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Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek WOLFGANG KUNZE

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Wolfgang KlU1ze
Teclmology Brewing and Malting
Translated by Sue Pratt, Berlin
4 th updated edition, 2010

Up to now have ap peared TECHNOLOGY

1. Germ an ed ition
2. German ed ition
Brevving Malting
3. German ed ition 1975
4. German ed ition 1978
5. Ger man edition 1979
1. Hungarian ed ition 1983
6. German ed ition 1989
7. German ed ition 1994 Chapter 11 co-written by
1. Internationa l edi tion 1996 Dr HJ Manger
8. German edi tion 1998
1. Chinese edition 1994
1. Se rbi an ed ition 1998
2. International ed ition 1999
1. Polish edi tion 1999
1. Russian ed ition 2001
2. Russian ed ition 2003
3. International ed ition 2004
1. Spanish ed ition 2006
9. German edition 2007
2. Chinese edi tion 2008
3. Russian edition 2008

ISBN 978-3-921690-64-2

© VLB Berlin, Germany

All rights reserved by the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt Wr Brauerei in Berlin (VLB),
Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany,

All rights reserved (including those of translation into other languages). No part of this book may be reprodu-
ced in any form - by photocopy, scaJUling or any other means - without written permission from the publishers.
Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in thi s book, even when not speci fi ca lly marked as such, are not to be
considered lUlprotected by law.

Typesetting/Layout: Grafikdesign Anne Kulessa, Dresden;

Printing: Westkreuz-Druckerei Ahrens KG Berlin/Bonn, 41h completely updated edition
Printed in Germany - 2010 Published by 1.:if&_tllnlkr1n

Introduction to the 4th English edition of terials, water, hops, malt and yeast, has in-
"Technology Brewing and Malting" spired the creativity of brewers and engi-
The resulting extensive knowledge is
summarised in the current volume of "Tech-
nology Brewing and Malting". Since the
first edition in 1961, about 50,000 copies ha-
ve been sold. With h'anslations into Htmga-
rian, Polish, English, Serbo-Croatian, Chine-
se, Russian and Spanish, the original
German edition has become integral to the
practice of brewing the world over.
Knowledge is dynamic. Research and de-
velopment occur continuously, in the bre-
wing industry too of course. The revised 4t1 ,
edition of "Technology Brewing and Mal-
ting" is now available also in English. Wor-
In 2008, arotmd 1.8 billion hectolitres of beer king for several years, Wolfgang Ktmze has
were brewed and dnmk in the five conti- incorporated the latest developments in bre-
nents of the world, and the trend is inn'ea- wing practice into Ius book. Current trends
sing. Descriptions of the production of beer such as filling of beer in PET bottles, kiesel-
can be traced back 5000 years. This means guhr-free filtration, new procedures in wort
that beer is a cultural asset, which has fOlmd production and new applications regarding
friends the world over and as a connective process automation have been taken into ac-
element, provides vitality and enjoyment. cotmt.
At the same time, beer is beneficial to mind With numerous diagrams and his uLimita-
and body. Medical research has in the mean- ble didactic style, the author has agau1 suc-
time irrevocably proven that moderate beer ceeded U1 presenting complex processes U1 a
consumption has a positive impact on hu- clear manner. This latest edition thus de-
man health. monstrates the reputation of "Teclmology
All of this means that we brewers have the Brewu1g and Malting" as the globally lead-
duty to place high demands on the quality U1g standard work for professional brewers
of raw materials, plants, processes, and last and maltsters.
but not least, the qualifications of the em-
ployees. In Germany, with its approximate
1300 breweries and 5000 beer brands, bre-
wing science and brewing education have
Combining the best raw materials and the dedication of our brew
always been very important. Brewing speci-
masters results in the high quality of Bitburger Premium Beer, fic research and development - inter alia at
Germany's # 1 selling draft beer. the lUuversities of Weihenstephan and Ber- Dr. Ing. Axel Th. Simon
lin - has led to significant progress. And last President
but not least, the German Reinheitsgebot re- VLB Berlin eV
sh'icting the ingredients to nahlral raw ma-
6 7

Introduction b y the Author sing - Weihenstephan of the TU Mlmich . Contents

Additional thanks go to the mm1erous post-
graduates and graduands and research assi- Beer - the oldest drink . .. . ..... .. 21 - Hop pell ets . . .. . ....... .. . ...... 72
stants at both instihltes for their magtLificent - Hop ex tracts ... . . . .. . ... . ....... 75
support in providing information on new •1 Raw Materials . .. , .... .. . ...... . .39
cogtLitions and insights. 1.1 Barley . ...... . ..... . ...... . .. . . .39 1.3 Water . ...... . ................. .. 79
Special thanks are also extended to repre- 1.1.1 Barley types and varieties ..... . ... 39 1.3.1 Water cycle ...... . . . ... ... . ..... .79
sentatives of the brewery machinery and - Types of barley .. . .. .. .... ... . . .39 1.3.2 Fresh wa ter use in the brewery .. . . .80
supply industries for the generous provisi- - Barley varieties ...... .... . .. ... .40 1.3.3 Obtaining water .. . . ........ . .... .81
on of documentation wlLich I requested, in 1.1.2 Barley cultivation ..... .. . .. . ... . .. 41 - Extracting gro und water .... . .... 81
particular Harhnut Evers PhD (KHS Dort- 1.1.3 Structure of the barley kernel ..... .42 - Extraction of s pring water ...... . .82
mlmd / Bad Kreuznach), Graf Castell and - Ex ternal s tru cture .. . . . ... . ... . .. 42 - Extraction of surface water .... . .. 82
Ms. Rita Lorenz (Krones AG, Neutraubling), - Internal s tru cture .. .. . . .. . ....... 42 - Importance of a
Thomas Biihler PhD (GEA Huppmann, Kit- 1.1.4 Composition and properties ...... .44 private water suppl y . . .. ...... .. .84
zingen), Klaus Wasmuth and Peter Gatter- - Carbohydrates .. ............... .44 1.3.4 Water requirements . .. . . ...... . . .. 84
meyer Freising), Hans- - Nitrogen compolmds (proteins) .. .48 - Drinking water requirements .. ... 84
TlLis book was originally conceived as a text- Jorg Menger PhD (Ziemann, Ludwigsburg), - Fats (Lipids) ........... .... . .... 50 - Brewing water req uirements ... .. .85
book for the h'aining of brewers and malt- Jiirgen Mobius Bralmschweig) and - Inorga nic m aterial .. ... . .. ....... 52 - Significance of indi vidual ions . . .. 88
sters and has served tlLis aim well for deca- many other employees from compruLies I - Other s ubs tances . . . . .. . .. . ... .. .52 1.3.5 Water improvement procedures .... 89
des. It has in the meantime become an spoke to. Without their constructive sup- 1.1.5 Barley evaluation ................ .55 - Procedure to remove
important source of information and object port, tlLis updated edition could never have - Hand evalu ation .. ............. .55 suspended matter .... . ... . ......89
of Shldy for a considerably larger market. appeared. - Physical and chemical - Removal of dissolved materials .. .90
Since the publication of the first edition of I would also like to particularly thruu< the examin ations .... . ......... .. . . .57 - Improvement of the residual
tlLis book, almost half a cenhuy has passed. mru1agement at VLB, ru1d especially Olaf - Physiological examinations ...... .58 alkalinity of water ..... . ....... .. 91
During tlLis time there have been revolutio- Hendel for lLis tremendous support in the - Water sterilisa tion . . ..... .. .. . ... 93
nary changes in technical expertise and preparation of the new edition. 1.2 Hops .. .. . ..... .... . ... . ..... .. .59 - Degassing of water . . .. .... . .. .. .94
tedmology in beer and malt production. I would like to extend my particular grati- 1.2.1 Growing regions ........... ... ... 59 1.3.6 Possibilities of saving water . . . ..... 95
This is expressed in the many editions of tlLis hlde to my graphic desigt1er of mru1Y years, 1.2.2 Harvesting, drying and
book in many languages that have appeared Ms. Alme Kulessa, who has consh'uctively stabilising hops ........ . .. . ..... .62 1.4 Yeast ........... . ........ . .. ..... 96
over the years. followed my at times vety headstrong ideas - Harvesting . . ......... ...... .. . .62 1.4.1 Structure and compositi on
Sud1 a comprehensive book of course has regarding tl1e layout of diagrams and, de- - Drying .. . ............... . ...... 62 of the yeast cell .... . .... . ....... . .96
many kind helpers. I would like to thank my spite the ever increasing amolmt of graplLi- - StabiliSing the hops ..... . . . . .. ... 63 1.4.2 Metabolism of the yeast cell .. .. . .. 100
friends of many years, Professor Gerolf An- cal material, has given tlLis edition a very 1.2.3 Hop con e structure . .... .. . .. . .... 63 1.4.3 Yeast reproduction and grow th . . .. 101
nemi.iller and Hans Manger PhD for the ma- pleasing appearru1ce. 1.2.4 Composition and properties .. ..... 63 1.4.4 Characteristics of brewing yeasts .. 103
ny references and good advice, as well as the - Bitter substances or hop resins .... 64 - Morphological characteristics .. .. 103
marvellous support from many employees - Hop oil . . .... . ............. . .. .66 - Physiological differences . ...... .104
at VLB, my alma in particular Profes- - Tamlins or polyphenols ... . ...... 67 - Fermentation teclulological
sor Reinhold Schildbach, Professor Frank - Nitrogen compolmds ...... ...... 68 differences ...... . . . . . . ......... 104
Rath, Roland Pahl and Heinz-Michael An- 1.2.5 Hop eva luation ................ . .68 - Systematic classification ......... 104
ger PhD. Particular thanks go to Professor - Hand evaluation of hop cones .. . .68
Werner Back, Martin Krottenthaler PhD and - Bitter substance content . . . ....... 69 1.5 Adjuncts .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..... . .. 105
Professor Eberhard Geiger of the chairs for 1.2.6 Hop va rieties . . ..... . . . .. .. . ..... 70 1.5.1 Maize ............. . . .. . .. .. . ... 105
the Teclmology of Brewing I and II in Frei- 1.2.7 Hop products .... .. . . .. .. . . . ..... 71 1.5.2 Rice ........................ . .. 107
8 9

1.5.3 Ba rley ........ . ... . ...... . . . ... 107 2.4 Ba rley germination .. . ..... . . .. . .154 2.8 Ma lt eva lu ati on ............... .. 195 - Weighing the malt cha rge . ... . .. 225
1.5.4 Sorghum / millet ........ .... . ... 107 2.4.1 Processes occurring during 2.8.1 Hand eva lu ation .......... . .... .195 3.1.2 Basic aspects of milling . ..... . .... 228
1.5.5 Wheat .......... . .... . .... . .... 108 germination ... ... ....... . ..... .154 2.8.2 Mechanica l exa minations . . ...... .196 3.1.3 Dry milling . .. . . .... .. ... . ...... 229
1.5.6 Su ga r ..... .. . . ....... . ... . . . . .. 108 - Growth processes . ....... . .. . .. 154 - Screening . .. ................. .196 - Six roller mill s . .... . .. .. . . . .. . .229
1.5.7 Glucose syrup . ................. 110 - En zyme formation ....... .. .... 155 - Thousand corn weight .. .. . .. .. .196 - Five roller mill s ..... .. . .. . . . .. .231
1.5.8 Colouring sugar (also couleur) . . , .11 0 - Changes to storage materials .... 157 - Hectolitre weight ............. . .196 - Four roller mills ... . . ... .. . . .. . .231
- Conclusions about how to perform 165 - Sinke r test (floaters) .. .. . . . . . .. .196 - Two roller mill s .. . ..... .. .. ... .231
·2 Malt Production ... .. . .. ..... . ..114 2.4.2 Germination methods ... . .. . ... . .165 - Steelyness ......... . ..... . . .. . .196 - Rollers of malt mills .... .. . . ... .232
2.1 Intake, cleaning, grading, transfer 114 - Floor maltings . .. ..... . .... . ... 165 - Fr iability ..... . . .. .. .. .... ..... 196 - Conditioned dry milling .. ...... 235
2.1.1 Barley intake . .. ....... . .. . . ..... 114 - Carrying out germination ...... .177 - ACt'ospire leng th . . . ... .. . .. .... 196 - Grist case .......... . . .. . .. ... .235
- Intake of barley from lorries - Control of germ ination .... . . . . . .178 - Germinating capaci ty .. .. . .. ... .196 - Hammer mills .. . ... . . . .. . . .. .. 236
or rail ........... . ........... .115 - Density .. .. ................... 196 3.1.4 Wet milling ....... . . .. . . . . ...... 237
- Intake of barley from ships .... .. 115 2.5 Malt kilning ..... . . ...... . . . . ... 178 - Calcofluor-Ca rlsberg method ... .197 3.1.5 Steep conditioning . . .. .. ....... . .238
2.1.2 Cleaning and grading the barley . .116 2.5 .1 Changes during kilning .... .. . . .. 178 2.8.3 Chemica l technological methods .. 197 3.1.6 Fine comminution wi th wa ter ... . .242
- Barley pre-cleaning .... . ... ... . .117 - Lowering of the wa ter content . .. 178 - Water content .................. 197 3.1.7 Evaluation of the gris t .. .. ...... . .244
- Magnetic devices .......... . .. .. 119 - Termination of germination and - Congress mashing method . . .... 197
- Dry des toner .... . .. . . ... ... .. .119 modifica tion ... . . ......... . .. .. 179 2.8.4 Ma lt supply contract . .. . .. . ..... .201 3.2 Mashing . . . . ........ . ..... . .... 245
- Deawner ....... .. ......... . ... 120 - Formation of colour and flavo ur .. 179 3.2.1 Transformations during mashing . .245
- Grain cleaner (trieur) ..... ... ... 121 - Formation of OMS ........ ... .. 181 2.9 Special m alts and malt - Purpose of mashing ..... .. . .... 245
- Barley grading .... . ......... . .. 123 - Effect of kilning temperature .. , .181 from other cerea ls ......... . . ... .202 - Properties of en zymes .. . ....... 245
2.1.3 Transfer of barley and malt .. . . . .. 125 - Formation of nitrosamines . . .. . .. 182 2.9.1 Pilsner malt (pale malt) ..... . .... 202 - Starch degradation .. .. ......... 246
- Mechanical conveyors . ... . .. . . .127 - Enzyme inac ti va tion .. . ... ..... .183 2.9.2 Dark malt (Munich type) . . . . . . . .. 202 - b-glucaIl. d egrada tion .. ..... .. .. 252
- Pneumatic conveyors ........... 130 2.5.2 Kiln structure ....... . . .... . .... .183 2.9.3 Vienna malt . .. .... ... .. .. . . ... .202 - Conversion of fatty matter (lipids) .258
2.1.4 Equipment for dust removal . . ... .133 - Heating and ventilation 2.9.4 Brumalt/melanoidin malt ..... ... .203 - Other degrad ation and
- Cyclones .. . . . ... . ... . .. . ..... .134 of the kiln . .. .... .. ....... . .... 183 2.9.5 Cara mel malt ....... ...... .. ... .203 dissolving . . .. . .. ........ .. ... .261
- Du st filters . .. ...... . .. . ... . ... 134 - Older type two floor kilns . . .... .186 2.9.6 Acid malt . . .... ........... . ... .204 - Biological acidification .... . .. . .. 261
- Kilns with dumping floors .. .. .. 186 2.9.7 Short grown and chit malts .... ... 204 - Composition of the extract ... . .. 267
2.2 Drying and storage of barley . ..... 137 - Flat ki lns with a loader 2.9.8 Smoked malt ................... 205 3.2.2 Vessels for m ashing ........ .... . .268
2.2.1 Barley respiration ... . . . . .. .... . .137 and llllloader ....... . ..... .. . .. 187 2.9.9 Diastase malt . .. .... ... . .. . ..... 205 - Mash vessels .... . .. . . ... ...... 268
2.2.2 Barley drying ... . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. 138 - Vertical kilning .... . ... .. .. . . . .189 2.9.10 Roasted malt ... ................ .205 3.2.3 Mashing in ........ . .. .. ...... . .273
2.2.3 Barley cooling ............... .. .139 2.5.3 Management of kilning .. . . ...... 189 2.9.11 Roasted malt beer ...... . .. . .... .206 - Addition of the brewing wa ter . . .273
2.2.4 Barley storage ... .. . . .. .......... 140 - Production of Pilsner malt ... . ... 191 2.9.12 Wheat malt .... . ... .. .. . .. . . .... 206 - Mashing-in temperature ........ 273
- Storage in silos ..... . . ... .... .. .140 - Production of Munich malt .. ... .192 2.9.13 Malt extrac t .......... .... . .. .. . .207 - Mixing of the water and grist .... 275
- Storage in bins ... . ... . ... . . . ... 141 - Unloading the kiln .. . . ......... 192 2.9.14 Malt from other bread cereals . . ... 208 3.2.4 Mashing . . ..... . . ....... ..... .. 277
- Pest infestations ..... . . ... .... .. 142 - Control of kilning ... . ..... .. ... 193 2.9.15 Sorghum malt . . . ...... .. . . ... .. 209 - Parameters to consider when
2.9.16 Usage of different types . .. . . . ... 210 mashing .. .. .... . ... . . .. . . . . . . .277
2.3 Barley steeping . . . ... ........ . ... 143 2.6 Trea tment of malt after kilning ... .193 - Infusion mashing . ....... . ..... 280
2.3.1 Processes during steeping .... . ... 143 2.6.1 Cooling of the kilned malt . ... . ... 193 2.10 Safety precautions in maltings . ... 212 - Decoction processes ....... ..... 281
- Water uptake ......... . ........ 143 2.6.2 Malt cleaning . .. . . .. . ... . . .... .. 193 3.2.5 Mashing duration ....... . . . . .. .. 295
- Provision of oxygen ....... .. . .. 146 2.6.3 Malt storage .. .. ... . .. . . ...... . .194 •3 Wort Production ........ .... . ... 224 3.2.6 Control of mashing . .... .. ....... 296
- Cleaning .. . ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. 146 2.6.4 Malt polishing . . ..... . .. . . . ... .. 194 3.1 Malt milling .... . ......... . ..... 224 3.2.7 Mashing intensity .. ....... ... . .. 296
2.3.2 Steep vessels . ... .... .. . .... . ... .146 3. 1.1 Pretreatment of the malt ...... . ... 224
2.3.3 The steeping process ... .. ... . ... .152 2.7 Yield during malting . . ... .. . . . ... 195 - Remova l of dust and stones . . . .. 224 3.3 Lautering . . ....... . ........... .296
10 11

3.3.1 First wort and second wort ... . .. .296 3.4.4 Monitoring the cast wor t ... . ..... 372 3.8.5 Recovery of wort - Mineral metabolism .. ....... . . .427
3.3.2 Last l'lmnings ................... 298 from cloudy wort . ... . .. ... ... .. .398 4.1 .3Formation and removal of
3.3.3 Mash separation w ith a lauter tun .299 3.5 Brewhouse yield . . .. . .. . ........ 373 fermentation by-products . ..... . .428
- Design of an older lauter tun . .. .300 3.5.1 Ca lculating the brewhouse yield .. 373 3.9 Cooling and clarify ing the wort .. .398 - Diacetyl (vicinal diketones) .. . ... 429
- Design of newer lauter tuns .... 303 - Determination of the 3.9.1 Procedures during cooling . . ... . . .398 - Aldehydes (carbonyl compounds) 432
- Operating seq uence ..... ... . .. .307 mass percent .. ....... .. . .. . ... .374 - Wort cooling ........... . ... . . .. 398 - Higher alcohols . . .. . . ... ... . .. .432
3.3.4 Wort separation with a mash filter .310 - Determ ination of the mass .. . .... 375 - Formation and optima l - Esters . ..... . .. . .... . ... . . . .... 433
- Traditional mash filters ..... . .. .310 - Conversion of the volume . . .. .. .379 removal of cold brea k ... . . . .. . .. 399 - Sulphur compounds .. . . . . . .. .. .434
- New generation mash filters . . . . .311 - Calculation of the amount ... . ... 379 - Wort aeration .. ............ . .. .399 - Organic acids ..... .. .. . ....... .435
3.3.5 Spent grains ................ .. . .320 - Determination of the - Changes in wort concentra tion ... 399 - Eva lu ation of aroma compoun ds
- Transfer of spent grains ... . . .. .. 321 brewhouse yield (Ybh) ... . . . .... 380 3.9.2 Equipment for wort cooling . . . ... .400 (according to Miedaner) ... . ... . .436
- Spent grain analysis .. . .. ..... .. 321 3.5.2 Factors affecting the yield .. ...... 380 - Structu re of 4.1.4 Other reactions and changes ..... .437
3.5.3 Calculation of a brew house yield .. 381 plate heat exchangers ...... . ... .400 - Changes of nitrogen compOLlI1ds .437
3.4 Wort boiling .... . ... .... . .. . .. . .323 - Method of operation .. ... . ... . .402 - Lowering of the pH value .... . . .438
3.4.1 Wort boiling operations .. ..... . .. 323 3.6 Brewh ouse equipment ........... 381 - Advantages of the - Ch anges in the redox properties
- Extraction and transformation .. .324 3.6.1 N umber and arrangement of the . .381 plate heat exchanger ... . . . .. . .. .404 of beer . . .. ... ....... . .. . .... . .438
- Precipitation of protein .. ....... 325 3.6.2 Vessel size .. . ....... . . .. . .. . .... 382 3.9.3 Basic principles and . . ........ . . .404 - Changes in the beer colour .. .. . .439
- Evaporation of water . ... . ...... 326 3.6.3 Vessel material .. . ... . ... ... . .. .. 383 - Methods of wort aeration . . ... . .405 - Precipitation of bitter substances
- Wort sterilisation ............... 327 3.6.4 Brewhouse capacity . .. .......... 383 - Time of yeast aeration . .. ... .. . .406 and polyphenols .... .. ........ .439
- Destruction of all enzymes . . . ... 327 3.6.5 Special types of brewhouse ... . .. .384 3.9.4 Equipm ent for cold break removal .406 - Clarifica tion and colloida l
- Thermal exposure of the wort .... 327 - Pub brewery brew houses ....... 384 - Kieselguhr filter . .. ... ... ... . .. .407 s tability of beer .... . .. . ... . . . . .439
- Lowering the pH of the wort ..... 328 - Integral brew house . . .. . ..... .. .385 - Flotation ................. . .. . .407 4.1.5 Effects of different factors on yeast .440
- Formation of reducin g subs tances 328 - Research and h'aining 3.9.5 Wort cooling lines .. . .. . .. .. .... .408 4.1.6 Floccu lation of the yeast
- Evapora tion of undesirable brewhouses ..................... .385 (break formation) . . . . .. . ..... .. . .442
aroma substances .. .... . ... . . .. .328 3.10 Control and monitoring ... . ..... .408 4.1.7 Degeneration of the yeast . . ....... 442
- Zinc content of the wort ....... .. 330 3.7 Casting the wort .. . ............. 386 4.1.8 Physiologica l condition of yeast ... 443
- Unboiled wort - cast wort .. ..... 330 3.11 Safety at work during .. ..... . .. .411
- Unboiled wort - cast wor . . ...... 330 3.8 Removal of the coarse break ...... 386 - Acciden t prevention- 4.2 Pure yeast culture propagation ... .443
3.4.2 Design and heating 3.8.1 Coolship ....................... 387 milling area .......... .. . ...... .411 4.2.1 Basics of yeast propagation .. . .. . .444
of the wort kettle ............ . ... 331 3.8.2 Settling tank . .. ................. 387 - Accident prevention- 4.2 .2 Isolation of suitable yeas t cells .. . .445
- Directly heated wort kettles . . ... 331 - Operating principle brewing vessels .... . . . ....... . .411 4.2.3 Propaga tion in the laboratory ... . .445
- Steam hea ted wor t kettles ....... 331 of the whirlpool . ... . ..... ...... 388 - Accident prevention - 4.2.4 Yeast propagation in the brewery . .447
- Wort kettle - Whirlpool design . .. . .. . .. . ..... 390 separators .... . ... .. . ... . ... . . .412 - Yeast propagation plants . . .... . .447
with low pressure boiling .. .. . .. 336 - Performing wort clarification - Assi milati on procedure . .... . .. .451
- High temperature wor t boiling ... 345 in a w hirlpool . . .. . . .. ..... .. ... 391 •4 Beer Production .......... . ... . .415 - Sin gle vessel pure yeast
- Energy saving 3.8.4 Separators ........ .. .. .. . . ... . .. 393 4.1 Changes during fermentation . .. .415 cu lture procedure .... .. .. . . . .. .452
wort boiling systems ..... . ...... 346 - The principle used 4.1.1 Yeast: the brewer's most important - Open yeast propagation . .. .. . .. .454
- Other modern in centrifugation .. ... . . .. .. .. . .393 parh1er . . ...... . ... . .. . ........ .415 4.3 Conventiona l fermentat ion and . . .455
wort boiling systems ..... . .. . .. .352 - Types of centrifuga l separa tors . .394 4.1.2 Metabolism of the yeast . .... ... . .418 4.3.1 Fermentation tanks-
- Vapour condensate ............. 366 - Design/operation of - Fermentation of the sugar . ... . . .418 equipment of the
- Underback (wort buffer vessel) .. .367 self-clean ing separators ........ .395 - Protein metabolism ............ .423 fermentation cellar .... . . .. . .... .456
3.4.3 Performing wort boiling ..... . .... 367 - Evaluation of - Fat metabolism .... ... ...... . . .425 - Fermentation tanks ..... ..... . . .456
- Boiling the wort .... . ... . .. . .... 368 hot wort separation ........ . .... 397 - Carbohydrate metabolism . ... .. .425 - Layout of the open
12 13

fermentation cellar . . . ...... . .. .456 of the CCVs ..... . ... . . .. ..... . .481 4.4.7 CO, recovery .... . .... .. .. . ... . .515 influences on the flavour stability
4.3.2 Fermentation cellar yield .... . ... .459 4.4.2 Cylindroconical tank fittings ..... .482 4.4.8 Immobilised yeast . .... ... . .. .. . .51 7 afte r bottling .. . ..... . . ... . . .. . .578
4.3.3 Management of open primary - Control and operating elements
fermentation . . ... . .. . . .......... 460 and safety fittings .. . . ....... . . .482 4.5 Beer filtration .... . ...... . .. . . . . .518 4.7 Carbonisation of the beer ... . . . . . .579
- Pitching . .. . . . ..... . . . .. . . . ... .460 - Control and operating eleme . . . .. 482 4.5.1 Various filtration methods ... . .. .. 519
- Fermentation management - Cooling of the CCV . . .......... .490 - Separation mechanisms .. .. . .. . .519 4.8 Special m ethods for production . . .581
in the fermentation tank . .. .. . ... 462 - Methods for controlling and - Filters ... . . ... .. .. ... .. .. . ... .520 4.8.1 High gravity brewing . ... . . . . ... .581
- Degree of attenuation ..... . ..... 464 automating cooling . . ... . .. . . .. .497 - Filter aids . . . . ... . . . . . .. . .. . . . .520 4.8.2 Ice beer production ... . ......... .583
- Beer transfer from the tank . . ... .468 4.4.3 Managing the fermentation 4.5 .2 Struchlral forms of filters . . . . .. .. .524 4.8.3 Processes for removing alcohol . .. .585
4.3.4 Yeast collection in the tank .. .. . . .. 470 and mahuation in CCVs .... . . .. .498 - Mass filters . ... ... . ... .. . . . .. . .524 - Membrane separation process .. .585
4.3.5 Processes during beer maturation - Special points to consider - Powder filters ... . .. . . .. . . .. ... .525 - Heat treatment processes /
in conventional tanks . .. .. . .. . ... 470 when fermenting and maturing - Sheet filters (frame-type filters) . .539 distillation . . .......... .. ...... .589
- Saturation of beer with in CCVs ........ .. . . . . ........ .500 - Membrane filters . . .... .. . .. .. . .540 - Suppression of alcohol formation .593
carbon dioxide under pressure . , .470 - Cold fermentation- - Multi Micro-System-Filter .. . .... 542
- Beer clarification . . .... ... . . .... 471 cold mahuation ... . ... . . . .. . . . .503 - Areas of filtra tion ...... . .. . ... .543 4.9 Accident prevention in the ...... .595
4.3.6 Equipment in conventional - Cold fermentation with a - Kieselguhr-free beer filtration ... .543 4.9.1 Danger of accidents due to ..... .595
lager cellars ...... . ...... .. . . . ... 472 ccelerated mahll'ation in a CCV . .504 4.9.2 Work in pressure vessels ........ .596
- Lager cellar installations ... . ... .472 - Warm fermentation 4. 6 Beer stabilisation . . ... . ... . ..... .554 4.9.3 Working with kieselguhl' ....... . .597
- Lagering tanks .... . . . .. . . .. . .. .472 without pressure- 4.6.1 Microbiological stabilisation . . ... .555 4.9.4 General advice regarding
4.3.7 Performance of lagering in cold maturation ..... . ... . . . . .. .504 - Pasteurisation ....... . . . ...... .556 accident prevention ........... . . .598
conv. tanks . . . ..... . . .......... .473 - Pressure fermentation .. . .... . . .504 - Flash pasteurisation ........... .556
- Beer transfer .... .. ... .. .. ... .. .474 - Cold fermentation - - Hot filling of beer ............. .559 •5 Filling the beer .... . . .. ... . .. . . .609
- Pressure regulation . ...... . .. . . .474 warm mahlration . .......... . .. .505 - Pasteurisation in a 5.1 Filling in returnable glass bottles . .609
4.3.8 Storage vessel tapping ... .. ... . .. 475 - Cold primary fermentation tmmel pasteuriser ... . ......... .559 5.1.1 Rehlrnable glass bottles . . . . ...... 609
- Establishment of the cOlmection .. 475 with programmed mahlration . .. .505 - Cold sterile filling of beer . . .. . . .559 - Advantages and disadvantages
- Pressure during tapping - Warm primary fermentation 4.6.2 Colloidal stabilisation of beer .... .560 of glass bottles .. . . .. ....... . . . .609
and emptying . . .. . . . . . . ... . ... .476 with normal or forced mahlration .506 - Nahll'e of colloidal hazes ....... .561 - Glass bottle production . ... . . . .. 609
4.3.9 Drawing off from 4.4.4 Yeast cropping from the CCV . ... .506 - Improving the colloidal - Bottle shape ... . .. . ..... .. . .. . .609
conventional tanks .. . .. . ... . ... .476 - Time of yeast cropping . . .... . . . .507 stability of beer . . . . . ... ........ .562 - Bottle colour ... . .. . . . ... .. .. . .. 611
- Blending lmit .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. .476 - Methods of collecting yeast . . ... .508 - Teclmological measures for - Surface coating . .. . . . . ... . .... .612
- Pressure regulator . .. . . . . . .... .. 477 - Treatment and storage of improving colloidal stability .... .562 - Scuffing . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .612
- Recovery of tank bottom beer ... .477 the yeast crop .. . .... .. ....... . .508 - Addition of stabilising agents ... .563 - Bottle aftercoating . . . . ... . . . .. .. 612
- Deep cooling of the beer ... . ... .477 - Monitoring the yeast crop .... . . .510 - Dosing with downstream - Plastic coated light
- Fore-nm and post-run . . . ....... 477 4.4.5 Beer quality before filtration ..... .511 hop products ............. . ... .570 glass returnable bottles .. . .. . .... 612
4.4.6 Beer recovery from surplus yeast . .511 4.6.3 Filtration plant . .. .. . . ... . . . . . .. .570 - Procedural steps in the filling of
4.4 Fermentation and maturation - Separation by means of 4.6.4 Flavour stability .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .573 rehll'nable glass bottles . . ....... .613
in cylindroconical vessels ... . .. . .. 478 sedimentation or filtration . .. . . . .512 - Ageing process . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .573 5.1.2 Cleaning of rehlrnable glass bottles .613
4.4.1 Construction and installation of - Yeast separation .. .. . .... . .... . .512 - Factors encouraging -Factors which influence
cylindroconical vessels . . . .. . . ... .478 - Beer recovery using a decanter .. .512 flavour stability . . .. ........ . . . .575 bottle washing ..... . .... . ..... .613
- Design, shape and construction - Membrane filtration of the yeast . .513 - Measures for the avoidance of - Bottle washing machines . . .. . ... 614
material of cylindroconical vessels .478 - Vibration micro-filtration (VMF) .514 oxygen addition during filtration - Caustic solution .. . . . . .. . ....... 630
- Size of CCVs ... . .. . . . .. .... . .. .479 - Treahnent of tank bottom beer and bottling . ... ... ... . .... ... .577 - Cleaning and maintenance work
- Location and arrangement (yeast beer) . .. ...... . .. .... . .. .514 - Measures to prevent negative on the bottle cleaning machine ... 634
14 15

- Clearing away n ew glass bottles - Barrier properties of PET ........ 694 - Material, shape and size of kegs ... 756 5.9.3 Calculation of the vo lu me loss .... 796
and cans ....... . ... . . . . . ..... .635 - Ba rrier tecl1J1ology ..... . .. . .. ... 695 - Keg fittings .. .............. . ... 757 5.9.4 Calculation of malt usage . .. ... .. .796
5.1.3 Control of the - The importance of Scavengers ... 697 5.6.3 Clea ning and filling the keg . . ..... 759 5.9.5 Importance of the loss and
cleaned recyclable glas bottles ..... 635 5.3 .2 Production of PET bottles .. .. .... 698 - C leaning of the keg ......... . .. .760 possible ways of reducing it .... .. 797
5.1.4 Bottle filling ......... . .......... 641 - Production of the preforms ...... 698 - Fil ling the keg ........... . ..... 760
- Principles of filling .... . . .. ..... 641 - Stretching and blow-moulding 5.6.4 Keg plants as a whole .... .... . ... 762 • 6 Cleaning and disinfection ....... 801
- Principles of bottle filling of PET bottles . ................. 699 5.6.5 Fi lling of sma ll and party kegs '" .762 6.1 Materials and their be haviour
machine design . . ..... ... .... . .644 - Monitoring of the manufactured 5.6.6 Filling of large cans .... . ... . . . ... 763 towards cleaning agents . . .... . ... 801
- Component elements of the PET bottles .... . ....... . ...... .701 6.1.1 Aluminium vessels . . ............ 801
bottle fill ing machines ... . ....... 645 - Rinsing of the new bottles ....... 701 5.7 Transport and packaging ......... 763 6.1.2 Vessels, pipes and fittings made
- Construction and mode of operation 5.3.3 Transportation of the PET bottles .. 702 5.7.1 Transport containers ...... . . . .... 764 of chrome-nickel steel .. .. ........ 802
of the bottle filling organs ....... 648 5.3.4 Filling of PET bottles ...... .. ..... 702 5.7.2 Treahnent of plastic crates .. . ..... 766 6.1.3 Hoses and seals .... .... . . . ...... 804
- High pressure jetting .. ..... .. . .665 5.3.5 C losing of PET bottles ... . . .... . .. 714 Elimination of foreign and
5.1.5 Closing the bottles . . ............. 665 - Plastic screw cap closures .... . .. 714 damaged crates and bottles ....... 766 6.2 Cleaning agents ...... .. .. .... .. .805
- Closing with crown corks ....... 666 - Aluminium rolled-on closure .... 716 - Washing of the crates ... . . ..... .767
- Closure with a swing stopper ... .671 5.3.6 Labelling of PET bottles .......... 718 - Crate maga zine ....... . ... ..... 767 6.3 Disinfecting agents ............. .806
5.1.6 Cleaning the filler and the closer .. 672 5.7.3 Transport tecl1J1ology . .. .... .. ... 768
5.1.7 Control of the filled and 5.4 Filling of plastic returnable bottles .720 - Bottle and can transport ....... . .768 6.4 Cleaning and disinfecting u sing
closed bottles ..... .. ... . .. .. .. .. 676 5.4.1 PEN . ........ . ............... .. 720 - Container transport . ... ..... .. .773 a CIP system ...... . . .. ... . ...... 807
- Filling level control . . ........... 676 5.4.2 Cleaning of returnable 5.7.4 Packaging technology .. ...... .... 773
- Oxygen in the bottle neck ....... 677 plastic bottles ... ... ............. 721 - Packing head and packing tulips .773 6.5 Cleaning procedure . .. .. . .. ...... 814
5.1.8 Pasteurising in bottles ............ 679 5.4.3 Inspection of foreign substances ... 721 - Types of packer ... . ........ . ... 775
- Principles of pastemisation 5.5 Filling of cans ............ . ...... 725 5.7.5 Palletiser and depalletiser 6.6 Mechanical cleaning ............. 817
in bottles . ............. . ....... 679 5.5.1 Cans and can closures . ......... . .725 equipment ..... . ... . ..... .. ..... 782
- Important components of the 5.5.2 Storing, depalletising and removal - Robot tecl1J1ology .. ....... . .... 782 6.7 Monitoring of cleaning and
tW1J1el pasteuriser .. . . . . . . .. .. . .680 of empty cans . .. ... . .. . .. .. . .... 729 - Design and function of the disinfection .... .. .. ..... . .. . . . . .817
- PU fuse .. . .. . ...... . ...... . ... 683 5.5 .3 Inspection of the empty cans ...... 730 palletisers and depalletisers ....... 783
5.1 .9 Labelling and foiling the bottles . .. 684 5.5.4 Rinsing of the cans .. . .. . . .. .. ... 731 - Stacking plants for full 6.8 Protection at work when cleaning
- Labels and foils . . ...... .. ...... 684 5.5.5 Filling of the cans .... .. . .... ... .731 pack pallets ... .. .. . .. ... .. .. ... 785 and disinfecting ............... . .817
- Label adhesive .. . .............. 686 - Mechanical can fillers . .. .. . . .. .. 733 - Transport plants for pallets ... . . .786
- Basic principle of labelling ..... .. 688 - Can filler with volumetric filling .737 - Pallet set positions .... . ..... . ... 786 • 7 Finished beer .... .... ... ...... .. 819
- Head folding with foils ......... 691 5.5.6 Closing the cans ................. 746 - Infeed and o utput equipment .... 786 7.1 Beer composition ... . ............ 819
5.1.10 Dating the labels ........... . ... .691 5.5.7 Cleaning of the can filler and closer 748 - Pallet magazines ... ... ...... . .. 786 7.1 .1 Components of beer .. . .... . ... . .819
5.1.11 Controlling the labels .. ... ....... 692 5.5.8 Widgets . . ......... ............. 748 - Pallet control .. .. . ........ . .... 786 7.1.2 Beer and health .. .... . . ...... . .. 822
5.5.9 Inspection of the filled cans ....... 750 - Securing the pallets . ... ...... . .. 787
5.2 Special features when filling 5.5.10 Pasteurisation of cans ............ 751 - Palletising in keg filling 7.2 Taste and foam . . .. ..... . ..... . .. 824
into non-returnable glass bottles . .. 692 5.5.11 Wraparound labelling of cans ... . .751 7.2.1 Beer flavour ............ .. ...... 824
5.2.1 Clearing of new glass bottles ..... .692 5.5.12 Dating of the cans ......... . ... .. 752 5.8 The filling plant as a whole . ... .. .791 - Beer aroma ... . . . ....... .. . .... 824
5.2.2 Rinsing ................ . ....... 692 5.9 Beer losses ... .. ........... ..... 793 - Palatefulness (body) ........ . . . .827
5.6 Filling of casks, kegs, party casks, 5.9.1 Calculation of the amount of sa les - Tingle ...... .. ... . ............ 828
5.3 Filling into PET bottles ... ... . .... 693 and large cans .. . .. . .. . .. .. ..... 753 beer produced .... . .. . .. . ....... 794 - Beer bitterness . . ............ . .. 828
5.3.1 PET bottles ..................... 694 5.6.1 Filling of wooden barrels and casks .753 5.9.2 Stocktaking and calculation of 7.2.2 Beer foam .......... . .......... .829
- Structural properties of PET . .... 694 5.6.2 Kegs and fittings .. .. . . ........ .. 756 beer for sale . ... . ... . ......... . .794
16 17

7.3 Beer types and their - Meas urement of the diacetyl plants ..... . . .... .. . . ... ..... .. .906 10.2.5 Combined heat and power plants .927
special features ... .. . .. .......... 833 conten t of beer ......... .. ...... 870 - Anaerobic waste water
7.3.1 Beers produced by - Measurement of foam stability ... 871 treatment plants . . ..... . ........ 907 10.3 Refrigeration plants ...... . . . . . ... 928
top fermentation .. . . . .... . . ..... 833 - Determination of the carbon - Amount and composition of 10.3.1 Refrigerants and cool ing agents .. .929
- Special features of top dioxide content ..... . . .. . . ..... 872 brewery waste water . .......... .907 - Refrigerants ......... . ..... . ... 929
fermentation .... .. . . ........... 833 - Measurement of bitterness units .. 873 - Waste water treatment with - Cooling agents ......... . . ..... .930
- Wheat beers (Weizenbiere) ...... 836 - Measurement of haze tendency .. 873 mixing and equalising tanks .... .909 - Operating principle of
- Berliner WeifSe .. . .. . ........... 840 - Filterability of the beer .. . ...... 873 refrigeration ...... . ...... ...... 930
- Altbier ...... .. . . . . ... . .. . ..... 841 - Other measurements . ... ....... 874 9.3 Residues and waste material . .. . .. 910 10.3.2 Compression refrigeration plants . .935
- Ko lsch .... . . . ..... ... ......... 841 9.3.1 Spent malt and hops . .... . .. . . . . .910 - Operating principle ............ 935
- Ale .. . ..... . . . ................ 842 7.5 Process measurement and 9.3 .2 Break .............. .... .... . ... 912 - Compressors .............. .. .. 937
- Stout ..... .. . ...... . .......... 842 analysis technology . ............. 874 9.3 .3 Surplus yeast .... . ..... . .. . . . ... 912 - Condensers (liquefiers) ... . ..... 939
- Porter .. .. .. . ....... . . .. . . .. ... 843 7.5.1 Temperature meters ........ . .... 875 9.3 .4 Kieselguhr slurry ....... . ........ 913 - Control va lves ......... .... . ... 941
- Belgian beer types .... .... . ..... 843 7.5.2 Flow meters ........... . .... . ... 875 9.3.5 Old labels ........ . ............. 913 10.3.3 Absorption cooling machines ..... 942
7.3.2 Bottom fermentation beer types ... 844 7.5.3 Filling level meters . .. .. .... .. . .. 876 9.3.6 Broken glass ............ . . . ..... 914 10.3.4 Space and liquid cooling .. . ...... 942
- Pilsner type beer ............... 844 7.5.4 Density meters ..... . .. ...... . ... 877 9.3.7 Beer cans ..... . ........... .... . .914 - Cooling of conventional
- Lager beer ("Vollbier") .. . . . . . .. .845 7.5.5 Optical online measuring 9.3.8 Minor sources of waste ... ...... . .914 fermentation and lager cellars .. . .942
- Export beer . ....... .. .......... 846 teclmology ........ . ............878 - Modern cooling plants .......... 944
- Black beers ...... . ........... . .846 7.5.6 Oxygen meters .. .... . .. . . ..... . .880 9.4 Em issions .............. . . . .... .915 - Cooling of liquids .......... . ... 946
- Festival beers ..... . ... . ........ 847 7.5.7 pH va lue meters . . ...... . .......880 9.4.1 Dust and dust emissions ... . . .... 915 10.3.5 Advice for economic operation
- Ice beer ........... . ........ . . .847 7.5.8 Conductivity measurement . ..... .880 9.4.2 Brewhollse emissions ...... ...... 915 of cooling plants .......... . . . ... 947
- MaTZen ..... ... ............... 847 7.5.9 Limit value probes . . ..... . .......880 9.4.3 Exhaust gas emissions ........... 915
- Bock beer . . ....... . ....... .. .. 847 7.5.10 Pressure measurement ........... 881 9.4.4 Noise emission s .. . ........ . .. . .. 915 10.4 Electrical equipment ............ .948
- Double Bock . ....... ...... ..... 848 9.5 Recycling of PET bottles . . ........ 916 10.4.1 Supply of electrica l energy . ....... 949
- Alcohol-free beer ....... ...... .. 848 • 8 Small Scale Brewing .... . ...... .889 10.4.2 Power factor cos <p . .. .. ........ . .949
- Dietetic beer .. .. ... ...... . ... . .849 ·10 Energy management 10.4.3 Transforming the electric current .. 952
- Light beer . . ......... . ......... 850 8.1 Pub breweries ................... 889 in the brewery and maltings ..... 917 10.4.4 Safety measures .... .. ...... . .... 952
- Malt drink (beer) ...............850 10.1 Energy requirements in malting 10.4.5 Information concerning economic
- Beer types with a very 8.2 Microbrewers ......... . ..... . . .. 895 and brewing .. . ............. ... .917 use of electrical energy ..... . ..... 953
low distribution ................851 10.2 Boiler plants ... . ........ .. . .... .918
7.3.3 Trends regarding the development 8.3 Hobby brewers ..... . ......... .. 896 10.2.1 Fuels .... .... . .. .. . ............ 918 10.5 Pumps, fans and compressors .... .954
of beer types ........ .... ..... . .854 10.2.2 Steam ................. .. . ...... 919 10.5.1 Pumps ...................... . .. 954
- Heat of evaporation . ... . . .. .... 919 - Centrifugal pumps ...... ....... 955
7.4 Quality examination . . ........... 857 • 9 Waste disposal - Wet steam ... ... ...... . . . .... .. 921 - Positive displacement pumps .. . .958
7.4.1 Beer tasting ........ . ............ 857 and the environment .. .. .. . .... .901 - Superheated steam .. . .. . .. .... .921 - Selection of pump size . ... .... . .962
7.4.2 Microbiological examination .. .... 860 9.1 Enviro1U11entallegislation . . .. . ... 901 - Hot water .. . . .. . .............. 921 - Control of the plill1p rotation speed 963
7.4.3 Beer analysis ... . ..... . .......... 863 10.2.3 Boilers ...... ... .... . .. .. . . . .... 921 - Lubricative ring sea l . . ... . . . .... 964
- Determination of the 9.2 Waste water ... . ................ 902 - Classification of boilers . . .. . .... 921 10.5.2 Fans . . ... . .. . .. . . ... . ..... . .... 965
original gravity ... ......... .... 864 9.2.1 Waste water costs .. . ............ 902 - Types of boiler structure ... ... .. 922 - Axial fans or ventilators ......... 965
- Measurement of beer colour ..... 868 9.2.2 Definition of terms used - Three pass boilers .............. 923 - Radial fans .... . ............... 965
- Measurement of the pH .... . .... 869 relating to was te water ........... 904 - Energy .recovery and improvement 10.5.3 Compressed air plants ........... 965
- Measurement of the oxygen 9.2.3 Waste water treatment .. . . ....... 905 of efficiency ......... . ......... 925 - Compressors . ....... . ... . ..... 967
content of beer ....... . . . .. . .. .. 869 - Aerobic waste water treatment 10.2.4 Steam engines .... . ...... . ...... 927 - Air driers . .. ........ . ... . . .... 970
18 19

- Pressure piping network ..... . .. 972 - The creation of d esign documents/ - AvoidculCe of vapo ur diffusion 11.3.10 Indications concern ing the surface
- Air filters ..... . .............. .. 973 graphic procedures .. ........... 997 and condensation .... . .. ..... .1018 constitution of machines and
11 .2.5 Indica tions fo r the drawing up apparatus .... . ...... . ........ .1028
10.6 The globa l demand for energy is of contracts .. .. . .... .. . . . .. .... .999 11.3.7 Indications concerning pipe con-
increasing ....... . . ............. 974 11 .2.6 Inauguration and performance nection, application of fittin gs culd
run ..... . .. .. . . .. . ..... . . .. ... 1000 sa mpling ..... . ...... . ......... 1018
• 11 Automation and plant planning .. 977 11 .2.7 End of the project .......... .. .. 1001 - General indica ti ons . ... ..... . .. 1018
11.1 Indications concerning the use 11.2.8 Documentation of the project . . .. 1001 - The manua l connecting
of measurement, control and tecimique . .. ....... ... .. . ... . .1019 Convers ion of lega lly defined and
regulation tedmology .. . ........ .977 11 .3 Plant design and the requirements - Fixed piping ....... .... .. .. .. .1019 comm onl y used measurement units ..... 1031
11.1.1 General indications . . .... ... . . .. .977 of the plants .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... . . .1002 - Sa mpling fittings .. . ...... . ... .1021
11.1.2 Requirements concerning the 11.3.1 General indications .... . . . . .. . .. 1002 - Types of fitting designs . .... ... 1022 List of Ad verti sers ..... . .... .. . . ...... 1034
measurement uncertainty of the 11.3.2 Preconditions for the automatisation
measuring technology used ... .... 977 of modern plCUltS ............. .. 1002 11.3.8 Indications concerning the Reference to diagrcul1s and documents
11.1.3 Requirements of the place of 11 .3.3 Requirements of pipe and plan t arrangement and operation of used . .. ..................... . .... 1035
installation and cleaning and design with respect to contami- CIP stations . ...... . .... .... ... .1026
disinfecting requirements ........ 979 nation-free work ......... . ..... 1003 Literature references .. . .. . . .. ... ..... .1039
11.1.4 Operational and equipment security 11 .3.4 Operational safety requirements 11.3.9 Indica tions for the chemical
requirements . ... . .. . ...... . .... 980 of the plCUltS ........ . ......... .1003 warehouse .. . .... .. .. .... . .. . .. 1027 Index of teclulical terms .. .. . . . . ....... 1047
11.1.5 Maintenance and upkeep - Separation of media ........... 1003
requirements . .......... . .. . .... 981 - Securing the plcultS against
11.1.6 Requirements of automatic l.mauthorised pressures .. ... . .. 1005
controls . . ........... . ... . . . . ... 981 11.3.5 Indications for pipe d esign ... . .. 1007
- General indications . . . . . .... . .. 1007
11.2 Plant planning .. .. .. . .. . ....... .984 - Pipe cOlmections .. . .. . .. . ... . .1007
11.2.1 Introduction ... . .. . . .......... . .984 - The laying of piping systems
- General remarks concerning and the construction of pipe
plant plcuming .. . ... . ... . . .. .. .984 holders ... . .. . .. . .. ... . ... .... 1009
- General remarks on the process - The flow velocity in pipes /
of plant planning ....... . .. . .... 985 pressure losses ...... .... ...... 1011
11.2.2 Basic aspects of p lCUlt plcuming . .. .987 - Measures against liquid strikes
11.2.3 Different procedures for planning culd vibrations ....... . ........ 1013
and setting up a plant .... . . .. . ... 988 - Venting the pipes; oxygen
11.2.4 Important documents and files removal . ....... ........ .. .... 1015
concerning plant planning ........ 990 - Creating heat insulations in
- General remarks ...... .. ....... 990 pipes ... .. .. . ..... . . .. .. .. ... 1015
- The procedure scheme .......... 991 - Shaping of pipe outlets ......... 1016
- The basic mimic diagram ........ 994 - Securing the pipe against frost
- The procedural mimic diagram .. 994 and blockages .. . .... . .. . ...... 1016
- The pipe and instrument - Dead spaces in pipes . .. . .. . ... 1017
mimic diagram ........... ...... 994 11 .3.6 Indica tions for the creation of heat
- Pipe and assembly plCU1S .. . ..... 996 and cold insulations ............ 1018
- The procedure description ....... 997 - General indications .......... .1018

20 21

Abbreviations used in text
Beer - the oldest drink for the common man
ADP Ad enosine diphosphate LTP Lipid transfer protein
AI AniLine index Mass % Mass percent The production of beer is tied to three consecu- which was frequently available in a less than
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute MEBAK Mitteleuropii ische Brautecimische ti ve biochemical processes: the form ati on of perfect condition, could be purifi ed by the fer-
AOx Adsorbable organic halogen Ana lysenkommission enzymes in germinating g rain, the breakdown mentation process and the natural acids thereby
compounds min Minute of starch to s ugar by these enzymes and the re- produced . For man y centuries, therefore, beer -
ARP Anti-rad ical power MO Micro-organisms s ulting ferm entation of the sugar to alcohol and in some areas w ine - and not water, was the
ATP Adenosine triphosphate NBB Culture med ium for beer-spoiling 01'- and CO,. For the produ ction of wine, however, natural everyday thirs t-quencher, both for the
BMF Bee r membrane filh'a tion gani sms (by Doehler) only the final process, the fermentation of the ruler and the common man, while tea was the
BOD Biochemical oxygen demand NOMA N-nih'osodimethylamine sweet must, is necessa ry. These processes and preva iling drink in East Asia.
C Celsius NIB EM Nederland s Instituut voor Brouwgerst, their head y results have been known to man
CCV Cylindroconical vessel Mouten Bier for thousands of years, although he did not at
CHP Combined heat and power plant NIR Near infrared spectroscopy first rea lise the COlU1ection between them and
crr Cleaning in place NOx Nitrogen oxide how to exploit this. Our knowledge of man's
CMF Crossflow microfiltration NPSH Net positi ve suction head deliberate a ttempt at beer production fades in-
COD Chemi cal oxygen demand PCR Polymerase chain reaction to the dim and distant p as t. The time, though,
CrNi-steel Chromium-nickel steel PEN Polyethylelmaphthalate is probably linked to the settling of the hunter-
Da Dalton PET Polyethylenterephthalate ga therers, and the beginning of grain cultivati-
DIN Deutsches Institut hir Nornmng PLC Programmable logic controller on, arotU1d 12,000 years ago.
DLG Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft Po Overpressure The oldest mention of beer is in Mesopotamian
(German Agricultural Society) ppb Pal'ts per billion (pg/kg or I) cLU1eifonn writing, from the year 2800 BC, which
OMS Dimethylsulphide ppm Pm-ts per million (mg/kg or I) describes the distribution of the daily ration of
DMS-P Dimethylsulphide precursor PTFE Polyteh'afluorethylene beer and bread to the workforce. The production
DON Desoxynivalenol PU Pasteurisa tion unit and dispenSing of beer was regulated closely in
E.coli Bacterium Escilerisdlia coli PUR Polyurethane the collection of laws of the Babylonian king
EBC European Brewery Convention PVPP PolyvinylpolypylTolidone Hanunurabi (1728-1686 BC). 1his record shows
Es Apparent extract R&C Head retention index by Ross and Clm-k that there must also have been irregularities. Ger-
ESR Electron spin resonance spech'oscopy SMM S-methyl methionine man brewing scientists [361] have now Sllccee-
FAN Free amino nih'ogen TBA Thiobarbituric acid index ded in producing a beer in large, well-preserved
h Hour TKM Tausendkornmasse: crocks from the late Bronze Age (13 th century BC),
HPIS High-pressure injection system thousand corn mass fOtU1d during excavations in northern Syria. The
ICP Intracellular pH Vol % Volume percent beer was produced under local conditions using
roM Indu ctive flow measurement Vs Apparent attenu ation a so-called cold mashing method which at least
K Kelvin V scnd Final attenuation resembled that of the era in question, when the
kDa Kilodalton Vw Real attenuation beer was dnmk by all sections of the population.
Fig. 0.1
KG Ki eselguhr VZ Diastatic power index according In ancient Egypt, too, beer flourished widely as a Beer prorictioll ill nllciellt Egypt
kW Kilowatt to Hartong- Kretschmer popular drink, as can be seen from numerous il-
LOX Li poxygenase ZEA Zearalenone lustrations and findings (Fig. 0.1). In Europe beer was a well loved drink of the
It was noticed very early that beer was free Germanic tribes, and of the Scyth ians and the
from dan gerous germs and that water, too, Celts. It was brewed as daily household nou-
22 23
o o
for beer brewing in the North and in the South. tura" aUmrl)albii In 'Pnfttn E5tcttnJt11iircf.:
In the No rth brewing was a civic right and oc-
curred in the large brewing towns such as Bre-
ttn/lmnh aufhmt tain,m piCr/m(ttt flucrbl
men, Hamburg or Einbeck. In Southern Genna- bann allain <5ttnc n/bopfTm/'l'nb \'flnb
ny, the tran sformation from home brew ing to
industrial brew ing gradually took place in the
gtp:and)t fOUe mtbtfh tlJdb(t abtr bift olbnung
14th centu ry. In the towns and cities in particular, Fig. 0.4: Excerpt frolll tile Reillileitsgebot of 12'" April 15 '1 6
(... tllnt frolll 1101(1 011, ill nil t01(l1l5 nlld IIInrkets nlld ill tile call II try, 110 otller illgredient tllnll bnrley, 1I0ps nlld wn ter sllnll be II sed
official influence began to take hold of the deve- ill tile prodll ctioll of beer .. .J
lopment of the brewing industry, w hich was il -
lustrated by the fact that the right to brew was
granted as a prince's pri vilege. This is particu- stricted in the South in particular by a large Since 1906 this purity law, in whkh it was esta-
larly important, because beer production in the number of regul ations [5]. Both the organisa tion blished that beer could be produced only from
early Middle Ages in the Southern region beca- of the trade and also the production of the pro- barley malt, hops and water, has enjoyed lll1l'e-
me a very widespread industry (Fig. 0.3). du ct, from purchase of raw materials to the ma- s tricted legal force throughout Germany for bot-
In the 15'" century the commercial position of nufachlre of the final product and its sa le, were tom fermented beer. The law was enacted in or-
the brewer beca me established, but it was re- subject to mlll1icipallaws. These laws also inclu- der to provide the burghers with a slLfficient
ded regulations about the price of yeast and amolmt of good quality products at a fair price.
quality of the yeast, which primarily looked af- For these reasons the town councils regulated,
ter the interests of the bakers, who obtained in the interest of consumer protection, the ma-
their yeast from the brewers. At that time, and nufac hlre of the product and established the
for a long time afterwards, the brewing trade price in relation to the product quality. The pu-
had a monopoly on yeast production. rity law can therefore also be described as the
Meanwhile shortages of raw materials, as a first consumer protection law in the world.
result of p oor harvests and other circumstan ces, The Thirty Years war in Europe (1618-1648)
Fig. 0.2
Beer brewel; 1397 led to the u se of raw materials other than those set the development of beer production back a
previously customarily employed. Thus hops long way, and at the same time, the arrival of ne-
were often replaced by other flavoming plants. wer d rinks such as tea and coffee Jed to a consi-
rishment by the women, since baking and bre- Cereals for bread making or cheaper oa ts were derable reduction in beer output for a long time.
wing were women's work in all primitive cul- also used in the gris t for brewing. There was La ter the dark, bottom fermented lager beer be-
tures. even a health risk from some of the hop replace- gan to spread throughout Germany and in Bo-
The change to a brewing "industry" occurred ments. To prevent an y such deplorable state of hemia lmder the name "Bavarian beer ". In or-
in the breweries of ClU'istian religious fOlmdati- affairs in future, official laws laid down that on- d er to maintain the advance of this trans-
ons (monasteries and nwmeries) w here beer was ly malt, hops and water were to be used for the portable Bavarian beer, the first Bavarian Beer
produced not only for thei r own consumption production of beer. The first documentary refe- Brewery was fOlmded outside Bavaria around
but was also supplied to others for a payment. Si- rence to this is fOLmd in Article 12 of the "S fntll- 1830.
multaneously it changed to being men's work fn fhnbel'l1n" of the Thuringian town of Weissen- With the development in 1765 by James Watt
(Fig. 0.2), as it has remained wltil today. The use see, laid down in 1434. In Mluuch, too, the same of a practical, usable steam engine, the fOlmda-
of hops as the sole flavouring ingredient began in form of docmnentary reference to the producti- tion stone for the introduction of new teclmolo-
the 14th cenhuy. Previously a mixhlre of various on of beer was mad e in 1447. On 23'd April 1516, gy was laid. In 1784 the first stea m engiJleS were
flavouring plants was used, which was referred the Bavarian Reinh eitsgebot (pmity law) was si- in use in England and they were already wide-
to in German as "Grut" (gruit in English).
@3erf'fen fieb ic1; gUfes Q3ier gned by the jointly ruling Dukes Wilhelm IV spread there by 1800. However, there was still a
In Germany in the Middle Ages there was a Fig. 0.3 and Lud wig X at the "Landstaendetag" in Ingol- considerable delay before Gabriel Sedlmayr in
considerable difference between the conditions Beer prodllctioll ill enrly Middle Ages, 1568 stadt (Fig. 0.4) and thereby acquired legal force. 1846, after a trip to England, installed the first
) flawless work. As a result of this, it became in- work (Fig. 0.8). Many of the breweries founded
steam engine, with a 1 horse power ra ting, in his Louis Pasteur (Fig. 0.6) (1822-1895) came up
Spa ten brewery in MLUuch. The introduction of w ith his famou s sentence: "La fermentation est creasingly possible to make use of pure yeast at that time exist today as giant producers with
such new technology, the invention (in 1871) la vie sans l'oxygene" (fermentation is life wit- strains and to reduce the it1fluence of contami- their ow n range of products. Breweries fOlmded
and application (in 1876) of a refrigeration ma- hout oxygen). nants. Tlus was the basis for the triumph of light in this intensive phase between 1843 and 1875
chine by Carl von Linde (Fig. 0.5), as well as the coloured beers, which gradually displaced the includ e, for example:
development of the transport sys tem through customary dark Bavarian beer. 1843 the Schultheiss Brauerei AG in Berlin,
the construction of the railway network, led in which before WWI was the largest lager
the subsequent decades to building and expan- producing brewery in Europe with an an-
sion of larger breweries in all developed COlm- nual output of 1.8 mio hi
tries. It was not by chance that the first freight to 1847 the Carlsberg Breweries in Copenhagen,
be tran sported on the German railways consi- founded by J.e. Jacobse n
sted of two barrels of beer. Above all, though, 1855 the Patzenhofer Brauerei in Berlin, wluch
the invention of the refrigeration machine me- merged with Schultheiss in 1920
ant that man was no longer dependent on the 1863 the Heineken Brewery, Amsterdam,
Fig. 0.6 founded by Gerard A. Heineken
seasons and the storage of natural ice in cold LOll is Pns/ell r
1868 the Dortmlmder Aktien Brauerei in Dort-
winters. (1822-1895)
Fig. 0.7
1870 the Binding Brauerei in Frankfurt am
Elllil Chris/inll Hnllsell
H e thereby came to the same conclusion as (1842 -1909) Main
a.o. Schwann, but initially claimed that h e was 1872 the Radeberger Export Beer Brewery, Ra-
the first to arrive at su ch cogtutions. In 1878, Pa- deberg
steur then acknowledged in a letter to Schwann 1872 the Vereinsbrauerei del' Berliner Gast\.yir-
the latter's precedence in the proof of correlati- Thus in 1842 in the Mmucipal brewhouse in te zu Ri xdorf, which since 1910 has been
on between yeast and fermentation. Tlus in no Pilsen, which later became the Pilsner Urquell the Berliner Kindl Brauerei AG, Berlin
way detracts from the merits of Louis Pasteur's brewery, the origitlaJ of the Pilsner type of beer (Neukolln)
work in yeast and ferm entation research, since was developed . The Pilsner type beers spread 1872 the Lowenbrau AG, Munich
pasteurisa tion, still indispensable even today, everyw here thTDughout Europe and Pilsner is 1873 the Kaiserbrauerei Beck & Co, now
Fig. 0.5
Cnrl VOII Lillde and responsible for the product durability of still the typ e of beer most drunk in Germany. In Brauerei Beck & Co, Bremen
(1842-1934) beer (1860) traces back, even in name, to his re- 1875, following a trip to Europe, Adolphus 1873 the Dortmlmder Union Brauerei, Dort-
search and findings. Busch itltroduced the similar beer "Budweiser" mund
An important step in yeast research findings onto the American market from Ius brewery During this time, alread y existin g breweries
The development of modern yeast and fer- was made by brothers Hans and Eduard Buch- (Anheuser-Busch); this itl the meantime has be- were also growing conSiderably. The Bass Bre-
mentation research began in the middle of the ner in 1846 with their attempts to achieve non- come the mos t popular beer type globally. Fur- wery in Burton-on-Trent, for example, by 1876
19th century as a result of tests by Friedrich Au- cellular fermentation by means of the mechatu- thermore, "lager" beers were developed itl all was producing 2.5 mio hI of beer annually and
gust Kuetzing (1807-1893), Theodeor Schwaml cal pulverising of yeas t cells. Proof of countries and these now accOlmt for the majori- was classified as the lmgest brewery in the world
(1810-1882) and Charles Cagniard de la Tour non-cellular fermentation earned Eduard Buch- ty of beer brand s. at this time, but was soon overtaken by Arthur
(1777-1859). Independent of each other, they re- ner the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1907. As a result of this d evelopment, from the Guitmess & Son Co. Ltd. in Dublin .
cognised that yeast is a living substance, con- The work of Emil Christian Hansen (Fig. middle of the 19th cenhlry a large number of in- In the USA, the development of the breweries
sists of single cells and is the cause of fermenta- 0.7), who developed the method for single yeast dustrially operated breweries were fOlmded itl is closely linked with the settlement of the COlUl-
tion [311]. Eilllard Mitscherlich (1794-1863) was propagation in the Carlsberg Laboratory in Co- Europe and America, and existitlg older brewe- try by European immigrants. Thus, the first bre-
the first to follow the propagation of a single ye- penhagen in 1883, was improved by Paul Lind- ries were modernised. It should nevertheless weries appeared on the east coast of the cOlmtry
ast cell under the microscope and to document ner in 1893 usin g his "drop culhtre method", not be forgotten that duritlg tlus period, manu- and then upriver, followitlg the foundin g of lar-
it. In Ius comprehensive "study on beer " in 1876 thereby laying the fOlmdations for biologically allabour s till accOlmted for a large share of the ge cities and the expansion of the railway net-

o InAustralia, the follow ing brewery was foun- "Tageszeitung fLil' Brauerei" in Berlin (1903)
ded: and many others.
1862 the Cooper's Brewery in Adelaide Expert analysts formed com missions to make
As a resu lt of this development, the science of the analysis values of different cmUltries con-
beer brewing became known and could be vertible using standard analysis methods; for
taught. In several COWl tries where beer was bre- example:
wed, resea rch laboratories and institutes were the "Mitteleuropaische Brau teclmische Ana-
created which in due course developed into tea- Iysenkommission" (MEBAK)
ching institutes and organisations; for example: the "European Brewing Convention" (EBC)
the Weihenstephan Brauereihocllschule (Uni- the "American Society of Brewing Chemists"
versity faculty) near Mlmich (1865), today (ASBC)
Chair for Brewing Teclmology at the Centre for and others.
Scientific Research Weihenstephan and the Fa- At the same time, powerful brewing associati-
culty for Food Science, Land Use and the Envi- ons and brewers' organisations developed in al-
rOlUl1ent of the TU (Technical University) Mu- most all cOLUltries; for exa mple, in Germany:
nich "Deutsche Brauer-Bund eV" (DBB), fmUlded
the Dr. Siebel Analytical Laboratory in Chica- in 1871 in Dresden
go (1868), today the Siebel Institute of Techno- "Deutscher Braumeister- und Malzmeister-
logy Bund e.v." (DBMB), fmUlded in 1893 in Leip-
the Yersuchs- lmd Lehranstalt fiir Brauerei in zig
Berlin (Research and Teaching Institute for "Bundesverband mittelstandischer Privat-
Brewing in Berlin - YLB) (1883) brauereien e.Y" (Association of Small and
the Brewing School in Gent (1885) MediLUn Sized Private Breweries)
100 yenrs ngo: Vicw iI/side n "Scilwnl/klwllc", Iile bllildillg wllere lile ell/ply bnrrels were clcntled.
the hlstitute of Brewing (lOB) in London (1886) "Deutscher Malzerbund" (Association of Ger-
Tilere wns nil eIlOl'llIOII S nlllOlIlll of work illvolved ill clenllillg lite reillmed ell/ply woodell bands II sed for beer lrallsport the Doemens-Lehranstalten in Grafeling near man Maltsters)
(Arcltive pltoto: Radebelger Export Beer Brewery) Munich (1895) and in America:
the Scandinavian School of Brewing in Yalby "Master Brewer's Association of the Ameri-
near Copenhagen (1925) cas" (MBAA)
and others. and many others.
work. Within a few years, the following brewe- 1861 the Pabst Brew ing Co. in Milwaukee, At the same time a munber of specialised jour- Naturally, the Reinheitsgebot was the prevai-
ries were founded: Wisconsin nals were fmUlded, by means of which scientific ling law initially in many cOlmtries, but Ameri-
1849 the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co. in Mil- 1873 the Adolphus Coors Brewing Co. in Gol- knowledge, and also other interesting informati- can brewers already knew in the 1860s and 70s
waukee, Wisconsin den, Colorado on on the topic of beer, could be distributed. The- the economic advantage of using maize meal or
1850 the Plank Road Brewery, which in 1855 In the second half of the 19th century, the se include, for example: rice grits as additives. As a result of the refining
became the Miller Brewing Co. in Mil- breakthrough in other COlUltries and continents "Allgemeine Brauer- und Hopfenze itung", the teclmiques and teclmology for the proces-
waukee, Wisconsin into the industrial era also occurred in the bre- today "Brauwelt" in Nuremberg (1861) sing of raw grain, a new type of beer was intro-
1850 the Stroh Brewery Co. in Detroit, Michi- wing trade. This was marked by the founding of "Brewer's Journal" in London (1864) duced which has meanwhile gained global im-
gan many new breweries, for exa mple in Japan: "The American Brewers Gazette" in New York portance. Today, almost 90% of beer worldwide
1851 the Anheuser Brewery, since 1875 Anheu- 1869 the Spring Valley Brewery, since 1907 the (1871) is produced with the aid of raw grain.
ser-Busch, St. Louis, Missouri Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd. "Brewers Guardian" (1871) In the USA beer production suffered a severe
1858 the Gund and Heileman Brewery, later 1876 the Hokkaido Kaitakushi Brewery, later "TIle Western Brewery" in Chicago (1876) blow through the prohibition of alcohol, intro-
the Heileman Brewing Co. in La Crosse, the Asahi Brewery Ltd. and the Sapporo "Wochenschrift £iiI' Brauerei" in Berlin (1883), duced in 1919. At that time, the breweries could
Wisconsin Ltd. Brewery today "Brauerei-Forum" only stay in existence by producing so-called
28 29
o "near beer". As a result of th e Prohibition, o
needed in the brewery, has been considera bl y
which was not revoked until 1933, criminal acti- reduced. This trend also applies to the brewitlg
vity and the smuggling of alcoholic drinks had equipment (Fig. 0.11), particularly as the teclmi-
become much more widespread and so the re- cal advantages far outweigh the continuing use
sult of the Prohibition was very negative. In of the beaten copper pots which are no longer
Scandinavian countries, too, at this time there economi c.
were substantial limitations on the production In the produ ction of malt and beer only the
illld sale of alcohol-containing beverages, and basic bio-chemical processes ha ve remained the
these still exist in some countries. same over the centuries:
When considering the development of brewe- germination of barley in the malt house to
ries in Germillly in the second haH of the 19th Fig. 0.10 produce enzymes,
century, one should not overlook the fact that Copper brewillg vessels were tile pride of ti,e //laster brewer mashing in the brewhouse to aUow them to
there were still 13,561 breweries in operation act and form fermentable sugar, illld finally,
there in 1873, of which 10,171 were brewing top the fermentation of sugar to alcohol and car-
fermenting beer. Added to this were 36,297 hou- SitlCe the introduction of s taitlless steel, an bon dioxide.
seholds where tax free drinl<s were being bre- Fig. 0.9 ever increaSing number of automated cleaning 150 years ago it was still customary for a bre-
wed for home use only [2] . Woodell tallks alld bands 10llg cllnrncterised tile face of tile systems are being used by breweries. As a result wery to produce its own malt requirements. For
By 1891 the number of operating breweries in brewery of this and also the increasillg mechanisation this purpose almost every brewery had its own
Germillly had fallen to 7,785, main ly beca use of and automation of the production processes, small malt house in which the malt that was
the fotmding of large brewing public limited hard milllual labour, illld with it the workforce used for brewing in early summer was produ-
companies and co-operatives. Many craft bre- reasons, however, this process did not occur in
weries from this time are nevertheless still in millly breweries lmtil the fifth decade of the last
ex istence today. The large difference in size illld millennium . In addition to iron, aluminium la-
hence better fitlilllCial resources meilllS there is a ter becilllle important in breweries, especially
far greater opportunity for introducing new for fermenters and lagering vessels. The main
teclmology in larger breweries. In particular, the changes were, however, itl the material illld the
introduction of coa l heated steam boilers for in- heating of the brewitlg equipment. Here the cast
house energy supply to the brew kettle itl the iron open pots, which were commonplace at the
brewhouse, the employment of the brewery's begitmitlg of the 19'" centm")', were replaced by
own steam engine to drive the cooling machitle copper as the material from which vessels were
compressor and the production of their own made. The Shitly beaten vessels with their beauti-
electricity by large breweries can be finilllcially ful copper covers illld steam vents, initially hea-
supported by the economic advantages of ope- ted using coal or gas, illld for the last ninety years
rating on a large scale. Small craft breweries itlcreasingly by steam, were the pride of the ma-
could not afford the expensive equipment illld ster brewer (Fig. 0.10). Even today, a copper cover
retaitled their traditional equipment and pro- Cilll be fotmd covering a modern stainless steel
cesses - millly even lmtil today. vessel beneath it. However, since the introducti-
The traditional material for brewitlg equip- on of staitlless steel, alloys and the tools to work
ment, wood (Fig. 0.9), disappeared only slowly with this difficult material, their triumphal ad-
to be replaced by iron, initially coated with vance Cilll no longer be stopped. The wooden
pitch. Wooden vats were replaced by open fer- trilllsportation barrel, which had survived for
menters and the wooden barrels, stacked itl ma- centuries, has now also been replaced by staitl- Fig. 0.11
ny layers, were replaced by tilllks. For various less steel kegs. Stnilliess steel brewillg vessels nrc today 's state of tile art tecllllology
) able stabilising measures it is possible to make tmiqueness of the product through its shape, co-
beer stable for a very long time and therefore to 10m and design. a label alone does not
produce it i.ndependentl y of when it will be con- h ave sufficie nt effect, and therefore it also needs
SLUned. As a result of the development of beer to have a head foil if its neighbom also has one.
bottles and, cans and due to the massive in- Even the relatively heavy and breakable glass
h'oduction of beer glasses instead of the prev io- bottle, however, has not retained its position
usly preva len t opaque beer mugs, pale beer - in- lU1sca thed . The much lighter beer can has beco-
stead of the usual dark beer prevalent tmtil then me globally accepted and more recently, the ul-
- began to trilmlph away from the pub as well as tra-li ght PET bottl e, in the meantime largely
in it. Today it is impossible to tlunk of it not being protected against gas has enjoyed in-
availa ble as a household product, distributed creasing popularity amongst conSLU11ers, aided
through the market in the form of bottled and by the adva ntage of less packaging.
CaIm ed beer. The development of high-speed fil- However, n ot onJy the bottle or can but the
Fig. 0.12 ling lines, by w luch entry of oxygene into the glass, too, is no longer just an anonymous large
A IIInlt IlOlI se todny beer is almost completely excluded, makes it glass with a handle, as ca n still be found in beer
possible nowadays to fully maintain beer quali- gardens and at tables reserved for regulars. Be-
ty for a long time. Substantial progress has been aling the brewer's crest, its form and design
se, the largest produce over 1 mio tons of malt made in thi s area in recent years - only a few ye- now reflect the sa les philosophy of the brewery
ced in the winter. This was done by the sa me
annually, as is the case with the American com- ars ago beer s tability regarding taste was a great for this particular type of beer. With its paper
workforce, whkh naturally gave rise to the pro-
panies Con Agrarriger-Oats Malt (1996) and the problem. But it is not onJy the quality of the beer coaster and personalised beer mat, the glass, its
fession of "Brewer and Maltster" which s till
Cargill Malt Inc. (1978), and also the French that is importaIlt. It is becoming increaSingly contents freshly poured and well served, should
exists in Germany. However, at the same time
Groupe Soufflet (1952) and Groupe Malteurop clear that the beer also has to be presented in a con vey to the thirsty drinker either in a restau-
commercial maltings were being formed, som e
(1984) (brackets refer to yea r of fOlU1ding). But suitably attractive and tas teful malUler if the rant or pub, or at home, the pleasure of that par-
of them special malt producers, which were se-
also other companies, like the American Lasaf- customer is to be persuaded to buy it (Fig. 0.13). ticuJar drink, bearing in mind that the eye also
pal'ate from brewe ries, for example:
£Ie-ADM (1998) or Rahr Malting (1847), the Eng- The label on the bottle also has to advertise the drinks. A civilised drinklng environment when
1823 Bail'ds' Malt Ltd ., Witham, Essex
lish Greencore group (1991) or the Friedrich eating and socialising is becoming increasingly
1864 the Friedrich Weissheimer Malzfabrik,
Weissheimer Malzfabrik (1864) have an annual important today.
production of over 500,000 tons of malt. All As a result of the introduction of versatile mo-
1868 Pauls Malt Ltd., Ipswich, Suffolk
companies nowadays have subsidiaries in other nitoring and control systems, beer production
1879 the Michael WeyermaIUl Malzfabrik,
countries to enable them to produce more eco- can now be supervised easil y. High standard
nomically on the spot (Fig. 0.12). Together these on-line tecluuques allow a seamless continuous
Of course at this time and until the middle of
large companies produce around 7 mio tons of control of the production process. By incorpora-
the 20 th century, malt production was still very
malt and thereby provide almost half of the esti- ting automation it is possible to allow most bre-
labour intensive and characterised by heavy
mated 15.4 m tons required for the global sup- wing operations to run completely automatical-
manual work in the huge floor maltings. Tur-
ply of beer in 2002/3 [238]. ly. The work of the brewer is being taken over
ning in the kiln was also sometimes performed
There have also been, revolutionary more and more by computers. The quality of the
manually. The path to the modern pneumatic
changes in other areas of brewing in the last 150 raw and auxiliary materials has also, because of
malting systems brought with it enormous sa-
years. The greatest changes after the inh'oduction Fig. 0.13 appropriate cultivation methods and controls,
vings in energy and workforce requirements.
of refrigera tion resulted from the invention of Ti,e ovemll illlpressi- reached a level wluch makes it possible to ensure
Nowadays the computer rules in the maltings
all crented by tile good beer quality.
which are largely free of p eople. beer filtration by Loren z Enzinger (1879). Since
bottle, Inbel, beer gins
then it has been possible, first by means of a filter Nevertheless - or rather as a result - greater
Today malting mainly takes place in large nlld beer IIInt illcren-
mass, later by use of kieselgulu' and other media, sillgly defi" es tile np- demands are put on the brewer nowadays. With
companies, the majority of which are m ad e up
to filter beer so that it is quite clear. By use of Sttit- penmllce of tile Umlld the subs tantially grea ter automatic supply of in-
of small companies which ha ve merged . Of the-

formation on the one hand, and the decreased Diebels and the Gilde Group in 2002, atld later
the Spaten Group incl . Dinkelacker. The Carls-
velopment concenung small breweries atld in
particular pub breweries (adventure breweries,
worldwide. Given its population of 1.3 billion
citizens with a current per head consumption of
:-l 0

opportmuty for visual inspection of the product

on the other hand, he must retain supervision of berg Group acquired the Holsten Group and open to the public), the number of which can be 23litres compared with that of GermatlY at 125
the entire process and take the correct decisions. sold the Licher and Konig breweries to the Bit- estimated at over 3000 globally. In addition to litres per head, substantial increases can still be
Consequently, his comprehensive knowledge of burger Group . The Radeberger Group took over this, there is also a global increase in the number expected. In Russia, too, as well as a range of
the process is extremely valuable. It is the main the Brau lU1d BnuU1en Group in 2004 and for- of communities which try their luck at home East European cOlU1tries, beer production has
purpose of this book to contextualise and im- med the Radeberger Gruppe KG, which was ad- brewing and, within the confines of the law, at- risen considerably in recent years [240] .
prove this knowledge. ded to in 2005 by the Freiberger Brewery. tempt to brew their own beer. The beer-producing cOlU1tries with atl annual
The number and size of brewing companies is Operating brewery platltS in Germany can be Despite the stagnation in matlY cOlU1tries in output of over 2 mio . hi (2001) are listed below
greatly dependent on the historical develop- divided according to their total ammal output Europe and North America, global beer produc- [140] :
ment of the country. When compared with other in hi : tion has increased significatltly, from 2000 to
COWl tries, there are still a very large number of 2005 alone by 206 mio . hI, which represents an Europe
breweries in Germany, the majority of them in CompatlY size 1993 2005 Chatlge average annual increase of approximately 41 Country 2001 2005 2006 2007
Upper Franconia. More than half of German to 5000 hi 615 804 +189 mio. hI. Total production is as follows [140+217]: Russia 63.0 89.29 9.9 116.0
breweries are small, most of them pub and mi- to 10,000 hi 136 87 -49 1990 1142 mio. hI GermatlY 108.5 105.5 107.2 105.0
crobreweries, the number of which has me- to 50,000 hi 280 190 -90 1991 1165 mio. hI Great Britain 56.8 56.0 53.8 50.5
anwhile increased to arolmd 350. The approxi- to 100,000 hi 106 74 -32 1992 1163 mio. hI Poland 24.1 29.0 32.5 35.5
mately 1000 breweries with an atU1ual output of to 200,000 hi 60 35 -25 1993 1190 mio. hI Spain 27.7 32.5 33.6 34.3
up to 500,000 hi make up only about 7% of the to 500,000 hi 62 35 -27 1994 1222 mio. hi Ukraine 13.1 23.7 26.7 31.6
total amOlU1t of beer produced. to 1 mio. hi 24 23 -1 1995 1248 mio. hi Netherlands 25.2 24.5 26.5 27.2
The largest German brewing groups and pri- over 1 mio . hi 28 26 -2 1996 1269 mio. hI Czech Republic 17.8 19.1 19.8 19.9
vate breweries based on total sales of self-pro- Germany tot. 1311 1274 -37 1997 1295 mio . hI Romatua 12.1 15.2 17.5 19.4
duced beer (Brwlt. 46/47 (2006) p. 1434) were: 1998 1313 mio . hI Belgium 15.0 17.2 18.4 18.6
1999 1365 mio . hI France 18.8 16.4 16.0 15.1
2000 1392 mio. hI Italy 12.6 12.3 12.0 13.5
Brewery Group Production in nuo. hi In Germany, however, in the period from 1993 2001 1424mio. hi Ireland 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.3
2009 2005 2002 to 2000, as more than 200 new pub and micro- 2002 1444 mio. hI Turkey 7.0 8.9 9.1 9.2
Radeberger Group 13.4 13.7 8.8 breweries were opened on a permatlent basis, 2003 1478 mia. hI Austria 8.6 8.8 8.8 9.0
InBev, Bremen 8.7 17.3 7.2 the number of commercial breweries which ha- 2004 1552 mia. hI Portugal 6.6 7.4 8.3 8.2
Oettinger-Group 8.6 6.5 4.0 ve closed in the meantime is considerably lug- 2005 1598 nuo. hI Denmark 7.2 8.8 8.2 8.0
Bitburger Group 7.3 8.0 4.8 her thatl it first seems to be. This means that in 2006 1699 mio. hI Hungary 7.1 7.0 6.9 6.5
Krombacher Brauerei 5.6 5.6 4.8 the seven years from 1993 to 2000, approximate- 2007 1787 mio. hI Serbia 5.3 6.0 5.9 6.0
Brau Holding Mlmich 5.5 7.4 4.6 ly 240 breweries, above all small compatues, clo- 2008 1815 mio. hI Bulgaria 4.3 4.2 5.2 5.7
Carlsberg-Holsten 5.0 7.0 9.8 sed forever. As a result of tlus, the brewery land- The increases in beer production (at an avera- Finland 4.1 4.6 4.5 4.5
Warsteiner Group 4.7 4.9 5.7 scape in Germany has Chatlged considerably. ge per head consumption of 23 litres) can be di- Greece 4.0 4.0 3.8 4.1
Veltins 2.4 2.4 2.3 Meanwhile, a global market-dominating ex- vided primarily between the Central and East Sweden 4.4 3.7 4.0 4.0
Actris Group 1.7 2.6 2.4 pansion of the large breweries and brewery European countries, Latin America, the COlU1- Slovakia 4.5 3.9 3.8 3.7
Karlsberg 4.2 3.8 groups is occurring, whose aim is to conquer the tries of Asia and Ocealua as well as southern Belarus 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.5
global sales market by purchasing breweries in Africa. The largest increase in beer production Switzerland 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5
The at times enormous changes in total turno- other cOlU1tries, often on a massive scale, and can be recorded in China, which, with a beer Croatia 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.4
ver are mainly owing to mergers and sales. Thus merging with other groups. As well as this deve- production of 351 mio. hi in 2006 (only 170 mio. Lithuania 2.5 3.0 2.9 3.0
the Actris Group initially still belonged to the lopment with regard to tlle large breweries and hI in 1997), has left the USA far behind it and Norway 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.2
Marz Grou p, Interbrew firstly took over Becks, brewing associations, there has also been a de- has become the top ranking beer country Total 489.7 543.3 568.6 591.8
34 35
o America Kenya 2.6 3.5 3.8 4.5 Country o
1995 2000 2005
Country 2001 2005 2006 2007 Total 60.2 74.2 79.7 85.0 Finland 82.9 80.2 77.9
USA 231.0 230.2 231.2 233.7 H ungary 84.7 75.3 72.3
Brazil 84.0 90.0 93.6 96.0 Asia Ve nezuela 73.6 71 .9 71.0
Mexico 62.3 72.5 78.2 81.0 Country 2001 2005 2006 2007 Spa in 66.5 66.6 70.8
Venezuela 21.8 22.0 24.0 26.2 China 227.0 306.1 351.5 393.1 Canada 68.5 68.9 67.8
Canada 23.9 23.1 23.6 23.9 Japan 71.3 63.4 63.0 62.8 Portugal 62.3 64.7 64.6
Columbia 13.4 16.5 18.4 19.0 Thailand 12.3 17.0 20.2 21.7 Sweden 67.3 64.5 56.1
Argentina 12.4 13.7 14.0 14.5 Vietnam 8.1 13.7 16.0 18.0 Sw izerland 64.8 62.7 58.3
Peru 5.2 7.1 7.9 9.2 South Korea 20.0 17.0 16.4 17.9 Columbia 57.5 57.5 54.5
Chile 3.9 4.6 5.5 5.7 Philippines 12.0 13.5 13.2 13.6 Japan 59.9 56.2 55.7
Ecuador 2.3 3.0 3.5 3.6 India 6.0 7.8 8.4 9.0 South Africa 56.9 55.5 54.2
Dominican Rep . 3.1 3.0 2.8 3.0 Kazakhstan 3.2 3.6 4.1 Mexico 49.8 50.9 53.4
Total 479.5 502.9 519.6 533.1 Total 370.6 456.5 506.5 555.5 Bu lgal'ia 53.2 53.2 53.3
Norway 50.5 52.5 51.5
Africa Australia/Ozeania Po land 36.4 39.0 45 .7
Country 2001 2005 2006 2007 Country 2001 2005 2006 2007 Greece 42.0 40.0 39.0
South Africa 22.5 25.9 26.5 26.5 Australia 17.4 17.1 17.2 16.7 Frilllce 39.3 39.1 36.2
Nigeria 6.7 10.0 11.5 13.5 N ew Zealand 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.8 Romania 41.7 39.2 38.0
Cameroon 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 Total 21.4 21.1 22.0 21.7 Iceland 27.3 30.6 32.5
Italy 26.2 25.4 28.0
Beer conslU1lption per head of the population tion. It is our duty as brewers to contribute to tile
varies greatly bOtil in amount consumed and de- continued rise or at least a stabilisation in beer The beer l11aTket has had a global orientation for a brewing associations accOlmted for 53.3% of the
velopment in tile different COlU1h'ies arOlmd the conslU1lption. This can be achieved through tile long time, chaTacterised by international acqlusi- beer market, whereas in 2006 tlus figlll'e had risen
globe. The Czedls have always had tile highest high quality of our beer and appropriate informa- tions illld purdlasing of breweries. Tlus has led to to 60.6 % with 1,030 mio. hI.
beer consumption per head of tile population at tion for our potential customers regarding the be- a dramatic chilllge in the size and concentration of The 40 largest brewing associations in the
approximately 160 litres, followed by the Ger- nefits of beer when cOl1SlU1led in moderation. some associations [293]. In 2003, the ten largest world (31.12.2008)
mans. Witlun a cOlmtry itself, we still Beer consumption (in litres) per head of the
have to note differences regarding beer conslunp- population in recent years amolmted to [213]: Rank Brewery Country Production volume Share of world
in mio. hI beer prod. in %
Country 1995 2000 2005 2003 2005 2008
Czech Republic 161.1 159.1 160.0 1 AB InBev USA * 173.5 388.1 21.4
Germany 138.0 135.9 125.5 2 SAB Miller Great Britain 137.8 176.0 174.4 9.6
Ireland 112.6 112.7 126.0 3 Heineken Netherlands 99.0 118.6 161.5 8.9
Denmark 126.7 124.4 102.2 4 Carlsberg Denmark 88.8 48.3 109.3 6.0
Austria 116.6 115.7 108.1 5 Cl'lina Res. Brew. Cluna * * 73.0 4.0
Great Britain 103.7 100.9 95.4 6 Tsingtao Clllila 32.6 40.9 54.3 3.0
Belgium + Luxembg. 105.6 103.5 98.0 7 Modelo Mexico 41 .9 45.5 51.5 2.8
Australia 98.9 96.9 95.4 8 Molson-Coors USA/Canada ** 48.3 51.1 2.8
New Zealand 102.1 98.8 93.9 9 Yilll Jing China 22.3 31.2 42.2 2.3
Slovakia 93.4 87.5 90.2 10 Femsa Mexico 24.6 27.0 41.1 2.3
Netherlands 86.0 85.8 82.8 11 Asalu Japan 25.9 24.6 23.1 1.3
USA 85.2 83.5 83.4 12 Kirin Japan 32.1 22.6 22.7 1.3

o Share of world Rank Country Beer production in 1000 hI
Rank Brewery Country Production volume
in mio. hI beer prod. in % 1999 2005 2007 2008
2003 2005 2008 5 Germ any 112,800 105,452 103,970 102,860
13 Efes Turkey 11 .8 18.0 22.6 1.2 6 Mexico 57,256 72,500 81,000 82,343
12.6 13.9 19.8 1.1 7 Japan 71,510 63,430 62,804 61,111
14 BGI/Cas tel France
15 Polar Venezuela 11.0 16.5 19.0 1.0 8 Great Britain 57,854 56,021 51,341 49,469
16 Diageo (GuuU1ess) Ireland 13.0 13.0 19.0 1.0 9 Poland 22,500 29,000 35,500 35,600
9.4 15.8 18.5 1.0 10 Spain 25,852 32,500 34,350 33,400
17 Gold Star China
China 9.1 14.4 17.7 1.0 11 Ukraine 8,500 23,700 31,561 32,030
18 Chong Qing
Brazil 15.0 15.5 17.0 0.9 12 Netherlands 24,502 24,560 27,259 26,500
19 Schulcariol
the Philippines 14.8 17.0 17.0 0.9 13 South Africa 25,700 25,900 26,530 25,900
20 San Miguel
Germany 7.6 15.0 13.5 0.7 14 Venezuela 17,000 22,000 26,249 24,905
21 Radeberger
10.3 11.2 12.2 0.7 15 Canada 22,949 23,156 23,920 23,662
22 Mahou-S. Miguel Spain
China 11.9 0.7 16 Romania 12,097 15,241 19,422 20,774
23 Pearl River
Ukraine 11 .3 0.6 17 Thailand 10,499 17,030 21,700 20,725
24 Obolon
South Korea 10.0 9.7 11.1 0.6 18 Czech Republic 17,946 16,069 19,897 19,806
25 Hite
Thailand 6.8 11.0 0.6 19 Columbia 15,500 16,500 19,000 19,000
26 SUlgha
Australia 12.7 9.2 9.0 0.5 20 South Korea 17,886 18,615
27 Foster's
Brazil 9.0 0.5
28 Petropolis
Unidas, Chile 6.4 8.9 0.5
29 CCU Cerv.
New Zealand 10.6 8.0 8.5 0.5 The legal basis for beer production in Germany (3) By malt is meant all cereal which has been
30 Lion Nathan
Germany 7.0 8.5 0.5 Before going UltO detail on raw materials, and the artificially germinated.
31 Oettulger
Thailand 11.1 9.1 8.3 0.5 processes in malt and beer production Ul the fol- (4) The use of coloured beers which are produ-
32 Beer Thai
Viehlam 8.1 0.4 10wUlg chapters, it is firs t advisable to h ave a look ced using only malt, hops, yeast and water is
Spain 6.1 6.5 7.7 0.4 at the lega l basis for the production of beer and permitted Ul the production of beer, but is
34 Damm
Japan 6.8 6.6 7.6 0.4 malt which applies Ul Germany. Based on the subject to specia l supervision measures.
35 SLUltory
Germany 5.8 8.2 7.4 0.4 Reulheitsgebot, the fLUldamentals of the "provi- (5) Instead of hops, hop powder, commumted
36 Bitburger
8.5 9.0 7.2 0.4 sional beer law" are determined withul the fra- hops or hop extract may be used in beer pro-
37 Sapporo Japan
India 6.4 0.4 mework of the publication of 29 July 1993. The le- duction, as long as these products fulfil the
38 United Brewery
JUlwei, Clllila 5.2 6.3 0.3 gal clauses ullportant for German brewers are following requirements:
39 Shenzhen
6.2 0.3 fOlUld Ul § 9 of the law with the followmg text: 1. Hop other comminuted hop forms
40 Shanghai SLUltory China
1523.0 83.9 and hop extracts must be exclusively acqui-
World beer production 2007 1,815.6 100.0 § 9 Beer production red from hops.
• 2003 stilllnterbrew and AmBev •• 2003 still Molson and Coors (1) For the production of bottom ferm enting 2. Hop extracts must
beer, apa rt from the regulations in para- a) contaul those properties possessed by hops
The 20 cOLUltries with the largest beer production [293, 362] graphs 4 to 6, only barley malt, hops, yeast before or durUlg wort boilulg Ul the brewulg
and water may be used . process, namely the volatile subs tances of the
Rank Country Beer production in 1000 hI (2) The production of top fermentulg beer is hops or their aromatic and bitter substances
1999 2005 2007 2008 subject to the same regulations; however, the · Ul the beer wort.
185,000 306,156 393,137 410,301 use of other malt and the use of technically b) correspond to the food law regulations.
1 China
236,000 230,245 232,839 231,772 p ure cane, beet and invert sugar, as well as The hop extracts may only be added to the
43,200 89,205 115,000 114,000 starch su gars and designated colourants de- beer wort at the beguullilg of or during wort
3 Russia
80,401 90,000 96,000 106,300 rived from these sa me sugars is allowed. boiwlg.
4 Brazil

o (6) The only substances w hich may be used as mitted for the production of particular beers
and beers intended either for export or for 1
finings for wort and beer are those which h a-
ve a mechanical or adsorbent effect and can scientific purposes. The respective loca l le- 1 Raw Materials
be eliminated again apart from technically gal authorities are responsible for such aut-
avoid able parts which are harmless regar- horisation.
(8) The regulations in paragraphs 1 and 2 do not Four raw m a terials are required for beer The alcoholic fer m enta tion to form
ding hygiene, aroma and flavour.
apply to those bre weries which produce production: barley, hops, water and ye- beer depends on the activity of Yea st
(7) Upon request, in individual cases, non-com-
beer solely for domestic use (home brewers). ast. The quality of these raw materials which consequently is essential for beer
pliance w ith paragraphs 1 an d 2 may be per-
has a decisive influence on the quality of production. The yeast has a great effect
the final product. Knowledge of the pro- on beer quality beca use of the effects of
perties of the raw materials and their ef- its metabolic by-products.
fec ts on the process and final product
provides the basis for their handling and 1.1 Barley
processing. With such knowledge it is Barley (Hordeum vulgare) supplies the
possible to conh'ol the teclmological pro- starch required for beer production.
cess consciously. This starch is converted to fermentable
Barley is the main raw material for beer extract in the brewhouse. It is necessary
production. Its u se depends on the fact to produce, by cultiva tion of suitable va-
that barley has a high starcil content and rieties, barleys which provide extract-
the husk still adheres to the grain, even rich malts.
after tlu'eshing and processing to malt.
Consequently it is able to form tile wort 1.1.1 Barley types and varieties
filh'ation layer required in a later produc- Barley is a cereal, the ears of which are
tion stage. Before use in the brewery tile ch aracterised by particularly long awns
barley must fu'st be converted into malt. (Fig. 1.0). It is classified into two types
In many countries luunalted cereals, and many varieties, which are not all
SUcll as maize, rice, sorghum, barley and equally useful as far as brewing and
wheat, or products made from them, are malting are concerned.
often used as Adj1l11cts. In Germany,
Wheat and other cereals can be used in Types of barley
their malted form to produce top fer- Barleys can be divided into the winter
mented beer. type winter barleys, the seeds of which
Hops give beer its bitter taste and have are sown in about the middle of Sep-
an effect on tile aroma. The quality of the and the s ummer form spring
beer depends greatly on the quality of barleys, which are sown in Marcil and
tile hops. April.
Quantitatively the most important Both types are su bdivided into varie-
raw material is Water. This affects the ties which, depending on the arrange-
beer character and qua lity at several pro- ment of the corns on the ear axis (ra-
cessin g stages. In addition water is used chis), are classified as two-row or
for cleaning and disinfecting, as well as multi-row. In the case of multi-row bar-
Fig.I .D
many other processes in tile maltings Bnrley enr witll IOllg leys there are three fertilisable florets at
and brewery. mUlls each node on the rachis. Each of til ese,

40 41

after pollination, develops into a barley corn or barleys are preferably grown as spring barleys tion of a high yield and good quality can more preference for the varieties Vanessa, Tiffany and
grain. When seen from above the groups of three and combine all the desirable features for malt easily lead to econ omica lly priced malt. Regina. The breeding of malting barley is, howe- 1
grains appear alternately on the right and on the and beer production. To obtain a good, uniform m alt it is essential under constant development, so new varie-
left forming six-row barley (Fig. 1.1). When the Six-row barleys produce grains of uneven size. that as man y gra ins as possible in the batch ties with improved properties are always co-
rachis internode segments are relatively long, of- Because the grains do not have sufficient room to should be of the same variety. Consequentl y, as ming to the fore.
ten only four rows can be made out beca use the grow fully, those in the rows from the lateral flo- far as possible pure va rieties should be grown. The main regions for growing badey are the
lateral florets of anyone node overlap those of rets are thillJler and these grains are curved at Onl y in this way can the advantage of breeding moderate climatic reg ions of the northern he-
the adjacent nodes. Consequently in four-row the distal end where the awn is attached (twisted pure varieties be fully utilised . In breeding new mis phere, with the focus on Europe and the Ne-
barley these florets seem to be in four, rather grains). These twisted grains can be used to re- varieties grea t importance is placed on the follo- ar East, Canada and the USA, as well as Aush'a-
than six rows. Nevertheless, there are actually cognise six-row barleys. wi ng quality parameters: lia, Argentina and Uruguay. Of the approximate
six rows. The yield of winter barley is about 6t/ha, disease and pes t resistance 130 mio. tons of barley grow n (2002), the EU
which is substantially higher than that of spring good straw s trength countries produced 48 mio. t and East and Cen-
barley (about 4t/ha) and is of course due to the high ability to utilise nutrients tral Europe 35 mio. t. Consequentl y about 70 %
shorter growing season for the latter (150 days as high grain yield of barley is produced in this region . In No rth
opposed to 300 days for winter barleys). In ma- good corn shape and dis tribution America, brew ing barley is mainly grown in Ca-
ny cOlUltries, therefore, much more winter bar- high wa ter uptake rate and low water sensiti- nada, which has an annual production of 13-14
Fig. 1.1 ley than spring barley is produced. vity mio. t. Of this, about 11.5 mio. t is for domestic
Structllre of low nitrogen content
Malting barleys comprise in addition to use and the rest grown for export. Because of its
(nccordillg to AII/hnlll- two-row spring barleys, also high germinative energy at the time of malting geogra phi ca l position and the short growing
Iller) two-row winter barleys, ripeness seaSOll, spring barl ey is grown in Alberta (53%),
six-row winter barleys and high enzyme-forming potential Saska tchewan (35 %) and Manitoba (12 %) . Cana-
(1) two-raw bnrley ability to modify well
six-row spring barleys. da sells over 1 million t of two-row and 0.4 milli-
(2) six-raw bnrley
high ex trac t yield on malting on t of six-row brewing barley per year.
(n) viewed fra 11 I
nbove Barley varieties There is an approximate balance between bre-
(b) fra llt view of Within the above-mentioned types there are 1.1.2 Barley cultivation wing barley production and requirement in the
Illiddlerow very many varieties which differ considerably Th e most highly developed region for growing USA. Of the approximately 10 mio. t of barley
(e) Internl view from one another in a number of properties. In barley is Central Europe, where barley has been produced, about 35% is grown in the Midwest in
the European Brewery Convention (EBC) COlUl- systematically grown for about 150 years. Here it Mumesota and North and South Dakota. Of this,
tries alone, about 300 spring barleys, 100 two- is above all the two-row spring barleys which about 80% is brewing barley (varieties robust
In the case of two-row barleys only one grain row winter barleys and 100 six-row winter bar- have become very economically importcUlt as 58 %, excel, 11100'ex, azura). In the West (Montana,
develops at each node because the lateral florets leys are registered . That in itself shows their high quality barleys, but winter barley cultivati- Wyoming, Colorado), where predominantly
are sterile. From above only one grain can be diversity. on is also increasing. In Germany in 2002, 2.7 two-row barley is grown, only about 30 % is bre-
seen on the right and one on the left (two-row). For malting and brewing pmposes the mio. t of spring barley were harvested, of which wing barley. In the USA malting barley is main-
The various sorts of barley (spring, winter, row spring barleys are by far the most suitable, 2.1 mio. t were of the malting barley variety, ly six-row s pring barley, the breeding of which
two-row, six-row) differ in several important because systematic attempts have been made to mainly comprising the four leading types Scar- shows considerable advances in comparison
ways from one another: improve their brewing quality for over a luUl- lett, Barke, Pasadena and Annabel [215]. These with two-row barley.
Two-row barleys produce large, plump grains dred years. A large number of varieties have ex- varieties are also grown in the neighbouring The most important growing regions in the
usually with thinner, finely wrinkled hu sks. cellent teclmological properties. cOlmtries. Other important varieties, which me southern hemisphere are in Australia, whicll ex-
Consequently such barleys have relatively larger However, increasing numbers of two-row grown in many cOlmtries, include Optic, Lux ports a considerable amolUlt of the approx. 6-7
amOlmts of useful contents and less husk, and so winter barleys are being developed whose qua- and Alliot grown in Denmark, the British varie- mio. t of barley produced. The growing regions
contain fewer poly phenolic and bitter substan- lity is almost as good as that of two-row spring ties Chariot, Riviera and Prism a, as well as the are mainly in the coastal regions of West and
ces. The grains are all very mliform and their ex- barleys [86]. Breeding of winter barley of good French Astoria, Nevada and Aspen. As far as South Australia and behind the mOlmtain chains
tract content is comparatively high. Two-row brew ing quality is promising since the combina- winter barleys are concerned, there is a current of the subtropical regions.
42 43

In 2001, global beer production was 1.4 bio. hl,

for which 15.4 mio. t of malt are necessary. For 1
the production of whisky, abou t 1 mio. t malt are
required and for human nutrition only about 0.5
mio. t are needed. This represents a global requi-
rement of 21 mio. t of brewing barley, with the
trend rising because the a.IU1Ual global beer pro-
duction is increasing aIU1ually by 1 - 1.5 %.
Fig. 1.3 a
1.1.3 Structure of the barley kernel Starcli cells wit Ii stored starch gmllllies
Conclusions CaI1 be drawn about the value and (Photo: IILB Berlill, Resenrch Illstitlltefor Raw Materials)
processing requirements of the barley from the
structure of the barley kernel. For this we must ment. The sma ll s tarch granules influence the
distinguish between the internal and external malting properties of the barley and the quality
structure. of malt produced. The gaps between the indivi-
dual starch graI1ules are more or less filled with External structure aI1 endosperm matrix contailung proteil1; this
Fig. 1.2
Figure 1.2 shows in a) the dorsal side of the ker- Bnrley kemel matrix component can either be very dense or
nel with the dorsal husk or lemma (7), which in n) dorsnl side b) vel/tml side missing altogether. From the matrix d ensity,
the case of our cultivated barleys is prolonged in (1) bnse, (2) tip, (3) velltrnl fllrro1O,(4) rnchilln, (5) wrillklillg,
(6) pnlen, (7) lel/lllln it is not possible to draw any signifi-
the ear by a long awn which is broken off during cant conclusions about the malting ability of the
threshing. The fineness of the husk is judged barley.
from the wrinkling (5) of the lemma, which al- CaI1 result in damage to the kernel. The region of ll1e cell walls consist, firstly, of a middle la-
lows the strength of the husk to be evaluated. On breakage of the grain from the ear spindle (ra- mella of phospholipids aI1d proteins, wlud1 re-
the ventral side b) the ventral husk or pale a (6) is clus) is on the contrary always flat. The shape of gttlate aU the internal and external mass traI1sfer.
shown. In the ventral furrow (3) of the kernel the breakage region (bevelled or nicked base) Tlus middle lamella is surrounded on both sides
there is the rachilla (4), the remains of an inferti- helps the barley breeder to make deductions Fig. 1.3 by p-glucaI1layer [248, 249). This is in turn cover-
le floret which also provides some information about tl1e variety. A bnrley kcmel ill 10llgitlldillnl cross-sectioll ed on both sides by a very porous pentosa n lay-
for variety identification. (1) mdillleJItnry stelll, (2) rudilllelltnry nC/"Ospire, (3) rudimell-
tary root/ets, (4) sClltelllllll, (5) epithelillllliayel; (6) clldospenll,
The barleys used by the brewing industry are Internal structure
(7) empty cells, (8) nlellrolle layel; (9) testn, (10) pericarp, (11)
always husked types. In other words, the ventral The barley kernel (Fig. 1.3) consists of three main hllsks
aI1d dorsal husks have remained intimately as- parts: the germ region, the endosperm and the
sociated with the pericarp and testa during grain coverings. medium sized granules are missing in barley
growth aI1d remain on the kernel after threshing. The germ region contains the elllbryo (1) with stard1 (Fig. 1.3 a). ll1e large starch granules (type
This contrasts with wheat, the two husks of the growth nodes for the nC/·ospire (2) and root- A) have a diameter of 20 to 30 Small starch
which fall off during tlu·eshing aI1d leave the na- lets (3) . graI1ltles (type B) with a diaIneter of 3 to 5 iJm re-
ked seed. There are also barley varieties (naked The germ region is separated from the endo- present 70 to 95% of the total number of the Fig.1.3b
barleys) which behave like this. These, however, sperm by a thin tissue the sClltellll1l1 (4) starch gramtles in the endosperm, but contain 3 % Structllre of the starch
are not used for beer production in GermaI1y. aI1d the epi thel i 11111 (5), a tlun layer of palisade-li- to a maximum of 10% of the weight of the starch cell wnlls (nccordillg to
The base of the kernel is more pointed than the ke cells with very tlun walls. [161). The mm1ber of small starch graI1Ules CaI1
(1) lIIiMle Inlllella,
tip. This can be 1.U1derstood if one remembers The endosperll1 (6) consists of stable cells differ enormously; it is dependent on the genetic
(2) Inyel;
that tl1e awn is struck off during threshing. If the which contain the starch graI1ules. The stored properties of the barley type and the environ- (3) peJItosall layel;
awn remover is set too closely, the awn removal starch granules are both large and small in size; mental influences during the grain develop- (4) stored orgallic acids
44 45

er in which the different substances, such as or- beer, including polyphenols, bitter substances dent on two factors wluch are predetermined by position of the atlg1e of the OH group with the a.-
garlic acids, acetic acid or ferula acid, are stored. and testinic acid. the plant: configuration, a spirally twisted order of the glu- 1
In Fig. 1.3b, the gaps between the layers are en- a. the position of the OH group at the 1st C-atom cose molecules occurs (see Fig. 1.4.a). In the case
larged for clarification purposes but in reality 1.1.4 Composition and properties of the b. the bond type between the glucose molecules of the the position of the atlg1e is qlli-
components te different atld determines the different appea-
the layers lie tightly joined together, thus crea-
ting a very solid and stable cell wall framework. The moisture content of barley is 13 - 15 % on CH,oH CH,oH l ratlCe of the
The thickness of these starch cell walls is very average. The moisture content can vary between \- 0 \- 0 At 1.8 to 2.0% the sugar content of barley is
dependent on both the characteristics of the va- 12 % in very dry harvesting conditions and over H/H "'HI H/
H "'O I
H very small, since the polymerised glucose is sto-
riety and the growth conditions. Malting barleys 20% in wet conditions. Very moist barley must HIO'\.OH H/ OH Ho'\.r_ l/H red in the endosperm in the form of starch. TIle
generally have thimler cell walls than feed bar- be dried because it CatUlOt be stored for long atld
sugar is primarily composed of saccharose
leys. The thickness of the cell walls is an impor- it would quickly lose its ability to germinate pro- (tratlSport sugar), as well as glucose and fructose.
tant factor for the malting properties of the bar- perly. Barley must have a moisture content be- a - configuration f3- configuration
ley because thick walls provide more of an low 15 % for long term storage. The remaitung Starch
Fig. 1.3c
obstacle to a later breakdown. Up lmtil their la- content is referred to as dry matter. Barley dry Gill cose ill 0' nllri f3 collfigllratiolls Starch (C 6H wOs)" is the most importatlt constitu-
ter breakdown, however, they prevent any mass matter has the following average chemical com- ent and forms 63% of the barley dry matter. The
transfer and protect the contents of the cell. The position: n - In the ring structure of the glucose molecu- glucose formed during photosynthesis is tratls-
stability of these cell walls lends the barley grain Total carbohydrate 70 .0 - 85.0% le, every C-atom receives a consecutive nUlnber, ported upwards in the stem, polymerised in the
a hardness so that that it can only be broken, Protein 10.5 -11.5 % begimung with the C-atom wluch is cOlUlected maturing grain and stored in the growing starch
should this be necessary, using great force. Inorgatuc matter 2.0 - 4.0 % with the oxygen bridge (Fig. 1.3c; for clarity, in- grains which resemble onion peel. The starch
The endosperm is sUlTOlmded by the aleurone Fat 1.5 - 2.0% stead of C-atoms, only the consecutive number is granules in the different cereal types vary consi-
layer (8) consisting of protein-rich cells. This lay- Other substances 1.0 - 2.0% used) . The position of the OH group at tlus C- derably in size atld shape. The starch gratmles
er is the most important starting point for enzy- atom determines whether it is an [1 or configu- (amyloplasts) consist of up to 98% pure starch;
me production during malting. Other substan- Carbohydrates ration . This is very important insofar as the poly- the remainder is composed of proteins, fat and
ces, such as fats, polyphenols and colouring Carbohydrates are quantitatively the most im- mers have very different appearances and mineral SubstatlCes. A difference is made bet-
materials, are deposited in the stable protein portant class of compOlmds, but they differ con- reactions. Starch is thus a polymer with atl [1- "veen
structure of this layer. siderably from one another with regard to their configuration atld hence atl Amylose atld
TIle grain coverings consist of seven different properties atld therefore their importatlCe in pro- b - During polymerisation, the glucose forms A111ylopectill.
layers which, can be divided essential- cessing atld the quality of the end product. long chains atld the glu-
ly into three. The innermost cover surrounding cose molecules join to-
the aleurone layer is the seed coat or testa (9) . It Sugar and its polymers gether while forming atl
surrOlUlds the entire corn and allows only pure The simplest form of sugar is glucose (C6H I20 6)· oxygen bridge, where-
water through, and not the salts dissolved the- Glucose is formed from CO, atld H ,O during by the C-atom bonds
rein. TIus is due to the semi-permeability of the photosynthesis of foliage platltS with the aid of with the C-4 atom of the C H 0H
IL 2
slmlight as the energy provider and stored in po- following glucose mole- H H C -0 H H C-O
lymer form as cellulose in trees, shrubs or stems cule. This 1.4 bond is the 1 I/H ,\1
The next covering towards the outside is the c
fruit coat or pericarp (10) wluch has developed or as phase change material in cereal grains and
fruits. TIle most important polymers of glucose
usual linkage, however
other linkages (1.3 atld
/Lo C
7/L0 J,-o,H_
very close to the seed coat. It surrounds the testa 1 1 I
and is in turn surrounded by the epidermis are cellulose and starch. They are the most fre- 1.6 bonds) are possible, H OH H
wluch is protected on the outside by two husks quently occurring orgatuc compOlUlds on earth, as we will see. From the
(11) of the kernel. over 100 bio. t of wluch are produced atUlually
The husks consist mainly of cellulose in wluch by means of photosynthesis of foliage plants.
small amOlUlts of substances are deposited The appearatlCe and properties of these poly- Fig. 1.4
which can act adversely on the quality of the mers (gluCatle - a polymer of glucose) are depen- Stl'llctll l'e of nlllljlose

larger thaIl aI1lylose molecules aIld consist of up and very different effects on beer production
to 40,000 glucose moleclLles. Amylopectin mole- and quality, and so they will be considered sepa- 1
cules (Fig. 1.5a1) have the appearance of a braIl- rately in the following.
ched tree, from whose tnUl.k stem many clusters Hemicelluloses consist of
Fig. 1.4n of upright spirals of glucose molecules (double 80 to 90% and
Helicnl ciInillS of nlllylose heli x) with a 1.6 bond, approx. 9 nmlong [367]. It 10 to 12 % pentoSaIl.
is thus possible to calculate that abou t 6 - 7% of
all bonds in the case of amylopectin are 1.6 {3-g1ltcnll
Amylose makes up about 20% (16 - 24 %) of
bonds. consist of long chains of glucose mole-
barley starch; small granules contain up to 40%
Amylose and amylopectin consist of ex-gluco- cules bOLU1d together by 1,3-, and more often,
amylose. The amylose is localised in the interior
se aIld are thus ex-glucans. For the brewer, starch l,4-bonds. The is contained at 4 to 7%
of the granule. It consists of long, unbranched he-
is the potential extract provider, out of which the in the barley aIld in the cell walls of the endo-
lical chains in a 1.4 linkage (Fig. 1.4 and l.4a) and
required alcohol is to be produced. sperm, tightly linked with higher molecular pro-
contains up to 2000 glucose molecules, whidl are
tein SubstaI1CeS and pentosans (see Fig. 1.3b) .
spirally twined (so-called helix, spiral). Chains Cellulose When goes into solution, the molecules
with more than 8 glucose molecules are initially
Barley dry matter contains 5 to 6% cellulose, become associated with one another as the result
red in colom through an iodine tincture, taking
which is located primarily in the husk aIld acts as of the formation of hydrogen bonds aIld form so-
on a blue colom as they become longer.
a structural substaIlCe. Cellulose is a called fringed micelles [216] (Fig. 1.5a). The
At about 80% (76 - 84%), amylopectin makes
with long dlains of 1.4-bonded glucose molecu- Fig.l.5nl breakdown of acquires great i.mportan-
up the main aITIOlUl.t of the starch granule. As
les, which render it insoluble and indigestible for Stmctllre of alllylopec-
well as the 1.4 bond, 1.6 bonds also occur (Fig. till with detailed illll-
1.5), so that the aI11)r!opectin molecules aI'e bran- the human organism. It is also very resistant to stmlioll (Bertoft 1367J).
ched . Amylopectin molecules are about 10 times the influence of enzymes. Cellulose later leaves The arrows ill the illll-
the production process stmtioll show the 1.6
in an lU1changed form, lillks
its special importance
Fig. l.5a
(polymers of pentoses), which together form the
[ y H20H
being as filter material
during lautering in the rigid fraI11ework of the endosperm cell walls.
Associatioll s of fJgIII-
cnll lIIoleCllles !frillged
H C -0 H brewhouse. SubstaI1CeS glucans aIld pentoSaI1S have different sh'llctures lIIicelles)
I/H stored in the husk (sili-
c c OH H C
L O.J "" C-C/ b cic acid, taIUlins and

H-C - H
( bittering acid etc.) can
have a negative impact
C --0 H on the quality of the
beer if they are greatly
lixiviated during laute-
C "C-C ring.
'H 8 dH Hemicellulose
Hemicelluloses are the
main constituents of
the endosperm cell
walls. They consist
Fig. 1.5
Bmllches ill tile strllctllre of nlllylopectill
glUCaI1S aIld pentoSaI1S

I syn thesis
0II RI 2
R, R2 breakdown '" C/ '" N/ H '" COO H

smaller the challls are, the more free terminal are brought into a predetermined structure by
amino groups are present. We will see, however, means of hydrogen bridges, elech'ostatic inter-
ce during the malting process. An inadequate tein passes into the flllished beer. Although the that precisely the fr ee -NH, groups are llnpor- actions, sulphur bridges and others, during
breakdown of can have an. adverse ef- amolUlt of protelll in beer is relatively small, it tant for the yeast and will have to ensure that which hydration water is accLUnulated. As a re-
can have an important effect on its quality. Thus sufficient free amino nitrogen (FAN) is always sult, proteins become colloids, the viscosity of
fect on the finished beer.
is not identical to cellulose, which is protellls make a considerable contribution to the available for the nutrition of the yeast. In the fol- w hich lllcreases with the size of the molecule.
head reten tion bu t can on the other hand have an lowing, therefore, there are frequent specificati- Protellls are amphoteric, i.e. their reaction is
related to it; can be broken down enzy-
llllportant influence on the occurrence of hazes ons regardlllg FAN - free amino nitrogen . The both acidic and all<ali.J.le; at the POlllt III between,
matically, however we will see that this already
III beer. In any case, the potential extract obtallla- cast wort should contalll at least 200 mg FAN/l = the so-called isoelectric POlllt (IP), they are neu-
has to occur in the maltings as it can only be par-
ble from malt decreases by almost the same ex- 20 mg FAN/100 g = 200 ppm. tral and their solubility is at its lowest. The pH
tially remedied during mashing.
tent (0.7 to 1.0%) as the protein content of the Amino acids can be processed by the yeast value durlllg beer production is therefore impor-
barley increases. The normal commercial requi- w ith a varylllg degree of acceptance; more preci- tant for the treatment of the nitrogenous com-
rement is therefore a maximum of 11.5 % protein se details can be found III Section pounds. On heatlllg, large protelll molecules are
Pentosans are the polymers of pentoses and con-
sist primarily of the pentoses xylose and arabi- III the dry matter. denatured and eventually coagulated. In the
nose. In essence pentosans consist of long chains Construction of proteins process, the Ill1ks break and a disorderly situati- Amino acids All protellls are formed by living organisms as on occurs, which ends III precipitation. 11lis, ho-
of l,4-D-xylose residues to which 1.2 or 1.3 bond
The smallest building blocks of the nitrogen 1mbranched challls of amlllO acids. The sequen- wever, depends greatly on the si ze of the mole-
arabinose residues are linked in some places.
PentosaI1S make up about 50% of the shell, ap- compOlUlds (protellls) are amino acids. There ce of the amlllO acids III the challl is determllled cule and its structure. The largest part of badey
are approximately 150 amlllo acids, however on- by the organism and is typical for that particular protein (about 92%) falls into this category,
proximately 67% of the aleuron layer and 20% of
ly about 20 are significant for organic com- one. Chains of up to 300 amlllO acids can be for- which either does not dissolve at all III the wort
the endosperm. Pentosans are also broken down
pounds. Amino acids are characterised by the med so that molecular weights of over 1 mio. oc- or precipitates at the latest during wort boillllg.
enzymatically; however, the breakdown is lin-
summary formula cur. 11le arrangement of the amlllO acid molecu- ProtelllS are classified accordlllg to Osborne llltO
ked to a multitude of enzymes and is relatively
NH 2 - R- COOH les is categorised thus: various groups depending on their solubility in
low (only 11- 20%) so that at the end of malting,
there are still a lot of high molecular pentosans The NH, group forms the amlllo group (palti- Primary structure, which is the sequenced ar- aqueous solutions:
present [376]. The negative effect of the pento- cularly important for the yeast); the weakly dis- rangement of the amlllO acids in the molecule
associated COOH-(carbonyl)-group makes up as a whole, Glutelill
sans on the filterability is probably higher than
the acid (see following Section). The "R" repre- Secondary structure; similarly to how the glu- About 30% of barley protein is glutellll, wllich
previously thought.
sents the variably arranged malll group. cose residues coil in the amylose molecule (see dissolves only in dilute alkali. 11lis protein is lo-
Amlllo acids are jOllled together by the plant Fig. 1.4a), the amino acid residues III protelll calised almost entirely in the aleurone layer, is NitIOgen compounds (proteins)
llltO unbranched long ChalllS with discharge of coil in the secondary stru cture, at times com- not broken down later on, and passes lUlchan-
The nitrogen content of barley normally lies bet-
ween 10 and 11.5%. About 30% of the protellls water (dipeptid illustration). In the process the parable to a telephone cord, ged llltO the spent grains.
are stored as transport proteins in the cell walls -NH group and the COOH group combine to Tertiary structure; here the long and partly twi-
of the endosperm (see Sect. and regulate form an HH-CO bond and only III the terminal sted protein molecule is pressed llltO a loop Prolamin
the mass transfer. Only about a third of this pro- amino acids does the -NH, group remalll. The with a defined sequence. 11le huge molecules The prolamin III barley is called hordei11 and it
50 51

constitutes about 37% of the barley protein. It nous compowlds (about 8 %). The proportion in- ve taken on particular importcuKe. Unsaturated Unsaturated fatty acids are very reactive. Re-
1 dissolves in 80% alcohol and part of it passes in- creases during malting culd brewing. Regarding fatty acids are those where there aTe one or mo- actions CCUl occur through the enzyme lipoxyge- 1
to the spent grains. protein breakdown products, apart from the al- re double bonds between two specific carbon nase or through the non-enzymatic process of
ways-soluble amino acids which are very impor- atoms (Fig. l.5b). auto-oxidation .
Globlllill tCUlt for the nutrition of the yeast, a further di- Medium chain fatty acids occur mainly during
The globulin fraction of barley is called edestin. stinction is made: H H H primary fermentation and are increasingly excre-
It dissolves in dilute salt solution and also in the High molecular weight breakdown products I I I ted by the yeast as the beer matures. They have a
mash. It forms about 15% of the barley protein. consist of the proteoses, complex degradation
/ 1"C=C/ I" c=C/I" particularly adverse effect on head retention.

Edestin consists of 4 components (ex, y, 8) of products of proteins, which are named accor- Lipid s are the ester from fatty acid s with gly-
which the sulphur containing does ding to the proteins from which they originate H H H H cerol. Esters are bonds of acids with CUl alcohol.
not completely precipitate even on prolonged (albw110ses, globuloses) culd complex peptones. Glycerol is a trivalent propyl alcohol (propanol).
boiling and can give rise to haze in beer. The high molecular weight breakdown pro- The fatty acids react with the glycerol when wa-
ducts improve the head retention of the beer but Unsaturated fatty acids are not only important ter is removed in the following ways:
Albllmill are also involved in beer haze. for our nutrition, especially as some CCU1J1ot be Fatty acid residue - COO-H+OH-C-H,
The albumin of barley is called leLlcosin. It con- TIle breal<down of proteins (proteolysis) takes synthesised by the humcul orgcuusm (essential
sists of 16 different components and has an ave- on special significance during malting. fatty acids), they also play CUl importcult role in Fatty acid residue - COO-H+OH-C-H
rage molecular weight of 70,000. The molecular the production of beer. Thus LU1saturated fatty
size is usually expressed in kDa (kilo Dalton), Fats (Lipids) acids are necessary for the structure of the yeast Fatty acid residue - COO-H+OH-C-H,
whereby 1 Dalton (Da) corresponds to the mass Barley contains about 2 % fat. ntis barley fat is in cell wall (see Sect. 1.4.1); their derivatives are al- A lipid (fat, oil) is formed.
of a proton; so the molecule mass and Dalton ha- the form of oil droplets and is deposited mainly so responsible for ageing processes in beer taste If the fat goes rancid, fatty acids culd glycerols
ve the same value (mol. mass 70,000 = 70 kDa). in the aleurone layer and in the seedling.TIlere is after filling. During the further technological separates and water is sepaTated .
LeLlcosin dissolves in pure water and constitutes nine times as mudl fat in the aleurone culd husk processes, therefore, chculges in the amOLUlt of During malting the lipids are partly broken
about 11 % of the protein in barley. On boiling it as in the seedling. LUlsaturated fatty acids culd their derivatives will down and tlus breakdown is continued during
is completely precipitated. be mOlutored. mashing. This breakdown will later be of great
Also belonging to the albumins is Protein Z TIle fat (lipids) consists mainly of fatty acids.
with 40 kDa, as well as the lipid transfer protein Fatty acids are hydrocarbon bonds resulting in ---
(LTPl), with 10 kDa; these aTe regarded as the
most important components for beer foam. Both
of these undergo several changes during the
COOH groups by which the (weak) acids are de-
termined. TIlese are categorised as follows: IF Name Number of C-Atoms

Number of double bonds
Position of double bonds
Formic acid 1: 0 0
malting process. As well as these proteins, glyco- Acetic acid 2: 0 0...
proteins also occur in barley, which produce a Propionic acid 3: 0
bonding of proteins with a carbohydrate, for ex- Butyric acid 4: 0 Ov.--..
Valerenic acid 5: 0
ample, glucose, mcumose or galactose. They can Caproic acid 6: 0 HOOC- CH,-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH,
be broken down during the malting process culd Caprylic acid 8: 0
Fig.1.5b Capric acid 10: 0
improve the f03l11 stabilising effect in beer. Lauric acid 12: 0
Overview of tile IIIOSt ililportalit
Myristic acid 14: 0
Jattyacids Palmitic acid 16: 0 Protein breakdown products Short chain fatty acids - these include, for ex- Circle: Stearic acid 18: 0
Protein breakdown products are characterised cunple, acetic acid CH3 COOH tile COOH gI'Dlip. Oleic acid 18: 1; 9
by always being soluble in water culd do not pre- Medium chain fatty acids with 5 - 14 C-atoms BeHd: Linoleic acid 18: 2; 9.12
a CH,-. or ill tile case oj IIl1satllmted Linolenic acid 18: 3; 9,12,1 5
cipitate on boiling. Finished beer contains almost Long chain fatty acids with 6 - 18 C-atoms.
Jattyacids, Arachidic acid 20: 0
exclusively protein breakdown products. In the course of the following procedural Arachidonic acid 20:
a CH-grollp alld at tile elld oj tile
Protein breakdown (or constituent) products steps, we will continually come across these fat- elwill:
form the smallest fraction of the barley nitroge- ty acids, whereby the LU1saturated fatty acids ha- CHJ-grollp

interest to us. A large part of the lipids is later Other substances bitter artificial aromas and colourings which are Th ey are active even in very low concen trations
precipitated with the trub. Barley also contains a number of other substan- present in many types of fruit and can change aJld determine the action aJld rate of biochemical 1
ces which, although only present in small their colour depending on their acidity (pH va- reactions. Inorganic material amounts, affect beer quality and beer producti- lue). The name of an enzyme is usu ally formed
Barley contains between 2 and 3 % mineralma- on. These include polyphenolic and bitter sub- Polyphenols have an an tioxidant effect. If they from the name of the subs trate to be broken
terial, most of which is present in inorganic stances, vitamins and enzymes. are oxidised, they lose their antioxidant effect down with the addition of the final syllable -ase.
compounds. Important inorganic compolUlds and their nega tive impact prevails. It is therefore Thus the enzyme which degrades sucrose is cal-
include: Polyphenols or tannins important to prevent any form of oxidation of led sucrase.
phosphates, about 35% (expressed as phospho- This is a general term for the compOlmds which polyphenols. Barley itself contains a l1lU1lber of enzymes,
rous [V]- oxide P 20 S), have a bitter, i.e. protein precipitated, effect and but mos t of them are present only in small
silicates, about 25% (expressed as silicon dioxide a scratchy, concentrated bitter (astringent) tas te. am Olmts. Most of the enzy me content of malt is
Si02), From a chemical point of view, they are charac- Vitamins produced during malting.
potassium salts, about 20% (expressed as potas- terised by compOlmds of several phenol rings Vitam ins are nutritional components. They can
sium oxide K20). (polyphenols). be produced only by plants and not by human Ell zyme stl'llctllre
Phosphates not only constitute the main com- Although polyphenols only make up 0.1 to metabolism. They are, however, essential for Enzymes are built f1'Om amino acids linked to-
ponent of the inorganic material and their 0.3 % of the barley dry matter, as an antioxidant proper £lmctioning of many metabolic processes gether by peptide bond s -CO-NH- (see Sect.
bonds, bu t are also important because they occur they can have a considerable effect on flavour in the human body. Consequently adequate The peptide chains are not arranged in
in the structures of the most important inorgan- stability and shelf life of the beer. amOlmts of them mus t be conslU1led. Vitamin one plaJle in the enzyme but h ave a spiral struc-
ic compounds in the barley corns (e.g. in phytin, deficiencies can lead to illnesses. ture (helical Sh'ucture) formed as a result of va-
in nucleic acids, in coenzymes, in proteins etc.) . OH Barley contains, essentially, the following vit- rious types of bridges inside the molecule. These
Phosphate is released from these compolUlds in amins: spirals are then £lather diversely folded and con-
reactions occurring in the maltings and in the I............. / / OH
vitamin B1 (thiamine) - deposited mainly in the voluted by other types of bonds (Fig. 1.5d). The
brewery. outer parts of the grain,
For many processes the presence of phospha-
vitamin B2 (riboflavin),
helical, folded and convoluted structure is pre-
programmed exactly by the organism forming it
te is extremely important. For instance, it is com- I I I vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - present in s mall and is essential for the action mechanism of the
pletely impossible for alcoholic fermentation to ............. ............. aJnolmts, enzyme.
take place without phosphate because phospha- I vitamin E (tocopherol) in the fat of the seed ling.
te groups are chemically involved in many of the OH 70

reactions which occur during fermentation (see Fig. 1.5 c Vitamins have complicated s tructures. During
Sect. 4.1.2). Silicates occur particularly abun- Sf m cfllrnilltnke-llp offlnvn ll -3 -ol storage aJld processing they are in creasin gly d a-
dantly in the husk but are also present in starch. maged.
They are soluble as colloids and can be detected
in every beer haze. Polyphenols are deposited in the husk and al- Barley enzymes
A number of salts are important in beer pro- so in the aleurone layer of barley. Their concen- All living organisms contain enzymes. Both bar-
duction because they provide trace elements, for h'ation in general increases with the thickness of ley and yeas t contain a very wide range of enzy-
example, zinc salts are necessary for fermentati- the husk; therefore, importance is put on barley mes. The num erous traJlsformations occurring
on (see Sect. Most of the salts originate with thin, finely wrinkled husks or an effort ma- during breWing and malting depend exclusively
from the barley. A 12 % beer brewed with an ave- de, in the case of thick hus ked barley, to remove on tlle action of enzymes. It is therefore essential
rage amOlmt of water contains about 1600 mg of a substantial amolmt of this material in the ma]- at this s tage to discuss enzymes, their structures
inorganic material, including oxides, per litre. Of tings. In the case of polyphenols, we are concer- aJld how they work.
this about 400 mg is derived from the brewing ned in particular with flavan-3-01 (see Fig 1.5c) Enzymes are high molecular weight proteins Dislliphide bond Helical structure
water and about 1200 mg from the malt (but all with regard to haze and anthocyanins and their whidl, as biocatalysts, either enable specific re-
Fig . l. 5 r1
the carbonates originate from the water). preliminary stages. Anthocyanins are extremely actions to occur or considerably accelerate them. SfJ'llcfllJ'e of n cOlllplex profeill lIIoleCllle
54 55

In all known cases, enzymes consist of intrica- Because of the particular structu re of the poc- everything wo uld be in a state of equilibrium. together w hich cause a specific effect (tempera-
1 tely folded proteins h aving a pocket, gap or fur- ke t and the arra ngement of the ac ti ve cen tre, There would no longer be an y energy di ffe- ture optimum etc.). From this we can dedu ce 1
row, specific for the en zyme, in w hich the sub- each enzyme can only react with a quite specific rences and life would no lon ger be possible. that in the case of other va rieties, other genes can
strate fits exactly (lock and key action) . substra te. This gives rise to the high specifi city of If a subsh"ate hav ing a particular energy con- sometimes h ave the same effect, but at diffe rent
every enzyme. The action mechanism of an en- tent (Fig. 1.8) is to be tran sformed from the more optimum temperatures.
A ctioll m ecllallisll1 of all eJl zYll1 e zyme can consequentl y be represented by the ca- energy-rich state (A) to the less energy-rich state This fo rmation of en zymes during germina ti-
The p ocket, ga p or furrow, specific fo r the enzy- talytic reaction cycle shown in Fig. 1.7. (C), it must first be brought into the activated on is one of the main requ iremen ts of maltillg be-
me (Fig. 1.6), w hich is formed w ithin the convo- state (B) by the supp ly of energy. The energy re- ca use these enzymes are absolutely essential
luted molecule, contains the acti ve centre (2) of quired fo r this is known as the activation energy subsequently for the brea kd own p rocesses
the enzyme, consisting of sp ecifica lly arran ged Subs trate (E). Only after overcoming this energy barrier wh ich occur du ring mashing Ul the brew house.
amino acids and other groups involved in the re- can the energy state (C) be reached [21].
action. The active cenh'e exerts an attracti ve for- 1.1.5 Barley evaluation
Enzym e substrate The quali ty of the barley offered for p m chase or
ce on the substrate (a). When the substrate is p o- Enzyme B

__ :'
compl ex
sitioned in the en zyme pocket, the amino acids delivered h as a decisive effec t on the quality of the
and other ac ti ve groups of the en zyme bind to Qi
malt and the beer produced from it. Barley eva-
I >
the substrate. The bonds are of elech'ostatic or Q) luation is therefore very ullportant for a maltster.
Product >-
chemical nature. As a result the spatial organisa-
Barley is evaluated
tion of the amino acids is chan ged . The substra- W
by assessm ellt by lzalln
Fig. 1.7 by physical ann cll ell1i cal exallllllntiollS.
te fi nds itself in a kind of trap (b) [19, 20]. Wh en Catalytic reactioll cycle of all e/Izyll,e
the bond Ul the substrate has been split (c), the c Assessment is made at the time the barley is
amulo acids of the active centre sprulg back UltO offered for sale and by sam p lmg w hen the load
Fig. l.S
their original p osition, the p roduct diffuses In the case of m any en zymes a prosthetic Lowerillg of tile activatioll elle,s y by all e/Izyllle beul g delivered (ulcoming acceptan ce test) .
away from the enzyme (d) and the enzyme is group (coenzyme) is involved in the catalytic ac- (catalytic actioll) The larger the barley batch, the larger the va-
ready for the next bond splitting p rocess (a). tion. Metals which are ambivalent, for example, riations in the composition of the load delivered
iron, magnesium or calcium, are also often invol- may be. To obtam a correct picture of the avera-
ved in the action of man y en zymes. These m etal In the presence of an enzyme (catalyst) the ac- ge composition it is necessary to take as many
ions are bOlmd Ul the enzyme. tiva tion en ergy is decreased . samples as possible at different p oints and to
This means that the energy barrier is considera- mix them .
Reactioll acce lerntioll by ell zYll1e s bly lower (B ,) and consequently substantially less
For man y reactions to occur, especially in the de- activation energy (E,) is required . This is responsi- Hand evaluation
gradation of energy-rich compOlmds, an energy ble for the much grea ter reaction velocity of enzy- Barleys for maltulg are selected mainly on the
barrier must be overcome before the energy can me-catalysed breakdown (ca tabolic) processes. basis of the variety and the grow th site. In addi-
be released. In resting barley only a few enzymes are pre- tion to the rapid methods commonly used today
When, for example, en ergy-rich cellul ose sent and these are m ostly bOlUld in an insoluble when barley is delivered, hand assessment, i.e.
(wood) is oxidised (burnt) to form energy-poor fo rm. Most of the enzymes are formed or re- evaluation of the barley fr om its external appea-
2/ water and ca rbon dioxid e, energy (heat) is re- leased during germination of the barley. rance, is important. Features examined are:
a) b) c) d) These enzymes are necessary to transform the
leased . H owever, this heat-produculg (exother-
Fig. 1.6 ulsoluble substances stored in the endosperm in-
mic) process does not occur spontaneously but Sm ell
Actio" IIIecllnllisIII of all e/Izyllle
(the exalllple ilillstrated represe/l ts /3-alllylnse) needs an endothermic initiation in w hich, as a to a soluble form so that they can be supplied to It should smell clean, fresh and s traw-like. Ear-
(1) ell zYllle pocket, (2) active celltre, (3) sIIbstrate, (4) prodllct result of supplying heat (lightUlg the fire), the the seedlillg for the synthesis of new cell materi- thy, mus ty, mould y sm ells indica te a barley
a) illsertioll of tile sllbstrate energy barrier is overcom e. This is very impor- al or as a source of energy. which has lU1dergone d amp, inappropriate sto-
b) billdillg to tile active celltre
tant for everything which h appens in nature. If Certain genes are resp onsible for the formati- rage. Reduced germinative capacity and proces-
c) a"'illo acids retll"" to tileir origi"al positiolls
d) prodllct (Illaitose) IIIoves away fro" , tile ell zy",e pocket no energy barriers were present, then very soon on and effect. It is usually several genes working sing difficulties are then to be expected .
56 57

Dlllllpll ess king of the husk makes the production of good A ppelll'll ll Ce of tIl e seed lillg (spl'O litillg) No 1'111 11 I val1les for screellillgs
1 The barley should feel dry and flow easily. If quality barley considerably more difficult. With very wet harves ts the barley batch may Insu fficien tly cleaned barley above 4 % 1
grains stick to the hand, this indicates a high Sprolltillg occllrs w hen in ex tremely damp contain already germ inated co rns. Such batches Average m alting barley 3 to 4 %
moisture content. conditions, the barley star ts germinating and are lU1usable for malt production because the Fine mal ting barley 2 to 3 %
shoots are visible. The barley can then no barley does not then germinate lUliformly. Premium quality barley less than 2 %
Colollr llIuf briglltlless longer be used for malt production . Under
The barley should have a light yellow straw co- normal conditions, a natural dormant period Presellce of pests Thousand corn mass
lour and a bright, muform appearance. Greenish prevents the g rain from growing. In a ve ry The most common grain pest is the grain weevil. Because the thousand corn m ass (still som eti-
corns indicate too early harves ting. Barleys wet har ves t, however, the li fe processes m ay Corns wluch have been attacked by a grain wee- mes known as thousand corn weight) increases
which have suffered rain damage appear grey have already begun, without any visible ex- vil clearly show the holes eaten away and float with increasing water content, it is calculated
and dull. Brown tips may be a varietal characte- ternal sig ns of g row th. This is know n as con- on the top during steeping. Such damaged bar- on a dry weight basis. The thousand corn mass
ristic, but in most cases are caused by wet harve- cealed sproutin g . The safes t me thod for ley ca nnot be used to make malt. ca n be related to the classification results and
sting and this leads to water-sensitive co rns. checking for concealed sprouting is to deter- the ex trac t yield from the barley. With an in-
mine the ester ac tivity using the fluorescein Physical and chemical examinations creasing thousand corn mass the Grade I per-
Red C01'l/ dibutyrate meth od. Th e esterases are enzy- centage and with it the ex trac t content of the
Red corns (red colomed endosperms) indicate a Il'les which degra de the ester bonds in the li- Grading barley can increase. The thousand corn mass is
massive infestation of fusarilUll. In the case of pids (fats). The commencement of the es ter Grading by size is the mos t important physica l determined with a counting d ev ice and a balan-
this malt, there is a great danger of the formation activity is a sure sign that the germination examination of barley and can be perform ed ce . Broken and foreign corns mllst be removed
of gushing in the beer. Barley with red corns is process has beglUl. quickly and easily. The barley is sorted by 2.8 previou sly and their weight subtracted .
not suitable for malting. Prell1altillg is an imprecise term which basi- mm, 2.5 mm and 2.2 mm vibrating sieves into The calculation is done using the equations
cally covers all the aforementioned terms. four components. 1000 corn mass, air dry (g) =
Hllslc properties Everything which remains on sieve 1 (2.8 Corrected corn mass x 1000
The husk should be fin ely wrinkled - this AI110ltllt of illlplirities (pllrity) mm) and sieve 2 (2 .5 mm) is Grade I (well-filled number of whol e corns
shows a thin husk. Fine wrinkling indica tes a There should be no foreign bodies such as weed barley).
good, extract-rich barley. Insufficiently ripened seeds, sand, stones, string, straw, ears, awns, me- Eve rything which passes through sieves I 1000 corn mass, dry weight (g) =
corns often have a thick or smooth husk. Thick tal objects, half-corns, ergot or foreign cereals. and II but is retained on sieve III is Grade II. 1000 corn mass (air dry) x (100 - W)
husks contain more polyphenols and bitter sub- Everything which passes through sieve III is 100
s tances. Dalllilged C01'l/S (illtllctlless) screenings and is sold as feed barley. w = % ,·vater content of the barley.
In some years cracking of the barley grains oc- Damaged corns cause teclU1010gical and biolo-
curs during the maturation phase. This is caused gical problems during processing and must be Because 100 g of barley is always examined, Example:
by alternating warmth (slUlshine) and rain in the removed . Damage is caused mainl y during the weight in g = the percentage. For example: A 40 g sample contains 1.6 g broken and fo-
grain filling and ripening time. This effect is eit- threshing and by animals (including in Sects). reign corns and 1048 barley corns. The water
her strengthened or weakened by genetic varie- Sieve I 42.5 g 88.5 % Grade I content of the barley is 11.5%.
tal properties and the influence of mould which C01'l/ shllpe Illld size Sieve II 46.0 g (well-filled fraction)
delays ripening [192] . This can have different ef- The corns should be large, well-filled and roun- Sieve III 10.5 g 10.5 % Grade II 1048 corns weigh 40.0 - 1.6 g = 38.4 g
fects [191]: ded. Such barley corns usually produce more ex- Base 1.0g 1.0% Screenings 1000 corn mass,
38.4 x 1000
Crac/cillg of the Illlslc: this is when the back tract and contain less protein than thin long 100.0 g = 100.0 % air dry = 1048 = 36.6 g
and front sides of the husk are not completely corns. However, the corn shape depends prima-
closed. The peel lUlderneath, however, is not rily on the va riety. Normal val lies for the well-filled jl'llctioll 1000 corn mass,
36.6 x (100 - 11 .5)
damaged. Ma lting barley dry weight = 32.4 g
CI'Ilc/ci/lg of the gl'llill: this is when there are Ulliforll1ity (average properties) min. 85%
cracks in the husk and the layers fOlUld bene- A LUufonn barley with a high proportion of well- Fine malting barley min. 90%
ath, sometimes even into the endosperm. Crak- filled corns is desirable. Premium quality barley min. 95% The thousand corn mass of the barley is 32.4 g.

Normal values for thousand corn mass surement ins truments which also allow deter- lUld er normal malting conditions. The germ i- below 45.0 % insufficient
1 ail' dry barley minations to be made before acceptance of a native energy test shows whether the corns ha- 45 .7 to 47.5% sa tisfactory 1
37 to 40 g lightbarJey barley delivery. ve started to germinate after 3 and 5 days. A 47.6 to 50.0 % good
41 to 44 g average barley Proteil/ COl/tellt high germinative energy indica tes a healthy above 50 % very good.
above 45 g heavy barley The protein content of barley has an important barley conditi on and that malting will be suc-
water-free barley role in malt and beer production . Protein-rich cessfu l.
normal value 38 to 40 g barleys are more difficult to process and produ- After 5 days the germinative energy should 1.2 Hops
limit values 30 to 45 g ce a higher malting loss. Every percent of addi- be 96 - 98 %. The hop (Humulus luplilus L.) is a perennial,
tional protein results in approximately one per- The germ inative energy after 3 days should dioecio ll s climbing plant of the hemp family Hectolitre mass cent less extract. The protein content therefore be as close as possible to that after 5 days. and belongs to the order (Urticales) w hich also
The hectolitre mass (still sometimes known as is a particularly important item in the barley In addition to the determinati on of the germ i- includes the nettle family. In the brewery it is
hectolitre weight) is the mass of 100 litres of supply contract. If the agreed protein content is native en ergy, a rapid determination of germi- the inflorescences of the female plant which are
barley. In general a brewing barley has a exceeded, a deduction corresponding to the natio n potential can also be made usin g the used. These contain bitter resins and ethereal
lzecto l itl'e mass betweell 68 alld 75 kg. percentage is made. TIC (tetrazolium-tetrachloride) method, which oils which suppl y bittering and aroma compo-
The predictive value of the hectolitre mass The protein content is determined in the labo- is particul arly suitable for determining the ger- nents to the beer.
depends, however, on so many factors that it is ratory using the Kjeldahlmethod. The nitrogen minative capacity within the first six weeks af- As far as brewing is concerned, hops are the
hardly ever measured nowadays. content is thereby determined, which is contai- ter harvest. dried hop cones of the female hop plant and
ned at an average of about 16 % by the proteins. products made from them w hich contain only Hardness (endosperm property) Multiplying by (100:16 =) 6.25 gives the requi- Water sensitivity components from hops.
Determination of the hardness of barley can al- red protein content. Barleys differ in their sensitivity to water uptake. Hops are grown in special growing regions
low useful conclusions to be made about the ea- On accepting the barley batch it is imperative This mus t be borne in mind during steeping in where the necessary growth conditions ex ist.
se of processing to be expected in the m altings that the barley d elivery meets the agreed para- the maltings. As the water sensitivity increases, After the harvesting of the hops, they are dried
and the quality of the malt which will be produ- m eters such as water or protein content. In ad- the wa ter steep time must be reduced. Water and processed to avoid a reduction in their va-
ced. The hardness of the endosperm is exami- dition, these values have to be able to be deter- sensitivity is determined by the difference in ger- lue.
ned by cutting sample corns with a farinator, or mined within a few minutes. For this purpose, minative energy with different amOlmts of water The s tructure of the hop cone and its compo-
a transverse or longitudinal cutter. near infrared reflection spectroscopy (NIR) is (4 ml test result minus the 8 ml test result). sition provide important information for the
A good barley for brewing should contain not used (see Sect. 7.5.12). Faults detected later can Barleys with a water sensitivity of up to evaluation of hops.
less than 80% floury (mealy) corns. The glassi- then no longer be corrected, since the barley 10% are not very water sensitive,
ness of the other corns may be temporary or batch will have already mixed with other bat- from 11 to 25%, they are slightly water sensi- 1.2.1 Growing regions
permanent. To distinguish between these, the ches in the silo. tive, By far the largest h op growing cOlUltries are
corns must be steeped for 24 hours, dried and from 26 to 45 % rather water sensitive and Germany and the USA, followed by the Czech
cut again. Permanent glassiness produces malt Physiological examinations above 45%, they are very water sensitive. Republic and more recently, China. In 1995 and
with lmfavourable processing features. 2005, the following amounts of hops have been Germinative capacity Water uptake capacity grown and h arvested in the ten largest hop gro- Chemical property examinations The germinative capacity is the percentage of all (swelling ability) wing countries [217]:
The water content and protein content of every living corns in the sample, whether their dor- The more en zymically active a barley is, the
batch of barley is measured. Other examinati- mancy (see Sect. 2.2.5) has been overcome or not. greater its water uptake capacity and the high er Cotmtry Harvest in t
ons are made as required. At least 96% of the corns should be able to the value of the barley for brewin g . The test 1995 2005
Water cOlltellt germinate. should show whether the barley is able to achie- Gennany 34,121 34,466
The water content is determined using the stan- ve as high a water uptake as possible within a USA 35,768 24,001
dard drying procedure in which ground barley Germinative energy minimum s teeping time. China 10,000 9,772
is dried at an exactly defined temperature for a The germinative energy is the percentage of Assessment of the water uptake capacity Czech Republic 9,910 7,831
predetermined time. There are also rapid m ea- corns which, at the time of the test, germinate (swelling ability) after 72 hours s teeping: Poland 3,264 3,414
60 61

Country Harves t in t Gerlll(lllY

1995 2005 By far the largest hop growing region in Ger- 1
Slovenia 3,967 2,539 many is the Halle rtau (Bavarian: HoJledau)
England 4,078 1,593 (Fig. 1.10). Between Augsburg and Regensburg
Ukraine 2,565 1,473 with its centre arOll11d Mainburg, the largest
France 1,108 1,371 amOll11t of German hops are harves ted on a to-
Spain 1,724 1,294 tal surfa ce area of 14,221 ha (in 1997 this was
Australia 2,558 1,238 still 17,440 ha).
In the Elbe-Saale region, 47 hop producers
It is clearly seen that the amOll11t of hops har- (1996) grew a total of 1332 ha (in 1997, this was
vested has decreased in almost all countries. s till 1526 ha). The Elbe-Saale region is not a sin-
Thus the global hop harvest has fallen from gle region but is spread thl·ough the fed eral
126,686 tin 1995 to 94,115 tin 2005, although states of Saxony, Thuringia and the southern
global beer production has increased in the sa- part of Saxony Anhalt.
me period by about 350 mill hI. The global hop The Tettnang growing region extends, with a Fig. 1. 10
growing area has continued to decrease since total growing area of 1193 ha, northwards from Hop growillg regioll s ill GerlllnllY
(1) Hnllertnll
1994 from 86,786 ha to 50,639 ha (2004). This re- Lake Constance (in 1997 there were still 1666 ha).
(2) Tellllnllg
presents a 42% reduction in the hop growing The Spalt growing region, with a hop gro- (3) Spnll
regions in ten years. Altogether there is a global wing area of 395 ha (in 1997, this was still 627 (4) Hersvrtlck
hop requirement of approximately 100,000 t, ha) is located to the south west of Nuremberg. (5) Elve-Snale regioll
which is not always covered by the fluctuating Hersbruck, situated to the north east of Nu- (6) BndeJ//BitvlIlglRlieillpf nlz

a!U1ual harvest of 85,000 - 100,000 t (Fig. 1.9) . On remberg, is on the edge of the Frankish Alps.
the other hand, the global hop reserves cover a With a growing area of 20 ha (still 106 ha in ing regions of 44% frol11 1993 to 2005, the total tering hops and high alpha hops h ave been
whole year's requirement. Apart from the regi- 1997), the H ersbruck region is one of the smal- production of a.-acid varieties fell by only 11.1 % grown, which produce a stronge r bitterness
ons where beer consumption is increasing lest hop growing regions in Germany. [379]: with less tending. Germany is globally the lar-
strongly, the hop requirement is decreasing for With tluee growers and a growing area of just 2005 1993 ges t producer of alpha acids with 39%, follo-
the following reasons: 16 ha, the Baden/Bitburg/Rheinpfalz region is Hop harvest in t 91,000 137,000 wed by the USA with 34 % and China with 8 %
the increased use of high-a. varieties the smallest in Germany. a.-acid hops 8,000 9,000 (Fig. 1.10 a) . The Czech Republic's contribution
a stagnating and at times decreasing beer The world hop growing areas and global hop About a third of the global hop harvest con- is about 3 %.
consumption production fell from 90,000 ha in 1993 to 50,000 ha sis ts of so-called aroma hops. For the past few In Germany the aroma varieties dominate, but
a general decrease in beer bitterness. in 2005. Yet despite the decrease in the hop grow- decades, however, an increasing amount of bit- there is a definite shift towards the high a.-varie-

r ha

90000 I- =---- .
Czech Republic 3%
80 000 Po/and
Nel'l Zealand o/11er
70 000 SOUl/I Africa -----J 10 coun/rie54%

60 000
50 000 i
19 89 1990 199 1 1992 1993 1994 199 5 1996 1997 1998 199 9 2000 2001 20022003 2004200 5 2006
Fig. 1.9 Glovnl liop lim·vest Dislrivlliioll of nlphn acid prodllCliol 1


Clli na th e bittering value soon decreases and other ad-

ties. The following are figures for hops harve-
Beer production in China has increased stron- verse effects occur. The hops must therefore im- 1
sted in tons:
2005 gly and hop production has been increased cor- m ediately be made stable.
24,316 18,950 respondingly. In 2001, on a growing surface of
Aroma hops
1,227 5000 ha (in 1996 this was only 4400 hal, about Stabilising the hops
Bitter hops 8,735
14,234 13,000 t of hops were harvested in China. In Most of the harvested hops are processed into
High alpha hops 6,300
34,466 1996, hops were grown, above all, in the follo- extract and pellets, with only a small amount
Germany Total 39,511
wing provinces: added as nahll'al hops. In all cases, time passes
Xinjiang 2,500 ha 7,500 t between harvesting and processing, in which
For differentiation of varieties, see Sect. 1.2.6 Fig. 1.11
Gansu 1,700 ha 4,000 t the hops have to be protected from further spoi- Hop COliC
Ningxia 150 ha 400 t lage. To do this, the dried hops are pressed by (1) stalk, (2) celltral axis, (3) flowers, (4) bracts, (5) IlIplllill
The bittering variety Tsingdao Flower 641 means of hydraulic presses into ballots of about glallrl.
hl the USA the largest amount of hops are har-
and the Marco Polo variety are mainly grown. 1.1111 in length and 0.6 m in diameter, then co-
vested in Washington State (2001: 22,977 t), fol-
vered by, and sewn into, a sack. The resulting ves). When the hop is fertili-
lowed by Oregon (5191 t) and Idaho (2091 t).
1.2.2 Harvesting, drying and stabilising ballot weighs about 65 kg. As a result of the sed, seeds are formed in the
The following were grown and harvested in
hops compression, the amolmt of air accessing the flowers. The cones of fertili-
2005 After harvest the hops must be dried and con- hops is reduced cu1d thus the moishlre absorp- sed hops open alit more.
7,175 verted to a storable form. tion made more difficult. To achieve optimal
Aroma hops 7,741
490 lise of the storage capacity, the storage of the Bmcts (4) egg-shaped, yellowish-green
Bitter hops 5,030
16,335 Harvesting ballots has, for some time, been changed to an leaves, more yellow at the ba-
High Ct.-hops 19,550
Hop picking occurs at the time of technological easily stackable, right-angled form (60 x 60 x se than at the tip. The bracts
Others 1,684
24,001 ripeness at the end of August and should be 120 cm) and this has replaced the loose bales. are arranged to form a cone.
USA Total 34,006
completed within 14 days. Harvesting consists The right-angled bales have provided the basis
of unfastening the hop bines from the support for cold storage, which is effective, as well as LUPlllill yellow, sticky powder on the
The aroma varieties are dominated by the
wires and picking the cones (female inflores- maintaining the value cu1d quality of the hops. bracteoles which are located
Willamette variety, followed by Cascade and
cences) with a short stalk. Nowadays hops m:e between the sprig cu1d the
Mt. Hood. The bitter and high a-varieties con-
sist mainly of Galena, Nugget, Columbus and harvested entirely by hop picking machines. 1.2.3 Hop cone structure bracts. It OCClli'S in beaker-like
Although the hop is dioecious (there are sepa- glands into which the resins
Zeus. Drying rate male cu1d female plants), only the female cu1d ethereal oils are secreted.
The picked hop contains 75 to 80% water. In plants are cultivated by hop growers. From The gland is covered by a
The Czech Rep"blic
this form they cannot be stored, therefore the their second year onwards, these plants bear in- membrcu1e to prevent the con-
The main hop growing area is the Saaz region
hops must be dried immediately. Drying is per- florescences which, because of their shape, are tents escaping. When dishlr-
with 4382 ha (2005), followed by the smaller re-
formed on belt dryers, or in small firms, in bat- called hop cones. It is important to wlderstand bed the glcu1d is broken off.
gions of Auscha (756 hal and Tirschitz (700 hal·
ches in kilns. The hops are carefully dried at a the strucrure of the hop cone (Fig. 1.11) in order The lupulin glculds contain all
Only aroma varieties are grown. The Saaz hop
maximum tempera hue of 50 DC to a water con- to know where the important components are the hop components which,
with an average Ct.-acid content of 4.0% is still
tent of 8 to 12 %. The hops are then c01l1pressed, located . except for the polyphenols, are
viewed as one of the best aroma hops .
i.e. pressed into loose bales (pockets) or larger valuable for beer production.
units. Even in this form, the hops CCUU10t be sto- Part of U!e cOile Properties
h1 England hops are grown on 1071 ha (2005; in red for a long time without a reduction in qua- Stem (1) should be short 1.2.4 Composition and properties of the
1997 the figure was still 3067 hal in the cOlmties of lity. Sprig (2) zig-zag shaped central axis components
As a result of Floret (3) at each bend, there are very The composition of the hops is extremely im-
Kent and Herefordshire. The main varieties are
tile actioll of oxygw, inconspicuous florets with portant for the quality of the beer produced
the high Ct.-variety Target and the aroma varieties
the effect of moisture {llln heatillg, large covering bracts (lea- from them.
Goldings, First Gold, Fuggles and Challenger.
64 65

The composition of the hop dry we ight is: tativel y as good as other va rieties with a low tempera tures and higher hlU1udity, the Ct.-acids and due to their antiseptic properti es, increase
Bitter substances 18.5 % proportion of cohumul one. are increasingly broken down. It can therefore be the biological stability of the beer. 1
Hop oil 0.5 % New hop varieties are being cultiva ted with a calculated that, at a storage temperatme of 18 °C, As al read y mentioned, the individual hop re-
Polyp henols 3.5% con siderably higher Ct.-acid content up to 15 and in two months up to 25 % of the a-acids will have sins have very different bittering va lues. The Ct.-
Protein 20.0% 16%. Examples of these high a-varieties are, for been broken down [155]. This m ean s tha t after acids contribute a 9 times grea ter bitterness than
Minerals 8.0% example, N u gget, Target, Hallertauer Magnum the production of a-acids to their m a turation, the the fraction. This gives rise to the formula
a nd Hallertauer Taurus, and the proportion of breakdown process begins sh'aight away. for the bittering by hops according to Wollmer:
The rest consists of cellulose and other m ate- high a-varieties is continually increasing. This gives rise to the necessity to store the
hops cold, dry an d wi th the exclusion of air lUl- · . I 'd
rials unimportant for b eer p rod uctio n . The Blttenng va ue = Ct.-aCI s + --:9:----
most importa nt components for the production til their processing.
OH The conversion of the a- and occurs The a-acid is by fa r the most important factor
of beer are the bitter substances and the hop oil.
o excl usively to the ha rd resins which no longer and also m ainly determines the trade value of Bitter substances or hop resins have any brewing va lue. At the sam e time, the the hops. As a result, a great deal of emphasis
In the early stage of developm ent, the hop plant bitter subs tan ces s plit off the va leric acid sid e has been put on cultivatin g and grow ing high
already produces an only slightly bitte r chain, wluch gives old hops a ch eesy smell. a -va rie ties in recent decades. More recently,
which is secre ted by the developin g lupulin The bitter substances or h op resins can be di- high a-hop varieties with an a-acid content of
gland. In the course of the maturing process, a vided, mainly according to their solubility, into 12 to 16% and at the same time having a pro-
par t of these is converted into the con si- the fo llowing categories: portion of cohumulone of less than 25 % are on
d erably more bitter a-acids. This conversion, The hop resins are the most valuable and the market [156]. On a global basis, the cu ltiva-
whi ch only applies to a part of the is most characteristic components of hops. They tion of high alpha hop varieties with high bit-
very dependent on the wea ther conditions. Hot give beer its bitter taste, improve foam s tability terin g values h as a market sh are of 8.8%.
Fig. l .11n
and dry m aturation periods, for example, im- a-ncid stmctllre
pede this conversion process more than cool,
damp summers.
The a-acids or humulones (Fig. 1.11a) are the The initially insoluble a-acids are later con- The hop resins are the /JIO.I't valilable and II/ost characteristic cOlI/pollents o.f"hops. They g ive beer
most important bonds for the bitterin g of the verted during wort boiling into the soluble iso- its bitter toste. illlprove/oalll stab ility and due to their antiseptic properties. illCl'ease the biolog i-
a-acids (isomerisa tion), which, apart from pre- cal stability o./'Ihe beel:
beer. However, these bonds are not uniform .
One of the bonds, the cohumulone, has a m ore cipitation during cooling and fermenting, find
their way into the fini shed beer and cause the a.-acids hulupone hUIll ie ae ids
nega tive role in beer bittering. Owing to the fac t
include include
that the amOtmt of the a-acids form ed and their bittering.
composition are varietal features, hop growers The bitter substances are very surface active hUlllulone,
eo luplli one.
and thereby improve the foam stability of the eohul11ulone. Total
today attempt to cultivate mainly varieties with ndlupulon
adhlll1ll110ne soft resins
a low proportion of cohumulone. The proporti- beer; hence a better head retention can be ex- TOla l res in
on aimed at is less than 20 to 25% of cohumulo- pected of a s trongly hopped beer. The bitter iso-a-acids (sol ubl e in
so lubl e)
substances also inhibit the development of mi- include coldmetbanol
ne in the Ct.-acid content.
and diethyl
The a-acid content makes up an average 4 to cro-organisms in beer; this bacteriostatic power isohun1ll1 one. etIH::r)
5% in the case of aroma hops. is, however, not particularly great and does not isoeobul11ulone.
Som e hop varieties, for example No rthern replace the n ecessa ry m easures needed to isoadbulllulollc
Brewer, have a higher a-acid content (6 to 9%), achieve beer stability.
Hard resin s
but also frequently a higher proportion of cohu- The a-acids are not durable indefinitely be-
not defined in more detn il (insoluble in
mulone (over 30 % of the a-acids). As a result, cause the m embrane on the lupulin gland is p o- )
they are mo re bitter but because of the high er rous and only provides little protection for the
cohumulone content, they are not always quali- contents. Due to the influence of oxygen, high er
The (non-specific) soft resins provide about R(-)Iinalool has been repeatedly confirmed as market the prices range from 2.50 to 4.00 €/kg. conh'ibute to its taste and colour. The polyphe-
one-third of the bitterness of a beer and thereby an ex tremely flavour and aroma active substan- In Germany, the closures and clearings of bitte- nols are compolmds of greater or lesser comple- 1
represent an additional group of bitter fl avours ce, w hich has been made responsible for di- ring and lugh alpha plants are subsidised, wh e- xity containing several phenyl groups and hence
[324]. s tinctive flo wery oran ge blossom and geranium reas aroma hop plants, on the other hand, are givin g them the name of polyphenols.
notes [337]. As a result of the partial transition being newly installed. They consist of a mi xture of talUlins, flavon- Hop oil of the flowery R(-)linalool to the less dis tinctive
ols, ca tech ins and an thocyanogens.
Hops contain 0.5 to 1.2% hop oil; this implies S(+)linalool, va luable aroma components are lost Tannins or polyphenols Sys tema tica lly, hop polyphenols (Fig. 1.11 b)
between 200 and 250 different ethereal substan- in the brewing process. To achieve a distinctive Hops contain 2 to 5% polyphenol in the dry are ca tegorised as follows.
ces which are increasingly volatile on boiling. hop blossom, whirlpool hopping is seen as the matter and it is located almos t entirely in the Of these polyphenols, the an th ocyan ogens
They are secreted from the maturing plant by most effective hopping technique [345], alt- sprig and bracts. Polyphenols have important (proanthocyanidine) are the most important
the lupulin gland and give the hops a characte- hough this leads to a loss of bitterness. properties for the brewer: quantitatively and qualitatively.
ristic fla vour. By means of certain fractioning methods, it is 1. They have an anti-oxidising effect; About 80% of the hop polyphenol consists of
Hop oil can be classified lUlder hydrocarbons also possible to produce pure hop aroma pro- 2. They ha ve an astringent (mouth puckering) anthocyanogens. The anthocyanogens of malt,
and oxygen-containing bond s. ducts (= PHAS, Fa Barth & Sohn, N u remberg), taste; w hich are predominantly located in the aleuro-
It is only with the aid of gas chromatographic such as R(-)linalool and to add them to the beer. 3. Flavon-3-oils in partic ula r are able to combi- ne have basically the same structure as
examinations that it is possible to record the This does not comply, however, with the purity ne and precipitate with complex proteins; those in hops. In a normally constituted mash,
proportions of the individual components of law. 4. They oxidise to reddish-brown compounds, 80% of the anthocyanogens are derived from
hop oil. Here the bonds appear as peaks. No The sesquiterpenes the phlobaph enes, and the malt and 20% from the hops.
conclusions, however, can be drawn here about sene and humulene or its epoxide are examples 5. They combine with iron sa lts to form black The polyphenols of h ops differ from those in
the interaction of the individual aroma compo- of aroma components. compOlUlds. malt mainly through their higher degree of con-
nents w hich determine the overall aroma. As a During the boiling process in the brew house, As a result of these properties, the polyphenols densation and their grea ter reactivity. Polyph e-
result, evaluating the quality of hops is mainly the hop oil increasingly evaporates. In order to are involved in the formation of hazes in beer and nols have an anti-oxidiSing effect and therefore
carried out as before manually. keep at leas t some of the aromatic hop oil, a p ar t
The various composition of hop oil is specific of the hop is added later to beers where value is
to the variety. With regard to the aroma compo- put on an aromatic hop taste and smell, thereby
n ents, a distinction is made between those which renOlUlcing a part of the isomerised a.-acid (see polyphenols
are more flowery and those tending to be more Sect.
fruity. To increase this hop aroma in beer, so-called
Aroma active substances in hop oil were a se- aroma hops are cultivated which are varieties I I
ries of little known compounds (with complica- with a fine aroma and with a-acid valu es of on-
monomere polymere
ted names which we ignore here); par- ly 4 to 6% with a targeted proportion of cohu- polyphenols polyphenols
ticular ones are myrcene, linalool and nonanal. mulone of less than 20 % and a highest possible
Low-boiling monoterpenes of the va riety proportion of humulene and farnesene in the
m yrcene give the hop aroma a certain sharp- hop oil. I I J I
n ess and lend the beer a rough and disagreeab- The proportion of aroma hops h as increased phenolic heterocyclic low molecular high molecuar
le nuan ce: m yrcene is therefore undesirable. in the las t ten years in Germany from 48% to rbon acids carbon acids polypllenols polyphenols
Linalool, which has recently acquired consi-
d erable importance, beh aves quite differently.
This hop oil has two isomeric compounds: the
63 % of the total harvest. Examples of German
aroma hop varieties are Hallertau er Mittelfru-
eh, Hallertauer Tradition, Hersbru cker Spaet,
benzoic acid
l Proanlhocyanidine
I- catech ins

R(-)Iinalool and the S(+)linalool. In h ops about Opal, Perle, Saplur, Smaragd, Spalter, Spalter Prodelphinidine)
cinnamic acid Flavanoide
90% exists as R(-)linalool; the ratio changes, ho- Select, and Teth1anger. derivate (Catechin, Epicatechin)
wever, during the brewing process in favour of Hop prices vary enormously. The majority of Fig. 1.11b
S(+)linalool (52 : 48). hops are agreed in a precontract; on the free Cinssijimtiol/ of polt/plIel/ols

achieve a xanthohumole concentration of 1-3 Colour and gloss (1 to 15 positive points) Off-odours include s moky, burnt, onion, gar-
have a positive impact on fla vour stability. Sin-
mg pll in the finished beer [250]. The colour should be yellowi sh-green and lic, hay-like, grassy, s traw-like and su lphury. 1
ce the anti-oxidising effect disa ppears with oxi-
the cones should have a silky sheen. Grey- Diseases, damage, seed s (0 to 15 minus
dation, it is important to prevent any form of Nitrogen compounds green cones indica te lU1ripeness; yellowish- points)
12 to 20% of the hop dry weight is nitrogenous red to rus t brown cones show over-ripeness This includes damage due to Peronospora,
and 30 to 50% of this passes into the beer. For (oxidation); dark brown cones indicate hea- blackness (aphids), browning (spider mite),
beer production (foam formation, palate-full- ting as a result of too high moi sture content; reddish tips (strig midge), cone death and al-
ness) hop protein is unimportant because of the reddish to brown flecks indicate blight due to so loss of bracts and bracteoles, and seed for-
small amount present. red spider or dam age by hail; white marks on mation .
The other components of hops (carbohydra- stunted or withered con es indicate an attack Defective handling (0 to 15 minus points)
tes, organic acids and inorganic substances) are of mildew; blackened cones indicate an at- This includes brown or burnt lupulin as a re-
without importance in beer production. tack of black mould; bright yellow cones with sult of too high a drying temperature, dete-
a green stem indicate intensive sulphuring. rioration due to too much moisture, extensive
1.2.5 Hop evaluation Con e shape (1 to 15 positive points) loss of bracts and bracteoles, spray marks and
Hops are evaluated by UniformJy large, closed cones are desired. In off-odours.
hand assessment of the hop cones the case of aroma hops the sprig should be Overall evaluation: the hops are classified as
Fig. 1.11c
Slmclllrnllllnke-llp of nlllllOcljnllOgell measurement of the (I.-acid determination in well-branched and covered with many hairs. follows :
(Leuko-All tiIOCYnil irlill ) hops or their products If the cones are tightly closed it can be conclu- < 60 points poor
ded that they are sufficiently ripe and have 60 to 66 points average Hand evaluation of hop cones been dried careflllly; the lupulin grains will 67 to 73 points good
Although standard analysis methods provide not be able to fall ou t. 74 to 79 points very good
Also among the polyphenols which occur in
very exact information about the contents of Lupulin (1 to 30 positive points) > 80 points premium
hops are xanthohumole and isoxanthohumole.
hops, assessment by hand, as before, still plays There should be as many lupulin grains as
Anti-oxidative and anti-carcinogenous proper-
a significant role and provides a good overall possible (1 to 15 positive points) and they Bitter substance content
ties are attributed to these compOtmds [305]. As
impression of the hops. should be lemon yellow to golden yellow, The most important information for the brewer
only very small amounts of xanthohumole of
According to the standard methods of the Eu- shiny and sticky. Reddish-yellow to reddish- is, of course, that concerning the bitter substan-
well under 0.2 mg pll have been identified in fi-
ropean Hop Producers Commission brown, dull and dry lupulin indicates too ce content of the hops. This can only be measu-
nished beer produced using standard proces-
up to 100 positive points are awarded for va- highly heated or aged hops (again 1 to 15 po- red accurately in the laboratory. Various me-
ses, a procedure (Xan) has been developed to
lue enhancing properties, and sitive points). Lupulin is naturally the most thods are available and used.
up to 30 minus points are deducted for value important feature of the hop for the brewer. The conductimetric method is used to d eter-
decreasing properties. Aroma (1 to 30 positive points) mine
The assessment then includes: The aroma should be clean, very fine and total resin content,
Crop purity (1 to 5 positive points) strongly persistent. In the sensory evaluation total soft resin content, and
It should be free from contaminants, plant of the cones rubbed between the hands, a di- hard resin content.
stems and leaves. A stem up to 2.5 cm long stinction is made between cleanliness, fine- Normal values are approximately
can be considered to be part of the cone. Up ness and intensity. The cleanliness may be
to 3 % leaf and stem fraction is acceptable. consid ered to be clean, variable or lmclean. hop cone enriched hop
Dryness (1 to 5 positive points) The fineness is very fine, quite fine, modera- hop powder hop powder ex tract
In a pressure test the cones should not stick tely fine, not fine, straw-like, musty or dete- % air dry % air dry % air dry
together or lose their leaves; the sprig should riora ted. The intensity is very persistent, per- total resin 12 - 24 22 - 40 30 - 60
not disintegrate. If too wet the hops become sis tent, fairly strong, weak, transient, very total soft res in 10 -18 18 - 36 24 -54
dark brown, moulds develop easily and the strong, obtrusive or acrid. Each varietal type conductom e te r
Fig. 1.11rl has its own aroma which can be detected. va lu e 4 -10 7 - 20 9 - 30
Slm clllrnllllnke-llp ofxnlltilOlllllllol
odour becomes musty.

