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Now with Testing Program & Resource CD-ROM Expanding TACTICS for LISTENING THIRD EDITION Teacher's Book Jack C. Richards with Grant Trew More listening. More testing. More effective. VE IY pol gop 3) , co OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madson Avene ‘New Yor, NY 0016USA ‘Great Clarendon Stret, Oxford 0x2 607 UK “OnfrdUalversity Press isa department ofthe Unversity of Oxford. Ttirter the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing wrkwie in (Oxford New York ‘Ayekand Cape Town Dares Salm Hong Kong Karachi Kuala lumput Madrid MeDbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Tipe Toronto ‘With ofes in| Argentina Austra Brazil Chile Coech Republic France Greece GGaatemala Hungary Haly Jepan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switeriand Thailand Tarkey Ukraine Vietnam xronb andoxvouD ENGUSK are registered tadematks of (Oxford University resin certain counties (© oxford University Press 2011 Database right Onford University Press (maker) No unauthorized photocopying Aight reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduce, stored na rereval system, of transmitted, in any form or by any means, ‘without the prio permission in writing of Oxford University Pes, cov as expres permitted by lw, or under terms agreed with the appropriate copyright clearance organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should beset to the HLT Rights Department, Oxford University Pres, atthe address above ‘You mis not circulate this book in any ther binding or cover and you mustimpose this same condition on any acquire. ‘Any websites refered to inthis pablcation are inthe pubic domain and thei adresses are provided by Oxford University Pres fer infrmation ony Onford Universiy Pres disclaims any responsibility forthe content. General Manager Laura Pearson Bitola Ditetr, International Schools and Adult: Pam Murphy Executive Publishing Manager: ik Gundersen ‘Associate Etr:jnathan Buchino Director, ADP: Susan Sanguily| ‘ecutive Design Manager: Maj-Bit Hays Designer (cover; Debbie ofixo ectonic Production Manager: Julie Armstrong Image Manager: Trisha Masterson Production Coordinator: izabeth Matsumoto Senior Manufacturing Controller: Eve Wong 'SBN: 9780194013802 Teacher’ Book (pack component) ISBN: 9780194012772 Teacher's Book (pack) ISBN, 978--19401389-9 Teacher's Book CD-ROM (pack component) rated in China ‘Thisbook sprinted on paper om certified and welimanaged sources, 10987654321 How to Teach a Tactics Unit... ss 0eveeeseseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees wv Unit 1 Small Talk... e sete eee eens 2 Unit2 Plans o.oo cece eee eeee eee eee eeeee eee es 3 Unit 3 Successful Businesses, 0... 6.6 e eee ee cece eee 4 Unit 4 Apologies and Excuses. .... 0... .6c eee eee eee ees 5 Unit CharacterTraits. 00... eee e eee eee 6 Unit 6 Travel... eee cece eee cece eee eee eee eens 7 Unit7 Housing . Unit 8 Can You Believe It? . . Unit9 Friendship... 6... eee e eevee ees Unit 10 Television ........ Unit 11 Cities... ... 6... Unit 12 Urban life... eee eee eee Unit 13 Special Days... 62.0.6. e eee cece eee eee eee Unit 14 Fashion... eee eee Unit 15 Favorites... Unit 16 Phone Messages... 0. . 0000s Unit 17 Past Events .0. 0... eee ee eee Unit 18 Vacations. 0.0.2... e ee eee eee Unit 19 TheNews ....... 0.0005 Unit 20 Opinions . Unit 21 Famous People. Unit 22 Food and Nutrition Unit 23 Predicaments........ 0.2002. ee Unit 24 Global Issues 0.2.62... 2. Tactics for Testing Notes and Answer Key. . Vocabulary Worksheets Units 1-24 Audioscript. 0.06.0 cee cece ee Tactics for Testing Audioscript ............ Contents How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit Unit-opening Activities Vocabulary Worksheet ‘Use the Vocabulary Worksheet at the back of this Teacher's Book to pre-teach the unit's vocabulary. The Vocabulary Worksheet can ‘be done in class or as homework before the start of a new unit. Getting Ready ‘The purpose of this activity is to introduce the unit topic, pre-teach vocabulary, and activate students’ prior knowledge. * Focus students’ attention on the title of the unit. If the term or phrase is unfamiliar to students, teach it to them. © Pre-teach unfamiliar terms or phrases from the activity. ‘+ Read directions to the students. If necessary, complete the first item to model the activity. ‘* Have students complete the activity either individually, in pairs, or in small groups. © Check students’ answers, correcting and explaining mistakes. Listening 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea. ‘Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words or phrases. ‘+ Read the first sentence of the directions aloud. The sentence describes the general context of the listening passage. ‘© Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the directions. * Read the rest of the directions aloud. They indicate what students should listen for. Make sure students focus on listening for the answer to this question. * Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. + Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity. + Check students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Listening 2 Task 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea, © Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words or phrases to students. * Read the first sentence of the directions aloud. The sentence describes the general context of the listening passage. iv How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit * Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the direction line. + Read the rest ofthe directions aloud. They indicate what students should listen for. Make sure that students focus on listening for the answer to this question. Play the firs item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. © Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity © Check students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given, Task 2 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for specific details. + Explain to students that they will isten to the same audio ‘passage that they listened to in Listening 2 Task 1. © Read the activity directions. Make sure that students understand what piece of information they should listen for. Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. + Play the rest of the audio passage forthe students and have them complete the activity. © Check students’ answers, Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Listening 3 Task 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea. © Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words ‘or phrases to students. © Read the first sentence of the directions to the class. The sentence describes general context of the listening passage. * Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the direction line. * Read the rest of the directions to the class, They indicate what students should listen for. Make sure students focus on listening for the answer to this question. «Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. ‘Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity. * Check the students’ answers, Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Task 2 ‘The purpose of ths activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for specific detail, Explain to students that they will listen to the same audio passage that they listened to in Listening 3 Task 1 Read the directions. Make sure that students understand ‘what piece of information they should listen for. Play the first tem in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. «+ Play the rest ofthe audio passage for the students and hhave them complete the activity. Check the students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given, Pronunciation ‘The purpose of this activity is to familiarize students with the intonations, stress patterns, and reductions commonly used by native speakers of English, and to improve students’ listening comprehension skills. Task 1 «+ Preview the pronunciation models with the students, © Play the audio track, focusing the students’ attention on the pronunciation point. «Replay the audio, pausing ater each pronunciation example to allow students to repeat it. Repeat this procedure until students can accurately reproduce each example Task 2 ‘Task 2 can either be a discrete listening activity or a pair work activity + IF Task 2 is a discrete listening activity play the audio for the students. Have students focus on distinguishing between sounds as directed in the activity. Check the students’ answers and replay the audio until all students can correctly distinguish between sounds, «+ If Task 2 is a pair work activity place the students in pairs and have them practice the pronunciation examples in Task 1. Write other sentences focusing on the pronunciation point on the board and have students practice these as well Dictation ‘The purpose of this activity is for students to improve their discrete listening skills and reinforce their understanding of the pronunciation point through focused dictation practice. Task 1 * Pre-read the dictation activity with the students. Ask the students to summarize the conversation tothe best of their ability. If the students lack the language skills to create an effective summary, ask questions to help them identify key details from the conversation, © Play the audio passage. Instruct students to listen to the complete conversation without filling in the dictation blanks * Discuss the conversation with the students again, asking them to revise their previous summaries to include any new information they have heard «+ Replay the conversation. Pause afte each line to give students an opportunity to fil in any blanks. If necessary, replay lines until students have successfully filled in the blanks. Check the students’ answers. Task 2 + Replay the audio passage. Pause after each line and ask: students to repeat it as a class. Focus their attention on correctly replicating the pronunciation point. + Have students practice the conversation in pairs. Circulate