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1 JANUARY 1983 I 193


BeamwidthGain Bandwidth
dB N3 Experiment
Theory 1 dB E H Sidelobes

41.5 dB 13.5
14.5 dB GHz 550 MHz 35" 3 7; -8 dB
8 17.7 dB 17 dB 1.5 GHz 700 MHz 3 2' 16 -9 dB
21 16 dB 20.3 dB 1.5 GHz 600 MHz 15' 15" -12 dB
64 dB 27 24.3 dB 1.4 GHz MHz
650 8" 8" -12 dB

This formula may be used to find the element width so the radia- bandwidth of microstrip antennas reported so far by othersis less
tion resistance will be 200 n. It should be noted that the inte- than 20 percent.
grand for PR is the radiationpatternof a single element.The
radiation pattern for an array will be given by the product of this EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
integrand by the array factor. Thiswas used in the computersim- The antennas are shown in Fig. 1. All the relevant dimensions
ulation to find the optimum distance between elements. in terms of guide wavelength are indicated in Fig. 1. The micro-
The same expression with a different current distribution was strip patches were etched on perspex dielectric substrates. The
also used to estimate the radiation loss from the feed network in
the array. -7-/ A

We thank Professor S. Shtrikman forvery helpful discussions.
[I] R . J. Mailloux, J. F. McIlvenna, and N. P. Kernweis. "Microstrip
array technology," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.. vol. AP-29, no.
I , pp. 25-37. Jan. 1981.
[ 2 ] J . Ashkenazy, P. Perlmutter, S. Shtrikman. and D. Treves in Proc. F i r s
MediterraneanElectrotech. Conf.. IEEE Melecon '81. Tel Aviv.
Israel, Antennas 3 . 3 .I .
[3] N. K . C'zunoglu, N. G . Alexopoulus. and .I. G. Fikioris, "Radiation
properties of microstrip dipoles." IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagar.,
vol. AP-27. no. 6 . pp. 853-858, Nov. 1979.
,- Microstrip patch

On Some Broad-Band Microstrip Resonators


Absrracr-The variation of voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) with

frequencyformicrostripantennas onsteppedandwedge-shapeddi-
electric-substrates is measured for a band of frequencies, and is com-
pared with those of an equivalent rectangular microstrip resonator. The
results indicate a considerable improvement in bandwidth.

Microstrip resonators of rectangular, circular, and other shapes substrate
have been investigated in many works [ l ]-[5] because of their (b)
various advantages, such as ease of fabrication and compatibility
with solid-state microwave devices. The main drawback of micro-
strip resonators is their narrow bandwidth. Various attempts have
been made t o improve the bandwidthof microstrip resonators like
using parasites [6] and increasing the thicknessof substrates [7] by
various planar and multilayered structures [ 8 ] . The present work
is concerned with the measurement of the(1 :2) voltage standing-
wave ratio (VSWR) bandwidth of some microstrip resonators on
ments indicate that the fractional bandwidth in percentage ob-
tainable by these structures ranges from 25 percent, whereas the
Manuscript received March 22, 1982; revised June 11, 1982. Fig. 1. Proposedmicrostripstructures.(a)Steppedmicrostripresonator.
The authors are with the Department of Electronics and Telecorhmuni- @) Rectangular
microstripresonator.(c) Wedge-shaped microstrip
cation Engineering, Jadavpur Unviersity, Calcutta-700 032, India. resonator.

0018-926X/83/0100-0~193$1.000 1983 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University- Chennai Campus. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 10:39:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Cylindrical-RectangularMicrostrip Antenna


Absrracf-Resonant frequencies f, of a cylindrical-rectangular micro-

strip antenna are theoretically calculated.Comparison is made tof, for a
planar rectangular patch antenna, including the simplest planar patch
modes havingno field variation normal to the patch surface. The validit
of using planar antenna patches to characterize microstrip antennas is


In many applications pertaining t o satellites, missiles, space-
I I I I I I craft, and aircraft, conformal microstrip antenna patches used. are
2'2 2.4 2'6 2'8 3'0
F R E Q U E N C Y IN G H Z .

Fig. 2 . V S I R versus frequencyplot.