Aroma varieties are distin guished by their for example, the aroma varieties Perle, Spa Iter in Germany, there were still 3122 hop farmers, re-
hop cone enri ched hop
pleasant hop aroma, a cohumli ione proportion Select and Hallertauer Tradition. presenting a fall of one third in very few years. At 1
ho p powder hop powd er extract
of less than 20 % and a high proportion of fin e- New high alpha varieties include Hallertauer the same time, the average size of companies in-
% air dry % air dry % air dry
ly aromatic components (caryophyllia, farn ese- Merkur (10 - 14 % a-acid, 17 - 22 % cohumu lone) creased to 9.08 ha hop growing area per compa-
5-9 11 - 16 15 - 24
ne). Despite their low a.-acid content of 2.5 to and Hallertauer Herkules (12 - 17% a,- acid, 32- ny. Nevertheless, there are still too many hops
hard resin 2-4 2-7 3 -10
5 %, they are sometimes traded at higher prices. 38% cohumulone). being grown, particularly in Germany and the
Desirable aroma varieties are, for example: Per- Ne w aroma varieties include Hallertauer USA, causing the hop trading price to suffer. The
The condllctometer value corresponds to the
le, Spa Iter Select or Hallertauer Tradition. Opal (5 - 8 % a-acid), Hallertauer Saphir (2 - 4.5 % reason for this is that an increasing number of
a-acid content. a,-acid) and Hallertauer Smaragd (4 - 6% a-acid); high alpha varieties are being grown and simul-
To be able to obtain a reliable hop dosage, the
(COhlU11ulone content for all 3 varieties: 12 -18 %). taneously, the bittering of beer is decreasing.
vacuum packaging of the pellets or the contai-
The bitterness of hop varieties with a low cohu- Today, 5.1 g a/hl beer is regarded as the average
ner is always marked so that the total amount of
mulone content is generally viewed as softer global figure . The global requirement of a-acid
a-acid contained is shown in grams. For exam-
and more p leasant. Hops with a low cohumulo- amOlU1ts to 7000 t annually.
ple, the vacuum packaging of 1,350 g shows, in
ne content give a better head retention. To ensure the quality of the hops supplied
addition to the other marking showing the ori-
The l1lU11ber of hop growing companies (main- and to prevent fraud, every batch of whole
gin, variety and year, the marking
ly hop farmers) amOlU1ted to 2095 in 2001, repre- hops from a German growing region is sealed
196 G a
senting a fa ll of 102 on the previous year. In 1995 and provided with an accompanying certificate
This means that the 1,350 g of powder or pel-
(Fig. 1.11£) which shows
lets in the packaging contain 196 g of a-acid.
the State in which it was grown (e.g. Bavaria),
Expressed as a percentage:
the growing region (e.g. Hallertau),
Fig. 1.l1 e
/-figh (X- unriety /-fn/lertnlfer IVIng/l/l/ll BEGLEITURKUNDE the year (e.g. 1993),
1,350 g package contents = 100% 3111 Gru nd de l Ve lordnv ng (E\'/G ) NI. 169617 1 \'010 2i>. 7. 1971 ,
g ei l'lde fl d urch Ve f()(dflf.lllg (EWG ) Ih. 1170117 ...o m 17.5. 1977. the variety (e.g. Tetblanger),
196 g a-acid x%
Bittering varieties are distinguished by their the number of the bale or ballot, and
__ _x_100
_%_ _ =14.52 % high a,-acid content of over 10 % and up to 15 %.
DEUTSCHER the weight in kg
1350 A good high alpha variety is expected to have a
SIEGELHOPFEN (c hne' Samell)

proportion of cohllmulone of no more than

Zeltol_ , lt.I Er..

.."2 ((,WG ) 1/•• Wfl1
1.2.7 Hop products
The hop product has an a.-acid content of 14.52
The number of breweries which use hop cones
25%. A NB A U G E B IET
As the quality of the hop is not only depen- is continually decreasing because the introduc-
dent on the variety but also on the growing re-
J A HRG AN G tion of hop products provides the fo ll owing
1.2.5 Hop varieties great advantages:
Hops, with a market price of 2.50 to 4.00 €/kg, gion, the hops are identified firstly by the gro- SORTE
wing region and then by the variety e.g. 1) As a result of the use of hop products it is
are by far the most expensive raw material used
Hallertau: Hallertauer Tradition or N R. B A L L E N / B A LL OT possible to ob tain a constant bitterness in the
in beer production. Consequently, the selection
Elbe-Saale Hallertauer Tradition. G E W ICH T I N K G (BRUTT O)
of varieties when growing and trading in hops
The a-acid conten t is furthermore dependent 2) Hop products can be stored almost indefini-
is of great importance. The features taken into
on the year of harvesting and can, depending
Aufber eil et
tely. Consequently it is possible to purchase
account when evaluating hops have already
on the weather conditions in any particular ye- the reserve hops in favourable harvest years.
been mentioned. It has also been pointed out
ar, show extreme variations. At the same time one is no longer dependent
that in addition to hops with a high bittering Slegeimeister/ Au fsich t

In Germany there is a development trend to- on the enormous price variations on the hop
value, aroma hops with a low bittering value
wards varieties of qualitatively high-value high market.
are also much in demand.
a-varieties such as Hallertauer Magnum, whe- 3) The bittering yield can be improved by the
In hop trading a distinction is made between
reas the old bittering varieties such as Northern use of hop products.
aroma varieties,
Brewer, Brewers Gold or even Hersbrucker Fig.l.ll! 4) Hop products give rise to lower transport
bittering varieties, and
Spaet are in lower demand. Highly valued are, CertiJicnte to nccolllpnlly n senled Gerlllnll 1I0p pncknge and storage costs.
high alpha varieties.

30 % This powder is mixed and pelle ted in a pelle- quentl y be solidified. Milling and sieving is the-
5) Use of hop products removes the n eed for a Hop extracts
Isom eri sed products 10 % ting device (4) which has a rnoulding die con- refore performed at very low temperatures, 1
hop separator. taining cylindri cal holes (Fig. 1.13). In this way preferably at -35 °C.
6) Hop products can be dosed automatically. the milled material is pressed together and con- Hop pellets The finely milled material contains the lupu-
With regard to hop products, a difference is
A very effective way of preserving the contents verted into the typically cylindrical pellet form . lin glands and half the dried cone mass. The co-
m ade between the following groups, which will During this process the hops becom e warm and
of hops is p elleti sation. In this process the dried arse fraction consists of bract and axis fractions
then be discu ssed in more de tail: this can lead to a reduction in quality. It is the- and is regarded as waste. For the production of
hops are milled to a powder and then compres-
sed into p ellets. In the pellet form the hops are refore important not to allow the temperature enriched pellets the lupulin glands must be in-
free-flowing and can be easily added. to rise above 50 °C (122 OF). tact and not crushed. To achieve this it is not
There are three kinds of pellets: possible to separate the lupulin glands in one
sieving process. Only throu gh repeated cru s-
hop pellets (90) pellets type 90
enriched pellets (type 45) hing and sieving, is it possibl e to ensure tha t all
of the intact lupulin glands a re in the finely mil-
isomerised pellets Fig. 1.13
isomerised hop extract
led matter and virtually none in the coarse frac-
ho p extract
Pelletillg device
(1) IllOlIldillg die tion (Fig. 1.13a). For this, the choice of crushing
Pellets type 90
In the production of type 90 pellets, 90 kg of (2) pressl/re /'Oil ers teclmique and the mash size of the sieve (150 to
(3) distribl/tor 500 are crucial for the separa tion . The en ti-
\ :wnstream powder, containing all the important contents
(4) /'OlierfrOll/e
L roducts of the original hops, are produced from 100 kg re production process of Pellets 45 is shown in
(5 ) detochillg kl/ife
(6) pellets (frolll Fig. 1.13 b. This separa tion process can be con-
of intact hop cones.
The type 90 hop pellets are manufactured [6] Roil/lei; lvlK lvliiller) tinu ed to produce type 25 tlU'ough a further
(Fig. 1.12) by first carefully drying the hop co- concentration of lupulin [164].
On a global basis, appro ximately the follo-
nes (1) with air at 20 to 25 °C (68 - 77 OF), and In recent years there has been an increasin g
wing proportions of hop products are proces-
then with hot air at 40 to 50 °C (104 - 122 OF) to In the subsequen t cooling process (5) the pellets trend of u sing enl'iched pellets. An important
sed [195] : are cooled, stored in silos (6) and packed lmder reason is that with the u se of enriched pellets,
15 to 20% a water content of 7 to 9% (2), and then milling
Natural hops the exclusion of air (7), and the package is filled as a result of reducing the amount of waste ma-
40 to 45% to a powder with a grain size of 1 to 5 nun (3).
Hop pellets with CO2 or nitrogen as a protective gas. This is terial by removing some of the bract and strig
necessary to maintain the quality of the contents. fraction, there is also a reduction in the amolmt
The pellets should be stored at a low tempe- of polyphenols in the pellets.
1 rature of 1 to 3°C; at higher temperatures there Pellets give about 10 % more bittering yield
3(ID is an increasing fall in value due to a decrease in
the bitterness and formation of h ard resin.
compared with cone hops. This is m ainly due to
the more rapid distribution of the contents in
the wort copper and the consequent increase in
t 6 LlIpllliH eHl'ic1zen pellets (pellets type 45) their surface area. This results in more rapid ex-

... :.: . 4@ To produce lupulin enriched pellets (type 45),

use is made of the fact that all the resin and oil
traction and isomerisa tion.
The ability to store the oxygen-sensitive pel-
Fig. 1.12
2 0-- P/'Odllctioll of llOp pellets type is in the lupulin glands. These ha ve a natural le ts depends on the u se of air-tight p ackaging.
1 \
90 particle size of about 0.15 mm. The task is to re- To achieve a residual oxygen content of less
\\l • / .. ;!!!
(1) lllfeed of the hop COliC
mo ve the lupulin glands from the cone and to than 0.5 vol %, the package is filled with inert
(2) dryillg to 7 to 9% wa ter COll-
tellt separate part of the bract and strig fraction. For gas. By u se of a four-layered foil w ith an alumi-
(3) Illillillg this milling and sieving machines are used. nium barrier layer, oxygen is prevented from
1 (4) pellet illg However, in order to mechanically process a entering the package.
(5) coolillg
+ (6) pockillg silo
lupulin gland it must be hard and must lose its Packaging may be performed either in accor-
U 0 (7) pockillg adhesive power. Its liquid content must conse- d ance with

Abb. 113a kg pellets, or

3 1
kg a-acid per package. II () () II !! !

Isomerisen pellets
Isomerisation of the a-acids can be caused by 6
the addition of magnesium oxide. This isomeri- 0 ..
sation has advantages in comparison with the Fig . 1.13c
Prodllc lioll ofel"n ll ol exlmcl

conventional pellets since the hops do not have 2 I
(1) mw "ops, (2) screw 10 IIlix
to be boiled for as long a time in order to achie- wil" cllwllol, (3) cOlllllerflow
ve isomerisation:
exlmclOl; (4) dryillg of IlOp spell I
the iso-CY.-acid yield is improved gm ill s, (5) pel/elisnlioll, (6) lIIi- 7
cel/n c/nri(icnlioll, (7) drop flow
the boiling time can therefore be shortened
elinpomlOl; (8) dislil/nlioll co-
consequently the costs of hops and energy are 11111111, (9) celllrijllge, ( 10) "op re- 0
65% GG reduced sil/ exlmct, (11) wnler-Imll/ill •
10%FG isomerised pellets do not have to be stored cold exlmcl, (12) COl/dellSel; (13) rec- 0 ..
l ificnl iol/ , (14) el"nl/ol
less hot break is formed.
Isomerised pellets are manufactured in the
same way as enriched pellets (Fig. 1.13b). Diffe- This process is monitored. Because the pellets Use of other solvents has caused problems be-
rences are: are enclosed in air-tight foil, no additional oxy- cause the exh'acts prod uced with them contain an
before pelleting, magnesium oxide, which ca- gen can enter. The pellets have to be kept cold at lUlavoidable residue which is ei ther considered to
talyses the isomerisation of the a-acids, is a temperature of 1 to 3 °C (34 - 37 OF), otherwise be toxic (poisonous) or does not satisfy the speci-
mixed into the milled hops, and over a period of time, there is reduction in value. fications for purity as set out in the Reinheitsge-
Fig . l .13n after the packing of the pellets to which ma- Because of the purity law, the use of isomeri- bot.
Prodllclioll of wri- sed pellets is not permitted in Germany.
gnesium oxide has been added in foils and
c"ed pellels
cartons, they are placed in. a warm chamber at Hop extraction with ethanol
(Slnrlillg vnllle =
lIIil/ed c/"/lde IlOps) a temperature of 50°C (122 OF) lUltil isomeri- Hop extracts Hop extraction with ethanol is a continuous pro-
FG Fillely lIIil/ed sation is completed. By extraction is meant the dissolving of particu- cess in which commercial hops (Fig. 1.13e, 1) are
IIInlerinl lar components from a solid by means of a suit- fed thmugh devices for removing heavy objects
GG Conrse IIInlerinl
able solvent. In the food industry, however, the and metal objects and then mixed in a screw con-
interest is usually not just in the dissolving pro- veyor (2) with 90% ethanol. The hop/e thanol
3 •
cess and the solution is subsequently concen- mixtme is pLUnped through a wet mill into a con-
trated to a desired extent by evaporation of the tinuous multi-stage COlUltercurrent extractor (3).
4 solvent. In other words the solvent is simply Alcohol flows continuously in the opposite direc-
used as a transportation means which releases tion to the hops and is thereby enriched with the
ProdllClioll of pel/els Iype 45 the substances from the solid. hop contents. TIle almost completely exh'acted
(1) mw"ops The solvent used to produce hop extracts no- spent hops (4) are removed from the extractor
2 (2) dryillg 10 7 10 9% wnler cOlllell1
wadays is preferably liquid CO2 or ethanol, since and dried . TIle alcoholic solution, which is now
(3) deep freezil/g 10 -35 °C
(4) cOl/l1l/illlllioll
exh'action with methylene chloride, which for a called a miscella, contains all the useful contents.
(5) I"ree-slnge sievillg long time was the method normally used, has The miscella must now be concentrated to
(see Fig. 1.13n), been stopped for environmental protection rea- produce the ethanol extract. This is done in a
(6) llOlIIogel/isnlioll of I"e powder
sons.TIle two solvents now used are both pat·ticu- multi-stage evaporating LUlit with a concentra-
(7) pel/elisnlioll
(8) coolillg nlld sievil/g
lady well suited to the exh'action of hops because tor (7 and 8). This lmit produces a concentrated
(9) pnckillg they dissolve the hop resins and oils completely. crude extract.
76 77

In a further processing step, by means of a hop content substances in an extraction vessel. In ned with supercritical CO, at pressures of 120 they cam'lot absorb as much extract and the
centrifuge (9), there is a further reduction of the a second vessel, the CO, evapora tes and leaves bar and above. powder would otherwise become sticky and no 1
alcohol content and separation into a resin ex- behind the non-volatile hop extract. Worldwide, hop extraction is nowadays per- lon ger free-flowing .
tract (10) and a hot water ex tract (11). In a follo- The evaporated CO, is again compressed and forme d with supercritical CO, at pressures of
wing washing column stage, the alcohol is con- liquefied by means of mechanically supplied 150 to 300 bar and tempera tures of 32 to 100 DC. Isomerised hop extract
densed (12) and completely driven off by energy and is returned again to the extraction Fig. 1.14 shows hop extraction with supercri- It is possible to isomerise the hop extract. As a
steam. This washing column stage (13) is p er- circuit. tical CO,: result of the prior isomerisa tion the isomerised
formed lmder vacuum (120 mbar) so that the Approximately 20 kg of fluid CO, a re requi- The hops to be ex tracted are put, as pellets hop extract can be added at various processing
steam trea tment can proceed gently a t 60 DC, red per kg/hops. The energy consumption is (1), into the extraction vessel (2) and the latter is stages. This utilisation rate is up to 95% where-
more hop oil remains in the extract and less al- greater and hence the costs higher using this brought to ex trac tion pressure. Liquid CO, at 60 as with the use of hop cones or pellets only
pha acid is isomerised . The extracted ethanol method. However, the product is very clean, to 70 bar is drawn from a working tank (3) and about 25 to 30 % can be u sed becau se the inter-
(14) can then be returned again to the process . and about one thjrd of the hop harvest is extrac- compressed (4) to the extraction pressure. The mediate products precipitate during the bre-
ted by m eans of this method . heat exchanger (5) is set to produce the extracti- wing process . Hop extraction with fluid carbon on temperature and the supercritical CO, is Isomerised hop extract involves very low sto-
dioxide Hop extraction with supercritical CO, pumped through the extraction vessel (2). The rage and tran sport costs and can be kept unope-
It is possible to dissolve the hop contents by me- In principle CO, exists in two states vvhich can bittering and aroma substances are thereby dis- ned for two years without deterioration in qua-
ans of fluid CO,. As CO, is gaseous lmder normal be used for extraction. The critical pressure of solved in the CO,. The enriched CO, passes into lity. After dilution it is easy to add and it
conditions it is necessary to make it fluid. Howe- CO, is 73 bar and the critical temperatlll'e 31 DC. the evaporator (7) with a separated ex tract con- enables the bitterness value of beer to be produ-
ver lUlder normal presslU'e CO, cannot be lique- Above this pressure but below this temperatu- tW'ler (8). Before this, the pressure is reduced to ced exactly. When it is combined w ith other hop
fied. The liquid phase of CO, only exists above re CO, is a liquid but its solvent properties are 60 to 80 bar in the expansion valve (6) and the products, the isomerised ex trac t fr ac tion
the triple POll'lt at 5.1 bar and 217 Kelvin . very limited . CO, evaporated in the heat exchanger (7). As a should be 30 to 40%.
For extraction with fluid CO" temperatures of Above the critical POll'lts the terms u sed are result the CO, loses its ability to act as a solvent Caution: in accordance with the Reinheitsge-
about 20 DC and pressure aroLU'ld 70 bar are used. supercritical or fluid CO,. For hop extraction and the extract separates (9) . The gaseous CO, is bot, the u se of isomerised extracts is not p ermit-
H ere the fluid CO, becomes saturated with the purposes useful solubility properties are obtai- liquified in the condensor (10) and returns ted for beer brewing in Germany.
again to the extraction circuit.
The overall extraction process is performed Mrl1lllfnctlll'e of iso1/1erised 1I0p extract
batchwise. Most extraction plants operate seve- CO, extract is used to produce isomerised ex-
ral extractors. With high pressure extraction the tract (Fig . 1.14a). The ex tract is heated and
10 solvent properties can be exchanged by altering emulsified with d egassed wate r (1). This emul-
the temperature or pressure. Both oxidation sion is further heated (2) and isomerised by the
• CIt:: =:]D and enVirOlUl'lental pollution are prevented; the addition of a basic catalyst (3). This isomerisati-
'co aroma components are obtamed without other on must be controlled. After the isomerisation,
Fig. 1.14
residues. hop waxes and uncharacterised soft resins,
Hop extractioll witll slIperuiti-
1. 6 CO, extract is the most widely used ex tract which are of no use in the further processing,
cnl CO2
nowadays. are removed (4), the solution is then cooled (5)

£ ..... (1) Pelletiseri lIop
3 co and brought to a pH of 7 - 8. This results in pre-
(2) extractioll vessel
9 Hop extract powder cipitation of the and they are removed

l ·0 (3) CO, tnllk

(4) cOillpressiol1
By this is meant hop extract sprayed onto kiesel (6). As a result of furth er pH adjustment to 5-6


(5) lIent excllnllger gel (silica gel) . In order to make the hop extract the lUlisomerised are precipitated and
4 (6) expnllsioll vnl ve powder pour easily, at least 30 to 40% silica gel they are then removed by a separator (7). The
1 (7) lIent excllnllger/evnpora tor
(8) sepnrator
is required. Instead of silica gel, hop powder or free are now precipitated by a dra-

l J 0· l (9) lIop extract

(10) cOllriellsor
hop pellets can be used. In such cases a large
powder or pellet fraction must be used since
stic pH reduction to pH 2 (9) and stored in this
form LUltil final packing. Only shortly before
78 79

2 3
Iso-a lpha -acid
Fig. l.14n - 1 - -.... HQ-. I
Prorill clioll of isolllerised IIop ex-
4 OK


(1) Degnsed wnlel; (2) stenlll, (3)

nririitioll of potnss illlll cm'bollnte,

(4) sepnratioll of soft resills, (5) H,O 3 8
coolillg, (6) sepnratioll of (X-
nciris, (7) sepnralioll of tlllisOllle-
rised (X-ncids, (8) nridilioll of
nciri, (9) precipilnlioll off ree iso- 10 7
111 1111 II 101le, (10) stnllrinrriised
isollleriseri extract (2 013 0%) nlld
fill illg witll tile isollierised ex-
S.. 9
R 2 R

delivery to the brewery is the iso-a-acid trans- tected against by filling in brown bottles. Since Tetra- hyd ro-iso-a Ipha-acid Hexa-hydro- iso-a Ipha-acid Rho-iso-al pha-acid
ferred to th e potassium salt (3) and then downstream products prevent the occurrence
brought to the sales concentration using distil- of a light struck flavo ur, their use enables filling Fig. 1.14b
ProdllCtioll of dowlI strenlll biller prorillCtS
led water and filled into containers (10). of beer in clear glass bottles.
(1) IlIfit/cIICC of lien I, nlknlillc etlVirOlllllwt, (2) Rcrit/ctiot/ by lIIenllS of sodit/1I1 borollyririd (NnBH,), (3) Hydrolioll by lIIenllS of
The precondition for this, however, is that Ityrirogw (H,) willt pnllnriit/1I1 ns n cntnlyst Downstream bittering products during production every occurrence of iso-a-
By downstream products are meant products acids is prevented (pipes, same yeast, etc), be-
which are added at the end of the beer produc- cause the incorporated iso-a.-acids could other-
tion. These mainly include: wise induce a light struck flavour. the Reinheitsgebot, they are not permitted for 1.3.1 Water cycle
tetra-iso-a.-acid, Downstream products are characterised by use . Outside the scope of the Reinheitsgebot, Water is involved in a continuous cycle on
hexa-hydro-iso-a-acid and various features . Rho-iso-a-acid, for example, downstream products are enjoying an increase earth. The sun causes water to evaporate from
rho-iso-a.-acid. has a soft pleasant bitterness, whilst hexa-hy- in popularity. Their dosage in the finished beer the waters and from the earth surface. It falls
These compOlmds are sold lmder various tra- dro-iso-a-acid above all exhibits foam impro- is, however, linked to certain requirements (see back to earth again as rain or snow. The amount
de names (Redihop, Tetrahop, a.o.) and are pro- ving characteristics. As a result of appropriate Sect. which falls is highly dependent on the climatic
duced from iso-alpha-acids using special pro- mixing, better foam in beer can be achieved, but conditions.
cedures [331] (Fig. 1.14b). first and foremos t, compared to iso-a-acids, a 1.3 Water About 50% of the water which falls evapora-
Their main advantage is that the exclusive considerably softer and more pleasant bitter- Quantitatively water is the major raw material tes directly or is taken up by plants and evapo-
use of these downstream bittering products ness. used in beer production. Only a part of the wa- rates again from them. The remainder flows for
prevents the occurrence of a light struck fla- The bitter intensity of downstream products ter required is used directly in the beer while the most part on the surface of the ground and
vour, which can quickly occur in iso-a-acids is similar to that of the iso-a-acids. If these are another part is used for cleaning, rinsing and only a part soaks into the lower ground layers
through the action of light. The lmpleasant light set with a bittering factor of 1, then rho-iso-al- other purposes. where it collects as ground water.
struck flavour is based upon the separation of a pha-acid is 0.7, hexa-hydro-iso-alpha-acid 1.1 Supply and preparation of the water is pal'ti- The availability of water and water utilisation
so-called light mercaptan (3-methyl-2-butenyl- and tetra-hydro-iso-a-acid is 1.0 - 1.7 [369] . cularly important to the brewer because the wa- differ greatly in different river basins and are
I-thiol) of the iso-a-acids, whose flavour thres- Downstream products are cleanly produced ter quality affects the quality of the beer produ- subject to large variations within a year. Whilst
hold is under 1 and which can be best pro- and sold as a clear solution. In accordance with ced. there are chronic water shortages in the hot
80 81

summer months in many region s, after heavy on . The use of fresh water in breweries is on ave- O the r exam inati ons in a brewery with 4.08 hi men ts set ou tin §§ 5 - 7 illld § 11, as long as it is
ra infa lls or at the tim e w hen snow melts, vas t rage between 5 and 8 h1/hl sales beer. Small bre- water consu mp tion p er h I/sa les beer sh ow the gu aran teed tha t the foo d s tuffs p rodu ced or 1
qu antities of water flow lU1u sed into the sea. weries usually use more water than large ones follow ing wa ter usage proportions (Fig. l.15a) trea ted in the com pillly are not so ad versely af-
The requirement for drink ing wa ter in recent (Fig. 1.15) [234, 235], the wa ter con slUllption of [236]: fected by the use o f water th at their consllmp ti-
decades h as increased continu ously because of which is in some cases lUlder 3.5 hl/hl sales beer. on m ay d amage hu man health .
the moderni sation of housing, increasing indu- According to Koller [225] it is possible to cal- , - - - - - - - 3% Thi s means that as fa r as the authorisa tion of
strialisation and agricultural requirements. On culate the following wa ter conslUllption per 1 hi the p rocess recycling p rocedure is concerned,
the other hand, the rising costs associated with sales beer fo r the followin g departments: there is no diffe ren ce between the procedmes
the acquisiti on and purifica ti on as well as the which, w ithin the framewo rk of the wa ter cycle,
waste water p rocessing, en sure m easures to Departmen t I Section Usage in wa ter lea d to trea tm ent resulting in wa ter below
save water are taken both in private household s hi water I h i beer "drinking qu ality" and those which fulfil all
and in produ ction . Brewh ouse up to ll1icrobiological and physiochemical limiting
At the same time the sp ecifica tion s for drin- fe rmentation cellar l.80 - 2.20 value requirements of the Drinking Wa ter Re-
king water qu ality are constantly being raised . Fermentati on cellar gulation [218]. The prereq ui site for process wa-
For beer produ ction, water h as to fulfil at least and yeast trea tment 0.50 - 0.80 ter recycling is in every case a microbiological
the same qu ality requirements as drinking wa - Storage cellar 0.30 - 0.60 and chemi ca l monitoring programme, w hi ch is
Fig. 1.15n
ter. Furthermore, beer produ ction places furt- Filter and pressure Freslllonl er COIISlllllp l ioll nccordillg 10 p ll rpose of lise
supervised by the local authority.
her demands on water quality. Basically, for all tank room 0.10 - 0.50
water used in the brewery, the Drinking Water Bottle filling (70 %) 0.90 - 2.10 (I) Cienll i llg nll d disillfecl ioll; (2) cold wo rl; (3) w nler Irenl- 1.3.3 Obtain ing water
II/ell l; (4) bl/-prodl/ cls; (5) vnpoll r col/ dell snl ioll; (6) aliter l/se
Regulation (Trink wV) applies in German y. This Cask filling (30 %)0.08 - 0.24 A su fficient supply of wa ter is a basic require-
will be exp anded on in Section 1.3.4. Other clea ning ment fo r human, illumal or plant life. In Germa-
inc!. administration l.00 - 3.00 The costs fo r wa ter are tod ay (2002) on avera- ny m ost of the drinkin g wa ter was always ob-
1.3.2 Fresh water u se in the brewery Steam boiler 0.10 - 0.30 ge € l.80 / m 3 and the waste wa ter fees are €3.50 tained fr om ground wa ter; only rare ly w as
O wing to increasing costs fo r obtaining fresh Air compressors 0.12 - 0.50 to 7.20 / m 3 • As a relatively large amount of wa- surface wa ter or its filtra te used as drinking wa-
wa ter and waste wa ter disp osal, breweries h ave ter is required for the produ ction of beer, it is ter. La ter the first gro und water treatment plant
been forced to minimise their water consllmpti- Total wa ter usage 4.90 - 12.64 now one of the major cost fac tors. Attempts are was constructed and soon after th at the first
therefore m ad e to limit water use as much as compillly begilll to constru ct dams across val-
possible. leys in order to obtain the abundantly occurring
14 ,---------- ---------------------- ------------------------ -----, We have also seen that in some regions wa ter surface wa ter in a cleilll state to supply drink ing
can be in very sh ort supply in the h ot seasons of water. A sm all part of this wa ter is obtained as
the year. This also compels econ omic use of wa- spring water.
E ter. This will be d ealt with in more detail in in-
di vidual Sections. Extracting ground water
GrOlU1d wa ter is that part of the wa ter wluch
6 Wate r recyclillg percolates into the groun d . Percola tion d e-
The necessity to reduce water usage brings the p ends on the properties of the grolU1d illld its
4 +---'-----,-------"1;-
realisa tion that w ater tha t h as already been topography illld how heavily illld for how lon g
used in a compilll y shou ld be reused, n ecessa ri- rain falls.
o ly after recycling. The Germ an Drinking Water The diffe rent typ es of rock from w hich the
20 - 50 50 - 100 100 - 500 >500 middle Regulation of 2000 specifies in § 10 (1) : growld is fo rmed differ in their resistance to the
The loca l authority may permit certain foo d- percolation of water. Dependin g on their diffe-
Fig . 1.15: Specific wnler COIISlllllp iioll bnsed all COIII Jlnll!f size
Olllpll i ill lt l : (1) II l1 der 20,000; (2) 20,000-50,000; (3) 50,000-100,000; (4) 100,000-500,000; (5) over 500,000; (6) llleall vnl lle stuffs companies to use water for certain purpo- rent p ore formation s, the ground layers either
l Si vnlll e 1997; 211d vnlll e 1998; l i lies Mnx .llvl ill . vnlll e ses which d oes n ot fulfil the quality require- absorb wa ter (water bea ring strata or aqllifers)
82 83

or hold it back (water damming strata). The wa- hon length extends over the entire depth of the
ter percolating through the ground descends water bearing layer. Consequently they can 1
along natural gradients 1mtil it reaches a water supply large amounts of water.
damming layer (e.g. argillaceous rock, slate, The water contains fewer micro-organism s
marl, granite, syenite, etc.) and fills the pores of the deeper it is driven because the flow through
the aquifer layers above it (e.g. sand, gravel, the ground layers results in a filtration which
chalk, flint, gypsum, loess, etc.). The water is cal- improves the water also biologically. This, ho- 3
led grOlUld water and its upper surface is caUed wever, does not apply to rocky regions.
the grOlUld water level. On numing tlu'ough the The water is delivered by pumping. Because
aquifers grOlUld salts dissolve in the water. This rotary pumps have a limited suction height of
causes the quality of the water to change. 6.50 m, the water is delivered by bore hole
The height of the growld water level can va- pumps (Fig . 1.16) or underwater pumps in
ry significantly. It is raised by the rainfall, which the pump and motor are combined in a
which is very different from year to year, and water-tight unit and operate under water. Fig. 1.16
Bored well
lowered by natural outflow (grolUld water stre-
(1) well /toll se
ams and springs) and by removal at wells. As a Extraction of spring water (2) illsllialioll
result of the continuously increasing water re- A spring Catl occur when the grOlmd water rea- (3) vallkillg alld vackjillillg
quirement, and the associated continuously in- ches the surface of its own accord if the grolmd (4) g mss coverillg
(5) cOlllral ra01l1
creasing water removal, the ground water level formation is lmeven. A spring requires mowltai-
(6) vellliialioll
has been lowered in some regions to an extent nous sUlTolmdings. Spring water enjoys a repu- (7) vol/alii of l/te vored /tole
causing anxiety about supplies. Even a summer tation amongst the population of being valuable (8) slo lleware pipe
with a lot of rain catmot raise the growld water atld particularly pure. It is therefore lUlderstan- (9) fillmlioll g m vel jillillg
(10) slollcwarefill er pipe
level substantially because water evaporation dable that breweries, too, promote the use of
(11) g ralllldwaler level
from plants uses up most of the rainfall . The spring water in their advertising campaigns, (1 2) sllelioll opellillg
ground water level rises mainly in the low especially for their beer production - as long as (13) ralary pUIIIP
growth and frost free time of October to March. the spring provides the required water quality, (14) slolleware lop pipe
(15) dip pipe
Riverbat1k-filtered water has a place between the amOlmt of water flowing out is sufficient,
(16) riser pipe
surface water and grOlUld water. It is river water atld it is available tlu'oughout the year. (17) 1110101'
which is filtered more or less effectively by the The spring water is collected in a spring tap- (18) waleI' lIIeler
water permeable layers of the river bat1k.Its com- ping which also protects the area sUlTOlmding (19) Iloll -reillm v alve
(20) gale valve
position varies with that of the river water becau- the spring from negative influences.
se dissolved substances are not filtered out.
GrOlmd water is extracted Extraction of surface water since these regions are cleaner. The erection of rage reservoir is created. For drinking water
predominantly by tube wells Surface water can be obtained from rivers, la- dams in valleys to block the upper courses of ri- dams it is essential that the coUection area is wit-
by horizontal filter wells kes, atld increasingly from dammed valleys. Ri- vers is becoming increasingly importatlt. As a hout industries or water users which produce
rarely through older excavated wells ver water is always polluted by waste water in- result of the erection of such dams the all10lmt waste water. In these reservoirs bathing is also
in some cases the ground water comes to the flows from industrial firms and towns . of water flowing off can be controlled, flooding forbidden. The water rumling into the reservoir
surface as a spring. Processing of river water is difficult and if pos- prevented, relatively cleatl surface water can be remains a few months in it and becomes purified
Tube wells are water extraction plants which sible, for hygienic reasons, river water is not removed and a part of the stored water used for during this time.
extract ground water through a vertical bored used. If it must be used then it is taken from un- the production of electrical energy. Dams are lo- Because the surface water has not come into
hole. The walls of the tube well consist of perfo- populated regions and away from waste water cated in the upper region of the river flow. The contact with salts in the grOlmd it contains little
rated pipes. Tube wells are driven more thatl outlets. Water is extracted from straight stret- valley is blocked by a dam wall at a geologically salt. It has therefore no buffering ability atld a low
300 m deep in the grOlmd and their long filtra- ches of the river or the outer side of river bends favourable site in such a matmer that a large sto- pH which makes it aggressive to iron and steel.
84 85 Importance of a private water supply Parameter Threshold value mg/l Enterococci or coliform bacteria may be pre- The pH va lli e
Water costs money! It is therefore quite under- Nickel 0.02 sent in 100 ml of wa te r. Chemically pure water does not only consist of 1
standable that most breweries have their own Plant protective agents b1fonnation on the necessary procedures re- water molecules, but a very sm all part is also
extraction plant. Usually there are several wells and biocide products 0.0001 garding treatment of water is given in Section electrolytically dissociated:
from which water is supplied or a spring tap- Ben zene 0.001 1.3.5. H ,O::; H + + OR
ping. Attention has to be paid that an even wa- Water is neither acidic nor alcaline (also basic)
ter supply is guaranteed throughout the entire High specifications are also demanded of the Brewing water requirements but neu tra l because the number of hydrogen ions
year. Of course importance is then placed on the microbiological properties of water. Water is bl wa ter there are always dissolved salts. As is the sa me as the number of hydroxy l ions:
fact that the private water supplied has particu- the most important foodstuff and therefore the they are greatly diluted, they are no longer pre- In 1 I of water at 25 °C the re are
larly special properties. greatest value is placed on its purity. sent as salts but almost exclusively as dissocia- 10°7 H ions, i.e. one ten millionth of a gram of
Water almost always contains a few micro-or- ted ions. It is therefore more correct to speak of H + ions, and
1.3.4 Water requirements ganisms and of course it is impossible to say, dissolved ions. Most of these ions do not react 10°7 OHo ions, i.e. one ten millionth of a gram
The water extracted in the plant does not al- without lengthy investigations, whether they with the components of malt during mashing of OR ions.
ways fulfil the quality requirements; the water are harmless or can cause illness. Most bacteria where they come into contact for the first time. If as a result of the addition of an acid the
has at least to be continually examined as to its in water do not cause any illness, but how can Some ions, on the other hand, react with certain number of H ' ions is increased, in accordance
compliance with certain parameters in order to this be determined? malt components. As a result, a distinction can with the law of mass action the number of OHo
fulfil all the requirements. Illness-causing (pathogenic) micro-organ- be made between ions decreases. Conversely, the proportion of
Firstly the brewing water has to comply with isms can originate only from people or animals chemically inactive and OHo ions increases as the result of the addition
the local drinl<ing water regulations concerning which had these organisms in their bodies and chemically reactive ions. of bases and hydroxides whilst the proportion
the quality of drinking water, thereby fulfilling have excreted them . In the large intestine of hu- of H + ions decreases.
all sensory, physiochemical, microbiological and mans and warm-blooded animals there are Ch emically illnctive iOlls Every aqueous solution, even the strongest
chemical requirements of drinking water. Fur- enormous amounts of a harmless but easily de- By chemically inactive ions are meant all those acid or base, contains ff and OH- ions, but the
thermore, it has to comply with a series of bre- tectable bacterium - (Bacterilllll) Escherichia co- which do not enter into chemical reactions with proportions of the ions are different in each ca-
wing teclmology specifications designed to have li - which is used to detect contamination and malt components but pass lll1changed into beer. se. Only in the case of neutral water are the
a positive influence on beer production. The the possibility of illness transmission. When present in large amOlll1ts they can affect amounts of both ions the same. But the product
Drinking Water Regulation (TrinkwV) 2003 has Water is examined for the presence of Escheri- beer flavour positively or negatively. Thus, for of the concentrations of the hydrogen and hy-
been in force since 1.1.2003 in Germany [218]. chia coli (E. coli) . If it is present it can be conclu- example, sodium chloride (NaCl) gives a more droxide is always the same .
ded that there is a possibility of transmission of rounded taste. Chemically inactive salts inclu- Drinking water requirements other pathogenic organisms present with possi- de sodium chloride, potassium chloride (KCl),
The Drinking Water Regulation demands that ble epidemiological consequences. As well as E. sodium sulphate (Na,SO,), potassium sulphate
drinking water be colourless, odourless and free coli bacteria, enterococci and coliform bacteria (K,SO,), etc.
from hazes. Concerning the content and compo- can also indicate the presence of pathogenic or- Some of these chemically inactive ions, howe-
o 1 2 J , 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.t;
sition of the substances dissolved in the water, ganisms. ver, affect various processes during beer pro- - - pHV(lue

corresponding limiting values for the individual duction. The chemical inactivity of the ions Fig. 1.17
substances are laid down in EU guidelines and The German regulation relating to the quali- mentioned here relates only to their absence of COllcelllrnlioll of HOnllri OH - iOlls
the Drinking Water Regulation [134, 218], some ty of water for human consumption (Drinking reaction with the malt components they come
of which are shown below: Water Regulation - TrinkwV 2001) states in § 5- into contact with during wort production. The character of a solution is determined by
microbiological requirements: the H ' ion concentration.
Parameter Threshold value 111g/l (2) In water for human consumption, the limi- Ch em icn lIy renctive iOlls The concenh'ation of H + ions is expressed as
Nitrate 50 ting values determined in attachment 1, A number of ions in the brewing water react numbers to the power of ten. But since if written
Nitrite 0.5 part 1 for microbiological parameters must with malt constituents during mashing and as a out fully very long munbers with up to 14 decimal
Lead 0.01 not be exceeded. Here it is determined that result affect the acidity (pH value) during beer places would result, only the negative power of
Copper 2 no bacteria of the types Escherichia coli or production. ten is quoted and this is expressed as a pH.

Light beer 4.4 - 4.7 Exanlple 1: The aU<a liJle dipotassium hydrogen phosphate fro m m alt reacts w ith neuh'al calciLUll
The pH va lue is the n ega ti ve decim al log-
arithm of the h ydrogen ion concentration in a Casting wo rt 5.4 - 5.5 sulphate: 1
Supply wa ter 7.4 -7.8 4 K,HPO, + 3 CaSO, -7 Ca,(P04), + 2 KH,PO, + 3 K,SO,
solution (-Ig H + concentration).
O.l NNaH CO, 7.6 dipo tassium ca lcium ca lcium potassium potassium
O.l N Na,CO, 8.5 hydrogen sulphate phosph ate dih yd rogen sul phate
For exa mple:
O.lN NaOH 13.0 phosphate p hosphate
A solution contains 0.000,000,001 g H ion s.
Ex pressed as a power of ten thi s is 10-9 g H ion s.
The pH h as a grea t effect on man y processes The calcium phosphate formed is insoluble. Potass ium dih ydrogen phosphate is acidic and
So the pH of the solution is 9.0. The pH of pure
during beer produ cti on. Thus, for exampl e, en- consequently the pH of the solution is lowered .
water (7.0) in which the numbers of H+ and OR
ions present are the same is taken as the neutral zy mes h ave an optimum pH va lu e and at other
pH values are less ac ti ve. As most of the p roces-
p oint (Fig. 1.17).
ses during malt and beer production are con- Example 2: Acidic potassium dihydrogen phosphate reacts with neutral ca lcium bi carbonate:
trolled by enzy mes, the pH value during pro- 2 KH,PO, + Ca (HC0 3 ) , -7 K,HPO, + CaHPO, + 2 H,o + 2 CO,
De pending on their reacti on, solutions are di-
duction h as a con siderable influence on the potassium ca lcium dipotassium calcium wa ter ca rbon
vided into three groups:
quality of the p rodu ct. hydrogen bica rbonate hydrogen hydrogen diox ide
pH>7 The pH value du ring beer production is d e- phosphate phosphate phosphate
pH <7 pH =7
termined by the dissociated salts and orga nic
nil bnses e.g. compounds contained therein. These are deri- Alkaline dipotassiLun hyd rogen phosphate is for med from acidic potassimn dihyd rogen phospha-
All ncids e.g. wnter
sodium ved from the wa ter, malt, adjuncts and h ops. te. The pH is raised . The chemically reacti ve ions can chilllge the pH during beer production.
Hydrochloric acid neuh'al salts
hydroxide During m ashing the chemi cally reacti ve ions
HCl, sulphuric acid e.g. sodiLUl1
H,SO, and acidic, chloride NaCI, NaOH, dissolved in the water encounter and react w ith
salts, e.g. potassium, sodium sulphate calcium soluble compon ents from m alt to form n ew
dihydrogen Na,SO, hydroxide compOlmds.
The ch an ge may be in the acidic or alkaline Germany wa ter h ardness is defined as follo ws: The more recent classifica tion is:
phosphate Ca(OH)"
direction. Even very small changes in pH ha ve Hardness range 1
KH,PO, basic salts,
e.g. sodium an important effect on beer quality. l °dH = 10 IIIg CnOl1= 1 g CnOlhl or nlso: up to 1.3 mmol/I = up to 7 °dH (soft)
Most processes in beer production proceed 7.19 IIIg MgOII H ardness range 2
ca rbonate
better or faster the more acidic the pH. 1.3 to 2.5 mmol/l = 7 to 14 °dH
potassium The pH should therefore be as low as possible Wa ter is class ifi ed in accordance with its (average hardness)
ca rbonate during the production process. At higher pH hardness (l °dH = 0.357 m val/l = 0.18 mmo1/1) : Hardness range 3
K,CO, difficulties are to be expected. The ch emically 2.5 to 3.8 mrno1/1 = 14 to 21.3 °dH
reactive salts are divided into pH increasing °dH ea rth alka line ions per 1 (hard)
and pH decreasing ions. Because the salts i.n m val mmol H ardness range 4
The pH value is measured electrometricall y
brewing water fo r the most part exist in the dis- Over 3.8 mmo1/1 = over 21.3 °dH
or (very seldom) calorimetrically and can also
sociated form as ions, it is better to sp eak of pH 0.1 to 4 very soft 0.11 - 1.44 0.1 - 0.7 (very hard)
b e measured approximately using specially im-
increasing and pH lowering ions or of 4.1 to 8 soft 1.45 - 2. 88 0.7 - 1.5 Ions which raise the pH are bad for the pro-
pregnated pH indicator p aper strips. The pH
acidifying = pH lowering ions and 8.1 to 12 moderately duction process flow and for beer quality (see
values of well-known liquids are about:
acidity neutralising = pH increasing ions. hard 2.89 - 4.32 1.5 - 2.2 Sect. 6.4); carbonate and bica rbonate are pH in-
12. to 18 relatively creasing ions.
Liquid pH value
Wnterlw rdll ess hard 4.33 - 6.48 2.2 - 3.2 The carbonate plus bicarbonate content of
O.l N HCl 1.0
The hardness of wa ter is caused by the calcium 18.1 to 30 hard 6.49 - 10.8 3.2 - 5.3 water is referred to as carbonate hardness, tem-
O.lN CH,COOH 2.9
and m agnesium ions dissolved in it. The results 30 very hard 10.8 5.3 porary hardness or total alkalinity. The pH in-
Wine 2.8 - 3.5
3.3 - 3.7 are expressed as degrees of hardness (OdH) . In creasing effect of carbonate hardness opposes
Whea t beer
88 89

the pH lowering effect of the other calcium and not exceed 2 °dH, otherwise the water should the reason for the laxa ti ve effect of magnesium- Procedure to remove suspended matter
magnesium ions existing as calcium chloride, be treated. and sodium s ulphate, since fluid reten tion cau- By suspended matter is meant undi ssolved 1
calcium sulphate, magnesium chloride and ma- ses an increase in volume in the intestine and earth and plant materia ls which have passed in-
gnesium sulphate. These salts are collectively Significance of individual ions this leads to increased pressure on the peristal- to the wa ter. They are usually removed in two
included in the term non-carbonate hardness As well as their importance for shifting the pH sis. The Drinking Water Regulation even per- stages:
(or permanent hardness, or sulphate or gypsum value in wort and beer, individual ions are also mits the exceeding of the limiting value of 500 mg
hardness, since part of the hardness is caused significant regarding their influence on taste SO) lund er certain circumstances. ClnrijicntioH ill sett/illg tnllks
and their relevance to hea lth. Some of these will As a result of the reduction of the flow velocity
by these salts).
be examined here. 1.3.5 Water improvement procedures of the water, the suspended matter ca rried in it
Sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cr) increase blood It is frequently necessary to chan ge the quality of slowly settles out.
Total hardl1ess - cm·bol1ate hardl1ess
pressure when present in large quantities. In the water. Here it is important what should be impro- The larger the settling tank the more effective
= l1ol1-carbol1ate hardl1ess
form of cooking salt, however, they playa consi- ved or changed . The purpose for whid1 the water the clarifi ca tion with the sa me throu ghput, be-
Chemically reactive ions
derable role in mellowing the taste. No cook is to be used determines the treahl1ent procedure. cause the flow velocity then decreases to almost
omits to add the renowned pinch of sa lt to each Thus, for example, if the water is to be used as boi- zero. The dams are also natural settling tanks.
meal, in many cases even to sweet meals. There ler feed water it does not matter if the water con- Settling tanks remove 60 - 70 % of the suspen-
Hph lowerin g ions Hph increasing ions tains bacteria but the amount and nature of the ded matter.
are many examples of brewmasters who also
All Ca and Mg ions ex- All carbonate and
used to add a pinch of sa lt to their brew to mel- dissolved salts is important. For cleaning water it Not all the suspended particles can be remo-
cept for those whose bicarbonate ions
low the taste when this was still permitted . is exactly the opposite. One therefore needs to di- ved in a settling tank. It is therefore necessary to
effect is neutralised by
Potassium (1(+) occurs in drinking water with stinguish between procedures for filter the water afterwards.
pH increasin g ions
an average of 2 mg/l. The daily requirement for removal of susp ended m atter Microscopic particles and finely di spersed
humans is 2 mg. The Drinking Water Regulati- removal of d issolved substances substances which cause haze can be transferred
Non-carbo nate IJan/ness Ca rbonate IJartiness on does not prescribe a threshold value for po- reduction of residual alkalinity in brewing into an insoluble and separated form by floccu-
tassium. A balanced potassiLUll content is re- wa ter lation. Iron and aluminium salts are u sed as the
sponsible for the diuretic (urinary) flmction. removal of microbes and coagulent. The precipitated substances which
Total hardl1ess
All Ca and Mg ions Ammonia (NH: ) in drinking water almost al- removal of dissolved gases. cause the haze are easily removed by the en-
ways indicates contamination. The drinking suing filtration.
water Regulation Specifications therefore pres-
Carbonate hardness and total hardness is d e- cribes a permissible threshold value of 0.5 mg
fined according to DIN 17640. NH:/l.
The result of the competition between the pH Nitrate (N0 3") and nitrite (NO; ) frequently
increasing and lowering properties of water is occur in gro und water through the degradation
determined by the residual alkalinity (RA). The of organic subs tances, such as slurry, or 1
residual alkalinity is the difference between the through the diversion of domestic waste water.
carbonate hardness and th e non-carbonate From a toxicological point of view, it should be
hardness, which is shown by the relationship: borne in mind that nitrate can be reduced to the
much more toxic nitrite by bacteria. This reacti-
Calcium hardness + 0.5 magnesium hardness on occurs either in the human intestine or by 4 4
3.5 keeping nitrate-rich food warm for a long pe- Fig. 1.1 8 3
riod of time, which can be particularly dange- Salld f ilter
(1) lIa/llrnl waler
The higher the residual alkalinity, the more rous for babies. The threshold value for nitrates
(2) oxidalioll air I e)
effective the carbonate hardness and so the hig- according to the Drinking Water Regulation (3) coaglllwl
her the pH to be expected. To produce Pilsner Specifications is 50 mg NO,!l. (4) salld filler 5
Sulphate (SO;) causes fluid retention. This is (5) decnrbonised waler
beer, for example, the residual alkalinity should

Filtmtioll of preclarified wnter organic contaminants, thereby removing them. Improvement of the residual alkalini- Decnrbollntioll by addition of sIn Iced lilli e
In the filtration process, the water is fed However, many specifications have to be obser- ty of water The usual method of decarbonation is the addi- 1
tlu-ough a layer of pure, calcined quartz sand of ved for th e regenerati on, s terilisa tion and The residual alkalinity of brewing wa ter is im- tion of slaked lime in the form of lime water.
uniform grain size. The suspended particles re- cleaning of the filter. proved by decreasing it. This ca n be done by The calcium hydrox ide in the lime water reacts
main behind in the pores of the quartz sand reducing the carbonate hardness: decarbona- with the bicarbonate in the wa ter and form s in-
when the water flows through . Removal of dissolved materials hon soluble calcium carbonate:
For the large outputs of communal water The salts dissolved in water are in the form of in creasing the non-carbonate hardness, or
treatment plants, open filters with a surface of ions. Some of the ions dissolved in the water neutralisation. Addition of acid con verts car- Ca (HC0 3)2+ Ca(OH), 2CaC03+ 2H,O
up to 150 m 3 are used. In these the quartz sand can in time form a deposit on the pipework or bonate hardness to non-carbonate h ardness.
is almost 2 m deep on a filter bottom through corrode it. Therefore if large amolmts of them In Germany this procedure is not p ermitted There are one- and two-s tage decarbonation
which the filtered water Hms off. After a few are dissolved they must be removed. These in- according to the Reinheitsgebot lmless biol o- plants. The one-s tage plants are generally built
days water is forced through the filter in the op- clude humic substances as well as iron and ma- gical acidification is used! as rapid d ecarbonaters. Two-stage plants requi-
posite direction and the cleaning process is sup- gnesium sa lts dissolved in the water. These can re somewha t more space.
ported by forcing compressed air through. deposit in large amolmts in the pipes. Decnrbollntioll Fig. 1.20 shows a modern two-stage decarbo-
Closed sand filters are used for smaller plants The removal of humi c matter takes place by By decarbonation is mea nt the removal of car- nation plant. In the lime saturator (3), a solution
such as, for example, breweries. The quartz sand means of adsorption charge neutralisa tion bonate hardness. It can be performed by: of saturated lime Ca(OH), (2) and lmh·ea ted wa-
of O.S to 1.2 mm grain diameter forms a 2 m high through reactions with metal ions (AI, Fe), fol- heating ter (1) is prepared and the milk of Lime solution is
bed on a nozzle containing base and filters the lowed by filtration. addition of slaked lime mixed with the water to be softened in the reac-
water flowing downwards from above (Fig. LIS). The iron and magnesium are removed by use of an ion exchanger. tor (4) and sinks downwards, while reacting, in
By the addition of oxidation air and coagu- aeration in the form of a spray, using a trickling the cenh·al pipe. TIle lime scale slurry for med
lent, the precipitation and removal of iron and system, injection or any other form of aeration, Dewrbollntioll by ileatillg settles in the cone, and must be removed from ti-
manganese salts as well as organic components after deacidification . The salts are converted by When a carbonate-containing water is heated to me to time (7), whilst the grad ually clarifying wa-
this into an insoluble form and precipitated : 70 to SO DC, the ca lcium bicarbonate is conver- ter slowly rises. A similar process is repea ted in
is facilitated.
When using a sand filter, the backwashing ted, with the release of carbon dioxide, into in- the following adjusting tank (5) where the com-
occurs in three stages: 2 Fe (HCO,), + l/Z O 2 + H,O = 2 Fe(OH), + 4 CO, soluble calcium carbonate which precipitates as position of the water can be adjusted as desired
limestone (sca le) on the vessel wall: by mixing with fresh water. In the following
2 MnCl, + 0 , + 4 H,O = MnO(OH), + 4 HCI gravel filter (6) the suspended matter still present
air / water
is completely removed. The operation of a closed
water hea t

The air / water rinsing is above all responsible 4 FeS, + 3 0 , + 6 H,o = 4 Fe(OH)3+ S S Ca (HC0 3), CaC0 3 + CO2 +H20 gravel filter is described in Sect.
for the purification. The backwashing is parti- Carbonate removal by lime addition is still
cularly important in preventing microbial A subsequent filtration of the flocculent pre- This process occurs to a slight ex tent in every very widespread today and may be performed
growth [159] . Sand filtration is not sterilisation. cipitated salts is necessa ry. domestic kettle which, after some time, can con- in one or two stages. The advantage of this pro-
The filtration rate with closed pressure filters tain a substantial layer of sca le. This impairs h e- cedure, in addition to its simplicity, is that the
is 10 to 20 m 3 water per m Z filter surface per In addition there are a number of other ions at transfer. Scale formation would be very chemical costs are low and furthermore iron,
hour. A pressure increase indicates the need to in water which admittedly do not cause pro- much greater in an industrial boiler and there manganese and other heavy metals precipitate
clean the filter. The filter is back washed in the blems with the pipes, but which can sometimes would be a risk of the boiler exploding. Boiler and the water is thus cleaned in the best possi-
opposite direction and all the filter material 100- be very important for beer production. A di- sup ply water mu st therefore be softened before ble way. Disadvantages mentioned are the n e-
sened so that the foreign material is also remo- stinction has to be made here between open and use (e.g. by an ion exchanger) . cessary disposal of the slurry and the need to
ved. A filter in the decarbonation plant operates closed ventilation systems with regard to the Decarbonation of brewing water by heating adapt dosing to the varying water composition.
excretion of iron and manganese salts. With clo- is hardly ever used. Since the water has to be
in the same way.
Subject to the water load and the adsorption sed systems, attention has to be paid to ensure cooled again subsequently the process is quite DecnrbolLntiolL by lIelltrnlisntioll
capacity, an additional active carbon filtration that the air pressure is higher than that of the uneconomic. Its only advantage is that it does Through the addition of hydrochloric or sulp-
can also be used. The active carbon adsorbs the water. not need to be controlled . Imric acid, the carbonate hardness can easily be
tration of chl oride, su lp hate or nitra te has to be chl orine d ioxide with a maximum dosage of
red uced. 0.4 mg/I an d 1
Fig. 1.20 With th e s trong ly acidic ca tion exchanger ozone with a maximum dosage of 10 mg/l at·
Jr --1 - I - Decnrvollntioll plnllt (Fig. 1.21), the resin is in the form of H+after the a concentration of 0.005 %.
(twa-stnge precipitn tioll )
regeneration with hyd rochlo ric acid (4) in the Furthermore, the wa ter can be sterilised by the
II "
L -< ( 1) IIl1t rented wnter exch anger (2). In the p rocess, all the cations, addition of ozone, silver ions or UV irradiation.
(2) II Iilk of lilli e particularly calcium, mag nesium, and sodium, The fo llowing treatments are used for water
Fi1 (3) lill Ie sntllmtor are replaced by hyd roxyl ions and free minera l sterilisa ti on :
'\]' '\]' (4 ) renctor
I 2 acids are formed (HCI, H,SO" H N0 3 ). The wa-
(5 ) ndjllstlllellt vessel
(6) gmvel filte r ter now flows from ups tream to downstream Ste rilis ntioll by jiitrntioll
(7) silldge dmillnge and becomes d eioni sed . (s terile jiitmtioll)
(8 ) decnrvollnted wnter The deionised wa ter is then further treated in It is possible to remove micro-o rganisms by fil-
a two-stage tw in street ion exchan ge plant w h e- tration. The relevant suppliers offer very good,
hardness can be d ecreased and the residu al al- re the free mineral acids are neutralised (8) by hi gh perfo rman ce filters with a pore d iameter
converted to n on-carbonate hardness. Prerequi-
kalinity redu ced to a desired level. This can oc- the addition of sa turated lime water (7) and between 0. 2 and 0.45 pm. It is important, howe-
site is an exact dosage of the amOLmt of acid re-
cur by the addition of CaCl, or CaSO, (brewing converted to calcium non-ca rbonate h ardness . ver, to clean the water well before filtration, ot-
qui red. This procedure, however, also produces
gypsum), although this increases the Ca+ ion Fin ally, the d esired ca rbon ate h ardness is set h el'lvise the filter soon becomes blocked (sterili-
free CO, which is aggressive and mus t be neu-
content, w hich can have an adverse effect on (9) . Th e brew ing water w hich is produ ced (10) sing filters are described in Sect. 4.5).
tralised . This procedure is not permitted accor-
the tas te of the end p roduct. This procedure is contains free carbon diox ide. These plants mus t
ding to the Reinheitsgebot.
hardl y ever used nowadays. therefore be m ad e of corrosion resistant stain- UV irmrfiatioll
If bi ological acidification is used (Sect.
less steel. Micro-organisms are killed by irradiation w ith, the specifications for residual alkalinity
Softellillg by ;011 exchnllge ultraviolet light rays. The process is clean and
of the brewing water are less demanding. A t le-
Ion exchan gers have been used for a long time Total rfesnlillatioll II s illg reverse osmos is reliable, but
as t 50 mg Ca ions/l and as Iowa nitrate content
for brewing water trea tment to remove ca tions Reverse osmosis involves the untrea ted water the equipment cost is high an d the treated
as possible are of importance here [31] .
from the water and thereby reduce the h ard- bein g placed under a high pressure which is water p rodu ction rate low
ness considerably. Ca tion exchangers are pre- greater than that of the osm otic p ressure . The the trea tm ent layer thickness mu st be small
dominantly used by breweries . There is onl y a water m olecules then m ove through a semi- and turbidity and colour limit the effective-
By increasing the non-carbonate hardness the
switch to anion exchangers when the concen- permeable m embran e whilst the water salts are n ess; moreover, w ith a high germ content a
harmful, pH increasing effect of the ca rbonate
retained. Thus, a so-ca lled feed flow is divided correspondingly high irradiation dose must
into a permeate fl ow and a salt-containing con- be given . The UV lamps have to be repla ced
cen tra te. The p ermea te flow consis ts of the wa- regularly and the ftmctions monitored.
Fig. 1.21 ter molecules which h ave p assed through the
Cntioll exchnllger with cnicill lll
membrane, whilst the concentration flow con- St erili satioll by oz olle (0 )
1¢ =;;::::::====il vlelld
sists of a small wa ter flow enriched w ith salts. A Ozone is obtained from oxygen in the air by an
IlI ltrented wnter desalination rate of 95 to 98% is achieved u sing electric disch arge. It acts by oxidation with resul-

(2) cn tioll exchnllger this method; the plants are operated using 8 to tant destruction of the cell membranes. The pro-
(3) ovelj7ow 12 bar (EUWA, Gartringen) . cess is reliable and clean but the invesh11ent costs
(4) hydrochloric ncid for regellem-
'( are very high in this case. Both procedmes (UV
(5) lillIe sntllrntor Water sterilisation and ozone) can also be used in combination.
9 (6) lIIilk of lillie The wa ter used in a brewery must be of drin-
fr (7) snt 11m ted lillie wnter king wa ter quality. Water is obtained and main- S teriii sntioll by c1!lorillatioll
4 4 l!::c:>10 (8 ) cnicilllll vlelld l st stnge
tained free from micro-organi sms by use of: Hy p ochlorolls acid (HOCl) is for med by intro-
(9) enicilllll vlell d 21ld stnge
(10) vrewillg wnter active chlorine at a d ose rate of up to 1.2 mg/I ducing chlorine gas into wa ter. It d ecomposes

into HCl and atomic oxygen with a high oxidi- ter, for example, in the following situations:
sing power which kills the micro-organisms by pre and post runs during filtration
oxidation of the cell membranes. The equip- for filling of the filter
o 000
ment costs are low but harmful products (or- for suspending and precoating kieselguhr = =

garlic halogen compounds, chlorphenol, triha- water for diluting high-gravity 8 4

logelU11ethane, etc.) are formed when the water for use as mashing-in water
contains phenols or other organic substances. The methods used for degassing water are:
CO, washing (stripping)
Sterilisntioll by cillorille dioxide vacuum degassing
reduction with hydrogen
Chlorine dioxide is an unstable gas produced
from hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sod ium hy- thermal degassing
pochlorite (NaClO,). Use of this as a disinfec- using hollow fibre membranes
tant shows several advantages over the previo- -3
us methods because Degnssillg by CO , wnsllillg
there is no change in the taste of the water In this process, also known as CO, stripping (Fig.
1.21 a), the water to be degassed (1) is warmed to
very little formation of chloroform or other 1 .... .. 0
organic halogen compounds occurs over 70°C in a heat exchanger (2) by means of ste-
the operating costs are very low am (3), in order to substantially remove the oxy-
gen, and then fed into a stripping tower (4) while Fig.l.21a
it is a very safe process Wafer degassillg by lIIeallS 0/ CO, strippillg (explallatioll ill ti,e texf)
reliable sterilisation occurs. oxygen-free CO, flows upwards in a counter
The procedme however requires a sufficiently flow. A height controller prevents the system
long reaction time after the dosage and an exact from running idly (10). Subsequently, the degas-
dosage. The process must be monitored. It also sed water is cooled by a cooling medium (7) and
has to be remembered that chlorine dioxide beco- stored in a buffer tanl<(8) from which it can be ex-
Fig. 1.21b
mes more lU1stable with increasing temperature. tracted (9). The process works very effectively.
Degassillg a/wafer IIsill g hydroge ll
Sterilisation by silver iOlls VaCIIU11l degassillg (K) pallarlilllli cafalysf32

Silver ions are bactericidal (kill bacteria). If the In this case the water is degassed in a vacuum
stream of water is led between silver electrodes container. In order to achieve complete removal
the water can be sterilised by silver ions. of the oxygen, the vacuum degassing must be
combined with CO, washing. to at least 85°C (185 OF) . The water is then con- ting as a strip gas flows through the fibres in a
velted into a spray whereby the air is stripped counter current. The difference in concentrati- Degassing of water
Redllctioll by 1I1eallS of Jtydrogell using steam. The advantage of this is the inte- on between the water and the carbon dioxide is
A large amount of air is dissolved in water. The
If hydrogen is added, the oxygen reacts with grated sterilisation of the water. the driving force for the transport of the oxygen
oxygen in the air damages the quality and ageing
the hydrogen to form water (Fig. 1.21b). Howe- to the carbon dioxide, and thereby transporting
stability of the beer. There are several points whe-
re water comes into contact with beer. If the wa- ver, a catalyst is necessary for the reaction and Degassillg IIsillg hollow fibre membra1les the oxygen out of the hollow fibres. The process
small particles of palladium are used for this. This process is similar to the dialysis procedure does not need to be monitored (Centec, Hanau;
ter still contains dissolved oxygen, it has a nega-
The investment and operating costs are, howe- (see Sect. 4.8 .3.1) with modules in which about Erox-system, EUWA, Gartringen).
tive influence on the beer quality.
ver, relatively high and the plant has to be mo- 30,000 hollow fibres approximately 68 cm in
The solubility of air in water decreases as the
temperature rises. Very hot water, for example nitored and cleaned [36]. length are combined. The hollow fibres each 1.3.6 Possibilities of saving water
have a diameter of 300 pm and pores of 0.05 Permanently rising costs for fresh water and
sparge water, hardly contains any oxygen, but
Thermal degnssillg The water to be degassed flows over the waste water are forcing breweries more and
water at low temperatures contains a lot of oxy-
In thermal degassing the water must be heated hollow fibres; oxygen-free carbon dioxide ac- more to save water and as a result, cut costs.
gen and can spoil the beer. This applies to wa-

An important precondition for recognising top fermenting bee rs and Saccharomyces carls- fa ts (lipids) 4 to 7% Each yeast cell (Fig. 1.22a) consists of the cell
possibilities of doing this is firstly to record the bergensis for bottom fermenting beers. Selected minerals 6 to 9°/c, plasma (cytoplasm a, cytosol) (1), w hich is sur- 1
water consumption at each separate point of strains of these yeas ts are systematically isola- The minerals consist (per 100 g dry matter) of: rounded by a cell m emb rane (3) and in which a
usage. The results obtained make it possible to ted and grown as pure culture brewers' yeasts. 2000 mg phosphates series of organelles are imbedded which are re-
Other strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are 2400 mg potassium sponsible for metabolic reactions.
identify starting points for saving water. It is
advisable to classify the ways to save water in- used as bakers' or distillers' yeasts. For wine 200 mg sodium The mos t important organelle amongst them
production, the yeast Saccharomyces ellipsoi- 20 mg calcium is of course the cell nucleu s (10), the command
to three separate categories:
minimising consumption of fresh water in all d eus is used . 2 mg magnesium centre of the cell. It is surrounded by a double
Because the yeast does not only produce alco- 7 mg zinc nuclear m embrane which is a closed unit but
reusing used water without it having been hol but also, as a result of its metabolism, has a and traces of iron, manganese and copper. nevertheless contains pores. The cell nucleus
treated for secondary purposes where de- great influence on the tas te and character of contains a ground substance (plasma), the core
beer, knowledge of the structures and composi- matri x and the cluomosomes. Through these
mands on quality are not high
recycling water to be used for the same pur- tion of yeas ts, their metabolism and their each cell acquires its own construction plan,
pose following one or more intermediate growth is important. There are a number of which is coded in the form of genes. The genes
characteristic differences between different ty- are made up of a polymeric chain molecule, the
treatment cycles.
An example of minimising fresh water use is pes and strainsof culture yeasts. deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA), the infonnati-
in elP cleaning through the improvement of on content of w hich lies between 109 and 1010
the phase separation [241], e.g. using optical 1.4.1 Structure and composition of the bytes and which controls all m etabolic proces-
measurement methods; i.e. the elimination of yeast cell ses, growth and the development within the
Yeast is processed in suspension, w hich can cell. In the nucleus, a nucleolus (12) is also em-
safety rinsing time to prevent undesired mixtu- 1
res or the adjustment of the set amount of rin- contain as many as 100 mio yeast cells per m1. bedded which consists of ribonucleic acid .
sing water in the fresh water spraying of the These suspensions consist of billions of yeast The yeast cell contains a large l1lU11ber of mito-
bottle cleaning machine to the bottle flow at any cells all acting independently of each other. The chondria (5). The mitochondria import the pyru-
yeast cells are oval to round with a length of 8 vic acid which is formed in the cytosol (see Sect.
given m0111ent.
Without treatment, for example, post-rinsing to 10 pm and a width of 5 to 7 pm (Fig. 1.22). .1) and transform it tlu'ough respiration in
water can be used for intermediate rinsing or small complicated steps to water and CO,. Du-
intermediate rinsing water for pre-rinsing. The ring this process adenosine trisphosphate (ATP)
Yenst cell
(nccordillg to Hougil, Briggs nlld Stevells) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) are produced
possibility of cascading multi-usage of the wa-
ter in the bottle-cleaning machine also exists as (1) plnslllO, (2) cell wnll, (3) cellmellibralle, (4) bud (5) (see Sect. 4.1 .2.1.2) which, on interaction, fLlllction
mitocilolldrin, (6) vnCllole, (7) polymetnpllOspilnte gra llllles, as a very important energy transmitter. The mito-
well as others. These will be described in the in- (8) lipid grallules, (9) elldoplnslllic retiClll11l1l, (10) IIll cleus,
chondria are therefore described as the "power
dividual teclmological Sections [225]. (11 ) Iluclenr membralle, (12) Illicleolu s
stations" of the cell.
The rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ser-
1.4 Yeast
Furthermore each yeast cell contains a num- ves the protein synthesis; the smooth endoplas-
Yeast is a lUlicellular micro-organism which can
ber of vitamins, in particular: mic reticulum synthesises lipids and is concer-
obtain the energy it needs
in the presence of oxygen (aerobic) by respi- Fig. 1. 22 ned with detoxification processes. The proteins
Yenst cells thiamine (Bl) 8 to 15 mg/IOO g yeast dry matter which are produced are cut off and transported
ration and (E lectroll IIlicroscope pictllre, Scilellk-Filterbnu, Wnldstettell) riboflavin 2 to 8 mg in vesicles, wrapped, to the required place . This
in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic) by fer-
nicotine acid 30 to 100 mg task is carried out by the Golgi-apparatus
The yeast cell consists of about 75 % water. folic acid 2 to 10 mg which acts as a form of railway shlmting yard.
During beer production the sugar in the wort
The dry matter varies in its composition: pantothenic acid 2 to 20 mg Secretion vesicles with toxi ns (e.g. alcohol) are
is fermented by yeast to alcohol and CO,. For
protein 45 to 60 % pyridoxal 3 to 10 mg transported in this way to the cell membrane
this purpose yeast hmgi of the species Saccha-
carbohydrate 25 to 35% biotin O.ltolmg and out of the cell.
romyces cerevisiae are used in the brewery for

The waste recycling plant of the cell is the ly- membrane, is de pendent on the presence of an approx. 70 nm thick cell wall, which consists
sosomes, which serve the intracellular diges ti- oxygen. A part of the fat ty acids wh ich are con- of up to 55 - 65 % glucan, 35 - 40% malman, 9% 1 I
on and degrade complex molecules into simple 0000 0000000 } tained in the cell are converted into unsaturated lipids and - 2 % chitin. This cell wall (Fig. 1.23a)
elements. Ribosomes synthesise the proteins fatty acid s which are notable for their low mel- apparently has a protective function and acts as
and distribute then in the cell. They are thus re- ting point and resulting better elasticity. If there a pre-filter. The components of the cell wall are
sponsible for the conveyor-belt-like production is a lack of oxygen, ceJl production comes to an linked to the integra ted transport proteins of
and the cOlUlection of amino acids to gene pro- early s tands till and the newly formed yeas t the m embrane. The structure of these ex tensive
ducts corresponding to the messages of the nu - cells me considerably smaller. d e posits is therefore of considerable importan-
clear cell. 4 The cell membrane is only permeable for wa- ce.
Of particular importance is the cell membra- ter and dissolved gases. The absorption of dis- In Fig. 1.23 b, a plas tic model of the s tructure
ne, which not only sUlTOtmds the whole cell bu t Fig. 1.23 solved substances (e.g. sugar, amino acids, mine- of the cell membrane made up of phospholipids
also a large number of organelles in the cell. In 5 tl'll ctll re of tile celllllclllbrnllc rals) occurs selectively via numerous fat-soluble
(1) pllOspilolipids, (2) stored proteills, (3) trnllsport proteills,
is shown. The deposited transport proteins are
the endoplasmic reticulum an intensive pro- transport proteins which are integrated in the only able to let the specific compOLmds for which
(4) stored treilalose
duction of this membrane occurs during the mem brane (3) which work very selectively and they are suited (maltose, peptide, or other com-
growth phase which should be of close interest phospholipid molecul es. The "heads" of the only let certain substances or groups of substan- pounds) pass through the m embrane (compare
to us. phospholipid molecules all lie very close toget- ces throu gh (see Sect. The work of the- with Fig. 4.2 a).
The main elements of the cell membrane are her in a mosaic pattern (so-called liquid mosaic). se mem brane proteins is therefore very impor- The cy toplasm (cytosol) which makes up mo-
phospholipids. These phospholipids have a Sterines (particularly ergosterines) are s tored tant because they ensure no other substances re than 50% of the cell volume represents the
very typical structure which is important for between the phospholipid molecules (ratio ap- accidentally infiltrate and disturb the physiolo- mos t important part of the inside of the cell.
their ftmction: prox. 5:1), which also have to be newly formed gical balance of the cell. Other membrane pro- This is the central reaction room of the cell in
during yeast propagation. All cell membranes teins act as antennae, picking up information which most of the metabolic paths of the break-
fatty acids residues ----.-,. COO - - CI - H 2 in the plant and animal kingdom are construc- from the sUlTOtmding enviroml1ent and passing down of the food substances and the producti -
fatty acids residues -----? COO - - <;= - H ted according to this pattern. it on to the inside. The excretion of waste pro- on of elements individual to the cell occur. The
amino acids - phosphate C - H2 Although the cell membrane of the yeast cell ducts or toxins, such as for example the alcohol entire intermediary metabolism - glyco lysis
is only about 6 mn thick and hence only makes which is formed, occurs through the so-called (see Sect., the production of fatty acids,
In each case two fatty acid residues are esteri- up 1/1000 of the diam eter of the yeast cell, it Golgi vesicles and out of the membrane. The cell the biosynthesis of proteins and much more _
fied with glycerin (C)Hs(OH))); the third OR of should not be forgotten that it not only sur- membrane is protected on the outer surface by occurs here diversely side by sid e. In an
the glycerin bonds with an amino acid by me- rOlU1ds the entire volume of the yeast cell but al-
ans of a phosphate residue. This compOtU1d is so the membranes and the organelles of the cell
known as a phospholipid. and forms the areas of division within the cell.
The construction of the cell membrane The surface area of a yeast cell is about 150 pm2;
through the phospholipid molecules (Fig. 1.23) 10 g of pressed yeast therefore has about 9 to 10
shows that the different parts have contradicto- m 2 of contact surface.
ry properties: whilst the glycerin residues to- The performance of the yeast in the synthesis
gether with the phosphorous and the amino of the fatty acids with regard to propagation, in
acid residues (in Fig. 1.23, shown as a sphere) which the yeast cell has to form 4 to 5 times its
Fig. 1.23a
attract water (they are hydrophile), the "tails" own volume anew within a few hours, n eeds to
Oiagrnllllllatic stl'llctllre of tile cell wall
of the fatty acid residues (red), which are tight- be clarified. Just how many molecules can be (accordillg to HOllgil, Briggs alld Stevens)
ly linked and deposited in two layers against involved should be considered: if a yeast cell (1) e elllllelllbrnlle,
(2 ) TImlsport proteills,
each other in the cell membrane, repel water were enlarged to one m etre, the cell membrane
(3) 1,3-gIIlGaIlS,
(they are hydrophobic). This leads to the fonna- would only be 1 mm thick! (4)
tion of an impermeable double layer (membra- The energy-consuming formation of the li- (5) 1IIa/lIlOproteills
ne) without bonds being formed between the pids, which form the main components of the (silllplified accordillg to [359])

mains on the mother cell (Fig. 1.22; 4). From the The organic s ubstances necessary for respira-
number (4 to 6) of bud scars it is possible to tell tion of ferm entation are taken up by the inte- 1
the age of the cell. gra ted proteins of the cell wa ll and transported
th rough the membran e. The yeast cell can onl y
1.4.2 Metabolism of the yeast cell take up the substan ces for which appropriate
To carry out its metabolic processes necessary transport mechanisms are present. This again
for life and to produce new cell substances the depend s on the en zyme sp ectrum of the yeast.
yeast cell, like any other cell, requires energy The yeast cell has a complicated
and food. Yeast, like all other li ving organisms, ca rbohydrate metabolism
gets the energy to carry out these processes nitrogen meta bolism
through respiration. The amOlmt of energy ac- fat metabolism and
Fig.1.23b quired through respiration is very great becau- inorganic s ubstance metabolis m.
Strllctllre of tile celllllelllbrnlle se the glucose is totally broken down to CO, The ca rbohydra te metabolism serves mainly Fig. 1.24
frolll pilOspilOlipids witll trnllsport proteills Bllddillg yeast cells
and H,O which are at the bottom of the energy to provid e en ergy through respiration and fer-
Glycolysis residlles illdicated Tile blld scars are easily recogllisable.
scale - obtaining further energy through break- menta tion, whilst only a very small part of the
aqueous environment, ribosomes, enzymes down is not possible. sugar contained in the wort will be stored as a
and waste products move around in streams During respiration the food which is taken reserve in the form of glycogen and trehalose.
up, for exam ple, sugar is totally broken down The nitrogen metabolism serves, as do the fat
very close to each other.
In times when glycogen is abundant, e.g. af- to CO, and water: metabolism and inorganic substance metabo-
ter the start of fermentation, the yeast cell lism, mainly to renew the cell substances, whe-
builds up its reserves. At such times the glyco- reby production as well as breakdown proces-
gen content (a reserve carbohydrate) can in- ses play all important role.
crease to over 30% of the yeast dry matter; it is In the presence of sugar, yeast is the only li- Glycerine is also formed and stored by the ye-
d eposited in storage rosettes in the cytoplasm. ving organism which converts to alcoholic fer- ast. Glycerine is an osmotically ac-
Trehalose, a disaccharide, is stored, as are phos- mentation. In this case, glucose (to summarise) tive substance, which maintains the ftmctioll of
phates and lipids which are required by the ye- is converted to alcohol (ethanol) and CO,: the enzymes even in the case of low water ac ti-
ast for the production of new cell substances. vity. The form ation of glycerine increases with
In the cell there are frequent spaces filled C 6H 120 6 --7 2 C,HsOH + 2 CO, the original wort content [322].
with acidic cell juice and surrounded by a These very complicated metabolic processes,
membrane, so-ca lled vacuoles. The size of The alcohol which is produced still contains a which have a d ecisive influence on the quality Fig.1 .24a
lot of energy so that the energy acquired by the of beer, will be examined more closely in Sect. Old yeast cell witll IIlnlly blld scars
which varies with the growth phase and the
sLUTOlmding conditions. It is here that certain yeast cell during fermentation is disproportio- 4.1.2 - Yeast Metabolism,
proteins, proteinase A and superfluous sa lts, nately smaller than it is in respiration (this is on the motller cell (Fig. 1.24). Old yeast cells can
partly of crystal, are stored. Through reversible further explained in Sect. 4.1). 1.4.3 Yeast reproduction and growth have up to 20 bud scars (Fig. 1.24 a). In the case of
mobilisation of the salt crystals, the cell can re- The breal<down of glucose to alcohol, or in the Yeasts normally reproduce by budding. This is top fermenting sh'ains, the cells remain cOtm ec-
gulate its internal pressure (turgor), if, for ex- case of respiration, to CO, and water results from why they are also known as budding ftlllgi. Du- ted to each other and form bud colonies.
ample, the ex ternal osmotic pressure is streng- numerous reaction steps occurring after one ring budding, a small bubble-like protuberance When micro-organisms are transferred into
thened by higher extract or alcohol content another. Each reaction step is catalysed by a cer- from the mother cell is formed into which part of fresh nutrient solution, as is the case, for exam-
(hypertonic stress). The volume of the vacuoles tain enzyme. In the yeast cell these enzymes are the cytoplasm as well as a daughter nucleus, for- ple, when yeast is pitched into wort in the bre-
increases with hypertonic stress and decreases bOlmd in defined cell sh'uctures. Thus the enzy- med by division, passes and a complete daughter wery, they begin to grow. The growth is charac-
with h ypotonic stress. rnes for glycolysis and alcoholic fermentation are cell is for med. In some yeast strains the mother terised by fixed nahuallaws. It does not occur
Yeasts normally reproduce by budding. After located in the cytoplasm whereas the respiration and da ughter cells separate from one another at a fi xed rate but is divided into six phases (Fig.
sepa ration of the daughter cell, a bud scar re- occurs via enzymes in the mitochondria . completely, as a result of which bud scars remain 1.25):

, , I ,, da tio n phase d urin g w hi ch the growth ra te g ra- ganism has its own ch aracteris tic op timum d e- pairs of ce lls, whereas top fermenting yeasts
, ,;
, , ,, duall y d ecreases. The yeas t now increasingly
, ,,
velopment temperature a t which the lag ph ase form chains of budded cells (Figs. 1.26 & 1.27). 1
, excre tes proteinase A (see Sect., wh ich and generation time are sh o rtes t. However,
c , ,I I
I ,I ,
In the case of top fermenting yeas ts, the mother"
has a negative effect on head retenti on. grow th is not restricted to the optimum te mpe-
1 :2 ,, 3 ,: Lr-:, 5 , 6 illld d aug hte r cells remain attached to one anot-
u I
ratu re but can occur over a more or less wide
,, ,i
,, her for a longer time, and as a result branched
,, ,
o I
-l Stntiollal'Y pha se temperature range. For yeasts of the genus Sac- chains of cells are formed. In the case of bottom
In the followin g sta tionary phase the number of charo myces this is usually temperatures up to fe rm enting yeasts, the moth er and dau ghter
Time - - cells remains cons tant. There is a balance bet- 40 DC, the optima l growth te mperature being cells separate from one another when the divi-
Fig. 1.25 ween the number of newly formed cells and the abo ut 27 to 30 DC for bottom fermenti ng yeasts sion is completed. The cell shape is the sa me
Yenst growth phnses cells whi ch die. and 30 to 35 DC for top ferm enting va rieties . w ith both top and bottom fermenting yeasts.
(1) illdllctioll phnse (Ing phnse), (2) nccelerntioll phnse, (3) ex-
pOllelltinl phnse (log pllnse), (4) rctnrdntioll phnse, (5) stn tio- These are temperatures, however, which are
IInry phnse, (6) deC/illillg I'llnse Declillillg phas e not relevant in practice.
In this las t phase the rate of cell d ea th in creases, The physiological state of the microbial cell-
because the foo d supply has been exhausted, its age and nutritional state - essentially dete r-
Latellt 01' illrillctioll phase the alcohol and CO, formed acts as a poison to mine the dura tion of the lag phase. A very rapid
In the latent phase, also referred to as the induc- the yeast and the cell is exhausted. Proteinase A activa tion of metabolis m occurs in the case of
tion or lag phase, there is an activation of meta- is increasingly released into the beer (see Sect. yeas t cells which are transferred into fresh sub-
bolism. The length of the induction phase va- and the yeast begins to LUldergo autoly- strate during the exponential growth phase. Re-
ri es greatly. It depends on the type of organism, sis. It is now high time to harves t the yeas t and lating this to brew ing, this means that a rapid
the age of the culture and the cultivation condi- separate it from the beer to prevent further d a- star t to fe rmentation will best be obtained with
tions. The latent or lag phase end s with the first mage. yeas ts w hich are taken at the stage of the main .0
cell division.
Th e duration illld intensity of the individual
ferm entation and added to the pitching wort
without intermediate storage. n)
O C-M <."'\
r: )

Accelemtioll phase grow th phases are influenced primarily by the o

In the acceleration phase, w hich follows afte r substrate, the temperature and the physiologi- 1.4.4 Characteristics of brewing yeasts Fig. 1.26
the latent phase, the ra te of divis ion continu- cal s tate of the yeast. The substrate must contain Numerous different strains can be distinguis- 80110111 jeJ'llleJItillg brewillg yenst
ously increases. all the nutrients required for growth. The water hed amongst yeast strains predominantly used (bllddillg ensily recogll isnble), (III ngllified .r 1000)
content, pH value and oxygen concentration of in breweries. In brewing practice these are divi-
Expollelltial phase the subs trate are also decisive for growth. ded into two major groups:
In the phase of ex ponential or logarithmic Wa ter is the main component of living mate- top fermenting yeasts (Saccha romyces cere-
growth, abbreviated to log phase, the growth rial and it plays an exceedingly important role visiae) and
rate is constant and ma ximal. The generation ti- in the life processes of micro-organism s. In ge- bottom fermenting yeasts (Saccharomyces
m e, in other words th e time period during neral mi cro-organisms are only able to develop carlsbergensis) / see Sect.
which the cell number doubles, is minimal du- in substrates which contain at least a 15 % w a ter Th ere are morphological, physiological illld
ring thi s phase. The yeast is at its most vital du- content. Micro-organisms differ considerably fermentation teclmologi cal differences be tween
ring this phase. from one illlother with regard to their optimal top and bottom fermenting yeasts, as described
pH value. Yeasts grow preferably at acidic pHs. in the following.
Decelel'atioll phase The importance of oxygen for yeast growth has
Because of various factors, e.g. reduction in the already been m entioned. In breweries yeas t Morphological characteristics
amount of nutrient subs trates or an increase in growth is promoted by aeration of the wort be- Top and bottom fermenting yeasts can be diffe-
the amount of grow th-inhibiting metabolic pro- fore pitching. rentiated und e r the mi croscop e by means of
Fig. 1.27
ducts, the log phase occurs for only a limited ti- The te mperature also has a great effect on the their budding behaviour. Bottom fermenting
Top jerlllelltillg brewillg yenst
m e. It is followed by the d eceleration or retar- growth of micro-organisms. Every micro-or- yeasts occur almost exclusively as single cells or (IIIngllified x 1000)
105 Physiological differences cell s remain ve ry finely di vided in the fennen- wort pitching, is performed with the help of de-
The mos t important physiological difference tation medium and sink slowly to the bottom there. They ca n cause an LU1pl easa nt taste and
fin ed crite ria. The important ones are:
between top and bottom fermenting yeasts rel a- only at the end of fermentation. The cells of smell and also turbidity in the beer (see Sect. 1
fermentation behaviour (top or bottom fer- 8.3) .
tes to the fermentation of trisaccharide raffino- flo cculent yeast clump together after a short ti - men ting)
se. Bottom fermenting yeasts can, beca use of me to form large flocs and then settle rapidly. flocc ulation beh aviour (powdery yeas t or 1.5 Adjuncts
their enzyme spectrum, use raffinose complete- The flo cculation performance of a yeast is gene- flocc ulent yeast)
ly whereas top fermenting yeasts can ferment tically determined. Top fermenting yeasts do The enzyme potential of malt is sufficient to cata-
ferm entation performance (fermentation rate
only a third of the trisaccharide. not form flocs . bolise additional starch . Consequently, in some
and degree of attenuation)
Other differences are shown in respiratory The flocculating ability of a yeast is of great parts of the world, part of the malt - usually 15 to
ex tent of propaga tion, and
and fermentative metabolism and in the ability practical importance. Flocculent yeasts produce 20% - is replaced by LUullalted cerea l for econo-
formation and removal of fermentation by-
to form spores. Whereas in the case of bottom a clear, but less fully fermented beer, whereas mic reasons. This ulUnalted cereal, which is chea-
products (aroma formation).
fermenting yeas ts fermentative m e tabolis m powdery yeas ts and top fermenting yeasts pro- per than the relatively expensive malt, is referred
The yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae
predominates by far, top fermenting yeasts duce a turbid beer with a higher degree of atte- to as raw grain. TIlose types of cereal which are
includes not only culture yeast strains but also
show a pronounced respiratory metabolism. cultivated in larger amOLUlts in the particular re-
nuation. yeas ts which cause damaging infections in the
Correspondingly the yeast crop after fennenta- Top and bottom ferm enting yeasts differ with gion are preferentially used, in particular mai ze,
brewery. For ins tance, wine yeasts damage
tion is much greater with top fermenting yeas ts regard to fermentation temperature. Fermenta- rice and - especially in Africa - sorghum. A fair
beer. In addition, yeasts of other species and ge-
than with bottom fermenting strains. Bottom tions with bottom fermenting yeasts are p erfor- estimate is that raw grain or adjLUlct is used in 85
nera are regarded as beer damagin g infections.
to 90% of all beer produced worldwide.
fermenting yeasts have a lower enzyme content med between 4 °C and 12 °C. In the case of top The entry of s uch micro-organisms is called
than top fermenting strains. The ability of bot- fermenting yeasts 14 °C to 25 °C is used. The For beer which is brewed according to the Rein-
heitsgebot, the use of adjuncts is not allowed.
tom fermenting yeasts to form ascospores is li- tempera ture conh'ol is determined by the bre- These micro-organisms, also referred to as
mited . They sporulate less often than top fer- wer. "wild yeasts" as opposed to the culture yeast, 1.5.1 Maize
m enting strains and spore formation takes are introduced in particular with the raw mate-
longer. Under normal ferm entation conditions Systematic classification Mai ze (corn) is harvested with a water content
rials into the brewery and are always unwanted
spore formation does not take place at all. On the basis of the above-described differentia- of 25 to 30 % and brought to a water content of
ting features individual yeast strains are divi- Worldwide cereal production (mio. t) 2005 [237] Fermentation technological differences ded into top and bottom fermenting yeasts. In
The names top fermenting and bottom fermen- this context, it must be remembered that the Asia North and Europe Africa South Oceania
ting for brewing yeast strains are derived from feahlres d escribed for top and bottom fermen- Total
Central America
their characteristic appearance during fermenta- ting yeasts are not permanently fixed proper- America
tion. Top fermenting yeasts rise to the surface du- ties. They are variable to a greater or lesser de- Ma ize 161 270 73 41 54 <1
ring fermentation; bottom fermenting yeasts sett- gree. In particular the raffinose fermentation Wheat 600
261 95 184 16 19 21 596
le to the bottom towards the end of fermentation. criterion is not reliable since bottom fermenting Rice 534 11 3 17 19 1 585
Top fermenting yeasts also settle to the bot- brewing yeasts can also only ferment a third of Barley 22 21 87 4 1 6 141
tom at the end of fermentation but much later the raffinose. Because the differentiating cha- Sorghum 13 22 <1 20 5 1
than bottom fermenting strains. At the end of racteristics are not sufficiently constant, in the Millet 62
13 <1 1 13 <1
the main ferm entation they are still at the top new yeast classification both the bottom and <1 28
Oats 1 6 17 <1 1 1 27
and are h arvested there as long as open vessels top fermenting yeasts are sometimes assigned Rye 1 1 20 <1 <1 <1
are being used. to the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The 25
Another essential characteristic of bottom brewers, however, usually still refer to the bot- To tal 1006 427 386 113 100 32
fermenting yeasts relates to their different floc- tom fermenting yeas t as Saccharomyces carls- 20084
culation behaviours. Bottom fermenting yeasts bergensis. Population 3587 472 729 768 333 30 5919
are therefore divided il1to powdery and floccu- Selection of the brew ing strain, which is in mio. Citizens
lent yeasts. In the case of powdery yeasts, the grown as a pure culture before being used for 2000
106 107

10 to 14 °/., by drying. The dry matter of maize Maize is degermed dry before processing, the 1.5.2 Rice trea ted w ith part of the malt mash in an ad-
consists of germ and husk being remo ved by a plansifter Broken rice is used for brewing, in other words junct cooker, or 1
76 - 80 % carbohydrate and aspirator. Maize can be processed to the grains which are broken during dehusking and processed to rice flakes, and thereby gelatini -
9 -12 % protein following products: poli shing the rice and as a result do not look as sed, which are add ed with out further pre-
4 - 5% oil corn grits attracti ve as intac t grains. trea tm ent to the mash tun.
and small amolUlts of crude fibre and inor- maize flakes Rice grains h ave a water content of about 12 -
ganic substances. refined grits 13%. The dry matter consists of about 1.5.3 Barley
The oil is located in the germ of the corn. Be- corn syrup 85 - 90% sta rch The enzymes in Jllalt ca n cope with up to 15 to
cause of concern about the foam damaging ef- 5 - 8% protein 20% barley adjunct without any problem. Bar-
fect of the oil, maize is degermed before proces- Mai ze grits 0.2 - 0.4 % oil ley Jllay be used in the form of
sing and thereby practically freed from oil. The Maize grits are usually used with a relatively and small amounts of inorganic subs tances. milled barley, or
degermed maize then has an oil content of large grain size (0.3 - 1.5 mm). Grinding can be Rice has a very high sta rch content (85 - 95%) barley flakes made from hu sked or dehusked
about 1 %, but oil contents of up to 1.5 % are al- performed in an adjlUlct mill in the brewery. consisting of small individual or aggregated b a rley.
so tolerated. Maize grits are pre-treated with about a quarter granu les of a charac teri s tic shape (Fig. 1.30). The lower ex tract yield must be set against
DlU'ing processing to grits or flakes the protein of the malt mash in an adjunct cooker (Sect.3.2.4 The aggrega ted granules consist of mallY com- the lower price compared with malt. Problems
content decreases to about 7 - 9 %. This protein re- & 3.5). ponent granules which are hard to distinguis h may be ca used because, as a result of the absen-
mains largely lUldissolved during mashing so a from one another. ce of a m alting process, the p-glucan is not dis-
smaller protein content, corresponding the maize Mai ze flalces Rice starch swells grea tly and gelatinises at so lved and is not sufficientl y degraded during
fraction, must be expected and this can affect the The slightly moistened grits can be pressed in- tempera tures of 70 to 85 °C. Certain types of ri- mashing . In such a case filtrati on probl ems are
supply of low molecular weight protein (FAN, to flat flakes by rollers and thereby gelatinised. ce and rice crops harvested after hotter growth to be exp ected.
see Sect. 4.1 .3.1) to the yeast. In this gelatinised form the flakes can be mas- conditions tend to have higher gelatinisation
hed without prior treatment with malt mash. temperatures (80 to 85 °C). This mu s t be taken 1.5.4 Sorghum / millet
into con sideration when using rice (see Sect. The large-grained sorghum-millet is a type of
Refilled COrll grits cerea l which is g rown m ainly in the hotter,
To prepare these the grits are s teeped for 30 - drier regions of Africa . In contras t, the small-
40 hours in hot water at 50 °C (122 OF). SO, is grained millet is also grown for food purposes
added to the water to suppress micro-organ- (bird food) in Europe.
isms. The corns are broken open in a mill and
the germ removed by a separating device. The NTl-
starch is then separated from the husk and " (; 'R.rl' F
nr 7- Pi-
protein, and the crude starch is washed several
Fig. 1.28 times before it is dried .
Maize starch (magllified x 1000) This process is performed in special plants
VLB Berlill Research Ill stitute for Raw Materials) Fig. 1.30
outside the brewery. The maize starch produ-
Rice starch (magllified x 1000)
ced is very fin ely divided (0.5 mm average
(IILB Berlill Research Ill S/' for Raw Materials)
Maize starch (Fig. 1.28) is similar, even in its grain size). These refined corn grits are trans-
external shape, to barley starch. Moreover, the ported to the brewery in special vehicles be-
gelatinisation temperature of corn starch is 60 cause the small particle size presents the dan- TIle protein content is low and little of it goes Fig. 1.31
SOlg11l1/1l graill s
to 70 °C and so no problems should be expected ger of a dust explosion. The refined corn grits into solution during mashing and consequently (PllOto: P Seidl, Mllllich)
during processing. The extract content of deger- therefore consis t of pure malt s tarch, they ge- the free amino nitrogen (FAN) need ed for the
med maize is 88 - 90 % dry weight (= 77 - 78 % air latinise very easily and are easy to pour. The yeast must be supplied by the malt mash.
dry) and consequently about the same as for extract content is 90 - 95 % and the fat content Rice is For beer production only the large-g rained
malt. 0.5 - 0.8 %. milled to form grits in the brewery and pre- sorghum is used. There are many types of sorg-
108 109

hum, some of whi ch (spadix and panicle ty pes) a t varie ty. To further imp rove the quality of load can be replaced by sugar, ca ne s uga r or D issolved sugar h as a density of
are grown mainly for food purposes (Fig. 1.31). wheat beer, grea t efforts have been m ade to cul- bee t sugar (saccharose) . Saccharose is a disac- 1.6 g / cm 3 = 1.6 g / ml 1
It is quite natural that in m an y African coun- tivate brewing w hea t strains. Winter va rieti es charide of glucose and fr uctose. If boiled fo r a
Mass m
tries attempts are increasingly being mad e to are preferable beca use of their lower protein longer time or if acid is add ed, the sacch arose Vo lume V = D
en sity d
u se the indi genous raw material, so rghum, as a content and higher extract content. In additi on is inverted into the two monosaccharides and
source of ex tract for beer production and also to they give a p aler beer. as a result beco mes easily fe rmentable. The su-
malt it, in order to economise on expen sive m alt gar is added to the cas ti ng wor t as it is comple- Th e volume of 1 kg of su ga r is then
imports. An additional reason is that the clima- tely fermentable and requires no pre-trea t-
V _ 1000 g _ 10000ml _
tic conditions in many African countries are un- ment. - 1.6 m g/l - 16 - 0.625 I
suitable for cultiva ting brew ing barley. Beca use According to EU guidelines and sugar type
sorghum germinates, it produces en zy mes regulations, a dis tinction has to be made bet-
which can be used to break d own the storage ween 65 kg of s u gar = 0.625 1 x 65 = 40.6 I of su gar
material it contains. The en zyme p otential of refined su gar, refined white sugar or castor 35 kg of w a ter = 35.0 I of wa ter

sorghum is, h owever, lower than that of barley. su gar (EU Cat. 1) and 100 kg of su gar syrup (65%) = 75.6 1 of sugar
Both the gro wing and harvesting of sorghum sugar or white su gar (cleaned crys talline sac- syrup (65% )
occur in the rainy season. Extensive contamina- charose) (EU Cat. 2)
tion by micro-organisms, especially fungi, must Fig. 1.32
Sugar syrup manufactured is at least 65% . It
therefore be expected . It is consequentl y essen - Sorgllll ll i steely wrlospen ll The mos t importa nt p roper ty of su gar is its can then be s tored eaSily and is not attacked by
(lllng ll ifierl x 600) solubility. The solubility of sugar in water is micro-organisms because these plas molyse in
tial to trea t the harvested crop to preven t sp oi-
(PllOtO: Dr. A. D. Aisiell, Lngos)
lage. very high. A t 20 °C 204 pa rts of sugar dissolve the high con centrated solution. The stron g os-
Breeding and cultivation of pure va rieties is in 100 parts of wa ter. In hot wa ter considerably m otic pressure of the solution draws the wa ter
only jus t begilUling in these cOlmtries. It is the- Gluten is the charac teristic w heat p ro tein. more saccharose dissolves, but it then precipita- out of the cells of the micro-o rganisms. The
refore impossible to derive average values from 1l1is is a mixture of different proteins w hich tes again on cooling . plas ma d etuches itself from the cell wall and
the very di fferent measured va lues [131]. form about 80% of the total protein. It consists the organism 's ability to live is impaired but it
Fi gures for most sorghum varieties are: mainly of glutelin and gliadin (instead of the Temp . in °C Content of solution Viscosity d oes not usually die (this statement also applies
protein content 11 - 12.6 % hordein in barley). Gluten is the name given to saturated sugar in mPa·s to brine solutions!). A syrup solution calUlot
fa t content (dry weight) 2 - 6% the sticky substan ce which can be pulled into in weight % therefore sp oil, but in a diluted state the micro-
starch content (dry weight) 62 - 67% ropes on mixing kneading wheat flour w ith wa- 0 64.2 677 orgatl isms will soon becom e ac ti ve again if the
germinative energy at 5 days above 90 % ter and which becomes h orn-like on d rying. 10 65.6 346 solution is not s terilised .
hi weight over 70 kg Wheat w ith a high protein content is lmdesira- 20 67.1 214 The sugar is usually dissolved cold, but so-
thousand corn weight above 25 g (up to 44 g) ble for brewing malt production because it cau- 40 70.4 116 metimes h ot, which need s more energy. It is
The starch granules are firmly fixed in the en- ses processing difficulties. 100 83.0 80 usually bought in a dissolved sta te and a diffe-
d osperm (Fig. 1.32). Wheat loses its hu sk during tlu'eshing, and is rentiation is made between
thus "huskless" . Worts fr om wheat malt h ave a A concentrated solution of sugar in water is liquid su gar with a sugar content of about
1.5.5 Wheat higher viscosity, w hich is caused not by ca lled syrup. To produce suga r syrup the sugar 65 %, a n on-inverted sacch arose solution
Whea t is rarely used as ulUl1alted adjlUlct but is can but by p entosans. is dissolved in water, which can be either hot or with m aximal 3 % inverted sugar,
often used in a malted form, e.g. fo r p roduction Information on additional bread cerea ls (oat, cold. inverted liquid sugar w ith less than a 50 % ra-
of top fermented beers, such as va rious types of spelt, rye, Emmer, triticale) and their m alting To make a 65% sugar syrup, 65 kg of su gar te of in version and
wheat beer. The p ercentage of whea t malt used properties can be found in Sect. 2.9.10. are dissolved in 35 kg of water. This will result inver ted suga r w ith more than a 50% rate of
to produce w hea t beers is usually 50 to 60% be- in 100 kg of 65% su ga r syrup . Becau se the su- inversion .
cause of its high extract yield. Since only a very 1.5.6 Sugar gar syrup is not weighed, but added by volume, For beer production, liquid sugar is usually
small part of the w heat crop is used for brewing For the production of beer not brewed accor- it is necessary to determine the volume of a d e- used because inversion occurs during wort boi-
purposes, there is still no special brew ing whe- ding to the Reinheitsgebot, a part of the grist fined mass of su ga r syrup. ling in any case.
110 111

Small amolmts of added suga r are not detri- soluble substances a re removed by centrifu gati- The hmctional p roperties and the area of ap plica tion d e pend on the catalys t used :
mental to beer fl avour because it is completely on and the sy rup concentrated to about 60 %. 1
fe rmented . It nevertheless h as to be taken into If the breakd ow n is performed combined Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
acco unt that the sugar does not contribute any with an en zymi c trea tment, or w ith enzymes Ca ramel Sulphite Ammoniac Ammoniac
nitrogen compound s to the wort and con se- alone (see Sect., a larger am ount of couleur couleu r sulphite couleur
qu ently the amino acid nitrogen content can be glucose atld maltose ca n be obtained and this Catalys t acid s, caus tics caustic sulphite amm oniac ammonium sulphite
too low whi ch ma y result in fermentation diffi- gives a substantially better ex tract composition Property alcoh ol stable alcohol s tabl e beer s table acid stable
culties. The addition of liquid sugar as an ex- for ferm entation. Use spirits spirits beer cola
trac t supplier only makes sense if an economi- The composition of the glucose syrup can vary confectionery bakery produce lemonade
ca l source o f suga r is available. within wide limits. It is defined by the dextrose bakery produce soups vinegar
The melting of sugar or the hea ting of sugar equivalents (DE). This term shows the reducing pha rmaceuticals sau ces basic m aterials
sy rup produ ces brown-coloured products sugar content, expressed as dextrose. A 95 DE Colouring va lue 20,000 EBC 30,000 EBC 40,000 EBC 52,000 EBC
w hich have a typical caramel tas te. This process saccharified syrup therefore contains almost on-
can be directed, d epending on the pH value, ly glucose. This maize or glucose syrup HFCS In breweries suga r couleur class 3 is exclusively used which has a depth of colour between 6, 000
more toward s colour formation (e.g. couleur) or (High Fructose Corn Sy rup) Catl also be obtained and 40,000 EBC.
arom a form ation . If saccharose sy rup is hea ted from wheat or other cheap cereals. In principle it Beer brewed according to the purity la w does not permit the use of suga r couleur.
in a buffered solution, man y arom a substan ces displays the same p ro perties as liquid su gar
are fo rmed (dihydrofuranone, cyclopentenolo- (Sect. 1.5.6) but has to be stored at 27 DC so that it
ne and others). This is desired in the case of ca- retains its liquid form . Glucose syrup is, howe-
ramelised brewing sugar. The possible fOt'm ati- ver, considerably better value than liquid sugar.
on o f ca rcin ogenou s acrylamide h as to b e Isoglu cose can be distinguished by its low
closely monitored. Caramelised brewing su ga r viscosity, I ight co lour, high d egree of purity at, d
is sold as sy rup or brow n-coloured suga r. simple processing .
For beer which is brewed according to the
1.5.7 Glucose syrup purity law, the addition of glucose syrup is not
Glucose syrup is matlltfactured from undried re- p ermi tted.
fined maize grits in which the stard, has been
broken down to sugar by hydrolysis (i.e. splitting 1.5.8 Colouring sugar (also couleur)
with wa ter). Three processes can be used for this: Colouring su ga r (E 150 according to the Permit-
acid hydrolysis ted Additives Regulation) is the term used for a
a combination of acid or enzymic hyd rolysis dark brow n food colouring which is produced
enzymic hydrol ysis by heating su ga r w ith the aid of technical au xi-
It has already been mention ed (Sect. liary Substatl Ces. After boiling, a catalys t (see
that starch (amylop ectin atld also am ylose) con- below) is carefull y added to the solution and
sis ts of long chains of glucose residu es. When the mass hea ted to 160 DC. When the d esired
at, acid is add ed, the bonds between the gluco- depth of colour has been achieved the process is
se molecules are broken with the insertion of a stopped, the couleur cooled and set at the desi-
m olecul e of wa ter and glu cose is produced . red values. During thi s process by-products are
This p rocess is carried out with the addition of form ed (en ol e) w hich have strong dyeing pro-
dilute hyd rochloric acid (0.10 - 0.15%) w ith p erties (over 50,000 EBC).
heating and lmder pressure, as a result o f w hich The colour is a pplied after being ad equately
the bonds are progressively broken and a sy rup dilute.
consisting of sugar atld dex trins is formed. In-

2 I Malt Production

According to the German Reinhei tsgebot tradi- sid ers beer production in the different large
tional beer CaIU10t be made without malt. Con- geogra phical regions, the barl ey and malt re-
sequently malt production from barley is the quirem ents and also the maltin g barley pro-
first step in beer production. It is of course pos- duction figures can be seen to diffe r m arkedly
v 1lI""x I li P' sible to make malt from o the r cereals, for eXaIll- [125).
(;) • (J U s.c. · Ol.o1J"· ..
__ pIe wheat, rye, sorghum or millet, but histori- This table sh ows the very large diffe ren ce
cally, fo r various reasons, barley malt has be tween ba rley production and the a mount of
proved to be the most suitable malt for beer pro- ba rley required for malting in the va rious re-
DEIlLIN duction . In the fo llowing, when malt is mentio- gions. Adequate supplies of m a lting ba rley
ned, it is always barley malt whidl is meaIlt. and the ab ility to make large a mOLmts of malt
r "IIV>Old I To produce 1 hI of beer wi th all original ex- make Europe, Canada and Aust ra li a the lar-
O'Nrtml#'(I ' I"'t l!\ottl '..r _'In,
h'act of 11 %, approximately 17 kg of malt is re- gest malt exporters in the world (see Sect.
" . . ... ... IIoowoI ......... · ...oI quired. 1.1.2).
. ...... """'- I _ . .. H II
"........... ...'..........
For economic aIld variou s other reasons, La rge amo unts of malt are exported to
.. 10 )/ , -,\
( •. ,,, .... c....._
,., when brewing beer, part of the malt is often South America, Africa and in p ar ticular to
replaced by unmalted cereals. This reduces East Asia w here a flourishing brewing indu-
"' .. ... .... l" ..... ....,, "
., .. ..... ,... ,•...11._'
j • • • ,,, .. . .. ... I0 • •• ,
. .. the total amount of malt required . If one con- stry h as recentl y developed.
.. H •. " . ;oiof . ,V.

••• • .......,Ivs ... )

........ " .. .. . 0'1 ..... .... .

( 0"'" '' c.'."I•.VJ.O. • •
.1.0 U \I I " . ..... , \,IIJ , ·! ......
;0' Region Beer prod. Malt req. Barley prod.
(Mio. hI) (Mio. t) total (Mio. t) for malt (Mio. t)

North & Central 317 3.8 22.3 5.5
South America 115 1.4 1.1 0.3
(without CIS) 381 4.6 68.0 10.2
CIS counh'ies 50 0.6 47.9 1.4
VLB Berlin Near East 8 0.1 13.4 0.4
Far East excl. China 120 1.4 3.0 0.1
China 120 1.4 2.3 0.1
Research and Teaching Institute Oceania
for Brewing in Berlin Australia 18 0.2 4.7 1.2
New Zealand 5 0.1 0.4 0.1 Africa 53 0.6 5.3 0.2
[:;:] World Total 1,187 14.2 168.4 19.5
114 115

The business for the brewing ingredients na- Before these operations are performed the bar- 2 3 4
turally d epends on weather-determined yield ley delivered to the maltings is first cleaned, gra-
and quality variations and also on fluctuations ded and stored in large silos lU1til it is processed.
2 in world market prices, and changes occur al- During steeping the barley absorbs the water 2
most every year. necessary for germination and it is then germina-
The production of malt from barley, i.e. mal- ted in large tanks or chambers known as boxes.
ting, is nowadays performed almost exclusive- Finally the germination is terminated by kilning
ly in large commercial maltings, whereas pre- at a high temperature. Any seeds sticking to the
viously breweries usually produced malt in malt are then removed and it is stored in silos
their own m altings using the same skilled wor- until sold.
kers, whose title was "brewer and maltster".
The purpose of malting is to produce enzymes 2.1 Intake, cleaning, grading and
in the germinating barley kernel and to cause cer- transfer of barley Fig. 2.2
The barley is delivered to the maltings. Nowa- Bnrley clemlillg mId grndillg plnllt
tain changes in its chemical constituents, which is
referred to as solution or dissolving. days delivery is increasingly based on contracts (1) nspirntioll plnllt, (2) pre-clemlillg, (3) stornge, (4) mnill clenllillg nlld grndillg, (5) bnrley illtnke, (6) (7) IIlngllet, (8)
For this purpose the barley is made to germi- with the farmers to grow the required barley drulll sereell , (9) nspirntioll (1 0) silliee, (11) explosioll (12) weigilillg IIIncilille, (13) (14) silo, (1 5) IlIn-
nate through the absorption of water, and this varieties. Varietal purity is the basis for homo- gllet, (16) weigilillg IIIncilille, (1 7) (1 8) wnste, ( 19) grnill clenllerlTriell1 (20) (21) weig-

geneous quality. The barley delivered is usual- iJillg mneilille.

germination process is interrupted at the ap-
propriate time by a drying procedure, known ly pre-cleaned and stored (Fig. 2.2).
as kilning. The resultant malt looks almost the The main cleaning (preparation for use) then
same as the barley from which it is produced follows later. During this process attention is 2,1,1.1 Intake of badey from lorries or rail ar water chalU1els, making it possibl e to trans-
(Fig. 2.1) . paid to: wagons po rt barley easily and relatively cheap ly to the
removal of unmaltable impurities Barley is delivered in sacks or loose. maltings and to ship out the malt in the same
removal of other contaminants such as weed When the barley is transported in rail wa- way.
seeds which reduce malt quality and increase gons, emptying usually occurs lI sing a pneu- Inland transport is performed by cargo boats
the moisture content, and matic sllction device or a mechanical unloading to the maltings, if possible. The boats are then
grading of the barley into kernels with the sa- shovel. Large quantiti es are transported in silo unloaded pneumatically by m ea ns of su ction
me size. wagons (up to 64 t content), which empty auto- conveyors with a transfer capacity of 50 tlh or
The barley cleaning and grading plant is used matically by tipping (Fig. 2.3). more (Fig. 2.4). In international trade, ships are
to achieve these aims. The size of the intake duct and the rate of in- also very often unloaded mechani ca lly. Because
A maltings contains a large amount of trans- take depend on the size of the maltings. If the of the lower operating costs, inland ships are
fer equipment. Because all malting machinery delivery is by lorry, arrangements must be ma- equipped with shovels, while sea-goi ng ships
produces dust in the air it is essential to have de to ensure that the lorries are emptied in the have specia l transfer devices (elevator bucke ts
dust removal devices . shortest possible time. lU110ading belts).
The side walls of the intake chalmels are so The delivered barley is fed into an intake silo .
2.1.1 Barley intake steep that the barley flow s out of them comple- During intake a representative sample is taken
Barley is delivered by road, in rail wagons or by tely. A grid holds foreign material back and pre- for examination in the laboratory. It is necessa-
ship. Before urtloading a sample is always taken vents damaging of the equipment used later. ry, however, to perform checks using rapid tes t
and immediately examined. If the delivery fails On unloading, unpleasa nt amounts of dust m e thods before lmloading in order to avoid
to match the agreed quality, intake is refused. may be produced. This dust must be sucked off. surprises later on.
The examination and decision concerning inta- Before the barley is supplied for cleaning, it is
Fig. 2.1
ke has therefore to be taken within a very short Intake of badey from ships weighed . The weight is entered into a weighing
Bm"iey nlld mnlt ken/els.
Wilnt is tile differellce? period of time. Modern maltings are built, where possible, ne- book or recorded by computer.
116 117

removal of coarse impurities (pre-cleaning),

2 removal of foreign seed s, .1
elimination of iron objects (nails, screws etc.),
2 Fig. 2.3 de-awning, as far as this is n ecessary, 2
8m'ley illtakefrolll rail or road
removal of sand, s tones and dus t,
removal of foreign and broken kernels,
(1) wagoll willi flat vottom grading by si ze for separate processing,
(2) silo lorrywitll gravity recording the ma ss of the intake and end pro-
duct and
(3+4 ) IIlIloadillg shovel equip-
metlt sampling and control.
11+-- - 6
t (5)
trouglled e/tniu couveyor
elevator Barley pre-cleaning
(7) sack IUlloadiug 011 tile
Pre-cleaning consists only of: Fig. 2.5
(8) sack uuloaditlg to IIle side mechanical pre-cleaning (aspirator, separa- Aspira tiou pre-c!enuer (old type)
tor, witu10wer) and (1) varley illtake, (2) iutnke colltrollel; (3) du st e/lnllivers, (4)
of the ramp
(9+10) vOttOll1 discharge
suctiou coulleetiou for du st reulOvnl, (5) fill ger vnlves, (6) vi-
a magnet.
vratillg sieve witll eeceutrie ririve, (7) short graiu sieve,
This is followed by storage. (8) loug com sieve, (9) saud sieve, (10) was te disc/tnt'ge plate,
12 The first machine the barley passes through is (11 ) vnrley outlet

the separator or aspirator. There are two aspects

to the pre-cleaning of the barley in this device: Fig. 2.5 shows an older model of an aspirator,
Fig. 2.4
8m'ley iutake f rom a ship the larger components, such as sack binders, from which the basic principle can easily be seen.
(1) suctioll uozzle (adju stavle) pieces of wood, etc., and the smaller compo- The dust-containing air is sucked off (4). Howe-
(2) uozzle height adjustmellt nents such as grains of sand and abraded par- ver, in the aspirator the air velocity is reduced be-
(3 ) flexivle pipes
ticles are removed by sieves, and cause of the increased cross-section. The light
(4) rigid pipes
3 dusty air together with very light contami- particles carried in the air are therefore deposited
(5) articulatiou for height mid
sideways self iug nants is sucked off. and removed. Removal of the larger and smaller
(6) receiver
(7) outlet valves t (ii)
(8) cye/oue l T
(9) safety valve -3
(10) souud avsorver
( 11 ) rotary pistou vlower
(12) air outlet
Fig. 2.6
(1 3) dust outlet Sepnrator "Classifier"
(1 4) variey outlet (1) frall ie
(2) illiet ltopper @- -
(3) goods distrivutor
cleaning therefore involves several machines (4) distrivutiou vnlve
2.1.2 Cleaning and grading the barley (5 ) IIl niu sieve
Barley cleaning consists of removing every- and devices cotu1ected in series. There has been (6) smld sieve
thing which is not barley. This includes, for ex- a rapid development of these machines in re- (7) sieve vox
ample, fragments of straw, sack binders, pieces cent years. Consequently one finds very diffe- (8) nspira tioll rillet
rent barley cleaning equipment in different n) vnrley iulet, v) e/enued vm'ley out-
of wood, nails, screws, wire, stones, seeds other
let, c) coullectiou to the dust rel/ toml
than barley, broken kernels etc. maltings. equipmetlt, d) large cOll tamil/mlts
Of course it is not possible to remove all this The preparation of the barley (cleaning) con- outlet, e) slltnll coutnmiunuts (smlri,
foreign material with a single machine. Barley sists of the following processing stages: etc.) outlet

components then occurs through the vibrating clean up to 24 t/h . The dri ve is located a t the (Fig. 2.7). By mea ns of an oscillation m otor (1), the The iron particles held by the stationary magne t
sieves in the lower p art of the machine. centre of gra vity of the case in the form of two container base (2) is repeatedly opened slightly (b) on the rotating drum (a) fall off as soon as the
Modern aspirators wo rk similarl y, with the oscillation motors driving meshing gea r w heels and allows a constant and adjustable flow of bar- d rulll has left the region where the magnet is.
w hich rotate synchronously in opposite directi- ley to pass out which is immediately subjected to The machines and equipment d escribed in 2
machine divided in order to perform two sepa-
rate tasks: ons but a re heav ily weighted at a particula r re- a cmrent of air. This carries light particles up- the following belong to the m ain barley
a vibratin g sieve unit to sieve out the larger gion of their circumference. As a result lateral wards whilst the ba rley falls downwards. The cleaning sta ge .
and sm all er components and, vibration is elimin a ted and tran sformed into a flow of air passed through can be controlled (5) .
for removal of light particles, a separate ex- to and fro movement. In the upper part of the wilmower the chamber is
pansion ch amber w hich re turns m ost of the Li ght particles can be sucked out of the p ro- enlarged and, as a resul t of the decreased flow ve-
suction air used . duction s trea m a nd into the attached aspiration locity, the light particles drop down and are re-
An exa mple of a modern asp ira to r is the duct and they are then removed in a central moved at the hoppe r valve (8).
"classifier" separator (Biihler, Braunschweig) aspiration unit (d ust remover). The exhaust air is fed back again through an
(Fig. 2.6). Like all aspirators thi s sepa ra tor con- For dust rem ova l from the air, circulating air air feedback duct and is recirculated for remo-
tains two sieves for removing the larger and wiml0wers (Tarare) are nowadays installed on val of contaminants. About 10 % of the exhaust
air is sent to the central aspirator so that a p ar- Fig. 2.8
sm aller contaminants, but it has, of course, sub- the equipment. A winnower is a device for re-
ticle vacuum occurs when the kernels are fed in Perlllnlllellt IIIngllet p-- -
stantially larger dimensions and is designed to mo ving li ght particles from the product stream
and the system operates dus t-free. Magnetic devices

Magnetic devices are built in to operate near the
start of processing so tha t iron parts flo w ing
GT -- - --
with the product strea m ca!Ulot cause any da-
mage . Damage occurs as a result of
retention of m etal parts and friction until red
hot or
emission of sparks in fast Huming machines
and consequently
occurrence of du st explosions and fires as
well as
damage to the m achines.
Fig. 2.7 Today almost without exception permanent
Circllintillg air willllower magne ts are used . The m agnets retain their
sh'ong magnetic force almost indefinitely thanks
(1 ) oscillatioll lIIotor Fig. 2.9
(2 ) cOlltniller vOttOIll witii adjllstavle settillg to u se of special m etal alloys. DI'IIIII IIInglletwilli nlltolllntic reIIIOvnl ofiroll pnrts
(jeed slIoe) The permanent magn et is built into a sloping (1) vnrley ill let, (2) vnrley olltlet, (3) iroll pnrts, (4) CO IIII eeti-
(3) stomge COllta ilier plane (Fig. 2.8) and the flow is distributed over all for dll st relllovnl, a) rotntiIIg dl'IlIII, v) IIIngII et vloek, stn-
(4 ) adjllstavle dll ct wnll tiolInry
the entire width. Iron objects must be completely
(5 ) adjllstillg devicefor tlIe verticnl dllct
(6) air Call troller willI tlIrottle vnlve removed from the magnet regularly. If such
(7) expnIisioll e/Inlllver cleaning is neglected, metal objects are dragged
(8) lIOpper valve back into the flow and the damage is all the Dry destoner
A) IIIIe/ealled varley ill let, B) clenlled vnrley
greater. Whilst the magnet removes iron objects it does
olltlet, C) IIeavy coI ItnIllill nllts disclInrge, 0 )
nspimted nir cOlltnill illg ligiit colltalllillnllts to Drum magnet dev ices with automatic remo- not remove those stones which are still present
tlIe cyclolle val of iron objects can also be used (Fig. 2.9) . beca use they are about the same size as the bar-
" ley at the site of breakage so damaged barley
ley kerne ls. To remo ve these a dry destone r is Deawner
u sed (Fi gs. 2.10 and 2.10a) . Generally, awns are removed from the barley must be removed. Also, the grains can no lon-
The ba rley passes through the inlet (6) onto during threshing. Consequently, no equipment ger ge rminate if the seedling has been damaged
is normally n eeded to do this. However, barley or removed. However, such g rains are not re- 2
an inclined working plane (1) which is made to
vibrate by an oscillation motor (2) . This results batches may be delivered which are not suffi- moved durin g pre-cleaning since they are the
in an upward transfer which moves the objects ciently deawned. In this case the barley mus t be sa me size as the barley kernels. Gra in cleaners
lying on the wire mesh upwards . A constant passed through a d eawner (Fig. 2.11). (tri eur cy lind e rs) are u sed to re move them.
s tream of air lifts the lighter kernels slightly, Nowadays the deawner is installed - if at all- The grain cleaner (trieur) consis ts of a steel
and they flow downwards on this air cushion as an abrading machine. It usually consists of a sheet or stainless steel cylinder with a 2 to 3%
Fig. 2.lOa
over the inclined plane below them, whereas perforated metal sheet cylinder which is SUl"- Direclioll of IIIOVelllelll 011 Ille sepamtillg sieve
incline, a diameter of 40 to 70 cm and a leng th
the heavie r small stones are carried further up- rOlmded by a steel sheet casing. In the cylinder which - d epending on the p e rfo rmance requi-
wards by the vibrating sieve and thus move to a rotor is moved which moves the kernels wit- red - can have a peripheral speed of 1.0 to 1.5
hout striking them. m/s. Semi-circular pocke ts are pressed into the
the discharge outlet (9).
Dry destoners are fOlmd less often in maltings The abrading drive moves the mass of grains Newer abrading m achines achieve their abra- interior cylinder wall and - depending on the
because such small stones do not interfere with towards the outlet. As a result of the operation din g effect by the in teraction between rotor g rain req uirements - the size of these recesses is
production there. Instead they are being used of the abrader, the grains rub firmly against one nubs and the sieve casing or between static and between 1.25 and 26 mm. For ba rley cleaning
more and more often in breweries where they another and consequently the awns break off. mo ving nubs. 6.5 mm diameter pockets are used.
are installed before the mios to prevent damage There is, howeve r, also more material rubbed Because at least one aspiration duct or a win- Barley is introduced into the cleaner and the cy-
to the rollers and rapid bllmting of the fluted rol- off which at the end emerges with the barley nower must therefore be ins talled after it, it is linder rotated at a speed of 20 to 50 rpm. The bar-
lers and thus to increase their service life. from the deawner. more sensible to install the deawner before the ley grains are carried up by the rota ting cylinder
aspirator and to arrange that it is only switched until they fall out again when they have reaclled a
on temporarily when necessary. certain height because of their own weight. TIlis
process is repeated several times whilst the barley Grain cleaner (trieur) slowly slides along the bottom of the cylinder and
..... I.' Barley always contains small amounts of sphe- is removed at the end (Fig. 2.12).
rical weed seeds and broken barley. Weed seeds Spherica l seeds and broken barley are howe-
decrease malt quality and moulds grow on bar- ver carr ied further upwards in the pockets.

Fig. 2.10
Dry desloller
(1) slopillg workillg plalle
(2) drivefrol1l Il,e oscillalioll 1110101'
(3) direclioll ill wll icll fi,e oscillalioll
1110101' opem tes
(4) coverillg IIood
(5) aspimtioll colllleclioll alldillroll- Fig. 2.11
Ie valve Abmdillg demull illg l1Iacilill e
(6) barley illiet willi aspim lioll duel
(7) barley ollilel (1) barley ill iel
(8) s lolles (2) avmdillg discs
(9) stolles outiel (3) cnsillg
(10) elld of tile sepamlillg regioll (4) 011 tiel fro111 cnsillg
(11) barley patll (5) varley olltiet
(12) air sllpply (6) dlls l re1110val
122 123

perfo rma nce of the clea ner. N owadays, clea- qua li ty criterion of the barley wh ich therefore
ners with an hourl y th roug hp u t of up to 15 ta re affects the price.
Frn ctioll 2 2 Barle y grading Seco lld grnde qllnlity
This desc ripti on is app li ed to the barley ft'acti-
Fig. 2."12
Grnill cleoller (trie l/ r) Basis of grading on w hi ch p asses through the 2.5 mm sieve but
0) IOllgifl/dillol secfioll Up to thi s s tage in barley cleanin g, large and is reta illed by the 2.2 mm sieve . This frac ti on
b) frnll sverse cross-seclioll small fo reign particles, dust, iron p articles and should only be small. The second grade barley
(1) frie l/ r cnsillg
rOlmd bodies h ave been rem oved . Th e barley is often processed sepa rately.
(2) 1II0ill sllnff
(3) fm l/glt now consists - ap art from sm all admixtures o f
(4) screw call ve l/or other cereal corns of app roxim ately the same si- Screelli IIgs
(5) screw cOllveyor drive ze as barley - of va rious sizes of barley kernels. Every thing which passes through the 2.2 mm
(6) borley ill ief
Large, thick-belli ed ke rn els contain m ore sieve is included in this descripti on. The scree-
(7) borley " kid ll cy"
(8) borley ol/ tlef
starch th an sm ail, thin kernels and are therefo- nings consist m ainly of low va lue, thin corn s
b re preferred. Sm all kernels take up water more and are unu sable fo r malt produ ction. They are
(9) brokell borley ol/tlel
qu ickly than large ones during steeping and a va lu able cattle feed. The highest screenings
would result in uneven malt quality if they we- content sh ould be at most 2.5% bu t lower va lu-
re not separated. The barley is therefore sorted es may be agreed by sup plier and customer.
into frac tions of even kernel size by lIsing sieves The size of the screenings frac tion depends on
with 2.2 and 2.5 mm slit w idths in order to ob- the harves t yea r.
tain homogen eous malt. Depending on the shape of the sorting sheet,
In m altings, spherica l grain trieurs are almost Beca use the differen ce in wa ter uptake bet- a diffe rentiation is m ade between grading cy-
exclusively used. ween larger and sm aller corns is initially very linders and plansifters.
The separati on limit between the two fra cti- large but then becomes progressively sm aller,
ons can be controlled, not only by the cell size, nowadays more and more maltings eliminate Grading cylinder
but also by the h eight of the edge of the trough grading and malt all the corns together (mainly Th e gra ding cylinder con sis ts of a ro tatin g,
and the rotation speed. The height of the edge with corn w idths above 2.2 mm). Grading is sli ghtly sloping cylind rical sheet s tee l fra me,
of the trough is therefore adjus table from the then firs t p erformed w ith the finished m alt. about 0.6 m in diam eter and 2 to 3 m long, on
outside. It may occur that short, fat barley ker- Much more important than the kernel size is the which sieves containing slits about 25 mm long
nels are carried off in the trough, which would varietal purity o f the batch o f barley. are s tre tched . The slits in the front sieves are
lead to a loss. On the other hand, it is possible By means of the two sieves the barley is divi- 2.2 111m w id e. In the second half of the cylinder
Fig. 2.13 for half-corns to remain in the main stream and ded into th ree frac tion s: the slits are 2.5 ml11 wide. In the case of cylin-
Higlt pel!orlllollce grnill cleoll er willt excllnllgeoble cosillg
consequentl y reduce the quality. In order to ders with a large throughput there is a separate
segl/lell is
avoid thi s, often on e or more subsidiary Frn ctioll 1 cy linder for each grade.
They do n ot fall out as a result of their own cleaning cylinders are installed after the main First gmde 01' plll111p bnrley Whils t the "kidney-shaped" mass of barley
weight until they are in the upper part of the cylinder and thereby a very precise selection This is the fra cti on whi ch is retained by the 2.5 moves slowly downwards, eve ry grain com es
clean er and they are caught in a h'ou gh and can b e obtained . nUll slit sieve. The plump barl ey consists of the re p ea tedl y into contact w ith su ch slits. The
transported to the outlet. This typ e of trieur is Large high-performance cleaners often ha ve larges t and plumpest ke rnels from which the grain either fa lls through or remains restillg on
known as a spherical seed trieur. exchangeable casing segments. Often there are highest y ield is to be exp ected and which are the slits. When, the di ameter of the
With long grain h'iems, in comparison, the va- also built-in baffles w hich prevent layering of therefore most suitable fo r malt and beer p ro- kernel is exactly the same as the slit vvidth, it
luable p roduct (in this case the barley) is selected lighter and heav ier corns within the b a rley duction. The size of the plump barley fra ction sticks. To prevent such se ttling, a movable rol-
fro m amongst the waste product (e.g. oats). "kidney" (Fig. 2.13) which would decrease the should be as large as possible. It is an important ler brush is u sed to clean the sieve. Beca use the

upper part of the cylinder cover does not come Plan sifter
into contact with the barley, only about 25 % of A plansifter is a grading machine which con- r ---

the sieve surface is used. In modern high-per- sists of 20 to 28 sieve frames with horizontal sie-
formance grading cylinders, up to almost 50% ve surfaces arranged above one another. The - --- - - ==-1
of the sieve surface is used because of the pre- plansifter is suspended from tubular rods and - - -==1
sence of built-in throwing shovels, and at the is shaken with a rotational movement by an ec-
centric drive. As a result the barley corns are
--- =1
same time these prevent corns from never pas-
sing from the middle of the mass of barley to continuously distributed over the entire sieving
the outside (Fig. 2.14). surface and continuously change their orienta-
tion and position.
Delivery and removal of the barley is through Fig. 2.16
a cloth tube since a fixed cOlUlection is not pos- How tiTe plallsifter works
sible because of the rotational movement. (opemtillg prillciple)

The plansifter is driven by a motor with a belt TiTe illflowillg varley is riivirieri ill to severnl partial
drive from. the vertical shaft or by a co-oscilla- 25 mmSieve
strealllS wiTiciT pass separn tely over sieves witiT a 2.5 22mm Sieve
ting motor. In all cases the motor is cOIU1.ected to 111111 slit wiritll allritiTell over severn I 2.2 111111 slit ele- Siave
a balance weight made of lead which determi- meJlts. UII$OIIed billie},
TiTis is Ilecessllry vecal/se IIIOS t of tiTe varley cOll sists First grllde
nes the circular stroke diameter. This diameter
ii, i \ I of pi 11111 I' vnrley, tiTe kemels of1llllicil are 2.5 111111 or SclcCfld gmdd + S<.:fOOning5
is about 74 mm at 220 rpm . Inlger ill size allriwitiT tiTis IIlelilOritiTese nJlritiTe Firs/grade
d b Cros.rover
The sieve frames (Fig. 2.15) consist of the gra- gmrie 2 grnills are well sepnrnteri. TiTe sllwller Sewlld g1iW6
Fig 2.14 ding sheet cut in a criss-cross pattern (1) bene- mllOl/llt of screellillgs allritlle large IIInterial m'e Screenlllg
illcrease ill size of tiTe grnriillg s1llface vy I/se of a riistrivl/tillg tiTell sieveri Ol/t ill afew screellillg elelllellts.
tunzcr ath which a wide-mesh ball screen (2) is located
a) grnriillg cylillriel; v) lIigiT-perfoJ"ll/allce grnri illg cylillrier with a moderately large gap . Between the wide-
mesh screen and the grading sheet there are
rubber balls (3), belt elements or plastic moul- ces remain in the same section. Plastic moulded Beilngries (Fig. 2.18). The barley is distributed
ded pieces, which are maintained in a continu- pieces as bottom cleaners on the collecting tray onto large sieving surfaces and graded. Rubber
Grading cylinders have a throughput of 1 to
ously bouncing movement by the eccentric mo- keep the screen bottom clean. balls and shaped pieces keep the sieve surfaces
6 t/h.
vement and thereby prevent blocking of the Modern plansifters are nowadays built as free. Dust-containing air is sucked off and after
Because of the very low performance and the
grading sheet by those kernels which have ex- stack sieve sifters. In these the sieving elements coarse dust removal about 85% is recirculated .
relatively high space requirements, grading cy-
actly the same size as the holes. Section dividers are arranged beside and above one another, as in A smaller amount of the dust-containing air is
linders are now only fOlmd in very small and
(4) are provided so that the balls or shaped pie- a chest of drawers, in such a way that all the sie- led into the central aspirator. Dust removal is
old malti.ngs.
ve elements are well utilised. For this purpose the not shown in the diagram (see Sect.,
sh'eam of goods is divided into several winnower).
partial sh'eams (Fig. 2.16) and, depending on the Grading plants giving very good sorting are
fractions of the various sorts, distributed on seve- nowadays built with a capacity of 15 tlh or more.
ral sieves. As a result very good grading is obtai-
ned. In the diagram of the high performance 2.1.3 Transfer of barley and malt
"quadrostar" plansifter (Fig. 2.17), the middle In the maltings not only barley but also green
Fig. 2.15
Grnriillg elelllellt section is opened and the layers of sieve ele- malt and finished malt must be repeatedly
(1) grnriil/g plate ments can be seen. transported . Malt must also often be moved in
(2) vall screCIJ Another arrangement of the planar grading the brewery until it is milled.
(3) mvver vall Since in all cases very large amolmts of bulk
elements is shown in the sieve diagram of the
(4) sectioll riivirier
(5) colleelillg trny grading machine TS 200 of Schmidt Seeger, material have to be moved, there is an advan-
126 127

tage in keeping the transp ortation path as sh ort Ope rat ion : Th e belt an d b u ckets are moved
as possible and employ ing mean s of transport in the case of barley at a m ax im u m of 4 m /s
which keep the transfer cost as low as p ossible. a nd in the case of m alt a t a maximum o f 2.5
In this connecti on basica lly two groups of m/s. The bucke ts scoop the goods to be con - 2
Fig. 2. 19 transportation mea ns ca n be distinguish ed : veyed fro m th e bottom tro u gh (5 ) and carr y
Bllcket cOllvcyor or mechan ical transportati on m ean s, by which th e good s upwa rd . Th e bu cke ts empty as
elevator the bulk m aterial is moved m echanically, and th ey reverse direction a t the upper pull ey
(1) IIpper plllley
wit II ririve
pneumatic transp ortati on mean s, by w hich and th e good s are di scharged into th e outlet
(2 ) lower Pllllell the bulk materi al is moved through pipes by p ip e (6).
witii tellsiollillg a stream of ai r. For green m alt transp ort, chain eleva tors or
rievice belts toge ther w ith a lattice drum as the drive
(3) collveyor belt
witii bllckets Mechanical conveyors unit are used to prevent lopsided running of the
(4) ensillg Mechanical con veyors move the goods by me- belt resulting from the pl acing of we t goods on
(5) bottolll I rollgii
or glitter
I ans of mech anically m oved p arts. They can be the belt.
divided into: Ad van tages: Bucket eleva tors are, becau se of
(6) riisclwrge olltlet
buc ket conveyo rs o r eleva tors for vertical their low energy usage, the ch ea pes t conveyor
h'iU1sportation, means for ve rti cal transport and consequently
screw conveyo rs, they are wid ely used. They are easy to operate
troughed chain conveyors, and and with little ca re and m aintenan ce are very
conveyor belts for horizontal tran sport. reli able in op eration .
Fig. 2.17 "qllnriros tnr" lIigli per[orlllnilce pln llsifter (B iilIlel; Brn lilisclIweig) Disadvantage: The bottom trough (gutter) is
lvliririle port ioll opweri; sOllie of ti,e grnriillg elellleli ts enll be sew. Bucket conveyor or elevator never completely empty. This is particularly dis-
TlI e grnriillg elelllelits nre nrrnllgeri nbove olle nllDtl,er nllri enll, if lIecessary, be ensily rellloveri for clenll illg, repnir or repincellleli t Construction: The eleva tor (Fig. 2.19) consists of ad vantageous if one wants to transport d ifferent
by otlIers. TlI e SlIspelisioll of tlIe plnllsifter cnll nlso be clenrly seell. A rigiri cOlillectioll bYlllenlis of rolntillg elelllelits II ses 1II0re
an endless belt (3) made of can vas, plastic or goods with the same elevator. The gutte r therefo-
magy nllri is sllbject to 1II0re wenr.
chains, which is moved over two rollers (1 and 2) re has to be cleaned after each use. If the electrici-
arranged verticall y above one another. Buckets, ty supply fails it can happen that the elevator
each of w hich contains 2 to 15 I of barley or rlUlS backwards because the filled buckets on the
malt, are attached to it w ith a sp acing of 0.3 to ri sing side pull the belt downward s. Conse-
0.4 m. quently, a re turn stop mech anism is usu ally
The buckets are m ad e of provided . Elevators are d angerous conveying
welded sheet s teel, mea ns because rubbing belts or bu ckets, if not
deep draw n sh eet (Columbus buckets), or numing s traight, can cause fires and du st ex-
plas tic. plosions. Consequently, eleva tors in large
The elevator dri ve is applied to the upper pl ants are controlled by rotation speed and cor-
pulley (1) since this bea rs the entire weight of rect n uming monitors. To prevent the belt from
the belt. becoming lopsided, the driving pulley is slight-
Fig. 2.1S
The bucket elevator has a tensioning device (2) ly roun ded, i.e. higher in the middle than at the
TS 200 grnriillg screcller at its bottom end by means of which the elevator sides.
(Sclllilirit Seegel; Beilligries) belt (3) must always be held lU1der tension. In s lll all plants bucket eleva to rs are fre-
To avoid accidents and prevent losses, the quentl y Ll sed in the form of round discs which
(1) Grnrie 1
(2) Grnrie 2
eleva tor is enclosed by metal sheeting or (in ol- are fixed sh ort di stan ces ap ar t fro m each other
(3) screellillgs der plants) by wood (4). In the latter case there and are transp orted in n on -slip plas tic pipes
(4) Inrge IIIn terinl is an increased fire haza rd . (Fig.2.19a).

When rotating, the screw pushes the barley A conveyor simil ar to the screw con veyor is w ith it. The ch ain conveyor - particul arly when
or malt gently forward to the discharge positi- the "flex au ger" . This conveyor consists of a running unloaded - cau ses a considerable
on provided in the form of a discharge slide. spring steel screw with no sh aft which rotates amo unt of n oise becau se the links of the chain
2 Emptying is performed easily by opening one in a flex ible polyethylene pipe and thereby mo- rub on the m etal bottom. 2
of the discharge chutes arranged beneath the ves the goods . The pipe, which is completely The drive is prov ided by a sprocket wheel in
trough. The trough must only be about a third emptied by the adjacent screw thread, can also the dri ve unit. Discharge of the product, in the
full since otherwise the amount carried in the up- be installed in curves and inclination s up to 45° . case of a pulling chain, occurs entirely at the
per section will be transported back again. dri ve station, but can also occur at intermediate
Advantages: Despite a high energy usage the outlets. The trough is not emptied co mpletely.
screw con veyo r is an inexpensive conveying de- Chain conveyors are dust-free in operation
vice for hori zontal tran sfer (or inclined up to a nd w ith regard to power cons umption are
30 0q. For h'ansport over short distances in mal- eq ua l to or better than mos t other conveyors.
tings, screw conveyors are therefore genera lly 1. Ful l thread
used. Belt conveyors
Disadva ntages: There must always be 3 to Gentle transportation and low energy require-
5 mm clearance between the trough and the path ments characterise belt conveyors. The b elt
of the screw, otherwise the screw scrapes against need s a relatively large amount of space; howe-
Fig.2.19n the trough . Consequently it is impossible to emp- ver it can also be used for transporting large lo-
SIIInIl vllcke t ads. Intake and discharge positions have to be
ty the trough completely. This is particularly dis- 2. Pa llet thread
cO ll veyor witll
advantageous in the case of green malt transfer. arranged in such a way as to prevent loss of the
roll/lit discs
Moreover, the edges of the screw become very product and production of dust. The discharge
sharp over a period of time and can damage the position can be varied . Screw conveyor grains - particularly during green malt transfer. h

As in the past, screw conveyors are the most of- The screw turns are installed 3. Padd le thread Fig. 2.21
ten-used conveying elements for horizontal as complete turns in the conventional m an-
T!JIles of screw
transfer of bulk goods such as barley and malt. ner, tll/'llS
A sheet steel screw (or worm) is moved by a as band turns with an open interior,
shaft in a s teel trough which is pro tected as pallet turns, similar to band turns, but with
against lUlauthorised access by a remo vable co- staggered semi-arches,
ver (Fig. 2.20). The screw is supported on be- as paddl e screws with separate paddles
(Fig. 2.21). Troughed chain conveyor
arings 2 to 3 m apart so that it does not sag. The
Screw conveyors can also be fOlUld in their The troughed chain con veyor is a transporting
shaft is driven by a motor; the shaft rotation
various forms arranged vertically for hlrning device for horizontal and also inclined trans-
speed is less than 200 rpm and so a gea ring of
green malt in pneumatic plants. port (synonym: Redler).
the motor is necessary.
An endless skeleton link chain with specifi-
cally arranged crosspieces runs at a speed of 0.4
to 0.6 m/s in a rectangular flat trough (Fig. 2.22).
Fig. 2.20
The trough can be 2/3 to 3/4 filled with barley or
Screw collveyo r
(1) trollg"
malt. When the chain moves it carries the goods
(2) tm llgll cover
(3) illterllledinte venrillg
(4) Jillnl ven rillg
(5) disclwge oll tlet Fig . 2.22
(6) drive Trollglled c/lnill cOllveyor (Redler)
130 131

The conveyor belt Ll suall y consists of rubber The belt is moved at a speed of 2 to 3 m/s. The compressed air con veyo rs with raised pres- with sufficient branches, However, the goods
and canvas plies. Depending on the goods to be belt is maintained ta ut by a tensioning device sure in the conveying ducts are de li ve red only mto the receiver (Fig, 2.25),
conveyed it is made flat or trou gh-like (Fig, comprising a tensioning pulley. The drive is w hi ch is therefore connected at the highest po-
2.23). Trough-like bands ha ve a hig her perfor- u sually provided by an electric belt drum, Suction conveyors (Fig. 2.24) siti on, i,e, above the kiln, above the ba rley floor 2
man ce than fla t ones because they ca n contain a In suction conveyors the barley can be su cked or above the steep vessel.
grea ter amoullt of goods without danger of los- Pneumatic conveyors in at man y positions if the du cting is provided
ses , In addition to m echanical conveyors, pneuma-
tic conveyors are used in maltings and brewe-
ries for illternal transportation of unpackaged

9L...-_ _ _-----IF 1
In pneuma tic conveyors the barley or malt is Explnllnliol1 s to Fig, 2.24
ca rried inside pipes by a powerful stream of air.
To keep the conveyed goods in su spension, an Equipment item Task Cons truction Remarks
air velocity of 11 m/s is required. But to move
the goods a substantially higher air speed must Suction nozzle (1) a ir su ction adjustable double It must always be possibl e
be used, usually between 20 and 30 mis, The or walled pipe to suck in sufficient a ir or else
stream of air is produced by rotary piston blo- the pipe will becom e blocked,
wers or high pressure fans. Discharge hopper suck in barley for introdu ction of Air is su cked m and ca rries
Fig, 2,23 Advantages of pneumatic conveyillg are su fficient air the barley with it.
Roller positiolls for collveyor bel ts large loads can be conveyed Flexible pipe (2) allow mo vable spiral pipe
(1) simple belt little space is needed positionillg of the
(2) trollgh-shaped belt
no residues remaill in the equipment suction device
(3) trollgll-shaped belt witll middle roller
the transfer path can be arranged very flex i- Conveyin g pipe (3) further tran sport pipe about 15 to Graills rub on the pipe wa ll
bly of the air and the 20 cm diameter a t sharp bends & gradu a ll y
there is no fire risk, sucked-ill barley with large bends wear it away. By attachillg
On the other hand the energy requiremen t is branches a highly branched
considerably hig her than with mechani cal system of suction points
transfer. can be produced,
There are two types of pneumatic conveyor: Separa tor retention of the vessel with con ical The segmented w heel only
suction conveyors with reduced pressure in (discharger) (4) barley outlet in w hich a removes the conveyed goods
the conveying ducts and mechanica lly driven but lets no air in. The dus t-
I segmented w heel is contamillg conveying air is
fitted and sea led sucked out through a filter
{j \ 3
Fig,2,24 (Fig. 2,25) caltridge.
SlIctioll collveyor (opernt illg prillciple) Aspiration pipe (5) cOlUlection to stronger pi pe consequently lower air
(1) slI ctioll I/Ozzle the blower velocity
(2) flexib le pipe
Dust filter (6) dus t removal see Sect. In addition, water filters
(3) cOll veyillg pipe
(4) separntor for air cleanillg are often used ,
(5) aspirntioll pipe Blower (7) suck in the high pressure
(6) dllst filter convey ing air fan
(7) blower

(8) ail' discharge
1 (9) barley ill take The goods to be conveyed must be filled into the nozzle or hopper cal'efully so that the equip-
(10) barley discharge ment does not become blocked.
132 133

Comparison of the properties of pressure and Overall, the equipment and operating costs slugs, by an intermittent supply of compressed
suction equipment: of pneumatic plants are much higher than for air. A flow of air keeps the grains in a slightly di-
mechanical conveyors. They are used primarily spersed state and thus makes the forward move-
5- Pressure Suction in bu ildings where it is necessary to transport ment of the slugs easier. This provides a very 2
pnerunatic pneumatic large amounts of goods with many changes of gentle conveyance of the goods at speeds of 3 to
Airflow almost always mostly high direction. 15 m/s and results in the plant being very econo-
producer rotary piston pressure fans But direction changes cause a serious pro- mical in operation. The power requirement is up
blowers blem. The barley which is carried in the air has to 40% less than with conventional pneumatic
Goods always by suction nozzle a greater inertia than the air and attempts to conveyance. Periodic pressure conveyors are al-
-3 inlet hopper continue to fly straight on at every bend (Fig. so constructed for very high throughputs (up to
Goods with or without hopper always 2.27). This damages the grains and with time 50 t/h) and for greater distances.
discharge hopper necessary the grains wear a hole in the bend. To prevent Pneumatic slow conveyors move the goods at
Transfer relatively slow high this, the curves are made very wide, with thick a lower speed but Calmot become permanently
speed walls. blocked if, for example, the plant ceases to be lU1-
Goods all types not possible der pressure as a result of a prolonged power fai-
discharger possible in cells llue. When the ClUTent is switched on again, at
Operating can be lugh, relatively low first a large slug is formed which is separated
pressure long from the inlet end lU1til the conveying pipe is lU1-
conveying paths blocked . In the brewery tlus is used, for example,
possible for mechallical trallSportation of spent grains.

