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J. Coat. Technol. Res.

, 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

DOI 10.1007/s11998-017-9972-z

Evaporation of clearcoat solvents from a rotary bell atomizer

and its relationship with bell speed, flow rate, and electrostatic
R. Ray, P. Henshaw

Ó American Coatings Association 2017

Abstract The relations between evaporation of clear- provide a smooth, glossy surface as well as UV and
coat solvents and various operating parameters of the weather protection. A variety of technologies are used
spray from a rotary bell atomizer were measured using including acrylic melamines, polyurethanes, epoxy
a particle dynamic anemometer (PDA). The robot arm acids, and melamine–carbamates. A shiny exterior
holding the spray applicator was moved relative to the finish is very important to the industry as it is one of the
PDA so that the volume flux at different parts of the key factors for customer satisfaction.
spray could be measured. The difference in total flux The automotive industry has been striving for a
between two planes, perpendicular to the spray axis, uniform spray of atomized paint for a long time.
was considered to be equal to the evaporation. Eva- Appearance is a major selling feature in this industry,
poration was found to increase with increasing bell and better appearance is directly related to the
speed. Evaporation also increased with increasing uniformity of spray. The knowledge of how atomiza-
coatings flow rate from 100 to 200 cm3/s flow rate, tion parameters affect the spray droplet size can be
but not for a further increase to 300 cm3/s. Higher used to maintain the optimum size in the face of
electrostatic potential, bell speed, and lower flow rate changing process conditions. In addition, droplet size
decrease the mean particle diameter. Particle mean affects the alignment of flakes in modern automotive
velocity increases with increasing bell speed and flow paints, again affecting appearance. The industry is also
rate. Coatings flow rate, bell speed, electrostatic fighting to reduce volatile organic compound (VOC)
potential, and the interaction between flow rate and emissions during coating. The painting process ac-
bell speed were significant factors affecting evapora- counts for around 80% of the overall VOC emissions
tion rate. Of the former three, coatings flow rate was in the automotive industry. VOC emissions can be
the most influential. reduced by using different formulations of paint (e.g.,
high solids paint) and/or using less paint. Less paint
Keywords PDA, Paint spray, Evaporation, Bell may be used if the transfer efficiency (fraction of
speed, Flow rate, Clearcoat, DOE sprayed paint that adheres to the vehicle) is maxi-
mized, and/or the paint is applied such that it provides
the desired appearance with minimum thickness. An
Introduction optimized painting process not only limits the VOC
emissions, but also reduces the painting cost for the
In spite of their varieties of uses, all coatings contain industry. Understanding the relationship between
materials that eventually form a film on the target rotary bell atomizer (RBA) process parameters and
surface. The coating may be pigmented or unpig- evaporation of paint solvents is important to optimize
mented. One type of unpigmented coating is called finish. A thorough investigation was required to
clearcoat and is widely used in the automotive industry develop a relation between the various paint applica-
over a color basecoat. It is used to seal the latter and tion parameters with the evaporation from the coating.
Bell speed (BS), shaping air (SA), coating flow rate
(CFR), and electrostatic potential (EP) of the spray
R. Ray, P. Henshaw (&) medium are major operational controlling factors
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which may affect the evaporation of paint solvents.
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
These factors are known to affect droplet size, and