3'2 Microstrip antenna patches are placed above what may be char-
acterized as a conducting plane with a dielectric substrate separa-
ting the patch from the conducting plane [ l ] . However, often
this plane surface is either distorted or the antenna elements are
intentionally placed on a curved surface. Thus t o determine the
VSWR versus frequency plots of the resonators shown in Fig. 1 correct modal field solution to the electromagnetic cavity prob-
are given in Fig. 2. The (1 :2) VSWR bandwidth of the microstrip lem, which can be used to find the radiation field solution, this
resonator on a wedge-shaped dielectric is 28 percent and that on curvature should be taken into account. Here this is done for a
a stepped dielectric is 25 percent, whereas the bandwidth is 13 rectangular patch on a cylindrical surface. The assumption that
percentforanequivalentrectangularresonator.Themaximum the conducting patch and the conducting cylinder (ground sur-
height for all the resonators was 0.01 m . This indicates that there face) act as electric walls, and that the open cavity ends act as
is considerable improvement of bandwidth over that of a similar magnetic walls is applied to the analysis for obtaining the fields
rectangular microstrip resonator. It may be mentioned that the and associated modal resonant frequencies [4].This assumption
feed point was in the same position forall the resonators. shouldbeparticularly valid when using these fields fordeter-
mining the radiation pattern for the limiting case of thin cavities
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (I? Q n) which are utilized for most microstrip antenna applica-
tions. All of the analysis for simplicity also assumes that the per-
The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation extended mittivity E and permeability pare constant (homogeneousmedium
to them by Telecommunication Research Center, New Delhi and filling cavity) and real (no dielectric losses).
the Radar and Communication Center,I. I. T. Kharagpur for pro- The eigenvalue equations for resonant frequencies f , are nu-
viding HP network analyzer measurement facility. merically solved andexamined overa range ofdielectricsub-
stratethicknesses k . Theseresonantfrequencies f,c forthe
curved cylindrical-rectangular antenna, representing a distortion
REFERENCES of a planar rectangular microstripantenna,arecomparedto
R . E. Munson, "Conformal microstrip antennas and microstrip phased
resonant frequencies frR of the planar patch antenna in order to
arraks." IEEE Trans.AntennasPropagat.. vol. AP-22. no. 1. pp. assess the validity of the commonly used assumption that con-
7 4 7 7 . Jan. 1974. formally mounted microstrip antennas may be treated as planar.
J . Q. Howell, "Microstrip antennas," IEEE Truns. Anrerrnas Prupu-
g o t . . vol. AP-2.3. pp. 90-93, J a n . 1975.
The results demonstrate that this assumption is good for h that
J . Watkins, "Circular resonant structures in microstrip." Eleerron. is small compared to the surface curvature a, and that it is ex-
Letr.. \ o l . 5 . no. 21, pp. 524-525. Oct. 1969. cellent when considering excitation of the antenna with no spati
A. G . Derneryd, "A theorectical investigation of the rectangular field variation normal to the surface.
microztrip antenna." lEEE Trans. Antennas Propagur.. vol. AP-26.
pp.532-535. July 1978.
Y. T. Lo er a / . . "Theory and experiment on microstripantennas." THEORY
I E E E Trans.AntennasPropagat. vol. AP-27. no. 2 , pp. 137-145.
The geometry of the cavity is shown in Fig. 1 where Fig. l(a)
Mar. 1979.
C . Wood. "lmpro>ed bandwidth of microstrip antennas using parasitic is a perspective drawing of a conducting patch on a cylindrical
elements." Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng. H . Microwaves, Opt. Acolrsr.. \ol. surface, Fig. l(b) is a cross section through the patch and nor-
127. pp.231-134.Aug. 1980. mal to the z-axis, and Fig. l(c) shows the cavity isolated byitself
A . G . Dernrr!d et a i . . "Broad-bandmicrostripantennaelement and
array," I E E E Trans. Anrerlnas Propagat.. bul. AP-29. no. I . pp. in cross section. The conducting patch and grounded cylindrical
11&111. Jan. 1981. surface are treated as electric walls and the magnetic walls of the
P. S . Hall er a i . , "Widebandwidthmicrostripantennas for circuit cavity aredefinedbydroppingperpendicularsfromthepatch
integration." Elecrron.Lett.. vol. 15. no. 15. pp. 4 5 8 1 5 9 . July 19.
J . R. Jams5 er a i . . "Design of microstripantenna feeds. Part I: Manuscript received August 5 , 1981; revised June 29, 1982.
Estimation ofradiation loss and design implications," Proc. f n s r . Elec. The author is with the Electronics Technology Division, Naval Research
E n g . H . Opt. Acoust., vol. 128,Feb. 1981. pp. 19-25. Laboratory, Washington,DC 20375.

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright.

Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University- Chennai Campus. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 10:39:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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