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The Snake

The Hawk
A Fastplay Scenario using the

Cross-Genre Roleplaying System



stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

The Snake
A Fastplay Scenario using the
Cross-Genre Roleplaying System

The Hawk
Take up the
mantle of
Falcons, trusted
members of Duke
hawkview’s secret
police force, and
strike a blow for the
city against the
Dae’Khorah, Hawksview’s
notorious and pervasive
thieves guild.

The Snake & The Hawk

contains everything needed
to run a group of four
players through a simple
introductory scenario set
in the second city of the
kingdom of Atrelios,
including the necessary
fastplay rules, five
pre-generated Falcon PCs
and statistics for their
insidious foes.

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

The Snake & The Hawk
A Fastplay Scenario using the Combat Happy™ Ruleset
The city of stands as the second city of , and has for
over three hundred years, ever since conquered the city and
brought it into the kingdom. The petty king was slain and his
young son, placed upon a puppet throne as . The
city stood then, as it does now, on the mighty escarpment known to all
as the . From the walls of Hawksview a man may look out upon
the lowlands of eastern Atrelios and experience a small portion of what
it must be like to fly. Indeed, each year there are a small number who
are overwhelmed by the sight and die reminding themselves that they are,
in fact, not birds. This is your city, your home, and it needs your help.

The Snake &The Hawk is a fastplay scenario using the Combat Happy™ rules subset
of obSESSION™. It contains all of the rules and game data needed to run a single
adventure, including maps, enemies and five pre-generated Player Characters.
One player will need to take the role of the Gamesmaster and will adjudicate the rules
in addition to controlling all of the other characters in the scenario.
This adventure features a small group of Falcons, members of Duke Hawksview’s secret
police, who are tasked with taking down a dissident cell believed to be working against
the Duke. The cell proves to be more of a menace than expected, being a part of the
criminal organisation known as the Dae'Khorah, the Hawksview Thieves Guild.
The Dae'Khorah predate Hawksview's entry to the kingdom of Atrelios and was
originally a rebel group formed by a rival to the then-throne of Hawksview. Over the
years their raison d'etre has shifted from opposing the crown to helping themselves and
now they are a gallery of rogues causing trouble throughout the city and forming the
chief opposition to the Falcons.

Groups interested in seeing more of the kingdom of Atrelios, the city of Hawksview,
the Falcons and the Dae’Khorah should keep an eye out for A Blood Soaked Sky and
Hawksview, City in Chaos, also from Obsessive Compulsive Design.

Players, Read No Further.

If you wish to play in this scenario, rather than run it as the Gamesmaster, then
do not read anything past this page. Advance knowledge of the contents of the
scenario will interfere with the sense of discovery and achievement that the
players should feel as the adventure progresses.

Page 1
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Welcome, Gamesmasters. The first thing that you, as GM, will need to know
is how to roll dice for the game. In Combat Happy
The scenario you are about to run picks up with you will only need one type of die (sorry D&D™
the group of Player Character Falcons being players, you can put most of those polyhedrals
briefed by their superior, Warden-Captain away) since everything is rolled on ten sided dice,
Holdmaer. He explains that a group operating out or D10s.
a certain house has been identified as undertaking
The Skill Roll
coin-clipping and the passing of false promisary
The Skill Roll is the most common die roll in
notes. The coin-clipping is a common scam but
obSESSION™, and thus Combat Happy™. One
several powerful nobles have found themselves
of these is used whenever a character attempts an
besieged by merchants trying to collect large sums
action where the success is in doubt. Skill Rolls
of coin and the Duke wants a stop put to it. Another
are made by rolling a number of D10s equal to the
group of Falcons, with less direct talents, have
skill being used (effectively a roll of SkillD10) but
identified the culprits and the the PCs are being
instead of totalling the results they are compared
sent in to arrest them.
individually to a Threshold Number (also written
If you are already experienced in GMing and need as TN; this is usually 4 unless the rules say
only to learn the Combat Happy™ rules then this otherwise). The total number of dice that roll
document contains everything that you need to higher than the TN is the number of successes
know. If you have never been a Gamesmaster (sometimes called ‘level of success’) that have
before then I recommend a swift trip online, where been achieved.
you will find numerous resources and plenty of
individuals happy to tell you what you should be To recap then: When a Skill Roll is called for you
doing. You may also want to check out the Dragon roll a number of ten sided dice and count up the
Age™ episode of the Tabletop™ webshow to see number which score over four (unless the scenario
how Chris Pramas, game designer and experienced says otherwise).
GM, does his thing.

Page 2
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
The Saving Throw The Scenario In Brief
The other roll commonly made in obSESSION™
and Combat Happy™ is the Saving Throw. Saving As has already been mentioned, this scenario
Throws are all-or-nothing checks for success, involves the PCs raiding a house known to be a
usually made to resist some influence that may or base for criminal behaviour within the city. They
may not affect the character and in Combat have been led to the house by the investigation
Happy™ these are made by rolling 1D10 against carried out by another group of Falcons and believe
twice one of the character's Attributes (in Core that the house is being used for coin-clipping (the
obSESSION™ Attributes have a range on a practice of taking small shavings off a coin to
percentile scale so Combat Happy™ compromises slightly reduce its value, then eventually melting
by uses a times two multiplier to give much the down these shaving to produce raw silver for sale)
same effect). and the production of false promissory notes which
are being made in the names of various city nobles.
To recap then: When a Saving Throw is called for Inside the house, the PCs will meet with some
you multiply the appropriate Attribute by two and resistance and discover that the job of these bravos
then roll a ten sided die. If the number is equal to
is to delay them while the counterfeiter, and a drug
or less then the modified Attribute then you have manufacturer who is also using the house, flee
succeeded. through a secret tunnel in the cellar. If these men
escape then the job has been for nothing so our
NB. A third type of roll is Combined Rolls, which
heroes must deal with the delay swiftly and chase
feature in Core obSESSION™ but are not used in the miscreants through the tunnel.
Combat Happy™ and thus do not feature in TS&TH.
This is mentioned purely to clarify the situation for The escape tunnel leads to a little-used warehouse
those already familiar with the Core obSESSION™ where the PCs will catch up with the fleeing
rules. specialists and their escort. Another fight ensues,
at the end of which our heroes are hopefully
Defaulting triumphant and can be rewarded by Warden-
Sometimes a player may need or desire to make a Captain Holdmaer for their task.
Skill Roll when their Character does not have the
skill in question. In these circumstances the player Getting Started
rolls using whichever Attribute that Skill defaults
The first thing that you will need to do is read
to, but this roll is made against a TN of 7, meaning
through the entire scenario. Do this BEFORE
that only a roll of eight or higher results in a Success.
attempting to run it. Once this is done you should
NB. Core obSESSION™ has no need of a allow the players to each select one of the five
defaulting rule so this rule is new to Combat pre-generated PCs found at the back of this
Happy™. documents.
This scenario is designed for four characters but
Neither obSESSION™ nor Combat Happy™ use there are five presented here. Although you could
die rolls for purposes besides the Skill Rolls and run the game with all five the extra PC is actually
Saving Throws already described. Other games presented in order to give the group and little
use dice to determine damage or the effect of choice. Perhaps, as a new GM, you do not want to
various spells or items but we will not be doing worry about Haellyor's magic; or perhaps none of
that here. Anything that is not a Skill Roll or the players feels they can play Memelaer's
Saving Throw will be determined without using ambitious ambivalence. Whatever reasons fuel
dice. your choices there are five PCs presented and you
Now that you understand Skill Rolls and Saving should be using four of them for the game.
Throws you are ready to play Combat Happy™.
Further rules, introducing more complex ways of Setting Note : Hawksview’s underworld tend
using these mechanics, will be introduced later in to call Falcons ‘Greyfeathers’ in reference to the
the scenario, as you need them. The rules for fact that Falcons often walk in the shadows and will often
use measures which the Guard,or other more open officials,
Combat, for example, can be found at the point could not employ. Many Dae'Khorah look upon the Falcons
where the PCs are first expected to encounter almost as a rival thieves guild and treat them with a
resistance from the criminals they are raiding. grudging respect and rivalry rather than the disdain they
otherwise hold for authority.
Page 3
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Once the players have chosen and familiarised At the rear of documents, just before the PCs, are
themselves with their characters you can carry on a number of maps intended to be printed and used
with Warden-Captain Holdmaer’s briefing. during the game. Hand the players the map labelled
PH1 now and encourage them to plan their initial
‘Hawksview has always been your home approach. They will need to see the building for
and, as a proud citizen of both the kingdom themselves before they can properly plan the raid.
and the duchy, you have given the last few
years in service to the city as , The street map below shows the same area as the
members of Duke Hawksview's secret police. map given to the PCs but rather more accurately.
The red circled buildings mark the house (above
Now you have been called together by centre on the map) and the warehouse which will
Warden-Captain Holdmaer, one of your feature later on ( to the left of the map).
superiors in the falcons, to perform a task
for your city and your Duke. Casing The Target
“This house,” Holdmaer says, handing you Whatever precautions the PCs take to avoid being
a hand-drawn street map of a small section too obvious when examining the house will prove
of the city, “is being used as a base by a sufficient unless they stand gawping in the street
small gang of counterfeiters who are out in front of the place. The inhabitants are going
causing some degree of disturbance within about their business unaware of the attention they
the city.” You can see that one of the have attracted and are not on the look out for the
buildings on the map has been circled in PCs. The maps of the house can be used to answer
red ink. the players’ questions about the place. These maps
have a scale of 5ft (1.5m) per square.
“Other agents of the Falcons have
identified the culprits and the building, all Examination proves the house to have one door (to
that remains now is for you to contain the the south) and several windows so the first move
premises and arrest those within, with a must be to ensure that the place is surrounded and
minimum of fuss.”’ that the windows cannot be used to escape.