through the class to monitor students’ pronunciation. © After students have completed the conversation, have them switch roles and practice it again Conversation The purpose of this activity is to practice the vocabulary and language models students have learned in the unit in an open conversation. * Set the context for the students by discussing directions ‘with them. Elicit words or phrases that may be useful in the activity and write them on the board. * Model a sample conversation for the students using the words and phrases on the board. * Place students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Circulate through the class monitoring the students’ conversations and providing assistance as needed. Unit Closing Activities Conversation Worksheets ‘The Teacher Resource CD-Rom contains a Conversation ‘Worksheet for each unit of the Student Book. These ‘worksheets provide an additional opportunity for students to practice using the language they have encountered in the unit. Unit Tests ‘The Teacher Resource CD-Rom contains a Unit Test for each unit of the Student Book. The Unit Test assesses students’ ability to listen for both gist and details as wel as their understanding of the vocabulary and language presented in the unit. How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit v Unit 1 Small Talk Page 2 Getting Ready Vocabulary ret 1 do think we've met introduce yourself Nice to se you again, Answers es ‘introduce 2. Greet 3. Introduce 4, Greet 5. Introduce 6, Greet 7. Introduce Listening 1 irae Vocabulary ‘Don’t we work in the same building? Haven't we met somewhere? Hey, you're (name), right? Remember me? Skill: Listening for greetings and introductions MMR 1. Haven'tmet 2. Have met 3. Haventmet 4, Havemet 5.Havemet 6, Havent met Page 3 Listening 2 constacks Vocabulary airconditioning hot and humid at home Tve got to run, challenging makes (someone) chips laugh courses moving shead Enjoy the party. stuck Goodluck to you, ‘That looks realy nice on you 2 Unit 1 Task 1 Siill: Listening fr topics Task 2 Skill Listening for attitudes 1. End the conversation 2, Continue the conversation 3, End the conversation 4. Continue the conversation 5. End the conversation 6. Continue the conversation Optional Activity ut the students into pairs. Have the students listen to the recording again and write a question and an answer about two of the conversations. When everybody is finished, have each pair read their questions aloud for another pair to answer. Page Listening 3 DI Tack4 Vocabulary design company Do you like living here? enough Have you been having fun here? Me, neither. That's too bad. video ‘What kind of work would you ike? Task 1 Pages Pronunciation D1 Tracks This pronunciation lesson focuses on the reduction of the h sound in words such as he, hint, his, and her. The objective of this lesson is to increase students’ awaréness of the reduction and improve listening ‘comprehension skills. Dictation 1 Tacks Task 1 1. youseen her 2, talked with her 3. Howshedoing 4, he got 5, happy to 6. tell him) Conversation © Help students contextualize the activity by describing an instance in Which you met an old acquaintance ‘on the street * Model the greetings you used and the questions you asked during that conversation and write them on the board. * Elicit similar encounters students have had and the language they used. ‘Add these to the list on the board + Ask students to at outa similar situation in pairs, Students may use the sample language on the board for support Unit 2 Plans Pages Getting Ready Vocabulary go out(to dinner) play (sports hang out take a trip out of town video games Answers will vary Listening 1 Diack Vocabulary careful ocean dangerous sal Tcan hardly wait! ski instructor stay home Stil: Listening for plans eb Bec 4a 5b 6a Optional Activity Hiave the students listen again and write down three expressions the speakers use to express excitement about their plans Conversation 1:1 can hardly walt Conversation 2:1 wouldnt mssit foranything! Conversation 3: Its supposed to be beautiful Conversation 6: It sounds very exciting to me! age? Listening 2 iacke Vocabulary alone Iplan to (do favorite something) final exams library godowntown visit (Go) out of town What are you up to? Task 1 __ Skil Listening for topic Tafalbe 2.fale 3, Tue A. False 5, False 6. Tue Optional Activity Put students into pairs. Have them ask cone another what they most like to do on the weekends and what they least like to do on the weekends, When the ‘exchange is done, have the students switch partners and ask the same ‘questions again, Repeat as time allows. Pages Listening 3 DI Frack9 Vocabulary. busy jst in ime campfire paper (report) finals present going on road trip 1 can't wait. age9 Pronunciation 1 Track 10 In this promunciation lesson, the focus {s on intonation in sentences that end ‘with tag questions. The objective of this lesson isto familiarize students with these changes in intonation, improving listening comprehension and speaking skills Dictation @iteckt Task 1 Aisntit 