SG7000 Basic Operations (V200R005C02 - 02)

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U-SYS SG7000 Signaling Gateway


Basic Operations

Issue 02
Date 2009-12-14


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written
consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the organization, related versions, intended audiences, conventions and
update history of theU-SYS SG7000 Signaling Gateway Operation Manual - Basic

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

U-SYS SG7000 V200R005C02

Intended Audience
The intended audiences of this document are:

l On-site engineers
l Maintenance engineers

This document is organized as follows.

Chapter Description

1 Overview of Basic Introduces the classification of maintenance operations and

Operations precautions when you perform the operations.

2 Security Management Details the management of command groups, operators and


3 Log Management Presents the management of logs.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document Basic Operations

Chapter Description

4 Database Management Details data backup, data restoration and data consistency check.

5 Device Management Provides information about maintenance operations related to

equipment running, power distribution boxes, fan frames,
common boards, trunk interface boards, CKII boards and semi-
permanent connections.

6 Handling BAM Failure Focuses on how to use the emergency workstation to replace the
BAM and how to restore the BAM when a single BAM hard disk
is used.

7 Guide for Using Batch Presents how to load batch command files (also called data script
Command Files files).

Symbol Conventions
The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which,

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not

avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and
performance degradation, or unexpected results.
TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save
your time.

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or

supplement important points of the main text.

General Conventions
Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For
example, log in as user root.

iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations About This Document

Convention Description

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Terminal display is in Courier New.

Command Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italic.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are


{ x | y | ... } Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets

and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.

{ x | y | ... } * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can
be selected.

GUI Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in
boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For
example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operation
Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressingCtrl+Alt+A means the
three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys
should be pressed in turn.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

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About This Document Basic Operations

Mouse Operation
Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without
moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain

Update History
Updates between document versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document version
contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

The PDB (DPD100-2-20) is added.

Updates in Issue 01 (2009-09-27)

Initial commercial release.

vi Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations Contents


About This Document...................................................................................................................iii

1 Overview of Basic Operations.................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Classification of Operations............................................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Precautions......................................................................................................................................................1-2

2 Security Management................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Managing Command Groups..........................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Basic Concepts.......................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.2 Listing Command in Command Group..................................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Adding Command into Command Group..............................................................................................2-2
2.1.4 Removing Command from Command Group........................................................................................2-2
2.2 Managing Operators........................................................................................................................................2-2
2.2.1 Basic Concepts.......................................................................................................................................2-3
2.2.2 Operator Login/Logout..........................................................................................................................2-4
2.2.3 Managing Operator Account..................................................................................................................2-6
2.2.4 Setting Operator Right...........................................................................................................................2-7
2.2.5 Setting Time Limit of Operator..............................................................................................................2-7
2.2.6 Changing Password................................................................................................................................2-7
2.2.7 Listing Operator.....................................................................................................................................2-7
2.3 Managing WSs................................................................................................................................................2-8
2.3.1 Basic Concepts.......................................................................................................................................2-8
2.3.2 Adding/Removing WS...........................................................................................................................2-8
2.3.3 Setting WS Right....................................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.4 Listing WS..............................................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.5 Setting Alarm Output Switch of Current WS.........................................................................................2-9
2.3.6 Setting Alarm Output Switch of NM Interface......................................................................................2-9

3 Log Management........................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Overview of Log Management.......................................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Listing Log Information..................................................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Saving or Printing Log Information................................................................................................................3-2
3.3.1 Overview of Saving or Printing Log Information..................................................................................3-2
3.3.2 Saving Log Information to File..............................................................................................................3-2
3.3.3 Printing Log Information.......................................................................................................................3-3

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Contents Basic Operations

3.4 Setting Time and Amount Limit of Operation Logs.......................................................................................3-3

3.5 Querying Storage Capacity of Operation Logs...............................................................................................3-4

4 Database Management..............................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Overview of Database Management...............................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Data Backup....................................................................................................................................................4-2
4.3 Data Restoration..............................................................................................................................................4-2
4.4 Data Consistency Check................................................................................................................................4-15
4.4.1 Checking Basic Data............................................................................................................................4-16
4.4.2 Checking Service Data.........................................................................................................................4-16

5 Device Management..................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Equipment Running.........................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 Setting/Displaying the Current Time of the System Host......................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Starting/Stopping the Trace of CPU Seizure Ratio................................................................................5-2
5.1.3 Prohibiting or Allowing the Alarm........................................................................................................5-2
5.1.4 Querying the BAM Version...................................................................................................................5-3
5.2 Power Distribution Box...................................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.1 Querying Running Status of Power Distribution Box............................................................................5-3
5.2.2 Querying Version of Power Distribution Box........................................................................................5-3
5.2.3 Resetting Power Distribution Box..........................................................................................................5-3
5.2.4 Setting Beeper........................................................................................................................................5-3
5.3 Fan Frame........................................................................................................................................................5-3
5.3.1 Querying the Fan Frame Version...........................................................................................................5-4
5.3.2 Querying Fan Frame Status....................................................................................................................5-4
5.3.3 Resetting Fan Frame...............................................................................................................................5-4
5.3.4 Querying the Fan Frame Temperature...................................................................................................5-4
5.3.5 Querying Fan Frame Monitor Alarm.....................................................................................................5-4
5.4 Common Boards..............................................................................................................................................5-4
5.4.1 Querying the Board Version..................................................................................................................5-5
5.4.2 Querying the Information of Board Status.............................................................................................5-5
5.4.3 Resetting Board......................................................................................................................................5-5
5.4.4 Powering On/Off IO Board....................................................................................................................5-5
5.4.5 Setting the Board Software DIP Switch.................................................................................................5-5
5.4.6 Setting the Secondary BOOTROM Loading Mode of a Board.............................................................5-5
5.4.7 Querying the Status of MTP Link Configured in the Board..................................................................5-6
5.4.8 Querying the Board Communication State............................................................................................5-6
5.4.9 Querying the Temperature of ALUI Board............................................................................................5-6
5.4.10 Querying the Status of ALUI Power Module.......................................................................................5-6
5.5 Trunk Interface Board.....................................................................................................................................5-6
5.5.1 Resetting Trunk Board Port....................................................................................................................5-7
5.5.2 Setting Trunk Board Port Self-Loop......................................................................................................5-7
5.5.3 Querying the Output Status of 2M Clock...............................................................................................5-7
5.5.4 Querying the Trunk Board TDM Clock Status......................................................................................5-7

viii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

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Basic Operations Contents

5.5.5 Querying the Trunk Board Link Loop Back Status............................................................................... 5-7
5.5.6 Querying the Trunk Board Link Status..................................................................................................5-7
5.6 CKII Boards.................................................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.6.1 Swapping CKII Board............................................................................................................................5-8
5.6.2 Querying the CKII Master/Backup Status............................................................................................. 5-8
5.6.3 Querying the CKII TDM Clock Status.................................................................................................. 5-8
5.6.4 Querying the Reference Source Status...................................................................................................5-8
5.6.5 Setting the CKII Work Mode.................................................................................................................5-8
5.6.6 Querying the Phase Locking Status....................................................................................................... 5-8
5.7 Semi-Permanent Connections.........................................................................................................................5-8
5.7.1 Querying the Status of a Single SPC......................................................................................................5-8
5.7.2 Querying Idle Timeslot Resource in the Network..................................................................................5-9
5.7.3 Connecting/Disconnecting.....................................................................................................................5-9