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

previous studies have shown them to affect appear- the literature to result in smaller droplets, which are
ance. Generally, it was always assumed that smaller commonly associated with greater in-flight evaporation
droplet sizes led to greater in-flight evaporation, but of solvents, resulting in a drier deposited film. However,
evaporation was never measured. In this work, evap- a drier film has a higher viscosity and therefore should
oration of solvents from a paint spray was measured by not level as easily; yet the drier spray conditions led to
the difference in droplet flux between successive planes smoother cured surfaces. It was postulated that lower
in the path of the spray. amounts of solvent-driven resin migration in drier films
resulted in a smoother cured film. In order to decompose
the relationship between atomizer process parameters
Literature review and cured surface appearance, the evaporation of spray
particles in-flight needed to be measured to confirm that
An early investigation determined that a liquid sheet is evaporation increased when particle sizes were de-
formed during atomization in a RBA. A spinning cup was creased. Once this was confirmed, the theory of resin
used with an impinging air stream flowing perpendicular migration leading to surface roughness would be more
to the spray.1 They showed that the impinging air stream viable.
does not have an immediate impact on breaking the liquid The use of a PDA to measure spray flow rates had
sheet. The resulting drop size from the breaking of liquid limited success in the past. Schwarzkopf et al.7 calcu-
sheet was a function of the sheet thickness. This was true lated the difference between calculated and PDA-
for a wide range of operating conditions. measured flow rates to be up to 30% for flow rates in
An investigation of the relation between bell speed, the dilute range of the spray. Though they described
flow rate, and mean drop size was conducted.2 Lower the methods to minimize the difference to 20%, the
mean drop sizes were found at higher values of ability to use a PDA to determine the evaporation by
parameters like bell speed, centrifugal force, and subtracting the mass flow rates at two different planes
Coriolis force. Higher mean droplet sizes resulted in the spray required improved precision. In water
from higher liquid flow rates and lower bell speeds. sprays, Ray et al.8 measured the mass flux at two planes
They also reported a broad distribution of drop sizes at perpendicular to the spray (perpendicular to the axis of
higher flow rates but at a constant bell speed. The rotation of the RBA). The difference was less than the
mean drop size distribution widened with increasing uncertainty of the measurement. Further experiments
bell speed and constant flow rate. with water established that the lower flow rate and bell
Wang3 used different types of nozzles to find a speed increased the evaporation rate.9 In this case,
relationship between droplet size, surface area, and shaping air was not a statistically significant factor, and
evaporation of water at a constant pressure and electrostatic potential was not used when spraying
temperature. Using a shooting water jet, he found that water. Unfortunately, the PDA was not able to
the evaporation decreases with increasing droplet size. accurately measure opaque (basecoat) sprays,10 so
With increasing axial distance, the droplet diameter clearcoat must be used as a surrogate. In this work,
increased with decreasing particle velocity. the same setup was used to measure the evaporation of
The particle size characteristics of metallic solvent- clearcoat.
borne and waterborne paint sprayed from a RBA were
measured using shadowgraphy.4 A CCD camera was
used to calculate the particle size. Within the 30– Experimental setup and measuring techniques
50 krpm bell speed range, the Sauter mean particle size
(D32) decreased with increasing bell speed, while the The liquid clearcoat was fed into a high-speed bell
effect of shaping air was found significant only below atomizer (ABB RB1000) which was attached to a
50 krpm bell speed, even though experiments were computer-guided robotic arm system (ABB IRB-
performed up to 70 krpm. 5500X). PPG NCTX clearcoat was used (62.7% solids
Infrared thermography was used to investigate concentration and 1.25 kg/L density, tested in FCA
droplet properties for different flow rates and bell Canada Materials Laboratory). A PDA system (Dan-
speeds by Akafuah et al.5 A steady increase of Sauter tec Dynamics A/S, Denmark) was used to compute the
mean diameter was observed for an increase in flow volume flux, particle diameter, velocity, and particle
rate from 100 to 400 cc/min. They also reported that size distribution at a fixed point in space. The robot
the Sauter mean diameter decreased with increasing arm moved the RBA so that various points in the spray
bell speed. could be measured. The whole system was controlled
The relationship between different parameters: flow from the outside of the spray booth. The PDA system
rate, bell speed, shaping air, electrostatic potential, and has a receiving optics, a processor, and the BSA (Burst
the appearance of the paint, was investigated by Di Spectrum Analyzer11) software package. A nebulizer
Domenico and Henshaw.6 They observed that increas- (Airlife-002002) was used to align the PDA and robotic
ing the bell speed, and in some cases decreasing the paint arm initially. The spray booth was maintained with a
flow rate, resulted in less surface waviness. Changing constant temperature of 24 ± 0.6°C (75 ± 1°F) and
these process parameters in this way had been shown in 65% ± 2% humidity. The booth had a constant and

