To show the true size
(TS) of the inclined surface the direction of sight must be perpendicular to
the inclined plane. Or using the glass box model, the auxiliary plane is
aligned parallel to the inclined surface P to give a true-size view of it. The
auxiliary plane in this case is perpendicular to the frontal plane of
projection and hinged to it.

LO 3.2 Develop Patterns for Product Packages
Pattern development is important to many occupations and hobbies
that require folding or rolling of sheet materials. It plays an important part
in the fabrication of sheet metal ducts and pipes needed in the installation
and heating of air conditioning units. Stoves and refrigerators are
fabricated from many sheet metals parts.

Definition of Terms

➢ Pattern - is a form or model proposed for imitation

➢ Develop - is to set forth or make clear by degrees or in detail
➢ Surface - is the exterior or upper boundary of an object or body
➢ Stretch - is to extend (as one's limbs or body) in a reclining position
➢ Flat - is lying at full length or spread out upon the ground

Pattern Development
Pattern is a full-size drawing of the various surfaces of an object
stretched out on a flat surface.

Sample developed objects

Cube Prism

Pyramid Cylinders Cones

Sample Developed Patterns

Hems, Edges, Seams

Hems is used to strengthen the lips of sheet

metal objects. It is made in
standard sizes, 4.0mm, 6.0mm, 10.0mm, etc.

Wired Edge gives extra strength and rigidity to

sheet metal edges.

Seams are used to strengthen sheet metal

sections. They are usually joined by
soldering and / or riveting process

(First Quarter)

NAME: ________________________________________________________ SCORE: ________________

YEAR & SECTION: ______________________________________________ DATE: __________________

A. Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A drafting tool used for drawing horizontal lines

a. Compass b. Triangle c. T- square d. Triangular Scales
2. Drafting material used for fastening the drawing paper on the drawing table
a. Compass b. Divider c. Masking Tape d. Triangle
3. The main function of this tool is to reproduce the measurements of an object toany size.
a. Compass b. Protractor c. Triangle d. Triangular Scales
This drafting tool is used to protect the rest of the drawing when removing

4. unnecessary lines.
a. Erasing Shield b. Eraser c. Masking Tape d. Pencil Sharpener
5. This drafting tool is used when drawing vertical lines.
a. Compass b. Triangle c. Triangular Scales d. Ruler
6. This form shows proof or receipt of goods or services.
a. delivery receipt form c. purchase order form
b. inventory form d. requisition slip form
7. This form contains specified quantities of described goods at agreed terms andat a designated time
and place.
a. delivery receipt form c. purchase order form
b. inventory form d. requisition slip form
8. This form is a printed document on which a request is made.
a. delivery receipt form c. purchase order form
b. inventory form d. requisition slip form
9. This form contains information about name, number, purchase information andcost of goods and
displays on a balance sheet.
a. delivery receipt form c. purchase order form
b. inventory form d. requisition slip form
10. This department is in-charge of unloading, unpacking of incoming materials,check, identify goods
received with descriptions on the purchase order.
a. accounting department c. receiving department
b. budget department d. sales department
B. Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of thecorrect answer on
the space provided before the number.
Column A Column B

_11. Type of pencils when extreme accuracy is required A. Eraser

_12. Used to clean the dirt off the drawing B. Medium pencils
_13. An instrument used for transferring measurements C. Protractor
_14. Type of pencils used for general purpose in drawing D. Divider
_15. Best tool when measuring arcs, angles, and circles E. Hard pencils
F. Triangle
Activity 1
Identification: Write the correct answer in each blank.

1. An instrument used for drawing horizontal lines. It alsosupports the triangle for
vertical and sloping line drawing.
2. It is an ordinary table found in a school shop or in the homewith a convenient height
that will make one comfortable while drawing.
3. An instrument used for marking out distances as well as formeasuring
4. An instrument used for drawing irregular curves other thanarcs and circles.
5. An instrument used for dividing lines or distances intoequal parts.

Proper Manipulation of the T-square

Directions: Below is a simple activity for you to work on. Practice the task folowingthe given procedure.
Instrument: T – Square Equipment: Drawing Table (Drafting Table or Drawing Board)


1. Place the head of the T-square against the edge of the drafting table. (Left side of the table if you are right-
handed and at the right side of the table if you are left-handed).