6 Handling BAM Failure..............................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Overview of Handling BAM Failure.............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2 Starting the EWS.............................................................................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Restoring the Data in the EWS.............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Starting the BAM System of the EWS...................................................................................................6-2
6.2.3 Changing Network Connections............................................................................................................ 6-3
6.2.4 Checking Data........................................................................................................................................6-4
6.2.5 Verifying the Running Status of the EWS.............................................................................................6-5
6.3 Restoring the BAM......................................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.3.1 Backing Up the Data in the EWS...........................................................................................................6-5
6.3.2 Restoring the EWS to a Common WS...................................................................................................6-5
6.3.3 Restoring BAM Data..............................................................................................................................6-6
6.3.4 Reconnecting the BAM to the Host....................................................................................................... 6-6
6.3.5 Check the Running Status of the BAM and EWS..................................................................................6-6

7 Guide for Using Batch Command Files.................................................................................7-1

7.1 Overview of Guide for Using Batch Command Files.....................................................................................7-2
7.2 Start Saving Command and Stop Saving Command.......................................................................................7-2
7.3 Executing Batch Command Files....................................................................................................................7-3

8 Acronyms and Abbreviations..................................................................................................8-1

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Basic Operations Figures


Figure 2-1 Operator login dialog box...................................................................................................................2-4

Figure 2-2 Office management dialog box...........................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-3 Maintenance system window..............................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-4 MML client window ..........................................................................................................................2-6
Figure 3-1 System configure dialog box .............................................................................................................3-3
Figure 4-1 Services window (1)(Windows 2000 Server).....................................................................................4-3
Figure 4-2 Services window (1)(Windows 2003 Server).....................................................................................4-4
Figure 4-3 Services window (2)(Windows 2000 Server).....................................................................................4-5
Figure 4-4 Services window (2)(Windows 2003 Server).....................................................................................4-5
Figure 4-5 SQL Server Service Manager dialog box...........................................................................................4-6
Figure 4-6 BAM Manager window .....................................................................................................................4-7
Figure 4-7 Service Control prompt...................................................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-8 SQL Server Manager..........................................................................................................................4-8
Figure 4-9 Restore database dialog box (1)..........................................................................................................4-9
Figure 4-10 Choose Restore Devices dialog box (1).........................................................................................4-10
Figure 4-11 Choose Restore Destination dialog box..........................................................................................4-10
Figure 4-12 Choose Restore Devices dialog box (2).........................................................................................4-11
Figure 4-13 Restore database dialog box (2)......................................................................................................4-12
Figure 4-14 Restore Progress dialog box...........................................................................................................4-12
Figure 4-15 Services window (1)(Windows 2000 Server).................................................................................4-13
Figure 4-16 Services window (1)(Windows 2003 Server).................................................................................4-14
Figure 4-17 BAM Manager window .................................................................................................................4-15
Figure 6-1 BAM Manager....................................................................................................................................6-3
Figure 6-2 System architecture.............................................................................................................................6-4
Figure 7-1 System configure dialog box .............................................................................................................7-2

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Basic Operations Tables


Table 2-1 Password change authorities................................................................................................................2-7

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations 1 Overview of Basic Operations

1 Overview of Basic Operations

About This Chapter

This chapter describes basic operations carried out on the SG7000.

1.1 Classification of Operations
You can manage the SG7000 through the SG7000 maintenance system. The maintenance
system provides the MML interface and the graphical user interface (GUI).
1.2 Precautions
If you reset or swap boards, or perform loopback, services borne by the boards are interrupted.
Therefore, be cautious when performing these operations or they may affect normal running of
the SG7000.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1 Overview of Basic Operations Basic Operations

1.1 Classification of Operations

You can manage the SG7000 through the SG7000 maintenance system. The maintenance
system provides the MML interface and the graphical user interface (GUI).
For details on how to manage the SG7000 through the GUI, see U-SYS SG7000 Terminal
Guide. This manual explains how to manage the SG7000 through the maintenance system.
This manual describes the following operations respectively:
l Security management
l Log management
l Database management
l Device management
l Handling BAM failure
l Guide for using batch command files

For details on how to manage tracing and statistics on the GUI, and alarms through the alarm console of the
SG7000 maintenance system, see U-SYS SG7000 Terminal Guide.

1.2 Precautions
If you reset or swap boards, or perform loopback, services borne by the boards are interrupted.
Therefore, be cautious when performing these operations or they may affect normal running of
the SG7000.

1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations 2 Security Management

2 Security Management

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the authority management of command groups, operators and WSs in the
2.1 Managing Command Groups
A command group contains many commands, which can be added, removed, or queried by using
other relevant commands.
2.2 Managing Operators
Only experienced personnel can perform operations on the SG7000. In this case, operator
account and authority must be carefully configured and restricted.
2.3 Managing WSs
The authority of an operator is the combination of the authority of the operator account and that
of the WS.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2 Security Management Basic Operations

2.1 Managing Command Groups

A command group contains many commands, which can be added, removed, or queried by using
other relevant commands.
2.1.1 Basic Concepts
A command group is a basic unit for authority setting. A command may belong to one or more
command groups. If an operator and a workstation (WS) have the authority of a command group,
the operator can run all commands in the command group on the WS.
2.1.2 Listing Command in Command Group
To list commands in a command group, run LST CCG.
2.1.3 Adding Command into Command Group
To add command into command group, run ADD CCG.
2.1.4 Removing Command from Command Group
To remove command from command group, run RMV CCG.

2.1.1 Basic Concepts

A command group is a basic unit for authority setting. A command may belong to one or more
command groups. If an operator and a workstation (WS) have the authority of a command group,
the operator can run all commands in the command group on the WS.
The SG7000 Operation and Maintenance Center (OMC) has 66 command groups, namely, G_0
to G_63 and two special command groups (G_SYS and G_GUEST). G_SYS belongs to the
system administrator, and G_GUEST belongs to GUEST operators. G_0 to G_4 are five preset
command groups that contain most commands according to the functions. Commands related
to authority and login must be assigned to the G_SYS command group.
G_GUEST is the command group with the lowest authority. If an operator or a WS has the
authority of only the G_GUEST command group, the operator can run only five related
commands on the WS.

2.1.2 Listing Command in Command Group

To list commands in a command group, run LST CCG.

2.1.3 Adding Command into Command Group

To add command into command group, run ADD CCG.

2.1.4 Removing Command from Command Group

To remove command from command group, run RMV CCG.

2.2 Managing Operators

Only experienced personnel can perform operations on the SG7000. In this case, operator
account and authority must be carefully configured and restricted.
2.2.1 Basic Concepts

2-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

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Basic Operations 2 Security Management

The user management includes the management of operator account, time limit, operator
authority, and operator related commands.
2.2.2 Operator Login/Logout
To manage the system through MML commands, an operator must log in to the main interface
of the MML input tool. After the operation, the operator must log out of the system to avoid
maloperations by others.
2.2.3 Managing Operator Account
The operator account management includes adding operator account and removing operator
2.2.4 Setting Operator Right
Only the system administrator has the authority to use SET OPCG to set the operator right, that
is, to set command groups that can be used by an operator.
2.2.5 Setting Time Limit of Operator
The SET OPTM command is used to set time limit for operators. Only the system administrator
has the right to run SET OPTM.
2.2.6 Changing Password
To change the password of the administrator, choose System > Change password on the
SG7000 maintenance system. To change the password of normal operator, the administrator
can choose Authority Management > Accounts > Modify on the SG7000 maintenance
2.2.7 Listing Operator
The system administrator can use LST OP to list the information of all operators, while a
common operator can only list his/her own information by using the command.

2.2.1 Basic Concepts

The user management includes the management of operator account, time limit, operator
authority, and operator related commands.