Fig. 2.25 2.1.4 Equipment for dust removal

Oischnrger (sepnmtOl; receiver) Fig. 2.27
Dust always sticks to the surface of barley and
Flow of gmill s nl n
(1) IlOlIsillg belld
(2) seglllCllted wheel with drive
(3) nir slIpply pipe
(4) sieve cnrtridge Another developnlent is
(5) dll st-col/tnillillg nir olltlet
the slow conveyor. This is a ( ). ',
system in which the goods 0 .j

{i are conveyed not in a stream (X l C1

I of air but in slugs (Fig. 2.28).
t The goods introduced from Compressed air conveyors the goods intake into the hop-
In compressed air conveyors (Fig. 2.26) the per are divided into indivi- air compressor
{- - -- ----- l
goods are introduced in the hopper. By means du al sections, the so-called
: q> Control panele> Product mteed
of a segmented rotary discharger the goods are ! . j ( /I)Dlra {ifl
introduced into the pipeline in which a strong
If • I
air stream flows. In order to be able to add
goods at several sites, the hopper has someti- '1;
Q T r-:::
I ,
mes been made movable. Discharge is through Fig. 2.26
COIllpressed nir cOllveyor (opemt illg principle)
a cyclone, but the discharged air stiU contains (1) nir COl1lpreSSOl; (2) hoppel; (3) collveyil/g pipe, (4) olltlet
dust. Movable air compressors with quick-fit vessel, (5) nir illlel, (6) bnrlelj illPllt, (7) bnrley dischnrge, Fig 2.28

pipelines are used for malting barley storage. (8) nir disclwrge to cel/lml dllst relllover Slow cO ll veyor wi th pllised delivery
134 135

malt kernel s and an unpredi ctable but clearly 5 covered with dust. Even without defects the re- suit the dust falls down to the bottom illld is re-
d etectable amount is released with every move- sidual dust slowly passes into all spaces and gra- moved. The air supply is then restar ted and the
ment of the goods. dually completely covers everything. next section cleillled. This process is extremely
The dusty air mus t, at all places at which it is Frequently suction tubular filters (Fig. 2.30) audible. 2
formed, be sucked off and the du st removed be- are still found in maltings. Here the dust-con-
cause taining air passes into the tube from the bottom 2.1,4.2.2 Newer types of dust filters
it is liable to cause explosions, and is drawn off at the top of the filter. Up to 18 Newer types of dust filter are consh'ucted as nozz-
it spoils the working conditions, tubes are suspended in each of 3 to 8 chambers. le filters, but other types also achieve air cleaning
it makes the working space and machinery The tubes are 13 to 20 cm in diameter illld 1.8 to using very little space, which sa tisfies the require-
dirty, and 2.8 m long. For cleaning, the unit is taken out of ments of the enviromnent protection regulations.
it is a source of infection. operation, i.e. the air stream is cut off. By means
The dust-containing air must therefore be of a special mechanism above the tubes, the lat-
sucked away from all places where it occurs. ter are slackened and then re-tightened. As a re-
For this a dus t removal or aspiration plant is
used. The dust removal equipment can be re-
cognised by the large ducts since a large volu-
me of air mus t be withdrawn for dust removal. Fig. 2.29
eyclolle (relllOvnl 6
The air flow required for this is produced by
of dll St, etc.)
an axial or radial fan (see Sect. 10.5.2). The dust (1) illlet, (2) sepnmtor Calle, (3) illspectiollwilldow, (4) ollllet
may be separated from the air stream lock, (5) illllllersioll pipe, (6) clenlled nir olillet, (7) dllst pnrl i-
by cyclones, or cle ollllel
by filters . Cyclones moval CillUl0t be obtained. Truly satisfactory

A cyclone (Fig. 2.29) consists of a cylindrical up- dust removal Cilll only be obtained with filters.
per part (1) into which air is blown tangentially.
The cyclone tapers conically downwards. In it Dust filters Fig. 2.3 1
the dust particles are forced outwards by centri- Separation of dus t from an air stream by a filter Nozzle jet filter
fugal force, slide downwards and are dischar- allows separation of dust particles down to (1) filter tlloe, (2) dllst-
ged through an outlet hopper (4) and packed about 6 pm in size. Such air can be considered cOlltnillillg nil; (3) dllSI,
(4) 1I0zzle, (5) co111pres-
into sacks. The cleaned air exits from the top (6) . to be clean. Absolutely dust-free air Cilllnot be sed nir (n) nil' pnssnge
A cyclone never removes dust completely from produced on the large industrial scale or only at dllrillgjiltmtioll, (0)
a stream of air. A residual amOlmt of fine particles enormous cost. senvellged nir to clenll .
' : ', -

leaves the cyclone in the air stream. The dischar- the filter tlloes, (6) fnlse ,
OOtt0111, (7) stnr wheel,
ge of air with a residual dust content is no longer Older type dust filters (8) clenlled nir 13
tolerated, especially in densely populated areas, The oldest type of dust filters are the pressure tu-
and it would infringe on official regulations con- bular filters which are now only encOlmtered in
cerning pollution of the environment. old factories. Up to 100 cloth tubes into which Nozzle filters
Modern plants therefore u se a cyclone only the dust-containing air is blown are stretched A nozzle filter (Figs. 2.31 & 2.32) consis ts of a
as a pre-separator. Even though, in modern se- vertically between two chambers. A rake moving cylindrical and a conical part. In the cylindrical
Fig. 2.30
paration results more from centrifugal force up illld down sweeps the dust inside where it SlIclioll III/JIIlnrjiller (old type)
part there are tubes, up to 3 m long, consisting
than through the settling of dust as a result of falls down illld is trilllsported away. But if there (1) filter chn111oel; (2) filler tlloes, (3) tlloe siispelldel; (4) col- of plastic threa d wound on wire baskets. As a
deceleration, completely sa tisfactory dust re- are defects the entire sUITolmdings are thickly leclioll trollgh, (5) collected dllst cOllvey01; (6) cOlllrol device result of tangential introduction of the dust-
136 137

contain ing air, part of the dus t is removed by Another alternati ve involves a change from a This formula reads like a basic formula for li-
centrifu gal force. The air then flows through rowld form of tube to a more rectangular shape fe in ge nera l. Read ing from rig h t to left, it
the tubes and is thereby cleaned. The tubes are with a consequent furth er im provement in utili- shows the flU1damental conversion, by photo-
cleaned in turn by the nozzles arranged in the sation of the ava ilable space (F igs. 2.33 & 2.33a). synthesis of foliage plants w ith the aid of SlU1- 2
top part of the filter above each tube, with a lig ht, w hi ch produces glucose which, through
short but powerful jet of a ir. As a result of this 2.2 Drying and storage of barley po lyme ri sation to s tarch, m akes poss ible the ce-
Fig. 2.32
Cross-sectioll of n/iller e1e- sudden pressure blow fr o m inside, the dust The graded barley is not usua lly malted imme- rea l h a rvests necessary for life as well as proli-
II/ellt particles adhering to the ou tside of the sleeves diately but s tored until processed. In the time fic p lant growth. Although oxygen is only pro-
are shaken off. They fall down and are removed after harvesting the barley goes throu gh a pe- duced as a by-product of thi s process, it is
by a segm ented wheel. riod of dormancy which las ts approxim a te ly 6 neve rtheless responsible for the majority of the
The control device responsible operates pneu- to 8 weeks (in Centra l Europe), depending on oxygen in the air necessary for li fe, w hich in the
m atically. During the cleaning of a sleeve all ot- weather conditions during the harves ting pe- course of billions of yea rs has increased to ap-
her sleeves remain fully operational so there is riod. Dorm an cy en ta ils basic dormancy and prox. 21 % of the oxygen content of the a ir.
no interruption . The nozzle filter is designed for water sensiti vity. During the basic dormancy it The intrace llul ar respiration (read in g from
airflows of up to 800 m 3/min. Today all filters are is not possible for the seed ling to germina te. left to right) takes place day a nd night in all
pressure surge resistant and provided with pres- Water sen sitivity refers to the seedling's stron g cell s of (higher) living creatures (plants, ani-
sure release valves to. minimise the consequen- reluctance to take up too much water. Water m als, humans) and serves to supply and con -
ces of any possible dust explosion. sensi tivity subsid es only after a certain period ve rt the energy necessary fo r life processes.
of time and only then does the barley reach its Thi s circle of intracellular resp iration and
full germinative energy. Malting ripeness is the photosynthesis is carried out daily by foliage
stage at w hich the barley is full y able to carry plants during the vegetation period.
- "
out all its vital functions . Oxygen is n ecessary for intracellul a r respira-
Barley continues to respire during storage and tion. If oxygen is lacking, respira ti o n occurs
must therefore be ventilated. Storage is in silos or with the formation of cell p oisons and the seed-
storehouses. Moist ba rley cannot be stored and ling may finally di e. Stored barley must there-
must be dried before storage. Pest-infected barley fore be aerated . During respiration it is mainly
must be gassed to kill the harmful pests. starch which is used up - with glucose C 6H I ,0 6
as an intermediate. Mainly sm all sta rch gra nu-
2.2.1 Barley respiration les are broken down. Starch is late r urgently
The ba rley embryo lives and respires even du- n eed ed as the most important source of ex tract.
Fig.2.33n rin g storage w hen all life processes are limited Respiration entails a loss of s tarch which mus t
Dingralll sl!owillg cleollillg of n fillcr pocket to a minimum. During respira tion, chemical be kept as small as possible.
(I) dll st-colltnillillg nil; (2) cnked dllst, (3) clenlled nil; (4)
changes occur which can be sUlllmarised by the The less s tarch is remo ved by respiration, the
slIpport fra ll/e, (5) filter clotl!, (6) coli/pressed nir jet
following formula: smaller the loss during malt production and so
--_.- the more profitable the business.
I .....- • ... Other modern air filters Intl'a(,f'l lulal' I'f'srira(on ---... Because barley is stored after h arves t until
A problem with air filtra tion is the space requi- processed, it is important to keep the respirati-
rement. With pressure tubular filters, 1 to 1.5 m 3 on loss as small as possible during this time. Re-
air/min and m 2 filte r surface are required, and spira tion is affected by the lll ois ture content

j with suction tubula r filters 3 m 3 air/min and m 2

filter surface. In the case of nozzle filters the loa- _ _ phOTOsynthesis ....
and the s torage temperature.
The effect of water content on respira tion is
ding can be increased to 4 to 9 m 3 air/min and m 2 Fig. 2.33& very la rge. The amOlU1t of carbon dioxide pro-
Fig. 2.33
Airfilter filter surface. Ill tracellll lnr respiratioll duced p er kg of barley in 24 h at 20 °C is shown
138 139

in the following table for various moisture con- Barley must be ventilated during storage to Moisture Storage Storage
tents: maintain its viability. Carbon dioxide, water content temperature without d amage
11.0% 0.3mg 17.0% 100mg and heat must be removed and oxygen sup-
12.0% 0.4 mg 19.6% 123mg plied simultaneously. 12.0-13.0 % 9-12 °C indefinite 2
14-15.0% 1.4mg 20.5% 359mg The storage life of a barley batch is increased 13.0-14.5% 8-10 °C 1-1.5 years
30.0% 2000 mg by cooling. 14.5-16.0 % 5-7 °C 4-6 months
With a moisture content of more than 15%,
respiration increases so much that this barley 2.2.2 Barley drying Thus the storage life of moist harvested bar-
must be dried before storage. The moisture content of barley is subject to lar- ley can be increased by cooling . If, however,
The effect of temperature on respiration is ge fluctuations. The average moisture content is dryin g is s till necessary, the dryin g can be pos t-
smaller but still considerable. The amoLmt of about 13 to 14%. In dry harvest years it may be poned by coolin g the ba tch of barley.
carbon dioxide produced per kg of barley in 24 11 to 12 %; with wet harvests it increases to over A good exampl e of a ce real coo ler for cooling
h (at a water content of 14 %) is shown in the fol- 20%. In the case of such wet harvests, the barley barley is the Granifrigor made by the company
lowing table for various temperatures: should be examined to see whether it has been Sul zer Escher-Wyss (Fig . 2.35):
15 °C 1.3 - 1.5 mg 40 °C 20 mg damaged by Fusarium, grain cracking, or hid-
30°C 7.3 - 8.5 mg 52 °C 249 mg den or open germination. ----
If the heat and moisture from respiration of
the stored barley are not removed, a chain reac-
Barley stored wet loses its germinative capa-
city and produces poor malt. Barley containing

tion occurs. Respiration produces heat and wa-
ter. These two factors further accelerate respira-
tion and the barley becomes wetter and
more than 15 % moisture must therefore be
dried before storage. As a result of drying, dor-
mancy is shortened.
{ttt I
and in some circumstances moulds grow and Drying is performed either with a hot air (,
the barley becomes worthless. drier or a vacuum drier.

Under normal storage conditions with a moi- A hot air grain drier (Fig. 2.34) contains four
sture content of 14 to 1 % the following losses shafts in which the barley to be dried moves Fig. 2.34
8m'ley drier
tt t
occur during storage: slowly downwards while it is subjected to a
horizontal flow of hot air through louvres
Storage loss in % of the quantity stored which removes the water from the grains. The
temperature of the air supplied depends on
Type of storage Storage time in months the moisture content of the barley, since moist
up to from over barley is temperature sensitive and its germi- 2.2.3 Barley cooling
3 3 to 6 6 native capacity can be greatly reduced by too It has been mentioned that the barley embryo is
Badey in bulk rapid heating. In the lower part of the drier, alive and produces heat by respiration. But the
on floors 1.0 2 3 the cooling section, the dried barley is expo- warm er the barley is, the faster the rate of respi-
in silos 0.5 1 2 sed to a stream of cold, fresh air and thereby ration increases and with it the moisture con-
Wheat in bulk cooled. Because most maltings do not have tent and the temperature. However, the moister
on floors 0.7 1.4 2.5 their own hot air drier, when necessary, moist and wa nner the barley is, the faster micro-or-
Fig. 2.35
in silos 0.6 1.2 2 barley batches are dried in a kiln at the begin- ganism s such as fungi and bacteria grow, as do Bm"iey cooler
ning of the harvesting campaign. The same insects and their eggs since they then find ideal (1) fresll ail; (2) air cooler willllllllllidily alld lell/pemillre
From these figures basic rules for barley sto- drying temperatures must be maintained here living conditions. The colder the stored barley colliroller (hygrolherll/), (3) cold air illlel, (4) air dislriblllOl;
rage can be deduced: (5) cooled gmill regioll, (6) coolillg regioll (II/oves ill tile direc-
in order to avoid damage to the embryos. The is, the more resistant it is . The following table
lioll of Ih e airflow), (7) IIlIcooled gmill regioll, (8) warll/ ail;
The barley must be stored as dryas possible. barley cannot be stored until it has been coo- shows how storage life depends on moisture (9) fall, (10) exhallsl ail; (11) air-cooled cOlldCllsel; (12) refri-
Moist barley must be dried before storage. led. content and temperature: gemlll colleclol; (13) refrigemlll cOlllpressor
140 141

The cold air emerging from the cooler enters ley 1m3 ; in the case of malt 550 kg/m3 In order to It is necessary with all silos to aerate and re- the risk of moisture uptake. A maltster must the·
the silo to which it is connected from the bottom ensure complete emptying, a discharge angle of gularly move the barley. During aeration atten- refore be in a position to check the effect of every
(3) and initially cools the lowest layer of barley. 40° is necessary. Nevertheless one 111.ust be awa- tion must be paid to the air parameters (tempe- weather condition on the aeration operations.
re that silos do not always discharge uniformly rature, moisture content). Temperature indica- With regard to this, it is important to know that 2
The air wanns up to the temperature of the ce-
real and flows upwards through the silo to the but that - depending on various factors - as a tors are therefore required at various heights in the moisture content of the barley is in equilibri-
top. Consequently the air escapes at the top result of chimney formation mUl1ixing can oc- the silo for monitoring purposes. um with the relative humidity of the air.
throughout the cooling time as warm air. cur during emptying (Fig. 2.36). The total silo plant of a maltings should be
As the cooling progresses, a cool zone deve- Silos made of sheet steel are cheaper and ea- designed so that it can accommodate 80 to 100 % Barley with a moishlre is in equilibrium
lops which during the cooling period gradually sier to erect. However, they conduct heat very of the production capacity from a harvest cam- content of (%) with a relative
moves upwards. Cooling is ended when cold air well. This causes the barley in the edge region paign to enable it to be prepared for the new humidity of (%)
finally emerges at the top. A storage temperatu- to warm up or cool down more easily and me- harvest. l3.5 60
re below 15 °C is selected. This is particularly im- ans that through increased respiration, it may 14.0 65
portant for protection from insects and mould. begin to sweat slightly which can result in the Storage in bins 15.0 70
formation of condensation water. Storage in granaries is also still usual today, alt- 16.0 75
To prevent mmuxing, silo tubes (Sifero, Bi.ih- hough many maltings possess silos, and stora- 17.0 80
2.2.4 Barley storage
Barley is mostly stored in silos or storage hou- ler) are frequently used for filling and emptying, ge in granaries is labour intensive and requires 19.0 85
ses but in older plants may still be stored on the which are fixed to the walls or top (Fig. 2.36a) and a lot of space. However, grain stores can still be 21.0 90
consist of cOlmected pieces of pipe. The silo is fOlmd in old and very small maltings where
floor in boxes.
thereby filled from bottom to top, and emptied in batches of barley are stored separately in bins The measurement is made with a relative hu- Storage in silos the opposite direction, i.e. from top to bottom. so that they can be processed separately. midity meter,
Most silos are made of concrete. They have a To aerate it, the barley is aspirated from one Drying air must be colder than the stored bar-
low conductivity, are fireproof, and their main- bin to another. Many maltings have trickle- ley. If the drying air is wanner than the barley it
tenance costs are low. They are built circular, down storage bins. These are normal bins ar- must have a low relative humidity.
rectangular or fitting together like honeycomb ranged one above another on several floors but The height of the goods in the store depends
to make good use of the space available . It is cal- containing closable openings at regular inter- on the permitted floor loading and its moishlre
culated that the silo content is 700 kg of bar- vals in their bases. For aeration the slide valves content.
are opened and the barley trickles over small The moister the malt, the shallower the stora-

I I distributors into the bin below. ge bed must be.
, I

::fi '
-...... r" ......... ...
During storage the barley moisture content is
..,. .. . ,' l .......
" .
in equilibrium with the moisture content of the Moisture content Max . height of the
! . ..............
I I ...
... .... r - '"
.................. air. This means that the barley can be dried or of the barley (%) storage heap (m)
" .
....\ ...... made more moist by the air. up to 15.5 3
I I ......
................... ...... ".,.;

-...... Air cools when it is warmer than the barley in 15.5. - 17.0 2.25
I I·' .'\ ! .......... . .. r ..............

contact with it. Its ability to retain moisture de- above 17.0 1
creases and it transfers water to the barley, re-
I \ i I ..........
....... .,., . -.
. . ........ sulting in the barley becoming moister. In con- In the case of freshly combine harvested bar-
trast to this, cold air removes moisture from ley the height of the heap of barley must be kept

L ., . - warm barley. Consequently the windows in the substantially lower since the later ripening and
1 store should always be open when the air outsi- the transpiration (sweating) process can easily
Fig. 2.36
...... de is cooler. lead to a rise in temperah1l'e and a consequent
Llllllli.rillg dllrillg silo storage nlld elllptyillg Cold, dry night Ilir Illwllys hils 11 drying effect, reduction in quality.
A) lighter goods ZOlle, B) henvier gooris ZOll e, C) zOlle with In spring, however, when the barley is cold, The advantage of easy inspection of the sto-
lighter goods lleld bnck; (1-3) goods flowillg alit (seqllel/ce nf- Fig.2.36n
ElIlptyillg (1) nlld storage (2) IIsillg silo tllbe the external temperature rises and introduces red batches in the case of bin storage is counter-
tel' opellillg tile sirie vnlve)
142 143

ac ted by the following disad va ntages: grea ter w hich kills the weevil s and their larvae b ut d is- corn contents), an occu rrence of the notorious kn own as germ ination begins. This process does
expend iture of en ergy and labour beca use of appears without residues (e.g. phosphine, Pho- "gushing" effect can be expected, provided ot- not only occur in maltings. All cereal corns and
the necessa ry movement of the good s and very s toxin, Actellic 50, etc.) . The process has to be her conditions are sa tisfi ed . legumes, potatoes and seeds begin to germinate
poor s pace utilisa tion . Con seq u entl y, n ew monitored . By gushing is m eant the sud d en outflow and as soon as wa ter is added to them. 2
plants are generally equipped with silos. Damage also occu rs occasion ally through in- excessive foaming of beer on opening the bott- As with all other life processes the respira tion
festation by the g rain moth . It spins a web le. This unsightly effect occurs frequently in so- of the barley increases and thu s the need for Pest infestations which binds the p ar tl y ea ten corns and its Own me yea rs particularl y in yeas t beers and dama- oxygen. Because steeping and germination are
In addition to the d amage caused by high moi- crumbly excretion into clumps. ges the re putation of the brewery (see Sect. two overlap p ing processes they must always be
sture content and high temperature, barley is 7.2.2). considered together.
also subjected to d amage by pests. Plant pes ts As well as the conditi ons in the fields and in To initia te germin ation as quick ly as possible
Moulds grow on the surface of barley kernels as storage, the conditions du ring malting also the barley mu st be adequa tely supplied w ith Animal pests they d o on other n atural p rodu cts. play an important role fo r mould infestation of both water and oxygen during s teeping.
Grain weevils and grain moths are parti cularly Most of these mould s are harmless. They de- barley and malt. Whereas mould spores are Steep ing is p erformed in steep vessels.
d angerous anim al p ests for b arley. velop only on d ecaying p arts of plants and the- washed from the ex terior of the corn du ring
The grain weevil (Fig. 2.37) is 3 to 4 111m lon g reby play an important role in the natural cycle steeping, the mould grows and reproduces in 2.3.1 Processes during steeping
and multiplies very rapidly. The fem ale grain of growth and decay. They calUlot dam age li- the interior of the corn during germination and During steeping the barley must take up be
weev il lays numerous eggs indi vidually in pre- ving m aterial. Nevertheless their occurrence is is only killed on a large scale during kilning . supplied Witll oxygen and be cleaned. At the sa-
viously bored kernels. The larvae ea t the ker- lmdesirable wh en they sp read wid ely on har- This applies in p arti cul ar to the species of me time the oxygen required for respiration must
n els fr om the insid e and then leave them as ves ted cereals as a result of mois t storage. They mould Fusarium. As this is then fa r too late, be supplied and the CO, whidl is produced as
weevil s. One can recognise the kernels w hich can then form cell poison s w hich can be very special attention h as therefore to be paid to con- well as the respiratOlY heat has to be eliminated .
have been attacked by the holes. Beca use of the lmpleasant [67]. tamination by moulds during maturation, har-
rapid multiplication of these weevils, the gra in Howeve r, other moulds, the so-called field vest and storage. Water uptake
can be badl y d amaged in a short time. If the d a- flora, have the ability to make use of the cell The formation of m yco toxins by mould infe- Water passes first into the embryo region but la-
mage is not noticed at an early stage the entire contents of the h ost plant as nutrients. Su ch stations can also be d angerous for humans if, ter also through the sides of the husk into the
barley batch can be destroyed . moulds often cause great economic losses since particularly Lmder tropical or subtropical condi- grain. Water uptake depends on the steeping ti-
they reduce both the quality and the quantity of tions, the mycotoxin aflato xin is produced (e.g. me, steeping temperature, kernel size, barley
agricultu ral product. inside maize corns or rice). It is therefore neces- va riety and the barley harvest yea r.
Moulds excrete metabolic products, the pri- sary to inspect cereals fo r any p ossible mould Steeping time: water uptake occurs rapidly
mary purpose of w hich is to d evelop new living infections and to look for any mycotoxins alrea- at firs t and gradually slows dow n w ith time. A t
space for the mould and to protect it. These pro- dy formed. In the case of m yco toxins, such as 10 °C the following steeping curve is obtained
ducts are called mycotoxins (poisonous substan- Zearalenon (ZEA), Desoxinivalenol (DON) and (Fig . 2.38):
ces from moulds) since they are toxic to other Oclu-atoxin A permitted maximum amounts in
Fig. 2.37

j Gmill weevil
forms of life.
The field moulds which grow in barley
malt and beer are prescribed. It should be noted
that additional amoLmts of m yco toxins can be
(Cn/nllrim cnllnrill lll )
Fli sariulII g rnlllill eal'lllll and added through other food stuffs, e .g. coffee,
whicll may be lead to h ea lth risk. o
V ----
• Fu sarilllll CIIIIII 01'1l111 I'
25 /
As storage temperature increases, so d oes the produce, as the mould mycelium grows in- I
activity of the grain weevil; below 12 to 15°C side the kernel, m ycotoxins w hich colour the 2.3 Barley steeping 15

ac tivity is low. The best protection from a possi- inside of the corn red . The toxic effect of these In stored barley the enzymes important for the
ble infes tation is to cool the content of the silo m ycotoxins in temperate zones is gen erall y malting process have only a greatly reduced acti-
and keep it cool (see Section 2.2.3). small because of the small amounts produced. vity or are still inactive. During steeping, water is
In extreme cases the whole batch of barley is However, it is known am ongst maltsters that supplied to tlle interior of the kernel. As a result Fig. 2.38
treated w ith a suitable gas-releasing agent when Fusarium is present (red colour of the the enzymes become active and the life process Sleepi llg C/l r ve
144 145

Steeping temperature: the wa rmer the steep and so the wa ter content increases rapidly d uction of pale malt can be increased up to 48 %.
wa ter, the faster the wa ter is taken up . A water there. With ce rtain barley varieties this increased wa-
content of 42 %, for exa mpl e, is reac hed under ter content is actually necessary. The germinati-
the following conditions: n on time is thereby sh ortened and the ma lting 2
at 5°C 100 h loss consid erably reduced.
at 10 °C 75 h The wa ter con tent is of grea t importance for
at 15 °C 50 h the germination process since enzyme formati-
Kernel size: sm a ll kernel s take up water Fig. 2.38n on, g row th and metabolic transformations are
much m ore quickly than large ones . Thus the O/ISel"UnliCe of wn ter sellsitivity oj bnrley decisively in fluenced by it.
following results were obtained w ith an 88 h Th e degree of s teepillg (water content) can be
steeping time: However, water uptake does not depend on- d etermined:
Ke rnel size in mm Water content in % lyon various physica l properti es of the barley, with a Bermeuther appa ratus,
2.9 43.7 such as the water content, the thou sand corn by using the thousand corn weight,
2.8 43.3 weight or the nitrogen content, but also on a se- by direct d eterm ination of the wa ter content
2.7 43.6 ries of physiol ogical properties. With increa- Fig. 2.38b and
43.7 sing duration of the steeping process these phy- Wnter Ilptnke behnviollr ill rii[ferCllt types oJbnrley
2.6 empirically.
aJ higher vitnlit y bnrley
2.5 43.7 siologica l properties affec t the wa ter uptake of bJlower vitnlity bnrley llle Bernreuther appara tus is a small, perfora-
2.4 44.7 the barley. ted metal cylillder w ith a long handle. 100 g of
2.3 45 .6 Water enters especially quickly in the emb ryo baTley, the water content of whidl has been pre-
2.2 48.9 region of the barley kernel, in other words at viously determilled, are weighed ill to the appa-
2.1 47.8 the b ase of the kernel, and passes fr om there ill- These different behavio urs during the stee- ratus. Th e device is inserted with the barley ill to
2.0 49.0 to the interior of the kernel (endosperm). The ping process necessitate different treatment of the steep vessel and lmdergoes all the processes
To avoid lmequal growth and thus poorer seedlillg therefore quickly acquires a high wa- the barleys during s teeping ill order to obtain to which the steeped barley is subjected. At the
quality, the barley delivered is graded into ty- ter content. In the further course of steepillg, ill optimal water uptake and distribution: end of steepillg the barley is removed from the
pes I, II and screenings. particular ill the second and third phases, varie- a) vigo rously growing barleys: Bermeuther appara tus, its surface is dried with a
Barley variety and year: the barley variety tal and environmental differen ces in water dis- rapid water uptake by immersion steeping cloth and it is weighed . From the increase inm ass
and harves t year also h ave an important effect tribution can be detected [98]. From this it can and the degree of steeping can be calculated .
on water uptake by barley kernels. Barleys from be seen that a high water uptake does not neces- • spraying water on during germination
dry illiand regions swell and germinate more sa rily mea n a rapid and homogeneous moiste- b) less vigorously grow ing barleys: Exn lllplc:
quickly than barleys from maritim e regions. ning of the endosperm, because the distribution adequate oxygen suppl y durillg s teeping is 100 g of barley with 16.0 % water con tent was
With regard to water uptake it must be re- of the water absorbed can vary considerably. ve ry importan t weighed. After steepillg the barley weighed 150 g.
membered that many barleys are water sensiti- Generally, in relati on to wa ter uptake, two ba- s teeping teclllliques with lon ger air rests What is the degree of steeping?
ve. By wa ter sensitivity one mean s that the ger- sic barley types can be di stinguished : should be used 100 g of barley contained 16 g water
mina tive en ergy is grea tly d ecreased when a) Barley va rieties showing s trong rootlet The water content of the steeped barley is cal- 150 g of steeped barley contain
more wa ter is available than is n eeded for ger- growth and rapid germination . Such varieties led the degree of steeping and is expressed as a 16 g+50 g 66 g wa ter
mina tion . Water sensitivity depends on the pro- have a high water uptake rate but a delayed percentage. In general one expects in the case of 100 g : 150 g X: 66 g
petties of the outer corn covering and disappe- water distribution and so the desired water barleys:
ars with the appearance of the rootlets (or on content of the endosperm is only reached for pale or Pilsner malt
100 g x 66 g
dehusking the barley). It is therefo re preferable slowly (Fig. 2.38b, a). - a wa ter content of 42 to 44 % X= =44g
to wait for the begilllling of germination at a b)Barley va rieties with a low germination vi- for dark malt 150 g
water content of 37 to 40 % before raisillg the go ur and weak rootlet growth. These barleys - a water con tent of 44 to 47% . Thus 100 g of steeped badey contain 44 g wa-
moisture content to the predetermined value show a slow water uptake rate but pass the If the water content is raised by several steps ter
(Fig. 2.38a). wa ter on into the endosperm very quickly, during steeping, the wa ter content for the pro- Degree of steeping = 44 g/100 g = 44/100 = 44 %
146 147

Direct determination of the water content in tom it must be sucked off. By sprinkling or steel. This shape is chosen so that emptying of
the laboratory: the steeped barley is dried exter- spraying the barley, the aeration effect is increa- the stee p into the germination boxes is comple-
nally and weighed exactly. This amount is par- sed without the water uptake being interrup- te and lmproblematic. The lower steep is now
tially dried. Part of it is then groLUld, dried to ted . usuall y built as a flat bottomed steep. 2
constant weight in a drying cabinet, and the re- The steeps are usually loca ted in a separate
sultant water loss is determined and converted Cleaning department, the steep house, above the germi-
for the total amount. Although dust has been previously removed nation plant.
Empirical determination of the degree of from the barley, an amolmt of dirt still sticks to In old steep houses one can still see the con-
steeping: to obtain an approximate impression it. During s teeping, cleaning occurs through the ventional type of steeping (Fig. 2.39). In these
of whether the barley is fully steeped, the ker- barley striking baffles, through transfe r by there are always two steep funnels arranged
nel is squeezed between the tips of the thumb pumps and other mechanical processes and al- Olle above the other, and the barley passes
and the index finger. A well s teeped kernel so as a result of the washing out of variou s che- through each in turn during s teeping.
should break apart without sticking. There mical compOLmds by the steep water. These s teeping vessels have proven to be suc-
should also be a slight sound. With the firs t steep water, one can see and cessfu l, but for the portions of the g ra in which
As a result of the water uptake the barley smell that a considerable amoLUlt of dirt flies off are in the lower part of the cone problems occur
swells to about 40 to 45 % of its original volume. the barley surface as do tannins and bitter sub- during s teeping. With the water uptake the me-
This must be taken into accOLmt when filling stances, anthocyanogenes, silicic acid and husk tabolic processes, and consequently the respira-
the steep vessel. About 2.3 hi of steeping space protein. This is important because these sub- tion, are continuously intensifi ed. However, for
are required per dt barley. stances would spoil the taste of beer and cause the corns in the lower part of the cone this me-
hazes. This dissolving process is supported by ans that after the draining of the water from the Provision of oxygen the addition of an alkaline agent which, howe- cone, still more water runs down from the up-
With the uptake of a large amount of water the ver, is not permitted under the Reinheitsgebot. per portions of the barley whils t the upper por-
respiration rate increases greatly. Consequently In cowltries where the Reinheitsgebot does not tions are already well aerated. With this increa-
the oxygen requirement of the barley immedia- apply, the following is used: sing respiration, the CO, produced sinks down
tely increases. If the barley is not aerated, an in- caustic soda (NaOH) approx. 0.35 kg/m3 in the cone and inhibits the respiration of the Fig. 2.39
tramolecular respiration begins (i.e. other com- soda (Na,C03 ) approx. 0.9 kg/m3 portion of the barley located there. The result is SteepllOllse witlt steep vessels above aile nllOtiler (old type)
(1) distrivlltor screw
pounds replace oxygen), which in extreme Through the addition of hydrogen peroxide that an unevenly modified malt is produced if
(2) slide valve
cases leads to death of the seedling (dead (H,o,) to the amOLmt of 3 litres/m3 (30 %), ger- nothing is done to cOLmteract it. (3) wire screell sieve
steep). mination is further improved, but the process is Many years ago a s teep vessel with a central (4) steep silo (vllffer silo)
An ablmdant supply of oxygen to the barley comparatively expensive. The addition of 1 to pipe was first developed by Wild in which the (5) steep silo slide valve
1.5 kg/t barley formaldehyde (HCHO) cleans barley is circulated by pumping inside the steep (6) pre-steep vessel
which is being steeped is a basic requirement
(7) pelfom ted dislt
for a rapid commencement and trouble-free and disinfects the barley and reduces the mal- 011 the first day of s teeping (the Wild presteep -
(8) fresll water illiet
continuation of germination. ting loss, but does, however, diminish the qua- Fig. 2.40). With this vessel, the corns in the cone (9) fres ll water valve
The steep water contains dissolved oxygen, lity of the malt [323] and is not permitted for are not at a disadvantage, and uniform water (10) was te water outiet
beer produced according to the Reinheitsgebot. uptake and aeration of all the corns in the steep (11) was te water vnlve
which, however, quickly gets used up. For a
(12) floatillg variey overflow witlt sieve
long time, attempts have been made to increase If there is a heavy Fusarium infection, use of is achieved . This type of steeping vessel is still (13) outiet to /IIaill steep valve
the oxygen content of steep water by frequent- a disinfecting agent during steeping may be ne- in use today, but instead of the original mecha- (14) /IIaill steep vessel
ly pumping air in. This process did not, howe- cessary if the whole batch is not to be rejected. nical movement of the barley through the cen- (15) enstillg-out valve
ver, always produce the desired results. h'al pipe, the circulation is now performed mo-
Nowadays the water steep is reduced to a mi- 2.3.2 Steep vessels re gently with compressed air. jected through nozzles to ensure supply of air
nimum and the barley is brought into contact For decades steeping has been performed in cy- Nowadays, if a conical steep with a central pi- to the barley even during water uptake. If the
with air as often and for as long as possible. Sin- lindroconical steep funnels made of sheet steel; pe is not used, s teep vessels are commonly em- fully steeped barley is then transferred using a
ce the carbon dioxide produced sinks to the bot- nowadays they are usually made of stainless ployed in which compressed air bubbles are in- mechanical conveyor (dry casting), the outlet
148 149

Compressed air nozzles are dis tributed bene-

ath the sieve plate to aerate the goods being R(fI/cY
.}" : : . steeped . To clean the space below the sieve pla- .. .......... ...... .... ............ .........
' ; ". :.. : ". - . ... . ...

te, spray cleaning nozzles are installed . This al-


-, . ' ' .

so provides the possibility of sucking off the

&m .. .. ....... .. ........... .. .............. ..
CO, under the floor. As a result of the uniform
and level loading of the goods which are to be
steeped in the flat bottomed steep vessel, it is
possible to obtain a uniform and rapid start of
Flat bottomed stee p vesse ls require rather
more water than conical vessels because the
7 ___-----" 6 space beneath the sieve plate caJmot be made as
small as one likes. To save water nonetheless,
many maltings use a device to keep the water
level above the barley low.
With flat bottomed steeping vessels there are
no longer any portions of the grain which can ;.reeping
Fig. 2.40 .......... .... ... .
Sleep vesselwilh eelllmi pipe (I"'ild)
be at a disadvantage like those in the cone of a
•• draiil aqe !roll WOW
(1) sleep vessel, (2) eelllmi cirwlnlillg pipe, (3) colllpressed cortical vessel.
nir ill lei, (4) sleeped goods olillel, (5) flonlillg bnriey overflow, An alternative way to perform steeping is to
(6) fresh wnler sllpply, (7) wnsle wnler ollilel Fig. 2.41
use steeping screw conveyors which can be Flnl bollollled sleepillg vessel
used both for presteeping and main steeping (1) radinl mke, (2 )flnl bollolll, (3) lower bollolll spmyillg, (4) CO, exlmelioll, (5) fresh nir sllpply
(Fig. 2.43). The barley is introduced into a wa-
cone must be more pointed (ca 60 0) than with a ter-filled trough and slow ly transported out of Iy, however, several small cylindroconical pre- COl11parisol1 :
hydraulic transfer (wet casting). the water and upwards by an inclined screw steeping vessels are coupled to a suitably set-up Conical steeping vessels are built to a size
Recently another type of steeping vessel, the conveyor. It thereby naturally absorbs water, flat bottomed steeping vessel. where they can accommodate 50 to 60 t barley;
flat bottomed steeping vessel, has been develo- but excess water remains behind. Floating bar-
ped which can be used either on its own or as ley is removed by a suitably cOlmected device.
the second steeping vessel in combination with A particularly intensive cleaning process is
a conical vessel (Fig. 2.41). The flat bottomed obtained using a steeping and washing drum
steeping vessel is a cylindrical vessel with a flat (Figs. 2.43a & 2.43b). The barley in the rotating
bottom in which the barley is laid on a stainless drum is provided for about 30 to 45 minutes
steel sieve plate containing slits so that 24 to 32 % with water at about 25 °C and at the same time
of the surface consists of holes. is cOlUlter-rotated by lifting baskets. The good
The spreading and clearing out of the barley cleaning effect of the drum is aimed in particu-
is performed by a multi-arm radial raking devi- lar at the removal of mould spores from the sur-
ce w hich can be raised and lowered as necessa- face of the barley corns (anti-gushing dnul1).
ry. Fitted to it are "paddles" which level the The steeping drum encourages a rapid water
goods when necessary or move them to the uptake of up to 27 to 30 % by the barley.
middle or the edge (Fig. 2.42). The direction of Fig. 2.44 shows a cross-section through a stee-
Fig. 2.42
transfer is determined by the direction of rotati- ping house. There are many other alternative Rndinl rake (Ugirae/ellr")
on of the arms. arrangements in use. More and more frequent- (Pilolo: Seegel; Pliiderhnllsell )
150 151

for larger daily batches several vessels arranged

parallel to each other are used. Water usage is 4
to 6 m 3/ t malt.
Flat bottomed vessels are suitable for large 2
batches and provide an even treatment of the
product. They are usually used as a lower stee-
per and ca n take on the load from several pre-
The disad vantages are
Fig. 2.43
Steepillg screw
the high investment costs of the floor cove-
ring and the loading and unloading machi-
- -- - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - -

(1) steep water ill let, (2) barlcy ill let, (3) olltlel for presteeped
the high water consumption of 5 to 7 m 3/t , -
malt due to the lUlused space below the floor
the necessary high pressure cleaning lUlder
the floor.
A new version of the flat bottomed vessel is ,
.@ ,
the ECO-Steep-Method (Bi.ihler, Braun- s
schweig). With this method, there is no lower
floor space; ins tead, so-called ECO connecting Fig. 2.44
parts are inserted into the floor of the steeper. /IIlodem steepillg hOllse
(1) barley sllpply, (2) aeratioll, (3) fresh wa ter sllpply, (4) fresh ail; (5) Ileatillg/coolillg, (6) lIIoistCll illg, (7) colllpressed ail; (8)
TIle followin g processes occur through these
steeped barley
connecting parts (Fig. 2.44a, fig. follows):
Fig.2.43b the steeping water is fed in (2),
View ill the steepillg drlllll
Photo: Friedrich Weissileilller Malzfabrik
the used water is drained off (2), sequent flood or spray steeping. TIle water con-
r compressed aeration takes place during the sumption for this system is 0.6 to 0.8 m 3/t malt
1 wet s teeping phase (3), and
and hence very low.
CO, is extracted during air res ts (2). Electricity consumption for steeping is 2.0 to
o' 3 Access to the steeped goods is provided by 2.5 kWh/t malt.
L mean s of rOlUld p erforated plates (1), 180 mm The volume of a conical steeping vessel is cal-
in diameter, with slits of 1.8 mm by 20 mm. The- culated as the sum of a cylinder and a cone ha-
re ale approx. two ECO connecting parts per ving the same maximum diameter. The volume
square metre for the provision of steeped goods of a flat bottomed steep is calculated as the vo-
which are stored 2 m high. lume of a cylinder.
As a result of forgoing the lower floor space,
there is a water saving of about 35% and as a v csv
=V cy +V c
consequence, the resultant waste water and the Vc)' = 71: '1'2. h c)'
Fig.2.43a energy consumption during water pumping
Washillg alld steepillg dl'lllll are reduced.
LOllgitlldillal sectioll alld cross-sectioll with drive
(1) barley sllpply, (2) waslled barley, (3) wa ter sllpply, (4) water oll tlet Washing drums are particularly suitable for
(Patellt Friedrich Weissheilller Malzfabrik, Alldemac!l) the first steeping phase in connection with sub- V csv

c) total volume of the conical steep vessel se floating kernels are collected in an overflow In comlection with this, there is a demand for
and sold as low value animal feeds tuff. The efficient procedures for water recycling, as high
V + V c = 35,81 m 3 + 15,08 m 3 = 50.89 m 3 floating barley fra ction is small (0.1 to 0,2 %). water and was te wa ter costs cou ld thereby be
C) '
This initial steeping water is always very dir- further reduced. 2
The conical steep vessel has a total volume of
50.89 )113
ty and therefore soon need s to be changed. On In more recent in ves tigations [1 88], it h as
the other hand, there is an interest in saving wa- been shown that on reusing already used stee-
Problem: ter because it is expensive . ping water, the proportion of micro-organisms
We w ish to d etermine how much barley can In many maltings floaters a re not remo ved indeed increases considerably, ye t the compositi-

\' ;
be steeped in this vessel. and re liance is placed on the fact that these hol- on of the micro-organisms sho w a positive
We start from the average hI weight of barley, low corns, w hich also give littl e va lu e as feed- change: the m yco toxin formants (Fll sarillm) are
w hich is about 70 kg (see Section,3), On stuff, w ill be largely removed in the sifting sta- suppressed by a considerable growth of moulds
.'. , ' .. .. steep ing the volume of the barley increases by ges of barley cleaning. of the species Geotrichum and Aureobasidium
40 % as a result of water uptake. Therefore sin- 90 % of water consumption in the m altings is (also throu gh the addition of a starter culture).
required in the steeping house. It is calculated Only very small amounts of these micro-organ-

ce 1.40 hi steeped barley = 70 kg unsteeped bar-
ley: that - depending on the steeping process - wa- isms were shown to be present in the finished

ter u se is 4 to a maximum of 7 m 3 per ton of bar- malt.
\ hI = 70 kg
ley, If steeping water is recycled, water con- Recycling of s teeping wa ter therefore not on-

) J
508,90 hI
508,90 hi . 70 kg _ 25,445 kg
1.40 hI

25 t of barley can be s teeped.

Nowadays steeps are built for batches of up

sumption can be reduced to 3.5 111 3 However,
0,94 m 3 per ton of barley is required solely to in-
crease the wa ter content from 12-13 % to 45-46 %.
An even further reduction of wa ter consumpti-
on below this value is therefore not possible be-
ly leads to a reduction of the specific amount of
was te "va ter, but also has, under certain circum-
stances, a favourable microbiologica l effect on
the finished malt product. According to the ger-
man Drinking Water Regulations 2000, howe-
Fig. 2.44n to 75 t. In general one allows 2.4 m 3 of steep vo- cause "vater is also required for the cleaning of ver, the wa ter has to be treated before being
Eeo cO/l/Iectillg pnrts (Biihlel; BrnllllschweigJ lume (including extra space for aeration) per the barley. reused (see Sect, 1.3.4),
ton of barley. In this context, the dry precleaning [157] of After four hours, or at the most after six
the barley using a scouring machine takes on hours, the first steep water is d ra ined off and
2.3.3 The steeping process particular significance, This enables the the barley intensively aerated. It continues to
The diameter of a steep vessel is 4.90 m . The
It has already been shown that there is a great of waste water, which these days is on absorb the adhering wa ter and so the water
h eight of the cylindrical part is 1.90 m, that of
water uptake in the first steeping phase and average 3 to 5.3 m 3/ t, and particularly the dirt content, which is now called the degree of stee-
the conical part 2.40 m . Wha t is the volume of
then the rate gradually d ecreases. In contrast, transported in it, to be reduced , In maltings the ping, still increases. During this time the CO 2
the steep?
the metabolic activity of the grain at the begin- values of dirt transported in water are which is being formed is drawn off for 10 to 15
ning of steeping is still very low and then - par- • 2,9 to 4.5 kg BODJ t finished m alt or min in every hour so that the life processes in
a) volume of the cylindrical part:
ticularly the respiratory activity - increases ra- • 3.4 to 7.95 kg COD It finished malt. the barley, which is now ready to germinate,
V,), = n . r2 . h').
Wa ter saving is mainly achieved by reusing can develop fully.
= 3,14 . 2.45 m . 2.45 m . 1.90 m pidly.
3 This means that the barley can only be left 1.U1- the steep water. Because the water which has al- This alternation b etween wet steeping and air
V''Y = 35.81 m
der water without risk in the first few hours be- ready been used is dirty, this is used for the first rest has been developed to such an extent that
cause it is then already n ecessary to provide for steeping of the next batch, It is not only dirt nowadays about 80% of the s teeping time is in
b) volume of the cortical part
a supply of air and the removal of CO2 , which is on the surface of the barley, but also the form of air rests.
n ' r 2 • h, In the steeping process the steep vessel is fil- above all bacteria and moulds. In some countries In this way the steep time can be limited to 1
3 led with the initial steep water. The barley is one tries to remove these by adding flocculating or 1.5 days because the wa ter uptake can be im-
3.14' 2.45 m' 2.45 m ' 2.40 m then put in by dropping it on a deflector plate, agents such as aluminimn sulphate, polyacryla- mediately continued in the place of germinati-
3 A small fraction of the steeped kernels do not mide or formaldehyde (Formalin) , This method on, In this sense, the two processes camlot be
sink to the bottom d espite the movement. The- is not permitted l.mder the Reinheitsgebot. exactly separated from each other.
154 155

To obtain the desired steeping of between 44 yOlmg plant is in a position to react with the en- Acrospil'e
to 47%, the water uptake in the steep has to be vironment and m ake sugar itself by photosyn- The ac rospire breaks through the testa (seed ca-
arolmd 36 to 38%. As a rule this is achieved by thesis, it must draw on the reserve m aterials 2- se) but not the husk and grows under the husk
wet steeping twice, each time for a 4 hour dura- present in the endosperm. 2 - on the dorsa l side of the kernel towards the tip 2
tion and 24 hours apart. At the start of the malting process the endo- of the kernel. It ca n be detected as a swelling
sperm contents are in a s table high molecula r und er the husk and is an impor tan t feature for
Example: weight form . These substances must be degra- differentiating from barley, since tlLi s has no
Production beg illS at lasts for illcrease of ded to products consis ting of smaller molecules aCt'ospire (compare Fig. 2.1). Because the acro-
step water before they can be transported with the help of s pire does not grow out of the hus k, unlike the
content water. This degradation is performed by enzy- rootlets, it is not rubbed off ma lt during
wet steeping beginning 4h from 14 to 30% mes which are formed during germination . clea ning, and so does not cons titute a loss. In
thereby The production of enzymes is the main pur- a) oj the acrospire, however, the fat degrad ing lip-
aera ting after 2+3 h every 15 min pose of malting. These enzymes are absolutely Fig. 2.45
oxygenases are enriched!
essential for the breaking down of large mole- Growtil of tile gerlll illatillg barley COl'll The leng th of the acrospire is related to the
air rest 4h 20h from 30 to 34 % cules during mashing. To avoid loss of material progress of the metabolic changes (see Sect.
0) all tile firs t riay of gCl'lllillatioll inside the kernel. The development of
the enzymic degradation processes are restric-
b) all tile tilirri rim/ of gel'lllillatioll
wet steeping 24 h 3h from 34 to ted during malting. c) all tile fiftil riay of gel'l llillatioll
the acrospire and the progress of modifi ca tion
thereby Germination is performed in pneumatically of the kernelnffi approxim ately parallel to one
every 15 min 38% operated plants and only seldom on the flo or. (1) rootlets, an other.
aerarulg after hourly
(2) acrospire Because m odification should onl y proceed to
Finally casting and spraying of the water 2.4.1 Processes occurring during germi- a certain ex tent, since otherwise chan ges to the
which is still needed at the place of germination. nation storage ma terials and therefore losses would be
There is no necessity to maintain the 24h cy- The rise of the water content to over 30% is a si- brandl, and of matted pieces (or cou ch) when too large, the acrospire should onl y reach a
cle. It is far more necessary to adapt to the gnal to the embryo that germination can now the roo tlets of several corns become entangled. leng th of about 213 to 3/4 of the corn length in the
growth and transformation conditions, which begin. The processes can be divided into The roo tlets, which after abou t 2 da ys should be case of Pilsner malt and about 3/4 to II I for dark
means that different cycle can occur. This natu- growth processes, branched to form 2 to 4 small roots, should be m alt.
rally requires a far higher flexibility of the ope- enzyme formation and about 1.5 times the corn length for Pilsner malt The different extents of modification of the
rating persOlU1el. metabolic changes. and about twice the corn leng th for d ark malt. two types of malt are governed by the different
With such an intensive supply of oxygen and The rootlets are rubbed off after kiliLing du- am ounts of breakdown products which are re-
water to the barley, it can be assumed that there Growth processes ring malt cleaning and form part of the malting quired in them .
is uniform initiation of germination of the bar- The germinating kernel d evelops rootlets and loss. If the acrospire exceeds the leng th o f the ker-
ley before the end of steeping. an acrospire. To keep the loss as small as possible, the fac- n el, it can be seen at the tip. Such a kernel is ca l-
Casting of the steeped barley into germinati- tors which influen ce rootlet grow th must be led a hussar (after a historical Hungarian caval-
on vessels is performed either Rootlets considered. Rootlet growth is affected by the ry troop which wore helmets wi th plumes). If
wet, with water (pneumatic maltings) or Towards the end of steeping the rootlets break germination time and by the tempera ture of the hu ssars are present at the end of germination,
dry, without water (floor maltings). through the base of the corn and become visi- steeping goods. The longer and the warmer the this is due to too high a temperature during
ble (Fig. 2.45). Their appearance is characteri- germination, the longer the roots become and germin ati on or errors in manipul a ting the
2.4 Barley germination stic for the particular growth stage and is re- so the greater the loss. ba tch.
During germination a new barley plant is pro- sponsible for the n ame given to the malting To keep rootlet loss low, germination is per-
duced from the kernel. To form the new plant barley when it is germinated in heaps . For in- formed at the lowest possible temp erature for Enzyme formation
the barley needs a large amOlmt of energy and stance one speaks of c!Litted pieces (or couch) the shortest possible time. A few hours after the uptake of wa ter, the seed-
nutrinents which must be produced by respira- when the rootlet breaks tlU'ough, of forked p ie- Loss du e to rootlet grow th is about 4 % of the ling excre tes growth-promoting subs tan ces
tion and other metabolic processes. Before the ces (or cou ch) when the rootlets begin to malt dry weight. (gibberellic acid) wlLich reach the aleurone lay-

er and there, and in the shield, promote the new

formation of enzymes such as a-amylase or li-
Di ast ic power
The for mation of a-amylase is directly linked
to the respiration of the corn in the first days of
germina tion. Therefore adequate aeration in
5. Cold germination always gives the highest
amylase values. Higher steeping and germi-
nation temperahues admittedly cau se an ear-
mit residual dextrinase (Fig. 2.46), whilst the
the first phase of germination is very important lier commencement of enzym e formation but 2
amylase, already present in large amounts in 200

for the formation of a-amylase. the amOlmt formed is less.

the endosperm, is released . 150

Of the many enzymes and enzyme comple- In Fig . 2.46 a, (2), the formation and effect of The overall activity of the amylases is m easu-
xes which are contained in barley, the following
a-amylase is illu strated on the basis of its lique- red by the diastic power and expressed in Win-
SO faction capacity (see Sect. disch-Kolbach-Units (WK). (Diastase is the out-
are of particular interest:
s tarch degrading enzymes: a.-a mylase, The formation of limit residual dextrinase dated term for amylases).
amylase and limit dextrinase, J t'lU1S more or less parallel to the formation of a-
cytolytic enzymes: Liquefaction capac ity am ylase. Formation of other enzyme groups
glucanase, endo-xylanase
2 When very enzyme-rich malts are required, During germination there is specific interest in
protein deg rading or proteolytic enzymes: 2SO for example for converting large amounts of the starch degrading enzymes, a.- and I
starch in a distillery, the barley is allowed to ses; we are not ye t interested in their ef-
proteinases, peptidases 200

fat degrading enzymes: lipases, in particular germinate for a very long time, as a result of fect, which only takes place to maximum effect
\ which the a.-amylase content increases further in the brewhouse. In contrast to this, on germina-
the lipoxygenases, and
• phosphoric acid splitting enzymes: phospha-
100 whilst the rootlets and therefore the malting ting, a nlU11ber of enzymes are form ed whose de-
tases. 50 I loss become bigger (long malt). grading processes during germination are of
With the exception of the a.-am ylase, which o· considerable importance for the quality of the
does not yet occur in barley, all the exo-enzymes malt to be produced . The formation and effect of
are present in smaller amOlmts in barley. The for- is already present in large amounts these enzymes will be discussed in the next sec-
Fig. 2.46a: Fonllatioll of starcll degradillg ell zYllles dllrillg
in lmgerminated barley. After an initial decrea- tions. These enzymes are present in the majority
genllillatioll (Lii ers alld Riilllllller)
(1) a-nlllylase, expressed as diastic power (DK) se, the amolmt of increases conside- of barley in very small amounts and are mainly
(2) /3--{1IIlII'ase, expressed as liqllefactioll capacity rably on the 2"" and 3'd day of germination. formed on tl1e 3'" and 4'h days of germination.
Irt the last days of germination, the What has already been said about the formation
mation of most of the enzymes occms parallel to se content scarcely changes. As a result of kil- of amylases also mainly applies to the formation
respiration. A well aerated germinating batch de- rung, the content of is reduced to a of these groups of enzymes.
velops enzymes earlier and to a greater extent. level only very slightly above that before the be-
ginning of germination. Changes to storage materials during
6 Starch degrading enzymes (amylases) In Fig. 2.46 a, (1), the formation and effect of germination
4 Amylases are without doubt the most impor- is illustrated based on the measure- During germination, enzymes are not only for-
5 tant enzymes in malt. They are responsible for ment of the diastic power. med and increased in amOlU1t, they are also used,
2 the subsequent degradation of starch during The amOlmt of a.-and formed du- to a limited extent, so that nutrients can be sup-
mashing. ring germination depends on a number of fac- plied to the seedling, The enzymes therefore cau-
tors [104, 105]: se changes which all lead to the production of low
Fig. 2.46
a-a11lY la se 1. The amylase content is a varietal property molecular weight degradation products from
Ellzyllle forlllat ioll
ill a genllillatillg a-amylase is not detectable in ungenninated which is also affected by climatic conditions . high molecular weight compOlmds, Because the
barley com (Pallller) barley (Fig. 2.46a, 2). Its development is linked 2. Large kernels of a barley variety form more degradation products are, subsequently
(1) seedlillg amylase than small kernels of the same variety. respired or h'ansported to build new cell material
to the presence of oxygen. Most of the a.-amyla-
(2) hllsk
se is formed on the 3'd and 4th days of germina- 3. A higher water content in the green malt in- in the seedling, they are no longer available du-
(3) fonll illg acrospire
(4) acrospire tion. In the further course of germination the creases the amylase content. ring later processing. Maltsters therefore have an
(5) epitilelilllli Inlier amount also increases and is then greatly redu- 4. Intensive aeration promotes the development interest in allowing respiration and formation of
(6) alellrolle layer of a.-amylase. new cell tissues to occm only to a limited extent.
ced during kilning.

The changes to s torage mate rials of particular TIus process is known as modification, dissolu-
interes t to m altsters are: tion or cytolysis. The initially very h ard contents
the d egradation p rocesses w hich are collecti- of the barley kernel can be crushed between the
vely know n as "m odifica tion", fingers at the end of germination . As soon as the 2
starch degradation and contents no longer form little rolls on being rub-
p rotein d egrad ation. bed but can be crumbled like dlalk, the kernel is
sufficiently modified and gernlination can be ter- Solubilisation and degradation of minated . This process determines the length of
germin ation after most of the enzyme content has
We have seen (Sect. that the cell wa lls of already been formed after 3 or 4 d ays.
the endosperm consist of a middle lamella made The degrade the lUltil
of protein w hich is sUlTolmded on both sides by a they are dextrins; the wluch
layer, which is in turn fl anked on both si- has a higher optimal temperature and a lugher
des by a p orous pentosan on which d iffe- inac tiva tion temperature than the other
rent organic acids are stored . During the mal ting cans, only degrades to high molecular weight p-
process, firstly the middle lamella of protein is de- glucan s. Because later during mashing the tem-
graded [248,249), so that the pentosan Sh'Llcture is perature has to be maintained above 60 °C due to
exposed . Following this, organic acids and pen to- the breakdown of stardl - as long as tlus tempe-
sans are degraded by xylanases before the gluca- ra ture is not used for mashing in, as is increasing-
nases can begin the degradation of the ly the case nowadays - the lugh molecular weight
and attack the fi xed skeleton of the cell and visibly which are formed cannot be broken
destroy it. down by the to low m olecu-
The degradation of the groups of substances oc- lar weight glucan s or dexh'ins.
curs in a set order following exposure or new for- High molecLtlar weight
m ation of the enzyme by the aleurone layer. If ex- have, under certain influences such as shear or
ternal enviromll ental fa ctors, su ch as extrem e exp ansion stress, the tendency to form gel wludl
heat during the maturation process, or other cli- causes an increase in viscosity and can lead to fil-
matic factors destroy this chain of action, cell resi- tration diffiCltlties and other side effects. Hence it
dues of lmdegraded pentosan and pro- follows that cy tolysis or modification h as to be
teins remain and influence the lautering ability of hurried along in the maltings to the extent requi-
the malt to be produced. red by the brewery.
is degrad ed by Modification has ye t another aspect: it progres-
ses from the shield towards the tip. If modificati-
and on does n ot fully take place, it is possible that it
w hich is alread y p resent in w ill not readl the tips of the corn . In tlus case
the barley. stardl cells remain in their original constihltion
In addition there is a solubilase and are only released at lugh temperahlres du-
which releases the fr om its binding to ring mashing. TIley are then still not sacdlarifica-
protein. TIle work interreacts and ted and in the wort kettle can cause an lUlnahu'al
increasingly desh'oys the fi xed skeleton of the cell, blue colouring of the iodine tinchl retest (see Sect.
thereby dearing the path for the other enzymes Correcting this later is very expensive.
into the interior of the endosperm, so that enzy- Modifica tion of the malt or cy tolysis is there-
mic degradation can proceed more easily. fore solely the task of the maltster!

Control of the germinative energy is therefo- Information regarding the d egree of modifi-
re very important for the maltster because cation can be obtained by
malts made from barley with an insufficient the friabili ty mete r value (over 90 %, prefera-
2 germinative energy inevitably lead to filtration bly over 95 %) (see Sect., 2
difficulties because of the unmalted grains. For completely glassy or steely kernels (lmder 2 %)
the ma ltster it is therefore necessa ry (see Sect.,
• to use only sound barley with a high germi- the coarse difference (max. 1 %) (see Sect.
native energy,
• to store barley dry - not more than 12 % wa- the degree of protein modification (Kolbach
ter content. index) (38 to 42%) (ibid),
For malt production when u sing new barley content at 65 DC « 350 mg/l),
varieties which give a very good cytolytic and measuring the viscosity of the wort at 65 DC
extensive proteolytic modification, it is necessa- « 1.6 mPas) (Sect.,
ry to slow down modification by the corn sharpening method (Sect. .
restricting the moisture content of the germi- Assessing the degree of protein modification
nating barley and involves assessing the percentage of protein of
• using a loyl' germination temperature. the barley which is broken down into a modi-
The most important tiling to do is to obtain fied form during mashing. This figure is usual-
uniform germination in order to produce ho- ly around 38 to 42 %; however, it can vary.
mogeneou s malt. Every batch which contain The lower the degree of protein modification
Views of the iI/side of the kel'l1eis
unmalted grains is problematic and through (Kolbach index), the lower the degree of modi-
(1) Stare/I-colltaillillg cells ill tile elldospenll the contributes high mole- fication of the malt and the less the degradati-
Tile still ill tact cell wall is pnI·tiallyrelllOvedto silow tile ills ide of tile elldospenll cells. \ferylarge starcil grail Illes (Ill' to 30 !1ll1 cular weight which dissolves in the on . It can then be expected that the cell walls ha-
iII size) alld very sllInll starcil grail Illes (Ill' to 5!1I11 iII size) enll be sew . Barley starcil cOlltaills 110 llIedilllll sized grallllies. Tile
brewhouse at 60 to 70 DC and can no longer be ve not yet been sufficiently degraded and that
starcil grallllies are III1IS finllly fixed ill tile elldosperlll cell.
broken down. In such cases, the last resort is to the later decomposition of the starch, in parti-
(2) Tile starcil-colltaillillg cells heat the beer at 70 to 80 DC for 30 to 50 hand cular in the tips of the corn, may cause pro-
Til e stare/I grallllies ill tile elldospenll cell s are ileldtogetiler as ill a tigiltly closed bag orfinllly packed sack. Tilis call be clearly then subsequently cool it (cracking). The gels blems. Moreover, which have not
seell ill tile opet/ed elldospertll cell, tile COli tell ts of wilicil are pOllrillg Ollt. Tile stable strIfctllre of tile starcil-colltaillillg cells gives dissolve in the heat, thus guaranteeing filterabi- been broken down can lead to the formation of
IIle barley COrIf a very fin II illterior wilicll is difficllitto grilld dowll.
lity. This procedure is, however, not practical in gel and thereby to filtration problems if there is
(3) Tile rigid cell walls are llIade perllIeable norm al operation. The malt is the decisive fac- shear or expansion stress.
Part of tile cell wall is dissolved aWni/ as a resllit of ellzyillic breakdowlI alld iloles are tilerebyforllled ill tile previollsly solid tor for the content in the wort and A very high degree of protein modification,
strIfctllre wilicil IIlerefore becollIes penllcable. As mil be scell, tile cell colltellts tilell becollIe accessible. Tile illterior of tlw COnI be-
beer. The content should not exceed on the other hand, brings with it very many de-
COllies illcrensillgly friable . Tilis is wilat is IIleallt by II IOdificotioll 01' cytollfsis.
200 mg/l in. the wort. gradation products, for example am.ino acids,
(4) Tile olet/rolle layer Since the high molecular weight into the malt. The numerous amino acids for-
Tile ole II rolle layer SillTOllllds tile clldosperlll olld cOllsists of several layers of proteill-rieil cells. Tilese cells, of a collipletely diffe- are mainly responsible for possible gel formati- med create Maillard products (see Sect.
relit type, colltoill 110 storcil bllt olellrolle graiI ls (proteill bodies) COIISistillg of a proteill-colltaillillg sllbstollce olld- as is clearly on (and consequently for filtration problems), during kilning with the already-formed sugars;
SIIOWII - tiley are already sOllIewilot degraded dllrillg 1lI0ltillg. Til e olellrolle layer is tile site of eJ/zyllle fonllotioll ill gerlllillotillg
the malt should contain a high these Maillard products not only increase the
se conten t to break them down. The target figu- TEl and hence the colour of the beer, but also
(5) COllllllwcelllellt of storch degradotioll re is 120 units per kg malt. their transformation products lead to a reducti-
With the ill crease ill water colltellt of the barley COnI, respiratioll beco/lIes 1I10re illtellse. The seedlillg tilell lIeeds sligOI' for respi-
on of the flavour stability of the beer. In general,
ratioll, olld this is fonlled by ellzylllic brcokdolUlI of storcil Ileal' tile seedlillg. Tilis photo silows the ell zylllic attack olld tile fllrther
degradotioll, illitiolly ollly ill IIle cells close to the seedlillg. The layered, ollioll-like strIfctllre of tile storch grail Illes CO/I 0150 be AsseSSlIlellt of l1wdificatioll therefore, there is little interest in having a de-
clearly seell. Modification is a very complex process and gree of degradation (Kolbach index) higher
(Sen/lII iIlS ela/roll micrographs frolll the IlIslillll fiir Tee/Illolosie rier Bmllt'rd I, TecJlIIicn/ Ullivers ity of ""1III ich-Weillellsteplllm ). highly important for the quality of the malt. than 41 %.

The tendency to higher or lower protein modi- From 100 g barley dry matter, 90 g of malt dry am ylases, are taken from the dried beer re- Fat Breakdown (lipids)
fication is mainly varietal, whereas enviromnen- matter is obtained (rule of thumb). mains on a clay sp linter from an Egyptian wor- The ester bonds between the fatty acids and the
tal and other factors playa more subordinate ro- 100 g of barley contains 63 g of starch. If no ker settlement from over 3000 yea rs ago. EaSily glycerol are disrupted by the fat degrading en-
le [183]. Varieties like Alexis, Chariot or Scarlett starch degradation products were removed by recognisable is that in those days the barley or zymes (lipases), thereby releaSing the fatty 2
have a medium degree of modification, whilst respiration, then the 90 g of malt produced from emmer was already necessarily germinated and acids.
the varieties Thuringia, Maresi or Krona tend to the 100 g barley would still contain 63 g of starch that enzymes formed. Breakdown is continued by lipoxygenases
have a high degree of modification . This should = 70%. Since only 58% is present, about 12% of The sugar in malt is principally glucose, but which are concentrated in particular in the
be taken into accolmt during germination. the starch has been degraded - half of the sugar fructose and sucrose are also present. There is acrospire and rootlets . The fission products
With regard to this, the reduction of the addi- formed has been removed by respiration. This re- hardly any maltose since it is immediately de- produced (e.g. nonadienal) are responsible for
tion of oxygen from the third day of germinati- spiration represents a loss for the maltings. Re- graded. The starch granules have the same sha- the cucumber-like aroma which is clearly re-
on plays a role, because as a result: spiration is dependant on the germination time, pe and size after germination as before. But the cognisable in green malt.
the malting loss is reduced and the temperatme and the extent of aeration. small amount of starch degradation results in
the degree of protein modification is lowered. the starch granules being attacked as can be Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) formation
seen with a suitable microscop e. during germination Starch breakdown Dimethyl sulphide, abbreviated to DMS in the
Starch represents the energy potential of the Protein breakdown following, is a volatile sulphur compound
seedling. Through respiration the embryo ob- Proteins are not used for respiration but for the which g ives beer a flavour referred to as "cab-
tains the energy and sugar required for its life building of new cell tissues, e.g. for rootlet for- bagey" or "cooked vegetable". The prevention
processes and the formation of new cell materi- mation. In order to be transported, the high mo- of DMS formation or its removal is therefore
als until it is able to perform photosynthesis it- lecular weight protein must be broken down to desirable.
self. soluble low molecular weight proteins. This re- During germination a so-ca lled inactive pre-
For respiration the starch must be transfor- sults in a change in the composition of the pro- cursor of DMS is produced which is heat labile
med into transportable sugar and supplied to teins. and at high temperature is converted into
the seedling. However, as a result of the respi- During germination 38 to 42 % of the protein an active precursor = DMS-P (DMS precur-
Fig. 2.46c
ration, the starch is lost as a source of extract for Starch breakrlowlI 3000 years ago is degraded to soluble material (the ratio is the sor) and
wort production. Maltsters therefore wish to li- (Ph%: Delwell Smillie!; Society for GellernlMicrobiology) Kolbach index) as a result of the action of pep- free volatile DMS.
mit respiration as much as possible to reduce tidases which form mainly low molecular Attempts are made during s teeping and ger-
losses. weight compolmds (amino acids and oligopep- mination to transform as little as possible inac-
The extent of transformation is greater than In order to keep the respiration loss as low as tides). Protein breakdown runs parallel to mo- tive precursor into active DMS. During stee-
one thinks at first sight, as the following consi- possible, germination is performed for as short dification and is not controlled separately. ping and germination more precursor is
deration shows. a time and at as Iowa temperature as possible. The links between the degradation of the formed
During germination the starch content de- The germinating barley should contain only the glucans (cytolysis) and the breakdown of pro- the higher the degree of steeping and
creases, while the sugar content increases: absolutely essential amowlt of air. teins (proteolysis) in malting are described in the higher the germination temperature.
From the third day of germination, respirati- Sect. From the links of the degradation Consequently, good specifications for a low
Content in % on is limited to: processes it follows that: DMS precursor (DMS-P) content are
starch sugar minimise respiration losses, Cytolysis and proteolysis are solely the tasks a low degree of steeping and a low moisture
Barley 63 2 reduce the degree of protein modification, of the maltster. Failures can only be inadequate- content during germination and
Malt 58 8 reduce the activity of the lipoxygenases and ly compensated for in the brewhouse. a low germination temperature and more re-
hence Some of the nitrogenous material is trans- stricted modification.
According to this, 5 to 6% seems to have been contribute to the flavour stability of the beer ferred to the rootlets. This results in a deCl'ea- A large part of the DMS precursor moves in-
broken down to sugar. This calculation is, ho- [151] . se in the protein content of the malt of about to the rootlets and so only part of it remains in
wever, incorrect since the percentages do not The starch granules illustrated in Fig. 2.46c, 0.3% in comparison with that in the barley the cleaned malt. This residual part, however, is
relate to the same initial values. which clearly show the enzymic effect of the processed. altered substantially during kilning as will be
164 165

mentioned in Sect. The DMS probl em The am oun t ad ded depends on the barley va- Befo re kiln ing, glucose Call be sprayed onto For proper performal1Ce of germination it is
will be discussed later in relation to beer. riety, the year and the time of malting. Because the raw grain . This ca uses an increase in the necessary to control the wa ter conten t, the aera-
gibberellic acid shortens d ormancy, the grea test yi eld and a red uction in the pH value. Throu gh tion and the temperature.
amolmt is given at the start of the season and it the addition of (see Sec t. 2 Germination regulators
By the additi on of specific substan ces it is p os- is reduced later., the yield and cy toly tic d issolution 2.4.2 Germination methods
sible to interfere with the m echanisms of meta- The ad va ntages of using gibberellic acid for of the malt is imp roved, since the glucan ases Germina tion is nowadays almost always perfor-
bolism to obtain accelerating or retarding ef- the maltings are: are relatively tem pera ture resistant and they re- med in circular or rectangular germination boxes.
fects. These subs tances a re called grow th a shortening of germinati on time by 2 days, main p artly acti ve until m ashing. This applies was not always the case. Even a few decades
regulators and are di vided into an increase in ex trac t yield of about 1 %, particularly to barley w here d issolution is n ot ago - and in some cases only a few yeal'S ago -
stimulators which h ave an accelerating effect, better cy tolysis, good during ge rm ination . The ad ditive is n ot germination was cal'ried ou t i.n floor malti.ngs.
considerably better proteolysis, permitted under the Reinheitsgebo t.
inhibitors w hich have a reta rd ing or blocking higher enzymic p otential, Floor maltings
a sh ortened dorman cy of the barley, but also Conclusions about how to perform In floo r m altings the steeped barley was p roces-
increased colouration when brewing. germ in ation sed on the floor in an approx im ately 3 m high
The addition of gibberellic acid is not permit- The fo llow ing basic conside ra ti ons apply to room with a perfectl y fl at fl oor which if possi-
The most widely used stimulator is gibberellic ted under the Reinheitsgebot. It is p ossible to successful ge rm ina tion: ble was covered by Solnhofen stone pl ates be-
acid, wl'uch is also present in small amolmts in prove the use of gibberellin. 1) Germination is an inten sive life p rocess cause these, on accOlmt of their porosity, easily
lmm alted barley. Gibberellic acid is a metab olic which Call occur only in the presence of suff i- absorb excess mois ture.
product of the mould Fusarium monilifonne Illllibitors cient wa ter. It is therefore importallt that the The floor maltings temperature should be as
and was isolated as early as 1926 in a pure form Inhibitors serve to limi t root growth of the bar- germin a ting ba rley h as a wa ter content uniform as possible and cool. The maltings we-
in Japan. Gibberellic acid is obtained by cultiva- ley during germination and thus the reduction greater thall 40 %. Whilst p art of the water re therefore som etimes built underground or
ting this mould . Gibberellic acid is a w hite, cry- in the m alting loss. The fo llow ing inhibitors are evapo rates, wa ter (sweat) is continually pro- protected from the outsid e air by very thick
stalline powder with a limited storage life. It is used [323]: duced by respirati on. If in su fficient sweat is walls. Sin ce the highest temperature during
used in aqueous solution. For this, the calcula- fo rmed, wa ter mll st be added . germination should not exceed 17 to 18 °C, as
ted amount of gibberellic acid is dissolved in al- Inhibitor Concentration Malting loss 2)As a result of the initial intensive respiration, has alread y been mentioned, malting in a floor
coh ol or acetone (1 gin 50 ml) and this solution used reduction the steep ed barl ey mus t be provided with maltings is res tricted to the cooler seasons of
is mixed into the required amo unt of wa ter. The sufficient oxygen. With too much aera ti on, the yea r alld no lon ger p ossible w hen the wa rm
spray solution is prepared within 24 hours of formaldeh yde 0.05 to 1 % approx.1 % too much of the grain is lost by respiration. If season begins.
use at most, because it d ecomposes and beco- sulphuric acid pH value 1- 3 1.5 to 3% aeration is insu fficient, intramolecular respi- In a floor maltings one reckons on a floor
mes less effective . The prepared solution is nitric acid 1-1 .5 kg/t barley app rox 3% ra ti on begins wh ich may lead to the death of sp ace requi re ment of 1.7 1112 per 50 kg barley
sprayed onto the germinating goods throu gh a ammonia 0.25% wa tery approx 6% the seedling. Respiration is greatest at the be-
nozzle by means of compressed air or wi th the solution gilU"Iing of germination and Call later be red u-
help of a pump. In the case of germination bo- potassium 100 - 500 mg/kg 2-4% ced.
xes the sp ray n ozzle is attached to the turner bromate barley 3) Res piration causes the tempera ture to rise.
and spra ying is p erformed during turning. This increases the losses caused by respirati-
The gibberellic acid mu st be added as early as The addition of p otassium brom ate together on and rootlet growth, alld the amOlmt of en-
with gibberellic acid can inhibit proteolysis and zymes formed are reduced. From the third
Gibberellic acid has the most benefici al effect considerably reduce malting loss [323]. day of germin ati on respiration Call be limi-
when it is sprayed on the dried out and already The additi on of germination regulators can ted .
chitting cereal. The solution then adheres to the be dem onstra ted in malt. The tradition al m aximum tem peratures in the
ke rnels and is rapidly taken u p by the seedling. The use of malts which h ave been trea ted with ba rley during germination are:
The amOlmt of gibberellic acid added is 0.03 germination regulators is not allowed fo r beers for Pilsner malt 17 to 18 °C Fig. 2.47

to 0.08 g per ton of barley. made in accord alice with the Reinheitsgebot. for d ark m alt 23 to 25 dc. Mnltillg shovel ill the Brewers' Illsigllin
because the stee ped badey here is only a few The process of transporting the green malt Beca use the ventilating air must be about 2 °C After cleaning, excess wa ter can be Llsed
cm high. Consequently a great deal of space is from the floor to the kiln at the end of germina- cooler than the steep ed goods, at mos t times of again for spraying. In order to be able to s upply
need ed in a floor maltings and the floors are tion is known as to thi n the piece. the yea r it mus t be cooled. Direct evaporators water to the g reen malt in the germina tion
usuall y built on several storeys one above the (Sect. 10.3.4) are almost always used for this. room, in m an y systems spray nozzles are fitted 2
other. Pneumatically operated malting With their h elp the airflow is automatically set to or above the turners.
The problem was, however, manipulating the systems at the desired tempera ture. However, it mu st
steeped goods on the floor. This was done with Modern malting systems opera te, for cost rea- also be borne in mind that it is necessary to
a wooden malting shovel which is shown in our son s, with a larger depth of germinating barley. warm the air when the outside temperatures
brewers' insignia (Fig. 2.47). Twice a day each Because the air (Greek pneu = air) then no longer decrease grea tly in winter.
pi ece h ad to be turned so that the goods at the flows freely through the steeped goods, it must be - . --Water
.......... Air
bottom were brought to the top and vice versa . forced through the goods in these pnellllatically
By drawing the pieces together and by ventila- operated maltillg systems. For this purpose tlle
ting the room the temperature could be control- air must be cooled and hllllidified (conditioned).
led. By use of other tools, such as harrows, In pneum atically operated malting systems
ploughs, forks and rakes, the work was mad e the water content, tempera ture and hlLmidity
easier, but the disadvantages, in particular the are controlled by blowing in cold, moist air. -------

hi gh requirements of labour and working spa- Pneum a tically operated m altin gs therefore
Fig. 2.48a
ce, and the high d ependence on the external comprise Hlllllid ifijillg eqlliplllel/l
tempera ture have ended the age of the floor a conditioning plant to produce cool, moist (1) radial fa ll, (2) IlIIlIIidificalioll challlucl; (3) waleI' pipe wilh
m altings. Mechanical floor malting turners we- air, and 1I0zzles, (4) wa leI' colleclioll Iro/Igh, (5) IlIIlIIidified cool air
re able to postpone the end of the floor maltings a germination plant (boxes, drums, etc.) in
for a while. which the barley germinates.
The barley respires very vigorously during ger-
Nevertheless, from this malting period a
mination and thereby removes very valuable con-
number of terms have been introduced which Conditioning the ventilation air Fig. 2.48 tents &'om the corn. Towards the end of germina-
are s till important for u s. Thus one sp eaks of: It is only in floor maltings that the s teeped COlldiliollillg of Ihe vellliialillg air
tion, however, the enzymic modifica tion pro-
chitting or breakthrough pieces (Spitz- or goods spread in thin layers come into natural (1) axial fall, (2) direcl evaporalol; (3) dll sl relllover (4!recir-
clt/aled air flap valve, (5) gerlllillalillg graill, (6) fresh air cesses in the germinatillg corn are more impor-
Brechhaufen), when th e rootlets burst contact with the ambient air. In all other m al-
tant, and these proceed independently of the re-
through the base of the kernel and can be ting systems the green malt is piled up to 1.8 m
spiration. To prevent the barley from removing
seen as a light coloured point (the kernel high on perforated sheets. To aera te the vigo- The steeped goods should contaill about 45 % too much of its contents by respiration, the CO2-
"ogles" ), rously respiring barley a lot of air must be for- water throughout the germination time. If dry rich exhaust air is led back again in increaSing
forking root pieces (Gabelhaufen), when the ced through the s teeped goods so that the life air is passed through the green malt it dries it aITIOllltS as returned or recirculated ail' towards
rootlets begin to branch, and processes can proceed at a fast rate. The large out. Therefore the air must be continuously sa- the end of gernwlation and mixed with the fresh
matted root pieces (Greifhaufen), when the aJ1lOlUlt of air required is turated with water (Fig. 2.48a). ail' supplied. This cold, moist air is led through the
rootlets become longer and become entan- 300 to 700 m 3 of air per ton of barley Th e links between air temperature, tempera- steeped goods ill every maltillg system. In every
gled with one another. as green malt per hour. tme changes, water content and relative humi- system the purpose of the tmner is to prevent the
If care is not taken the rootlets can become In all cases very large fans, either radial or axi- dity are clearly illustrated in the MollieI' h,x- seedlings from mattillg together aIld contilll10us-
completely matted. Such matted green malt al (see Sect. 10.5.2) are used for this (Fig. 2.48). diagram (not shown h ere) . Humidification of ly to bring a different part of the steeped goods in-
clumps are called sparrows (Spatzen). Because Heat is produced by the respiration of the the air is performed by fine spraying of water to contact with the moister ail-.
the temperature in these matted clumps is natu- barley and must be removed. It can be calcula- (3). So that the wa ter does not precipitate pre-
rally higher, the seedlings grow faster. In mos t ted that heat development during the total ger- maturely, spraying is carri ed out as late as pos- Drum maltings
cases the acrospires then also become visible. mination time is about sible before the air enters the green malt. The re- In a germination dnUll the steeped goods are si-
Such kernels are called Hussars (after a Hunga- quirement is
tuated in a closed sheet steel drum in which they
rian cavalry h'oop with decorative plumes). 850,000 kJ = 200,000 kcal/t barley about 0.5 m 3 water per ton of badey. are aerated. TlU'lWlg occms by rotating the drum.
The humidified air is blown from below (4)
through the steeped good s and leaves the drum
through a sieve on the front side (5) . For tur-
ning, the drum is slow ly rotated. A rotation 2
las ts, depending on the size of the dnm1, 0.5 to
1 h. The drum is positioned on rollers (6) and
dri ven by means of a toothed ring (7) moved by
a worm dri ve. To avo id loss of air the air chan-
nels are sea led by seals on the ro tating drum.
The drum is filled abo ut 70 % full and slowly
Fig.2.49 Gerlllillniioll dmlll
(1) sleel pin Ie eillilldel; (2) vnse pin Ie, (3) genllillnlillg grn ill,
ro tated at predetermined time intervals (in total
(4) 1IIIIIIidified nil; (5) exhnllsl nil; (6) Illmillg rollers, about 1/10 th of the germination tim e). To avoid
(7) CroW l I genr drive (worlll drive) . the s teeped good s lying at an angle, and there- Fig. 2.51
fore not LUuformly on the plate, the drum is first Screw Illmer

rotated forward and then back. (Pholo: Seegel; PliirlerhnllSell)

The box-type dnun (e.g. Galland drum) (Fig. The advantage of the drum is its very gentle
2.49) consists of a steel plate cylinder (1) 2 to 4 m treatment of the steeped goods, but the system
in diameter and 3 to 15 m long. Ahorizontaily fi- is not very economic to opera te (up to 20 t per
xed base plate (2) on which the steeped goods (3) drum) and consequentl y only a few plants are
rest is located in the bottom part of the drum. still in operation .

Fig. 2.51n
(Oingrn llllllnlic v iew) / - - - - - T- - - - -
,. /

""'" ... .. --.-- -

.... Box maltings
Box malting is nowadays the most commonly the section of the germinating barley in contact
used malting system and there are many sizes with the colder, moister air w hich flows from
and variations.
below t1u-ou gh the germinating barley is conti-
Most germination boxes are rectangul ar with nu ously changed.
a size able to process between 5 and more than
300 t of barley. Sin ce a few years ago, boxes ha- Rectangular germination units
Fig. 2.50
Sn lndill gerlllillniioll vox . .
ve also been built w ith a circular shape for up to Rectangular germination lmits are built of brick
(1) sleeped goods feerlel; (2) fres h nir illfeerl, (3) circlllnlillg nil; (4) exllnll sl nil; (5) g reCIIlllnl1for klflllllg, (6) III m el; (7) lIIechn- 600 t of barley, and the boxes in this case are or reinforced concrete (Saladin boxes). The ends
lIienl sprny illg rlevice usually arraJ1ged like a tower above one anot- of the boxes are provided with curved grooves
- -- - - - - - . . . . . .. ' " her (tower m altings) . The circular shape is pre-
... . .. for continuous movement of the steeped goods

.. . . . .. . . .. ... . . .

: 1
Fig .2.50n
ferred tod ay. Th e basic principle is the sa me in
all cases:
by t11e helical turner. Usually up to six genninati-
on boxes, depending on the germination time,
. . .::'.::' ,:;'.::' ,:;'.::' ,:;'.::' .:;"::' -' - veri sllpporl plnle wi lh C-profile
Th e s teeped barley is on the sam e floor are arranged next to one another in a germinati-
- - - th roughout the entire germin ation time and is
- - -
(1) rio II vIe T-enrrier on room. The germination room is thermally in-
(2) C-profile turned by screw turners in su ch a maJU1er that sulated and provided with smooth walls and cei-
170 171

The bottom plates can be lifted for inspection bed in steps into the open trough. For this pur-
or cleaning if the space beneath them is not ac- pose the helices are moved into a specific posi-
cessible. In the case of large ins tallations there is tion to block the passage. Thus the box is emp-
2 u ,"'., a suction unit under the kiln floor. Located be- tied and then is cleaned by sweeping strips. 2
nea th the kiln floor are There mus t be no manual operation.
I the air supply duct for delivering and extrac- In large plants attachable conveyors with

ting the ventilating air and
the high-pressure cleaning no zzles for
cleaning the bottom plates and the space be-
continuous action are used . Circular boxes

II neath the kiln floor (see Fig. 2.50.7). Circ ular boxes are generally built according to
Normally about 300 to 500 kg of barley are the sa me principles as the rectangular boxes
loaded per m 2 kiln floor surface. and consist of the same elements. Theu' struchl-
The turners are always screw or helical tur- re makes them endless.
ners (Figs. 2.51 and 2.51a) . A long hU'ner beam A differentiation is made between
(1) carries up to about 20 helices (2) which rota- Circular boxes in which the bottom rotates
te in opposite directions and thereby loosen the and the turner beam is fixed . In these the ro-
germinating barley. A drive unit causes the ro- tatillg bottom is on roller bearings and is seal-
tation of the helices which slowly move, rota- ed against the surrounding wall. In this type
ting at about 8 rpm, while another drive lmit discharge of the green malt always occurs at
causes the advancement of the turner beam at a the same place - below the turner.
rate of about 0.6 to 0.8 m/min through the bed and
of germinating barley. During the first germina- Circular boxes in which the bottom is statio-
tion days this huning is performed twice daily nary, and the turner beam moves arOlmd a fi-
and in the last days only once a day. xed middle axis (Fig. 2.52).
Levelling rods (3) are fitted to the helices and Both types are in use. Usually the boxes are
rotate with the helices to provide as level a sur- built tower-like, one above the other.
face as possible so that the air passes uniformly Corresponding to the length of time the barley
tlu'ough the entire bed. Spray nozzles are atta- nowadays usually spends in the boxes - five
ched to the turner carriages which enable an ad- days - most maltulgs are equipped with five ger-
ditional supply of water to be given to the green mUlating boxes arranged either next to or above
malt during germination. each other to enable the work to proceed without
Loading and unloading of the boxes is an im- problems, if the previous and subsequent secti-
pOl·tant function which must be performed ons are set in the same production cycle. Other
Fig. 2.52 with the least possible expendihue of time and germinating times, are possible and are
Tower IIInllings
energy. In older plants movable cleaning-out controlled by temperature regulation .
carriages, in the form of dredging shovels Because the turner beam moves over a much
lings. There is a slight overpressure in the germi- height of 0.5 to 0.9 m, and this will increase du- which move the steeped goods into a collecting larger surface in the same time at the perimeter
nation room which must be maintained. For this ring germination to a height of 0.8 to 1.3 m . trough, from which the goods are scooped, ha- than Ul the middle, the peripheral screws must
purpose the room has sealed airlocks in the doors The kiln floor plates are ve proved successful. rotate more quickly, correspondulg to the larger
which must always be kept closed (Fig. 2.50) . slotted carrier plates, containing slits, with a In modern plants the turner also performs the amOlmt of malt, than those U1 the middle.
TIle kiln floor plates are fixed about 60 cm abo- free passage of 20% (Fig. 2.50a) or task of emptying the box, in combination with For loading and unloading the hori zontal
ve the floor of the box and on them the steeped slotted hole bottom plates with a free passage an attachable raking device. In small plants, the screws, which are normally positioned behind
goods will be cast wet - with casting water - to a of40%. combined huner and raking device moves the the turner beam, are adjustable in height. By
Movillg piece 111 a Itillgs
The mov ing ba tch plant (Fig. 2.53) consists of a
-.. / large germination box, 50 to 60 cm long and 3 to
4 m wide - the germination path. TI,is germ inati- 2
on path is basically laid out like a normal germi-
nation box, but is divided beneath the false bot-
Fig. 2.54
tom (2) into 16 half-day regions (4). TI,e turner (5) Suew tllmf/' (llew type)
in the first plants was made, as shown, of bucket
scoops and rubber scrapers. Newer plants opera- time intervals a one day region is kept free for
te with inclined screw hImel'S (Fig. 2.54). cleaning purposes (cleaning region 6). In order
The steeped goods are cast onto the first half- to be able to supply different portions of the
day region from the steep tank (7) located direct- steeped goods with different amounts of air, the
ly above the box. Twice a day the bed on a half- air supply valves to the half-day regions are se-
day fie ld is moved forwards, so that the bed is p arately controllable.
displaced every 24 h over a one-day section. TI,e Moving piece maltings plants are no longer
Fig.2.52n Screw til m er wi tll lami er nlln IIl1lanner turner, which handles the green malt extremely built.
(1) steepen goons ill let, (2) greell IIlnlt nisclwge, (3) lannill g nlln II II lannillg su ew - rnisnu le nlln lawernule gently, is for this purpose moved twice d aily
from the end of the path (i.e. from the oldest Movi1lg batch II1flltillgs with cOll11ecterl1ciZIl
means of a fixed setting, a planar barrier is ma- cost analysis comparing concrete/steel con- batch) to the beginning of the path (to the cast Lausmann system, Regensburg
de which enables residue-free emptying of the struction is worthwhile, becau se construction batch) at a speed of 20 to 30 cm/mill. As soon as In the Lausmaml system, a moving batch m al-
costs can account for up to 50% of the total in- the turner has huned over all the batches it is rai- tings with cOlmected kiln (Fig. 2.55), the stee-
germination floor (Figs. 2.52 a & b) .
The germinating boxes are usually set in con- vestment costs of a maltings. Consideration sed and moved back at a faster speed. ped goods are moved forward one section each
crete, while individual fre e-standing boxes are should be paid to good heat insulation inside At the end of germination the green malt is day and kilned in the adjoining kiln .
usually produced in steel. A country specific the kiln and against the germination boxes. In deposited by the hU'ner into a concrete trough In the steeps (1), sihlated earlier in the pro-
the case of tower maltings without a central co- at the end of the box from which a screw con- cess, the barley is steeped il, the manner descri-
lunm, the limitation is approx. 30 m; in the case veyor (8) moves the green malt to the elevator bed above and then cast by means of a castillg
of larger diameters, a central column is n ecessa- to the kiln. In order to ensure correct cleaning of lmit (2) into the first day's section. The barley
ry. With rotating bottoms, a central colunul is the false floor of the germillation box, at regular rests here on a movable germination floor (3),
generally necessary.
Larger maltings are equipped for 600 t of bar-
ley per unit. The tower diameter is 34.5 m and
the central colunm 4.5 m. Systems with daily displacement

In box maltings the green m.alt is always hlrned
where it is. It is, however, also possible to use
the turner to move the green malt away from
the steep towards the kiln. in this case the stee-
p ed goods are moved once or twice daily one
stage nearer the kiln. This gives rise to the name
for the oldest of these systems, which was often Fig.2.53 Mavillg unteII (WnllnerlIn lljeII) plnllt
used even in floor maltings - the moving piece (1) genll illn tiall pntlI, (2) ben sllppart, (3) gerlllillntillg undey, (4) IInlr-nny sectioll nivis iolls, (5) tllmer (oln type), (6) sectioll
Serew til mer wi tll lanner nlln IIlllanner
system. beillg denllen, (7) steep, (8) nisclInrge suew (9)jnll, (10) vClltilntioll nllct
(sine v iew)

which can be raised or lowered by four syn- every individual day's section. Advantages
chronously operating lifting devices (4). mentioned are:
ri'- I ' til
I 1
.. .---J Each day's section is supplied, by a separate
!) L the pOSSibility of carrying out different mal-
• ••
:' 0"
/ ventilating system for each day's section, with ting processes, 2
jL the appropriate amOlUlt of cold air for the state the small building space required for the sy-
l! of germination (9, 10, 11). The necessary tempe- stem,
··li·· ;! /
rature measurements of the steeped barley and high operational reliability with minimal
-.. "" .. air are made by means of gauging cylinders (5) maintenance,
J:" built into the middle of each germination region, favourable utilisation figures with no high
The transfer and turning of the steeped bar- peak loadings,
ley is performed by means of a turner (6) which favourable cost-performance ratio.
.. '"
consists of an endless belt with scrapers and The LausmaJUl moving batch system is built
-- I which moves the steeped barley gently in lay- for 5 to 75 t daily charges of barley.
ers. For turning the turner is positioned over
, .'\
two sections and moves the steeped barley Gerlllil/ntillg-Ici/Ilillg III/it
from one day's section into the next. During this "Unima lzer" malting system of Hillmer,
the day's section to be turned is raised slowly Diespeck

upwards whilst the neighbouring section is It is possible to cany out germination aJ1d kilning
\/ \1 synchronously lowered. This occurs daily for in one vessel (static malting) . For this purpose, the
;' '\
every day's field beginning with the kiln. container has of course to be equipped with an

In order to enable additional wa tering of the aeration device for germination as well as for the
steeped-out barley, a distributing device (7) is kilning process, including heating. Such LUlits me
:; built into the turner to provide surface moiste- also built nowadays in a circular form.
\, I
/\ ;\ rung to raise the moisture content of the steeped
'<i goods by up to 5 %. A spraying device (8) enab-
AdvaJ1tages of this are:
transport of the green malt and hence dama-
les the water content to be raised by 1 to 1.5%. ge to it are avoided,
The first and second germination sections are energy is saved because no traJ1sport is neces-
i ' ,
laid out like the other four sections but the illu- sary,
.; stration shows the cross-section through the time and space are saved because all proces-
.. "" I ses occur in one place.
,,] The cOlmected kiln is separated from the ger-
d iI.,g 1 T1r
Problematic are the high temperature diffe-
t,'r mination room by the kiln door (12). To load the rences which occur between germination and
, kiln, using the same turner, the kiln door is ope-

, .1 kilning and lead to stress in the building. In the

0 i
:. IF--
ned and then afterwards, for heat technology
reasons, closed again. Loading of the kiln (13)
case of the Unimalzer System ® (Fig. 2.55a), this
is counteracted by the use of a segment-like

:<:. I!
lasts about 45 min, emptying of the trough (15) steel coat which is heat insulated on the outsi-
[ill - about 20 min. The kih1 is provided with a fre-
r----; . de. On heating the steel coat expaJ1ds, whereby
. quency-controlled powerful radial fan (17) no stress occurs. The insulating material in the
D; :. ·1 -!
F- e
which draws in fresh or recirculated air form of mineral wool mats is located between
, e through a heat exchanger (18) and forces it the stainless steel walls and a weather resistant

J ".-'IF- I .
through the malt which is being kilned.
The entire plant is controlled fully automati-
trapezium sheet facing .
I Rotating floors are used with a loading density
cally and thus enables a different treatment of of up to 600 kg barley/m 2 The floor is moved at a
176 177

the cone is at the bottom, and emptied . The cessary to proceed with germ ination as quickly
plant is designed for up to 3.8 t batches. This as possible. For this purpose fresh air is blown
corresponds to a possible a nnual production of through the steeped goods and the turner kept
130 t = 7,600 hi of beer and so has a size which contin ua lly in operation, In the following days 2
is of iJlterest to restaurant or pub breweries. the germinating goods are turned tw ice daily.
To keep the water content at about 45 % water is Carrying out germination s prayed once daily.
Ind ependently of w hi ch malting system is The temperature increases in the fo llowing
used, the same or almost the same parameters days to a ma ximum of 17 to 18 °C, and the re-
ha ve to be maintained to carry out germination. spiration heat which is produced has to be eli -
Steeping occurs with water using pneum ati- minated by increased venti lation to avoid furt-
Fig.2 .55a
cally driven malting systems. The steeped bar- her rais ing of the temperature. At the sa me
Cross-secfioll of Ullilllii/ zer:
vessel, gerlllillafio ll veil fila- ley is evenly spread out by means of a turning time, from the third day of germination, the
fill g alld killlillg plallf system to enable uniform ve ntilation. The proportion of fresh air is initially cut by half
(Ha llller Sys felll ) and then in the fo llowing days by 80% and mo-
height of the steeped goods depends on the
plant and in the case of modern systems is bet- re and more CO,-containing recirculated air ad-
speed of 0.4 to 0.5 m/min by two to fom geared ween 1.20 and 1.30 111; the green malt then mixed to increasingly limit respiration,
engines which are fixed on the stainless steel grows to a height of 1.80 to 1.90 m. Th e tempe- Germ ination las ts fiv e to six days. Nowadays
walls and effect a circulation of about two homs. rature of the steeped goods depends on the wa- it is completed in five days and so mod ern
The screw turners, which are fi xed into posi- ter temperature and is 12 to 14 °C. It is now ne- plan ts are therefore equ ipped with five boxes.
tion and have an uneven number of spindles,
turn wi th an increasing speed towards the out-
l. 3 - - - -- -
side because of the different circulatory speeds
- as is the case with all screw turners - in order
to achieve a lUliform turning. As all processes in Fig. 2.55c DC
Cenllillafioll procedllre wifl, fal-
the Unima lzer occur in one vessel, the tempera-
lillg felllpemf llres (accord illg fo 18 - - - -
ture and ventilation control can be varied for
each box and is not bound to a fixed schedu le.
Up to eight vessels are arranged arolUld a
(1) felllpemfllre ill file gerlllilJa -
fillg goods - af fi,e fop;

_ .. -
.. _. - ..
- \
central kilning, ventilation and heating centre 5 h 7 8
(2) felllpemillre ill ti,e gerlllilla- \
- - - - - - 1
and each is equipped with its own germination
venti lation plant.
Fig . 2.55b
Ulli-Collf -Malfillg Sysfelll (Hallll er Sysfelll)
fill g goods - af file 00110111;
felllpemfllre of file illflo-
willg air;
12 \
- . - - .- .-' -.-' 2
(1)fil/illg, (2) sfeepillg, (3) fllmillg, (4) dry sfeep pilase, 10 l.-

(4) fell lpemfllre ill °C;

(5) galllillafioll, (6) Illmillg, (7) killlillg, (8) rellloval of lIIalf
• Ulli-Collt lIIaltillg systelll (5) day of genllillafioll;
of HaLl1ler, Diespeck (6) Cenllatl desig llafioll of ileap
i 2 3 4 5 6
A malting system which is of interest from the sfages; Fl'ftrglli:;cc.; YOCA'lll=i<.'OO M:llLcdli;x,; OfJ""",
heat technology point of view, but which can distribution (3) and, in accordance with a pre- (7) proporfioll of recirClllafed ...::.:.\.\,
, j'";." '.. V", ,
n;r; '., .,0 .(0 "
only be used for small quantities, is the Uni- programmed schedule, dry steeped (4), during \ ;."

(8) spmyillg; X
Cont malting system of HalUler, Diespeck. In which time CO, is drawn off and replaced by
(9) wafer collfellf of file gallli- 42
42 .5 _ 45 .. 48 47.7 47 .5
this all the processes a re carried out in a single fresh air. Germination and turning are perfor- 350 430 500 500 400 350 310
ltafillg goods;
rotatable vessel (Fig. 2.55b).
The barley is steeped in the up to 3.5 m high
vessel (2), turned in order to get uni form water
med in the same way (5 + 6). For kilning (7) a
controlled supply of hot air is attached. To re-
move the malt (8), the vessel is rotated so that
(10) vellfilafioll perfonllallce per
III '/ f-l /II- I;
(11) fllmillg

,.I I t r t i t 1 n
- -- - -
178 179

A peculiarity is germination occurring with fal- matic controllers regulate the airflow, the tem- To protect the enzymes the malt must first be These very complex and differentiated com-
ling temperatures following a steeping procedure perature, the amount of recirculated air and the predr ied before it is subjected to high tempera- pounds are collectively referred to as Maillard
with germination in the steep accordulg to Narzill turners. tures. products. The scale of the formation of the va-
2 (Fig. 2.55c). In this case the fu'st active phase of li- The moist starch in the green malt gelatinises ryulg compolmds depends on the temperahlre, 2
fe is particularly emphasised durUlg gennulation 2.5 Malt kilning at high temperatures and after cooling the malt the duration of the temperature effect, the pH
and respiration reduced from the third day of ger- The germinating process is interrupted by is no longer suitable for use. Its inside has a value and the humidity content of the green
nlination by means of slight cooling. drying the malt and kilning to prevent further steely appearance (vitreous malt). malt during the kihling process. The varyulg
transformation and losses. To do this, one aims On h eating whilst the starch is wet, unusable formation of colour and flavour compolmds in Control of germination for the following : vitreou s steely malt is formed. The temperature different types of malt is due to this.
To conclude this section on germination, a few The water content is lowered from over 40% must only be raised above 50 °C when the wa- The Maillard reactions and their products
of the factors which must be controlled durulg to less than 5% to make the malt more stora- ter content has been decreased to 10 to 12 %. CaI1Jlot be differentiated between without enor-
germination are summarised here . The traditio- ble and to increase its preservability. The slow lowering of the water content at mous analytical effort. On the other hand, w e
nal basic preconditions are: With the lowering of the water content, allli- tem peratures of 40 to 50 °C is known as ste- know today that exactly these products are the
To produce Pilsner malt all conditions must fe processes in the malt such as germulation wing. Long stewulg times at low temperatures precursors of substances which, amongst ot-
be avoided which lead to more extensive modi- and modification as well as further enzymic have a favourable effect on the flavour stability hers, give rise to the unpleasant stale flavour in
fication and thus to the formation of more sugar activity are stopped. of the beer. bottled beer. There therefore has to be a control
and amino acids, as well as to more DMS and In contrast, the enzymatic potential formed as to what extent these reactions have already
DMS-P (see Sect. These include: should be completely retained . Termination of germination and proceeded . Because they are more intensive the
slow increase in the germination temperahll'e Great attention must be paid to the formation modification higher the temperature and the longer they act,
to a maximum of 17 to 18 °C or avoidance of colour and flavour com- As a result of the removal of water, germination one also speaks of the "thermal exposure" of
Rootlets should be thick and shunpy and re- pounds corresponding to the type of beer to is stopped and consequently the rootlets do not the malt or later of the wort or beer. The forma-
ach 1.5 to 2 times the corn length. Long root- be produced from the malt during this pro- grow any more. A major portion of the kernels tion of these substances is collectively referred
lets lower the quality. cess. are killed by tlle effect of the heat durUlg kilning to in the thiobarbihll'ic acid amount (TBA). TBA
Acrospires should have a uniform length The rootlets are cut off and removed. and so the malt is barely able to live and respire. is a non-dimensional figure.
equal to 2/3 to % of the length of the corn. Hus- Modification is also stopped with the ending of The higher the TBA, the higher the thermal
sars are undesirable. 2.5.1 Changes during kilning germination. No further breakdown processes exposure of the malt, the wort or the beer. The
The water content on loadulg the kiln should Based on the targets set, the following occur: occur and the malt is now a durable good. thermal exposure is an important yardstick for
be about 1 % lower than at the end of steepulg. The water content is lowered. the flavour stability of the beer.
The green malt should smell fresh and cuc- Germination and modification are stopped. Formation of colour and flavour As Maillard products are colour and flavour
umber-like, not sour, musty or mouldy. Colour and flavour compounds are formed. compounds {Maillard reaction} compounds, Ul the case of dark malt importan-
To produce dark malt a more extensive modi- At temperatures above 90 °C and a longer expo- ce is attached to producing a lot of these com-
fication is preferred since the sugars and amUlO Lowering of the water content sure time, amUlO acids iJlcreasingly bind with pounds, and in the case of pale malt, to avoi-
acids are needed for the formation of colouring To make the malt storable, the water content sugars to form red-brown, aroma-intensive ding the formation of Maillard products.
materials. This involves durulg germulation: must be decreased from over 40 % to 4 to 5 %. compOlmds, the melanoiduls . The reaction bet- Maillard products are formed from sugar
an increase in germination temperature to re- Water removal is effected by passing a large ween amino acids and carbonyl groups of redu- and amino acids at high temperatures.
ach up to 25 °C amolUlt of hot air through the green malt. cing sugars occurs on several levels and in dif- If the production of these compOlUlds is to be
longer rootlets When heating the moist green malt durulg ferent ways. avoided, the formation of their starting pro-
acrospire lengths up to % of the full corn kilning, care must be taken not to destroy the Alongside these, reactions occur between ducts has to be (predominantly) prevented or at
length. enzymes by wet heat - they withstand dry heat amino acids and dicarbonyl compounds which least limited . The proportion of ageing relevant
In addition to these empirical controls, ger- much better. Because the enzymes are needed are known as Strecker aldehydes; the process is Strecker aldehydes increases with increasing
mination in modern plants is of course monito- to break down substrates in the brewhouse it is known as Strecker degradation. Most Strecker kilning temperatures [381] .
red very precisely by thermometers and other important to protect the enzymes to a large ex- ald ehydes are very aroma-intensive (Fig. Temperature plays a particular role as the
control instruments which by means of auto- tent. 2.55d). transformations only start slowly and change
180 Formation of DMS precursors and free than SUllU11er barleys.

Am ino bonds DMS during kilning The growing region h as a considerable ll1flu-
Oimethylsulphide (DMS) is a compound w hich ence, as do year and climate.
can produce an und esirable vegetable-like or The influence of moisture on the germinating 2
cabbagey fla vour and smell in beer. Since the barl ey has already been discussed in Sect.
formation of DMS s tar ts during m alting, it is 2.4.1 .3.5: the higher the germination moisture
necessary to know h ow it or igina tes. level, the higher the DMS-P con tent and also
There are two ways in which DMS is formed : the TBA. Greater protell1 breakdown also re-
An inactive precursor of DMS, S-methyl met- leases more DMS-P' Higher germination tem-
hionine (SMM) is formed during the germina- peratures also lead to the production of DMS-P'
lr.q.1 (0".0,.1
Furiur<l l Strecker <l ldehydes tion phase, is hea t-labile and is split into an ac- In creasing the dura tion of germin ation
Caruo nyb
tive precursor (DMS precursor = DMS-P) and brings about a large increase in DMS-P.

t Mclanoidi ns
free DMS on h eating. The active precursor -
the DMS-P - breaks down on heating to volati-
le DMS. To dispel this DMS it is tl1erefore ne-
An ll1Crease of the initial drying tempe rature
reduces the DMS content, but increases the
Fig. 2.55ri cessary, by means of long and intensive heating The curing temperature h as a very grea t ll1-
FOl"lllntioll of !Vlnillnrri prorillcts (kilning, wort boiling), to split the DMS-P and fluence on the DMS-P content. The hi gher the
completely remove the volatile DMS which is curll1g temperature, the more DMS-P is COl1 -
produced. DMS-P which is not converted can velted to DMS and expelled.
later be taken up by the yeast and transformed The DMS-P content is on average 400 g
produced in the initial dryin g phase, as well as into free DMS. (4 ppm) in dry weight fo r pale malts.
lmder the influence of the pH value, the water
the curing temperatu re, playa decisive role in the At higher kilning tempera tures a small part
content and other influential factors.
Maillard reaction. If initial drying takes place at a of the S-methyl methion.ll1e (SMM) can be con- Effect of kilning tempera ture and
There are a series of possibilities and measu-
high temperature and high humidity, beer can be verted to difficultly volatile dimethyl sulphoxi- duration
res which can be taken to obtain a low content
produced which has a more pleasant, intensive de (DMSO) . This DMSO can later be reduced by The temperature and the period of time h ave a
of Maillard products during m alting. These in-
malt aroma. The Strecker aldehydes formed here wild yeast or also contamination organisms to decisive influence on the quality of the malt and
clude [1 83]:
have a positive effect on the flavour which is not OMS which can n o longer be removed and can beer. Two aspects are of p ar ticular importance
the use of barley varieties w hich tend to h ave
the case for pale mal t [186]. Because changes in render the beer undrinkable. The amOLmt of h ere: ll1itial drying and kilning.
a low degree of protein modification
the aroma profile occur after storing dark malt, it OMSO and its influence is however normally
a low degree of steeping
should be stored for two to tlu'ee montl1s prior to small and for our purposes can be disregarded . TIl e effect of illitinl nryillg
reduction of oxygen from the third d ay of
processing. In this way, a very malty aromatic In the case of high kilnll1g temperatures (above The initial dryll1g procedure influences the fac-
beer with a high flavour stability is obtained. 85 °C) and the presen ce of contaminants in the tors w hich h ave a positive effect on the flavour
keeping the degree of protein modification
The polyphenols found mainly in the husk beer, DMSO can be significan t. In the following, stability of the beer [214]:
under 41 %
can if n ecessary also be called upon to produce therefore, we will continu ally onl y di fferen tiate Low initial drying tempera tures of abou t
initial drying at a starting tempera ture of 35
a colour In this case the proanthocya- between the precursor, the DMS-P, and free 50 °C and long initial drying times at these tem-
to 50 °C
nidins, which are a colourless precursor of an- OMS. As long as DMS-P is present, this can be pera tures h ave a favourable effect on the fla-
curing preferably for a short time at high tem-
thocyanidins, playa role. On heating in an aci- converted to free DMS and expelled . vour stability of the beer.
peratures (see Sect.
dic soluti on, the fla van-terminated units are The influence of the barley and the malting
The TBA in malt (measured in con gress wor t)
re-released as ca rboca tions, which are then ox i- on the DMS-P content is very great [181]. The effect of Idlllillg
sh ould be <14.
dised by the oxygen in the air to produce red l1w badey variety h as a grea t influence on the For pale malts the kilning tempera ture should
There is a correlation between the TBA pro-
anthocyanidins. This produces the red shades DMS-P content. 111e va riety "Alexis", for exam- be at least 80 °C.
ducts and the degree of protein modification and
which are necessary fo r the production of beer ple, has a low DMS-P content, whilst wll1ter For the flavour stability of the beer it is of ex-
the stale fl avour to be expected in pale beer. In the
with a red tint. barley varieties always have about 2 ppm more treme importance that the therm al exposure of
production of dark malt the starting materials

1 i

182 183

the m alt remains low (TBA max. 14) and the re the lines cross wi th the DMS-P curve at 82°C The present limit val ues in Germany are: less than in green malt. Th e resu lts rela te to the
DMS-P con te nt is kept as low as possible (below that 5 h o urs kilning time is necessary and if this for malt 4.0 pg NDMA/kg and production of pale m alt.
6 mg/I = 6 ppm). is the case, a corresponding TBA value of 17 is for beer 0.8 pg NDMA/kg In the case of the even more tempera hIre sen-
2 The thermal exposure of the m alt, expressed to be expected. In the production of sm oked m alt, smoke is sitive glucan ases, the loss of enzym e activi ty is 2
in the TBA, however, increases proportionally If the kilning temperature is, however, in- fed through the malt before kilning, which g i- even grea ter. In the case of
with increasing exposure time and temperatu- creased to 84 °C, the DMS-P curve cuts the de- ves it its scratchy fl avour. This does not incur the loss is 20 to 40 %; in the case of
re; the DMS-P content, on the other hand, de- sired DMS-P value of 5.7 ppm after only 2.8 the forma tion of nitrosa mines. It is different in nase 50 to 70 %. In contrast to this, the temp era-
creases more the longer the exposure time, a t hours, and in thi s case the TBA value falls to 13. the case of sm oked m alts which are produced ture resistant protein degrading enzym es in-
first very quickly and then becoming continual- This means tha t it is possible to obtain the sa- in small manual maltings. crease in activity during kilning by 10 to 30%.
ly slower. m e DMS-P values with high but short kilning ti- In the case of the tempera hlre sensitive Iipases,
The higher the temperature, the greater the m es at low therma l exposure and instead of the Enzyme inactivation the Iipoxygenase in p ar ticula r is only partly
decline. som e times still usual kilning time of 5 hours at It has already been mentioned tha t en zymes are inactiva ted, so that a not inconsiderable en zy-
In this regard there are diam etric require- 80 °C, the sam e quality can be obtained w ith associated with high m olecula r weight proteins m e ac tivity is s till presen t in malt.
ments for shorter kilning times of 2 to 3 hours at 85 0c. (Sect. As a result of the heating during
high tempera tures to completely convert the kilning, the structures of proteins are changed 2.5.2 Kiln structure
DMS-P and Formation of nitrosamines to some extent and they become denahlred. De- The German word for kiln "Darre" comes from
low temperatures for a low thermal exposure N ih'osamines (nitrosodimethylanune = NDMA) nah lration is, however, very d ependent on the "darren, to m ake dry", in other words to dry. To
of the m alt. are carcinogenic substan ces which are formed struchue of the carrier protein and therefore af- dry something heat is required, but since the malt
It is therefore necessa ry to find a solution at hig h tempera tures from amines (amino fects enzymes to different ex tents. is in deep layers a great deal of hot air is required
which sa tisfies both of these requirements. acids) and nitrogen ox ides . In the first phase of kilning the enzymatic ac- to dry the malt. Heating and passing air tlU'ough
In Fig. 2.55e [214], the values for the develop- Since the conversion from direct to indirect tivity of the am ylases, in particular a-amylase, must therefore be the core hmctions of the kiln.
ment of the DMS precursor and the TBA for 82 °C h eating of kilns the hot nitrogen oxide-rich increases up to a tempera ture of about 50 °C There have been fundamental changes in re-
and 84 °C, which are dependent on the kilning (NOx) gas used fo r kilning is no longer passed and then decreases again . At the end of kilning cent deca des in the art and m allller in which the
time, are recorded and linked by curves. If one through the m alt. Con sequentl y n owadays there is about 15% more a-amylase activity h ot air is sent thl'Ough the green malt in order to
now tries to obtain a desired DMS-P content of only small amounts of nitrosamines are for- than in green m alt (Fig . 2.56), whereas the acti- opera te as cost-efficiently as possible.
5.7 ppm, for example, it can be seen from wh e- m ed. vity of the more tempera hIre sensitive In all the changes, the basic principle
se and of limit residu al d ex trinase is about 40% of having two stages in kilning has been kept.
In the firs t phase the drying of the g reen malt
is performed at different, relatively low tem-
perahll'es and water contents, depending on
the type of malt to be produced; this phase is
..' TSMl "l called the initial drying phase or withering

st l ·····'I·······-1-········I-----------------;
15 . .
In the second phase the tempera ture is in-
creased to the final kilning tempera ture and I

cured a t that temperature. This is called the I

J, cllring phase.
This division into two phases usually d eter-
mines how the kiln is built.
OMSPS'I "( .,.,
Imtial drYIng Heatlno CunnQ
o {(-Amyla5/: lJ-AmyiaSJ: GlucJnJsc Heating and ventilation of the kiln
2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 2.55e
Kli ninQ lime (il) Developillellt of tile DMS precllrsor olld Fig. 2.56 Previollsly kilns were almost all hea ted by bur-
TBA depe/ldcll t 011 telllpemtllre olld lillie El/z!!lIIe illOClivotioll dllril/g kill/ illg ning coaL The hot combustion gas cannot be
184 185

pressed directly through the malt since it often The hot gases were therefore passed through haus t air is 40 to 50 °C hot on heating the kiln The glass h ea t exchanger is therefore a com-
contains a considerable amount of foul smel- large metal pipes (Fig. 2.57, 11) along which the and 80 to 85 °C during curing. ponent of every mod ern maltings so as to save
ling components and the malt quality could be ex te rnal air flows and is thereby h ea ted. This In orde r to recover at leas t a subs tantial energy and costs.
2 impaired by nitrosamine compounds. An ex- customary type of hea ting is called indirect am ount of the energy, the warm exhaust air is The possible savings amOlU1ting to 30 to 35% 2
ception is made when beechwood is burnt to heating, since the air does not come into direct used to heat the drawn-in cold air in a glass he- are hi gher in winter than summer owing to the
kiln the malt. Such malt gives a smoky flavour contact with the hot gases . More recently coal at exchanger. lowe r ex ternal temperatures in winter.
to beer mad e from it - a flavour which is desi- fi ring has been replaced by the use of oil or na- A glass hea t exchanger consists of hundreds Circulation of the air in kilns of the older ty-
red in some special beers (Rauchbi er). tural gas and this also allows substan tially bet- of horizontally arranged glass tubes which are pe of construction was performed by a power-
ter control. meshed together between the walls of the ex- ful top fan (Fig. 2.57, 18). With the greater load
The large combu stion gas pipes have now haust air chalU1el (Fig. 2.57a). The cold air is high (up to 1.30 m) in modern kilns this is no
been replaced by heat exchangers hea ted by drawn in through the glass tubes and is hea ted longer possible. Nowadays axial or radial fans
steam or hot water. by the warm exhaust air which flows at ri ght are used which pneumatically force the requi-
Through the use of indirect heating the nitro- angles to the glass tubes. This heat exchanger is red amOlU1t of air from a pressure chamber un-
gen oxide (NOx)-rich combustion gases CaIU10t therefore referred to as the cross-flow hea t ex- derneath the ki ln bottom through the malt bed,
react with nitrogen compounds in malt and changer (in Gennan, KWT) . Such heat ex- wluch becomes increasingly permeable to the
thu s cannot form nitrosamines. changers for heat recovery are an integral part air. The discharge is adapted by means of a fre-
Modern kiln heating is performed with pri- of the maltings today. quency controlled drive.
mary energy (natural gas or oil). In these furna- Glass tubes made of tecluucal glass are used
ces the hot combustion gases change direction beca use they are considerably cheaper than The amount of air required decreases
many times in the pipes of a multiple pipe heat steel tubes and unlike steel tubes do not corro- from about 4,300 - 5,000 m 3 of air p er ton of
exchanger and thereby heat the kilning air flo- de when coming into contact with the aggressi- malt per hour
wing past. To protect against (sulphuric) acid ve exhaust fumes. In addition they are easy to to about 50 % of this value after the break-
condensates the pipes of the exchaI1ger are ma- clean. tlu·ough is reac hed.
de of stainless s teel. By condensation of the wa- The energy savings obtained using heat reco- Instea d of one high performance radial fan, in
ste gas at the end of the heat exchanger circuit, very are subs tantial. Thmugh heating the inco- many countries several smaller ones are used.
additional hea t is released in order to provide ming air as d escribed, the following heat requi- The specific loading of modern high perfor-
aI1 optimal yield. rements (in the middle of the year) can be mance kilns is 350-500 kg of barley as green
calculated: malt per m 2 floor space.
Heat recovery rlllrillg killlillg
If one is not able to reuse the warm exhaust air Example
withi.n the kilning plaI1t, thi s exhaust air and Heating of incoming air Heat requirement in
with it a considerable amount of energy is lost, from to °C kWh/t finished malt
particularly when one considers that the ex- winter summer middle with without
beat exchanger
-10 °C +25 °C +8°C
initial drying 18.0 25.0 21.6 837 618
hea ting 28.5 41.0 37.6 159 83
Fig. 2.57
Two floor kil ll (olrilype) curing 35.0 57.0 53.6 94 38
(1) fire slokillg 1"0011/, (2) henlillg chnll/vel; (3) CIIIIII colleclillg tota l 1091 740
clwlI/bel; (4) lower killl, (5) I/pper killl, (6) vnpollr chill/lley,
(7) killl cowl, (8) killl f l/mnce, (9) illlcl"llIeriinle)7ool; (10) clo-
difference =351 kWh
snble flnps (fl"es), (11) henlillg pipes, (12) illlel"llleriinle floOl ;
(13) nir pipes, (14) killl beri SlIpporl sheel, (15) III m el; (1 6)
II/nllllOppel; (17) collriCIIsnle shielri, (18) fnll In our example, there is a saving of 32%.
186 187

Fig. 2.57n
Cross-flow Ilent exc/wlIger
(1) fresll cold Fig 2.58
(2) fresh hen ted Sillglefloor dlllllpillg killl
(3) exlwllst air ill let, warlll (1) 1101 nil' press llre c/lnlllber
(4 ) exlwllst nil' olltiet, cooled (2) ki/llillg chnlllber
(3) fnll olltiet
(4) dis triblltor plate
(5) trollghed c/will cOll veyor
The higher the specific loading, the deeper cally shaped w ind va ne on the kiln man (see (6) collect illg plates
(7) tippillg floor
the bed depth and the grea ter the fan perfor- Fig. 2.57, 7) . (8) side wnll
mance capacity must be. The green malt is laid in these kilns on floors (9) pllllrods
Higher loadings are therefore more sen sible made of rOlmd or wedge wire and the ho t air (10) WO I'I1l drive
in cow1tries with low electricity charges. passes through it. A shovel turner with m ovable (1 l! greell IIInlt delivery
(12) exlwllst air
The heat requirement for kilning is greater shovels is used to move the m alt. Nevertheless,
for one floor kilns than for two floor kilns be- with su ch kilns much manual labour is, or was
cause in the latter a larger proportion of the required. The green m alt must be sp read out on
energy within the kiln can be reused . Using a the upper floor. Transfer from the upper to the
Fig. 2.60
heat interchanger or exchanger, one can assume lower floor was performed by opening flaps,
Dlle floor killl with lander nlld
a h eat requirement per dt finished malt of but the malt had to be moved to the flaps and II II lander

MJ kWh kWh sprea d out again on the lower floor. (fixed floor)
mean value for cleaning out with a power shovel, the "don- (1) IIwlt illiet
(2) killled IIwlt
one floor kilns 250-300 70-83 75 key", m anual labour is necessary. As a loading
(3) fres h nil'
two floor kilns 200-250 55-70 61 depth each m 2 of kiln floor surface should carry (4) exhnllst nil'
65 to 80 kg finished m alt. That is a small capaci- (5) hentel'
Without a heat exchanger the values increase ty for a grea t deal of work. (6) velltilntioll flnp
(7) cooled nil'
by up to 35 %. Ins tead of the old two floor kilns, high perfor- 2
A further improvement of primary energy mance kilns have therefore been introduced.
use can be achieved by using block type ther-
mal power s tations (in German, BHKW), in Kilns with dumping floors
which electricity and heat are generated (see Kilns with dumping floors are n ow seld om
Sect. 10.2.5). seen. As a result of suitable temperature and air frequently tipped in one piece to the side; larger Flat kilns with a loader and unloader
control, turning is lUU1ecessary and these kiIJ1s ones are usu ally tipped in two parts towards Like germin a ting boxes, there are two varieties Older type two floor kilns have no turners. To empty the kiln the floor is the middle for emptying (Fig. 2.58). These kilns of h orizontal kilns:
In the p as t kilns were m ostly con structed as dumped so that the m alt slides down. are provided with variously d esign ed loading fixed floor kilns with a rotating loader and
two fl oor kilns, su ch as can still som etimes b e Dumping is performed by a shaft w hich causes devices so that it is no longer necessary to enter lmloader, or
fOlmd today in sm all and older maltings. These a rotation of the floor downwards about its cen- the kiln. Kilning w ith such kilns lasts 18 to 20 h. rotating fl oor kilns with a fixed loader and
can be recognised from a dis tan ce by the typi- tre of gravity. Smaller dumping floor kili1s are Single floor dwnping kilns are n o longer built. lmloader.

188 189

A turn er is no lon ger n ecessary for these on clearing the kiln the malt can be moved to
kilns. a fi xed opening Ul the wa lls.
Modern kilns are built in circular or rectan- Two floor kilns consist of two floors one abo-
gular form as single floor or two floor kilns (Fig. ve the othe r. Whils t on one floor curing takes
2.60). Circular kilns are becom ing increasingly place, on the oth er floor g reen malt goes
popular these days. through the initial drying or withering phase. It
In the example, a hlgh p erformance kiln with is possible here to pass the hot but dry exh aust
a circulating floor is shown . all', mixed with fresh air, from the curing floor
The kiln is equipped with a loading and un- tmder the drying fl oor and then to release the
loading device . The floor sections, constructed moist exhaust air from the initial drying pro-
of p erforated or slit plate, with about 30% free cess into the open air.
passage (see Fig . 2.50a), are supported at the pe- One can arra nge the two floors of a two-floor
riphery on rollers and are driven uniforml y by kiln
3 to 6, 1 to 2 kW rating, gea red motors. The ve rtically above one another or next to each Fig. 2.61
drives are reversible for right and left move- other, and work Two floor circll lnr kill/

ment and h ave two sp eeds. with or without s hifting the malt. (1) fresll nil; (2) IIenfil/g, (3) cool ni l; (4) exllnllsf nil; (5) IIenf recovery, (6) [n il, (7) kill/il/g, (8) illifinl riryillg

The loading and unloading device, which can If the malt is to be shifted, ulitial drying and
be raised or lowered, consis ts essentially of a kilning processes occur on sep arate floors. Shif- For cost reasons the hea t potenti al of the re- floors. For thi s purpose there are access passages
hori zontally ananged throu gh cOlneyor, which tUlg can be omitted if the ulitial drying and kil- circ ula ted air is used as much as possible. The Ul the air ducts. The malt shafts are divid ed into
transports the goods inwards from outside or ning processes take place on the sa me floor. In fan draws fresh air through the h eat exchanger floors which h ave the same h eight as the sections
vice versa, as required . This takes about 1 h this case the air ducts h ave to be reversed . and thereby warms the air which is brought to Ul the air sha fts. On opelling the flaps the malt
each time. Both fo rms h ave both advantages and disad- the desired temperature by the subsequent hea- fall s by g ravity onto the floor beneath it or ulto
For loading, the loading and unloading devi- vaJltages. The adva ntage of reversin g the air ting. The exh aust air Ul the case of a one floor the conveyor for movulg it.
ce is brought into the positi on corresponding to ducts lies above all in the longer dryulg period, kiln is led over the heat recovery unit. With a In a vertical kiln the malt falls by gravity from
the predetermined bed depth. In the case of ro- due to not havulg to shift the malt which lasts two floor kihl this is naturally not the case. He- one floor to another. The green malt is not tur-
tating floors the transport and 10adiJlg is from about two hours. re, the air, after it has passed through the lower ned.
outside inwards whllst the floor rotates. After In principle it is possible to opera te two one- floor, is brought through the controlled additi- SU1Ce the kilning space is ve ry well utilised Ul
about 1 h the kiln is fully loaded . floor kilns in the same way as a two-fl oor kiln. on of hot or cold air to the predetermined tem- ve rtical kihlS they are considered to be hi gh
After the kilning process is finished, in the ca- In order to operate a two-floor kiln in two sta- perature. This necessitates a completely separa- performan ce kihls. Heating of vertical ki lns is
se of rotating floors the loading and tmloading ges (drying and Curulg) Ul 2 x 20 h, the process te temperature aJld airflow control of the upper the sa me as for hori zontal kilns. Hot air is intro-
device automatically drops tmtil it is in the bot- shown in Fig. 2.61 is used. The air supply for and lower floors. duced through air nozzles loca ted at the bottom
tom position and moves the ki lned malt to the the upper floor is controlled completely ulde- of the air shaft passages and flows through the
outlet openlng. pendently of the temperature of the lower floor. Vertical kilning malt.
The total kilnlng process, including loading The amount of air is measured su ch that the ex- An entirely different form of kill1iJlg is used in The energy requirement of vertica l kilns is, at
and unloading, opera tes autom atically and hau st air above the upper floor at 25 to 30 °C is ver tical kilns. In vertical kihls the malt is laid Ul about 1.2 mio. kJ per 100 kg m alt, very hi gh and
las ts 18 to 20 h. always saturated with mois ture, whllst the lo- an approximately 20 cm wide layer betvveen ver- so scarcely any of these kilns are still in use .
In the case of fixed floors, the process nms the wer floor can, co mpletely independentl y of tica lly ar ranged kihling floors, and hot ai r is p as-
other way round. this, be brought to the curing tempera ture. sed through them laterally (Fig. 2.62). Such a 2.5.3 Management of kilning
The maUl advantages of rotating floors are Loadulg and llllloading of the floors occurs in ma lt layer is called a malt shaft or malt cell. De- During kilnulg, green malt is heated to the cu-
that: the previously described maJU1er. For unloa- pendulg on the size, 3 to 12 such malt cells are se- ring tempera ture wllich is maintained for 3 to 5
the malt husks w hleh are abraded by the con- ding from the upper to the lower both pat'ated from one another by 80 cm wide au' h. Heating mu st, howeve r, be performed very
veyor screw fall down in only one place and floors and both devices move a t th e same ducts. By means of intermediate floor plates the carefully and with controlled reduction of the
can be remo ved from there, and speed. killl is divided into two or three superimposed water content, otherwise

190 191

starch in the malt gelatinises and steely malt IlIitinT riryillg 01' witherillg Kill/ il/g 2.5 .3.1 Production of Pilsner malt
is produced Throu gh the introduction of a large amount of This means maintaining the kilning temperatu- In the production of Pilsner m alt all conditions
breakdown products can still be formed du- warm air, the wa ter content of the green malt re for 3 to 5 h ours. For more d etails on the de- which favour melanoidin production must be
ring kilning. is slow ly lowered to 12 to 14%, whereby the penden ce of the curing temperature on the cu- avoided : 2
The way in w hich kilning is performed is d e- tem perature in the layered malt sh ould not ex- ring time, see Sect. barleys with a low protein con ten t (up to 11 %)
pends on what type of malt is to be produced. ceed 55°C. are used,
To make it easier to see the differences, the ba- Lower drying temperatures and lon ger dry- the degree of steepin g is kept low (42 to
sic conditions for producing pale and dark malt ing times at moderate temperatures cause: 1"1 (Cj 44%),
are compared with one ano ther in the fo llowing more fat breakdown p rodu cts in the kilned breakdown processes during germin ation
table: malt and 40 80 are not driven ve ry far on (maximum tempe-
better flavour stability [151 ]. JO 60 rature 17 to 18 °C, limited modification, acro-
Pale (Pilsner) Dark (M1U1ich) spire 2/3 of the corn length, rootlets 1.5 times
malt malt 10 20
the corn length),
Protein content o 2 -\ 6 0 10 12 14 Hi In 20 22 24 (h)
during kilning the water content is lowered
of the barley 8.5 to 11 % 11 to 13 % to 8 to 10 % in the first half of the process at a
Degree of lW\f t t t ttl tit t low tempera ture (55 °C) by strong fan suction
steeping 42 to 44% 44 to 47% I" J (Ci - , so that the enzymes calUlot continue to ca ta-
I ; I ;
Highest 50 100
I bolise substrates,
tem perature 17 to 18°C 22 to 25 °C
40 80

t 1 , tI the curing temperature for Pilsner malt is 80
to 85°C. To obtain the lowest possible ther-
Modification limited extensive 1
mal exposure whilst achieving maxim um ex-
10 20
Acrospire length 2/3 to 3/4 1 pulsion of DMS, it is preferable to cure for 2
2 ·1 6 6 10 12 14 16 10 20 2£ 2·1 (h)
Kilning on the ra pid drying provision of to 3 hours at 85°C than for 5 hours at 80 °C
upper floor by strong fan a moist warm (see Sect.
suction. climate by air
Inactivation of recircu lation, Prorillctioll Of Pilsller Malt all a two floor kiTH
enzymes, n o strong en zyme Fig.2 .63 Dryillg nlld killlillg dingrmll for pnle IIlnlt ill n two When Pilsner m alt is produced on a two floor
floor killl (nccordillg to NarzijJ)
breakdown of activity, kiln with turners in 2 x 24 h, a different proce-
(A) IIpperfioOl; (8) lowcrfloor
large molecules. production of (1) telllpera tll re below tile floOl ; (2) telllperatllre nbove tile dure is used (Fig. 2.63).
breakdown flool ; (3) telllperatllre of tIle IIlnll, (4) water cOlllellt of tile The tempera ture is controlled at three locati-
products IIlnlt, (5) fn ll, (6) tllmer ons (upper, middle, lower) by thermometers
Lower floor
curing ProdllCtiOIl of Pilsller maTt all n aile floor kiTlI
temperature 80 to 85 °C 105 to 110 °C
Melanoidin Time temperature m easured water content in % fan
formation very little ablmdant (hours) in the malt in °C
above middle below above middle below
Kilning is therefore divided into tlu'ee phases: lt03 20 28 37 41 39 33 full power
4 to 7 35 45 52 35 30 17 full power
Heatillg Fig. 2.62 8 to 11 55 59 62 19 16 8 full p ower
Tilree fl oor vertical killl (diagralllllln tic)
This refers to the slow hea ting of the malt to the 12 to 15 71 73 78 7 6 6 % power
(1) axial fall, (2) stenlll nir ilentel; (3) lower floor, (4) lIIiddle
curing temp erature while at the same time lo- flool; (5) IIpperfioOl; (6) londillg screw, (7) telescopic pipe, (8) 16 to 19 79 82 85 6 4.5 4.5 '/2 power
wering the water content to 4 to 5%. elevator 20 to 22 84 85 86 4 4 4 V2 power
To lU110ad the kilned m alt is the setting of the fresh and recirculated air
Productioll of MlIl1iclllllnlt Oil n two floor1cilll in older plants, pushed out by a power sho- valves, etc.
damper dampers vel, All these factors can be programmed and in
water content operation of
Opera- temperature meas-
operation in tipping kilns, tipped out, or modern plan ts can be automatically contro1led. 2
ured in the malt in °C in % turners in (h)
tion pushed out by an unloading dev ice into a Because loading and unloading of the kiln can
upper lower upper lower hours
hours upper lower malt hopper at the side.
floor nowadays b e fully automated, control stations
floor floor floor floor floor
and monitoring screens are becoming increa-
1-10 open singly used. But for the prac tising maltster this
1-4 20 44
means that the knowledge of the relationships
30 30 every 2 h
5-9 between all the processes becomes increasingly
11-14 !f4 shut
10-14 40 25
14-17 1/2 shut important.
15-19 60 22 "., !c.;t-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
17-19 % shut
every 1 h 19-23 shut 2.6 Treatment of malt after kilning
20-24 65 20
25-34 open After kilning, the malt is cooled and the sti1l at-
50 16 every 1 h
25-29 tached rootlets (culms) are removed as soon as
30-34 50 12 In '':. :"i ;OJ

35-38 !f4 shut possible. The malt is then stored lmtil delivery
65 7 every 1 h
35-39 and often cleaned or polished again before dis-
38-41 1j2 shut I t:

40-44 90 5
41-43 % shut !II m, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 patch to improve its appearance.

3 continuous 43-47 shut

45-48 105 2.6.1 Cooling of the kilned malt
The kilned malt is sti1l at about 80 °C and can-
not be stored at this temperature. It must first
be cooled . Tlus is performed
which must be at a constant distance from the promoted:
high protein barleys are used, by blowing cold fresh air through lU1til the
floor. Although the malt is not constantly tur-
the degree of steeping is kept high (44 to L- _ _ _ __
temperature is no more than 35 to 40°C, or
ned, uniform malt can be expected. by cooling in a special cooling hopper, or
Drying proceeds on the floor upwards from be- 47%), Fig. 2.64
• the enzymes are very active and during ger- DrlJillg (witilerillg) nlld killlillg dingmll/ for dnrk II/nlt 011 n • in smaller maltings by slow passage through
low. 111e water evaporated thereby keeps the tem- two(loor killl (nccordillg to NnrzijJ)
mination form large amounts of breakdown the malt cleaner.
perature in the moister malt layers down (1) tell/pem tllre below tile floOl; (2) tell/pemtllre above tile Because the amount of energy contained in
products (maximum temperature 20 to 25°C, flool ; (3) tell/pem tllre of tile II/nlt, (4) wnter COlltellt of tile
and so hinders the formation of steely malt. the kilned malt is very large, nowadays at-
The temperatures in the upper part of the bed extensive modification, acrospires % the IIInlt, (5) tllmillg, (6) fllles n = opeJ/, b = closed .
length of the corn, rootlets twice the corn tempts are increasingly being made to recover
during the first half of the kilnjng process are
this heat during cooling to perform the initial
considerably lower than the temperatures in length),
in the first half of the water content is drying of the next batch . In addition, the air to
the lower half of the bed and only rise after the
lowered only to 20 % by closing the flues, and be used for drying can be passed through the
breakthrough. By breakthrough is meant the Control of kilning kilned malt and thereby heated . Cold air then
so the enzymes are provided with more favou-
point of intersection when the falling line sho- Proper control of kilning depends on continu- no longer needs to be blown in.
wing the water content cuts the rising line re- rable conditions for forming further catabolic
products. process is referred to as withe- ous control of: Once the cooling is completed the rootlets
presenting the temperature of the malt on the • the temperatures in the malt, above and be- and germs have to be removed .
ring or drying (Fig. 2.64). The typical CLUing
lower floor. At this point in time, the malt will low the malt, and of the external air, the inflo-
temperature for MLUuch malt is 105 °C.
sag somewhat if touched. w ing air and the recirculating air, 2.6.2 Malt cleaning
• the air humidity in the layers of malt, A large part of the rootlet fraction is still atta- Production of Munich malt 2.5.3 .3 Unloading the kiln
After kilning, the kiln should be emptied as • the operating times of the turner - if present, ched to the kilned malt up to 3 to 4 % of the to-
When producing malt a1l the conditi- tal weight. These rootlets (culms) are of no use in
soon as possible so that it can be loaded again. • the operating times of the fan,
ons which favour m elanoidin formation are
194 195

the further processed malt and must be remo- by this and so the kernels are moved gently by a Th e polishing machin e, which is connected pale malt dark malt
ved. This process is referred to as malt cleaning. stirring device which causes removal of the atta- to the central aspiration unit, comprises, in steeping loss 1.0 % 1.0 %
The germs constihlte the most valuable by- ched germs (cleaning). ad dition to a magnet, a sieve shaker which re- res piration loss 5.8 % 7.5%
product of the maltings. The average composi-
tion of the germs of Pilsner malt is: 2.6.3 Malt storage
moves all large and small admi xtures in the
malt (split husk fragments, etc.). The malt is
rootlet loss
total dry
3.7% 4.5%
water 8.8% The water content slowly increases during sto- then rubbed by a soft bris tled roller brush weight loss 10.5% 13.0 %
protein 30.0% rage to 4 to 5%. This results in physical and che- against a corrugated plate and thus cleaned
fat 2.0 % mical changes in the endosperm which make from dust particles. Depending on the modifi- Most of the loss is the result of respiration
ash 6.0 % further processing easier. Freshly kilned malt if cation of the malt the polishing machine can and the building of biomass in the rootlets.
fibre 8.6 % used immediately can cause lautering and fer- be se t more or less "ti ghtly" . The material re- To keep the malting loss as low as possible,
non-nitrogenous extract 44.6 % mentation difficulties. mo ved by polishing is rich in extracts because the respiration and development of rootlets
A small portion of the rootlets has already Malt is therefore stored at least 4 weeks in si- during polishing broken kernel fragments al- must be restricted. This can be achieved by
been broken off during kilning and removed at los or stores. Since most of the seedlings are no so drop out. cold germination tempera hires
that stage. In modern rotating floor kilns, longer alive and respiration in the corn would limiting respiration from the third day of ger-
troughs with screw conveyors are attached be- only cause undesirable losses, the malt silo is 2.7 Yield during malting mination by increased use of CO 2-rich recir-
low the fixed himel'S or unloading devices to not ventilated. A precondition for proper stora- Malting of 100 kg of barley does not of course culated air.
remove the culms. ge is that the malt does not become moist be- result in 100 kg of malt, but less. The percenta-
In older kilns the germs fall tlu'ough the floor cause it is hygroscopic. Moist air therefore has ge ratio of the amOlU1t of malt produced to the 2.8 Malt evaluation
plate into the germs chamber below it. If the to be kept away. The malt which is to be stored amoLU1t of barley used is called the malting Malt can be evaluated by using the official bre-
germs are strongly heated there they become has to be well cleaned, cold and dry. yield. The difference from 100 % is called the wing teclmological analysis methods of the Cen-
brown and become much less useful nutritio- In silo storage, because of the smaller surface malting loss. The yield should be as high as tral European Brewing Analysis Commission
nally. It is therefore a disadvantage when too area, the risk of water uptake is lower than possible and the loss as little as possible. (MEBAK).
many germs fall onto the heating duct or into when storing in malt stores. In malt stores the Malt can be examined by
the heating chamber. The colour of these germs malt layer is about 3 m high. Previously this In general it is calculated for Pilsner malt that hand evaluation,
is always darker than the germs removed by was often covered by a layer of germs which ab- 100 kg of cleaned barley produces, on average: mechanical examinations and
cleaning. sorbed the moisture and consequently preven- 100 kg barley steeped produce, chemical-teclmological methods.
Cleaning of malt is performed by a malt ted water uptake by the malt. 148 kg fully steeped barley,
cleaning machine or a cleaning screw. All malt 140 kg green malt, 2.8.1 Hand evaluation
cleaning machines operate by pressing the ker- 2.6.4 Malt polishing 78 kg freshly kilned malt, The hand evaluation of malt involves examina-
nels against a sieving cylinder. This breaks off the Before dispatch malt is often cleaned from still 80 kg stored malt tion of the colour, smell, taste and aroma,
attached rootlets and they are removed by a attached dirt particles and split-open husk frag- So the loss is 20 kg on average. brightness and the amount of impurities.
screw conveyor located at the bottom (Fig. 2.65). ments. This process is called polishing and it It is important to check the grain batch for
It is important that the kernels are not damaged improves the appearance of the malt. Role of tllllll1b: grain weevil infestation, particularly if the
100 kg of barley produce 80 kg pale malt batch is not immediately going for further
processing. Grain weevils which have crept
About half the loss is due to the difference in in can cause great and lasting damage if they
water content: are not detected and combated . Grain weevil
water content of barley 12 to 14 % infestation can mainly be detected by bitten
, , ,
..... ! . ; water content of malt 3 to 4 % grains (holes on the grain surface). Sensitive
Fig . 2. 65 This already accounts for a difference of sensors are now offered by specialist firms,
I . .n _n_n
Malt cleallillg screw
(1) lIIalt ill let, (2) paddle screw,
(3 ) lIIalt olltlet, (4) screell, (5)
about 10% without any loss of other material.
But there is also a loss of kernel dry matter du-
which make the eating sound made by grain
weevils audible, thus verifying their pre-
3 6 !i
screw cOll veyOl; (6) Willi olltlef ring malting which can be set out as follows: sence.
196 197

2.8.2 Mechanical examinations nels are p ressed by a rubber roller against a ro- Density in kg/d m 3 Friability in well modified m alt. Then the h omogeneity
tating sieve drum and thereby sepa rated in to below 1.10 very good (H) of the m alt is determined . The grains are he- Screening easily disintegrated and hard kernels. The re- 1.10 to 1.13 good reby di vided into six categories (from unmodi-
Grading is performed as for barley. At least 85% sults are expressed as percent friability and per- 1.14 to 1.18 sa tisfac tory fied to completely modified) to determine the 2
should be grade I and screenings should be less cent completely steely kernels. above 1.18 p oor homogeneity of the malt. The homogen eity (H
than 1 %. Normal va lues are: va lu e) sh ould be at least 75 %.
Friability (pale m alt) Thousand corn weight above 81 % ve ry good Calcofluor-Carlsberg method 2.8.3 Chemical technological methods
The thousand corn weight is determined in the 78 to 81 % good (Corn sharpening method)
sa me way as it is w ith barley. Normal values for 75 to 78 % satisfactory, and It cannot be excluded that in the batch of malt Water content
this are below 75% unsa tisfactor y there may be malt kernels with very different The wa ter content is determined by the me-
28 to 38 g in the case of air dried malt and Glassiness levels of modifica tion and even non-germina- thod used for barley. Norm al values are:
25 to 35 g ca lculated as m alt d ry weight. below 1 % very good tin g grains. On further processing malt kernels for pale m alt 3.0 to 3.5 %
1 to 2 % good with insufficient modification and hence too (freshly kilned 0.5 to 4 %) Hectolitre weight 2 to 3% sa tisfactory, and high a proportion of can lead to laute- for dark m alt 1.0 to 4.5 %
The hectolitre weight is also measured by the above 3% unsa tisfactory ring and filtrati on problems. This should b e (freshly kilned 0.5 to 4 %)
method used for barley. However, it is hardly monitored by the Calcofluor-Carlsberg method The commercially acceptable limit is usually 5%.
ever measured since it has little predictive va- Acrospire length (corn sharpening method) .
lue. Acrospire d evelopment gives an indication of Congress mashing method
the uniformity of germination . With this me- ,... . , . &" .... The most important feature of malt is of course Sinker test (floaters) thod, the kernels are separated according to the its behaviou r in the mashing process and its
Whilst barley kernels sink to the bottom w hen length of their acrospires and cOLmted. ability to catabolise as much of its contents as
immersed in water, malt kernels normally float o to %, inclusive, of the kernel length Class 1 p ossible. A standardised mashing procedure,
on the surface beca use of included air. The floa- V4 to V2, inclusive, of the kernel length Class 2 the Cong ress mashing method, is therefore per-
ter fraction is grea ter the greater the acrospire 1/ 2 to %, inclusive, of the kernel length Class 3 formed in the laboratory with the aid of a mas-
development and thus the extent to which mo- % to 1/1, inclusive of the kernel length Class 4 lung bath (Fig. 2.65b), and following thi s the
dification of the malt has proceeded . The sinker above 1/1 (hussars, overgrown) Class 5 yield from the malt is determined . It is assumed
fr action is usually From the fr actions the average acrospire that a malt is better modified the less the grin-
w ith well modified pale m alt 30 to 35% length is calculated. For p ale malts this should ding of the m alt affects the yield. Consequently

with dark malt 25 to 30 % be 0.7 to 0.8. the Congress mashing method is performed as
Fig. 2.65n
____ Frinbi/illleier a double an alysis in whi ch Steelyness Germinating capacity 50 g of m alt is very coa rsely ground so that
Steelyness is measured u sing a longitudinal Normally, 6 to 10 % of malt kernels still li ve and the flou r content obtained is only 25% (coa r-
cutter. The completely glassy kernel fraction grow on renewed steeping. If germinating ca- This method is based on the fac t that the se grind analYSiS), and
sh ould not exceed 2 % and at least 95% of the pacity is above 10 %, there is the danger that the glucan -rich end osperm cell wa lls are progressi- 50 g of m alt is very finely groLmd so that the
kernels should be mealy. malt has not been kilned for long enough or at vely degraded durin g malting. This can be ma- flour content obtained is 90 % (fine grind an a-
high enough temperatures. de visible by d ying the intact cell walls with the lysis). Friability flu orchrome Calcofluor. The kernels are shar- In accordan ce with EBC regulations, a DLFU
Malt w hich is too steely or too ha rd, or insuffi- Density pened longitudinally and d yed by means of disc mio is used wluch mus t be sp eciall y stan-
ciently, m ay cause difficulties with lautering, The density gives an indication of the modifica- Calcofluor to m ake the d egree of modification dardised for this purpose.
wort clarification and beer filtration. tion of the endosperm. The lower the density, visible. Each 50 g of coarse grind and fine grind is mas-
The friability is d etermined with a Friabili- the better the friability of the kernel. Densities First the m odification in the malt sample is hed into 200 ml of distilled wa ter at 45 to 46 °C
meter (Fig. 2.65a). With this method, malt ker- are classified as follows: determined; the M value sh ould be at least 85% with constant stirring in a speci al mash beaker

since the latter depend s on the water content of wa ys measured because it gives an indication ca n be assumed that the higher the soluble ni-
and mashed for 30 min with constant stirring at
the malt. of the malt type used . It is measured by a com- trogen ratio the better dissolved the malt is. The
45 °C.
pari son of the wort colour with an appropriate
The tempera ture in the mash vessel is then
raised to 70 °C in 25 min (1 °C/min), then 100 ml Extract yield coloured disc in the Hellige Neo-Comparator.
malt is judged by its Kalbach index:
below 35 undermodified 2 II
Normal values for ex tract yields from the Con- No rmal values are: 35 to 41 well modified
of water at 70 °C is added and the temperature
gress mash are: for pale malt up to 4 EBC milts over 41 very highly modified
maintained for an hour with stirring. In this ti-
for pale malt 79 to 82 % dry weight for medium col. malt 5 to 8 EBC units A very high soluble nitrogen ratio, in con-
me the saccharification is monitored.
for dark malt 75 to 78 % dry weight for dark malt 9.5 to 20 EBC milts jtll1ction with a high FAN, has a nega tive effect
The mash is then cooled in 10 to 15 min to
The malt is considered better the higher the The boiled wort colour: the wort is boiled for on the foam .
room temperature and the volume made up to
extract yield . two hours using a reflu x condenser and clari-
450 g by adding distilled water. The entire con-
Great value is also attached to the malt's fied by a membrane filter. From the boiled wort The free alllillO lIitrogell cOlltellt (FAN):
tents are then filtered through a folded filter pa-
being well modified. With a well modified malt colour conclusions can be drawn about the beer the FAN incorporates the termina l amino
per. The first 100 ml of the filtrate are returned
the extract difference between the coarse grind colour, but the relationship is not statistically groups and provides information about the im-
to the filter and filtration is terminated when
and fine grind is small, because the grinding reliable. Pale malts produce an average of 5.1 portant bonds for yeast nutrition . The FAN is
the filter cake appears dry.
then has a smaller effect on the dissolving of the EBC lll1its and a maximum of 7 EBC. normally:
extract. It is evaluated from the difference 120 -160 mg/100 g malt dry matter (barl ey malt)
% extract in the fine grind dry weight Th e wort viscosity: 90 - 120 mg/lOO g malt dry matter (wheat malt)
% extract in the coarse grind dry weight from the viscosity of the Congress wort conclu-
The evaluation of the difference is sions can be drawn about the future behaviour The forllloillitrogell cOlltellt:
tmder 1.8 % good of the wort during lautering and about beer fil- the formol nitrogen analysis measures the low
over 1.8 % moderate. tration. Congress wort has a viscosity of 1.5 to molecular weight nitrogen compounds. Nor-
The Congress wort is also used to make the 1.6 mPa·s. Vollbier, calculated at 12 %, has 1.6 to mal values for this are 180 to 220 mg/lOO g malt
following analyses: 2.01nPa·s. dry weight.
The odollr of the IIlnsh: this should be regar-
ded as "normal" when it corresponds to that ty- The lIitrogell cOlltellt: The diastatic power:
pical for the malt examined. this is determined directly in the malt by the sa- the amylase potential is decisive for enzymatic
The iodi11e 11onnality: the time required for the me method as for barl ey. It is up to 0.5% lower breakdown of starch. The activity of amylase
Fig. 2.65b
mash, after it has been brought to 70°C, to reach in malt than in barley. It is usually expressed as enzymes is therefore important for malt quality.
Masilillg batil
iodine normality, i.e. it gives a pure yellow colom protein content - calculated as N . 6.25. ll1e ni- The diastatic power is expressed in Windisch-
with iodine. The results are expressed as "less trogen content in malt should be below 10.8 %. Kolbach units (WK tll1its). Normally,
The wort obtained is called Congress wort
than 10 min", "10 to 15 min", "15 to 20 min", etc. ll1e soluble nitrogen content: this refers to the pale malt contains 240 to 260 WK
and is immediately analysed. The most impor-
The filtration rate: this is considered to be nih'ogen compOLmds which have dissolved in the dark malt contains 150 to 170 WK.
tant analysis is that of the extract obtained. Be-
"normal" when filtration is complete within an Congress mashing process. Normally there is
cause measurement with a hydrometer - as
hour. If it lasts longer it is recorded as "slow". 0.55 to 0.75% soluble nitrogen in the dly weight Hartollg-Kretsc!tlller mash 111etllOd:
performed in the brewhouse as will be descri-
The appeara11ce: the appearance is either "cle- extract of the Congress wort, or 650 to 750 mg/l = the Hartong-Kretschmer mash method compri-
bed later - is too imprecise, the extract content
ar", "opalescent" or "turbid". soluble nitrogen content of 4.0 - 4.4g/l00g. ses four hour-long mashes at temperatures of
is measured by means of a pycnometer (Fig.
The pH vallie: this is measured 30 min after 20 °C, 45 0C, 65 °C and 80 °C in order to measu-
7.3), refractometer, special hydrometer or preci-
the start of filtration with a glass electrode. The Th e soillble nitrogell ratio (Kolbad/ illdex): re specific processes. The only significant ones,
sion density measuring device. The extract
pH of Congress wort is normally 5.6 to 5.9. the soluble nitrogen ratio shows what percenta- however, are VZ 45 °C and VZ 65 °C.
yield is obtained from the Plato table. The ex-
ge of the total nitrogen in the malt is dissolved
tract yield is reported as a percentage both on
The wort colollr: in the Congress mashing process. Consequent- VZ45°C
an "as is" basis and also related to dry weight.
although the wort colour provides no reliab- ly the soluble nitrogen ra tio is an indicator of A beaker containing 50 g fine grind is mashed
The extract yield on a dry weight basis is of
le information about the beer colour, it is al- the proteolytic modification of the malt, and it for an hour at a temperature of 45 °C (VZ 45 °C),
much greater importance than the as is value
200 201

and then the ex tract content is measured. The should not exceed 14 to 15 TBA units. Dark malts Lmder 200 mg/l the malt sh ould contain no red gra ins (Fusa-
VZ 45 °C is an am yloly tic ind ex dependent on have a considerably higher TBA reading (Mlmich VZ 65 °C Lmder 350 mg/l rium infesta tion),
va riety, location and year. The VZ 45 °C provi- dark > 100, roas ted malt > 1,500 luutS). Modification over 90 % price supplements or reductions sh ould be
des inform ation about the amylol ytic quality. The pale m alts examined at the VLB Berlin Homogeneity over 75% made in the case of devia tions in water and 2
Without knowledge of the variety, however, it (242] had the followin g ave rage values: DMS-P Lmder 7 ppm ex tract content,
has no predictive value. Water content 4.4 % (3.0 - 6.1) varietal purity and homogenei ty in the m alt
There is n o connection with the soluble nitro- FS (fine) 2.8.4 Malt supply contract must be guaranteed,
gen ratio. The VZ 45°C provides no informati- extract dry weight 78.2 % (75.5 - 81.3) In the malt supply contrac t the malt supplier duration of storage of the m alt sh ould be de-
on about proteolysis and cytolysis (338]. CS (coarse) guarantees a specific quality of its products. On term ined.
extract dry weight 81.8 % (79.6 - 85.7) the other hand the brewery has a series of spe- For the brewer and maltster it is important to
VZ 65°C Extract differen ce 1.1 EBC (0.5 -1.8) cifications for the qu ality of the malt w hich en- know wh ether the bal'ley or malt suppli ed cor-
A bea ker containing 50 g fine grind is mashed Colour 3.9 EBC (3.1 - 6.4) SLlre that consistently good beer quality can be responds to the values promised in the contrac t
for an hour at a temperature of 65°C. At this Boiled wort colour 5.8 EBC (4.6 - 7.9) obtained without loss of time using the mash (compliance). A laboratory analysis wo uld take
temperature, the is alrea- Viscosity 1.52 mPa' s (1.45 - 1.64) process in use in the brewery. too long in tlus case. It is however possible to
dy inactivated and only the Protein in malt dry weight 10.4% (8 .9 - 11.9) A good malt meets the following criteria: measure the most important data from a 300 g
can degrade still undissolved high molecular Kolbach index 40.9 (34.4 - 67.6) Protein content below 10.8 % malt sa mple within one minute by means of
glucans, which then calU10t be degrad ed furt- VZ 45 °C 36.5 (29.9 - 45.7) Kalbach index 38 to 42 % Near-infrared Reflection Spectroscopy (NIR) to
her (see Fig. 3.27c). The VZ 65 °C is therefore a DMS-Pin Extrac t yield above 82% ascertain the compliance of a delivery.
good measure of the cytolysis of the m alt. The malt dry weight 514 p g/100 g (151 - 1269) Fine-coarse-difference 1.2 to 1.8 % Near-infrared is the barely visible fraction of
following maximlUn values are required, whe- Friabilimeter value 85.4% (74.3 - 93.1) Viscosity less than 1.55 mPa x s electrometric waves (see Fig. 7.15). If barl ey or
reby for the abridged-mash method there are Carlsberg Test M 95% (85 - 99) content under 300 mg/l malt gra in s are irradiated w ith nea r-infrared
addi tional requirements: H 80% (67 - 97) Colour less than 3.4 EBC beams in the wave range of approx. 800 to 2500
COl1tel1t of the 65 °C mash < 400 mg/l; FAN in the Congress wort 138 mg/l (104 - 179) Boiled wort colour less than 5.0 EBC nm, different molecule groups display clear ab-
for abridged-mash method < 350 mg/l content in the N in malt dry weight more than 0.65 g/lOO g so rption bands. By a very thorough ca libration
Viscosity of the 65 °C lI1ash < 1.65 mPa· s; Congress wort 218 mg/l (69 - 516) dry weight the absorption bands can be assign ed to parti-
For abridged-mash method < 1.60 mPa·s. Grading Friabilimeter value above 87% cular substances . The near-infrared li ght can
The OMS-P cOl1tel1t should be under 7 mg/kg Whole grain fraction 95.9% (90 .7 - 99.5) Viscosity 65 °C less than 1.65 mPa·s h ereby be applied in reflection (reflection spec-
(ppm, anhydrous) . Screenings 0.9 % (0.2 - 4.2) 65 °C under 400 mg/l troscopy, NIR) or as a backlight (tran smission
• The NOMA (l1itrosamil1e) cOl1tent should be For malts which are processed using the ab- DMS-P below 6 ppm spectroscopy, NIT); this, however, makes no
max. 3 ridged-mash method, the following analysis Totally glassy fraction below 2% fundamental difference. Since the light penetra-
The difference between the viscosity of the values are required: VZ45°C 37 to 41 % tes two to tlu-ee millimetres into the grains, the
65 °C mash and that of the Congress mash pro- Extract, anhydrous over 80 % Water content below 5% sa mple does not have to be comminuted . In this
vides a good prediction about the filterability of Diastic power over 200 WK Screenings less than 0.8 % way a sample of approx. 300 g is measured and
the wort. The smaller the difference, the better Final degree of fermentation 81- 84% Acrospire length eva luated without contact, within the wave
the expected filterability (373]. Protein content 9 -11 % homogeneous, e.g. range of 850 to 1050 lUn, within a few seconds.
Soluble up to %: 0% By this method, a relatively large amount of
Thiobarbitlll'ic acid (TBA) iudex nitrogen 650 - 750 mg/g malt dry weight up to Yz: 3% gra ins is measured, which enabl es a fuller state-
The (non-dimensional) thiobarbituric acid (TBA) Kolbach index 39 - 42 % up to %: 25% ment about the homogeneity of the sample.
index is a measure of the thermal exposure of FAN 130 - 160 mg/lOO g malt dry weight up to 1/1: 70% The NIR teclmology is used in particular for
malt and wort. With rising TBA there is a sharp Friabilimeter over 85% above 1/1: 2%. badey acceptance (compliance control) and for
decrease in the flavour stability of the beer. It is Totally steely fraction lmder 2% In addition, it should also be determined that: malt inspection. The following data are measu-
therefore desirable, especially in the case of pale Viscosity under 1.56 mPa·s (8.6 %) malt should be produced without gibberellic red: water content, fine grind ex tract content,
malts, to have a low TBA reading. Pale malts Viscosity VZ 65 °C under 1.60 mPa's (8.6 %) acid, protein content, soluble nitrogen content and
202 203

viscosity. The accuracy of this method is com- a VZ 45 °C above 36%, a colour of 6 to 8 EBC is obtained. 2.9.5 Caramel malt
parable to the accuracy of conventionallabora- a non-dormant, uni for mly germin a ting bar- Vielma malt is used up to 100% for the pro- Caramel malt is used to give the beer an increa-
tory analysis. However, it is not a substitute for ley. duction of "Marzen" beer, festival beers, s trong sed depth of colour and improved body and to
the lat ter. The curing temperature can be increased in export beers and pub brewery beers. em phasise the malty character. The starting point 2
order to depress the OMS precursor content. for the production of caramel malt is green malt
2.9 Special malts and malt from other This is especially important for modern brew- 2.9.4 Brumalt/melanoidin malt with very good modification and a water content
cereals houses . Brumalt production is rather exp ensive. It is of 45 to 48%. Production usually occurs on the
Most beers worldwide are pale beers. Conse- produced by using: malting floor and is initially similar to the pro-
quently the demand for pale malt is very high 2.9.2 Dark malt (Munich type) barley which is processed as for d ark malt, duction ofbnml alt. The temperature in the pile in
and therefore most maltings produce almost To produce dark malt all the conditions which with moisture con ten t of 48 %, the last 30 to 36 h is increased to 45 to 50 °C to
excl usively pale malt in large batches. On the lead to the formation of aroma-producing Mail- and which has been brought in the las t 36 achieve increased enzymic breakdown and con-
other hand, more and more beer types are being lard products (melanoidins) are promoted. hours to 40 to 50 °C. sequent formation of low molecular weight nih'o-
produced worldwide which differ considerably These include: Previously, to do this heaps were stacked 1.5 m gen compOLmds and suga rs.
from one another in taste, colour, aroma, mouth processing barley with a higher protein con- high and covered by a tarpaulin or the green In further processing a difference is made
feel, foam and other quality features. However, tent, malt was held in special boxes with "low" between pale and dark cara mel m alt. In both ca-
this means that to produce them, different intensive germination at temperatures of 18 aeration with a low flame. In any case respi- ses th e green malt comes into the roasting
malts h ave to be used which contribute to the to 20 °C, ra tion mus t be minimised. As a result seed- drum.
particularities of these properties. These malts a higher degree of steeping of 48 to 50%, ling grow th comes to an end but the enzymes In the roas ting drum the cara mel malt is sac-
are considered here under the term "special a moist-warm initial drying or withering, are still active and at this high temperature ch arified at a temperahlre between 60 and 70 °C
malts". They are almost exclusively produced a curing temperature of 100 to 105 °C for 4 to produce a large amount of low molecular for 60 to 90 min and the dark carame l malt is
in special maltings which have inevitably spe- 5 h, weight su gars and amino acids. hea ted in about 60 min w ith rapid removal of
cialised in the production of small batches and a colour of 15 to 25 EBC, During initial drying different procedures stea m to 150 to 180 °C for 1 to 2 h to ca ramelise
possess the necessary equipment for this. a fine-coarse difference of 2.0 to 3.0 %. are used but essentially the green malt is £lut- the corn contents. As a result of this, brown co-
The va lues whidl pale and dark malts should A malt with 13 to 15 EBC (Mtmich pale) pro- her "stewed" . loured compOLmd s wi th a typ ica l caramel aro-
fulfil have already been described; for comparati- vides the b asis for the dark beer character and It is cured for 3 to 4 h at 90 to over 100 °C. ma are formed from the suga r in the malt which
ve purposes they are listed again in the following. is used for up to 85 % of the grist. A malt with Brumalt h as a colour of 50 to 80 EBC units. It was form ed earlier. Depending on tempera ture
According to the type of heat trea tment, spe- 20 to 25 EBC (Munich dark), when used as 25 to can be used and ex posure time, this process can either be in-
cial malts are divided into cured malts, caramel 40% of the grist, helps to intensify the aroma. in amounts up to 50% together with pale or tensified or reduced.
malts and roasted malts. This is particularly important when u sing a dark malt, After th at the malt is remo ved from the drum
short mashing procedure. up to 25% to improve the aroma of dark malt, and rapidly and uniformly cooled. As a result
2.9.1 Pilsner malt (pale malt) Up to 85% dark m alt of the Mtmich type is to replace coloured malt in malt beer or Alt- the kernel contents are still soft with a wa ter
An important criterion is the monitoring of cy- used to emphasise the typical dark beer charac- biers. content of 6 %.
tolysis and proteolysis. ter of dark beers, fes tival beers and strong Bnunalt is today known as melanoidin malt. It Pale caramel malt is treated like dark caramel
Because new barley varieties have a tendency beers. is produced in an analogue maJmer in boxes aJld malt, but not for as long a time and n ot so inten-
to overmodify, a somewhat shorter modification no longer on the malting floor. TIle temperature Sively.
schedule is suitable during malting. Targets are: 2.9.3 Vienna malt procedure aJld reduced respiration are, In the past few decades the production of ca-
a colour of 2.5 to 3.5 EBC, Vienna malt is used to correct over-pale m alts, identical aJld lead to well modified malt with a ramel malt h as wldergone a further differentia-
a maximum fine-coarse differen ce of 1.7 to to produce "golden" beer and to improve pala- colour of 60 to 80 EBC. It is used in a proportion tion. This includes the special malts Carahell®,
2.0%, te fullness. For this of 5 to 20% of the malt grist. Melanoidin malt, so- Carapils® and Carami.inch®, as well as varie-
a viscosity less than 1.55 mPa's, a steeping d egree of 44 to 46% is used, metimes shortened to melamalt, lends beer a so- ties such as Carared® and others.
a soluble nitrogen ratio of 40 % (+ 1 to 2 %), the malt is normally modified and not over- mewhat reddish conh'ibutes by virtue of Germ in ation thus occurs in a germinating
a free amino nitrogen content (FAN) forming modified, its low pH value to flavom stability, strengthens drum to achieve better homogeneity. At the end
at least 20% of the soluble nitrogen, it is cured at 90 to 95°C and thereby the body and rounds off the colom of the beer. of the ex tend ed steeping and germinating time,
204 205

the germinated goods are brought to a tempe- sed . In the case of light beers and alcohol-free
rature of 40 to 45 DC, hence bringing about in- beers up to 30% can be added.
tensive enzyme degradation . Caramel malts are produced in several colour
Saccharification and caramelisation then oc- s tages . They make a considerable contribution 2
cur in a roasting drum (Fig. 2.65c). The contents to the palatefulness or body, intensification of
of the kernel thereby liquefy at temperatures of the malt aroma, the full taste and colour, and to
70 to 80 DC [243]. the head retention.
Following that, the temperatures in the roa-
Fig. 2.65c
sting drum are increased to 180 to 210 DC within 2.9.6 Acid malt
Ronstillg rll'lllll for cn-
1.5 to 2 hours and then maintained until the de- Acid malt is produced from normal germinated ralllelisniioll nllrl ron-
sired depth of colour is obtained. This is: green malt which has been sprinkled with or stillg
for Carahell® 20 to 40 EBC (8 to 15.5 Lovi- steeped in a solution of biological lactic acid (Piloto: Miell. Weyer-
111a1111 Mnlzfnbrik,
bond) and then cured. The lactic acid in the malt is
for Caramlinch® 80 to 160 EBC (30 to 60 Lo- thereby concentrated to 2 to 4%. The pH value
vibond). of the acid malt is between 3.4 and 3.5, and the
The water content thereby sinks to 6 to 7%. colour is 3.5 EBC. Through the addition of acid the splitting of the corn, and in the case of short curing at a low temperature (diastatic power
TI,e malt varieties Caramed® and others, by malt of up to 10 % of the grist, the pH value in grain malt, on the third or fourth day of germi- above 250 kW; see Sect. 2.8.3 .2). Because of its
means of a special production procedure, have a the mash is somewhat reduced and the buffe- nation. The malting loss is correspondingly re- high enzymic potential the malt is in a position
reddish shine and typical aroma which serves to ring increased. However, nowadays this acidifi- duced to 1.5 to 2.5% for chit malt and 4.5 to 5% to inlprove the mashing work or even to break
intensi fy and stabilise the flavour. Caramed®, cation is better and more conveniently achieved in the case of short gra in malt. They are very down a proportion of grist in the unmalted
with 40 to 60 EBC (15.5 to 23 Lovibond), is paler by biological acidification in the brewhouse. little used and then, only in order to use their grain.
than Caraamber®, which has 60 to 80 EBC (23 to Acid malt is nowadays only used for the manu- advantages:
30 Lovibond). Caraaroma®, which has a depth of facture of a few special beers: improvement of foam stability 2.9.10 Roasted malt
colour of 300 to 400 EBC (113 to 150 Lovibond) is It can be used for light beers to increase the less pronounced palatefulness Roasted malt is used in amounts of 0.5 to 2 % of
considerably darker than Caramlinch®. palatefulness and contribute to a special less aromatic malty flavour. the grist to obtain a dark beer colour.
Carahell® is used in festival beers and nu- smooth note, in particular in combination Since these malts show only very little modi- For the production of roasted malt, perfectly
trient beers to increase the body and improve with a hard mash liquor. Usually 6 to 9% is fication, they can only be used in conjunction modified pale kilned malt is used . The roasting
head retention, whereas Carami.inch® is used required in the grist for this. with a very intensive mashing procedure. process is carried out in a roasting drum (Fig.
in dark festival beers and nutrient beers. It can be used for alcohol-free beers, made by 2.65c). For this the kilned malt is evenly moiste-
Carared® and Caraamber® are used for up to restricted ferm entation, to produce a more 2.9.8 Smoked malt ned for 1.5 to 2 hours at 70 to 80 DC to a water
25% of the grist particularly in the production acceptable malt flavour. But for this large Smoked malt is a speciality required for the content of 10 to 15 % by spraying water whilst
of ale (red ale, amber ale, brown ale), red lager, amotmts of acid malt are required to reach a production of smoked beer. The smoke of burnt the malt is evenly rotated.
Altbier or lager. Caraaroma® is used for up to pH of about 4.5. beechwood shavings is fed through the malt be- Then it is heated for the actual roasting pro-
15 % of the grist for dark beers, such as amber It is used for malt beers to reduce the pH va- fore kilning. The condensing clouds of smoke cess which takes 1 to 1.5 hours at a temperature
ale, dark ale, stout or porter. lue. which are formed lend the malt a scratchy fla- between 180 and 220 DC. During this caramel
The very pale Carapils® and Carafoam®, VOUl', which is also present in the smoked beer substances and other products of roasting are
owing to their colour of only 3.5 to 5.0 EBC, are 2.9.7 Short grown and chit malts produced, for which it is typical. In Germany, formed .
only saccharified in the roasting drum and then Short grown and chit malts are characterised by smoked malt is only produced in the Bamberg This is followed by quick and even cooling.
kilned at temperatures of 60 to 65 DC to a water very short germination times and therefore ha- region. With increasing temperatures, burnt tasting
content of 6 to 7%. This malt shows only very ve all the disadvantages of a very tmdermodi- products (assamars) are formed which are only
little thermal exposure because of the very fied malt (lautering problems, beer filtration 2.9.9 Diastase malt desirable in a few types of beer such as stout. In
short roasting phase. With application of up to problems, etc.). In the case of chit malt, germi- By diastase malt is meant a malt which has order to prevent a burnt flavour in colom"ed
15 %, the body and head retention are increa- nation is terminated at the end of steeping on mainly retained its en zymic potential through malt, a controlled amount of water is sprayed
206 207

during roasting: the steam that is formed remo- final completion of the production batches then Germination is performed as with barley, but ratures one obtains:
ves volatile burnt tasting components and de- occurs in special boiling vessels. whea t is more difficult to process. Because of the pale wheat malt, wluch is very rapidly cured
bitters the malt. For beers which are supposed Roasted malt beers have - depending on the risk of c1mnp formation wheat must be turned at 80 °C to avoid increased colour formation.
to taste more smooth, roasted malt from dehus- variety - a depth of colom between 1,000 and more often. The temperatures can be a little lower Pale wheat malt has a colour 3.0 to 4.0 EBC 2
ked barley is produced. The tam-tins and bitter 17,000 EBC; the exh'act content is on average 45 to than in the case of barley, bu t should be raised on and produces smooth, sparkling beers which
substances in the husk can then no longer have 50%, but in some varieties it is 65%. The pH va- the last day of germination to 17 to 20 °C to pro- emphasise the typical top fermentation and
an effect on the flavour. lue of roasted malt beers lies between 3.5 and 4.5. mote cell wall breakdown (cytolysis). wheat aroma; or
Coloured malts are produced with colouring The colour of roasted malt beers varies bet- To obtain a typical wheat beer aroma a re- dark wheat malt, which is cured at 100 to
values of 800 to 1600 EBC (chocolate malt). Co- ween amber-brown, red-brown, dark-brown, stricted protein degradation is preferable. A re- 110 °C. This produces a colour of 15 to 17
loured malts with less colour, 400 to 600 EBC, coffee-black and black with a red tint. Both in- latively low quantity of nitrogen compounds in EBC. Dark wheat malt is used predominant-
are sold as coffee malt. teresting and desirable - in particular for the the wort leads to a livelier and more pleasant ly for dark wheat beers, Alt beers and dark
For top fermenting beers wheat coloured production of beers with a red tint - are roasted wheat beer. This is important because in wheat low alcohol beers.
malt is used which is produced in the same way malt beers with a red colour shade (see Sect. beer a more abundant spectrum of fermentati- As well as the standard varieties, there are al-
and used in amOlmts of up to 1 % for Altbier or There are also considerable differences on by-products is desired and this is prevented so all the special varieties that we have come
dark wheat beers. in the flavours of roasted malt beers [245]. Roa- by an excessive supply of free amino acids. The across for barley malt in the case of wheat malt.
Since roasted malt is only used in small pro- sted malt beers which are produced from de- beer then becomes lifeless and dull. Conse- Special maltings have a wide range of these.
portions to a maximlU11 of 2 % of the grist, sepa- husked barley are characterised by their parti- quently a low lutrogen content of the grain and The composition of a malt grist made of in-
rate small bins are required for storage. cularly mild flavour. a low soluble lutrogen value should be aimed dividual special malt types is kept secret by
for [121]. the brewery using it and it is carefully tested
2.9.11 Roasted malt beer 2.9.12 Wheat malt The pH of the Congress wort should prefera- and evaluated in order to achieve the desired
Using a high proportion of about 40% roasted Wheat malt is used for the production of wheat bly be on the high side (pH 6). Note that a hig- beer character. On the other hand recommen-
malt, a very dark roasted malt beer can be pro- beer but also for other top fermented beers, her malt pH does not necessarily result in a dations have been made for use of the diffe-
duced, which is characterised by its strength of such as Kolsch. To achieve optimal results, in high beer pH. rent malt types and these will be introduced
can be easily dosed, and can be added at recent years there have been increased attempts For some varieties, pregermination at a high later.
any time during the production process. Roa- to breed and grow suitable brewing wheat va- temperature (19 °C) is desired, with a gradual
sted malt beer is produced according to the rieties [120]. Because an intensive malting pro- increase of the degree of steeping to values of 45 2.9.13 Malt extract
Reinheitsgebot. cess should be avoided with wheat, so as not to to 47%, followed by a lowering of the tempera- By malt extract is meant tluckened wort (see
The mashing procedure is adapted to the va- harm the sensory properties of beer, the seal"ch ture to 13 to 15 °C [201]. Tlus proced ure has pre- Sect. 3.4).
riety of roasted malt beer in question [244], and is for varieties wluch show low protein modifi- vailed for wheat varieties wluch have average In recent times there has been a growing de-
following wort boiling with the addition of only cation and low viscosity (e.g. Estica, Obelisk, to rather high viscosity values in the malt and mand for malt extract, in particular by the
a few hops and with an extract content of 20%, Andros, Kanzler, Ores tis, Atlantis) [201]. tend towards a rather low soluble nitrogen con- home brewer. Some home brewers wish to fo-
cooling is initiated to a pitching temperature of In comparison with barley the greatest diffe- tent. The application of this technology to rego the mashing process and the time-consu-
15 to 20°C. Fermentation occurs with bottom rences are the absence of a husk and the lugher strongly soluble varieties, however, would pro- ming lautering process at home and begin their
fermenting yeast and, since the fermentable ex- protein content, which under some circumstan- duce varieties with a weak aroma. In order to brew with diluted malt extract as finished
tract is small, completed within 24 hours. Thjs ces can lead to problems in the brewing pro- cmb excessive protein degradation, the moistu- wort. This malt extract is today being offered
is followed by filtration over kieselguhr and a cess. re in the malt is reduced while the temperature by an increasing number of shops.
debittering activated carbon until a clearness of As a result of the absence of a husk the kernel is raised. Required conditions are: To produce thjs malt extract, well modified
below 1 EBC is obtained. In the case of roasted can absorb steep water very quickly and so the a soluble ni trogen ratio of 42 % maximum, malt is somewhat more thickly mashed, laute-
malt beers which contain pale brewing malt, an steeping time can be shortened. Initial steeping a FAN in the wort forming 18 % of the total N, red and the resulting wort carefully thickened
additional chillproofing is carried out. The roa- is to a water content of 37 to 38% but the water a viscosity below 1.65 mPaxs, to 75 to 80% in a vacuum downflow evaporator
sted malt beer is then carefully thickened in a content should be increased later to a maxi- a fine-coarse difference of about 1 % EBC. at 50 to 60°C. In the vacuum the boiling tempe-
vacuum down flow evaporator at a temperature mum of 44 to 46% during the seven steeping The initial drying process begins at 40°C and rature sinks considerably so that no Maillard
between 50 and 60°C. The homogelusation and and germination days. ends at 60 0c. By using different curing tempe- products can form.