Page 4
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
A canny player may notice that Falcon Haellyor's Storming The Building
‘Sealing Ward’ ritual can be used to lock the
shutters (which the criminals traditionally leave Once the PCs have made their preparation the time
closed to hide their activities) and suggest that they has come for them to actually approach and enter
try this. An alternative is to wedge the shutters the building (if they decline to do so, instead using
closed or even to climb in through the windows so Haellyor to seal the building and wait until the
that they are not available as a means of egress. Guard can come and arrest everyone then they are
There are, unfortunately, more windows than PCs in for a nasty surprise - when they finally do go in
so this last tactic would need to be combined with the building will be empty, though the PCs will
one of the others. eventually find the secret tunnel and the
explanation for this). The map on pg6 shows the
The Hawksview map has a number of towers locations of everyone on the ground floor, so you
drawn by the roadsides (there is one north-north- can determine their reactions to the PCs entry from
west of the target house, you can see it on the detail there. Bravos are Labelled as B1-B3 while the
map on pg4). These are Guard Towers used Counterfeiter is labelled C. the upper storey map
periodically by the Guard and the Falcons to watch on pg8 will reveal the locations of the remaining
over the surrounding streets. The Citizenry can criminals.
never be sure whether a Guard Tower is occupied
unless they watch it for several hours to be sure Certain reactions will be fairly firm no matter what
and the PCs may wish to make use of the towers the PCs’ plans are but there is wiggle room in the
during their reconnaissance. following details.
The two Bravos in Room 1 (B1, B2) will move
Using magic In Hawksview. to intercept anyone they see entering the building.
This is their only job and they will do it no matter
If Falcon Haellyor’s player wishes him to use a Ritual then what. Each is armed with a club and they will try
they need to make a Skill Roll using the Ritual Mysteries
skill. One or more Skill Rolls against Scholastics will and avoid killing if possible but they have no
probably also be needed, as indicated by the description of intention of facing the ire of their superiors if they
the Ritual. If any of these rolls fails to reach its Success allow Falcons to enter the building unmolested.
Target (see below) then the Ritual fails to work. Each Ritual They are well aware that they are only a delaying
will also list the Threshold Number need ed for the Ritual tactic, and that they will most likely end up in
Mysteries roll. It should be noted that this TN is not used
for related Scholastics rolls. prison or perhaps even dead, but they are fighting
for the safety and security of the family they each
Each attempt at using a Ritual takes a number of Actions leave behind.
(explained further in the Combat rules) is case you should
add to perform, but a character who is in no hurry can The Bravo in Room 2 (B3) will conceal himself
always choose to Take Extra Time getting it right. In this and his club behind the crates in this room, hoping
case you should add three to the number of Actions required
but also reduce the TN by 2. It should be noted that no TN to waylay anyone trying to reach the trapdoor. He
may ever be below 1, further reductions are simply ignored. will achieve two Successes with his Stealth skill
and so a PC entering the room needs at least three
Success Targets : Some Skill Rolls may list a Success Successes in order to see him before he attacks. A
Target, or ST, in addition to a TN (Threshold Number). As PC equally him (ie, rolling two Successes to try
you know, the TN indicates how high each die needs to roll
in order to count as a Success, and it should not be hard to
and spot him) will see this thug just as he makes
figure out that ST indicates the number of Successes which his move and will be less surprised.
must be obtained in order for the roll to achieve its goal.
Surprised PCs must make a Reaction Test by
Setting Note : Hawksview Magic. The Mysteries, rolling their Speed Attribute as a skill. Any
as the Magic Arts are known, are based around an Ancient Successes are subtracted from a base Delay of eight
language which is usually referred to simply as ‘The Tongue (five for a PC who equalled the Bravo’s Stealth
Of Power’ and commonly believed to be the language of
God. This language acts as a multipurpose Focus, which
Successes). An adjusted Delay of five or more
can be used for pretty much anything but only one thing loses the PC their next Action while a number less
per use and that use requires a skill roll. The caster can than five is instead added to their Initiative. A
choose the Success Target of this roll and that determines Delay of six or more is then reduced by five and
the rating of the Focus. On a failed roll the entire attempt applied as an Initiative penalty to the PC’s next
fails and the spell does not cast.
Action (the one after the one they have lost to
The details of how this system works are beyond the scope surprise).
of TS&TH but will appear in Hawksview, City In Chaos.
Page 5
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Running A Fight in Hawksview.
Combat in Combat Happy™ is designed to be quick, easy Actions In Combat
to use and versatile. It uses a cut-down version of the full
obSESSION™ combat system, and is compatible with The following Actions are available in most combats and
all rules pertaining to that system, but leaves out a lot of the form the heart of the combat system…
detail. As in most RPGs, combat follows a logical sequence
divided up into periods of time called Rounds. A Round in A Block is an attempt to put an object like a shield or
weapon in the path of a Strike and cause it to hit that object
obSESSION™ is ten second long but each character rather than the intended target. A single Success is all that
has the option to perform up to five Actions in each Round.
is needed to achieve this but each Extra Success increases
the object’s Soaking by one against this attack only. The TN
1) Rolling for Initiative is the first thing to be done in of a Block is 6 when used against an attack with a lower
each Round. Each character has a base Initiative value equal Initiative and only 2 against an attack with a higher Initiative.
to their Reflex Attribute. This is then adjusted by making a
Skill Roll using Agility as if it were a skill. This next bit is A Dodge is an attempt to get out of the way of a Strike or
key: a character’s Initiative value is reduced by one for
Shoot Action. The number of Successes rolled becomes the
each Success scored and a low Initiative is good.
Success Target of the attack. The TN of a Dodge is 6 when
used against an attack with a lower Initiative and only 2
2) Actions are now declared by each character against an attack with a higher Initiative.
in reverse Initiative order, in other words in order of
highest Initiative first. At this point you are only declaring A Move Action allows the PC to move up to a number of
Actions, they are resolved in a moment, and only for your meters equal to their Movement Attribute. Move Actions
next Action. can be combined with another Action at the expense of
raising that Action’s TN by +2.
3) Actions are now resolved in correct Initiative
order, in other words in order of lowest Initiative first. The A Shoot Action is an attempt to hit a target with a ranged
rules for resolving different types of Actions are found in weapon or thrown object. The TN of a Shoot Action is
the adjacent column. increased for range and if the character did not take an Aim
Action first. This scenario does not feature ranged attacks.
4) If any characters still have Actions
remaining then return to Step 2. As has been said, A Strike is an attempt to hit a target with a melee attack
a character normally has five Actions in each Round but such as a punch, kick or an attack with a sword or axe. This
circumstances may sometimes change this. is a Skill Roll using the appropriate weapon skill. One
Success hits the target and each Extra Success adds one to
5) Once all characters have run out of Actions the Damage value of the attack.
you can end the Round, begin the next Round
Over-complicating An Action
and return to Step 1.
Any Strike may be enhanced by voluntarily increasing its
You may find it helpful to keep a piece of paper handy to
Threshold Number. If this is done then the TN for any Block
note down Initiatives and track the number of Actions that
or Dodge Action intended to avoid the Strike is increased
have been carried out by each participant in a fight. As an
by the same amount.
option, each character can use a die to record remaining
Actions and another for current Initiative.
Page 6
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Damage & Wounds.
Combat, among other things, can leave people rather the worse for wear. These rules explain how
such things are handled in Combat Happy™.
Harmful effects are dealt using a numeric Damage score which is used to determine their effect on a target. These
effects are then applied in the form of Wounds. In Combat Happy™ this is as much detail as is used, or indeed needed.

