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Greetings and Introductions

Read. Read the conversation between Nancy and Marco.

Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening

How are you?

Very well, thank you. And you?
How are you? Great, thanks.
How have you been? Good.
How are you doing? Fine, thanks.
How's it going? Pretty good.
Not bad.

What's up?
Not much.
What's happening?
Nothing much.
What's going on?
Not a lot.
What have you been up to?

It was a pleasure seeing/meeting you.
It was nice seeing/meeting you.
Good night.
Take care.
Have a nice day/evening.
Have a good one.
See you (later/soon).
So long.


student teacher child children

school work house/home apartment

single married divorced widowed

Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers Days of the week

1 one 21 twenty-one 1st first Sunday
2 two 22 twenty-two 2nd second Monday
3 three 23 twenty-three 3rd third Tuesday
4 four 30 thirty 4th fourth Wednesday
5 five 40 forty 5th fifth Thursday
6 six 50 fifty 6th sixth Friday
7 seven 60 sixty 7th seventh Saturday
8 eight 70 seventy 8th eighth
9 nine 80 eighty 9th ninth Months of the year
10 ten 90 ninety 10th tenth January
11 eleven 100 one hundred 11th eleventh February
12 twelve 101 one hundred one 12th twelfth March
13 thirteen 102 one hundred two 13th thirteenth April
14 fourteen 103 one hundred three 14th fourteenth May
15 fifteen 200 two hundred 15th fifteenth June
16 sixteen 1000 one thousand 16th sixteenth July
17 seventeen ½ one-half 17th seventeenth August
18 eighteen ¼ one-fourth 18th eighteenth September
19 nineteen ¾ three-fourths 19th nineteenth October
20 twenty 20th twentieth November


What is your name? My name is John.

What's your name? My name's John.

Pardon (me)?
Sorry? My name’s John!
Come again?

I live on Elm Street.

I live at 123 Elm Street.
Where do you live?
I live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
I live in the United States.

What is your zip code? My zip code is 27514.

What is your telephone number? My telephone number is 555-1234.

Yes, I live in a house.

Do you live in a house?
No, I live in an apartment.

I am from England.
Where are you from?
I'm from England.

Yes, I am married.
No, I am single.
Are you married?
No, I am divorced.
No, I am widowed.

Yes, I have _____ children.

Do you have any children?
No, I don't have any children.

Complete. Fill out the form with information about yourself.

Name: ____________________________________

Residence: House Apartment Other

City: ____________________________________

State: ________________ Zip Code __________

Telephone Number: _________________________

Country of origin: ___________________________

Marital status: Single Married

Divorced Widowed

Number of children: _______

Complete. Fill out the form with information about a classmate.

Name: ____________________________________

Residence: House Apartment Other

City: ____________________________________

State: ________________ Zip Code __________

Telephone Number: _________________________

Country of origin: ___________________________

Marital status: Single Married

Divorced Widowed

Number of children: _______

Subject pronouns

I we

you you







"to be" conjugation
Affirmatives Negatives Questions
I am I am not Am I
We We we
You are You are not Are you
They at home. They at home. they at home?
He He he
She is She is not Is she
It It it

Write. Complete the following sentences with am, are, or is.

1. Mark _________ from the United States.

2. Rita _________ in Chapel Hill.
3. Charlie and Sue _________ married.
4. I _________ at work.
5. She _________ at home.
6. They _________ at work.
7. This house _________ small.
8. The teachers _________ at school.
9. She _________ in the classroom.
10. The pen _________ on the desk.
11. The flowers _________ on the table.
12. They _________ from Honduras.
13. The door _________ closed.
14. I _________ at home.

I am a student. I'm a student.
He is in my class. He's in my class.
She is from Mexico. She's from Mexico.
It is a big country. It's a big country.
You are at school. You're at school.
They are from Vietnam. They're from Vietnam.
We are students. We're students.
She is not here. She isn't here.
They are not here. They aren't here.

Write. Make contractions from the following pronouns and verbs.

1. _________ at school. (We are)

2. _________ in the classroom. (You are)
3. _________ in Room 5. (They are)
4. _________ married. (I am)
5. _________ at work. (He is)
6. _________ a student. (She is)
7. _________ in the classroom. (I am)
8. _________ here. (He is)
9. _________ from Mexico. (She is)
10._________ the capital of Texas. (It is)
11._________ here today. (She is)
12._________ at home. (He is)
13._________ married. (They are)
14._________ from China. (They are)


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