On evaporation, a thick syrup is formed which, Rye malted oats ha ve a particular, very distinctive entan g led (Fig. 2.67) even during initial drying,
on dilution to 12 %, yields a golden yellow wort. Rye is very difficult to malt because of its very taste [300]. so they must also be turned in the kiln to avoid
After boiling with hops and cooling this can be high pentosan content. Rye malts therefore ha- further matting of the seedlings.
fermented. The range of malt extracts on offer in ve a viscosity of 3.8 to 4.2 mPa 's (normal barley 2.9.15 Sorghum malt The Ct.-amylase activity of the sorghum malt 2
terms of colour value and aroma is very large; malt: less than 1.5 mPa xs). Sorghum malt is used for the production of is 25 % lower than that of barley malt. On the ot-
there is, for example, caramel malt extract, roa- It is steeped somewhat less to a steeping de- (turbid) sorghum beer. In South Africa alone, her hand, sorghum malt tends to have a higher
sted malt extract or also wheat malt extract. gree of below 40%; the steeping and germinati- 160,000 t of sorghum malt is processed almual- polyphenol and protein content.
Through the removal of water in a spray dry- on time lasts about seven days. Rye malts are Iy [1 26], partly using pneumatic malting pro-
ing plant, malt extract powder can be produced usually darker than barley malts. If rye malt is cesses. Furthermore, so rghum is also malted in
from malt extract. This tastes very sweet and - cured in the dark maImer, the resulting beer households for the production of beer. The total
similar to candy floss - disintegrates complete- which is produced has a definite bread- or bre- consumption of sorghum beer is estimated to
lyon the tongue. Malt extracts are also used in adcrust-like taste. be 30 mio hI .
the production of bakery produce, ice cream, Rye beers have only local significance; howe-
sauces and similar products. ver, their interesting flavour profile can be used
For breweries operating commercially, the for special beers.
use of malt extract for the production of wort
does not come into consideration for financial Triticale
reasons. By triticale is meant a cross between wheat (tri-
ticum) and rye (secale) . Triticale is becoming in-
2.9.14 Malt from other bread cereals creasingly significant as an undemanding ce-
The use of malt other than that produced from real variety with good resistance properties
barley is also permitted for top fermented beer particularly for baking purposes but also for
brewed according to the German Reinheitsge- malt and beer production. However, triticale Fig. 2. 67
Sorglllllll grnills growillg vigorollsllj
bot. As well as wheat this includes a range of ot- tends to get hotter than wheat, has a higher
(Photo: P. Seidl, Mllllicil)
her bread cereal varieties. wort viscosity and extreme protein degradati-
on. The Prego variety achieves the best malting
Spelt results.
Spelt (also known as Swabian corn) is a variety In a number of African countries, such as Ni-
of wheat on which the husk remains on the Oats geria, only sorghum malt is used for brewing
grain. Spelt is grown in small quantities (e.g. in Oats are relatively low in extract and were al- because the import of barley malt is forbidden
south Germany). ready being used in malted form in the early Sorghlllll grnills ntthe begillllillg of growth and barley C31mot be cultivated lU1der the local
It is sold as dried lmripe spelt grain. Spelt can Middle Ages alongside barley for the producti- (Photo: P. Seidl, MIIllicil)
climatic conditions. Furthermore, the supply of
be malted in the same way as wheat and the re- on of simple, cheaper beers [5] . In more recent sorghum in m311Y areas is suffiCiently large. In
sulting spelt malt can be used in the production times, the processing of oats to malt and beer Since the enzymic potential of sorghum is some counh'ies, with the sorghum malt ulUnal-
of top fermented spelt beer. has become significant for quite another reason: weaker than that of barley, intensive steeping ted sorghum is processed as raw grain.
persons suffering from Coeliac disease have an has to occur at temperatures of 27 to 30 °C with
Emmer intolerance of certain amino acid sequences of frequent chaI1ging of water for 17 to 21 hours
Emmer is a thick husked wheat, the awns of the prolamin fractions, particularly gluten. Al- [163]. The green malt is cultivated at 17 to 21°C,
which only have two rows of corn. It is the ori- most all types of cereal contain these amino se- well aerated and moistened so as to achieve
ginal form of wheat but is now hardly ever quences. However, oats, like rice, corn, green malt moisture of 52 to 58 %. The sorghlUl1
grown. Emmer is occasionally malted to form buckwheat and sorghwn, contain no prolamin corns demonstrate very intensive growth du-
diastatic malt or in very rare cases processed in- and can be absorbed by Coeliac sufferers wit- ring malting, rootlet growth is very pronoun-
to special beer. hout risk. Top fermented beers produced with ced (Fig. 2.66) and the roots become extremely
210 211

2.9.16 Usage of different types of malt for various types of beer

(according to NarziB) [24] Beer type EBC colour Malt type (EBC colour) Fraction in %

CarahellC® (25) 5 2
Beer type EBC colour Malt type (EBC COIOll r) Fraction in % Pale malt (3.5) 25
or 12 Wheat malt 70
Pilsner 6-7 Pilsner malt (3.0) 100-95 Dark malt (15) 15
Carapils'" (4.0) 4-5 Pale malt (3.5) 15
or 40 Pale wheat malt 60
Pale 8 Pale malt (3.5) 100-95 Dark malt (15) 40
(Hell) Carahell" (25) up to 5 (Coloured malt 0.5
or 40 Pale wheat malt 40
Export 12 Pale malt Dark wheat malt 30
or Pilsner malt Dark malt (15) 30
Cara-Dunkel (120) up to 1
Alt 35 Pale malt (3.5) 99
Dark 50-60 Dark malt (15) 90 Coloured malt 1
(Dunkel) Pale malt (3.5) 9 or Dark malt (15) 90
Coloured malt 1 Pale malt (3.5) 10
or Dark malt (15) 40 or Pale malt (3.5) 85
Dark malt (25) 40 Cara-Dunkel (120) 15
Pale malt (3.5) 14 or Dark malt (15) 50
Cara-Dlmkel (120) 5 Bl'lU11alt (35) 50
Coloured malt 1
or Dark malt (15) 50 Kolsch 10 Pale malt (3.5) 95
Brumalt (35) 30 Cara-Hell (25) 5
Pale malt (3.5) 19 or Pale malt (3.5) 85
Coloured malt 1 Vienna malt (5.5) 15

March beer 30 Vienna malt (5.5) 90 Alcohol-Free 8.5 Pale malt (3.5) 70
(Marzen) Pale malt (3.5) 10 (7.2 %) Dark malt (15) 15
[optional Carahell'" (25) 10] Carahell'" (25) 15
or Dark malt (15) 70 or Pale malt (3.5) 40
Pale malt (3.5) 30 Alcohol-free Dark malt (15) 10
[optional Cara-Dlmkel (120) 5] (cont'd) Carahell® (25) 15
or Dark malt (15) 50 Vielma malt (5.5) 30
or Pale malt (3.5) 30 Acid malt 5
Brumalt (35) 20
Dark malt (15) 10 or Pale malt (3.5) 70
Vienna malt (5.5) 23
Wheat 12 Wheat malt 50-90 Cara-Dlmkel (120) 2
Pale malt (3.5) Remainder Acid malt 5
or 12 Wheat malt 70

2.10 Safety precautions in maltings Regulations VBG 112 - Silos provides a series of In maltings there is also a considerable risk of the creation of an atmosphere in which there
A munber of possible causes of accidents, fires or instructions. dust explosions. The risk with dust is that al- is an explosion risk.
explosions exist in maIlings whid, can result in In § 5 (1) it says mos t any combus tible solid material, in suffi- avoidance of hot surfaces, spark formation
damage to persons or to the plant. Some of the im- that openings in the ceilings or walls which cient concentration, tends to detonate or explo- and open fires, and 2
portant potential causes will be mentioned here. can be s tepped into or driven into must be de. Dust-air mixtures ignite at temperatures constructional measures which suppress the
Accidents can occur near conveyors. Conse- equipped with security devices to prevent lU1- above 400 °C. But when the dust lies in thin lay- effects of an explosion to make it harmless.
quently a series of regulations has been issued authorised entry. ers on hot metal sheets or overheated parts, it In maltings there is also a considerable fire
by authorities in several countries. As an exam- In § 14 it says: also ignites at temperatures below 200 0C. The risk. This concerns not only fires caused by ex-
ple, the following quotations are given from the (1) Protected persons who enter silos must be critical exp losion concentrations in maltings are plosions bu t, in particular, older maltings
German Accident Prevention Regulations VGB attached to a rope until they have come out between 20 and 2,000 g of dust per m 3, if dust is which contain a lot of wood in their structures
10 - Continuous mechanical handling equip- again. sufficiently fine (below 100 pm). Particularly at and, especially, older kilns which operate on co-
ment - of the Professional Association for Food (2) The supervisor as specified in § 13, Clause 1 risk from explosions in the maltings are al or modern kilns which are directly fired by
and Restaurants. must ensure that dust removal plants, natural gas or oil. A kiln is therefore separated
protected persons who enter silos are held silos and bmlkers, and by fire doors from the rest of the maltings.
In this it says in § 4: from outside on a taut rope lU1til they have overheated bucket elevators. The fire risk arises primarily because rootlets
Endless conveyors, drums, wheels and rol- come out again and Methods to be employed to avoid dust explo- and dust particles which have fallen tlU'ough the
lers arolU1d which the traction elements move the rope must in addition be fixed outside the sions are: floor can begin to smoulder. It is therefore impor-
or at which their direction is changed, as well as silo. control of dust formation and continuous and tant to clean out the rootlets whjcl, accumulate in
sprocket wheels, must be made safe so that per- (3) Notwithstanding Clause 1, protected per- thorough removal of dust. This helps preven t the germination chamber at least once a week.
sons cannot enter the regions of movement. sons may enter incompletely emptied silos
In the case of bucket elevators, according to from below or through lateral openings lo-
§ 27, the emptying outlets in the base of the cated near the floor without being secmed
bucket elevator must be so attached or instal- to a rope, provided there is no danger to
led, them from the contents.
that the load on emptying drops out (4) Rope ladders may not be used for entering.
downwards and cleaning out is possible wit- There is a great accident risk in maltings on
hout risk when blockages occur. entering the germination and kilning plants.
§ 33 (1) specifies for screw conveyors When it is really necessary to enter the boxes for
that they must be covered and the cover must operational reasons, it must be ensured that the
be screwed on or secured by hinges and a lock . turner or the loading or lmloading device is
Covers which can be walked on must be suffi- switched off and during this time cannot be
ciently able to bear loads. brought into operation again (by lU1screwing
§ 34 to § 37 of the regulations are concerned the safety fuse and keeping it on one's person;
with accident prevention near pneumatic con- by removing the operating key from the control
veyors. Here it is particularly important that the room for the dlU'ation of the examination). Ac-
compartmented rotary discharge drums are cidents mostly occur because the protected per-
made safe by sufficiently long sleeves or other son believes that such a slow moving device
devices so that no one can reach into the com- can cause no damage because one can easily
partments. It is also stated that the lids of the as- move out of its way. If, however, any part of the
sociated hand holes must be closed. clothing or the hair of the person becomes
The entry of silos, which is necessary from ti- caught, they can no longer do anything to esca-
me to time for various reasons, also presents pe the powerful machinery. The result is usual-
problems. In Germany, the Accident Prevention ly catastrophic.
VLB Berlin

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GlobalMalt GmbH & Co. KG, Rheinweg 7, 67550 Worms, Germany Phone/Fax: + 49 (0) 700 456 225 62, Vanity Call: + 49 (0) 700 GlobalMalt
Email:, Internet:

3 Wort Production
The most important process in beer production is In the brewhouse the malt grist is mixed with
the fermentation of the sugars contained in the water (mashed) and converted in a mash kettle
wort to form alcohol and carbon dioxide. To pro- or in two mash vessels (3): the mash conversion
vide the necessary conditions for this, the initial- vessel (or mash ttm) and the mash cooker (or
ly insoluble components in the malt must be con- mash kettle), to give as much soluble extract as
verted into soluble products, and in particular possible. Often there is also another vessel, the
soluble fermentable sugars must be produced adjunct cooker, for processing adjunct mashed
with the aid of the enzymes that have been for- with the malt.
med. The formation and dissolving of these com- In the lauter vessel (mash separation vessel)
pounds is the purpose of wort production. It pro- (4), which comes next, the soluble extract in the
vides the starting point for fermentation of the wort is separated from the insoluble material,
wort in the fermentation and storage cellars. the spent grains.
The wort is produced in the brewhouse (Fig. The wort is then boiled in the wort kettle (5)
3.1). with hops and the bitter flavour of the beer is
Malt is transferred from a malt storage hop- produced at this stage. At the end of wort boi-
per (1) into the grist mill (2) in which it is ling in the kettle, the brewhouse yield is deter-
ground to a suitable size . mined to control the brewhouse operation.

3 3

Fig . 3.1
VLB Berlin Wort pl'Orillctioll
(1 ) Illnlt I/Opper
(2 ) g rist /IIill
PR and Publishing Department (3 ) Illnshillg vessels
(4 ) Inllter tllil
(5 ) wort kettle (6 ) whirlpool (7) plnte hent exchnllgcr

224 225

The hot wort is freed from the precipitated in which dust remo va l also occurs. Despite the Explosion press m e release by Q-pipes (Quench tipping weighing machines, and
particles, the trub (or break) in a whirlpool (6) intensive cleaning in the maltings, small stones, pipes). In these pipes the kinetic energy of the hinged base weighing machines
or a centrifuge and cooled in a plate hea t ex- about the same size as the grains, still remain in explosion is transformed into thermal en ergy. of mechan ical or electronic type.
changer (7), since the subsequent fermentation the finished malt and these damage the grooves The ex ternal sh ape of the pipe is n ot changed In add ition, pressure measuring devices are
must be performed at a lower temperature. (flutes) on the mill rollers an d consequently but the installation must be cleaned again af- often used for measuring empty and full contai-
shorten the working life of the rollers (see Sect. ter an explosion. ners. These can also be used for measuring the
3.1 Malt milling Explosion suppress ion. In this case, a few total malt hopper.
In order to give the malt enzymes the opportuni- It is also necessary to remove all iron objects milliseconds after the beginning of an explo-
ty, du ring mashing, to act on the malt contents by means of a magnet which is usually located sion a non-flammable gas, havin g a substan- Tipping weighing machines
and break them down, the malt must be broken just before the mill . Despite the presence of ma- tially higher pressure, flows out of a pressure Tipping weighing m achines are the type most
into small fragments. This process is called mil- gnets in many positions, there are always iron container and prevents the spread of the ex- commonl y used . They ha ve been mad e fo r de-
ling. The malt used for a brew is called the grist objects (nails, screws, etc.) in m alt which not on- plosion. cades as automatic balances (Fig. 3.2) and, be-
and the am olmt used is called the charge. ly damage the mill rollers but which can cause The amount of dust produced during milling ca use of their robust constru ction and reliabili-
Milling is a mechanical process and during it explosions as a result of spark formation. is consid erable and figures of 0.4 to 1.4 kg per ty in operation, are predominantly used for
the husks must be h'eated carefully because they The dust inevitably produced during dry 100 kg of malt charge are quoted [40] . This dus t control of weighing in breweries and maltings.
are used as a filter material during lautering. milling is explosive in certain concentrations must be regularly removed . In small breweries The tipping balance operates periodically in
A whole series of considerations mus t be ta- and can destroy the mill. Con sequently every- it is packed in sacks, larger breweries first col- that an exactly predetermined amo unt of malt
ken into account when fragmenting the malt. thing possible must be done to prevent su ch an lect it in a dust silo. The dust can be mixed with is weighed into a pivotable trough and when
But before the m alt is mmed the amount used is explosion w hen dry milling. This includes the the spent grains and sold, since it contains nu- the predetermined weight is reached it pivo ts
weighed with a weighing machine. removal of iron objects which can cause sparks trien ts. Because of the mois ture in the pipelines, downwards. This unmistaka ble process is
The malt is fragmented in a grist mill . Depen- (see also Sect. . di rect mixing into the spent grain silo is proble- known as tipping and it gives the balance its na-
ding on the process used a distinction is m ad e In dry mills, to protect again st explosions, matic at the least, since moist dust fo rms balls me.
between metal explosion sheets are arranged below the an d consequently blocks the passage.
dry milling rollers. These sheets hold back the grist so that The dust can also be added back to the grist
• wet milling no explosive grist-air mixture can occur bene- since it contains a lot of ex trac t, but the quality
• hammer 111illing and ath the mill gap. Sparks can still be formed in of this ex tract is not particularly good. Dust re-
dispersion milling (fine comminution). this region but do n ot cause explosions. Howe- mo val serves primar ily to protect the plant
ver, it is essential to fit these sheets on again af- agains t the risk of explosion and it is not instal-
3.1.1 Pretreatment of the malt ter setting the mill gap - at first they appear to led to clean the malt.
The malt delivered to the brewery is stored in have no purpose and they are often "forgot-
silos LUltil use. Th ese silos are not aerated since ten". Weighing the malt charge
the malt no lon ger respires. Before acceptance, To limit damage in the case of dust explosi- The amolmt of grist used for each brew must be
quick tests are p erformed to ch eck tha t the ons which may nevertheless occur, dry mills recorded exactly. This is essential for internal
batch conforms to the agreed sp ecifica tion s have on their side a very fra gile rupture disc control purposes because one wants to know la-
(Sect. whkh breaks if there is a build-up of pressure ter how efficiently the raw materials employed
Before p rocessing the malt is freed from im- and thereby diverts the pressure sideways. It is were used . This is obtained
Fig. 3.2
purities and the amount required for the brew important h ere th at the pressure outside the • from the brewhouse yield (Sect. 3.5) and, la- Dingmlll of n lippillg weigilillg IIIncilille
is weighed out. mill and the building can be released above the ter
height of a person to ensure that no damage to from the calculation of the amount of malt Removal of dust and stones from the people or property occurs. used per hi of beer (kg malt/hl beer). The tipping balance is constructed as a beam
malt As well as this means of releasing pressure The amount of grist is m onitored by an auto- balance with equal anns. The balance arm on
Before processing dust is removed and the malt into the atmosphere, the following are also matic weighing machine. There are basically one side supports the container with the inser-
is passed through a des toner (see Sect. used today [128]: two kinds of these in use: ted weights and the other supports the weighing
226 227

container. This is a pivotable trough-like bucke ge breweries 50 or 100 kg. Two cOlmters are fi- another, with bottom fl ap va lves. Since they weight of the malt filled into the weighing con-
for receiving the bulk-like material. xed to the weighing case (Fig. 3.3a). look very much like a pipe they are also known tainer is determ ined from the weight of the fu ll
The malt passes through an opening into the as tub ul ar weighing machines. These weighing con tainer and th at of the emp tied con tainer. For
bucket which consequently gradually sinks. machines operate accord ing to the following this the we ighing balance beam requires time
This causes the balance ann to change; as a re- principle (Fig. 3.4): on two occasions to reach a stable position, na-
sult of a lever transmission the supply of malt is
first restricted and then completely blocked.
Thus the tipping weigher operates in severa l Fig.3.3a
'JIB ! II )
Fi rs tly the upper container is filled .

m ely
after the filling process, and
after the emptying of the container and befo-
stages (Fig. 3.3): COllll lillg devices of a Whilst the main weighing container is weighed re refi lIing.
lippillg weighillg II/a- and emptied, the precontainer must take in the
malt still flo wing in. When the balance has regi- Calcula tion of this weight, w hich differs
(1) resellable coll llier
(2 lotal nlllollllt stered the empty weight of the weighing contai- every time, is performed by an attac hed com-
weighed recorder - ner the inlet to the weighing container opens. The puter and so at any time the exact amOlmt can
malt heaped up in the precontainer falls out into be read off and /or set.
the weighing container. Then more malt flows
The number of tippin g operations for the through the precontainer (3) lll1til the predeter- Fillnl cOlltl1iller
brew are set on the upper counter and the total mined desired weight is reach ed. Then the outlet The final container receives the goods flowing
throughput is continuously registered by the closes and the further malt flowing in is again col- out of the weighing container and so is made re-
lower counter. lected in the precontainer (1 and 2). latively large.
Small hand w heels in the setting COlmter are Electronic weighing machines satisfy all the
used to set the desired number of tippings after We iglzillg cOlltl1iller requirements demanded of them . Nowad ays in
Fig. 3.3 activating a small blocking lever. After the stable state of the vessel has been rea- new and large plants, electronic weighing m a-
Operalillg prillciple of a lippillg weigllillg lIlachille ched the weighing process occurs. In this the chines are almost always used (Fig. 3.5).
(1) lIlnll illflow
(2) reslricled illflow
(3) blocked illflow 2,200 kg of m alt must be milled for a brew in a
(4) lippillg alld elllplyillg of the bllcket brewery.
(5) retll/'ll to ol'igillal posilioll alld opell illg of the ill lei The balance tips an amolmt of 20 kg.
What number of tip pings must be set?
The malt rLms in a wide stream and fills the
bucket quite quickly (1). 2,200 kg / 20 kg per tipping = 110 tippings Preconlainer
When the tipping weight has almost been
reached, the flap is closed so that now only a The number of tippings must be set at 110.
narrower stream of malt trickles in until the
exact tipping mass has been reached (2). The balance h as a magnetic stop mechanism. Weighing container
When the tipping mass is reached the inlet is Tipping and bottom flap weighing machines
closed completely (3) . can be calibrated and can be easily equipped
The bucket now sinks, pivots and empties with remote counters and pulse outputs. They
downwards (4). are also built for high performance rates (up to Finat container
The bucket rotates again so that the op ening more than 400 t/h).
is at the top and the filling process begins
again (5). Bottom flap valve weighing machines
Fig. 3.4
The amount tipped by grist mill b alances is Bottom flap valve weighing machines consist of Flow seqllellce ill all electrollic weighillg Empty tndicalor
5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg or 25 kg, or in the case of lar- three connected containers, arranged above one lllachille
228 229

integration of the husks. On the other hand the It can even happe n that the wort no longer five roller mills and
husk is more elastic the wetter it is and it is then fl ows through at all. Consequently, when Llsin g six roller mills
easier to protect. Consequently lautering is mo- a lauter tlm, milling mus t not be too fine, or el-
re rapid. The process of wetting the husks is se the spent grain depth mu st be reduced if fi- Six roller mills
known as conditioning. ner milling is used . The six roller mill is the best and most frequent-
If a lot of water is added, however, the entire When a modern mash filter is used none of ly used type of grist mill (Fig. 3.6). Its three
contents of the grain become moist and are then this applies because the filtration is performed pa irs of rollers are called
squeezed out of the husk during comminution. through a very small pore polypropylene cloth. the preliminary crushing roller pair (2)
This process is known as wet milling. Therefore when using such a mash filter the the husk roller pair (3) and
3 Nowadays the general preference is for malt can be very finely grOLtnd by a hammer the grits roller pair (4).
a dry endosperm which can be grolmd as re- mill and very good yields are consequently ob- There is a vibrating screen mut (5 and 6) with
quired during milling and, if possible, tained. two different mesh sizes suspended between
a moist, elastically deformable husk. 100 kg of malt (2 centner = 220 Ib) corre- each pair of rollers. These screens sort the mil-
Comminution of the malt depends on its mo- sponds to the following volumes: led material from the preceding pair of rollers
dification. 1.7 hi malt into three fractions:
A more modified malt presents little resi- 2.7 hllauter tlm grist coarse components - husks with attached
stance to the grinding roller during milling sin- 2.2 hI mash filter grist grits - (7), or husks (10)
ce the interior of the corn is friable and loosely 2.0 lauter tun spent grains middle components- grits - (8) and
Fig. 3.5 packed. Therefore the fraction of flour and fine 1.2 to 1.4 hI mash filter spent grains fine components - fine grits and flour - (9) .
Eleelrollie IlIulllnr
grits is high in the case of well modified malts. The flour is led directly into the grist case sin-
weigllillg IIInellille
(1) preeolliniller These grits and the flour from well modified 3.1.3 Dry milling ce it is not milled any more. The husks are crus-
(2) illiel slide vnlve malt samples contain enzymes and readily dis- The most commonly used mills in breweries are hed, with as little damage to the husks as possi-
(3) weigllillg IIl1il solve later in the brewhouse. dry grist mills. In them the malt is crushed in a ble, by the second pair of rollers (3) . The grits
(4) jilml eOlllniller
Badly modified corn tips and badly modified dry state between rollers arranged in pairs. De- are ground by the third pair of rollers (4) to the
malt corns are harder and not so eaSily commi- pending on the number of rollers these are clas- extent desired.
nuted. This can be seen from the larger fraction sified as Modern six roller mills operate to a large ex-
3.1.2 Basic aspects of milling of coarse grits. Because their internal conversi- two roller mills tent with considerably changed roller positions
During mashing the enzymes must be able to on has been retarded they still require extensi- four roller mills
get at the malt contents in order to degrade ve enzymic degradation. They release their ex-
them. For this the malt must be broken into tract only with difficulty. A smaller yield must
smaller pieces (conuninuted). The greater the therefore be expected if these coarse grits are
extent of comminution, the larger the surface not completely degraded in the brewhouse:
area available for enzymic attack and the better Milling must be finer the less well modified
the breakdown of the malt material. But after the malt. Fig. 3.6
mashing the wort must be run off. This is a fil- The degree of comminution has a decisive in- Six roll III ill (prill ciple)
tration process in which - depending on the fluence on the volume and filtration efficien- (1) disiriullior roller
(2) preiilllillnrlj e/'llsllillg roller pnir
mash separation equipment used- the husks cy of the spent grains.
(3) IIl1sk roller pnir
are needed as a filter material. In the case of commonly used lauter vessels: (4) roller pnir
Because the husks are required for mash se- the finer the milling the smaller the volume of (5) IIpper viurnlillg serew IIllil
paration (lautering), they must be disintegrated spent grains, (6) lower viurnlillg screell IIl1il

as little as possible during milling. A dry husk

fragments easily and filterability is greatly re-
duced by the small fragments produced by dis-
but the finer the grist, the less porous the fil-
ter bed, the sooner it becomes pressed toget-
her and so the longer the filtration takes.
(7) IIl1sks willi nffnclled g rils
(8) g rils
(9) fiollr
(10) IIl1 sks
t , ,
- --------

230 231


1 0

Fig. 3.8
3 Five roller Illill (prillciple) 3
(1) distribllto r roller
(2) {Jrel illlillnry c/'llshillg roller
(3) {Jrelilllillnl'l/ crllsh illg nlldllllsk
c/'ll silillg roller
(4) hllsk c/'llshillg roller
(5) g rits roller pnir
Fig. 3.7
(6) IIpper v ibrntillg screell IIl1il
"Mnllolllnt" six roll lIIill (prillciple)
(7) lower vibrntillg screell IllIit
(Biihler COlllpnllY, Brnllllscillveig)
(8) hllsks willi nffnclled g rits
(W1) prelilllillnry c/'ll shillg roller pnir
(9) gri ts
(W2) IllI sk roller pnir
(10) flollr
(W3) grits roller pnir
(11) illisks

(1) IIInlt ill let

(2) distriblltor roller
(5) IIletnl g llidillg sheets Five roller mills passed by the feed or distributing roller into the
(6) stripper
A five roller mill is, in principle, a six roller mill in first pair of rollers and coarsely ground by the
(10) g rist
(13 + 24) g rits which one roller performs the £lmction of two latter. This coarse grind consists of about
(15 + 27) flail I' (Fig. 3.8). One preliminary crushing roller also 30% husk with adhering coarse grits,
(23) snlllpler acts as a husk crushing roller. The rest of the ope- 50% grits and
ration is the same as in a six roller mill. With six 20% flour.
and five roller mills, by using a suitable mill set- The already finely divided small grist com-
and a greater sieving surface. An example of and so, tmlike conventional mills, do not cause ting any desired grist composition can be obtai- ponents, such as flour and fine grits, are remo-
this is the six roller mill "Maltomat" (Biihler, vibrations of the I1lill or the building. ned. Five roller mills are no longer made. ved through the intermediate vibrating sieve
Braunschweig) (Fig. 3.7). In the Maltomat the Up to 14 t of malt per hour, as lauter tun coar- and sent to the grist case. The husks are freed
entire malt stream is led through the first two se grist, can be milled with it. There are fixed Four roller mills from the adhering coarse grits in the second
pairs of rollers, arranged one above the other, guidelines for evaluating the grist (Sect. 3.1.6). These are found commonly in medium-sized pair of rollers. After the second grinding pro-
which crush the contents out of the husks. The breweries. They contain two pairs of rollers ar- cess the grits consist of about
crushed contents are then graded in four sieve The following can be used for a preliminary ranged above one another. The grist crushed in- 20% husk,
units and only the grits are grOlmd as finely as eva luation: itially by the first pair of rollers, the first or co- 50% grits and
desired in the third passage. After the preliminary crushing rollers all the arse grind, is either 30% flom.
The reason for the first two pairs of rollers im- corns shou ld be broken to some extent - the- sorted into fractions in an intermediate sieve
mediately following one another is that in the re should be no completely intact corns pre- lmit, and only the coarse fractions milled by a Two roller mills
conventional six roller mills only about 10 % of sent. second pair of rollers (four roller mill with an Two roller mills for dry m illing are fOlmd only
the milled material is sieved off by the first sie- After the husk crushing rollers the grits adhe- intermediate sieve unit), or in small brewhouses and restaurant/pub bre-
ve unit. However, with the doubling of the ring to the husks should be removed without the husks freed from small components by a weries. Because no £luther differentiation of the
screening surface after the rollers, a much bet- any extensive damage to the husks being ap- rotating beater or beaters in order to obtain the grist can be obtained with on ly one pair of rol-
ter sieving effect is obta ined by reducing the parent. same milling effect after the second pair of rol- lers during dry milling, optimal yields cannot
sieve loading from 34 - 42 kg/dm2 to 18 kg/dm2. The grits rollers should produce fine grits lers (fom roller mill with rotating beaters). be obtained. Tlus does not apply to two roller
Furthermore the two sieve casings are oscilla- and no flour, since flour can impede filtrati- Method of operation of a four roller mill with mills used for wet milling or with conditioned
ted in opposite directions by an eccentric drive on. an intermediate sieve wut (Fig. 3.9). The malt is malt.

./ .. .......
X """ '' ' ' ' '' ' '''
1 :::'
Fig. 3. 10
Roller gnp nlld flllt e sellillg
(1) benrillg sllell
(2) roller pivots
(3) flll te wllillg edge
Fig. 3.9 (4) flll te renr
FOllr roller llIill (prillciple) (5) 1I0tcil deptll
(1) distrilJ/ltor roller (6) roller gnp
(2) illflow COli troller (7) stntiollnry positioll
(3) prelilllillnry cru sllillg roller pnir (8) operntioll
(4) IIlIsk crusllillg roller pnir left roller: drive roller witll propllisioll
(5) vibrntillg scree1l
(6) eccelltric drive
(7) IIlI sks witll nlfnclled grits This more rapid rotation is termed leading. In
(8) illitinlly gro lllld grist
the case of plain rollers the milling is achieved
(9) flail I'
by the speed difference -the ratio being about
1.25 : 1-, the pressing together of the rollers and Rollers of malt mills Diameter a rough ening of the surface struchlre of the rol-
The mill rollers have a decisive influence on the The roller diameter is usually about 250 mm. It lers. The pressing together of the rollers causes
grist quality. Consequently the structure and should not be smaller, otherwise the angle for them to bend slightly and as a result the same
positioning of the rollers relative to one another receiving the corns (angle of nip) is too small milling effect CillUlOt be obtained in the middle
must satisfy specific requirements. and the mill performance is reduced. By recei- part of the rollers as in the end regions. An ab-
ving angle is meant the angle existing when the solutely uniform milling performance is achie-
Feedillg device projections grip the corn. ved by a "convex" procedure in which the rol-
An essential precondition for optimal milling is lers are slightly tapered a t the end s.
correct feeding of the malt into the roller gap. Flutillg
This involves ensuring that the malt flows in a Modern mills always have fluted rollers. These
continuous stream along the entire length of the rollers contain 600 to 900 milled out grooves
rollers, automatically compensating for any (Fig. 3.10). In general these flutes do not nm
supply fluctuations. parallel to the roller axis but have a lateral twist
For this purpose every mill has a feed roller as a result of which their rolling together and fast

which is fluted or grooved. The fluting of the feed cutting action is intensified. Both rollers always
Fig. 3.11
together with the rotation speed and the have the same twist, which is between 4 and 14% Cllllillg netioll offlllted rollers
gap, determines the amolmt of malt flowing in. (Fig. 3.11). Corresponding to the different set-
tings of the flutes with regard to one another,

-* -*
Rollers there are four different possibilities (Fig. 3.12).
Nowadays the rollers are made by centrifugal Of these the setting a is always used for the grits
casting or chill casting. This type of process en- rollers. Fig. 3.12
sures a hard surface which is, of course, neces- The ratio of the rotation speeds of the two rol- Groove orielltntiollS
c d (n) clllfillg all wttillg, (b) wttillg all renr edge, (c) renr edge
sary. lers in the case of fluted rollers is about 1.25 : 1. all renr edge, (d) renr edge all elllfillg
234 235

The flutin g of the rollers is quickly worn A parallel setting of the rollers is essential for power requirement of modern malt mills is the yield and final attenuation are increased,
away by any hard objects introduced (iron ob- uniform milling. This is checked on setting the about a faster iodine normality is obtained during
jects, stones, etc.) . It is therefore appropriate to mill by mea ns of adjustment frames, adapted to 2.3 to 2.5 kW for lauter Ql11 gris t and m ashing.
install a des toner before the mill in addition to the roller diameter, and feeler gauges with 30 3.3 to 3.8 kW for mash filter grist. The only disadvantage is the increased
the magnets present in any case (Sect. cm long feelers. A rapid check can be made by The malt mill is a place of work with a high amOlll1t of work n eeded for the equipment, in
3 3
introducing a card. The card must be pulled in- risk of accidents. It is therefore essential to ob- particular the cleaning of the malt mill.
Rotation speed of the rollers: to the mill so that it is straight. serve the advice given in Section 3.11.1 and the The gris t-husk volume increases to
The rotation speed of the rollers is The drive for the rollers. One of the rollers is instructions regarding accident protection and 0.5 to 0.7 hI I 100 kg malt in the case of Lll1COn-
in the case of the fixed and driven by a belt or directly. The oppo- danger of explosions. ditioned dry gris t and
precrushing rollers 400 to 420 rpm sing roller is spring mounted and driven by the 0.8 to 1.0 hI I 100 kg malt in the case of condi-
in the case of first roller. In this way the rollers are not dama- Conditioned dry milling tioned dry gris t.
husk crushing rollers 400 rpm ged so much when hard objects are introduced. When the husks are dry, they are brittle and easi- The conditioning of the m alt occurs in a m alt
in the case of the Modern mills are equipped with individually ly split on milling. The husks, however, are requi- conditioner. An example of this illus trated here
grit crushing rollers 380 to 440 rpm driven pairs of rollers. red as a filter layer during lautering. To protect the is the conditioning screw of the type "Condi-
The roller length is usually 0.8 to 1.0 m. It can The movable roller is driven by a pair of gear husks the malt is often moistened before dry mil- mat" (Biihler Company, Braunschweig) [49].
vary between 0.4, in the case of very small, and wheels and this also determines the speed ratio. ling. This procedure is referred to as conditioning. This malt conditioner (Fig. 3.13) consists of a
1.5 m, in the case of very large mills. Nowadays the gears are usually made of plastic In the case of conditioned dry milling, the trough in which the malt is moved by a screw
The roller gap is continuously adjustable bet- and do not need lubrication. malt is moistened using sa turated s team or wa- (3). During this the m alt is sprayed with water
ween 0 and 2.5 mm. The following roller gaps, The throughput of the mill is up to 14 tlh no- ter at 30 to 35 °c for one to two minutes before at 30 °c by spray nozzles (4). After that a uni-
rotations and speed differences are commonly wadays and thus it is possible to mill the grist milling. This moisQlre increases the water con- form distribution of moisQIl'e is achieved using
used: for a complete brew in less than an hour. The tent in the husks mixing paddles (5), so that after 1 to 2 min the
in the case of steam trea tment by 1.2 to 1.5% husk has reached the desired elasticity for mil-
using warm water by 2.0 to 2.5%, ling. The mill installed immediately following
fluting gap rotations rotational speed whilst the water content in the interior of the the screw can grind the malt to the selected ex-
in mm per min difference corn only rises by 0.3 to 0.5%. tent whilst preserving the husks.
The advantages of this are regarded as being:
Precrushing rollers smooth 1.3 to 1.5 250 1 : 1 to1.3 : 1 the husk becomes considerably more pliable Grist case
Husk rollers partial 0.7 to 0.9 250 - 280 1.3 : 1 to1.4 : 1 and can be grOlU1d more thoroughly, When the grist produced by the mill is mashed
Grits rollers 10 -12 0.3 to 0.35 280 - 300 1.7 : 1 to 2.6 : 1 the vollU11e of the husk increases by 10 to 20 % imm ediately, mashing in takes exactly the same
flutes per and hence provides a looser filter layer and a time as milling. Mos t dry m alt mills, however,
10 mm circumference higher lautering speed, mill over a longer period of time. The gris t has

Different roller gaps and flute settings for lauter tll11 coarse grind and mash filter fine grind :

dry lauter QU1 conditioned dry mash filter Fig . 3.13 5

"Colidilllal "
coarse grind fine grind
lIIali cOlldilioller
flute setting flute setting (J) waler dos illg IIl1il
willi swilcllbo.r
Precrushing rollers 1.6 R :R 1.2 0.9 C:C (2) lIIall ill lei
(3) cOllveyo/, screw
Husk rollers 0.8 R:R 0.6 0.4 C:C 3
(4) spray 1I0zzies
Grits rollers 0.4 C:C 0.4 0.2 C:C (5) II/i.rillg paddle
(6) sall/ple/'
Numbers in mm, R = rear edge, C = cutting edge (7) olillel

therefore to be temporarily s tored. Storage oc- in a mill sieve (3). Fine particles which pass di- with a ver tical rotor shaft in the form of a ver- The mos t important part of the we t mill is the
curs in a grist case which is a rectangular or cy- rectly through the holes are produced by this tical rotor mill. pair of crushing rollers (3) w ith a very narrow
lindrical vessel with a pyramid or conical sha- milling procedure. The hole size of the sieve de- roller gap of 0.45 mm. A dis tributor roller (2) is
ped outlet for complete emptying. The capacity termines the fineness of the grist and the CO/lstr/lctio/l am/workillg lI1ethod of a vertical installed before this roller pair. The mashed-in
of the grist case must be 3 hi per 100 kg grist. throughput of the mill. To avoid blockages the rotor mill grist is collected by a conveyor and delivered to
3 3
The grist case permits milling outside the pe- inflow has to be well regulated. Consequently A vertical rotor mill (Fig. 3.15) model "Vertica" the mash pump (6). A comprehensive system of
ak energy periods of the brewery. In former ti- particular importance is attached to the feeder (Biihler Company, Bralmschweig) consists of sprinkling and spraying nozzles is used for
mes several mobile grist cases were often used of the hammer mill. So as to obtain uniform we- the rotor housing (3) with the vertical drive po- steeping the malt and also for cleaning the
to make use of, for example, cheap rate night ar, the direction of rotation of the rotors is rever- sitioned above it. The i..n£low contains a feeder equipment.
electricity to mill the grist load for the following sed at regular intervals with some systems. to suck off light impurities and once again re-
day. Nowadays milling occurs directly before Hammer mills are constructed move all iron objects. The high speed of the ro- A wet mill operates as follows:
mashing and the storage periods of the grist are with a hori zontal rotor shaft or, increasingly tors means the danger of spark production is a) Steepillg
kept as short as possible, because nowadays very great and furthermore the mill sieve will The automatically weighed malt is conveyed
oxidation processes begin immediately (see be slightly damaged. into the malt hopper (1) above the mill and
Sect. and For the same reason, a heavy object separator steeped there with water at a temperature of
microbes develop, especially in conditioned for removal of stones and other foreign bodies 30 to 50°C. The water draining off below is
grist. is also connected to the inlet to the mill. circulated to the top again by the mash pump
Filling and emptying of the grist case is pro- In the mill housing (Fig. 3.14), the thin sh'eam of so that lmiform steeping of the grist is obtai-
cess controlled. In smaller and older breweries, inflowing malt grains are caught by the steel bea- ned . This process lasts about 15 to 30 min .
these operations are performed by the malt mil- ters, crushed and centrifuged tlu'ough the fine- During this time the water content of the
ler or the person responsible for mashing. meshed outer sieve. The milled material is collec- malt increases to about 30 %. At the same ti-
ted in a funnel and removed by means of a me the malt swells by 35 to 40 % as a result of Hammer mills segmented wheel conveyor (6). In tl1e case of a the water uptake and the malt enzymes are
In modern type mash filters lautering is perfor- dust explosion, a rupture disc (5) and l'lmdown slowly activated .
med by means of small pore polypropylene filter pipe (4) release the bu.ilt-up pressure into tl1e at- b) PlIlI1ping off mash water
cloths with a spent grain layer thickness of only 4 mosphere. Alternatively, a Q-pipe can be inserted. c) Mashing ill
cm. In such cases the husks are not needed as fil- The steeped malt passes over the feed roller
ter material and the malt can be grOlmd finely. 3.1.4 Wet milling (2) to the pair of crushil1g rollers (3) with
This is done using a hammer mill. When malt is milled dry, even with careful their very narrow gap (0.45 mm) . Here the
handling, the husks are damaged to a greater or corn contents are pressed out smoothly and
lesser degree, and so can only perform their almost without resistance from the scarcely
hmction as filter material to a limited extent. If, damaged husks. The spent grains from a wet
however, the malt is steeped before milling, the milled malt appear almost as though they
husks, like the internal contents of the grain, ab- still consist of corns. A particular problem is
sorb moisture and become more elastic. The that the ulUTIodified corn tips pass unchan-
Fig. 3.14
malt contents can then be easily squeezed out of ged and lmground into the mash vessel into
Rotor of vertical mtor lIIill
black = f ixed parts with IIJill sieve aliter casillg the husks which remain almost undamaged which the milled grist is now pumped.
red = mtati11g parts with steel beaters and are therefore better for mash separation, The amount of water to be supplied to the
whilst the corn contents can be more finely mash vessel depends on
Replaceable steel beaters (2) rotate about a ro- Fig. 3.15 grOlmd and therefore better utilised. the selected mashing process, takmg into
\fertical mtor lIIill, lIIodel "\fertica " A we t mill (Fig. 3.17) consists of a mill hou- accOlmt
tor (Fig. 3.14) (1) at a speed of 60 to 100 m/s and (Biihler COlllpa11Y, Brnllllschweig)
thereby comminute the malt until all the parti- sing on which the malt silo with a conical outlet the amount of water in
(1) lIIalt i11le/, (2) (3) lIIill llOlIsi11g, (4) 1'1111doW11 pipe,
cles are small enough to fall through the holes (5) ruptllre disc, (6) segllleJ1ted wheel co11veyor is placed. The malt is steeped in this malt silo. the malt steepil1g hopper,

processing time . This for ced circulation is

achieved either
with a segmented wheel conveyor (Fig. 3.18)
with a conditioning sh aft (Fig . 3.19).
3 3

2 - -----..

5 Fig. 3.19
Steep cOllditiollillg Sltnft
Fig. 3.17
Operatioll of a wet III ill
(a) steepillg
(b) pl/lllpillg off steep water Fig. 3. 18
(e) IIlashillg ill which crea te an lmpleasant bitter taste and ha-
Couditiollillg usillg a segllleuted wheei collveyor
(d) rillsillg (1) lIIalt hoppel; (2) illflow colltrollel; (3) seglllellted wheei,
ve a negative effect on the colloidal stability of
(1) Illalt hopper (4) water illlet, (5) cOllditioll edlllalt the beer.
(2) feed roller
To this end, it is possible to u se a peeler (Fig.
(3) crt/ shillg roller pair
(4) Illashlllixillg cltnlllber with spray Ilozzles 3.20a) (BUhler, Braunschw eig) immediately
(5) wa ter regulatioll As soon as the malt grain has been crushed, it prior to milling, in which the malt grains are
c) (6) lIIash pUIUp to the kettle is subject to oxygen uptake. Oxygen uptake du- treated gently (rubbed) in order to limit breaka-
ring mashing in already leads to considerable ge and minimise extract loss. The ensuing abra-
the water addition during crushing, and at 60 to 70 DC per 100 kg of malt. To reduce the oxidation reactions (see Sect. Lipoxyge- sion makes up 15 - 16 %, the yield thus accoun-
the water to be used for cleaning the wet mill. activity of lipoxygenases, a conditioning tem- nases thereby playa particular role through the ting for 84 - 85 %. A loss of yield of 2 - 3 % occurs
perature of 80 DC is recommended. In this short breakdown of unsahll'ated fatty acids into hy- assuming an acrospire removal of 85 %.
d) Was/dllg
. All parts which come into contact with the time only the husk (about 151/100kg) is able to droxy fatty acids and other precursors of the If a loss of yield of 2 - 3% can be accepted, the
malt are then intensively cleaned by means take up water, to increase its water content from ageing substances (see Fig . 3.28a4). The lipoxy- quality of the grist is improved using this me-
18 to 22% and thereby become more elastic. The genases are in the peripheral parts of the malt thod, which has to be employed immediately
of built-in spray nozzles.
Wet mills are no longer manufactured. same amount of water remains stuck to the grain, particularly concentrated in the acrospi- before milling.
grains, whereas the surplus amounting to 20 to reoBy means of peeling the malt and removing Another method to prevent the acrospire
301 water per 100 kg malt is drained off. Such a the acr'ospire, it is therefore possible to reduce from damage is whole grain conditioning (Zie-
3.1.5 Steep conditioning
During steep conditioning, use is made of the short conditioning time, however, also requires the damage caused by the lipoxygenases. Fur- mann, Ludwigsburg, together with BUhler,
advantages of wet milling in that the malt is in- a forced circulation of the malt in order to be ab- thermore, as well as cellulose, the husks also Braunschweig) . The water content of the malt is
troduced for 50 to 60 sec to 60 1 of warm water le to maintain the exact water uptake for the contain polyphenols and other components hereby increased increm entally to about 12 %

before milling, thus increasing the elasticity of A wet mill with steep conditioning operates ses. Because water uptake proceeds faster with ing in the CIP process. Such malt mills are ma-
the husk. As a result, no damage to the acrospi- as follows (Fig. 3.20): increasing temperature, the process mu st of nufactured in sizes of 4 to 20 t/h.
re occurs during comminution, and thus there course be monitored and controlled. In the pre- With wet milling the milling time is the same
is no, or at least considerably reduced, release sent example the control is achieved by the feed as the mashing in time because a grist case can
roller (3) of the mill. The moist husks are retai- no longer be used . Consequently these mills are
of lipids. A further important advantage is the 3
considerably higher lmltering speed, and the ned in the draw-in fluting of the following pair d es igned for a fast throughput and therefore in-
increased brewhouse capacity related to this. of crushing rollers (4) and the corn contents are volve high peak currents and relatively high
comminuted. operating costs.
7 The milled grist is then, by means of spray Oxygen uptake occurs during milling becau-
nozzles, thoroughly mixed with water at mas- se of the longer grist mashing in time.
1 2
hing in temperature and transported by means A complete malt milling installation - for
1 of a pump (6) from below into the mash vessel. conditioned dry milling - is shown in Fig. 3.21.

The pump is regulated in such a way that the The malt coming from th e silo is passed
mill is never completely emptied during com- through a sorting sieve (1) and thereby large
minution. Thereby an undesirable oxygen up- impurities are removed. Dust is removed in an
take is prevented . attached aspiration duct (2). Any stones still
The feed roller is also of great
importance here. It must deliver
the required amount of malt dis- j I
tributed over the entire length of
the rollers. For this it has a conti-
nuously adjustable drive which
provides rotation speeds of 25 to
2 10
Fig.3.20n 138 rpm.
Horizolltnl Mnlt Peelillg (Bii/zlel; Brn/lllschweig)
(1) illfeeri, (2) feerier screw, (3) operntillg nren, (4) screell bns-
The crushing rollers are fluted 8
ket, (5) roto/; (6) nil' sellsor plnte, (7) press llre sprillg, and their "teeth" oppose one 9
(8) hnllri wheel, (9) nil' ill let, (10) llOlIow Sllnft, (11) nbrnsioll/ another. The gap between them,
peelhlgs, (12) pee/eri ll/nlt which may vary be tween 0.25
6 8 and 0.40 mm, can be continuous- 't
lyadjusted .
Fig. 3.20 The rotation speed of the rol-
Since the lipoxygenases (LOX) begin their ac-
Steep cOllriitiollillg
tivi ty immediately after the comminution of the lers depends on the malt modifi-
(1) grist llOppel; (2) cOllriitiollillg shnft, (3) feeri rollel;
malt, it is sensible to gas the grist case and all (4) grist rollers, (5) height cOlltrol, (6) II/nsh P/lII/P, (7) illfeed cation. Poorly modified malts ha- I
areas with which the grist comes into contact of illert gns, (8) to the II/nshillg tlill ve hard corns and therefore
with an inert gas (CO" N ,). After it has passed increase the electricity consump- 5 (;

through the conditioning shaft, the malt is com- tion of the mill. By means of a
minuted in the following wet mill and after- In the grist hopper (1) the weighed amount of control device the roller speed is
wards immediately mixed with the mashing in grist is stored and is continuously supplied reduced, making a longer stee-
water and the surplus steep water. with hot water (3) in the conditioning stage (2) ping time necessary. Fig. 3.21
for arotmd 60 s. The water temperature can be The conditioning region and COII/piete II/il/illg plnllt
chosen as desired and is usually 60 to 70 °C, so- mill are made of chrome-nickel (collriitiolleri riry II/illillg)
Since mashing in is followed by immediate
(Explnllnlioll ill lext)
activation of the enzymic processes, biological metimes even as much as 80 °c, in order to de- steel in order to be able to obtain
acidification is recommended at this time. activate the temperature-sensitive lipoxygena- optimum cleaning by surge flush-

242 243

present are ex tracted in a des toner (4) and dust small shear gaps between the rotor, w hich rotates The " H ydromill " procedure - fine milling (1) is thereby mixed intensively with water (2)
is removed (3). Then the malt is weighed by an at 21 mis, culd a fixed stator. The particles are the- with wa ter- made by Meura operates accor- and ve ry finely c0I1U11inuted in the pulveriser
automatic weighing device (5). Depending on reby comminuted by the edges of the rotor teeth ding to a similar principle (Fig. 3.21c) . The malt (3). The mash is then conveyed into a lauter tun.
the arrangement, conveyors are ins talled bet- to such an extent that at the end, all the cell sh·uc-
ween this equipment and the milling plant, hu·es are broken up, the starch grcu1ules are expo-
3 3
mostly bucket elevators (6) and screw convey- sed and hence a good yield can be expected. In
ors. A magnetic lmit (7) removes all iron objects Fig. 3.21b, the increasing comminution from
and thereby prevents spark formation and da- right to left (stators at back, rotors at front) is ea-
mage to the rollers. A malt conditioner (9) uses sily recognisable in the three meshed gear rims.
a water supply line (10) and a flow controller The rotors rotate internally in the meshed gear
(8). A segmented wheel conveyor (11) or other rims cu1d crush the grains; the rotors CCUU10t be
controlling device supplies measured amounts seen in Fig. 3.21a, but have similmly shaped gear
of malt for the malt mill (12). The effluent grist rims. The gear rims in Fig. 3.21b have been taken
is collected in a milling body. The malt milling from a larger culd therefore more clearly laid out
installation shown is one of many possibilities. mill. The complete installation of a Dispax di-
spersing reactor is illustrated in Fig. 3.21bl.
3.1.6 Fine comminution with water The fine comminution with water produces
In recent times procedures for fine comminution lump-free mashing at the same time. Since the
Rolors nlld sln lors of Iile dispersillg renclor " Dispnx"
of malt as well as for raw grain have become avai- husks are also completely cOllU11inuted during
lable (e.g. Dispax made by Ziemcuul, HydromiII the process, this procedure is mainly intended
made by Meura). In the Dispax procedure (Fig. for work with mashing filters . However, in the
3.21a) water culd grist are both introduced into a case of fine comminution, the particles assem-
pump-like dispersing device (IKA works, Stau- ble more closely together, thus reducing the
fen) culd in a 3 stage sequence of operations, vor- flow, especially if they are compressed by me-
texed at great turbulence in the increasingly ans of pressure for better causticisation.

Fig.3.21 n
Dispersillg renclor "D ispnx" Fig.3.21c Fig.3 .21bl
(Zielllnllll, LIII!wigsbllrg) Hydmlllill Melilod (Mellra) Dispersillg renclor " Dispnx"
(1) IIInll - wnler ill lei (1) IIInl l, (2) wn ler cO lldiliollillg, (3) we i lIIillillg (plliveriser), COlli pie Ie illslnllnlioll
(2) ollfiel (4) Illnsil 11111, (5) wn lel; (6) CIp, (7) CO, (Zielllnllll, Llldwigsbllrg)
244 245

3.1.7 Evaluation of the grist In 2001 the following mean values were de- In tlle case of all mill s the initial grind should also produced. Most of the ex tra ct is produced
Regular monitoring of the grist is essential for termined at the VLB [247]: be set to produce a husk fraction of about 40%. during mashing by the activity of en zymes
proper milling. Such an evaluation is, however, which are then allowed to act at their optimum
only possible with dry milling or conditioned Figures in % Lauter Hammer 3.2 Mashing tem pera hIres.
malt milling. Wet milled grist can only be evalua- tun mill Mashing is the most important process in wort
3 3
ted by manual examination. To obtain a true sam- grist grist production. During mashing the grist and water Properties of enzymes
ple, sampling devices are fixed in the dry mill be- Sieve fraction 1, husks 20.6 1.0 are mixed together (mashed) and the contents of The most important property of enzymes is
neath each pair of rollers and a special device is Sieve fraction 2, coarse grits 16.3 3.6 the malt are thereby brought into solution and their ability in breaking chemical bonds in their
arranged at the mill outlet to take a 150 to 200 g Sieve fraction 3, fine grits I 34.1 20.9 with the help of enzymes, the extract is obtained. substrates (Fig. 1.6). This activity depends on
total grist sample which, to avoid errors, must Sieve fraction 4, fine grits II 14.0 39.1 The changes which take place during mas- various factors.
not be further divided. Large errors in the grist Sieve fraction 5, flour 5.3 30.8 hing are of great significance.
composition can be determined empirically by Sieve bottom, fine flour 9.9 4.6 Depellriellce of ell zyme activity all temperature
hand. For accurate evaluation a laboratory gra- 3.2.1 Transformations during mashing The activity of enzymes depends above all on
ding sieve must be used. For an accmate evalua- It is important here that no intact or merely the temperature. It increases with rising tempe-
tion a PhUlgsUidter plansifter is used. TILis is a broken open corns remain on the husk sieve. Purpose of mashing rahlre and each enzyme reaches its maximum
small plansifter in which 100 to 200 g of grist are The grist quality affects The substances in the malt grist are only partly value at its own specific optimal tempera hIre
separated thl'Ough five sieves into six fractions. the mashing process and soluble. Only soluble substances can pass into (Fig. 3.22). At higher temperatures a rapidly in-
the saccharification time, beer. It is therefore necessary to convert the in- creasing inactivation occurs as a resu lt of unfol-
Sieve Fraction Wire thickn. Mesh hole lautering, soluble materials in the grist into soluble mate- ding of the three-dimensional struchlre of the
no. inmm size in ITIm the brewhouse yield, rials dming mashing. en zyme (denahuation) . The inactivation and
1 husks 0.31 (0.800) 1.27 (1.25) fermentation, All of the substances which go into solution destruction of enzymic activity is greater the
2 coa rse gri ts 0.26 (0.630) 1.01 (1.00) beer filterability content), and are referred to as extract. more the optimum temperature is exceeded.
3 fine grits I 0.15 (0.315) 0.547 (0.50) beer colour, taste and overall character. Examples of soluble substances are sugars, The enzymes also work at lower temperatures,
4 fine grits II 0.07 (0.160) 0.253 (0.25) To obtain an optimal grist composition: dextrins, inorganic substances and certain pro- but then considerably more slowly.
5 flouT 0.04 (0.080) 0.152 (0.125) teins.
Sieve mill finely mill more coarsely Insoluble substances include starch, cellulo- 700
malts with a malts with a very se, part of the high molecular weight protein
/ !,
bottom fine flom
high water content low water content and other compounds which remain as spent
I \
/ \
The mesh hole sizes slightly changed by ME- grains at the end of the lautering process. / \
BAK (Mitteleuropaische Brautechnische Analy- poorly modified well modified and On economic grounds one attempts to con- / \
/ I \
senkommission e.Y.) lead to the same results. malts friable malts vert as much insoluble material as possible into I
soluble compOlUlds, in other words to get as
/ \
The following grading can be taken as nor- ./ I
when using a when using an much extract as possible. This is shown by the 20
mal values for a good hm or mash vessel grist: .-/' I

intensive brewhouse yield (Sect. 3.5) and the spent grains

less intensive
mashing procedure extract (Sect.
Lauter Mash filter grist mashing procedure Temperature in °C 0 M
hm grist Conventional 2001 However, not only the amOlmt but also the
Fig. 3.22
Sieve 1 18 - 25% 11% 1% when there is a poor when using long quality of the exh'act is important, because as litt-
Depellriell ce of elIZY"le nctivity all tell/pemtllre
Sieve 2 <10% 4% 2% brewhouse yield lautering times le as possible of certain compolUlds is wanted, 0 = optilllni tell/pemtllre M = IIlnxill/lIlI/ tell/pemtllre
Sieve 3 35% 16% 15% whereas others (e.g. certain sugars or protein de-
Sieve 4 21% 43% 29% To set the malt mill correctly, in addition to the gradation products) are particularly desirable.
Sieve 5 7% 10% 24% evaluation of the grist classification results, use The purpose of mashing is to completely de- The typical enzymic activity for a particular
Sieve bottom <12 - 15% 16% 29% should be made of the extractable exh'act and the grade the starch to sugar and soluble dextrins. temperahlre is not unalterable. Whereas the ac-
Husk volume >700 ml/100g >650 ml/100g extract which can be washed out (Sect. As a result of this other extract substances are tivity at low temperatures remains constant al-
246 247

most indefinitely, it decreases rapidly with time lases, is dependent on the mas hing process. merge into one another: Depending on the enviromnen tal conditions
at higher temperatures (Fig. 3.23). Thicker m ashes receive longer en zy mic activity gela tinisa tion, in the year of harvest, the malt starch begins to
than thim1er mashes (Fig . 3.25a). In the graph, liquefaction, gelatinise at 59 to 65°C. Complete gelatinisa ti-
700 65 'C
:::-- the part by weight of the g rist load is in relation

--- -- -
sacch ari fication . on is the precondition for a complete break-
80 to the part by weight of the mash (wa ter) . down of the starch . If this is not the case, the re-
3 3
\ ""- 1-.......... 70'(
GelntiHisntioll sults can include a lower extrac t yield, lower
.c- 60 \ '\
\' \. ............. In hot aqueous soluti on a large amount of wa- final attenuation, filtration difficulties and
'" \ "- ter is incorporated into the starch molecules. starch haze. Gelatinisa tion is not usually con-
\' "-
......... This results in an increase in volume which cau- trolled.
Qj 20
......... ses the closely packed starch gran ules to swell Some types of starch, for example rice starch,
' 85°C 80 t- I---
0 and finally to burst. The starch molecules lose gelatinise at conSiderably higher temperatures
20 i;O 60 80 100 720 140
lime in min. their crys talline s tate and become amorphous. (75 - 85°C) and swell up far more than malt
An increasingly viscous (sticky) solution is for- starch. If this is not taken into accOlU1t, it can
Fig. 3.23
Depelll/ellce of eJlzYllle nctivity all tillle (E.\'nlllple Ct.-nlllyinse) med. The degree of viscosity depends on the ex- h appen that the gelatinised starch scorches and
tent of wa ter uptake but is different for diffe- can only be removed with great difficulty.
Mashing time at 65° Iminl
Depeuriellce of ell zyme nctivity all pH rent types of cereal. This process is ca lled Gela tinisation is not an enzymic process and
Because the three-dimensional structures of en- Fig.3.25n gelatinisation (Fig. 3.25a 1). n o metabolic breakd own occurs. Gelatinisa tion
zymes change depending on the pH value, the- Residllnl nctivitl! of {3-nlllylnse nt 65 °C depclldeJlt all III nsh is an important component of everyday food
re is also a dependence of enzymic activity on ratio (nccordillg to NnrzijJ)
production (e.g. boiling custard, soups or thi-
pH. The enzym e activity reaches an optimal va- ckening sau ces).
lue, which is speci fic for each en zyme, and de- The degradation processes of importan ce for Because the gelatinised starch is no longer
creases at higher or lower pH values (Fig. 3.24). the brewer are: h eld together in the solid starch granules it can
s tarch degradation, be directl y attacked by the enzymes contained
700 degradation, in the liquid mash. In contrast, degradation of
"I protein degradation, ungelatinised starch, e.g. in germination, takes
80 7 I the conversion of fatty acids, and
7 I \ . several hours or even days .
I I \ a range of other degradation processes. <..> I ,

II I \ Liqllefnctioll
1\ Starch degradation
The most important component of beer is the
alcoh ol fo rmed during fermentation from su-
The long ch ains composed of glu cose residues
in starch (amylose and amylopectin) are very
Fig 3.25nl
\ gars. It is therefore important to degrade the Progressioll of viscosity dllrillg
o o pH-value starch to a large extent to maltose. In addi tion, stnrch degradntioll
intermediate products, limit d extrins, are al- (1) IIl1gelntillised IIInsll, (2) geln-
Fig. 3.24 tillisntioll, (3) liqllefnctio" ,
Depe/ldeJlce of ellZlJllle nctivity all pH
ways produced which are not fermented.
(4) sncchnrificnt iOIl
0 = optilllni vnllle Starch must be degraded to sugars and limit
dextrins which are not sta ined by iodine. The
The effect of pH on enzyme activity is in ge- complete degradation to this - iodine normal - a-amylase f3-amylase
n eral not as large as the effect of temperature. state is n ecessary on economic grounds, other-
w ise residues of undegraded starch cause a
Depellriellce of ell zYllle nctivity all tIle IIInslzillg "starch h aze" in beer.
Fig. 3.25b
process Starc h degrad ation occurs in three stages, the Differellces ill tile effects of Ct.-
Enzymic activity, particularly that of the sequence of which is unchangeable but wh ich nlld {3-nlllylnse
248 249

rapidly broken open to form smaller chains by containing 7 to 12 glucose residues. dextrinase, which as well as the lA-bond can al- hing procedure about two thirds (65.5%) of the
a.-amylase (Fig. 3.25b). This causes a very rapid splits off groups of two residues (= maltose) from SO break the 1.6-bond, but since it has an opti- sugar which goes into solution consists of mal-
reduction of the viscosity of the gelatinised the new non-reducing ends produced on these Illum temperature of 50 to 60 °C it has little ef- tose, about 17.5% maltotriose, and the same
mash. can only slowly degrade the smaller chains (Fig. 3.25; c). With each splitting, fect during mashing becau se it is already amolUlt of sucrose, glucose and fructose [258].
long chains from the non-reducing end, and so the a-amylase thereby in hml creates two fina! inactive after gelatinisation. Starch degradation is monitored using 0.02N
3 3
degradation by this enzyme alone would take chains which can be attacked by by The following therefore summarises the ef- tincture of iodine (a solution of iodine and po-
days. Furthermore, it would not be possible to splitting maltose. Due to the different lengths of fects of malt amylases in starch degradation: tassium iodide in alcohol). The examination is
break down the chains between the 1.6-bonds. the chains, as well as maltose, other sugars SUdl a.-amy lase breaks down th e long s tarch called the iodine test and is always performed
By liquefaction is meant the reduction of vis- as glucose and maltotriose me produced . chains to smaller dextrins. It acts optimally at on a cooled mash sample. The iodine test is ba-
cosity of the gelatinised starch by a-amylase. In all cases the breakdown stops 2 to 3 gluco- 70 to 74 °C and is rapidly destroyed at 80 dc. sed on the fact that the iodine solution gives a
se residues away from the 1.6-bonds in amylo- The optimum pH is 5.6 to 5.8. blue to red colour at room temperature with
Saccharificatioll pectin because neither a-amylase nor splits maltose off from the non-re- starch and large dextrins, whereas all sugars
a-amylase progressively breaks open the chains se can break these 1.6-bonds. ducing ends of chains, but it also produces glu- and smaller dextrins no longer cause a colorati-
of amylose and amylopectin to form dextrins Malt does in fact contaill an enzyme, limit cose and maltoh'iose (Fig. 3.25; b). It acts opti- on of the yellow-brown tincture of iodine.
mally at 62°C (58 - 65 0c) and is very sensitive Higher to medium size branched dex trins
to higher temperatures. It is rapidly inacti va ted still produce a violet to red iodirle coloration.
even at 65 °C. If mashing is thicker (1 : 2), the This coloration is not always easy to see but it
oj amylase is better preserved (Fig. 3.25; a); this is indicates a wort which is still not iodine nor-
important for high gravity brewing. The opti- mal. A more sensitive iodine test described by
mllin pH is 5.4 to 5.5. In the presence of pro- W. Windisch monitors the presence of these
teins, is more heat-stable. dextrins by precipitation with ethanol, removal
starch breakdown mLlst be monitored becau- of the ethanol, redissolving the precipitate and
se residues of undegraded starch and larger examining the colour with iodine. This method
dextrins cause starch hazes in beer. is used in problem cases.
It can be calculated that during a normal mas- The brewer in charge of wort production must

dJ Enzyme Degradation products with iodine tincture

} Glucose ungelatin ised starch
gelatinised starch } blue colomllon

higher dextrins not iodine normal
ww"""'.......- ...... Maltose
""....,...., , erythrodextrins 1 violet to red
""" """
""" ....., } Maltotriose

} Limit dextrins limit dextrins

maltose no coloration
• • Fructose
} pre-formed glucose
iocline normal
. ... Au Sucrose

a: a-amylase - Glucose or Glucose residual Fig. 3.25

Starch riegrariatioll Fig. 3.26
13- amylase • Fructose or Fructose residual
rillrillg mashillg Starch riegrariatioll to reach ioriille 1I0rmaiity
250 251

be able to evaluate the iodine test correctly. Fermentable % of the gin 100 ml % of 1-2 °C higher gelatinisation temperature. With 1. The maximum enzyme activity is reached a f-
When a coloration with the iodine solution sugar extract 12 % wort fermentable nlaits from barley with a higher proportion of ter 10 to 20 min. The ma ximum enzym e acti-
no longer occurs when it is added to the mash extract smaller grains, problems with starch breakdown vity is greater at temperatures between 62 to
sample, the mash is said to be iodine normal. Hexoses 7-9 0.9 - 1.2 11.9 have to be reckoned with. The temperature sensi- 63 °C than at 65 to 66 0c.
Degradation of the starch molecules until the Sucrose 3-4 0.4 - 0.5 5.1 tive is then largely inactivated, so that 2. After 40 to 60 min enzyme activity at first de-
3 3
iodine normal condition is reached is called sac- Maltose 43 - 45 5.6 - 5.9 65.4 there is a reduction in the formation of maltose. creases rapidly, but the reduction in activity
charification. Maltotriose 11-13 1.4 -1.7 17.6 The final attenuation thereby sinks and the cha- continuously decreases.
By saccharification is meant the complete de- Total 62 - 6S Av.S .S 100.0 racter of the beer changes. In such cases, special From this it mllst be concluded that the effect
gradation of starch to maltose and iodine nor- The composi tion is very dependent on the measures need to be taken (see Sect. of the mashing temperature must always be con-
mal limit dextrins by amylases. The iodine test mashing procedure . Since the amounts of the Although, because of the lower viscosity of the sidered in relation to the duration of mashing.
is used to see if it is complete (Fig. 3.26). various sugars and dextrins in the wort affect wort, lautering proceeds much faster at even hig- In general:
The starch degradation products formed du- both the course of fermentation and the qUality her temperatures, it must be remembered that the 1. With increasing mashing time the concentra-
ring mashing differ substantially with regard to of the beer, the factors which influence starch still active ex-amylase is increasingly inactivated at tion of the extract solution increases. But the
fermentability by brewer's yeast: degradation during mashing are important to temperatures above 78 0c. However, dming lau- rate of increase becomes slower and slower.
Limit dextrins are not fermented; these in- the brewer. The important factors me: tering still Lmdegraded starch passes into solution 2. With increasing mashing time (especially
clude all glucose chains of up temperature during mashing and must be degraded (late saccharification). This when mashing at 62 to 63 0C) the maltose
to 10 glucose molecules mashing time needs the still present a.-amylase. Otherwise the- content increases and with it the attenuation
Maltotriose is fermented by all top fer- pH during mashing re is a risk that the previously iodine normal wort limit. These worts should produce a vigorous
mentation strains. However, it mash concentration. will cease to be iodine normal (starch haze). main fermentation.
is not fermented by yeast until
the maltose has been fermen- Effect of temperature on starch degra- Effect of mashing time on starch Effect of pH on starch degradation
ted, in other words during dation degradation When discussing en zymes it was mentioned
storage (late fermentation su- By mashing at 62 to 65 °C the highest possible The enzymes certainly do not work uniformly that their activity is very dependent on the pH.
gar) maltose content and highest attenuation limit is throughout mashing. Instead two time-depen- It has also been shown that the in
Maltose and other disaccharides are achieved. Maltose-rich worts ferment more dent stages in enzyme activity can be distin- the mash have a pH optimum of 5.4 to 5.5.
easily and rapidly fermented quickly and hold the yeast longer in suspension. guished (Fig. 3.27) [19]: By mashing within a pH range of 5.5 to 5.6,
by yeast (main fermentation By mashing for a long time at 62 to 65 °C, beer which can be regarded as the optimum pH ran-
sugar) with a higher attenuation limit is obtained. By ge for both amylases, the extract content can be
Glucose is the first sugar used by yeast exceeding these temperatures and mashing for 400 increased in comparison to that obtained at a
(initial fermentation sugar) a long time at 72 to 75 °C, a dextrin-rich beer higher pH value. More fermentable sugar is
The percentage of fermentable sugar in the with a low attenuation limit is obtained . produced and the attenuation limit is higher.
total wort extract determines the attenuation li- The mash temperature has an exceedingly .£ The "normal" mash pH is, - depen-
mit (end fermentation limit = Vscnd). The atte- large effect and so during mashing, rests at the E ding on the composition of the brewing water and
nuation limit establishes the potential alcohol optimum temperatures for the amylases are al- '" 200- the malt - considerably being 5.5 to 5.8.
content of the beer and consequently has a de- ways used. These are: '"
>, It is therefore advantageous to lower the pH
cisive influence on the character of the beer. Maltose production rest at 62 to 65 °C '"
en. value when mashing to 5.2. How this can be do-
The proportion of fermentable sugars is de- (= opt. temp. for ne is discussed in Section
termined by the variable activity of the enzy- Saccharification rest at 70 to 73 °C
mes. Consequently the attenuation limit is also (= opt. temp. for ex-amylase) u Effect of mash concentration on starch
60 ')0 120
established during mashing. Mashing-off temperature of 76 to 78 0c. mash duration in min degradation
The normal composition of the fermentable Under particular location and harvest conditi- In thin mashes more extract goes into solution
Fig. 3.27
extract in pale beers (helle Vollbiere) with an ons, the gelatinisation temperature can rise to 64 fJ-nlllylnse nctivity depelldellt all lI/asiI tell/pemtllre nlld rest but thicker mashes protect the enzymes from
apparent degree of attenuation of 80% is: -65 0c. Smaller starch granules already have a dumtioll too rapid thermal inactivation (= protective col-
252 253

loid effect of the mash solids and the dissolved ring mashing, it is necessary to consider
undi sso lved high molecular I3-Glucan s
material). Consequently in thicker mashes the can somewhat more closely.
amount of fermentable sugars, and with it the As shown already, during malting the high J3- GI uca n-sol ubilase

attenuation limit, is increased.
This effect of mash concentra tion on starch
molecular weight
This is encouraged by:
is largely degraded.
1 50- 70°C

degradation is, however, smaller than the effect processing barley varieties with a low disso lved high molecular I3- Glucans
of other factors. can content Monitoring of starch degradation

producing malts with a high
se content (at least 120
1 endo- J3 - 1.4-g lucanase

What has been said about the monitoring of Lmits/kg malt) Fig.3.27u
low molecular l3-glucans + glucose
starch degradation can be summarised again as good modification of the corn interior (Friabi- Degradatio1l of /3-gIIlGn1lS dllrillg lI/ashi1lg
follows: limeter value greater than 80%).
The starch must be completely degraded to In contrast to the intertwined starch structure malt corn such as, for example, the corn tips. and interlink with each other particularly at
the iodine normal state. (a.-glucan, see Sect. the molecules This is also the initial situation at the begimling temperahll'es above 60 °C (Fig. 3.27a), leading
Starch breakdown is examined at the end of glucan are unbranched and extended . Several of mashing [122, 123, 124] . to an increase in viscosity. The increase in visco-
mashing by the iodine test. Since the iodine of these molecules are bOLmd together, or asso- During gelatinisation the structure of the sity rises with the increasing viscosity of the
coloration with starch and higher dextrins ciated, by hydrogen bonds . Because of their ir- stard1 granules is broken down and the interlin- wort (see Fig. 3.27c).
only occurs in the cold mash, the mash sam- regular appearance these are referred to as frin- ked fringe d micelles partially bOLmd to protein
ple must be cooled. The cold ma sh sample is ged micelles (Fig. 1.5a). In this form they are are released. can now degrade Stretchillg muf illterlillkillg of the mi-
then brought into contact with a drop of soluble. the part of these interlinked micelles. celles nile to shear forces at higher temperatll -
tinchll'e of iodine in a porcelain dish or on a glucanase has a tempera hire opti- res
gypsum block. No coloration of the yellowish mlUl1 of 40 to 45°C. By means of a long rest at this This underlines again the observation that cyto-
0.02N iodine solution should occur. temperature and use of a well modified malt and lysis is the solely the task of the maltster and
Saccharification is examined again at the end a high content, most of the so- can only be partly compensated for in the brew-
of wort boiling (late saccharification) . luble high molecular is broken down to house.
If the wort still produces a colour it is not io- soluble low molecular The optimum temperatures of the cytolytic
dine normal. It is then referred to as a "blue as soon as the temperature is increa- enzymes are :
brew" and it gives rise to beer with a starch ha- sed the temperature sensitive glucanase 40 to 48°C
ze since the larger dextrins are insoluble in the is deactivated and is therefore ineffective. Now glucanase 60 °C (weak enzyme)
finished beer. Such a wort can be made suitable the temperature insensitive (opt. 62 0c) 62 °C (50 - 70 0c)
for fermentation only by addition of an extract solubilase is active and releases the lmdissol- This is made sh'ikingly dear once more in tl1e
from malt or first wort. ved high molecular weight com- mashing experiments [295] shown in Fig. 3.27c.
pounds from the protein and the unmodified The same infusion procedure (45 °C-62°-70 °C - degradation corn tip, but only degrades it to high molecular red unbroken line) is carried out once with pu-
It has already been mentioned that cytolysis Because has been re malt (0 % chitmalt) and then with increasing
(breakdown of the cell wall) is one of the most Fig. 3.27a deacti vated long ago at this temperature, with parts (30 %, 50%, 70% and 100%) of chitmalt,
important tasks of the maltster. Elo1lgatio1l a1ld cross-li1l ki1lg of {3-glllca1l 11Iicelles IIlIder poorly modified, enzyme-poor malts high mo- the analysis data of which differ only marginal-
Inadequate cytolysis causes lautering diffi- shearjorces at Iligh tell/pemt ll re lecular weight must always be expec- ly from those of barley. Mashes are thereby
culties owing to increased viscosity as well as ted but these must not be considered to be the created as if they were produced with increa-
filtration problems owing to gel formation. Dif- Several of these micelles are linked together same as gels . singly poorly modified malt. It can be clearly
ferent contents do not, however, have in a network and partially permanently bOLUld As a result of shear forces (swirling fOl'mati- seen that the dissolved high molecular
an effect on h ead retention and body. to protein in the cell walls. This applies most on caused by high-speed agitators etc.), these cans are initially completely degraded (left
Since also undergoes changes du- particularly to the poorly modified part of the high molecular become stretched out hand side). However, as soon as the temperahl-
254 255


Solution and breakdown , Solution no further breakdown possible 3,3 Viscosity 65 °C APH _ Viscosity 65 °C APH sheared
1000 80
3, 1
3 800 3
60 £E 2,7
-=::. 50 G 2,5
0> 600 o
§. 52,3
c:: 40 .3
.3 2, 1
400 30 E

Number of samples 144
100 Fig. 3.27ri
0 Effect of s!tenrillg 011 viscosity (nccorriillg to Krcisz)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (mins)
of direction in the external boiler, cell walls [252]; this tffiderlines the necessity of
by vigorous swirling in pLUnps, thorough cytolysis in the maltings.
Fig. 3.27c
by vigorous swirling in the whirlpool,
Effect of IIInsllillg telllpemtllre 0 11 ti,e Solllvle coll tell tllsillg illcrensillg pnrts of c1litlllnlt [295]
by too narrow or varying pipework cross-
sections, or
by centrifugal forces
re rises above 50°C, the dissolved con- during wort boiling, and the hydrogen bridges of the glucan strands
centration greatly increases, because the during wort cooling. cross link and with the molecules stretched out,
can solubilase then continues to convert insolu- This gives rise to thermally activated this can lead to increased viscosity and subse-
ble high molecular into soluble high can which behaves very differently on cooli11g: quently to filtration difficulties (Fig. 3.27d). The
molecular This can no longer be de- if one diagra m, in which the tffisheared wort samples
graded because the can no uses well modified malt with a high enzyme in wort at 65 °C are ordered according to increa-
longer act (right hand side). The curves with an content, sing viscosity, illustrates clearly the difference
increasing chitmalt fraction illustrate the effect cools slowly, in the viscosity between LU1sheared and sheared
of the modification of the malt on the allows calm sedin1entation and does not cau- wort [252]. A clear increase in the viscosity due
concentration of the mash and wort. They illu- se swirling, to shear forces of 0.22 mPa·s on average and a
strate vividly that the breakdown of the avoids the production of shear forces, maximum of 0.928 mPa ·s can be recognised;
cans - cytolysis - has to occur completely du- the hydrogen bridges are not formed again this increase is greater the higher the viscosity
ring malting, and cannot or only partly be even within the molecules and the danger of of the unsheared wort (the abbreviation APH Fig.3.27e
compensated for in the brewhouse. gel formation is small, but merely illustrates the type of treatment of the Fnctors nffcctillg gel fOl'lllntioll

If the high molecular insoluble are if one (3) samples).

not degraded, the problem begins with the parti- produces shear forces at high wort tempera- By far the greatest part (75 to 96%) of the vis- The factors affecting formation are
al breakdown of hydrogen bonds (Fig. 3.27b) hires e.g. cosity increase, which is caused by shearing, is summarised again in Fig. 3.27e.
within the associations of above 60 °C, by too fast-moving agitators - depending on variety and germination time - Important inspection methods for monito-
in other words by high flow velocities and repeated changes due to and pentosans in the starch ring the high molecular are provided
256 257

by the friabilimeter value of the malt, the Carls- With this the fall ing time of a standard ball is coa g. N Since the amino acid prolin calmot be utili sed
berg corn sharpening meth od (see Sect. measured as it sinks betwee n two calibration as an acid supplier by the yeast, the and the viscosity of the Congress wort marks in a glass tube filled with the test li- high molecular wor t mus t contain at least 20 - 22 m g / 100 ml. If
from the malt. Both of these show a high corre- quid. The result is given in milli-Pascal-se_ we ight N this is not the case, the result is:
80 % -+- - - - -----j
lation with the content of the wort and conds (mPa·s). Norma l va lues are: a reduction in yeas t propagation,
3 3
this in turn has a high correlation with the filte- Congress wort (standardised to 8.6%) a delay in fer mentati on and maturation, and
medium molecu lar
rability of the beer. A friabilimeter value of 85% 1.51 to 1.60 mPa·s. hence
weight N
should be aimed for. The homogeneity of the Casting wort (s tandardised to 12%) 60% there is a retention of undesirable green beer
m alt based on the corn sharpening method 1.73 to 2.20 mPa·s. bouquet substar1Ces in the beer.
should be at least 70% and preferably 75%. Beer (standardised to 12%) The better modified the malt is, the more
Another good inspection method is in the 1.78 to 1.95 mPa·s . FAN is formed at temperatures of 45 - 50 °C
form of the 60 °C mash by Hartong-Kretschmar, or with an 40 0/0
low molecular [295]. In Fig. 3.28a3 the effect of the modificati-
by which the brea kdown of the can Ubbelohde capillary viscometer, with w hich weight N on can be clea rly seen.
be very well monitored. automatic measurements can also be made. From well modified malt it is always possible
to obtain wort with sufficient a-amino acids. If, Protein breakdown 20% however, raw gra in, su gar or syrup are also
After wort boiling, at the latest, all (high mole- used, these d o not introduce amino acids to the
free amino- N
cular weight) proteins ha ve been precipitated. wort and there has to be ar1 (amino acid) res t at
This precipitation is all the more complete, the 45 °C. If well modified malt is used, however, it
longer and more intensive the boiling. Beer the- m akes little sense to h ave a res t at 45 °C beca u-
refore contains only degradation products, so- Fig. 3.28nl se of the protein degradation .
COlllpositioll of pmteill ill tile IIlnsil
m e of which are, however, absolutely n ecessa- A long res t at 45 °C always causes bad foam.
ry in wort for yeast growth and rapid fe r- Proteins which ha ve a positive effect on foam
mentation. originate from the hordein and glutelin fracti-
The enzymic d egradati on of proteins has to
be viewed in a differentiated marmer:
• at 45 to 50 °C more low molecular weight pro- undissolved high molecular weight proteins
tein degradation products are fo rmed, parti-
cularly p eptides and amino acids,
at 60 to 70 °C more high molecular weight de- proteinases
gradation products are formed, which are re-
sponsible for foam stability, body, but are al-
1 60 - 70 °C

so responsible for a tendency towards haze. dissolved high molecular weight proteins
The optimum temperatures for proteolytic foam creators
Fig. 3.28 enzymes are:
Hopplerfa llillg ball viscollleter
endopeptidase peptidases

The wort viscosity is therefore measured as an

ca rboxypeptidase
1 45 - 50°C

expression of the content and the diffi- The amino acids are essential as nutrition for low molecular weight proteins - amino acids
culties to be expected during lautering and filtra- the yeast - this is exceedingly importar1t. Yeast Fig. 3.28n2
tion. 111e viscosity is measmed by means of a consumes at least 10 to 14 mg freeamino nitro- Proteill degrndntioll dllrillg
yeast nutrition, negative effect on foam
Happier fallin g ball viscometer (Fig. 3.28). gen (FAN) / 100 ml wor t. lIlasil illg
258 259

lipids im malt

80 +
70 !
3 40 l 2 60 (s. Fig. 1.5b) 3

linoleic acid
E 35 -- G
FAN cOllcelltmtioll de- [LOX-2 ['o,v-11
C» 30 40 .3 pelldellt Oil llIaltlllodifi-
S 4
Cl. catioll
z: 30 E (1) well lllOdifiedlllnlt
L.L. 25 (2) 70 % well lllOdified hydroperoxide hydroxperoxide
20 Illait alld30 % cilit-
(hyd roxy fatty acid)

20 10
llIalt l
(3) 30 % welllllodified

0 lIlalt alld 70 % cilit- [P,

15 llIalt
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 (4) 100 % cilitlllfllt + +
Time [min] /'VV CHO
(5) IIlflsilillg telllpemtilre
Fig. 3.28a4
hexanal 2-nonenal
Lipid deg mdatioll dllrillg aminObonds

ons. Particularly positive for foam is the lipid grading enzymes (lipases). During mashing,
transfer protein (LTPl) w ith 10 kDa and the this process is continued by the lipoxygenases,
protein Z with 40 kDa. Their formation or re- which break down the (especially lU1sahlrated) for the flavour stability of the beer. Unsaturated However, even the complete removal of oxy-
lease only occurs at temperatmes above 60 °C. fatty acids to glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids. fatty acids are very quickly degraded to inter- gen would not be able to prevent enzymic de-
The interrelationship of protein degradation Hydroxy fatty acids are the oxidised degradati- mediate products which come into question as gradation by the lipoxyge nases. The lipoxyge-
(proteolysis) emerges in Fig. 3.28a2. In the case on products of fatty acids and simultaneously a precursor for the stale flavour [168]. In Fig. nases (LOX) are formed during germination
of well-modified malt, it is more or less possible the precursor of the compounds which are 3.28a4, the process of lipid degradation during and preferably stored in the acrospire and root-
to dispense with the rest at 45 °C because known as ageing carbonyls (Fig. 3.28a4). mashing is shown in abridged form [352, 353]; lets. In malt the enzyme is therefore particular-
enough amino N is present and too many foam Deserving of particular attention is the oxida- the intermediate products are generally sum- ly enriched in the acrospire. The enzyme has an
positive compounds would be degraded, tive as well as enzymic degradation of the reac- marised under the denotation hydroxy acids or optimum pH value of 6.0 and is very suscepti-
which would lead to a poor head. In the case of tive unsaturated fatty acids which are conver- hydroxy fatty acids. ble to high temperatures. A considerable pro-
poorly modified malt, the situation is of course ted to hydroperox ide by the lipoxygenases and Oxidation of the unsa huated fatty acids be- portion of the lipoxygenases (LOX) is therefore
different. Here, a rest at 45 °C should definitely oxygen, and then to nonenal, hexanal and other gins with the destruction of the reduced system d estroyed during kilning, more in the case of
be observed. In this context, the d egradation compoLmds (by autooxidation is meant the oxi- of the malted corn, i.e. with comminution. Sin- dark malt than of pale. Nevertheless, more than
processes during cytolysis can be seen (see Fig. dative breakdown by the oxygen in the air) . ce, however, unsa turated fatty acids are always a third of the lipoxygenases rema in activated in
3.27b2), illustrating the importance of comple- Although it is later itself broken down, it is present in malt, their oxidation can only be pre- the malt.
ting cytolysis and proteolysis in the maltings . generally thought that trans-2-nonenal is the vented by the strict avoidance of oxygen. A Through milling, the lipoxygenases (LOX)
The composition of protein in the mash is conducting substance responsible for the oxida- glance at the mashing in d evice shows, howe- present in the acrospire are quickly ac tivated
shown in Fig. 3.28al. The proportion of FAN tionflavour caused by ageing [253]. Trans-2-no- the intensive interaction of malt grist, water and at the still frequent low mashing tempera-
should make up about 22% of the total nih·ogen. nenal is responSible for the cardboard flavour and also oxygen during milling, which can be hU'es and high pH value of the mashing water
in aged beer (see Fig. 4.97b). detected by using the chemiluminescence de- are able to split the unsahlrated fatty acids in a Conversion of fatty matter (lipids) Even very small amounts of hydroxy fatty tection method [239] (Fig. 3.28a). It is therefore relatively short time and thereby produce auto-
During malting, a part of the lipids contained in acids which find their way in the form of inter- desirable to stop the effect of oxygen from the oxidation products, which ca n later lead to
the malt is broken down to fatty acids by fat de- mediate products into beer represent a danger beginning. ageing carbonyls. By means of malt peeling, it is
260 261

possible to remove the acrospires and thus a there is an increase in LOX ac tivi ty with in- Other degradation and dissolving a low mashing in temperature,
considerable amOlmt of the lipoxygenases (see creased grist fineness, processes a grist : liquor ratio of 1 : 2.5
Sect. 3.1.5). milling temperature and grist s torage have Several possibilities exist to compensate for
Altoge the r, the amount of h ydroxy fatty an effect on LOX ac tivity, Relense of pltosplwtes the zinc deficiency:
3 acids in the brewing process is influenced by short mashing in time and low mash pH va- Part of the sti ll undisso lved organically bound the addition of zin c chloride, which though
the following factors [256, 349]: lue of 5.1 to 5.2 reduce the LOX activity.
phosp hates is dissolved by phosphatases . The- frequently used in other countries, is not per-
barley variety and location affect the hydroxy During mashing, ho wever, other saturated se phosph ates are absolutely essential for the mitted lmder the Reinheitsgebot,
fatty acids of the malt, fatty acids are di ssolved, not least the 5 to 7% fat alcoholic fermentation. A part of the phospha- sin ce only a proportion of the zinc dissolves
inert gassing of the grist casing and the distri- which is contained in the amyloplas ts. Cloudy tes reacts w ith the sa lts ca using the hardness of in the m ash and the m ajority remains in the
bution screw leads to low LOX activity du- latltering and poor trub excretion lead to large the 'Nater and thereby contributes subs tantially spent grains, it is possible to achieve the ne-
ring m ashing, amOlmts of free fatty acids in the wort, w hich to the pH alteratio n and to the buffering of the cessary zinc con tent by mixing a small
high m ashing in temperatures and high m as- the yeas t cells require to produce new cell sub- wort. am oLmt of spent gra ins and biological lactic
hing temperatures as well as short mashing stances, but which can also contribute to a re- acid a t a ratio of 1 : 1 for abo ut a day, allowin g
duration reduce the h ydroxy fatty acid con- duction in flavour s tability. Po lypltellols it to settle and then ste rilising the solution en-
tent, fatty aci ds are also formed during During mashing, with increasing time and te m- riched with zinc and the n adding it in small
malt conditioning with hot water at 80 °C fermentation which the yeast cell requires to perature polyph en ols are released from the doses to the yeast dosage,
ca uses an effective deactivation of LOX, form the cell membrane. For the formation of husks and also from the endosperm. This pro- since it is relatively easy to convert zinc in
the gris t fineness affects the LOX activity; fatty acids the yeast requi res oxygen. cess can only be controlled to a limited extent acid solution, it is also possible to manufactu-
during m ashing. re the walls of the souring tank from zin c. Ho-
The use of malts rich in polyphenols provides wever, as they soon becom e full of holes and
protec tion from oxid ation in the brew house destroyed, it is suffi cient to place a zinc sh eet
16000 and improves the anti-oxidative potential of the in the form of a zinc "sacrifi cial an ode" in the
wort and of the beer [381]. This means that oxy- biological souring tank. This measure, howe-
14000 gen access h as to be prevented from the begin- ver, is not permitted lmder the Reinheitsge-
run g. bot!

Relense of zillc Biological acidification
The trace element zinc is of great physiological Through the interaction of the pH-effective cal-
10000 importance fo r protein synthesis and for cell cium and magnesium water salts particularly
c growth of yeas t and thus for fermenta tion. If w ith phospha tes and other components of the
en 8000 there is a zinc deficiency yeas t g rowth is re ta r- m alt, the pH-value of the m ash levels off at 5.6
<:...) ded, the fermentation proceed s slowly and the- to 5.8. We h ave already seen, h owever, that there
6000 re is incomplete reduction of diacetyl. It is the- is a series of processes and changes w hich pro-
refore advantageous to retain the zinc presen t ceed considerably faster and better at low pH-
Fig.3.28n in malt as much as possible. values.
Oxidntioll processes dll-
However, only abo ut 20% of the zinc in the It is therefore of interes t to con sid erabl y re-
rillg tiTe lIIasiTillg ill
process malt goes into solution on mashing in and the duce the pH to 5.2.
(1) grist nIId water gas- zinc content then decreases further during the The pH can be lowered
sed witiT N, course of mashing. If a threshold of 0.10 to 0.15 by adding mineral acid in so far as this is le-
o -, (2) grist gassed witiT N,
mg/l is not reached, the above-mentioned fer- ga lly permitted, or
(3) wa ter gnssed witiT

0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 mentation difficulties m ay occur. by biological acidification, i.e. by cultiva ting
time [s] (4) 1I0t gassed, Factors favouring a higher zinc content are: lactic acid bacteria which are in an y case a
(5) grist gnssed witiT 0 , a low pH, component of the malt surface - and hence
262 263

n ot a foreign substance. They develop a lot of effective, strially produced lacti c acid, and more seldom If the lactic acid bacteria ""ere given the chan-
lac tic acid which lo wers the pH. the chemica l-physica l stability is be tter, less hydrochloric or sulphuric acid are used . ce to multiply and produce lactic acid in the e n-
According to the time of acidifi ca tion one dif- tendency to protein haze, The alTIOLmt of acid to be added must be accu- tire m ash or wort the whole brew would be aci-
fer entiates between: digestion is aided, which is a positive effect of rately determined by titration (Sect. di c and ruined . In order to lower the pH to a
3 mash acidification and the lactic acid, This acid dissocia tes immediately in the very targeted extent it is necessary to
wort acidification. reduction of the biological suscep tibility of large amount of mash or wort respectively, and prodllce a la ctic acid sollitiol1 and add all exactly cnl-
Both m ethods - combined or separate - are the beer beca use of: is then present only in the form of ions . This CIlIated all/Olln t of it to the ll/ash nlld/o r wort.
common. the low pH: beer spoiling orga ni sms no should also be told to customers who s uddenly For the biological acidification a suitable lac-
An important measure is mash acidifica tion longer grow below a pH of 4.4, feel indi gestion after their las t beer as soon as tic acid strain is the basic pre requi site. For tlus,
at the beginning of the mashjng process and/or the highe r degree of attenuation leading to they hea r of acid addition. pure cultu res of
acidification of the wort. The ad vantages are a lowe r amount of non-fermentable su gar, To lower the pH by 0.1 Lactobacillll s nlllylovo/'lls or
[137]: and hence fo r the mash 0.64 equivalent acid/100 kg malt Lactobacilllls amylolytiClis
the range of enzymes is considerably impro- a g rea te r pressure toward s selectivity of into the mash or are recommended [137,206]:
ved because all the important enzymes, with the yeas t which forces back the beer-spOi- for the cast wort 0.32 equivalent acid/lOO kg both types of Lactobacillu s grow very stron-
the excep tion of p-am ylase, are ac ti vated, ling competitors. malt into the kettle of wort gly in beer wort,
at low pH-valu es more growth promoting These are all good reasons for a biological aci- must be added. This results in the following they have a high acidification capacity of up
substances go into solution, e.g. the supply of dification of the mash a t the begilming of m as- acid dose per 100 kg malt [167]: to 2% lactic acid and are effective up to a pH
zinc is increased, hing. Acid Addition Addition of <3,
the extract yield is increased, Biological mash acidification has a positive to mash to wort they form - in comparison to other lactic acid
the protein excretion improves (better break effect on flavour stability. By reducing the pH g = ml g= ml bacteria - two molecules of lactic acid from
formation), value of the mash to 5.2, few er ageing compo- 100% lactic acid 58 29 glucose (they are homo fermentative, i.e. they
the redox potential improves, a reduced sus- nents a re form ed [326]. The m ash acidification 80% lactic acid 72 60 36 30 form only the homogeneous m e tabolic pro-
ceptibility to oxygen thereby develops, should only be used with w ell modified m alts 37% hydrochloric acid 63 53 32 27 ducts),
lautering proceeds faster, a t temperatures above 60 DC, otherwise only 98% sulphuric acid 32 17 16 9 they also show growth at high te mperatures
colouring during wort boiling is suppressed, mod erately, because protein di ssolution is pro- of up to 52 DC,
the activity of the phosphatases is promoted moted by lowering the pH value. The addition of nuneral acid should however they also ferment dextrins and starch,
and they s treng then the buffering capacity Since the phosphatases release a considerable be seen as a last resort; the addition of biological- they form a high proportion of L-lactate
through the release of phosphates, proportion of the phosphates during mashing, ly obtained lactic acid offers more teclmological which is of nutritional-physiological signifi-
fermentation is fas ter due to better trub ex- which playa substantial role in the buffering, advantages and better sensory characteristics. can ce,
cre tion, a faster drop in the pH and higher de- the pH shift is partly compensated. It is also they are not harmful to beer (they are sensiti-
gree of attenuation in the cellar, therefore worth acidifying the wort. Biological acidification ve to hops and do not grow at temperatures
filtration is improved by lower viscosity va- During wort production an optimal pH of 5.1 In Germany biologically obtained lacti c acid is below 30 °C),
lues, to 5.2 should be aimed for. used for acidifica tion and referred to in the fol- they do not form amines or other toxins and
the flavour is mellower, fuller and softer, According to the type of acidification, one lowing. no diace tyl, and
the hop bittering is more pleasant and does differentiates between The basic reasoning behind the biological aci- the cultures are easy to handle.
not addition of mineral acid, and difica tion of the mash and/or wort is as follow s: Propagation occurs in an acidification plant
the beer is fresh, and has a s tronger biological acidification. The addition of foreign substances is not allo- (Fig. 3.29), which consists of a propagator (5)
and more characteristic tas te, wed according to the Reinheitsgebot. Malt is not and a storage tank (6) which should have two to
the foam has finer bubbles and is more s table, Addition of mineral acid a foreign substance but it contains on its surface three tim es the volume of the propagator.
the colour of the beer is lighter, Except in cOlmtries which produce beer only in massive amOLmts of lac tic acid bacteria. These Acidified wort a nd diluted firs t wort are
a better flavour stability is to be expected, accordance with the Reinheitsgebot, acid is so- lactic acid bacteria form, at an optimlll11 tempera- ITlixed at a ratio of 1 : 1 at exactl y 48 ± 1 DC in the
particularly as the lipoxygenase is sensitive m e times added to the mash and/or wor t. In ge- ture of 48 DC, up to 2% lactic acid in solution. propagator and thi s tempera ture must be strict-
to pH values below 5.2 and is then no longer neral, phosphoric acid is used, but often indu- They themselves cannot withstand more. ly maintained. Since the lactic acid bacteria
264 265

grow better under the exclusion of air, and be- wort from the following brew. The acid content For wort acidification to stand in a constant temperature cabinet for
cause oxygen-loving contaminants (e.g. candi- is about 0.8 to 1.2% lactic acid. 2% is added to the first wort. 48 to 72 h . The flask should be provided with a
da yeasts, acetic acid bacteria) are thus repres- The acidified wort pumped into the storage Based on the number of daily brews and the fermentation lock .
sed, the acidic substance is gassed with CO, (3). tank continues to acidify up to 1.8 to 2.2% and size of the business, the corresponding number
The course of biological acidification should can be removed from the bottom with the final of vessels is required (Fig. 3.29a). It always has COlltrollillg the lactic acid COllcelltl'l1tioll 3
preferably be so regulated that the fermenter in acidification value. to be borne in mind that continued acidification The lactic acid concentration is controlled by
the storage tank (6) is half emptied according to Based on experience, for mash acidification up to a lactic acid content of 1.8 to 2.2% occurs titration. For this 25 ml of the stock solution is
the brewing rhytlU11 and then immediately fil- about 1% is added on mashing in, and in the storage tank. The lactic acid bacteria do titrated with O.lN NaOH. The following ap-
led again with the same amount of diluted first 1 to 2% is added at the end of boiling. not tolerate any more of their own excreted me- plies:
tabolic product lactic acid, and so this equilibri- 1 1111 of O.IN NIlOH is equivlllel1t fa 9 IIlg of Illctic
lUll is automatically established. Ilcid.
It is possible to calculate the required amount Bromothymol blue (0.1 bromo thymol blue in
2 of lactic acid. The required amount can be deri- 100 m120 % alcohol) is usually used as indicator
3 ved from the table below. To lovver the pH in a for the titration. This indicator changes colour

II 4
mash or wort which is produced from a 1000 kg
grist load by 0.3 (65 hi with 11.5%), the follo-
wing amounts are required using a 0.8% lactic
at pH 7.0 (acid-yellow; alkaline- blue).

acid solution: A25 ml solution requires 14.1 ml NaOH befo-
in the mash re the colour change.
Fig. 3.29 3(x 0.1 pH) x 60 ml/kg x 1000 kg = 180,000 ml
Biologicnl acidificatioll plallt = 180 I 1 ml O.lN NaOH = 9 mg lactic acid
in the wort 14.1 ml O.lN NaOH = 9 x 14.1
(1) water (degassed 01'
earvollised) 3(x 0.1 pH) x 30 ml/kg x 1000 kg = 90,000 ml = 126.9 mg lactic acid

(2) first wort = 90 I 25 ml of solution contain 126.9 mg lactic acid.
(3) em'voll dioxide It follows that when using a 0.8% lactic acid 100 ml of solution contain 126.9 x 4 = 507.6 mg
(4) ClP SOl lltioll
solution, the following requirement of lactic lactic acid.
(5) propagator
(6) storage tallk acid (in ml) can be calculated per kg malt (= IIt
grist load): 507.6 mg = 0.51 g/100 ml
The solution contains 0.51 g/lOO ml = 0.51 %.
Lowering of the on addition
pHby: to mash to wort 111creasillg the I11ltollllt of stock sO/lltioll
0.1 60 30 From the initial incubation about 2 I of lactic
0.2 120 60 acid stock solution can be obtained and this is
0.3 180 90 transferred to a container which can hold about
0.4 240 120 10 I. At intervals of 8 to 12 h the amount of stock
Fig. 3.29a solution can be increased by 41 additions of 8%
Biologicnl acidificatioll plallt
3 wort (48 0q. When there is about 10 I further
(1) propagator
(2) storage tallkfor acid Illedilllll Deterlllillillg the lactic acid COllcentratioll operations can be performed in a thermostati-
(3) fro II I tile lallter tllll In order to identify the concentration of the cally controllable culture production vessel. It is
II II dervack lactic acid present, first of all a stock solution important to maintain the temperatm'e at 48°C
(4) to tile lUort kettle
has to be produced [15]: (± 1 K), since at lower temperatures other mi-
(5) acid lIIedilllll plllllp
(6) to tile lIIasil vessel 4 1 of supply water at 46 to 48°C is put into a cro-organisms can produce other metabolic
(7) to tile lUort kettle 51 flask with 1 kg of unmilled malt and allowed products which can spoil the flavour.
266 267

EXllll1ple: 11 requires 0.147 lactic acid

Calculation of the amOlL11t of lactic acid requi- 1 hi requires 14.7 g lactic acid Curing temperatures
red for an unboiled wort. -------+ Precursor

In order to bring 1 I of unboiled wort with a Addition of lnctic acid

pH of 5.54 to a pH of 5.20, 14.25 ml of a lactic The addition of the acid occurs as early as pos- 3
acid stock culhlre were used. The titration va- sible . It is thus possible to activate the work of
lue of the culture solution was 28.7 ml O.lN Na- the enzymes to a large extent and to stop the ef-
OH. How many grams of lactic acid (100 %) fect of the acid sensitive lipoxygenases, which
must be added per hl? would otherwise immediately begin with the
It is known that enzymic breakdown of the reactive lL11sahua-
1 ml O.lN NaOH = 9 mg lactic acid, ted fatty acids. The acid can of course be added Resting pH
therefore: to the mashing in water so as to obtain the ear-
28.7 ml O.lN NaOH= 28.7 x 9 liest possible admixture but for this a special
= 258.3 mg lactic acid vessel is required . Furthermore, such an admix- LOX Lipase
45-55 DC 50-65 DC
25 ml of solution contain 258 .3 mg lactic acid ture is forbidden according to the Reinheitsge-
Wet milling pH 5.0-7.0 pH 6.8-7.0
100 ml of solution contain bot.
258.3 x 4 = 1,033.2 mg lactic acid It is both possible and makes sense, however, Peroxidase
1,033 mg = 1.033 g to apportion the acid during mashing in a wet > 60 DC, pH 6.2
100 ml wort contain 1,033 mg lactic acid grist mill (Sect. 65 DC, pH 6.5-7 .0
14.25 ml wort contain Addition of the acid during wort boiling is Fig. 3.31
usually performed shortly before the end of boi- FaclO/'s a[fectillgj7avollr stability wltell IJ/nsltillg, accordillg to Bnck {326].
1033 x 14.25 = 147 mg ling. This mal<es it possible for the hop resins to
100 be better isomerised previously in the more alka- Furthermore, the half reaction time in the The non-fermentable remaining part of the
= 0.147 g lactic acid line range and consequently better utilised. splitting of the DMS-P into DMS is shortened extract mainly consists of limit dextrins, nlalto-
because of a higher pH. tetraoses, proteins, gums and mineral matter
Ofo (see Sect.
100 Composition of the extract

90 About 75 to 80% of the malt mass is dissolved 3.2.1 .10 Conclusions for carrying out mashing
(extracted) during mashing - this more or less For the mashing process there is a series of con-
80 corresponds to the later brew house yield (see clusions and the followin g parameters have to
other matter 100
mineral matter
70 pentoses
90 Sect. 3.5); the insoluble remainder is excreted be observed from mashing-in onwards:
} "0 f"meo
"bI, in the spent grains. About two-thirds of the ex- maintaining the optimal temperature and ob-
tract formed during mashing (Fig. 3.30) - 63 to serving the maximal temperature of the en-
.2 50 68 % - consists of fermentable sugars. With an zymes,
.'C! maltotrTOse 60
(5 u original wort content of 11 to 12%, the average avoiding the harmful effect of oxygen on the
40 50
composition of these fermentable sugars is beer quality,
maltose 40 fermentable
30 extract [258]: using the effect of the pH on conversions and
30 maltose 65% processes,
20 maltotriose 17.5% avoiding the formation of shear forces .
10 sucrose 10 sucrose 5% This entails the following factors:
0 fructose 0 glucose and fructose 12% conditioning of the malt at a high temperatu-
Fig. 3.30 The proportion of fructose is very small here re,
COII/positioll of tlte extmct (0.8 - 2.8%). short mashing in time,
268 269

uniform mixing, no lump formation, w ise shear forces are applied to the mash patti- onto the grooves (Fig. 3.32). This provides an
avoiding oxygen entry, des which can change the mash viscosity (Sect. approximately 20% better heat transfer.
pumping in from below, Instead of the highly heat conducting
use of decarbonated mashing in water, stainless steel is now used. FLUthermore, copper is
agitator with variable frequency operated not suitable for the CIP procedure. Because c1U'0-
setting, me-nickel steel has a relatively poor heat transfer
high power when heating, rests at half power, coefficient, the heated parts of the mash vessel are
frequency operated mashing pump without nowadays often made of "black" steel, which has
air contact, considerably better heat transfer properties, and a
avoidance of unnecessary shear forces, thin layer of dU'ome-nkkel steel is rolled onto the
pipelines with wide cOlmections, internal side (so-called plated steel). Plated mate-
high mashing in temperatures (above 60°C), rials are, however, expensive to process so stain-
mash pH below 5.4; optimal 5.2 produces less steel with a correspondingly increased hea-
softer, more rOlmded beer in a fresher con ting surface is mostly used (Fig. 3.33).
dition, Steam with an overpressure of 2 to 3 bar is in-
better flavour stability troduced, sometimes in several zones, and con-
lower oxygen content of the brewing water by densed whilst it delivers heat energy through
. degassing the mashing in water or gassi the vessel wall (see Fig. 3.72a). Because the semi-
Fig. 3.33
with nitrogen or CO,. Healillg vy selllicirclllnr welded-all pipes
Fig. 3.31 provides another overview of the (1) vlnck pin Ie sleel vnse, (2) rolled-all cilrollle-llickel sleel

positive (green) and negative (red) effects on plnle, (3) selllicirclllnr il enlillg Illves, (4) illslliniioll

the flavour stability when mashing.

circular pipes have a rigid structure there is no
3.2.2 Vessels for mashing longer any risk of collapse if a vaCLllU11 is formed
One or two vessels are required for mashing be- when the steam valve is closed. Therefore it is no
cause, in the decoction process, part of the mash Fig. 3.31n longer necessary to ventilate at the end of boiling
is boiled whilst the other part is not. For this it Mnsil collver IeI' (oldlype) and hardly any air can now be drawn in.
must be possible to heat at least one of the two The condensation formed is drained off
vessels; in modern brew houses both vessels can The mash tun heating system is particularly through a condensation trap which usually
be heated (mash cooker and mash hm or con- important. The previously customary double operates as a float valve. As a result the pressu-
velter [heated]) (Fig. 3.31a). bottom steam heating system is no longer up- re is maintained in the heating pipes while the
to-date. Because of its large surface there is a condensation is drawn off at normal pressure. Mash vessels great risk of damage by vacuum formation if
The mash cooker design is essentially similar to someone forgets to open the air valve at the end Heati1lg bYlllealls of a direct steall1 injectioll
that of the wort kettle but it is smaller since the of boiling. In this case the hm bottom surfaces Nowadays the mash vessels are heated by di-
total mash volume is much smaller than the un- collapse towards one another and are deformed rect steam injection of some manufacturers
boiled wort volume. when an infusi- to the point where they are no longer usable. (Meura Company, Peruwelz/B; Aflosjet tedmo-
on process is used only one mash vessel, the Double bottoms also have poor heat transfer logy). This has a number of advantages because
mash cooker, which can be heated, is used . properties. Fig. 3.32 a steam jacket or fire hlbe is no longer requi-
Of great importance is the size of the agitator. lvlnsillllil kettle red,
(1) vnpollr cilillllley, (2) lop covel; (3) ClP clen llillg, (4) illle-
Its ro tation speed must be appropriate for the Heating by semicircular pipes rial' ligill, (5) viewillg alld nccess openillg, (6) side, (7) illSllln-
the steam provides its evaporation heat di-
diameter of the vessel and its peripheral speed Nowadays heating is performed through semi- lioll, (8) Inddel; (9) ngilnlol; (10) ilenlillg pipes, (11) IIlnsil ill- rectly and without loss,
should not exceed 2 m/s (maximal 3 m/s), other- circular pipes welded onto the hm bottom and lei nud ollilel, (12) drive 1110101' no separate condensation is formed.

j .
270 271


[1 3

Prodllctioll of pllre stenm for ileatillg masil (M ellrn, PCl'llwe/zIB)
Fig. 3.33 b
(1 ) steam sllpply, (2) steam gellerntol; (3) pllre steam, (4) colldell satioll, (5) pllre stenlll to tile masil cookel; (6) pllre steam to tile
Masil grollp
reserve tallk, (7) reserve tallk, (8) preilea tel; (9) reverse osmosis, (10) lImter tren tmellt plallt.

A problem arises in that the steam which is ready assembled form, and is able to create the
used must be free from oil and salt. This is not required steam in a short period of time. ture is swirled intensively by the agitator and
always the case with steam from the business's The pure steam (3) is apportioned to the wort no impairment occurs (Fig. 3.33c1).
normal boiler. Therefore pure steam has to be stream by means of two-fluid nozzles fixed in The advantages of heating by means of pure
produced in a special plant by bringing pure the lower wall or at the bottom of the mashing steam are
water to boil by means of steam heated coils (2) vessel and thereby finely sprayed. The steam a short heating-lip time
in a pure steam generator (Fig. 3.33c), and di- then passes its evaporation heat (2,257 kJ/kg; the omission of the hea ting jacket or fire tube,
recting the pure steam (3) formed into the mash see Sect. to the wort and condenses. It and
cooker (5). Since the process is continuous, a is therefore sufficient to produce and introduce a reduced energy requirement and hence lo-
pre-co1U1ected reserve tank (7) is appropriate, steam with very low overpressure (0.7 - 1.0 bar) wer costs.
the water content of which is prewarmed by a because we are primarily concerned with using
preheater (10) and can be brought almost to boi- the heat of evaporation in the condensation of SllillcesBeer procedure
ling point by additional steam injections (6). the steam bubbles. Steam bubbles which rise to (Antoll SteillecJeer, Fre;s;llg) Fig. 3.33c1
Whether an additional water treatment plant the surface, however, pass their heat of evapo- Sometimes shorter heating times are desired Arrnllgemellt af stenm jets all Iile 11111 bollolll
(8) or reverse osmosis (9) has to be used earlier ration to the outside and do not achieve their during mashing. This can be necessary in order
in the process depends on the quality of the wa- purpose of heating the wort. to shorten the mash times. For this, better heat
ter available. Since the water in the steam gene- Fears that steam over 100 °C could harm the transfer in the heating zone is required . steel sheet. This steel sheet is tack-welded onto
rator completely evaporates, there is a problem enzyme potential of the mash are unfOlUlded In the ShakesBeer procedure (the pun is in- the 6 mm thick tun grooves at equal intervals
not only with hardness-forming salts but also since the higher temperature is only effective tended), semicircular welded-on pipes are not and the spaces in between are bulged out with
non-hardness forming salts due to increasing against the en zyme for a fraction of a second. In used; instead, the part of the tun edge (someti- pressurised water (Fig. 3.33d), just as they are
concentration and thus a deterioration in heat recent times, the steam jets are arranged on the mes also of the tun bottom) that can be heated when cooling using Dimple Jackets or Templa-
transfer. The steam generator is supplied in al- bottom of the tank so that the steam-mash mix- is equipped on the inside with a 1 mm thick tes. The good heat transfer provided by the
272 273

m ash is sm all er. Previously the cereal cooker With H ig h Gravi ty Brew ing (see Sect. 4.8 .1),
was b uilt as a closed pressure cooker and boiled mashing in is s tronger.
the adjunct under pressure a t a tempera ture The volu me of the gris t mash ed in is 0.7 to 0.8
above 100 °C. The additional ex tract, h owever, hl/l00 kg gris t.
bore no rela tionship to the ene rgy u sed and so 3
for some time now, open vessels h ave bee n Problelll:
Fig.3.33d used insofar as the altitude of the brew e ry does H ow ma ny hi of wa ter mu st be used for m as-
Tn llk wnlls (Sect.) not de mand pressure boiling. hing-in to obtain an 18% first wort w ith a gris t
N owad ays one very often o mits the sepa ra te cha rge of 1,600 kg?
steel layer w hi ch is only 1 mm thick, in combi- gence of shea r forces. Spray ing in wa ter to the adjunc t cooker and instead uses the m ash coo- 100 kg produces a 20% wort with 3 hi wa ter
n a tion with the virulent mixing-through inside lower part of the agitator can produce a targe- ker. It h as to be quick and as cheap as p ossible!!! (see above)
the "pocke ts", ensures an excellent hea t ex- ted inflow of wa ter, whi ch can increase the heat 1,600 kg produces a 20% wort w ith
chan ge, short h ea ting times and a reduced ener- tran sfer coefficient and therefore the k value. 3.2.3 Mashing in 3 . 16 = 48 hi water
gy requirem ent. Becau se of sw irl forma tion This en ables rapid hea ting ra tes of up to 2.5 K Mashing in is the name used fo r the extrem ely 1,600 kg produces an 18% wort w ith
around the pockets, microturbulen ces are pro- per minute . A t the sam e time, energy savings thorou gh mi xing of the g rist (milled m alt and
du ced whi ch improve mixing and the exchan ge are m ade. It is also possible, using this m ethod, adj unct) with wa ter (m ashing liquor) a t a pre- 48 · 20% = 53.33 hi wa ter
of m a tter. to m ash m ore thickly a t the s tart, for gentle specified m ash ing-in tempe ra ture. 18%
Because a lower s team pressure is used, the trea h11ent of the en zym es (Fig. 3.25a) . 53.33 hi of wa ter a re needed w ith a g rist cha r-
boundary surface temperature is lowered . This Another special feature of this procedure is the Addition of the brewing water ge of 1,600 kg to produce an 18% firs t wort.
affec ts the product quality, since fouling is re- continuously variable agitato r (Fig. 3.33e) Witll (brewing liquor) These 53.33 hi of wa te r yield w ith 1,600 kg
duced . The procedure is also equipped with a vibration teclmology. The vibrator sends high Th e ra tio of the grist to the brewing liquor used grist
specially shap ed agitator which produces b et- frequency sOLU1d waves into the mash. The agita- before sp arging is important since it d e termines 53.3 hi + 1,600 kg x 0.7 hi / 100 kg = 53.3 hi +
ter mixing and a quick transfer of the heat from tor and vibrator are adjusted by frequency. The the con centra tion of the first wo rt rLllmings. It 11 .2 hi = 64.5 hi m ash
the heating surface while preventing the emer- use of the vibra tor enables an accelerated ca tala- can be calcul a ted tha t
se and a reduction of the oxygen uptake. 0.2% 100 kg of grist with 3 hi of liquor (1 : 3) produ - M ashing-in temperature
more exh'act is released [336, 346] and a conside- ces a 20% fi rs t wort. Basically m ashing in ca n be performed a t an y
rably better w ort flo w is produced . The deep cuts The mash is made 5 to 6% stronger than the ori- temperature. The mashing-in tempera ture is in-
take place much later in the case of the vibrator. ginal gl"avity of the beer sh ould be; for an 11 - 12% flu en ced by the optimum temperature of the
The effect of the vibrator is that the air holes beer at 16 to 18%. Sufficient wa ter can then be enzymes w hich one wants to ac tiva te initially.
are exp elled more quickly, enabling the w ater to passed through the spent grains to w ash ou t the Previously in sm all breweries mashing-in was
penetrate the grist particles m o re quickly and sugars, whilst the wort is diluted . performed cold on the evening before m ashing
release them m ore efficiently. This means that The addition of the water determin es the com- proper and the m.ix ture was allowed to stand
gelatinisa tion of the sta rch tak es place earlier position of the wort and with it the beer type. overn.ight. was known as digesting (dige-
and the h omogenisation of the m ash is impro- For pale beers in general a large quantity of stion p rocedure) and it gave som ewha t better
ved . Lautering off is accelera ted . wa ter is selected amoun ting to yields since the m a teri al had sufficient time to
3 to 4111 / 100 kg grist (1 : 3 to 1 : 4) . go into solution. However, less desirable sub-
Arfjllllct cooker Tlu'ough this, m ore rapid enzymic reactions a re stan ces also dissolved and w ith the present ti-
For the treatment of raw grain, a cereal cooker ob tained. m e constraints this process is now out of the
is some times used in which the raw grain is For d ark beers a thicker m ash is chosen w ith question .
heated with a sm all am ount of malt and boiled 3 to 3.5 hI / 100 kg grist (1 : 3 to 1 : 3.5). Low er m ashing-in temperatu res are, h owe-
followin g gela tinisation and liquefaction . The In this w ay the aroma compounds of the m alt ver, being con sidered aga in because of a recent
Mnsllillg cooker IIsillg tile SIInkes Beer procedllre cereal o r adjLU1ct cooke r has a similar design to can contribute to the mash to a grea ter extent by discovery: the starch granules in the m alt grist
(S teilleckel; Freisillg) the mash cooker but is sm aller since the adjLU1ct cal'amelisation . are s till surrounded by a protein m a trix which
274 275

binds together the hemicellulose and first res t above 60 DC. At these temperatures the me cases times of only 80 to 90 min can be ob- tor running in order to achieve uniform mixing.
of the endosperm cell walls like putty. To be ab- can optimally degrade the qUickly tained. It is, howeve r, also possible to use This, h owever, results in losses caused by the
le to get at the s tarch, these materials must firs t gelatinised and liquefied s tarch and through high-temperature short-time mashing proce- escape of dust. Even more disadvillltageous for
be broken down - the more so the less well mo- the breakdown of protein form high molecular dures with one or two cooker mashes, quality is that oxygen enters the mash with the
dified the malt. weight products, which guarantee a better head this also brings about energy sav ings, inflowing m alt illld consequently the oxygen 3
Before degradation of the starch itself, break- retention. The prerequisite for this, however, is the protein breakdown is reduced; more hi gh content of the mash is increased conSiderably.
down of the must take place. These very well modified malt. molecular weight protein d egradation pro- During the mixing of water and gris t, clumps
substances are degraded optimally at tempera- A limiting factor is the undissolved high mo- ducts are formed, are always formed through the agglutination of
tures of 45 to 48 DC (protein breakdown 45 to lecular content, which is dissolved by this in turn leads to better foam, fine particles which later only dissolve with
50 DC, 45 DC), but the enzymes go the heat stable solubilase, but calUlot the FAN content in the wort is lower beca use great difficulty and lead to iodine abnormal
into solution even at 35 DC so the substrate is al- be degraded by the heat sensitive of reduced protein breakdown, spent gra ins.
ready in the dissolved state at the optimum at tempera tures above 50 DC (see Sect. tl'lis leads to fewer amino acids available for
temperature if mashing in is performed at 35 and Fig. 32.7c), thus increasing the viscosity Maillard reactions,
DC. Consequently a higher attenuation limit is which can lea d to lautering and filtration diffi- the flavour s tability is improved, not least be-
obtained with lower mashingin temperatures culties. This applies above all to non-pure varie- cause of the deac tivation of the lipoxygenases
although the temperature of 35 DC has nothing tal grown barley or to the processing of mixed at these high temperatures.
to do with starch degradation directly. These varieties and to malts which, in order to achie- The gelatinisation temperature of malt starch is
facts argue for mashing in at 35 DC. Neverthe- ve a certain cytolytic index value (degree of usually 59 - 64 DC. It is also dependent on yea r
less scarcely anyone mashes at such low tempe- protein modification, friabilimeter value etc.), and location [358]. The gelatinisation temperatu-
ratures because have been mi xed with short grown malt in the re can thus rise to 65 - 66 DC, which leads to lower
the process takes too long, maltings. Short grown malt inevitably has a levels of fermentation, because the temperature
the energy usage is therefore much too high, very high content which does not re- sensitive are then mainly deactivat-
and flect the average values of the normal cytolytic ed. The naturally forms large chains of 3
problems with foam stability can be expected index. up to ten glucose molecules which are indeed io-
because protein breakdown has proceeded It is therefore proposed [206] that malt cline normal; they Cillmot be fermented
too far. should be checked for homogeneity by means because the yeast does not have enough el'lZymes
The usual mashing-in temperature of 45 DC of the corn sharpening method according to for further splitting. Furthermore, small starch Fig. 3.34
(45 to 48 DC) used in most breweries has the task Prclllnslier
Carlsberg (see Sect., if it is to be used grillluies gelatinise at 1 - 2 DC higher thilll larger
(1) II/nlt iI/let, (2) pelfom ted tl/ve, (3) /Unta sllpply, (4) wn-
of continuing the not yet complete modification for high mashing-in temperatures. A homoge- ones, whidl can have a considerable effect on de- terllllnlt I/Ii.rtllre (IIInsll)
tlU'ough the breakdown of and thus neity value of 70% or preferably 75% should be gree of ferm entation. It is therefore advisable to
prevent lautering and filtration problems (see obtained. The friabilimeter value should be check the gelatinisation temperature of the new
Fig. 3.27c). Good filterability and long filter ti- above 85% and the viscosity 65% (correspon- bmley malt at the beginning of a new cillnpaign In order to achieve thorough mixing of the
mes are, however, decisive factors for the effi- ding to 8.6%) < 1.6 mPa·s. to guard against lUlpleasant surprises. By using a water and grist, premashers are built into the
ciency of the brewery. For mashing in at high temperatures, therefo- 2 - 3 DC higher mashing in temperature, the initi- mashing-in pipe (Fig. 3.34). These are devices in
Although a mashing-in temperature and rest re, very well modified and homogeneous malt al activity of the Cilll be utilised to pre- which water at mashing-in temperahlre is injec-
at 50 DC is referred to as a protein rest, it in fact is an absolute prerequisite. vent greater losses. ted whilst the grist flows past and is thereby
increases the usually already adequate pool of If very well modified malt is mashed in at 62 mixed without the formation of lumps . This
FAN, whilst at the same time reducing the con- to 63 DC, there are a number of advantages, par- Mixing of the water and grist mashing-in without clumping and the stirring
tent of foam forming substances. A long rest at ticularly if it occurs in combination with mas- Mashing in must be performed in such a way operation are very importilllt. In order to avoid
these temperatures always causes poor foam. hing acidification (pH - 5.2): that the water and grist are thoroughly mixed illly clumping whatsoever, mashing-in devices
Nowadays in Germany, about 35 - 40% ofbre- the time advantage is considerable; the infu- together without illly clumping. In traditional on the basis of two fluid nozzles are now avai-
weries use mashing-in temperatures of 60 to 63 sion procedure with a mashing-in temperatu- processes water is first put in the vessel and the lable. Since mashingin water also contains dis-
DC [251] and over 70 % of breweries have their re of 60 to 63 DC is less than 120 min; in extre- grist then added in a thin stream with the agita- solved oxygen, it should be degassed.
276 277

The rest occurs at the tem perature optima of

the enzymes:
45 to 48 °C pro tein and rest
62 to 64 °C maltose production res t
70 to 72 °C saccharification rest 3
75 to 78 °C final mash temperature
Dependin g on the way in w hi ch the tem pera-
tu re is raised, mashing processes are cl assified
into two typ es:
in fusion processes, and
Fig. 3.34n
decoc tion processes
MecllnJ'vlnsller (Me ll m, Peru-
welz) In infusion processes the entire mash is hea-
(1) grist sllpply ted up, with appropri ate rests, to the fin al mas-
(2 ) lIyrim tor hing temperahll'e and no p art of the mash is re-
(3) MecllnMnsller
Fig. 3.35 moved to be boiled sep ara tely.
(4) specinl plllll p
Mnsll illg anI' ill tile brewers' illsigll in In d ecoction processes the tempera hire is in-
creased by removing part of the mash (cooker
The larger the plant, the more difficult is a ra- it by means of screws . Prior to this the entire sy- malt and wa ter) . Measures taken later to avoid mash) an d boiling it. By pumping it back to the
pid and lump-free mixing of the wa ter-g rist stem is completely de-aerated to remove any the oxidation process are thereby relativised . If remaind er of the m ash the temperatu re of the
mixture. One p ossibility of managing this p ro- possible enh'y of oxygen. By means of an eccen- this oxidation process is to be stopped at the be- total mash is increased to the next hi gher res t
blem is the Mech aMasher (Meura, PeruwelzlB) tric screw pump (monopump), the malt-grist ginning, there is the possibility of enclosing the temperature. This process can be repea ted seve-
(Fig. 3.34a), which is constructed to handle a mixhll'e - the mash - is plunped into the mash entire gris t and m ashing-in area, from the m alt ra l times (one, two or three mash procedure).
throughput of up to 70 t m alt grist/hour. hm w ith no oxygen enh-y. silo to the m ash tun, and filling it w ith inert gas
The incoming malt grist (1) is mixed in a hy- We have seen that the oxidation process com- (CO, or N,) (Fig. 3.34b) . Parameters to consider when mashing
drator (2) with h ot mashing-in w ater and is mences during m ashing in with the intimate At the same time the opportunity should also When selecting a mashing procedure a number
mixed intensively in the MechaMash er benea th mixing of grist, wa ter and air (also air from the- be taken to carry out biological acidification du- of fac tors must be considered in order to obtain
ring the mashing-in p rocess to prevent the p os- a mash and wort with the appropri ate composi-
sible ac tivity of the lipoxygenases because of tions to produce the desired beer.
i\- - --« MALT I MAl2 I the lower pH value. These include, for example, the prop ortion of
It should be remembered here, however, that fe rm entable suga r, which determines the fin al
it was not always as easy as it is for us n owa- attenuation, or the production of su fficient high
days. A symbol in our brewers' insignia still re- molecular weight protein for palate fullness
minds us h ow tiring m ashing used to be. Becau- and foa m s tability of the beer. Because the mas-
se there were n o mech anical agitators then, the hing p rocess provides good opportunities to in-
mash h ad to be stirred by han d with a m ashing fluen ce the beer charac ter, important aspects
rak e or mashing oar (Fig. 3.35). are d iscussed h ere [7].

Fig. 3.34b 3.2.4 Mashing Mnlt qunlity

Ellcnseri nir-free grist nllrilllnsil Mashing involves increasing the temperature The protein in malt is often highly modified . If
4 prepnmtioll of the mash to the optimum temperahlre for the su ch a m alt is given a long rest at 50 °C there is
(1) collriitiollillg sllnft
enzymes w hich on e wa nts to ac ti vate, and a risk that too much high molecular weight pro-
(2) Jeeriillg roller
MASH/ I,v,JSCHE (3) crusllillg rollers maintaining a rest (i.e. holding for a period of ti- tein w ill be degraded . The beer then tas tes emp-
(4) level colltrol me) at that temperature. ty and in Sipid and the foam stability is poor. If
-tl-, e- n-,a- l-t-i-s-v-v-el-l-n-,-o-d-i-fi-e-d- C

at 45 to 48 DC during mashing can be restricted

-)-,t-o-1)-,t-i-ca- l-l)-,,-t-h-e-r-'e-s-t- - -T-l-'1-'s-

crease saves energy because there is u sually an

n-, e-t-h-o-d- o-f-a-c-c-e-le-r-'a-te- d- t-e-n-'P- e- r-'a-t-u-re-in- tl-,-e-l-
m-d-i-sS-o-l-v-e-d-r-n-al- t- p- m
- t -ic-le- s-cm

ter the mash is plUllped back the agitator is ope-

- , -s-e-tt-le-o-u-t.-A
- f- - -d-jf-f-e-r e-r-, c-e-s-o-c-c-l-n-"-Sl-l-cl-, -a-s-,-fO- l- '-e x-'a-r-'1-p-l-e-:- - -

in all types of pumps (Sect. 10.5.1),

and mashiJlg-in temperatures of 60 to 62 DC can excess of hot water in the brewery. rated for another 30 min at a medium speed. in centrifuges, or
be selected. If it is desired to reduce the attenuation limit Too intensive stirring always cau ses the intro- in pipes and vessels in which turbulence oc-
If, because of poor cell wall modification, one - as in low calorie beers or low alcohol beers - a duction of air and produces additional shear curs. 3
wishes to encourage cell wall degradation wit- special alternative, the jump mash process, cm, forces . Shear forces are the deformation of bo- tends towards an increase in visco-
hout breaking protein down, mashing iJI is per- be used (Sect. dies as a result of shear or pressure differences. sity under shear forces, and all the more so the
formed at 35 DC because the temperatm'e sensiti- A m ash, wort or beer contains mmly substances higher the viscosity of the lmsheared wort (see
ve work even at this temperattu'e, Optimal cOl/tact betweel/ the ell z ymes aHd which consist of high molecular weight com- Fig. 3.27c). The increase in viscosity occurs as a
thus preparing the endosperm for subsequent 111alt cOllstitllellts pounds or, as in the case of yeast cells, have a result of stretching and cross-linking of
attack by other enzymes, whilst no protein de- It is particularly important for good mashing to complex structure. These "small bodies" can can micelles at temperattnes above 60 DC under
gradation occurs at this temperattne. have optimal contact between the malt compo- easily be squeezed by large pressure diffe- shear stress (see Fig. 3.27a). In this context, the
nents mid the enzymes dissolved in the water to rences and as a result, their structtlres may be term gel is used, although we are not
Temperatllre iI/crease by additiol/ of hot water enable them to act. It has been mentioned that a changed or completely destroyed [8] . referring to real gel. An increase in the viscosi-
It has been shown that in the case of pale beer great effort is made to obtain thorough mixing ty is linked to a deterioration in the filterability
the proportion of grist to mashing-in water is 4 of the malt grist / water mixttue even during of the beer, so everything is done to avoid she-
to 5 hi / 100 kg malt (1 : 4 - 1 : 5). If, however, a mashing in to allow the best possible start of the ar forces (see Sect.
thick mash is made (malt: water 1 : 2.5) when enzymic reactions. It is possible to contribute to the prevention
mashing in at 35 DC (or 50 DC) and the tempera- During mashing the agitation plays an im- of shearing by carrying out well-targeted stir-
ttlre then raised by the addition of hot water at portant role. Today agitation is performed less ring without creating whirls. On the other
above 95 DC to obtain the next rest at 50 DC (or vigorously but the agitator rota tion speed is in- hmld, too short a use of the agitator may, as a re-
63 DC), degradation processes are slowed down creased in parallel with the vessel contents, in suit of separation, lead to considerable tempe-
mid in particular protein breakdown is limited . steps or continuously, by a frequency control- rature differences, as a result of which extracti-
After the hot water addition the normal propor- led motor. Fig. 3.36a on of the malt contents suffers. This means that
tion of grist to mashing-in liquor is obtained To draw off part of a thick mash the agitator Pl'Odli CliOIi of shear stirring operations must be very specific mid in-
again. must of course be stopped for 5 to 10 min so that forces structions must be adhered to.
(1) agilalor blade To keep shear forces as low as possible it is
(2) IlIrblilelil regiolls
necessary to use large agitator blades (Fig. 3.37)

dw = 0 with as Iowa rotation speed as possible with a
Large pressure differences occur, for exam- peripheral speed of less thml 1 m/s.
ple, when pumps or agitator blades rotate The rotation of the agitator can be regulated.
much more rapidly than the liquid can flow During mashing in and heating up, a rotation
(Fig . 3.36). Whilst the body (a) moves muform- speed of 20 to 25 rotations/min is preferred; du-
ly in the rotating mash, and therefore retains its ring rests the speed is decreased to 9 - 10 rotati-
shape, the deforming forces are quite different Otis/min.
in the case of the body (b), particularly in the The mash, however, does not always have the
turbulent bOlmdary layers (Fig. 3.36a) on im- same viscosity and hence offers different de-
Fig. 3.36 pellers, in pipes with sharp bends, at rough in- grees of resistmlCe to the agitator.
Defol'llialioll of SIIInIl bodies ill ternal surfaces of pipes through which fluid At low temperatures (30 to 35 DC) the viscosi-
Ih e bOlilidary layer flows, and at the narrow gaps of positive-dis- ty is initially high, at 50 to 52 DC it is considera-
dw (a) shape whell at res l or I/Io ved
placement pumps, etc. These forces are called bly lower and it increases greatly at above 60 DC
(b) defol'lllalioll by shearforees shear forces. Such shear forces occur wherever, due to the commencement of gelatinisation. In
(aecordillg 10 Hilge- Berdelle) as a result of rapid movement, large pressure the case of rice mashes, viscosity only increases
280 281

1 xing w ith mashing-in liquor in the mill (Sect. and
wer yield is obtained beca use temperature dif-
ferences occur which cau se less efficient extrac-
a paler beer colour,
be tter foam stability and pala te fullness,
by pumping the mas h in from below, tion and lower enzy me ac ti vity. be tter colloidal stability due to a sh arp fall in
by controlling the agita to r speed, and The main advantages of infusion processes pH,
by avoiding vo rtex formation when plU11ping are: be tter flavour stability. 3
from one vessel to a nother. they ca n be easily a utoma ted, The advan ta ges are more pronounced if bio-
It will also be shown in the following Sect.s they require less ene rgy than decoction pro- logica l mash acidification occurs.
that everything is being done by the relevant cesses, The great ad vantages of infusion mashing ha-
equipment man ufacturers to prevent, or at least they are easier to monitor. ve resulted in tlus process being increasin gly
to decrease, the d amaging effect of oxygen. Infusion mashing which takes place at tempe- used nowadays.
Fig. 3.37 In practice when ope rating with a low oxy- ratures of 62 - 63 °C and las ts two or less than two
Agitntor blnde for gelltle trent//lellt of //Insh gen content hours is known as short time m ashing procedure Decoction processes
the degradation of p-glucan is improved, (Fig. 3.38). The precondition for tlus is a well-mo- In d ecoction processes part of the mash is w ith-
the attenuation limit is higher, di fied malt with a fri abilimeter value of at least drawn and boiled. When it is pumped back the
later beca use of the higher gelatinisa tion tem- lautering is faster, 90% and homogeneity of over 70%, preferably temperature of the total mash is higher. A di-
pera ture and reaches a ma ximum of 80 °C or the wort and beer colours are paler, 75% and a protein content of 40 - 43%. Advan- stinction is made between tlu-ee, two and single
hig he r. If ri ce is mashed too thickly, it can the beer tas te is less coarse, tages of tlus are: (decoction) mash processes dependil'lg on the
scorch, causing the agitator to come to a s tand- flavour stability is improved .
sti ll! These are reasons to minimise oxidation in
the brewhouse.
Oxiaatiol/ al/rillg 11laSTlillg
Air is soluble to a limited extent in wa ter. Its so- Infusion mashing
lubility depends on tempera ture, the pressure Infusion processes are the simplest mashing 80
and the ex tent of mixing. processes beca use the entire mash is always
In practice air uptake is shown by
darker wort and beer colour,
kept together. The total mash is heated with
rests being used at temperatures determined by 60
a less refined beer fla vour,
decreased flavour stability.
the enzyme properties.
Only one vessel is required for infusion mas-
Oxidation processes occur more rapidly in lung but it must be possible to heat it. As no min
IlIfllsio ll //Inshillg
copper vessels. mash is transferred by pump there is little upta- (Illnshillg ill nt 50 ec) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
These are reasons to avoid or reduce aeration. ke of air. This is advantageous since oxygen
How and where does air get into the m ash? present during m ashing causes oxidation of the
Examples are: unsaturated fatty acids with their negative ef-
as a result of introducing the mash from abo- fects on the s tability of the beer flavour (see
ve, Sect. 80
as a result of using a high agitator speed, Stirring plays an important role in infusion
as a result of vortex formation during transfer
by pumps,
processes. The agitator should be driven by a
two-speed pole-ch an ging motor which adjusts it
as a result of overpumping. to each stage of the process or have a continuous-
Oxidation during mashing can be very ly variable adjush11ent. The design of the agitator Fig. 3.38
Higll-le//lperntllre sllOrt 50 min
greatly reduced blades is of great importance. If the agitator is 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
lillie illfllsioll IIInsllillg
by using degassed water, switched off during the rests, the saccharificati- (Illnshillgill nl 62 ec wilh
by incorp orating a mashing-in Sect. or mi- on time and lautering times are longer and a 10- very wel/Illodified //Inlt )

-- m

282 283

number of boiled mashes and the re is an over- during m ashing. If the agitator is sw itd1ed off, 3.4. 2.5.3) a t 97 DC, it is possible - particularly
des ired tempera - total mash
all tendency to use fewer boiled mashes. the still undissolved mash partides sink to the Boiled ture increase in DC w hen using the infusion process - to save not
in hI
The removal and boiling of the boiled mashes bottom of the vessel to form a thick mash, where- mash = inconsiderable am o unts of energy [374]. Hot
has the following effects: as the dissolved mash components form a thin in hI (95 DC - temperature of the water infusion also saves time.
less protein breakdown in the boiled mash mash in the upper pa rt of the vessel. The thin unbo il ed m ash in DC) New research [298] h as shown that the quali-
3 3
because of the more rapid hea ting, mash can be drawn off with an articulated pipe. ty and fl avour of beer prod uced USi11g the infu-
more ex tensive gelatinisation and liquefacti- The thick mash mu st be boiled to break open Example: sion and decoction processes does not differ. In
on of the starch, the starch p articles s till contained in it. The thin 130 hI of mash at a tempera ture of 50 DC must be the past, the d ecoction process was used above
increased ex traction of the husks, mash should n o t be boiled becau se it is enri- heated to 64 DC. all to compen sa te for poor m a lt quality. From
increased formation of melanoidins, ched with the enzy mes which ha ve already pas- What amo unt of m ash mu s t be boiled? tod ay's point of view, as a result of the good
in creased removal of dim e thyls ulphid e sed into solution . malt qu a lity, decoction is no longer necessa ry
(OMS), If possible the thick mash is used as the boi- (64 DC - 50 DC) . 130 hi for pale beers. The tecluuca ll y complex decocti-
reduced amount of active en zy mes in the to- led mash . (95 DC - 50 DC) o n process can be replaced by the derived infu-
tal mash, On second mashing (that is the pumping to- sion procedure, w ithout incurring significant
possibly a higher brewhouse yield. gether of the boiled and unboiled mash), to pro- Vbm = 14 K· 130 hI = 40.4 11.1 changes in the flavour or qu a lity of the beer.
Decoction processes use more energy becau- tect the enzym es the boiled mash is pumped 45K Th e advantages of the infusion process (lower
se of the boiling part of the mash, which in ge- with continuous s tirrin g into the unboiled TI1e volume of the boiled m ash is 40.4 hI. energy consumption, the use of o nly one mas-
n eral is about 10 to 20% higher than with infu- mash, and n ever the other way round (Fig. hing vessel) are considerable and ha ve led to in-
sion processes since the heating u p of the total 3.39), so tha t if possible, no enzymes are dama- All the en zy mes are destroyed by boiling. fusion being u sed more and mo re.
mash also of course needs energy. ged or d estroyed . Added amylases a re there fore required to ob- Depending on the number of boiled mashes a
In order to avoid unnecessary and harmful tai.n compl ete s tarch degradation and these are differentiation is made between
BoiTed 11Inshes ae ration of the ma sh, nowadays the bo iled produced by the unboiled m ash . Thus it is not single m as h processes,
The type and amount of boiled m ash is of parti- mash is no longer plU11ped back in from above possible to boil the entire mash . The duration of two m ash processes, and
clum importance for the breakdown processes but, if possible, pumped in from below. boiling also plays a role, sin ce with longer boi- three mash processes.
To heat up the entire mash from ling more starch is dissolved. But since boiling
50 to 64 DC, 1.3 to 1.35 kWh/hi is associated with con siderable consumption of Single mash processes
sa les beer is required. energy and therefore costs a lot of money, the Single mash processes are in principle infusion
The amount of boiled 111ash boiling time is limited to that which is absolute- processes in wluch a tempera ture increase - usu-
which must be removed for boi- ly necessa ry. When possible any evaporation ally tha t between 65 and 75 DC - is aclu eved by
ling, in order to reach the desired durin g boiling is comple te ly avoided to save removing, boiling and pumping back a boiled
temperature after readdition, is energy. mash . For example: mashing in at 35 DC and a
known to the brewer in charge of Normal boiling times are: slow heating up to 50 DC (or alternatively mas-
mashing from experience and is mashing of pale beers 10 to 15 min, 11il1g in at that temperature; Fig. 3.40), and a rest
about a third to a quarter of the to- mashing of dark beers 20 to 30 min. at 50 DC is followed by hea ting of the total mash
thin mash, tal m ash quantity. Since u se of m an y boiled mashes involves to 64 DC with a longer rest at that temperature
residual mash,
also standing mash On changing the mashing pro- more energy and time, attempts are made to (maltose formation) . The cooker mash is then re-
or lauter mash cess the boiled mash fraction can use as few boil ed mashes (1 or 2) as possible m oved and boiled for 15 to 30 min followed by a
be calculated according to the fol- and thus to m ash at lower cost and in a shorte r second mashing at 75 DC and saccharifica tion.
lowing formula. For this purpose time. A cooker mash ma y also be used be tween the
thick mash it is assumed that it is better to If the mash is thicker and h eating occurs not rests a t 35 and 50 DC or be tween 50 and 64 DC,
boiled mash con sider the temperature of the as a result of hea ting up the (entire) mash, but but it mus t be remembered that in these cases a
Fig. 3.39
boiled m ash, because of cooling, by mean s of h ot water infusion u sing already sma ller amount will be boil ed and con sequ ent-
Secolld IIInsitillg to be 95 DC. hot wa ter (see ene rgy saving system, Sec t. ly the e ffects will be less.
284 285

75 ;--
/ \ 70
v \ 65 .,. -
-- /
3 ---.I 3
70 / \ ".-
;,:> 60 /

/ .-/ .!:
55 /
/ ..=! / "'-.2 I
50 50 I
30 60 90 120 150 180
Fig. 3.40
E 45
Sillgle IIlnsh process
/ I
Fig. 3.40n2
process for brenkdowlI 35

! (1) Ihill IIlnsh
(2) Ihick IIlnsh
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
/ I" / (3) solu bilnse resl
Time in min
\\ / (4) nddilioll of cold wnler

... 40
E: 30
1/ ved to become soluble. Through the are, in most cOlmtries, higher than the additio-
20 - -- I
addition of cold water (4), the entire mash is nal extract yield .
20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160 Fig.3.40n cooled down to 45 DC and the soluble high mo-
time in min Mnllnse process
lecular weight are degraded to low Two mash processes
molecular weight products by the The classical two mash process begins with
Maltase process canase. Following this, it is possible to mash mashing in at 45 - 50 DC (Fig. 3.40b). After a brief
In the case of normal mashing processes the su- increased by 70 or 120%, whilst the acetaldehy- normally [326]. rest the thick mash is removed and, with a short
gars formed consist of about 90% maltose and de is lowered by about 40%. In this way it is The same effect can be obtained by observing rest period, heated to boiling and boiled for 15
maltotriose and only about 10% glucose (and possible to have a considerable effect in particu- a longer rest at 45 DC, at which the so- to 20 min . The total mash temperature is raised
some fructose). It may, however, be desirable to lar on the aroma of wheat beer with yeast (He- lubilase is also active. At this temperature, ho- by addition of the boiled mash to 64 DC and this
considerably increase the maltose content in the feweizen). The longer the rest at 45 DC is obser- the proteolytic enzymes are also active, is followed by a maltose formation rest. After a
m ash and wort for aroma formation. If the lar- ved, the higher the increase in the glucose so tha t a poorer foam stabili ty can be expected . short time the second decoction mash is remo-
gest part of the grist load is mashed in normally content and thus the composition of these fer- ved and heated to boiling. The second boiled
(1 : 3) at 62 DC (Fig. 3.40a) and has reached 70 DC mentation by-products. The optimml1 is, howe- Kettle mash process mash is usually heated for a somewhat shorter
after about 40 min, the gelatinised and partly ver, reached with a glucose content of 40%. A special variation of the single mash process is time and it is then returned to raise the total
degraded mash is cooled to 45 DC by means of a the kettle mash process . In this mashing in is at mash to about 75 DC followed by mashing off.
cold part mash, whereby the rest of the grist lo- Process for illcreased /3-glllC(l.1l degmdatioH 35 DC and about 20 % of the mash is then remo- The two mash process takes about three to three
ad is mashed in additionally (1 : 5.5). This part When using under-modified malt, care has to ved to constitute an (unboiled) lauter mash and a half hours.
of the grist load contains the temperature sensi- be taken to ensure a subsequent degradation of fraction. The remainder of the mash is, w ith the It is noticeable from the mashing diagram for
tive maltase, which now acts for around 40 min the if filtration difficulties are to be observation of rests, heated to boiling and boi- this process that the temperature of 50 DC is over-
(maltase rest). This is how the process got its avoided. In this case the grist load is mashed in led for 30 to 40 min. It is then cooled to 65 DC emphasised, and consequently there is extensive
name (Fig. 3.40a). As a result of this, the gluco- thickly at 35 DC and three-quarters of the mash and wi th the help of the added lauter mash protein and breakdown. As a result pa-
se content can be increased by the maltase acti- (Fig. 3.40a2) is heated up to 65 DC (it is also pos- maltose is formed. The mash is then raised to late fullness and foam formation suffer and the
vity to 35 to 40% (maltase process) [251] . sible to mash in normally and draw off a quar- saccharification temperature and after sacchari- beer produced is insipid. Its taste can only be par-
The composition of the fe rmentation by-pro- ter as thin mash (1) into a separate vessel). A fication the mashing off occurs. More extract is tially restored by the use of dark malt.
ducts is considerably altered by doing this: ethyl half hour rest is observed at 65 DC (3) for the obtained using this method; however, the addi- In order to avoid this, mashing in can be per-
acetate and isoamyl acetate (banana aroma) are glucan solubilase, which causes the tmdissol- tional energy costs which are necessary for this formed at 50 DC followed by heating to 62 DC
286 287

to improve the beer quality tu re can of course be perform ed at an y other

(e.g. the Kubessa process) or
90 / \ to improve the yield
te mpera ture.