To determine the effects of an attack or other form of harm you need to compare its Damage score to the Soaking
Attribute of the target. If the Damage score is lower than the target’s Soaking then they take a flesh wound, which has
no game effect in Combat Happy™ and need not be recorded. If it is equal to or greater than their Soaking then the
target takes at least one Wound. Damage equal to twice Soaking causes two
Wounds, three times causes three Wounds, etcetera. Damage => Soaking 1 Wound
Each Wound that a character has taken acts as penalty on any Actions that Damage => 2x Soaking 2 Wounds
they may take. For every Wound a character has, the Threshold Number of
all Actions they undertake is increased by one. Damage => 3x Soaking 3 Wounds

Damage => 4x Soaking 4 Wounds

Disabling & Fatal Wounds
Damage => 5x Soaking 5 Wounds
Whenever a character takes one or more Wounds there is a chance of their
being killed or incapacitated by the damage. This is determined by rolling a
D10. If the roll is equal to or less than the number of Wounds taken from that attack (not total Wounds) then the
recipient suffers a Fatal Wound and will die without aid. If the roll is higher than the number of Wounds but less than
or equal to twice that number then the character will be disabled instead.

Disabled characters are unable to act and will remain that way until they receive medical attention. At the GM’s option
such a character may be deemed unconscious. If a Disabled character is still conscious then they may take simple, non-
strenuous actions if the GM allows.

If a character’s total Wounds ever exceed the sum of their CON and WIL Attributes they are automatically Disabled.

The Counterfeiter in Room 1 (C) will Running The Combat

immediately run for Room 2 and try to reach the
trapdoor. Unless things get out of hand he should The boxes on these two pages should give you all
manage this since the three Bravos will cover for that you need to run a basic fight in Combat
him. Happy™ but here is a little additional advice.

The Drugmaester in Room 3 (D) will try to get ● Don’t try to run combat like certain other
downstairs quietly and sneak to the trapdoor. The RPGs. The “wait for your turn then hit” style
Bravo (B4) who is with him will engage any PCs common to many games will get a character
in order to cover his escape if need be, but will killed in obSESSION™. Most Strikes will hit
otherwise stay with the Drugmaester. unless the target makes an active defence so a
character with a superior Initiative can really
The two Bravos in the Cellar (B5, B6) will hide keep their opponent on the run.
amidst the crates in order to delay any PCs who
get this far. If combat in Room 2 gets out of hand ● Each of the PCs has some combat tactics
then one or both of them will come to help in suggested which may include rules not covered
getting the two important NPCs down to the cellar on these pages. Make sure that you have read
and safety but once one of the Counterfeiter or through the PCs and understand their
Drugmaester has reached the cellar then at least combat options before you run the scenario.
one of them will stay there. If both have made it to
● Don’t forget to roll for Lethal and Disabling
the tunnel then neither Bravo will abandon their
Wounds. These mechanics are usually what
post in the cellar.
will end a fight, so they are important. Also,
As GM, your biggest challenge here is to make remember that any Wound could down a foe
sure that at least one of the important NPCs makes so keep your dice hidden in case you need to
it to the secret tunnel. In theory you can still handle fake a failed Disabling Wound roll on a
the chase if only Bravos manage to flee but it will combatant who just isn’t dropping.
lose a lot of the drama if the PCs have already
● Finally, keep on top of the situation.
captured the key personnel.
Information is power.
Page 7
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
The Vicious Foe System Note : The stat blocks for both NPCs
and PCs in this scenario include higher
So far we have referred to eight inhabitants of the
Attribute values in brackets, these can be
house but not provided game information for any
safely ignored. These values are for the full
of them. It is time to rectify this situation.
obSESSION™ system, which uses Attributes
The Bravos are here purely to act as muscle and on a roughly percentile scale. They are provided
to protect their more important comrades. All six for those wishing to use this scenario with the
of them have the same game stats, as presented complete ruleset in place of the Combat Happy™
below. They are unimaginative sorts, not the fastest rules which are included here.
wits in Hawksview, but they know their job well
The Counterfeiter is not much of a fighter and
enough. If one of them gets a clear shot at a PC
not engage the PCs in combat. So long as the
who can’t fight back then they will try an
opportunity is there he will try to flee to and
Overhand Blow at +2 Damage. If this blow misses
through the secret passage in the cellar but if
then they will take a +4 penalty to the Initiative of
cornered then he will throw down his knife and
their next Action unless they make a successful
surrender. While he does not want to get into a
STR Saving Throw.
fight he may strike an otherwise occupied foe or
175cm, 74kg slash at a character to open up a path to the cellar.
AGI (51)3; CON (51)3; STR (78)4; DET (51)3;
165cm, 61kg
ITU (31)2; WILL (51)3; Psyche (26)1; Power
AGI (51)3; CON (31)2; STR (42)2; DET (51)3;
6; Size 12; Speed (53)3.
ITU (71)4; WILL (61)3; Psyche (28)1; Power
ALT (44)2; Enc.Index 6; Fat.Level 5;
4; Size 11; Speed (34)2.
Movement 5; OBS (44)2; Press Cap. 65;
ALT (54)3; Enc.Index 5; Fat.Level 5;
Reflex 6; Soaking 12.
Movement 3; OBS (51)3; Press Cap. 47;
Skills : Hafted Weapons 4, Knives 5, Melee -
Reflex 5; Soaking 4.
One Handed 2, Melee - Two Handed 2,
Skills : Artistry 5, Burglary 2, Education 3,
Perception 4, Socialising 4, Stealth 3,
Food Preparation 2, Influence 3, Knives 2,
Unarmed Combat 3
Lapidary 3, Medicine 2, Melee - One Handed
Gear : Club (Damage 13 or 16 with two
2, Perception 4, Scholastics 3
hands), Belt Knife (Damage 9).
Gear : Belt Knife (Damage 7).