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

uniform, mostly vertical, downward air velocity of minimize this influence, the PDA was placed at the
2.1 m/s. However, the air had a tendency to flow center of the booth. The major processing parts of the
toward the outer wall of the booth. In order to PDA, which included the operating computer, laser,
and photodetectors, were located outside of the spray
booth. The transmitting and receiving optics of PDA
Bell Atomizer
can easily attract the highly charged clearcoat, result-
Y ing in coating on the lenses. To avoid this problem,
several precautions were taken. All parts of the PDA
were ground, and special chutes were attached to both
the transmitting and receiving optics. The chutes were
pressurized with compressed air, which constantly blew
Transmitter Z air away from the optics. A schematic diagram of the
Detector experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. This avoided any
chance of clearcoat deposition on the lenses. Further,
instead of spraying into space, a grounded, bare metal
Bare metal surface
surface was placed 90 cm from the bell cup. The metal
plate was replaced after every experiment. It helped
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of experimental setup (adopted
from Dantec Dynamics)
the particles to be attracted downward rather than to

Volume flux (cm 3 /cm 2 /s)





−12.5 −10 −7.5 −5 −2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5

Radial distance (cm)

Axial target distance 22.5 cm Axial target distance 37.5 cm


Volume flux (cm 3 /cm 2 /s)




−12.5 −10 −7.5 -5 −2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5
Radial distance (cm)

Axial target distance 22.5 cm Axial target distance 37.5 cm

Fig. 2: Volume flux along a traverse of the spray (a) 200 cm3/s flow rate; (b) 300 cm3/s flow rate with 200 L/min air flow rate,
40 krpm bell speed, and 70 kV electric potential

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018



Total evaporation (cm3/s)




BS 30 krpm BS 40 krpm BS 50 krpm
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300

Flow rate (cm 3/min)

Fig. 3: Total evaporation of spray (cm3/s) for various bell speeds at various flow rates with 70 kV electric potential and
200 L/min shaping air flow rate

the PDA itself. The plate also mimicked a target validity, the PDA can calculate different measure-
surface in the paint booth. Ray et al.8 described how ments only if a minimum 1500 particle count is present.
the experimental setup used for this current investiga- A set of preliminary tests indicated that this threshold
tion was used to measure the evaporation in water was only achievable at a radial distance of 12.5 cm, and
spray. hence, measurements up to 12.5 cm on each side of the
The z-direction was set equal to the axis of bell cup spray were taken, with a 2.5-cm interval. Symmetry in
rotation. Measurements were taken in two x–y planes, the x and y directions was assumed.
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the bell cup (axial
planes). Points in the spray were sampled in 2.5-cm
intervals along the x-axis by moving the robot arm Results and discussion
horizontally relative to the fixed PDA probe and receiver.
Two axial planes, at 22.5 and 37.5 cm from the bell Because of low particle counts, any flux measured
cup, were selected. The total flux of liquid droplets was beyond 12.5 cm from the axis of the spray was
calculated for each plane, and the difference was neglected. The volume of the neglected droplet flux
calculated as the total evaporation (cm3/s) between was estimated to be a maximum of 3.5% and 1.2% of
those planes. The clearcoat flow rate (CFR) varied the total flux at 22.5 and 37.5 cm axial distances,
between 100, 200 and 300 cubic centimeters per min- respectively. The maximum diameter of the particles
ute (cm3/min) with a constant 200 liters per minute (L/ instead of the average diameter was used in this
min) shaping airflow rate (SA). Bell speed (BS) was 30, estimate so that it would be conservative. Therefore,
40, or 50 krpm, and electrostatic potential (EP) was set neglecting the flux at radial distances greater than
to 60, 70, and 80 kilovolts (kV). A full factorial matrix 12.5 cm resulted in a small error.
for all of the variable parameters was completed. The average droplet volume flux increased from the
The PDA system was used to calculate the average center (x = 0) to a radius of 2.5 cm and decreased
volume flux (cm3/cm2/s) in both planes. Software is thereafter (Fig. 2). The spatial configuration of the
included with the system (BSA Flow Software v.4.10) spray is a hollow cone because of the initial radial
which can calculate the average flux as well as diameter displacement and component of velocity. The initial
(lm) and velocity (cm/s). The setup parameters for the confinement of the spray is due to the constant shaping
current test for PDA are given in ‘‘Appendix.’’ The air which blows downward from an annulus above the
maximum number of particles was found at the center bell cup. The droplet volume flux increased with an
of the spray, and the number decreased with radial increasing coating flow rate (CFR). A higher flux rate
distance. To ensure that the reasonable maximum time was found within a 5 cm radial distance of the
was allowed to detect any particles in the extreme centerline using water spray compared to the same
distal vicinity of the spray, a maximum 5-s acquire time region using clearcoat.9
was set for the machine, and 10,000 was set as the Figure 3 shows the total evaporation for different
maximum particle count to avoid system overloading. bell speeds and flow rates with a constant 200 L/min
The volume flux along the x-direction traverse, shaping air flow. Evaporation increased with increased
which passed through the centerline of the spray, was bell speed. Basu et al.4 found that within the 30–
measured for the extended visible range of spray 50 krpm bell speed range, with 180 L/min, shaping air,
(x = +45.72 to 45.72 cm). But to ensure statistical and 65 kV electric potential, the Sauter mean diameter