80 / \ (e.g. pressure mashing processes, digestion pro- K llbessn process

3 "§
/ 1. KM \ cesses). In a mashing p rocess w ith sep ara te g rist frac ti-
CL [..J / -j" ons, as described by Kubessa and Merz, the

/ / I JII IIIP IIIllsli process (F ig . 3.42)
A th ick m ash (1 pa rt grist, 2.5 parts liquor) is
husks are re ta ined in a separate Sect. of the g rist
30 60
Time in min
90 120 150
180 j Fig. 3.40b ho pper o r mashed into hot wa ter a t 60 °C. The
made a t about 35 - 45 °C and boiling ho t wa ter hu sks a re not added until the end of m as hing.
Two //Iasll process
is add ed until the temperature reaches about 72 The aim of this m as hing m e thod is to p re vent
- 73 0c. In this w ay the OptiJllLU11 temperature of the extracti on of husk constituents. During boi-
·c down . Nevertheless there is s till extensive pro- the p-am ylase is "jumped over". TIle p-amylase ling a large p art of the polyphenol and bitter
100 , ,
.., ,'- tein b rea kdown which leads to the ex pectation does in fac t cause saccharifica tion bu t the large
,, m a te rials in the husks go into solution and the-
, am OLU1t of dextrins g ives a low attenuation linut
,, ,, ,,
of a good foam . H owever, there is n o p-glucan
90 ,, reby sp oil the quality of the ex trac t. This p ro-
, ,, ,,, -
breakd own a t all and so very well m odified of 70 - 73%, as is wanted in nUh'ient-beers or alco- cess is seldom used .
80 15· : , 30' , / malt is essential fo r this m ethod . hol free beers where fermentation has been stop-
70 30· 1/ ped. TI1e jump mash process is performed only Pressure II/n slti Ilg Three mash processes with well modified malt. Since the tempera hu'e In norma l m ashing the soluble subs tances are
In three mash m ethods the te mpera ture increa- where p-am ylase is effective is jLlln p ed over, after never bro ug ht comple te ly into solution. Th e
50 se between the m ain mash tempera tures a mashing dura tion of two hours at 72 - 73 °C on- spent g rains still conta in some starch and other
35 °C IItnshil1gil1 tell/peratllre ly "red normality" (R) is adueved, in other words, components. If the mash is boiled at an excess
30 60 90 120 mIn
50 °C proteil1 res t / rtlbber lI1aterial degradntioll iodine abnormal. pressure of 2 to 3 ba r, the yield increases by 2 to
64°C IIlaltose fO rti tn tioll res t, al1d Since boiling hot w a ter is infused, su ch a pro- 3%. This is undoubtedl y a substantial improve-
Fig. 3.41
75°C saccharif icatioll res t cess is a lso kno wn as a hot w ater infu sion pro- ment but the quality of the additio nally dissol-
Abridged Iwo IIlns/l process
is produced by the removal of cooker m ashes, cess. Adding hot wa ter to increase the tempera- ved ex trac t is poor, an d in general quality is
boiling and second mashing. Because the un-
and/o r hot water added in order to be able to boiled m ash in these m ethods remains for a
control the protein res t accura tely. very long time a t the m ain m ash temperatures
Another possibility is m as hing in at 35 °C and and the thick mash is subjected to abn ormally =::> for low gravity beer worts with a Vsend (final attenuati on) < 73%
withd rawing the first cooker mash. Of course it severe heat treatments, th ree mash processes
is also necessary to ensure there is a monitored produ ce very arom a tic malty beers. Becau se the 100
protein degrad a tion, which nowadays is u sual- process las ts 4 to 5 hours and requires a great "l
90 ,, wa it to red normal
ly p erformed by control of the FAN content. deal of energy, it is only seldom employed - and
A special typ e of two m ash process is the ab- then usually for special da rk beers. Pilsner Vr- 80
ridged two m ash process (Fig. 3.41). The m as- quell is produced u sing the three m ash process.
hing-in tempe ra tlU"e is 62 °C and the process

70 I I- malt mash
'" - water/spent grain mash
lasts onl y two hours - w hi ch gives rise to the Special mashing processes CL
E 60
n a me of this process, w hi ch can also be perfor- Sp ecial or unusual mashing processes are those
med as a single m ash or in fusion process. The whi ch have some unusual feature or are used 50
l pump mash into kettle
process requires well and Llluformly modified before or after a conventional mashing process.
malt. TIle purpose of special mashing processes is: Fig. 3.42 o 50 100 150 200
The mashing-in tempera ture of 62 °C is abo- to restrict the a ttenuation limit to a low value /111/11' //Iasll process (1101 waler
ve the optimum temperature for p ro tein break- (e.g. jump m as h process), illfl/sioll process )
288 289

preferred to the extra yield. Moreover, the pres- latter primarily in African countries. Sugar and which should not necessarily be considered in- temperatures of about 80 DC and are no longe r
sure mash process requires a pressure maslLing maize syrup are, of course, not lllUl1alted cere- fe rior, must be taken into accotmt from the start able to liquefy the starch. There are several so-
vessel which can be sealed and tlLis is not often als, but in tlLis connection they are also used as when using adjuncts, in particular when it is lutions to this problem:
available. a source of extract. necessary to compete in the market place with 1. If the rice mashing in produces a less tlLick
The chemical breakdown of starch when competitors who do not use any adjlllKt, but mash there is less dange r of any charring. To
3 3
DigestioJ/ process using adjuncts is in all cases the same as the produce their beer using only malted barley. disintegrate the rice an adjunct cooker is pre-
In the digestion process (pre-mashing process) breakdown of starch in malt. However, the Finally, it should be mentioned tbat it is not ferably used. In older plants this is a closed
mashing in occurs on the evening before mas- starch granules in different cereals have diffe- possible to produce beer using only adjuncts kettle in wlLich the rice mash is gelatinised
hing. In the time up to the begimLing of mas- rent sizes, are deposited differently in the (unless through the addition of enzyme supple- under pressure (i.e. at a temperature above
hing, dissolving processes already take place, starch-containing cells (Sect. 1.5), and are sur- ments); the enzyme potential of malt is requi- 100 DC) and thereby optimally disintegrated.
and the enzymes also begin to work, although rounded by different enveloping substances. red for the very differentiated breakdown pro- Nowadays adjunct mashes are usually boiled
with a very low intensity. Using the digestion T1Lis leads to different behaviours of the starch cesses . without excess pressure because the additio-
process it is possible to increase the yield so- granules during gelatinisation and consequent- Since adjuncts are acquired above all with nal energy required is scarcely justified by
mewhat, but the process only functions if one ly different processing methods are needed de- cheaper extract yield in mind (e .g. broken rice), the extra extract.
brew a day is made. This process is hardly ever pending on the type of cereal. In addition other it is easy to overlook the fact that impurities in 2. The rice grist is mashed with 10 to 20% of the
used nowadays . substances in these cereal grains are dissolved the form of foreign seeds (0.8 % and above) may malt mash and held for 10 to 20 min at 78 DC
or degraded by the malt enzymes and so the be present with the adjlmcts, wlLich, after fer- (Fig. 3.43). Thereby almost all the starch is ge- Mashing with adjuncts composition of the mash and wort, and conse- mentation, can result in a very high and varia- latinised and liquefied and so there is hardly
It has been shown that the sugar required for quently of the beer, is changed . There are effects ble value [313] . This can have a any risk that the rice mash will be burnt on
fermentation is obtained, with the help of enzy- on the fermentation, filtration and taste of the considerable effect on the flavour of the beer subsequent boiling.
mes, from the starch in malt. However, starch beer and on other parameters. (see Sect. 3. There are many rice varieties which do not
does not only occur naturally in malt but in all Thus beer produced using rice has a light and gelatinise below 85 DC. The rice mash must
types of cereal. In many cOlmtries such cereals dry taste. Beer brewed with maize tends to ha- Mashing with rice therefore, to be certain, be heated to 85 to
are substantially cheaper than the relatively ex- ve a softer flavour. Rice is the hardest adjunct to use. The starch 90 DC, gelatinised at that temperature and
pensive malt. As long as one is not bound - as In particular, when using adjuncts it must be granules of rice are very small and very firmly then cooled again to 70 to 75 DC in order to be
in Germany - to brew according to the Rein- remembered that the protein is deposited in the embedded (Fig. 1.30). These granules swell only saccharified in a shorter time by the addition
heitsgebot, these cheaper cereals can also be adjunct in a more stable form and as the result slowly in warm water. The gelatinisation tem- of a malt mash.
used as partial replacements for malt in wort of the absence of a malting process is degraded perature varies between 67 and 91 DC. For gela- This process has, however, the disadvantage
preparation, thus reducing costs . These non- by only a slight extent during mashing. Conse- tilLisation to occur, the temperature has to be that it is very difficult to mix the malt mash
malt materials are called adjuncts. 85 - 90% of quently adjunct mashes contain less low mole- raised to 75 - 90 DC or higher; however, at these with the highly viscous rice mash. It is always
beer brewed worldwide is produced with the cular weight nitrogenous material (FAN) than temperatures the amylases are soon destroyed, better, when it is possible, to mix the rice
use of adjuncts . malt mashes. Care must therefore be taken that, and so rice must be processed differently. mash before its gelatinisation with part of the
The enzymes in the malt must then break the- as a result of sufficient protein degradation, Moreover, rice starch swells a great deal on malt mash (at least 10%).
se materials down during mashing. If not more enough FAN is made available to the yeast. Ne- gelatilLisation, more than starch from other ce- 4. Another possibility is to heat the rice mash
than 15 to 20% tUlmalted cereal (adjunct) is vertheless, adjunct beers always contain less ni- real s, and tlLis can lead to a burning of the paste with 10 to 20% of the malt mash slowly to
used, the enzyme potential in the malt is suffi- trogen and polyphenols, and they contain less on heated surfaces. If a tlLick mash is made, this above 80 DC (Fig. 3.44) to liquefy the gelatilLi-
cient for this breakdown. With higher proporti- the higher the adjtUlct proportion is. To accele- swelling can be so great that the agitator has a sing starch by the still active in the
ons of adjunct, however, enzyme preparations rate the breakdown of protein and produce mo- problem stirring the mash, or may even fail to malt.
must be added to support this degradation pro- re FAN in the wort and beer, it is necessary to move unless something is done about it. It is 5. A very reliable method is to add commercial,
cess, otherwise the breakdown would take a ri- acidify the mash at 62 DC [284] . therefore necessary to find a compromise so heat resistant bacterial which is
diculously long time or even come to a stop. The co-use of adjunct always causes an alte- that the malt are able to liquefy the still active at temperahlres above 80 DC and
Rice and maize are used in particular as ad- ration to the beer taste and this increases with viscous paste and make it less viscous. The consequently liquefies the rice mash. Thus,
juncts, but also barley, wheat and sorghuIl., the increasing adjllllct usage. This change in taste, am ylases are, however, rapidly deactivated at for example, the bacterial amylase "Terma-

290 291

2. The tempera ture is slowly raised to 72 to 75 DC the adjlUlct a t this temperature). The rice starch
and held fo r 10 min . is ce rtain ly gela tinised by this. By m ixing w ith

cu 80
,..,--- i'
3. The tem pera ture is increased in 15 to 20 min
to 85 DC; the ri ce is the re by gelatinised and li-
quefied .
a colder m alt m ash, a tem pera ture of about 75 DC
is obtained. Further p rocess ing then occurs wit-
ho ut problem s.
U) 60 /' 4. The adjunct mas h is brought to boi ling p oint

ct: 40 / and boiled for 30 to 40 min .

5. When the boiling of the adjLUlct m ash has be-
M nshillg with rice: Exnmple 2 (Fig. 3.44)
1. The rice is m ashed by itself at 85 to 90 DC and

/ gun the malt is mas hed in a t 50 DC (protein
gela tinised . TIle viscosity of the mash must not
be too high after the gelatinisation, otherwise
Fig. 3.42a
6. The adjunct m ash is s lowly pumped into the the mash will be too thick an d possibly bmn on
11Ij1I1eJ/ce of tempera tllre 0 11 tile
40 50 60 70 80 90 activity of tile bacterial nlllylase ma lt m ash w ith continuous stirring. The te m- the vessel (in extreme cases the agitator may
"Tefl llamyl1 20 L" pera ture of the to ta l m ash is then 63 DC (m al- not move) and sacch arifica tion difficulties m ay
tose form a tion res t) . occur. The rice on its own is therefore mashed
myl" (N ovozymes Switzerland, Dittingen) starting point is a fine rice gris t. Because the ri- 7. After 15 min rest, the thi ck mash is drawn off, in w ith at least 5 hI of liquor (water) per 100 kg.
produced from Bacillus licheniform is, is still ce swells consid erab ly on gelatinisa tion, it h ea ted to boi ling and boiled for 15 min. 2. The ho t rice mash is mixed with colder malt
effective at temperahues above 90 DC (Fig. should be m ashed with no t less than 5 hI of wa- 8. By adding back the cooked mash the tempe- m ash (30 to 50 DC), made up with 20% of the
3.42a) . This can be utilised in the processing of ter p er 100 kg of rice g rist (1 : 5). rahue of the total m ash is raised to 74 DC (sac- malt, so tha t the temperature is 72 to 75 DC.
rice. For information about bacterial Rice gives an approx imately 2% higher yield ch arification rest) . 3. A 20 to 30 min res t is u sed a t 72 to 74 DC and
see Sect. The varying optimal tem- than malt. 9. After sacch arifica ti on the entire m ash is hea- the gela tinised rice starch liquefied by the in-
peratures of the same enzym e in different or- ted to 78 DC and m ash ed off. tac t malt en zy mes.
ganisms depend on which gene the enzyme is Mashing witl, rice: Exa/llple 1 (Fig. 3.43) TIl ere are certain rice va rie ties whose s tarch 4. The liquefied rice m ash is brou ght to boiling
linked to in the organism in question. 1. The rice is mashed in w ith 10 to 20 % of the does n o t gela tinise below 80 DC. To obtain com- point and boiled for 30 to 40 min.
When it h as been possible to gelatinise and li- malt grist at 50 DC and held at this temperatu- plete gela tinisa ti on man y breweries, followin g 5. When the rice m ash h as started to boil the re-
quefy the rice mash, the hardest obstacle has re for 10 to 15 min. A ratio of 4 hl of w ater to a proposal by Le Corvaisier, heat the pure ad- mainder of the m alt is m ashed in at 50 DC
been overcome. Further processing can then be, 100 kg of grist is u sed so that the mash is not jlUlct m ash firs t of all to 85 to 90 DC (or mash in (protein rest).
for example, as shown in the following. The too thicle



'" Rice mash
1 -\ gelaJjnisaJion

/ \ 1 \

/ \ 1
70 j lique,acliO/l
r \\ _ I

I /
/ ,. maH mash

/ 2, I Fig. 3.43 40

Mas/lillg witll rice

(Exnl llple 1) Fig. 3.44
30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
(1 ) rice Illnsll Mas/lillg witll rice
Time in min Time in min
(2) malt mas/l (Example 2)
292 293

6. The ri ce mash is pumped into the malt mash as barley grist by gri nding the very h ard bar- se only about 100 hours. Wa ter is added to the zinc to the wor t. This must be remembered par-
with con tinuous stirring and the temperature ley corns in a specia l roller frame or h ammer mixture which is then boiled for two hours and ticul a rl y in relation to the FAN so that fe rmen-
of the total mash is increased to 63 °C (malto- mill. The closely ad hering husk is thereby then cooled to 80 °C. Sorghum Inalt is then ad- tation difficulties are not encountered.
se formation rest). ground with it, which mu st be taken into ac- ded and the entire mixture is cooled to 40 °C. Instead of the often expensive sugar or sugar
7. After 15 min rest, the thick mash is drawn off, count when Imltering, or The remainder of the sorghum malt is added at syrups, HFSS corn syrup (high fructose sucrose
3 3
hea ted to boiling and boiled for 15 min . as barley flakes from d ehusked or lU1d ehus- this tempera hIre before cooling to about 22 °C. sy rup) is often employed (see Sect. 1.5.7). The ad-
8. By adding back the cooked m ash the tempe- ked barley by fl akin g in a special roller frame. It is filtered at this tem pera ture and yeast is ad- dition is similarly made to the hop kettle.
rature of the total mash is raised to 74 °C (sac- This method req uires a large investment ex- ded. After three d ays fermentation is comple-
charification rest) . pense and cannot be used in breweries wit- ted and the alcohol content is then about 4% by Use of enzyme preparations
9. After saccharification the entire mash is hea- hout a lot of additional effort. vol. The cloud y sorghum beer is packaged llIl- in mashing
ted to 78 °C and mashed off. The barley adjunct trea ted in thi s way can be filtered . All life processes in living organisms are con-
mashed with the m alt. Whilst there is no grea t In severa l African countries it is becoming in- trolled by enzymes. This applies to synthetic Mashing with maize corn problem with s tarch degradation, an eye must creasingly common to produce beer in conven- processes in plants and animals as well as all
Maize corns have very oily seedlings (up to 5 % be kept on protein breakdown. Above all, pro- tional brewing plants from 100% sorghllIll and breakdown processes. Enzymes are therefore
fat content) which are removed during proces- blems can occur with which h as not millet, without an y barley malt or commercial essenti al for the fLU1ctioning of all liv ing orga-
sing of the corns to produ ce corn oil. Breweries yet been broken down and may give rise to fil- en zymes. However, a special mashing procedu- nisms.
use maize in the form of grits or flakes. Maize tration problems. At leas t part of the work of re is necessary [131]. Sorghum malt can achieve All micro-organism s also con tain enzymes
starch only gelatinises at 73 to 79 °C. the maltings h as to be repea ted . Longer rests at extracts of 79 to 84% which also give satisfacto- speci fic to the particular organism, able to p er-
Grits are supplied finely milled and are usu- 45 °C, the tempera ture optimum of ry yields. The desired attenuation limit can also form a series of operations by means of which
ally diSintegrated in a cereal cooker, with or canase, have proved successful (Sect. be obtained without any problem. they are able to break do wn specific substances
without malt, and gelatinised. Barley inevitably contributes less extract than The wort is acidified before it is boiled toget- in order to obtain the energy they need to sur-
Flakes are squashed flat in a flake rolling mill. malt. About 125 kg of barley (or 120 kg of de- her with the adjunct. For protein degradation a vive and grow.
In this process the steeped corns are passed bet- husked barley) mu st be used to replace 100 kg pH of 4.6 at a tempera ture of 52 °C is aimed for,
ween smooth, internally cooled, rollers apply- of malt. Use of barley as adjunct only pays in order to have sufficient low molecular Importllllce of ellzYl11es ill everyday life
ing a 50 t pressure and nnUling at the sam e when the malt prices are llIlusually high or very weight protein brea kdovvn products (FAN) for Enzymic cataJytic reactions have long since been
s peed, whi ch squeeze the corns to form flat fla- cheap, low protein barley is available . yeast nutrition. Particular attention must be used in the processing of food. The enzymes are
kes. Gelatinisation and drying then occurs in a If more than 20 - 25% barley adjlU1ct is used, paid to protein composi ti on. It is not possible to thereby either an original component of the food
turbulent flow drier at around 160 °C. These the addition of enzymes is necessary (see follo- achieve a colloid s tability for millet beers wit- (as, for example, in the case of badey) or they are
pre-trea ted flakes can be added to the mash tun wing Sect.). hout additional aid. In sm all rural breweries introduced by means of micro-organisms (e.g. by
without further pre-treatment. sorghum beer is not hopped, is cloudy when yeas t). Many traditionaJ teclmologies such as, for
Flour can be added to the mash vessel wit- Mashing with sorghum sold and only keeps for a short time [129]. example, wine or cheese production, are based on
hout further pre-treatment. Syrups are added Sorghum beer is brewed in many African CO LU1- the action of microbiaJ enzymes. Here, the enzy-
to the wort kettle before casting. h'ies; in South Africa the annual output is now 30 Mashing with sugar or sugar syrups mes are in fact formed by the micro-organisms
The same factors must be considered for the million h1. It is made from 30% sorghum maJt Sugar is soluble and fermentable . Sugar is, na- but they achlally work outside the Li ving cell. This
use of maize adjlU1ct as for pure m alt ITlashes, and 70% adjlU1ct consisting of sorghum, maize turally, not used by itself but as an addition to was first proved in 1897 by the Buclmer brothers
and in general two mash p rocesses are used. or millet. The latter is a small grained cereal the malt mash of 5 to 15%, possibly with an ad- who, after completely grindulg up the yeast cells,
Untreated maJt starch gelatinises between 73 which is also used fo r human nutriti on in junct addition. Howe ver, because the sugar do- were nevertheless able to produce fermentation
and 79 °C. Europe. es no t have to be broken down during m ashing, with the cell-free yeast extract (E. Buclmer recei-
Usually 80 to 90% maize is used when ma- it is ad ded to the hop kettl e a mere 10 min befo- ved the Nobel prize for this in 1907). Mashing with barley as adjunct king sorghllIll beer, the maize being milled and re casting. A ttention mu s t be paid to the Nowa d ays there is an enzyme indus try
Up to 20 % barley can be used as an adjlU1ct with mixed with lac tic acid. The lactic acid is thus a amoun t of ex trac t obtained from the su gar w hi ch manufactures pure enzymes by the ton
mal t without addition of enzymes. There are two major flavour component and it also extends used. Instea d of 100 kg of malt, 78 kg of sugar and w ithout w hich everyd ay li fe wo uld be uni-
possible ways of pre-treating the barley: the life of the sorghum beer, which is in any ca- are used. The su gar contributes no protein or maginable . Thus, modern was hing products
294 295

contain microbially p roduced p roteases, lipa- others are extremely hea t resis tan t, When stifficie nt biomass has been created the tis- Gralll/la tes
ses, am ylases, cellul ases and o ther en zy mes they allow a con trolled and fas t sequen ce of sue is conmlinu ted . This tissue maceration requi- Enzyme grallul ates have a grain si ze of 0.4 to
which make it possible to clean dirty tex tiles at reactions, and res particular attention. The tissue is homogeni- 0.6 mm, are easy to store and can be preserved
lukewa rm temperatures and disp ose of the dir- they can be produ ced tech n ica ll y in p ure sed in the presence of all extraction buffer which for a lon g time.
ty wa ter in a largely environmentally friendl y form. often contains appropriate admixtures to protect
3 3
way. Enzym es mallufac tured fr om mould s or bac- the enzym e fr om ox id ation . As a rule large Use of eHZYlll e preparatiolls
Dish washing detergents are also high ly effec- teria for the p rodu ction of beer are in particular: atll0lll1tS of the starting material have to be pro- Enzyme preparations are brought onto the mar-
ti ve at low temperatures as well as being envi- amylases to promote the break- cessed during ex traction because the enzyme ket by the lllallLifachlrers using made-up naln es.
ronmentally friendly. down of starch in the brewh ouse in the case proportion in the ex tracted protein fraction is In the insh'uctions, in particular the safety data
In the m anufac ture of textiles en zymes pl ay of a high proporti on of adjunct alld the com- smail alld large am ounts are lost on cleaning. Fi- sheet, the mallufachlring, area of applica tion,
an important role in d e-dressing, bleaching, as pl ete degrad ation of s tarch in the production nally the enzyme is enriched alld cleaned, where- p roduct speci fications, properties of the enzyme,
well as the fini shing of jeans (rubbing in the of low carbohyd ra te beers (diet beers), by most emphasis is on the separation of the ac- dosage, application, h alldling, sa fety information
blue dye). Th e manufacture of textil es, as well proteases to increase protein d egrad ation comp an ying pro teins with fractional preci- all d storage conditions are described.
as the paper and lea ther industries, would n o alld raise the FAN p roportion, pi ta tion methods or according to molecul ar The ad vice provided by the manu facturer
longer be able to fun ction w ithout enzymes. glucan ases to brea k d own hi gh molecul ar weight areas. The fraction which contains the de- should be followed exactly.
Enzymes are especially important in baking, weight glu cans in the brewhou se so as to pre- sired enzyme is collected alld further separated .
where they make pastries light and crusts brown, vent filtration problems, The total sep aration fro m the accompallying pro- 3.2.5 Mashing duration
make it possible to work with cooled or frozen decarboxylases to p revent the formation of teins is carried out using an elech'ophoretic p ro- In a smail brewelY the time it takes to mash is not
dough and delay the process of going stale. diace tyl during fermentation . cedure with a high separa tion efficiency, so that of major importal1Ce. If only one brew is mashed
Their importance for the starch and sugar in- These mould or bac terial enzymes h ave a dif- at the end of the process there is a pure enzyme per d ay, mashing in is performed early alld cast-
dustries, the production of wine and fruit juice, ferent configuration to the barley and malt en- which is fully separated from the original micro- ing out in the afternoon . In that case tile mash do-
the isolation of proteins, the manufacture of ani- zymes because they are coupled to other pro- orgaln sm alld also fully sep ara ted from other en- es not have to be made within all exact time.
mal food and particularly for the pharmaceutical tein ca rriers . They there fore have different zymes alld enzyme complexes of tins orgalnsm . However, the greater the number of brews
industry receives just a brief mention here. temperature alld pH optim ullls from m alt en- The culture filt rate thus won does n ot keep winch have to made per day, the more one is sub-
Such enzyme p reparations can also be used zymes; some are even still ac tive at temperatu- long. To obtain the required longer storage life, jected to time restraints. In large modern brewe-
in the production of beer in as far as the b eer is res above 90 °C (e.g. Term a- atl enzyme prep ara tion has to be converted: ries often eight brews or more per d ay are cast.
not brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot. In m y!, mad e by Novozy mes; Fig. 3.42a). The With eight brews a d ay, mashing in alld cas t-
this case, of course, no other en zymes can be concentrati on of the en zyme supplements lies Cl/ ltl/re cOllcentrates ing out must occu r every three h ours; in the ca-
added other than those contained in the barley between 100 and 400 ml/t malt or adjtU1ct alld These are produced by further concentration of se of twelve brews, every two hours. Tins de-
and yeas t. the m al1Ufac turer's instructions should be foll o- a p urified and concentra ted filtrate and, m ands not only the use of short mash processes
Since in man y cOtU1tries, however, the additi- wed . tlu'ough the addition of s tabilising agent, h ave but also of al1 exact time plal1 wInch tolerates no
on of adjunct is used for purely econ omic rea- a longer s torage life. They are offered in liquid delays alld w ith winch everytlnng must work
sons and fu rthermore technological problems MmlllfactHre of el/z yllles form and h ave to be stored under cool conditi- to the minute.
may arise in the production of beer, inform ati- In order to manufacture enzymes, a micro-or- ons. In general a declared storage life of over Such a time regime leads nahl ra lly to the in-
on on the advantages, the isolation and use of galnsm which develops the d esired enzyme (or thJee months at 25°C is gu aranteed . By cooling troduction of computer cont rol of the entire
enzymes in the production of beer should be gi- enzymes), becau se it requires it for its metabo- the storabiIity Call be increased to a year but the brewing process, through which subjecti ve er-
ven here. lic process, is cultivated in pure form. This mi- activity then slowly decreases. rors are exclud ed and the brewer h as m ore reli-
The targe ted use of enzymes offers, tU1der cro-organism can be a mould or a strain of bac- able control.
certain circums tances, a ran ge of ad va ntages: teria . The pure culture is produ ced, exactly as Dry proal/cts Th e following mashing times have to be cal-
en zyme preparations have a distincti ve sub- in yeast cultiva tion, in cylindrical conical tanks These are m anufactu red by spray, vacuum or cula ted :
s trate and reaction specificity, Lmder conditions w hich are optimal for the mi- freeze drying concentra tes and are sold in inf usion p rocess with well modified malt
they have a high reaction sp eed at mild tem- cro-organism (nutrient solution, optimal pH powder form. Before addition they are stirred 1.5 to 2 hours
peratures, and tempera hire, ae rati on or atlaerobic etc.). into warm wa ter and ac ti vated . decoction process 2 to 3 h ours.
296 297

3.2.6 Control of mashing paration process is called lautering. During lau- % concentration ratio of amou nts If the first wor t has a higher concentration its
Mashing is performed according to the schedules tering as much as possible of the extract should of the first wo rt first wor t: amount is inevitably smaller, and therefore mo-
established by the management of the brewery. be recovered. sparging wa ter re sparging water can be used the higher the
In the brewing record all relevant details Lautering is a filtration process in which the 20 1: 1.5 first wort concentration is. Thus with a higher
(amount of grist, amOlmt of cast wort, times, tem- spent grains play the role of the filter materia l. 22 1: 1.9 percentage first wor t, a higher y ield is also ob- 3
3 The larger the amount of sp arging ,,,,ater pas- tained. The lautering temperature is thereby
peratures, etc.) must be entered by the person in It occurs in two stages which, strictly delimi-
charge of mashing. These entries must be made ted, succeed one another: sed through the spent gra ins, the 1T1Ore tho- very important.
exactly and form the basis for the records in the running off of the first wort (main mash), roughly they a re ex trac ted and consequently As the temperature increases the viscosity of
brewhouse book which the brewery must keep. sparging (washing out) of the sp ent grain s the higher the yield. the liquid decreases and filtration occurs more
In modern brewhouses the values are registe- (second wort). But the larger the amOLLI1t of water passed rapidly.
red by computer in the records. They can al- through the spent gra ins, the larger the amOLLI1t This means that lautering would be fas test at
ways be ca ll ed up on a display screen, are s to- 3.3.1 First wort and second wort of water w hich must be evaporated again. 100 °C. Although undissolved residual starch is
red and, when needed, called up for display The wort draining off from the spent grains is cal- Thu s a compromise mus t be fOlLl1d between in every case washed out of the spent grains du-
and printed. led the first wo rt. When this wort has been drai- lautering tim e and yield, and ring sparging, late saccharifica tion by
But in every case the iodine test is performed ned from the spent grains, the latter still contain boiling tim e and energy costs . se can only occur provided it h as not been deac-
by the person in charge of mashing. extract. For economical operation this extract
must now be recovered. Consequently the spent
3.2.7 Mashing intensity grains are sparged after the first wort has l'LLI1 off. Lautering volume in hI
Control of the mash intensity m eans that infor- Sparging gradua lly dilutes the wort. o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
mation is available regarding the degree of pro- In order to obtain the d esired wort concentra- 20
tein breakdown, and thus the intensity of other tion at the end of lautering, the first wort must 19 I I I I I I
1\ ......
18 \ ...... -..
brea kdown processes during mashin g. To contain 4 to 6% more ex tract than the beer to be -..,
17 1
achieve this, the nitrogen content of the plant produced, e.g. for a 12% beer it must contain 16 1' -..,
wort is divided by the nitrogen content of the
congress wort. This quotient, which has an in-
to 18 %.
The extract retained by the spent grains is
\ " ./, 3
dex va lu e of 104 % and can fluctuate between washed out by hot water. This process is called
1\ I',
" ,
105 and 115 %, can be drawn on to compare dif- sparging. The thillller wort nuu1ing off is called Q)

E: 11 \ 1/2
ferent mashing processes. Higher values indi- second wort. Its extract content decreases ra- 10 1\ -
cate higher mashing intensity. pidly at first and then more and more slowly,
since the last ex trac t is washed out of the spent
't5 9
'\ ,
3.3 Lautering grains only with difficulty; this is above all a
6 "-
diffusion process (Fig. 3.45).

At the end of the mashing process the mash 5
consists of a wa tery mixhue of dissolved and The amount of sparging water used depends 4
undissolved substances. on the amolmt and concentration of the first 3
wort and the concentration to be reached in the 2
The aqueous solution of the extract is called
40 50 55
176 ,3%
wort, the insoluble part is referred to as the spent kettle. The following ratios apply to a 12 % beer:
10 20 30 , 60 65
, , 70 71 72 73 74
, , ,
grains. The spent grains consist essentially of the 0 130 140 150 2 210 2 20 2 30 2 40 2 50 3 305
husk, the seedling and other materials which do % concentration ratio of amounts
not go into solution on mashing or have agajn of the first wort first wort: I-- 4 .1 5 .1 6
been precipitated during wort boiling. sparging water
Fig. 3.45
Only the wort is used for beer production and 14 1: 0. 7
Lnllterillg dingrnlll (exnlllple)
for this purpose it must be separated as comple- 16 1: 1.0 (1) collcetltrntioll of firs t wort, (2) COllcelltrntioll of secolld wort, (3) wort collcetltrntioll ill tlte first ""Illlillgs vessel or wort kett-
tely as possible from the spent grains. This se- 18 1: 1.2 le, (4) first wort, (5) secolld wort, (6) Inst ""Illlillgs
298 299

tivated by tempera tures above 78 °C. Lautering las t secon d worts are often used as mashingin therefore dep ends on the energy price and the are retained and fi lter the wort. In recent yea rs
at 100 °C con sequently always results in blue wa ter for li ghter beer (Ein fa chbier), w hich is malt p ri ce in the COL1I1try. the d esign and man ner of operating lauter tuns
mashes. In this case an attempt has to be m ade made as the follow ing brew. Mash sepa ration is p erformed either w ith a have un dergone many chan ges. Beca use m any
to make up for the oversight by adding m alt ex- Towards the end of sp a rging, increas ing lauter h m or a m ash filter. old er type lauter h 1l1s are s till in use in Germa-
tract in the ferm entation cellar - although with amounts o f lmdesirable material (polyphenols ny, the s tructure of older typ e lauter tlU1S will
3 3
negative results. and bitter subs tan ces from the hu sks, silicic 3.3.3 Mash separation w ith a lau ter tun be considered fi rs t in the following and new
Because is quickly destroyed at 80 °C acid, etc.) pass into solution: Lauter tLms are the oldest and by far the mos t lauter tuns will then be consid ered. Th ere are,
it is n ecessa ry to keep below this temperature % composition of the extract widely used m as h sep ara tion equ ipmen t. A of cou rse, a large number of in termed ia te mo-
during lautering. in the in the second wort lauter h m consists of a cylindrica l vessel, on the difica ti ons, but these canno t all be considered
The wor t rLllUling off is more or less brilli ant. firs t wort (sp argings) slotted do uble bottom of wluch the sp ent gra ins here.
Th e degree of turbidity can be p articularly af-
fected in the lauter hm. The substances causing Ma ltose 58.95 53.07
h aze contain fatty acids and breakdown pro- N-containing
ducts which are required by the yeast for the subs tances 4.34 5.38
d evelopment of new ce ll subs tan ces. Turbid Inorganic
worts therefore often lead to a shorter fermen- compound s 1.54 2.54
tation time of 1 (to 2) d ays [309]. Furtherm ore, Silicic acid
research studies [296] h ave sh own that beers (as SiO,) 0.1481 0.4536
produced from wort w ith a hlrbidity of 40 EBC
taste somewhat fresher, fuller, more palatable, If one wishes to p roduce a high qu ality beer,
more floral, purer, softer, mo re pleasant w ith a the spent grains mus t no t be ex tracted too
clea ner bitter flavour and generally have m ore mu ch, i.e. not sparged too long .
character. These beers, h owever, are not so sta- In this connection one mus t also think care-
ble w ith regard to ageing . A setting of 20 EBC fully about the use of the las t nUUlings as mas-
hlfbidity va lue [381] is therefore recommended lung-in liquor for the next brew.
for lautering, with no cold break removal. Prolon ged sparging and reuse of las t run-
nings improve the yield but reduce the quality.
3.3.2 Last runnings The qu ality of the wort should therefore b e con-
Sparging is performed lUltil the desired concen- sidered in cOlUlection with the extract yield.
tration is reached in the hop kettle. The low per- Wh en the la s t runnings are n evertheless
centage wort whi ch runs off las t is called las t used, they should be treated with active carbon
runnings. In the case of a regula r beer (Vall bier) to remove undesirable fl avo ur compon ents.
the last runnings still h ave an extract content of Spargin g is therefore usually completed with
about 2 (-3) %; longer sp arging is lUleconomical the las t second wort.
because the costs for eva porating the additional In addition to quality consideration s about
amount of sparging water would conSiderably the use of untrea ted las t nuulings, the increased
exceed the benefits in the form of more extract energy cos ts also impose a limit w hich is refer-
(cos t-ben efit threshold). This is sometimes used red to as the economic threshold for use of las t
as m ashing-in wa ter or sp arging water for the nuulings. Use of last runnings is financially ad-
Fig. 3.46
next brew. In the case of Bockbier the sp ent vantageous only up to the p oint at which the Lnllier 11111 (old Iype)
grains cannot be sufficiently sparged because value of the additional extrac t exceed s the cost (1) chill/lley, (2) lop covel; (3) Inll ier 11111 bottoll/, (4) rell/ovable fa lse bottoll/, (5) illsll iniioll, (6) II/nsh ill lei pipe, (7) rake IIllil wilh
otherwise the wort con centration would be re- of the energy required for evaporation of the kllives, (8) rake IIl1il drive, (9) rake liflillg device, (10) high press lire wnler pipe, (11 ) spmge waleI' slI pply pipe, (12) Scottish cap-
duced too much. In the case of these beers the wa ter. The threshold for use of las t flumin gs slnll, (13) I'IIII -off pipes, (1 4) Wal'l col/eclioll cOll lrol llllil, (15) swall lIeck valves, (1 6) spell l graill discharge
300 301 Desig n o f an older lauter tun (Fi g. 3.46) Equipment parts Fun ction s Co mm en ts
Equi pment part Fun ction Comm ents
Dri ve fo r the To move th e The ro tation of the drive sha ft m oves the raking arm s. There are two
Chimney (1) Vapour re moval Many lau te r tLU1S d o not have a chimney. Since there is no delibera- kni ves (S) rak ing uni t speeds: slow speed for cut ting the spent g rains; hi gh speed for spent
3 te evaporati on, it is not absolutely necessa ry. However, it is useful g ra in re moval.
fo r remo ving wa ter va pour.
Knife u nit li f- To ra ise an d The bottom end of the dri ve shaft fo r the rake LUlit is cOlUlected to a
Lid (2) To cover the tun. Re- ting dev ice (9) lower the kni ves piston whi ch ca n m ove u p o r dow n in a fixed built-in cylinder. By
du ction of hea t loss m eans of water or stea m p ress ure be low the piston the rake unit is
raised, and w ith it the kni ves. On re lease of the pressure they are lo-
TWl bottom (3) ColJection of wort The lauter tun s' bottom is made co mpletely fl a t and has an opening we red again .
an d sp a rgings for every 1.2 to 1.S m' of su rface to whidl a lauter l'LUl-off pipe is con-
nected from below. The openin gs are called tapping openin gs. They Pressure pi pe Supply of The water pressure must be produced by a special hand pump or
are distributed as evenl y as possible over alJ the nUl bottom . (10) pressurised wa ter the ra ke wlit must be moved up and d own m echani cally.

Rem ovable fal- Retention of the A 3 to S mm thi ck false bottom made from hard phosphor bronze of ot- Sparge wa ter Spa rge w ater The sparge wa ter, wllich comes fro m the hot wa ter storage tank,
se Bottom (4) s pent gra ins her material. There are about 2,500 to 3,000 slits, 30 to 70 mm long and 0.7 pipe (11) supply must be b rough t to the d esired tempera ture of 7S to SO DC in an in-
to 0.9 mm wide per 1 m' fo r the nUUling wort whid l widen out below to termedi ate mi xing tallk.
3 to 4 mm, so that they CaiUlot beco me blocked by the spent grains. The
free passage surface is up to 10% of the total surface. For easier manipu- Scottish ca pstan Sparge wa te r The sparging d evice con sists of two m ovable arms which are arran-
lation the false bottom is divided into 0.6 to O.S m' segments which are (12) di stribution ged either freely mova ble above the ra ke unit (Scottish ca pstan) or
lifted Halld moved in and out tlu'ough a door in the lid. are perm anently fi xed to the rake LU'lit and can only rotate toge ther
with the latter.
Insul a ti on (S) P revention of wort Built as a wall arOlUld the lauter nUl with hea t insulation . Cooling
cooling would OCCLU' a t the periphery first, the outer wort layers would then RLUl-off p i pe Removal of the The pipes slope gentl y d ow n to the wor t collecting trough (grant) .
flow more slowly because of their lligher viscosity and the yield (13) wort and spargings
would be reduced .
Wor t collection Collection o f wort All the nUl-off pipes open into nUl-off valves above a copper collec-
Mash inlet pipe Introdu ction of the The m ash inlet pipe lead s from the mash pump beneath the m ash contro l uni t (14) and spargings for ting vessel, the run-off grant, wllich is equipped wi th three outle ts:
(6) m ash into the lau- vessel of the lauter nUl. The mash is pumped in at a speed of 1.6 m/s; d e livery to wo rt 1. to the cloudy wort pump, 2. to the wort kettle, 3. to the waste w a-
tel' nUl the final m ash pumping lasts up 30 min . ke ttle ter drain.

Rake unit (7) Loosening the The rake LUlit is often a lso called a cutting unit. It con sists of two Swan neck val- Even run- off The run-off val ves are swan neck va lves (also known as Emsland
spent g rains a rms to w llich one or two rows of knife blades a re fi xed on the bot- ves (IS) hens) (Fig. 3.47), so called because of their shap e. The w ort must rise
tom side. The knives are usu ally stra ight but often wavy and they up again in the vertical pipe of tllis va lve. The hyd rostatic pressure is
have small plough-like cross pieces for loosenin g the spent grains. thereby greatl y reduced, tile spent grains are not compacted and wort
By means of a gear unit the blad es a re moved parallel to one allOt- separa tion p roceed s faster. A pipe is connected to the nUl-off valves
he r. By m ea ns o f a h andle or h and w heel the blades can be aligned tlu'ough wllidl hot water can be forced before tile start of mashing of
with or a t right angles to the rotati on direc tion. To cut the spent tlu'ough the n Ul-off pipes below the false bottom to remove the air.
g rains the kni ves mus t point in the direction of ro ta tion.
Spent gra in Spent grain remo- To remove the spent grains the discharge cover is opened . There is
Di scharg ing the To push the spent grains out (spent grain re moval), the blades are di scharge cover va l a tro ugh fixed below the di scharge opening in which a screw con-
spent gra ins se t a t right angles to the direction of rotation . (16) veyo r m oves the spent grains away.
302 303

3 3

Fig. 3.47
Swall lIeck tap
(1) /"/III-off pipe, (2) tap ill /"/III-off positioll, (3) risillg pipe with
air escape, (4) drmuillg-offoll tiel, (5) lallter gmllt

Fig. 3.48a: Lallter tllil (Z ielllallll type)

(1) vellt pipe, (2) ClP cOllllectioll, (3) COllllectioll to hydmlllic sys telll, (4) brillg-ill openillg, (5) sealed covel; (6) sparge watel; (7)
hyrlmlllic cylilldel; (8) kllife bars, (9) spellt gmills blades, (10) spellt gmills flap (opell), (11) IIlnsh ill let valve, (12) drive, (13)
fal se bollolll rillsillg, (14) /"/Ill-off pipes, (15) rillg pipes, (16) grillage for stable erectioll, (1 7) sllbst/"/lCtll re, (18) lIIash ill let, (19)
filtratioll systelll 1, (20) filtratioll systelll 2, (21) wort PllIllP, (22) Ilydralllic liftillg all rllowerillg device, (23) Illash PllIllP, (24)
SPellt gmills collveyor

The damaging effect of oxygen on wort has Design of newer lauter tuns
been known for a fairly long time. Especially (Figs. 3.48 and 3.48a)
when the wort l'lms out of the swan neck valves Like all otl1er brew house equipment, lauter tuns
into the wort grant, the oxygen uptake is very are now made of chrome-nickelsteel and ther-
high. In order not to h ave to buy a new lauter mally insulated on all sides. The mash is fed in
h.m, m any breweries have cOJU1ected the run- from below in order to keep oxygen uptake as
off pipes (13) behind the swan neck valves into low as possible (Fig. 3.49). The 2 to 6 closable in-
a collecting pipe and lea d the wort, without let valves are operated from below (Fig. 3.50) and
oxygen uptake, directly into the wort copper or must ensure a l'lm-off tin1e of not more than 10
Fig. 3.48 underback. The beautiful appearance of the min . At the same time the velocity in the inlet
Lallter tllll "Lallterstar" (Hllpplllall" , Kitzillgell)
(1) lIIash sllpply pipe, (2) mash illiet valve, (3) rakillg alld wllillg IllIit, (4) kllife, (5) spellt gmill removal beam (mised), (6) drive
lauter grant is retained but it no longer has any opening should not be greater than 1 m/s.
alld liftillg device for mke IIl1it, (7) /"/III-off pipes, (8) celltml wort collectioll cIlnlllbel; (9) wort removal to wort PIllIlP, (10) sparge function. It is still used, however, as a rinsing The false bottom is made of chrome-nickel-
wa tel; (11) CIP spmy Ilend, (12) spellt gmill hoppel; (13) viewillg willdow alld lightillg water outlet. s teel and is constructed (Fig. 3.51) as a bar-
304 305

screen bottom w ith slit widths of 0.7 to 0.9 111m onship is imp roved, which is reflected in p urer which are at tac hed to the rake unit arms in s uch rangemen t on the rake Lmit arms g uarantee the
and a free flow through surface of up to 12 % or wort. The p ositioning of the segment ele ments a way tha t each kni fe has its own cutting pa th. uni fo rmity of the sp ent grain and prevent an y
as a slotted floor with slits 0.7 mm by 80 mm during sp ent grain rem oval prevents the spent The shape of the kn ives (Fig . 3.53) and their ar- undesira ble channelling.
and a free flow through surface of 8 to 10 %. g rain p articles fro m clogging the slits, so that The la u ves are shaped so that they cause the
The specifi c fal se bottom loading is carried they can be more easily removed from them . spent grains to "swim" in the shortest possible ti-
3 3
ou t as follo ws: The false bottom is fi xed 20 mm above the h.m me, without dish.ll·bing the layering. It must be
140 to 175 kg/rn2 in the case of dry milling bottom and, as a result of an arran gement of possible to m ove the l<luves as closely as p ossible
150 to 210 kg/m 2 in the case of conditi on ed spray nozzles below the false bottom, easy and over the false bottom . The speed of the outer klu -
milling thoroug h cleaning of the space beneath the fa l- ves should be as low as possible, but there should
200 to 280 kg/m 2 in the case of s teep conditio- se bottom is possibl e (Fig . 3.52). be enough kni ves to p roduce the desired result.
ned milling. If the false bottom is lowered nearer to the h.m Th e height of the rake unit is a utoma tically
Thro ugh a slightly tilted p ositioning of the bottom there must be more run-off openings. The cont rolled by the turbidity of the wort. With in-
segment elements (Fig. 3.51; 4) the fl ow rela ti- lower limit is about 10 nun since the spray nozz- creas ing turbidity the rake is raised; with de-
les for the cleaning device must also be installed creasing turbidity it is lowered (Fig. 3.53a) .
below it.
Raising the false bottom by a furth e r 10 nUll
increases the a mount of wa ter in the bottom by
about 1 % of the run-off volume and thereby Wl-
Fig. 3.52
necessarily dilutes the first wort.
ClP clenllillg II llder tile fn lse bottolll
A run-off op ening w ith a nUl-off
cone is provided in every 1 m 2 of

the tun bottom. In the commonly
Fig. 3.50 used rin g main lautering systems
Mnsll ill let vnlve, the bottom is divided into several
tra llsferfrol1l below

concentric zones and the run-off

EO 30 •... •. ' •.•• ••••. _

pipes connected into common cir-
cular collecting pipes. This m akes
lUliform. lixiviation possible. In ot-
her systems (Fig. 3.48) all the rWl-
1\ (\ (\ (I 2

.S off pipes a re led into a central

wort collection vessel without the
w o rt coming into contact w ith
In all systems probes ensure air-
fre e laute ring and switch the
pump off if air enters.
The rake unit (formerly known
5 10 15 20 as the cutting unit) is built w ith 2,
Mash introduction time in min
3, 4 or 6 arms, depending on the Fig. 3.51
- mash introduction from below mash introduction from above
tun size, and there is infinitely va- Differellt desiglls of tllll bottollls
(1) dOllble lIIilled fn lse bOttOIll, III nde of brollze (old type), Fig. 3.53: Kllife nrlll drive
riable speed control of the rake
Fig. 3.49 (2) sillgle lIIilled fnlse flool; (3) wedge wire fn lse bottolll, (pnrts SIIOWII ill red nre rotnted mid cn ll be raised nlld lowered)
Oxygell cOll tell t ill n Inllter tllll dll rillg IlInsll ill trod llCtiol1 milt. The special feah.u·e of the rake mnde of stnilliess steel, (4) wedge wire fn lse bottolll witll (1) rotntir lg mid liftillg sllnft, (2) kll ife nrlll, (3) cll ttillg kllife,
COlllpnrisOl1of ill trodllCtiol1 fro lll nbove mid frO Ill below unit consists of the special knives, sliglltly tilted profile wires (4) liftillg device, (5) lIendstock witll benrillg
306 307


30 11 0
Fig. 3.S4a 9
LallieI' 11111 syslelll "Pegasll s"
3 (1) Int/illg ill of IIlasll 1III'OIIgh a 3
25 rillg dlm lllel
88 2 (2) fal se bollolll
(3) plollgll pari
20 (4) cllllillg kllife
(5) dmillage rillg dWllllei
(6) swel/illg rallies
(7) wave Pl'OdllClioll
(8) level pl'Obe
(9) swel/illg area
44 (10) slil for rellloval Of spell I
10 gmills

5 Lauter tllll systel11 "Pegaslls" system, given a false bottom load of 320 kg/m3,
-, The lauter tun sys tem "Pegasus" (Steinecke r, show very short lauterulg tUlles Witlllow extract operates on a different principle. At the (0.8%) which can be washed out.
a a 0
same angle sp eed, the knives in a normallauter
a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time in min
hm are inevitably moved less in the cenh'e than Operating sequence when lautering
in the peripheral areas. This results - despite the with a eonventionallauter tun
knives being closer together towards the outside- The sequence of operations with a lauter nm
The COll rse of differwi pamlllelas dllrillg lallierillg
(1) eximci cOlllwl all discharge frolll tile Iml ler 11111, (2) height of Ihe eleva 101' ill 111111, (3) 111I'bidily ill EBC, (4) pressllre diffe- in a non-uniform washing out of the spent proceeds in several stages:
rellce ill 111111 ill Ihe waleI' col 11 1111 I grains. In. the case of Pegasus (Fig. 3.54a), this si- 1. Expulsion of air
hlation is changed in that the umer area is exclu - 2. Pumping the mash in
With increasing differential pressure (Fig. 3.54) unit can be folded down and, because of their ded from lautering and a rUlg shaped lauter sur- 3. Mash settling
the rake unit is lowered becau se the spent special construction, they provide rapid empty- face created . As a result, the cutting speed of the 4. Pumping back nll'bid wort
grains have then packed closer together. When ing of the lauter tlm (max. 10 min) . knives is more or less the sam e tlu·oughout. Two 5. First wort nm off
the pressure difference becomes smaller, the ra- nm-off openings per m 2 and dralllage pipes of 6. Spargulg / second wort
ke unit can be raised again. For this purpose the the same length ensure a tulliorm washing out of 7. Drawing off of last rtumings
appropriate measuring and control ins tru- -========::::::::::=:=: 6 the spent grauls. The laying in of the mash oc- 8. Spent graul removal
:=::::::::::=t:::: ::::: 8
ems throu gh the centre (1), the false bottom con-
m ents must be built in.
The rake lmit drive is provided with a gentle T sh'uetion has a new storage area and greater free EXPllisioll of air
start by a gear unit. A suitable shaft seal pre- surface area and the cuttUlg device is totally re- To achieve rapid lautering the false bottom
vents entry of wort into the shaft region. designed with a spent grains discharger (10). A mu st be free from dirt and air bubbles . Conse-
The sp arging water is introduced through fan level probe (8) ensures a lulifonn level of spar- quently, hot water is forced through the false
nozzles fixed in the upper p art of the lauter tun gUlg water. Thus, irregularities in the wort treat- bottom from below an d at the same time it
which en able trouble-free surface application ment that occur Ul traditional lauter nms have heats the latter.
of the sparging water. Fig. 3.54: Press llre differellce dllrillg lallierillg been thoroughly removed. Despite havulg no in-
(1) wal'l / sparge walel; (2) spell I gmill s, (3) false bollolll, (4)
Spent grains are removed through several /'ll1I -off opellillg, (5) false bollolll spmy jels, (6) fil/illg level ill
ner zone, a Pegasus is built as a conventionallau- PlIlI1pillg the mash ill (mash trallsfer)
sp ent grain £lap valves. For this purpose sp ent lallier 111 11, (7) VaCl/III11 pressllre, (8) pressllre differellce tel' nm w ith a smaller diameter and a smaller The mash is transferred as quickly as possible
grain removal beams articulated on the rake (spe/ll gmill resis lallce) lauterulg smface. Reports [259] on the use of this into the lauter nm and distributed evenly there.
308 309

An wlequaL distribution of the spent grain will During the final mashing the rake unit, wluch keep the spent grains loose. Consequentl y in mash. The surface of the spent grains is cut first
cause unequaL extraction and a reduction in is controlled by the lauter contents indicator, is modern lauter tuns the operation of the rakes is and the cutting device is then slowLy lowered
yield. Consequently the veLocity must be kept raised about 20 cm and at the end of mash controlled by the pressure difference. until the knives are 5 to 10 cm above the false
as low as possible during pumping in, in order transfer, raised fully and its rotation stopped. In the case of lauter tuns which use swan bottom. The knives must not be sunl( lower ot-
to avoid unequaL mashing. The voLumetric flow neck taps, these are onLy opened a quarter or a hen,vise the wort runs cloudy again. The cut-
3 3
rate must nevertheless be large to carry out the Drawi1lg off alld pllll/plllg bacle of cloudy wort tlurd . In addition the suction is decreased be- ting operations essentially determine the lauter
final mashing within 10 min, which requires A tun bottom dough, which consists of particles cause of the rise in height in the swan neck. time and clarity of the wort rLltUling off.
large cross-Sect.s. The mash is preferably pum- which have passed through, collects at first bet- To be able to operate optimally, it is necessa-
ped in from below. The stirrer in a mash tLm is ween the tun bottom and the false bottom. It is Spnrgillg alld rIlllllillg off of tile secolld wort ry to measure and indicate continuously
allowed to operate during pumping so that the pumped back with the first wort which in any The first wort is allowed to nm off only lmtil the the volumeh'ic flow rate of the wort rLUUling off,
mash remains mixed . case is always turbid. This first wort is called spent grains become visible, in order to main- the pressure difference (Fig. 3.54) and
cloudy wort and it is pumped back under the tain their buoyancy. Then the sparge water is the turbidity.
Masll settlillg surface of the wort in the Lauter tlUl, so as to in- layered on top of the wort and gradually dis- When the turbidity increases, the knives
After the pLLI1lping in of the mash, at a specific troduce as littl e oxygen as possible, from 5 to 10 pLaces the wort downwards. The spent grains must be raised and vice versa. When the pres-
Lauter tlmload of 150 kg/m2 the spent grains sett- min before the end of mash transfer Lmtil the are thereby extracted but thi s process needs a sure difference increases, the spent grains resi-
le to a height of about 25 cm, and at 200 kg/m2 to wort is clear. little time because the ex tract is not dissolved stance has increased and the knives must be lo-
a height of 34 cm. The first wort collects above In the case of lauter tlms which still use val- from the spent grains very rapidly. wered to loosen the spent grains. However the
them. This is essential because the spent grain is ves during lautering, the twl bottom dough is turbidity soon increases again and the process
needed as a natural filter layer. This process is re- first removed by, in turn, fully opening and im- Spargillg must start again from the begilUling.
ferred to as the lauter rest and lasts about 5 to 30 mediately closing two valves. TIlis produces an It is possible to sparge continuously, i.e. add as The end of lau tering is determined by measu-
min. At the end of this process the spent grains eddy current in the enlarged part of the valve much fresh water as second wort flows out be- ring the wort concentration in the wort kettle.
have settled in three layers: which carries the bottom dough with it. Tlus low, or sparging can be done in several separa- In this way it can be arranged that with the last
bottom dough: a thin layer of large and heavy process is called drawing off or tapping and it is te sparges. Of course sparging is rather quicker if hectolitre of sparging from the spent grains lau-
particles which some times still contain repeated two or three times . it is done continuously, but the yield is higher if tering is completed and no last nUUlings are
starch, two or three small sparges are used because the produced. If the last rLmnings are not reused,
main dough: by far the thickest Layer formed RlIllllillg off of first wort sparge water then has more time to extract the they represent only a waste of energy and an in-
by the spent grains, The first wort should rlm off as quickly as pos- spent grain contents. The limited mixing, and creased waste water Load .
top dough: a thin layer consisting of the sible so as not to lose time needlessly. The con- therefore greater extract difference between the It is of course possible to draw off the first
lightest mash particles, mainly protein and centration of the first wort is the same every- sparge wa ter and the extract solution contained wort from above. Extract losses do not thereby
small husk fractions. where. in the spent grains, accelerates the washing out occur because the concentration of the first wort
The top dough actually consists of two layers The first wort passes through the spent grains of the extract (extraction) . - in contrast to sparging - is exactly the same
of which the lower consists to a large extent of and is thereby filtered . The spent grains present Both procedures are commonly used in prac- before and after the spent grains. TIle only pro-
spent grains. This top dough layer has an ad- a resistance to the wort flowing tluough them tice. Continuous sparging does, however, have blem is the solid matter content beca use the fi-
verse effect during lautering since it is less per- which causes a suction effect, because more advantages in that there is ne particles only settle slowly. If, however, the
meable than the other layers. For luuform ex- wort tries to flow out than can flow in. The suc- clear Lautering, wort is drawn off from the top and finely filte-
traction of the spent grain it is essential that this tion causes the spent grains to be drawn toget- less husk Iixi via tion, red, it is possible to shorten the Lautering time
layer is distributed evenly overall. The top her (compressed) and so the resistance increa- less uptake of oxygen, by about 20 min without suffering a loss in
dough should be broken up as early as possible. ses. This can eventually lead to the situation time savings, yield. Such additionallUlits are nowadays offe-
The lugher the finaL mash temperature the that less and less wort can flow away. As a re- it produces finer beers, and red by specialist compmues.
looser the spent grains and so the faster the lau- sult the lautering process takes substantially better flavour stability.
tering. longer. Before or during sparging the cutting device Spel/t graill removal
For this reason cooling during lautering must It is therefore necessary to try to keep the is set in motion. The starting of the cutters de- After the last nmnings have run off, the knives
be avoided. pressure difference as low as possible and to pends above all on the ease of lautering of the are set at right angles or, in modern lauter tuns,
310 311

the spent grain removing bearn is lowered and tes and frames. The plate and frame filter uni tis
the spent grains pushed out through the spent delimited by a fi xed (3) and movable end plate
grain opening. (4) which are pressed together during filtration.
Using a two-hourly rhytlun the following ti- The essential operating parts of the filter are
mes need to be calculated (in min): the frames and plates (5). The frames serve to
3 3
Water supply 2 hold the spent grains, they are square and u su-
Filling 8 ally about 1.2 x 1.2 m in size. The frame depth is
Drawing off 2 6 cm which allows the frames to hold 0.8 to 1.0
Pumping off of hI each. Their number can vary between 10 and
cloudy wort 3 total 15 60 depending on the size of the filter. Since on-
First wort 45 ly the frames receive spent grains, the capacity
Second wort 45 total 90 of the filter can be calculated by multiplying the
Emptying 3 capacity of a frame by the number of frames.
Release 1
Removal of spent grains 8
Rinsing of false bottom 2
Emptying 1 total 15
Total time required 120 min Fig.3.5S
Mnsh filter (tmditiollnl type)
3.3.4 Wort separation with a mash filter (1) Sllpport jrallle, (2) cnrrier uenlll, (3) wd plnte, (4) IIlOvnule elld plnte, (5) frn llles nlld plntes, (6) cOlllpressillg device, (7)
IInlld PllIllP, (8) Illnsh sllpply pipe, (9) colltml vnlve, (10) Illnsh slIpply pipe fixed to end plnte, (11) IIlnsh sllpply pipe to lIlovnulc
Mash filters provide a competing system to the
elld plntc, (12) sh II t-off vnlve, (13) sigh t glnss, (14) 1IlnllOlllctel; (1S) snfety vnlve, (16) IlOt wnter sllpply pipe, (17) cold wn ter
lauter tWl, but they are not as widely used . In- slIpply pipe, (18) lIlixillg IIl1it, (19) tllel'lllOllletel; (20) spnrgc wntcr sllpply pipe, (21) IIlnll ollleterfor spalge IOn tcl; (22) valve for
stead of the thick spent grain layer in the lauter lower spnrge pipe, (23) valve for IIpper spnrgc pipc, (24) /'/III -off tap, (2S) IIl1iversnl tnp, (26) wort gm llt, (27) wort rllll-off pipc,
tun, through which filtration occurs, in a mash (28) dirty watcr drnill pipe, (29) spellt grnill t/'OlIgh, (30) grnte unrs
filter the spent grain layer is only about 4 to 6
cm thick and the filtration occurs here primari- form a continuous mash delivery channel washing the filter cloths
ly through close-meshed filter cloths. This en- which is not cOlmected to the plates at all. The- Traditional mash filters are hardly ever used
ables better recovery of the extract absorbed in Seqlle/lce offmllles nlld plntes ill n fi lter se holes are cOlmected to the interior of the nowadays. As a result, detailed descriptions of
the spent grains . Recently mash filters have (1) fmllle frames by a slit-like channel. Rubber seals are the operating sequences are omitted here, illld
been developed starting from completely new (2) plnte witll slIpply pipe nt tile uOttO/II (wn ter plnte) inserted in each frame to prevent wort loss. The their descriptions can be referred to in previous
(3) plnte witll slIpply pipe nt tile top (wort plnte)
points of view. In considering mash filters a di- seals must be renewed illmually since the elasti- editions of this book.
(4) filter clotll
stinction must therefore be made between tra- (S) tnp (ch ick) city of the rubber decreases with time illld the
ditional mash filters, such as were made before filter is no longer sealed (Fig. 3.59). New generation mash filters
about 1970, and the new filters . In the competition for yield illld brew frequen-
Because, after mashing off, all the frames Operating sequence of a traditional cy between lauter tuns illld mash filters, a new Traditional mash filters mllst be filled with spent grains, the amOlmt of mash filter generation of filters was brought onto the mar-
grist must be adapted to the filter capacity. It is The sequence of operations when using a tradi- ke t in the last decade which was a substantial Traditional mash filter design calculated that 1.2 to 1.4 hi of spent grains are tional mash filter consists of several stages: improvement on the old filters .
The traditional mash filter has undergone a produced from 100 kg of grist. The vollU11e is preparation of the filter
number of changes in the course of the years less the finer the milling was. At the top of each pumping in of the mash illld rwming off of Mash filter Meura 2001
but its basic structure has remained the same. It frame there is a circular hole twice as deep as the first wort The mash filter Meura 2001 (Fig. 3.63) consists
comprises (Fig. 3.55) a stable carrier frame (1) the body of the frame. When the filter is assem- sparging and rum-ling off of the second worts of illl alternating series of membrillle chamber
with supporting crossbeams (2) to hold the pla- bled by pushing the units together these holes opening up the filter modules and plates (Fig. 3.63a) made of the
312 313

ve ry poor hea t conductor pol ypropylene . The prox. 4 cm thick frames (5) screwed together on delivery and remova l from below minima l oxy- plates, without w hich the description of the
plates were initially made as grid plates, and la- both sides of the membrane. On the other side gen uptake is achieved. funct ions could not be followed .
ter as grooved full plates which, h owever, is not the spent gra ins are held back by grid plates (6). A chaJmel in the upper portion enables remo-
significa nt as far as their function is concerned . These polypropylene plates, too, are approx. va l of air whilst filling the filter. FiIliug the filter (a):
The pl ates and modules h ave an external size of 4 cm thick and are covered on both sides by a In tota l the filter (Fig. 3.63b) consists of a fixed Th e mash is pumped from below, using a pres-
3 3
2.0 x 1.8 m and a filter contains up to 60 plates. polypropylen e filter cloth (9) through which (1) and a mova ble endpl ate (2) between which sure of 0.15 to 0.2 bar overpressure, through the
the firs t wort and spa rged wort can flow. When the up to 60 plates (3) and modules (4) rest mo- channel at the bottom (Fig. 3.63b, 7) into both si-
the filter is pressed together, therefore, there is vably on support beams (5). The mash inl et (6) des of the membrane chamber module. The
a space abo ut 4 cm thi ck which receives the and wor t outlet (7) are iJl the fixed endpJ ate. firs t wort nms off through the cloths on the grid
sp ent gra ins between each membrane ch amber Compressed air is suppli ed through a fixed pi - plate immediately.
module and filter plate. pe (8) above the filter which is connected to the
In the lower part of the filter, wide ch annels modules through long compressed air pipes, al- Filteri/lg the /IIash, 1'I11/I/i/lg off the first wort (b):
nm at the front and back through all the modu- lowing them to be moved for spent grain remo- Wh.ilst the mash is pumped in completely the
les and grid plates. One channel (7) is for deli- val. The spent g rain trou gh (9) receives the increasingly thick spent grain cake can build up
vering the mash, and later the sparge water. It is spent grains and removes them. The entire pro- grad ually inside the chamber becau se the first
cOimected with every membrane module. The cess is automatically controlled by built-in mea- wort is numing off all the time. The pressure in-
chalmel at the other side (8) receives and remo- sming and control devices. creases slightly during the firs t 10 min and then
ves the wort and spa rgings. As a result of the remains approximately constant at 0.4 to 0.5 bar
Opemti/lg sequellce whell Tauteri11g witlt the overpressure. When all the mash has been nm
filter Meum 2001 (Fig. 3.64) into the filter, all the chambers should be full of
In the following the opera tional sequ en ce is spent grains. Running off of the first wort takes
described and clarified by means of diagrams. abo ut 20 min.
In the diagram s specia l value has been pl aced If a part of the malt grist has been replaced by
on the clarification of the inflow and discha rge. adjunct, equivalents have to be ca lClLlated be-
As a result the representation of the filter cloths cause the volmnes then change and an insuffi-
above the plates has inevitably had to be so- Ciently filled filter causes yield losses as the
mewhat reduced. In all the illu strations, a close- sparging water then runs through the filter lU1-
ly fitting filter cloth is visible either side of the used.
Fig. 3.63
Maslt fi lter lVreum 2001
(Pltoto: Mellm, Pel"ll we/z, Belgilll1l) 1 8 z 5
Fig. 3.63v
The membrane chamber module (1) consists Ivrashfilter Mellm 2001 (pril1ci-
of a thin, approximately 1 cm thick grooved pie)
plate (2) covered on both sides by an elastic pla- (1) fixed mdplate
(2) 11I0vavie cl1dplate
stic membrane (3). The plate is cOimected by a
(3) grid plale
hose connector (4) to a thick compressed air pi- Fig.3 .63a (4) 11I0dllie
pe above the filter. This enables compressed air Mas/l filter Mellm 2001 - l1Iel1lVmlle clln/llver 11I0dllie alld (5) slIpporl veal1l
to be forced between the thin plates and the pla- grid plate (6) l1Iasit slIpply lille
(1 ) 11I0dllle, (2) cltn/11Ielled plate, (3) elastic plastic l1Iel1lVml1e, (7) worl rel1loval
s tic membranes at the appropriate time. Beca u-
(4) Itose col1l1ectorfor col1lpressed air (frol1l ti,e side), (8) col1lpressed air Sllpply
se the membranes are elastic they bow out and (5) fral1le, (6) grid plate, (7) l1Iasit il1let clWl1l1e/, (8) wort 011t- (9) spel1t gm il1 trollgll witlt ap-
press against the spent grains located in the ap- let clwl1l1el, (9) filter clotlt plicalioll screw

a eft
314 315

3.64a 3.64b First co mpression (c): Spellt grail I di scharge (j):

When the first wort has run off the spent grains On opening the filter the spent grains fall into
are compressed. For this the membranes of the the trough and are removed. Examination is ne-
mem brane modules are pressed against the cessary to ensure there are no residual spent
3 spent grains, by means of compressed air at 0.5 grains. The process takes about 10 min. After- 3
to 0. 6 bar overpressure, and thereby force the wards the filter is closed again and is ready for .
residual first wort out. The thickness of the lay- the next brew. The filter cloths are not removed
er of spent grains is thereby reduced from 4 to for cleaning. Opening and closing of the filter is
3 cm. This process lasts about 5 min, and imme- performed automatically but can easily be in-
diately afterwards sparging occurs. terrupted by an operator if necessary.
The total occupancy time of the filter is thus
Spllrgillg (d): 100 to 110 min and it is possible to have two
The sparging consists of two steps: in the first hour brew sequences = 12 brews a day.
3.64c 3.64d step the sparge water (green) is pum.ped in from
below and tal<es up the space which has become Clea1lillg at the elld of the brewillg weele
free due to the membranes being forced back af- At the end of the brewing week the cloths are
ter the compressed air was forced back. As soon cleaned by spraying without being taken out.
as the filter is filled with water, the second worts Filling and force circulating a 2.5 to 3% sodimTI
are drained from top and bottom lmder a conti- hydro xide solution at 75 to 80°C for several
nuouS inflow of sparge water. The 78°C sparge hours to dissolve particles is advisable. The still
water extracts the spent grains when it flows remaining residue (spent grains and sludge
tJu-ough them and the sparged wort nms off be- material) is removed and the filter thoroughly
hind the filter cloths on the grid plates. This pro- rinsed with water.
cess takes 50 to 55 min and is inevitably the lon-
gest. Th e pressme in the filter thereby increases C0111111ellcelllellt of mash separation at the start
to 0.6 (to 0.8) bar overpressme. In this time the of II Ilew brewillg weele
3.64e 3.64f concenh·ation finally sinks to that of the last nm- At the start of a new brevving week the filter
nings at 0.8% to 1% extract content. must be heated up and should be neutralised
with a sligh tly acidic solution. It should b e no-
Filial compressioll (e): ted that, at the end of a brewing week, the out-
Finally the spent grains aTe compressed again and side of the filter is scarcely hot to touch and it
for this the pressme is finally increased to 0.8 bar does not radiate any heat.
overpressme. The residual exh·act is thereby re- The working life of the filter cloth is given at
moved and the spent grains dried to a solid mat- 2,000 to 3,500 brews (in the case of pale lager
ter content of about 25 to 30%. With this consi- beer).
stency the spent grains can still be h·ansported
easily. ll1e water content can be reduced even mo- Thin-layer Chamber Mash Filter
re by even greater compression (up to more than (Ziemann, Ludwigsburg)
1.2 bar overpressme), but the spent grains are The thin-layer chamber mash filter consists of
then so dry that no slugs are formed in the pipe polypropylene plates with a chamber depth of
Fig. 3.64 n-f
and brid ge formation occms in the spent grains 45 - 50 mm, alternating with polypropylene fil-
Operatillg sel/Ilellce of IIlnsil filter !Vfeura 2001
(n) fil/illg tile filtel; (h) 1"/II1llillg off tile first wort, Ic) first cOlllpressioll, (d) spn rgillg, (e) fillnl collipressioll, (f) spell t graill discil- silo. ntis mal<es it more difficult to transport the ter cloths firmly fixed to plates. The plates, with
nrge spent grains. llw process tal<es about 10 min. a plate size of 1.5m x 2.0 m or 2.1m x 2.1 m, are
316 317

fed into the collecting vessel, whilst the air is C1enl1il1g

displaced upwards out of the chambers. As After the second worts bave nm off, the filter is
soon as the filter is filled, the mash continues to opened in cycles, the spent grains are removed
flo w in only through the upper mash chalUlel and the filter cloths are cleaned of all spent grain
3 (2), and the lower mash channel is closed. Tbis residue by means of an automatic cleaning plant. 3
ensures a homogeneous mash storage. The flow The occupancy time of the filter is specified as
rate of the infeed is regulated according to the 90 minutes in total, which corresponds to a pos-
pressure flow. sible brew cycle of 16 brews per day. The filter is
advantageous because of its lower investment
Spnrgi/lg costs and the lower nmning costs of operation,
For sparging, the sparge water is fed into every since there are no membranes to wear out.
second plate in such a way that the second
worts can nm off the intervening plates (3), af- Lambda-Mash Filter
ter running all the way through the spent (Landaluce, Torrelavega, Spain)
grains. In the case of the Lambda-Filter made by the
The sparging direction can be changed from Landaluce company, Torrlavega, Spain (Fig .
3 4 brew to brew by feeding the sparge water to the 3.65), there is not the usual alternation between
otber plates in the next brew (4). This has the frames and plates, but only homogeneous pla-
advantage that the filter cloths are at least par- tes made from polypropylene of types 1 and 2,
tially backflushed and therefore cannot get which are arranged on alternating sides, one
blocked so quickly. behind the other (Fig. 3.65b) .

TiTill-/nyeJ' ciTnllluer IIInsiT fillel; operntillg seqllell ce (Z ielllnllil GrOllp),
e.rp/nllntiolls ill text

suspended and are cleaned by an automatic Opemtiolln / procedllre

high pressure cleaning plant in a maintenance-
friendly way. Filter fillillg twd rllllllillg off of tile first wort
Since the filter works with very finely pulve- (Fig, 3,63c, 1)
rised grist fronl the Dispax mill or hanuner mill, Because of a low-oxygen mash storage, the fil-
the thin spent grain layer of 40 - 45 mm means ter is filled within about 3 - 4 min via the lower
there is no need for membranes to press the mash channel. The first wort flows downwards Fig. 3.65
spent grains togetber. behind the filter clotbs along the plates and is Model'll IIInshfi/ter T!II'e Lnillurln-Fi/ter (Lnllrlnillce COII/pnlllf' Torreln vegn, Spnill)
318 319

For the introduction of the mash (Fig. 3.65a; A B

a a) these filters each have a channel above and 3
1 3 3 3
below the plates which has access to each plate,
thus filling the hollow spaces between the pla- t
tes with mash (Fig. 3.65b; 3). On both sides of 3
the plates - moulded onto both sides - there are
synthetic filter cloths (4) through which the
wort is filtered whilst the spent grains remain
WORT I in the hollow spaces (3).
These filter systems do without synthetic
membranes and hence the possible additional
WORT pressing out of the spent grains.
'J 3 3 1 3 1 4 4 4

Opemtiollai seqllellce with the Lambda-Filter c o

(Fig. 3.65c)
WATER Fillil1g a11d /'/Il1l1il1g off of the first wort (a)
The mash is introduced through the channel be-
low the filter into each plate; air leaves the filter
through the channels above the filter. As Soon
as the mash has filled the chamber, mash is also
pumped in from above (1). The first wort flows
through the adjacent filter cloth and is drained
off from the bottom or top through the side
channel (3) . With this filter also, care has to be
taken that all chambers are filled to the top with 4 4 4
spent grains because otherwise, during the en- Fig. 3.65c
Fig. 3.650 Operntiollol seqllellce witil tile Lmllbdo-Filter (Lm ldo/ll ce, Torre/o uego)
Operntiollol seqllellce of tile LOll/bdo-Filter suing sparging, the water can flow off tillused.
a) Fillillg olld I'llllllillg of the first wort, b) sporgillg, c) evoCllo fioll IIIlder press ure, d) rell/ouillg tile spellt grnills
(0) PUll/pillg ill of tile ll/osil olld I'llllllillg off of tile firs t wort
(b) Spmgillg olld I'lllillillg off of tile secolld wort Spargil1g (b)
For sparging, the sparge water is introduced on maining second worts out of the spent grains In the case of modern filters, the following ti-
I every second plate to the side channels arranged (4), more or less drying them. mes can be calculated:

,t7 I V .v
one on top of the other on one side (4) . TIle water
nillS through the spent grains and increasingly Relllovil1g the spel1t grail1s (d)
filling the filter
8 min
3 min
extracts them; the second worts drain off from Finally the chambers are opened and the spent running off of first wort 15 min
the top and bottom on the plates in between (3). grains can drop out of the filter (5). sparging 65 min
TIlen the direction is changed and the water in- pressing out 6 min
h'oduced to the in-between plates, and the se- A dvantages of modern opening the filter 1 min

7 Fig. 3.65b
(1) filter plate type 1
cond worts drained to the other plates, This ensu-
res a good extraction of the spent grains.
mash filter systems
The ad vantages of modern filters are quoted as
moving the plates
closing the filter
13 min
1 min
(2) f ilter plate type 2 being: total 111 min
(3) 1I01l0w space for tile illtoke The lautering time of two hours is reliable, The filter delivers a clear wort quality and
Evacllatiol1 IIl1der presslI re (c)
of spw t grnills
Subsequently, air is blown in tlU'ough the chan- making it possible to have 12 brews a day, very low turbidity values. This is due to the
(4) close fittillg Sljllt/letic filter
clotil nel above the plates (2), which presses the re- and in some cases even more. tightly meshed filter cloths and the fine grist.
320 321

The brew house yield is the sam e as, and part- tel' tlm dwindle consid erably. In general, the
ly even higher than labora tory y ields; this is advantages of mash filters are more ev ident in
mainly because of the very fine milling and large breweries.
the intensive ex traction of the spent g rains.
The malt quality has a considerable effect on 3.3.5 Spent grains
3 3
the yield and lautering times. On spent grain discha rge, about 100 to 130 kg of
Oxygen uptake is minim al due to introdu cti - sp ent gra ins containing 70 to 80% water are ob-
Fig. 3.66: Spen t grnil/ s trnl/sfer
on of the mash from below. tained from 100 kg of malt; this is 21 to 22 kg
(1) SPell t grn il/ il/tnke, (2) Spe/lt grnil/ screw COI/Ve l/ol; (3) stoppel; (4) pipe to spel/t grnil/ silo
Hammer mills are used for milling because it sp ent grains / hi beer.
is possible to do w ithout the husks as filter Dried spent grains ha ve approximately the
material. Here, too, the composition of the followin g composition:
grist remains the key to success regarding a protein 28. 0% Transfer of spent grains
high yield . Some breweries mill the m alt in a fat 8.2% The wet spent grains fall out of the discharge
traditional malt mill to gris t with an approx. nitrogen-free extrac t 41.0% shaft of the lauter ttm into the spent grains con-
50 % proportion of flour, remo ve the husks cellulose 17.5% veyor (Fig. 3.66) sittIated benea th the lauter ttm.
and mill them with a hammer mill. inorganic material 5.3% A screw conveyor then transports the spen t

For good filtration the following (hamm er The spent grains are sold as cattle food if pos- grains to the outlet. TIle spent grains are slightly
mill) grist composition is suggested: sible. The nutritional value of sp ent grain is ap- thickened by this. At the end of the screw the
sieve 1 < 1% proximately one-fifth of that of the same spent grain is transferred by compressed air, in
sieves 2 + 3 < 9% amolmt of barley. This is Lmderstandable if one separate portions, in pipes to the spent grain si lo
sieves 4 + 5 > 55% remembers that as much extract as possible is (Fig. 3.67). The spent grains are separated from
bottom > 35% removed during mashing. The advantage of the h'allSpor ting air by a blow off valve alld fall
The filter is easy to handle and Ettie work is in- spent grain is its better digestibility compared down into the silo. They are then transp orted by
volved. This, depends on the quality with the original material. a conveyor screw to the already present removal
and hence the working life of the filter cloths. Spent grain s do not contain any vitamins and lorry, the amoLUlt of spent grains delivered being
TIle operating costs of mod ern mash filters so they Calmot be used on their own as arUmal measlU'ed electronically. The removal device is
feed . The spent grains s till contain su ga r and a protected from freezing. 4
are considerably influenced by the durability
of the filter cloths and the mechanics for the lot of protein. Consequently in warm weather
plate transp ort as well as the hydraulics. they can easily become sour. Spent grain analysis
TIle energy costs for extremely fine conuninurr- There is however not always, or everywhere, Analysi s of the spent grain provides an exact
Fig. 3.67
on are greater than those for traditional milEng. a demand for spent grains by neighbol1l'ing far- inform ation of how much ex tract materi al is Spell t g raill silo
In more recent times, wet mills (Meura) and mers. In that case, their rapid and satisfactory still present in the spent grains. The total extract (1) spellt graill ill let , (2) il/ dicator , (3) paddle screw to nvoid
the di sp ersing mash process "Dispax" (Zie- disposa l must be arranged before they turn in the spent grains consists of extract w hi ch can tile jorlll atioll of bridgillg , (4) SPellt grnill screw cOll veyor
(5) spellt grnill disc/lflIge
maml), as well as hammer mills, are used for sour alld start to smell. be washed out and extractable extract. The ex-
the ex tremely fine comminution of malt. With It is however becoming increasingly difficult tract which can be washed out, or soluble ex-
increasing comminution, however, the particles for breweries to dispose of spent grains. More tract, is usually measured using liquid pressed Washable extract
also compact, thus making the pressing out of alld more breweries are therefore starting to dry out of spent grains, the total ex tract is obtained The ex tract which Call be washed out, i.e. the so-
the compacted sp ent grains more difficult. the spent gra ins alld burn them (see Sect. 9.3.1). by boiling the spent grains and then using an luble extrac t, is measured by a rapid method in-
Moreover, it should not be forgo tten that mo- As a result of this, a considerable part of the enzyme treahnent. The difference between the volving pressing the spent grains in a h and
dern lauter tlUlS also make 12 brews a d ay pos- energy used in the brewhouse can be recover- total extract and the extract which can be was- press, filtration of the ex tract throu gh a fluted
sible the expenditure of energy is likewise very ed. Another way is in fermentin g the spent hed out represents the ex trac table extrac t. filter, and use of a hydrometer.
low as well as the amolLnt of work. As a result grains and producing biogas, the burning of From the results conclusions Call be drawn The soluble extract is reported as a percenta-
the advantages of the mash filter versus the lau- which can also result in the recovery of energy. about the brewhouse operations. ge and is usually 0.8 m ass 'Y o.

Callses of high sol1lble extract vailles

Cause Effect Remedy Cause Effect Remedy

diffusion of the extract retained in spent use well modified malt Poorly modified diffi cult for enzy mes to reach interior of use well modified m alt
3 Poorly modified 3
malt grain particles is slower and less com- malt particles
plete than with well modified malt
Grind too coa rse du e to wrong mill setting, worn rollers, change the se tting, reshar-
Grist too fine the grist becomes doughy and extraction use a coarser grist milling too fas t, or malt too wet p en th e rollers, mill more
of the s pent grain cake is more difficult slowly

Lautering time too the ex tract held in the spent grains can- sparge for a long enough time; Mash process too inadequate extraction of the malt and/or lise a longer and more inten-
short not diffuse into the sparge water suffi- more smaller sparges extract short or lmsuitable adjunct sive mash process, boil the
ciently in the time available better than a continuous sparge cooked mash lon ger, boil
more thi ck mash, mill more
Unequal mash variable spent grain depths in the lauter obtain uniform depth by better finely
deposition tlm result in differences in efficiency of distribution with the rake unit
extraction of the particles Extractable extract exact figure for the loss, the extract in the spent
Compaction of the compacted portions of the spent grains turn back the lauter taps to re- (laboratory analysis) grains is related to the amount of malt used to
spent grains are no longer extracted (extract islands) duce suction; use a lauter tun In addition to the soluble ex tract, the spent give the loss in kg p er 100 kg malt. Usually 1.1
manometer grains contain substances which can be broken to 2.5 kg extract per 100 kg malt is lost.
down but were not brou ght into solution du-
Unsatisfactory initi- the space below the false bottom can so- open the lauter taps fully du- ring mashing. This material is ca lled extractable 3.4 Wort boiling
al drawing off metim es be blocked by the bottom ring drawLng off extract. To measure the amount present, 25 g of The wort obtained is boiled for 50 to 60 mum-
dough resulting in Lmequal wort l'lm-off milled dry spent grains are boiled for 15 min tes. During this time the hops are added.
with the addition of specific enzyme prepara ti- During wort boiling bitter and aromatic hop
First wort concen- not enough sparge water is available for use a higher first wort concen- ons and then mashed with added enzymes components are transferred into the wort and
tration too low sparging tration (18 to 20%); llsing the Congress mash procedure. simultaneously proteu1s are precipitated .
require a first wort sparged With this process a total ex tract of 1.3 to 1.8% Wort boiling is performed in the wort kettle
wort ratio of 1:1 to 1:1.2 is obtained. which is equipped with everything n eeded for
The extractable extract is obtained from the boiling. When the entire brew in the wort kettle
RlIlU1ing-off too cooling of the lauter tun or use of too keep the temperature as near to difference: total extract - soluble extract is combined, one speaks of "Pfaru1evollwi.irze"
cold cold sparge water reduces spent grain 78 °C as possible throu ghout The ex tractable extract is usually about 0.8%. (copper wort). The end product of wort boilu1g
extraction since it becomes compacted lautering; the tun must be insll- It allows important conclusions to be drawn is the finished wort.
lated to prevent cooling about the brewhouse operations before laute-
ring. 3.4.1 Wort boiling operations
Unequal and too slow or too rapid filling causes une- the grist charge must be appro- During wort boiling a number of important
lU1satisfactory fil- qual filling of the chambers of the filter priate for the number and size Relation of the extract content of the processes occur:
ling of the filter of th e fram es; filling mu st be spent grains to the malt llsed extraction and transformation of hop compo-
chambers performed uniformly; the pres- The soluble and extractable extract remaining nents,
sure should only increase in the spent grains is lost from the wort and de- formation and precipitation of protein-poly-
slowly creases the brewhollse yield. To obtain a more phenolcompounds,

324 325

evaporation of water, 1. The nature of the isohLLmulone: different a.- Hop polyphenols are water soluble and dis- the beer. Protein precipitation is therefore vie-
wort sterilisation, acid components al'e isomerised to different solve immediately. The hop polyphenols inclu- wed from a different perspective today in that
destruction of all enzymes, extents. Cohumulone gives the best isohu- de the anthocyanogens, tannins and catechins. not all coagulable protein has to be precipita-
thermal exposure of the wort, mulone yield. By using hop varieties with a They play an essential role in break formation ted, rather a part should be retained for better
lowering of the pH of the wort, higher proportion of cohumulone (e.g. Nort- (see next Sect.). foam retention.
3 3
formation of reducing substances and hern Brewer) a more bitter beer is obtained. The polyphenols have an anti-oxidising ef- To achieve this, modern wort boiling me-
evaporation of lmdesirable aroma substances. 2. Duration of boiling: with increasing boiling fect and thus have a positive influence on the thod s avoid long and intensive boiling. Thus
time the isohumulone yield increases. Most flavour stability of the beer [368]. The protecti- high molecular weight proteins, which during Extraction and transformation of hop of the a.-acid is isomerised at the beginning of on agai nst oxidation provided by the polyphe- long and intensive boiling would otherwise
components boiling and the isomerisation rate progressi- nols thereby supplements the protection provi- precipitate, remain dissolved in the wort, pro-
The important components of hops for beer vely decreases as boiling continues. After boi- ded by sulphite . An increased polyphenol viding the expectation of a better foam retenti-
production are: ling for 1 h, most of the bittering substances content should thus be aimed for during mas- on. Furthermore, energy costs are reduced by a
hop resins or hop bitter substances, are isomerised. lung, w hils t at all costs avoiding the access of shorter and less intensive boiling process.
hop oil, 3. The pH: a higher pH always gives better iso- oxygen. The (clear) finished wort contains approx.
hop polyphenols. merisation, but the bitterness obtained at a lo- 1,000 mg total nitrogen/I. Of this, approx. 200
The hop resills or bitter sllbstallces are the wer pH is always considered to be more ba- Precipitation of protein mg/l (150-350 mg/I) is nitrogen precipitable
most important component of hops for beer pro- lanced and finer. As a result of their molecule size, the high mo- with magnesium sulphate (MgSO,-N). With
duction because they give the beer its bitter taste. 4. The humulone concentration: the isohumulo- lecular weight proteins - insofar as they are so- this method high molecular weight protein
The a.-acids are completely insoluble in cold ne yield decreases as the amount of hops ad- luble - tend to coagulate on boiling. In doing so, components are detected. There is a close link
wort. In boiling wort, changes in the structures ded increases. The decrease is, however, only they bond with the polyphenols in the hops and between the MgSO,-N and the foam of the beer.
of a.-acid occur which are referred to as isome- over a narrow range (up to 10%). malt, which accelerates the coagulation. A higher MgSO,-N value means one can expect
risation. The iso-compounds produced are 5. Precipitation of the isohumulone with the The polyphenols of the malt are thereby mo- a better foam retention.
much more soluble than the a.-acids from break: a considerable amount of the isohu- re sluggish in reaction than those of the hops. In addition, the free amino nitrogen (FAN) in
which they are formed. mulone is absorbed on the break. Since the polyphenols exist in partly oxidised the fuushed wort is determuled by which the
Isomerisation of a.-acids during boiling is far 6. Increasing isolTlerisation: for example, vvith form and the proteins have varying molecule si- amino acids and the final amino groups of pep-
from complete. On average only about one- the aid of higher temperatures. zes, very different compOlUlds with varying be- tides and proteuls are detected . For a satisfacto-
third of the a.-acid added is recovered in the 7. Size of the hop fragments extracted: milling haviour are formed: ry fermentation 220 to 250 mg free amino nitro-
boiled wort in the form of iso-compolmds. Mo- of the hops increases the rate of extraction Compounds of proteins and polyphenol s gen/I is required in the pitching wort. SUlce the
reover, in the subsequent course of beer pro- and thus the bitter substance yield (see pellet and compounds of nitrogen containing sub- yeast CaImot use all the amino acids, 100 to 120
duction substantial amounts of bitter substan- and extract production). stances and oxidised polyphenols are insoluble mg/l FAN still remaU1U1 the beer.
ces are removed. It can be calculated that, of the Hop oil is volatile dming wort boiling, the mo- when heated and precipitate during wort boi- By reducing the length of boilu1g, boiling mo-
amount dissolved during boiling, the following re so the longer the boil. It has been mentioned ling as break. By break is meant the visible re gently at a lower temperature and forming
amounts remain: (Sect. that there is a greater variation in break flakes which form when boiling the wort. fewer shear forces, more coagulable nitrogen
Bitter with a rela- the aroma strength and pleasanhless of different A coarse flaked break was always a sign of good remains Ul the wort giVUlg rise to the expectati-
substance tive bitter- hop oils. It is therefore desirable to retain at least protein precipitation and thus good stability on of better foam retention. 20 to 40 mg coagu-
amOlUlt ness value of part of the best hop oil in the wort and conse- against haze formation. In the past it was al- lable nitrogen/litre cold wort is desirable. At the
in spent hops 20% 7% quently in the beer. As a result, in most breweries ways seen as advantageous to precipitate these sa me time, the formation of ageing relevant
in trub 50% 18% the hops with the best aromas - the aroma hops - compounds completely. This required a long substances is reduced.
at the top and in yeast 10% 25% are added only 15 to 20 min before casting, to re- boiling duration, wluch until only a few deca- Attention has to be paid however to adequa-
in beer 20% 50% tain at least part of the best hop oil, provided va- des ago, was always 2 hours. te evaporation of free DMS «100 mg/l). Fur-
The isohUl11ulone yield on boiling and conse- lue is placed on this. It is also possible to add the In the meantime, energy prices have continu- thermore, biological acidification of the wort
quently the bitterness of the beer essentially de- final hops in the whirlpool, which may however ally increased and methods have been develo- lead s to better foam values as a result of better
pends on lead to h'ub problems. ped to remove haze forming substances from fermentation.

326 327 Evaporation of water Evaporation of wa ter has another very im- beer by first or last rlllUlings during filtration bee r is made for diabetics (Sect. 7.3.2), malt ex-
The evaporation of water is the result of an in- portant asp ect: lead to the original wort gravity fa lling below the tract or first wort must be added later to degra-
tensive boiling process. A great deal of value The greater the evaporation the more sparge desired concentration. Attempts are therefore de the s tarch completely to the iodine normal
has always been placed on this because through water can be used previously. Thus extensive made not to fall below the desired original wort s tate or to fermentable sugars.
evaporation simultaneously improves the yield. gravity content, leaving scope for 0.1 to 0.3% dif-
the vigorous movement of the kettle contents, a 3
good protein precipitation (break formation) However it would not pay to boil intensively and ference depending on brewery specifications. Thermal exposure of the wort
was reckoned with . for a long time because of the improved yield, Control of the extrac t content is a very impor- During boiling, further Maillard products and
Only a few decades ago a high rate of evapo- since the cost of the en ergy needed is much tant flU1c tion of the brewhou se manager. It is la- Strecker aldehydes are formed, tamlins oxidi-
ration was therefore a criterion for the quality greater than the profit from the extract (threshold ter ex tremely difficult to correct. sed and thus the thermal exposure of the wort is
of a wort kettle, and a kettle with a rate of eva- for use of last runnings, see Sect. 3.3.2). further increased; the wort becomes increasingly
poration of 10 to 15% of the wort content was Because only water is evaporated, the extract Wort sterilisation darker. The thermal loading, expressed in TBI, ri-
considered to be a high performance kettle. In content of the wort must increase . Correspon- Many bacteria and moulds which, if they are not ses with increasing boiling duration and also du-
th e meantime this has changed, as will be ding to the different ex tents of evaporation in desh'oyed, can quickl y make the beer go sour or ring the whirlpool rest (Fig. 3.67c). Since the TBI
shown. Today a rate of evaporation of 4% is ai- different kettles, the value depends on the pro- change its flavour pass into the mash with the at the sam e time represents a standard for the fla-
med for with good evaporation efficiency. cess plant used. It increases with the percentage malt d ust. On boiling the wort all micro-organ- vour stability of the it is desirable not to boil
The measure of evaporation is the amount of evaporation and the increase in extract from the isms contained in the wort are ki lied and the wort too long or too vigorously.
evaporated water during the boiling time (total 1mboiled to the final wort can be more than 2%. is sterilised. This is the last time that we are Modern wort boiling procedures therefore mi-
evaporation). The total evaporation shows During lautering (Fig. 3.45) it was seen that the dealing with a sterilised product. From now on, nimise the thermal exposlU'e. The TBI of the wort
what percentage of the amount of unboiled extract content of the first wort has to be 5 to 6% exh'eme biological caution is necessary. before boiling begins (lU1boiled wort) is about 20
wort has been evaporated. higher than the unboiled wort because conside- to 22 and is considerably increased as a result of
Evaporation of water uses energy and energy rable dilution occurs during sparging. Now the Destruction of all enzymes boiling. The TBI of the cast wort should be below
is expensive. It is therefore preferable extract content increases through evaporation. Dming wort boiling the few enzymes still pre- 45 and the TBI of the cold wort after the wort coo-
to boil no longer than necessary, The final wort (Fig. 3.67b, 3) therefore again has sent are completely destroyed. Consequently a ler should be below 60. The TBI falls again during
not to evaporate unnecessarily large amolmts a higher concentration. The concentration of the subsequent uncontrolled alteration of the wort fermentation and maturation to about 30; howe-
of water, and pitching wort (4), like that of the original composition can no longer occur. When subse- ver, thjs value depends the prev iolls highest va-
to recover at least part of the energy used . gravity (5), is determined by the brewery speci- quent changes are necessa ry, for example when lue which should be kept as low as possible. As a
fications for the particular beer type. the cast wort still contains starch haze or diet result one speaks of a temporary TBI.
Allowance must also be made for the
19 change in concentration which occurs
18 60
during cooling. This change depends

.S; 16
-+- I
- f-- - -
- r----
on the brewing plant. Formerly, a lar-

ge amolU1t of water evaporated with

.l!:! 15
I - --
t open cooling. As a result of evaporati-
14 - - I- - - I--- - - r---- 40 - --
<:3 on the ex tract content increases; as a
- --
;}3 13
12 .- -+- I- - r---- - !-- result of the addition of sparge water,
30 - -- -

for example on the spent hops etc., it
Fig.3.67c :- - -- -

, ,,--,-- f
decreases. Today there is no further
eva poration and the concentration
only decreases minimally.
C/mllges ill tile tiliobnrbi-
Illric ncid illdex (TBI) f/'OII/
mnlt to beer

I r-
H -


2 3 4 5 (1) limit (Collgress wort), 10 r--
At the end of wort boiling, therefore,
Fig. 3.67b
Chnllges ill tile extract COli tell t fr011l tile first wort to tile origillnl gravity
the extract content has to be so adjusted
(2) IIlIboiled wort, (3) cns t
wort, (4) cold wort fo llo-
J- --- :---

tllat neither the changes through coo- willg tile wort coolel; 0
(1) firs I wort, (2) IIllboiled wort, (3) fillnl wort, (4) origillnl wort, (5) origi- 2 3 4 5
ling the wort nor later dilution of the (5) beer
IInl gravity estnblished fl'OllI the fillished beer (Sect. 7.4.3 .1)


sult of which more hops are needed. include fat degradation products su ch as hexa- portant for good beer foam and good flavour sta-
The main starting valu e is however represen-
It is therefore also preferable to aCidify the nal, hexanol, p entanol,'seve ral Strecker aldehy- bi li ty. In an y case attention must be paid to ensu-
ted by the TBI of the malt (expressed in the Con-
wort biologica ll y shortly before the end of boi- des such as 2 methy l-butanal, the latter bein g re good evaporation efficiency to prevent faults
gress wort); it is therefore desirable to keep the
ling to a pH of 5.1 to 5.2. an indicator of poor flavo ur s tability, and Mail- in the flavour of both fresh and aged beer.
TBI of the malt as low as possible « 14).
How this can be d one is described in Sect. lard products such as furfural. Thi s ca n be achieved by the use of pre-coolers 3
The TBI is not suitable, however, as a direct
3 The main control is ho wever direc ted to- or by stripping. When using a pre-cooler bet-
benchmark for the flavour stability of the beer.
wards the thermal splitting of the DMS precur- ween the cast wor t and whirlpool, the wor t first
For thi s the aniline index (AI) is measured, Formation of reducing substances sor and the removal of the free DMS which can has to be cooled to 85 °C, because otherwise
w hi ch records the ageing of the beer, particular-
(reductones) otherw ise leave a vegetable-like aroma and ta- above this tempera ture free DMS can be later
ly w hen stored in. warm conditions, or - even
Durin g wor t boilin g subs tan ces are form ed ste in the beer. As has already been mentioned formed by thermal splitting.
better - s tability is d etermined u sing an ESR
w hich can react w i th the oxygen in the wort and in kilning, a thorough splitting of the precursor In the case of pre-cooling before the wlurl-
spectrometer (see Sect.
thereby exert a reducing effect. These substan- and remova l of the free DMS is demanded of poo l, plate- type h ea t exch angers are mainly
ces are ca lled reductones. Th ese include, for ex- the malts tel's, beca use it is not possible to make used, an d for s trippin g a fter the whirlpool, Lowering the pH of the wort
ample, melanoid ins, the formation of which up for inadequate remo va l of DMS during malt mainl y fi lm evaporators, internal boilers as well
The wort becomes slightl y more acidi c since the
during kihling has already been described. prod uction by boiling in the wort kettl e. It is as stea m and air strippers are employed (Sect.
melanoidins formed on boiling are acidic and
During wort boiling the colour increases and therefore expected th at the DMS precursor con- In stripping, the free DMS formed later
the hops also con tribute som e acid .
only becomes pale again during fermentation tent in the malt does not exceed 5 mg/kg malt (= during the whirlpool res t is removed. Tlus can
The pH of unboiled wort without mash acidi-
(Fig. 3.67d) . 5 ppm). An at tempt must then be made to re- also occur w hen using the "Ca lypso" wlurlpool
fication is about 5.5 to 5.6.
move the s till remaining free DMS. system.
The pH of cast wort is about 5.4 to 5.5. Evaporation of undesirable aroma sub- The longer the wor t is boiled the greater the
Many important processes proceed better or
stances thermal splitting of the DMS precursor SMM, During fermentation, too, s till remaining free
more quickly at a lower pH. These include in
The wor t contains a range of more or less vola- and the more the free DMS is removed. The DMS is eliminated with the fermentation gases,
the case of wor t boiling
tile aroma substances w hich partly have a nega- main amOlmt of free DMS h as already been re- and the lugher the fermenta ti on temperatures,
less increase in wort colour at a lower pH,
tive effect on the beer arom a. In the interest of moved after 30 min boiling [246] (Fig. 3.68). The the grea ter the waslung ou t effect, which is, ho-
a better, clean tas ting hop bitterness at a lower
establishing an optimal aroma profile, it is ne- guide value for free DMS at the mid-cooling wever, inhibited by the cOlUlter-pressure. Es-
cessary to remove these undesirable aroma sub- point is < 100 If the boiling time is reduced, senti ally, the DMS content of the original wort
micro-organisms less resistant at a lower pH.
stances from the wort. As well as dimethyl sul- a re-forma tion of free DMS occurs at the end of is rep eated in the finished beer.
A disadvantage of using a lower pH is the
plude (DMS), these lmdesirable substances also boiling if the thermal splitting of the DMS pre- During tests at the VLB Central Laboratory in
worse hop bitter subs tance utilisa tion, as a re-
cursor was insufficient during boiling. 2006, the following values pertaining to free
It is therefore necessa ry to pay attention to the DMS and DMS-P (precursor) we re d etermined
removal of the late r formed free DMS. Tlus is im- [372]:

"" " OMS P Balance: reformation laler evaporalion

,,,, formation and evaporation
.... ..................
"" Time point No. of Mean values Limiting values
"X, samples DMS DMS-P DMS DMS-P

" Fig. 3.68 Unboiled wor t 12 293 167 76 - 637 64 - 332

)(0 -+------ --\
Millilllni nlld IIInxilllnl vnl lles of Start of boiling 8 91 168 20 - 469 108 - 265
free OMS dllrillg worl boilillg Cast wor t 25 57 < 10- 79 < 10 - 137
nlld lip 10 lIIiddle of coolillg pro-
Pitched wor t 28 49 23 15 - 77 < 10- 52
IS'T'I'I J.'m n -ISmn cess
Brokell lille: DivIS preCl/rsor Beer 90 40 16 < 10 - 365 < 10- 32
330 331

During later evaporation not only the later-for- presen t. Z inc assis ts protein synthesis in yeast Substances mean value (lim iting value) Steam temperature and pressure
med free DMS evaporates, but also considerable cells and controls their nucleic acid and carbo- analysed Water boils at 100 °C and the steam produced h as
proportions of the Strecker aldehydes and the h ydrate metabolism . Z inc is also a necessary the SCUlle temperature. Every child kn ows that
phenylethan als, w hilst the non-volatile aroma contact building block in alcoholic fe rmentati- Total nitroge n 1242 mg/I (1183 - 1282) but it only applies lmder stculdard atmospheric
substances mainly remain in the wort. These in- on (see Fig. 4.2, conversion No. 12 only occurs Coagul. nitrogen 59 mg/l (36 - 72) conditions. If the pressure in the vessel is increa-
3 3
clude Maillard products, which are also conside- in the presence of Zn). Zinc deficien cy in the MgSO,-nitrogen 368 mg/l (350 - 391) sed - e.g. if the vessel is closed, like a pressure
red to be indicators of thermal ex posure (thiobar- wort also there fore ca uses fermentation pro- Free amino nitrogen 224 mg/l (213 - 237) cooker - the wa ter boils at a higher temperatme.
bituric acid index). FmfuraJ, as a typica l agent, blems. It ca n be ass umed, however, that enough Dimethyl sulphide 464 pg/l (300 - 524) Every boiling temperature = steam temperatme
increases with time and is hardly evaporated at zinc is present in most worts. If fermentation DMS precursor 351 (223 - 552) is, under vapour saturated cond itions, associated
all. A low furfural content (300 - 350 indica- problems occu r, the zinc content sh ould there- TBI 44 (19 - 58) with a defin ed pressure as the fo llowin g exh'act
tes good f1 avom stability [307]. Furfural values fore be cont rolled (see Sect. fro m the Steam Table (sa turated conditions)
over 450 on the other hand are less desirable. 3.4.2 Design and heating of the w ort shows (see Sect. ):
Short boiling times and low thermal exposu- Unboiled wort - cast wort kettle
re of the wort lead to improved fl avo ur stabili- The begum of wort boiling is characterised by In the wort ke ttle the wor t is vigoro usly boiled Temperature in °C Stea m pressure Ul bar
ty. This also applies to the durati on of the whirl- the fa ct that the enti re brew is in the kettle. This for 50 to 60 min. The wort kettle mu st therefore 98 0.9430
pool res t [326]. POUlt Ul time is known as "Pfcume vo\l" (kettle be equipp ed with a powerful hea ting arrange- 105 1.2080
full) culd the wort at this POUlt in time as "Pfan- ment. With changes in the kettle h eatulg sy- 99 0.9776 Zinc content of the wort nevollw Li rze" (copper wo rt) . Unboiled worts stems, in the course of time the sh ape of the 106 1.2504
The most important trace element in wort is tested at the VLB had the followulg m ean and kettle has also chan ged. 100 1.0133
zinc, and at least 0.10 to 0.15 mg/l should be limitiIlg values [308]: The types of ke ttle hea ting can be divided in- 107 1.2941
to 101 1.0500
ke ttles with direct hea ting by coal, gas or hea- 108 1.3390
ting oil, 102 1.0878
kettles w ith steam hea ting, 109 1.3852
kettles w ith hot water heating. 103 1.1267
110 1.4327 Directly heated wort kettles 104 1.1668
The oldes t form of kettle hea tul g is coal firin g . This means that the boilulg tem pera ture is hig-
This form of direct burning of fuel benea th the her the higher the pressure - and as will be
kettle bottom (Fig. 3.69) is now only encOlmte- shown later, much higher pressures cul d tempe-
red very ra rely in old brewhouses. As a result of ra tures are employed Ul kettles.
the curvature of the ke ttle bottom the boilulg On the o ther hand at very low pressures (un-
wort boils briskly from the middle to the outsi- del' pressu re, vacuum) water boils at even very
Fig. 3.69 de. The ke ttles frequently had a copper drag low temperatures. Thus boiling occurs
Directly ilented kettle (fired copper) chain which was ca rried alon g by the agitator to at a pressure of 0.06 bar at 36 °C, and
(1) cilillllley prevent scorching of the wort on the very hot at a pressure of 0.02 bar at 17 0c.
(2) top cover
kettle bottom. Later such kettles were often con- In the wor t kettle boilulg temperatures above
(3) stirrer witil cJInills
(4) stirrer drive (frall l nuove) verted to d irec t hea ting w ith gas or heatulg oil. 100 °C occur because of the height of the wor t.
(5) fI,et'lIlOllleter With a 2.5 m high wort level, the wor t a t the bot-
(6) flon tillg lIIensll rillg stick Steam heated wort kettles tom of the kettle is at an overpressure of 0.25
(7) ilentillg cJInllluer
The most common form of kettle heating n owa- bar, which is equivalent to a stea m pressure of
(8) nccess
(9) enstillg alit pipe days is steam hea ting. To understand the use of 1.25 bar, and the Table sh ows that this corre-
(10) gns fl lles steam a little explan ation is first necessary. sponds to a boilulg temperature of 106 °C.
332 333

If the wort kettle is heated from the bottom, suppli ed to the kettle ill a well insulated s team TIle condensa te water is led off through the The same effect was obtained with in-built
this results in the formation of steam bubbles pipe (1) to avoid heat loss. Beyond the s team in- condensate water drain pipe (12). The conden- auxiliary heaters and with kettles having inter-
over all the bottom of the kettle which rise up- let valve (2) there is a pressure reduction valve sate water is pure water and is returned to the nal zone boiling. In these the wort was additio-
wards and cause the movement of the wort and (3) which reduces the steam pressure to the per- kettle as kettle supply water via a collection nally hea ted by s team at a higher pressure (up
the driving out of Lmdesirable components. Ste- mitted pressure. In the case of kettles common- vessel. to 5 bar = 158 DC) and evaporation accelerated. 3
am is fed at an overpressure of 2 to 3 bar (= 133 ly used this is an overpressure of 2 to 3 bar. This When discussi ng the mash conversion vessel The necessary heating surfaces could not be in-
to 143 DC) into the steam jacket arolmd the bot- pressure reduction is essential because the kett- it was pointed out that the previously customa- creased in proportion to the grist load.
tom of the kettle. The steam transfers its evapo- le bottom would rupture if live steam at about ry double steam bottom has largely disappea- ArOLmd 1950 a range of brewhouses were con-
ration heat to the wort and condenses whilst the 15 bar was introduced. The steam is fed into an red nowadays and heating occurs through se- structed in block form ill whid1 the brewing ves-
wort is brought to boiling poillt (see Fig. 3.72a). insulated circular cha!Ulel (4) and distributed micircu lar pipes welded onto the vessel bottom sels were situated above one another. The wort
The heating of the wort from 72 to 100 DC requi- uniformly to the steam jacke t through several or side. The sa me applies equally to wort kett- kettle, loca ted at the bottom, had a rectangular
res approx. 4.1 kWh/hI of sales beer. supply pipes (5). les. Wort kettles which are equipped with an in- ground surface but the bottom half was made se-
A higher pressure, and with it a higher tem- The steam jacket is ills ulated on the outside so ternal or ex ternal boiler operatillg at low pres- micircular so that the steam heating of the side
perature, cause problems because of the higher that there is the least possible heat loss. As a pres- sure are no longer provided with a kettle would provide good circulation of the wort.
interface temperature then produced at the sure vessel the steam jacket has to be provided heating system since the low pressure boiler by The compact design kettles which appeared
kettle bottom. There is a risk of wort particles with a safety valve (7) and a manometer (9). At itself provides the energy needed. in the sixties were made by welding together
burning on the surface and affecting the taste of the start of boiling the air in the jacket must first parts cut from smooth metal sheets. This did
the beer. be driven out by steam. For this purpose 1 to 4 Ke ttle shape and material away with the expensive beating out of the
thin air release pipes are welded onto the upper The shape of the wort kettl e has lmdergone m a- beautiful copper hoods which still adorn many
part of the steam jacket and each of these opens ny changes in the course of time. brewhouses. As a result of the different slope
through its own valve into the upper part of the Until the middle of 19th century, all brewing angles of the walls and the heating pipes, here
brewhouse. These air release valves (8) remaill vessels were constructed to in an open form. too good circulation was obtained (Fig. 3.71)
open at the start of boillilg and also dming boi- The first s tea m heated
ling until steam flows freely from them. It is then kettles were built with
certain that the air is completely displaced from a spherical shape in
the steam jacket. At the end of boiling the valves 1850. Later a change
are opened to prevent a vactltun being formed as was made so that the
a result of steam condensation and causing the middle of the kettle
I 2 3 bottom of the pan to collapse. Nowadays this bottom was raised hig-
operation is performed automatically. her in order to achieve
There is a temperature difference between the a better boiling of the
wort and the steam which is evened out by the wort from the middle
Fig. 3.70 b)
heat conducting bottom of the kettle. The wort to the periphery.
DOllule Uollom sfeam Ileaferiworf kellie
(1) sfeam sllpply, (2) sfeam illief valve, (3) rerillcfioll va lve, becomes heated lmtil it boils whilst the steam de-
(4) a/llll/lar c!lmll/el, (5) pipe fa !leafillg jackef, (6) !leafil/g livers its heat and in doing so condenses.
jackef, (7) safefy valve, (8) air release valve, (9) IllallOmefel; The resulting condensate water is hea vier
(10) cOl/riel/safe rirnill, (11) cOl/riel/safe pof, (12) cOl/riel/seri
than the steam and collects in the lower part of
wafer rirnill
the steam jacket. The condensate water must be
drained off through the condensate draillpipe Equipping a steam heated kettle with (10) into the condensate pot (11). The condensa-
a double bottom te pot is located beneath the steam jacket and al- Fig. 3.71
For the heating to operate well a few basic con- lows only water, but no s team through. Most Worf movemel/f riepel/riel/f Ol/
siderations are necessary (Fig. 3.70). Steam is condensate pots operate on the float principle. fhe keffle riesigl/
334 335
Tllerlllo-sypllOlI boilillg
(Zielllnllll, Lllrlwigsbllrg)

3 3

t (OC) found in some breweries. In the case of this

150 143.6°C kettle the steam jacket is divided (two zone boi-
ling) in order to provide the i1U1er zone with
steam at a higher pressure, and thus at a higher
temperature, and to intensify the boiling.

120 Hot water heating (hydroboiling)

It is also possible to heat water under pressure
to a high temperature below boiling point and
101 °C
100 to use this hot water at 160 to 170 °C to heat the
wort kettle. In this way there are no losses con-
nected with condensation of the steam. On the
other hand a substantially larger pipe diameter
is needed and also more energy than with ste- Fig. 3.72
Heattmllsfer throllghtlle pipe walls
am, since steam is much easier to move than the Stealllheateri copper (two zOl le boilillglolrltype)
(I) fresh steal/I, (2) wort, (3) vessel walls
(1) vapollr chillllley, (2) stenlll valve, (3) cOllriellsa te rimill, (4) top covel; (5) access opellillg, (6) IniIlP, (7) wort sllpply pipe,
liquid water. The heat transfer of the hot steam
(8) thalllollletel; (9) fioatillg lIIeasllrillg rori, (10) stirrel; (11) stiner ririve, (12) wort olillet valve, (13) wort to hop stmillel;
is of course better than that of the hot water. (14) stealll slIpply pipe, (15) stealll valve for aliter ZOlle, (16) rerillctioll valve for aliter ZOlle, (17) IlInilOllleler with pipe to ali ter ZOlle,
but it did not reach the corners completely. It Consequently hot water boiling is found less of- (18) IIIslllateri cirCIIlar chnllllel for stealll sllpply (aliter zOlle), (19) aliter stealll jacket, (20) illslliatioll, (21) ail' release frOIll aliter

ten today than the usual. steam boiling. Heat is ZOlle, (22) ail' re/ease tap for ali ter ZOlle, (23) 1Ilnll0llleter (a liter zOlle), (24) collriellsate rimill pipe (aliter Wile), (25) cOllriellsate pot
was thereby possible to increase the heating
for aliter ZOlle, (26) stealll valve for illller ZOlle, (27) rerillctioll valve for illller ZOlle, (28) lIIallOllleter with pipe to illller ZOlle,
surfaces in proportion to the grist load. transferred to the wort through welded-on
(29) stealll slIpply to ililler ZOlle, (30) illller stealll jacket, (31) ail' re/ease frOIll illller ZOlle, (32) ail' re/ease tap (illller zOlle), (33) IlIa-
Fig. 3.72 shows, with its operational details, a semicircular pipes as already described for the 1IDIlleter (illller zOlle), (34) collriellsate rim ill pipe (illll er zOlle), (35) collriellsate pot (illll er zOlle), (36) cOllriellseri water pipe to col-
conventional wort kettle such as can still be mash kettle. lectIIIg vesse/
336 337 Wort kettle with low pressure boiling in an internal boiler w here the wort is heated The size of th e ex ternal boiler (heat ex-
The basic idea of low pressure boiling is that a se- in the wort kettle. changer) is determined by the necessary surfa-
ries of conversion processes proceed more quick- ce to be h eated. The hea ting surface is deter-
ly if the pressure and hence the boiling tempera- Low pressure boiling with an mined by the number of hea ting pipes and their
ture is higher than 100 DC (see Sect. The external boiler diameter and leng th.
3 3
way in which heat transfer occurs tlu'ough the pi- In the case of kettles with external boilers the If the wort is allowed to flow through the pi-
pe walls is illustrated in Fig. 3.72a. wort is circulated 7 to 8 times an hour through pes at a low flowthrough velocity there is the
Wort kettles with low pressu re boiling are de- an external boiler situated outside the kettle. risk of the wort burning or at least caramel ising
signed as sealable pressure kettles for a m axi- For this, wort is con tinuously withdrawn from and hence increasing in colour. Furthermore,
m al overpressure of 0.5 bar and are equipped the bottom part of the ke ttle and pumped there is the danger tha t as a result of too hi gh
with the necessary safety fittings for over- or through the ex te rnal boiler by a pump (Fig. temp eratures, coagula ted protein w ill collect in
lU1derpressure. Boiling of the wort occurs by 3.73, 1). the pipes. To prevent this, a higher flowthrough
mea ns of an internal or external boiler. The kett- Shell-and-tube hea t exchangers (tube evapo- velocity of 2.6 to 3.0 m/s is usually required
le s team condenser is located in the pressure rator) are the most commonl y used form of ex- today. To achieve the sam e exchange of heat,
area of the kettle so that the higher vapour tem- ternal boiler, with the plate heat exchan ger each wor t particle has to flow a longer way. Sin-
perature can be utilised. being used for this purpose less frequently. The ce the length of the boiler is, however, limited
In the case of low pressure boiling, the wort is wort is fed through the tubes which in turn are for reasons of space, the end s of the hea t ex-
boiled for 50 to 60 min at 102 to 104 DC. surrounded by steam from outside. Whilst the changer are frequently formed as baffles, so
Total evaporation using low pressure boiling wort is b eing hea ted, the steam cools down and tl1at each wort particle passes tlu-ough the hea t
is in the region of 5 - 6%. condenses. Ex te rnal boilers are built either in a exchanger severa l times (Fig. 3.74). The baffle
Boiling occurs either standing or lying position, in the case of the lat- areas, however, cause shear forces for the wort
in an external boiler situated outside the kett- ter, slightly sloping for better drainage of the particles. So as to have few baffle areas, the ex-
le through which the wort is pumped, or condensate. Both forms are common. ternal boiler may be of a con siderable length.
There are two varieties for boiling:
the entire kettle has a slight overpressure, the
vapours are drawn off by meaJ1S of an over-
flow valve. The advantage of this is the high
vapour tempe rature.
the kettle boils without the u se of pressure, Fig. 3.74
6 E.\·terllal boiler
the drawing off of va pours also occurs with-
2 (1) wort illflow, (2) wort OlltflOW, (3) wort pipes, (4) stealll ill-
out pressure, only in the external boiler cir-
flow, (5) collriellsnte olltflow
cuit is the wort boiled under overpressure at
boiling temperatures of 102 to 104 DC.
l00'C 7
The necessary overpressure (80 to 200 mbar)
required for the increased boiling temperatures
is achieved by
3 @5 a pressure holding valve (expansion valve) in With a sufficiently high flow through velocity
front of the kettle inlet and and a low temperature difference between ste-

@ 0 1- - - <1111- - + - - --
increasing the pump revolutions. am and wort, a service life of 30 to 40 brews can
The difference between the vapour tempera- be obtained. After this the kettle mu s t be
tUre and the wort tempera ture should not be cleaned. If the parameters are not well co-ordi-
greater than 10 DC. The necessary heating surfa- nated, cleaning may be necessary aiter 6 to 8
Fig. 3.73 Wort kettle wit" extemal boiler
(1) exlemal boilel; (2) wort kettle, (3) fro lll tile lallter tllll, (4) cns tillg PIlIllP, (5) circlliatioll PIlIllP, (6) stealll, (7) collriCllsnle ce is 10 to 11 m 2 per 100 hI cast wort. brews.

p .!
338 339

The wort expands on returning to the kettle The w ort streams into the heating tubes of the
resulting in the desired vigorous evaporation. boiler from the bottom at a temperature below
!4 100 DC and is heated as it ascends (Fig. 3.75a).
The wort is returned to the surface by means of
a connecting cone or a distributing device. This very soon results in the formation [1 74] on
The dimensions of the circulating pump en- the inner walls of
3 3
able the kettle contents to be circulated about bubble film (2), which as it rises higher turns
eight times an hour. Nevertheless, there is no into
guarantee that every wort particle passes subcooled core boiling (3) and finally in the
through the boiler eight times because the kett- largest zone becomes
le contents are not uniformly mixed . External complete ebullition (4),
boiling, which was originally seen as a tempo- whilst outside the steam releases its evapora-
rary measure for wort kettles which did not boil tion heat (enthalpy) and condenses. The con-
well, has in the meantime become standard densate flows in an increasingly thick layer to
and, despite there also being continued deve- 3 the bottom, thereby increasingly inhibiting the
lopment to internal boiling, offers a number of heat exchange .
advantages: In the case of ebullition, the water to a large ex-
the amount circulated can be exactly set and 2 tent turns into steam whid1 has a far greater volu-
the kettle contents can be well mixed, me than the water from which it has been formed.
the wort outflow temperature from the exter- 1 The greater volLUne hereby produced is raised in
nal boiler can be precisely controlled, a stenuning cone above the heating tubes higher
it is possible to have exactly defined high tem- than the level of the wort in the kettle, and then
Fig. 3.75n with the aid of a distributing shield returned to
perature holding phases by means of additio- Sten/ll fOl'llln tioll ill tlIe IIentillg pipes of tlIe illtemnl boiler
nal high temperature holding tubes, (1) IIot wort, (2) bllbble filII I, (3) sllbcoolerl core boilillg, (4)
the wort surface. The dish'ibuting shield, which
extremely low saturated vapour pressure is CO/llplete ebll llitioll can have different forms, is regulated so that a
possible (0.3 bar), complete circulation of the wort in the kettle oc-
any desired size of heating surface can be in- curs witl10ut the occurrence of dead zones.
stalled. The very great temperature differences have
is introduced from the top thereby cools, con- a positive effect on boiling but also cause pro-
There are, however, a number of disadvanta- denses (7) and is drained off. blems: whilst in the case of external boiling a
Fig. 3.75
ges to external boiling: Stmctllre of nil illtemnl boiler In a stemming cone (5) the boiling wort is ac- continuous circulation of the entire contents of
the external boiler requires high expenditure (1) blllldle of tllbes, (2) lUort illflow, (3) jncket, (4) lUort distri- cLUnulated above the wort level of the kettle the kettle is more or less guaranteed, in the case
blltillg shield, (5) stellllllillg calle (6) stenlll illflow, (7) COIl- and is centrifuged against a distributing shield of internal boiling, particularly during the hea-
on technical equipment (pipes, heat ex-
dellsnte olltlet, (8) CIP c1enllillg
changer, circulating pump) and additional (4), which spreads the wort out widely and en- ting up phase, irregularities occur:
heat insulation, SlU'es evaporation, whilst returning the wort to On heating the bottom layers of the kettle
forced circulation requires additional energy the wort level. wort are subjected to suction and after hea-
costs for re-circulating, Low pressure boiling with internal Whilst the temperature of the wort during ting in the boiler distributed onto the wort
shear forces are produced by the high flowth- boiling boiling increases to 102 to 104 DC, the tempera- surface. As a result of this, temperature levels
rough velocity and changes in direction, Modern wort kettles are very frequently built ture (and therefore the pressure) of the hot ste- in the kettle may vary by as much as 20 DC,
the space requirement is considerably greater with an internal boiler (Fig. 3.75). The internal am of course has to be considerably higher. It is and are only balanced out after 15 to 20 min
as are the costs for the equipment. boiler is a tubular heat exchanger in the wort on heating about 140 to 145 DC (= 3.8 to 4.3 bar, [190] (Fig. 3.75b). This results in non-lmiform
Despite the disadvantages, external boiling kettle, through the vertically arranged tubes (1) see Sect. and treatment of the wort including unequal iso-
has been successfully implemented in many of which the wort ascends, whilst being heated on boiling about 130 DC (= 2.8 bar, see also Fig. merisation of the bitter substances and DMS
from the outside by steam. The steam (6) which 3.72a). removal.
340 341


- Temp 1
- Temp 2

3 90 emp-{l-
V Temp 5
a. - Temp 7
E Fig. 3.7Sc1 (left!
- Temp 8
FOIl/illg ill the boiler
Fig. 3.7Sc2 (right!
Boiler withollt FOlllillg

the pipe, carrying with them the kettle contents responds to the flow-rate of the frequency con-
70 o+-.-,-.-.-" ,,-.-,-,-'-'-'-'-'-'' ' 60
' 8 -10 times through the btmdle of tubes. A sma ll trolled pump (7), so that a large circulation of
10 20 30 40 50 76°C
baffle s hield (5) evenl y distributes the wort the entire contents of the kettle is achieved (Fig.
time in min from the digester pipes. The contents of the 3.75a2). Fig. 3.75a3 illustrates the arrangement
kettle are pumped directly below the upper above the digester pipes.
lrregllinrities ill telllpemtll re whell hentillg with nil illtemn/ boiler flow optimised shield (1), which distributes the As a result, it is possibl e to adapt boiling to
1 to 9 telllpemtllre lIIensllrillg poillts (lII ensllrillg poillts 4 nlld6 nre llOt SIIOWII) wort optimally and permits circulation at any the requirements of the brewer:
desired temperature. • Boi/illg stage 1: intensive evaporation with
Directly above the btmdle of tubes (6), a jet removal of undesirable aro ma compounds,
On hea ting, the temperature difference bet- wort to scorch on the pipe walls. As a result of pump (3) is loca ted which draws the wort ou t of precipitation of the coagulable protein, ap-
ween the steam and the wort flowin g out is the increasing coating formation in the tubes, the btmdle of tubes and feeds it to the jet pump prox . 15 min with high s team throughput.
still very great. This initially results in cara- fouling occurs over a period of time (Fig. 3.75 el) (3) via a baffle shield (5). The jet pump then dis- • Boilillg res t: splitting of the DMS-P, low ener-
m elisa tion in this area and in coa ting formati- which n ecessitates cleaning of the pipes, which tributes the wor t over the optimised flow baffle gy supply, intensive movement and hea t re-
on. can be required at very short intervals. shield (1) . This jet pump (3) is the heart of the tention, at 40 min the longest phase with low
Cold wort continues to flow into the boiler With the "Stromboli" method (Anton Stein- Stromboli . The flow-rate of the jet pump (3) cor- steam throughput.
from below, and only escapes upwards when ecker, Freising) (Fig. 3.75a1), an attempt is ma-
it begins to boil. With the transition of water de to prevent this blockage and thus the lmde-
to steam, the volume increases con siderably. sirable thermal exp osure of the wort cOlm ected
This results in the flow throu gh being tempo- with it, particul arly during the heating up stage
rarily impeded which causes a s trong pulsa- [267]. For this purpose, a two-piece vertical pi-
ting of the boiling for the duration of the hea- pe is passed through the centre of the bundle of
ting, which can be heard as a clear crashing. tubes (6), at the top end of which a two-piece
From 1 kg (= 11) of water about 1700 I of ste- wort distributing shield is located. With the aid
am at the same temperature is produced on of a frequency controlled pump (7), wort drawn
from different p arts of the kettle bottom (4) fl---- - -I- 6
evaporation (normal pressure and 100°C) (see
table in Sect. The amount of steam flows through this pipe. Above the btmdle of
"Strolllboli lllet/Iod " - opemtillg prillciple
produced inevitably causes a temporary blok- tubes, the pipe originating from the frequency (J) flow- optilllised bnffle sll ields
kage in the boiler tube and hen ce audible pulsa- controlled pump (7) is tapered off. As a result (2) COlltml flnp
ting, because the boiling wort and the steam the speed of the wort increases, which now pro- (3) jet plllllp (llozzle)
(4) wort illflow
produced cannot be discharged upwards so pels the hot wor t out of the bundle of tubes (6)
(S) bnffle shield
quickly. This blockage is grea ter the narrower in the form of a jet. At a speed of 4 mIs, the con- (6) blllldle of tllbes
the boiler tubes are. The blockage causes the tents of the kettle are pumped 8 times through (7) jreqllel/cy col/trolled plllllp
342 343

• Boilillg stllge 2: repeated extensive expelling As a result of this arrangement, overheating

of DMS, approx. 15 min. of the "vort and sco rching in the digester pipes
The following results are achieved: (fouling) is prevented, particularly during the
a b
low DMS values (below 20 critical heating up stage. Thus the digester pi-
low thermal exposure (TBI below 15), pes show no sign of fouling, even after 50 brews
3 3
improvement of the foam stability, and (Fig. 3.75c2). Due to the application of heat to
positive effect on the flavour stability. the internal boiler, the protein composition can
be precisely controlled . This is aided by the mo-
vement of the wort at boiling temperature. As a
result, there is considerably less evaporation (3
to 4%) and thus a substantial saving of energy
and water, whilst having less environmental
A distributing shield is situated above the in-
ternal boiler which is known to brewers as a Phase 7 Phase 2
"chinese" hat because of its shape. The wort 750
flow is returned downwards to the kettle on V I' v/ '\;/ \
this distributing shield. The shape and position
Fig. 3.75a2: Stl'OIIIiJoli lIIethod
of the distributing shield are not without signi- o o
Opemtillg prillciple of the jet pllllip (jet lIozzle) ficance . As measurements on normal kettles
show (Fig. 3.75b), the areas near to where boi- o 15 30 45 60
ling occurs are heated up much later than the
2 peripheral parts. This leads to non-uniform
treatment of the substances contained in the let Star boilillg (HIlPPlltnllll, Kitzillgell)
1 wort, which is not a good thing. As will be a (phase 1) gelltle cirCll latioll, b (phase 2) dYllalllic low press llre boilillg
shown, today ever better attempts are made to
I eliminate these disadvantages by means of ap-
I propriate training and positioning of the distri- phase, the wort is homogenously circulated for between 20 and 30 minutes, is conducive to the
i buting shield (see Sect. 20 to 30 min at static low pressure with very low
evaporation. During this time, the isomerisation
evaporation of the free DMS, which was formed
during the thermal conversion from the DMS-P'
"Jet-Stll!," Method (HlIPPIIlIl1111, Kitzillgell) of the hop resins, coagulation of the proteins and As a result of the gentle two phase boiling,
In more recent times, there have been studies breakdown of the aroma precursors (DMS-P) are the free DMS content in the middle of cooling is
[262,341] investigating the possibility of distri- promoted . The vapour bubbles formed in the lowered and the thermal exposure of the wort
3 buting the wort below the wort level in order to boiler pipes thereby condense again in the wort, greatly reduced, which also leads to a higher
achieve a better, more homogeneous and ther- resulting in very low evaporation. content of coagulable nitrogen.
mal treatment of the wort and prevent by-pas- During the subsequent stripping stage (Pha- Another advantage of Jet Star boiling is that
sing. This is the case when using Jet Star boiling se 2), the sub jet opening is closed, whereby the flow is improved within the kettle due to an
(Fig. 3.75c3a). With this method [340], the upper propulsion through a boiler pipe on the kettle increased exchange between the jet and sur-
Sect. of the boiler is raised in the heating up sta- to the sub jet hat occurs by means of a shaft and rounding liquid, and by-passing is prevented .
ge (Phase 1) so that the hot wort can leave the servo motor. As a result of closing the sub jet
Fig. 3.75a3
boiler below the wort level (sub jet). As a result, opening, boiling and stripping can occur via the Boilillg dllratioll
Stl'OlIIboli IIlet/lOd - evapomtioll area alld shields
(1) f1ow-optilllised shields, (2) cOlltl'01 flap, (3) jet plllllp an even downward flow is achieved and pulsa- distribution shield . The stripping phase with Today, as a rule, boiling lasts 50 to 70 min with
(1IOzzle), (4) baffle shield, (5) blllldle of tllbes tion completely prevented. During this first dynamic low pressure boiling, which can take a clear tendency towards shortening the boiling
,---- - - -- - - - -- -----

344 345

time. In the case of classical lo w pressure boi- durin g hea ting to boiling, an un steady phase ble to remove the boiler from the wo rt kettle Today, there is a m ove away from wh irlpool
ling - whether using an internal or exte rnal boi- occu rs w hich ha s a n egative effect on the an d to install it as an external boiler w ith na tu- ke ttles because the usage of the wor t ke ttle can
ler - the process proceed s as follows (Fig. 3.76): composition of the wort. This considerable ral circula tion n ext to the ke ttle (Fig. 3.71b; ther- be redu ced to such an ex tent by a wor t collec-
hea ting up to 100 °e in about 15min disad vantage can only be prevented by the ulosyphon, Ziem ann, Ludw igsburg ). ting vessel that it is possible to m anage w ith a
3 initial boiling at 100 °e for about 10 min support of a pump (see above), w ort kettle even if a two hour rhy thm is u sed. 3
heating up to 102 to 104 °e in 10 to 15 min because of the high tempera tures during hea- Furthermore, a separate whirlpool is considera-
boiling at 102 to 104 °e for 15 to 30 min ting and the low flo w velocity, the boiler pi- bly cheaper than a wort ke ttle.
pressure reduction at 100 °e in about 15 min pes clog more quickly,
and the ins tallable heating surface is limited . H igh temperature w ort boiling
final boiling at 100 °e for about 10 min. The above m entioned disad vantages of boi- The reason for increasing the temperature con-
There are different view s concerning the eva- ling with an internal boiler are considerably re- siderably more during wort boiling is that ma-
luation of the advantages and disadva ntages of du ced w ith th e ins talla tion of a Jet Star or n y reactions take place fas ter at higher tempera-
internal and external boilers: Stromboli. tures and so a t higher pressures. Thus the
Advantages of internal boilers are: The decision regarding internal or external complete isomerisation of (Y.-acids of hops (ac-
simple and robust construction with a long boilers is m ainly a qu estion of the company cording to Sommer) requires
workiJlg life, philosophy as no major differences between the 100 °e 90 min boiling time
no addition al electrical energy required, pro- two systems exis t. 120 0 e 5 - 8 min hea t holdillg time
viding there is no forced circulation, There is however the possibility of hea ting 130 °e 3 - 5 min heat holdillg time
unproblematic elr cleaning, the wort without an uns teady phase u sing a tu- 140 e
2 - 3 min heat holding time
no additional insulation required, bular heating unit with agita tors (Fig. 3.76a). 150 °e 1 - 1.5 min heat holdillg time
no additional space requirement. This form of h ea ting is sometimes u sed to heat In high tempe ra ture wort boilillg the wort
However, the disadvantages should also be ma sh vessels durin g gentle mash conveying from the lauter vessel is collected in a collectillg
considered: with high heating p erformance. It is also possi- vessel (Fig. 3.77, 1) and hops are added. The
w ort is then brought by means of a pump (2) to
a pressure of 6 bar and
in the fi rs t heat exchanger (3) hea ted to 95 °e
GESAMTVERDAMPFUNG 4 · 6 % I TOTAL EVAPORATION 4 · 6 % i ill the second heat exchanger (4) the tempera-
Fig. 3.76n ture is increased to 115 °e
Illtemni tllvl/lnr Ilen tillg 11 11 it witii propeller and in the third h eat exchallger (5) brought to
I 102·104 · C I (BrE Brewenl tec/lll olog l/, Essell)

140 T .

/ 0-

Wllirlp ool1cettles
In the followillg hot holdillg Sect. (6), ill the
form of a coiled pipe, the temperature is held for
5 mill at 6 bar overpressure. The wort is then led
into the pressure release vessel (7) ill which its
'z" ..J

"' z-'" "' pressure is reduced to 1 b ar overpress ure (=

W 0- W As long as the kettle bottom is flat, wort kettles
...... '"
z- w
z :I:
can basically be u sed as whirlpools (w hirlpool 120 0q. In a second pressure release stage (8) the
0 Z
W :I: W
z u
w '"'"u::> 1t 0 kettles). Ke ttles with external boilers are far mo- wort pressure is reduced to normal pressure and
i!:::> '"'"0 i!:::> U)
u re suitable as whirlpool kettles because they do it can then be delivered to the w hirlpool at 100 °C.
« > « '"
0 z
not have b affles. In the case of kettles w ith inter- Advanta ges are : less oxidation and paler
! 15 ' 10 ' ,10 -is ' 15 ' 10' ] nal boilers, it must be taken into account that wort colour. A disad vantage is the insufficient
- - - Fig. 3.76
the boiler is a considerable obstacle to circulati- evaporation of volatile substances . High tempe-
Boilillg dll ratioll, tell/peratllre
I DAMPF I STEAM I nlld press llre dllrillg low presslI- on (see Sect 3.8.3), which can impair the extrac- rature wort boilillg is not very widely u sed and
re voilillg tion of h ot sludge. is also no longer ins talled .
346 347

3 3
Fig. 3.79
Kettle vapo ll r cO llriell ser
Fig . 3.77 (1) heat exchallge vessel (bll llrile of Illbes)
High tell/pem tllre wor t boil i llg (2) vapOllr chillllley
(1) wo r t col/ectillg vessel, (2) P" II/P, (3-5) hea t exclln llgel; (6) high tell/pemtllre IIDlriillg tllbe, (7) first press llre rerillct ioll vessel (3) waleI' vapoll r
(evapom tioll vessel), (8) seco ll ri press ll re reri ll ctio ll vessel (4) hoi waleI' olltlet
(5) warll/ w aler ill let
(6) collriel/sale rim ill Energy saving wort boiling systems about 540 kcal = 2260 kJ are required . If the ste-
Steam is produced on boiling. This steam is re- am cond enses again in the surrolmdings, this
fe rred to as water vapour. If the vapour is allo- h ea t energy is released again and is completely through w hich wa ter is pumped, and the wa ter exchanger. The vapour flows in at the top of
wed to esca pe unhind ered fro m the chimney, lost to the brewery. is thereby wa rmed whils t the vapour gives up every second plate, and the condensed wa ter
people in the neighbourhood can smell that the its heat of evaporation and conden ses . Depen- runs out at the bottom, whils t the cooling wa ter
brewery h as been boiling again . This can be Vapour condensation ding on the subsequent purposes for which the flow s in a counterflow from below upwa rds in
considered to be odour p ollution and acco rding It is therefore useful to recover at least part of heat is used, the vapour is cooled in one or two the plates between them and is thereby hea ted
to Federal Law on Emissions Protection is also the hea t of evaporation . This is done by buil- stages and h ot wa ter thereby p roduced . Nowa- (Fig. 3.79a). On h ea t utilisation grounds the
not permitted . ding a kettle vapour condenser into the ke ttle days most kettle vapour condensers are built cooling water used is as hot as possible and is
Moreover, the evaporated water m ass con- chinmey. If the vapour is condensed here, the with one s tage cooling (Fig . 3.79). brought as close as possible to boilin g p oint
tains a great d eal of energy which in this case heat of evaporation is recovered . Each hi of evaporated wor t produ ces 0.8 hi of through the condensa tion of the vap our.
escapes through the chinmey. To convert 1 kg of In the kettle vap our condenser (Fig. 3.78) the hot water a t 80 °C.
water at 100 °C into 1 kg of steam at 100 °C, va p our is passed aga ins t pipes or pockets, The volume of vapour is d ecreased conside- Vapour compression
rably on cond ensing to form water and the wa- The vapo ur produced on boiling is at about 100
ter can easily be removed. °C and th us cam10t be used an y furth er for h ea-
ting purposes. If, h owever, the vap our is com-
pressed to a few tenths of a bar overpressu re,
1 4

the temperature of the va pour is raised to 102 to
108 °C and it can be used again fo r hea ting. In
this way the heat conslUned for evaporation in
the wort boiling p rocess can be directly recover-
: i ; ed . A prerequisite for this vapour uti lisa tion is,
.. .
" .
h owever, vapour free of air which is only pro-
.3 . - 2
( duced if the kettle is free from foam and boiled
without d rag air.
Fig. 3.78 Fig. 3.79a
Keltle vapollr co ll riellser Plate heal excllnllger as keltle vapo ll r co llriell ser
Va p our compression is achieved either
(1) wort keltle (1) vapoll/; (2) cOllriel/Sate, (3) cool illg watel; (4) hot w ater by means of a m ech an ica l comp ressor, in
(2) vapo ll r cllilllll ey which case one sp eaks of mechanical va p our
(3) arij ll stable val ve
compression, or
(4) heat excha llge chall/bers
(5 ) extmc tor
No wad ays the kettle vapo ur conden ser is of- by means of a steam jet compresso r whi ch re-
(6) blow -off pipe ten buil t in the fo rm of a single-layer plate hea t qui res s team from a boiler to dri ve it, in
348 349

w hi ch case on e speaks of thermocompressi- fro m a boiler into the wor t ke ttle. The wort is
on. forced by the circul ating p ump (4) throu gh the 6
2 3 4 5
Mechanical vap our compression is regarded external boiler (3), hea ted up, and returned to

as the state of the art and thermocomp ression is
mu ch less frequently found in brewe ries.
the wo rt kettle (1). Wh en the desired boiling
temperature of 102 to 106 °C is reached at the
heater outlet, the compressor (2) is started and
Fig. 3.81
----8 =:> 3
MeclInllicnl vnpour c0111pressiou the vapour produ ced (9) is compressed to an Stealll jet cOlllpressor
The vapour produced is mechanica lly compres- overpressure of 0.09 - 0.25 bar = 102 to 106 0c. (1) jet cllnmvel; (2) jet, (3) hend, (4) illflow
diffllsel; (5) olltflow diffll sel; (6) drivillg
sed to an overpressure of 0.2 - 0.5 bar by a tu rbo, The boiling process is thereby m aintained in
stemll (jresll stenm), (7) vnpollr stenm, (8) 7
screw or rotating piston (Roots) compressor. As a op eration. lIIixed stenm (drivillg nlld vnpollr stenm)
result of this compression the temperature of the Vap our com pression can also be installed in
steam is increased and it can be used again di rect- existing pl ants and is also of interest to brewe-
ly for hea ting pmp oses. However a condensate is ries w hich d o not want to use low pressure boi- The saving of fresh s team is substcu1tial w ith with a jet (2) through w hich live s team from a
sp rayed in previously to reduce the superhea- ling for qu ality reasons. There is 3.11 increased vapour comp ression. Beca use the heat of eva- boiler with 3.11 overpressure of at least 8 cu1d up
ting. With vapom compression steam and energy pressure in the ex tern al boiler but not in the poration is used again to heat up the w ort there to 18 bar is passed. Because of the high velocity
can therefore be saved since on ly the energy ne- kettle . H owever, the sys tem only opera tes is almos t no excess hot water. A vacuum pre- of th e live stecul1 the vapour is entrained cu1d in
cessary to drive the compressor is needed (about when absolutely free of air. Consequently, fully vention system is needed for the kettle to pre- the following mixing Sect. (3) the kinetic energy
5% of the primcuy energy requi remen t). autom atic air removal val ves are always instal- vent air being d rawn in [13]. produced as a result of the increased velocity is
Hea ting up of the wort necessarily begins led at the lowest point of the system because the There are h owever d isad vantages to se t transfor med into a pressure energy of 0.1 to 0.4
with the suppl y of fresh s tea m (Fig. 3.80, 10) h eavier air sinks to the bottom. against the ad vantages: overpressure .
the plant engineering is complicated cu1d ex- In a thermocompression plant (Fig. 3.82)
pensive, [133] the wort is first h eated by a sup ply of li ve
a large hea t exchcu1ge surface is required sin- steam (10). Th e wort is forced by the ci rcul ating
ce only s mall tempe rature differen ces are pump (4) through the external hea ter (3), h ea-
Valve 8 useful (60 to 80 m 2/100 hI wort), ted up, and returned to the wo rt ke ttle (1).
9 Flash Vapour main tenance work is n ecessary, When the boiling temperature of 106 °C is rea-
if 3.11 E-motor is used, the power consumption ched at the heater outlet, the steam jet pump (2)
Vapour Hot Water of the compressor may result in peak electri- is s ta rted.
2 12 city dem cu1ds . If a combus tion engine (gas or Mos t of the va pour (9) is sucked in by th e
diesel) is used, the hea t of the engine can be compressor jet, compressed and brou ght to a
used (power-hea t-coupling plant) . In this ca- higher temperature level. The compressed va-
se there are n o additional electricity d e- pour is led into the external boiler (3) cu1d again
111CU1ds. hea ts the wort to boiling.
COO,",,,, 6 All in all it is p ossible to say that vapour com- The condensate, at 106 °C and 0.3 bar over-
External 3 Pump
Baller 13 pression onl y m akes sense if used for more than pressure, formed in the ex ternal boiler is collec-
Water Condensate 5 brews p er d ay. Th e ad vantages of vapour ted in a collecting vessel (5) and fed back to the
4 X compression increase with the daily nLU11ber of kettle vap our condenser (7) by a cond ensa te
• Condensate brews an d the size of the gris t load . p ump (6).
Wort Pump Vessel
If all the vapour were compressed, the additi-
Tllen tlOCO tllpress ioll on of live stea m necessary as d riving agent
Fig. 3.80
In the thermocompression process the vap ou r wo uld result in in creasing amounts of heat
Mechnllical vnpollr compressioll plnllt
(1) wort kettle, (2) comprssO/; (3) extemnl voilel; (4) wort cirCIIlntioll pllmp, (5) colldellsnte vessel, (6) cOlldeusate PIllIlP, (7) is sucked in by a steam jet pump (Fig . 3.81) and energy being supplied an d the process would
kettle vnpollr colldellsel; (8) snfety vnlve, (9) vnpolll; (10) fresh steam, (11) cold wntel; (1 2) llOt wntel; (13) colldellsate compressed . The pump consis ts of a head (1) be considered to be out of contro l. Consequent-
350 351

Valve 8
9 Flash Vapour

3 Hot

Steam Jet
Compressor Condensate
2 Cooler
Wort KetUe Steam
External Pump
Boiler 11 13
Cold Condensate
4 I


Fig. 3.82 98°C
Tllerlllni vnpollr colllpressioll plnl/I 8
(1) worl keille, (2) slealll jel (3) exlemnl (4) worl cirwlnlio ll P"I"P, (5) cOl/rlel/snle vessel, (6) cOllrlel/snle
P"IllP, (7) col/rlel/snle (8) snfely vnlve, (9) (10) fresll slenlll, (11 ) colrl (12) 1101 (13) col/rlel/snle


Iy about 30% of the vapour is condensed in the evaporation) using va pour compression inste-
vapour condenser and hot process water (1 2) is ad of conventional boiling show substantial dif-
produced from it in the kettle vapour conden-
ser (7).
ferences [132]. The space required for the neces-
sary h ea t exch ange surfaces of the internal
Advantages with thermocompression are: boiler, h oweve r, usually causes considerable
trouble-free operation w ith little maintenan- problems. Moreover, introduction of thermo-
Fig. 3.84
ce required, compression only makes sense if the hot water EI/ergy stomge syslelll (GEA Brewery Sys lellls, Kilzil/gell)
no peaks in the electricity conslUnption. produced can also be used. (1) from Ille Inllter lillI, (2) wort pre-rllll Inl/ k, (3) wort (4) wort kettle, (5) kettle vnpollr (6) ellelgy slomge
Disa dvantages are: tnllk, (7) worl (8) wllirlpool, (9) trllu tnllk, (10) 10 tile Inllier lillI, (11) nemtiol/ of wort, (12) 10 tile ferlllelltalioll ee/lnr

the large hea t exchange surfaces required be- Low pressure boiling with an energy
cause of the low h ea ting s team temperature, storage tank
increased production of hot water, and The h ea t exchange occurring at various places The water evaporated in the wort kettle is, as energy sources CaI1 also be stored - care must be
the high steam pressure required (possibly 18 in general produces warm water and most of vapour, cond ensed in the kettle vapour conden- taken, however, that the temperature of the sto-
bar; own kettle plant required). this CaIU10t be used . However, very hot water is ser (5) whilst the cOlmter flow of cooling water red hot water is not thereby greatly redu ced .
Nevertheless thermocompression represents required vvhich, if made a little hotter, can be is heated to 97 °C. The water heated to 97 °C is The hot wa ter is stored in a well insulated ener-
a less expensive alternative to mechanical va- used for hea ting purposes. For this purpose it is fed back into the upper part of the energy s tora- gy storage vessel. In it the bOlmdary between
p our compression not only for small breweries necessa ry to make use of small temperature dif- ge vessel. The wort from the wort collection un- very hot water aI1d hot water is displaced dep en-
but also for large breweries with an additional ferences and to s tore the hot water without coo- derback or the mash in the mash kettle CaI1 be ding on requirements. The mixing zone depends
requirement for hot water. Comparison s of ling lmtil needed . This ca n be achieved with he- heated up by this hot water from the upper part on the design of the storage vessel aI1d is only 10
energy cost savings per brew (100 hi and 10% at insulated energy s torage systems (Fig. 3.84). of the energy storage reservoir. Other hot wa ter to 20 cm in the case of narrow reservoirs.
352 353

With such a s torage system waste hea t can be ge evaporation with a two hour boiling time, such as 2- and 3-methyl butanal, hexanal and so- w hirlpoo l. As a result, evap oration of Lmdesira-
stored for lon g tin,es and ca n be ca lled upon at today w ith modern boil ing systems, a better wort me Sh·ecker aldehydes can only volatise if they bl e aroma substances can no longer occur with
any time. It is important that by intelligent use quality than before w ith 4 to 5% percentage eva- bind to a gaseous surface in which they can vola- classica l wort boiling.
of ve ry small temperature differences the tem- poration in 35 to 40 min boiling time is aimed for. tise. TILis occurs, for example, if the pressure of Modern "vort boiling methods are therefore
perature in the reservoir is not lowered. In the foreground of modern wort boiling sy- the hot wort is reduced: the water boils and then charac terised in particular by pre-cooling or se-
3 3
The saving of primary energy relative to con- stems is high eva poration efficiency. This me- evaporates, and the steam bubbles or boiling ste- condary evaporation which effect the evaporati-
ventional boiling without hea t recove ry is ans that the anal y tica l benchmark values fo r am form a welcome possibility for the volatile on of undesirable aroma substances and their la-
in the case of low pressure boiling about 40 to boiling must be aligned with each other. This aroma substances to become gaseous and to vo- ter formation . This represents a substantial step
50%, entails the following: latise (evaporation, stripping). All modern wort towa rds better fla vour stabili ty (Fig. 3.85a3).
in the case of low pressure boiling with an thermal exposure on the wort should be as boiling systems therefore attempt to enable vola- In the case of mos t mod ern wort boiling sy-
energy saver about 60 to 70%. low as p ossible. This requires short boiling ti- tile aroma substances to precipitate s tems, the combination of an internal boiler +
mes or gentle boiling . The TBI increase du- by means of an inert gas or steam stream, whirlpool represents the basic system, into or Other modern wort boiling systems ring boiling should not exceed 15 points and by means of pressure reduction or between which additional apparatus is integra-
The brewhouse - and in particular wort boiling- at the end should be n o more than 30 to 40 by boiling, ted. The general aim is to suppl ement already
is the grea test energy user in the brewery. points. A good fl avour stability can then be so that at the end of the boiling process, at le- exis ting brewhouse equipment.
Very careful consideration must therefore be expected. ast 2 to 3 m g of coagulable protein/IOO ml In the following, the main modern wort boiling
given to considerably lowering the energy con- the precipitation of free DMS should be as wort is present to gu arantee good foam stabi- systems are described. They have in conunon a
sumption in the brewhouse. As well as redu- complete as possible and in the middle of lity. This in turn requires that boiling should minimised percentage evaporation, minimised
cing costs, a contribution is also made to preser- cooling have values of below 100 Less not be too long or too intensive. boiling temperatures and times, as well as maxi-
ving the envirorunent by means of lower CO2 volatile components such as 2-phenylethanal All three above-mentioned benclunark valu- mal removal of the tmdesirable aroma substan-
emissions. or the hydroxy fatty acids first have to be bro- es aTe dependent upon each other and if pro- ces, in particular the removal of OMS and the
In the past few yea rs a number of boiling sy- ken down by a certain thermal exposure, or, perly aligned, result in high quality. To this end, preven tion of its reformation from OMS-Po
stems have been d eveloped which, as well as like the Strecker aldehydes, first have to be two terms should be looked at more closely: A benclU11ark for evaporation is the evaporati-
sav ing energy, are targeted at obtaining a quali- formed before they can be precipitated. Boi- on efficiency; tlLis is a non-dimensional figme
tative improvement in wort and beer. ling times which are too short can therefore Evaporation mui heat retelltioll which results from the quotient of the decrease in
If only a few decades ago there was great pride lead to a changed aroma profile. Evaporation takes place in order to expel Lmde- concenh·ation against the total evaporation. TIle
in a high performance kettle with 15% percenta- Free DMS and other volatile aroma substances, sirable aroma substances (OMS, carbonyles, evaporation efficiency must however be separa-
a.o.); heat retention aids the isomerisation of tely determined for each evaporation indicator.
the hop resins, protein coagulation, aroma for-
mation, colour formation, a.o. In the case of Dynamic low pressure boiling
classical wort boiling, evaporation and heat re- (Gea Brewery Systems, Kitzingen)
tention occur in the wort kettle, whilst only he- In the case of low pressure boiling, there is no
at retention and no evaporation occurs in the pressure retaiLLing phase over a long p eriod of
< 100 I-lg/I

pre-coo ling stripping

pl ate type hea t eXChanger vaku um evaporation
vakuum eva poration atrnosperic evapora tion
TBI increase Coagulable protein steam stri pping

boilingl'>15 2-3 119/100 ml

boi ling/heat retention hot break separation

Fig. 3.85al Fig.3.85n3
Wort kettle Whirlpoo l
Basic vallies fo r tile evaillatioll Modem wort boilillg procedllre start of boiling middle of cooling
end of boiling
of lVort boilillg (prillciple)

of the frequent release of pressure and the re- tained . At the same time the wort is spun slight-
sulting expansion, the volatile components, ly by the appropriate design of the shield seg-
JI\ / 1\ / 1\ / 1\ /1\ such as free DMS, should be given the possibi- ments. The thread visible at the top in the dia-
lity to escape. gra m illu strates that the shield can be adjusted
j The process usually begins with a pre-boiling in height, w hich applies to all shields where an 3
3 / phase at normal pressure at 100 DC (1), which is optimum height has to be established.
1 2 3 4 5 4 545 4 5 4 5 6 7
,,- especially beneficial for protein coagulation and
"".IV- the isomerisation of the hop resins. This is follo- Stage optimised aroma boiling
wed by pressure bldld-up (2). For this the steam "Ecotherm"
Fig.3 .85n
cover is closed and the presslUe in the kettle in- (Krones-Steinecker)
Oyllnillic low presS lIre voilillg
(1) lIenlillg lip, (2) dYllnlllic jrnciiollnlllen lillg lip, (3) pre-voi- creased to 150 mbar. The temperature is increa- The main components of thi s internal boiler sy-
/illg, (4) press lIre vllild-lIp, (5) release, (6) jillnl voilillg, (7) sed to 103 C and maintained for 3 to 5 min.
Fig. 3.85c
stem are a circulating plunp, designed as a fre-
enslillg In the stripping phase (3), the pressure is re- Two-singe sllield (Type HlIpplllnllll, Kil zillgell) quency controlled gently conveying pump, and
duced to 50 mbar, whereby the temperature is Oescriplioll ill text a specially designed distribution shield.
time when boiling the wort, instead a continu- lowered to 101 DC. To accelerate this release of Through the use of a control, it is possible to
ous change between the building up and re- pressure, the steam inlet is closed and the water ensure that at any given time during heating
lease of pressure occurs (Fig. 3.85a). As a result circulation control of the energy storage lUlit (see Sec t. increased to full capacity. and boiling an individual h ea ting temperature
Following a redu ction in pressure of 3 to 5 mill, and the amolmt circulated by the pump can be
the steam inlet is reopened and the process be- pre-selected and hence the desired values for
gins again . There can be up to six such pressure the cast wort can be very precisely set. It is the-
build-up and release intervals following each reby possible, by means of quick or delayed
other. The frequent release phases cause a vigo- hea ting- up and differentia tion of the boiling
rous boi ling move ment as steam bubbles form stages, to affect both the character of indi vidual
in the wor t and rise at speed. This guarantees a beer types by influencing the splitting of the
considerably more intensive and extensive eva- DMS precursor and the formation of aroma
poration of volatile substances contained in the subs tances during boiling by the h ea ting tem-
wort [151) . perature.
At the end of the process, pressure release (4) The 70-minute boiling stage is therefore divi-
to 25 mbar at 100.5 DC occurs and finally an at- d ed into three parts [193):
mospheric boiling (5) at normal pressure and 20 min: using strong heat, easily precipitable
100 DC with the s team valve opened. nitrogen is quickly precipitated,
Nowadays, using this procedure, a percenta- 30 min: using low heat, the DMS-P breal<-
ge evaporation of 4.5 % (related to the cast wort) down is promoted at a constant kettle tempe-
with a boiling tim e of 40 to 50 min is possible. rature (99 DC) and heating energy saved,
The Jet Still' method (Fig. 3.75c3a) is the flUther 20 min: higher heating capacity with the aim
development of dynamic low pressure boiling. of s tandardising the nitrogen content by me-
The procedure is supplemented using a par- ans of effective forcing of precipitation.
ticular two-stage distribution shield. The main purpose of the wort distribution
The two-stage shield (Fig. 3.85c) is segmented shield is the stripping of steam-volatile aroma
in two levels. The boiling wort is segmented by components, particularly the breakdown of the
means of a baffl e beneficial to the flow and DMS precursor and the ex traction of free DMS.
Fig.3 .85v sprayed into the two levels one above the other, The design of the wort distribution shield is
Singes oj dYllnlllic low pressllre voilillg
(A) pre-voilillg singe, (B) press lIre Vllild-IIP, (e) slrippillg singe, (0) nill/Osplleric voilillg whereby a very good evaporation effect is ob- therefore of considerable significance.

