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Name __________________________________________ I.D.

Number __________________________

Unit 1 Evaluation
Evaluation 01
Earth Science (SCIH 041 055)
This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your
textbook and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply the
information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. To submit the evaluation by
mail, follow the directions on the Information Sheet that came with your mail processing materials.
To take the evaluation online, access the online version of your course and follow the directions
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which statement about lines of longitude is true?

a. They converge at the equator.

b. They converge at the poles.
c. They are parallel.
d. They locate positions in north and south directions.

____ 2. Into how many time zones is Earth divided?

a. 12
b. 15
c. 24
d. 360

____ 3. Each degree of latitude or longitude is divided into 60 smaller units called ____.

a. meridians
b. grids
c. seconds
d. minutes

____ 4. When you travel east across the International Date Line, you

a. advance your calendar one day.

b. advance your calendar 12 hours.
c. move your calendar back one day.
d. move your calendar back 12 hours.

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 5. Which type of map projection shows the correct shapes of land masses and indicates
direction in straight lines?

a. Mercator projection
b. gnomic projection
c. conic projection
d. Robinson projection

____ 6. A straight line on a __________________ projection is the straightest route from one point
to another when traveled on Earth.

a. Mercator projection
b. gnomic projection
c. conic projection
d. Robinson projection

____ 7. All flat maps distort either the shapes or the areas of landmasses because

a. the boundaries of landmasses are not known with certainty.

b. such large structures cannot be drawn accurately.
c. lines of latitude are not perfectly parallel.
d. Earth is a curved, three-dimensional object.

____ 8. Which of the following explains what the symbols on a map represent?

a. cartography
b. map legend
c. map scale
d. topographic map

____ 9. If you wanted a map that would show you the distribution, arrangement, and type of rocks
located below the soil, as well as fault lines and other formations, you would use a

a. topographic map.
b. contour map.
c. geologic map.
d. satellite map.

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 10. What technology uses detectors on satellites to measure the energy intensity of different
parts of Earth’s surface to make maps?

a. SeaBeam
b. OSTM/Jason-2
c. Landsat
d. Global Positioning System

____ 11. Which of the following is used extensively for navigation by airplanes and ships?

a. depression contour lines

b. Landsat satellite
c. OSTM/Jason-2 satellite
d. Global Positioning System

____ 12. Which of the following systems relies on the use of sound waves to detect and measure
objects underwater?

a. OSTM/Jason-2
b. Global Positioning System
c. SeaBeam
d. Landsat

____ 13. Identification tests for minerals are based on their

a. scientific names.
b. physical and chemical properties.
c. color.
d. chemical composition.

____ 14. Minerals, such as quartz, that break along jagged edges are said to have

a. cleavage.
b. density.
c. fracture.
d. special properties.

____ 15. A mineral’s hardness with respect to other minerals can be determined by

a. its specific gravity.

b. its cleavage planes.
c. the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
d. its magnetic properties.

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 16. Minerals break along planes where atomic bonds are

a. weak.
b. strong.
c. dense.
d. magnetic.

____ 17. The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of water at 4°C is

a. chemical composition.
b. specific gravity.
c. weight.
d. hardness.

____ 18. A mineral that splits relatively easily and evenly along one or more flat planes is said to

a. cleavage.
b. fracture.
c. special properties.
d. streak.

____ 19. During mining, unwanted rock and dirt, known as ______________________ , are dug up
along with valuable ore.

a. ore
b. evaporites
c. trace elements
d. gangue

____ 20. 96 percent of the minerals present in Earth's crust are

a. salts.
b. oxides.
c. silicates.
d. carbonates.

____ 21. Which mineral group is characterized by a tetrahedron bond?

a. ore
b. gem
c. silicate
d. carbonates

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 22. Which of the following is NOT true of oxides?

a. They are compounds of oxygen and a metal.

b. Magnetite and hematite, both sources of iron, are examples.
c. uraninite (UO2) is an oxide, and a major source of uranium, used to generate nuclear
d. They are composed of one or more metallic elements with the carbonate compound CO3.

____ 23. Which of the following is NOT true of gems?

a. They are relatively rare.

b. Trace elements give most gems their colors.
c. They are very hard and scratch resistant.
d. Gems are considered native elements.

____ 24. The gem form of quartz is

a. ruby.
b. amethyst.
c. emerald.
d. sapphire.

