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 You may answer this final exam ahead of our schedule, and then send your output to my
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 On the schedule of our exam, upload your proof of payment for the finals on our GC.
 You have until the whole day of Friday to submit your output.

University of Bohol
Tagbilaran City



Name: _ BATIANCILA, CATHRINE ZETA B. Class Schedule: TTH 2:30-4:00PM

Directions: Design an instructional plan. For BSEd majors, stick to your field of concentration.
Choose the grade level and the topic or lesson. You may refer to the Curriculum Guide of your
field which can be downloaded. For BEEd, choose one subject or course and the lesson or topic
of your chosen subject. You may also refer to the CG found online.

Indicator Target (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1) Score

Format Lesson has appropriate content Content and/or grade level is Content or grade level
and grade level. Follows somewhat appropriate. Follows inappropriate. Format was not
prescribed format accurately. format but unclear. followed.
Objectives Competencies are SMART, listed Competencies are somewhat Competencies are not SMART
and appropriate. SMART, listed and appropriate. and listed, and inappropriate.
Instruction Appropriate in content and usage Somewhat appropriate in content and Not appropriate in content
of instruction. Instruction matches usage of instruction. Instruction and/or usage of instruction.
objectives. Journal activity included somewhat matches objectives. Instruction does not match
with great emphasis. Journal activity included with some objectives. No journal activity
emphasis. included.

Materials Listed and appropriate for the Listed and somewhat appropriate for Not listed and/or not appropriate
and lesson and grade level. Details the lesson and grade level. Three for the lesson or grade level.
Resources given about resources. Three or activities used. Less than three activities used.
more activities used.
Technology Strongly embedded in lesson. Somewhat embedded in lesson. One Not embedded and/or poorly
More than one type of technology type of technology used. used.
Closure Appropriate use and content. Somewhat appropriate use and Not present or inappropriate
content. use.
Assessment Clearly stated and totally matches Somewhat clearly stated and/or Not stated or does not match
objectives. somewhat matches objectives. objectives.

Overall Lesson plan totally fulfils each of Lesson plan somewhat fulfils all of   Lesson plan does not meet the
the requirements. the requirements. requirements.
Semi – Detailed Instructional Plan in Physical Education 9

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the class session, the students can:
A. identify the background of the sport basketball and its key function
B. develop cooperation and unity with their co-students/team
C. developed in a responsible and enjoyable playing environment

II. Learning Content

Basketball: Basic Skill, Hand Signals, Violations, and qualities of the Officiating Officials

III. Learning Resources

 Book: Playing and Officiating Basketball pp. 188 – 192
 Book: Physical Education 9 (Learner’s Material) pp. 13 - 29

IV. Procedure
A. Introductory Activity
 Prayer, greetings, and attendance
 There will be an activity called “charades” where the class is divided into 2
groups. Each one of them will portray or act what is written in a piece of rolled
paper and is placed inside a bowl.
 The actor is not allowed to say anything when doing the actions, while his/her
group members will guess the act. If they guessed it, they can now proceed to
another actor. They can say “Pass” if there is a difficulty in portraying it.
 They are only given 1 minute to portray the given actions. 20 points will be given
to the team winner and 10 points to the losing team.
 After the game, the students will go back to their respective seats.

B. Activity/Strategy
 The teacher will ask the students regarding the said activity.
 Guide questions: what have you learn as you played the said activity; does this
game needs connection with its team; do you know some of the violations in
playing this team sport?
 The teacher will present a PowerPoint presentation about Basketball. Basketball
is a popular team sport. It is played by two teams who deploy five players each to
play on the court at a time. As many as 10 to 12 players are maintained by each
team to alternate and substitute with the ones on the court.
C. Analysis
 Group the class into 3 for the next activity which is entitled “Paint me a Picture”.
The teacher will ask a question and their answer will be based on their portrayed
picture. They are given 1 minute to brain storm on how to portray the said
 The students are given 5 situations to picture out and deliver it to the class.
 The teacher will shout the word “freeze” and each group will stop moving. Each
group will have one member to explain what they are portraying as how it relate
on the given situation.
 The group with most points, wins the game.

D. Abstraction
 The teacher presents the basic concept of the lesson that is presented to the
class through a PowerPoint presentation.
 The students are given an opportunity to ask the teacher about the lesson

E. Application
 With the same group, the students will be distributed with pieces of manila
paper and markers by the teacher.
 Considering the given topic about the qualities of an officiating official, the
students will draw on the manila paper the picture of their ideal officiating
 They are given 2 minutes to finish their drawings and as the teacher says “time’s
up”, each group will draw lots to whom will present first.
 After that, they will present it in front of the class.
F. Assessment
 There will be a short quiz about the lesson which consist of identification and
enumeration type of questions that consist of 10 items.
 These are the following questions:
1 – 3. Give at least 3 basketball violations.
4. It is a basic skill in which the ball is used to bounce on the floor
continuously with one hand at a time.
5. When a player takes more than two steps between dribbles or without
dribbling the basketball. Traveling can also occur when a player who has
picked up the dribble switches his or her pivot foot. What basketball
violation is this?
6 – 9. What are those qualities to be considered as an officiating official?
10. Give at least one hand signal that you know.
G. Assignment
 The teacher instructs the students to write this on a one whole sheet of paper
and answer the following questions:
1. What are the benefits that you could get in playing basketball?
2. How important does the Officiating Officials in playing sports?
3. Why should we need to follow the rules and regulations in playing sports?
4. What will you do to prevent injuries in playing basketball?
 Research in advance about the history of volleyball and its basic skills.

V. Remark
If there are still few minutes left, the teacher will give an overview about the next topic
which is the history of volleyball and its basic skills.

VI. Reflection
The students are actively engage and participated in every activity that is being given to
them. In every group work, it can be seen that they are united and connected as they
tried to portray and perform well in the said activity. And based on their short quiz, they
answered it correctly since it is being taught by them and it is based on one’s own
opinion and prior knowledge. Therefore, the method of teaching that I used is effective
and it established their own mode of thinking, abilities, and behaviors.

Prepared by:

__Cathrine Zeta B. Batiancila__


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