3 WOrzepfanne
Wort kettle

I Garkeller

ca 98 'C
89 ' C
8 'C t
1= Platten·WarmeObertrager J
Platlen- WiirmeObertrager
Plate and frame heat exchanger
Fig. 3.85!
VaClIlll1I evaporatioll
(1) lVort illflow, (2) fla sh evaporatol; 1 <>00
r- ;

- BO
·c ! Braumsser
t 5 'C (3) vaCllllm p"mp, (4) vapollr CO II-
dellscl; (5) to the wort kettle or

80 ' C Brewing t3 ' C
kewise the formation of free DMS is reduced by duced from 1,700 litres of steam. As long as ste-
Fig. 3.85e 30 to 45% by pre-cooling [306], since no further am is condensed there, more steam is continu-
Wort pre-coolillg (GEA Brewery Systems) DMS can be form ed below 90 °C. By means of ally generated. And one further thing: for eva-
wort cooling, which takes place between the wort poration (water/steam) 2,258 kJ/kg are required
DO/lble shield (type Steillec/cer) reby guaranteeing good evaporation. At the sa- kettle and whirlpool (Fig. 3.85e), brewing water at under normal pressure (specific evaporation
In the case of the new double shield (Fig. 3.85d), me time only a little wort flows out of the upper 80 °C can also be obtained . heat). This is released again on condensation in
at low temperatures (about 130 °C) (a, right si- shield (5) at low velocity. This stage is partiCll- the vapour condenser and heats the cooling wa-
de), the wort is pressed mainly against the lo- lady intended for the evaporation of non-no- Vacuum evaporation ter. The wort cools during this process by ap-
wer shield (4) and by means of a flow-aiding ble/base aroma substances. (ZiemcuUl Group, Ludwigsburg) prox. 5 to 10 °C. At the end of boiling, the wort
baffle, fed into the outer third of the kettle, the- Using maximum heating capacity (heating The final evaporator is located behind the is circulated by means of pumping through the
temperature about 145 °C) (b, left side) dming whirlpool (Fig. 3.85f) . The wort is pumped tCU1- flash evaporator lU1til 80 to 82 °C is reached.
boiling, the boiling wort is pressed against both gentially from the whirlpool into the fla sh eva- The wort is then plunped into the whirlpool.
shields by the inner (3) as well as the outer (2) porator (2). The volume increase causes a re- Boiling lasts about 40 min with a percentage
'. '. Pitot tube and diverted. The flatter lower shield
'. '. duction in pressure to about 600 mbar. The evaporation of about 4 %; in the flash evapora-
'. cone thereby prevents the upper one from flin- more volatile aroma substances, such as free tor about 2 % is then evaporated again. In the ca-
ging the wort against the kettle walls, which DMS, volatise cu1d are precipitated in the va- se of vacuum evaporation the free DMS content,
would lead to tuU1ecessary shear stress. pour condenser (4) . A vacuum pump (3) starts which increases during the whirlpool rest, can
the process and serves to maintain the vacuum, be considerably reduced [255] (Fig. 3.68a). In a Wort pre-cooling which is self-controlled in that the volume in- comparison between classical boiling and final
If the wort is cooled to below 90 °C before it is crease occurring as a result of evaporation is evaporation, analytically proven as well as sen-
fed into the whirlpool, a considerably lower in- compensa ted for by condensation. sory differences occur [263] , which speak for
crease in the TBI is obtained during the whirl- From 1 litre of water about 1,700 litres of ste- vacuum evaporation: a shortening of the boi ling
Fig. 3.85d pool rest. Whilst the TBI increases on average am are p roduced on evaporation (see steam ta- time with reduced thermal exposure and at the
DOllble shield (type Steilleckel; Freisillg)
(I) boilillg at low lleatillg temperatllres, (2) maxi/l1l1l1lllea-
by 9 units without pre-cooling, the increase can ble Sect. During condensation in the same time, protection of the coagulable nitro-
tillg capacity be reduced to only two tu1itS by pre-cooling. Li- vapour condenser, 1 litre of water is again pro- gen, reduction of the percentage evaporation of

2 3
3 3

Bild 3.85fl
\lnCIIIIIII evnporn lioll
(1) Worl kellie
t L -_ _ _ __ _ _--.I

L - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 4
(2) £.r lemnl boiler
(3) E.rpnllsioll evnpornlor

part. By means of absolute pressure of about As a result the free DMS is to a large extent eli-
300 mbar, a further 3 to 6% of the wort - d e- minated, the thermal exposLU'e of the wort redu-
pendent on the set pressure - is evaporated. ced to a minimum and a not too extensive protein
To achieve this the wort is tangentially intro- precipitation obtained. Very individual settings
duced into the voluminous upper part of the according to the task at hand are possible. The
expansion evaporator. Th is results in a rota- procedLU'e saves up to 70% primary energy in
IInC/lllI1I evnpornlioll plnlll ting movement of the wort and a thin wort comparison to traditional boiling procedures.
(Z ielllnlill GroIlP, Llldwigs- film, w hich in the high vessel flows down-
bllrg) wards thus creatin g a large surface for the
evaporation of the aroma substances.

up to 40 % and a considerable decrease in energy considerably lower thermal exposure of the

consumption, high evaporation efficiency and wort has a positive effect on the foam and fla-
vour stability. Furthermore, a substantial ener- 5
grea t flexibilHy. This method produces compara- 2
q ,; - - - 4 t

bly good beers, which tend to be have mo- gy saving is observed.
re character and are more stable against ageing.

- Gentle boiling procedure "Schoko"
Flas" evapol'{ltioll
Flash evaporation is also possible below ah110-
(Kaspar Schulz, Bamberg)
In the case of the gentle boiling procedure (Fig. rr

spheric boiling [302]. 3.85g), the boiling process is divided into two

stages: "-
This entails the wort being kept in the wort

kettle at 90 °C (Fig. 3.85£1) and h eated up to 95°C 1. A heat retention stage in the wort kettle for =- -"
hop isomerisation, precipitation of protein 3 ' :.
in the ex ternal boiler (2). In the fla sh evaporator 8
(3), the wort cools back down to 90 °C and is components and formation of flavour and
then pLrmped back to the wort kettle w here it is aroma substances; the wort is thereby main-
circulated for about 40 min . Following this, the tained at a temperature of 97 to 99 °C for 50 to
Fig. 3.85g
ex ternal boiler is by-passed and the wort, which 70 min; eva poration is about 1%. Gelllle boilillg procedllre "ScilOko "
is still being circulated, slowly cools down to 80 2. An expansion evaporation in a specially con- (I) wort ketlle, (2) whirlpool, (3) Wal'l PIlIllP, (4) e.rpnllsioll evnporn lol; (5) vnpo/II; (6) colldellser (7) VnCl/lI111 PIllIlP, (8) worl
s tructed evapora tor with a ball-like upper cooler
to 82 °C and is pumped into the whirlpool. The


a stripping column (3) w ith evaporation vessel Merlin, and a w hirlpool, which at the same time
(condenser) (4) and a plate-type heat exchanger ,-------- 9 is a collection vessel for the entire brew as well
(5). On reaching the boiling temperature the as the vessel for hot sludge separation (Fig.
wort remains standing for 30 to 50 min with 8 3.85k). The Merlin itself has no capacity beca u-
gentle stirring and is then pumped into a sett- se the wor t continually flo ws off as it flows in. 3
3 ling tank or whirlpool. The conical hea ting floor of the Merlin is - at le-
2 ast in the case of la rger plants - divided into
After the whirlpool rest the stripping begins two so as to enable work to be differen tiated.
in the stripping column (Fig. 3.85i). The wort 1+-+--+-4
coming out of the whirlpool (1) is optionally Wor/dllg procedllre (Fig. 3.85l)
heated in a pre-warmer (2) by means of steam 11 Position A: Filling
and led into the stripping column via a distri- 7 In the Merlin procedure, the Merlin is used in
butor. There it flows throu gh packing consi- place of the wort kettle. In the case of a small
sting of many specially form ed metal shaped brew, the wort flows directly from the lauter
rings (4), which ha ve already been heated by tlm into the whirlpool; in other cases, a wort
stripping steam (5). The stripping steam now buffer vessel has to be located in between them.
heats the wort in a counter flow and at the same The entire brew is collected in the whirlpool.
Fig. 3.85g1 time creates a huge surface in the stripping co-
"Scl/Oko" uoilillg pmcerlllrc plmlt lumn, which promotes the evaporation of free Position B: Heating and heat retention
(Knspn r SChlllz, Bmlluerg) DMS and other volatile substances. In the up- Fig.3.85i The wort is pumped out of the whirlpool over
Strippillg C011l11I1 1
per part of the stripping vessel the steam is fed (1) wort fr0 111 the wh irlpool, (2) pre-wn nl1el; (3) sten111 illlet,
the conical h ea ting floor of the Merlin . The wort Wort stripping into an evaporation vessel or condenser (6) and (4) strippillg COlll11111 pnckillg, (5) strippillg stenl1l, (6) COII- flows in increasingly thin layers over this hea-
(Meura, Peruwel z / Belgium) there it is precipitated by means of cold water dellscl; (7) coolillg wnter illlct, (8) coolillg wntel' olltlet, (9) ting floor and is thereby heated to 99 °C. During
COlldellsnte olltlet, (10) wort /'II II-OJ! to the plnte-type Ilent ex- this stage, both heating zones are heated with a
This system (Fig. 3.85h) consists of a wort kett- (7), whilst the wort, which is more or less free of
le (1), a hot sludge settling tank or whirlpool (2), free DMS, is pumped off (10) . steam pressure of 1.3 to 1.7 bar and the wort is
vigorously moved with 5 to 6 circulations/hour. Flash evaporation "Varioboil" It is important that the thin wort film should al-
(Nerb GmbH, Attaching) so cover the peripheral parts of the entire hea-
With this system the wort is boiled conventio- ting floor. The wort which nms back into the
nally and the volatile aroma substances then whirlpool is layered at the top of the whirlpool
2 =====i[> precipita ted in a flash evaporator. The vapours so as to obtain as lmiform as possible heating of
produced are precipitated by a kettle vapour the entire brew up to boiling temperatlue. This
condenser. In a second stage the flash evapora- process lasts 15 to 20 min. In this time the hops
tor is put under a vacuum. As a result further are also lmiformly added by means of a dosing
c:=r volatile aroma substances evaporate and the mechanism.
II 11 wort cools to 90 to 85°C. The wort is then freed After this the entire brew is circulated tlU'ee

I, 14 from trub in a whirlpool rest and then treated

further as usual.
or four times over the Merlin at 99°C for about
35 min. By means of reduced steam pressure
(0.8 to 1.1 bar), a heating zo ne is now generated. Thin film evaporator "Merlin" As a result of low thermal exposure and diffe-
(Krones-Steinecker) rentiated precipitation of protein, volatile aro-
Fig. 3.85h
The boiling system Merlin consists of a vessel ma substances, su ch as free DMS, can be well
Wort strippillg
(1) wort kettle, (2) wh irlpool, (3) strippillg COIIlIlIIl , (4) evnporntioll vessel, (5) plnte-type Ilent exchnl lger with a slightly conical heating floor, the actual evaporated.
362 363

3 3

Merl in

Wh irlpool ' 6 6

c o

Systelli Merlill - eIItire plnllt
(1) buffer vessel, (2) wort hen tel; (3) hoppillg vessel, (4) stemll cOll trol vnlve, (5) eIIelgy storage tnllk

Position C: Whirlpool rest As a result the free DMS formed later is precipi-
From the boiling stage onwards the wort is on- tated and the wort is then immediately cooled
ly fed tangentially back to the whirlpool so as to by the wort cooler and pumped into the fer-
ob tain a separation of the trub cone in the menting cellar.
middle by means of a rotating movement. In The whole process las ts 120 to 145 min de-
the diagra m the remainder of the wort is flo- pending on the d esired brew cycle time. The
wing over the Merlin. This is fo llowed by a 20 to thermal exposure of the wort (expressed in the 6 6
25 min whirlpool rest. During this time free TBI) is considerably lower using this procedure
DMS form s from the precu rsor which should be
precipitated in the following s tage.

Position 0: Stripping
than with normal wort boiling, the colouring is
lower and the remaining coagulable nitrogen in
the wort considerably higher. The free DMS al-
so has lower values. Regarding the foam, ten
Fig. 3.851(A-D)
The wort is now therefore slowly passed over plus points have been determined according to Thill fil lli cOlldellser "Merlill" - workillg procedure
the Merlin in 30 to 45 min whereby only the lo- R&C. The energy consumption is considerably (A) fill illg, ( 8) hentillg nlld Ilent retelltioll, (e) wllirlpool rest, (0) wort strippillg
wer heating zone is heated with 0.85 to 1.5 bar. lower in comparison to con ven tional procedu- (1) wort feed pipe, (2) wort PIllIlP, (3) hentillg ZOll e I, (4) hentillg zOlle II, (6) to wort coolillg
364 365

res (results can amount to 70% sav ings). As a re- brew ke ttle was mostl y square, open at the top 1975 ex ternal boiler Energy usage du ring wort boiling
sult of the Stromboli procedure, which h as been and riveted toge ther from iron or copper sheets 1978 internal boiler The wort ke ttle is the greatest energy use r in the
developed in the meantime, the Merlin h as had (Fig. 3.85s). It was not until the middle of the low pressure boiling entire wo rt produ ction process. Very careful
to take something of a back sea t. Exp erts cha- 19'h centu ry that an attempt was made to intro- 1980 mechan ica l vap our compression considera tion must therefore be given to how to
3 rac terise the beer produced using Merlin as duce a cover and vap our chimney and the mo- 1982 w hirlpool ke ttle keep the energy usage as low as p ossible since 3
being somewhat milder. re valu abl e, mostl y circ ular copper ke ttle in- hi gh tempera ture boiling energy is very expensive.
More information on "expansion" and "eva- creasing ly became the main attraction of the 1990 low pressure boiling with Energy usage is quoted in kWh or kJ w here-
pora tion" can be found in Sect. Wh irl- brewe ry. Steam kettles we re only introduced at energy sto rage by
pool w ith subsequent evap oration - Caly pso the begimting of the las t century and the argu- 1996 d ynami c low pressure boiling 1 kWh =3.6 MJ = 860 kcal.
System. ment between brewm as ters regarding the ad- 1997 therma l va pour compression It is also know n that comll1on fuels h ave the
vantages and disadvantages of fire boiling as wo rt stripping (Meura) follo w ing thermal values (see also Sect. 10.2.1):
S11111111 ary opposed to s team b oiling continued well past 1998 thin film evaporator Merlin N atural gas 11.20 kWh/m 3
It has been shown that all modern wort boiling the middle of the century. 2001 vac uum evaporation Fu el oil 10.14 kWh/1
systems with varying focuses attempt to gentle boiling Schoko Heavy oil 11 .16 kWh/kg
minimise the en ergy consumption and hen ce The kettle sh ape of the s team kettle changed 2003 wort boiling procedure Stromboli H ard coal 8.95 kWh/kg
lower the costs, with the development of additional evaporati- wor t pre-cooling In the brew house an 80 % effi cien cy can be
reduce the boiling time and intensity of b oi- on surfaces to the so-called high p erformance 2006 Jets tar boiling exp ected, i.e. about 80 % of the energy is utili-
ling so as to kettles wi th very high eva poration . This deve- whirlpool w ith evaporation Caly pso sed in the brew house.
reduce the thermal exposu re of the wort and lopment ended abruptl y during the firs t oil cri- At the same time, it is noticeable that there The starting point of our considerations is the
increase the amolUlt of coagulable fo am-pro- sis in 1973. From then on, a change of thinking has been a continuou s lowering of the duration energy u sage obtain ed with a con vention al
ducing nitrogenous substan ces, and occurred regarding th e d evelopment of the of boiling and o f the total evap oration during kettle.
reduce the content of free DMS and other vo- kettle shape and boiling procedure, which was tltis time, a p rocess which h as not ye t reached
latile substan ces. able to achieve the same or even better effect its conclusion! El1ergy II sed il1 helltil1g the wort to boilil1g
In this context, let us take a look at the deve- w ith consid erably less evap oration. The fo llo- The lUlboiled wort is about 75°C. To hea t it to
lopment of the brew kettle. For a long time the wing thus resulted : System Temperature Boil ing Tota l boiling, about 3 k/Wh/hl = 10.5 MJ are required .
(on lea ving boiler) dura tion evap o ra ti on
in °C in min in % El1ergy IIsed ill col1vel1 tiol1l1l boilil1g
high If the wort is b oiled for 90 min at 100 °C leading
performa nce to a p ercentage eva porati on of about 12 % in the
kettle 100 120 - 150 12 -16 kettle, then we require
internal/ex t. about 14 kWh (= 12,000 kcal) per 1 hi cas t
boiler 102 - 103 60 - 80 8 w ort.
low pressu re
boiling Ellergy sllvil1g liS 11 resllit of cOl1versiol1 to low pres-
classical 103 - 104 55 - 65 -7 sll re boilil1g
low pressure With low pressure boiling the total boiling time
boiling is redu ced considerably because of the higher
Fig. 3.85s dynamic 103 - 104 45 - 50 5 temperatu re and the consequently accelerated
First brewillg kettle of tile Pi/s- high tem p. dissolving and conversion p rocesses. If, instea d
lier Urq l/el/ Brewery (1842). bailing 130 - 140 2.5 - 3 6-8 of the previou s 12% (10 to 15%) only 5 to 7% is
Tile 1I 1/ I/Ierol/S riveted slleets ill-
thin film now eva porated, 6 kWh/hI cast wort is saved in
dicn te tile problellls wll icll were
ellcoll ll tered ill tryillg to keep evaporator 100 35 - 40 4 comparison w ith con ve ntional boiling so that
tile kettle lenkproof fl ash evapor. < 100 40 - 50 4-5 in low pressure boiling fo r each 1 hI of cas t
366 367

wort about 9 kWh (= 7740 kcal) are required. rage . Particular attention should be paid to the
111at is a large saving which arises simply from fact that the energy level of the water is kept
the reduction of the percentage evaporation. very high in all position s and the formation of
In converting to a modern wort boiling sy- warm water whjch CaJU10t successfully be reu-
Cold water _______
stem energy usage is further reduced not least sed is avoided. It CaJl be said that with low pres- 3
by a shorteniJlg of the boilin g time of 40 to 50 sure boiling up to a total evaporation of 4 - 4.5%,
min and a reduction in the percentage evapora- no surp lu s warm water is produced [374]. The - condensate
tion of 4 to 5%. values ob tained of course vary from brewhouse
Usually the heat rate in the brewhouse is quo- to brewhouse; however the production of a si-
ted as being about 50% of the tota l heat rate in milar h eat flow diagram is recommended for ·.'t:I". Fresh steam
the brewery. The range is between 48,000 and uldividu al breweries in order to obtain more 3.2 kWh/hi cast Vlort

83,000 kj/hl. precise information on advantages aJld deficits. Condensate

However, even during mashing, increasing
the mashing- in temperature and the transition
to shorter mashing periods result in a conside-
rable energy saving potential:
A - very desirable - red uction in the total eva-
poration to 2 - 2.5% is possible, as long as a reli-
able evaporation of aroma SubstaJlces by meaJ1S
of s uitabl e procedure and equipment (e .g.
Hot waler
0,94 kWh/hi AW


Two mash m ethod 25,500 kj/hl Stromboli, Calypso) can s till be g uaranteed
·"IfI". Fresh steam
Single decoction mashing 20,900 kj/hl [375]. Cold waler ____ 11 ___ 1
2,3 kWh/hi cast wort

Infusion mashing 15,900 kj/hI

With the heating of the wort it is possible Vapour condensate
with a total evaporation of four to five percent During wort boiling a considerable amount of
to produce enough hot water at a temperature water condenses which is known as vapolU'. If
of 95 to 97 °C to heat up the lauter wort of the nothing is done, the vapour escapes through Fig.3.85z
Hent flo w dingrnlll with dYllnlllic low pressllre boilillg nlld ellergy stornge
following brew from 72 - 74 °C to above 93 0c. the chimney. The nasty smell associated with
This results in a lower amount of energy being this (controlled in Germany by the Federal
required for further heating. The target is not to Emissions Protection Law) forces breweries to lubrication of synthetic belts Ul the fillulg Sec- lection vessel (UB) as a buifer vessel, cOlU1ected
use more than 20,000 kj/hl energy in the condense the vapour. Not only is a considerable tion. between the lauter tun and wort kettle, in order
brewhouse, or less than O.5litres of oil / hi beer part of the energy contained in the vapour re- to be able to maintain the casting out cycle
[282] . gained (see Sect., but at the same time Underback (wort buffer vessel) rhythm (Fig. 3.85b).
In general, it is calculated that energy con- reusable water is also obtauled which can be The m ash vessel (MV) and lauter tun (LT) are It is possible to warm the wort when recircu-
sumption in the brewhoL1se is as follows [374]: used for different purposes. SUlce the vapour occupied only as long as the mashing or laute- latulg it to the wort kettle by means of a heat ex-
up to 19% for mashing (infusion procedure), condensate, however, contains a number of ring lasts. The wort kettle (WK), however, changer. An appropriate heating medium is hot
up to 30% for heating up the wort (72 - 100 0q, evaporated base substances (DMS, ageing car- must be ava ilable from the running in of the water which has been prepared, for example,
up to 46% for boiling the wort (with 8 % eva- bonyls, a. 0.), reusing it as brewulg water is not first wort to the casting out and is therefore the with the kettle vapour condenser (see Sect.
poration), recomm ended [193]. The trea ted (if possible by vessel occupied for the longest time. If only a or a direct injection of cleaJled fresh
up to 2.5% for CIP, and meaJ1S of reverse osmosis) vapour condensate few brews are made per day this is not very steam (see Sect. 3.2.2).
up to 2.5% for other uses. CaJl, on the other hand, be used in other areas: important, but when consecutive brews are
For further details regarding energy con- pre-rulsulg water for CIP cleaJung, boiled aJld 8 or more brews are cast p er day, 3.4.3 Performing wort boiling
sumption, see Sect. 10.1. cooling water in evaporatulg condensers, there are problems because another first wort In the performance of wort boiling two
boiler feed water, is produced whilst the kettle is still in use (Fig. aspects are of particular importance and they
Fig. 3.85z (GEA Brewery Systems, Kitzingen) cleaning of beer crates, 3.85a). are ulter-related:
provides an overview of the heat flow in a bre- cleaning of spent grains silo, Consequently breweries now use a heated or the boilulg of the wort aJld
wery with low pressure boiling and energy sto- rUlsing of lauter tun floor and whirlpool, at least well-ulsulated underback or wort col- the conversion of hop bittering compOlU1ds.

368 369

tel' a boiling time of two hours, isomerisa tion is Exnlllple:

MI not fully complete. The so lubility increases as 360 hi of Pilsner beer are cas t and a bitterness
LI the pH value rises. of 32 BU is desired.
a WK
WP C\ C\ C\
Q uestion: How man y kg of a.-acid must
MV Calculation of the hop addition be added ?
3 3
LI Fig.3 .S5 A bitterness is sought which correspond s to the
b UB IJlterrlepeJlrleJl ce of occllpntiOJl beer type. Bitterness is ex pressed in AmOlmt of cast wort (hot) = 360 hi
WK of vwuiJlg vessels (ocC//pnt ioJl
WP a
Bitterness units (BU) = mg of bitter AmOlmt of cast wort (cold) =
C\ C\ C\ C\ rlingrnlll nccorrliJlg to GmItt)
(n) witllo llt IIJ1rlervnck, (v) witll substances/l of beer. 360 x 0.96 = 345.6 hi
Time in hours
II//rlervnck Average bitterness unit va lues and bitter sub- cold cast wor t
stance additions for German beers are, for ex-
ample: Desired bitterness in fini shed beer: Boiling the wort 32 BU = 32 mg/I beer = 3.2 g/hl beer
In general boiling is commenced as soon as the saccharifica tion must be performed before hea- Beer type g a.-acid/ Bitterness for 1.6 hl = 3.2 g
wort is in the kettle. Boiling is performed today ting in the wort kettle or in the fermenting cel- hi beer units for 345.6 hi = 1105.9 g
for 50 to 60 min (sometimes even longer). lar by the addition of first wort or malt ex tract- Wheat beer 5.0 - 7.0 14 - 20 BU 1.106 kg of bitter substan ce is desired in the
It is preferable not to boil for too long a time it CaIU10t be corrected later. Bock beer 6.0 - 8.0 19-23BU beer.
or too vigorously b ecause: Marzen beer 7.0 - 8.5 20 - 25 BU
the coagulable protein should not be comple- Hop addition Alcohol free 7.0 - 9.0 20 - 28 BU Necessa ry amount of bitter substance:
tely precipitated, The hops are added duritlg wort boilitlg aIld Export beer 7.5 - 11.0 22 - 30 BU Bitterness yield = 31%
the DMS can nevertheless be driven out, boiled with the wor t. Duritlg boilitlg the itls01u- Pilsner beer 10.0 - 16.0 28 - 40 BU 31 % bitterness yield = 1.106 kg a.-acid
since the energy costs increase with each mi- ble a.-acids are isomerised to soluble iso-a.-acids
nute of boiling and it is therefore not performed which give a bitterness to the beer. It is thereby 100 % _ 1.106 kg x 100 % .
bitterness - 31 = 3.57 kg a.-aCId
any longer than necessary. Consideration has to important to know: TIms to produce a Pilsner beer with 32 BU,
given to the dissolving and isomerisation of the what quantity of hops must be added, the target is 32 m g bitter substance per 1 of beer. 3.57 kg of a.-acid must be added .
hop bittering substances which only dissolve when the hops should be added, aIld The hops are added to the hot wort. This wort
more thoroughly with increasin g length of time. how the hops can be added to the wort. contracts on cooling by 4% (see Sect. In reality about 10% more a.-acid needs to be
It is however important that the wor t at the It should be taken into account that the bitte- TIle qUaIl tity of hops to be add ed now has to be added since from 360 hi casting wor t (with a
end of the boiling process, in other words at ring substances added and their bitterness va- calculated based on the amount of cold beer to 10% loss), only 324 hI of beer is p roduced, to
casting, has reached the d esired extrac t content lues do not completely pass into the beer but be cast. w hich the amount of a.-acid has to be added,
(Sect. since only in this way can the de- that a considerable p art is lost on the way. The There is also another important facto r. On- thus, 3.57 + 10 % = 3.93 kg.
sired original wort gravity be achieved . This balaI1Ce (in %) is: ly part of the bitter subs tance introduced go-
must be borne in mind before beginning the Bitteritlg Bitterness es into the beer. This bitter substance yield The next step is that the a.-acid must be divided
boiling process. subs taI1Ce value depends on the p ar ticul ar operating conditi- amongst the individual hop additions aIld pro-
It is also important to check again that sac- Spent hops 20 7 ons (boiling time, pressure, pH, etc) and va- ducts. This requires a decision by the brewery.
charification is complete (late sacch arification) Trub 50 18 ries in general between 25 and 35%, calcula-
before begituling the boil. It is possible that du- Foam aIld yeast 10 25 ted on the finished beer. Inspection of th e Remaitung with the above example, the re-
rin g mashing-off and lautering m ore s tarch Beer 20 50 table shows that th e am ount in grams of 0'.- quired 3.57 kg a.-acid can be supplied, for ex-
components have gone into solution and have Hops 100 100 acid to be added to the wort is always about a ample, by combining
not been saccharified because the amylases we- third of th e bitterness units wanted in the 75 % provided by Type 45 pellets
re already inactivated by the high (perhaps The isomerisa tion of a.-acid itltO iso-a.-acid in- beer. For an exact addition, however, this bit- containing 9 % a.-acid, with
even too high!) final mashing temperature. To creases with boilitlg time, but slows down mo- terness yield mus t be d etermined by trials in 25 % provided by w h ole leaf hops
avoid a starch haze in beer a supplementary re and more as boilitlg time progresses. Even af- the brewery. containing 7 % a.-acid.


370 Composition of the hop addition and w hen the pa rti al add itions should be made, better beer foam (up to 10 points accordillg to Hop ndditioll ill the foml of flop powder or pel-
and R&C), lets
time of addition
Three different types of product are available w hich va rieties fi rst, whi ch las t. lu gher yield of iso-Ct.-acids, These processed for ms of hops were therefore
When seve ral varieties are u sed, the bittering lugher charge of aroma com ponen ts and developed to sim plify h andling and provide a
fo r the hop addition:
hops are always added first in ord er to isomeri- lugher charge of lLl1isomerised Ct.-acids (about standard ised fo rm of b itterill g mate ri al which 3
wh ole leaf hops,
3 se their high Ct.-acid potential as much as possi- 2.7 mg <x-acid/I); this results in higher micro- redu ces the amount of s torage space requi red .
hop pellets, and
ble. Moreover, undesirable volatile components biologica l s tability. Hop powders and p ellets are sold ill cans, fo il
hop extracts.
Th ere are hardly any quality differences bet- (e.g. m yrcene, etc.) are d riven out. The first ad- packets with an inert gas filling, hard packs or
ween these products now adays because all the dition is responsible for the bittering. 75% of the The decision w hen w hich h op additions are fo il-lined ca rtons containing up to 150 kg.
production processes very ca refull y pro tect the <x-acid should be added first, particularly the made affects the qu ality of the beer p roduced . Pell ets are usually supplied ill standardised,
desired h op contents. There are however quali- bitter h ops or hi gh alpha hops (Fig. 3.S5b). If The follow illg is recommended [296]: inert gas fill ed packages with a lamil1ated foil
ty di ffe rences between individual hop va rieties p ossible, it ce rtainly makes sense to add the SO% of the h ops (40% each of aroma and bit- preventing gas exch ange . Us ually their con-
as already mentioned (Sect. 1.2.6). hops even b efore the start of boiling for the be- terillg) at the start of boilillg and 20% arom a tents are quoted ill kg <x-acids to make theil' use
Nowadays it is the size and equipment of the nefit of the isomerisa tion . hops before the end of boilillg (because of the eas ier.
brewhouse w hich mainly determines what pro- The hops w ith the best aroma - the aroma linaJool content), or In smaller breweries the can s or fo il p ackages
ducts are used. Considered overall, an il"\crea- hops - are added las t, at the end of boilillg or 50% of the hops (25% each of arom a and bit- are opened by hand and the con tents added to
sing turning awa y from the u se of w hole leaf even in the whirlpool, wh ereb y the whirlpool tering) at the start of boiling and 30 - 40% aro- the kettle. The empty can s are retain ed ill a ca-
h ops can be seen, silLCe their use results in the temperature should be lowered to arOlmd SO0c. ma hops during the middle of boiling (better ge suspended ill the ke ttle. Th e large r the bre-
occurrence of spent hops which must be remo- Thereby the volatile aroma substances are retai- yield and flavour subs tan ces) and 10 - 20% wery, if a 2-hour brew cycle is used, the greater
ned in the beer, if this is desired for the beer ill before the end of boilillg. the pressure for autom ated addition, since in a
With regard to hop add ition, points to consi- question. However the maximum utilisation of The variety and timing of the hop addition al- 10 t brewhouse produ cing S brews a d ay 250 to
the Ct.-acids must be foregone in this case. so have an effect on the foa m stability: tamlin 300 kg of pellets must be added .
de r are:
in how many parts the additi ons should be There are a number of ad va ntages from pro- free hop extrac t, e.g. CO, ex trac t, is more advan- With one of the dosil1g systems, on ce a day
ceeding in this way [214]: tageous, w hereas the polyphenols from the co- severa l conta iners are each filled w ith the
m ade,
nes or pell ets lead to increased pro tein p recip i- amount n eed ed per brew and the contents
tation [236]. m ixed . At specified times the indi vidu al contai-
ners are automatically rinsed em p ty with wort Hop addition - dosing systems (F ig.3.S6).

Additioll of IIn t llml flop s ill calle fa 1'111 Llsillg flop extm ct
Despite a decreasillg trend, there are still many The high viscosity of the hop extract mus t firs t
Evaporation breweries worldwide whi ch add natural hops. be red uced substantially an d the ex tract made
If the h ops are added in cone form a hop strai- more fluid by heatil1g to 45 to 50 °C. In some
ner or the lauter tun must be used when castillg processes, to d o this, the can is autom atica lly
the wort to rem ove the spent hops. In the end sprayed w ith a hot liquid (wa ter or last run-
Dilution, this onl y cau ses ex tra wo rk and wort losses . nings) and the contents kept h omogeneous by
/somerisation Consequently man y breweri es mill the hops continuous turning before addition to the wor t
very fillely immedi ately before adding them, a t the predetermined time.
and then p recipitate the finely milled particles In the case of large containers the entire con-
in a whirlpool. The spen t hops can be added be- tents of the contailler must be hea ted up to the
Wort boiling
fore lau tering the next brew and sold with the desired temperatlU'e - never above 50 °C - with-
End of boiling Fig.3 .85b
Start of boiling Effect of hop aririitioll all tile spent grains. Composting of the spent hops is in 36 to 4S h so that it can be em ptied into a mix-
character of tile beer scarcely possible. ing vessel and added after mixing. Also used is
372 373

The composition of the casting wor t natural- the following - interdependent - factors:
ly has a grea t affect on the quality of the beer the content of evaporation indica tors should
produced from it. The casting worts examined be kept as low as possible and not exceed 40
by the Cen tral Laboratory of the VLB produced to 60 pg/l free DMS, and lmder no circum-
3 the following mean and limit values [308]: s tances be above 100 pg/l. The hexanal con-
ten t should not exceed 10 - 20 pg/l, hexa nol
Mean value Limit values 1 - 3 pg/l and pentanol not exceed 2 - 4 pg/l.
Fig. 3.86
Wort kettle with hop riosiug cou-
for the thermal exposure, a TBI value of 30 to
tniuers pH value 5.33 4.78 - 5.76 40 s hould be seen as the maximum, the furfu-
(1) wort kettle Extract ral content should not be more than 450 - 700
(2) iutemnl voileI' (vollbier wort) 12.26% 10.38 - 13.74 pg/ l and glutamine should not amOlmt to
(3) kettle vnpour couriel/ser
Extract fermented more than 11 - 115 mg/l.
Whirlpool (4) hop riosiug coutniuers
(5) wort enstiug plllllp to completion 2.24% 1.70 - 3.20 for foam retention, a value of 20 to 40 mg/l of
(6) stefl/II Jeeri pipe Final atte nuation 81.5% 75 .2 - 85.6 coagulable nitrogen - however at leas t 14
6 7 (7) courieusnte outflow Colour (pale worts) 8.2 EBC 6.6 - 10.6 mg/l - should be strived for, and the MgSO,
(8) colri wn terJeeri pipe
Bittering units 41.0 BU 22.3 - 54.2 precipitable nitrogen should be 130 - 180
(9) wnrlll wnter rirniunge
Total nih'ogen 1098 mg/l 879 -1346 mg/l.
Coagulable for yeast nutrition, 200 to 250 mg/l of a-ami-
direct dosing based on mass by means of a po- pass into solution during hot sparging and to nitrogen 20 mg/l 2 - 37 no-N and 0.15 - 0.30 mg/l zinc is necessary.
sitive displacement pump. The conveyed produce haze in beer if not noticed in time. In mg precipitable
lengths therefore have to be heated. addition to the visual iodine sample, a photo- nitrogen 208 gil 169 - 367 3.5 Brewhouse yield
In smaller breweries the cans are often pierced metric iodine sa mple can be carried out, where- Free amino N The brewhouse yield indicates what p ercentage
without preheating and emptied directly into the by high molecular weight dextrins and remai- (FAN) 208 mg/l 140 - 286 of the gris t charge is available as extract content
kettle during boiling. The cans can be held in a re- ning starch residues are precipitated by the Photometr. iodine in the cast wort. The brewhouse yield is there-
taining cage and easily removed again. addition of ethanol. sample 0.74/:" E 0.19 - 1.86 fore an important internal brewery measure of
Downstream hop products are only added amount of castiJ1g wort Viscosity 1.73 mPa.s 1.65 - 1.83 the effiCiency of the brewhouse operations.
after first filtration (see Sect. in the case of old plants this is measured either Dimethyl sulphide In many countries the taxation authorities are
with an inserted measuring rod or with a floa- (OMS) 66 10 - 677 also interes ted in the brewhouse yield because
3.4.4 Monitoring the cast wort ting measuring rod. The amount of casting wort Dimethyl sulphide it is only here that the total amount of extract
Wort boiling ends at casting when the wort is is important for determining the yield and as precursor 71 p g/l 10 - 212 formed can be determined . The main part of
pumped by means of a powerful casting pump evidence of the production output required by TBI pale worts 43 34 - 56 this ex trac t later disappears because of conver-
into the whirlpool. Until then the person in the taxation officials. If a calibrated cold wort Zinc content 0.16 mg/l 0.03 - 0.66 sion to alcohol and CO2 during fermentation, so
charge of brewing monitors the wort indepen- measuring device is available, it is possible to fatty acids [200]: that only a small part is present in beer. It will
dently of the installed instruments. This invol- omit determining the amount of cast wort. lower fatty acids 0.8 mg/l 0.3 - 3.8 be shown, however, that it is possible to deter-
ves the following tests: extract content of the casting wort higher saturated mine the ex tract content of the so-called "origi-
wort clarity the person in charge of brewing has a small fatty acids 0.4 mg/l 0.0-1.9 nal gravity" from the finished beer; the total ex-
using a sight glass in front of a light source the work station at which he measures the extract higher lllsaturated tract produced can only be identified, however,
wort is examined to see if - as desired - it is bril- content (Sect. In the case of modern fatty acids 0.4 mg/l 0.0-1.1 by means of the brewhouse yield .
liantly clear with large flocs floating in it. plants the extract content is automatically mea- 6E difference in the colo uring of a sample precipitated
late saccharification by means of the iodine sured and displayed (see Sect. 7.5). with ethanol compared to a blank solution. 3.5.1 Calculating the brewhouse yield
test The wort is now called casting wort. Its In modern breweries the brew house yield is au-
it has been mentioned previously that it is pos- amount and extract content form the basis for For the quality of the beer, its foam retention tomatically calculated on the basis of the deter-
sible for still undissolved starch residues to determining the brew house yield . and flavour stability, it is important to control mined values. The following Sect. provides in-

for mation on the thought processes and opera- Determination of the mass percent sert the h ydro mete r too deeply becau se the Exn lllple:
ting ste ps to determine the brewhouse yield TIle m ass percen t is measured w ith a specific wort ad heres to the hydrometer n eck and pulls hyd ro meter reading 11.6%
w hich, in older and sm aller breweries, also s till gravity hydrometer (Fig. 3.87). The hyd rometer it down, thereby prod UCillg a false reading . Pre- correction -0.2%
is a floa table body w hich operates like a densi- ferably the dry hyd rom eter is h eld at its top end weight percent 11.4%
have to be carried out.
The brewhouse yield determines what percen- meter. The lower the sp ecific gravity of the li- and slowly imm ersed until the expected value 3
3 quid, the deep er the hyd rometer sin1<s. A scale is almos t reached . Any foam formed on the The corrected value shows how man y kg of
tage of the grist charge mass used is present as
ex trac t mass in the wort kettle. This percentage is housed in the thill neck of the h ydrometer wort surface should be bl own down. ex tract are present in 100 kg of wort at 20 °C.
(brewhouse yield) is usu ally between 75 to 80 %. w hich shows the mass percent. Because the hy- TIle hydrometer is calibra ted at 20 °C. If the In the example there are 11.4 kg of extrac t in
To ca lculate the brewhouse yield the follo- drometer was firs t cali brated using a sucrose (= temperature is not 20 °C a correction must be ma- 100 kg = 1 dt of wort (20 °C).
saccharose) solution, the hydrometer is also ca l- de to the readillg. This correction depends on the
wing are required :
led a saccha rometer. wort temperature. If the wort is warmer than Determination of the mass of extract
the grist charge u sed,
the mass p ercent d etermined w ith a hydro- Measurement is made at abou t 20 °C. A small 20 °C then it h as a lower specific gravity than at p er hI wort
amount of the hot finished wort is pu t illto a 20 °C and the correction value must be added and (extract content of 1 hI wort)
meter and
the amolmt of cast wort m easu red . metal cylind er - often suspended on gilnbals- conversely at lower temperatures it must be sub- In prac tice one ne ver wants the mass of ex tract
The am ount of gris t used is regis tered exact- with a cooling jacke t fo r cooling to abo u t 20 °C. tracted. in 1 dt of wort but the m ass in hi of wort, since
ly by the automatic weighing dev ice and recor- Obviously the wor t must not be diluted to cool the amount of wort is always m easured in hec-
d ed in a computer or the b rewh ouse records. it. Simil arly evapora tion of water, causillg con- tolitres .
The amOlUlt of grist is the starting point for cal- cent ra tion of the wo rt, mus t be p revented . The 25 - "" '3
rea ding taken fro m the hy drometer is that .2 The con version is performed using the speci-
culating the yield. 1=
shown at the position w here the h yd rometer .1 fic gravity of the wort:
projects from the wort. 0
Reading a hyd rometer takes practice since it is ·1 ex trac t content in kg / dt . specific gravity
impossible to read fro m below the surface ·2

through the metal cylinder and the liquid is

eLI -3 = extract content in
drawn up slightl y on the hydrometer neck. Con- <l.l hI
U ·4
sequently the upper lines appear somewhat TIle specific gravity of a substance is tempera-
F -5
ture and pressme dependent. With every specific
drawn together. The hydrometer reading is the
uppermost, still clearly read able value. gravity value, therefore, the meaSLU·ement tem-
5 -0
H y drom e ters a re rea d from above in the Fig. 3.88
perature must be shown, whereas the figure for
brewh ouse. In the laborato ry h ydrometers are Hydl'OlIIeter tiler/Hollleterjor n 10-15% the pressure can be ignored in the case of liquids.
also used which are read from below because sncchnrollleter wi th n correctioH scnle In the case of the present example, to convert
glass cylinders are used there. It is always mar- to kg of extract in 100 I wort, the specific gravity
ked on the hyd ro meter w hether it is calibrated at 20 °C related to water at 4 °C (abbreviated to
for reading fro m above or below. The hydrom eter therefore contains a thermo- SG 20/4) is used. In the corrected s ugar extract
Fig. 3.87 To get as accurate a measurement as possible, meter in its lower part. The correction value is table of the Standards Calibration Commission
Wort i1 ydl'OlII eter ill n the concentration of the wort mu st not change. obtained by pulling the hydrometer out until according to Plato, the corresp onding g extract
Ilydl'Ol ll eter cylill der Consequently the hydrometer must not be rin- only the tip is still immersed. On the other side per 100 ml at 20 °C (= kg ex trac t p er hI) are
(1) i1ydl'OlIIeter cylillder
sed before use with wa ter or any liquid other of the thermometer scale there are lines and red shown to the hLUldredth part of mass percent
(2) coolillg jncket
(3) verticnl sllspell sio ll de- than the w ort to be measu red . Before the mea- mlllbers. In Fig. 3.88 the lines on the right hand (see table extract in Fig. 3.89).
v ice surement, the contents of the cylinder must be side corresp ond to these red numbers. The va-
(4) coolillg wn ter ill let thoroughly mixed to avoid temperature va riati- lues shown represent the temperature correcti- If n o table is available, the sp ecific gra v ity
I, (5) coolillg wn ter olltlet
ons by a mixing rod which is clean, dry, or rin- ons, in tenths of a percent, which must be ap- ca n b e es timated by the fo ll owing rul e of
(6) cns tillg wort
(7) Ilydrollleter sed w ith the wort. Ca re must be taken not to in- plied to the h ydrometer reading . thumb:
376 377

Mass % g Converted % g Yield Mass % g Converted % g Yie ld

weight ratio mass % spec. gravity converted weight ratio mass % spec. gravih converted
in 100 g in 100 ml factor in 100 g in 100 ml factor
SI 20/20 "C gin 100 g 0 20/4 "C g in 100 illl SI 20120 "C oin 100 g P 20 / 4"C gin 100 rnl orig. ex tract at 20 DC orig. extract at 20 DC
at 20 "C at 20 "C
2.4 2.42 2.32 6.4 6.55 6.29
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
2.5 2.52 2.42 6.5 6.66 6.39
3 1.04419 11.00 1.04229 11.47 1.04628 11.509 1.04437 12.01 3
2.6 2.62 2.52 6.6 6.76 6.49
423 01 233 48 632 51 441 02 2.7 2.72 2.61 6.7 6.87 6.59
427 02 237 49 636 52 445 03 2.8 2.83 2.71 6.8 6.97 6.69
431 03 241 11 .50 640 53 450 04 2.9 2.93 2.81 6.9 7. 08 6.80
436 04 245 51 645 54 454 05 3.0 3.03 2.91 7.0 7.18 6.90
440 05 250 52 649 55 458 06 3.1 3.13 3.01 7.1 7.29 7.00
444 06 254 53 653 56 462 08
3.2 3.23 3.10 7.2 7.39 7.10
3.3 3.34 3.20 7.3 7.50 7.20
3.4 3.44 3.30 7.4 7.60 7.30
A solution ,""ith a has a specific gravity Table for converting Original Gravity and 3.5 3.54 3.40 7.5 7.71 7.40
mass percent of mass % to the converted % and yield factor 3.6 3.64 3.50 7.6 7.82 7.51
o(water) 1.000 g/ml 3.7 3.75 3.60 7.7 7.92 7.61
1 1.004 g/ml Mass % g Converted % g Yield 3.8 3.85 3.70 7.8 8.03 7.71
2 1.008 g/ml in 100 g in 100 IllI factor 3.9 3.95 3.79 7.9 8.13 7.81
and so on. orig. extract at 20 DC 4.0 4.06 3.90 8.0 8.24 7.91
0.1 0.10 0.10 4.1 4.16 3.99 8.1 8.35 8.02
Accordingly an approximate value for the 0.2 0.20 0.19 4.2 4.26 4.09 8.2 8.45 8.12
specific gravity is obtained from the equation 0.3 0.30 0.29 4.3 4.36 4.19 8.3 8.56 8.22
Specific gravity = (Mass percent · 0.004) + 1 0.4 0.40 0.38 4.4 4.47 4.29 8.4 8.67 8.32
0.5 0.50 0.48 4.5 4.57 4.39 8.5 8.77 8.42
In the example: (11.4 ' 0.004) + 1 = 1.0456 0.6 0.60 0.58 4.6 4.67 4.49 8.6 8.88 8.53
The Plato Table shows 1.04395. 0.7 0.70 0.67 4.7 4.78 4.59 8.7 8.99 8.63
The difference is small but too large for accu- 0.8 0.80 0.77 4.8 4.88 4.69 8.8 9.09 8.73
rate conversions. 0.9 0.90 0.86 4.9 4.99 4.79 8.9 9.20 8.83
1.0 1.00 0.96 5.0 5.09 4.89 9.0 9.31 8.94
In the simplified table shown for everyday 1.1 1.10 1.06 5.1 5.19 4.99 9.1 9.41 9.04
rough estimates, the values for the specific 1.2 1.20 1.15 5.2 5.30 5.09 9.2 9.52 9.14
gravity are omitted and 1.3 1.30 1.25 5.3 5.40 5.18 9.3 9.63 9.25
for each tenth of mass percent 1.4 1.41 1.35 5.4 5.51 5.29 9.4 9.74 9.35
the corresponding values for g extract/lOO 1111 1.5 1.51 1.45 5.5 5.61 5.39 9.5 9.84 9.45
wort (converted %) are given. 1.6 1.61 1.55 5.6 5.71 5.48 9.6 9.95 9.55
Staying w ith the present example, it can be 1.7 1.71 1.64 5.7 5.82 5.58 9.7 10.06 9.66
seen that with 11.4 mass percent, in the column 1.8 1.81 1.74 5.8 5.92 5.68 9.8 10.1 7 9.76
"Converted % g in 100ml at 20 DC", the value is 1.9 1.91 1.83 5.9 6.03 5.79 9.9 10.27 9.86
11.90. 2.0 2.01 1.93 6.0 6.13 5.89 10.0 10.38 9.97
This means that in 100 ml of this wort at 20 DC 2.1 2.11 2.03 6.1 6.24 5.99 10.1 10.49 10.07
there are 11.90 g of extract, which corresponds 2.2 2.21 2.13 6.2 6.34 6.09 10.2 10.60 10.18
to 11.90 kg of extract in 1 hI of wort (at 20 DC). 2.3 2.32 2.23 6.3 6.45 6.19 10.3 10.71 10.28
378 379

Mass % g Converted % g Yield Mass % g Converted % g Yield Mass % g Con verted % g Yield When 264 hI cools to 20 °C (without any eva-
in 100 g in 100 ml factor in 100 g in 100 ml factor in 100 g in 100 m l factor poration !) onl y 96% of the original volu me is
orig. extract at 20 °C orig. extract at 20 °C orig. ex tract at 20 °C still present. The wort has contracted by 4% . If
10.4 10.81 10.38 14.4 15.22 14.61 - 18.4 19.76 18.97 the cooled wor t is h ea ted to 100 °C again, there
3 10.5 10.92 10.49 14.5 15.33 14.72 18.5 19.88 19.08 are aga in 264 hI.
10.6 11.03 10.59 14.6 15.44 14.82 18.6 19.99 19.19 It mu st also be remembered that in the 4%,
10.7 11.14 10.70 14.7 15.55 14.93 18.7 20.11 19.31 the amount of spent hops and protein break is
10.8 11.25 10.80 14.8 15.66 15.03 18.8 20. 22 19.42 a lso includ ed with the amount of wort, alt-
10.9 11.36 10.91 14.9 15.78 15.14 18.9 20.34 19.53 h ough these do not really form part of the ex-
11.0 11.47 11.01 15.0 15.89 15.25 19.0 20.45 19.64 tract.
11.1 11.57 11.11 15.1 16.00 15.36 19.1 20.57 19.75 The conversion of the volume of the hot cast-
11.2 11.68 11.22 15.2 16.11 15.47 19.2 20.69 19.86 ing wort to that of the cold wort (at 20 °C since
11.3 11 .79 11.32 15.3 16.22 15.57 19.3 20.80 19.97 that is the temperature at which the hydrome-
11.4 11.90 11.42 15.4 16.34 15.69 19.4 20.92 20.08 ter reading was made) is performed by multi-
11.5 12.01 11.53 15.5 16.45 15.79 19.5 21.04 20.20 pl ying by 0.96.
11 .6 12.12 11.63 15.6 16.56 15.90 19.6 21.15 20.31 The factor 0.96 is called the contraction or cor-
11.7 12.23 11.74 15.7 16.68 16.00 19.7 21.27 20.42 rection factor.
11 .8 12.34 11.85 15.8 16.79 16.11 19.8 21.39 20.53 In the example then, from the 264 hI hot cast-
11 .9 12.45 11.95 15.9 16.90 16.22 19.9 21.50 20.64 in g wort:
12.0 12.56 12.06 16.0 17.02 16.34 20.0 21.62 20.76
12.1 12.67 12.17 16.1 17.13 16.45 264 h i ' 0.96
12.2 12.78 12.27 16.2 17.24 16.56 In the older literature the mass % values are = 253.44 hi cold cast wor t at 20 °C are obtained.
12.3 12.89 12.38 16.3 17.36 16.67 still shown as weight %.
12.4 13.00 12.48 16.4 17.47 16.77 Of course, the quoted 4% is not quite exact sin-
12.5 13.11 12.59 16.5 17.58 16.88 Conversion of the volume of the hot ce the amount of hot casting wort is lmder-mea-
12.6 13.22 12.69 16.6 17.70 16.99 casting wort to that of the cold wort sured by about 0.2% as a result of the expansion
12.7 13.33 12.80 16.7 17.81 17.10 At the end of wort boiling the al1l0lmt of finis- of the kettle. On the other hand, the form in
12.8 13.44 12.90 16.8 17.92 17.21 hed wort is measured accurately with the mea- which the hops are added plays a role. With hop
12.9 13.55 13.01 16.9 18.04 17.32 suring stick. For this the wort surface mu st be cones it can be assumed that the spent hops in-
13.0 13.66 13.11 17.0 18.15 17.43 totall y calm. The measuring stick is calibrated crease the figtu'e by about 0.2%, but with powder,
13.1 13.77 13.22 17.1 18.27 17.54 for the ke ttle contents and must be used at the pellets or ex tract it is quite different.
13.2 13.88 13.32 17.2 18.38 17.65 place provided for it. The calibration of the kett-
13.3 13.99 13.43 17.3 18.50 17.76 le, which is essential for the correct determina- Because the brewhouse yield is primarily an
13.4 14.10 13.54 17.4 18.61 17.87 tion of the brewhouse yield, is performed by di- internal brewery control figure, the difference
13.5 14.21 13.64 17.5 18.72 17.97 rect measurement. is not important if the same hop composition is
13.6 14.32 13.75 17.6 18.84 18.08 The taxa tion authorities also allow measure- always used.
13.7 14.43 13.85 17.7 18.95 18.19 ment of wort removal by inducti ve flow measu-
13.8 14.55 13.97 17.8 19.07 18.31 rement (in German abbreviated to IDM) on Calculation of the amount of extract ob-
13.9 14.66 14.07 17.9 19.18 18.42 cold wort. tained in the brewhouse
14.0 14.77 14.18 18.0 19.30 18.53 EXllmple: In the example, 1 hI of wort at 20 °C contains
14.1 14.88 14.28 18.1 19.41 18.64 In this example 264 hl were drawn off. But 11.90 kg of ex tract, in the total 253.44 hi of wort
14.2 14.99 14.39 18.2 19.53 18.75 this measurement was made at 100 °C whereas there are 3015.94 kg of ex tract at 20 °C. Thus
14.3 15.10 14.50 18.3 19.64 18.86 the hydro meter reading was taken at 20 °C. 3015.94 kg of extract were obtained.
380 381

The formula for the amount of extract obtai- extract cont. [kgldt]· Q' 0.96 . cast wort amollnt [hI] on of the spent gra ins. They therefore produce portlmity to take over control at any time if it is
ned in the brew house is: grist [dt] higher y ields than conventional brew houses. necessary. In this way operator errors are exclu-
The quality of a brewhouse is also judged ded and the process can be performed optimal-
Extract all/Ollllt [legl = or, more briefly from the difference between the actual yield ob- ly (Sect. 3. 10).
extmct cOlltellt [leg/dtl . Q . 0.96 . castillg wort yield factor [kg/dt] x cast wort amount [hI] tain ed and the laboratory yield. In modern
3 Y 3
all/Ollllt [hI] wliere Q is tlie specific gmvity bh grist [dt] brew houses this difference is very small. 3.5.3 Calculation of a brewhouse yield
(20/4°C) . 4600 kg grist was used for a Pilsner brew and at
In the exampl e 40 dt of grist were needed for Ma sli process the end 331 hi of 10.7% wort was obtained.
Because the correction factor 0.96 is fixed it 3015 kg of extract. In this case Ybh is given by A long, intensive mash process gives a higher What is the brewhouse yield?
has been incorporated in the Plato table and the yield. Longer boiling of the thick mash forms
extract content . Q . 0.96 . cast wort amount
value Y = 3015 kg x 100 % = 75.37 % = 75.4 % more extract. Premashing and boiling the mash = (kg/at( _ _-:--_ _ _ _ _Ihl( _ __
Y bh
bh 4000 kg lmder pressure increase the yield but at the ex- grist (at(
extmct colttellt [leg/dtJ . Q . 0.96 is collectively pense of quality. The ratio of mashing liquor to
tlie yield factor. 3.5.2 Factors affecting the brewhouse sparge liquor is important since if too much
mashing liquor is used the extract Calmot be ful- Y = 11.14· 0.96 . 331
yield t,h %
Thus for the example one only has to look up The brewhouse yield depends on ly washed out and consequently the yield is 46
the extract content [kg/dt] in the table and one the raw materials, less.
finds in the last column the "yield factor" 11.42. the brewhouse equipment, Ybh
_ --
3540 _ °
- - - - 76.95 10

Therefore in the example the mash process, Lallterillg process 46

Amount of casting wort· yield factor the lautering operations, Uneven sparging and lmequal flow through the The brewhouse yield is 76.95%
= extract amount [kg] the overall operating methods. lautering taps result in a lower yield.
264' 11.42 = 3014.88 kg of extract is obtained. The yield is between 74 and 79%. It should be More small sparges give a higher yield than If the yield factor is used, the calculation is
Determining the amOlmt of extract produced as high as possible and at most 1% less than the continuous sparging. Lautering efficiency is re- performed as follows:
is important as a starting value for calculating air-dry laboratory yield from the fine ground flected in the amount of soluble extract left in
10.70' 331
the extract loss in the further processing. malt. the spent grains (Sect. Use of the last Ybh = = 3541.7 = 76.99 %
numings as mashing-in liquor for the next Determination of the brew house yield Raw materials mash improves the yield slightly but not the The result is therefore 0.04% different. This
(Y bh ) Malts give variable yields and an extract rich quality. difference is small and for rough calculations is
To measure the brewhouse yield, the amount of malt is highly prized. Poorly modified malts gi- not important. On the other hand, comparison
extract produced is related to the amount of ve smaller extracts than well modified malts. Oveml1 operatillg II/etliod with the laboratory yield (fine grind, air-dry,
grist used. For this it is assumed: Since the grist is always recorded on an air-dry The entire brew house operation is based on see Sect. is importal1t. This comparison
Grist mass [kg] = 100% basis, the water content of the malt affects the supporting the enzyme activities. Optimal en- only makes sense, of course, when it is perfor-
Amount of extract [kg] = X% of this = yield [%] yield. With an increasing water content the zyme activity is, however, only possible when med with the same malt. Consequently, over a
The brew house yield (Y bh ) is therefore calcu- yield decreases. Carbonate-rich water reduces the pre-specified temperatures and times are period for comparison, it is necessary to take re-
lated from the yield. Sulphate-rich water and very soft wa- adhered to exactly. This requires the person in presentative samples from the malt and per-
ter, as a result of their pH-lowering nature, im- charge of brewing to be accurate and reliable at form laboratory analyses on them.
Y = extract mass [kg]·100 % prove enzyme activity and thus the yield. all times and no superficiality or failure is ac-
bh grist mass [kg] ceptable. Otherwise the damage done can be 3.6 Brewhouse equipment
For simplification the grist is multiplied by BrewllOlIse eqlliplllellt substal1tial. 3.6.1 Number and arrangement of the
100 and expressed in dt (100 kg). Calculation of Modern brew houses are designed to provide a To avoid this, in modern brewhouses the pro- vessels
the extract mass has been described and so the high yield with good wort quality and use in or- grammes are stored in computer memories and All the vessels required for wort production are
following formula is obtained for the brewhou- der to do this a number of additional devices, in operate completely automatically. The supervi- installed in the brewhouse. In brewing langua-
se yield: particular to obtain the most complete extracti- Sor controls the process visually and has the op- ge brewing receptacles are referred to as ves-

t J,
382 383

sels. Small brewhouses conta in only two ves- longer occupied, and largest, over 12 m . On the other hand many lar- on the beholder as the copper brewhou se when,
sels: a whirlpool, provided no whirlpool kettle is ge brewery brewhouses also prefer to use seve- as a result of the alTaIlgement aIld colour deco-
a tlm which is both a mash tun and a lauter present. ral vessels or have several lines which are lin- ration of the 1'00111, and through skilful ligh ting,
tLUl, and Brewer ies which work with infus ion fre- ked together. the full effect of the vessels is achieved.
a kettle which acts both as mash cooker and quently only have one Illash vessel.
3 3
wort kettle. The vessels are loca ted in small and older 3.6.3 Vessel material 3.6.4 Brewhouse capacity
With such a simple or two vessel brew house, breweries in such a way that at least the lauter The conventional material for brewhouse ves- The brewhouse is the heart of the brewery. The
1 or 2 brews a day can be produced. Such two tun is above and close to the wort kettle so that sels is copper. For hundreds of years the copper output of the departments which follow it are
vessel brewhou ses are often found in microbre- the wort flows through the wort grant and falls brewhouse has been the brewers' pride. If pos- almos t entirely depend ent on its output capaci-
weries and pub breweries. Depending on the by gravity into the kettle. Nowadays the vessels sible located on the main street, the brew house ty. To fully utilise working time aIld energy, and
number of brewing days up to 600 brews a ye- are situated on the same level. was exhibited through a large show window to thereby to operate economically, every brewery
ar can be mad e. Modern breweries also have a mill. the passing citizens and thereby made a very wishes to use its brew house to the greatest pos-
The conventional doubl ed or four vessel impressive advertisement for the brewery. sible extent.
brew house consists of 3.6.2 Vessel size However, copper in time becomes black and It has been pointed out that with a modern
a mash conversion t1m or heated mash con- Vessel sizes are different since they must per- eventllally becomes green with verdigris, which lauter tlm brew house up to 12 brews CaIl be pro-
version tlUl form different ftmction s. It is calculated that for is regarded as impressive only on roofs. In order duced per day. This number is generally multi-
a mash cooker to boil a par t mash every 1 dt (0.1 metric ton) of grist the following to keep the reddish copper shine of the vessels plied by the 5 working days in the week and the
a lauter tlm or mash filter for mash separati- vessel volumes are needed: they must be constantly polished. Even a lacquer 52 weeks in the year except for public holidays.
on and mash tun (kettle) 6 hi does not last for long because it becomes porous If one is compelled to interrupt brewing to un-
a wort kettle for boiling the total wort. mash cooker 4-5 hI and corrosion proceeds Lmderneath it. The con- dertake essential repairs, this natlu'ally causes a
(Fig . 3.89a) lau ter tlm 6 hi stant polishing requires a lot of work and with noticeable reduction in the output capacity. The
Nowadays, on acco1mt of the increased num- wort kettle 8-9 hi the majority of vessels it CaIUlOt be done without amowlt of finished, cast wort produced in the
ber of brews per day, the brewhouse also con- wort buffer vessel 7 hI putting scaffolding on the vapour chimneys. year is, of course, not the same as the aI1101mt of
tains in addition to the brewing vessels The size of the brewhouse vessels is designed The first kettles made of chrome-nickel steel beer produced for sale because there is a loss (see
a (heated) wort buffer tank to hold the first according to the amount of finished wort. The were produced from about 1965. Because they Sect. 5.5) which is different in every brewery aIld
wort or the entire brew until the kettle is no smallest lauter t1ms have a diameter of 2 m; the were made by cutting ou t from flat metal sheets is about 8 to 10%. The capacity of a brewhouse is
and mechanically shaping and welding into the quoted in the al110Lmt of grist in tons of malt per
desired shape, their manufactllre is considera- brew. How CaIl one calculate the amo1mt of finis-
bly cheaper than the manufacture of beaten hed wort from the amOLmt of grist?
copper vessels. For this financial reason, nowa-
days almost all brewhouse vessels are made of Rille of tllll 111 b:
clu-ome-nickel steel, aIld these also have the ad- For l1z1 of beer 171cg ofll1alt are /IserT.
vantage that they can be easily and thoroughly
cleaned externally and internally by CIP proce- If 17 kg of malt are needed for 1 hi of beer,
Fig.3.89n dures aIld retain their silvery appearaIlce. then from 1000 kg of malt
FOil r vessel urew/lOlIse Problems only arise when one of the copper 1000: 17 = 58.8 hI of beer are produced.
(collvenliolln/ type)
(1) lIenled IIInsll 11111 I, (2)
vessels h as to be replaced due to wear aIld tear. If a loss of 9% is assumed, these 58.8 hi of beer
lI enlcd IIIns/, 11111 II, (3) Inllter In this case an attempt is often made to cover are produced from 58.8 / 0.91 = 64.6 hi of wort.
11111, (4) wort kettle, (5+6) the new stainless steel vessel with the still intact In other words:
IIInll grist 1I0pper (lIIounu/e), copper hood so as to retain the overall Lmiform with a 1 t brewhouse about 64.6 hi of wort is
(7) 1I0p slrniller (Mollt ejll s),
(8) slirrer drive, (9) IIInsll
impression of the brewhouse. cast,
PIlIllP, (10) worl ens tillg Withou t doubt modern brewhouses made of with a 10 t brewhoLise about 646 hI of wort is
plll1lp chrome-nickel steel make the same impression cast, and so on .
384 385

Problem: Pub breweries can operate much more econ o- Since there is also no expensive bottle fi lling and
How many hi of beer can be produced per year mically th an large breweries since they do not ha- operations to prolong the shelfljfe, th ey are al-
with a 10 t brewhouse? ve to provide an y expensive ad ve rtising and are most unbea table with regard to cost (see Sect. 8).
Assuming a cast wort amount of 640 hI, 8 independent of wholesalers - a grea t advantage
3 brews a day, 4.5 brewing days per week and 52 which they share with many small breweries. Integral brewhouse
production weeks, minus holidays, per year:
A p articularly novel form of two-vessel brewhou-
se, which is especially suitable for pub brewery
Wort production use, is the integral brew house [76] (Fig. 3.89c).
per brew 640 hi In this brew house the mash and lauter hm (2) is
per day 8· 640 5,120 hi built in a circle arOLmd the mash and wort kettle
per week 4.5 . 5,120 23,040 hi (1).111e hm is sealed by an ingenious mecl1anism
per year 52' 23,040 1,198,080 hi to prevent cOlUlection w ith the kettle, and the four
minus 10 arms of the ral<e mechanism (3) with their adjus-
holidays 10' 5,120 - 51,200 hI table knives can be raised and lowered as desired .
wort production in a year 1,146,880 hI Integral brewhoLises are no longer bujlt.
91 % of this (9 % loss) 1,043,660 hI Research and training brewhouses
Consequently 1.04 million hI of beer can be The training of brew ers and m alts ters in brewe-
made per year with a 10 t brewhouse; however ries of very different sizes and with different
this calculation shows the extreme limit. equipment results in the fact that many trai-
As a rough guide, however, it can be assumed nees, during practical training, cannot be made
that if 8 brews are made per day 5 days a week Fig . 3 .89b sufficiently aware of the details of brew house
Each 1 ton of grist = 100,000 hI of beer. BrewllOli se of a pllb brewery
processes. It is therefore necessary to p erform
(Gasthall s Bmllerei)
(Ph olo Bemplnll, Haerler GlIlbH, Chielllillg )
Fig. 3.89c: Illtegml brewllOlI se these processes in h'aining brews during inte rn-
3.6.5 Special types of brewhouse (1) lllash all d w al'l ke ltle, (2) Illash alld 1011 tel' 11111, (3) Ileighl-
ships in a professional training instihlte. All vo-
adjllslable mkillg devi ce, (4) spnrg illg nlld wo rt g m vity lIl ea-
Among the smaller brewhouses, for several ye- cational schools providing brewing training no-
sllrelll elli sta lioll , (5) sigllt g lass, (6) spell I g mills discfwge
ars two groups have been of special importan- 400 such pub breweries in Germany and their
ce. These are: number is constantly increasing.
restaurant or pub brewery brew houses, and As a rule pub breweries make about 10 to 15
research and training brewhouses of the re- hi casting wort and produce 3 to 4 brews a week
search institutes, and 1000 to 2000 hi of beer a year, which is sold
the research brew houses of the large brewe- only on their own premises in the pub or re-
ries to test new types of beer or procedures, staurant.
as well as 111e heart of a pub brewery is the two-vessel
the training brew houses of professional trai- brewhouse which is positioned attractively in the
ning institutes. drinking and dining area (Fig. 3.89b). 111is area
provides a special attraction when, on certain Pub brewery brewhouses days, it is possible to watch how the brewmaster
Since the beginning of the eighties, but accen- brews the beer. If the beer is fresh and very plea- Fig. 3.89d

tuated first since about 1986, everywhere in sant, and if food which goes well with the beer is n'aill illg brewllO ll se ill th e N ll -
tl'itioll al Tmillillg School, Ol'es-
Germany, but especially in cities and large also provided by the host, the business is perfect. dell
towns, "pub breweries" have been built and 111en only a beer garden is lacking and these are (Pholo BAM Appamle- 1lIid
operated successfully. At present there are over becoming ever more popular. Maschillwbn ll, Freisillg)
386 387

wadays in Germany have a teaching brewhouse whil st the wor t flows through (a special type of zinc, which is absolutely necessary to carry cooling (Fi g. 3.90). A top cover reduces the risk
including fermentation / maturation, filtration construction of hop strainer is known as the out fe rmentation, and which can be released of contamination.
and filling plants, with a capacity of 50 to 100 I Hopfen (hop)-Montejus). in amounts of 0.10 - 0.15 mg/I, as we ll as The wort is cast into the settling tank to a
(Fig. 3.89d), comparable to those also common- After the wor t has run off, the hops are ex- larger particles and hop components up to d e pth of 1 to 2 m. Production water is fed
ly available in research institutes and universi- trac ted with water and the extraction improved 200 pa rti cle size.
3 through the cooling pipe or cooling jacke t. The
ties w hich provide training in brewing techno- by stirrin g the spent hops / water mixhlre. Be- Tes ts have shown [382J that extre mely clear wort is cooled whilst the cooling water is hea-
logy. cau se even with the best extrac tion method, re- worts (particl e free) are di sadva ntageous for ted and can be reused as hot wa ter, e.g. for cask
In creasingly, brewing comp anies operate sidual ex tract always remains in the spent hops fermentation; the coarse break or other particles cleaning.
small research brewh ouses with up to 5 I cast- and there is n o economic use for the spent hops, increase the fermentation p erformance with re-
ing wor t in order to test new sorts or varieties they a re added back to the next brew in the lau- gard to a higher cell concentration of the yeast
by means of a series of experiments. This is ne- tel' hm wh ere they are held back by the spent in susp ension, lower pH val ues and a faster
cessary because in this way, a number of analy- grains. breakdown of the extrac t. In additi on, lon g
ses and tasting values can be obtained before Since the spent hops only ca use work, whole chain ed fatty acids and zinc are released. If, ho-
daring to tryout a large batch. lea f hops are h ardly ever used nowadays or wever, the yeast is in a bad cond ition, its capa-
they are milled and are also eliminated in the city to bind haze forming subs tances is insuffi-
3.7 Casting the wort whirlpool. cient and the flavour s tability deteriorates.
During casting the wort is pLU11ped by the wort Coarse break used to be removed in a cool-
casting pump into the whirlpool. Thi s process 3.8 Removal of the coarse break ship or settling tank, but nowada ys a whirlpool
should proceed as quickly as possible so that (coarse trub) is mainly em ployed, sometim es even a centrifu-
the kettle is free for the next brew, but it mu st al- The break from the cast wort is now called co- ge or fiJ tra tion.
so be done ca refully so that no (avoidable) she- arse break, as well as boiled or hot break. It con-
ar forces occur which d am age substances in the sists of large particles, 30 to 80 in size, 3.8.1 Coolship
wort (see Sect. which are slightly heavier than the wort and in A coolship is a traditional vessel for break re-
The various struchlral alterations to general se ttle down well to form a compact moval. It is a perfectly flat, open vessel in which
cans which occu r mass if they are given sufficient time. the wort is cast to a depth of 15 to 25 cm. During
on slow cooling on the one h and, and The coarse break mus t be removed since it is the 0.5 to 2 hours that the wort remains in the
on rapid cooling and with the occurrence of not only of n o value in further beer production, coolship the trub settles to the bottom and d oes
sh ear forces, on the other, but also actually detrimental to quality. It so better the shallower the coolship is. In fonner
must be taken care of or otherwise filtration hinders wort clarification, times the brew was left standing overnight. The
problems m ay occur. increases the amOlmt of break-rich sediment las t part of the wort flowing off is called cloudy Fig. 3.90
Selllillg tnllk
If unmilled whole leaf hops are used, the and thereby increases the loss, wort. Th e cloudy wort is heav ily soiled and
(1) enst wort illiet pipe, (2) distrivlltO/; (3) pivotnvle flont pi-
spent hops h ave to be removed before the makes beer filtration more difficu lt if it is not even infected by the break. It is trea ted in a spe- pe, (4) wort olltlet pipe, (5) c10lldy wort draill, (6) dirty wnter
whirlpool becau se they are of n o value to fur- removed at the right time. cial plant. draill, (7) cold wnter ill let, (8) liot wnte/' olltlet, (9) ndjllstnvle
ther processing. At the end of casting the spent The amOlmt of coarse break is about 6000 to Because microbial infections almost always flnp, (10) vnpollr cliill/lley
hops contain about 4.9 I of wort per kg of hops 8000 m g/I following casting-out and should, af- get into the wort in the coolship and because
used . This loss is decreased ter its removal, h ave been decreased to under the labour cost associated with the coolship is Because of the grea ter wort depth the break
by simple drainage, to 4.4 I, 100 m g/l. very lugh, they are rarely used nowadays. settles less well in the settling tan k. But since
by good spraying to 4.3 I, The coarse break, contains impor- the upper layers of the wor t are less contamina-
by p ressing, to 4.0 I, and tant physiological componen ts: 3.8.2 Settling tank ted by trub particles than the lower layers, th e
by spraying and pressing, to 2.0 I of wort. long chained fatty acids w hich are urgentl y In place of the large area occupied by a cool- wor t is drawn off tlU'ough an articulated pipe
The spent hops were form erly removed by a needed for the building up of the yeast mem- ship, a less space consuming settling tank m ay with a float device wluch ca uses it to remove
hop strainer. A hop strainer is a vessel with a brane, and of which approx. 1 mg/I is re- be used. A settling tank is a vessel with a flat onl y the layer at the top at an y time. Th e cloudy
sieve bottom which retains the spent hops leased, bottom which is equipped with coil or jacket wort is not removed and must be trea ted in a

cloudy wort plant as in the case of a coolship. In- the vessel which causes the hot break to settle in Now s tir the liquid with yo ur h and to rotate (T) located at the bottom is particularly harmful
stead of a settling tank a hot wort receiver may the shape of a cone in the middle of the vessel. it as fas t as possible. It Call then be seen that the since it produces other temporary eddies and
be used . 111is is a buffer tank without cooling in Wort can be drawn off at the side. Why this is so sand grains a nd small pieces of chalk are forced preven ts rapid se ttling.
which the cast wort is first collected. Settling will be explained with the help of an experiment. outward s by the centrifu ga l forces produ ced A basic prerequisite for a fLmctioning whirl-
and collect on the outside wa ll w hilst the surfa- pool is firstly a wort which is suitable for a
tanks and hot wort receivers are classi fied as old-
ce of the wa ter h as the sh ap e of a parabol oid of whirlpool [1 71]. A p roposed fonn of control is
3 I
fashioned and are no longer produced. Operating principle of the whirlpool
revolution (Fig. 3.91). This will not be really to fill an (insulated) Iml10ff glass con e cl assifier
Experil/lellt: new or surprising to you. with wor t to a depth of 380 mm, alld by means
3.8.3 Whirlpool
Whirlpools have been installed for break remo- Half fill with water a large glass beaker or large Now remove yo ur h and from the beaker or of a light source to follow the sedimentation of
val in increasin g numbers since about 1960. It is pan with a flat bottom and at least 40 cm in dia- pan alld observe what h appens. The sand and the hot break (Fig. 3.96). A wort well suited for
the most elegant method for h ot break removal meter. Then put a tablespoonful of sand and a chalk particles rapidly m ove in a spiral shape to a whirlpool has completely settled after 5 or 6
and is the least costly alternative of all trub re- tablespoon ful of lighte r granular m aterial, the middle and collect there in a loose heap min and the wort above the sediment is clear.
which mus t howeve r be hea vier than wa ter which at firs t s till rotates with the water. From Unsuitable wort still has no satisfactory result
moval methods.
A whirlpool is a vertical cylindrical vessel, w ith (e.g. small pieces of chalk or grains of sand), in- above the formation of eddy currents can be even after 10 min.
no internal fittings, into which wort is plU11ped to the beaker or pan. The particles fall to the seen w hich cause the outer particles in the heap Possible ca uses of poor hot break separation
tangentially. This produces a rotational flow in bottom and lie where they fall . to continuou sly change position . It can be seen in the whirlpool are [1 71 ]:
that the velocity of the liquid at the outer wall is poor lautering,
strongly braked. This braking effect, caused by too much shea r stress of the wort in the pi-
2 friction with the wall alld bottom, is so large ping and bends,
that the ro tation in the beaker or pall has ended d efective in s talla tion of the centrifugal
within about a minute. This results in the for- pumps,
mation of a vigorous prim ary current which ra- inflow into the whirlpool is too fast,
Figs. 3.91 10 3.95
pidly draws the salld alld ch alk particles to the secondary currents in the whirlpool are too
Cllrrellis nllli Jorees il l n w ll irlpool
(1) ee/llrijllgnl Joree drives olllwnrds middle of the vessel (2). The ca use of this is that strong,
(2) jrielioll all Ille wn ll nlld bo tt olll drives in the so-called bottom b oundary layer, the disch arge velocity is too high,
Ille pm'lic/es lownrds Ille cell Ire equilibrium between the pressure forces and an unfavourable relationship b etween the
(3) eddy JOl'lllnl ioll prevel/ls good se illillg
centrifugal forces has been dis turbed. In this h eight of the wort and the diameter of the
ill Ille ewl re
(4) CIIttillg 10 prevelll eddy ell rrell I Jorllln- bottom boundary layer the speed of the liquid whirlpool.
lioll is greatly reduced by the fri ction at the bottom,
(5) Dellk 's rillgs ell nble good sell/illg. whilst air presents practica lly no friction to the It is particularly importallt that
sm-face of the water. As a result, this circulation the inflow velocity is not greater th an 3.5 mis,
4 5 within the beaker occurs and because of the as high a mass flo w of wor t as possible is in-
friction with the wall, ceases within a very short trodu ced,
time. This remarkable effect had alread y been thereby no hot break is broken up and
called the " teacup effect" by Albert Einstein sin- n o internal fittings hinder the rotation.
ce it can easily be observed in a teacup provid ed It h as therefore proved particularly favoura-
- ---!- -- it contains tea leaves in the tea. ble to carry out hot break sedi mentation in the
But in addi ti on to this main circulation in the same vessel (whirlpool kettle), since in this case
T whirlpool, as the speed of rotation d ecreases, only a part of the wort need s to be set in motion
interferin g secondary currents occur in th e b y the rotation of the pump alld therefore onl y
form of rotating systems which can grea tly im- a part of the break flocs are homogenised . Mo-
pede the w hirlpool effect and therefore the reover, cas ting time is saved and oxygen upta-
break sedimentation (3 and 4). Th e torus eddy ke prevented .

effect in that it represents a considerable invasi- for b reak removal and withou t internal fittings Remo val of the wort is usually begllll from
In the case of some w hirlpools lllldesirable
on of the bottom boundary layer. In addition, axe suitable. Externa l boiling of the wort can be the upper portion even whilst sedimentation is
second ary or eddy currents occur to a greater
the trub cup prevents the trub cone fronl run - Llsed for these . Existing kettles with concave still taking p lace in the lower part. Wort is later
ex tent.
ning dry. bottom s ca n also be used as whirlpools provi- drawn off from the side at the bottom after se-
In the research by Denk [20] attempts we re
Wort is introdu ced tangentia ll y, often ded the flow behaviour allows good break sedi- dimentation has finished. 3
mad e to prevent the interfering effects of the
3 throu gh two inlets: menta tion . When the trub con e emerges from the wort it
eddy currents without disturbing the w hirlpool
one inlet at the bottom to prevent oxygen up- The break disch arge from the w hirlpool oc- often begins to disintegrate. The reason s for this
effect. It was possible to d o this by installing
take, and curs by means of [20] are that when the wor t level falls, the wort
gratings or rings at a specific hei ght above the
an inlet in the lower third to produce the rota- central rota ting spraying d evices or in the break cone either (Fig. 3.99)
whirlpool bottom (Fig. 3.94) .
tion. The outlet is always at the side at the lo- permanently insta lled jets. fa lls at the sa me rate as the wort outside the
The installation of the grating or rings resul-
wes t point of the whirlpool. cone (1), in which case the cone remains in-
ted in "cutting" of the torus edd y, thereby de- Performing wort clarification in a tac t, or
stroying its effect. With the removal of the torus
whirlpool flows out more slowly (2), in which case the
eddy the main driving force for eddy formation
The way in which the wort is plunped into the projecting part of the trub cone is filled wi th
anywhere in the whirlpool is elimin ated and
whirlpool is particularly important. wort like a spon ge and presses the wort out of
consequently an undisturbed flo w along the
First, care must be taken that the wort pump the cone, as a result of which the trub con e
bottom towards the centre is created (Fig. 3.95).
does not run too qui ckly and ope rates without falls a p art to a grea ter or lesser extent,
The rings or gra tings are arra nged concentrica l-
cavitation, so that the break is not acted upon or as soon as the trub cone emerges, it loses
ly in the whirlpool.
by the resultant sh ear forces. the buoya ncy which stabilises the cone.
The wo rt inflow velocity should not exceed A reduced velocity at the end of wort draina-
3.5 m/s. Often mu ch smaller velocities are suffi- ge can be of some assistance here.
cient to ca use the wor t to ro tate and prod uce
the whirlpool effect. It is important thereby to
11 have as great a volume flow as possible.
The res t period in the whirlpool is 20 to 30
min. The installation of gratings or rings redu-
ces the residence time by 30 to 60 % with clear
Fig . 3.96
worts, but it should not be less than 20 min . The
IlII hojj CO li C to cOlltrol tile brcnk sc- whirlpool, too, cannot fundamentally improve
riilll ellfnfioll cloudy wor ts.
One should attempt to keep the therma l ex-
posm e of the wort after boiling as low as possi-
Fig. 3.97
Whirlpool ble and therefore the rest in th e whirlpool Whirlpool design (1) v npollr rClllovnl cllilll lley, (2) top covel; (3) co llriell sed wn- should be kept as short as possible. A shorter
A whirlpool is a closed cylindrical vessel with a fer relllovnl, (4) c/P clcnllillg, (5) l igiitillg, (6) sigiit willdow
rest prod uces
flat bottom and a 1% slope towards the outlet nllri llInlll/Ole covel ; (7) side wnll, (8) illSlIlntioll, (9) whirlpool
bnsc with 1 % slope, (10) c/P bottolll jet, (11) tnllgeIlfinl ill- less colou ring,
(Fig. 3.97). The diameter : height ratio of the
let, (1 2) olltiet better flavo ur s tability in the beer [115].
wort contained can be 1:1 to 5:1, but nowadays
It was shown in Sect. - Modern Wort
a ra tio of 3:1 is preferred. The w hirlpool is insu-
BOiling System s - th at care is taken to prevent
lated to prevent cooling from outside. Whirl-
A special type of whirlpool is the whirlpool the formation of free DMS from the DMS pre-
pool bottoms with a so-called trub cup - this is
kettle. In this case the wort remains in the kett- cursor by mea ns of lowering the tempera ture to
a recess in the centre of the hm in which the Fig . 3.99
le w hich also ac ts as the whirlpool. For this pur- below 85 °C before the w hirlpool rest, thus kee- Wort flow jrolll tile tmb calle
trub can be coll ected - ha ve no advantages. Fur-
pose, of course, only kettles with a fl at bottom ping the free DMS content low. (exnggernferl)
thermore, the trub cup reduces the whirlpool


W7lirlpool with slIbseqllellt eva pol'atioll - lated vessel with a small vapo ur ch imney (Figs. substances can be reduced by up to 45% wit- where
Ca lypso Sy stem (Steillee/eel', Fl'eisiILg) 3.99a and 3.99b). hou t a vac uum or thermal hea t requirement F, is the cent rifu gal force
In the case of the Calypso whirlpool sys tem, the The crucial difference as opposed to a normal [378] . Additional oxygen uptake and a change m is the mass of the bod y
open w hirlpool is loca ted in a closed and insu- w hirlpool is that after the trub removal, the in the bitter substance composition could not be v is the path velOCity of the body
wort is dra w n off and dispersed over stripping determ ined during pos t evapora tion. When r is the radiu s of the circula r p ath 3
3 nozzles, which are precisely adjusted, into a using Caly pso, the whirlpool rest can be shorte- (j) is the angular velocity of the body

closed circu lar pipeline between the two vessels ned by a possible 10 to 15 min. a, is the centri fugal acceleration
in such a way that the wor t can ILUl down the By mean s of a by-pass, the wort can be nUl di-
edges of the whirlpool as well as those of the in- rectly from trub removal to wort cooling, and a\' =r=w 2 . r
sulated external tank in a thin stream. The an- the evaporation of aroma substances can be in-
nular space heats up durin g the whirlpool rest flu enced by any chosen combination of strip- The pa th velocity is calculated u sing the for-
to sa turated steam temperature so that the free ped or uns tripped wort. Since the syste m is mula :
DMS and other volatile compOlUlds can evapo- operated without an additional energy suppl y
ra te and escape as a result of the large surface and without a vacuum, there are considerable
area. The Calypso has therefore been compared cost savings in the plant and business when
to a ver tically positioned coolship . The tempe- compared with other procedures. in which n = rotations per second. If rpm is
rahll'e of the wort drainin g off is almost the sa- u sed then
me as the whirlpool wort. In this way, the con- 3.8.4 Separators
tent of free DMS and undesirable aroma The principle used in centrifugation v = 2 . 71: . r . n/60
Fig. 3.9% It has already been pointed out that the break is
Cnlypso - cOllslmclio ll heavier than wort and so sediments nahlrally if Consequently the centrifugal force is greater
given enough time. The long settling time, the the faster the bod y rotates, the heavier it is and
consequent need for many sedimentation ves- the further it is from the axis of rotation.
sels, such as settling tanks, and the increasing An example of the achlal magnihlde of such
risk of infection if the temperature decreases, a centrifugal force produced by a centrifuge
make it d esirable to have alternative solutions will now be calculated.
to the p roblem. A centrifuge has a dnU11 diameter of 0.6 m
A solution is provided by using, in stead of and a rotation speed of 6000 rpm. How large is
gravitational acceleration, centrifugal accelera- the centrifugal forc e produced?
tion, which is many times greater, thus spee-
ding up break separation considerably. Answers sOllght:
The centrifugal force, which is directed ra- 1. Peripheral velocity
dially outwards, is calculated using the follo- 2. Centrifugal acceleration
wing formula: 1. v=2'71:'r'n
v = 2' 3.14 . 0.30 m . 6000 rpm
m'v 2
Fig.3.99n F, = m . ac = -r - = m . (j)2 . l' v = 11,304 m . x per minute
Cnlypso - v = 188.4 m . s·]
opemlillg prillciple
(1) illfeeri of cnsl lUorl

3 (2) 1mb COile F 111 V (j) l' az 2. 188.4 m . 188.4 m

(3) rimillnge ofworl ac = 1 S . 0.30 In . 1 s
(4) slrippillg 1I0zzies a, = 118,315.2 m . s·,
6 (5) rimillnge of posl
111 -
I -
evnpomleri lUorl N kg m
s s s'
(6) 10 II,e IVorl cooler The centrifugal acceleration is 118,315 ms ' .
395 l
If this va lue is compared w ith th e accelera ti- 3.100). A few h eavy balls, for example m ade of Infeed
on du e to grav ity (9 .81 m . S·2) it can be seen th a t plas tic, and a few li ghter, for example table ten-
accele ra ti on in th e centrifu ge is m o re than nis balls, are put into each tube and the tube is
10,000 times as much as that due to grav ity. sealed (1) . If this sm a ll centrifuge is slowly set
We CaJU10t imagine the effect on ourselves o f a into motion, the balls m ove in opposite directi- 3
3 ons (2) as soon as the centrifugal force exceed s
force as large as that which occurs in su ch a cen-
trifu ge. But we h ave all come into contact, in a the for ce of grav ity. The h eavier plastic ball s are
more gentle form, with this law in childhood - dri ven outwards w h ereas the light table temtis
in amusem ent p arks. The fairground a ttracti- balls are n ow fo rced to be near the axis.
Fig. 3.101
ons w ith their refined round ab outs d ep end on Centrifuges op era te on the sam e principle as
Sepamtol' (schellwtic)
this force and, a t little exp en se, we ca n test h o w the examples fro m everyd ay life . (1) vowl covel'
our organ s reac t w hen the n a tura l pull of In centrifu ges th e ve ry slow break sep ara ti on (2) dI'ive illataI'
occurring as a result of n a tural settling is repla- (3) \I-velt dl'ive
grav ity is outmatch ed b y a mu ch larger centri-
(4 ) vase pla te
fu gal force. ced by a sep a ra tion occurring w ithin seconds as
(5) sepamtol'vowl shaft
a result of the much grea ter outwa rdly directed (6) disc plate vowl
centrifug al force. (7) solids dischal'ge
(8) cClltl'ijIlgate oll tlet
(9) lIeck venl'illg Types of centrifugal separators
(10) spilldle vase veal'illg
I (centrifuges) ('11 ) oscil/atioll dalllpel'
A dis tinction is m ad e be tween
chamber bowl sep ara tors and
disc plate b owl sep ara tors . force puts very high d em ands on the rupture p ing . Th eir occurren ce is also decreased b y use
I Chamber b owl sep ara tors are d evices w hich
u se the centrifuga l field in ro tating drums to ef-
resistance of the s teel, an d this is limited . of an elastic n eck b earin g (9) for th e bowl sh aft.
Ba lan ced running of th e separa tor is essential
fect separation. In them the w ort is forced to Design an d operation of self-cleanin g for tro ubl e-fr ee operation because su ch large
Fig. 3.100 pass throu gh several concentric drums whilst sep arators fo rces can be produced w h en the bowl is not
Oellloll stmtioll of celltl'ijIl- the hea vier trub is h eld b ack on the dnU11 wall Sep arators (Fig. 3.101) con sist of a stable b ase ba lan ced th a t it can disintegra te . Th e d am age is
gal fO l'ce plate (4) w hich COlU1ects the high p erform an ce LUlim ag inably great because th e rota ting bowl
(1) sta tiollal'!! positioll
and thus separa ted.
(2) ill rota tioll Because the drums have to be taken apart and dri ve motor (2) to th e separator itself b y a V-belt h as very grea t k ine tic en ergy.
cleaned after each brew, they are h ardly ever drive (3). Th e drive is tran smitted throu gh a se-
u sed now for wort clarification. parator drum sh a ft (5), a lso known as a spind- Operating princip le of the disc bowls
This can be seen very impressively w ith a By disc plate b owl sep arators are m eant ma- le. Th e main p a rt is th e di sc bowl (6) w hich con- The disc bowls contain up to 200 conica l d isc in-
simple r o und disc on which one can s tand chines w ith a drum which use inserts (plate tains the discs. serts w hich h ave an an gle of i.nclina tion of 50 to
whilst the owner slowly b egins to rotate it. Tho- discs) to shorten the separa tion path. They are Th e ro ta ting p arts of the sep ara tor (shaft and 60°. This an gle d ep ends on the ro u ghness of th e
se standing on the outside jump off first, b ecau- equipped with a rr an gem ents for automatic disc bowl) are d yn amica lly b al an ced and must disc su rface and the fri ction coefficient of the
se they cannot stay on any longer. Then those discharge of the trub and they are the d evices always b e asse mbled in the predetermined solid p articles (Fi g . 3.102). Th e discs are 0.4 to
towards the middle follow and on ly on e, who normally u sed nowad ays. manner. Neverthe less, in practice, p a rti cularly 0.6 mm thick and th eir spacin g 0.3 to 0.4 mm.
h as escaped to the middle, remains - but only They are built for drum rotation sp eed s of on startin g u p, unb alan ced p eriod s occur (ma- Tllis distan ce is established by weld ed -on rive-
as long as they can stay exactly in the centre. 2,500 to 10,000 rpm and have a drum diam eter l1ufactlu ing tol eran ces, bea rin g clearan ce, un- ted s p aci n g strips. In th e mi d dle of the discs
This sep aration p rocess can also be clea rly of up to 800 mm . There is alw ays an inte rplay balanced centr ifu ged m a terial, effects of th e there a re openings, the so-ca lled ascendin g h o-
seen from the follow ing example. Two, three or betw een drum diam eter and the p ermissible ro- dri ve) w hich affec t the bowl and cau se vibra ti- les, w hich together for m ascending chalU1els
m o re g lass tubes are fi xed a t an an gle to a verti- tation sp eed and their size cannot be increased ons. These p eriod s of v ibra tion must be passed w hi ch serve to distribute the m ate ri al to be se-
cal ax is of rotation and fill ed with water (Fig. indefinitely, because the increasing centri fu gal throu gh quickly w hen sta rting up and s top - para ted .
396 397

The trub collects at the periphery of the rota- The clarifying separator SC 120 (Fig, 3,106)
ting bowl and mu st be removed. There are two operates on this principle. By use of a photoe-
methods for removing these solids, lectric device the solids discharge outlet (8) can
be opened when the turbidity value increases.

3 3 Continuous solids discharge

disc separators
The bowls of these contain discharge openings,
known as jet nozzles, at the periphery of the
double cone. The amount of solid phase disch-
arged depends on the number and internal dia-
meter of the nozzles, which varies between 0.5
a b
and 2.5 mm, These nozzles are made of hard
Fig,3,105 metal or synthetic precious stones, such as aga-
Disc plnte bowl DiscOlltillllOllS disclwrge sepnrntor te, since heavy demands are made of them, In
(n) slll rr!! discilnrge slots closed, (b) Slllrr!! discilnrge slols
newer separators the nozzles are so arranged
The rotating bowl unit separates the wort that all the solids can be discharged by them.
(1) pressllrised wn terfor closillg tile slols, (2) pressllrised wn-
particles as follows (Fig, 3.103). The unclarified lerfor opellillg lile slots
wort is supplied to the ascending chalUlels from Evaluation of hot wort separation
below and rises upwards, During this the hea- Hot wort Catl be rapidly and easily separated
vier break particles are pressed against the disc / from the hot break by a sep ara tor atld the loss,
walls and slide down the inner sides to the out-
Fig , 3,104
side, The lighter wort, on the other hand, flows
Operntioll of n sepnrntor
inwards on the upper side of the d iscs and, cla- 15
rified, can be removed there. As a result of the
short settling path (exaggerated in the Figure)
this process occurs very quickly (Fig, 3.104), Discontinuous (intermittent) solids
discharge disc separators Fig,3,106
The bowls of these are built as double cones "Self-lilillkillg" disc bowl sepnrntor
witil liqllid sellsor nlltomntic cOlltrol
(Fig. 3,105) comprising several discharge ope- (SC 120-36-777)
nings (slots) at the periphery which can be clo-
(1) illfeed, (2) discilnrge, (3) celltripe-
sed by an alU1Ular piston. When the atU1ular pi-
5 tnl pllmp, (4) presC/lce of solids de-
ston is moved vertically the slots are opened tectillg discs, (5) mnill set of discs,
and the trub discharged, (6) sepnrntioll disc for sellsillg liqllid,
The alU1Ular piston is held in the closed posi- (7) solids iloldillg spnce, (8) solids
tion (a) by springs or the hydrostatic pressure discilnrge ports, (9) nlllllllnr pistoll 9
vnlve, (10) discilOlge IlOzzl e, (11) re-
of a circulating fluid, usually water. Opening is servoil; (12) jet, (13) slidillg pistoll, 10
performed by water pressure applied to the (14) e/osillg e/wmbel; (15) regllintillg
bottom of the alU1Ular piston (b). The opening vnlve, (16) SC/lsillg liqllid PlllllP, (17)
flow swite/I, (18) timillg IlIlit, (19)
times Catl be reduced by this to such atl extent
Fig,3,103 C/osillg wnter vnlve, (20) opernt illg
that partial slurry discharge is also possible so wnler vnlve for pre-selectioll of
Sepnrntioll process betweell fi,e disc plnte bowls
(1) IIlIclnrified wort, (2) clnrified wort, (3) Irllb pOl'ticles, (4)
that the separation process Catl proceed with- nll/Ollllt of solids to be ejected, (21)
sepnrntillg plnte, (5) directioll of cell trifllgnl nccelernlioll out loss of liquid, opwillg wnter vnlve
398 399

being on average less th an 0.3 %, is also relati - brew there is no longer any trub beca use it is spoilage micro-organisms get into beer duru1g fac torily remove the cold break, CillUl0t sim ulta-
vely small. The d isadvantages are the high in- mi xed with the much g rea ter amoun t of the prod uction process and m ulti ply, they can, neously remove the coarse break . Moreove r, the
vestment and operating costs, in p articular the spent grauls, as a result of form ation of meta bolic products, cold break is only fo rmed later after the coarse
high energy costs for the d isc d ri ve, 0. 65-0.8 every litre of recovered wo rt is val uable. If on- make the beer unsa leabl e even before filtra tion. break h as alrea dy been rem oved . Separa te
kW/m 3, and the complexity of the equipment. ly one exh'a hectolih'e is recovered per brew, equipment is therefore required for the removal
3 3
On the wh ole the w hirlpool is preferred no- with 1500 brews a yea r that amOlmts to 1500 hI. Formation and optimal removal of cold of coarse and cold break.
wad ays to the sep arator. However, as before, If a whirlpool is used, there is n o cloudy wort. b reak Nowadays the cold break is not usu ally remo-
the sep ara tor has its place for cl arify ing the Below about 60 °C the previously clear wo rt s tarts ved . A prerequisite for this, h owever, is an opti-
cloud y wort, obtaining beer from sur plus yeast 3.9 Cooling and clarifying the wort to become tmbid. This turbidi ty is due to small mal hot break removal ill1d fermentative yeast
(Sect. 4.4.6) and fo r beer filtration (Sect. Beca use yeas t ca n onl y li ve and ferment at low particles about 0.5 pm in diameter. TIlis is therefo- (assimilation yeas t) . With a p owerful course of
tem peratures, the hot wo rt mus t be cooled as re called fine, cool or cold brea k (cold h·ub). fe rmentation, a distinctive good fl avour
3.8.5 Recovery of wort from cloudy w ort qui ck ly as p ossible to 5 to 6 0c, or often to 7 to Beca use of its small size, cold brea k settles sta bility and good foam stability Cilll be expected .
A t the end of hot brea k separation the trub is 10 °C. During this process the initially clear onl y wi th great difficulty. It h as the prop erty of
present in the fo rm of cloudy wor t. By this is wort becomes tu rbid because of the form ation adhering to other p articles, e.g. yeast cells or air Wo rt aeration
mea nt a slurry mixture consisting of about 75 % of cold break. Ra pid fermentation and m ahlra- bubbles. Wh en it adheres to yeas t cells it d e- Aera tion of the wor t is the onl y process Sect. U,
wort and 25 % break. The break mus t be re mo- tion requires op ti mal removal of this cold break creases the yeast con tac t surface and thereby re- the production of beer where a supply of oxy-
ved and the wor t recovered . on cooling . For ra pid fermentation the yeas t duces th e fe rmentation rate. This is referred to gen is n ecessary to guarillltee good yeas t p ropa-
To separate the b reak and wort, filters or cen- must be supplied wi th the optimal amOlm t of as "coatulg" the yeast. ga tion .
trifuges are used. In this way most of the wor t air. At the sam e time changes in concentra tion Cold break consis ts of protein-p olyphenol Th e yeast requires oxygen for the formation
can be recovered . There is however the probabi- during cooling by evapo ration or ad dition of compounds which precipitate to a grea ter ex- of new cell substances (propaga tion) preferably
lity that in the meantime the wort h as become wa ter must be controlled . tent in relatively cold m edia and partiall y dis- fo r the synthesis of sterols and fatty acid s,
infected and so must be freed fro m micro-or- solve again on wa nnu1g. This means that wort w hich are the main componen ts of the cell
ga nisms. This can be d one by pump ing it back 3.9.1 Procedures during cooling on cooling to 5 °C s till contains 14 % of the total membran es (phospholipids) and without which
into the next brew if one wishes to avoid a la- Durin g cooling a number of processes are per- cold break in dissolved form. new cell substillLCe CaImot be for med . It is im-
bour and equipment intensive, and therefore formed which markedly affect the ra te of subse- A residual am ount of cold break at discharge pOlt ant thereby to supply the yeast with oxy-
cos tly s terilisa ti on process. quent fermentation and matu ration. These in- of 120 to 160 mg/I dry matter is d esirable [1 99]. gen rather thaIl the wort. The oxygen supplied
More and more breweries are beguming to clude A red uction of the cold break content to ap- is p rocessed by the yeas t Ul a very sh ort p eriod
add untreated cloudy wort directl y back to the wort cooling, proxima tely this value can result in of time.
nex t brew. If p ossible thi s should be done at the the formation and optimal rem oval of cold a more rounded beer flavour, particul arly in Aeration of the wort always entails a de terio-
comm encement of sp arging U, the lauter hm to b rea k, and the bi tterness, ration in fl avour. It is therefore always attem p-
obtain an extensive, but not excessive, washulg intensive aeration of the wort. an itnprovem ent of the beer foam (as a result ted to optimise the aeration of the yeast and to
out. In addition the extract content and amOlmt of of the precipitation of fatty acids), limit the ae ration of the w ort or even better to
In order n ot to count this amount of wort twi- wort are altered . Moreover chemical changes an imp rovement of the flavour stability and forego it altogether.
ce, to calculate the brewh ouse yield 75 % of the occur in the wo rt w hich can be detected by an a more intensive fermentation . Aeration occurs by meilllS of
amoLU, t of cloudy wort added back must be increase in colour and by an alyses. To remove the cold break the followi ng m e- drawing the pitchulg yeast up with p art of the
subtracted from the am ount of the next casting thods can be used (see Sect. 3.9.4): wort and aera ting it, or preferably
wo rt. Wort cooling filtration (using Perlite), COUplUlg the aeration of the pitchulg wort
Recovery of cloudy wo rt is n ecessary for se- The wor t is quickly brought to the pitching flotation, with the d osage of the pitchin g yeast.
ve ral reasons: tempera hue of 5 to 7 °C by means of a plate sedi mentation or
if it is added to the waste water the en viron- cooler. This is important since a lon g p eriod at separa tion. Changes in wort concentration
ment is more p olluted and so our basic costs u,tennediate temperatures increases the risk of It is no t possible with one piece of equipment When usulg op en cooling d evices some wa ter
are increased, grow th of beer spoilage micro-organisms. Wort to remove the coarse break and cold break at evaporates. The am ount evaporated can be con-
if the cloudy wort is added back to the next is free from micro-organisms on cas titlg. If beer the same time because the devices which sa tis- siderable when wort is held Ul a coolship for a

400 401

long time. This results in an increase in the wor t

concentration. If closed lines are used
then of course no evaporation can occur; on the
other hand, as a result of displacement w ith wa- Structure of plate heat exchangers
A plate h eat exchanger consists of a large num-
ber of thin metal plates, arranged behind one
another, between w hich wo rt and cold water
, ,
(- (-

(- 1- 1- [..... / 0/.-./. /.
f- f-

ter to reduce exh'act loss, a slight reduction of ex- flow alternately. Because, in the case of each 3
tract content occurs. Possible changes in the con-
cenh'ation of wort on cooling must be taken into
plate, wort flows tlu-ough chaIUwls on one side
and cold wa ter through channels on the other, a
Operatillg prillciple of n plnte Ilent / 1/ 7'
, , - . ,. . 1;" " - ..-

l7 V 1/ V
accOlmt on casting so that the predetermined ex- basic element (flow path) always consists of exclznllger
1 z
tract content is obtained in the pitching wort. two plates (Fig. 3.108). r+ r+i 5 r-
To obtain good heat exchange in every case The p lates are suspended in a frame on support beams
3.9.2 Equipment for wort cooling very thin ITleta l plates are used, and pressed together. The inflow and outflow cOlm ections
Rapid wort cooling is nowadays performed ex- the plates have a profile which will produce are made in con.necting plates at the ends. The plates are as-
clusively with plate heat exchangers, someti- tu rbulence, sembled in so-called blocks in which the fl ow directions are i5
mes more briefly called plate coolers. In these, the gap between the plates is very smail, constant (Fig. 3.109a). The chan ge in direction in the n ext .,.., L- 6 .,..,
-rJ. 1.2
the wort is cooled by cold I,vater. The hea t ex- countercurrent flow of wort and cold water is block is produced by use of a reversi ng p late. 11
change occurs through thin chrome-nickel stee l used, and In order to install the required cooling surface, several a
plates. the direction of the flow is changed frequent- blocks are arranged in a row.
To reliably excl ude a mixing of the media, the chcumel ey-
ly (Fig. 3.109).
es and the flow path of the COlmter medium are separated
" r+- /
9 40

by double sea ls. The interstice is cOlm ected to its surroun-
dings by leak agenutes. Ill'
A plate hea t exchanger con sists of
a frame with compressing equipment, D
connecting plates, cu1d TIf.l
heat exchange p lates. b
It is particu larly important that the plates are pressed
tightly together so that the exchcu1ger is absolutely water-
tight. Pressing together is accomplished by the compressing r+ " r' 5

/ equipmen t. A distinction is made between

/ oj.
central compression,
clcunping bea ms, and
• clamping bolts.
.,..., '- ,(1.
In the case of central compression the pressure is applied to f(
, I the pressure plate by a threaded spindle. To decrease the
spindle movement a spacing bar is inserted between the pres- c
- - Wort Fig . 3.110
sure plate and the spindle when screwing the equipment to-
- - - - Cooling water COlllpressillg devices llsed jar plnte !tent ex-
gether (Fig. 3.110, a). To open the heat exchanger the spacing
bar is removed so tl1at there is sufficient clear space. (n) celltml cOlllpressioll, (b) benlll clnlllpillg,
When clamping beams are used the plates are pressed to- (c) bolt clnlllpillg
gether by slotted clamping hlbes with adjusting nuts (Fig. (1) sllpport block, (2) pressllre pln te, (3) spilld-
Fig. 3.108 3,110, b) . Ie plnte, (4) benlll sllpport, (5) cnrrier benlll,
Plnte !tent exc!tnllge plntes (bns ic elelllellt) (6) gll ide bennl, (7) celltml spill die, (8) inter-
In the case of high operating pressures clamping bolts are lIIedinte elelllellt, (9) clnlllpillg sleeve, (10)
(1) wort illflow, (2) wort olltflow, (3) coolillg wnter Fig. 3.109
illflow, (4) coolillg wn ter olltflow, (5) mbber senl Hent excllnllge ill n plnte cooler preferably used. The set of plates are clamped by several clnlllpillg Il lI t, (11) clnlllpillg bolts, (12) jeet

It has alread y been men tioned that, for exam- the pressure differences w hich occur necessita- 1 to 2 °e is heated in the p late heat exchanger to
p airs of bolts which, of course, mus t be tigh te-
ple, black steel conducts heat better than does te stability of the plates relative to one 90 to 95 °e whilst the hot wort at 95 to 98 °e is
ned unifor mly (Fig . 3.110, c).
chrome-nickel s teel. resistance to corrosion is necessary, and cooled to the pitching temperature. The ice wa-
In all cases the correct pressure must not be
In the surface regions between the liquids 1 + they are easy to clea n by eIP procedures. ter w hi ch is used for this must be replaced by
exceeded since if the p ackage is pressed toget-
2 and the wall, interph ases (1 w and 2w) are for- The following mu st, however, also be taken fres h wa ter. 3
her too tightly, the heat exchanger can be d ama-
3 med in which the temperature decreases or in- into accoLmt:
ged .
creases to the temperature of the other liquid. The heat transfer has a consid erably grea ter 55'-88 'C
Attention sh ould b e p aid to the expansion of · 4 ..
The thickness of these interface laye rs is greater effect than the h ea t condu cti on, w hich depends
the material on warming, e.g . on e IP cleaning.
with s tation ary liquids than w ith rapidly mo- on the ma terial. H igh flow speeds and large tur-
ving liquids (Fig. 3.72a). bulences reduce th e hea t transfer; h owever, Method of operation of the plate heat
Su ch an interface region can easily be detec- they also require
ted if on e s tays motionless for a sh ort time in significantly hi gher pum p performan ce and
In the plate heat exchanger the hot wor t is coo-
led by cold water from about 98 to 95 °e to the still water in a swimming bath; when one mo- with it
ves again one n otices that meanw hile the water higher and avoid able operating cos ts.
6 to 8 °e pitchin g temperature. The cooling wa-
n ext to the skin h as become somewhat warmer. Two problems arise in hea t exchan ge operati- Fig. 3.111
ter is thereby h ea ted to a temperature whi ch Plnte Itent exclwllger witlt two stnge coolillg
can be controlled by the velocity of the water For the heat transfer throu gh the wall impor- ons:
(1) ice storage, (2) ice wn ter P"Il IP, (3) deep coolillg Sect., (4)
tant factors are 1. The pitching tempera ture ca nnot be obtained prc-coolillg sectioll
the heat tran sfer coefficient (a·l ) from the li- by cooling with spring wa ter at 10 to 15 °C.
In this way heat is transferred from the hotter
quid (1) to the wall, Ice water is n eeded for this which mus t pre-
wort to the cooler water. The hea t tran sfer de-
the thermal conductivity of the wall, and viously be cooled to 3 °e below the pitching
pends on several factors (Fig . 3.ll0-a):

d Fig.3.110n
the hea t transfer coefficient (a,) from the waU
to the liquid (2).
These can be related to the heat tran sition co-
temperatu re.
2. During cooling the cooling wa ter is warmed .
If the wa ter is hea ted only to temperatures of
30 to 60 °e it is generall y of no use. Efforts are
85 - 88 'C
- "
.... .....
..... ....

Hen t exclwllge ncross nil efficient k in the equ ation 9S - 98 'C ..... 1-2 'C
excilnllger plnte made to obtain as high an outflow tempera-
1 1 + ture as possible in order to h ave a high tem-
_ 1_ (1) telll perntll re of tile 1N6'C
k a'l A a, perature p otential so that the wa ter can be
IlOtter liq llid, (2) telllpe-
11V ra tll re of tile colder li-
From this equation it can be seen that the used in an energy storage system or as h ot f
qllid, (3) plnte, (1w + smallest of the denominators (ai' a'2' A) largely water.
210 2w) telllpera tllres of tile determines the num eri cal value of the heat Cooling m ay be performed in one or two sta- Fig. 3. 112
ill telfnce regiolls, (d) tran sition coefficient. To improve the k value, ges. Two stage cooling was previously customa- Plnte ilent excltnllger witlt sillgle stnge coolillg
plnte tilicklless (col nlld (1) ice wnter coolel; (2) ice wnter P"II/P, (3) plnte IIl1it
therefore, the smallest of these values should al- ry (Fig. 3.111). In the larger pre-cooling Sect. the
.3 0(2,
co2 Ilent trallsfer coeffi-
wort transfe rs heat to cold p rocess water. Whilst
ciellts), Z tllerll/nl COII- ways be improved first.
fJ dll ctivity. the wort is cooled to abou t 3 to 4 °e above the
This means that
the heat exchanging liquids should flo w in water temperature, the cooling water is heated The energy requirement is less w ith two sta-
opposite directions, to 90 to 95 °C. In the sm aller low temperature ge cooling than w ith on e s tage cooling (Sect.
the liquids should be moved quickly, cooling Sect. the wort is cooled by ice water at 1, although m ore water is required. Ne-
The energy of the hotter fluid (1) is ex -
the surfaces of the m aterial should be kept to 2 °e to the desired pitching temperature. The ve rtheless m an y breweries prefer one stage
chan ged by means of the plate (3) with the tem-
clean, and ice water is thereby wa rmed but remains below cooling because
perature of the colder fluid (2) . Important fac-
exch an ger plates with a high thermal conduc- the tempera ture of the process wa ter and is so its cons truction and opera tion are sim p ler,
tors in the heat exchange are
tivity sh ould be used . fed back into the ice wa ter cooler again. it costs less to buy, and
the thickness of the wall (3), and
Use of relatively poorly heat conducting chro- One stage cooling is increasingly being used it is incorrectly asslUned that the energy requi-
the material from which the wall is mad e and
me-nickel steel is nevertheless required because (Fig. 3.112). In this p rocess cooled ice wa ter at rement is the sam e as with two stage cooling .
its thermal conductivity (Z).
404 405

The permitted operating pressure of a plate duction process where oxygen is deliberately "technical solubility coefficient" (Z), which is Methods of wort aeration
cooler is in general 10 bar overpressure. Between added. The oxygen is taken up by the yeast wit- determined by the temperature. This is given in Devices used in wort aeration are:
the water side and the wort side of the plates the- hin a few hours but does damage the wort qua- the following table in 1111 gas / (1 kg water x 1 cera mic or sintered metal candles,
re is a pressure difference which is normally lity. bar) and is for: aeration plCUlts employing venturi pipes
Aeration has to be targeted. If one proceeds (mixing jets),
3 about 2 bar and at most 4 bar. This pressure dif- 3
according to the basic principle of "A lot helps a O°C S oC 10 °C 15 °C 20 °C aeration plCUltS employing two component jets,
ference must not be increased since it can lead to
deformation of the plates and gaps in the seals. lot", damage or losses occur [311] . In the case of Oxygen 47.4 41.5 36.8 33.0 30.0 aeration plants employing static mixe rs, and
The heat exchange plates have to be arranged to excessive aeration: Air 28.0 25.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 centrifugal mixers.
accommodate the maximum pressure difference more energy is used, Nih'og en 22.5 20.0 18.1 16.0 15.2
whidl can occur (possible up to 20 bar). more foam is produced, CO, 1658 1378 1159 987 851 Ceramic or silltereri metnl emlriles
the use of vessels is poor, With these candles the air is injected as very Advantages of the plate heat exchanger there is an excessive loss of ingredients which To ensure a definite oxygen content in the small bubbles through fine pores in the candles
There is no alternative to the plate heat ex- have a positive effect on the foam, wort, it is important to keep the pressure con- into the wort flowing past and thereby dissol-
changer because other possible cooling me- the wort ingredients are oxidised excessively, stant while the gas is dissolving. ved. This is a very simple culd effective method
thods are not used for various reasons. Never- and but cleaning of the cculdles, which contain very
theless the following advantages should be there is the risk of oxidative stress on the ye- many fine pores, is very troublesome if the risk
ast cell, which can lead to damage to the of contamination is to be excluded.
a plate heat exchanger requires very little ftmctions of the membrane .
floor space, To dissolve the air in cold wort the air must be Plnllts employillg velltllri pipes (Fig. 3.113)
it provides very good heat transfer with little injected as very small bubbles and turbulently In venturi pipes there is a substantial increase
pressure loss, mixed with the cold wort. An oxygen content of in flow velocity where the pipe is narrowed . Air
it is easy to dean and can be connected to a 8 to 9 mg/I is aimed for. To introduce such an is introduced there through a jet nozzle culd is
CIP system, amount a much larger amotmt of air must be Fig. 3.113 thoroughly mi xed by eddy cmrents in the wort
wort remains only a very short time in the used. Theoretically only about 31 of air per hi of \lellfllri pipe (II/etllor! of operatioll) in the turbulent flow occurring in the widened
cooler, and wort are required to produce such a concentra-
it introduces no risk of contamination if regu- tion of oxygen in solution, but in practice a Air
lar hot cleaning takes place. much larger amount of air is required, because
The plate heat exchanger can be adapted to some of the air bubbles do not dissolve in the
changed operating conditions. wort, and
the air CaImot be distributed absolutely Lmi-
3.9.3 Basic principles and formly.
performance of wort aeration The problem lies in the fine atomisation of the
Yeast needs oxygen for the production of new air, which has to disperse very finely and dis-

cell substances, in particular fatty acids and er- solve in the wort. The air bubbles, which rise to
gosterin. The fatty acids form the main compo- the surface of the wort, form an cuul0ying foam.
nent of the cell membrane in the yeast. The fat- This amount of foam can be considerable and
ty acids supplied to the yeast by the wort are thus hinder the aeration process .
not sufficient to produce enough new cell sub- The air forced in must be sterile. Consequent-
stances. If aeration is neglected or not done ef- ly it is first passed through a sterile air filter
fectively, this directly affects the rate of yeast (Sect. If the air is not sterilised it will
certainly introduce contamination of the yeast. CIP
multiplication adversely.
The aeration of cold wort for yeast nourish- The dissolving of gases depends on tempera- Fig. 3.114
ment is the only time during tlle entire beer pro- ture and pressure. Every gas has a specific Two cOlI/pollellt jet (Essalj & Hlleber COII/palllj, Scllrobellilallsell)
406 407

region of the pipe immediatel y afte r the con- 1111 ixers fil tra ti on throu g h per lite,
s triction . A not inconsiderable loss of pressure In centrifugal m ixe rs air is forced into the wort wort flota tion or
thereby occu rs. by means of a dispersion rotor and thereby fi- separa tion of cold wort.
nel y distributed . This results in very good and
Plal/ts employil/g two compol/ellt jets extensive di ssolving of the air. Kieselguhr filter
3 3
The two component jet (Fig. 3.114) has a struc- Filtration of wort th ro ugh p erlite is the most re-
ture similar to a venturi pipe. In it air is introdu- Time of yeast aeration liable method for optim al (about 90 %) remo val I 2 J If !i
ced through fine nozzles in the wa ll w hi ch pro- The yeast should be aerated intensively jus t af- of cold break.
Fig. 3.116
duce very small bubbles w ith a ve ry narrow ter pitching. If the yeas t is aerated after harve- The design and opera tion of kieselguhr fi l-
Flolnlioll plnll!
size range. sting, it is activa ted again but because the yeast ters, and of filter aids (perlite and kieselguhr) (1) whirlpool, (2) PIIlIlP, (3) plnle Ilent excllnllgel; (4) press llre
After being mixed w ith air, the mixture is fed has no fermentabl e food suppl y available it be- are discussed in Sect. 4.5 and so w ill not be des- illcrensillg PIllIlP, (5) lIIixillg lIolzle, (6) nir f iltel; (7) Ijenst ill-
through a narrow jet. As a result of the ex pansi- gins to draw on its own reserve carbohydrates. cribed here. IrorillCliol1 tnllk, (8) .f1otn!ioll Inllk
on of the space after the jet, the wort-yeast-air As a result the yeast is weakened and has insuf- For w ort filtration the lighter and cheaper
mixture is intim a tely mixed together. By nu- ficient reserves at the begim1ing of fe rmentati- perlite is u sed ins tead of kieselguhr.
xing the CO, with the beer in the same way car- on . This is shown by a hig her proportion of de- Flota tion can be performed either with or
bonisation can occur (see Sect. 4.7). ad cell s and the sur viving yeas t is less h ealthy. Flotation without yeas t. Nowada ys it is usually done - if
It is importan t, however, to remove the CO, The cold break tries to a ttach itself to small par- a t all - with yeas t because:
Plal/ts emp/oyiHg static mixers from the harvested yeast. ticles (yeast cell s, air bubbles) ("interfacial ef- a holding time without yeast provides a risk
In static mixers (Fig. 3.115 and 3.115a) the intima- Depending o n temperature and vitali ty, the fect"). This effect is used in flotation. The wor t of contamination,
te mixing of wort and air is achieved in a reaction yeast requires va rying times for the adjushl1ent is nUxed wi th an excess of finely divided air. In the oxygen can at the sam e time be u sed op ti-
section with built-in mixin g elements. The many of its m etabolism. By means of targeted aera ti- the flotation tank air bubbles are formed in the mally by the yeas t,
angles force the wort to constantl y change direc- on of the yeast during propagation, it is possi- course of a few ho urs and rise to the surface of the fl otation time Cilll be employed as the in-
tion and thus produce a turbulent flow and ensu- ble to be m ore effecti ve in controlling the phy- the wort w ith a ttached cold break particles. A itial fermentation phase.
re air dissolves efficiently in the wor t. siology of the yeast. Constan t and permanent compact covering is formed which can be remo- The air-enriched wort is fed into a flota tion
aeration of the yeas t su ch as is used in some pu- ved after emptyin g the flotation tank. vessel. Open hms, closed till1ks, or even cylin-
re culture methods always lead s to an excess of Important param e ters when performing flo- drocOlucal fermenters Cill1 be u sed as flotation
oxygen a nd thus to a loss of quality. tation are: vessels. The wort remains there for 4 to 8 h. In
Aeration and yeas t addition can be perfor- the introduction of the air, this time a very thick, solid foam cover is first
m ed togeth er by a single device (Fig. 4.17). Ye- the flotation vessel, and formed which, after about 8 hours stand time,
ast addition is thus spread over the entire time the maIm er of opera ting. collapses to about 5 to 10 cm thick and remains
of wort add itio n in order to distribute the yeast The inh'oduction of the "h'ill1sporting air" is in the flotation vessel after the wort has been
lUuformly in the ferm enta tion vessel. Yeast do- the main problem in efficient perfonnilllce of flo- pumped to the fermentation vessel. TI1e resul-
sage is perform ed by a frequency controlled tation. To operate economically it is necessill'y to tant loss is about 0.2 to 0.4%; about 60 to 65% of
pump. The tota l amOlmt of yeas t is m easured produce a large trill1sportin g surface with the le- the cold break is removed .
by a weighing ce ll on the yeast storage tank. It ast possible illnolU1t of finely divided by jet If closed flotation vessels are e mployed,
is possible to set exactly nozzles. TIus results in a sm aller requirement of counter pressure can be used to prevent exces-
the d esired yeast cell pitch con centration and space for the foam formed ill1d consequently a sive foaming of the wort and thus save valuab-
the amount of air. smaller container is needed (Fig. 3.116). le vessel capacity. Vertical flotation till1ks have a
It has already been mentioned that there are flat bottom sloping gently towards the cen tre.
3.9.4 Equipment for cold break removal a number of methods available for introducing Horizontal (lagering) tilllks re tain the foa m co-
It has been shown (Sect. that there are ad- finely divided trill1sp orta tion air into wort. The ver to a large extent on the vessel wall and on
Figs. 3.115 nllri 3.115n vantages in extensively removing cold break. The relevant s uppliers have suitable equipmen t the bo ttom . All closed tanks can be easily
Mixillg elelllellt witll stntic mixer following me thods are used for the removal: available. clean ed by CIP.
408 409

The adva ntages of flotation over filtration fore has to be preferably p laced in the brewhou- Of course, control in the brewhouse is not If several partial automatic controllers are lin-
are: se or nearby. tha t simple. Nowadays, it is broken down into ked to one another, a complete automation unit
less wear, There are many possible ways of arranging different levels. These include, firstly, mechani- is obtained, provided that the technological se-
lower labour requirement, the equipment. If a filter is used, the intensive cal protection devices such as switches wh ich quence can operate without manual interventi -
no filter aids used (perlite, kieselguhr) . wort ae ration must occur after filtration, other- are opera ted by magnetic coils. In addition, ti- on.
3 3
On the other hand, the turbid mixture has to wise there are problems in the filter. me delay relays and electromagnetic values are New plants me alm ost always equipped with
be trea ted and the flotation tank cleaned. Pollu- used. With these, small vo ltage differences are complete automa tion un its and more and more
ted water is produ ced. Wort flotation lead s to a 3.10 Control and monitoring of wort used to swi tch on large drive units or to lock ex is ting plants are being converted to full y au-
considerable excess of oxygen and thu s to a de- production processes them in their operating state. A distinction is tomatic operation. The advantages are:
terioration of the flavour s tability, particularly A beer brewer in a small brewery w ith only one made between opening and closing dev ices. If uniformity of the product resulting from
in the case of flotation w ithout yeas t. brew a day has all the opera tions firmly under his the protection occurs wh en there is no current prevention of incorrect operations,
New flotation plants are no longer built. control. He knows his temperatures and times flowlllg, then the contact is either open or clo- d ecreased load on the operators,
and continuously uses his five senses to observe sed. The distinction between opening and clo- reduced number of operators, Separation of the cold wort how the process is going. This brewing supervi- sing dev ices is made in this way because w hen better co-ord ination of the process,
Cold wort separators of course work according sor has an en viable association with his product current is supplied, the switch position is rever- better lUlderstanding of the process,
to the same prin ciple as d escribed in Sect. 3.8.4. which his counterpart in a large brewhouse can sed and the va lve is ei ther opened or closed . low failure ra te,
With modern high performance clarifica tion se- never achieve. He sees, hea rs and smells how This type of locking has been ava ilable for a easy altera tion of the procedural operations,
parators [199] with an hourl y throughflow of things are going and can take appropri ate steps long time. For example, durlllg lauter tlm ope- plant components can be extend ed .
700 hi, more than 50% of the cold brea k is remo- without being subject to narrow time consh·aints. ration the spent grain discharge motor may on- There are basically two different types of COll-
ved and therefo re values of 120 to 160 mg of The larger the brewery, however, and the mo- ly be switch ed on w hen the klufe motor is swit- trol of the brewhouse equipment:
trub/l of wort are achieved. re brews are made per day, the less any indivi- ched off - and vice versa. mosaic di splay control and
The loss with these plants is 0.15 to 0.20% of dual s uper vises any processes. When eight Of course, very man y processes in the graphic display control.
the amount of casting wort. It is thereby also brews are made and cast per da y, man y proces- brewhouse run simultaneously or merge into
possible to standardise the cold wort before the ses overlap in time. Consequently there is an in- one another so that in large brewhouses a slllgie Mosnic dispTny COl/troT
begimling of fermentation and thus achieve a creased risk that something will be overlooked person cannot manage the relay conh·ol, lllclu- (iUl/lllil/nted cirCllit dingrn1l1)
completely lmiform quality. or a temperature not observed exactly. And wit- ding time delay relays, properly. Consequently In a mosaic di splay control room a ll the p roces-
hout a means of control, it is impossible to pro- stored program control (SPC) is used nowadays. ses are graphica lly represented on "process mi-
3.9.5 Wort cooling lines ve, say, that the brewin g supervisor became For this the program is filed in an object-related mic" panels. Keys are provided for all drive
Corresponding to the different tasks to be p er- very tired at 3 am during the night shift. langu age and protected agai.Jlst current failure. units and all returning messages are indicated
form ed, after the removal of hot break the foll o- The necessity of observing a strict time sche- This program is nm thl·ough cyclically and pro- by light indica tors.
wing are needed: dule, of meeting all the pre-specified parame- cessed with the possibility of selecting branches Indicators, controllers and counters for mea-
a device for cooling the wort (plate cooler), ters (temperatures, times, pressures etc.) exact- in the program or making jumps witlllil it. With surements are built into the mosaic pictlues so
a d evice for aerating the wort and possibly ly, and of cons tantly achieving the highest very complicated progra ms any program altera- that the brewing supervisor has inform ati on
a device for removing the cold break (filter, possible yield s of highest quality increasingly tions, or recipe alterations, must onl y be carried about every thing at all times and can react ap-
flotation). forces every larger brewery to implement auto- out by persons speCially qualified to do this in or- propriately. These wuts are still widely used.
Thi s equipment used to be installed in the matic process control for wort production. der to avoid breakdowns. Consequently there is They are mostl y very easy to monitor and easy
cold room which, in the classical arrangement, When control is mentioned, many people lln- usually a third level III the program wluch is on- to operate. They are no longer built beca use
is located above the fermentation cellar. mediately tlllilk of large control rooms or auto- ly accessible to specified persons. they are too expensive and complicated.
The equipment for wort aeration is as small matic controlwuts. But control begins at a much Computers, or rather work stations with lar-
as possible and is attached to the wall at a suit- more intimate level - for instance, by USlllg a light ge hard drives and colour di splay screens enab- Grnpllic dispTny cOIztroT
able place. Consequently only the plate cooler switch to turn a lamp on or off. As a result of the le comprehensive data captllre fo r the compa- (di spTny screell teclllliqlle)
remains for the "cold room" which therefore two possible positions of the switch -on/off- one ny. Databases enable exchange with other In the case of graphic display con trol the gra-
hardly exists any more. The wort cooler there- already has a two point controller. programs witlun the brewery. phical representation of the plant equipment
410 411

Iy actuated m agnet mu st be ins talled before the

Operation and observation intake to the grist mill to prevent d am age to the
machine and spa rk formation by iron objects.
Spark formation can cause a dust explosion
Manual level in the mill . The risk is very hig h becau se dust in
3 Parallel 10 aulomisalion level.
Automatic mode 3
instrumentatiofl and hardware controls certain mi xtures w ith a ir is ex plosive. Because
du st produces an electri c charge in the mill, the
mill must be well earthed and the housing seal-
ed so that du st cannot escap e.
The ex plOSion protection fl aps mus t not be
Logging blocked . Th e teclmical sa fe ty equipm ent (Q pi-
Fig. 3.118
pes, rupture discs) must all be in working order.
Input/output level COlllpuler workslnlioll ill Iil e IIInsler brew/IOI/se of Iile scil/ofl-
'--,...,---' brnuerei Au, Hnllerlnll (Pilolo: HUpPll lnllll, Kilzillgell) This also requires a dus t-free grist milling
room w hich must be regularly cleaIled. Becau-
SUD'-OI:'lrllJU(()f. measurement converter, resistance f/lprmrlmr>/p(
se of the increased fire risk at the mill bottom,
3.11 Safety at work during the person in charge of milling must always be
Fig. 3. 117 wort production sure tha t hand operated fire extinguishers and
Process nillolllniioll ill tile breW/lOuse h ydrants are a lways available alld read y for u se
3,11.1 Accident prevention in the milling in his area of operations. Conveyors mus t be
area equipped with an automatic stop function for
All movable parts which are accessible are po- allomalous operating conditions.
and processes occurs only on display screens. The computer captures all enormous amOLmt tential sources of accidents. As soon as clothing,
Drive milts, retmning messages, indicators and of data which it Call print out and also store. hail', or a p art of the hand or arm is caught, the 3.11.2 Accident prevention when working in
con trois are shown on the screen and operated by Unless e rased the data can s till be recalled aIld person concerned is inexorably drawn in b y the brewing vessels
a keyboard. Parameters are likewise changed via evaluated months later. However, one still fre- much more powerful machine. The damage is Older brewing vessels must be ente red for
the screen and keyboard and records are made quently find s in brewhou ses a process automa- often appalling. clealung. In modern vessels CIP m ethod s are
by a printer. A g radual change from a mosaic dis- tion where, in addition to automatic control via Therefore the basic rule applies: working clo- u sed but n evertheless from time to time these
play to graphic display is possible. Advantages of the screen, a mosaic dis play still exists to provi- thes must fit closely; long hair mus t be protec- vessels must be entered, for insp ection or to
the graphic display control are that it is easier to de a mallua l mode of operation (Fig. 3.117). The ted by a cap or cloth over the head . p erform repairs.
extend the control and simple to expand the g ra- upkeep of an ac tive manual level of operation This applies in particular when working with It is ve ry dallgerous to enter such vessels. It
phic representation possibilities. For these rea- by means of the monitor control screen, parallel a roller mill (ASI 2.91/78): must be remembered that as a result of all Lmin-
sons more and more breweries me now conver- to computer programmable control, is very ex- According to the accident prevention reg ula- tentional action the stirrer or raking d evice Call
ting to graphic display control. pensive since most of the inputs alld outputs tions the rollers of a roller mill must be protec- be put into operation whilst a colleagu e is busy
As a result of the installed computer program, must be duplicated, above all w h en it is wished ted so that the roller infeed position Calmot be in the vessel. He can never call for h elp because
the processes automatically follow one another. that the sea ling conditions should also be ac tive reached . If it is not already protected by the nobody can hear his shouts .
The brewing supervisor follows the processes on on the mosaic screen version. maimer of con struction of the roller frame, so In order to avoid such terrible accidents the
the screen and can intervene if necessary. The au- that even a slender halld CatUlot reach the roller Guidelines for working in containers and re-
tomatic mode automatically conh'ols the process Because other production departments aI'e, infeed, a special protective device, consisting of stricted spaces (ZH 1/77, A pril 1991 issue) were
sequence. It captures and processes signals from for obvious reasons, becoming automated, the- one or more rods, is required . These rods mu st published by the main indus trial co-operation
the eqtilpment. It is important that any interrup- re is a tendency to use an overall plan for the be fi xed inside the frame or arrallged so that association .
tions or irregularities are immediately indica ted brewery automation (Sect. 11). Exclusion of a inevitab ly th ey are in a protecting position It has proved a useful safety measu re against
optically or acoustically so tha t the brewing su- computer screen from the brewhouse is no lon- when the frame flap (window) is open. tUlintended engagement of the stirring mecha-
pervisor can take any necessary measures. ger imag inable (Fig. 3.118). A sttfficiently s tron g permanent or electrical- nism or other movable parts, for the p erson

who is working to screw out the electric fuse rators are exa mined at the testing station to en-
cartridge and to keep it with him whi lst the sure that no imbalances can occur since these
work is being done. In this case unintentional can lead to beating and eventually to disinte-
movement of the part is impossible even with gration of the centrifuge. In this case everything
electronically controlled switches. within a wid e radiu s of the centrifuge is de-
3 stroyed.
In au tomated plants the control key mu st be
removed and guarded by the persons p erfor- To prevent this, on balancing the centrifuge
ming the work. the correct location of the parts which are inser-
ted in one another and screwed together is mar-
3.11.3 Accident prevention when working ked. It is the refore essential to reassemble the
with separators separator parts with the markings in exactly the
Separators must nm perfectly balanced. Sepa- correct marked positions.

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4 I Beer Production
(Fermentation, maturation and filtration)

To transform wort into beer, the s ugars in the ness. Th is trea tment is performed in a fi lter (4)
wort mus t be fermented by enzy mes in the ye- and frequently in a plant with fl ash pasteuri- 4
ast to ethanol and ca rbon d ioxide. sing of the beer (5). After this, the beer is ready
This also results in the formation of fermenta- for filling.
tion by-products w hich have a considerable ef-
fect on the taste, aroma and other characteristic 4.1 Changes during fermentation
properties of the beer. The formation and par ti al and maturation
degradation of these by-products is closely rela- The most important process is fermentation of
ted to the metabolism of the yeast and can only the sugars in the wort to ethanol and ca rbon di-
be considered in COJlJlection with the latter. oxide by the yeast. The reactions occurrillg du -
Fermen tation and matu ra tion of the beer is rin g fermentation can be differenti a ted into
performed in many breweries by what is refer- those which occur in the m ain fermentati on and
red to as the conventional or classical process in those occurring in maturation, but the proces-
a ferm entation cellar and a s torage cellar (Fig. ses overlap. It is therefore n ecessary to consider
4.1, 1 + 2). Breweries w ith modern equipment the chan ges wluch occur during fermentation
perform the fermentation and maturation in cy- and maturation as a continuous process.
lindrocOlucal vessels (CCVs) (3). Because there It is particularly important that by-products
are substantial differences beh,yeen the two ty- are formed by yeast metabolism during fer-
pes of plant they must be considered separately. men tation, and that many of them are also par-
tially broken down again . These fermentation
by-products, together with the hop compo-
nents, have a decisive influence on the taste and
aroma of the beer. Consequently it is important
to kno w how they are formed and broken

-[]- 4.1.1 Yeast: the brewer's most important

It has been shown (Sect. 1.4.1) that the pale brown
VLB Berlin yeas t pulp consists of many millions of single ye-
Fig. 4.1
ast cells whkh, totally independent of each
Fcrll/elliniioll, IIInlllmlioll nlld jillmlioll
Research Institute for (l)ferll/elliniioll vessel, (2) slomge Inllk, (3) cylilldl'Ocollicnl lead their own complicated life that they have ac-
quired in a development over billions of genera-
Engineering and Packaging Inllk, (4) f illel; (5) f1nsh pnslel/riser
tions and is determinated in their genes.
It is not us who determine w hat the yeast has
After fermentation, maturation and storage, to d o but we have to m as ter the factors which the beer is filtered and thus made stable both regulate the work of the yeast. It should not be
G:l biologically and colloid ally to retain the bright- forgotten in doing so that the interests of the ye-
416 417

ast cell s are totally different from that of the exercise a shock effect on it: a different tempe- of a certain substance, fermentation problems The bad time for the yeast no w begins, becau -
brewer: whilst the brewer is particularly inter- rature, pH, a high concentration of su gar etc. may occur. The brewer mus t bea r this in mind se the energy supply begins to dry up and it has
ested in the end products of alcohol and CO" For severa l hours it excretes amino acids and if he changes his raw materials or replaces part to draw on its own reserves. It now slow ly be-
these are cell toxins for the yeas t whidl they ha- nucleotides but soon reabsorbs some of these. of his gris t load with (Luull alted) raw grain or gins to excrete metabolic products cllld enzy-
ve to get rid of again and therefore excrete. For The higher the temperature the more is excre- sugar, which, for exa mple, does not introduce mes, in particular yeast proteinase A, wh.ich has
the yeast cell only the energy recovery is of im- ted; however, the adjustment process only takes any aatino acids and salt. a detrimental effect on the foam, and has to be
4 portance to be able to live and on taking up nu- a very sh ort time in total (lag phase). Before it In this ex tremely active phase for the yeast harvested. 4
tritional substances to form new cell substclllces. comes into closer contact with the new medi- cell, in which many nutrients are present in the Despite the low tempera tures during cold sto-
Seen from thi s point of view, optimal values um, however, the yeast cell firstly draws on sto- wort in the form of fermentabl e sugars, the ye- rage, the yeast requires energy, albeit at very
for the production of beer can only exist if opti- red reserve substances which immediately pro- ast builds up a depot of carbohydrates (glyco- low levels, to be able to maintain its life proces-
mal conditions are also crea ted for the yeas t vid e it with its initial energy: the glycogen gen and trehalose), so that it has reserves for the ses. It begins with the breakdown of carboh y-
cell s. In addition is the fact that the quality of content fall s. permanently n ecessary energy recovery in the drate rese rves and other substances and excre-
the beer is d ecisively affected by the yeas t and Owing to the surplus of fermentable sugars case of nutrient deficiency. tes more and more metabolic products. Finally
in the wor t, the yeas t cell then quickly begins to In this phase, the yeast should be added by the yeast cell can die, and then the digestive en-
its metabolic products.
break down the sugar by mea ns of respiration pitching or topping up. It is then in the phase zymes which are released can begin to break
and fermentation. The su gar content, however, where it propa gates fastest and facilitates sp ee- down the cell interior, the cell wall is damaged
slows down respiration and accelerates fer- dy fermentation and propagation. and the cell contents of the dissolving (autoly-
mentation which is imm ediately intensified This logarithmic (log) phase is the most im- sing) cell pass into the beer. This has a conside-
(Crabtree effect). At the same time, the yeast be- portant stage in fermentation, where the wort rable effect on the foam and flavour, the pH of
gins to form new cell substances while it increa- flavour disappea rs and is replaced by a green the beer increases, cmd the dissolving substan-
singly propagates by means of buds. The yeast beer flavour. Considerable quality parameters ces are a welcome form of nutrition for contami-
cell obtains the substances necessary for the for- of the future beer are determined by a very dif- mmts. The brewer therefore has to ensure that
3 ferentiated metabolism of the yeast. the yeast is harvested rep eatedly and on time.
mation of new cell subs tances from the wort.
2 The log phase slowly comes to an end when Yet even if the yeast is harvested on time, the
The brewer only has to ensure that the necessa-
--.4--1 ry structural elements are present in the wort, the supply of fermentable s ugars has been brewer s till has to be concerned about the yeast.
e.g. greatly reduced and finally almost nothing fer- It has to be stored cold and in such a way that,
amino acids for the production of nev" cell mentable remains; fermentation is completed. if it is reintroduced and if possible this being
substances (yeast can, however, also easily The yeast begins to flocculate, multiplication no the case many times, it can take up its activities
1 1,um I
synthesise its own amino acids from other ni- longer occurs, alcohol and CO, in the form of fully and quickly.
trogen sources), cell toxins increasingly inhibit the yeast cell. This foreword seems to be necessary to make
Fig.4.1a phosphate for the bond in ATP (see Sect. Since the turbulence in the tank present during it clear to every brewer that the yeast is his mos t
Cross -sectioll tilrollgil tile yeas t cell and in the phospholipid double lay- the intensive main fermentation has slowed or important parhler in the production of beer.
(1) cytoplaslII, (2) cell wa ll, (3) celllllclllbrallc, (4) blld scm;
(5) lIIitOc/lOlIdria, (6) vacll ole, (7) polYlllctapllOspilate gra llll - er of the cell membranes and the membranes completely stopped, the yeast cells slowly sink Only when he creates optimal conditions for
les, (8) lipid g rm III les, (9) clldoplaslllic retiCII IIIIII, (10) ccll of the interior of the cell, to the bottom where they can be harvested . this parhler ccm he hope to achieve optimal re-
IIlIclells, (11) IlIl clear IIlelllbrmle, (12) IIlIcleolll s, (13) Colg i The yeast cell now tries to find nutrient sour- sults in the quality of his beer. This will be loo-
sugar for the formation of carbohydrate re-
serves, ces which are still present, in particular maltose ked at more closely in the following.
salt and trace elements (e.g. zinc), and maltotriose. To do this, it has to move . Sin- In contrast to beer ferm entation, in the case of
Before occupying ourselves with the details, sufficient oxygen for the synthesis of fatty ce it has no organs enabling it to move, it uses yeast used for baking and animal feed, a sugar-
a short overview should therefore firstly be gi- acids and s terols, which are essential for the the transportation incorporated into its own free nutrient substrate (e.g. molasses) is used
ven on the processes in the yeast during fer- production of new cell membranes. metabolism as a substitute for active organs of and a large amount of air blown in. To avoid the
mentation and maturation. Most of these substances are almost always movement to ensure its own survival [363] . If it Crabtree effect, only enough sugar solution is
After casting out, the yeas t cell firstly has to available in sufficient amounts, or they can be is prevented from moving, as in a cone, its con- added so that the sugar concentration in the fer-
get used to its new envirOlUl1ent which initially syntheSised by the yeast itself. If there is a lack dition rapidly deteriorates. menter is always below 100 mg/l (feed m ethod).
418 419

The intensive respiration results in a huge pro- dria by means of intracellular respiration and
pagation of the yeast cells; however, the alcohol broken down to CO, and water with the aid of Glucose G lu cas e-6- phos pha t F ructos e-6-phos pha t F ructose -J,6-biphosphat
formation is suppressed (Pasteur effect). citrus and respiratory chains, resulting in a Con- HO -CH , ® -O-CH , ® -O-CH , CH ,OH ® -O-CH , OH
siderable recovery of energy. CO, and H,O are
4.1.2 Metabolism of the yeast at the bottom rung of the energy conductors;
Knowledge of the metabolism of the yeast is of they can only be broken down into their ele-
4 fundamental importance for the brewer, since ments by the addition of energy.

'---...------ 2 2 -A-D-P- - - - - '

b< \..

C =0
- OH
this has a decisive effect on the quality of the In the case of alcoholic fermentation, glycoly- I
o O· o ®-O-C - H,
beer. Of particular interest here are sis proceeds to the pyruvate s tage according to coo· "C / "C O- ®
H 0
fermentation of the sugar and the carbohy- the same pattern as in respiration; however, the I I I I Glyceron-
H - C- O - ® 8 - C - OH H - C - OH 3-phosphat
2 x 2· Phospho- I
drate metabolism, pyruvate is not transported into the mitochon- I I I
H, C - OH H, C - O - ® H C - O- ® H, C - O-®
protein metabolism, dria but broken down into ethanal, CO, and fi-
9 2 x 3-P hosphoglyce rat 2 x 1,3-8iPh'OSPhOgIYCera l \ Glyceral-3- phosphat
fat metabolism and nally, ethanol in the cytoplasm with considera- 2 H, O
mineral metabolism. bly lower energy recovery. In detail, this OCcurs \ D ( ADH' H
as follows (4.2). coo· coo·
I I / Fermentation of the sugar The glucose is initially bonded with phosphor C -O- ® C 0 12 _ H - C - OH
Yeast is the only living organism that is in the (phosphorylised). This occurs by means of the C H, C H, C H,
position to, and tmder the exclusion of air, pre- takeover of a phosphor atom from ATP and its 2 x PhosPhoenOlpyrava J 2 x Pyravat 2x CO, 2x E thanal 2x Ethanol
pared to make use of fermentation in place of conversion to ADP (1) (see following Sect.). Glu-
energy-intensive respiration . The particular fea- cose-6-phosphate is produced which, with the
Fig. 4.2
tures of alcoholic fermentation and the energetic help of glucose phosphate-isomerase, is conver- Dingrnlll of nlco/lOlic ferlllelliniioll nccorriillg to Elllbriell-lvleyerilOf-Pnmns
relationships therein will now be explained. ted to fructose-6-phosphate (2) . Afterwards
phosphorylation reoccurs twice by means of the

J Alcoholic fermentation as anaerobic transfer of a further P-atom from the ATP by the phoenolpyruvate by the phosphopyruvate hy-

glycolysis 6-phosphofructokinase. Fructose-1.6-biphos- dratase (9). The pyruvate kinase then converts
Like all other living organisms - animals and phate is formed (3), whilst the energy-rich ATP is the two molecules of phosphoenolpyruvate to
plants - the yeast cell requires energy for all converted to less energy-rich ADP. two molecules of pyruvate (pyruvic acid) (10).
processes which are energy dependent, e.g. for During these enzymatic breakdown proces- (..'J
During the conversion which thereby occurs of
the formation of new cell substances, ses, the energy profile is of course constantly <l '0 2 molecules of ADP to ATp, the only amount of
the uptake and assimilation of substances
from its enviromnent,
changing (Fig. 4.2 a1).
At this stage a splitting into two isomer tri- I energy available to the organism during glyco-
lysis (2 x 30.5 kJ) is released.
the breakdown and excretion of lUu1ecessary osephosphates by the fructobiphosphate-aldo- I

or harmful compotLl1ds, lase occurs (4). The glycerol and glyceron-3- Elltlwlpy chmtge
the transportation of substances within the phosphate (5) which is formed is now reduced Whilst the pyruvate is broken down again du-
cell. to 2 molecules of 1.3-biphosphoglycerate (6) by ring respiration, in alcoholic fermentation
The energy required is obtained by most Ji- the glycerinal-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase, (anaerobic glycolysis) the pyruvate is separa ted
ving organisms (plants, animals, humans) and at the same time an ion of hydrogen is bon- into CO, and ethanal (acetaldehyde) by pyruva-
through intracellular respiration. The process ded by NAD. This is followed by a double de- Fig.4.2nl
te decarboxylase (11) . After this, the ethanal is
begins with the breakdown of glucose in the cy- phosphorylation by the phosphoglycerate kina- Chnllge of the euergy profile rillrillg glycolysis (pnrtinl view)
converted (here, the presence of zinc is necessa-
toplasm (cytosol) in a process known as glyco- se to 2 molecules of phosphoglycerate (7). This ry!) into ethanol (ethylalcohol, alcohol) by the
lysis. The end product of glycolysis is a com- means that two molecules of phosphor are bon- By means of the phosphoglycerate mutase alcohol dehydrogenase (12), whereby the
pOtLl1d known as pyruvate (Fig. 4.2 - pos. 10). ded again by the conversion of ADP to ATP (in (8), the 3-phosphoglycerate is converted to 2- NADH2 releases its stored hydrogen ion and
This pyruvate is transported to the mitochon- 1 and 3) and are thereby returned to the cycle. phosphoglycerate, and is transferred into phos- again becomes NAD.
For the conversions a m olecul e of hydrogen Thus, whether the yeast respires (baking ye- Energy recovery during fermentation
has to be transferred (see conversions 6 + 12). ast) or ferments (brewing yeast) depends in the Th e bond between the third and middle
The reco very of energy during fermentation is a
For such reduction processes, the transfer by first ins tance on whether the yeast is provided phosphor atoms is particularly rich in energy; if
result of the breakdown of sugar to ethanol and
means of the bond nicotinamide-adenine dinu- with oxygen or sugar. In the case of beer fer- this bond is broken, adenosine diphosphate
CO2, In contrast to respiration, only a partial
cleotide (NAD), which prevents the release of mentation, the Crabtree effect flashes into ac- (ADP) and phosphate are formed, but also 30.5
breakdown occurs during fermentation, resul - kJ per mol ATP:
dangerous hydrogen gas, has become domi- tion as a result of the sugar content of the wort.
ting in a correspondingly lower energy reco-
4 nant in nature. The curve with the notation To summarise, alcoholic fermentation is ex- very (Fig. 4.2).
NAD -) NADH, indicates this. If the ATP / ADP pressed according to the formula of Gay-Lus- ATP ADP + P + 30.5 kJ/mol, 4
gain ratio is closely examined, the ATP / ADP sac:
conversion of the reaction stages 1 + 3 and stage 7 which is available to the organism in the form
"G -2880 kJ
of energy.
al'e reconverted again. As a result an munter- C6H I2 0 6 2 C,H,OH + 2 CO, --- 2 C2Hs OH + 2 CO 2 " G -260 kJ
rupted cycle is formed. The actual energy reco- L'"G = -260 kJ 92 9 88g
Th e lower energy ADP continually bonds
very takes place in stage 10 with a twice occur- again with the free phosphor (phosphate) (i.e. is
Fig. 4.2 phosphorylated) as a result of the addition of
ring dephosphorylation and twice occurring If the products which are formed are calcula-
Ellelg'l recovery rillrillgjerll/elliniioll nllri respirnlioll
conversion of ADP -) ATP. ted quantatively according to their atomic energy from catabolic m etabolic processes _
The conversion of glucose to 2 pyruvate via mass, the following relations result: those where energy is released - to reform the
10 intermediate stages is known as glycolysis. It energy-rich ATP (Fig. 4.2a). The ATP molecule
It has been shown that the breakdown during
also occurs in all cells of plants, animals and hu- 2 C,H,GH + 2 CO2 thus behaves like a coiled spring, which on the
C6H'20 6 glycolys is occurs in many sub-steps by m ean s
mans. After this, the pyruvate is transported to C(12): 72 48 24 breakdown of the bond to the third phosphate,
of a rilllge of enzymes, which benefit from the
the mitochondria (see Sect. 1.4.1) illld complete- H(16): 12 12 can immediately use the released energy of the
difference in energy potential.
ly broken down (respired) via many interme- O( 1) : 96 32 64 uncoiling spring. Thus the bas is for a further
At some points, it is necessary to cycle is provid ed.
diate stages into CO, and H,Q whilst achieving 180 92 88
skip an energy hurdl e in order to reactivate the
high energy recovery (36 ATP/mol) via the citric
work of the cell. In nature one single bond has
acid cycle and respiration chain. Yeast is the on- From 1 molecule of glucose = 180 g, during al-
developed which constantly provides the trans-
ly living organism which, under certain cir- coholic fermentation, 92 g alcohol and 88 g CO2 ATP
fer of energy. This is the bond adenosine tri-
ClUllstill1Ces such as absence of air, Cilll convert are formed; this means that the sugar is separa-
phosphate (ATP) . ATP, which is present in allli-
from pyruvate to alcoholic fermentation: ted into almost the same parts by weight of al- Energy from
ving organisms, consists of a purine base (here catabo lic Energy
cohol and CO, (see Sect. The proportion
adenine), a sugar residue with five C-atoms processes for cellul ar
of carbon dioxide by vohUlle is thereby dissimi- work
(here ribose) and three phosphate residues.
Cellular respiration 36 ATP larly much larger thilll that of the alcohol, since
Glucose -) Pyruvate gases have a much lower density.
Alcoholic fermentation 2 ATP I This calculation is of fundamental significan- ADP + P
ce for us as it enables us to calculate the original
Whether the yeast ferments or respires de- wort content from the finished beer: of the su- Fig. 4.2n
pends mainly on two effects: energy recovery is gar from the wort, only the alcohol illld unfer- ATP - ADP Circle

disproportionately higher for the yeast in the mentable extract are present in the beer, the CO,
0- o o
case of respiration than in fermentation. In the has volatilised or is soluted in the beer. From I I I
presence of oxygen, the yeast therefore swit- the alcohol content and non-fermented extract, O-- P - O-P-O-P-O-CH
ches directly over to cell respiration (Pasteur ef- it is possible to calculate the amount of extract II II II I 2 0 The ATP thus becomes a form of "energy cur-
o 0 0 C/ "'-..,.CH rency", which all illli111 a I illld plant cells ha ve
fect). If, on the other hand, sugar is present (glu- content before fermentation in the finished
cose concentrations of above 0.1 gil suffice), the beer. This is importilllt for tax purposes (see been able to use for millions of years . This pro-
respiration enzyme complex is itself inhibited Sect. - Balling formula - calculation of I I cess occurs constillltly and has a remarkable
and fermentation occms (Crabtree effect). HO HO speed: a normally ftmctioning human muscle
extract content).
cell, for example, converts its entire ATP supply
approx imately on ce a minute. This means that is avai lable as energy to the yeast cell,
for every second and cell, about 10 million ATP the remainder of = 199 kJ/mol glucose e.g.
molecul es have to be used up and regenerated. is (lUlder standard conditions) rel eased as heat Amino acid
The yeast cell does not ha ve to perform such a and h as to be eliminated in the form of reaction Maltose ! e.g
gigantic task of course. In 100 g of dry yeas t heat. In practice, one ca n calcul ate an evolution
matter, approx 0.1 75 g ATP is present. of h ea t of 4500 to 4700 kJ/hl full beer (see Sect.
4 During respiration the glucose is completely
broken down (oxidised) to CO, and H,G. The During fermentation, the yeas t ce ll h as to ++ + 4
energy recovery aIllolUlting to 38 ATP which re- constantly abso rb and release substances. This
sults from this is disproportion a tely higher exchange of substances d oes not however take
than the recovery of 2 ATP which occurs during place on its own, but is subject to strict rules. As
alcoholic fermentation, in which sugar is onl y a result of the closely align ed molecules of the
broken down into ethanol and CO,. phospholipid membrane - also characterised as
The energy con tained in eth anol can, lUlder "liquid m osa ic" beca use they s hift lightly
favourable living conditions of acetic acid bac- aga inst each other - only pure water and dissol-
teria, be broken down further, resulting in ener- ved gas can force their way thro ugh, but not
gy recovery (the beer becomes sour), in extreme water salts. N umerous transport proteins of the
cases to water and CO,. The basis of life for most va ried types aIld with specific selective
Fig. 4.2b
most micro-organisms lies in the fact that they task assignments stored in the membrane are Secfioll of a celll/lel/lbrnlle
are able to use such gaps in the balance of ener- responsible for the eXChaIlge of substaIlCes (Fig. (1) prololl plll/lp, (2) co-Irnllsporl, (3) ailliparl
gy for their energy recovery, thereby securing 4.2b). A difference is hereby made between pas-
their survival. sive transport which is only suitable for small
The energy content of all organic bond can be molecules or ions, and active traIlsport which co-traI1Sport (2) aIld is the main method of sub-
predominantly g lutamic acid, asparagine,
precisely d etermined by targeted burning in a represents the main engine of the eXChaIl ge. stance exchange in the yeas t cell. The sam e aspa rtic acid, glutaInine, serine, lysine aIld
calorie bomb . Thus There is a voltage in all the cells between the source of energy can also be used to discharge a rginine,
glucose h as an energy content of 2880 kJ/mol outside aIld inside of the plasma membrane. other su bstances, such as alcohol or other meta-
others, sllch as valine, metionine, lecine, his ti-
alcohol h as an energy content of 2620 kJ/mol Voltage is the potential electric en ergy with boli c products (aIltiport) (3). The tran sport pro- dine and isoleucine in the second instance,
This means the energy content in fermentati- whi ch work can be performed . Since the ce ll in- teins specifically and ve ry exactly sort out what and
on is reduced by 260 kJlmol glucose. teri or is nega ti vely charged in contrast to its they can let past.
absolutely no proline.
This value is known as free enthalpy (6G), to sluTolmdings, the membrane potential promo-
For the yeas t the free NH,-group, the amin o
which a minus sign is added, because it is the tes the passive transport of cations into the cell Pro tein metabolism
group, is of importance, which it ex trac ts aIld
amount of energy released during this reaction . aIld anjons out of it. To counteract this, proton The yeast cell consists of 35 to 60 % (dry matter) uses to form its own cell proteins (free amino
Of this amolUlt of energy, however, only a pumps (1) povvered by ATP have developed, protein. The protein content changes during nitrogen = FAN, see also Sect. Thus a
small proportion is available to the organism - which establish a voltage on the membraIle as a fermenta tion aIld storage and is in inverse rela- higher alcohol, which is again excreted as a fer-
in this case the yeast cell, result of charge separation, and so store energy. tion to the glycogen content of the yeast (see mentation by-p roduct (Ehrli ch m echanism)
the part w hich is bonded with ATP as chemi- With ATP as a source of energy, the proton Fig. 4.2e). To produce new cell subs tances it the- (see Sect. 4.1.3), is formed from the am ino acids
cal en ergy (here 2 ATP). pump thus shifts positive charges into the ex- refore requires m any SOllrces of nitrogen, by means of dea mination (removal and rear-
The rest is irretrievably lost in the form of re- tracellular liquid. which are present in the wort mainly in the raIlgement of the amino group), decarboxy lati-
action h ea t. The elui ched positive charge can now serve, form of amino acids. These amino acid s are ab- on (removal of CO,) and reduction (removal of
This means that of the passively by mean s of specific transport pro- sorbed by the yeas t in a set order over which, oxygen). Fig. 4.2c sh ows the con version of ami-
6G = 260 kJ/mol glucose teins, to remig ra te aIld thereby move other sub- however, the brewer has no influen ce. Only low no acids to a higher alcohol, whereby R (Radi-
only stances, such as amino acids aIld maltose mole- molecular weight amino acids with up to four ca l) represents a (CH,)n + H-chain of varying
2 x 30.5 = 61 kJ/mol glucose cules, into the cell interi or. This is known as C-atoms are abso rbed, length.