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

BS 30 krpm
BS 40 krpm
30 BS 50 krpm

Mean diameter (μm)




−15.00 −10.00 −5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00
Radial distance (cm)

BS 30 krpm
BS 40 krpm
30 BS 50 krpm
Mean diameter (μm)




−15.00 −10.00 −5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00

Radial distance (cm)

Fig. 4: Particle mean diameter, D32 (lm), with increasing bell speed for (a) 100 cm3/s flow rate; (b) 200 cm3/s flow rate at
200 L/min air flow rate and 70 kV electric potential

(D32) decreased with increasing bell speed. At also applicable to clearcoat. A higher bell speed has a
30 krpm, the mean particle size (D32) was around direct relation to decreasing mean particle diameter.
38 lm and it decreased to 32 lm at 50 krpm bell speed For clearcoat, with a 100 cm3/s flow rate, 200 L/min
under the same conditions. The decrease in mean shaping air, 70 kV electric potential, and at z = 22.
particle size means that the liquid coating was divided 5 cm, the mean diameter at the center of the spray was
among a higher number of smaller particles, resulting around 30 lm for a 30 krpm bell speed and decreased
in a higher surface area for evaporation. They also to 25 lm for a 50 krpm bell speed. The mean diameter
found that the rate of decrease of mean particle size also gradually decreased with the radial distance of the
with bell speed was higher for bell speeds above spray. A lower flux due to lower particle numbers and a
50 krpm. However, within a specific air flow rate (128– higher travel distance combined to decrease the mean
240 L/min), mean particle size did not significantly diameter of the particles at higher radial distances. A
change for different airflow rates within this range. Ray higher flow rate also increased the mean diameter for
et al.9 and Di Domenico and Henshaw6 also found that the same conditions. At 200 cm3/s coatings flow rate,
airflow rate had very little impact. the mean diameter at the center of the spray was
Figure 4 indicates that the relationship between bell around 32 lm for a 30 krpm bell speed, and it
speed and particle size found by previous researchers is decreased to 26 at a 50 krpm bell speed.