Page 8
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
The Drugmaester, as might be expected, is not a Flight Through The Secret Passage
very nice man. His job for the Dae’Khorah is to
make the most of the smokeleaf that they bring Behind a cupboard in the cellar there is a passage
into the city, cutting it with other substances to leading west, towards the cliff wall. It runs, by a
stretch it out and make more coin. If, mostly direct route, for approximately 220ft (66m),
occasionally, a user dies as a result of sloping downwards and upwards again for the first
contaminated drugs then neither he nor his and last 20 feet or so (6m) in order to avoid
superiors will shed a tear over it. intervening cellars. The Counterfeiter and
Drugmaester, along with any Bravos which can be
His primary concern here is his safety and, while spared to escort them, will flee through this tunnel
he is not afraid to fight for his life, he will not take at a pace determined by dramatic necessity. It the
any unnecessary risks. If he has to throw an PCs are hot on their tail then they travel
associate, even the Counterfeiter, to the wolves in unencumbered, but if the PCs are too far behind
order to ensure his escape then he will not hesitate then they are lugging heavy boxes which will slow
to do so. them down.
170cm, 64kg The goal is for the PCs to arrive in the warehouse
AGI (51)3; CON (51)3; STR (53)3; DET (51)3; at the other end while their quarry are still there,
ITU (51)3; WILL (51)3; Psyche (26)1; Power making preparations to flee further. There should
5; Size 12; Speed (41)2. be three more Bravos here to engage the PCs but
ALT (51)3; Enc.Index 5; Fat.Level 5; this is a total. If any came through the tunnel then
Movement 5; OBS (51)3; Press Cap. 52; there are less waiting here, so the the PCs will
Reflex 5; Soaking 9. always be facing three Bravos and the two
Skills : Education 4, Influence 4, Knives 4, specialists.
Medicine 3, Melee - One Handed 4,
Perception 3, Pharmacology 4, Stealth 2, The map on the next page shows where the Bravos
Streetwise 3, Unarmed Combat 2 will be waiting and also the locations where the
Gear : Belt Knife (Damage 8), pouch of Counterfeiter and the Drugmaester are gathering
caustic powder. incriminating and valuable items which were
stored in this building. The trapdoor in the corner
As a last resort, this character has a pouch of is where the tunnel enters the building and is
powder which will sting the eyes and cause trouble usually concealed beneath the pile of rags and
if he throws it into the eyes of an opponent. On a rubbish which now lies to one side of it. The other
successful Unarmed Combat Skill Roll (which crates and barrels in the warehouse are ostensibly
can be Dodged but not Blocked) the target must empty but many have small packets of drugs,
make a CON Saving Throw. On a failed save the forged promissory notes and valuable stolen items
victim, will suffer a +2TN penalty on all Actions concealed within their dark corners.
until he can wash his face.

Page 9
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Battle In The Dae’Khorah Warehouse The Player Characters
Having already handled a fight back at the house, Allen Daeneken, Righteous Rogue - Daeneken's
you should be well prepared to deal with the battle early life was steering him rapidly towards the
here. The Counterfeiter and Drugmaester will need wrong side of the fight until a Falcon named
at least two Rounds to finish up what they are doing Graemar dragged him out of a Dae'Khorah
and head for the door but you should time their smokepit and put his feet on the right path. Turned
movement for the best dramatic effect. If the PCs around by the generous and charismatic Graemar,
allow themselves to be bottled in by the Bravos Daeneken found better uses for his ill-gotten skills
then these criminals have a good chance of and joined the Falcons himself when he was old
escaping but an athletic PC, such as Daeneken, enough, a scant few years later. Now working on
could easily clamber over the crates between the the principle 'set a thief to catch a thief', Daeneken
trapdoor and the Drugmaester and turn the tables is a successful thief-taker indeed.
on their enemies.
175cm, 68kg.
Should their charges be captured or manage to flee AGI (82)4; CON (51)3; STR (55)3; DET (51)3;
the Bravos will also break off combat and try to ITU (42)2; WILL (62)3; Psyche (28)1; Power
escape. These thugs are of no real importance and 5; Size 12; Speed (40)2.
the PCs may allow them to escape if they choose. ALT (52)3; Enc.Index 6; Fat.Level 6;
If not then you can use the maps found earlier to Movement 5; OBS (48)2; Press Cap. 53;
manage a chase through the streets using opposed Reflex 6; Soaking 9.
AGI Skill Rolls. Should such a roll involve Skill : Athletics 3, Burglary 2, Education 2,
characters with differing Movement scores you Influence 3, Knives 4, Martial Arts - Soft 3,
should give the faster character a free Success for Mountaineering 3, Perception 4, Stealth 5,
each point by which their Movement exceeds that Streetwise 2, Unarmed Combat 2
of their opponent.

Page 10
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Amar Haellyor, Arcane Falcon - As a student of Furst Memaelar, Professional Falcon - Furst is a
the Mysteries, Haellyor never really fitted in. His clever man and used that cleverness to determine
piety was scarcely sufficient for the Theological that he was most likely to see a full and wealthy
School and his academic curiosity was too life if he supported the Duke clearly, efficiently
underdeveloped for the University. When he and openly. His enrolment in the Falcons wasa
drifted, with his meagre knowledge of The purely practical one, they paid better than the
Mysteries, into the Falcons he found a place where Guard and had a higher prestige. He knew that his
his magical talent and his practical nature finally skills could be used there and that their use could
blended. Using Art to back up his sword, Haellyor make him an important man in time and so here he
is an asset to any group. is.
173cm, 67kg 175cm, 68kg.
AGI (62)3; CON (31)2; STR (45)2; DET (82)4; AGI (51)3; CON (62)3; STR (55)3; DET (62)3;
ITU (72)4; WILL (51)3; Psyche (33)2; Power ITU (62)3; WILL (51)3; Psyche (28)1; Power
4; Size 12; Speed (34)2. 5; Size 12; Speed (40)2.
ALT (51)3; Enc.Index 5; Fat.Level 4; ALT (58)3; Enc.Index 5; Fat.Level 6;
Movement 3; OBS (62)3; Press Cap. 64; Movement 5; OBS (62)3; Press Cap. 59;
Reflex 5; Soaking 5. Reflex 5; Soaking 11.
Skills : Education 3, Hafted Weapons 3, Skills : Education 3, Influence 3, Knives 3,
Influence 3, Knives 3, Medicine 3, Melee - Melee - One Handed 3, Perception 5,
One Handed 2, Perception 3, Ritual Scholastics 2, Stealth 3, Streetwise 4, Swords
Mysteries 4, Scholastics 2 (Tongue Of 3, Unarmed Combat 4
Power), Streetwise 2, Swords 2, Unarmed
Combat 2
Maerist Koelst, Dangerous Vigilante - Koelst is a
brute of a man, both physically and mentally. He
Camryer OnHaerik, Knight Of the Hawk - became a Falcon because the Duke's authority
OnHaerik is a younger son and will never inherit would let him hurt people without being arrested,
a title unless something desperate occurs to both and Koelst likes to hurt people. He lives for the
of his older brothers but his is still a blueblood fight, but is canny enough to know that if he pushes
through and through. Well spoken, charming and his predilections too far he will be arrested by his
insightfully witty, he is also a keen swordsman and fellow Falcons and spend the rest of his life in gaol
fencer. Where Koelst's brute strength intimidates or on the underground fighting circuit run out of
miscreants, OnHaerik's flashing blade can rid a certain seedy taverns.
would be assailant of his weapon and his life is
quick succession. 180cms, 78kg.
AGI (76)4; CON (82)4; STR (76)4; DET (51)3;
185cm, 76kg. ITU (31)2; WILL (31)2; Psyche (21)1; Power
AGI (62)3; CON (51)3; STR (70)4; DET (51)3; 6; Size 13; Speed (49)2.
ITU (62)3; WILL (51)3; Psyche (26)1;Power 6; ALT (48)2; Enc.Index 5; Fat.Level 6;
Size 13; Speed (46)2. Movement 7; OBS (55)3; Press cap. 64;
ALT (55)3; Enc.Index 6; Fat.Level 5; Reflex 6; Soaking 19.
Movement 5; OBS (55)3; Press Cap. 61; Skills : Education 2, Hafted Weapons 5,
Reflex 5; Soaking 11. Influence 2, Knives 4, Martial Arts - Hard 3,
Skills : Education 4, Influence 4, Martial Arts Medicine 2, Melee - One Handed 3, Melee -
- Soft 2, Medicine 2, Melee - One Handed 4, Two Handed 3, Socialising 2, Stealth 2,
Mounted Combat 2, Perception 2, Scholastics Unarmed Combat 5
4, Socialising 3, Swords 5, Transportation -
Nature 2

