Class 6 Holiday Homework

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Army Public School, Jodhpur

Holiday Home Work

Class - 6th
Sub- Social Science
CHAPTER-4 KEY Elements of Demorcratic Government
1. Make a colorful poster on
2. Indian States and their Capitals
Crossword Puzzle
1 2

3 4

9 10


12 13



1 What is the capital of Andhra Pradesh?
5 What is the capital of Arunachal Pradesh?
7 What is the capital of Punjab?
8 What is the capital of Bihar?
9 What is the capital of West Bengal?
13 What is the capital of Tamil Nadu?
14 What is the capital of Rajasthan?
15 What is the capital of Madhya Pradesh?

2 What is the capital of Tripura?
3 What is the capital of Gujarat?
4 What is the capital of Himachal Pradesh?
6 What is the capital of Haryana?
10 What is the capital of Uttar Pradesh?
11 What is the capital of Assam?
12 What is the capital of Maharashtra?

3. Learn all states capital and Union Territories

4. Complete all the work done in History / Civics/ Geography.
Link of all the work will be provided by your subject teacher.

विषय :-संस्कृत

-: दशहरा अवकाश गहृ कार्य :-

1. संस्कृत में ककसी एक पर अनच्ु छे द (A×4 size)में लिखो।

(अनच्ु छे द- कथा/कविता/ननबंध/श्लोक/व्यंग्य/विद्िान/विदषु ी/महापरुु ष इत्यादद पर

2. 1 से 25 तक संख्यािाची शब्द संस्कृत में लिखो ि याद करो।
3. पाठ-10,11,12 के शब्दाथथ लिखो ि याद करो।
4. पाठ-10,11,12 का िाचन (पढ़ना)।

Holiday Homework
1) DO and LEARN
Solve and learn NCERT solutions of Chapter 16: Garbage in Garbage out
and revise all the chapters done till now.

Draw a chart paper showing the different types of biodegradable and non-
biodegradable waste generated by your daily life activities.

Write an article on “Importance of Science and its role in online teaching -
learning process”.
English - Grammar

A. Do as directed:-

1. He is ready. (change into interrogative)

2. Are you going to a hill station? (change into assertive)

3. Stop making noise. (write the type of sentence)

4. His rude behavior annoyed me. (pick predicate)

5. Cooked the noodles. (write suitable subject)

6. It is extremely cold in January. (underline proper noun)

7. Disobey (change the verb into Abstract noun)

8. Men’s (use possessive noun into sentence of your own.

9. Please offer the cold drinks in the glasses. (fill material noun)

10. Table, Indira Gandhi, Sunday, horse, Temple. (pick common noun)

11. Romi is an honest merchant. (underline quality adjective)

12. Reena ate two mangoes. (write the type of adjective)

13. pen does your father use? (fill interrogative adjective)

14. sister Reeta sings well. (fill possessive adjective)

15. Alexander was a king. (powerful/two)

16. These/this bags are mine. (tick the correct adjective)

17. The person to wish me on my birthday was my sister. (fill correct word

Worksheet 2
Q1. Write a diary entry not more than 100 words that you are eagerly waiting
for Half Yearly Examination result.

Q2.After a long time your school is going to reopen in couple of days. Write a
letter to your friend how you are feeling about it.
School Magazine-

All the students must write articles, poems, stories, personal experiences
etc for school magazine.

Holiday Homework
Activity 1. Collect any 5 mathematician picture and pate it in your note book and write
information on any one of mathematician.
Activity 2.To make the following shapes using different color paper:
a) Square
b) Rectangle
c) Pentagon
d) Hexagon
e) Equilateral triangle
Activity 3: To determine the number of line of symmetry of following shapes by paper
a) Equilateral triangle
b) Isosceles triangle
c) Rectangle
d) Square
Worksheet: solve these questions:
1. 2 subtracted from 7 gives:
(a) -9
(b) 5
(c) -5
(d) 9
2. 5 added to – 5 gives:
(a) 10
(b) -10
(c) 0
(d) -25
3. Which of the following numbers is to the right of -3 on number line?
(a) -4
(b) -2
(c) -12
(d) -13
4. The number of integers between -2 and 2 is:
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
5. The opposite of -7 is:
(a) -6
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 7
6. In addition and subtraction of the integers the sign of answer depends
(a) smaller Number
(b) their Difference
(c) their Sum
(d) greater numerical value
7. Which of the following number is greater than -1?
(a) -2
(b) -10
(c) 0
(d) -3
8. What will be the opposite of 3 km south?
(a) 3 km east
(b) 3 km north
(c) 3 km north east
(d) 3 km west
9. Which of the following set of numbers is in descending orders?
(a) 2, -2, 1, -1
(b) 0, 1, 2, 3
(c) 1, 0, -1, -2
(d) -3, -2, -1, 0
10. Sum of -10, – 5 and 12 is:
(a) 27
(b) -3
(c) 3
(d) -27
11. Which of the following is in increasing order?
(a) 0, 1, -1
(b) -1, -2, -3
(c) -1, 0, 1
(d) -1, 1, -2
दशहरा अवकाश गह
ृ कार्य

1- “कोरना काि के दौरान हमारे पाररिाररक ररश्तो में मजबूती आई है ” इस विषय पर

अपने अनुभि पर आधाररत अनुच्छे द लिखखए ।
2- प्रकृनत पर आधाररत एक स्िरचचत कविता लिखखए।
3- अपनी कल्पना के आधार पर लिखखए कक “यदद आप पथ्
ृ िी के अिािा ककसी और
ग्रह पर रह पाते तो िहां आपके जीिन ददनचयाथ कैसी होती है ”।
4- बाि राम कथा के पाठ 7 से पाठ 9 का िाचन करें तथा कदठन शब्दों को रे खांककत
करे ।

English lab
Holiday Homework
Q1. Write a poem of your own by using any topic. It should be original.
Q2. Look at the picture and frame some lines with suitable adjectives.

Computer Science
Holiday Homework
Activity 1- Create a letter in MS Word and use the Mail Merge option to send
this letter to 3 Receivers.
Activity 2- Create a PowerPoint Presentation on Storage Devices in Computer.
Apply the animation and Transition in it.
Activity 3- Create a document on Most Popular Email Services in MS Word.
Search the content on Internet and write 3 to 4 lines for each service.
Art & Craft
Holiday Homework


(Art and craft File)

1. Glow Grass Heads 56

2. Coffee Colour Painting 36

Holiday Homework


1. Make a singing video of the song

"APS Kannad Geet"

2. Make a video of playing the beat of

"Walk-Walk in the light" prayer
Game & Sports
Holiday Homework

Q. 1 Make Colourful Diagrams Sports Grounds with Measurements

a. Volleyball:- Ground, Net with Pole & Volleyball (Ball)
b. Football:- Ground, Goalpost & Football (Ball)
c. Hockey:- Ground, Goalpost, Hockey Ball & Hockey Stick

Q. 2 Make a Collage any 4 self-Yoga pictures

a. Padmaasan
b. Bhujangasan
c. Dhanuraasan
d. Trikonasan
e. Pashchimotaasan
f. Gomukhaasan
g. Shalbhaasan
h. Chakraasan

Note:- all the students send your home work by PDF

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