424 425

A yards tick for a good provision of amino

Amino NH 2 0 60
acids is a content of 200 to 230 mg/l free (X-ami-

acids I //
no nitrogen (FAN) (related to 12 % wort). This R - ( H -( + 1/2 (0 2
' OH 50
value is always obtained from well m odified

malt. Worts where raw grain or s ugar have a lso
been used should be monitored here (longer 40

4 Desaminalion V)
protein rest recommended durin g m ashing ). c:: 4
The absorption of amino acids from the wort :ea 30

occurs via the pore proteins of the cell wall (see
a-keto acid 0 e
Fig. 1.23). They are then collected in an external 20 f-
II //0 -

pool and enriched. Tlus is followed by the ami- R -(- (

no acids then being fed on dem and to an uU1er ' OH
FCl'llIeIIlnlioll of wal'l slIgnr 10
r--.. 7
pool, which is constant Ul size. H ere the conver- (1) glucose 6
N ""-.
sion (transamulation) occurs as well as the in- (2) fruclose
Decarboxylation (3) sncciln rose
corporation Ulto its own cell proteins. 0 24 48 72 96
(4) I/In/tose 120 144
The proteul metabolism is therefore very im- (5) IIInllolriose Fermentation duration in h
portant for the beer produced, because many of (6) IIInllolelmose
the metabolic products which a re formed a re Aldehyde
R - ( Y' + ( O2
passed back Ulto the and this can have a
considerable effect on the fla vom and stability, in
particular the foam retention and other factors .
Over 40 proteolytic en zym es are active in the
yeas t, which are classified into four families
correspondulg to their mechanism of action (se- higher alcohol
I Reduction
ill the case of constantly increased pitching,
with high gravity worts. Fat metabolism

Together with protems iUld fatty sub-
Protein metaboli sm takes priority over fa t
metabolism. Fat m e tabolism only really starts
when the nitrogen sources for the protein meta-
bolism h ave been exhausted . Since, on the other
h and, fat metabolism is linked with oxygen,
rUle proteases, cystule proteases, carboxyl pro- R- (H 2
- OH stances Ul the form of phospholipids makes up synthesis of the fatty acids by the provision of a
teases, m etall o proteases). Of these proteases, the cell membriUles arOlU1d the yeast cell iUld the good and rich supply of oxygen at the begin-
yeast proteinase A, which is localised in the va- orgiUlelles Ul the illterior of the cell (see Sect. ning of fermentation is of considerable unpor-
COll ve rsioll of nil nlllillO ncid 10 higher nlcollOl
cuole, is of particular significance: LU1der condi- (Ellrlicll lII ecllnll;slII) 1.4.1). SUlce the yeast propagates dLU'Ulg fermen- tiUlce .
tions of s tress e.g. a higher alcohol content, hig- tation to four to six times its own mass, a corre- The long chained fatty acids produced by the
her pressure, a n inadequate supply of spondulg amOlU1t of lipids ha ve to be built up. yeas t should no t be negatively evaluated for the
nutrients, hig h osmotic pressme, yeas t protei- This buildulg up of lipids reqLw'es oxygen. fla vour stability of the beer (see Sect. 4.6.4), sin-
nase A is excreted into the beer during fermen- The foam spoiling effect of Proteinase A is The yeas t absorbs fatty acids present Ul the ce they are tightly cOlU1ected in the cell m em -
tation and maturation. The excre tion of dead especially apparent [303, P. 128], wort. It is also, able to form fatty acids branes. With the commencement of autolysis,
and autolyzulg yeast cells is particularly high. if there is no pasteuri sation or HTST of the itself, for which it reqtures oxygen. Formation however, there is great d an ger becau se released
It worsens the foam s tability of the beer, in beer, starts w ith the pyruvate (pyruvic acid) with ace- wlsa turated fatty acids are very rea ctive.
that durulg s torage it breaks down the lipid if s torage occurs a t increased temperatures, tic acid fo rmed as iUl ultermediate product. The
transfer proteins (LTP1) origillating in the bar- if there is a long contact period be tween yeast yeast is also able to form LU1sa turated fatty acids Carbohydrate metabolism
ley, and these are one of the main componen ts cells and green beer, for which oxygen is also necessary. Unsaturated Th e yeas t absorbs m onosaccharides dissolved
of beer foam [261]. The effect of the yeast protei- ill the case of poor or too la te removal of the fatty acids have a great effect on the suppleness in the wort (glucose and fructose) and disacch a-
nase A can lead to a further deterioration of the yeas t sediment (dregs), of the cell membrane. If too few unsa tmated fat- rides (maltose and saccharose) as well as the tri -
fo am s tability particula rly in the case of cold Ul the case of slow or long storage, ty acids are present, the absorption capacity of saccharid e maltotriose and ferments them in
aseptic filled beer (see Sect., becau se it when mistakes in yeast management occur the cell membrane suffers or the absorption of the same ord er. Larger carbohydrates (maltote-
also CiUU10t be removed during filtration . (stress factors), amino acids can come to a complete stop. traose) are not fermented (Fig. 4.2d).
stances as soon as the external food suppl y is the use of glycogen-rich active yeas t (see Sect.
exhausted. It is therefore able to cover its ener- .
gy requirements and to maintain elementary It is thereby important that aceta ldehyde to-
metabolic functions. This applies in particular gether with the S0, is able to form a compound
to the situation at the end of the cold s torage w ith carbony l and h ence slow down the ageing
phase in the tank and the s torage of the yeast of the beer. The S0, formed during fennentati-
35... 40 LUltil the next casting. on therefore has a positive effect on flavour s ta- 4
4 The glycogen content of the yeast is in inverse bility of the beer.
45 ... 60
relation to the protein content: decreasing the It should also be pointed out that in man y
20... 35 glycogen content in the first 10 to 12 hoUl's of fer- countries, sulphite is added to the beer to stabi-
mentation is accompanied by an increase in the lise the fl avo ur (not permitted according to the
protein content of the yeast cell (Fig. 4.2e). Du- Reinheitsgebot).
10 ... 20 ring the course of fermentation, maturation and As well as the form ation of sulphite, the for-
30... 65
yeast storage, the ratio is repea tedly reversed mation of volatile sulphides and in p ar ticular
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 (glycogen-protein rule). dimethyl sulphide (DMS) (see following Sect.)
Process duration in days
playa more negative role in the metabolism of
Fig.4.2e Mineral metabolism sulphur.
Cilnllge ill tile co1llpositioll of gl1fcogell nllri proteill rillrillgfer1llelltntioll Of the mineral substan ces, yeast requires above Potassium is required in particular for the m e-
(1) proteill colltell/, (2) gl1fcogell colltellt
all phosphor and sulphur as well as a number tabolism of carbohydrates and supports all
of metal ions in sm all amounts. enzymic reactions which proceed with ATP.
Phosphor comes in the form of phosphates The pH-regulating effect of potassiLUn in the
In s tress situations (e.g. high gravity brewing from the malt, and is always present in adequa- exchange of hydrogen ions which are formed
It can be assumed that 98 % of the sugar will
above 16 %, high fermentation temperatures te amolmts in well modified malt. Phosphor is against potassium ions (ion pump) is also im-
b e fermented and only 2 % respired (see Sect.
above 18 °C), the yeast can, depending on the required for portant.
strain, pass glycogen out of the cell and thereby the fo rmation of ATP (see Sect., SodiLUn activates enzymes; at the same time,
A very small proportion of the maltose (about
cause an ha ze, which cam10t be remo- the fo rmation of the phospholipid double sodiLun plays a considerable role in the trans-
0.25%) is used by the yeast to form carbohydra-
ved by filtering and produces turb'idity of up to membrane arOLmd the yeast cell, port of substances tlU'ough the cell membran e.
te reserves. The most important carbohydrate
1 EBC [318]. buffering against pH shifts. Magnesium is important for the reactions
reserve is glycogen, a polymer of glucose,
As well as glycogen, the yeast cell contains up A deficiency of phosphates causes with phosphor, above all in fermentation; in
which is formed and stored in the cytoplasm in
to 6% dry matter trehalose as a carbohydrate ferm entation problems and this fLmction it CatU10t be replaced by oth er
the form of glycogen rosettes. The glycogen
reserve. Trehalose is a disaccharide made of a reduction of cell growth. ions.
present in the yeast cells is used by the cells as a
glucose residue. The trehalose is found in the Sulphur is absorbed by the yeast cell as inor- Calcium slows down the d egeneration of the
primary source of energy before the onset of
cytoplasm of the yeast cell; part of it is COlmec- garlic sulphate but also as sulphur-containing yeast at1d supports break formation; if there
fermentation. As a result the glycogen content
ted to the cell wall and protects the cell from ex- amino acids (methionin, cystine) and the SO, is is a deficiency of calcium, mangan ese or ma-
falls considerably in the first ten to twelve
ternal influences. In the case of trehalose, too, incorporated into the amino acid metabolism gnesium Cat1 take its place.
hours, and then increases again. In the course of
breakdown initially occurs a few hours after the within the cell. Even after cell growth has come Iron and mat1ganese are important tra.ce ele-
fermentation, the content can rise to about 30%
start of fermentation only to be quickly follo- to a stop, the S0, produced is further excreted ments in respiration m e tabolism and the
of the yeast dry matter. During storage of the
wed by a buildup and storage of the trehalose, w1til fin ally at the end of metabolism, S0, for- budding of cells.
yeast, the glycogen content falls considerably
which proceeds more quickly and intensively mation also ceases [181]. Zinc affects the protein synthes is and, as a tra-
and the more so, the warmer and longer the sto-
with increasing temperatures [176]. SO, formation is reduced by all factors which ce element, is important for fermentation.
rage. If the yeast is stored cold, the glycogen
The carbohydrate reserves, in particular the support the multiplication of the yeast, e.g.: Zinc deficiency leads to sensitive fermentati-
content remains more or less stable [175] . This
glycogen, are of great importance for the yeast. intense aeration, on problems; the requirement is about 0.10 to
is of particular importance for maintaining the
The yeast cell can metabolise these reserve sub- repeated topping up with wort batches, 0.15 mg zinc/l wort. Zinc is the trace element
fermentation activity.
428 429

where deficiency symptoms occur most fre- form on the walls of the fer menting vessels or particular be seen from the point of view that conditions and is completed at the maturation
quently because most of the zinc supplied re- which can lead to haze fo rmation . Mechani- the brewer must attempt to keep their con ten t stage. A further formatio n of esters (alcohol and
mains in the spent grains. Most breweries cal clean ing does not always suffice to remo- within optimal limits by means of suitable tech- fatty acids) is possible in sour beer (e.g. Berliner
therefore have to take action to supply their ve the deposits so that over time, a grey nological measures. Weisse) when stored for a long time.
yeas t with the n ecessary zin c (see Sec t. coating known as beer sca le forms in the ves- This applies in p ar ticular to the following fer- The yeast concentration changes from the pit- . In order to guarantee an adequate sels wh ich, due to its porosity, provides con- mentation by-products: ching concentration (10 to 30 million cells/ml)
supply of zinc, "yeast nutrients" are availa- taminants with a good chance of developing. diacetyl, to the end of fe rmentation and mahlration to 50 4
ble, which ensure a sufficient supply of zinc Beer scale can be effectively removed using higher alcohols, to 90 million cells/ml. It h as to be assu med that
and other trace elements [342]. This however nitric acid (see Chapter 6). esters, in Lmiiltered beer, too, there are still 1 million
is not permitted under the Reinheitsgebot. aldehydes, yeast cells/ml.
Nitrate is not used by the yeas t but reduced to 4.1.3 Formation and removal of fermen- sulph ur compounds.
nitrite. Nitrite, h owever, is a yeast toxin and tation by-products A distinction (Fig. 4.3) is made between: Diacetyl (vicinal diketones)
causes poor multiplication and weak fermen- During fermentation a number of metaboli c by- Green beer aroma subs tances (aldehydes, Diacetyl is a flavour component which occurs
tation. Nitrites originate mainly from the bre- products from the yeast are passed into the sulphur com pOlUlds); these give the beer an at the s tart of fermentation. Above the thres-
wing liquor; over-fertilisation in the ca tch- beer, som e of which either react with each other unclean, immature, unripe, unbalanced taste hold value it gives beer an unclean, sweetish to
ment area of the water recovery plant can be or change their amowlt and composition. The- and arom a and, in higher con centrations, im- revolting tas te, which in high concentration is
responsible for an increased nitrate content. se fermentation by-products have a decisive ef- pair beer quality. During the course of fer- responSible for the aroma of butter.
For the yeast even 20 m g nitrate/I are dange- fect on the fla vour and quality of the beer being mentation and mahu'ation they can be bio- The diacetyl is characterised by two adjacent
rous. produced. The metabolism of the yeast and the chemically removed again from the beer. This keto gro ups. These subs tances are thus referred
Independently of the yeast metabolism, calci- formation and removal of the fermentation by- is the purpose of beer maturation. The most to as vicinal diketones:
um oxalate is formed from the calcium salts products sh ould therefore be considered toget- important factor of the green beer aroma sub-
her. If the fermentation by-products are never- stances is the acetaldehyde, whkh is broken
and oxalic acid originating from the malt, o 0
whkh deposits in crystalline or amorphous theless d ea lt w ith separa tely, should in down to values under 8 mg/I in the course of II II
fermen tation and maturation. Diacetyl H)C - C - C - CH)
The form ation and breakdown of the vicinal
diketones follows a similar course, the most im-
portan t factor of which - the diacetyl- on being The breakdown of these vicinal diketones oc-
broken down to below the flavour threshold va- curs parallel to other mahlration reactions du-
lue of 0.1 mg/l, is used as a yardstick to check ring the beer conditioning process and is there-
the level of maturity of the beer. fore nowada ys rega rd ed as the essential
Mature beer aroma substances essentially de- criterion (indicator substance) for the state of
Q) termine the aroma of beer and their presence mahlration of a beer. The formation and remo-
%, in defined concentration ranges is a necessa- val of vicinal dike tones occurs in three s tages:
.S ry requirement for a high quality beer. In con-
.g trast to the green beer aroma compounds, 1" stage: forlllatioll of precllrsors
l!' these aroma substances camlOt be removed Yeast forms only the precursors of vicinal dike-
c: again from the beer. tones by its metabolism . These precursors are
Fig. 4.3
8 COllceJllmtiolls of by-pro- Amongst the mahlre beer aroma substances without odour or tas te and camlot be detected
dllcts dllrillgferlllelliniioll are the esters, whkh are formed in concentrati- in beer. They arise during amino acid synthesis
nlldlllntll mtioll [303, p. 190J
'-- 2 (1) ncetnldehyde, (2) dince lyl,
ons of 12 to 20 mg/l, and higher alcohols in con- by the yeast. A starting point for this syntheSiS
1 centrations of 70 to 90 m g/l. The formation of is the pyruv ic acid formed as an intermediate
(3) eslel; (4) Iligher nlcollOls,
Process duration in days- (5) yenst cell cOllcelllmlioll, mahlre beer aroma substances is significantl y product during respiration and fermentation
(6) extmct colltellt affected by the yeast strain and fermentation (see Sect. 4.1.1). The 2-acetolactate formed from
430 431

pyruvic acid is excreted by the yeast cells into The conversion of precursors into the vicinal
durin g secondary ferm entation there is a pro-
the fermentation medium . Its formation de- diketones limits the rate of mahlration. a
15 gressive removal of 2-acetolactate and vicinal
pends on the following factors [34]: diketones,
Yeast strain: the time of formation and the 3'" stage: reductioll Of the diJcetolles o os: ,fO with an increasing degree of attenuation, the
amount of 2-acetolactate is a specific charac-
teristic of the yeast strain.
The diacetyl and pentanedione formed can 011-
ly be removed aga in by the yeast cells. This of
- '"
"l::l gj 5
2-acetolactate and vicinal diketone concen-
trations at first increase and then decrease
4 Yeast pitching rate: a higher pitching rate course decreases the detrimental effect on fla- during secondary fermentation as attenu ati- 4
leads to greate r formation of 2-acetolactate. vour. The removal occurs by the reductions 0 on continu es.
1 B 20
Addition of more yeas t, however, also leads Temperalure t e)
to a faster and more complete removal. Diacetyl ace toin 2,3-butanediol.
Oxygen: oxygen leads to ml increased forma- Fig. 4.4 mg/I I
Primary lermanlelion Secundary lermellialion

tion of 2-acetolactate by yeast. 2,3-Butanediol has a very high flavour thres-

Effeci of lelllpernillre all dincelyi relllovnl by yensl
The effect of these factors is however not so hold and the amolUl t formed is not perceived in 0.4 \
great that the production of the 2-acetolactate 1/ 2-A elol cIa!
beer. Green beef IT2nSIer putnpilg 0,3
can be effecti vely influenced by targeted mea- The removal of diacetyl is favoured by the Ob - ' -1 0.2 /
0, 1 II
05 ,
sures. following factors: p,
Viac '/vi
During fermentation the yeast h as a great ca- OJ
pacity to remove diacetyl. The yeast's ability Oi
pyruvate to remove it is about ten times as great as its , , , , ,
.. _--,-.::-:.::..::-..
• , , I I
-.,-...,...--., ! Primary fermal/(elioll SeCl/lldary fermelltation

2-acelo!aclale - - --
rate of formation during fermentation.
The ability to remove diacetyl remains con-
0,3 t-+--t7""'f;...-
-'4 L -l-
stant during the primary fermen tation mld 0,1 1/ / t\\
I gradually decreases during second ary fer- -%
diacely! - - aceloin mentation. ···;-·-·.. ···-;··- 1---,··--,---·,----,-·--,---.,--..,..--i---'---·,----,---... .. -

2 y , J 10 IZ ff 16 18 lP l2. ../i 26 )8 JO ,iZ J ..
There are only small differences between ye-
Fig. 4.6
ast strains in the cap acity to remove diacetyl. Re!nliollship of2-ncelolnclnle 10 vicellni dikeiolles verSli s np.
Fig. 4.3n Fig. 4.5
Diacetyl removal is very tempera ture depen- pnrelll degree of nlleliliniioll of Ihe beer [97]
FOl"lllnlioll nlld brenkdowII of dincely! (procedllre) Relnliollship of2-ncelolnclnle 10 vicelln! dikelolles verslls pro-
dent and in creases greatly with increasing cess lillie [97J
temperahue (Fig. 4.4).
2"" stage: cOllversioll of the precursors The rate of diacetyl removal is very depen- This also means, however, that:
The 2-acetolactate gives rise to the vicinal dike- dent on yeast concentration in the maturing each uptake of oxygen, e,g. during beer trans-
tones diacetyl mld pentmledione by oxidative beer. The precursors of vicinal diketones are ace to- fer, leads to ml increase in the diacetyl content
decarboxylation outside, mld independent of, The rate is dependent on factors which pro- hydroxy acids, in particular 2-acetolactate. The of the green beer and this must then be redu ced
the yeast cells (Fig. 4.3a). This conversion oc- m ote or impede extensive contact between amount of 2-acetolactate present is related to again by the fermenting yeast,
curs relatively easily. It is encouraged by: the yeast and the di ace tyl-containing beer. the amoun ts of vicinal diketones formed [111] .
pH d ecrease: at pH values between 4.2 to 4.4 Hindering the settling of yeast, e.g. by pum- From the shape of the curves in Figs. 4.5 and CO Il c/usiollS for cOlltrollil1g fermelltatioll
there is a rapid con version which lessen s as ping, pressure release, etc., favours diacetyl 4.6 it cml be clearly seen that: The diace tyl and pentanedione (total diace-
the pH increases, removal. during the first days of the primary fermenta- tyl) content can be regarded as the criterion
temperahue increase: a more rapid conversi- Krausening encourages diacetyl removal be- tion the amolUlt of 2-acetolactate increases for judgin g the sta te of maturation of the
on occu rs on h ea ting, cause the reducing power of the yeast is at its greatly, beer. As the fermentation and maturation ti-
oxygen introduction: oxygen uptake by beer greatest during cell multiplication. as a result of oxygen uptake during transfer me becomes progressively shorter the impor-
leads to a rapid conversion of precursors to Diacetyl removal is dependent on the pH va- pumping, the 2-acetolactate con centration is tance of controlling the diacetyl content in-
the vicinal dike tones. lue and is accelerated by a low wort pH. increased again, creases.
432 433

There mu st be a ra pid conversion of 2-aceto- Removal of the ald ehyde for med is fa vou red pitchin g temperatures above 8 DC, The forma tion of esters is a hi ghl y complex
lac tate to vicinal diketon es - thi s is helped by by: increasin g the wor t concentra tion above 13 %. process whi ch is affected by almost all techno-
rapid fermentation almost d own to the end all measures to p romote vigorous secondary The formation of higher alcohols is decreased logical fac tors and can therefore be con trolled
d egree of fermentation, a low pH and the fermentation and maturation, by: by a multitu de of teclmologica l parameters:
avoid ance of further oxygen ingress afte r pit- a warmer maturation stage, increasin g the yeast pitching rate,
ching, and also by use of fermentation and sufficient wort ae ration, and colder p itchin g temperature, Tell/ pemtll re
4 maturation at high er temperatures (in the ca- increased yeas t concentration in the matura ti- colder fermentati on, An in crease in temperature leads to increased 4
se of bottom fermentation beers up to 18 DC). on stage. use of pressure as ea rly as the primary fe r- ester for mati on.
Active, vigorously metabolising yeas t cells are menta tion stage,
essential for the maturation phase. The yeast High er alcohols avoida nce of oxygen entry after pitching, and Aemtioll
must be prevented from settling by suitable In contras t to the vicinal diketon es and aldehy- sufficient amino acid content in the pitching An increase in ae ration leads to an increase in
measures. It is important to have a sufficient des, w hi ch belong to the yOtlllg beer aroma sub- wort. ester for mation; in the case of low aera tion, the
concentra tion of very active yeast cells. s tances, the h igher alcoh ols or "fusel oils" are fi- Concentra ti ons of higher alcohols above 100 ester for mation decreases. The supply of oxy-
A low wort pH value (5.2) p rom otes the remo- nished beer aro ma compound s. mg/l dam age the flavo ur and acceptability of gen to the yeast affects the syn thesis of fa tty
va l of diace tyl. There are several ways to fo rm higher alco- the beer. The content of h.igher alcohols in p ale acids fo r the formation of new cell membran es:
The guideline for the total diacetyl content hols: full beers is 70 to 90 m gil. as long as fatty acid s are fo rmed, synthesis of
for a full y matured beer should be a m aximum Yeas t conve rts amino acids present in the the es ters is stopped .
of 0.1 mg/l. wort to hi gher alcohols by deamination, de- Esters
carboxylation and reduction, as alread y des- Esters are the m os t important aroma com - Pitching alllOllnt Aldehydes (carbonyl compounds) cribed in Sect. pounds in beer and to a large extent determine An increase in the pitching number increases
The most important aldehyde is ace taldehyde Higher alcohols can also be formed by way of its aroma . Esters are fo rmed during fermentati- the es ter fo rmation.
w hich occurs as a normal intermediate product the hydroxy acids or ke to acids as interme- on by esterification of fa tty acids with alcohols.
in alcoholic fermentation (see Fig. 4.2). Acetalde- diates. Active aro ma prod ucing esters in beer are: Mash / wort acidification
hyde is excreted into the green beer by yeast du- Higher alcohols are also synthesised from su- etl1}rl acetate (solvent arom a) In the case of mash I wor t acidifica tion, more
ring the fi rst tlu'ee days of fennentation. It is re- gar by way of ace tate. isoamyla cetate (banan a-like arom a) g rowth p romotin g subs tan ces are added,
sponsible fo r the "green" yotmg beer fla vour About 80% of the higher alcohol is formed isobutylacetate (pineapple-like aroma) w hich lead s to an increase in ester formation . In
which is also referred to as cellar or musty aroma. during the primary ferm entation . In the lage- (rose-like aro ma) white beers, m ash I wort acidifica tion someti-
In the fu rther course of fermentation the con- ring stage there is only a slight increase. The ethylcap roate (apple-like aro ma) mes leads to excessive es ter concentra tion s,
centration of ace taldehyd e decreases because it higher alcoh ols p roduced calmot be removed ethylcaprylate (a pple-like aroma) w hich can be perceived as tlllpleasant.
is removed agai n. Consequently the immature again by normal technological measures. The
beer flavour constantly decreases. higher alcohol con centration must therefore be Typical concentrations in beer are, in the case Original gmvity
In the young beer phase the aldehyd e content adjusted by control during fermentation. of bottom fermenting full beer 10 - 30 mg/l High original gravity concentrations lead to in -
is about 20 to 40 m g/l and it decreases to a value Factors w hich affect the fo rmation of higher ethyl ace tate - 15 mg/l creased ester formation.
of less than 8 to 10 m g/l in fin.i shed beer. alcohols in beer: isoamylace tate - 1.0 - 1.9 mg/l
The ace taldehyde concentrati on is increased The producti on of higher alcohols is increa- and in top fermenting full beers 40 - 80 m g/l Sligar composition
by: sed by: ethyl ace tate - 20 - 50 mg/l The ratio of glucose to m altose is always similar
rapid fe rmentation, increasing the fermentation temperature, • isoamylace tate - 1.8 - 5.0 mg/l in the usu al m ashin g procedu res. An in crease
temperature increase during fermentation, movem ent of the green beer, e.g . by sti rring or in the prop ortion of glucose always lead s to an
increased yeast dosage, pumping, All esters contribute subliminally to the aro- increase in ester formation (see Glu cose Proce-
pressure application during th e primary fe r- reducing the amino acid concentration in ma of the beer, w hereby an increase of the ester dure - Sect. and Fig. 3.40a).
mentation, wort, content does not necessa rily lead to an increase
too little wort aeration, and intensive aeration of the pitching wort, in the es tery note. High con centrations of high Yenst strain
infected worts. rep eated topping up w ith wort batches, alcohols can reduce the estery impression. Yeast s trains possess very diffe rent ester for-
434 435

ming abilities. A change of yeast s train can lead her aroma substances are formed which give Sulpllur dioxide (SO,) brews (1s t brew 70 %, 2nd brew 30 %, 3'" and 4th
to drastic changes in the character of the beer. the beer a characteristic aroma (see Sect. sulphur dioxide is formed from the sulphate of brews not aera ted) - or all brews on ly modera- the wort. Sulphur dioxide uses up oxygen and tely aera ted . The yeast only requires oxygen
Fenllel1ter height thuS has a beneficial effect on the flavour s tabi- during the growth phase for the formation of
The fermenter geometry has a major effect on Sulphur compounds lity of the beer. new cell substances (formation of fatty acids for
ester formation. The ester content increases A distinction is m ade between three phases of the cell membrane formation).
4 with increasing fermenter height because the Volatile sulphur COlllpOI/1U/S SO, formation during fermentation (Fig. 4.6a): L1 general, more DMS is washed out during 4
hydrostatic pressure and carbon dioxide con- Yeast metabolism resu.lts in the formation of vo- At the start of cell grow th there is a great re- warm fermentation than cold fermentation. If
tent thereby increase [33]. latile sltlphm compOlU1ds, such as H,S, mercap- quire ment of sulphur-containing amino counterpressure exists, washing out is inhibited .
tans and other compou.nds, which are important acids, which are provided by means of its With increased lagering the DMS content ri-
Proteolytic solutiol1 for the flavour of the beer, but which can also ha- own reserves and amino acids from the wort. ses aga in slightly. In general, the DMS content
An increase in the proteolytic solution leads to ve a detrimental effect, since even in very small During cell growth, there continues to be a of the pitching wort is the same as that fOlmd in
a decrease in ester formation . Excessive proteo- amounts, they are very flavour and aroma inten- large requirement of su I phur-containing the finished beer. DMSO can be reduced to
lytic solution does indeed promote ester forma- sive. If their flavour tlu-eshold is exceeded tlley amino acids. Ll addition, sulphate is assimila- DMS by contaminants; this can then no longer
tion, however due to its harmful effect on foam give beer an wu-ipe, yOlmg beer taste. ted from the wort and converted to sulphite, be expelled and impairs the flavour of the beer.
and flavour stability, this is not a suitable way Such spoiling of beer flavour by volatile Sltlp- which the yeast cell uses up itself; very little
to increase ester formation. hur compounds can also occur as a result of in- sulphite excretion occurs . Organic acids
fection by thermobacteria which li,kewise pro- As a result of the lack of nutrients, the yeast The organic acids present in beer are formed
Lnuteril1g duce such by-products. growth is inhibited, however the sulphate as- mainly by yeast from tlle amino acids present in
Hazy lautering introduces more fatty acids Hydrogen sulphide is produced during fer- similation continues and the excess sulphite wort. Yeast removes from the arnino acid tile ami-
which are important for the formation of new cell mentation from sulphur-containing amino is excreted from the cell no group (-NH,) which it needs to syntllesise its
substances; ester formation is thereby inhibited. acids. Deficiency or absence of growth factors The formation of SO, depends on the yeast own cellular proteins, and it releases the organic
in the yeast can also lead to a higher H,S con- strain and is only activated at the end of the acids formed by tllis deamination into the beer.
Ester formation is therefore a very complica- centration in the fermenting wort. Hydrogen growth phase of the yeast, that is to say on the Thus, in addition to the lligher alcohols which are
ted process and it is not always easy to influen- sulphide is very volatile and is partially desor- 2'· or 3'd day of fermentation. It then continues formed by a similar metabolism, a wide spectrlUn
ce ester production. bed during fermentation and maturation by the until the end of fermentation [296, 335] . of orga.tlic acids wllich affect taste is also pro-
Ester formation is affected by the following ascending carbon dioxide bubbles. The amOlU1t By suitably controlling the growth of the ye- duced in beer.
factors: desorbed increases with: ast, the formation of SO, can be increased.
Ester formation is increased by: increasing temperature, and Thus, SO, increases on reducing
increasing the wort concentration, increasing liquid height. aeration (10 I/hl or less) and by using
increasing the attenuation limit, Chemical and biochemical removal of the 11,5 80% of the yeast crop as assimilation
increasing the aeration of the wort, in beer is an important factor in the fermentati- yeast. 6
higher fermentation temperatures. on and maturation of beer. The entire yeast should be pitched
Ester formation is decreased by: Mercaptans are thioalcohols, compolU1ds in with the first brew and aeration
low wort concentrations, which the OH-group of the alcohol is replaced should be allocated to the individual
low attenuation limit, by an SH-group. They are among the com-
avoidance of wort aeration, pounds which can cause most damage to beer
lower fermentation temperatures, aroma . They are also partially responsible for
increased pressure during fermentation. the so-called light-struck flavour of beer. The Fig.4.6n
mercaptan content increases up to 60 to 70% at- Stnges of SO,Jonllntioll dllrillg primnry fenllell-

tenuation and then decreases again. As a resltlt tntiOIl
In the case of top fermenting beers, in parti-
(J) Stnrt of cell grow til, (2) rapid cell growtil, (3)
cular in the use of yeast for the production of of oxygen entry they are oxidised to disulphi-
illilibit ioll of cell growtil, (4) yenst cellll llmbel; 2 3
wheat beer, increased amolmts of esters and ot- des which have a less damaging sensory effect. (5) SO, COlltellt, (6) extract cOlltellt

437 Evaluation of the aroma compounds in beer (according to Miedaner) CompOLmd Average value Threshold Changes in the composition of nitro-
analysed (mg/ I) values gen compounds
Aroma compound Concentration Flavour Aroma Ethyl ace tate 24.1 1.3 - 44 During fermentation and maturation, the yeast
range mg/l threshold mg/l impression n-propanol 12.3 1.3 -22.5 excretes some of the nitrogen compOlmds again
i-butanol 10.6 0.5 - 21 in the form of amino acids and lower pep tides.
Higher alcohols: i-amyl acetate 1.6 0.3 - 3.6 These excretion processes should be considered
4 2-methyl propanol 5 - 20 10 - (200) alcohol 2-methyl butanol 13.6 0.6 - 21 to occur in two separate steps: 4
2-methyl butanol 10 - 20 10 - (65) alcohol, solvent 3-methyl butanol 42.5 2.5 - 70
3-methyl butanol 35 -70 30 - (70) alcohol, banana acetate 0.6 0.2 - 1.7 1. Excretiol1 by the yeast cells which oCCllrs after the
2-phenylethanol 10 - 20 28 - (125) roses ethyl COlllpletiol1 of the primary fermentatiol1
30 - 50 (in wheat beer) alcohol 20.2 20.2 -130 The nutrient supply has in essence been used
L higher alip hatic
up. The yeast is alive but the life-related proces-
Esters: alcohols 78.9 4.9 - 130 ses have become weaker. The yeast now excre-
ethyl acetate 5 - 30 25 - 30 fruity, boiled sweets
tes substances which to a certa in extent contri-
isobutyl acetate 0.1 0.4 - (1.6) fruity, banana
bute to the rOlmding of the taste and an increase
isoamyl acetate 0.5 - 2.5 1 - 1.6 fruity, banana Factors which affect the development of fer- in palate fullness. These substances include
ethyl butyrate 0.3 0.4 papaya, apple mentation by-prod ucts: amino acids and pep tides, vitamins, phosphate,
ethyl hexanoate 0.1 - 0.3 0.12 - 0.23 apple, fruity The immature beer aroma compounds from glycoproteins and enzymes. These beer flavour
ethyl dodecanoate 0.02 3.5 soapy, estery the aldehyde and sulphur compOLmd groups ch anges occur in the presence of yeast and can
ethyl lactate 0.1 - 0.5 250 fruity, strawberry should generally be controlled using the sa- be considered to be an important contribution
0.4 - 0.8 (bioI. acid ifica tion) me teclmological measures as the vicinal di- to beer maturation . Too early collecting of the
yeast can therefore produce empty, dry beers
Organic acids: The process control during fermentation and even when they are subsequently lagered for an
butyric acid 0.2 - 0.6 1.2 - 2.2 cheesy, rancid maturation must ensure a predetermined even longer time.
isovaleric acid 0.5 - 1.2 1.5 - 1.6 cheesy, old hops amOlmt of mature beer aroma compOlmds in
octanoic acid 3 -10 10 - 13 oily the beer.
2. Excretion processes which result from a 11011-re-
decanoic acid 0.8 10 rancid The ester content of beer is affected mainly by versible degradatiol1 of cell lllaterial by the yeasts'
dodecanoic acid 0.1 - 0.5 6 soapy the wor t quality; the higher alcohol content OWI1 intemal enzYllles.
by the process control. These processes lead to the self-digestion (auto-
Vicinal diketones: lysis) of the yeast cells (see Sect. 4.4.4). When
diacetyl 0.1 0.10 - 0.15 sweet, revolting 4.1.4 Other reactions and changes autolysis occurs the following adverse effects
acetoin 3 8 - 20 fruity Besides the formation of by-products a number of on quality are caused:
other reactions and changes occur dm'ing fermen- substantial worsening of taste with a tendency
Sulphur compolmds: tation whid1 me very important. These include: towards a creosote-like foreign taste,
dimethyl sulphide 0.03 - 0.12 0.10 - 0.12 vegetables, musty changes in the composition of the nitrogen an increase in beer pH as a result of the excre-
compolmds, tion of basic amino acids,
lowering of the pH val ue, change in beer colour,
alteration of the redox potential of the beer, decreased biological and colloida l stability,
lightening of the beer colour, head retention (foam stability) is decreased
At the VLB Berlin in 2006 the following ave- Compound Average valu e Tlu-eshold precipitation of bitter subs tances and poly- (see yeast proteinase A),
rage valu es for aliphatic alcohols, a ldehydes analysed (mg/I) values phenols,
the bitterness is broader and more persistent,
and esters were determined in 89 beer analyses Acetaldehyde 9.2 1.7 - 37 dissolving of CO, in the beer, and the diacetyl concentration increases because
[372] (bottom fermenting beers): Ethyl formate <0.1 <0.1 -1.1 clariiica tion of the beer. of inadequate removal,
438 439

beer in fec tions occur more frequently, particular, acid ification by microbial infections the lager ta n k reaches va lues of 0.00 to 0.01 mg foa m head (as a yeast head) is removed at the
flavour stability is decreased becau se of less du ring fe rmenta tion and m atura tion m ust be 0 ,/1 beer. It will be descri bed however, end of the m ain fermen ta tion. In the case of clo-
reducti on, completely excl uded . hoW diffic ult it is to keep the oxygen conten t so sed fe rmentati on, this yeast h ea d fin ally collap-
filtrati on problems. The foll ow ing fac tors favo ur a lower pH: low durin g filling. ses whereby some of the precipitated bitter su b-
Because about 70 % of the nit rogenous mate- softening of the brew ing liquor (residual alka- Beer with a low rH can be obtained in the fer- stan ces go into solution again . As a result of the
rial is present in the form of amino acids in beer, linHy below 5 °d H), mentation and ma turation p rocesses by: form ati on of foam head, a foam h ead volume of
4 the begimling of autolysis can be de tected by an biological acidifi ca tion of the m as h and wort, use of processes employing closed vessels, 20% h as to be reckoned w ith in the CCT (cylin- 4
excessive increase in the amino acid content. measures to increase the percentage attenua- vigoro us, extensive ferm entation, dro-conjcal tank).
ti on, all meas u res whjch prevent oxygen u p take, In conven tional fermentation and m atura ti- Lowering of the pH value littl e diffe rence between the fin al attenu ation particularl y afte r pitching the yeas t into the on, s tar ting with the amount of bittering sub-
The pH decreases substantially during fe rmen- reached and the attenuation limi t, wort. s tances in the cold pitclung wort as 100 %,
tation, fro m avoidan ce of yeast autolysis, 25 to 30 % is lost, 70 to 80 % orthis by the end
5.3 - 5.6 in the pitching wort, in the case of b io- use of a su itable wor t quality an d other mea- Chan ges in the b eer colour of primary fermentation.
logical acidifi ca ti on from 5.0 - 5.3, to sures for obtajning good yeast multiplication, In the firs t days of fermentation the colour of Up to 50% is lost in very hjgh tempera ture
4.2 - 4.6 in beer. measures to en su re a vigorous fe rmentation the bee r becom es about 3 EBC units lighter. fermen ta bons.
(hi gher tem peratu re, pitching ra te) . This is attributable to
The pH decreases p articularly in the initial the decoloura tion of some substa nces caused CO, cOlltellt of beer
and 10ga ritlU1lic grow th ph ases as a result of: Ch an ges in the redox p rop erties of b eer by the drop in p H, and The CO, content of beer is one of its mos t im-
the formation of organ ic acids by deaminati- By redox p roperties or redox potential is meant adsorption of highly coloured substan ces on portan t quality criteria.
on, the re lationshjp between reducing an d oxidi- the yeast cells or precipitation in the foam Lively beers with a good amOlmt of foa m ha-
the use of prim ary ph osphate ions by the ye- sing power in a solution . An impor tant change head or tank bo ttoms. ve a CO, content of 0.45 to 0.50%.
as t, durin g the fermentation of wor t is an increase Only about 15% of the CO, produced remains
the uptake of ammon ium ions (- NH ,) by the in the reducing power of the beer. The increase Precipitation of bitter subs tances and dissolved in beer. TIle largest p art escapes during
yeast, and in the reducing p ower is closely related to the polyphenols fermentation and is available for CO, recovery.
the uptake of potassium ions by the yeast and utili sa tion of the dissolved oxygen in the wort As a result of the decrease in p H during fe r- TIle solubility of CO, in beer dep ends on
release of hyd rogen ions into the b eer. by the yeas t. mentation, a number of colloid ally dissolved the temperature; the solubility decreases with
During the fermentation phase the pH value The red ox state of beer can be measured by: bitter substan ces and p olyphenols are b ro ught increasing tempera tme, an d on
slowly decreases and fin ally remains constant. the rH value (nega tive logarithm of the hy- into their isoelectric point range and are preci- the pressure on the liquid; the solubility in-
An increase in pH indicates the begimung of drogen partial pressure), pitated as surface ac tive compOlU1ds on the CO, creases prop ortion a tely w ith the pressure
yeast autolysis. the ITT value (Indicato r Time Test of Gray bubbles in the foam hea d or as a result of ad- (see Sect.
and Stone), or sorption on the yeas t cells.
The pH has a considerable effect on the qua- the oxygen concentration in the beer. TIle a.-acids n ot isom erised during the boi- Clarification and colloidal s tability of
lity of the beer. A beer pH between 4.2 and 4.4 is ling process precipitate because at a pH below beer
aimed for. The rH and ITT va lues are greatly decreased 5.0 and temperatures below 10 °C they are only The las t phase of the maturation p rocess serves
A pH of less than 4.4 during ferm entation: slightly soluble. to clarify the beer an d improve its filterability
accelerates precipitation of colloidallmstable Part of the isohumulone also precipita tes on and also increase its colloidal stability (see Sect.
protein-poly phenol complexes, rH value ITT value the top covering surfaces because isohumulo-
produces fa ster maturation, nes are very surface acti ve and they are captu- A m easure of the clarifica tion of the beer p ro-
refines the beer taste, and Wo rt 20-30 250-500 red by the ascending CO2 bubbles and ca rried cess is that the yeas t cell con centration present
is an essential requirement for better biologi- Green beer 8-12 70-200 upwards with them . in suspen sion at the filter inlet sh ould be less
cal stability of the beer. The foa m formed on the surface wh ich con- than 2 x 106 cells/ml.
Lower pH values, especially below 4.1, cause Th e oxygen in the pitching wort is very ra- tains tlle p recipitated subs tan ces is known as Clarification of the beer is affected by
an acidic beer tas te and must be avoided . In pidly utilised by the yeast after pitching and in foam head (hausen) . In open ferm entation, this a vigorous pre-fermentation resulting in as

440 441

high as possible pH va lue fall arise w hich h ave a nega ti ve effect on the yeast The increasing alco hol has three d ifferent e f- fe rmenta tion problems occu r and the d urati-
the p-glu can content of the beer cell, limit the m e tabolic ac tivities or lead to a to- fects on the m e tabolism of the yeas t: on of fer mentation is prolonged, and
the a mount and properties of the trub m a teri- tal loss of viability. All of these fac tors represe nt it hinders cell g row th, the proportion of dead cells increases con si-
al in the beer stress fac tors and lea d to malfunctions [1 77]. it decreases the number of li ving cells, and dera bly.
the temperature of the beer (co rrectl y timed These in clude: it inh ibits fe rmenta tion . The contro lled suppl y of oxygen to the yeas t
low temperature cooling) With increasing alcohol content, consid e rable a t the beginning of ferm entation is therefore an
4 how vigorous the second ary ferme nta tion is Increased ex trac t content changes in the concentra tion of individual fatt y ex tremely important fac tor. The lowe r t11Ies- 4
(agita ti on of the beer) When brew ing w ith higher original grav ity, fe r- acids in the phospholi pid m embrane of the ce ll hold is considered to b e 8 to 10 m g 0 ,/1. It can be
the pH of the beer (pH 4.2 to 4.4 improves cl a- mentation difficulties often occur because the su- wall are d e tected, w hich also have a n ega tive ef- ass umed that the supplied oxygen is u sed w it-
ri fica tion) gar concentration is too high and amino acids are fect on the qu ality. Proteinase A is excre ted in hin a few hours and it does not have a dam a-
the shape of the lager tank and the liquid not available in sufficient quantities. The hal ting ever larger a mounts, w hich h as a harmful effect g ing effect on the flavour s tability of the beer.
height (the smaller the depth o f liquid the of fermenta tion can only be corrected by a rene- on the foa m. In the case of over-ae ration, oxidative
better the cla rification) wed pitching of yeast or by krausening. H igh er alcoh ol contents are seldom observed s tress occurs with the form ation of radicals due
the clarification time (1 to 2 weeks a t 0 to -1 °C) in the p roduction of beer. The highest alcoh ol to the i.nduction of radical fo rming enzymes.
the viscosity of the beer. Increased e than ol and CO, content conten t of 15% vol is obtained by the Fren ch
Fig. 4.6al provides an overview of the most The alcoh ol content of "normal" lager beers of brand "Belzebuth", howeve r, onl y throu gh the Low temperatures
important changes during fe rm enta ti on of voll- 4.7 to 5.0 % vol is ac hieved by the yeas t with no use of sp ecial yeas t and w ith ex treme measures. The tempera tures used for bo ttom fermenta ti-
bier wort (according to Annemueller). problem s. It has to remembe red, however, that on a re cons id erably lower than the optimum
both alcoh ol and CO, are poisons for the yeast Lack of nutri ents tempera ture of the yeast en zym es. During yeast
4.1.5 Effects of different factors on the cells, which they fin d increasingly difficult to In some worts the zinc content is too low to be culti va tion, tempera tures are alrea d y u sed
yeast get rid of as fe rmenta tion progresses, because able to p erfo rm quick ferm enta tion. The lower w hich are increasingly simila r to those of the
During the cultivation, fermenta tion and m atu- the content in the beer ri ses with increasing fe r- threshold for problem free fe rmentation is a va- future fermentation .
ration, as w ell as in yeast lagering, fac tors may m enta tion . This means stress for the yeas t. lue of 0.12 mgll. If the yeas t is introduced into cold wort or is
Since m ost of the zin c rem ains in the spent grea tly cooled dow n, a sh ock secre tion imme-
grains, solutions have to be fOLU1d to raise the diately occurs in the yeast, in which amino
zinc content in the wo rt to a minimum level (see acids and nucleotides are excreted . Multiplica-
Fig.4.6nl Sect. tion slows down or stops comple tely, ferm enta-
CiTn llges rill rillgfen llell iniioll of The u se of suga r or raw grain m ay lead to a tion is also slowed or com es to a complete h alt.
vollbicr worl [303}
(1) Toln l exlmct
shortage of nutrients because the sugar conh'ibu- Yeast is ex trem ely sen siti ve to d own ward
(frolll 11 - 12 % 10 1.8 - 2.5%), tes absolutely no protein and the protein in the tempe ra ture changes (cold shock) .
(2) SlIgnr collccll im iioll raw grain has not ye t been solubilised. A lack of
(frolll 8 - 10 IIInSS % 10 0 - growth substances then frequently occurs. H igh te mperatures
(3) pH vnllle Keeping it under water for a long time w ea- A short-term heating of the yeast to temperatu-
(frolll 5.2 - 5 .6 10 4.1 - 4.5), kens the yeas t. res of 37 to 40 °C leads to a h ea t sh ock. This re-
(4) Dissolveri oxygeJ1 sults in an increased protein synthesis of certain
(fro lll 8 - 9 IlIg 0 / 110 a IIIgll), proteins [1 77], which re turn to norm al m etabo-
Oxygen suppl y to the yeast
(5) OSlIIolic press llre
(frolll 0.8 MPn 10 2.3 MPn), In order to multiply w ith out difficulty the yeas t lism after a few hours.
(6) Yensl coll cell imiioll requi res oxygen . When oxygen is supplied, es- H ea t shock treahnent is n ot integrated into
(frolll 15 - 30 lIIio celis/III I 10 sential lipids and also LU1sa turated fatty acids usu al procedures.
50 - 90 lII io celis/III I), are forme d which are required for cell forma ti-
(7) Elllnllol CO IICeJ1 lmlioll
(frolll a 10 4 - 5 IIInSS %), on. If the yeast is not o r insufficiently aerated H igh pressure
(8) CO, collceJ1lmlioll the yeas t h as a d eficiency of these substan ces, In the case of pressure fer m enta tio n an over-
Time ------.
(fro lll a 10 3 - 6 gil) multip lication comes to a halt prematurely, pressure of 0.2 to 1.8 bar is built up w ith the
442 443

help of a spigo t fitting. As a result, the con cen- is a genetic charac teristic, in w hich eleven ge- Reasons for the degeneration of yeas t are: ty or fermentative abi lity; it expresses the phy-
tration of CO, in the beer increases. The stress nes [205] playa part, and that keeping the yeast und er water too long or too siological condition of the livillg yeast and its
param eter thereby affecting the yeast is not the certain factors in beer (temperature, cations, warm (see Sect., ability to endure stress.
increased stati c pressure but the increased CO, pH va lue, pressure etc.) exert an influence. slow start of ferm entation, too long a lag phase, In the case of yeast vitality, the fermentation
partial pressure in the beer. Th ere is, however, no knowledge about damage to the yeas t in the pitching and pro- speed of the yeast, for example, or its acid for-
As a result of the increased CO, content, the which factors and how they have to interact to paga tion phase, ming ability or ATP content are measured in the
4 reconstruction of the yeast's own cell substan- cause break formation. The cell wall of the yeast shortage of nutrients and growth substa nces labora tory using the intra cellular pH value 4
ces is inhibited, whilst degradation is also inhi- cell, which has a complica ted structure (see (FAN, Zn), (ICP) . The measurement of the yeas t vitality is
bited but not to the same ex tent as the recon- Sect. 1.4.1), plays a considerable role by enab- toxic da m age (e.g. nitra te content). of great importance for the knowledge of the
stru ction. As a result ferm entation is possible at ling flocculation du e to its tendency to bond. physiologica l condition of the yeas t.
comparably high temperatures without the in- The brewer, however, h as no influence on the 4.1.8 Physiological condition of the yeast The higher the ICP is (in pH va lue lUutS), the
creased formation of typica l aroma compo- course of break formation. The only possibility TIle evaluation of the physiological condition of grea ter the vitality of the yeast. It can be assu-
nents, such as esters and higher alcohols, asso- exists in the correct choice of yeast s train. the yeast is of great importance for the brewer, med that an rcp above 6.2 is classified as very
ciated with strong yeast multiplication. Break formation can either occur relatively who expects all of his yeas t cells to be healthy and good, an ICP of 6.2 - 5.8 is rated as good to mo-
Th is list shows that there is a whole range of su ddenly or slowly. It h as an effect on a number have sh'ong fermentative ability. This is not al- derate and below tlus is classified as poor [339,
stress factors for the yeast, by which an other- of processes, such as, for exa mple: ways the case, for each yeast crop al- 385]. Yeas ts with a low vitality (low rcp value)
wise normal course of ferm entation can be mo- the attainable level of atten uation, ways contains 1 to 3 % dead yeast cells, which can h ave a significantly n ega tive effect on fermenta-
re or less seriously affected. Of particular signi- the collecting of the yeast, rise to 10 to 20 % (and higher). The situation then tion sp eed, diacetyl removal and SO, formation.
ficance in this context is that the ye:.'ls t produces the clarification of the beer, and becomes serious because a range of further meta-
yeast proteinase A in stress situations, which the filtration standing times. bolic processes start which can ha ve a very detri-
has a foam damaging effect (see Sect. mental effect on the beer. The cells which are still 4.2 Pure yeast culture propagation
and . 4.1.7 Degeneration of the yeast alive are more or less healthy and ha ve sh'ong fe r- The quality of the yeas t is of d ecisive sigIufican-
The yeast does not retain its properties lUllimi- mentative ability. To an alyse thi s, h-vo methods ce for the bee r quality. The quantity of yeast re-
4.1.6 Flocculation of the yeast (break for- tedly over many generations, and it can dege- are used: viability and vitality. quired for fermentation can be obtained by pro-
mation) nerate, i.e. it loses certain quality characteri- By viability (abi lity to live) is meallt the deter- pagation of a pure yeast culture . The quantity
Towards the end of the main fermentation the stics. mlllation of the percental proportion of living of yeast recovered from fermentation can either
yeast cells begin to aggregate, they flocculate, Signs of degeneration are: or dead yeast cells in a yeas t sample. The sim- be reused in the cycle or used as su rplus or wa-
form yeast break and increasingly se ttle on the the yeast sediment becom es increasingly fla- plest and most common method of measure- ste yeast (Fig . 4.6b).
floor (sedimentation). This characteristic varies ky from generation to generation, ment of the viability of the yeast is consists in The principle of cultivating pure yeast con -
considerably depending on the strain of yeas t. fermentation becomes slower and increasing- dying the yeast sample with methylene blue. sis ts of isolating vigorous yeas t cells and multi-
As a result there are: ly incomplete, This dye only penetrates dead yeas t cell s, co- pl ying their number in contamin ation h"ee con-
non-flocculent yeasts, which form almost no ferm entation intensity becomes significan tly loming them dark blue, so that und er a mi cros- ditions until there is sufficient yeast to pitch a
break, and worse, cope they can be easi ly cOlmted and the percen- fermenter.
flocculent yeasts with a grea ter or lesser break the attenuation limit of the beer deteriorates, tage determined . There are three distinct stages in pure yeast
formation ability. the proportion of higher alcohols increases to This check can and sh ould be carried out in propagation:
The break form ation ability is a strain charac- the disadvantage of the esters and results in every brewery. It gives a good indication of the 1. the recovery of suitable yeast cell s,
teristic which CaiUlOt be altered, but which can, less aromatic beer, viability of the yeast. Unaware of the situation, 2. cultivation in the laboratory to the amOlmt of
however, sometimes transform itself from floc- the vitality of the yeast crop decreases and the some breweries pitch huge amounts of (weak 5 to 10 I of green beer,
culent yeast to n on-flocculent yeast (particular- proportion of dead yeast cells increases, fermentative) yeast and wonder why they en- 3. yeas t multiplication in the plant until an
ly as a degeneration phenomenon) . The causes the utilisa tion of FAN decreases and the pH COlmter difficulties with foam . In rea lity, the d e- amolmt sufficient for pitclung is obtained .
of break formation ability are n ot exactly value of the beer increases, ad yeast has released large amounts of the foam Firstly, however, a sta tement mu st be made
known. It is known, however, that brea k form a- the reduction abilities of the yeast decrease impairlllg proteinase A into the beer. about the ftmdamental aspects of yeast propa-
tion ability: and the flavour stability deteriorates. Yeast vitality is a measure for the yeas t activi- ga tion.

444 445

The reverse app lies in the relationship bet- The pitching yeast must originate from the
ween the form ati on of lip ids and the for mation pure cu lture for the beer to achieve the desired
of esters: as long as lipids (with the supply of sensory profile. Furthermore, the yeast sh ould
oxygen) are form ed, the fo rmation of esters is develop a good vita lity,
stopped. con tain no foreign yeast or contamin ants,
h ave a dead cell proportion of maxi mum 3 %,
4 S/lpply of amilta achfs altn trace elellleltts and 4
Yeast dosage and pitching The amino acids and mineral subs tances contai- have a thick, pulpy consistency.
ned in the wort suffice to carry out fermentati-
Krausen on. If the yeast is multiplied, h owever, the for- 4.2.2 Isolation of suitable yeast cells
Pretreatment of the settled yeast
ming yeas t cells need far more amino acids and For propagation pure culture cells of a yeast
mineral substances which are not presen t, so which h as been proved to beh ave well in practice
that even w ith ex trem ely vigorous aeration, are used. The yeast is isolated in the high krausen
with cell grow th of about 80 million yeast stage. Using the method described by Lindner,
Deposits cells/ml, propagation comes to a halt. Limiting drops containing individual yeas t cells are isola-
elements are mainly the 200 to 240 mg/l of ami- ted under the microscope (Lindner drop culture) .
no acids con tained in the wort, of which n ot all Severa l such single cell culhu'es are obtained and
Beer recovery
(such as proline) can be assimila ted by the yeas t allowed to grow at 8 to 10 0c, in other words at
cell. the temperature at which it fe rments in the fer-
Surplus yeast I Waste yeast I Experiments [327], on the other hand, have m entation cellar. Growth of the different yeast
shown that as a result of the addition of 50 g cells can be followed lU1der the microscop e and
malt germs/hI (grOlU1d and sterilised), the bio- a selection can be made. The most vigorously
Positioll of pure yenst propngntioll ill tile beer productioll process mass can be doubled during propaga ti on. The fermenting yeast colony is absorbed by a sterile
reason is p rimarily the considera ble increase in filter p aper strip and added to 5 ml of sterile
nutrients due to the radicles (15 mg zin c/IOO g, wa ter in a multiplied and continued
4.2.1 Basics of yeast propagation 33.8 g am ino acids/lOO g) as well as a rich sup- in steps until a ra tio of 1 : 10 is reached.
The aim of yeast propaga tion is to make pit- content of the wort, however, hinders respirati- ply of vitamins-riboflavin, pyridoxin, nicotina- If the yeast is not to be used again inuned iately,
ching yeast with the correct metabolism availa- on and promotes the start of fermentation mide, pantothenic acid. the yeast cells are grown on a solid medilU11, usu-
ble in the shortest possible time lmder s terile (Crabtree effect; see Sect. 4.2 .1.1). It is therefore ally wort as a slope culhu'e stored at 0 to 5 °C
conditions, which leads to normal fermentation not possible to increase yeast propaga tion by Reqllirellleltts of the wort altn pitchillg yeast and protected from drying out, using for exam-
and good beer quality. The correct treatment of increasingly intensive aera tion. The fo llowing requiremen ts are made of the ple, paraffin oil. The samples can be kept like this
the yeast and its cultivation is of considerable With cell formation begins the form ation and pitching wor t: for 6 to 9 months (yeast bank). It is also possible to
importance here. storage of phospholipid s, which form the main The pitching wort should freeze the cells and store them in liquid nih'ogen
Above all, the following factors are necessary component of the double layer of the cellmem- be iodine normal, at a low temperahu'e (cyropreservation),
for yeast propagation: an appropriate tempera- brane. By means of the oxygen, a part of the fat- correspond in colour and appearance to the
ture, the supply of oxygen, free amino acids, ty acid s are converted to unsa turated fa tty beer type, 4.2.3 Propagation in the laboratory
fatty acids and trace elements. acids, which are ch aracterised by a lower mel- contain at leas t 8 to 10 mg 0 / 1, For propaga tion the vessel con taining yeast in 5
ting point and enable a better exchange tluough ha ve a FAN content of 200 to 230 mg/I, ml of wor t is used.
Supply of oxygelt the membrane. Oxygen is also required for the have a zin c content of at least 0.15 m g/l, The increase in number of yeast cell s (propa-
An important factor for yeast propagation is the synthesis of sterols. Sterol syn thesis is thereby have a viscosity of maximum l.7 mPa's (rela- gation) (Fig. 4.6c) is achieved by transferring
supply of oxygen. With the start of respiration, very closely connected with yeast grow th; on ted to 10% wort), the vigorously fermenting contents from one
the yeast is in a position to activate the metabo- the other hand it is linked w ith the enrichment have a pH of 5.0 to 5.2, and vessel into another vessel contain ing up to 10 ti-
lism and fo rm new cell substan ces . The sugar of glycogen in the yeast cell. contain absolutely no contamination. mes as much wort, for exampl e:

tion port comp rising a rubbe r m embrane (3) Yeast propagation p lants
Laboratory culture at 20 to 25 °C tluough w hich the inocula tion can be m ad e un- Yeast propaga tion pl ants consist of d osed vessels
der sterile conditi ons b y us in g an inj ecti on of different sizes, m ade of dU'ome-nickel steel, in
needle. For this 100 to 200 ml a re used . which the yeas t is multiplied lmtil there is su ffi-
By cOlmecting steril e air to the sample cock cient to p itch a vessel or tank. There are several
(2), air is introduced into the wor t from below m ethods of yeast propaga tion. Yeast propaga tion
through the ve rtica l pipe and yeas t multipli ca- occurs in the most important p art of the plant, the 4
tion is thereby stimulated. propaga tor. The amOLUlt of sterile air important
50 ml 500 ml 1I 51
Single culture When the d esired cell number is reached, for propaga tion is either dish'ibuted by mean s of
compressed air is supplied throu gh the ai r filter direct aera ti on into the propaga tor (Fig. 4.7a, 1) or
(1) to the fl ask and the flask is emptied th ro ugh supplied by an external two-layer jet (2).
Fig.4.6c the ver tical tube and the sample cock (2). Many yeas t propagation plants consist of a
COllvell tioll nl yeast propagnti-
Larger am o unts of w ort cannot be handled in wort steriliser as well as the propagator, in w hidl
Lauoratory w ltllre the labora tory because transporta tion is the n the wo rt to be fermented is sterilised and cooled
at 20 fa 25 DC too difficult. Further stages occur in the yeas t down aga in . Thus a difference is made between a
propaga ti on plant in the brewery cellar. one-tank process (propaga tor only) and a two-
tank process (propagator and steriliser). Multi-
1 2 3 4.2.4 Yeast propagation in the brewery plication of the yeast occurs in multiplying tan\(s
Vessel no.
Further multiplica tion of the yeas t occurs in the (propaga tors) of increasing sizes up to the size
10 ml 100 ml 1000 ml
r brewery which m akes it possible to pitch a cylindroconi-
Vessel size
in yeas t propaga tion platlts or cal fermenter. In addition, some smaller propaga-
AmOLmt of 1
5 nIl 50ml 500ml \ in open grow th vessels. tors turn the contents with an agitator and use the
sterile wort
jet system both for aeration and CIP (Fig. 4.7b).
5 ml 55 ml In yeas t p ropagation each yeas t cell sh ould Several points are important in yeas t propa-
liquid vol.
55 ml 555 ml multiply by several times its own body m ass. gation:
Total contents 5 ml
At the end, 100 million yeast cells are produ ced Opera tions must be performed lmder ste rile
Vessels larger than 10 1 are made of m etal in every millilitre of pure culture. This is an in- conditions lUltil the yeast propagation vessel
(chrome nkkel steel) and are called Carlsberg credible pe rforman ce by the yeas t, for w hk h, stage. Contaminating organisms CatUlot be re-
apart from the nutrients in the wort, it needs moved again subsequently because m ost of
fla sks. Normally one u ses
a small Carlsberg flask of 8 to 10 1 capacity above all oxygen: them grow lUlder the sam e conditions as yeast.
oxygen is required above all for the fOl'm a ti- Inten sive sterile aeration of the yeast is neces-
a large Carlsberg flask of 20 to 25 I capacity. on of n ew cell substances, par ticularly fa tty sary for rapid yeas t grow th and conseq uent-
The Carlsberg flask (Fig . 4.7) is sealed gas acids for the formation of new cell m embra- ly fo r a healthy, actively fermenting yeas t.
tight with a thread seal (4, 5). Mos t fla sks have nes, Yeas t multiplies much fas ter at tem pera tures
a carrier handle (6) for easier transport, a s terile but becau se the sugar content hinde rs respi- of 20 to 25°C thatl a t lower temperatures. H o-
air filter (1) and a sample cock (2) or a fillin g ra tion, the re is no sense in excessive aeration. we ver, it is essential to bring yeast to the bre-
and emptying hose w ith a flow inducer, to The oxygen has to be well distributed in o r- we ry op erating tempe ra ture conditions in the
which a vertical pipe reaching as far as the base der to reach all the cells. course of propagation fo r it to achieve its full
One has to work w ith a surplus of air; howe- fermenting power in the brewery.
of the fl ask is COlUlected.
The fl ask and wort inside it is sterilised by Fig. 4.7 ver, each air bubble w hich rises too quickly Cas ting wort is u sed fo r pure yeas t p ropaga-
Ca rlsuerg flask can only tratl sfer little oxygen by diffu sion tion beca use the hop bittering compounds it
hea ting, and after cooling to the pitching te m- (1) sterile'n ir Jiltel; (2) sample cock, (3) illoClllntioll cOllllecti-
perature it is inoculated with the yeast. For this all witll fII uuer Illemuralle, (4+5) tlll-enri seal, (6) cnrryillg and contributes to a troublesome foa m for- contains exert an inhibiting effect on grow th
purpose most Carlsberg flas ks have an inocula- IWllrile mation . of contaminations.

[:=11><11><1, - - - -- , ','
CaJlsJJerg flask Yeast Sterue wort

\ r
I l I I P lbadcel
Fig. 4.7n
Possiuilities of nerntillg tile propngn tillg SJerUeai! _ _ _ _
\ Fig. 4.8
( 1) plnllt willi direct nerntioll ill tile 1'1'0-
COllti-Prop yenst propngntioll plnllt lW Sterle filter
(Esn l/ & HI/euer colllpnlly)
--+- (2) plnllt willl two-Inyer jet ill ti,e circl/-
\ Intioll pipe sterile conditions. First of all the openings of measured by a pressure gauge box. After about
both tap s are flamed to exclude any possibility a day (24 to 36 hours) the contents are at the high
of infec tion. It is important for the wort to be in- krausen (logaritlUll growth) phase and the total
tensively aerated to accelerate multiplication of contents of the vessel are pumped under sterile
the yeas t. For this purpose the wort is pumped conditions into the next largest vessel and top-
out of the initial ste rilisation tank into the yeast ped Lip with sterile aerated wort. This process
2 multiplication tank, and after the required vo- continues until the required amolmt of yeast is
!tune is reached, it is circu lated out of and back obtained.
to the yeast propagation tank with simultane- When the ma ximum volum e is reached in the
ous aeration (Fig. 4.8). The starting volume is yeas t propagation vessel, the fermenting green

a 5 b c


\ Fig.4.7u
Yenst propngntor witil
n Internl ngitntor nlld
nerntioll (Scnlldi
\ Brew) 5 e f
(l) i\lli\'illg
• (2) Fe/'ll/clItillg 5

to 16 °C and pumped into the yeast multiplica-

Two-tnHk lIlethod
The process stages using the two-tank method tion tank (propagation tank).
The yeast is pitched into the propagation
are as follows:
The wort steriliser is filled with wort and hea- tank. If there are several propagation tanks of Fig. 4.8nl
ted for at least 30 min to 100 °C to kill all micro- different sizes, then the smallest is inoculated Yenst propngntioll cycle ill n two- tnllk plnllt
first with yeast from the Carlsberg flask lmder (1) pl'Opngntioll tnllk, (2) III II It iplicntioll tnllk, (3) Cnrlsuels jlnsk, (4) nerntioll, (5) stenlll sterilisel; (6) coolillg
organisms. The wort is then cooled to about 14

wi th wo rt and sterilised. The wort which fo rma tion. By mean s of an intensive suppl y of new yeast from a plue culture is con stantly
beer in the hi gh krausen stage is pumped into
has then cooled down is supplied w ith ste- oxygen, the process can be furt her optim ised. It introduced. The procedure works with " total
the fermenter. At the same time there is another
rile air and filled with the wort from tank 1. should again be emphasised at this s tage that it emptying" (one vessel procedure).
intensive ae ration to ensure an optimal sta rt of
The cycle n ow star ts again from the begin- is the yeas t that req ui res oxygen and not the
ning. wort. Based on a propagation plant by the Meura Assimilation procedure
A residue in the high krausen stage remains in
The possibility of obtaining brewery yeast in company (Fig. 4.8a), the yeast is removed from In th e assimilation process according to Back,
the propaga tion vessel to which sterile wort is
immediately added in order to start the propaga- optimal condition for every brew is highly desi- the propagating vessel (1) from below and direc- the wort is fermented in illl assimil ator with ye- 4
rable for every brewing plant. It has already ted thro ugh an exch ange device (2) . In this devi- as t under defined growth conditions (tempera-
tion programme again. For cleaning purposes the
been shown that yeast taken in the loga ritlunic ce there is a series of about 90 rods (1) of 2.5 cm ture, oxygen content, pH, ex tract con tent) . The
propagation tank is emptied completely.
phase offers many adva ntages for fermentation in each of w hidl19 channels (2), with a assimil ator is a stilllding tilllk w ith a cylindro-
By mean s of this topping up ("Drauflassen")
[99]: diameter of abo ut 2.5 mm, are loca ted . The dlilll- conica l or torispherical bottom, as well as the
teclulique it is possible to obtain pure cultures
rapid illitial fermentation, nels consist of a cera mic structlll'e of allillllililllll prescribed illld usual fittillgs (overpressure illld
continually propagated at short intervals lmder
shorter fermentation time, oxide (AlP3)' which has pores of 0.05 pm. The vacuum seals, CIP spra y heads etc.) (Fig. 4.9).
operating conditions and thus to obtain a con-
rapid drop in pH, yeast is pumped th rough the chillUlels, wllilst When a sufficiently large amount of fennen-
stant yeast quality (Fig. 4.9) [63, 107].
ITlOre rapid and more extensive diacetyl re- oxygen at a lligher pressure is plilllped tluough ting beer with yeas t ill the logarithmic phase (80
There are, of course, a series of single sta ges
moval, and the spaces between the rods and diffused to 100 million ceUs/ml) with an apparent ex tract
n ecessary for the precise operation of the cycle
a cleaner, more rOLmded beer taste. tlu'ough the pores in the yeas t. This results ill an content (AEJ of 6 to 7% is i.n the assim ilator,
In m any yeast propagation plants aeration is optimal supply of oxygen to tile yeast. TIle pro- about 80 to 85% of the assimilator contents is
(a) The propagation tank (1) is filled with wort
not optimal and frequently brings about foam cess is controlled illld regulated in all significant pumped off and used for pitchillg a tillTh.
and sterilised using steam (6) and subse-
parillneters. Other ae ration modules use ceranlic About 15 to 20% of the contents remains as
quently cooled to pitching temperature. The
pipe membrillles or aeration jets. bottom or sediment ill the assimilator and is
contents of a Carlsberg flask (3, approx 10 1)
are added and the wort is supplied with ste- topped up with wor t at the same temperatLU'e
[203,204]. The yeas t which is still in its logarith-
rile air (4).
(b) The contents of the tank (1) start to ferment mic phase again ferments the wort in the newly
and aTe meanwhile supplied with sterile air. filled vessel up to illl apparent ex tract content
In the m eantime, the tank (2) is sterilised (AEJ of 6 to 7%, and the process continually re-
pea ts itself (Fig. 4.9a).
using steam .
(c) The yeast multiplication tank (2) is now filled Control parameters for this process are
with wort and sterilised by means of steam; the blend ratio of fermented and unfermen-
ted wor t,
subsequently the wort is cooled down to the
temperatme of the wort in the propaga tor (1) the extrac t content,
the temperature and
and the contents of the propagator (1) are
Fig.4.8b the aeration.
transferred to the multiplication tank (2).
Strllctl/re of nil exchnllge device Aera tion occurs in 1 to 2 mi.n rhythm follo-
(d) The contents of both tanks are now in tank 2
(1) exchnllge rod of nl 1/111 ill iI/III oxirie, (2) dln/lllel
and it is once again aerated with sterile air. wed by a rest phase of 8 to 9 min. Aeration oc-
The now empty again propagator (1) is curs via a simple T-piece with a subsequent air
There are two different possibilities regar- dissolvillg stretch of 2 to 3 m. The temperature
cl eaned and sterilised.
ding illoculation: is 4 to 5 DC above the fermentation temperature.
(e) The multiplication tank (2) is n ow emptied
a part of the pure culture in the logaritluni c The air is supplied in sma ll amOLUl ts ill ord er
and the contents (in the log phase) are used
phase is left behind after pumping off the ye- to keep the troublesome foam formation wi thin
fo r pitching a tank. Part of the wort is added
Fig. 4.8n ast sed iment in ord er to obtain n ew yeas t limits.
to the propagator (1) and the multiplication Yenst propngntioll systelll (M ellm COlllpnllY, TOllmni, B)
(1) yenst propngntol; (2) excllnllge device, (3) wort slIpply, (4) with new wort. One works with a "yeast sto- The assimilation produces a lot of yeast. Mo-
tan k (2) is s terilised.
to tile jerlllelltillg tnllk re" (assimilation procedure), or re yeas t also means more waste yeast and more
(f) The multiplication tank (2) is again filled

11 ! 9 70
' - - --,----, 2
60 "'='
Fig. 4.9 "-
Optilllised yenst propngntioll (nccordillg to 50 C>
Bnck) 40 c::::0 4
(I) nssilllilntor 1 0
Fig. 4. 10 30
(lI) nssilllilntor 2
Yenst propngntioll usillg sillgle "'"
(1) lUort sllpply 20
vessel procedure
7 (2) freqlle ll cy COli trolled 1'111111'
1 (1) pure w ltu re vessel 10
(3) Vel/tllri j et
(2) sterile nir supply
(4) sterile nir
(3) nemtioll Inll ce
(5) nir dissolvillg stretell o 10 20 30 40 50 60
(4) hen tillg/Coolillg II/alltle
(6) nemtioll ngitntor
(5) wort ill let Time [hJ
(7) coolillg
(6) pllre wltllre to CCII
(8) hentillg
(7) CI P pipes
(9) CIP eqlliplllellt
(10) zOll efor lII ens urillg 0 " pH nlld extmct
(11) CO,
(12) yenst
introduced under s terile conditions. The pure as of the air used in aera tion before inoculation
culture vessel consists of a cylindroconical tank to prevent any form of contamination .
a lowering of the pitching yeast concentration (Fig. 4.10, 1), which is equipped with a h ea ting To obtain the necessary amotmt of yeast, the
-- - -- --r lDO
I 3
- 0.;--/ -==
- I-

- -' 75 .g
- to 10 to 15 million yeast cells/ml,
more rapid pH reduction by 0.1 of a unit,
jacket (4) that can at the same time act as a coo-
ling jacket (ice water or g lycol). As well as the
inoculation ratio from the precultme is:

t IS

..., ... I . 50
an accelaration of the diacetyl reduction,
a redu ction in the fermentation and maturati-
usual overpressure and vacuum sea ls, the ves-
sel also has a CIP cleaning sphere and a s terile
into the Carlsberg flask
from the Carlsberg flask
1: 200

<3 5/
25 '" on time by one day,
a clear improvement in the biological stabili-
supply of air by means of an aeration lance (3). to the propagator 1: 250 to 300
to pitching with 500 hI wort 1: 20
0 ty in the unfiltered area, Procedllre It can be presu med that there will be perfect
01 30
0 10 20 The tank is half fill ed with wort which is s terili- pure culture yeast for a brew after 2.5 to 3 days.
consistently good beer quality [334] (sensor
teclmology and stability), sed for 15 min and then cooled again to 20°C. The size of the pure culture vessel (hi) is cal-
Fig . 4.9n: Progressioll of celllllllllber cOllcelltmtioll dllrillg ye-
quality improvement due to recovery of high The yeast culture is then added . The yeast is ae- culated as follows
nst nssilllilntioll
(1) progressioll of extmct relllounl, (2) progressioll of cell quality yeast in large amotmts. rated under sterile conditions by means of the
IIl1/lIber collcel/tmtioll, (3) telllpemtllre progressioll Furthermore, there are savings in electrical aeration lance as follows : brew volume (hi) x 2
energy, kieselgulu-, water/waste water and wa- on the first day every 15 min for a minute, 20
ste yeast [203]. on the second day every 5 min for a minute. Continual aeration with s terile air leads toa
yeast beer which has to be recovered. This, ho-
This aera tion system presupposes that on the rapid multiplication of the yeast. Advantages of
wever, causes increased costs, which can be re- Single vessel pure yeast culture proce- first day, the yeast does not require as much the procedure are stated as being [182, 202]:
duced if not all but only a part of assimi lation
dure oxygen as on the second day, when respiration as a result of the continuous aeration, suffi-
yeast is reused (40/60 or 50/50).
In the single vessel pure culture procedme ac- and fermentation have started. cient pure and active yeas t can be produced
Advantages of this process are mentioned as
cording to Wackerbauer [182, 202], a new pure At the same time a vigorous agitation of the in a very short time,
yeast culture is multiplied until its quantity is tank conten ts is necessary to keep the yeast conti- because of the short distances in the system,
short reaction time and optimal security in
sufficient for a whole tank. Using this procedu- nually in suspension and hence in an active state. the risk of contamination while producing
the provision of new yeast,
re, therefore, no sediment remains for the next Parti cular importance during this procedure the pure cu lture is grea tly reduced,
a clear reduction of the dead cell proportion
pure culture, rather the next pure culture is re- is placed on the sterilisation of the wort as well since the pure culture vessel is newly inocula-
to tmder 3%,


454 455

ted after each generation, degeneration of the

yeast is excluded,
the procedure is good value for money and
a ttrac ti ve b ecause of its simplicity. Open yeast propagation

4 Very sm all brewe ries often do not have enou gh 4
money to buy a yeas t propagation plant. It may Fig. 4.11
be impossible to purchase yeast from a la rge Stockhnllsen -Cob/itz yenst
brewery if one wants to use a particular specific propngntioi/ vessel

yeas t which nobod y else h as. In this case the ye-

as t can be grown in the brewery itself - but it
must be realised that steri lity is not always g ua- Strictly speaking, open yeas t propaga tion is
ranteed. only tank ferm entation w hi ch is brought for-
Th ere are severa l possible ways of perfor- ward, since after the large Coblitz vessel at the
ming open yeas t propagation. Of these two will latest, brewery wort, i.e. uns terilised wort is
be described h ere: used.
the Stockhausen-Coblitz process, 311d Anothe r m e thod of open yeast propagation is
Fig. 4.12
the milk churn process. the milk churn process (Fig. 4.12). In this me- Cnrriere yenst pl'Opngntioi/ sys telll
The conventional open yeas t propagation thod the yeast multiplication is performed in (1) 40 III/ilk eni/ with 25 I greei/ beer to be
process is the Stockhau sen-Coblitz process in easily cleaned churns for tran sporting milk. II sed for ii/ocllintioi/
(2) pllre yenst Cl/ltllre tnllk
w hich two, only loosely covered, metal vessels With 5 churns, of w hich one is always kept as
are used (Fig. 4.11). The m e thod of operation is the source churn for the next yeas t propagation,
essentiall y the same as that of the yeas t propa- it is easily possible to produce enoug h yeas t for
ga tion in the labora tory. However, becau se the pitching. The contents of 3 churns (approx 0.8 hi) are tm'e to accus tom the yeast beforeh31ld to the
amOLUlts of wort fermented become increasing- poured into the thoroughly cleaned 31ld s terili- brewery opera ting conditions.
ly large, the further fermentation stages must Procedllre sed propagation tank whilst the contents of the There are two di ffe rent types of procedure
be carried out in sma ll fermentin g tanks. A churn is thoroughly cle311ed, heated with ste- fourth churn remain as the source materi al for for p e rforming fermentation and maturation
am or hot wa ter 311d filled with 20 I of hot, un- the next propagation. (conditioning):
Type of vessel hopped casting wort. This process can be repea ted a few times suc- many breweries ferment in open fermentati-
small large small larger The churn is closed and cooled in the fermen- cessively. on tanks and condition in lagering vessels.
Coblitz Coblitz ferm ent. ferment. tation cellar to 10 to 11 0c. This process takes In all yeas t propaga tion method s the follo- This procedure is known as "convention al
inl in I in I in hl about one day. wing points should be observed: ferm entation 31ld m a tura tion".
Boiled wort The contents of an 8 I Carlsberg fl ask, which When propagating in the brewery plant the in new plants the fermentation 311d matlll'ati-
amOLUlt 17 50 225 9 are in the high krausen s tate, are added to the ratio of wor t to be pitched to vigorously fer- on are carried out in cylindroconi ca l vessels
AmolUlt of 20 I of wort. In a short time the fermentation in menting yeas t used to inoculate it should not (CCVs).
YOlUlg beer the chmn proceeds as is sh own by good fo am be grea ter th311 1 :3 or 1 : 4. There are g rea t diffe rences i.n the equipm ent
used for formation. When to pping up ("Drauflassen"), the tem- and m e thods used in the two procedures.
inoculation 8 25 75 3 The contents of the churn a re then distributed perature should be the same as the yeas t tem-
Total contents 25 75 300 12 into fom churns which have been filled in a si- perature because yeas t is "shocked" by sud- 4.3 Conventional fermentation and
milar m31Uler with 20 I of cooled wort. After den cooling 311d no longer ferments . maturation
In this way up to 50 hi of wort C31l be fe rmen- 3110ther 2 to 4 days the contents of these ChLll'IlS The tempera tlll'e during propaga tion should Som e breweries are equipped with open fer-
ted with little labour or equipment cost. are aga in at the high krausen stage. be approp riate for the fermentation tempera- mentation t311ks and lager tanks and ca rry out


It must be clearly understood that with open earth or rock. All of this was very sensible be- ring tank cleaning and these must be drained
the fermentation and Inaturation in a traditio-
fer m enters a ll contamin ations mus t be kept cause no pum p, and therefore no energy, was away rapidly through a suitably large drainage
na l manner, i.e. in a classical or conventi ona l
well away from the beer in order to ensure long needed to move the liquid from one section to system.
way. Con sidera ti on must be given to
storage li fe . another. But there was also another aspect to all The fermentation cellar is insulated by tluck
the equipment of the fermentation and lage-
this. For centu ries before the inven tion of walls to limit the effect of the outside tempera-
ring cellars, and Layou t of the open fermentation cellar pumps, beer was already bre wed by simpl e r, ture as much as possible.
the way in w hich ferm entation and' m aturati-
The fermentation tanl<s are arranged in the fer- bu t still very simi lar, method s a nd it also had to Room coo lillg: The heat produced during the 4
on are performed .
mentation cellar so th at efficient operation is be transferred fro m one secti on to another. So primary fermen tation is not completely remo-
possible. Th e fermentation cellar is cooled and this arrange ment was also very rational then. ved by the fermentation tank cooling and so the
4.3.1 Fermentation tanks - equipment of
it is equip ped with a device for extracting the Any liquid whi ch d id not flow off n aturall y had fermentation cellar needs a space cooling sy-
the fermentation cellar
carbon dioxide produced. to be moved onwards by mu scle power u sings s tem which maintains the room temperature at
Fermentation is performed in fermentation
scoops or primitive hand pumps . The symbol 5.5 to 6 DC. The daily cooling requirement is
tanks arranged in a fer m entation cellar.
A rrnllge lll ellt of the ferll/ellters on the right in our brewers emblem, the scoo p about 4 MJ per 1 m 2 floor sW'face.
Th e fermentation cellar is loca ted below the barrel or scoop tub, (Fig. 4.15) is a reminder of This is particularly necessary for cooling the Fermentation tanks
cooling room so tha t the wort can flow in as a these times. air in the room, which has to be chan ged seve-
Fermentation tanks differ in the m aterial from
w hich they are m ade and the space they occu- result of gravity. The trad itional fermentation ral times daily in order to drain off the CO,.
py. They are cooled to rem ove the h eat produ- cellar consis ts mainly of three sections: The fermentation ce ll ar is cooled by circula-
1. the pitching cellar. The pitching cell ar is a ted air cooling. In circu lated air cooling systems
ced during fermentation.
small, som ewh a t raised section con taining the cooling pipes are situated in an adjacent
Materials li sen to cOllstrll ct ann lill e t il e only a few fermenta ti on tanks w ithou t tank room. Air is forced tlU'ou gh the cold room and
cooling. thereby cooled. Because of the cooling the wa-
Fermentation tanks mad e of wood, steel, alumi- 2. the fe rll/entation cellar proper, in which the fer- ter con tained in the air is deposited on the coo-
nium and con crete w ith various lining materi- m enta ti on tanks are provided w ith internal ling pipes as ice and the air is thereby dried.
als or laminates (pitch, synthe ti c resins, enamel) cooling,and The cold, dry air is forced at a low velocity into
3. the yeast cellar, in which the yeas t is stored. the fermentation cellar and su cked off down
are used.
The fermentation cellar consists of two sto- again at the opposite side.
Fel'll1elltatioll vessel cooling Fig. 4.15
It can be calculated that during fermenta tion reys. The fermentation tanks are constructed so Scoop tllb ill the brewers' ell/blelll
that they can easily be serviced from above and Velltilatioll
lU1der production conditions
below. For efficient operation it is essential that Carbon dioxide is produced during alcoholic
587 kJ/kg of ex tract are produced.
This extract is about two-thirds fermented the tanks are loca ted lugh enough for easy wor- fermentation. Because it is heavier th an air it
during the m ain fermentation. One hI of pit- king in the lower service passageway without collects in the bottom regions of the vessels and
any grea t obstruction. Wooden fermentation Ferl1l elltatio ll cellar plaut (Fig . 4.16) spaces.
ching wort contains about 12 kg of extract. Of
cellars are exceptional and consist of only one Beer comes into contac t with air in the fermen- Carbon diox ide is a respiratory poison!
this, 2/3, i.e. 8 kg, is fermented during the pri-
storey. Ladders are used to climb into the woo- tation cellar and can thereby become contami- Because a ca rbon dioxide content of on ly 4 %
m ary ferm entation. Consequently during the
den ferm enters . nated with micro-organisms ha rmful to beer. can have a fa tal effect, carbon dioxide must be
primary fermentation
Old conventional breweries were d esigned so In the production of beer any micro-organ- removed as it is formed (see Sect. 4.10.1).
587 x 8= 4696 kJ are produced per hi of wort
which must be removed during primary fer- that the wort and beer could flow downwa rds isms other than the brewing yeas t are referred A sma ll part of the carbon dioxide form ed re-
w1der the effect of gravity. At the top was the to as beer spoi lage micro-organisms or conta- m ains dissolved in the green beer, the remain-
mentation by cooling. The hea t is u sually remo-
coolslup and lU1d er it the trickle cooler - both of minations. As a result of grow th and excretion der esca pes.
ved by cooling jacke ts, m ore rarely by cooling
coils, through which fresh water (iced wa ter) wluch are no longer used - then followed the of metabolic products into tbe beer they can
cooled to 0 to 1 DC is passed. The supply of coo- pitclung ce llar and the fermentation cellar and make the beer turbid and spoil its quality or The density of carbon dioxide is
ling water must be controlled so that the d esi- the lager cellar was always located at the bot- even make it quite lU1pleasan t. Large quantities 1.96 kg/m3, i.e. :
tom, often in a cellar built into the protective of water are used in the fermenta tion cellar du- 1 m 3 of carbon dioxide weighs 2 kg.
red tempera ture can be established.


4.3.2 Fermentation cellar yield Very many breweries do not use any intact
As soon as the brew h as arrived in the ferm en- hops and the cloudy wort is returned to the
tation cellar its atnOcmt and ex trac t content is next brew. Since it can be assumed that the clou-
measured. Thi s provides the figures for deter- dy wo rt consists of 75% wort which is recover-
mining the ferm entation cellar yield. Sin ce the- ed again in the nex t brew, alld only 25% trub,
re is a close relationship between the brew hou- this 75% mLis t be subtracted from the next wort
se yield and fer m entation cellar yield, th e amOlmt (but the same amolmt from the previo- 4
fermentation cellar yield is of pa rticula r inte- us brew is included in the calculation). The dif-
rest. ference stays almost constant.
The ferme ntati on cellar yield sho ws how lar- The ferm entation cellar y ield by itself provi-
ge a percentage of the grist arri ves as wort ex- des no use ful information. What is of interest is
tract in the fermentation cellar and is pitched. the difference between the brewhouse yield
In p rinciple the fermentation cellar yield is and the fermentation cellar y ield.
ca lculated in the same way as the brewhouse This difference is ca used by
yield, but the multiplication fac tor 0.96 is omit- the equipment and the cooling process; this
ted beca use the vo lume of the pitching wort is factor is always constant, and
measured whilst it is cold alld consequentl y do- the operations between casting and pitching .
es not get allY smaller. If there is a change from the usual differen ce
How large the contraction is, w ithout allY between brewhouse yield and fermentation cel-
loss by eva poration or in any other way, is lar yield, there has been some change in the
shown by the following exa mple. operating procedures.

Exalllple: An exalllple of the enlclIlation

A 543 hI boiled wort is cast. How man y hi are Starting with a grist of 4960 kg of pilsner malt
there after the contraction? 331 hI of 11.4 % wort was cas t
543 x 0.96 = 521 hI, ('), 11.90 g! 100 ml
i.e. 22 hi have disappeared simply by the con- and
traction. This loss is, however, excluded from 321 hi of 11 .2 % wort was pitched = 11.68 g/ 100 ml
consideration when calculating the fermentati-
on cellar yield . How big is the differen ce between the
Formula for calculating the fermentation cel- brewhouse yield (Y I.) and the fermentation cel-
lar yield YF (s tands for yield fermentation cel- IaI' yield (Y F)?
Y = 11.90 x 0.96 x 331 h1 76 .24 %
pitchin g wort volume (hi) x mass ( %) x d ensity 20/4 " 49 .6 dt
Y= - -- - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
[ r weight of g ri st (dt)
Y = 11.68 x 321 hI 75.59 %
There is a slight loss of extract between cast- I 49.6 dt
ing and pitching
Fig. 4.16
Fel'lllelltatioll cella,. eqllipJllellt (co llvelltiollal plallt) . as a result of vessel and pipework losses The difference Yu - YI' is 0.65%
(1) fel'lllelltatioll tallk, (2) IIpper sto,.ey offel'lllentatioll (3) lowe,. sto,.ey of fenllelltatioll (4) cold roolll, (5) coolJllg with the sp ent hops and trub. This can of course also be expressed more
wate,. illlet, (6) coolillg water outiet, (7) coolillg (7a) coolillg coil, (7v) 0,.. Scllllud wall coollllg, (7c) packet coolJllg, Consequentl y the ferm entation cellar yield is concisely by calculating the difference in ex-
(8) veer olltiet cOlllleetioll, (9) valve rod, (10) veer tmllsfe,. pUlllp, (11) tmllsfe,. pipe, (12) CO, ,.ell/oval, (13) yeast fla sk, (14) ye-
always slightly less than the brewhouse yield. tract obtained:
ast tuv, (15) fntl , (16) eoolillg pipes to coal tile cold 1'0011/, (17) illt,.odllctioll of coaled ai,. illto tile fe,.l1/ellfatioll (18) glllly

460 461

Eo = 11.90 x 0.96 x 331 on casting quently in modern plants the yeast is dosed
= 3781.3 kg extract uniformly into the flowing stream of wort.
EF = 11.68 x 321 on pitching In smaller breweries rousing is often perfor- 2
= 3749.3 kg extract med by
Extract loss = 32 .0 kg pouring from one vessel to another,
use of a yeast rousing device, or
4.3.3 Management of open primary fer- use of a yeast flask . 4
Primary fermentation is started by pitching the Modern breweries use special equipment for
wort. Fermentation management depends on introducing fine air bubbles as already mentio-
control of the temperature and fermentation ti- ned in Sect. 3.9.3.
me used for the primary fermentation . The de- Poor wort aeration can have very undesirable I I
consequences: 1 I 1
gree of attenuation is determined before beer
transfer to the lager cellar. defective initial fermentation,
L __ _ __ J
1 1
____________ I

For information on carrying out fermentation longer fermentation time (up to tlu'ee or mo- Yeast dosage Wort aeration
and maturation in CCVs, see Sect. 4.4.3. re days),
Fig. 4.17
cessation of extract removal,
TlIrbo-Air Iype COllliilllOIlSyensl dosiilg nild wort nernlioll (Esnll & HlIeber colllpnilY, ScJlrobeilhnllseil ) Pitching defective secondary fermentation, (1) wh irlpoo l, (2 ) yeasllnil k, (3) jlolnlioil Inzl k, (4) plnle cooler
By pitching is meant the addition of the yeast to problems with beer quality.
the wort and thus the starting of fermentation . There is no need to worry about over-intensi- the same temperature and the more yeast can For this turbidity of the wort before and after ye-
Immediately before the addition of yeast the ve wort aeration. The oxygen introduced here is be harvested [304]: ast dosage is measured and the yeast cell COW1t is
wort is called pitching wort. avidly taken up by the yeast, because it is abso- determined from the difference.
The original wort concentration is expressed lutely essential for its growth. Consequently Pitching fermentation time yeast crop An alternative method involves measure-
in %Plato - previously, and in some cOlmtries oxygen disappea rs within a few hours from the 1/hl days 1/hl ment of the yeast load [135]. This involves the
still, it is still expressed in °Plato. wort and has no adverse effect. On the other 0.5 9 2.0 combination of amount of solids and flowrate
The pitching wort immediately after the yeast hand, an inadequate aeration of the yeast is de- 1.0 7 2.5 to give a measurement parameter (mass per
addition is then already referred to as beer, or trimental for the reasons mentioned above. 2.0 4-5 3.0 unit volume in gil). In this method the signals
rather as "yolmg beer". are linked together by means of a process con-
On pitching care has to be taken to provide Addition of yeast Yeast is dosed from the yeast buffer tank by troller and can thereby express the solids con-
the yeast with sufficient access to oxygen in the The yeast is now added uniformly to the ·wort. means of a pump or valve . The amount of yeast tent of a volume in kg dry weight. The yeast ad-
wort to initiate rapid multiplication and fer- Simultaneously the wort should be intensively to be dosed can be controlled by a turbidity dition is thus independent of the consistency of
mentation and to distribute the yeast in the aerated so that fermentation can begin rapidly measuring system . the yeast suspension.
wort. This process is referred to as rousing. and vigorously. Of course nobody achlally counts the num- Increasing the yeast addition is the most im-
The yeast addition is 15 to 30 million yeast ber of yeast cells but an extrapolation is made portant way of accelerating fermentation wit- Rousing cells / hI of wort and the cell dosage rate is controlled by measu- hout incurring negative consequences [39].
Activation (rousing) of the yeast occurs not sim- = 0.6 to 11 thick yeast slurry / hI of wort. rement of the turbidity of the wort/yeast sus- An intensive initial fermentation has a positi-
ply as a result of the introduction of oxygen but It can be assumed that a thick yeast slurry pension. ve effect on the filterability of the beer and the
also quite specifically because of the uniform contains ca. 3 x 109 cells/ml. There are a number of methods for monitoring head retention (see Sect. 4.4.3).
distribution of the yeast in the wort with as few 0.5 1 yeast/hI wort = ca. 15 x 10' cells/ml. the yeast addition. Indirect measurement of cell Fig. 4.17 shows a yeast dosing and wort aera-
yeast clumps as possible. The individual yeast 1 1 yeast/hI wort = ca. 30 x 106 cells/ml. count by turbidity measurement has become tion installation. Wort is fed from the whirlpool
cells must rapidly come into contact with the The pitching rate has a large effect on the fer- very widely used. This can be performed in-line (1) through a plate heat exchanger (4) into a flo-
nutrients in the wort. This is important for the menting time and yeast crop: the higher the pit- and enables automation of yeast pitching. Usual- tation tank (3). At an intermediate stage yeast is
intensity of the initial fermentation . Conse- ching rate, the shorter the fermentation time at ly a hu'bidity difference measurement is used. dosed in from a yeast storage tank (2) by means

of a dosing pump. In a second section the wort 1.4.3). In this method "young beer" is pumped Fermentation s tage Appearance at the top Besides these nonnally occurring s tages, the
is intensively aerated in the previously descri- out from the bottom of a large fermenter, the fermentation often looks abnormal:
bed manner. A fermenter may be used instead contents of which are in the high krausen (deep Initial The yOLmg beer becomes
of the flotation tank shown here. foam) stage. The young beer ferments further in covered by a white Abnormal Appearance Consequence
Usually yeast is pitched into the fermenter. smaller fermenters whilst at the same time coo- layer of fine bubbl e foam fermentation
Wort still contains some insoluble material after led wort at the same temperature (8.5 0c) is in- (it "whitens over", i.e.
4 cooling which settles to the base of the fermen- troduced from above into the "krausen tank" so becomes white allover). Boiling The young beer 4
Beer quality
ter within a day. It consists of: that the amount of wort in it remains constant. Fermentation has begun . fermentation begins to is no worse.
trub particles which were not collected du- The llllfermented wort mixes with the fennen- form bubbles The foam
ring trub separation, and ting yOLlIlg beer in the "hausen tank" so that at one place mus t be
hop resins which have precipitated again af- the yeast multiplies continuously and remains YOlmg 01' The fine bubble foam be so that it gives removed in
ter cooling. permanently in the yeast multiplication phase. low kra usen comes deeper and has the impression good time.
In addition weak or dead yeast cells soon If the amollllt added is controlled so that the brown caps. The foam that the vessel
settle to the bottom. Consequently pitching ves- difference between the pitching extract and ex- cover should look as contents are
sels are often used. tract in the young beer pumped off is always 1.5 mtifonn as possible and s tarting to boil.
When a pitching tank is used, the wort is pit- to 2.5%, theoretically pitching can be continued be creamy.
ched in the tank and drained into the fermenta- until there is no more wort available. At the sa- Large bubble Towards the end Beer quality
tion cellar after 12 to 24 h. The yeast collected in me time the yeast consists almost exclusively of fermentation of fermentation, is not impai-
the pitching tank is cleaner and lighter in colour young cells which are clean and ferment very High krausen Fermentation has entered bubbles as large red.
than with direct pitching in the fermenter. actively. Intensive aeration of the cold wort is its most intensive stage. as a head occur
The conventional pitching temperature is 6 to essential for this procedure in order to produce The ridges 01' crests in in the foam.
7 °C but other temperatures can be, and often sufficient yeast multiplication. If the aeration is the foam become higher
are, used. inad equate there is no shortening of fermenta- and the bubbles coarser.
A special type of pitching technique is known tion time. Fermentation temperature
as "Drauflassen" (topping up) . At the end of each week the "krausen tanks" With regard to temperature control during bot-
are pumped empty, cleaned, and then filled Krausen collapsing The fermentation has be- tom primary fermentation, the pitching tempe- Topping up (Drauflassen) again with the first brews of the next week and come less vigorous and rature and the highest temperature are impor-
By topping up is meant the addition of wort to pitched. the high crests slowly col- tant. At the end of primal')' fermentation the
an already fermenting tank. As a result of the lapse since not as much young beer must be cooled again.
addition of fresh wort the yeast is immediately Fermentation management in the fer- carbon dioxide is formed.
activated again and fermentation begins imme- mentation tank The foam looks browner. Pitchillg tell1pemtllre
diately. By means of topping up the time requi- As soon as the yeast is added the wort is refer- The pitching temperature is usually 5 to 6 0c. In
red for the initial fermentation stage is reduced. red to as young beer. During primary fennenta- shorter processes the pitching temperature is
However, when doing this it is very impor- tion the young beer passes through various fer- Collapsed foam Because the rate of fer- usually raised in order to start the fermentation
tant that the wort being added has the same mentation stages which can all be recognised mentation continues to more quickly.
temperature as the fermenting wort. If the yeast by their appearance . The fermentation tempe- decrease, the foam conti-
suffers a shock the fermentation may be retar- rature and fermentation time are very impor- nues to collapse and Maxim 11 111 tempemtllre
ded or stop completely. Even very small tempe- tant in fermentation management. finally forms only a loose, As a result of the hea t released during fennen-
rature differences can playa large role. dirty brown layer which is tation (see Sect. the temperature of the
In this way it is possible to pitch in accordan- Fermentation stages removed before transfer of wort increases. Although fermentation pro-
ce with the rhythm of the wort production se- During main fermentation the yOLlIlg beer goes the beer so that ceeds more quickly at higher temperatures,
quence and so eliminate the delaying effect of through the following normal fermentation sta- it does not sink down and great care is taken on quality grolmds not to ex-
the induction and acceleration phases (Sect. ges: impority the yeast. ceed a predetermined maximum temperature.
Depending on this m aximum temperatu re, a 4.3 .3.3 Degree of attenuation Appnrell t fl1ln ren l percelltnge nttellll ntioll replaced by wa ter. By
dis tincti on is made between : During fe rmenta tion the ex trac t is continually Appnrell t percell tnge nttellll atioll (Vs ) us ing thi s valu e in the
cold ferme nta tion with a maximum tem pera- being ferm ented . The ex tent of conversion to al- The extrac t content is m easured in the fermen- ca lcul a ti o n the rea l
ture of 8 to 9 °C and cohol is called the degree of a ttenua tion (V) (V tation cell a r by m ea ns of a h yd rom e ter (Fig . pe rcentage a ttenu a ti-
warm fermentati on with a m aximum tempe- s tands fo r Vergarun gsg rad - d egree of fennen- 4.19). The a ttenua tion measured with the h y- on (V,v! is obta in ed.
rature of 10 to 15°C. ta tion). drometer is, h owever, o nly apparently (schein- The rea l a ttenu ati on is
The degree of a ttenua tion shows w hat per- bar) correct (Vs) since the ex trac t value ind ica- a lways less than the 4
Coolillg nowl! agaill centage of the ex tract in the pitching wort has ted by the hyd rom ete r (E) is wrong becau se of ap pa rent a ttenu a tion .
The ma ximum tempera tu re is m a inta ined as been fermented. the alco hol produ ced. Nevertheless, becau se Approxima tely
cons tant as possible for on e to two d ays. The The difference be tween the ex trac t content of there is a p rop o rtiona l rela tionship be twee n th e V.,. = Vs x 0. 81
young beer is then slowly cooled. Becau se yeas t the pitching wort and tha t of the beer a t an y greater erro r and increased a ttenua tion and be-
is sensitive to large tempera ture drops, the de- particu lar time is called the fermented extract. cause Es can be m easured easil y, in prac ti ce the
crease in temperature should n ot be m ore than The p ercentage a ttenua tion (V) is ca lcul a ted apparen t attenu a ti on is always used .
1K per day and it should be lowered a t a con - from the equation :
stant rate. The temperature a t transfer is about Renl percelltage nttellllntiOI! (V,.)
fe rmented ex trac t x 100 %
4 to 5°C. To obta in the real percentage a ttenu a tion the al- Fig. 4.19
V = ex tract in the pitching wort
cohol m us t be dis til led off in the labora tory and Fcrlllcll ier hydrollleter
Fig. 4.18 shows the values of a number of im-
portant param e ters (temperature, ex tract con- Exnmple:
tent and pH) during the course of fermenta tion.
It is impor tant for the person in cha rge of the
On pitching the hydrome ter indicates
12% ex tract
0,'0 ex tract

% extract
77,0 50 'f0
fe rmenta tion to monitor and control the tempe- A t trans fer the hydrometer indica tes
ra tu re during primary fermentation and abo ve 4 % extract
77,2 55 '15 5
all to m easu re the decrease in ex h'act durin g the Thus the amount fermented is 8% ex tract. 71.3
fin al d ays of prima ry fe rmenta tion . A conven- 12 % extract :; 100 % 71, If 60
tional primary fe rm enta tion lasts 6 to 8 days. 77,5
1\ 8 x 100 %
8% ex tract = 12 = 66.66 % 77,6
Other fermentation processes are discussed 77,7
in Sect. 4.4.3. The percentage attenua tion is 66.7% 71,8
72,0 60
11 72,2

p 8
9 '"1\ 1( \
/ i\

\\ 72,5 85
7 11\
/ / \ \ '\ 72,6
6 12,7 90
'" 5
\ 1 "",, 3 72,8
4 / "< Fig. 4.18 72,9
\. "'=I" "
8 3 / "- IJ,O
u i'-.. Gallges dllrillg prili ln/"yfer-
S 2 ...... .......... 0,2
13, 7
Fig. 4. 20
1 0,1 lJ,2 o
I'--. (1) Telllpera tilre progressioll
0 Chnrt (lIolllogrlllll) for deterlllillillg the
L . .
femlenlation time 10 days ° (2) Extract COli tell t progrcssioll
(3) To tn! dincety!
pitching wort in the fermented wort nppnrell t nlld rea! degree of nlleJIIllltiOIl of
J fil II beer

Example: The fo llowing are important for further pro- calculated. The difference between the final at-
The factor 0.81, obtained from experiments,
3 g of dried yeast are added to 0.3 I of filtered cessing: tenuation and the attenuation limit is determin-
was published by BALLING (about 1870). The
wort and fermented in thermostats at 25 °C or the difference between V,'''"''''''' and V,';"''', ed by the fermentable extract sti ll present. If the
percentage attenuation can be obtained more ea-
in a mashing bath at 30 °C for :0; 8 h. Unfiltered and difference is s till large, micro-organisms (yeast
sily from a chart (Fig. 4.20). If one connects the ex-
wort entering the fermentation tank may also the difference between V, i;",1 and V, I;,"" or bacteria) find fermentable substffiKes in the
tract content of the pitching wort (= original
be used for this. A hydrometer reading is first The difference between attenuation at the packaged beer and so they can grow a nd pro-
gravity) with that of the fermented wort, the Vs
taken after 2 days ffild then once or twice a day end of primary fermentation and the attenuati- duce turbidity. 4
4 and Vw ffi'e obtained at the point of intersection.
until the ex tract content does not decrease any on limit The final attenuation should be as close as
more. When the extract content no longer de- When it is transferred, the yOlmg beer mu st possible to the attenuation limit.
Extent of atte/1uation
creases, the attenuation limit is determined. still contain enough fermentable ex tract for the In genera l nowadays one tries to ferment the
The percentage attenuation depends in the first
The attenuation limit is then known after 4 to beer to develop a high carbon dioxide concen- beer to the limit.
place on when it is measured.
5 days - i. e. before beer transfer. tration during the secon-
Measurement of the attenuation is important:
The attenuation limit is the highest apparent dary ferme ntation under Fig. 4.21
at the end of primary fermentation, i.e. on
transfer (V 5 fermc nt\!r or V 5 fermcll l.ltionc('lIM) and degree of attenuation which can be reached by pressure. From experi- Extract riecrense rillrillgjel'lllelltntioll nllrilllntllratioll
fermentation of all fermentable materials in the ence it is known that -,,
at the end of the production process,
extract. It is predetermined by the action of about 1 % of ex tract is re-
i.e. Vs fin,,1, -<
starch degrading enzymes in the brewhouse. quired for thi s. This cor- -i
To have a measure of the degree of attenuation -E

The magnitude of the attenuation limit to be responds to a difference

it is necessary first of all to know what percenta-
obtained is, for example, 80 to 84 % for pale of about 10 % be tween
ge of the exh'act is potentially fermentable. For
full beers and pilsner beers. the two a ttenuation figu-
this plUpose the attenuation limit (Vs 1;",,,) is mea-
The extract content does not decrease at a res.
constant rate from pitching to the end of fer- Attenuation at the end
Because the attenuation limit (Vs 1;",") is not
mentation; rather, much more is fermented du- of primary fermentati-
obtained lmtillater in the brewery, it is measu-
ring the vigorous primary fermentation than on (V/,m"n',,) is 66 to 74 %
red in the laboratory.
during the calmer secondary fermentation . in the case of light co-
loured full beers, and
less thffi1 60% in the ca-
se of dark full beers
Example: On
The following extract contents and percentage attenuations were shown by a brew during fennen- and strong beers.
Pitching transfer end of fully fermented
The difference bet- fermentation
tation (Fig. 4.21):
Stage Measurement Extract Associated Description ween final attenuation %E
content percentage and the attenuation limit
sequence 11
in % attenuation The final attenuation
10 20 Fermented
(Vs final).IS d etermme
. d b e-
9 extract substances
12.5 0.0 fore the beer is filled into 8
before pitching 1 40
3.9 68.8 fermenter or fermentati- containers for sale.
on trffilsfer 3 50
on cellar attenuation For this purpose a sam- rermentable
V ferme nter ple is taken before packa-
60 extract substances
ging and the gravity
final attenuation Vs final measured in the labora- 80
end of fermentation 4 2.3 81.6
90 Non-fermentable
tory with a hydrometer. extract subs ta nces
attenuation limit Vs limit From this the final per- 100Y.
fully fermented 2 2.2 82.4
centage attenuation is
468 469 Beer transfer from the tank Depending on the yeas t content on tran sfer, A total mixing is only obtained with the expen- At the free ends the amo unts equ al to the dif-
By h'cll1sfer is meant the movement of the yOlmg one speaks of ditme of a considerable aITIOlmt of energy (stir- ferences between the numbers linked by the op-
beer from the fermentation cellar to the lager cel- green turbid transfer, i.e. with a large amOLmt ring, repeated circul atory pumping, boiling, etc.). posite ar m of the cross are written:
lar. It is important that the correct time for h'ans- of yeast for the secondary fermentati on, or of In the follOWing mixing calculations, howe-
the ready-for-transfer stage, is recognised. On clear transfer, when only a little yeast or little ver, this important circums tance h as not been /11.3
transfer the yOlll1g beers from different brews are extract is available. taken into considera tion.
4 mixed with one i.e. blended. Previously, The decision whether to make a hlrbid or a o ././ 11.3 "-"- 0.9 parts 4
clear transfer depends on the yeast strain and 12.2 parts
beer was transferred in lager barrels; today this Problell1:
occurs in tanks (see Sect. 4.3.6). the lagering conditions. As a result of a mistake, 643 hi of wort has tmned From these numbers the proportions to be
out to be too "thick" at 12.2 % and must be diluted mixed to g ive the desired result are obtained. In
Recognitioll of readilless for tmllsfer til rbid tr(11lsfer with water (0 %) to the desired content of the present case this means:
Various features indicate when the beer is - with low attenuating yeas ts with a difference 11.3%. How many hi of water must be added?
ready for transfer: o f 10 t0 12 °// 0 b e tween V 5 limi t an d V 5 fermenter There are several possible ways to calculate if 11.3 parts containing 12.2%
- with a sh ort lagering time the aITIount. Of these the following will be illu- aIld 0.9 parts containing 0 % (water)
Use of a hydrometer - in a cold cellar, and strated: are mixed
In most breweries the extract content is recor- - in large fermenters calculation using the mixing cross (Andreas 12.2 parts containing 11 .3% are obtained.
ded at least in the last days of the primary fer- cross) and
mentation. The extract content of beer ready for clear tra1lsfer calculation using the mixing equation. If the given volume is inserted this means
transfer is known from experience in any parti- - with high attenuating yeasts with a that
cular brewery and in the case of full beers is d I'fference 0 f 15°// 0 b e tween V5 limit - V5 fe rm enter Mixillg cro ss 11.3 par ts = 643 hi
about 3.4 to 4 %. This corresponds to a V, [""W"!" of - with a long lagering time In this method obtains only the factor (the mi-
643 hi x 0.9 parts
about 66 to 69 % (for full beers). - in a warm cellar, and xing ratio) by which the given amolmt of beer 0.9 parts = 11 3 = 51.2 hi
. par ts
The extract content should decrease only - in small fermenters to be blended must be multiplied .
about 0.2 to 0.3% in the last 24 h. The extract con tents of the beers to be mixed are 51.2 hi of water must be added to obtain the de-
BleHdillg tlIe beer written one above the other with a one line gap sired content of 11 .3%. The amolmt of wort is
Blowing tlIe foam cover The raw materials used for brewing are not al- between them (the percentage signs CaIl be omit- then increased to a total of (643 + 51.2) = 694.2 hi.
If one blows forcefully on the not yet removed fo- ways the same and each brew is different so that ted since they cancel out later). The desired extract
am covering, the gap formed should not close in the end beers of varying quality might be pro- content of the mixed beer is written on the empty Mixillg eqllatioll
over again. The beer surface should look black. duced. To avoid this the worts and beers are blen- line offset slightly to the right. Then the tlu-ee Amount I x extract content I
If the fermentation has not yet proceeded far ded with similar brews. This first occurs in the fer- numbers are connected as shown to form a cross. + amount II x extract content II
enough, the foam-free gap closes again very mentation cellar where various brews are mixed = amount I + II x extract content III
quickly because of the pressure of the SUlTOlID- in the topping up process. During too, /
ding foam . The beer surface then looks muddy. the brew is divided into different lagering vessels. Using the figures for the current example:
Not only beers of the same type but also beers o
Yeast i1lspectioll glass with different original gravities can be blended.
Before transfer a small glass is filled with the Basically, when mixing the following has to
young beer. If the beer in this inspection glass is be considered: it is very difficult to completely
643 hi x 12.2 % + amount II x 0 % = 643 hi x 11.3 % + amount II x 11.3 %
clear it can be assl\.l11ed that the yeast has settled mix two liquids with each other. It is all the mo-
643 hi x 12.2 % - 643 hi x 11.3 % = amount II x 11 .3 % - amolmt II x 0 %
well in the fermenter. Of course the yeast strain re difficult, the greater the differences are
amount II (11.3 % - 0 %) = 643 hi (12.2 % - 11.3 %)
has an important effect. in the amOLIDt of the components,
The time when the beer is ripe for transfer in the temperature of the parts or (12.2 % - 11.3 %) 643 hi x 0.9 % 11
amount II = 64311
1 = = 51 2 1
and the yeast content of the yowlg beer are clo- in other components (colour, extract content, 11.3 - 0 % 11 .3 % .
sely related. alcohol content, etc).
470 471

When compared it can be seen th at this calcu- out by water and is therefore not lost. For infor- The solubility for carbon dioxide is greater ping carbon dioxide exerts a gas washing effect
lation gives the same fin al result as the Andreas mation on keeping and treating harvested yeast the lower the tem perahll'e. At higher tempera- on the beer wh ereby it removes volatile fermen-
cross. (see Sect. 4.4.5). tures substanti ally less CO, dissolves in beer. tation gases. It thereby con tributes to mahll'ati-
111e above examples indicate how the amOlmts This statem ent applies generally to the solu- on of the beer.
to be fixed to produce a blend can be calculated. 4.3.5 Processes during beer maturation bility of gases in liquids but the degree of solu- In Sect. it was mentioned that part of
In fact there are one or two flaws in the data in the- in conventional tanks bility varies from gas to gas. the sulphur compolmd fraction is removed in
4 se calculations. For exa mple, the p ercentages In the m atura tion or conditioning phase there this way, whereas most of the sulphur com- 4
should actually be replaced by the 20 °Cj4 °C den- are two add itional processes which must also Depelldellce of Cil rboll dioxide all press ure pOlU1d fraction is converted bio-chemically by
sity since they are multiplied by the volume. 111e be considered separa tely: In accordance w ith Henry's law, the solubility subs tances in the beer. There are, however, ot-
temperature of the wort or beer also plays a role. Satura tion of the beer w ith carbon dioxide of gases increases in direct proportion to the her volatile components which are extensively
lU1der excess pressure and removal of all haze pressure. This m eans tha t the amount of carbon removed by the carbon dioxide gas washing ef-
4.3.4 Yeast collection in the tank forming components from beer. dioxide dissolved in beer is increased wh en the fect. It is therefore possible to shorten the matu-
After transfer the yeas t remains on the fermen- pressure on the vessel is increased. ration process by making gas washing more in-
tation tank bottom in three layers. 4.3.5 .1 Saturation of beer with carbon dioxide ten sive. This, however, calU10t be done without
The uppermost layer is the top yeas t layer. under pressure EXI!1I1ple: the addition of carbon dioxide.
The top yeast layer consists substantially of col- The carbon diox ide content depends primarily At + 1 °C at atmospheric pressure 0.306 % mass
lapsed foam particles and yeas t cells which h a- on the tempera ture and pressure. percent carbon dioxide dissolves in beer. Beer clarification
ve settled at a late stage. How does the solubility increase w ith increa- Tran sferred yOlU1g beer still contains yeast cells
The middle layer is the core yeast. It consists Depell(fellce of cllrboll dio xide cOlltellt all tem- sing pressure if the temp erature remains con- which make it cloudy and they slowly sediment
of healthy yeas t cells which can ferment vigo- peratllre stant at + 1 °C? in the lagering vessel. Settling of the yeast de-
rously and should b e as light in colour as possi- The solubility of CO, in wa ter is almost as great This is obtained by multiplying the carbon pends mainly on the duration of lagering. It is
ble. The lowest thin layer is the bottom yeas t as its solubility in beer. Nevertheless there are dioxide content at the temperahue in question also affected by lI11iform lagerin g temperahlre
layer. It con sists of yeast together with particles small differences which are sho wn in the follo- (see above) by the value of the absolute pressu- which prevents layering in the beer, and the si-
which sedimented first, such as hop resins, de- wing solubility table (water, beer 12°P(V, = 80%) re on tl1e vessel contents: ze of the lagering vessel. Small vessels have a
ad yeast cells and trub particles. (figures in g CO, in 100 g water and beer): 1.0 bar 0.306% x 1.0 = 0.306 % CO, larger surface, relative to the contents, than lar-
Collecting the yeas t in tlu'ee laye rs is only theo- 1.1 bar 0.306% x U = 0.337% CO, ge lagering vessels.
retically possible and is not done in practice be- Temperahlre Solubility of CO, 1.2 bar 0.306 % x 1.2 = 0.367% CO, The young beer is hll'bid not only because of
cause no physiological differences in the yeast in °C Water Beer 1.3 bar 0.306 % x 1.3 = 0.398 % CO, yeast but because there are also some cold
layers have been found - only differences in the 0 0.335 0.317 1.4 bar 0.306% x 1.4 = 0.428 % CO, break p ar ticles sllspended in the beer which
degree of contamination by dirt - and tl1ese can- 6 0.268 0.258 1.5 bar 0.306% x 1.5 = 0.459 % CO, were not formed until the further cooling. The
not be separated during yeast collection. 1 0.321 0.306 colder the lagering conditions the more of them
The average yeast crop is 2.0 to 2.5 I of thick 8 0.249 0.241 The solubility of carbon dioxide mcreases precipitate. These p ar ticles are very small and
yeast slurry per hi of pitching wort. More is ob- 2 0.309 0.296 with increasing pressure. therefore sediment only slowly. Part is absor-
tained with flocculent yeast than w ith powdery 10 0.232 0.226 Filled beer should contain about 0.5 % carbon bed by the yeast. It is very important to remove
yeast, whereas more of the latter is present in 3 0. 298 0.286 dioxide. The pressure must therefore be set de- the cold break par ticles from the beer before fil-
the deposits in the lagering vessels than is the 15 0.197 0.193 pending on the lager cellar temperature so that tration or by filtration. Lagering should therefo-
case with flocculent yeast. 4 0.287 0.276 the beer contains more than 0.5 %, because so- re be performed at -1 °C.
The yeas t collected is either used for pitching 20 0.169 0.165 me carbon dioxide is lost on the way to filling. Clarification of beer can be accelerated by ad-
the next wor t (added "dry") or often washed 5 0.277 0.267 A beer containing 0.32 % carbon dioxide is con- dition of wood chips which increase the surface
and stored under wa ter (added "wet"). The col- sidered to be flat. area . Beech wood or hazeh1Ut chips which have
lected yeast alwa ys contains residual beer, the Since the amolU1ts of CO, quoted are for 100 ll1e carbon dioxide produced during secon- previously been sterilised are used for this pur-
more so the less the yeast is compacted. With g of water and 100 g of beer, they also represent dary fermentation escapes from the beer unless pose, often light metal foil is also u sed. The
"dry" addition this residual beer is not washed the CO, content in %. it is held back by increased pressure. The esca- chips are rarely used because this entails addi-

tional work and costs. On the other h and, other
costs are saved because the filter does not beco-
me filled as quickly and consequently does not
h ave to be emptied as often.
Beer clarification is favoured by
a long lagering time,
Fig. 4.23 4
Spnce coolillg willi coll velliiollniinger vessels
small vessels, (n) woodell bnn-e/s, (b) Inger Inllks
cold lagering in constant conditions, and
add ition of wood en chips.
To allow the cold break particles to settle out, Woo dell Vl1ts
beer is lagered for at least 7 days at a low tem- The oldest lagering vessels are wooden vats
pera ture (-2 QC to -1 QC). with a content of 15 to 150 hI. To u se the lager
The yeast which settles in the lager vessels is cell ar as efficiently as possible the upper lage-
called tanl< bottoms or yeast sediment. ring barrels sit in the gaps between the lower
ones . However, because of their characteristic
4.3.6 Equipment in conventional lager shape barrels make very poor use of space. Mo-
cellars reover, their large interna l and ex ternal su rfaces
take a lot of cleaning. But their greatest disad- Lager cellar installations vantage is that the barrels must be relined with
During its production beer spends the longest pitch every year. For this they must be removed
time in the lager cellar. The lager cell ar is there- from the cell ar and, after relining, mu st be re-
fore the largest sections in the brewery. It usual- turned to the cell ar and fitted into place again.
ly consists of a main gangway with the indivi- This necessitates a great deal of work wh ich is
dual tank and cask Sect.s opening onto it. The very hard to justify. Fig.4.23n
Wooden barrels are therefore found only ra- The coopers of Ili e Felsel1keller Brewery ill Oresdw, 1890
part of the lager cellar containing vessels into
which the beer is transferred must be kept rely today - in sma ll breweries.
slightly warmer so that secondary fermentation At this stage we should remember that for
can start properly. Th e cellar is insul ated from centuries, the wooden fenn enters, wooden la- of iron on flavour they have an enamel, special plies when using alluninium lagering tanks as
the environm ent by thick walls and is equipped ger vessels as well as the wooden transport ves- pitch, or plastic lini ng. w hen using allUninium vessels (see Sect. 6.1.1).
with powerful room cooling. This cooling con- sels and yeast tanks were made, maintained Stainless steel tanks, w hich require no lining, A disadvantage of aluminium is that the low
sists of cooling pipes which are arran ged so that and repaired by the coopers of the breweries are best (see Sect. 6.1.2). s trength of this material means that they can ea-
condensa tion wa ter cam10t drop onto the ves- themselves . Furthermore, the coopers were the Steel tanks are usu all y horizontal tanks. They sil y be deformed if treated carelessly. Alumi ni -
sels and cause rust stripes (F ig. 4.23). second largest occupational group in the bre- are either welded together to form one piece or um vessels, like all other tanks, are very sensiti-
To cool the lager cellar a daily cooling requi- wery, after the brewers and m altsters. Fig. 4.23a consist of several segmen ts which are bolted to- ve to vac uums.
rement of about 3000 kJ per m 2 ground surface shows the coopers at the Dresdner Felsenkeller gether or welded toge ther (ring tanks). More ra-
is expected . Because of its large surface area the Brewery at a party in 1890; at this point in time rely there are ver tical tanks in the lager cellar 4.3.7 Performance of lagering in conven-
lager cellar is consequently the grea test user of the brewery h ad an annual output of 110,000 hi, which, for better cleaning, are divided once or tional tanks
cooling power in the brewery. which was of course exclusively drau ght beer. tvvice in height (vertical cell tanks). For lagering the beer mus t be transferred into
AllUTunimn tanks are also frequently fmUld in the lagering vessels. These vessels are equipped
Metal tl1l1ks lager cellars. A particular advantage of these is with a closing device, the bunging d evice, in or- Lagering tanks
Traditional lagering is rarely performed in Steel and alumillium tanks are used . Most lage- that aJlU11inilU11 requll'eS no linlllg when it is ma- der to be able to adjust the carbon dioxid e con-
wooden va ts but usually in m etal tanks . ring vessels are steel tanks. Because of the effect de Sltlficiently passive. In general the same ap- ten tin the beer.

z> I.

The old brewer's rule used to apply to the la- buted into severa l tanks so that there are beers pressure of 0.1 bar corresponds to a 1 m water fermentable ex tract culd fr esh, fermenting yeas t
gering duration: from several brews in every tank. colu mn or a 100/13.6 = 7.4 cm me rcury column . in the logarithm ic phase. This process is known
" for each percentage original wort content, Mercury vapour is po iso nous and so the mer- as krausening.
one week longer!" Pressure regulation cury col umn bunging d e vices dis appeared When kra usening, ca re mus t be taken that the
A lagering temperatme of 0 to 1 °C was consi- Closing the lager vessel prevents the pressure- fr om brewe ries a lo ng tim e ago . Nowadays yeast is no t suddenl y shocked by a low tempe-
dered normal. If, however, the temperature is im- less escape of the ca rbon dioxide produced. spring or weight loaded va lves a re used which rature, otherw ise the fermentation m ay stop.
4 mediately lowered to 0 °C, the yeast no longer has Consequently the pressure in the lager vessel can be accura tely set and open at a d efined in- In so me breweries krausenillg is always used 4
the possibility to degrade the diacetyl, a result of increases . The pressure relief valve or blUlging ternal p ressure to release the excess pressure. to obta in a s moo ther tas te.
which being that the diacetyl content can still be de vice is u sed to control this pressure. Fig. 4.24 shows a pressure safe ty valve of this There may be places w hich are n o t sealed and
very high even after a longer period of lagering. kind. from w ll ich CO 2 can escape unhindered . Leak
Nowadays, lagering takes at leas t two to Pressure distriblltioll hI tI,e lagerillg vessel testing is best performed by smearing or spray-
three weeks; however, before the tempera ture The increased pressure which d evelops in the ing on a concentrated cleaning liquid w hich fo-
is lowered to deep cooling, the diacetyl break- lagering vessel ac ts evenly outwards on all si- ams a t unsealed loca tions .
down first has to be monitored. Since the lage- des. It is obvious that the pressure in the lager It ca n h ap pen that the cOlmection to the ves-
ring tanks, however, do not have individual vessel CCUU10t be increased at will, because ot- sel interior is blocked. This can occur if the tcuLk
cooling, the temperature in the Sect. can only be hen,yise the very g rea t force would split open is filled too much and the krausen escapes
lowered when the diacetyl in all the tanks has the end and considerable damage to p ersons through the safe ty valve, cau sing it to becom e
been broken down. This results in an increase and installations could result. stuck, o r if a blwt-in tap is closed. Safety regu -
in the lagering duration. A cold storage phase of la tions, h owever, forbid the installa tion of pipes
at least a week is also aimed for here. Pressllre release devices w hich can be closed.
Every preca ution mu st be taken to prevent the In this case the fermentation still proceeds Beer transfer pressure inside the lagerin g vessels caused by further and even if somevvh a t re tarded
During beer transfer the lager vessels and fer- the additionally form ed CO 2 rising above the by the increased pressure. The increase in pres-
m entation vessels are connected by hoses desired value. A pressure release device com- sure can be so large that finally there is a burst
through which the YOlUlg beer is transferred to prising an overflow and sa fety valve is used for w hereby the end of the barrel, the mculhole or
the lager vessels. The latter vessels are filled to this . the we ld is blown out.
about a hand's breadth below the bung hole. To The pressure re lease device is both an excess
avoid luulecessary loss of carbon dioxide and pressure valve and pressure regulator. 4.3.8 Storage vessel tapping
Fig. 4.24
entry of air, the vessels are filled from below The oldest pressure release devices worked By storage vessel tapping (anstecken) is mecult
Sprillg pressllre snfety vnlve
while subjected to a slight overpressure. with a colul1m of water (water column bunging the establislunent of the connection from the la-
At transfer fermentation is still relatively vi- device) . To maintain CUl excess pressure of 0.3 gerin g vessel to the filling section where contai-
gorous. The lager vessel is therefore not closed bar in a lagering vessel the escaping carbon di- ners are to be filled. It is dependent on the s truc-
immediately but only after one or two d ays by oxide must overcome a 3 m high colunul of wa- ture of the lagering vessels used. Basic
means of the blmging device. ter before it can escape. Water column blmgs Sources of error wTtell regulatillg pressure requirements are:
When the lagering vessels are very full a whi- are therefore m eta l or glass pipes about 4 111 It can happen tha t the bungin g d evice or excess Up to the filling stage the pressure on the li-
te foam cap emerges from the vessel which re- long filled to the desired height with water. In- pressme valve does not produce the desired ef- quid mu st be maintained as otherwise CO,
moves trub particles and som e extract with it stead of one ta ll pipe several small ones COlU1ec- fect. There are several possible reasons for this: escapes.
(" frothing over"). To avoid this loss the vessel is ted one after a no ther m ay also be u sed. The beer was trculs ferred too late or contai- Everythin g possible must be done to avoid
not comple tely filled at first and is topped up Later m ercury, which is 13.6 times as heavy as ned insufficient fermentable extract to achieve uptake of oxygen by the beer.
after a time when there is no longer an y d anger water, was u sed (mercury collUlln bunging de- saturation at the d esired pressure, or the yeas t
of loss of foam. vices). Corresponding to the higher density of is too weak culd has already se ttled . Establishment of the connection
To achieve constant bee r quality, the contents mercury the mercury column only needed to be In this case the beer must be blended with Ea rlier the tapping of lager vessels was a very
of a fermentation vessel are, if possible, distri- 1/13 .6 times as lo ng as the water colwl1n. A )'Dlmg beer in the low krau sen s tage to supply diffi cult problem beca use the deepest position
476 477

in the vessel was a long way below the outlet with open fermenters. As will be seen, when vered but naturally it no longer conta ins any
and consequently special spear fittings had to CCVs are used the situa tion is different. CO, and in the case of open fermentation ves-
be used for tapping. These can now be seen Pressure accelerates the filling process but sels it is also infected . The tank bottom sed i-
with amazement in brewery museums. Older there is a limit to the load which can be put on ment (yeast crop and beer) makes up approx 1.5
tanks often still have closures which need a the vessel material. The pressure applied on the to 2 % of the beer amount. 1 % of the total ou tpu t
tank tapping fitting to which the hose can be tanks when drawing from the vessels is usually can be recovered in the form of yeast beer.
4 cOtUlected. By tank fitting brewers mean all 0.9 to 1.0 bar overpressure, and in the case of For this a separate plant is used (see Sect. 4
stopcocks with a spigot. barrels only 0.4 to 0.5 bar overpressure.
If the beer were to come into contact with air Not only too high, but also too low preSSlU'e
the beer quality would be greatly spoilt. In addi- can cause extensive material damage: Deep cooling of the beer
tion the beer would foam and thereby lose CO,. If the com pressed gas pi pe is not opened on Some breweries chill the beer again to a low
The cOtUlecting hose is therefore filled with drawing off, as the vessel is emptied a vaClllun Fig. 4.25 temperature before filtration to precipitate cold
deaerated water (or the pipe is rinsed with CO, is created which can cause the vessel to collap- Til/'ee positiol/ blel/riillg llIlit, I/wllllolly opernteri break particles and thereby make the beer mo-
and COlmter pressured with CO,) before the se inwards. re stable to chilling.
COtUlection is opened. Howeve r, this results in a In particular aluminium tanks are very mud1 For this purpose bee r chilling devices are
mixing of the last part of the water and the first at risk because of the softness of the material. The blending unit ensures a smooth and conti- used which consist of tube coolers or plate heat
part of the beer along the filling path. This mix- The tanks collapse completely and have to be nuous flow as well as making it possible to ex- exchangers and cool the beer down by means of
ture is called the fore-run. Because the beer is beaten out again at great expense. Small w1der- amine the beer by means of the observation lan- a cooling agent (brine or glycol solution) to
also displaced by water there is alsCl a post-run. pressures also have a particularly damaging ef- tern (Fig. 4.25) . Usually there is a lantern at the -2 to -3°C.
The separation can be seen in the inspection fect on cylindroconical tanks. water attachment so as to be able to fill the pipe As a rule the advantage of using a deep coo-
lantern by a change in colour. However it is not and at the end to displace the beer (post-run). ling device is overvalued, since the chill haze
a sudden change but gradual (see Sect. 7.5.10). 4.3.9 Drawing off from conventional appears only aiter a long holding time at low
Fore- and post-runs are collected and treated tanks Pressure regulator temperatures, in other words only after days,
separately. The beer is drawn off from the lagering vessel The last station in the lager cellar is the pressu- and the success of cooling immediately before
As a result of the mixing with water there is through the blending unit and pressure regula- re regulator which supplies the beer under con- filling is questionable. In addition there is a risk
also a reduction of the original gravity which tor to the fil ter. Often the beer is also cooled in a stant pressure to the filtration plant. This is of filtration problems as a result of the increase
must be taken into accOlUlt since beer tax mus t refrigeration device to make it more stable. achieved by means of fixed pumps, mostly with in viscosity at low tempera tures.
be paid which in many colUltries depends on frequency regulated speed control. The pressu- To ensure precipita tion of chill haze particles
the original gravity. Blending unit re is controlled so that no pressure surges occur. beer should be lagered before filtration for at le-
The beer is passed to the blending lmit. With As filh'ation proceeds, the pressure required ast a week at -2 to -1 °C. Pressure during tapping and emptying this it is possible to blend two or more tanks increases. As a result the pump has to be conti-
There is an overpressure of about 0.5 bar in the with one another in order to obtain a constant nually regulated if the pressure regulator and Fore-run and post-run
lager tank lmtil filling. When the beer is drawn beer quality. filter pump are one and the same. If the filter With all transfer processes (beer transfer, draw-
off, the pressure in the vessel would sink if ad- If a tank becomes empty - this can be detec- plant h as a separa te pump, the pressure regula- ing), mi xed fractions ranging from wa ter to
ditional gas were not supplied. This is done by ted by the beer in the inspection lantern beco- tor can be operated with an almost constant beer or vice versa occur. These fore- and post-
supplying CO, or compressed air to the vessel. ming turbid and foam being drawn in - the next discharge, or so regulated that the level in the runs are collected separately. They are almost
When compressed air is used air comes into tank can immediately start to empty. Conse- buffering tank in front of the filter remains con- always oxidised, are always contaminated and
contact with the beer and the oxygen uptake quently there is no interruption in the beer flow, stant. contain diluted beer. These fractions have to be
spoils it. It is therefore advantageous to intro- no pressure surges which can endanger filtrati- sterilised by means of HTST and then pressed
duce carbon dioxide into the vessel to avoid on, and no drawing of oxygen into the beer. Recovery of tank bottom beer onto the beer or better, returned to the whirl-
oxidation. A large amoLmt of carbon dioxide is The blending lmit provides 2 to 6 cOlUlections The tank bottom sediment holds some beer pool.
produced during fermentation and it can be for a hose to the lagering vessels. An observati- back whicll is called tank bottom beer or reco- Modern plants mainly avoid fore- and post-
collected, although this is almost impossibl e on lantern is associated with each cOtUlection. verable beer. This residual beer must be reco- runs.
478 479

4.4 Fermentation and maturation in But it is not only the tank material which is of 2D Processed cold, hea t-treated, stained Size of CCVs
cylindroconical tanks (CCVs) importan ce. Jus t as important is the inner sm face 2B Cold rolled, heat-treated, s tained, Cylind roconical tan ks we re built in almost any
The previously customary fermenters an d stora- of the tank. It m ust be as smooth as possible and cold rerolled chosen size - up to 30 m hi gh an d m ore than 10
ge tan ks could be used only up to a certain size. not contain an y recesses on the microscop ic level. 2R Cold ro lled, brig ht almealed, m in d iameter. Nowadays rather m ore care is
The dri ve for greater profitability an d larger vo- Such lmevenness resulting fro m m anu fac ture is 2G Polished taken in choosing the dimensions, esp ecially in
lumes led inevitably to the introduction of larger called surface roughness. The surface rougluless 2J Brushed or matt polish ed the case of cylindroconica l fermentation ves-
4 p roduction lmits for the fermentation an d mati!- depth of surfaces can be redu ced by suitable 2P Polished, brightl y p olish ed sels, as a res ult of exp erien ce and tests which 4
ra tion of beer. The results with the cylind roconi- treahl1ents. The charac teristic measurement of Of particular interest are the welded joints s how it is better n ot to exceed certain d efined
ca l fe rmentation and lagering vessels, w hi ch the surface constitution is the average stU'face which nowadays have to be finely ground to measurements [46].
most breweries now consider indispensable, ha- rouglmess (R.,), which depends on the surface prevent the establi shment of contaminati ons.
ve p roved to be completely successful. They not rougluless dep th . The average surface rouglmess The size of cultilre yeast is 6 to 10 A cell of Wort height in the cylindroconical
only provide operating advan tages but also en- should be R., < 0.8 pm . By grinding and polishing this size Calm ot be held by a milled base but fermentation vessels
sm e the quali ty of the beer is maintained d uring this can be reduced to 0.08 pm, w hich of course bacteria alld sp ores are 0.7 to 4 in size an d Tests have shown that the composition of the fer-
fermentation and mati!ration. invol ves ad d iti onal costs. so there is a possibility that on a surface with a mentation by-products is affec ted by wor t
The cylindri ca l sid e walls (casing) are rolled greater surface rouglmess depth some could be height. It should be borne in mind that a yeast cell
4.4.1 Construction and installation of cold according to Procedure 2D (or preferably retained and multiply. This relates to bacteria fe rmenting at a depth of 20 m is subject to the
cylindroconical vessels according to DIN EN 10088) (Fig . 4.26a). As a and small w ild yeas ts which es tablish them sel- pressure of a 20 m CO,-containing column of
With regard to the design and installa tion of cy- result of this an ave rage surface rouglmess of ves in this way and in tim e give rise to contami- wort. The possible height of the COltU1Ul of wort is
lind roconica l vessels the foll owi.n g are of parti- 0.3 to 0.5 pm is obtained whi ch is sufficient to nations . It is therefore necessary to examine the thereby limited by the CO, content. In the light of
cular in terest: meet high dem ands in an lmprocessed state, as tank contents very ca refull y for contaminati ons present knowledge the maxiln llll wort height il1
the con struction material and sha pe of the lon g as no d am age occurs. This surface and, if necessary, introduce a m ore vigorous a cylind roconical fermenter should be 20 m . Th e-
CCV, rouglmess depth corresponds more or less to clealling alld sterilisa tion (see Sect. 4.4.7). re are however man y cylindroconical fennentati-
their h eight, diameter, volume, tan k size, the su rface of a materi al n a with grinding corn Biological monitoring of the brewery h as all on vessels with a filling height of 23 to 27 m . Wort
head s pace, and 240 (b). Su ch an average surface roughness, ho- important role here. heigh t plays n o role ill a cylindroconicallagering
their p ositioning and ins tall ation. wever, d oes not su ffice for the cone floo r, w hich vessel provided that the matilra tion process (dia-
is produced from warm rolled sheets because cetyl removal) has ended .
for the sake of safety during cleaning, all yeast ( Design, shape and cons truction materi-
al of cylindroconical vessels
Cylindroconical vessels are built with a cylin-
cells and trub p articles h ave to be removed and
nothing may be left behind. One should bear in } Ratio of diameter to w ort height
There are different opinions about the optimum
drica l upper p art and a cone sh aped lower p art. mind here that there are no visible controls. . 'l" diameter to wort height ratio in cy lilld roconical
As a result of this shape yeast collects at the bot- These cone fl oors are p olished (mechanically) fe rmentation vessels. Th e ra tio va ries fro m 1 : 1
tom and so can be easily and completely remo- w i th increasingly fine emery p owder - prefera- to 1 : 5. Recently wider vessels h ave been more
ved . Emptying and cleaning is also m ade easier. bly vertically - to an average surface roughness w idely discussed [46] :
CCVs were first m ad e of ordinary steel (liab- of 0.4 pm (c). the ra ti o o f diameter to total wort height
le to rust) and provided with a coating of epoxy By way of explan ation: in the case of electro- should be 1 : 2,
resin to protect it from the beer, which had to be polishing, a p rocedure is used whereby the the ra tio of dialneter to w ort height in the cy-
regularly examined for dam age and renewed at
intervals. Nowadays cylind roconical vessels -
like fermenters, filters, etc. - are made almost
exclusively of non-rusting chrome-nickel s teel
equipment p arts to be polished are trea ted in a
large bath with fin e emery. The vibra tions re-
quired for this are produced electrically. The
process is not suitable fo r use on the hu ge cone
'r t
lindrical part should be 1 : 1 to 1 : 5.
In the case of CCVs with a coolin g jacke t the
di ameter : height ra tio h as an effect on the ho-
mogeneity of the contents, above all when only
(type 1.4301 or 1.4306), which by brewers is ge- floo rs. ( a s ma ll amount of CO, is fo rmed .
nerally referred to as V2A. This is considered A ben chmark for the surface composition is Fig. 4.26 Most tank diam eters are between 3.50 and
more full y in Sect. 6.1.2. specified in DIN EN 10088: Treated slIIfaces with varyillg slI lface rOllghlless depths 4.50 m an d are also difficult to transport. Th e
480 481

cone angle may be between 60 and 90° and is usu- formed by the CO, evolution and in ex treme ca- the open air, appropriately insulated against
ally 60 to 75°. For calculations it is im portant to ses these can emerge from the gas pipes and weather effects. Later there was an illCreasil"lg
know that with a con e angle of 60° the height of cause the safety valves to stick. This can be very trend to bring them indoors lmder cover. Both
the cone equals the diameter times 0.866. dangerous because the adhering wort can even a lternatives, w ith varia nts, are s till common
The ca pacity of the cylindroconical fermentati- block the valves to such an extent that they no (Fig. 4.28).
on vessel is calculated from the sum of (Fig. 4.27) longe r operate. Outdoor CCVs (a) are very widespread and
4 Basically, therefore, the heads pace volume of require hea t insulation of the individu al contai-
... '" "'"
the cylindri ca l part: 1'2 X n x h fermentation tanks s hould be equal to 18 to ners. Erection occurs either
and 25 % of the pitched wort volume. with a frame supporting ring in a fa lse cei-
the conical part: r2 x n x h In the above example ill addition to the wort lillg,
3 volume of 969 hI there is a lso a 25% headspace with a s tandillg frame on the fOlmda tion, or

The total wort height in a cylindroconi ca l fer-
mentation vessel is 9.40 m .
The diameter of the cylindroconical fermen-
Fig. 4.27
V "<
volume. How large must the total height of this
cylmdroconical fennenter be?
Wort volume
+ 25%
CCV volum e
96.9 m 3
24.2 m 3
121.1 m 3
on more than one suppo rt.
In the case of standing frame CCVs, the servi-
cing room is loca ted n ex t to the standing frame
or the frame room is used directly as the servi-
cing room. In other cases the tank cone juts free-
CCV ns n c!flillrier nllri n coile
tation vessel is 4.20 m and the h eight of the co- (1) totnlheight, (2) COile heiglIt, (3) c!flillrier heigllt, (4) height ly into the servicillg room, provided this has
ne 3.60 m. of wort ill the c!flillriel; (5) henri spnce, (6) totnlwort height, The height of the hea d space is calculated not been transferred to illl adjacent building.
(7) coile al/gle using the equation There are various reasons for indoor installa-
How many hl of wort does the cylilldroconi-
cal fermentation vessel contain? tion:
headspace volume = r2 x n x h of the headspace a cover is desired for a better view,
Total wort height 9.40m If the last brew is pitched w ithout yeas t, this conditions imposed by an authority are the-
wort rem ams standing for a longer time wit- head space reby fulfilled,
cone height 3.60m
h of the volume = 24.2 m 2 = 1.75 m a complete or partial hea t insulation of the
cylinder height 5.80m hout yeas t since the contents of the tank do headspace 1'2 x n 13.8 m 2 vessels is desired.
not mix. This encourages the spread of conta-
Cylilldrical part: minants. The total height of the CCV must therefore be: The decision as to which variant is to be used
2.10 m x 2.10 m x 3.14 x 5.80 m = Vc)'1 Very large tanks are unproductive during the should only taken after carefully examilling all
Conical part: long times required for emptymg, cleaning wort height + headspace height = total CCV the relevant factors.
(2.10 m x 2.10 m x 3.14 x 3.60 m) : 3 = Veone and refilling . height Advillltages of outdoor CCVs are
VC)'I 80.31 m 3 Large tanks are only suitable for main beer 9.40 + 1.75 = 11.15 m it is possible to regulate the temperature of
+ Veone = 16.62 m 3 brands. TIle CCV must have a total height of 11 .15 m . each tillLk individually,
Vlolal = 96.93 m 3 = 969.3 h1 peak load for cooling is greater in the case of Wheat beer fermentation vessels are only 50 the tilllk temperatures do not affect each ot-
The tank contains 969 hI of wort. large tanks than with several small tanks. 0/0 filled because of the great foam formation. her.
In a very few cases, however, breweries base TIle headspace should be at least 40 %. Disadvillltages are Tank size their ilwes tment decisions on other teclul010gi- Lager tanks need less head space but this de- the considerably large heat insulation neces-
The size of the CCV is designed ill acco rdance calor operational requirements. Very often pends on what happens in the CCV: sary around each tank,
with brewhouse production. Basically the tank transportation considerations d etermine the i£ only cold storage is performed 5 - 8% the larger surface causes larger losses of ener-
should receive only half a da y's production (on- diameter and height of large vessels. if diacetyl removal s tiU occurs 10 -12 % gy.
ly in exceptional cases a full day's production). if hausen is added 25 % In the case of indoor tillLks, there are conside-
There are several reasons for this: Headspace rable costs for
If the tank is larger, fillillg takes too long- the The cylindroconical fermentation vessels can of Location and arrangement of the CCVs the steel framework illld the cons truction co-
first brew is already well into the fermentati- course not be completely filled for fermentation Because cylindroconical tanks are very tall ves- ver, as well as
on stage. because here too, quite large volume foams are sels, at first they were always sited outdoors in the surface design.
482 483

4 4

Fig. 4.28
Armllgelllellt of CCVs
(a) olltdoor illstallatioll with a Fig. 4.30
closed servicillg 1'00111 Distrivlltioll pal/el with C/Irved cOllllectors
(v) illdoor tallks ill all IIl1illsllla-
ted Vllildillg; for tl/is the
tallks have to Ve illslliated
alld cooled sepamtely It is not possible to use hoses for a long time
(c) illdoor tallks - lIl1illslllated ill
without contamination, because the interior
all ills lila ted Vllildillg.
surface of a hose is usually much worse than
the outwmd appearance suggests. Hoses requi-
re very careful treahl1ent and good care (see
On the other hand energy is saved in the la- control instruments, and Sect. 6.1.3).
ger cellar department in insulated buildings CIP equipment. Most breweries lise panels for switching (Fig.
with room cooling for the individual cooling of 4.30), on which the desired cOlUlections are pro-
the cylindroconicallagering vessels. Equipment for filling and emptying g
the CCV
4.4.2 Cylindroconical tank fittings Cylindroconical tanks are always filled from
Cylindroconical tanks are equipped in particu- below and emptied from below. This is necessa-
1m with ry because 13
control and operating elements and also it is considerably easier, and
safety valves, filling from above would cause an undesira-
ble introduction of air into the beer. 1'1-
equipment for cooling the tank, and
equipment for controlling and automating
the fermentation. Filling and emptying from below, 15 -t--l----'
Fig. 4.29 indicates the extent of the equipment means that the CCV must be cOlmected to seve-
necessa ry and it is described in the following. ral pipes, namely
a wort supply pipe, Fig. 4.29
Cylilldl'Ocollical tallk (illslliatioll pm·tially relllOved) Control and operating elements and a yeast crop removal pipe,
(1 ) st'n1icillg I'll1t/O/"III, (2) tnllk dOli/I! wilh fill illgs, (3) en/lIe rillet alld wa-

safety fittings a beer removal pipe, and ta TI?IIlO ilnl pipt' ills/nllt'd ill tlrt' iusulntioH, (4) thermometer coJ1l1ection,
The following elements are needed to operate a pipe for supplying and removing crr li- (5) slIIaller coolillg ZOI1I:' for lngerillg, (6+8) coo/illS ZUllI'S JOfferll/cllln/ioJl,

(7) illslI fniiol1, (9) cO/medioll fiJI' supply of liquid amlllonia, will! lIn /ves,
and control the tank and to provide the neces- quids.
(9n) Te/llO lln l of collriel/sed flI/II/IOI/;n, (10) COIlt! COO/illS lO Ilt', (I1) COIlt! base
sary safety: It is important that these cOlmections are ma-
will/llulI/llOft' cover O N 450, (12) sample cock, (13) supply aJ/d re lllOlml
devices for filling and emptying the CCV, de with no contamination and without access of lIt'S 10 lI,e dOll/e CIP) illstalled ill tile illsll lalioll, (14) pressure Fig. 4.30a
safety valves, oxygen. IIu.'flsl/rillg nlld collfrol, (15) collielits II/easllrelllelll, ell/pty slale alanll CI/rved collllectors all a pipefell ce
484 485

duced by means of curved COlU1ectors (hinged to w hich all the tanks can be connected. In the ve is not properly sealed, the liquid can flow
elbows) on a pipe fence (Fig. 4.30a) using very second case one speaks of a gro up connecti- unhindered downwards and out through the
few movements. By means of manually or re- on. small pipe (8). The leak produced is visible.
motely operated butterfly valves (Fig . 4.31) the- In such a plant there are a large number of Naturally the valves made by different firms
se cOlU1ections can be opened or closed. valves in the smallest possible space. Valves have different structures. However, w hen they
may wi th time no longe r form a complete seal. are double-sea t valves there is always a small
4 Great damage can be ca used, particularly when space between the two valves providing a pres- 4
cleaning fluid gets into the beer. Everything s ure-free outflow to show leakage.
possible is therefore done to limit such occur-
rences of damage by using "leakage indica ting SlIpply alld removal of CO,
valves" . The CO, produced during ferm entation must
inevitably be removed from the highest point in
Leakage illdicatillg va lves the tank. When the beer is drawn off, CO, - or
Valves are used to open or close the cOlUlecti- for the lack of it, air - must be applied to the
ons between the pipes. To provide greater secu- tank. In addition the CIP cleaning liquid must
rity double-seat valves with leakage indication inevitably be sprayed from the very top for it to
when the sea l is incomplete mus t be used . be successful. The valves required for this are
Such a double-seat valve (Fig . 4.32) operates loca ted accessibly below and connected by a
as follows: vertical pipe to the tank top (Fig. 4.33).
A strong spring (6) forces the lower valve (2)
Fig. 4.31 down, by means of a rod (1) to which it is secu-
Bllttelfly or disc valve rely fixed and form s a seal. The upper valve
disc is likewise forced by the spring (6) but be-
It is particularly important to avoid the entry cause of the spring (7), it can be pushed by a
of oxygen which inevitably causes a deteriora- small amOLmt against the lower valve disc. The
tion in quality. To exclude oxygen, on drawing space between the valve disc opens to the atmo-
off the beer the pipe is filled as far as the valve sphere via the leakage pipe (8). It is cleaned by Fig. 4.33
a separate CIP attachment (9) . lIalve asse/llbly for
with deaerated water (fore-rem). But the curved the gas collllectioll
cOlU1ection would introduce air again into the When the command to open the valve arri-
pipe if the air were not removed, by an air re- ves, compressed air is introduced through (4) (1) vertically ascell-
lease valve at the top position for example. Al- and flows downwards inside the valve rod (5) dillg pipe
ternatively, the pipes and fittings can also be ef- as far as the piston which it then raises against (2) CIP valve
the pressure of the spring. The double-seat val- (3) gas pressllre re-
fectively rinsed out with CO, which totally
ve is lifted with the pi ston whereby the lower glliator
expels the air. (4) COl olltlet valve,
In large plants the entire installation is often disc lifts the upper disc with it and they are
(5) COl Slipply val-
permanently COIU1ected by pipes and remotely sealed together.
operated by remotely controlled valves. The On closing, the compressed air is released (6) sterile air sllpply
equipment costs are substantially higher, but and consequently the pressure of the spring be- valve
fewer operators are needed . These valves are Fig. 4.32 comes greater again. It now forces the pis ton,
DOllble sent vnlve and thus by means of the valve rod (1) the lower
either (1) valve rod, (2) lower valve, (3) IIpper valve, (4) cOlllpressed
attached to every tank (individual COlU1ecti- valve (2), downward s again. Firs t the upper This valve station comprises
air sllpply, (5) elltry of compressed nir IIIlder the pistOil, (6)
on), or pressllre sprillg, (7) small pressllre sprillg, (8) leakage pipe, and then the lower valve closes . However a a valve for the supply of eIP liquids
collected together to form a "valve junction" (9) ClP attnclllllellt, (10) pistoll small space still remains between them. If a val- a gas pressure regulating valve (at the top)
486 487

increases. Th e danger is corresp on d in gly tel' weighs 1000 kg (= 1 t). If the s team conden-
greater w ith large CCVs, par ti cul a rly wh en the ses it contracts to the 1786'" (= 1000/0.56) part of
pressure build-up occurs in an almost em pty its origin al volum e. This will ca use problems!
tank. Th e p ressure relief val ve is built into the Consequentl y most breweries do n ot use
dome valve and is mass or spring loaded (F igs. clea ning solution tempera tures above 35 °C for
4.35 an d 4.36). clea ning CCVs.
4 If, howeve r, higher temperatu res are used, it 4
Fig. 4.34 is recommended that the increased pressure
Tallk donlC fi tlillg p roduced during heating should n ot be allo-
(1) ascending pipe (CO" COI/1- wed to esca pe, but should be allowed to decrea-
pressed ail; CIP)

se again during cooling down to prevent forma-
(2) liqn id / gas sepamtor
(3) pressll re relief valve
tion of a vac uum.
(4 ) vaClIlI1/1 valve Vacuum va lves must respond reliably and ea-
(5) spmy head sily (Fig . 4.37).
(6) CIP c1eallillg of lile fitling
At norm al or excess pressu res the weight of
the cover ca uses it to close the opening. If a va-
a valve for CO 2 remo va l cuum is form ed, the relatively large valve cover
a valve for suppl ying CO, during drawing is raised and outside air is su cked in .
off, and sometim es Fig. 4.36 Sticking or freezing mus t be p revented .
a valve for supplying s terile air. ivlass-Ioaded pressllre relief valve Th e vacuum valve is therefore co!Uw cted to th e
CIP wut and must also be raised dming cIeatUng. Tank dome valves Th e vacuum valve is built into the dome fit-
The topmost p art of the tank is called the dome. tings .
The dome is accessible and contains fittings at- Vacuum valve
tach ed to the central region, the d ome plate. Large ta nks are easily dam aged by a vacuum
The dome fittings are p ro tected from weather and their shap e changes even with very slight
effects and comprise (Fig. 4.34) reduced p ressures. The risk of a tank imploding
an excess pressu re valve, is disproportion ately greater than the risk of
a VaCUl1l11 valve, one explod in g. The reasons are as follows:
a CIP unit with the associated pipework, Gases expat1d on wa rming by 1 °C by about
a sensor for filling levels (safegu ard against 1/ 273 of their volume and contrac t by the sa me

ove rfilling) and amount on cooling. Wh en a gas in a wa rm or

a pressure detecting device for the tan k pres- hot tank is sp rayed with cold water it contrac ts
sure. and produ ces a vacuum wluch makes the tan k
Th e dome fittings should be connected to the collapse in wa rds.
CIP sys tem to keep them full y op erational. Operating with tanJ<s a t higher temperatu res
They must also have protection from freezing. is par tic ul arly d angerous beca use then increa-
sing amo unts of stea m are produced . H owever, Excess pressure valve the steam does not just contrac t on cooling but
The necessity for a pressure relief va lve is ob- Fig. 4.35 it also condenses at1d the volume is abruptly
Sprillg- Ioaded Fig. 4.37
vious since, as demons trated ea rli er in relation decreased (bea t of the blas t pipe).
press llre relief lIaCl/lI1/1 valve
to a conventional lager cell ar, enorm ous for ces valve with valve It must be re membered that at s tandard p res-
(1 ) valve disc, seated by its OW II Illass, (2) pipe to tallk inte-
are p roduced w hen the pressure inside a tank disc aeratioll Sure 1 m 3 of s team weighs 560 g but 1 m 3 of wa- riO/; (3) oll tside air access, leakage dminage

489 CIP cleaning equipment Durin g clean ing of the dom e fitting the val- pressu re d etecting devices . In the case of mo- a fter the beer and li kewise grea t d amage wo uld
Cylind roconical vessels ca n, of cou rse, only be ves m ust be lifted off their seats to preven t stic- dern eq uipmen t, the contents amount as well as be caused.
cleaned by surface flu shing with liqui d in a Clr king and to clea n the val ve seats. the conten ts heigh t is ind icated . Th e em pty alarm probe is also important fo r
process. The cleaning fittings (spray ball, direc- A conten ts m easu rement is possible by me- the opera tion of the CIP processes, in particular
ted jet cleaning head s) are cOlm ected to the d o- ProbleJ11 : ans of: for the exact separation of the media . For safety
me fitting and are sized so th at the outflow ing How mu ch cleaning liquid must be used for the diffe rential pressu re measure ment (gas pha- reason s, two measurements are made indep en-
4 liquid film rem ains continuous over the enti re tank considered in the prev ious ca lculati ons? se/floor pressure), den tly of eac h othe r. 4
h eight and also clean s the con e prope rly. Tank diameter: 4.20 m ultrason ic sensors (assembled from outside),
For this about 20 hi of cleaning liquid per hou r Perimeter = diam eter x 3.14 = 13.2 m sonic de pth finde r p rinciple (n ot usua l in the Sam p ling
and per meh'e of tank peri p hery is circulated. Needed for 1 m perimeter = 30 l11/h case of cy lind roconica l tank s), Samp les are taken fro m a CCV by a sampling
Norm al spray balls are not adequate for large Needed fo r 13.2 m perimeter = 13.2 x 30 = 396 hl/h measurement of the am OLmt flow ing in by device which, by mea ns of a small permilllently
tan ks. In this case special di rected jet cleaning di vided by 60 = 6.6 h1/min mean s of IFM, insta lled pu mp, p rod uces a circulation circui t
heads (Fig. 4.38) are u sed . di v id ed by 6 = lll/sec pressu re gau ge box (in the case of s ma ll fro m which a sample of yeas t or yOLmg beer Cilll
11 I of cleaning liquid p er second mus t be CCVs, loca ted under the s tan d) . be taken at any time.
sprayed in the tank. Two meas urements should be carried out in -
dependentl y of each other. Control instruments
The contents of the cylindroconical tank are not Pressure in dicator
accessible to the brewer. Tllis increases the im- During fermentation Lmder pressure illl d d uring
portan ce of the control instruments used to mo- lagerin g the pressure in the CCV must be mOlu-

- - ----- - -

• •• ___ • _ • _ __ __ _ __ _

nitor the tank contents illld control the proces- - - -- -------,

tored. TIus becomes particularly important if the
ses inside the tank. These include: preset pressure is not reached or is delayed. TIle
thermom eter, pressm e relief valve prevents a p ressure increase
contents indica tor, above the preset value (see above) as does a limit
pressure indica tor, value switch. Again, two pressure meaSlU'ements
minimum and ma ximum volume p robes, should be taken if possible.
tilllk contents sampling p oints. Minimum and maximum volume
probes Thermometer CCVs are all equipped with minimum and ma-
Du ring the fe rmentation illld quick-freeze pha- ximum volum e probes w hich s top the fl ow
ses it is necessary to h ave exact temperahlre when a m aximum p ermissible fill in g h eight
man agement illld therefore exact temperahlre (safeguard agains t overfilling) is reach ed or
measurement. The contents of the CCV are sub- when the tank becomes empty.
ject to considerable turbulence during this time The importance of these probes needs to be ma-
Fig. 4.38
Directed hend dea II illg jet illld consequentl y there are tempera ture diffe- de cleill·. If the inflow were not stopped at the ma-
rences. Th ermometers are therefore built into ximlUll pernussible height, there would no longer
the lower and upper third s of the tank an d their be enough room for the fOillll . Consequently tlle
Because the entry of the CIP cleaning liquid values are regularly trilllsmitted . foam would flow out thl'Ough the dome valve and
and the suppl y and removal of gases occur the ascend ing pipe and sp read over the entire
through the sam e vertical pipe, the d om e fitting Contents indicator plant. Tile dam age would be enormous.
must contain a device for sep arating the liquid Contro l of the state of filling of the tank is very If, on the other hand, the tank ra n completely Fig. 4.39
and gaseous phases. important illld is measured and trilllsmitted by emp ty, vast amounts of air would be su cked in Snlllplillg device

490 491

There are tlu'ee possible ways of sampling Cooling requirements TIle complete cooling requirement can there- Direct evnporntiol/ coolil/g
from a pipe: During fermentation, process heat is produced fore be estimated to be a total of In the case of direct evaporation cooling (Fig.
a spot check, which has to be removed . Furthermore, the 8600 to 9000 kJ/hl. 4.41), the cold liquid illllilloniac from the NHJcut-
this is taken at any chosen time and gives a beer is cooled to temperatures of -1 to -2 °C for For the sizing of the heat exchange surfaces, a ter (3) is introduced into the segmented pipes of
picture of the quality of the product at the ti- the cold lagering phase. The amOlmt of heat value of 587 kJ/kg rea l fermented extract can be the coolLng zone from above. While the ammOtu-
me of taking the sample, which has to be removed is composed of used [314]. ac evaporates, it extracts hea t from the interior of
4 1I111ltipie checks, heat arising from fermentation (enthalpy), This amOlmt of heat is not, however, produ- the tank illld cools it. The evaporated ammoniac 4
these are taken at preset time intervals and the necessary cooling of the beer for cold la- ced LUuformly and does not have to be removed is passed to the NHJ compressor (4) via the cutter
provide information relating to a defined ti- gering (liquid heat) and Uluform ly. The point in time and scop e of h eat (3) where, on heating, it is compressed. In the
me period, losses due to heat irradiation. remova l depends on evaporation condenser (1), the (35 °C) wann NH3
a representative avernge snlllple, the fer mentation and matura tion procedure, is liquefied again through cooling ill1d reinh'odu-
for this the sample container is previously Ferlllelltntioll lIent and ced to the cycle via the collector (2) .
pressurised to the same pressure as the pro- The amount of heat produced during fermenta- the timing and speed of cooling.
duct pipe and continually adjusted to this tion is The grea test cooling requirement arises on II/direct coo/jllg IIsillg glycol
pressme. Sampling occurs proportionately to the cooling of the beer following fermentation In the case of indirect cooling (Fig. 4.42), the
the flow velocity and so the sample gives 587 kJ = 140 kcal = 0.16 kWh per 1 kg of extract. within 24 to 48 hours. ammoniac circuit (1-4) is cOLUlected to a separa-
both qualitatively and quantitatively repre- te glycol circuit. The glycol, which at -1°C is re-
sentative information about the product and With an original gravity of 11.5 to 12 % and a Cooling possibilities latively warm, is cooled to -3 to -5 °C in the NH,
its composition (Fig. 4.39). V,end of 75 to 80 % there is a fermented extract The production of cooling (= low temperature cutter and is first put into a glycol till1k (6) used
amOlmt of 7.0 to 8.3 kg/hI. This results in a heat heat) occurs in the brewery almost exclusively as storage. From there it is introduced into the Inspection openings formation in kJ/hl of by meilllS of compression refrigeration plants segmented pipes of the cooling zone from be-
From time to time the CCV must be entered to (Sect. 10.3.2), and more rarely in absorption low and heats up, whilst the contents of the
inspect for example Original gravity 75% 80% 85% plants (10.3.3). Compressed liquid ammoniac is tank cool down. The heated glycol is then put
there is evidence of cracks or corrosion, or Degree of fermentation thereby evaporated. To evaporate, ammoniac back into storage, to be then reintroduced into
there are places on the walls which were not 12.0 % 4287 4573 4845 requires heat energy. The ammoniac draws this the cycle.
reached by the flow of cleaning liquid and as 16.0% 5700 6068 heat fro m its surroundings, which are cooled as
a result islands of residues have been formed. a result. There are two possibilities for cooling: The advantage of direct evaporation lies abo-
For this purpose every tank has a lockable It is thus possible to calculate a midpoint va- the ammoniac is directly evaporated in the ve all in the low specific electrical energy costs,
manhole at least 50 cm in diameter at both the lue in the case of full beers of 4300 to 4600 kJ/hl . cooling pipes or cooling pockets (direct eva- which result in considerable energy cost sa-
top and bottom. poration cooling) or vings (up to 15%).
Liquid hent the ammoniac is evaporated in an evaporator, In contrast to indirect cooling by meill1S of
The lower opening (DN 450) consists of the For cooling from 9 °C to -1 °C (= 10°C), 4200 thereby cooling down a cooling agent, usual- glycol, there are a number of advill1tages:
unscrewable and turnable bottom part of the kJ/hl is required. This means the amolmt that is ly glycol, which is in turn fed through the the glycol circulation stage is lumecessary,
outlet cone. For entering tanks, ASI 2.40/91 ap- required for the cooling of the beer is about as cooling pipes or pockets (indirect evaporati- it is possible to work with higher evaporation
plies (see Sect. 4.9 .2). large as the amOlmt for the removal of the fer- on cooling). temperatures (-4 to -6 °C) ins tead of -10°C,
mentation heat. substantially smaller pumps are required sin- Cooling of the CCV Cooling with chilled water at 0 °C is not pos- ce less has to be trill1sported,
It has to be guaranteed that the temperature E1/ergy loss through Ilent irrndintioll sible because at the end a temperahlre of 0 °C substantially smaller supply pipes are requi-
progression in the fermenting beer is optimally Through radiation and convection to the sur- has to be obtained and for heat exchange to ta- red,
set. For this it is necessary to equip the tanks rOlmding area, heat losses occm. Nowadays the ke place a temperature difference of 3 to 4 °C is this results in conSiderably lower insulating
with their own cooling. The possibilities and losses can be minimised by excellent heat insu- necessary. ill1d installation costs,
the scope of the cooling result from the cooling lating materials, sizing of the heat insulation Information on the basics of the production temperature control is more accurate and
requirements . around the tanks and insulation of casings. of cooling can be found in Sect. 10.3. the system is more flexible.
Disadvantages on the other hand are: Heat transfer
higher operating pressures in the conveyors, Heat transfer occurs by means of
resulting in higher costs, segmented pipes,
evaporation temperatures are not constant, vertical distribu tion pipes or
the plant can barely be used in a stationary specially designed h eat exchange surfaces
state, (temp plates, dimple jackets, pillow plates).
4 large amounts of refrigerants are necessary, Heat exchange surfaces are designed so that
which in some countries require specia l ap- maximum heat exchange is possible on the
proval (Germany: 3 t NH3requires special ap- smallest surfaces. The heat exchange surfaces
proval (4th Federal Immission Control Ordi- for direct evaporation have to be monitored sin-
nance)), ce they have to withstand the s toppage pressu-
relatively high fittings expenditure for safety re of the refrigerant - and in the case of ammo-
Fig. 4.41
reasons, niac this is a considerable 11.6 bar. Coolillg vy lIIenllS of direct evnporntioll
danger of loss of refrigerants, The following cooling jacket types are usual: (1) evnporntioll colldellsel; (2) N HJ col-
hardly any possibility of storing COOllilg energy, segmented pipes with horizontal flow of the lecfOl; (3) N HJ sepnrntol; (4) N HJ COIII -
pressOl; (5) oil sepnrntol; (6) NHJ plllllp
trained staff necessary, refrigerant.
stringent safety requirements, On cooling using glycol (Fig. 4.40), the refri-
high investment cost for assembly. gerant is fed in from below and passes out at New horizontal shallow profi- 1
In the case of indirect cooling, nowadays the top. le evaporators may even use only 1.91/m2 .
ethylene or propylene glycol solutions are al- In the case of vertical distribution (Fig. 4.41),
most always used, which are set to be frost-pro- the ammoniac evaporates as it flows down-
of to -10 to -15°C. This procedure also has ad- wards. This form of evaporation is not fOlmd
vantages and disadvantages. Fig. 4.40 very frequently, and is not as easy to monitor as
Seglllellted pipes with horizoll - Fig.4.42n
tnl flo w evaporation in horizonta l evaporation pipes. SegllleJ/ted pipe cooler
The advantages are: (g l1fcol coolillg) Heat exchangers known as "Temp-plates", (n) old profile, (v) flnt profile
the lower operating pressures in the heat "Pillow plates", "dimple jackets" or others are
transfer slU'faces, produced for tanks consisting
a uniform burden of the cooling plant when In the case of direct evaporation using ammo- of metal sheets which are spot
using cold storage, luac (Fig. 4.42) on the other hand, the ammoni- welded at equal intervals (Fig.
constant evaporation temperatures are possi- ac is introduced from above. Four to six pipe 4.43). By use of excess pressu-
ble, which are 3 to 4 DC below the set-point coils in a cooling zone assembled into one secti- re the spaces on the tlun cove-
value temperature, on (train) are thereby used to enable a muform ring sheets between the point
considerably less ammoniac is required. heat exchange. welds are bent out, thereby
It is advantageous to have as small a volume forcing the cooling medium to
Disadvantages are: of NH3 in the cooling segments as possible be- flow turbulently through the
the considerably increased energy require- cause then jacket. Tlus results in good he-
ment of the cooling plant, there can be a smaller total amount of ammo- at exchange.
the larger pipe system and pl1lnps, as well as luac in the brewery,
the other advantages of direct evaporation the separator can be smaller, and Fig. 4.42
cooling. there is less re-evaporation . Illdirec/ coolillg wilh glycol coolillg
In general the advantages of direct evaporati- Wlulst the usual distribution pipes muts con- (1) evnpornlioll colldellsOl; (2) NHJ collec-
/0/; (3) NHJ coolel; (4) NH J colllpressOl;
on prevail so that the majority prefer this solu- tain 12 - 151 of NH3per m 2 (Fig. 4.42a, 1), newer
(5) oil sepnrnfol; (6) glycol/nllk, (red) gly-
tion. lmits contain only 4.51/m 2 (2). col cirCl/ if