Page 11
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Wrapping Up & Further Adventurers ‘”I wish to add my own personal
congratulations to those of the Duke and
Once the PCs have finished up in the warehouse, to tell you now that you will each be
if the Counterfeiter and Drugmaester have been receiving a commission as Warden-
killed of captured, read the following text. Lieutenant. This promotion is overdue, I
feel, and certainly well deserved.”’
‘Later that day you find yourself standing
once more before Warden-Captain Last but not least, the Warden-Captain will dismiss
Holdmaer, who looks well pleased with them, which I’m sure you can manage without
your performance. specifically written text.
“Congratulations, Falcons.” He beams at The scenario is at an end but you can expect to see
you. “Your service this day has struck a more from the city of Hawksview is later releases
blow for the free citizens of Hawksview from Obsessive Compulive Design. To learn more
and put a serious dent in the operations about the obSESSION™ system, on which this
of the Dae’Khorah. Had we realised who scenario was built, visit OCD’s website at
was running the counterfeiting scam, and or search for the
indeed what else was occurring in that obSESSION™ Cross-Genre Roleplaying System
house, we would have struck with a larger on Facebook.
force and with the support of the Guard,
it is to your credit that you carried out The Snake & The Hawk was written and released
the operation so successfully with such a for the first International Tabletop Day,
small force. I have reported the result to organised by Geek & Sundry on March 30th, 2013.
the Duke and he assures me that he will No direct affiliation between OCD and Geek &
be watching your future careers with great Sundry should be assumed as result of this. We’re
interest.”’ just fans and wanted to do our bit.
If one or both of the key criminals escaped then The scenario was written by Gavin L G Steele,
read the following. with some assistance from Linda M Evans, and
‘Later that day you find yourself standing playtested by member of HinT - Hobbygamers in
once more before Warden-Captain Thanet. This document is © Obsessive
Holdmaer, who looks not displeased with Compulsive Design, 2013. Permission is given to
your performance. freely distribute it with alteration.

“Today was not the triumph it could have obSESSION™ and Combat Happy™ were
been, gentlemen,” He announces. “but the written by Gavin L G Steele and are © Obsessive
blame lies not with you. You performed Compulsive Design.
sterling work, given that the information
you were handed was lacking. This was a
greater operation then we realised and
the presence of Dae’Khorak enforcers was
unexpected. Still, your work was good and
I have no complaints.”’
Whatever the outcome, the next passage applies
and can also be read out the the players.

‘He strides across to a cupboard in his

office and draws forth a number of
parchments, handing one to each of you.
Upon examination they prove to be
commendations for your day’s work, signed
by the Duke himself.’
This next paragraph should only be read if the PCs
captured the specialists.
Page 12
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
M ap

P H 1

Hawksview has always been your home and, as a proud citizen of

both the kingdom and the duchy, you have given the last few years
in service to the city as , members of Duke Hawksview's secret
Now you have been called together by Warden-Captain Holdmaer,
one of your superiors in the falcons, to perform a task for your
city and your Duke.
“This house,” Holdmaer says, handing you a hand-drawn street map
of a small section of the city, “is being used as a base by a small
gang of counterfeiters who are causing some degree of disturbance
within the city.” You can see that one of the buildings on the map
has been circled in red ink.
“Other agents of the Falcons have identified the culprits and the
building, all that remains now is for you to contain the premises
and arrest those within, with a minimum of fuss.”’

Page 13
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
The Snake & The Hawk Extras
Playtesting threw up a few things that would be useful when running the scenario so here they are. The
additional information falls into two categories :
rules clarifications and expansions; and plot and On Atrelios & the City Of Hawksview.
event adjustments. While the scenario runs
perfectly well as it is for many groups the GM may The following builds on the Setting Notes in the Scenario.
run into a problem if the Falcons decide to take The kingdom of Atrelios is an island kingdom, with a
rather more time in surveillance and preparation mountainous northern region, a rocky plateau in the east
before the actual raid. and central and southern plains making for good farmland.
Hawksview stands on the edge on the Rockwall, the
escarpment which divides the plateau from the lower lying
What If The PCs Watch The House? Eastern Atrelios, and is the least integrated past of the
The existing scenario includes no information of kingdom. Citizens of Hawksview often refer to themselves
the comings and goings of the House’s inhabitants as Hawks and tend to think of themselves in those terms
she here are some notes. rather than as Atrelians. The city was independent for many
generations before finally being conquered and brought into
● The six Bravos in the house are rotated on a
the kingdom.
regular basis and PCs watching the house will
see one leave during the afternoon. He will go The population of Hawksview is around eight thousand,
to a nearby tavern and meet with some equally not large for a fantasy city, and the city itself is quite small
unsavoury looking chaps. A short while later a but crowded. Most buildings have two or three floorsand
many of them are houses of multiple occupation. The
similar Bravo will arrive at the house bearing a buildings running around the inside of the city walls on the
basket of groceries and will take the place of his north, east and south are almost exclusively boarding
departing comrade. This occurs every two days. houses and there are several more within the city. Private
● The street in which the criminals dwell is at the homes tend to accommodate an extended family of between
upper end of the lower class, reasonably well six and twelve people including children.
maintained but far from wealthy. Most are Houses are generally built with slanted roofs made of slate,
upright citizens and a couple of successes on an which is readily available in the area, and while most have
Influence roll will gain the Falcons access to ta an attic space formed by the gap between the lathe and
house to watch from. plaster ceiling of the top floor and the roof itself, few make
use of this space. Chimney’s are not uncommon but a house
What If The Falcons Raid The House At Night? is just as likely to use simple firepots and rely on the
A swift count will reveal that there are too few beds windows to clear the smoke. Shutters are normal and a little
in the house. This is because the situation is as under half of the city has glass in the windows.
● Three Bravos will be awake at all times, with Hawksview’s wealthier citizens may be educated at its twin
schools: the theological school is run by the priests at the
all of them awake during much of the day and Cathedral and focuses on religious lore while the University
the the three night guards sleeping in shifts. This is a part of the Ducal palace complex and is more academic
means that all are ready for action but one will in nature. Both schools teach the basics to the young and
start asleep at certain times and three (plus the have facilities for continuing education into later years,
specialists) are asleep if the raid occurs at night. including the option to study the Mysteries (magic).