2. Slide the working head of the T-square against the working edge of the drawing table. The two edges should be
in constant contact until the desired position. Note: Do not use the T-square on an uneven or rough surface and
never cut paper along its working

For right-handed For Left-Handed



Direction: Using the T-Square and triangle. Draw horizontal and vertical lines inside the box with 1 cm space.


Activity 2

Direction: Identify the terms referred to the following.

1. It means “equal measure”
2. It is the crudest “3D” drawing method but the easiest to master.
3. This type of axonometric drawing shows all receding edges in different angles.
4. This is a type of oblique drawing wherein receding line is reducedby half of its size.
5. This type of oblique drawing is drawn in its actual size.

Activity 3

DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
-------------1. It is a full-sized drawing of the various surfaces of an objectstretched- out on a flat
a. hem b. pattern c. cylinder d. fabrication
-------------2. It is used to strengthen the lips of sheet metal objects. It ismade in standard sizes,
4.0mm, 6.0mm, 10.0mm, etc.
a. hem b. wedge c. seam d. edge
-------------3. Which is not a sample of developed products?
a. cans of sardines b. a wooden table
c. a box of cakes d. stainless spoon

4-5. Give the correct pattern development for figure A and figure B.

4. _______




Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet

1. A type of pencils when extreme accuracy is required

a. medium pencil b. soft pencil c. hard pencil d. Mongol

2. A drafting tool used for drawing horizontal lines

a. Compass b. Triangle c. T- square d. Triangular Scales

3. Drafting material used for fastening the drawing paper on the drawing table
a. Compass b. Divider c. Masking Tape d. Triangle

4. It is used to clean the dirt off the drawing

a. Eraser b. Sharpener c. Eraser shield d. Pencil

5. The main function of this tool is to reproduce the measurements of an object toany size.
a. Compass b. Protractor c. Triangle d. Triangular Scales

6. This drafting tool is used to protect the rest of the drawing when removing unnecessary lines.
a. Erasing Shield b. Eraser c. Masking Tape d. Pencil Sharpener

7. This drafting tool is used when drawing vertical lines and oblique lines
a. Compass b. Triangle c. Triangular Scales d. protractor

8. An instrument used for transferring measurements

a. Compass b. Divider c. T- square d. French curve
9. It is a semi-circular instrument divided into 180 equal parts, each of which is called a degree.
a. Protractor b. Compass c. T- square d. Triangular Scales
10. It is used to draw irregular curves.
a. Compass b. Divider c. T- square d. French curve

11. It is used for sharpening pencils whenever they show sign of dullness.
a. Eraser b. Sharpener c. Eraser shield d. Pencil
12. It refers to a table where the drawing paper is laid and fastened.
a. Drawing cabinet c. drawing chair
b. Drawing table d. drawing paper
13. They are used for general purpose work in drawing.
a. medium pencil b. soft pencil c. hard pencil d. Mongol
14. They are very useful for art work of various kinds.
a. medium pencil b. soft pencil c. hard pencil d. Mongol

15. These are tools used in drawing arcs and circles.

a. Compass b. Divider c. T- square d. French curve
16. It is a full-sized drawing of the various surfaces of an object stretched- out on a flatsurface.
a. Hem b. pattern c. cylinder d. fabrication

17. It is used to strengthen the lips of sheet metal objects. It is made in standard sizes, 4.0mm, 6.0mm, 10.0mm, etc.
a. hem b. wedge c. seam d. edge

18. A type of drawing used to represent the exact size and shape of an object havinginclined surfaces.
a. auxiliary drawing c. sectional drawing
b. orthographic drawing d. perspective drawing

19. A pictorial drawing which shows the front, side and top faces of an object in one view and the receding lines
are always parallel.
a. Hem b. pattern c. axonometric d. isometric
20. A type of oblique drawing which is prepared according to its actual measurement.
a. isometric b. cavalier c. cabinet d. axonometric

21. A type of pictorial drawing wherein all receding edge is 15 degrees and the other are 45 degrees.
a. isometric b. dimetric c. trimetric d. metric

22. This drawing is not really a 3D system but a 2-dimensional view of an object with'forced depth'
a. isometric b. oblique c. auxiliary d. axonometric

23. These are lines equidistant from each other at all points.
a. straight b. curve c. perpendicular d. parallel

24. It comes from the Greek which means equal measure

a. isometric b. dimetric c. trimetric d. metric

25. A type of pictorial drawing wherein all receding angles are 30 degrees from thehorizontal.
a. isometric b. dimetric c. trimetric d. metric

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