Operator Account
SG7000 and Guest are two default operator accounts in the SG7000. SG7000 is the account for
the system administrator who has the highest authority. Guest is the account with the lowest

To manage the SG7000, you must have a valid account. The system administrator manages all
accounts and can add or remove common operator accounts. The account (SG7000 by default)
of the system administrator cannot be modified. Only the accounts of common operators can be
added or modified.

The system administrator can add or remove the accounts of common operators, but not the own
account or Guest accounts.

Time Limit

A common operator has the operation authority only for a limited period, which is called the
time limit. The system administrator can modify the time limit of common operators. A common
operator can run commands within the time limit. There is no time limit for the system
administrator or Guest operators.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-3

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2 Security Management Basic Operations

Authority of Operator
The current authority that an operator has is a combination of the authority of the operator and
that of the WS being used. On different WSs, an operator can use different commands. On a
WS, different operators can use different commands. The system administrator can add, remove,
or modify accounts only on system-level WSs.

Do not set command group authority for the system administrator and any Guest operator. The
system administrator has the authority of the G_SYS command group by default. Guest operators
have the authority of the G_GUEST command group by default.

Password of Operator
To ensure security, each account must have a password. The system administrator can modify
passwords of other accounts. A common operator can only modify his/her own password.

The passwords of all operators must not be null except those of Guest operators. A valid password
is required to log in to the system.

2.2.2 Operator Login/Logout

To manage the system through MML commands, an operator must log in to the main interface
of the MML input tool. After the operation, the operator must log out of the system to avoid
maloperations by others.

Step 1 Choose Start > Programs > SG7000 Administration System > SG7000 Maintenance to
display the Operator login dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Operator login dialog box

Step 2 Click Manage in Figure 2-1 to display the dialog box as shown in Figure 2-2. Specify an office
direction name and a BAM IP address. Click Set, and the office direction is automatically added
to the list. Then click OK to return to the Operator login dialog box again.

2-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

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Basic Operations 2 Security Management

Figure 2-2 Office management dialog box

Step 3 In Figure 2-1, select an office name from the list, enter the correct password, and click Log
in. The SG7000 maintenance system is displayed as shown in Figure 2-3. If the login fails,
check whether the office name, operator name, and password are correct.

Figure 2-3 Maintenance system window

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-5

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2 Security Management Basic Operations

Step 4 Choose View > MML Window or click the icon on the toolbar or press F4 to display the
MML client program (also called MML input tool), as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 MML client window


The BAM IP address must be set correctly. The office direction name can be customized, but cannot be repeated.
If you add an office direction the name of which is the same as that of an existing one, the new office direction
replaces the old one.


After the operation, the operator must log out of the system to avoid maloperations by others.

On the SG7000 maintenance system, choose System > Operator logout to log out.

2.2.3 Managing Operator Account

The operator account management includes adding operator account and removing operator

2-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

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Basic Operations 2 Security Management

Adding Operator Account

Only the system administrator has the authority to use ADD OP to add operator accounts.

Removing Operator Account

Only the system administrator has the authority to use RMV OP to remove operator accounts.

2.2.4 Setting Operator Right

Only the system administrator has the authority to use SET OPCG to set the operator right, that
is, to set command groups that can be used by an operator.

2.2.5 Setting Time Limit of Operator

The SET OPTM command is used to set time limit for operators. Only the system administrator
has the right to run SET OPTM.

2.2.6 Changing Password

To change the password of the administrator, choose System > Change password on the
SG7000 maintenance system. To change the password of normal operator, the administrator
can choose Authority Management > Accounts > Modify on the SG7000 maintenance

The system administrator can modify the passwords of other users through choosing Authority
Management > Accounts > Modify. Table 2-1 lists the password change authorities of different

Table 2-1 Password change authorities

Operator Change Own Password Change Passwords of Other


System administrator Yes Yes

Common operator Yes No


If a common operator forgets his/her own password, he/she can contact the system administrator to get a specified

2.2.7 Listing Operator

The system administrator can use LST OP to list the information of all operators, while a
common operator can only list his/her own information by using the command.

An operator can use LST CMDS to list executable commands.


In the information returned, Online indicates that the operator has logged in to the system. Offline indicates that
the operator has not logged in to the system.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2 Security Management Basic Operations

2.3 Managing WSs

The authority of an operator is the combination of the authority of the operator account and that
of the WS.
2.3.1 Basic Concepts
A WS is a computer on which an operator carries out commands. If a WS is not registered, it
can be used only as a G_GUEST-level WS. You can run only a limited number of commands
on such a WS. The BAM is set as a super WS by default. It has the authority to use the G_SYS
command group.
2.3.2 Adding/Removing WS
The WS management includes adding WS and removing WS.
2.3.3 Setting WS Right
Only the system administrator has the authority to use SET WSCG to set WS right for a WS.
2.3.4 Listing WS
The system administrator can use LST WS to list the status of all WSs. A common operator can
list only the WS that he/she is using by running the command.
2.3.5 Setting Alarm Output Switch of Current WS
Run SET CWSON to switch on/off the alarm output switch.
2.3.6 Setting Alarm Output Switch of NM Interface
Run SET TMNON to set whether to send the alarm information from the network management
(NM) interface of the client to the network management system (NMS).

2.3.1 Basic Concepts

A WS is a computer on which an operator carries out commands. If a WS is not registered, it
can be used only as a G_GUEST-level WS. You can run only a limited number of commands
on such a WS. The BAM is set as a super WS by default. It has the authority to use the G_SYS
command group.

Only the system administrator can add or remove a WS, or set related management information
of a WS.

2.3.2 Adding/Removing WS
The WS management includes adding WS and removing WS.

Adding WS

Only the system administrator has the authority to use ADD WS to add a WS.

A WS that is newly added has the authority only at the GUEST level. After you add a new WS,
configure a suitable command group authority for the WS in time.

Removing WS

Run RMV WS to remove a WS.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations 2 Security Management

2.3.3 Setting WS Right

Only the system administrator has the authority to use SET WSCG to set WS right for a WS.

2.3.4 Listing WS
The system administrator can use LST WS to list the status of all WSs. A common operator can
list only the WS that he/she is using by running the command.

2.3.5 Setting Alarm Output Switch of Current WS

Run SET CWSON to switch on/off the alarm output switch.

2.3.6 Setting Alarm Output Switch of NM Interface

Run SET TMNON to set whether to send the alarm information from the network management
(NM) interface of the client to the network management system (NMS).

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations 3 Log Management

3 Log Management

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the log management function of the SG7000.

3.1 Overview of Log Management
By managing logs in the SG7000, you can query operation records of MML commands. You
can also find out whether commands that affect the system have been carried out in a certain
3.2 Listing Log Information
The system administrator can use LST LOG to list all commands that are used on the BAM and
their execution.
3.3 Saving or Printing Log Information
The log information can be saved or printed in real time.
3.4 Setting Time and Amount Limit of Operation Logs
An operation log contains only certain amount of records or records over a certain period. The
time limit ranges from 7 days to 365 days. If new records beyond time limit arrive, the system
deletes old records automatically. The default value is 30 days.
3.5 Querying Storage Capacity of Operation Logs
You can use LST LOGT to query the time limit of an operation log.

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3 Log Management Basic Operations

3.1 Overview of Log Management

By managing logs in the SG7000, you can query operation records of MML commands. You
can also find out whether commands that affect the system have been carried out in a certain
Only the system administrator has the authority to manage logs.

