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Paul and Mike are talking about a new film; do they like the film? Read the text and then discus with a partner
Answer: Paul thinks it's a good short film and he likes the characters. But Mike doesn't like me as he thinks it's
P.- Have you seen the new movie about two friends fighting an army, the one that came out yesterday?
M.- Yes, I’ve seen it actually. What do you think about it?
P.- I think It’s good, because it’s a short film and I also like the characters; they are relatable. You know, I can
identify myself with the main character because he is always taking care of his friend and giving him some
advice, that’s what a good friend should be like. What about you?
M.- I didn’t like the movie to be honest, I mean the characters are fine, I like the relationship between them,
although for me a friend is someone who is always there when you need him, and sometimes they just take
different pats. My main reason to not like the movie is that is just boring
P.- I see your point but it has a lot of action scenes; its entertaining at least the action scenes are quite good, in
addition to that the relationship between the main characters was truly interesting.
M.- Yes, I know what you mean but the action scenes are just too short, plus the plot just don’t make any
sense, I mean friends fighting a tomato army is just silly, but I agree the relationship between them was nice
P.- Yeah maybe you’re right, what about the special effects?
M.- I think the special effects were amazing, as a result of them everything felt so real. They were great.
P.-For sure, and to me the soundtrack was good as well.

Sort the bold phrases into the following categories

Agreeing Disagreeing Giving more details

I agree I see your point but What do you think about it?
For sure I know what you mean but because
as well I also
Yeah maybe you’re right What about you?
My main reason
I mean
what about
as a result of
Asking for opinions
What kind of relationship they have:
1) Close friends:
2) Friends:
3) Acquaintances: Because it is possible to notice that his talk is quite formal.

Are they being formal or informal? I think they are formal, since they question and respond in a polite way.

Are they being polite or rude? They are being polite.

Are they giving ideas or asking them? Both, since they are sharing their ideas

3 Complete the following sentences with your own ideas

My main reason to playing soccer is that since I was little I liked it a lot and I love everything that goes with it.
I see your point but I can't share it.
Yeah maybe you’re right and I must apologize.
I don't like to smoke What about you?

Aguilar Martínez María Mayte

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