Hawksview does not have commercial zones, rather the

During the nighttime assume that the three Bravos entire city is residential with small shops and street markets
on the ground floor are still in position and place scattered about as needed by the inhabitants and the GM.
the rest in whichever beds seem appropriate.
Setting Note : Atrelian Religion.
What If They Enter Through The Roof? As has been hinted but not explicitly stated in the scenario,
PCs climbing the house next door or the target Atrelios is a monotheist state, worshiping a single deity
house can easily remove enough tiles to slip into who is referred to simply as God and is believed to have
the attic space (the exception to this is probably created the world and all things in it Many Atrelians
consider their nation to be be blessed by God although there
Koelst and OnHaerik may also have some trouble). is no real evidence for this.
Only Daeneken has the Mountaineering skill
needed to attempt this however. Divine magic does not exist in this setting, although The
Should this approach be attempted, perhaps as part Mysteries are deemed Divine in origin as is everything else
of a pincer movement, you can use the known in the world. Atrelian religion does hold that Hell exists
and that it is inhabited by Demons and Devils, beings who
positions of the inhabitants to adlib the results. are inherently opposed to God and His works. Devils are
Remember to apply the tactical notes gives for each forces of carnality and corruption, while Demons are beings
criminal wherever they may encounter the PCs. of carnage and bloodshed.
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stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Rules Clarifications & Expansions
Dual Action are used in the tactics for a couple of Damage can also be boosted using such techniques
Characters. These are very simple to handle, since as the Overhand Blow described in Koelst’s
they just add +2 to the Threshold Number of each tactics. The damage bonus for this is equal to half
Action. Dual Actions must be things which can be of the weapon’s Size so a dagger still only adds
done simultaneously (they are not performed in one (rounding normally). The initiative penalty for
sequence) so, for example, you cannot Block and a miss followed by a failed STR Save is equal to
Strike at the same time with he same weapon but the weapon’s full Size.
you could Dodge and Strike simultaneously.
Finally a Character jumping off a chair or table to
Actions Performed With The Off-Hand, ie the attack can add one half of their own Size in
left hand of a right-handed character or the right addition to that of their weapon when making an
hand of a left -handed character, are performed Overhand Blow. The Initiative Penalty for a miss
with a +2TN modifier. This stacks with other here is replaced with a fall to the ground and the
modifiers such as those for performing a Dual requirement that they stand (Move Action) before
Action. attacking again.
Fast & Slow Actions are used in a few places and obSESSION™ has a Striking For A Specific
are somewhat simplified form the Core Purpose rule which can be used for other stunts
obSESSION™ Rules. In TS&TH we are and tricks. This imposes a +2TN penalty but allows
assuming a straight +2 or -2 modifications for the Strike to also gain some specific benefit if
Blocks or Dodges rather than determining the successful. The GM has final say on what such a
modifier based on comparative Initiative scores. Strike can achieve and is at liberty to impose a
This same assumption has been used to determine Saving Throw on the victim which will negate the
that a Character may Act with an Initiative 2 points effect.
faster than rolled by using this same +2TN modifier.
Healing And Recovery rules are not hugely
Similarly this assumption places a slower Action necessary in this scenario but a successful
Medicine Skill Roll, if performed immediately
at an Initiative score 3 points higher than rolled in
after the fight where Wounds were taken, can heal
return for a -2 to TN. This same ratio can be applied
one Wound per Extra Success. The TN of this roll
to multiple Action tasks such that a Ritual taking
two Actions can be cast using 5 Actions in order is the usual 4 but the Success Target is equal to
to take a -2TN bonus. the total number of Wounds the patient has taken.
This means that one Wound is healed for each
Low Damage Weapons such as Daeneken’s Success over the current Wound Total.
daggers or Haellyor’s Righteous Light Ritual are
problematic in Combat Happy™ since this Eg. Haellyor has taken two Wounds in the initial raid on the
simplification removes a level of damage below house. Three Successes on a Medicine Skill Roll will heal
one of these Wounds while four Successes will heal both of
one Wound. Sufficient Successes can raise these them. One or two Successes have no effect.
weapons to a point where they do some good or
the GM may, at their own option, allow such Natural recovery will not be relevant, especially
attacks to have 1 in 10 chance of delivering a since Haellyor has a healing Ritual to hand.
Disabling Wound despite not actually scoring any
Wounds against the target.
Combat Happy™
Unarmed Combat can be used with the following and
attacks in obSESSION™ games. The Snake & The Hawk
Punch TN+0; Damage=Power.
are based on the
Elbow TN+2; Damage=Power; Low Reach. obSESSION™
Forearm Slam TN+0; Damage=Power; Low Reach. Cross-Genre
Headbutt TN+2; Damage=Power; Self Dam. Roleplaying System
Kick TN+2; Damage=150%Power. from Obsessive
Knee TN+0; Damage=Power; Low Reach.
Shoulder Slam TN+0; DD=150%Power. Compulsive Design

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stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)
Character Name Allen Daeneken
Class/Profession Righteous Rogue

4 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 5 12
Encumbrance Fatigue Press
Index Movement ALT OBS Reflex Soaking
Level Capacity
6 6 5 3 2 53 6 9
Personal Data Powers/Flaws Value
Mass : 68kg Date Of Birth : 546AR Keen Senses (+1 die for Perception)
Height : 175cm Nationality / Atrelian /
Place Of Birth : Hawksview
Family Origin : Class : Commoner

Education / Street Upbringing, followed by

Training : Falcon training.
Notes : Fallbacks/Complications Value

TN+1 TN+2 TN+3 TN+4 TN+5 TN+6 TN+7 TN+8 TN+9 TN+10
TN+20 TN+19 TN+18 TN+17 TN+16 TN+15 TN+14 TN+13 TN+12 TN+11

Items Carried Weight Skill / Speciality Rank Uses

Dagger 0.4 Athletics 3

Dagger 0.4 Burglary 2
Dagger 0.4 Education 2
Dagger 0.4 Influence 3
Belt Knife 0.4 Knives 4
Lock picks 0.2 Martial Arts - Soft 3
Mountaineering 3
Perception 4
Stealth 5
Streetwise 2
Unarmed Combat 2

© Obsessive Compulsive Design 2013

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Description & Background
Daeneken's early life was steering him rapidly towards the wrong side of the fight until
a Falcon named Graemar dragged him out of a Dae'Khorah smokepit and put his feet
on the right path. Turned around by the generous and charismatic Graemar, Daeneken
found better uses for his ill-gotten skills and joined the Falcons himself when he was
old enough, a scant few years later. Now working on the principle 'set a thief to catch
a thief', Daeneken is a successful thief-taker indeed.

Daeneken’s Keen Senses Power grants him an extra die whenever you roll on
Perception, ALT or OBS.

In Game Notes & Useful Information Character Capabilities & Tactics

Daeneken is not a swordsman like his
companions but he is an accomplished
knife fighter and a master of stealth.

His Martial Arts - Soft skill can be used

to Dodge whether he is armed or unarmed
and can also be used to improve the
Initiative of a Strike. Doing so increases
the TN of the Strike by +2 but allows him
to improve the Strike’s Initiative score by
the Success level of a Martial Arts -Soft
Skill Roll.

When unseen by an opponent, such as

when ambushing from concealment, he
should use the Taking Extra Time rule to
Strike with a +3 Initiative penalty. In this
case the TN of his Strike drops to 2 and
he gains a Success for each die which rolls
a 3 or better. This can be combined with
taking a +2TN for +1 Damage, Striking
with a TN4 and Damage 8.