3.2 Listing Log Information

The system administrator can use LST LOG to list all commands that are used on the BAM and
their execution.
You can query the following log information:
l Accounts used when operators log in to the system
l IP addresses of WSs
l History commands
l Date and time when history commands were carried out
l Returned results

3.3 Saving or Printing Log Information

The log information can be saved or printed in real time.
3.3.1 Overview of Saving or Printing Log Information
After you run LST LOG, the results might contain a large amount of data that cannot be clearly
viewed in the MML output window.
3.3.2 Saving Log Information to File
Saving log information to file provides information for future operation and maintenance.
3.3.3 Printing Log Information
On the SG7000 maintenance system, choose System > Print or press Ctrl+P to print the log

3.3.1 Overview of Saving or Printing Log Information

After you run LST LOG, the results might contain a large amount of data that cannot be clearly
viewed in the MML output window.
To solve the problem, perform the following steps:
1. Save the output report to a file.
2. Print the report.
Saving and printing operations are described as follows.

3.3.2 Saving Log Information to File

Saving log information to file provides information for future operation and maintenance.

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Basic Operations 3 Log Management

Step 1 On the SG7000 maintenance system, choose System > System Customization to display the
dialog box as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 System configure dialog box

Step 2 Specify a value in Limit rows of maintain output window and select Output into file. By
default, the file is named Wh.TXT and saved in D: \SG7000\Output.

Once you save the report to a file, all commands carried out before you modify the setting, or log out of the
client are saved to the file.


3.3.3 Printing Log Information

On the SG7000 maintenance system, choose System > Print or press Ctrl+P to print the log

3.4 Setting Time and Amount Limit of Operation Logs

An operation log contains only certain amount of records or records over a certain period. The
time limit ranges from 7 days to 365 days. If new records beyond time limit arrive, the system
deletes old records automatically. The default value is 30 days.
The amount of records in a log ranges from 10 to 3,000,000. If new records beyond amount limit
arrive, the system deletes old records automatically.

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3 Log Management Basic Operations

You can set the time limit and the amount limit of an operation log by modifying the
TimeLimit and LogSpaceLimit fields in the 128Bam.ini file.
You can also use SET LOGT to set the time limit of an operation log.

3.5 Querying Storage Capacity of Operation Logs

You can use LST LOGT to query the time limit of an operation log.

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Basic Operations 4 Database Management

4 Database Management

About This Chapter

The database management includes database backup, recovery, and consistency check.
4.1 Overview of Database Management
The BAM database is the SQL database saved on the BAM hard disk in the form of data tables.
It is used to save various data generated during data configuration operations.
4.2 Data Backup
It refers to the backup of the BAM database and BAM registry.
4.3 Data Restoration
In the case that the BAM database is damaged, you must restore the database.
4.4 Data Consistency Check
It refers to the data consistency check between the host and the SQL Server database on the

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

4.1 Overview of Database Management

The BAM database is the SQL database saved on the BAM hard disk in the form of data tables.
It is used to save various data generated during data configuration operations.

BAM database management consists of three parts:

l Data backup: Backing up important data to ensure smooth system operation. All
configuration data is stored in the BAM database. It is crucial to back up the data regularly.
l Data restoration: Restoring the BAM data from backup data if the data is corrupted due to
hardware or software faults.
l Data consistency check: Checking if the BAM data is consistent with the host data.

4.2 Data Backup

It refers to the backup of the BAM database and BAM registry.

There are two backup methods:

l Automatic backup
l Manual backup

For details, see U-SYS SG7000 Terminal Guide.

4.3 Data Restoration

In the case that the BAM database is damaged, you must restore the database.

You must restore the BAM data in the following cases:

l After the BAM Server software is reinstalled, the BAM database is cleared. In this case,
you can replace the currently empty database with the backup BAM database.
l Replace the database on the BAM or emergency workstation (EWS) with the latest database
in the following cases: when the EWS takes over the BAM due to the BAM failure; when
the BAM resumes normal operation after troubleshooting.

Use the SQL Server to restore the BAM database only, which cannot restore the registry files.


Before using the SQL Server, ensure that all SQL applications, such as SQL Query Analyser and SQL profiler
are closed. Any connections to the database cause failure of BAM database restoration.

Step 1 Stop the SGBAMService.
To stop the SGBAMService, perform the following steps:

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Basic Operations 4 Database Management

1. On the desktop of Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server, choose Start >
Programs > Administrative Tools > Services. The Services window is displayed, as
shown in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-1 Services window (1)(Windows 2000 Server)

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

Figure 4-2 Services window (1)(Windows 2003 Server)

2. Right-click SGBAMService, and then click Stop on the shortcut menu.The system tries
to stop the SGBAMService. If the operation is successful, the Status column of
SGBAMService is blank as shown in Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4. This means that the
SGBAMService has stopped.

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Figure 4-3 Services window (2)(Windows 2000 Server)

Figure 4-4 Services window (2)(Windows 2003 Server)

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

Step 2 Check the SQL Server Service Manager.

To check if the SQL Server Service Manager has started, perform the following steps:

1. On the desktop of Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server, double-click in the

status bar. The SQL Server Service Manager dialog box is displayed, as shown inFigure

Figure 4-5 SQL Server Service Manager dialog box

2. If the status bar shows Running, it means that the SQL Server Service Manager is running
normally. In this case, proceed with Step 3.
3. If the status bar shows Stopped, it means that the SQL Server Service Manager is stopped.
In this case, you must choose SQL Server in the Services field, and then click the Start/
Continue button to start it.
Step 3 Stop all the BAM services.
To stop all BAM services, perform the following steps:
1. On the desktop of Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server, choose Start >
Programs > SG7000 Administration System > SG7000 Server. The BAM Manager
window is displayed as shown in Figure 4-6.

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Figure 4-6 BAM Manager window

2. Click Exit in the window. The system prompts Are you sure that you want to exit? Click
OK to confirm.
3. The Service Control prompt appears, as shown in Figure 4-7. After a few seconds, all the
BAM services are stopped.

Figure 4-7 Service Control prompt

Step 4 Log in to the SQL database server.

To log in to the SQL database server, perform the following steps:
1. On the desktop of Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server, choose Start >
Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager. The SQL Server Enterprise
Manager window is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-8.

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

Figure 4-8 SQL Server Manager

2. The system logs in to the SQL database server automatically. If the login is successful, the
system displays the computer name (L17918 in this example) of the BAM Server under
the SQL Server Group node in the left pane, as shown in Figure 4-8, and a green circle
with a white triangle is displayed on the left of the computer name.
3. If auto login fails, choose Action > New SQL Server Registrationin Figure 4-8. Then
follow the system prompts to accept all the default options to log in to the SQL database
Step 5 Restore the SQL database.
To restore the SQL database, perform the following steps:
1. In the left pane in Figure 4-8, choose Microsoft SQL Servers > SQL Server Group >
L17918 (Windows NT) > Databases.
2. Right-click Bam and choose All Tasks > Restore database from the shortcut menu. The
Restore database dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-9.

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Figure 4-9 Restore database dialog box (1)

3. Select From device for the Restore field and Database-complete for the Restore backup
set field. Then click Select Devices.
4. The Choose Restore Devices dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-10 appears, prompting you
to select the location of the BAM database backup file.

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

Figure 4-10 Choose Restore Devices dialog box (1)

The latest BAM database backup file is shown. Click Remove All and then Add to add a
specific file.
5. The Choose Restore Destination dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-11 appears, prompting
you to select the path of the BAM database file.

Figure 4-11 Choose Restore Destination dialog box

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l If it is required to specify the file path, select or fill in the file path in the File name
l To select the default path, type or select E:\MSSQL\SGDATA, or directly select a file
from the Backup device drop-down list.
After setting, click OK to continue.
6. The system returns to the Choose Restore Devices dialog box, in which the specified BAM
database file name is displayed in the Device name box, as shown in Figure 4-12. Confirm
it and click OK to proceed.