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

EP 60 kV
30 EP 70 kV
EP 80 KV

Mean diameter(μm)




−15.00 −10.00 −5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00

Radial distance (cm)

EP 60 kV
30 EP 70 KV
EP 80 kV
Mean diameter (μm)





−15.00 −10.00 −5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00

Radial distance (cm)

Fig. 5: Particle mean diameter, D32 (lm) with increasing electric potential for (a) 100 cm3/s flow rate; (b) 200 cm3/s flow rate
at 200 slpm air flow rate and 40 krpm bell speed

Akafuah et al.5 reported that Sauter mean diameter diameter of 2–3 lm as a result of rising the EP from 60
decreased around 5 lm with an increase of bell speed to 70 kV at a 200 cm3/s CFR, but an exact number
from 30 to 40 krpm at a constant 100 cm3/min flow cannot be confirmed due to the uncertainty of the
rate. A further increase to 50 krpm decreased the measurement (Fig. 5a). A higher mean diameter was
Sauter mean diameter only 2 lm. At 40 krpm bell also found for 200 cm3/s coating flow rate at the same
speed, Sauter mean diameter increases with an increas- electric potential (Fig. 5b).
ing flow rate. A 3-lm increase was reported for a flow Wang3 figured out that the radial droplet velocity
rate increment of 100–200 cm3/min flow rate. Any decreased from the center of the spray to its edge along
further increase had a moderate effect on the Sauter the radial distance. Higher bell speeds were observed to
mean diameter (around 1 lm per 100 cm3/min in- increase the vertical droplet velocity (Figs. 6a and 6b) in
crease). They used water as a working fluid, and this research. As the velocity increased, the particles
electrostatic charge was not used. travelled through more air which resulted in an increase
Basu et al.4 found that mean diameter also in the heat exchange, which increased the evaporation
decreased with increasing electric potential. They of the droplets. Coincidentally, the mean particle
found that within the 30–50 krpm range, at 180 L/min diameter increased with higher flow rate (Figs. 5a and
shaping air, the mean diameter decreased by around 5b). Basu et al.4 also found that the mean particle
2 lm for a 10 kV electric potential increase. The diameter increased with increasing coating flow rate. An
current research has found a decrease of particle increase in mean particle diameter with an increase in

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

BS 30 krpm
4 BS 40 krpm

3.5 BS 50 krpm

Velocity (m/s)
−15.00 −10.00 −5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00

Radial distance (cm)

BS 30 krpm
4 BS 40 krpm

3.5 BS 50 krpm
Velocity (m/s)

−15.00 −10.00 −5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00

Radial distance (cm)

Fig. 6: Axial velocity (m/s) with increasing bell speed for (a) 100 cm3/s flow rate; (b) 200 cm3/s flow rate at 200 L/min air flow
rate, 40 krpm bell speed, and 60 kV electric potential

flow rate may indicate a higher rate of agglomeration of effects: (flow rate) 9 (shaping air), (shaping air) 9
smaller particles into larger particles, which eventually (bell speed), (flow rate) 9 (bell speed), and (flow
decreases the average particle velocity. According to rate) 9 (voltage). The ANOVA is a technique where
the law of conservation of momentum, the velocity of a variances are used to determine whether the means are
particle decreases after agglomeration with a lower different by comparing the variance between different
velocity one. No significant change in the mean velocity factor means vs the variance within factors. It explains
was found at ±5 cm radial distance, which indicates less whether the factors are all part of one larger popula-
agglomeration in that area. tion or separate populations with different character-
A four-factor, full-factorial design of experiments istics. On the other hand, a regression analysis
(DOE) using flow rate, shaping air, voltage, and bell determines the influence of one or more input vari-
speed as the variables was created by Di Domenico ables on an outcome variable.
and Henshaw6 at the 95% confidence level. Basecoat In this work, an ANOVA was initially applied to the
application zones were maintained at 22.8°C and 63% results to determine which factors were significant (p
humidity with a coatings flow rate of 500 mL/min. value less than 0.05) using Minitab 16 software
Through analysis of variance (ANOVA), they found (Minitab, State College, PA, USA). The evaporation
that voltage alone had no effect on the surface rate was used as the output and the process parame-
waviness, but there were several significant interactive ters: coatings flow rate (CFR), bell speed (BS), and