If he ever needs to pull out the big guns,

Daeneken can Strike with a knife in each
hand, using a Dual Action which imposes
a +2TN penalty to the Strike with his right
hand and a +4TN to the Strike with his
left. This can be combined with the above
tactic to Strike from ambush with a 4TN
and a 6TN respectively (6/8TN with the
extra Damage).
Delivered Effective
Weapon Damage
CON/Hard. Soak Allen can also choose to Strike For An
Effect if the Damage from his daggers
Dagger 7 1 /1 1 3 / 4 7 isn’t enough. By taking a +2 to the TN of
Belt Knife 8 1 / 1 1 3 / 4 7 a Strike he can attempt to achieve a
secondary effect such as throwing his
/ /
target off balance in imposing a temporary
/ / penalty on their attacks or defences.
/ /
/ /

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Name Amar Haellyor
Class/Profession Arcane Falcon

3 2 4 4 2 2 2 3 6 13
Encumbrance Fatigue Press
Index Movement ALT OBS Reflex Soaking
Level Capacity

5 4 3 3 3 64 5 5
Personal Data Powers/Flaws Value
Mass : 67kg Date Of Birth : 546AR Talent (Ritual Mysteries) 1
Height : 173cm Nationality / Atrelian /
Place Of Birth : Hawksview
Family Origin : Class : Commoner

Education / Hawksview cathedral School, School Of

Training : The Mysteries, falcon Training.
Notes : Fallbacks/Complications Value

TN+1 TN+2 TN+3 TN+4 TN+5 TN+6 TN+7 TN+8 TN+9 TN+10
TN+20 TN+19 TN+18 TN+17 TN+16 TN+15 TN+14 TN+13 TN+12 TN+11

Items Carried Weight Skill / Speciality Rank Uses

Broadsword 1.3 Education 3
Belt Knife 0.4 Hafted Weapons 3
Writing Kit 1.5
Influence 3
Parchment NA
Knives 3
Parchment NA
Medicine 3
Parchment NA
Melee - One Handed 2
Parchment NA
Perception 3
Parchment NA
Ritual Mysteries 4
Parchment NA
Scholastics (Tongue Of Power) 2
Streetwise 2
Swords 2
Unarmed Combat 2

© Obsessive Compulsive Design 2013

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Description & Background
As a student of The Mysteries, Haellyor never really fitted in. His piety was scarcely
sufficient for the Theological School and his academic curiosity was too underdeveloped
for the University. When he drifted, with his meagre knowledge of The Mysteries, into
the Falcons he found a place where his magical talent and his practical nature finally
blended. Using Art to back up his sword, Haellyor is an asset to any group.

In addition to his physical combat skills, Haellyor can use Rituals to produce magical
effects. While this is not a quick process it can still turn the tide of battle if well used.
His Talent with Ritual Mysteries reduces the TN of all rolls on that skill by one point.

In Game Notes
Student of The&Mysteries
Useful Information
: Rituals Known Character Capabilities & Tactics
Amar knows the following Rituals which he can cast at Haellyor’s true strength is not in arms but
will with a successful Ritual Mysteries Skill Roll. Note
he can fight when need be. His Melee -
that all TNs need to be reduced by one for his Talent.
One Handed Skill is not great but if he
Healing Grace can beat his opponent’s initiative he can
Casting Time : 3 Rounds (+1 Action); TN5
Duration : Instantaneous
fight defensively to tie up a combatant
Scholastics : N/A until one of his allies can assist him.
This powerful Ritual allow the caster to heal with a touch, Similarly his Swords Skill is sufficient to
removing up to six Wounds from the target.
Strike at foes who are too concerned with
Righteous Light Blocking or Dodging a Strike from a
Casting Time : 2 Actions (+2 Initiative); TN4 different angle.
Duration : Instantaneous
Scholastics : N/A
His most useful combat capability is his
This Ritual generates a Damage 3 electrical jolt at the
target point, which may be anywhere within a number of Righteous Light Ritual. This ranged
meters equal to the caster’s Psyche. attack lets him stun a foe through
The damage from the Ritual is negligible but it does
lightning Damage but he cannot use it
require a CON Saving Throw from any living target in
order to avoid being knocked unconscious. while at risk of being engaged by that foe.
It is best used from the rear while his
Sealing Ward
Casting Time : 3 Actions (+3 Initiative); TN5
allies fight, targeting the miscreants with
Duration : 10 minutes times the Caster’s Psyche whom they struggle.
Scholastics : TN4 (ST1)
This Ritual creates a STR 4 force holding two touched Amar’s Skill in Scholastics can be used
items together. Any attempt to separate the objects
to enhance the Rituals he casts. Most
requires an opposed STR Skill Roll against the ward.
usefully he can increase Range, Damage
Symmetry Ward or the number of Targets with the
Casting Time : 3 Actions (+3 Initiative); TN5
Duration : 10 Minutes times the Caster’s Psyche
appropriate words of power. To do so he
Scholastics : TN4 (ST1) uses a Dual Action, adding +2 to the TN
Through the Tongue Of Power it is possible to create a of the Ritual and requiring a Scholastics
Mystical symmetry between two items bearing a key
phrase (Scholastics @ TN4 to inscribe). For the duration
Skill Roll at TN6. You may choose how
of the Symmetry, Rituals which are cast on or through many Successes you are looking for,
one such object are duplicated on or through the other(s) remembering that if you do not get them
provided that they are within a number of meters equal
to one hundred times the Caster’s Psyche.
the Ritual fails too, and each Success
increases Damage by one, multiplies the
CON/Hard. Soak
Range by ten or adds one Target.
Damage Size

Belt Knife 9 1 / 1 1 3 / 4 7
Amar’s broadsword has words in the
Tongue Of Power inscribed on the blade,
Broadsword 14 5 / 4 5 3 / 4 8
near the hilt. These can be used with the
/ / Symmetry Ward Ritual once the same
phrase has been inscribed elsewhere, such
/ /
as on the parchments which Haellyor
/ / always carries.
/ /

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Name Camryer OnHaerik
Class/Profession Knight Of The Hawk

3 3 3 3 1 2 4 3 6 13
Encumbrance Fatigue Press
Index Movement ALT OBS Reflex Soaking
Level Capacity
6 5 5 3 3 61 5 11
Personal Data Powers/Flaws Value
Mass : 76kg Date Of Birth : 546AR Talent (Melee - One handed) 1
Height : 185cm Nationality / Atrelian /
Place Of Birth : Hawksview
Family Origin : Class : Noble
Education / Home tutoring, Hawksview martial
Training : Academy, Falcon training.
Notes : Fallbacks/Complications Value

TN+1 TN+2 TN+3 TN+4 TN+5 TN+6 TN+7 TN+8 TN+9 TN+10
TN+20 TN+19 TN+18 TN+17 TN+16 TN+15 TN+14 TN+13 TN+12 TN+11

Items Carried Weight Skill / Speciality Rank Uses

Broadsword 1.3 Education 4
Belt Knife 0.4 Influence 4
Knives 4
Martial Arts - Soft 2
Medicine 2
Melee - One Handed 4
Mounted Combat 2
Perception 2
Scholastics 4
Socialising 3
Swords 5
Transportation - nature 2

© Obsessive Compulsive Design 2013

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Description & Background
OnHaerik is a younger son and will never inherit a noble title unless something
desperate occurs to both of his older brothers but he is still a blueblood through and
through. Well spoken, charming and insightfully witty, he is also a keen swordsman
and fencer. Where Koelst's brute strength intimidates miscreants, OnHaerik's flashing
blade can rid a would be assailant of the initiative and the his life in quick succession.

OnHaerik’s Talent in Melee - One Handed lowers the TN of all rolls made against that
Skill by one, including weapon Blocks and Dodges.

In Game Notes & Useful Information Character Capabilities & Tactics

Camryer is a skilled fencer and tends to
underestimate his foes, fighting in a flashy
manner more than is wise. When not
trying another tactic he should usually
Over Complicate his Strikes to make
them harder to Block or Dodge.

If his opponent’s Initiative is only one

point better that Camryer’s then he will
often rush his Strike to hit first. By taking
a +2TN penalty on his Strike he can
improve his Initiative by two.