Figure 4-12 Choose Restore Devices dialog box (2)

7. The system returns to the Restore database dialog box, in which the specified BAM
database file name is displayed in the Devices box, as shown in Figure 4-9. Click the
Options tab. Select Force restore over existing database, as shown in Figure 4-13. Click

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

Figure 4-13 Restore database dialog box (2)


If Force restore over existing database is not selected, it may cause repeated records to exist in the BAM
database and the data configuration into collision.
8. The system displays the restoring progress, as shown in Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14 Restore Progress dialog box

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Basic Operations 4 Database Management

9. After the restoration is completed, the system prompts Restore of database "Bam"
completed successfully. Click OK to confirm.
10. The BAM database is now restored.
Step 6 Restart the SGBAMService.
To restart the SGBAMService, perform the following steps:
1. On the desktop of Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server, choose Start >
Programs > Administrative Tools > Services. The Services window is displayed, as
shown in Figure 4-15 and Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-15 Services window (1)(Windows 2000 Server)

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

Figure 4-16 Services window (1)(Windows 2003 Server)

2. Right-click SGBAMService and click Start on the shortcut menu to restart the
Step 7 Restart the BAM services.
On the desktop of Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server, choose Start > Programs >
SG7000 Administration System > SG7000 Server. The BAM Manager window is displayed.
When the state of all the BAM services becomes Started, as shown in Figure 4-17, it means
that all the BAM services have been started.

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Figure 4-17 BAM Manager window

Step 8 Convert the database files.

It is required to convert the format before loading it to the host, because the restored BAM
database file is not the final file to be loaded.
To convert the SQL database format, perform the following steps:
1. Run FMT:;to convert the format of all data.
2. Run SET OPMODE: LN=LON; to set online.
Step 9 Check the data consistency.
After completing steps 1-10, ensure that the host data and the BAM data are consistent. If the
data is consistent, it means that the BAM data has been restored successfully.
Perform the following steps:
1. Run ACT CNSCHK to check the consistency of basic data. If there is data inconsistency
between the host and the BAM, run RST DBTBL to restore data from the host or RST
TBL to cover basic data in other boards with that in the active HSYS.
2. Run ACT SERCNSCHK to check service data consistency. This command provides a
function to restore the service data if it is inconsistent between the host and the BAM.


4.4 Data Consistency Check

It refers to the data consistency check between the host and the SQL Server database on the
Consistency check means checking whether the data of all SBPUs/SBPEs and HSYSs is the
same as that of the BAM. In case of inconsistency, you can use a command to restore the data.

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4 Database Management Basic Operations

4.4.1 Checking Basic Data

The consistency check of the basic data includes checking the single data table and all data tables.
4.4.2 Checking Service Data
Checking service data means checking whether the service data tables are the same between the
host and the BAM. In case of inconsistency, you can use a command to restore the data.

4.4.1 Checking Basic Data

The consistency check of the basic data includes checking the single data table and all data tables.

Checking All Data Tables

To check data consistency, run the ACT CNSCHK command.
This command checks if the BAM database and the host database are the same. Only a check
result is given. To compare two data tables, run CMP TBL.
If data in the host is inconsistent with that on the BAM, you can run RST DBTBL to restore
data from the host.
If data on the HSYS is inconsistent with that on other boards, you can run RST TBL to cover
basic data on other boards with that on the active HSYS.

Checking One Data Table

To compare two data tables, run CMP TBL.
This command checks whether a data table in the BAM database is the same as that in the host
database, and can locate data table errors. It is an upgrade version of ACT CNSCHK.

4.4.2 Checking Service Data

Checking service data means checking whether the service data tables are the same between the
host and the BAM. In case of inconsistency, you can use a command to restore the data.
To check service data consistency, run ACT SERCNSCHK. This command has a parameter
indicating whether to restore data. If you set it to Yes, the system restores the data automatically
if any inconsistency is found.

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Basic Operations 5 Device Management

5 Device Management

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the basic maintenance operations performed on the devices.
5.1 Equipment Running
Equipment running management is the premise for checking whether the equipment runs
5.2 Power Distribution Box
The power distribution box (PDB) of the SG7000 is installed on the top of each cabinet. The
PDB supplies direct current (DC) power for components inside each cabinet. You can run
commands to query the running status and version of the PDB.
5.3 Fan Frame
The fan frame of the SG7000 is installed at the bottom of each frame. You can run commands
to query the version, status, and monitor alarm of a fan frame.
5.4 Common Boards
The common board-related operations include board status query, board version query,
stratum-2 BOOTROM loading mode setting, and board switchover.
5.5 Trunk Interface Board
In the SG7000, the SEPU is the trunk interface board. You can run commands to manage the
E1/T1 ports, clock, and links of the SEPU.
5.6 CKII Boards
By executing commands, you can switch over the active and standby CKII boards, or query the
status of the reference source and phase locking of a clock.
5.7 Semi-Permanent Connections
The common operations related to the semi-permanent links include status query, connecting,
disconnecting, and idle timeslot resource query.

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5 Device Management Basic Operations

5.1 Equipment Running

Equipment running management is the premise for checking whether the equipment runs

5.1.1 Setting/Displaying the Current Time of the System Host

You can use the related command to query the current host time. If the time displayed is different
from the actual time, you must run the command to modify the host time to the correct time.
5.1.2 Starting/Stopping the Trace of CPU Seizure Ratio
Run ACT CPUR to start the tracing of CPU usage. When the equipment is working normally,
the CPU usage should not be more than 30%.
5.1.3 Prohibiting or Allowing the Alarm
Run SET ALMST to prohibit or allow alarms on a specific SHPU/SLPU, for example, a link
test alarm or a physical error alarm.
5.1.4 Querying the BAM Version
Run DSP BAMVER to query the detailed version of the SG7000 software running on the BAM
before or after the software update.

5.1.1 Setting/Displaying the Current Time of the System Host

You can use the related command to query the current host time. If the time displayed is different
from the actual time, you must run the command to modify the host time to the correct time.

Setting the Current Time of the System Host

Run SET EXTM to set the time of the host.


Modifying the time of the host affects the running of statistics tasks and leads to incorrect statistics results.
Therefore, set the time of the host only during deployment or when you are not running statistics tasks.

Displaying the Current Time of the System Host

Run DSP EXTM to display the time of the host. Run the command to check:

l Whether the time of the host is the same as the local time
l Whether the communication between the host and the BAM is normal

5.1.2 Starting/Stopping the Trace of CPU Seizure Ratio

Run ACT CPUR to start the tracing of CPU usage. When the equipment is working normally,
the CPU usage should not be more than 30%.

To stop the tracing of CPU usage, run STP CPUR.

5.1.3 Prohibiting or Allowing the Alarm

Run SET ALMST to prohibit or allow alarms on a specific SHPU/SLPU, for example, a link
test alarm or a physical error alarm.

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5.1.4 Querying the BAM Version

Run DSP BAMVER to query the detailed version of the SG7000 software running on the BAM
before or after the software update.

5.2 Power Distribution Box

The power distribution box (PDB) of the SG7000 is installed on the top of each cabinet. The
PDB supplies direct current (DC) power for components inside each cabinet. You can run
commands to query the running status and version of the PDB.
5.2.1 Querying Running Status of Power Distribution Box
Run DSP POWER to query the running status of a PDB, that is, to query whether a PDB is
running normally.
5.2.2 Querying Version of Power Distribution Box
Run DSP POWVER to query the version of a PDB.
5.2.3 Resetting Power Distribution Box
Run RST POWER to reset the control board in a PDB when the system reports a PDB fault.
The resetting does not affect the power supply system of the cabinet.
5.2.4 Setting Beeper
Run SET BEEP to set the beeper in a PDB, that is, whether to generate the alarm tone when the
DC PDB on the top of the cabinet is faulty.