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

electrostatic potential (EP) as input factors. For these postulation that surface waviness in curing automotive
data, evaporation shows a strong correlation with the paints is caused by solvent-driven resin migration.
variables: CFR, BS, and the combination FR*BS, for
which the p values of these significant variables are less
than 0.16. Electric potential was also significant, but Conclusion
with p = 0.048 a weaker relationship is indicated.
A regression analysis was then performed on the The total evaporation of solvent from clearcoat
variables: CFR, BS, and EP. The significant interaction sprayed from a rotary atomizer was measured. Evapo-
found in the ANOVA was not included because ration increased with increasing bell speed. Evapora-
regression analysis requires that the variables be tion from the clearcoat increased with increasing flow
independent. The variables were coded, such that the rate from 100 to 200 cm3/s but decreased with a further
middle level of each variable was entered as a value of increase to 300 cm3/s. The mean diameter (D32) of
zero, the lowest level was coded to -1, and the highest particles decreased with increasing bell speed, electric
level was mapped to +1. Coding the input data in this potential, and lower flow rate. The axial velocity of
way does not affect the R2 (goodness of fit) for the particles increased with increasing bell speed. ANO-
regression, but it does allow the coefficients to indicate VA revealed that the significant applicator parameters
the relative importance of the variables. The resulting affecting evaporation were: coating flow rate, bell
regression equation is: speed, electrostatic potential, and the interaction of
flow rate and bell speed. A regression analysis indi-
Evaporation ¼ 2040 CFR þ 1220 BS þ 1236 EP cated that coating flow rate has the most influence on
evaporation, followed by bell speed and electrostatic
þ 4880
potential. The results of these experiments lend
credence to the theory that waviness in automotive
The positive coefficients indicate that as each variable coatings (within the ranges of parameters tested)
increases, the evaporation rate increases. In addition, results from solvent-induced resin migration.
the larger coefficient for CFR indicates that this
variable has more effect on the evaporation than the Acknowledgments University of Windsor/Chrysler
others. The R2 for this regression is 0.790, which Canada Automotive Research and Development
indicates that these three variables account for 79% of Center provided the necessary training, equipment,
the variation in evaporation rate. and facilities to do the testing. Funding was provided
Since decreasing coatings flow rate increases evap- by FCA Canada Inc.
oration, and decreasing coatings flow rate was previ-
ously shown to produce less surface waviness,5 then it
follows that a drier film is less likely to result in surface Appendix
waviness. This implies that the cause of surface
waviness is solvent-related and adds strength to the See Table 1.

Table 1: Configuration of properties in PDA and spray properties

Properties Values Properties Values

Wavelength 532 Max. particle diameter 179.3

Focal length 400 Particle name Clearcoat
Beam diameter 1.35 Particle refractive index 1.334
Expander ratio 1 Particle specific gravity 1.04
Beam Spacing 38 Part. kinematic viscosity 160.5 (cp)
Frequency shift 4.00E + 07 Medium name Air
Number of fringes 35 Medium refractive index 1
Fringe spacing 5.606 Medium specific gravity 1
Beam half-angle 2.72 Med. kinematic viscosity 0.001
Probe volume dX 0.2009 Window type None
Probe volume dY 0.2007 Eff. scattering angle 30
Probe volume dZ 4.23 Eff. scattering mode Refraction
Receiver type Fiber PDA Phase factor P12 2.757
Scattering angle 30 Phase factor P13 1.379
Receiver focal length 400 Relative refractive index 1.334
Recv. expander ratio 1 Eff. spatial filter width 0.32
Fringe direction Positive Critical angle 82.88
Scattering mode Refraction Brewster angle 73.71
Aperture mask Mask A Rainbow angle 138

J. Coat. Technol. Res., 15 (1) 41–49, 2018

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