Occasionally, when fighting a dangerous

foe, Camryer will use Dual Actions on a
Round where his opponent’s Initiative is
one or two points better than his. In these
circumstances the +2TN for a Dual Action
is combined with the +2TN penalty for
Dodging a faster opponent for a net
Dodge TN of 7 once his Talent is factored
in. He will simultaneously use a Strike
Action with a TN of 8. Both Actions occur
at the same Initiative point as his
opponent, who will not be able to defend
since their Action has been used to Strike
at OnHaerik.

In dire circumstances he may draw his

belt knife and use it to Block. This is
another Dual Action and should be used
when Camryer beats his opponent’s
Delivered Effective
Initiative. In this case the Dual Action
Weapon Size/Reach CON/Hard. Soak
Damage Size penalty and the bonus for Blocking a
/ / slower opponent cancel out and the Block
Belt Knife 9 1 1 1 3 4 7
is carried out at TN5 (thanks to Talent).
Broadsword 14 5 / 4 5 3 / 4 8
The simultaneous Strike with his sword
/ / has a TN of 4. Alternatively he can Block
with the sword at TN3 and Strike with the
/ /
knife at TN6.
/ /
/ /

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Name Furst Memaelar
Class/Profession Professional Falcon

3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 6 12
Encumbrance Fatigue Press
Index Movement ALT OBS Reflex Soaking
Level Capacity
5 6 5 3 3 59 5 11
Personal Data Powers/Flaws Value
Mass : 68kg Date Of Birth : 546AR Sixth Sense (Bonus roll to spot trouble)
Height : 175cm Nationality / Atrelian /
Place Of Birth : Hawksview
Family Origin : Class : Commoner

Education / Hawksview Cathedral School followed

Training : By Falcon Training.
Notes : Fallbacks/Complications Value

TN+1 TN+2 TN+3 TN+4 TN+5 TN+6 TN+7 TN+8 TN+9 TN+10
TN+20 TN+19 TN+18 TN+17 TN+16 TN+15 TN+14 TN+13 TN+12 TN+11

Items Carried Weight Skill / Speciality Rank Uses

Broadsword 1.3 Education 3

Belt Knife 0.4 Influence 3
Dagger 0.4 Knives 3
Dagger 0.4
Melee - One Handed 3
Perception 5
Scholastics 2
Stealth 3
Streetwise 4
Swords 3
Unarmed Combat 4

© Obsessive Compulsive Design 2013

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Description & Background
Furst is a clever man and used that cleverness to determine that he was most likely
to see a full and wealthy life if he supported the Duke clearly, efficiently and openly.
His enrolment in the Falcons was a purely practical one, they paid better than the
Guard and had a higher prestige. He knew that his skills could be used there and that
their use could make him an important man in time and so here he is.

Furst’s Sixth Sense Power means that the GM must allow you a Perception, ALT or
OBS check to notice danger even if you aren’t looking for it. Sometimes it can also
allow a second roll if you fail one which doesn’t require Sixth Sense.

In Game Notes & Useful Information Character Capabilities & Tactics

As an intellectual character, Furst should
fight cleverly. His normal tactic is to fight
defensively, tying up an opponent until
someone else can get in and Strike them.

His Melee - One Handed Skill will let him

Block or Dodge quite effectively, especially
if he has a better initiative than his foe.

If there is no chance of an ally coming to

his aid then Furst prefers to use Dual
Actions on a Round where he beats his
opponent’s Initiative. In these
circumstances the +2TN for a Dual Action
is balanced by the TN reduction for
Dodging a slower opponent with the net
result that he can Dodge and Strike both
with a TN of 4. Both Actions occur at the
same Initiative point as his opponent, who
will not be able to defend since their
Action has been used to Strike at Furst.

If fighting all out against a foe who is not

attacking him, Furst will sometimes use
two weapons to pull the same Dual
Action trick. In this circumstance he will
suffer a +2TN penalty on his main weapon
and a +4TN penalty on the weapon in his
left hand. If this is combined with the
Taking Extra Time rule then he Strikes
with a +3 Initiative penalty but with
adjusted TNs of 4 and 6 respectively. Note
Delivered Effective
that Furst uses this stunt only when he
Weapon Size/Reach CON/Hard. Soak
Damage Size already knows that his target is Striking
Dagger 8 1 /1 1 3 / 4 7
someone else, which generally requires
that he beat their Initiative.
Belt Knife 9 1 /1 1 3 / 4 7
Broadsword 14 5
/4 5 3
/ 4 8

/ /
/ /
/ /

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Name Maerist Koelst
Class/Profession Dangerous Vigilante

4 4 3 2 1 2 4 2 6 13
Encumbrance Fatigue Press
Index Movement ALT OBS Reflex Soaking
Level Capacity
5 6 7 2 3 64 6 19 (21)
Personal Data Powers/Flaws Value
Mass : 78kg Date Of Birth : 546AR Hard As Nails (+2 Soaking)
Atrelian / Hard To Kill (+1 CON on Life Saves)
Height : 180cm Nationality /
Place Of Birth : Hawksview
Family Origin : Class : Commoner

Education / Street Upbringing followed by

Training : Falcon Training.
Notes : Fallbacks/Complications Value

TN+1 TN+2 TN+3 TN+4 TN+5 TN+6 TN+7 TN+8 TN+9 TN+10
TN+20 TN+19 TN+18 TN+17 TN+16 TN+15 TN+14 TN+13 TN+12 TN+11

Items Carried Weight Skill / Speciality Rank Uses

Heavy Club 2.0 Education 2
Belt Knife 0.4 Hafted Weapons 5
Influence 2
Knives 4
Martial Arts - Hard 3
Medicine 2
Melee - One Handed 3
Melee - Two handed 3
Socialising 2
Stealth 2
Unarmed Combat 5

© Obsessive Compulsive Design 2013

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

Character Description & Background
Koelst is a brute of a man, both physically and mentally. He became a Falcon because
the Duke's authority would let him hurt people without being arrested, and Koelst likes
to hurt people. He lives for the fight, but is canny enough to know that if he pushes
his predilections too far he will be arrested by his fellow Falcons and spend the rest of
his life in gaol or on the underground fighting circuit run out of certain seedy taverns.

Koelst’s prodigious ability to soak damage is truly immense. He can shrug off most
common attacks without taking any Wounds and this makes him a powerful and
intimidating force in the front line of any fight.

In Game Notes & Useful Information Character Capabilities & Tactics

Koelst is no swordsman, despite the
efforts of his superiors in the Falcons but
he is deadly with a hafted weapon such
as an axe or club, which he can use
proficiently with one or both hands.

Melee - One Handed or Melee - Two

Handed can both be used to Block with
a club or axe or to Dodge, however Koelst
rarely feels the need to bother unless he
is fighting a particularly strong opponent.

When fighting with a weapon using two

hands, you can add one half of his Power
Attribute (+3) to Damage. With his
traditional Heavy Club this brings Koelst’s
Damage to 19.

As if fighting two-handed wasn’t deadly

enough, Koelst’s Martial Arts - Hard Skill
can be used to increase Damage. In return
for a +2TN on a Strike you can make a
Skill Roll on Martial Arts - Hard and add
the Success level directly to the Damage
value of that Strike.

Another favourite trick of Koelst’s is to use

an Overhand Blow, striking with the force
of gravity to gain a +3 to Damage. This is
an effective tactic but if you miss with
such a blow then you to need to make a
Saving Throw against STR in order to
avoid overbalancing, losing Koelst’s next
Delivered Effective
Weapon Damage
CON/Hard. Soak Action and taking a +1 penalty on the
Initiative score of the one after.
Belt Knife 9 1 / 1 1 3 / 4 7
Heavy Club 16 4u / 4 6 3 / 3 7

/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31837183)

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