2. could gosee 3, doyou 4, We could go Conversation ‘© Begin a class discussion by sharing ‘with students some of the things you do on weekends, whether exciting or mundane List the activities onthe board as you go. © Elicit other weekend activities from ‘students. What do they like? What do they not like? Write these on the board as well. * Ask several students to talk briefly about what their ideal weekend ‘would be, using the activities listed onthe board © In their pairs, have students use this same language to frame a conversation about what they plan to doin the upcoming weekend Unit2 3 Unit 3 Successful Businesses Page 10 Getting Ready Vocabulary atmosphere facilities language school popularity staff ‘Answers will vary Liste Tack 2 g1 Vocabulary 10 percent cheaper convenient machines (etercie equipment) all ride service Skil Listening for negative information Page 11 Listening 2 D1 Tack 13 Vocabulary bright lights comfortable styles stylists the latest stuff organized displays fits (x) ‘garage (repair shop) 4 Unit3 Task 1 Skill: Listening for gist “Answers Optional Activity ‘Have the students listen again and write down the reason wity the people ke the things mentioned in Task 2 1. There i great music 2. They have all the latest stuff 3. The stylists are really good 4, There are bright lights at the front door. 5. They‘ about half the price of other paces. 6. Allof their stuff looks great and fits perfectly Page 12 Listening 3 Wi Tacks Vocabulary a good value speed chefs website quality Task 1 Skil Listening for gist Page 13 Pronunciation I Tack 15 ‘The Focus ofthis pronunciation lesson isthe stress put on certain words when stating a complaint The objective of this lesson is to help students identify and use the acepted stresses on words that express the exact reason for the complaint. Dictation @iTeckt6 1. are not very 2. are really bad 3.fellapart 4, takes too long 5 favorite jeans Conversation + Put the exercise into context by sharing with students what your favorite place to shop or eat is. What isthe main thing you ike about i? + Draw two columns onthe board, one for “likes” and one for "dislikes", List ‘a couple of things you like and don’t like about the business, using relevant vocabulary words. * Elicit favorite businesses from several students, recording what they like and don’t like about the business in ‘the same fashion as above. + Ask students to discuss this same topic in pairs Stadents may use the vocabulary words from the comparison charts on the board. Unit 4 Apologies and Excuses Page 14 Getting Ready Vocabulary all right Don't worry about it. Its no probem. Tt won't happen again rake it upto (Someone) ‘mean to (do something) worry 1. Apology 2 Response 3. Apology 4, Apology Page 16 5. Response 6, Apology eg 7. Response 8 Response Listening 3 DVirck19 Listening 1 Vocabulary Ova? ankle graduation ceremony Job interview Vocabulary cousin neighbors. book bag insurance information cgworkers wiece copy (of aCD) occasion food poisoning turned out to be dents seratch (something) dozens tripped Task 1 Skill: Listening for main idea - stening for implied information Page 15, Listening 2 Diack 18 Vocabulary accident on time break down roommate directions tow truck Optional Activity Put the students into pairs. Have the students take turns describing a time they missed an important event, modeling their responses on the emergency room unusual freeway ow nker irLanguage om monologues in Listening 3. Walk around the room and assist with grammar and vocabulary. Students should give at least one excuse and tll how they made up for the mistake. When they ate finshed, have the students share their stories with other pars Page 17 Pronunciation cov ack20 ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is differing intonations in yes/no and Wh: questions. The objective ofthis lesson is to increase students’ awareness of changing intonation and improve their listening comprehension Sills. Dictation 1rack21 Task 1 Answers 1. Where were you 2. ate you okay 3, Issomething wrong Conversation * Give the exercise some context by sharing a story with the class about a time you missed a date, meeting, ‘or appointment with another person. How did you apologize? What were ‘your excuses? + Ask the class to provide another ‘example of this same type of mistake Elicit responses about details such as how to apologize and possible excuses, Write class suggestions on the board, + In their pairs, have one student act the part of someone who missed an appointment, offering apologies and excuses, and the other student respond, Then let them switch roles and do the exercise again. Unit 4 5 Unit 5 Character Traits Page 18 Getting Ready Vocabulary caring patient enthusiastic persuasive honest sensitive informed strict intelligent Shanes Answers wil vary. Listening 1 1Tack22 Vocabulary effective ood with children elementary school issues get angry landlady gets mad rales Page 19 Listening 2 Dutiack3 Vocabulary can't stand criticize

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