____ 25. Which of the following is NOT true of carbonates?

a. The most common minerals, feldspar and quartz, are examples.

b. Calcite, dolomite, and rhodochrosite are examples.
c. They are composed of one or more metallic elements with the carbonate compound CO3.
d. They are the primary minerals in limestone and marble.

____ 26. Molten rock inside Earth's crust is called

a. igneous rock.
b. magma.
c. lava.
d. basaltic rock.

____ 27. ______________________ is large category of rock formed from the cooling and
crystallization of molten material.

a. Magma
b. Lava
c. Igneous rock
d. Vesicular rock

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 28. Magma that has a low silica content is called _______________ rock.

a. vesicular
b. rhyolitic
c. basaltic
d. granitic

____ 29. The first feldspars to form are rich in what mineral?

a. sodium
b. iron
c. silica
d. calcium

____ 30. The process wherein different minerals melt while others remain solid at different
temperatures is called

a. partial melting.
b. reverse crystallization.
c. fractional crystallization.
d. magma formation.

____ 31. The process by which crystals form and are removed as magma cools is called

a. partial melting.
b. reverse crystallization.
c. fractional crystallization.
d. magma formation.

____ 32. Which of the following is NOT true of granitic rocks?

a. They have high silica contents.

b. They are also called mafic rocks.
c. They contain mostly quartz and feldspar.
d. They are light colored.

____ 33. Which of the following is NOT true of basaltic rocks?

a. They are always extrusive rocks.

b. Gabbro and scoria are examples.
c. They are dark-colored.
d. They contain mostly plagioclase and pyroxene.

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 34. Ore deposits such as gold are sometimes found as a(n)

a. vein.
b. extrusion.
c. magma crystallization.
d. obsidian deposit.

____ 35. What are pegmatites?

a. magmas of differing densities

b. microscopic, interlocking crystal grains
c. small volcanoes
d. igneous rocks made of extremely large-grained minerals

____ 36. What are kimberlites?

a. felsic rocks
b. intermediate rocks
c. ultrabasic rocks
d. granitic rocks

____ 37. Diamonds can only form

a. under very low pressure.

b. under very high pressure.
c. above ground.
d. near radioactive elements.

____ 38. During which process are the minerals in a rock dissolved or otherwise changed?

a. lithification
b. physical weathering
c. chemical weathering
d. cementation

____ 39. Wind, moving water, gravity and glaciers are the main agents of

a. sedimentation.
b. lithification.
c. chemical weathering.
d. erosion.

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 40. During which process is the excess water squeezed out of muds as they become
sedimentary rock?

a. compaction
b. cementation
c. bedding
d. deposition

____ 41. ________________ can form as inclined layers of sediment migrate across a horizontal

a. Fossils
b. Cross-bedding
c. Graded bedding
d. Lithification

____ 42. During which process are the preserved remains, impressions, and other evidence of once-
living organisms replaced by minerals and turned into rock?

a. sedimentation
b. lithification
c. compaction
d. cementation

____ 43. Which of the following is NOT true of biochemical sedimentary rock?

a. coal is an example
b. forms evaporites
c. formed from the shells of sea organisms
d. formed from the remains of once-living things

____44. Which of the following is NOT true of clastic sedimentary rock?

a. Brecchias and conglomerates are examples.

b. Sandstone is a medium-grained example.
c. It is formed from deposits of loose sediments.
d. It forms from precipitation and the growth of mineral crystals.

____ 45. The pressure required for metamorphism can be generated by

a. pressure from weight of overlying rock.

b. heat from magma bodies in contact with surrounding rock.
c. cementation and lithification.
d. hydrothermal solutions.

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

____ 46. The type of metamorphism that occurs when very hot water reacts with and alters the
mineralogy of rock is

a. contact.
b. regional.
c. hydrothermal.
d. local.

____ 47. Hot fluids migrating into and out of a rock during metamorphism can change the rock’s

a. chemistry.
b. fossil content.
c. grade.
d. energy.

____ 48. Minerals that crystallize at higher temperatures as a result of contact metamorphism tend
to be found near

a. coal deposits.
b. bodies of water.
c. coral reefs.
d. igneous intrusions.

____ 49. The continuous changing and remaking of rocks is called the

a. lithification process.
b. rock cycle.
c. metamorphic process.
d. mineralization process.

____ 50. Igneous rocks that undergo weathering and erosion become

a. sediments.
b. metamorphic rock.
c. nonfoliated rock.
d. evaporites.

Carefully check your answers on this evaluation and make any corrections you feel are
necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of your
ability, transfer your answers to an answer sheet.

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

Unit 1 Evaluation SCIH 041

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