5.2.1 Querying Running Status of Power Distribution Box

Run DSP POWER to query the running status of a PDB, that is, to query whether a PDB is
running normally.

5.2.2 Querying Version of Power Distribution Box

Run DSP POWVER to query the version of a PDB.

5.2.3 Resetting Power Distribution Box

Run RST POWER to reset the control board in a PDB when the system reports a PDB fault.
The resetting does not affect the power supply system of the cabinet.

5.2.4 Setting Beeper

Run SET BEEP to set the beeper in a PDB, that is, whether to generate the alarm tone when the
DC PDB on the top of the cabinet is faulty.

5.3 Fan Frame

The fan frame of the SG7000 is installed at the bottom of each frame. You can run commands
to query the version, status, and monitor alarm of a fan frame.
5.3.1 Querying the Fan Frame Version
Run DSP FANVER to query the version of a fan frame.
5.3.2 Querying Fan Frame Status

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5 Device Management Basic Operations

Run DSP FANFRAM to query the status of a fan frame, that is, whether the six fans in a fan
frame are working normally.
5.3.3 Resetting Fan Frame
Run RST FAN to reset a fan frame when the system reports a fan frame fault.
5.3.4 Querying the Fan Frame Temperature
Run DSP FANTMP to query the temperature of a fan frame.
5.3.5 Querying Fan Frame Monitor Alarm
Run DSP FANALM to query the monitor alarm of a fan frame.

5.3.1 Querying the Fan Frame Version

Run DSP FANVER to query the version of a fan frame.

5.3.2 Querying Fan Frame Status

Run DSP FANFRAM to query the status of a fan frame, that is, whether the six fans in a fan
frame are working normally.

5.3.3 Resetting Fan Frame

Run RST FAN to reset a fan frame when the system reports a fan frame fault.

5.3.4 Querying the Fan Frame Temperature

Run DSP FANTMP to query the temperature of a fan frame.

5.3.5 Querying Fan Frame Monitor Alarm

Run DSP FANALM to query the monitor alarm of a fan frame.

5.4 Common Boards

The common board-related operations include board status query, board version query,
stratum-2 BOOTROM loading mode setting, and board switchover.
5.4.1 Querying the Board Version
Run DSP EXVER to query the board version.
5.4.2 Querying the Information of Board Status
Run DSP BRD to query the status of a board. For different types of boards, the query results
are different. For example, the results for querying the status of the SPBI include the status of
the FE interface and the MAC address of the SPBI.
5.4.3 Resetting Board
Run RST BRD to reset a board.
5.4.4 Powering On/Off IO Board
Run PWR BRD to power on/off only the SBPI and SBPU/SBPE.
5.4.5 Setting the Board Software DIP Switch
Run SET SFTSWT to set the software DIP switch of a board. Before loading a board, run the
command to set the loading mode of the board.

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Basic Operations 5 Device Management

5.4.6 Setting the Secondary BOOTROM Loading Mode of a Board

Run SET L2BOOT to set the secondary BOOTROM loading mode of a board. Among all boards
of the SG7000, only the HSYS, SBPU/SBPE, and SBPI have secondary BOOTROMs. You can
run the command to set whether to reload the secondary BOOTROMs when these boards are
5.4.7 Querying the Status of MTP Link Configured in the Board
Run DSP N7LNKBRD to query the status of MTP links configured in a board. Through the
query results, you can learn whether a link is in service, online, faulty, or congested.
5.4.8 Querying the Board Communication State
Run DSP COMALMINF to query the state of communication between boards.
5.4.9 Querying the Temperature of ALUI Board
Run DSP ALUITMP to query the temperature of the ALUI.
5.4.10 Querying the Status of ALUI Power Module
Run DSP ALUIPOW to query the status of the power module monitored by the ALUI.

5.4.1 Querying the Board Version

Run DSP EXVER to query the board version.

5.4.2 Querying the Information of Board Status

Run DSP BRD to query the status of a board. For different types of boards, the query results
are different. For example, the results for querying the status of the SPBI include the status of
the FE interface and the MAC address of the SPBI.
To query the status of all boards, run DSP FRM.

5.4.3 Resetting Board

Run RST BRD to reset a board.

Be cautious when using the command because resetting a board interrupts links and services borne by the board.

5.4.4 Powering On/Off IO Board

Run PWR BRD to power on/off only the SBPI and SBPU/SBPE.

Be cautious when using the command because powering off a board interrupts links and services borne by the

5.4.5 Setting the Board Software DIP Switch

Run SET SFTSWT to set the software DIP switch of a board. Before loading a board, run the
command to set the loading mode of the board.
To query the setting of the software DIP switch of a board, run DSP SFTSWT.

5.4.6 Setting the Secondary BOOTROM Loading Mode of a Board

Run SET L2BOOT to set the secondary BOOTROM loading mode of a board. Among all boards
of the SG7000, only the HSYS, SBPU/SBPE, and SBPI have secondary BOOTROMs. You can

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5 Device Management Basic Operations

run the command to set whether to reload the secondary BOOTROMs when these boards are
To query the secondary BOOTROM loading mode of a board, run DSP L2BOOT.

5.4.7 Querying the Status of MTP Link Configured in the Board

Run DSP N7LNKBRD to query the status of MTP links configured in a board. Through the
query results, you can learn whether a link is in service, online, faulty, or congested.
The results returned show whether:
l The links are transmitting services
l The links are online
l The links are faulty
l The congestion occurs.

5.4.8 Querying the Board Communication State

Run DSP COMALMINF to query the state of communication between boards.

5.4.9 Querying the Temperature of ALUI Board

Run DSP ALUITMP to query the temperature of the ALUI.

5.4.10 Querying the Status of ALUI Power Module

Run DSP ALUIPOW to query the status of the power module monitored by the ALUI.

5.5 Trunk Interface Board

In the SG7000, the SEPU is the trunk interface board. You can run commands to manage the
E1/T1 ports, clock, and links of the SEPU.

Be cautious when executing RST TRUNKPORT and SET TRUNKPORTLOOP because either command
interrupts links and services borne by the board.

5.5.1 Resetting Trunk Board Port

The SEPU has 16 E1/T1 ports. Run RST TRUNKPORT to reset an E1/T1 port of the SEPU.
5.5.2 Setting Trunk Board Port Self-Loop
Self-loops are used to detect whether a port is faulty. Run SET TRUNKPORTLOOP to set the
self-loop of a port.
5.5.3 Querying the Output Status of 2M Clock
In the SG7000, the system clock can be derived from a trunk of the SEPU in the main control
frame. Run DSP TRUNK2M to query the output status of the 2 MHz (or 2 Mbit/s) clock of the
5.5.4 Querying the Trunk Board TDM Clock Status
Run DSP TRUNKTDM to query the status of the TDM clock of the SEPU.
5.5.5 Querying the Trunk Board Link Loop Back Status
Run DSP TRUNKLNKLOOP to query the status of the link loop back of a port or all ports.

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Basic Operations 5 Device Management

5.5.6 Querying the Trunk Board Link Status

Run DSP TRUNKLNK to query the status of the link of a port.

5.5.1 Resetting Trunk Board Port

The SEPU has 16 E1/T1 ports. Run RST TRUNKPORT to reset an E1/T1 port of the SEPU.

5.5.2 Setting Trunk Board Port Self-Loop

Self-loops are used to detect whether a port is faulty. Run SET TRUNKPORTLOOP to set the
self-loop of a port.
To terminate the self-loop of a port of a trunk interface board, run STP

5.5.3 Querying the Output Status of 2M Clock

In the SG7000, the system clock can be derived from a trunk of the SEPU in the main control
frame. Run DSP TRUNK2M to query the output status of the 2 MHz (or 2 Mbit/s) clock of the

5.5.4 Querying the Trunk Board TDM Clock Status

Run DSP TRUNKTDM to query the status of the TDM clock of the SEPU.

