Strategy 1

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1) Story
2) Pre post promotion
3) Do we need to specify Grab PHDs every single time or in TG analysis just
mention that PHDs refer to specifically Grab
1. (OK) Reaction time test using batak machine

Let them know that their reaction time is not as fast as they thought. Let them
feel that distracted driving can happen to them. Ref to the source that said
“Even looking away from the road for just 5 seconds, a car travelling at 88.5
km/h would have travelled the length of a football field” (Viles, 2020).

Adapted from The Impactful Reminder campaign:
minder/ : display of crashed car with airbag containing the last text from the
victim. Maybe can add a segment where they can interact with the display to
learn more about how the affected families had to cope with the accidents
involving the drivers (eg listen to an audio recording from the victim’s family
explaining the difficulties they faced when the driver got into the accident;
driver would want to prevent that from happening to their family?)
3. (Not good cos no one want be educated)
Have a walkway of rooms, Pose 1 question per room that they reflect and
Then like the questions purposely lead them to answer the way we want them
to feel
Like first room can be like: What is your fondest memory with your family
Then 2nd room can be like statistics on the risks of distracted driving and stuff
Then the 3rd room can be like: do you want to be in your family's future
memories etc.
Then through this they will be lead to reflect on their actions
Can let them post their answers in an interactive format like the Changi Social
Tree but replace the photos with notes of their answers, and also rather than a
tree, it is displayed as like 3 walls of the room. More interesting rather than
just writing on a piece of paper.

4. Story on someone who’s done distracted driving before/ someone who’s a

victim of distracted driving (+ like short explanations or screenshots of text
messages/calls before they get into a distracted driving accident + mention
how stories are a way to evoke emotions)
hoes (something like this?)

5. Pledge wall (not insightful, cos can use across topics)

At the Focused Driving Pledge Wall, PHDs can write down a pledge for at
least one specific action they will take towards a less distracted driving
behaviour. They are also free to respond to other pledges to support and
encourage fellow PHDs, hence providing both interactive and personalised
elements through this informal and engaging medium. As they browse
through the various pledges displayed, it socially connects PHDs, inspiring
them to be more proactive in taking steps to more focused driving. The public
display, which will be shared on the Grab website, serves as a persistent
reminder to PHDs to strive and keep their pledges together. This helps take
one more step towards our aim of decreasing road dangers due to distracted
They can dedicate their pledge to their family members which will motivate
PHDs to put in the effort to drive without being distracted

6. (Can keep, just dont use actual voices & photos and names)
Do like an exhibition with very touching photos on the wall etc, then the
drivers can come and listen to the “call”, the call consists of recordings of the
family members of “dead PHDs” talking as if they were talking to the “dead
PHD” about how much they miss the “dead PHD”.

E.g. the child can be like: dad, remember how you used to do _____ on my
birthdays? I miss that feeling. Why did you have to lose focus on that day? I miss
you, I wish you were here on my birthday today. Then the photos show photos of the
birthday like first few have the dad then afterwards no dad then afterwards don't
even have celebration anymore because the child is sad.

7. Simulator(Something like earthquake shake table) (think through it, at

periodic times the thing shakes) (do visual shake, not physical shake)
Listen to an audio recording of a family member telling the process of PHD
getting into a car accident. When it reaches the part of the car crash, the
earthquake shake table will suddenly be activated to allow PHDs to put
themselves into the shoes of the PHD that got into an accident and
experience the shock element of a car crash. Afterwards, the family member
will continue narrating the consequences of the car crash, which will be able
to evoke emotions in PHDs.

8. Can also play some sad music and stuff throughout to help in evoking
emotions ( idk if relevant but colour is an impt part of evoking emotions), so
colours of the rooms can help convey different emotion?
HJ Pre promotion - advertise the exhibition, posters will be at petrol kiosk
HJ Floor plan
When you walk in
Mika 1- reaction time (Batak?? Machine) (press buttons, take time taken to react) -
reduce confidence in their own driving, more willing to accept (time relate to,
travelled this long at this speed) (+ something to show them how long the distance
is- image of that specific distance- technology for calculating distance)
Bernicia 2- simulation (use projection to show interior of the car onto the room, with a
platform to step on, things will shake to simulate car crash, evoke shock, railings at
the side for them to grab (for safety reasons) + warning before stepping on platform)
- evoke fear, understand driver at moment of car crash (background info on story)
Mika 3- display of car crash (visual shock, extent of damage done on car) (replication
of how the car accident in the story look like)
4- story (aftermath of car crash? Interview them-let them remain anonymous, refer to
them as __ and __) ASK MR TOH THIS (can fake the story/ fake the interview)
5 - promotion of track distract (daydreaming device and TRACK-E)

HJ Post event - petrol kiosk vouchers for everyone - then after the exhibition when
they go fill up petrol, reminded of the exhibition again (by posters advertise
TrackDistract, posters against distracted driving)

(look at diff perspectives put in poster)

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