5.5.5 Querying the Trunk Board Link Loop Back Status

Run DSP TRUNKLNKLOOP to query the status of the link loop back of a port or all ports.

5.5.6 Querying the Trunk Board Link Status

Run DSP TRUNKLNK to query the status of the link of a port.

5.6 CKII Boards

By executing commands, you can switch over the active and standby CKII boards, or query the
status of the reference source and phase locking of a clock.
5.6.1 Swapping CKII Board
In the SG7000, the CKIIs work in active/standby mode. When the active CKII is down, you can
switch over the CKIIs. To switch over the CKIIs, run SWP CKII.
5.6.2 Querying the CKII Master/Backup Status
Run DSP CKIIMS to query the active/standby status of the CKII.
5.6.3 Querying the CKII TDM Clock Status
Run DSP TDM to query the status of the TDM clock of the CKII.
5.6.4 Querying the Reference Source Status
Run DSP CKIIRS to query the status of the reference source of the CKII clock.
5.6.5 Setting the CKII Work Mode
The CKII can work either in the automatic mode or the manual mode. Run SET CKII to set the
work mode of the CKII.
5.6.6 Querying the Phase Locking Status

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-7

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5 Device Management Basic Operations

Run DSP CKIILOCK to query the phase locking status of the CKII.

5.6.1 Swapping CKII Board

In the SG7000, the CKIIs work in active/standby mode. When the active CKII is down, you can
switch over the CKIIs. To switch over the CKIIs, run SWP CKII.


l When using the command, set the parameters according to the position of the active CKII. If you set
them according to the position of the standby CKII, the system reports failure.
l Before switching over the CKIIs, make sure that the standby CKII is working normally. Otherwise,
the system clock is not synchronized.

5.6.2 Querying the CKII Master/Backup Status

Run DSP CKIIMS to query the active/standby status of the CKII.

5.6.3 Querying the CKII TDM Clock Status

Run DSP TDM to query the status of the TDM clock of the CKII.

5.6.4 Querying the Reference Source Status

Run DSP CKIIRS to query the status of the reference source of the CKII clock.

5.6.5 Setting the CKII Work Mode

The CKII can work either in the automatic mode or the manual mode. Run SET CKII to set the
work mode of the CKII.
To query the work mode of the CKII, run DSP CKII.

5.6.6 Querying the Phase Locking Status

Run DSP CKIILOCK to query the phase locking status of the CKII.

5.7 Semi-Permanent Connections

The common operations related to the semi-permanent links include status query, connecting,
disconnecting, and idle timeslot resource query.
5.7.1 Querying the Status of a Single SPC
Run DSP DXCLNK to query the status of a single semi-permanent connection (SPC).
5.7.2 Querying Idle Timeslot Resource in the Network
Run LST FREENETTS to query idle timeslot resource in the network.
5.7.3 Connecting/Disconnecting
Run DEA DXCLNK to disconnect an SPC.

5.7.1 Querying the Status of a Single SPC

Run DSP DXCLNK to query the status of a single semi-permanent connection (SPC).
To query the status of multiple SPCs, run DSP MULDXCLNK.

5-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

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Basic Operations 5 Device Management

Run DSP MTPDXCLNK to query the status of SPCs according to MTP link indexes.

5.7.2 Querying Idle Timeslot Resource in the Network

Run LST FREENETTS to query idle timeslot resource in the network.

5.7.3 Connecting/Disconnecting
Run DEA DXCLNK to disconnect an SPC.


After an SPC is disconnected, it cannot be used to configure links.

To connect an SPC, run ACT DXCLNK.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-9

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Basic Operations 6 Handling BAM Failure

6 Handling BAM Failure

About This Chapter

This chapter explains how to use the EWS to replace the BAM and how to restore the BAM.
The following table lists the contents of this chapter.
6.1 Overview of Handling BAM Failure
The EWS can act as a BAM or a local WS. When the BAM is down, use the EWS to replace it.
6.2 Starting the EWS
The EWS can act as a common WS when the BAM is working. When the BAM is down, use
the EWS to replace it.
6.3 Restoring the BAM
After repairing the BAM, you can use it again. In this case, replace the EWS with the BAM.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-1

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6 Handling BAM Failure Basic Operations

6.1 Overview of Handling BAM Failure

The EWS can act as a BAM or a local WS. When the BAM is down, use the EWS to replace it.
The EWS is connected to the BAM. The EWS backs up the data in the BAM at regular intervals
(every four hours by default). Once the BAM is down, use the EWS to replace it.

6.2 Starting the EWS

The EWS can act as a common WS when the BAM is working. When the BAM is down, use
the EWS to replace it.
6.2.1 Restoring the Data in the EWS
Restoring the data in the EWS is the same as that in the BAM.
6.2.2 Starting the BAM System of the EWS
After the EWS is restarted, it does not start the BAM system automatically due to software
settings. In this case, you must manually start the BAM system.
6.2.3 Changing Network Connections
Disconnect the network connection between the BAM and the host, and connect the host with
the EWS.
6.2.4 Checking Data
Run the data consistency check command on the EWS to check whether the data in the EWS is
consistent with that in the host.
6.2.5 Verifying the Running Status of the EWS
To verify whether the EWS has been started successfully, query the hardware configuration
panel and alarm information on the EWS.

6.2.1 Restoring the Data in the EWS

Restoring the data in the EWS is the same as that in the BAM.
You can restore the database of the BAM from the latest backup database file stored in the E:
\databackup path by referring to 4.3 Data Restoration.

6.2.2 Starting the BAM System of the EWS

After the EWS is restarted, it does not start the BAM system automatically due to software
settings. In this case, you must manually start the BAM system.

Step 1 Start the BAM Manager.
Choose Start > Programs > SG7000 Administration System > SG7000 Server. The BAM
Manager window is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-1.

6-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

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Basic Operations 6 Handling BAM Failure

Figure 6-1 BAM Manager

Step 2 Run the MML command FMT to convert the format of all data.


6.2.3 Changing Network Connections

Disconnect the network connection between the BAM and the host, and connect the host with
the EWS.

Step 1 Disconnect the BAM from the host and from the maintenance network, as shown by (1) and (2)
in Figure 6-2.

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-3

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6 Handling BAM Failure Basic Operations

Figure 6-2 System architecture

Step 2 Set the IP address of the EWS to the same as that of the BAM.

Step 3 In the cabinet with the BAM, insert the Ethernet cables of the EWS into the 100 Mbit/s Ethernet
interfaces of the LAN Switch used by the host, as shown by (3) and (4) in Figure 6-2.

l When the BAM is working, the EWS and other common WSs are connected to a LAN Switch. The
host is connected to the other LAN Switch. The BAM is connected to the two LAN Switches through
two network adapters.
l When the EWS replaces the BAM, the EWS and the host use the same LAN Switch.


6.2.4 Checking Data

Run the data consistency check command on the EWS to check whether the data in the EWS is
consistent with that in the host.

Step 1 ORun ACT CNSCHK to check the data consistency. In case of inconsistency, run RST
DBTBL or RST TBL to restore the data. Use the two commands according to the following
l In the case of equipment data inconsistency between the host and BAM, run RST DBTBL
to use the host equipment data to recover the BAM data.
l In the case of board data inconsistency in the host, run RST TBL to use the data saved in
the HSYS to recover the data of the other boards.

6-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

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Basic Operations 6 Handling BAM Failure

Step 2 If service data exists, run ACT SERCNSCHK to check the consistency. If data between
equipment is inconsistent, you can use the correct data on other equipment (for example, one of
the pairing SGs) to restore the inconsistent data.

Step 3 If inconsistency still exists, record the names of the inconsistent tables and contact Huawei for
technical support.

Step 4 After confirming that all data tables and service tables are correct, run the command SET
OPMODE to start the EWS.


6.2.5 Verifying the Running Status of the EWS

To verify whether the EWS has been started successfully, query the hardware configuration
panel and alarm information on the EWS.

6.3 Restoring the BAM

After repairing the BAM, you can use it again. In this case, replace the EWS with the BAM.
6.3.1 Backing Up the Data in the EWS
After disconnecting the BAM from the maintenance network, back up the system data and
registry of the EWS.
6.3.2 Restoring the EWS to a Common WS
After backing up the data of the EWS during restoring the BAM, you need to normally exit the
6.3.3 Restoring BAM Data
The operation of restoring the BAM data can be performed only after the normal exit of the
6.3.4 Reconnecting the BAM to the Host
The operation of reconnecting the BAM to the host can be performed only after restoring the
6.3.5 Check the Running Status of the BAM and EWS
To verify whether the BAM and emergency WS are working, query the hardware configuration
status and alarm information on them.

6.3.1 Backing Up the Data in the EWS

After disconnecting the BAM from the maintenance network, back up the system data and
registry of the EWS.

Run BKP DB to back up the system database and registry. The name of the database backup
file is BamYYYYMMDD.dat. The name of the registry file is BamReg.bak. The two files are
backed up to the E:\MSSQL\SGDATA path. Keep another copy of the two files in another

6.3.2 Restoring the EWS to a Common WS

After backing up the data of the EWS during restoring the BAM, you need to normally exit the

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-5

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6 Handling BAM Failure Basic Operations

Step 1 Stop the BAM Manager. That is, click Exit on the left of the tool bar of the BAM Manager. You
can also choose File > Exit. The system prompts Are you sure that you want to exit? Click

Step 2 Stop all application programs on the EWS.

Step 3 Disconnect the EWS from the host. Change the IP address of the EWS back to the original one.


6.3.3 Restoring BAM Data

The operation of restoring the BAM data can be performed only after the normal exit of the

Step 1 After the network connection between the BAM and the host is restored, copy the latest backup
files of the system data and registry files from the EWS to E:\MSSQL\SGDATA of the BAM.

Step 2 To restore the data in the BAM, see related contents in chapter 4.3 Data Restoration of this


6.3.4 Reconnecting the BAM to the Host

The operation of reconnecting the BAM to the host can be performed only after restoring the

Step 1 After restarting the BAM, convert the data format and set the online mode. In this case, the BAM
has all software and hardware conditions for normal running.

Step 2 Insert the network cables of the BAM into the 100 Mbit/s Ethernet interfaces of the LAN Switch
(es) used by the host.

l When the BAM is working, the EWS and other common WSs are connected to a LAN Switch. The
host is connected to the other LAN Switch. The BAM is connected to the two LAN Switches through
two network adapters.
l When the EWS replaces the BAM, the EWS and the host use the same LAN Switch.


6.3.5 Check the Running Status of the BAM and EWS

To verify whether the BAM and emergency WS are working, query the hardware configuration
status and alarm information on them.

6-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations 7 Guide for Using Batch Command Files

7 Guide for Using Batch Command Files

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to generate and use a batch command file.
7.1 Overview of Guide for Using Batch Command Files
A batch command file, also called a data script file, is a plain text file that stores a batch of
commands. These commands can be carried out consecutively. You can run the batch command
file to run a batch of commands instead of typing the commands one by one.
7.2 Start Saving Command and Stop Saving Command
Start saving command and Stop saving command are a pair of associated operations. You
can run them to save a batch of executed commands to a batch command file. The default file
name is CMD-YYMMDDHHMM.TXT. If you create a batch command file at 19:14 on
2002-12-29, the default file name is CMD-0212291914.TXT. By default, the file is saved in the
My Documents folder.
7.3 Executing Batch Command Files
Using a batch command file to configure data saves time and avoids errors caused by manual

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-1

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7 Guide for Using Batch Command Files Basic Operations

7.1 Overview of Guide for Using Batch Command Files

A batch command file, also called a data script file, is a plain text file that stores a batch of
commands. These commands can be carried out consecutively. You can run the batch command
file to run a batch of commands instead of typing the commands one by one.

You can create a batch command file in the following ways:

l Using Notepad in the Windows operating system

l Using Start saving command and Stop saving command on the SG7000 maintenance

7.2 Start Saving Command and Stop Saving Command

Start saving command and Stop saving command are a pair of associated operations. You
can run them to save a batch of executed commands to a batch command file. The default file
name is CMD-YYMMDDHHMM.TXT. If you create a batch command file at 19:14 on
2002-12-29, the default file name is CMD-0212291914.TXT. By default, the file is saved in the
My Documents folder.

Step 1 On the SG7000 maintenance system, press Ctrl+S. The Save As dialog box is displayed, as
shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1 System configure dialog box

Step 2 If you do not want to use the default file name, type a name for the file to be saved, choose a
folder, and click Save.

Step 3 To finish saving, choose Operation > Stop saving command.

7-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2009-12-14)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations 7 Guide for Using Batch Command Files


For notes in a batch command file, use "//" instead of "/*....*/".


7.3 Executing Batch Command Files

Using a batch command file to configure data saves time and avoids errors caused by manual


l Data script files (batch command files) are usually used when you import data during deployment or
create performance measurement tasks. Be cautious when you use these files during equipment running.
l Before using data script files, make sure that the sequence and contents of the commands are correct.

When you execute a batch command file, note the following:

l Before executing a batch command file, the system scans the file and performs a basic
check of the syntax. If errors are found, the system prompts you and provides suggestions
for modification.
l The system analyzes the results returned after you execute the commands.
l If the execution fails, the system prompts you to continue or stop the execution or modify
the failed commands.

Step 1 Choose System > Execute batch command or press Ctrl+E, and the Execute batch
command window appears.
Step 2 ClickOpen fileSelect a batch command file to be executed.


Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Basic Operations 8 Acronyms and Abbreviations

8 Acronyms and Abbreviations

ALUI Alarm Unit Interface

BAM Backend Administration Module
BGND Backhaul Ground
BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply System

CKII Clock Interface Unit
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

DPC Destination Point Code

EPII E1 Peripheral Interface Unit

FEPA Fast Ethernet Interface Pre-Processor

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-1

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8 Acronyms and Abbreviations Basic Operations

GE Gigabit Ethernet

H.248 H.248/MECAMGO protocol
HBIU High-Level System Board Back Interface Unit
HCOM High-Speed Communications Unit
HSCU Hot Swappable Control Unit
HSYS High-level System Unit

IEC 297 International Electrotechnical Commission 297
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISUP Integrated Services Digital Network User Part/ISDN User Part

MAC Media Access Control
MAP Mobile Application Part

NI Network Indication

OPC Originating Point Code

PGND Protection Ground
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

RANAP Radio Access Network Application Part

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Basic Operations 8 Acronyms and Abbreviations

SBPU Signaling Broadband Processing Unit

SBPI Signaling Broadband Processing Interface
SCBU Signaling Communication Back Unit
SCTP Signaling Control Transmission Protocol
SEPU Signaling E1 Peripheral Interface Unit
SHPU Signaling High Level Link Processing Unit
SLPU Signaling Link Processing Unit
SSM Synchronization Status Message

TDM Time Division Multiplex

VIEB Versatile Interface Extension Unit B

Issue 02 (2009-12-14) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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