494 495

The advanta ges of cooling by plate heat ex-

changer are the subs tantially lower equipment
cooling jackets are responsible for 25 to 30 %
of the total cost of cylindroconical tanks,
a plate heat exchange circuit requires compa-
4 ratively low costs. 4
Instead of a plate cooler, multitube evapora-
tors may be llsed and the most economical form
Fig. 4.43 of cooling is then obtained by direct evaporati-
Temp -plnles or dimple j nekels for N H3 evnporalioll coolillg onof NH 3 •
more rapid metabolism as a result of constant
The largest cooling requirement arises after mo vement of the yeas t. Because of the shorte-
Fig. 4.44
fermentation and maturation when the beer is CCIf (bio-renclor) w illI coolillg blj plnle lIenl exclInllger rung of fermentation and maturation time the
quickly cooled to lagering temperatme. The tem- (1) nscelldillg pipe, (2) pllmp, (3) plnle eoolel; (4) draw-off tanks can be used more often .
cOlllleelOJ ; (5) calle eOlllleclioll A disadvantage is the increased electricity
perature of the cooling agent should thereby be 3 Fig. 4.46
to 4 °c below the set-point value of the beer. For usage required in order to drive the pumps . It is 0) coll veclioll ill side 0 CCIf
however less than indirect cooling by means of b) cold slorage of IlIe beer
this the following cooling surfaces are required:
for cylindroconical fermenting vessels using As a result the yeast is kept in suspension and jacket cooling.
direct evaporation therefore kept fermenting, and layering in the
3.4 m 2 cooling surface / 100 hI at evaporation tank is inevitably prevented. So as not to impe- Temperature layering and cooling Full beer is most dense at about +2.5 0c. Beers
temperatures of +1 °c de subsequent sedimentation of the yeast, the TIle temperature is not uniformly distributed with a higher extract content, such as bock beer,
1.6 m 2 cooling surface / 100 hi at evaporation beer is pumped from the upper part of the cone inside a CCv. In the intensive fermentation are most dense at about 1 °C, beers with a lower
temperatures of -4 °C (Fig. 4.45). This form of cooling has proved very phase considerable movement occurs - especi- content at about 3 0c.
using indirect evaporation successful. ally as a result of CO, evolution. Because the If beer is cooled to -1 °C, in the case of a Voll-
3.8 to 4.4 m 2 cooling surface / 100 hi at +1 °c warmer beer rises, it is possible during this pha- bier, the following occurs: in the lowest part, in
pre-temperatu re, se to obtain good cooling from above. Convec- the cone, the most dense beer (with a tempera-
1.7 to 1.8 m 2 cooling surface / 100 hI at / -4 °C tion flow (resulting in exchange of position) al- ture of +2.5 0c) collects. Above, as a result of
pre-temperature. so occurs in the tank whereby the colder beer cooling, the beer becomes more and more cold
for cylindroconical storage tanks sinks downwards whilst the warmer beer flows and ice may even form in the topmost region.
0.9 m 2 cooling surface / 100 hI at -4 °C pre- 1 upwards (Fig. 4.46a). In this connection it must be pointed out that
temperahHe. Independently of the fermentation and matll- beer begins to freeze at about -2 °C, pilsner at
The beer can also be cooled externally by re- 3 ration processes, finally the temperatllre in the about -2.2 °C, and bock beer at about -2.9 0c.
moving it from the cone c01U1ection nozzles, cold lagering phase is lowered to 0 to -2 °C to pre- This sets lower limits to the cooling since ice
cooling it in a plate cooler and pumping it back cipitate cold break particles. It is held at this tem- formation spoils the beer and makes heat remo-
through an ascending pipe 1 to 2 m below the 2 peratlu·e for at least a week before the beer is fil- val more difficult.
beer surface level. The ascending pipe is built tered and packaged. At this temperatllre there is Beer freezes slowly. It begins with ice forma-
into the reactor (Fig. 4.44) and is cleaned by me- a completely different type of layering of the beer tion at the edge whilst the alcoholic solution
ans of a reversing bell at the upper end. The pi- which can be illustrated by reference to water. and the extract material dissolved in it becomes
pe can just as well be installed in the insulation Water is most dense at +4 0c. This is the tem- more concentrated. For details on the producti-
Fig. 4.45 peratlll'e at the bottom of lakes and oceans. on of ice beer (see Sect. 4.8.2) .
outside the tank. However, the different layout Rnpid coolillg ill file CCIf blj pin Ie lI enl exclInllger
of the pipe and the introduction into the tank (1) nscelldillg pipe, (2) pllmp, (3) plnle lIenl exclwIIgel; (4) Warmer water and cold ice rise upwards. For the cooling down and cold lagering of the
have to be taken into consideration. drmu-off COIIIICCIOJ ; (5) coile collileclioll beer to 0 to -2 °C it is essential that the CCV has
496 497

cone cooling, otherwise it is impossible to cool alwa ys insulated from ou tside effects and so re requires a water va pour diffusion proof co- Wort is heavier than wa ter beca use it contains
this region to th ese temperatures (Fig. 4.46, b) . are mos t indoo r tanks. ver (aluminium sheet, s tainless steel sh eet, zinc dissolved ex tract. Thus, as mentioned earlier
Cone cooling is also particularly important Solidified polyurethane foa m (PU) has pro- plated or coa ted s tee l cover). The deterioration (Sect., CUl 11.4 % wort has a density of
for the condition of the yeas t harvest. Without ved to be the best insulating materi al and it is of the insulati ng effect d ue to wa ter vap our dif- 1.04395 culd so l cm 3 of this wort weighs 1.04395
cone cooling the warm beer and the yeas t "fall" a pplied in layers 100 to 150 mm thick (PU soli- fusion CCUUlOt be recognised optically. The ther- g. During ferme ntation most of the extract is
to the bottom; the cone region is consi dera bly dified foam system) . The insulation is sea led on mal insulation therefore h as to be ca rried ou t con ve rted to volatile CO, and very ligh t alcohol
4 wa rmer than the upper tank region. Since the the outside by chrome nickel steel or alumini- with great ca re by special firms. The opera tor an d so the density n aturall y decreases. The d e- 4
beer now no longer contains any nutrients for um sh eets. If possible the insul ation is foamed should insis t on a guara ntee for the wo rk (long crease in d ensity CCUl be measu red with sensiti-
the yeast, the metabolic p rocesses of the yeast on before transp ort to the brewery. term gucu·aIltee!). ve ins truments culd the ex ten t of the fermen tati-
are n ow grea tly inhibited. If the tempera ture is Wh en that is not p ossible or the insulation on calcul ated fro m this.
higher, however, the metabolism of the yeast is must be renewed, sca ffolding mus t be p ut Possible m ethods for con trolling and At p resen t, sim ple timetable con trol is still
grea ter, resulting in all in creased breakd own of round the tank, the outer cover and spacing p ie- autom ating cooling used successfully on the condition that the star-
reserve substances (glycogen, malUlan ). Wea- ces ins talled at the correct spacings and the in- What h appens in an open fe rmenter CCUl be seen ting p arameters are held at a constcult level:
kened yeas t cells go on to break d own other sulating m ass foamed on layer by layer. and smelled. No thing at all ca n be seen in a cy- the con cen tra tion of the wor t,
groups of substan ces . The metabolism becomes Water must never get into the insulation be- lindrical conical vessel. Therefore control in- the oxygen content of the wor t,
mixed up, the yeas t cell autolyses . The cell wall cause it CCUU10t be rem oved again . strum ents mus t be relied on, but one must also the pitching temperature,
is d estroyed and essential components of the Before the applica tion of the polyurethane fo- take steps in good time to prevent the en or- the pitching cell count.
cy tosol (p ro teins, en zym es, unsa tu ra ted fat ty am the tank must be p ainted with a chloride mous amounts of wo rt an d beer from suffering These variations can be fu rther im proved by
acids, etc.) slowly dissolve in the beer: blocking layer. damage. It is therefo re ad vcultageous to control using fuzzy logic control.
the pH of the beer increases, Solidified polyureth an e focun has very good these processes co rrectly and if p ossible to au -
the fl avour of the beer dete riorates, insulating p ro perties and so there is no need to tomate them. Th at depends on the amOLUlt of D isplaying the automa ted process
the flavour stability is substantially reduced, worry, even w ith very large CCVs, about the money available. control
the biological stability deteriorates, and temperature inside the tcull< at either very high As has already been d escribed in relation to the
the foa m deteriorates as a result of the excre- or very low outside temperatures. M ethods for controlling the fennenta- brewhoLlse, the process is increasingly being
ti on of pro teinase A. However, sp ecial attention must be p aid to tion p rocess automated culd the control of the p rocess equip-
In the case of reacto rs with ex ternal cooling in two things: There are several ways in w hich the fe rmentati- ment displayed on the monitor screens.
the deep cooling pha se, i.e. that in w hich the Polyurethane is fl ammable, but only if oxy- on process can be controlled : The main features of p rocess control are:
beer is cooled to -1 to -2 °C, the beer is pumped gen can access it. This is not possible in the ca- Manual control is the simplest form of control. fu lly automatic m an agement of fermen ta tion
fro m below into the reactor (Fig. 4.45). This re- se of foam in place systems. PU is designed to Semi-automatic w ith pre-selected tempera tu- aIld lagering,
sults in LUlifo rm cooling of the reactor contents be flam e retardant. res. measurement of extract content culd attenua-
and precipitation of the cold break particles. If the insula tion is n ot completely sea led Automatic w hich depends on tempera ture, tion without fitti ngs built into the tank,
Cooling is p erformed in several cooling zo- against steam, the wa ter vapour diffuses into time culd even extrac t removal. continuous monitoring of the s ta te of all
nes. It is usu al to h ave tlll'ee cooling zones in the the PU laye r and the insulating effect is essen- For fully autom atic cont rol of the fermentati- CCVs on the monitors,
jacket cooling and cone cooling in the lowes t re- tially eliminated . Even small spots, e.g. screw on processes, there are several measuring sy- indi vidual param eters CCUl be ch anged indi vi-
gion. It is thereby possible to cool the tank dif- cOlUlections or poor overlapping, suffice to stems which are sufficientl y accurate: dually by m eCU1S of the com puter at any tim e,
ferently depending on the situ ation. allow continu al penetration by water vapour. all d ata is stored in mem ory an d CCUl be reco-
Even wooden spacing pieces (used to obtain CO, quantitati ve measurem ent; vered at any time, Thermal insulation a constcult insulation thickness) are sites for in this the amount of CO, p roduced is measu - on connecting a p rinter all the d ata CaIl be
O utdoor tan ks mus t naturally be p ro tec ted water entry. One can therefore reckon that af- red and fro m this, together w ith the temperatu- printed .
from addition al beating and cooling effects. In- ter 10 years at most the major part of the insu- re and time, the required measures are taken.
d oor tanks also need individual cooling for tar- la ting effect is lost. COlltillllOIlS i lllficiltioll of tempera t ure
geted man age ment of the fermentation and m a- The PU fo am h as to be secured against wa ter Pressure difference measurem ent; With large, modern plaIl ts, control of fe rmenta-
turation processes. Therefore outd oor tan ks are vap our intake by means of diffusion. It therefo- this is based on the follow ing con siderations: tion and m aturation CCUl scarcely be achieved
498 499

Pitchillg a grea ter increase in higher alcohols and a lU1- To achieve faster fermentati on and matura ti-
J- - - -- co, The wort is inullediately pitched with 20 t0 30mio favourable ratio of alcohols to esters, on in CCVs, 4.5 to 6 m g 0 ,11wort is necessary.
yeast cells per ml (20 - 30 x 10· yeast cells/ml) less aromatic and emptier beers, and In creased aeration results in
and the yeast lU1iformly distributed in the stre- a reduction in the volatile acids and increase increased yeast propagation,
am of wort; during the course of fermentation, in fixed acids. increased fermentation intensity,
the cell concentration increases to 60 to 80 mio a reduction of the nitrogen content in the fi-
4 yeast cells/ml. The cell concentration on pit- Till/illg amI fa 1'111 of pitchillg nished beer, 4
ching influences the speed of fermentation and From a microbiological point of view, pitching a fa ster and lower decrease in the pH value,
other biochemical reactions. If the temperature has to already occur at the start of the wort in- increased formation of acetaldehyde and the
., ,
", , is kept constant, increasing the pitching results flow, distributed over the total volume. The ye- precursors of vicinal diketones,
I' :
I I,
in [311] ast dosage and aeration devices therefore have increased formation of esters and higher alco-
T - ---, "I : 1
an increase in the intensity of fermentation, to be integrated into the wort flow (see Sect. hols during the fermentation stage,
, I IT
: I
I I a reduction in the growth of the yeast, 3.9.3). Without yeas t, wort bacteria formed an increase in the loss of bitter subs tances du-
I I 1 r
from spores, which reproduce 10 times fa ster ring primary fermentation,
L _______ _
a higher and earlier maximum concentration
of the vicinal diketones, than yeas t, can develop within very few hours decreased formation of hydrogen sulphide,
faster removal of the green beer aroma sub- and deprive the wort of necessary vitamins and DMS and lower fatty acids,
stances, growth substances. in the presence of other necessary nutrients,
a reduction in the mature beer aroma sub- The form of pitching occurs reduced SO, formation and thus a reduction
stances, from only propagated or pure culhue yeast, in the anti-oxidative activity of the beer and
an increased loss of bitter substances in the or danger of accelerated ageing.
case of primary fermentation at ahllospheric from a mixhlre of harvested yeast and propa-
pressure, and gated yeast, or Excessive rates of aeratioll CIluse
Fig. 4.47
Process cOlltrol nlld displny all n 1II0llitor screell an increased danger to the autolysis of the yeast. from only harvested yeas t, or excessive oxidation of the wort, increased risk
Ageing indicators also increase together with by krausening from the topping up procedu- of ageing,
the yeast cell number on pitching; thus the fla- re. expensive teclmiques and energy consumpti-
except by computer, since only in this way can vour stability deteriorates with an increase in Despite the additional work and increased on,
high operational security be obtained with a the pitching rate [381]. microbiological risk, a mixture of (70%) harve- strong development of foam, poor use of spa-
mirtimum use of persOlmel (Fig. 4.47). The pitching temperature is sted yeast and (30 %) propagated yeast is often ce,
But because no one is in the position to conti- 8 to 10 °C in the case of cold fermentation, preferred because excessive loss of foam advantageous substan-
nuously monitor all parameters it is necessary and faster fermentation with a LUuform high qua- ces,
to arrange that all defects which occur (deviati- 14 to 18 °C in the case of warm fermentation. lity, oxidative stress for the yeast cells.
ons, failures, etc.) are indicated visually or au- The temperature of the wort flowing in must higher SO, content [285], An old brewers' rule said: one week fermen-
rally so that the person responsible can react be at the same temperature as the already pit- lower investment costs, tation and one week lagering for each percent
immediately. ched batch to prevent the yeast being shocked. smaller amOlU1ts of surplus yeast and original extract content. This saying has no lon-
An increase of the pitching tempera hue leads better yeast clarification ger applied for a long time and even half the la-
4.4.3 Managing the fermentation and to: can be expected . gering time can usually no longer be allowed .
maturation in CCVs accelerated yeast propagation, Beer must be fermented and mahlred in the
If possible fermentation and maturation are intensification of the yeast metabolism, Aeration of tI,e CIlst wort shortest possible rune to make the plant economi-
now performed in cylindroconical vessels, but greater turbulence and thus better yeast dis- General guidelines for the oxygen content of cally viable. Nowadays usually no more than 17
the very varied teclmological equipment in bre- tribution, the aerated cast wort require 5.5 to 8.0 mg 0 ,11 to 20 days can be used for the fermentation, ma-
weries, as well as established opinions, also al- faster and lower drop in the pH value, 12 % wort at 60 to 80 % oxygen sahlration of the hlration and lagering and there is a trend to even
low the use of a combination of conventional greater excretion of nitrogenous and bitter highest obtainable saturation value with air further shortening of the fermentation and matu-
fermentation and lagering vessels and CCVs. substances, [311]. ration time whilst maintaining the same quality.
500 501

This is also possible with conventional fer- be indispensable on pitching, because without The indicator for the sta te of maturation of a reduction of the h ead retention and
mentation and maturation, but fermentation aeration only very little or halting yeast propa- beer is diace tyl remo val. It can be assumed that increased protein excretion.
and maturation in cylindroconical vessels also gation occurs and the fermentation time increa- if almost all the diacetyl has been removed the An increase in temperahll'e during the mahl-
provides good opportllllities for modifying the ses. It is of decisive significance whether all other green beer aromas will also have disap- ration stage causes
processes while maintaining good quality. brews have to be aerated or just some of them. peared. The "total diacetyl" content (vicinal di- faster conversion of the diacetyl,
As a result of the formation of S0, by the yeast, ketones) should be less than 0.1 mgl I at the end faster reduction of other green beer aroma Special points to consider when fer- the flavour and £]avour stability of the beer are of mahua tion. A small amount is also removed substances and thus acceleration of mahuati- 4
menting and maturing in CCVs enhanced. S0, is formed as an intermediate during lage ring. Beer should contain less than Oil,

When fermenting and maturing in cylindroco- product of the synthesis of sulphur containing 0.10 m g of diacetyl I I. a greater risk of yeast autolysis,
nical tanks in less than three weeks, particular amino acids, but only produced towards the Deposited yeast should be removed from the a reduction of the soluble CO, content,
attention must be paid to a few points - especi- end of fermentation . S0, formation is however tank as soon as its consistency allows this. Au- an increased risk for the re-dissolution of ex-
ally since it is no longer possible to get any vi- at its greatest when aeration is at its lowest. At tolysed yeast spoils beer quality. creted components.
sual impression of how the fermentation is pro- an alcohol content of more than 1.5 %, aeration After maturation all beers should be cooled An increase in pressure during the fermenta-
ceeding during this time . should be stopped in the interest of S0, forma- to -1 to -2°C and kept for at least 7 days at this tion stage causes
First of all the nitrogen compound content of tion. It is therefore advantageous to reduce or temperature to achieve the required colloidal' a reduction in yeast propagation,
the wort, which has been established during stop aeration of the final brews, in order to stability. In general, cooling takes approx 70 a decrease in fermentation activity and thus a
mashing, is particularly important. Ideally, maintain fermentation activity as well as have a hours, providing no external cooler is used. longer fermentation phase,
wort should contain at least 23 mg FAN/lOO ml, beneficial effect on S0, formation and thus the Shorter lagering times and warmer lagering a decrease in the formation of fermentation
so that the proper yeast nutrition is ensured. flavour and ageing stability of the beer [288] . tempe ratures necessitate more expenditure on intermediate products,
The FAN content of all malt wort should not be High vitality yeast forms no SO,; the ability to stabilisation. a slower fall in pH value and a higher beer
less than 20 mg/lOO ml and when adjuncts are form S0, increases considerably only after a ye- The maximum fermentation temperature is pH,
used it should be at least 15 mg/lOO ml. ast cycle . To achieve a high S0, content in a lmder cold fermentation conditions a decrease in the bitter substance loss,
Wort aeration and yeast pitching rate are extre- good fermentation time, harvested yeast (60%) 10 to 12°C, in the maturation phase 1 to 2 °C a decrease in protein excretion,
mely important factors for a rapid, vigorous onset mixed with assimilation yeast (40%) should be higher, a decrease in hubulence as a result of reduced
of fermentation, as has been mentioned. A yeast used for pitching [285]. under warm fermentation conditions CO, release and
pitching rate of 30 million yeast cells per ml corre- Modern yeast management with an aerobic 14 to 16 °C, in the maturation phase 1 to 2 °C an increase in CO, content in the finished
sponds to about 1lih'e of thick yeast slurry per hI. yeast cycle provides yeasts in an optimal phy- higher. beer.
Aeration at intervals during the start phase siological condition. These yeasts have been Temperature and pressure are oppositely ac- An increase in bllllging pressure of 0.16 bar
guarantees the necessary supply of oxygen for supplied with sufficient oxygen during cultiva- ting controlling variables, which produce the balances out an increase in the average tempe-
the yeast propagation; constant aeration of 2 m 3 tion and can ferment in totally non-aerated following effects [311]: rature of 1 0c.
air/h during the start phase leads to excessive worts [319], thus avoiding the introduction of An increase in temperature during the fer- It should be pointed out here that green beer
and harmful oxidation of the beer [311] . The oxygen, which has a harmful effect on ageing mentation stage causes [303] should only be cooled by a maximum of 1 to
motto should not be: a lot helps a lot, but rather acceptability. In any case, aeration of the wort an increase in yeast propagation (higher ex- 1.5 °C/d during primary fermentation, otherwi-
aeration at intervals during the start phase. Par- should therefore only occur during the first tract loss), se there is the danger of a shock to the yeast,
ticular attention should furthermore be paid to brew or, alternatively all brews should be aera- an increase in fermentation activity (shorter which can result in a significant reduction in ye-
the fact that the yeast already passes from the ted more weakly. ferm entation phase), ast propagation and damage to the yeast batch.
logaritlU11ic phase to the delayed phase at alco- Yeast is sensitive to sudden temperature increased formation of higher alcohols, esters, In the extreme case fermentation can come to
hol concentrations of 0.7 - 0.8%, and at 1.5% to changes and shows signs of shock on sudden aldeh ydes and vicinal diketones, halt.
the stationary phase. As long as growth is ta- cooling, with adverse effects on fermentation higher OMS and lower H ,S concentrations, In addition, movement of the fermenting
king place, however, there is a requirement for and cell multiplication. During the initial and a faster fall in pH value and lower pH in the substrate can have an effect on fermentation:
air, even in small amOllllts. logarithmic phases rapid cooling must always beer, Increased movement during the fermentation
Oxygen is the most harmful factor for the fla- be avoided, and if topping up is done the added increased uptake of FAN from the wort, stage causes [303]
vour stability. Aeration is, however, believed to wort should be at the same temperature. an increase in the bitter substance loss, an increase in yeast propagation,


an increase in fermentation inten sity, If the two tank procedu re is used, matu ration the diace ty l con tent by a red cur-
an increased and fas ter fall in the pH va lue, (diace tyl removal) mu st be perform ed in the cy- ve,
a rise in the bitter substan ce loss, lind roconical fer men ta tion vessel to obtain Con- the ex tract content by a d as hed
more intensive p ro tein excretion, s tant beer qu ality. The cylindroco nicall agering green cur ve, and cu
a reducti on of the head retention, vessel should then onl y be used fo r cold lage- the pressure as a blu e chain dot- 'i5

increased formation of green beer arom a sub- ring for coll oid al stabilisa tion, clarifica tion and ted curve.
4 stances, tas te sm oothing . The S inside an arrow indica tes 4
increased formation of mature beer aroma Basically, the on e tank techniqu e p rovides when beer hosing occurs, and
substances and grea t ad van tages: the sma ll arrows sh ow when ye- , " c. x Ie) 12

a decrease in the free fatty acids . cleaning costs are less beca use only one vessel ast was remo ved . Approx 21 days
has to be cl ean ed,
Fig. 4.48
Increased movement during the maturation the CO, loss is smaller beca use one d oes not Cold fermentation - cold Cold j el'lllell ini ioll - cold IIIn l II rnlioll
stage cau ses tran sfer under pressure to an empty tank, ma turation
fas ter and more intensive secondary fe rmen - beer losses are less because there are no losses This process h as a lread y been
tation and fas ter final ferm entation, in pipes or wetting losses, described in relation to conventio-
mg l l

forcing of the m aturation reactions due to m o- less working time is needed because there is nal fermentation and m aturation . 12 1.2

re rapid breakd own processes, n o beer transfer, Pitching is performed at 6 to 7 °C


accelerated dis tribution of yeas t excre ti on energy costs are saved becau se the beer is not and the temperature all owed to

substances in the beer and pumped over, and rise to 8 to 9 °C (Fig. 4.48). After UA
an in creased risk of CO 2 losses . the risk of oxygen intake is avoided . about two d ays the highest tem-
A disad vantage is the worse vessel volume perature is reach ed and thi s is 2 '" (, 11 iO 11 1-1
Faster yeast sedimentation is prom oted by utilisation in the lagering stage because foa m
22 Days
maintained for about two d ays
head sp ace is n o longer requi red . TI1ere is no before slow cooling d own to 3 to
til til tH til
sudden and rapid cooling of the tank con- ftmd amental diffe rence in beer quality between 4 0c. The beer is then transfe rred Fig. 4.49
tents, the two processes. Basica lly every fermentation still containing residu al fermenta- Cold jel'lllell in i io ll w illi jorced lllnlll rn lioll i ll n CCII
rapid pressure increase at the end of the fe r- process can be performed as a on e tan k or two ble extrac t, the difference measu-
mentation phase to 0.8 - 1.0 bar and higher, tank p rocess. red by hydrometer from the a tte-
the application of a green beer sep arator, CO 2 recovery is always necessary or strongly IlUation limit being
the use of clarification aids (no lon ger in use advised for econom ic and en vironmental rea- in the case of open tank ferm en-
in Germany) and sons. Carbonation is only necessary with warm tation 1.1 to 1.3%, an d
use of yeast with a clearly flocculent charac- ma tura tion processes and low pressures. A coo- using a CCV 0.8 to a m aximum u.s

ter. ling system is absolutely essential for each tank. of 1.0%.

The fe rmentati on and maturation processes Then it is cooled to lagering
n ,.l

Ferm elltatioll procedllre for bottom fe rmentation beers can according to temperatu re so slowly that the ye-
, I
It is possible to perform fermentation and ma- Miedaner be divided into the foll owing tlU'ee 20 Days
ast can rem ove the diace tyl s till
turation in a CCV - on e tank process - groups: present to a level below the tl1l'es-
or to ferment in a cylindroconical fermentation cold fermentation - cold maturation hold val ue (0.1 m g/I). Th e beer is Fig. 4.50
vessel and perform cold lagering in a cylindro- cold fe rmentation - warm matura tion, and then lagered at -1 °C for at least Warlll j erlllellin i ioll w ilho lll pressll re - coldlllnlllrnlioll
conicallagering vessel - two tank process. wa rm fermentation - cold maturation . another week. A very long lage-
It is also possible to p erform the fermentation ring tim e of more than 5 weeks is not recom- beer with a yeasty taste,
in a cylindroconical vessel and p erfo rm the ma- In the diag ram s 4.48 to 4.53: mended. Lager cell ar processes mus t al ways be commen cement of yeas t autolysis with an in-
turation and lagering in conventionallagering the temperature p rogression is shown as a properly controlled . Failure to ensure this can crease in pH, and
tanks. bl ack curve, result in defects in the flavour, foam and stability.

504 505

A special process is transfer w ith krausen. 4.4.3 .4 Warm fermentation without pressure _ Cold fermentation-
By krausening is meant the addition of yOlUlg cold maturation warm maturation
beer in the state of low krausen (low foam stage) In the search for ways to accelerate fermentati- Warm fermentation always
when the attenuation is about 25%. Krausening on and maturation, use is made of the fact that produces a large amount of mg/l

is often performed to provide extrac t for secon- all fe rmentation and maturation processes pro- fer me ntation b y- produ c ts .
G,8 U
dary fermentation when there is not enough ex- ceed faster at hi gher tempera tures. With co ld ferm entation and Z.
4 h'act left in the beer - bu t this is only an emergen- Thus if pitching is performed at 8 °C and the warm maturation there is the (I.S 'D 4
cy measure which is not a subject for discussion temperature allowed to rise to 12 to 14 °C (Fig. advan tage that there is less by- \ . _- a
· - ·_ · - - - - Pu I-
here. Instead wh at is of interest here is that m any 4.50), mu ch more diacetyl is fo rmed but it is al- product formation and these Ortl 1J..t

breweries deliberately add krausen at transfer to so more rapidly and more completely removed. by-products can be eaSily re-
improve the foam and flavour. For this purpose Only after the diacetyl removal is the beer moved during warmer m atu- (, X
20 Days
the beer is almost completely fermented in a vi- coo led to the lagering temperature of -1 °C and ration (Fig. 4.52) .
gorous primary fermentation and this beer, wi th- the cold lageri n g phase is continued for a week. In the case of cold primary
out the now sufficiently sedimented primary fer- The process takes between 17 to 20 days and fermentation w ith integra ted Fig. 4.51: Pressllre/el'llleJI lnlioll
mentation yeast, is h'ansferred with about 10 to can also be performed in a conventional cellar. maturation, fermentation is
12 % krausen at about 5 0c. performed at 8 to 9 °C to a de-
Krausening produces high quality beer but The ad va ntages of the process are: gree of attenuation in fermen-
the primary fermentation yeast should be re- final attenuation is reached very quickly, tel' of abo ut 50 %, then cooling Cooling to
moved as completely as possible, otherwise it the diacetyl is rapidly and reliably removed, is switched off so that the tem-
spoils the beer. beer p rod uced in this way is of high quality, perature rises of its own ac-
and cord to 12 to 13 °C. After a ma- " '2 Cold fermentation with accelerated ma- the process h as also been used successftLl ly as turation phase with control of "'
turation in a CCV a pressure fermentation . the diace tyl removal, the beer
In this process pitching is performed at 6 to 7 °C is transferred and lagered cold 0.4

and the tempera hlre is again allowed to rise to Pressure fermentation for a week, or it is cooled in the
8 to 9 0c. But in this procedure thi s maximum If the temperatu re is allowed to rise even ILig- tank to -1 °C and lagered (one 1 -I (1 S 10 1_
20 Days
temperature is maintained and the beer is her, for instan ce above 20 °C, then n aturally tan k process) . With one bar 1" , 1
transferred to the cylindroconical tank at the sa- more fermentation b y- products are formed . overpressure it is possible to
me tempera ture (Fig . 4.49) . Durin g transfer Th is proceed s without res traint unless the for- obtain a CO2 content of 5.4 to Fig. 4.52: Cold /e rlllelliniioll - wnrllllllnlllrnlioll

about 10% of krausen (yolmg beer a t the low fo- mation of additional diacetyl and other by-pro- 5.6 gil without carbona tion.
am stage) is added to the green beer. As a result ducts is limited by pressure (Fig. 4.51). TILis as- nus process can also be performed in a con ven- with monitoring of the diacetyl removal. Th e
there is vigo rously ferm enting active yeast in su mes, of course, that pressure vessels are tiona I lager cellar. beer is then cooled to a lagering temprature of -
the beer, which further reduces the amolmt of available wlLich are authorised for use at the The total process takes about 20 days. 1 °C and stored cold for ano ther week.
diacetyl still present to below the tlU'eshold va- pressure required. It is advisable to remove the primary fer menta-
lue. Only then is it cooled to the lagering tempe- A t an attenuation of about 50 % the applied Cold primary fermentation with pro- tion yeast before fina l attenuation is reached, in
ra ture of -1 °C and kept at this tempera ture for pressure is raised to the calcul a ted d esired grammed maturation other words before the addition of krausen. For
a week. cOlm ter pressure. TlLis pressure is maintained The so-ca lled 9/20 procedure is considerably this purpose it is best to use a centrifu ge, but
When the final attenuation is reached, which lmtil the end of the maturation phase and then more complicated. Again the primary fennen- CO 2 must then be used to prevent access of air.
should b e as close as p ossible to the attenuati- red uced to the COlUlter pressure appropriate for tation occurs at 8 to 10 °C and proceeds to al- The process takes abou t 20 days and comprises
on limit, yeast mus t be removed every 2 to 4 the lagering temperature. After cooling on the most complete attenuation (Fig. 4.53). The the following special features:
days, the last removal naturally being before 9th or 10th day, a cold lagering phase at _1°C is YOlmg beer, with the addition of 10 % krausen, maturation is shortened to 2 to 3 days,
filtration. aga in employed for at least a week. is then hea ted by a pIa te hea t exch anger to 20°C the entire maturation and cold lagering phase
The production time is about 20 days. This process takes about 17 to 20 days. and held at this temperature for 1.5 to 2 days lasts 10 to 12 days,
Yeast cropping is an extreme ly important nan dissolve again and if they exceed the ta-
chapter for the brewer. Of particular interest ste threshold lead to turbidity and filtration
are: problems.
the time of yeast cropping, The yeast suffers from CO, partial pressure,
the method of yeast cropping. particularly in high tanks in the cone, which
also enriches this cell poison in the yeast cells. Time of yeast cropping The yeast cell withstands the pressure better 4
The yeas t should be collected as often and ear- than the CO,. The longer the yeast lies in the co-
ly as possible. There are severa l reasons for thi s: ne the more it is weakened, whereby the large
The yeast does not settle as desired. After the cell density in this region hardly h'ansfers any
turbulences of the main fermentation, increa- more nutrients. Particularly old yeast cells
sed cell concentrations occur on the surface (with several bud scars), as soon as their reser-
•III Fig. 4.53
Colrljennentntioll witll progmnllllerllllntu- up to the end of the maturation period, which ve substances are used up, start to metabolise
mtioll is caused by active yeast cells rising [178]. Du- their own cell components. This condition is
ring cold lagering there are also ebullitions of known as autolysis. In this process, imler secre-
yeas t clouds from the warm sediment in the tory enzymes dissolve the membranes in and
this results in a substantial increase in capacity. cone. Nevertheless, the main amount of yeast arOlmd the cell, and anlino acids, fatty acids
reliable yeast separation after maturation is
It is usually only sensible to perform warm gradually settles in the cone, whereby the and enzymes, particularly proteinase A, are ex-
fermentation together with krausening and use heig ht of the tank has a considerable effect on creted. The entire metabolism gets out of con-
of special maturation conditions . the sedimentation time. The yeast which has trol, resulting in the death of the yeast cell. The Warm primary fermentation with nor-
already settled should be removed as soon as substances released have a very negative effect
mal or forced maturation
4.4.4 Yeast cropping from the CCV possible. on the quality:
It has been shown above that it is possible to
During yeast cropping, the yeast, which is un- As the beer increasingly matures, the yeas t through the release of amino acids and pro-
shorten fermentation time considerably if the
der pressure, is firstly conveyed from the tank excretes above all low molecular weight pro- teolytic enzymes, the flavour and foam stabi-
temperature is increased. However, this also
cone to an expansion tank (Fig. 4.53a, 2). There teins which can no longer be absorbed; these lity are permanently damaged,
changes a number of things:
the yeast is still foaming heavily because the have a negative effect on head retention. the fatty acids released, particularly the lUlsa-
the amOlmt of fermentation by-products is
CO" which is poisonous to the yeast, is prompt- With increasing maturation and cold lagering turated acids, have a negative effect on the
ly released. At the sanle time the yeast is sup- of the beer, the yeast excretes a proteinase A flavour stability of the beer,
with increasing temperature the beer tends to
plied with oxygen for 2 to 3 hours. It is now [179], which leads to a considerable deterio- the substances which are excreted are a cultu-
develop yeasty-floral aroma notes,
possibJe to reuse the yeast directly for pitching, ration of the foam due to the breakdown of re medilU11 for possible contaminants in the
foam and colloidal stability are generally worse.
or alternatively to pitch it again following pos- foam positive substances in the beer. This is beer,
Advantages are:
sible treatment (3) and cold storage (4+5). of particular importance for beers where no the pH of the beer increases; this is an lmmi-
ferncentation time can be reduced to 4 days,
heat treatment occurs before filling and whe- stakable sign that autolysis has started.
re proteinase A passes into the finished beer. The number of dead cells, which can easily be
Yeast which is collected early has a lower pro- detected through methylene blue coloration
teinase excretion ability than yeast collected under a microscope, should be as small as pos-
later, and yeast in suspension has a lower abi- sible and on average about 1 to 2 %. If the pro-
Fig . 4.53n
Yenst cropping
lity than sedimented yeast. Hence better beer portion of dead cells continues to increase, the-
(1) CCV quality results from early yeast collection. re is the danger of an increasing number of
(2) Expnn sioll tnllk Yeast in a poor condition leads to autolysis autolysis products, particularly the foam im-
(3) Yenst sieve
products, which has a negative effect on the pairing proteinase A, passing into the beer.
(4) Yenst cooler
(5) Yenst collectioll tnllk further course of fermentation. The comple- A short consideration will show the amounts
(6) Surplu s Ilenst xes formed from protein, glycogen and man- we are dealing with: in a 1000 hI tank (with 2.51

thick mushy yeast/hI) 25 hI of yeast is coll ected. en ough fro m the sides and a flllu1el is forme d the aera tion or non-aeration of the yeast crop, The only factor which does not favom a low
If 3 % of this is dead, it represents no less than (b), through w hich beer will also be drawn and the tempe rature of the yeast storage, s torage temperature is that the yeast may tend
75 1itres of d ead yeast cells. One h as to imagine which can then only be removed again with dif- the method o f storage and towards shock excretion because of the negati-
what cell content subs tances these 75 litres ficulty. Since, however, the DN 80 or DN 100 pi- the monitoring of the yeas t crop. ve temperature difference, w here in particular
transfer into the beer and w hat qualitati ve da- pes which are usual for CCVs render slow re- amino acids and nucleotides are p assed into the
mage they can cause. moval impOSSible, it m akes sense to use an Aeration of the yeast crop wort, wi th only the former being taken up
4 The proportion of d ead yeas t cells is fre- intermediary reduction valve in order to gua- The yeast should be reused for repitching as aga in after a few h ours. 4
qu ently higher than thought (or hoped for) . rantee a LU1iform sliding of the yea st by slowing soon as possible. Aerating the yeast grea tly in- In the case of s hort term s torage, cooling
Monitoring the proportion of dead yeast cells down the contents being removed . creases its vitality. Before the dissolved air can should occur
should therefore be a fixed part of the procedu- The yeas t removal is supported by pass into the yeas t cell, the intracellu- at pitching tempera ture, but not higher than
re, even for small breweries. electri cally polished inner smfa ces in the co- lar CO 2 firstly has to be removed. This aerati on 8 °C,
All the reason s mentioned clea rly indicate ne, phase to remove the CO 2 and to s upply the ye- at 3 to 5 °c if storage is to take place over the
that the yeast should be removed as early as smaller ang les inside the cone (60 to 70°), and ast with oxygen takes two to three hours [1 76]. weekend.
possible. This should occur in several stages . pulsating con veyor pumps which transfer the The yeas t is then ready for repitching. Each d egree higher is bad for yeas t vitality!
vibrations to the yeast. Through aera tion the energy m etabolism in In the case of brewing breaks, storage should Methods of collecting yeast During fermentation and ma turation the the cell is changed over to res piration and lea ds occur at 0 to 1 °c and the yeast kept
The yeast is collected in the tank cone before the pressure exerted on the yeas t present in the to a large recovery of energy with a low brea k- in beer with some remaining extract or
beer is transferred. tank has to be balanced by an equal inner pres- down of reserve carbohydrates. If the yeas t is in beer with additional wort, but not under
From the cone the yeast can be sure (turgor) . In the case of a 10 m high beer co- not to be immediately used for repitching, it is wa ter.
collected by making use of the pressure of the lumn in the CCV, for example, the yeas t interior advisable to leave the yeast crop unaera ted so In the case of long breaks, the yeas t should be
coitUlU1 of beer above it, or is exposed to an inner overpressure of 1 bar. If as not to initiate the synthesizing and energetic pressed and stored at 0 to 1 dc.
additionally, an appropriate pump can be the yeast is then released into a pressmeless metabolic processes, sin ce s upply of oxygen
used to keep the volume flow constant. A container, the pressurised CO 2 in the yeas t cell leads to the immediate commencement of re- Method of storage of yeast crop
membrane, rotary piston or eccentric screw expands very suddenly. This represents a real spiration and m etabolic processes, but n ew Previously it was usual to wash the yeast, sieve
ptU11p is used, and nowa days also already stress situation for the yeast ce ll, which now has sources of energy (wort) are not provided [158). it and s tore it Lmder water. Sieving took place
cOlm ected to a turbidity indicator. to balance its high ilmer pressure again with its The yeast th en begins to increasingly break using a vibrating sieve (Fig. 4.54). This led to
new sUl'J'OtLl1d ings. The yeast foams in the sa me down the reserve substances available. The ye- trub particles being removed and the yeast
way as the yeas t beer surrounding it and forms ast then lacks this reserve potential at the begin- being finely di vided. The risk of contamination

... Fig.4.S3b
Yenst collectioll
a large am OtLl1t of relati vely stable foam (up to
50% h ead space sh ould be observed). This has
ning of fermentation . As a result it is in a consi-
derably worse condition, which is reflected in
associated with washing and sieving is, howe-
ver, very grea t, so that no wad ays sieving the ye-
I .• • • •. :
to be taken into acco unt when collecting the ye- the higher proportion of dead cells in the nex t ast is generally avoided.
(n) yens t slides IIlli-
:{j,:: JOJ'/lIly to th e bot-
ast, tLl1less the yeast is immedia tely ptU11ped in- population . This weakening of the cells should The same applies to storing the yeast LU1d er
« tom to a container with counter pressure and, be avoided. Aeration should therefore only oc- water, which used to be usual in large yeas t
v (b) jll II lIel jormntioll through the blowing in of sterile air, subject to cur on pitching of the yeas t. baths. The yeast is alkali zed by the wa ter. Os-
callsed by too rnpid aeration and CO2 washing out before the pres- motic processes mean that vitamins, minerals
removnl sure is exp anded. The removal of the CO, and Temperature of yeast storage and amino acids are given up which results in
the suppl y of oxygen are very important for the The longer the yeast has to be s tored, the lower the yeast being weakened. The yeast is therefo-
It is important here that the yeas t slid es down vitality of the yeast if it is to be immediately the storage temperature has to be. A sh ort and re stored in ferm ented beer residue. If the yeas t
slowly in the cone and that the horizontal mar- reused. cold storage is always the most suitable method is stored under water, then it should always be
ginal surface between the yeast and the beer is for storing yeas t. Even in the case of wa rm fe r- very cool and with a wort dosage, but w ithout
retained (Fig. 4.53b, a). If the yeas t is removed Treatment and storage of the yeast crop mentation and maturation, the yeas t retains its aeration . Since ace tic acid bacteria are still pre-
too quickly or if the angle of the cone is too flat, After collection the yeast has to be treated in a ferm enting proper ties if it has been stored cold sent, these reproduce on oxidation of the alco-
the yeast can no longer slide down quickly suitable manner and s tored. This includes: betvveen the generations [1 75J. hol available.

soup-like sed imentation of the yeas t, it sho uld enable extensive fermentation, temperature 0 to -1 °C (after a week of lage-
reduced flavour stabili ty as a result of a lack it should possess good sed imenta tion and cla- ring a t -1 to -2 °C),
1 of reductions, rifica tion abilities « 1 mio yeast cells a t the CO, content w ithout carbonation of a t least
filtration difficulties. filter inlet), 0.50 %,
The properties of the yeast a re the refore mo- it mus t enabl e 8 to 10 cultivations at full per- pH 4.2 to 4.4, maximum 4.6,
--- ------ nitored after every brew, in particular for form ance,
I ---US the presence of conta minants, which would
otherwise p ass from one brew to the next
its consis tency should be pulpy (1 - 3 billion
yeas t cells/ml),
yeas t concentration 1 - 2 million cells/ml, m ax.
5 million/ ml, 4
i" .\ \6 with increasing deterioration of the qua lity, it should be visually clean and not look dirty
diacetyl content ma x. 0.10 m g/l,
oxygen content 0 mg/l.
the number of dead yeas t cell s, which if pos- due to trub,
Fig. 4.54 sible sho uld n ot exceed 2 to 3% and lmder no with rega rd to sm ell and taste it mus t be of 4.4.6 Beer recovery from surplus yeast
Yenst sieve circumstances be more than 5%. Alower pro- proven quality for the type of beer to be pro-
(1) slIspellsioll, (2) oll t-oj-bnlnllce drive, (3) yenst ill let, (4)
(tank bottom beer, yeast beer)
sieved yenst, (5) wnste portion of dead yeas t cells indi ca tes a more duced. By tank bottoms is m eant the yeast remaining
vital yeast. Monitoring of the dead yeas t cells still usua l- in the lageri ng tank after drawing off the beer.
In order to judge the vitality of the yeas t, it is ly occurs by m eans of the m e thylene blue tes t. Naturally it s till contains beer (tank bottom
In some countries it is usual to add su Iphuric, therefore regularly monitored for Dead yeas t cells take up the dye whereas living beer, yeast beer). It can be assumed that 3 I of
phosphoric or citric acid to the yeast and there- the extract breakdown (.6 Ej urlit of time), ones do no t (see Sect. 4.1.8). harves ted yeas t + tank bottom beer is obtained
by reduce the pH to a value of 2.0 to 2.5 (taking the maturation time. The fac tors h aving the greatest effect on the per hi of beer, or expressed differently, the
up to 12 hours to become effective). The low pH Bottom fermenting yeas t is not culti va ted condition of the yeas t are summarised in Fig. amount of tank bottoms is 1.5 to 3% of the beer
means that the development of harmful conta- more than 5 or 6 times, sometimes no more than 4.54a. volume, of which 60 - 70% can be recovered.
minants is inhibited, whilst the yeast is resis tant once or twice. Of primary importance here is the quality of
to the low ph value. Nevertheless, the yeast is Top fermenting yeast is cultivated much mo- 4.4.5 Beer quality before filtration the yeast su spension attained for treatment.
weakened. re often: 5 to 15 times are u sual and there are After yeas t removal the beer is moved from the Over time a series of s tress factors and chemical
In such cases it is always preferable to bring top fermenting breweries whi ch u se their yeast lager tank to filtration. The beer at this stage factors lead to a deterioration of the physiologi-
in a new culture. for a yea r or longer without u sing a new culti- should be collOidally s table and should have cal condition of the yeast cells. The death of ye-
vation. When re-using yeast for the production the following properties: ast cells results in autolYSis and thus excretion Monitoring the yeast crop of wheat beer in a CCv, however, special atten-
It is in the interest of every brewery to obtain tion is required (see Sect. .
good yeast quality, particularly since many The yeast should be monitored for the pre-
technological and senso ry difficulties can be sence of bacteria after every brew. If the yeast is yeast cooling
traced back to poor condition of the yeast, such infected, the bacteria responsible for infection on cropping
as: pass from one brew to the next. Only extremely
sulphury yeasty first tas te, hygienic working methods can help avoid this.
poor head retention, Good pitching yeast should meet the follo-
broad and lasting bitte rness, wing requirements: good yeast quality
pH increase of the beer by 0.1 to 0.2, it must b e fre e from micro-organisms which
fermentation delays, could harm the beer, correct yeast short storage
increase in diacetyl values and poor reduction, the proportion of dead yeast cells must not times
stong presence of pests harmful to the beer re- exceed 2 - 3 %,
sulting from the weakened yeas t, it must have a good initial fermentation appropriate
increase in the numbe r of dea d yeast cells, speed, wort
a reduction in the flo cculation behaviour of it should ha ve fermented in 4 to 5 days apart Fig.4.54n
the yeast, from a residual extract of 0.1 to 0.3 %, Fnctors nf!ectillg tile cOllditioll of tile yenst
512 513

of cellular components, particularly the foam The yeast suspension (known in the case of ba-
impairing proteinase A, whereby the quality of king yeast as fermentation brew) is thereby pre-
the yeas t beer can be severely harmed. concentrated in jet separators and, in rotating va-
About 1 % of the total output can be recover- cuum filters, fo rmed into the concentrations
ed as tank bottom beer (yeast beer) from the se- required for sales and packaging. For the separa-
dimented yeast [54]. There are several ways of tion of beer yeast, plate separators are used (Fig.
4 accomplishing thi s: 4.55), sometimes separators with jets. The solid 4
sepa ration by means of sedimentation and fil- substance content of the thickened yeast is bet-
trati on, ween 15.5 and 20 % of the yeast dry matter. Sect.
separation by mean s of a separator, 3.4.8 provides details of the method of operation
Fig. 4.55n
sepa ration using a decanter, of plate separators. For optimal operations, the
High perforlllnllce decnllter CB
separation by means of cross flow m embrane concen h'ation of the inflowing yeas t suspension 506
separation process or sh ould not exceed 40 % (10 % of the yeast dry (WestIn/in, Oe/de)
the vibration-membrane p rocedure. matter). Plate sepmators ha ve up to a 90 % yield,
relating to the amOlmt of beer contained in the Separation by means of sedimentation yeast. Up to half a million yeas t cells/ml remain in
or filtration the sepma ted beer. The flow is 15 - 20 h1/h .
It is possible to separate the yeast by m ean s of
sedimentation and to draw off the clarifying Beer recovery using a decanter
beer above it. The procedure is very complica- A decanter removes the solid substan ce content
Fig. 4.55b
ted and is no lon ger used. The same applies to (the yeast) w ith the aid of a hori zontally moun- Sediknllter©
filter presses, which are now hardly ever used ted drum (Fig. 4.55a). The decan ter enables the (F/ottweg COillpnll!f, \li/sbibllrg)
for yeast beer recovery on qualitative and mi- flow of a much higher solid substance concen- (1) illJlOW, (2) dischmge oj pn-
ste-/ike yenst, (3) celltrifllgn/
crobiological grolmds. tration so that dilution is not necessary. The
discilnlge IIl1der presslIre
drum of the d ecanter has a diameter of 50 cm
and a revolution COlUlt of 3600 min" to 6000
min". The entry of oxygen is completely pre- and therefore unsatisfactory results me obtai- Membrane filtration of the yeast
vented by a hydro-herm etic seal. The tlu'ough- ned. bl the sed icanter (Fig. 4.55b) on the other With membrane filtration the s tream of liquid
flow is up to 40 hl/h, the solid subs tan ce con- hand, the solid matter at the largest diameter p asses over a membrane containin g fin e pores,
centration is 20 - 24 % and is thereby higher with the highest acceleration is enriched, con- allowing only the thin beer liquid to diffu se
than at separation. The construction of the de- centrated (represented in the diagram by the through a cera mic membrane, whilst the s tre-
canter enables continuous operation without colour ye llow) and continuously discharged as am of yeast continues to pass over it.
the use of manpower. required lmder pressure in p aste-like or crum- This type of filtration is called cross flow fil-
A further example of a decanter is the Sedi- bly form. The solid matter con tent of the yeast tration (see Sect. It does not require any
kanter© [260, 348] (Flottweg company, Vilsbi- cake is then 26 to 28 %, and the solid matter con- filter aid and is being used increasing ly for re-
burg). It is a high speed horizontal centrifuge tent of the recovered beer 0.1 to 0.3 % vol. The covery of beer from yeast. Preferably, ceramic
Fig. 4.55 with a centrifu gal speed of 6000 g. In a normal oxygen uptake is less than 0.05 ppm. It is n ot membranes (Fig. 4.90b) are used, w hich are re-
Seif-elllpt!fillg p/n te sepnrntorJor the recovery oJyenst beer decanter, which works with a sp eed of 4000 g, possible to recover m ore than 28 % solid matter sistant to acids such as caustic acid . The laid on
(WestJn/in, Oelde)
the yeast settles on the cylindrical drum wall content; even pressed yeas t still contains over separa ting layer has pores of about 0. 8 j-lm dia-
and is removed from the decanter by means of 70 % mois ture . meter and prevents yeast cells from passing in- Yeast separation a conveying screw via the dry region in the co- The sedicanter has a tlu'oughflow of 6 to 10 to the filtrate (Fig. 4.55c). The solid m atter con-
For many years separa tion of the yeast h as oc- nical drum area. The yeast cake, however, with h1/h (S3E) or 20 to 25 h1/h (S4E) using an electri- tent of the concentrated yeas t in the repeated
curred during the production of baking yeast. a solid ma tter content of 20 to 22 %, is very soft cal capacity of 20 or 30 kW. cycle is about 20 %.
514 515

body substances. As a res ult a nega ti ve effect on beer loss, conserve resources and reduce waste
Yeast concentrate - the beer quality due to tank bottom beer is lar- water costs. The precondition for this, however,
gely excluded . Yeast beer in which the proteina- is a high quality of the original beer.
se A has not been fully inactiva ted does consi-
derable harm to th e foan1 s tability of the Treatment of other process beers
blended beer. Other process beers, such as first, interm ediate
4 Owing to quality impairment concerns, ma- or last runnings, which form up to 6% of the fil- 4
Yeast ny breweries forego the recovery and reuse of tration batch, have to be separately trea ted. Sin-
Residual beer Fig.4.55c tank bottom beer. ce the alcohol content of these beers is Lmavoi-
Crossjlo1V-lIIicrofiltratioll for Technical equipment is necessmy for the re- dably reduced, there is an increasil1g risk of
batcil operatioll
(Filtm\', St. Gal/ell) covery of yeas t beer (Fig. 4.55d). contamination development. These beers
should therefore be mi xed into the ongoing do-
sage as quickly as possible. In the case of pro- Vibration micro-filtration (VMF) ken because it is very difficult to determine the cess beers where there is a risk of contaminati-
This procedme involves introducing the yeast degree of autolysis without precise examinati- on, adding them to the whirlpool is re-
to an oscillating membrane package, thereby on. Particularly harmful in this context is the re- commended .
filtering so gently that beer of reasonable quali- lease of proteinase A from the yeast undergoing
ty can be recovered from the surplus yeast autolysis, which has an especially foam impai- 4.4.7 CO 2 recovery
[328]. ring effect. In Sect. it was shown that during prima-
As soon as the pH rises above 4.5, the bacte- ry fermentation in a conventional fermentation Treatment of tank bottom beer (yeast ria of the megasphaera (see Sect. 7.4.2) can de- cellar, about 4 kg of CO2 is produced which cau-
beer) velop very well and cause biological problems ses a problem there, because CO, is a respirato-
The yeast beer is of lower quality than the beer [158]. ry poison which must be removed . On the other
from which it has been recovered: it has With an increasing proportion of dead yeast Fig. 4.55d hand, the brewery buys expensive CO 2 because
a higher pH value (5 to 6), cells the blocking tendency during filtration al- Diagralll silowillg yeast recovery [326 J it is needed for many processes, namely for
a darker colour, so increases; in the case of 15 to 20% dead yeast (1) (2) expallsioll tallk, (3) yenst sieve, (4) l/east coolel;
cells, such as occurs in yeast press beer, the fil- (5) tallk for slIrpllls yeast, (6) yeast - beer separatioll, (7) sllr-
a yeasty and sometimes even bitter kg CO,lhl
pillSyeast, (8) bllffer tank, (9) jlasil pnsteurisel; (10) yenst
a higher concentration of proteinase A, bitter terability greatly decreases. veer tallk Counter pressure on the lagering
substances, free amino N, medium chained It is necessary to only keep the yeast beer for tank and pressure to empty it 0.35-0.50
fatty acids, diacetyl, DMS and esters. a short time and at temperatures no higher than COLmter pressure on the pressure
The yeast beer which is recovered can cause o to 3°C. filter and pressure to empty it 0.40-0.50
great biological and flavour problems if it is not To prevent the flavour from being affected To achieve microbiological safety, recovered Pressure tank 0.30-0.50
treated immediately. The condition of yeast 50 g of active carbon and yeast beer has to be fla sh pasteurised with 40 to Counter pressure on the bottle filler
beer deteriorates very rapidly due to the effects 50 g of silicon gel 100 PU, which also s tops the proteinase A acti- without pre-evacuation 0.18-0.22
of time and temperature. are added per hi of tank bottom beer. vity. Counter pressure on the bottle filler
The pH of tank bottom beer is often well abo- The beer should then be filtered over kiesel- The yeast beer, together with the first and last with pre-evacuation 0.35-0.40
ve 5.0, because proteins, bitter substances and gulu and passed over a HTST pasteuriser to rWUlings and any other residual beer, repre- Keg pressure with COlmter filler 0.90-1.10
fatty acids are excreted by the autolysed yeast. inactivate the proteinase A [288]; then the now sents the largest proportion of the beer loss, Can filler 0.60-0.80
Medium chained fatty acids (particularly octa- germ-free tank bottom beer is fed up to 5% into which lmavoidably occurs and, with an alUlual Carbonation adjushl1ent 0.10-0.20
ne and decane acids) are autolysis products of the fermentation tank for the begimung of the volume of over 5% of the total output [310], has Full carbonation 0.50-0.70
the yeast, which even in small amOLmts can ha- main fermentation [383]. The yeast then greedi- a not inconsiderable effect on beer loss. By reu- Road tankers 0.30-0.50
ve a negative effect on the flavour and foam. In ly takes up the autolysis products dissolved in sing these process beers, as they are summarily Dispense 0.20-0.50
the case of tank bottoms, great care has to be ta- the yeast beer and converts them into its own known, the breweries are able minimise the Soft drink bottle filling 0.60-0.70

516 517

This is a large amount of CO, which is requi- in a large CO, gas container (2). This, naturally, is flUther remova l of still dissolved fore ign gas oc- yeas t at many locations in their pores. The yeast
red, but som e of the data given are alterna tives, fullest ea rly on Monday, and during the week its clll"S and with it, an increase in the degree of pu- settles on the support material but not every ye-
i.e. one replaces the other. By carbon ation (see gas content decreases. 1lle gas container is the rity to 99.998 vol. %. The liquid is then stored tem- ast strain is able, by secreting s ubstances en ab-
Sect. 4.7) is mea nt the addition of CO, to beer in necessary buffer for the collection of gas. In the porarily in a CO, storage tank (12) and for further ling it to adhere, to settle p erm anen tly. Howe-
order to reach the required CO, content. gas scrubber (3) the CO, is freed from water-solu- use can be extracted by means of an evaporator ver, once it has become immobilised (Fig. 4.58)
Altogether it can be calculated that about 1.8 ble impurities. A compressor (4) sucks in the gas (13) or pressure reduction station (14) . the yeast can function for a very long time w it-
4 to 2.0 kg of CO/hi of beer is required. and compresses it in two stages to the liquefying The stripper system, which can also be subse- hout having to be replaced. There is a constant 4
When ferm enting and maturing in a CCV the pressure of 18 to 22 bar. Because the gas becomes quently built into the plant, has the major ad- balance between the amOLUlt of yeast cell mate-
CO, occurs in a concentrated form and can easi- very hot as a resu It of this, it must be cooled again vantage that a final CO, purity level of 99.999 rial washed out with the medium and the new
ly be extracted and collected. Of course it can- in a cooler coupled to the compressor (5) and pre- vol. % (compared to 99.7% with s tandard sy- cells w hich grow on the ca rrier.
not be assumed that CO, will be collected wit- filtered. In the following drying towers (6) which stems) can be guaranteed. This high degree of
hout loss, but in practice it can be assumed that are used alternately, moisture still contained in purity is not snobbery, but gu arantees a consi-
about 2.0 kg of CO/hi of beer can be collected. the CO, is removed. Silicon gel and aluminiluu derably lower introdu ction of oxygen and aro-
This corresponds approximately to the brewe- oxide are the med ia mostly used for this. In the ma components caused by the CO, during im-
ry's own needs. following active carbon filters (7), which likewise pregnation and thus an improved beer quality.
Many breweries with CCVs have therefore are used alternately, undesirable aroma com- Standard Stripper system
converted to ensure that their own requirements pounds still present are absorbed. The gas is H,S 50 ppb 30 ppb
are met by their own CO, recovery plant. post-filtered (8) and the compressed CO, is con- OMS 50 ppb 30 ppb
A CO, recovery plant (Fig. 4.56) consists first of densed in the CO, liquefaction urilt (9) by a coo- 0 , concentration 50 ppb 5 ppb
a foam separa tor (1) in which the foam par ticles ling plant (10).
carried over are removed whilst the gas collects By means of a stripper (10) and reb oiler (11), the 4.4.8 Immobilised yeast
For a long time there has been a wish to make
yeast immovable (immobilised) by binding it to
a carrier. Use of immobili sed yeast is of very
great current interest to brewers. Fermentation
Fig. 4.57: "Sirall " particle
takes a very short tim e but the yeast can be used
(SEM pictllre Research celltre ]iilicll / Schall Ellgilleerillg,
for a long time. Thanks to the small size of the Ma illz)
Fig. 4.56
CO, recovery plallt
yeast colonies the whole process is greatly re-
(CEA Hllppll/allll, Kitzill- duced in size.
gell) A decisive factor is, first of all, the inunobili-
(1) foall/ separator
sation of the yeast on a macroporous carrie r
(2) gas cOlltailler
(3) gas sCJ'/Ibber
material. One suitable carrier is a macroporou s
(4) gas coli/pressor with sintered glass "Siran" (Schott Engineering,
cooler Mainz) . It is m anufactured by mixing powde-
(5) prefilter
red glass with salt and sintering it (by burning).
(6) nryer
.u_.....L:=._, ,_ . unit (7) active cm'boll filte r
After th at the solubl e salt is washed out so that
(8) post fil ter - depending on the amount of salt and grain si-
(9) liqllefactioll I1l1it ze - particles with very different pore volumes
(10) call/pressors
can be obtained. Fig. 4.57 shows such a spheri-
(11) reboiler
(12) CO, storage tallk
cal "Siran" particle w ith a diameter of 1 - 2 mm
and 60 - 300 pm pores. Fig. 4.58
(13) evaporator
1IIIIIIobilisen yeast cell all a Sirall pnrticle
(14) pressIlre renllclioll stati- When enlarged the pores appear highl y bran- (SEM pictllre Research eelltre ]iilicll / Scholl Ellgilleerillg,
all ched and they acco mm oda te the immobilised Maillz)


If necessary, h owever, it is also p oss ible to Substances are removed w hich would, ill the very good removal of yeas t and trub sed iment A distinction is thereby made b etween the
wash the yeast out of the carrier with suitable course of the next few weeks or m onths, them- before the s tart of fil tration fo llowillg sep ma tion mech anis ms (Fig. 4.59):
chemicals and to use the carrier again after ne u- selves precipitate an d m ake the beer turbid .
tralisa tion . The purpose of filtration is to make beer so sta- 4.5.1 Various filtration methods Sievillg or sill/ace filtratioll (a)
Immobilised yeasts are used at p resent pri- ble that no visible changes occur for a long time. Filtratio n is a p rocess in which the s till turbid The particles cannot p ass through the p ores ill
marily fo r the production of alcohol-free bee r To achieve good filtration, a number of fa c- beer (LUl filtered liqu id) is sep ara ted by a filter the filter medi um and are retail1ed ill a layer
4 (see Sect. tors sh ould be observed in malt and beer pro- mediulll illtO a clea r filtrate and a filtered resi-
du ction, the neglect of wh ich can lead to severe
w hich becomes contilluously thicker. The filtra- 4
However, for the fermentation or brea kdown due, or filter cake, which is left belund . tion becomes increasingly fille but the volume
of diace tyl, too, individual reactors are used, in problem s during filtration. According to the clarifica tion ta rge t one d iffe- fl owing through decreases continu ously.
which the Siran p articles enriched w ith imm o- rentiates between coa rse, fine and s terile filtra-
bilised yeast are s tored some metres high and Factors affectillg the filterability of beer tion w ith all the intermedia te stages. With in- Depth filtmtioll
a re slowly p enetra ted by the wort or beer. There are numerous factors w hich affec t the fil- creasing fineness of filtra tion, the flow rate of Increasingly, sep aration m edia are being used
In this way it is p ossible by h ea ting to greatl y terability of beer. A few of the most imp ortant the filter decreases (in hl/h x m 2 filter surface), w hi ch consis t of very porous m a teri als an d
shorten the brea kdow n of the ace tohydroxy ones are aga in m entioned here [380]: since fin er filtra tion inevitably requires sm aller w hich as a res ult of their ve ry large surface and
acid to di ace tyl (see Sect. which las ts a Malt quality pores. For the filtrati on a filter medium is there- labyrillthille s tructure compel the liquid to take
long time lU1der normal fermentation and ma- fine/coarse ex trac t differen ce < 2% fore required, the filtermg effect of wlu ch must, a very circuitous p ath.
turation conditions. No yeast is necessary fo r viscosity of the con gress wort 1.6 mPa' s in some cases, be supported by a filter aid . The particles are thereby h eld back by a me-
this. The breakdown of diace tyl to acetoill and Kolbach index 39 - 42% The drivillg force for this is always a pressu- chanica l sievillg effect because of their size.
butandiol, which ha ve a very hi gh flavour homogeneity (fri abilimeter value) > 80% re differen ce between the filter illiet and filter They g radually block the pores (b) and there-
thTeshold, can then occur very quickly. Brewhouse technology outlet. The pressure at the illlet side is always by decrease the flow ra te through the filter, or
With such a procedure (Alpha-Laval/Schott optimal malt commillution grea ter than the pressure at the outlet side. Th e fine particles are fi xed by adsorption (c). This
En gilleerillg), normally fermented wort is sepa- optimal breakd own of alpha and beta glucans grea ter the pressure differen ce the grea ter the ad sorption occurs beca use of differen ces ill
ra ted from the yeast by separation, the b eer sh ort p ro tein res t resistance with which the filter opposes filtrati- electrica l charges between the filter and the
h eated to 80 °C in a heat exchanger and the tem- prevention of too s trong lixiviation of the spent on. It rises greatly towards the end of filtration. material retained .
perature maintained for 10 mill. This results in grains
Sieving and adsorption effects are u sually
the breakdow n of acetohydroxy acid to diace- Separation mechanisms u sed in combinati on.
tyl. In the second region of the heat exchanger, Q uality of the casting wor t In the case of usual filtration the LUlIiltered beer In the case of crossflow filh'ation (Sect.,
the temperature is lowered again to about 15 °C viscosity < 1.65 mPa ' s is passed throu gh a filter medium, whereby the the lmfiltered beer flows past a filter membran e.
and the beer is now passed illtO a fi xed bed re- trub / solid substan ce content < 100 mg/l turbidity-causing p articles (yeast cells, turbid Whilst only pure beer diffuses tlu'ough tl1e fiJle
ac tor. In this reactor the beer slowly flow s from alpha glucan content < 100 mg/l particles) are filtered out (dead end filtration). p ores of tlle membrane, the beer wludl is emi-
the bottom to the top through a metre-thick lay- beta glu can content <200 mg/l
er of Siran with immobilised yeast, w hereby the pH valu e 5.2 - 5.45
diacetyl is completely broken d own. The beer is
collected ill buffering tanks and further proces-
coagulable nitrogen
Fermentation and mahlration
<30 mg/l
0 0 00 0
0 0
sed as usu al. mtensive pre-fermentation 0 0
0 0
L'>E, after 24h >1% 0 0
0 0 0

0 0
4.5 Beer filtration decrease ill pH valu e ill 24h > 0.4 pH wuts
0 0

A t the end of the maturation p rocess the beer is tempera hue man agement
oxygen-free, but up to 1 million yeas t cells and no tem peratu re shocks a b c
other turbidity-causillg particles per ml are s till clarification time at 0 to -2 °C > 5 days
Fig. 4.59
contained ill susp ension, which ha ve to be re- no introduction of oxygen after pre-fermentation
Fiitrntioll lIIedln ll isllls
moved without harmful oxygen h aving access addition of clarify ing agents
(1) slIlfnce jiitmlioll, (2) depth fiitmlioll (paJ·tides nre heM bnck lIIechnllicnffy), (3) depth jiilmtioll with ndsorptioll of the pnrti-
to the beer. silica sol (30%) 30 mg/hl cles

ched in turbidity-causing material flows off. This filtration, they regu larly have to be cleaned
process is repeated several times. using acids and other media; this presuppo_
ses that the membranes are very res istant. Filters The pores themselves are made by in corpora-
Filters include ting sa lts w hich are later dissolved out again to
Sieves of all kinds, e.g. metal sieves, slotted form pores.
4 sieves or parallel arrangements of wedge w i- Because of the different m anufacturing mate-
re in ca ndle filters. rials used, n owadays membranes with any de-
Metal or cloth tissues. Of these the metallic sired pore size (Fig. 4.60) can be made and they
ti ssues are eas ier to clean and sterili se, but can correspondingl y filter out materials of any
modern textile cloths, e.g. based on polypro- chosen molecular size [115].
pylene, are of almost eq ual va lue in m an y po- Because these filters contain very fine pores,
sitions (see m ash filter). They are, ho wever, one speaks of
not u sed for beer filtration because they can- microfilters when the flm range is concerned
not be sterilised so well and are unstable. (10 " to 10' pm) and of
Filter shee ts IT\ade of cellulose, cotton, kiesel- ultrafilters or nanofilters when the nm range
perlite, glass fibres or other materials is con cerned (10 " to 10 " pm).
(asbestos is no longer used, h owever, on he- Fig. 4.61 shows the size range of particles and
alth safety grOll11ds). Filter sheets are now pores which are d ealt w ith here. It mu st be re-
very widely used and are available for very membered that each Sect. covers a range only
different filtration cut-off limits right down one tenth that of the Sect. to its right. Thus the-
to sterile filtrati on. se membranes contain very fine pores.
Loosely packed beds, for example, sma ll peb- With the reduction in pore size, the pressure
ble filters for water filtration and layers of necessary to carry out filtration increases and
powdery filter aids used as "precoats" on fil- the flow throu gh is reduced (Fig. 4.61b). n) eel/Idose ester IIIelllvrnlle (x nvollt 10.0.0.), v) pol,/vi"yldifl"oride IIIelllvrnlle (x nvollt 100.0.), c) polyslllpllOlle IIIelllvrnlle (x
nvolltl DDD), d) polyslllpllOlle IIIelllvrnlle (x 10,0.0.0.)
ter sheets. (5EM pictllres; n + v 5cltellk Filterunll GlllvH, Wn ldstetlell, c + d Seilz-Filter- \-\'erke, Bnd Krellzllnclt)
Porous bodies such as sintered metals or me- Filter aids
tal frits as used for atomising air, and to an in- Filter aids are powdery substances, such as kie-
creasing extent selguhr or perlite, which are deposited on a fil-
Membranes. Nowadays these are mainly ma- ter (tissue or layer) and as a result of their sha-
de from polyethersulphone, but also from pe and arrangement make filtration possible. '-
100. ' . . .,
polyurethane, polyacrylate, polyamide, poly- Filter aids CaJU10t be used without a supporting .S:
ethylene, poly ca rbonate, cellulose acetate filter. Q.
<l 10
and other substances, such as a.-aluminium Filter aids in a brewery are Q)
oxide, in a specially processed form with a kieselguhr fo r the filtration of beer, and c::

pore size of 0.4 - 0.6 flm. The membranes are p erlite for the filtration of wort. 'Q
very thin (0.2 - 1.0 mm) and are therefore ap-
plied on large-p ored support layers, because Kieselguhr '"
they would otherwise tear. In place of mem- Kieselguhr is the term used for fossi ls of single-
branes, ceram ic materials are increasingl y celled algae (diatoms) containing silicon dioxi- 0.1
being used nowadays, particularly for yeast - de (SiO,), of which there are more than 15,000 0,00.0. 1 0.0.01 am 10 100.
Fig. 4.61
beer sep aration. Since the membranes beco- types in the sea. They must ha ve existed for mil- Pm·tic/e nlld filter pore size Particle / molecule size. Op in 11m
me more and more blocked with increasing lions of years in isolated seas or regions of the m"ges

Particle size Ions , ICfO - Macro - Small Calcilled gullI's of the nahlral guhr is converted to crystalline si-
[11 m] molecules molecules molecules particles To be ab le to produce filtrating guhr more licic acid. This results Ul gulu's which have been
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 100o quickly, the dried gu hr is heated to 800 °C. As a ignited with a flux additive ha ving a silicic acid
I Sand
result the surfaces of the gullr particles sinter content of up to 90 %.
Viruses Pollen
together and larger particles are formed . The Forms of crystalliJle silicic acid include in par-
Components Water-solutlle imler porous structure and its filtration activity ticular cristobalite, wh.ich is formed during the
Colloids Yeasts
are thereby retained. calcination process, quartz and h·idymite. The 4
4 potential risk lies in the ulhalation of cristobalite
Particle filtration
Gulfl's igllited witll a flux additive with the kieselgulU' dust. Contulued, lUlprotec-
I For the prod uction of guhrs for even quicker fil- ted inhalation of SUcil dust can cause pneumoco-
tration, 2-5 % sodiLU1l chloride or sodium carbo- niosis (silicosis). In addition to silicosis, the dust
nate as a flu x additive is added to the raw kie- can cause cancer and is therefore classified in
technique Ultrafiltration selgulU' Ul the rotatin g oven . This results in the Group 1 of "human carculogens". ln suspension,
I melting point of the silicon dioxide (of which however, cristobalite is not dangerous.
Nallofiltration the di atom s consis t) being reduced and the The content of cristobalite is lUlder 1 % in raw
1 guhr ignited for a long time at 800 to 900 °C. kieselguhr; however, it increases during calci-
Reverse The diatoms are thereby coated with a thUl gla- nation to 10 to 40% and when ignited with a
osmosis ze which seals most of the pores. This cemen- flu x additive, reaches values of 40 to 90 %.
ting together results in the formation of even In general, the filtration speed depends on
Rnllge of pm'fide size nll(i press llre differeJlces II sillg press llre drivell lIIelllbrnlle sepnrnfioll procedll res larger struchlres. Inorganic secondary substan- the fineness of the guhr.
ces, su ch as iron and aluminium oxide, are the- The fUler the guh r the better it clarifies, bu tat
reby conve rted to practically insoluble mixed the same time, the lower the filtration speed.
silicates, giving the coarse guhrs, which have Coarse guhrs, on the other hand, filter more
Dried glllll's been ignited with the flux additive, a whitish quickly but do not filter as completely.
sea in such quantities that their fossils in the
The raw material is broken up and dried in ro- appearance. These coarse guhrs are generally Throughput and degree of clarification con-
course of time covered the bottom of the sea in
tating ovens at 400°C. In this state the nahlral preferred for the precoa ting (Fig. 4.66). sequently are inversely related.
a very thick layer.
form of the diatom coat and its porosity are re- The most important property of kieselguhr is
As a result of movements of the earth's surfa-
tained, so that kieselguhr can be produced from its great porosity. As a result of this porosity
ce, kieselgulu' deposits several hlUldred metres
it, which offers the sharpest filtration (Fig. 4.65). and of the particular formation of the diatom
thick occur, such as that in Lompoc, Califor-
Nahll'al guhr generally contains less than 1 % shells, a very fine pore layered filter cake pro-
nia/USA. In the case of many deposits, howe-
crystalline silicic acid. duced from kieselguhr is formed, which ca n
ver, mining does not prove economically viab-
hold back turbidity-causing particles up to a si-
le. Mining occurs today in
ze of 0.1 111m.
Lompoc, California
The surface area of kieselguhr can be as much
Jalisko, Mexico
as 20 m 2/g. It thus has a far lower adsorption
Myvahl, Iceland
ability than kiesel gel s (400-700 m2/g).
Murat, France
It is, however, importan t that the guhr is free
Alicante, Spain
from all types of admixtures.
Arica, Chile and two works in China. Fig. 4.66: Conrse g llilr (ellint ged nbollf n WOO-fold)
An important feahlre for the economic use of
Mining takes place in surface mines using (SEM picfllre, Sd,et/k Filferbnll GlllbH, Wnldsfeflell)
kieselgulu' is the wet denSity. By this is meant
high performance diggers and huge lorries,
the volume which the guhr occupies under
which transport the material, sorted according
As a result of the calcination process at a high pressure. The wet density is quoted in gil. Kie-
to quality, to natural silos. Depending on their
Fig. 4.65: Fille g llllr (elllnrged nbollf n WOO-fold) temperahlre range, the amorphous silicic acid selguhrs with a wet density less than 300 gil are
processing there are three types of guhrs [160]:


most suitable for filtration. With higher wet

densities, for the same clarification and
throughput, one must expect to use more guhr
and to obtain a higher pressure increase.
Non-calcinated and calcinated gulu's have a
specific surface area of 12 to 40 m 2 /g and a wet
4 density of 270 to 380 gil. Calcinated gulu' has a
specific surface area of 2 to 5 m2/g and a wet den-
sity of 280 to 400 gil. Gulu- ignited with a flux ad-
ditive (coarse gulu') has a specific surface area of
1 to 3 m2/g and a wet density of 300 to 500 gil. Fig. 4.67
Kieselgulu- usage can vary between 80 to 200 Perlite (elliarged abollt WOO-fold)
g/hl and is usually about 150 to 180 g/hl. Kiesel- (SE1vl pictllre, Scllellk Filterbnll G//IbH, Wnldstettell)

guhr is not only very expensive, it also results

in costs for disposal of the kieselgulu' slurry For beer filtration nowadays almost only
(see Sect. 4.9.3). powder, sheet and membrane filters are used.
The mass filter which for decades was predomi- - - unfiltered beer
_ - - - filtered beer Perlite nantly used for beer filtration is scarcely ever
Perlite is a material of volcanic origin and consists used today. Fig. 4.68
principally of almninimTI silicate. Raw perlite is This type of filter, in which filtration is per- Beerflow throllgh a //Inss filter
heated to 800°C. The water contained in it ex- formed at right angles to the filter is referred to n) filter sectioll I, b) filt er sectioll II, 1) c1wllllel fo r IllIfiltered bw; 2) chnllllel for filtered bw; 3) distriblltioll opellillg, 4) distri-
blltioll grooves, 5) slIspeusioll, 6) filter //lass
pands and leads to swelling and bursting. The as a static filter or dead-end filter.
glassy sh'uctures produced are milled (Fig. 4.67).
This gives rise to a very light, loose powder Mass filters the filter must be reassembled. precoating of the filter layer and
which weighs 20 to 40 % less than kieselgulu-. At The mass filter is hardly any longer used. Ne- In addition there are a number of associated filtration.
low pH values perlite releases chalk and iron. vertheless, it must be briefly discussed here sin- tasks which in total require a special work force
Consequently it can only be used for wort filtra- ce it dominated beer filtration for decades. for a middle sized brewery. 4.5 .2.2.1 Precoating
tion since the pH is then still 5.4 to 5.5. In a mass filter the beer is passed through an The disad vantages of the mass filter are:
With perlite the filtration speed similarly de- approximately 6 cm thick filter mass (filter high manual cost for filter regeneration, Basic principle of precoating
pends on the type. mass cake) and thereby filtered (Fig. 4.68) . high energy requirements for the mass was- Kieselguhr filtration is performed using fine
The filter mass consists of cotton linters to hing, wire mesh, with a mesh gap of 70 to 100 pm, or
4.5.2 Structural forms of filters which 1 % asbestos was added to obtain a shar- large water requirement for the mass washing, other fine pore filters, which, however, all have
The following types of filter are used for filtra- per filtration . But even before the ban on asbe- too small filter surface and filter capacity. a much greater hole size than the 2 to 4 par-
tion in the brewery: stos usage the mass filter had disappeared from ticles of small diatoms. If the guhr was only do-
powder filters: the brewery because the amolmt of work it en- 4.5,2.2 Powder filters sed into the beer it would pass unhindered
sheet filters tailed, and consequently the costs, are very Powder filters are filters in which filtration is through the mesh and the beer would become
candle filters high: performed by a fil ter aid - usually kieselguhr or even more turbid than it was before.
screen fil ters after every filtration the filter must be lUlpac- perlite - which is coated onto the filter.
leaf filters ked, Precoating is necessary because the particles Initial coating and continuous do-
sheet filters the mass cake must be taken apart, washed of the filter aid used for continuous dosing are sing
chamber filters (e.g. mash filters) and sterilised, too small to be held back by the filter itself. Con- To obtain a perfect filtration effect a filter cake is
sectional filter presses (e.g. mass filters) and the filter mass must be pressed into a filter sequently with powder filters a distinction applied in three coating layers:
membrane filters mass cake, and must be made between Base, primary or precoat layer. Degassed wa-

tel' or filtered beer containing a con centrated occurs slowly al1d contin uously up to an ex- Ail: enters mainl y tlu'ou gh
Every introduction of oxygen into the beer
suspension of coarse guhr is circulated at an cess pressure of introduc tion of air locks from incompletely during filtration is even more damaging to the
overpressure of 2 to 3 bar through the filter. A - in the case of powder sh eet filters 2 to 5 deaera ted empty sp aces, beer than introduction before then . The follo-
pressure stable primary layer is thereby built al1d use of wa ter which is not deaerated, wing measures make it possible to obtain an
up w hich will prevent the finest filter aid - in the case of p owd er pressure filters 6 to 8 use of CO, already mixed with air, oxygen uptake of less than 0.01 mg Oi l beer du-
from entering the filtrate. This primary layer bar. hollow spaces in the kieselguhr i tself, and ring filtration:
4 forms the most important element for the The pressure difference should on average unsealed places.
avoidance of pulling in air when emptying 4
further building up of the cake and for filtra- increase at m ost 0.2 to 0.3 bar per h our (normal- Since every hundredth p ar t of a mg of Oi l the tank
tion itself. The pal'ticles of this primary layer ly filterable beer). The brewery decid es on the must be excluded, even the smalles t amounts of use of CO, as counterpressure gas
support each other and prevent each other com position of the guhr mixture on the basis of air play an important role. complete removal of air from all pipes and
from flowing an y further (Fig. 4.69) . For the experience. Normally the continuously dosed How much even a small introduction of air containers by oxygen-free water before be-
primary coating about 500 g/m2 is used; this mixture con sis ts of contributes will be made clear by the follow ing g ilming and during filtration, by continuous
is about 50% of that used in the total precoat 2/3 medium guhr and calculation. m onitoring of the air release valves
- approx 1.5 mm coating thickness. 1/3 fine guhr. Air con tains 23.01 % remova l of ai r pockets in the pipes
Second precoat or safety laye r. This ensures Kieselguhr usage during continuous dosing by weight oxygen = 20.93 vol % correct installation of pipes with air release
that even the first filtrate after precoa ting is between 60 al1d 120 g/h1 of beer. 1 m 3 of ai r weighs 1.29 kg valves
nms clear. This layer is again applied with 23.01 % of this amount is 0.297 kg = 300 g avoidance of cross-section cons trictions
degassed water or filtered beer, but approx At 1 bal' 1 m 3 of air contains 300 g 0 , use of sufficien tly lugh liquid pressure before
500 g/m2 of a finer more effective kieselguhr b) c) 11 of air contains 300 mg 0 , the filter pump to prevent CO, release and to
mixture (also approx 1.5 mm coa ting thick- At 0.5 bar overpressure = 1.5 a litre con- prevent air entry
ness) is used for it, so that the haze materials tains 300 x 1.5 = 450 mg 0 ,
use of inert gas (CO" N,) for COlmter pressure
are retained and blocking of the filter is pre-
and flu shu1g the pipe and container systems
vented. It is very importal1 t to h ave a comple- If this amount of air is mixed in then d eaera tion of the kieselguhr suspension in the
tely wufonn dis tribution of the precoat over 4501= 4.5 hI will contain 1.01 m g Oi l d osing vessel by gassing with CO,
the enti re filter surface . Thilmer regions or 4500 I = 45.5 hI will contain 0.10 mg Oi l n o inclusion of oxygen -rich fore and p os t
edges in the precoat cause unevenness in Fig. 4.69 45,000 h1 = 450.5 hi will contain 0.01 mg Oi l runs
Contillg willI kieselgllhr
flow and possibly also allow haze to p ass This example shows that even a small airlock,
(n) first preeont, (b) secollr! preeon t, (e) cOlltilll/ol/s r!osillg use of inflow discs and deflectors for the beer
thl'Ough . consisting of a litre of air, suffices to raise the entering the pressure tanks (bright beer
The total precoat contains about 1000 g/m2 oxygen content of a volume of beer of tlus size tanks) to avoid the fo rma tion of fountains
and is 2.5 to 3 nun tluck. The coa ting process ta- significan tl y. and of inflow eddies
kes about 10 to 15 min. Consequently d egassed, biolog ically clean counterpressure of the p ressure tank with pu-
Continuous dosing . This serves mainly to Oxygen during filtration water is used for precoa ting and CO, is used as reCO,
maintain the permeability of the precoat after In this first phase of filtration - the first and se- a counterpressure gas. It will be shown that it is
the chal1geover to filtration with a constal1t cond precoating and commencement of conti- a problem to keep the water and beer separate 4.5 . Dosing equipment
volume flowrate. The constant flowrate is ne- nuous dosing - the lmd esirable oxygen uptake without losses.
The addition of gul1l' with oxygen-free wa ter
cessary since w ith pressure surges or flow ir- and consequent reduction in quality is of parti- At the end of filtration, too, the residual beer for precoa ting or with beer for continuous do-
regularities the bridges formed on the sieve cular importance. remaining must be treated ca refully. Tlus also sing is p erformed in the dosing device (Fig.
or candles may be broken through and the At the end of fermentation and maturation relates to the treatment of the fore and post 4.70). The lise of beer presupposes a pressure
beer would nm turbid. This must be preven- the oxygen content has decreased to 0.0 to 0.01 rW1S. These cut-off batches are mos tly rich in vessel for the kieselguhr susp ension : the beer
ted in all circumstances. The muform flowra- mgOil. oxygen and thei r colloid al composition is n o must be directed into the dosing pump under
te, however, causes a continual increase in the It is possible, but very difficult, to maintain longer normal. It is therefore advantageous to pressure to prevent CO, discharge.
pressure difference between inflow and out- this value. But there is no longer any way of re- perform fi ltra tion without the fore and post The dosing equipment consists of a s torage
flow. It is desirable that tlus pressure increase moving any more oxygen which dissolves. runs and so n ot to use these fractions. container (1) in which a mechanically driven

528 529

stirrer (2) produ ces thorough mixing of the sus-

pension. Si nce a forceful flow of liqui d is n eces-
sa ry to apply the precoat, it is d elivered by a se-
pat'ate centrifugal pump (3). Th e continuous
dosing is later performed by a diaphragm do-
sing pump (4). The dosing equipment must ha-
4 ve a CO, spear for the gasing of the suspension 4
and be maintained at very low CO, overpressu-
re (a few wa ter COlllllli1).

Beer Fig. 4.71

Kieselgullr - Dosillg pllllip (diaphraglll pistoll plllll p)
PrecoaJing (1) IIlelllvralle, (2) piStOIl, (3) vnll vnllle (lIsllnlly vllilt ns a
dOli vie vnll llnllle), (4) silicolle oil

Fig. 4.73: Kieselglllir dosillg IIl1it (Cllt opell )

(1) dosillg vessel, (2) stirrer with drive IIlOtOI; (3) precoatillg
aring closes the exit whil st the lower ball be-
PIlIllP, (4) dosillg PIlIllP, (5) sigllt glass with j70w rate illdica-
aring is lifted and a new dose is sucked in. The tor
amplitude of the membrane movement
ch anges with the length of the piston stroke and Fig. 4.74
with it the amount of kieselguhr / beer mixture Plate and frame filters Sprayillg off the kieselgllhr contillg layer
Fig. 4.70 deli vered. This length of the piston stroke is ad- Plate an d fram e filters consis t of a fram e in
Dosillg eq lliplllellt (prill ciple) which alternating, usu ally square, frames and
(1) slorage cOlllaillel; (2) slirrer wilh drive 1110101; (3) rapid
justed by means of an adjusting screw (Fig.
coalillg plllllp for the precoat, (4) dosillg PIlIllP, (5) dosillg ad- 4.72). Because, on rota tion, the adjus tm ent plates are susp end ed. Filter sheets are hlU1g
jllstlllellt, (6) sllspeJIsioll lIIixillg, (7) sight glass with flow ra- screw moves backwards and forwards on the over the plates on both sid es and these form
te illdicator shaft, the setting of the continuous dosing can seals between the frames and the plates. The fil-
be directly read from the point of contact bet- ter sheets are made of cellulose and ion ex-
ween the adjustment screw and the shaft. change resin. They are stabilised by mass har-
The diaphragm dosing pump, w hich can be dening so that the sheets are washable and ca n
set very accurately, controls the guhr add ition therefore be used for a long time. After filtrati-
during continuous dosing. This is necessary be- on the kieselguhr is sprayed off and the filter
cause one wants to use as little kieselguhr as sheet can then be used again (Fig. 4. 74).
possible when filtering. The core element of the
diaphragm piston pump (Fig. 4.71) is a rubber Usillg {I pl{lte {Iud fm1l1e filter (Fig. 4.75)
Fig. 4.75: Plate alld f rallle f iltratioll (prillciple)
membrane (1) which is moved by the piston (2). A plate and frame filter consists of alternating (Exploded dingrOlIl )
Because the space is filled with silicone oil (4), frames (2) and plates (1). Because sheets are hung (1) plates with coa ted sheets IlIIlIg over thelll
Fig. 4. 72 so that they cover both sides of the plates (1), af- (2) frOi lles
which is not compressible, every movement of
Adjllstlllellt of dosillg (3) sllpply of II IIfiltered veer
the pis ton acts on the membrane. If the piston ter the filter is pressed together there are cavities
vy al terillg the pistall (4) fi ltrate Olltf/OW
moves to the right it forces the rubber membra- stroke in the frames to receive the kieselguhr coating (5) .
(5) kieselgllhr coatillg
ne to the right and the pressure produced forces The precoating and later the beer, continuously
the lower ball bearing agains t the seal whilst dosed by a dosing device in the m anner descri-
the upper ball b earing is lifted and the passage The dosing unit (Fig. 4.73) is a component of bed above, is plUnped into the frames from abo- Powder coated candle filters
for dosin g is opened. When the piston and every powder filter independently of whether ve and below and covers the filter sheets with Candle filters (Fig. 4.76) are cylindrica l, vertical
membran e move to the left the upper ball be- it is a sheet, ca ndle or disc filter. coatings which become increasingly thick. pressure containers (1) with conical bottoms.

Beneath the filter lid there are filter cand le p la- 35 mm in di ameter and 2 m long is 0.220 m 2 . The liquid in the filtration mut is circulated (c).
tes (3) from which the filter candles (2) are sus- Associated with the candle filter there are a Then filtration is begun. During this stage a
pended. nlUllber of other pipes, cOlUlections and control change is made from water to beer and the
The fi lter candles are the filter bases on which instruments. All the filter accessories of the filter unfiltered beer slowly displaces the water
the filter aid kieselguhr is coated. To make fil- are carefully constructed so that tmder no cir- upwards in the filter and is filtered through
tration possible a wedge wire is wOlllld radial- cumstan ces can even the smallest amOlUlt of oxy- the candles. The kieselguhr m ixture was pre-
4 ly with a fixed separation of 50 to SO on a gen be taken up at the begimling, during or after viously introduced into the dosing unit and 4
longitudinal section. filtration. This entails considerable expense. dosed into the beer by the dosing pump. It
The longihldinal section consists of wedge Sequence of operations during filtration and must be remarked that the boundary region
wire spirals or a cylindrical perforated sheet cleaning of the fi lter (Fig. 4.79 a to i): between water and beer, although small, is
(Figs.4.7S and 4.77). Tlu-ou ghout the length of Filling of the filter with water. Since this wa- not abrupt. There is thus a small amowlt of
ter later comes into contact with the beer, de- mixed liquid, the forerun (d) .
gassed water mllst be used. This water is Filtration now proceeds in the same way, and
pumped rotmd in a circuit (a). as a result of the kieselguhr dosed in, an in-
The first precoat is mixed into the water and creasingly thick layer forms arotmd the cand-
Fig. 4.77
Filter cnlldle coated on the filter cand le for about 10 min . Ie which filters increasingly finely but causes
(l) jilter wildie bot/alii Until a support layer has built up, the liquid the inflow pressure to rise continuously.
(2) I/Oled pipe containing the first part of the coating flows When the permissible highest pressure of 6 to
(3) wedge wire spirnl
turbid. Then the second precoat is applied si- S bar overpressure is reached the filtration
(4) screw wp
milarly (b). must be terminated (e).

1 2 1 2

Fig. 4.78
Filter cnlldle (sectioll)
(1) wedge wire spirnl, (2) spncer IIInde frolll wedge rods

9 10
the filter candle, which may be up to 2 m long,
there is a very narrow but very long gap. Becau-
se up to 700 candles may be arranged in the fil- 8 = = = = = = = = ===:: !J11

Fig. 4.76
ter a very large filtration surface is produced
w hich guarantees a high throughflow of the fil-
Cnlldle filt er (Cltt opell) ter, w hich also has no moving parts. Fig. 4.79
(1) filter cOlltnillel; (2) sllspmded f ilter cnlldles, (3) pellornted Operntioll seq"e" ce forfiltrntiollwith n Wildie filter
The filtration surface of a filter candle (1) filter colltnillel; (2) filt er cnlldles, (3) dosillg IIl1it, (4) IIl1f iltered beer sllpply pipe, (5) filtrntioll P"IllP, (6) precontillg P"IllP,
plnte to sllspelld the filter wlldles, (4) filt er lid, (5) IIl1filtered
beer sllpply pipe, (6) filtrnt e relllovnl pipe, (7) kieselgllhr sedi-
25 mm in diameter and 1.5 m long is O.l1S m 2, m dosillg PIllIlP, (8) filtrnte relllovnl pipe, (9) nir relllovnl f rolll the lid top, (10) nir relllovnl f rolll the filtel; (11 ) kieselgllhr sedi-
IIlellt relllovnl pipe, (8) nir relllovnl pipe 30 mm in diameter and 1.5 m long is 0.141 m2, //Iellt relllOvnl, (1 2) WII StiCcOlltnillel; (13) ncid cOlltnillel; (14) hentillg
532 533

4 4
Fig. 4.79 d)
Fig. 4.79 n) Begillll illg offi llra lioll
Slnrl Fi/lrnlioll is beg II II by dispineelllelli
Tlte filler is filled witll degnssed wn- of lite wnler bl, beel; provided tllnl
IeI' or fi llered beer nlld nil' is rell/O- beer wns 1/01 nlrendy II sed for II,e
ved. Tlt e liqllid is eirC/llnled. preconlillg.

y y
Fig. 4.79 e)
Fig. 4.79 b) Fi/lrnlioll
Preeonlillg Fi/lrnlioll of II,e beer willt colllillll-
y y
Applienlioll of lite preeonl fllld OilS (body feed) dosillg ofkieselgllitr.
snfely Inyer (firsl nlld seeolld preeo- rite press llre differCllee ill II,e f iller
nls). slowly illcrenses.

y y

Fig. 4.79 c) Fig. 4.79 j)

y Cirelliniioll £lId offillralioll
For enelt conlillg lite liqllid ill lite Filtrnlioll is elided by displncillg lite
plnlll is eirellinied for 10 10 15 II/ill. beer willt degnssed wnler.
534 535

Filtra tion is ended by displacing the beer out vertical flow is also ended. As a result more
of the filter from below with degassed water. small particles are coated onto the upper part of
Here, too, there is a s mall amOlmt of post run the candle than the lower part. This can lead to
which arises from the mixing of beer and wa- varyi ng filtrate quality.
ter (f) and h as to be collected separately. With the Twin-Flaw-System (TFS), Steinec-
The kieselguh r is removed as a paste or in ker, Freising [221], on the other h and, the en tire
4 fluid for m after the candles have been freed filter ke ttle is an unfiltered area (Fig. 4.79j). In 4
from the kieselguhr slurry by surges of com- place of the perforated plate there is a register
Fig. 4.79 g) pressed air (g) or a mi xture of water and com- piping w hich drains the filtrate from all the
SllIrry removnl pressed air. ca ndles . The surplus continues to run through,
Tile f ilter cake is blow II off by COli/ - Cleaning is then performed in the opposite is drained off as a bypass at the top and retur-
pressed air f rolll tile illside alld is re- direction, by mixing air into the water at in- ned to the unfiltered beer. With tradi tional
Illoved ns n slllrry. tervals. This results in vo rtex formation and candle filters the flow ends at the end plate, re-
leads to blasts of air in the candles and conse- sulting in the distribution of the precoated guhT
quently the candles are completely clean ed no t being quite uniform over the candle. In the
again from inside (h). case of the TFS filter the entire kettle is an lLllfil-
In the final s tage the filter and all pipes and tered area because the perforated plate is repla-
COlU1ections are sterilised again by acidified ced by a register and the tmfiltered beer can
hot wa ter and thus prepared for reuse (i). continue to flow tmhindered . As a result a mli-
The flow within the filter h as an effect on the form, gentle flow and filtration over the candle
sedimentation of the kieselguhr particles: large is gu aran teed . Due to the longer filter life cycles
particles settle m ore quickly than smaller ones. resulting from this, the operating costs can be
Within a traditiona l candle filter the flow velo- reduced [268].
city slows d own. Sin ce the flowing off of the fil- The name of the system arises from the twin-
Fig. 4.7911) trate ends at the perforated plate to suspend the fl ow principle: one inlet and two outlets which
C1enll illg filter candles (see Fig. 4.76 (3)), this means the can be regulated in relation to each other.
C1enllillg blj bnckwnsllillg sllppor-
led by nir press llre sllrges.

A 0=:) B

------1 ' Fig.4.79j

Twill-Flo w-System (TFS) III 1 I
y y (A) flo w ill n traditiollnl calldle
ji/lel; (8) flow ill n Twi ll -Flo w- I I I 1I
I rI r r
System (TFS)
Fig. 4.79 i) (1) l/l/filtered beel; (2) filtrate,
y (3) bypnss, (4) ill let disiriblllol;
Sterilisnlioll 4
(5) l/Ilf iltered nrea, (6) elld plale,
Tile elllire plnllt is sterilised by 1101 (7) fillrale aren, (8) register pi-
wnter. pillg
536 Powder coated screen disc filters kieselg uhr slurry disposal is b ecoming in- release of gas due to air pockets in the lan -
Coated screen filters consist of a vertical cylin- creasingly problematic. terns or filter,
der. A large number of circular filter elements Effor ts have therefore been made in recent ti- the flow velocity is too lugh or too low,
which perform the filtration are arranged on a mes to move towards kieselguhr-free filtration the precoat has not been applied muformly,
hollow shaft (Fig. 4.S0). The filter elements are (cross flow filtration, the use of regenerative fil- the shaft seal is defective or the cal1dles are
covered on the upper side with a wire mesh ter aid s). too loose,
4 made of chrome-nickel steel with a mesh size of In the case of Best Filh'ation System (BeFiS), the filter aid used is lU1suitable, 4
50 to SO The construction of the filter ele- kieselgulu- conslUl1ption is reduced by up to SO % biological mistakes have occurred,
ments, the resulting coating of the kieselguhr as a result of regenerating the filter aids used the beer is difficult to filter, or
and the flow of the beer are thereby of conside- (ZHF = centrifugal high-performance filter), procedural mistakes (e.g. introduction of 0 ,)
rable importance. where it is possible to choose between chemical, have occurred.
The operating sequence with screen disc fil- enzymic and combined regenerating variations.
ters is in principle the same as with candle fil- In the case of chemical cleaning of the used fil- Mistakes dllrillg precontillg
ters but the necessary uniform coating of all fil- ter aid, water, caustic soda al1d nitric acid are Precoating should result in the building up of a
ter elements is - as is the case with candle filters- used . Hot caustic soda at SO - 90 °C solubilises pressure resistal1t primary layer. A preconditi-
not easy to achieve and can lead to problems the yeast cells al1d organic components in 15 on is a well-balanced relation between coarse
(see following Sect.) . to 30 min; following neutralisation with nitric and fine guhr. For this, a first coating with
Some plants operate with two chalU1els in the acid, the delicate microstructures of the lde- about 70% total all10lmt of coarse guhl' is requi-
hollow shaft al1d distribute the precoat and bo- selguhr remain intact and the guhr can, after red. The second coating consists of fine gul1l' -
dy feed on each filter element so that the filter being rinsed in cold water, be used for further more or less that over wluch filtration is to oc-
cake builds up uniformly on every filter ele- filh·ation . cur. A second separate coating is, however, fre-
ment (Fig. 4.S1). In the case of enzymic clealung, a quently omitted - without being disadval1tage-
Below the bottom filter element a small resi- se compOlU1d and a protease compOlU1d are ous - and the precoat is prepared as a mixture
due remains which calU10t be filtered and has to used to dissolve the stored organic substal1- of coarse al1d fine guhr in one working proce-
Fig. 4.80
be treated separately. ces excluding the yeast. For this, the optimal dure . For the precoating, it Cal1 be asslU11ed that
Canted screell disc filter "Filterollmt "
(Filfro.\" COII/pnll!!, St.Gnllell) Extraction is performed by rotating the filter temperatures for the compounds the following amount wi]] be used:
elements, whereby the filter cake is spun se 62°C 30 min long, protease 55 °C 60 min SOO to 1200 g/m2
against the walls by centrifugal force al1d slides long) are circulated and the compOlU1ds inac- (= layer thickness 1.5 to 3 mm).
to the bottom in a paste-like form . For the follo- tivated for 30 min at S5 0c. At 2 bar, the circulating volumetric flow rate
wing cleaning, the shaft is rotated slowly whilst In the case of combined clealung, chemical should be 1.5 to 2 times the volumetric flow ra-
(I being thoroughly sprayed. cleaning with a low concentration is carried te of the filtrate.
For the further disposal of the used gulu-, it is out in the first stage. Enzymic cleaning then The application of the precoat takes about 10
of general concern to extract the guhr in a paste- occurs in the second stage. min. Too rapid filling or emptying can lead to
like form . The savings on kieselguhr using this proce- tears al1d vortexes, which can move the filter ca-
dure are up to SO%. Savings compared to con- ke to the side and result in the deterioration of
Best Filtratiol1 Systelll (BeFiS), Pall GlIlbH Seitz- ventional operations are said to be 20%. the filtration performance (Fig. 4.S2, a).
Filtration using kieselguhr is coming lU1der in- Filtration problems caused by the Mistnkes durillg cOlltilll/OIlS dosillg
creasing pressure because plant During filtration the pressure difference bet-
contact with dry kieselguhr is dangerous for Problems frequently occur with kieselguhr fil- ween the filter inlet and outlet becomes greater
Fig . 4.81 health, tration. Small mistakes can have major conse- and greater because the increasing layer thick-
Filter elell/ellt witii fwo ClInll/leis ill tlIe lIollow slmji, 71/pe
kieselguhr is only available in limited quences. Such problem sources during filtrati- ness creates a continuously increasing resi-
" PrilllllS"
amolu1ts, on can be [IS4]: stance.
(SclICllk Filterbnll COlllPall!!, Wnldsfettell)
538 539

Continuous dosing is mainly concerned with re (d > 85 DC, or preferably 90 to 95 DC at the out- diately leads to the kieselgLLhr particles beulg low Simu ltaneously, flow s thro ugh the filter
keeping the increase in this pressure difference as let). Measu ring of the te mperature is of p articu- torn and the beer ILllllli ng turbid. Th e plant shee t an d is led off aga in at the adjacent p late.
constant as possible at a value of 0.1 to 0.2 bar/h lar importance here. The temperature probes concept of the kieselguhr plan t is intended to Conseq uen tl y there is a fil ter shee t be tween
(in the case of kettle filters up to 0.5 bar/h). 1£ one must be regularl y checked for their accuracy of have a buffe r ta nk before an d after the filter, each pl ate and the nex t (Fig. 4.82b).
is working Witll mi xed gulu-s, the relation of the display. whereby p ressure sh ocks can be p revented These filter sh eets are therefore very impor-
guhl"s to one another can be varied . If only one On cooling, the pressure must be maintain ed (Fig. 4.82a, 2 + 5). Bu ffe r tan ks are only partly ta nt. They consist of cellulose and kieselguhr.
4 gulu' is being used, the only possible adjustment so that n o surrounding air and thus contami- filled fo r this and h ave a CO, gas buffer. A tur- 4
is by varying the size of the dosing. n ants can p ass into the beer due to the VaClll1l11 bid ity measurulg dev ice (8) sign als when the It is not only the ratio of the mixture which is
Kieselguhr usage during the entire filtration which occurs on cooling. turbidity value in creases. important, but also the fi bre stru cture of the
process is normally between It sho uld independ ently switch the plant wood fro m whi ch the cellulose was obtauled
80 and 120 g/h!. Treatment of the fore and post runs over to circulatory opera ti ons until the turbidi- plays a d ecisive role. A distulction mus t be m a-
Whilst the pressure difference normally increa- Fore and p ost runs contain oxygen, free wa ter ty value h as returned to normal. de between the filtration sh arpn ess of a layer
ses linearly by 0.2 bar/h (Fig. 4.82), in the case of and runaway beer. Fore and pos t runs are and the filtrate flo w rate. BaSically, the follo-
too Iow a dosage (b) it is not possible to embed highly susceptible to contamination, also be- Sheet filters (fra m e-typ e filte rs ) wing applies:
the yeast as an additional backing layer in the kie- cause of their high pH value. They should the- By sheet filters are meant filters which, in con- With ulcreasing filtration sharpness, the vo-
selgulu- mixture. It leads to an irreversible barrier refore be further processed as soon as p ossible. tras t to plate and fr ame filters, consis t only of lumetric flo w rate tlu-ough the filter medimn
layer which subsequently leads to considerably For this the beer sh ould, fr om the beguming, be plates. Filter sh eets, whi ch perform the filtrati- decreases.
increased rise in pressure (blockage). If a yeast brewed with an ex tract of 0.2 to 0.3 % higher, so on, are hun g between the plates . Beer is sup- Depending on the purpose for which tlley are
breaktlu'ough ill the form of a so-ca l!ed yeast sur- that even after d OSUlg the fore and post ILms, plied to every second plate from above and be- used, there a re filter sheets fo r
ge occurs, this may result in a more or less large the d esired concentration is guaranteed .
blockage (c). Too high a dosage can also lead to a Fore and post runs can be processed separa te-
flat filtration curve and to the premature exhaus- ly and be at least treated usmg the HTST pasteu- Fig. 4.82a
Kiesclgllhrfiller plal/t
tion of the trub space in the filter (d). riser (28 to 30 PE is necessary). Krausening and

(1) lageril/g ta/l k
fermentation Ul separate tanks is preferable. (2) bllffer tallk
Mistakes ill tlie sterilisntioll oftlie filter (3) dosil/g device
Too short sterilisation times lead to biological Kieselguhr filter plants (4) kieselgllhrfilter
(5) bllffer tnllk
problems. At least 30 min exp osure time is n e- Kieselguhr filtration presupposes a completely
(6) pressllre tal/k for fi ltered
cessary after obtaining the required temperatu- shock-free operation. Every shock effect UlUlle- beer y y
(7) fore al/d post ntl/ tal/k
(8) tllrbidity IIleasllrillg device
(9) cirwlatioll pipe

• Time • Time
Fig. 4.82
I d SOll rces of lIIis takes ill COlltill ll-
0 115 dosillg
(n) 1/01'11101pressl/re iI/crease
(b) dosage too low
(c) blockage dlle to yeast break-
• Time • Time throllgh
(d) dosage too high
540 541

rable amount of work is required, degrees of filt ration efficiency, and here too the
op eratin g cos ts are relatively high (fi lter sharper the filtration the lower the flow ra te.
sh eets, wa ter usage), A module filter consis ts of a large number of
the filter pac kage h as to be sterilised with hot modules arranged parallel to each other an d in-
water and then rinsed with cold water, sta ll ed in a special casing (Fig . 4.85).
the air must be di splaced, There are also fi lter m odules co ntaining
4 it cannot be automated and h as to be clean ed PVpp fo r simultaneous removal of p olyphe- 4
manually, and nols.
it is lU1able to cope w ith high solids concen-
trations and la rge numbers of germs in the 2 3
beer to be filtered .
Fig. 4.84
Structure of n filter module
(1) specinl filter slleet, (2) drniunge system, (3) module closure

Slleet f iller

Fig. 4.83
coarse filtration SUlfnce of n filter slleet
(SEld pictu re: Seitz-Filter-I"lerke, Bnd Kreuzuncll) Fig. 4.86
clarifying filh'ation
Cnrt ridge (co lldle) f ilter
polishing filtration and (Pho to: Seitz-Filter-Wake, Bnd KreuZllnc/l)
s terile filtration (EC filtration)
In breweries sheet filters are frequently in-
stalled for the finest (polishing) filtration after M embrane filters
Fig. 4.85
the kieselgulu- filter. In small breweries both fil- To ensure a germ-reducing and s terile filtrati- lvlodule filter willI n set offilter modules M embrane cartridge filters
ters - plate and fram e filter - are often found on, membran e filters are increasingly used no- (Photo: Seitz-Filter-Wa ke, Bnd KreJIZllncll) In membran e cartridge filters, the fi ltration is
combined in a single filter w ith a chan geover wadays. By this are meant filters in w hi ch the p erformed by candle-shaped ca rtridges, w hich
plate between them. Fig. 4.83 sh ows how the beer is p assed through very finely pored mem- are mostly arranged p arallel to each other in
las t yeas t cells are trapped in the complica ted branes, whereby it is ex ten sively freed from 111 i- one casing (Fig. 4.86) .
stru cture of this high p erformance sheet, thus cro-organi sms and turbidity-causing p articles. M odule filters The filter candles (Figs . 4.87 and 4.87a) usual-
ensuring a yeas t-free beer. The m embranes are ava ilable, amongst other Filter modul es (Fig. 4.84) are ro und rigid filter ly h ave several laye rs of filter s hee ts m ad e
However, it must not be overlooked that the forms, as elements up to 40 em in diameter w hich, by m e- ma inly of polyp ropylene with a co ntinuou s
sheet filter has a few substantial disad va ntages filter m odules (module filters), ans of an integral sp acer, allow flow out of a narrowing of the pore diameter fro m the outsi-
which limit its general applica tion: membran e candles (candle filters). cenh'al colLuml . Filtration is performed from the de to the in side and h ence have a la rge filtrati-
the sheets can only be back washed in the bre- The precond ition for successful membrane, outside to the inside. The filter sheet of the m o- on surface p roviding a frac tionated liquid re-
we ry, fine or polishing filtration is always a good pre- dule consists of cellulose with a kieselgulu' fil - tention techn ique. These can d les are therefore
the filter occupies a large sp ace and a con side- clarifica tion and clarifica tion of the beer. ling. There are filter sheets providing different known nowad ays as depth filter ca rtrid ges and

par tl y sterile filtra tion,

s te rile filtra tion .
3 - -lfrtl"*fftTl Every typ e of filter can be classified in on e of
these categories.

2.. -
4 , 4

Fig. 4.87
Fig. 4.88
M lilli-layer fill er
(1) 011 tel' pleatillg
Oeptll fi lter cartrid- with glass fivre 1-
ge with illcreasillg strellgthellillg
pore detl sitytownrds (2) comvilled depth
the illside alld memvralle Fig. 4.89
(Pall Fillra tiollstecll- fi lter Mu lti Micro-System-Filter
lI ik, Oreieich) (3) ill ller pleatillg (A. Halldtma ll ll, Biverach)
IIlemvralle fi lter (1) kieselguhrfiltel; (2) vllffer tallk, (3) Mlliti microfiltel;

0.65 11111 (4)fillillg Areas of filtra tion

Different requirem ents are m ad e regarding the
clarifica tion sharpness of the beer which is to be Multi Micl'O-System-Filter bottled. Whils t only a low clarification sharp-
The compan y HandtmalUl/Biberach have follo- ness is adequa te fo r some beers and the biologi-
wed a comple te ly di fferent p a th with the Multi cal stability is produced using thermal proce-
Micro-Sys tem-Filter. Corresponding to the flow dures, other beers are stabilised by m eans of
amount, a number of slightly conical filter bo- sterile filtra tion . It is LUlders tandable that the re
Filter ca lldles with dies are placed in the vertically standing filter therefore calUlot be a LUliform filtration system. Fig. 4.89a
pleated memvra lles (Fig . 4.89) . The filter bodies (Fig. 4.89a, 5) con- Companies which p ro duce filters therefore Filtralioll procedllre ill the Tv/lllli IIlicrofiller
to ill crease the fi ltra- (1) veer slIpply, (2) vase plate, (3) oll ifiow of filtered vw;
sis t of cellulose and kieselguhr and are pressed offer different filter m a terials in the form of
tioll slllfa ce (4) fil ter ollilel, (5) filter vody, (6) stailliess steel fi lter ele-
together to form a n a pprox 5 cm thick multi- sheets, candles or modules so that the required Illellt, (7) head plnte, (8) denerntioll
(Pall Fill ratiolls-
tecllllik, Oreieich) layered m ass which consists of filtration e ffect can be obtained . A basic rule is
a coarse inlet layer, (see also Fig. 4.61):
clarification laye rs which become finer, and 11le sh arper the degree of filtra tion, the sm al-
are used in slllaller and m edium-sized brewe- a coarse backin g layer a t the outlet for back- ler the flo w. 4.5 .2.7 Kieselguhr-free beer filtration
ries instead of sheet filters for post-filtra tion . washing . These filtration materials can be classified ac- Increasing efforts are being m ade to replace the
Instead of s tratification, folding o r plea ting of The beer filtered over the kieselguhr flows cording to sep ara tion sharpness into the follo- filtra tion of beer using kieselguhr by o ther pro-
the main filter sheets occurs in som e candles, centrally fro m below (1, red) into the filter and wing categories, whereby the companies produ- cedures . The reason lies no t o nly in the costs for
whereby the filter surface is further increased . into each fila ment, whe re it is filtered by one fil- cing these materials verify the m aterials with their the guhr itself, bu t also increasingly in the cos ts
It is even p ossible to arrange severa l fold ed ter bod y at a time and then flows off (3, yellow). company letters or combination of munbers: fo r the disposal of the used g uhr. In p articular,
(plea ted) layers of a filter candle on top of one Depending on the area of u sage, filter bodies coarse filt ra tion, howe ver, the du sty guhl' w ith its cristobalite
an o ther. The diameter of the "Jumbo" candle il- with va riou s separation sh arpness up to sterile clarifica tion filtra tion, s tructure, which is a crys talline modi fication of
lu strated (Fig. 4.88) is 26.5 cm. filtration are offered . fine filtration, silici um d ioxide, h as fOlUld itself in the m edical
544 545

.--- 5
Crossflow filtration 6
Dead-end filtration

Unfiltered beer

• • • • Retentate

°1 ... •• •
Fig. 4.90n
•• •
4 ............
• •
••••••••••••••• ••••
• •• .:• •• •••••••••
Coillllodllle: scilelllntic desigll
(1) uOlllldnry IIlelllurnlle
(2) feed spncer

t t t t t t t t
(3) lIIe1llUrnlle
(4) per1llente spncer
(5) lll1filtered liqllid
(6) perfornted col/ectillg pipe
Fillrate Permeate (7) per1llente
(8) reteIl tnte
Fig. 4.90
Oend-wd nlld crossJlow filtrntioll
dend-elld jiltrntioll
1 to 3111 in leng th, hundreds of which are blUld-
led in these modules. With pore widths of 0.4 to
0.8 pm - depending on the purpose of their ap-
line of fire: inhaled as dust, calcinated kiesel- stan ces being deposited on the membrane, thus plication - they ensure very good filtration.
guhr causes silicosis (see Sect. 4.9.3) and was increasingly hindering filtration. The unfiltered beer flow s along the llmer side
therefore classified as carcinogenic b y the Depending on the arran gement of the mem- of the membranes and is fed back again (reten-
WHO in 1997. branes, a distinction is made between flat and tate); part of the unfiltered beer runs throu gh
To filter beer without using kieselguhl', two tubular membranes. the membrane pores and is filtered (permea te),
lnethods are used nowadays: Flat membran es are predominantly coil mo- but at the same time, increasll1gly blocks the p o-
filter teclmology is used and instead of kiesel- dules (Fig. 4.90a), so called because of their de- res (Fig. 4.90b and 4.90d). The flu x (the flo w th-
gulu', another filter medium is used e.g. Cros- sign . The unfiltered liquid is introduced (1) and rough amo unt), which is ll1itially very high, is
spure (BASF, Ludwigshafen), or a specific filtered through a two-dimensionally coiled increasll1gly reduced by the dissolved and un-
membran e made from polyether sulfone or po- dissolved par ticles of the beer. Less and less Fig.4.90b
mixture (KHS, DorhmUld), or
Hnze-forlllillg sllustnllces deposited all tile Sill/nee of tile
the beer is filtered in crossflow tlu'ough fine- lyacrylonitrile (3), whereby a feed sp acer (2) en- flows tlU'ough w hils t the pressure required in-
pored membranes w hich h ave to meet strict sures sp atial difference. The (filtered) permeate creases. Before a blockage occurs and nothing (RElVl pilato, Scilellk Filterunll, Wnldstellell)
specifications (e.g. processes by Norit, Pall is collected from both sides of the permeate spa- more can flow through, filtration has to be in-
Corp., Alia-Laval-Sartorius). cer (4) and finally discharged via a perforated terrup ted and the membranes cleaned again
collecting pipe (6), so that at the end, the per- lIsing appropriate methods (backflash) before moved into the used yeast tank. This method
Cl'Ossflow lI1elllbmlle jiltmtioll process meate (7) and the retentate (8) can be drained the filtration process can restart. has the advantage that a higher concentration is
With the previously mentioned filtration pro- off separately. Such coil modules are frequently In the case of crossflow membrane filtration possible and the losses of the con cen trate are
cesses, the beer flows tlU'ou gh a filter m edium used for wa ter treatment. (eMF), there are two basic procedural methods: small. The method is suited for large batches
or filter aid and is thereby filtered (dead-end fil- Since only part of the liquid flows through batch method and but a larger working tank is required in this ca-
tration); in the case of crossflow membrane fil- the opening of the membrane, whilst a large continuous method. se. Since this concentrate can be diluted with
tration, the beer flows p as t a membrane (Fig. part is p assed along the membrane, a large With the batch method (Fig. 4.91), followin g degassed water, the beer losses are low and in
4.90), through which a considerable proportion membrane surface area is required . For this, re- crossflow filtration, a partial strea m which is ll1- the case of s trong dilution, can be reduced to
of the beer is diffused (permea te), whilst the re- sistant ceramic modules (Fig. 4.90c) are now creaslllgly enrich ed with yeast is fed back ll1tO virhlally zero.
mainder of the beer with the ha ze- formin g sub- used, as are spaghetti-like hollow fibres made the working tank, whereby an increasll1g con- In the case of the continuous method (Fig.
stances (retentate) flows on . This results in an from polyether sulfone (PES), polyacrylate or centration occurs. The concentrate collects in 4.91a), the increase in concentration occurs ex-
ever larger proportion of the haze-forming sub- other polymers of 50 to 200 pm in diameter and the cone of the tank and can be periodically re- clusively in the CMF plant, since no partial stre-

Circulating pipe

........ ..

Fig.4.90c 4
4 crossflow j iltm lioll II sillg Kern-
fl lI X Baldi TFF ele1l1ellis (TFF = '
lallgelliial flow jillm lioll )
(Pall SeilzSchcllk filter sysle1l1s, Fig. 4.91
Wa ldslellell) Crossflow balch process Permeate
(1) penlleale, (2) retell tale, (3) collcel/ lm- Concentrate
Ie, (4) cirCIIlatillg pipe

am can be fed b ack into the tank, bu t is imme- With the p rofession al system for kieselguhr-
Un/iltered !Jeer in/low Circulaling pipe Concentrate
diately re-circulated as retentate. An advantage free filh'ation developed by Pall Corp in co-ope-
of this is that it is possible to react quickly if the ration with Westfalia Sep arator Food Tec, the
beer type is changed and the p erformance re- lmfiltered beer from a buffer tank is initially LS
mains con starlt. A disadvantage is that it is not freed fr om 99.5% of yeast cells in a separa tor
possible to increase the concentration to more and all particles which are smaller than 1 j-l1TI
than 17 to 18% dry matter w ithout ad versely af- are also h ereby removed . For this a so-called
fecting the p erformance. The beer loss is there- hydrohermetic inflow is used, wh ereby due to Fig. 4.91a
an increase in volume at the inflow into the se- Crossflow cOll tillllOllS process
fore higher than with the batch method. (1) pel'llleate, (2) retclllale, (3) cOllcelltm- l
Both methods are used for kieselguhr-free fil- parator, the speed is not increased so suddenly, Ie, (4) circll lalillg pipe, (5) circII/alillg I Circulating pump I
tration. thus considerably redu cin g the effects of shear pll1l1p

forces. This is to ensure that all sensitive parti- p olyether sulphone. The modules are construc-
cles su ch as high molecular weight proteins and ted in su ch a way that there is a stable bonding
polyphenol complexes are re tained. During the of the hollow fibres at the top and bottom end
Waler Unfilered beer inflow into and outflow from the separator, a (Fig. 4.91c,I) . The discharge of the p ermea te oc-
! .: PaJlicIes (yeast cfils. coIkids) haze measurement is taken (normal: 10 EBC) curs through a lateral disch arge pipe.
;: 0 DissoWed SIlbsl2nces (e.g. proleins. po/jsacchaJk/es)
, . . and in the case of increased outflow haze, recir- Whilst a p art of the beer is pumped th rou gh
!,.i Cake Surface Pore Pore
culation occurs. The fl ow volume through the the fine p ores of the membran e (0.65 j-lm) lmder
fomlation absorplion narrowing
centrifu ge is adjusted to the fill level of the buf- overpressure with an overflow speed of 1.3 mis,
\i fer tank and thus to the flow through of the fil- the yeast cells (6 - 10 and other haze for-
trate. ming particles rem ain behind in the b eer flow
The beer filtration plant is constructed as a and are fed back into the retentate cycle using
MemlNane crossflow membran e filtr ation plant (CMF) the continuous CMF method, w hereby they in-
with modul es [273]. Each CMF block (Fig. creasingly accumulate on the membran es. Befo-
4.91b) consists of 24 modules with the appro- re the membrane becomes blocked - after about
Fig.4.90d priate control equipment. In the modules the 3 to 4 hours - the module is back-flushed, the-
Redllclioll oj per1l1eate flow by
1I1eallS oj sillface layerjol'lllati- beer flows throu gh the more than 2000 h ollow reby chan ging over to an o ther module so that a
Filtration duration
all {386] fibre membranes (Fig . 4.91c), which are made of continuous flow of beer is gu aranteed . To pre-

548 549

vent beer losses, a part of the unfiltered beer to 10 bar, nevertheless have to be replaced with 3 Th e unfiltered beer is con veyed from the
whkh is still in the plant can be passed via the new ones after approx 4000 hours of operatillg working tank (Fig. 4.91£) by mean s of an inflow
membrane to the filtrate side. Beer losses are ci- life due to increased blocking and ageing. pump and then pumped through the membra-
ted as being 0.4 % (beer in the concentrate du- If possible, a sterile filter (e.g. membrane car- ne fibres of the modules by a circulation pump.
ring continuous operation and beer on empty- tridge) should be fitted at the end of the combi- In the illu stration, the many membran e fibres of
ing before cleaning). nation. This results in high quality separation the modules are reduced to one for clarification
4 An important procedural step is the cleaning efficiency even for heavy loads [354]. purposes. The filtrate is filtered through the po- 4
of the sensitive membranes of all impurities to In the case of the beer membrane filtration res of the membrane and drained off, whilst the
again provide a free filtration area. Using cau- process (BMF) produced by Norit Process Tech- unfiltered which must be cooled, increa-
stic soda for this only achieves a good result in nology, Enschede, NL 274, a similar method is sing ly accumulates in the cycle; this leads to an
the short term and the membranes soon block used; however, a preceding separation of the increase in pressure.
up again. Better results are achieved with a lmfiltered beer is omitted. Using the eMF batch Membranes made from polyether sulphone
combination of an alkaline cleaning agent and method, the unfiltered beer is filtered through (PES) are extraordinarily resistant and durable.
hydrogen superoxide at temperatures of 80 °C. permanently hydrophile membrane modules If a membrane nevertheless breaks, it becomes
The membranes, which have a load capacity up made from polyether sulphone (PESU/PVP), noticeable in the haze measurement. In this ca-
2 se the module in question should be switched
off immediately and changed.
A filtration cycle takes about two hours, then
2 3 backwashing is necessary and a new cycle
3 s tarts. After approx five backwashes, the pres-

Fig. 4.91d sure on the separating membrane by the increa-
Melllbmlle f iifmtioll wit" sepa-
mtol; CM F block ami sterile fil - Modllie of lIIelllbmlle fiifmlio ll process, 2'" gellemtioll (Norif, sed clogging of the pores is so high that a gene-
tmtioll, Profi Systelll, Pall ami ElIsc"ede, N L)
(1) lll1filtered beer ill, (2) lll1filtered beer ali i, (3) fillered beer
ral cleaning is necessary (Fig. 4.91e). The flow
Westfalia Sepamtor Food Tee
ali i rate of the plant is specified at 120 h1/h (BMF
(1) "ig" pellorlllallce celltrijllge,
I (2) CM F block, (3) sterilefiifer 120), and beer loss at 0.2 to 0.4 %.
which are 1 m in length and have an llmer fibre The second generation III e lllbrl1l1e filtratiolJ
diameter of 1.5 mm with a pore size of max 0.5 m. plnl1ts (Norit Process Teclmology, Enschede) are
The filter surface is specified as 9.3 m 3 per mo- constructed for a considerably higher flow rate
dule. A filter block (BMF 120) has 12 modules of 220 to 250 h1/h and have 18 to 20 modLues
(Fig. 4.91d) and an hourly flow rate of 100 (to (skids) (Fig. 4.91dd). As a result of the new mo-
120) hI/h. dule design (Fig. 4.91d), the mechanical mem-

Hollow fibre IllOdllle
( 1) "allow fibre, w t opell (jll ller
dialll eler approx 1.S 111111)
(2 ) cross-Sect. of a "allow fibre Fig.4.91dd
lIIodllle Melllbmlle f iltmtioll plalll
I (3) "allow fibre lIIodllle, ellt opell
211d geJIcm tioll (Norif, Ell scllede,

rapid reaction of the system Since the Sartocon <il fi ltration cassettes of the
150 by sea ling off the module as size 210 x 175 mm h ave a compact design and
I Backnush I _ Flow - TMP

soon as a membrane breaks, to are supplied with 0.7 m 2 filter surface (10 hI
S 100
1 1,5 prevent haze formation in the
filtered beer, and
flow rate/day) (Fig. 4.91g1), the whole system is
integrated in a filtration block (Fig. 4.91g). The
3 e'" an op timal cleaning proce- plant is constructed for filtration flow rates bet-

4 ii: tl.
dure to enable the regenerati- ween 100 an d 500 hl/h. To increase the flow ra- 4
'" f--
on of all pores. te of the filter, the add ition upstream of a sepa-
u: 0,5 The AlfaBrigh t TM Beer Fil- rator is also envisaged with this method to
tra tion method (Alfa La val remove approx 99% of the yeast and haze com-
Corporate and Sartorius Food ponents beforehand. This makes filtration ea-
0 0
0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 & Beverage, Gottin gen) does sier but nevertheless entails considerable addi-
time[hr:m inJ not operate w ith hollow fibre Fig. 4.91g tional costs; if required, a sterile fil ter can also
membranes but carries out fil- Flow passage tlil'OlIgli filtmtioll block (Aifa-Laval, Glillrie) be subsequently added to the filter block (Fig.
Fig.4.91 e
Prill ciple of cleallillg pl'Ocess IIsillg BM F tration by means of specia l 4.91k).
(Noril , Ellsclierie, NL) Sartocon® filtration cassettes Future experience will generally determine
(Fig. 4.91g1), the membranes w hich processes prove to be better in practice
of which are also made of po- (batch or continuous, with or withou t a separa-
brane load is lower. Cleaning of the membranes Iyether sulph one (PES). The membranes have a tor).
is possible LIp to 80 °C. flat form but greater depth resultin g in greater
The core problems of working with hollow fi- stability (Fig. 4.91h). The flow direction of the
bre membranes are: filtrate is from top to bottom in the diagram; the
the lmiform width of the pores of 0.45 to 0.5 m, red arrow depicts the direction of flow during
to enable removal of all yeast cells and conta- cleaning (reverse feed and backflushing). The
minants, su rface of the membranes, with a pore size of
long stability of th e membranes agains t the 0.45 holds back all the yeas t cells and im-
constantly increasing pressure, purities (Fig. 4.91 i).
Sartocoll f iltmtioll cassette

Yeast cells all a filter IIICJllbrnlle
(Pliotos: Sartorills, Gottillgell)

CrossfiolU filtmtioll Fig.4.911i
cirClllatioll Sect. tlirollgli a JII eJllbmll e



Fig. 4.91k
Snrloj7ow crossj7ow filtrn lioll process-
elllire pinII I
(A lfn-Lnvnl!
Fig. 4.91111
KOlllelrollic filter
Filtmtioll methons IIsillg otller filter (lins tent, Crosspure has a good stabilisation effect as (1) IIl1fillered beer, (2) filtrnle, (3) filler
In addition to membrane filtration, there are al- well as good filtration properties. The Crosspu- elelllenl, (4) vnlves, cOlllrolled illdivi-
re usage for primary precoating is approx 2 dllnll!}
so attempts to replace kieselguhr with other re-
genera tive filtration materials, thereby m aking kg/m2, the operating consumption ranges bet- a b
use of alread y existing equipment, or develo- ween 50 and 300 g/hl. The waste volume of
ping new equipment. Crosspure is much higher than with kieselguhr.
Therefore the filter surface and the existing trub Fig. 4.910
Crosspllre Process, BASF, LlIdwigshl1fel1 volume both h ave to be checked and the batch KOllletrollic filtrnliol l process
adjusted, otherwise overloading of the filter can (n) seelioll , (b) detnil, (1) filter nid, (2)
Crosspure consists of 70% polys tyrol and 30 %
filtrate, (3) sepnrntillg plnle, (4) slotted
Divergan F (PVPP). As a result of the PVPP con- occur, leading to mechanical damage.
sieve j700r

KOMETrol1ic Process (KHS Dortll1ll17d) led by a central pipe. The ready-made filter aid
The KOMETronic process produced by KHS is mixed together in a separate precoa ting con-
Dortmund breaks completely new grOlUld ill tainer and lmiformly illld h omogenously fed
kieselgulu'-free filtration. In this case, not only through the central pipe onto the filter elemen ts
is the kieselguhr replaced by a cellulose and to a thickness of 30 mm. By means of a control
synthetic fibre based regenerative filter aid, but system, it is possible to targe t the filter elements
the conventional kieselguhr filter is also repla- individually, in groups or all at once. This pro-
ced by a filter with a completely different de- cess takes about 30 min.
sign - the Kometronic. During the subsequent filtration, the beer sa-
The Kometronic filter works on the basis of a turates the filter cake which has been formed
powder filter and therefore consists of a precoa- and is drained off laterally below the slotted
ting container illld the actual filter (Fig. 4.911). sieve floor as fibreless filtrate (Figs . 4.910, a+b).
The filter consists mainly of a number of filter As a result of the large and h omogenous thick-
elements arranged over each other (Fig. 4.91m) ness of the cake up to 30 mm, the filter is relati-
Fig. 4.91 1
which, depending on filter size, Cilll vary bet- vely insensitive to pressure surges. At 16 hI per
KOlllelrollic - elllire pln lll
(1) preconlillg collinillel; (2) filter ween 7 illld 38. These filter elements are controJ- m 2 of filter surface per hour, the s pecific flow

KOMETron;c - P KOMETron;c - ST KOMETron;c - 5 the beer for the duration of the sell by date (bes t The microbiological stability of beer is shorte-
7 2 3 before or maximum storage date) is very im- ned
portant. by unclean operations,
Beer can become spoilt and lU1pleasant very by overloading the beer filtration plant,
quickly. There are several reasons for this: by a large difference between attenuation li-
Any micro-organisms (contaminants) in the mit and final attenuation
4 beer can multiply, make the beer hazy and as (too short lagering or too green transfer), 4
a result of excreting metabolic products, ma- as a result of air introduction into the beer,
ke it unpleasant. particularly during filling,
Sterilised filtrntioll IIsillg KOJlletmllic In time colloids in the beer increase in size, for by warm storage,
(1) clenrfiltrntioll, (2) stnbilisntioll, (3) sterile filtrntioll various reasons, and make the beer hazy, and by continuous movement.
• with time the beer flavour becomes spoilt. Of these factors the brewer can have most in-
filtration stages, according to the different The brilliance of the beer is, along with its fla- fluence on cleanliness of the working operati-
rate of filtration is approx 11 times as great as
tasks. The Kometronic is fully automated and is vour and foam, an important evaluation factor ons. This must be a permanent operating prin-
that of a classical sheet filter.
At the begilming of filtration, a differential controlled from a central switch room. which every consumer can easily check without ciple. Micro-organisms can get into the beer
pressure of 0.1 to 0.2 bar is reached, which of The advantages of this process over kiesel- any aid within the sell by time. A beer drinker from the workforce staff and their clothing, or
course increases as filtration progresses. The fil- guhr filtration are: considers a visible haze in the beer to be a serio- they are not removed as a result of careless
ter cake remains in the filter up to a differential a reduction in the filtration costs of about 50% us quality defect. This can damage the image of work (slacking) . Consequently a summary is
pressure of about 2 bar, and then a regeneration through the beer and lead to a loss of customers. There- presented here of what a brewer must under-
with warm water (50°C) and sterilisation with the elimination of costs for the guhr and the fore everything must be done to ensure stabili- stand by "working under clean conditions" as
hot water (95 0c) takes place. If the differential introduction of a regenerative filter aid, ty throughout the sell by period. There are two far as the occurrence of biological ha zes is con-
pressure of 2 bar cannot be reduced due to in- a reduced usage of cleaning agents, and approaches to this, namely cerned:
creased coating of the filter cake - this point is lower perso1U1el requirements as a result of making the beer microbiologically stable, and Maintain personal cleanliness and order and
reached after about 100 filtration hours - the fil- computer controlled equipment; making the beer colloidally stable. look after personal hygiene; always wear clean
ter mass is regenerated within the filter using the elimination of kieselguhr, and thus As well as this, every effort must be made to working clothes.
hot caustic soda and then remixed in the adjoi- no health problems (cancer risk), maintain the flavour stability for as long as pos- Wear pull-on boots when cleaning fermenta-
ning precoating container. The discharge of the no hazardous waste (guhr sludge); sible. tion vessels and lager tanks and clean them af-
filter cake occurs by means of rotation of the fil- compact design, thus terwards; store cleaning equipment, such as
ter package and spray jets, which break up the only 10% of the filter surface of a sheet fil- 4.6.1 Microbiological stabilisation of beer scrubbers and brushes, clean in disinfectant so-
filter cake. This process can also be carried out ter is required, At the end of wort boiling the wort is sterile. lution and after use clean equipment again. Do
separately for individual filter elements or for very high specific filter surface load (16 Beer damaging micro-organisms can only get not use already used brushes; clean away me-
the whole package, and takes about 5 min. h1/m2h); into the beer as a result of lack of cleanliness. chanically all dirt and deposits from vessel
With the Kometronic process, it is possible computer controlled design, thus They multiply in beer and produce metabolic walls until they ca1U10t be seen. Watch out for
- according to requirements - to only pre-filter lower operating and maintenance costs, su- products which can make the beer completely small holes and tears.
the beer and/or to stabilise it, or to carry out fi- pervised filtration results. undrinkable . If care is not taken, and if scrupu- Remove, clean and disinfect all taps inclu-
nal filtration of the beer. If all tlu-ee steps are to 101lSly clean working conditions are not used, ding sampling taps, and smear them with sili-
be carried out with the Kometronic, it is neces- 4.6 Beer stabilisation haze and flavour changes can occur extremely cone grease.
sary to set up the three plants next to each other A pub or restaurant brewer who can immedia- rapidly - a few days after filling. In extreme ca- Brush and disinfect level gauges and pipes.
for the three filtration stages of increasing clari- tely serve his beer as fresh and lmfiltered as ses they can occur even during lagering. There- Follow cleaning and sterilising programmes
ty (Fig. 4.91p). It has already been mentioned possible in a jug need not worry about the sta- fore the following applies always and everyw- established for the brewery exactly.
that a separate precoating container is required bility of his beer. That is a great advantage. here in the brewery: Constantly examine cleaning and disinfecting
for each filter. Likewise, a different composition However, if the beer must be sold a long way The most important commandment in the bre- solutions for efficacy. Eliminate all possible
of the filter aid is required for each of the three away from where it is produced, the stability of wery is "meticulous cleanliness everywhere". sources of contamination.
556 557

If all brewery staff observe these require- In further research it was found that the time
ments, a great step will have been made to- necessary to kill the micro-organisms is shorte- 10

wards improving the microbiological stability ned exponentially when the temperature is in-
of beer. creased only slightly. Thus if beer is exposed to _ _ _::wI!!!!!7
Undesirable beer spoilage is caused in pmti- a higher temperature, the micro-organisms
cular by contained in it are killed in a shorter time. -- 7
4 wild yeasts, such as Saccharomyces diastati- 4
cus or Saccharomyces pastorianus, and beer Flash pasteurisation
spoilage bacteria, such as Pectil1atlls, Me- (also referred to as high-temperature
gasphaem, Lactobacilllls brevis, Lactobacilllls fri- short-time pas teurisation (HTST))
gidlls, Pediococclls dall1110SII S and others (see In flash pasteurisation the beer is heated by a 6
Sect. 7.42), which make the beer hazy and the plate heat exchanger to at leas t 68 to 72 °C and
metabolic products of which can make the held at this temperature for about 50 seconds.
beer lUlpleasant. Then it is cooled down again.
The places at which these foreign organisms Fig. 4.92
get into the beer must of course be discovered Flash pasteurisation equipment Flnsh pnslellrisnlioll plnlll
As a rule the beer is heated and cooled in plate (1) cold beer illflow, (2) wnnllillg of Ih e illflowillg nlld coolillg of Ihe ollifiowillg bw; (3) zOlle for henlillg 10
in order to determine the sites of contamination
pnslellrisnlioll lell/pemillre, (4) le1llpemillre IImilllellnll ce ZOI/e, (5) coolillg lofillillg le1llpemillre ZOlle,
and to take suitable COLU1termeasures. This di- heat exchangers which allow rapid heat ex- (6) olliflow of pnslellrised beer; (7) slen1ll illlel, (8) cOlldellsnle ollilel, (9) coolillg brille ill lei, (10) 1/01 wnler
scriminating control of the production process change. circllil
and of the microbiological stability of the beer In the plant (Fig. 4.92) the cold beer is wanned
constitutes the main task of microbiological up in a first section (2) of a heat exchanger, and that the pressure at the beer inflow side is If the temperature is increased to 61 °C the re-
production control (Sect. 7.3). brought to the pasteurisation temperature in a se- greater than that at the outflow side (Fig. 4.93). sult is
cond section (3), by accurately controlled hot wa- High pressure pumps for pressures up to 12 bar PE = time x 1.393(61 .6/JOC)
Since the beer must remain in perfect conditi- ter (10), and then maintained for the preset time are necessary for this. = time x 1.393(1) =
on at least lUltil its sell by date, all contaminants in a temperatme maintaining loop (4). This tem- = time x 1.393
which have passed into the beer must be remo- perature maintaining loop can take the form of a Temperature and duration of pasteu- If the temperature is increased to 62 °C the re-
ved or made harmless. For this the brewer has section of the plate heat exchanger but nowadays risation sult is
the following possibilities at his disposal: it is mostly a tubular temperature maintenance Much less time is needed to kill micro-organ- PE = time x 1.393(6'-60"C)
heat treatment by pasteurisation, device. Finally the beer is cooled down again to isms when the temperature is increased only = time x 1.393(')
heat treatment by flash pasteurisation filling temperature in the heat exchanger (2 + 5). slightly. = time x 1.940
(HTST), This cooling is nowadays always produced by and
hot filling of the beer, the cold beer fed in. By employing a large section This leads to a measmement wut for pasteu- for 64 °C: time x 1.393' = time x 3.76
cold sterile filtration and filling of the beer. 2, the cold beer flowing in at 0 °C can cool the out- risation, for 66 °C: time x 1.3936 = time x 7.30
flowing beer to about 3 to 4 °C and supply it to fil- the pasteurisation unit (PE). for 68 °C: time x 1.3938 = time x 14.18 Pasteurisation ling without any problem. One pasteurisation lUlit is a heat retention pe- for 70 °C: time x 1.393'°= time x 27.51
By pasteurisation is meant the killing of micro- The whole process lasts about 2 min and scar- riod of 1 min at 60 °C and one calculates that for 72 0C: time x 1.393 ' '= time x 53.40
organisms in aqueous solution by heating. The cely affects the beer quality. Because of the well- PE = time x 1.393 (temperature in the heater- For beer pasteurisation 14 to 15 PE are nee-
term goes back to Louis Pasteur who discover- designed exchange of heat between the beer 60 °C). ded. The fewer PE are used, the more the valu-
ed that it is possible to make liquids biological- flows up to 96 % of the energy used can be reco- TI1e term in brackets is an exponent (to the able properties of the beer are protected but the
ly stable by strong heating. Acidic liquids beco- vered again. The advantages of the process ha- power of). Thus when the temperature in the nearer the beer approaches the limit at which
me sterile at lower temperatures than neutral or ve contributed to its successful widespread use. heate r is 60 °C, the exponent is (60 - 60) = 0 and micro-organisms can still survive.
basic liquids (in the case of beer 10 to 20 min at It is important that the CO, saturation pressu- hence the result is 1 since every number to the The number of PE necessary depends above
60 to 62 °C). re is lower than the applied pressure at all times power 0 is always 1. all on the degree of contamination. The more
558 559

germs the beer contains, the higher the number mands on the cleanliness of the bottles and the Hot filling of beer and makes it smaller. The gas cu shion is there-
of PE required (mostly 22 to 27 PE). filling teclmique. Nevertheless, flash pasteuri- One p ossible way to avoid to a large extent the by compressed aJld the pressure in the bottle
Fig. 4.93 sho ws the number of pasteuri sation sation is nowadays the most common form of additional contamination of beer is to use hot fil- therefore increases. Only gases are compressed,
lmits required to kill various micro-organisms. s tabilising bottled and keg beer. ling of beer. However for tlus one must work however, not liquids. The gas cusluon therefore
If 15 PE is chosen as an example of what is n e- with very high pressures of 8 to 10 bar over pres- has aJl important p rotective flUlction.
cessary, the temperature must be maintained at Effect of flash pasteurisation on beer slU'e so that the CO, is not released. An advaJltage Th e sp ace in the bottle during pasteurisation
4 64 °C = 15 PE: 3.76 = 3.98 min quality is that the bottles do not have to be cooled after must not be less than 4% of the volume of the 4
66 °C = 15 PE: 7.30 = 2.06 min The widespread opinion exists that higher tem- cleaning but the disadvaJltages are velY grea t: bottle otherwise the pressure in the bottle CaJl
68 °C = 15 PE: 14.20 = 1.07 min = 64 s peratures during flash pasteurisation are syn- beer quality is decreased as a result of the he- ca use breakage.
70 °C = 15 PE: 27.50 = 0.545 min = 33 s onymous with grea ter harm to the beer fla vour. at acting fo r a long time, Because of increase in pressure the CO, sa tu-
72 °C = 15 PE: 53.40 = 0.28 min = 17 s 11us as such is not true. Comprehensive studies bottle breakage is very high because of the ration p ressure also increases aJld CO, from the
The exponential effect becom es very clea r [187] have shown that the temperature mainten- lugh pressure aJld the abrasion of the filling beer re-establishes the equilibrium in the head
with increasing temperature. ance period plays a disproportionately more im- machine, and space of the bottle.
A higher temperature means a shorter tempe- portant role. the process requires a lot of energy. In a tU!Ulel pasteuriser the bottles aJld cans
rature mainten ance period, but the temperatu- The prediction of the influence of pastemisation The process is no longer used for beer fillin g. and their contents are hea ted to the pasteurisa-
re must be maintained exactly. on beer quality caJmot be based on only one pa- tion tempera ture aJld then cooled again. The
The temperature regu lation mus t be mortito- such as PE for example, but a variety of Pasteurisation in a tunnel pasteuriser cons truction and operation of the tL1IUlel pa-
red very carefully and adjusted exactly to pre- factors must be considered. To have absolute security the beer must be pa- steuriser are described in Sect. 5.2.6. TLUmel p a-
vent qualitative damage. Apart from the composition of the beer, the steurised in the already filled b ottle or can in a s teurisers are nowadays employed almost only
Flash pastemisation, only guarantees most important factors include tLUmel pas teuriser. Since it takes the bottle or for pasteurisa tion of calm ed beer, malt beer,
the biological purity of the beer. According to the temperature maintenance period, can about an hour to pass through the pasteuri- malted drinks aJld alcohol-free beers.
present knowledge, however, 50% of all foreign the temperature observed during this period ser, the latter occupies by far the largest space in
organisms are introduced as secondary infecti- and the filling department. It is also the equipment Cold s terile filling of beer
ons dming beer filling, so that flash p as temisati- above all, the oxygen content of the beer. with th e highes t inves tment cost and the Tlrnnel pasteurisation and flash p as teurisa tion
on alone does not guarantee that the beer has un- The PE is a ya rdstick for the biological effect greatest energy requirement, which is about 14 are proven methods for biological s tabilisa tion
linlited biologically stability (see Sect. of flash pasteurisa tion but not for any possible to 24 MJ/hl or 70 to 120 MJ/1000 bottles. of beer. Despite the gentle treatment of the beer
Flash pasteurisa tion therefore places heavy de- product harm to the beer. Uruform heating of the beer in the bottles is - including during flash pasteurisation - the
not very easy, as everyone knows who wishes hea t treatment of the beer always invol ves a
to warm the contents of a bottle quickly. The h e- risk of chaJlging the beer constituents.
PE unil Exposure time (in minutes)
at exchaJlge occurs through the poorly conduc-
80 40 20 10 5 4 3 2 There is therefore an increasing effort to re-
ting glass wall aJld first warms the outer p art of m ove all micro-organisms from beer by a cold
0.25 the bottle contents whilst the imler part still re- process. EC sheets and membrane and module
mains cold . The required warming of the entire filters are available for su ch a filtration . It h as

10 bottle is not achieved lmtil the part remaining

cold longest, the cold core has been dealt with.
The cold core is about 1.5 cm above the bot-
been shown that by choice of suitable membra-
nes very sharp filtration can be obtained but the
flowtlu-ou gh rate is then very small aJld a very
tom of the middle of the base of the bottle. 11le large number of modules are required to achie-
pasteurisation tempera ture mus t therefore be ve a satisfactory tlu-oughput. Consequently the
checked at this point (see Fig. 5.55). process is very exp ensive. Every effort is there-
0.1.L..- L..-- -- - -- - - - -- -- -- - - -
56 58 60 62 64 G6 68 70 72 74 76 78 80
Tempera!UTe (in CC)
Du ring pasteurisation a somewhat higher fore made to operate economica lly.
M!ftrtlpll<50 • flJ'!1 tftl cca:rr.-'V:IS I pressure is produced in the bottle. Tlus occurs If it is intended to employ cold filtration, the

• /J....
ISnJ(I rWl ctIs'mI)

Pc;1·xc..-ws diT<1O<>..A Fig. 4.93
• JWl'S W5) I Pnsteurisntioll /llI its lIecessnrlj to kill differellt because on heating the beer eXPaJlds slightly. It entire production p rocess must be adapted for
lIIicro-orgmlisllls (nccordillg to Bnck) therefore rises into the sp ace filled with CO, this [109] . Tlus meaJ1S:
560 561

good filterability of the beer, fine filter with a pore size of about 5 Nature of colloidal hazes oxidation of the beer,
close supervision of any possible source of polishing filter with a pore size of about 1 Experilllen t: heavy m etal ions, in particular Cu and Fe
contamination, in particular including the and finally A bottle of beer is placed in ice water. After so- movement of the beer,
cOimections for CO" air, etc. a sterilising filter with a pore size of about me tUl1e it can be seen that the beer is slightly light.
the filler and closer must correspond to state 0.45 pm . hazy. The bottle is heated to 40 DC; it can then be The storage temperature has without doubt
of the art CIP cleaning techniques. The use of Figures 4.94a and 4.94b show examples of seen that the ha ze disappears . This experiment the greatest u1fluence on haze formation becau-
4 steam to sterilise packages and containers be- cold sterile beer filtration sllch as can be fOlmd is repeated a few times and it is finally observed se an increase in temperature increases the rate 4
fore filling can improve the preconditions. in breweries. that the ha ze does not disappear agau1 on war- of the reactions. From this it can be seen that pa-
About 50% of the contaminations detected mU1g bu t persists. steurisation accelerates colloidal haze formati-
can be traced back to infections after filtration This "forcu1g test", which the beer does not on.
[108] (see Sect. norma lly undergo, serves to defu1e the two ty- Oxidation also has a very great effect on ha ze
Biological security without pasteurisation is pes of colloidal haze - chill haze and permanent formation in beer. Extensive oxidation can in-
possible if ha ze. The forcing test makes it possible to deter- crease the rate of appearance of haze fivefold.
the filter is well-adjusted, 6 mine the expected shelf life of the beer U1 prac- Heavy metal ions greatly promote the forma-
good biological conditions exist ill. the w1filte- tical conditions. tion of colloidal haze. Movement of the beer ac-
red beer and filtrate areas, Chill ha ze is defined as colloidal ha ze which celerates haze formation because of the more
Cold sterile beerfiltrntiol/
the beer has a high umer stability, and (£.yalllple 2) appears in beer on cooling and dissolves again rapid coming together of the colloids, and light
• there is an efficient biological production con- (1) beerfrolll kieselglllzrfiltel; (2) cartridge filter as fil/e filter on warming. With time chill haze changes into encourages oxidation and consequently haze
(po re size 5 filii), (3) cartridge filter as polislzillg filter (pore perm anent haze which no longer dissolves. formation.
h'o!' size 1 filii), (4) IlIodlllefilter as sterilisillgfilter (pore size 0.5
There are many possible methods for cold filiI), (5) bl/ffer tal/k, (6) filler
sterile beer filtration . Usually three or four mo- Chilllw z e Of all these factors the effect of oxygen is par-
dule or cartridge filters with u1creasing filtrati- Because chill haze should be regarded as the ticular! y detrimental to colloidal stability. It is
on sharpness, and consequently decreasing With cold sterile fillu1g almost the same effect precursor of permanent haze it is of particular therefore advantageous always to prevent ac-
throughputs, are located after the kieselguhr is obtau1ed as with flash pasteurisation. It is ho- interest and importance to the brewer. It does cess of oxygen to beer.
filtration. For larger flow volumes, of course, wever important that the filling plant also meets not however occur if the beer w1dergoes quick
correspondu1gly more filters cOimected U1 par- all the requirements for cold sterile filling. freezing at the end of storage. PemUlllellt haze
allel are needed. Because cold sterile filling avoids the flavom The chill haze ill beer consists of a loose bon- Chill haze changes with time, lmder the influ-
The sequence of filters after the kieselguhr fil- damage associated with heat treatment, the ding of high molecular weight protein degradati- ence of the above-mentioned factors, into per-
ter is U1 general trend nowadays is towards cold sterile filling on products with highly condensed polyphenols. manent ha ze. Consequently both types of ha ze
(see Sect. In these loosely bOlmd aggregates small amOlmts have almost the same composition. The time
A disadvantage with this is a frequently ob- of carbohydrates and u10rganic material, particu- before the appearance of permanent ha ze can
served poor foam stability IU1ked with an LU1fa- larly heavy metal salts, are included. This loose vary enormously. In general it appears a few
vourable yeast physiology, because the yeast is broken again on warmu1g [59]. weeks after filling . Consequently permanent
proteinase A is still then present (see Sect. To lmderstand this haze formation it must be ha ze is important ill the case of beers with a . imagined that the dissolved colloidal particles long shelf life (6 months and longer). Therefore
contained in beer, as a result of their Brownian the measures to delay or prevent the appearan-
4.6.2 Colloidal stabilisation of beer motion, collide and u1creasingly form hydro- ce of colloidal hazes are important.
Even when beer is pasteurised it becomes hazy gen bonds between the particles. In the course The polyphenol flavan-3-ol (32 %), in parh1er-
Cold sterile beerfiltrntiol/
(£.yall/ple 1) with time. This hlrbidity is caused predomi- of time increasu1gly large aggregates come to- ship with proline (32 %), is considered to be the
(1) beerfrolll kieselglllzrfiltel; (2) iliad II Ie filter as fille filter I nantly by colloidally dissolved substances in gether until finally they are visible as haze. main haze forming substance. A previously un-
(pore size 10 11IlI), (3) lIIodl/le f ilter as fille filter II (pore size 5 the beer. To prevent its formation, the way in Haze formation is increased by the following derestimated effect of the alcohol content ill-
filii) , (4) cartridge filter as polislzizlgfilter (pore size 111111),
which it is formed must first be shldied in order factors: creases with decreasing concentration of fla-
(5) bllffer tallk, (6) cartridge filter as sterilisil/gfilter (pore si-
ze 0.45 filii), (7) filler to draw conclusions about how to prevent it. • increased temperature, van-3-01. Other factors are negligible [384].
562 563 Improving the colloidal stability of Technological measures for improving avoid contact with bare metal parts (except Silica gel preparations
beer colloidal s tability stainless s teel), Silica gel preparations are important stabilising
Principle of colloidal haze formation: Some of the possibilities can to a large extent be avoid any contact with air, this includes agents which bind haze-forming polypeptides
achieved by teclmological measures. Moreover, - avoid drawing in air, but ha ve littl e effect on foam pron1Oting sub-
Chill haze Permanent the use of stabilising agents is necessary to ob- _ avoid creating turbulence by reducin g stances. They are applied in amOLUlts of 50 to
haze tain good stability. speeds of movements, 150 g/hl and are put into the dosing d evice be-
4 com plex pro- The technological measures include: _ use degassed water for fore and post runs, fore filtration . 4
tein degrada- heat
.. Use malt from low nitrogen barley with a fine _ removal of air from the filter and dosing A distinction is made between
tion products oxygen
husk: protein content less than 11 %,
use anthocyanogen-free barleys, low oxalate
equipment and flu shing with CO"
- avoid any a ir pi ckup on the way to filling
hydrogels with a moisture content of 45 to 65 %,
loose degradation content, and beware of the smallest amounts, xerogels (dry gels) with a < 5% water content
heavy metals products long and cold germination, good corn modi-
- use only compl etely pure CO" beware of in-
troducing air.
(e.g. Stabifix).
The silica gels are prepared from sulphuric
complex movement
. complex intensive final kilning, acid and sodium silicate. As a result of agg rega-
polyphenols light
.. polyphenols residual alkalinity in the brewing liquor be-
low 5 °dH, Addition of stabilising agents
By observing the factors set out above, the for-
tion, both wide and narrow pore prepara tions
are made. The surface of very narrow pore gels
separate the husks during milling, mash in se- mation of colloidal haze can be substantially cannot be fully utilised and those with too wide
parately (Kubessa process), delayed but not prevented. Beers with a longer pores have too little adsorption capacity. Con-
From this it emerges that a colloidal haze can- no long protein rest, shelf life are therefore also stabilised. sequently silica gel preparations with a pore ra-
not be formed or can be formed only slowly if strive for a high attenuation limit, diu s between 3.0 and 3.5 pm are preferred .
either of the two components is completely or take care to obtain complete saccharification The main stabilising agents used at present are With these there is an optimum adsorption of
partially removed or the factors promoting the and iodine normality, kieselgel (silica gel) preparations and/or haze-forming polypeptides in beer.
conversion are largely excluded. not too ex tensive sparging of the spent grains polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). An important criterion for the applicability of
(polyphenols ), Both agents can be used together. the silica gel preparation is the particle size dis-
The following possibilities exist: long and intensive wort boiling, make sure In add ition, antioxidants can be used, so long tribution. The finer the particle size distribution
there is good protein precipitation (not more as the Reinheitsgebot does not need to be re- the faster the filter can block. Large particles (>
1. Prevent the formation of large amounts of than 2 mg coagulable N/lOO ml wort), spected. 40 pm) on the other hand have little effect.
complex protein degradation products du- control break formation,
ring beer production. acidification of the casting wort (pH 5.1 to
2. Remove some of the complex protein degra- 5.2),
dation products. hop addition not too early - malt polyphenols
3. Enzymically degrade the complex protein should react,
degradation products. keep oxygen away,
4. Partially remove polyphenols during beer complete separation of hot break, optimal
production. cold break removal,
5. Remove £lavan-3-01 from beer. intensive aeration of wort for rapid conunen-
6. Enzymically degrade the £lavan-3-01. cement of fermentation,
7. Store beer cold. cold and vigorous fermentation,
8. Remove and prevent access of oxygen. • promoting 502formation dming fermentati-
9. Keep heavy metals and their salts away from on
the beer. cold lagering phase of at least 7 days at
Fig. 4.95
10. Move the beer as little as possible. ·2 to 0 °C before filtration to precipitate chill Stl'llcture of PIIPP
11 . Protect from light during storage. haze particles, omuge: ndsorbed pilei/otic substnllces
564 565

Stabifix is a finely grOlmd silica xeroge l with PVPP-containing filter sheets Cilll be used for The second caustic wash is not as completely in side through the PVPP-containing filter
a water content of 5% and illl ilUler surface area stabilisation, or spent and it is used again the next time as the s heet, the polyphenols ill the beer react with the
of approx 400 m2/g. The pore volume is 1 to 1.2 PVPP stabilisation can be performed in a re- first wash. Nowadays attempts are made to free PVPP and precipitate on the surface. The filter
ml/g. The diameter of most of the pores is > 5 cycling process. the caustic from all admixtures by very fille fil- can therefore be rillsed, regenera ted and sterili-
lUll. Stabifix consists of many small particle si- The last is being used more illld more illld is tration and to use it again. sed up to 30 times. The t1uoughput is sa id to be
zes with a very close particle size distribution. described in the following. When using PVPP, 1 kg of PVPP is suspended on average 20 hl/m 2 filter surface.
4 Despite there being many small particles, very in 91 of wa ter. For each m 2of filter surface about This filtration, however, does not remove po- 4
good filterability occurs. Beer stabilisatioll by PVPP ill a recyclillg pro- 200 g of PVPP are required . In the cycle about lyphenols to the same extent throughout the
Silica hydrogels are produced in a similar cess 0.5 to 1 % of the PVPP is lost. process because the filtration capacity of the
way to xerogels but are not dried at the end of The equipment consists essentially of a coated Instead of addillg PVPP to the filter, in smal- module becomes exhausted. In this case blen-
the process. As a result there is no development screen filter with a dosing vessel illld pump ler plilllts PVPP-containing filter modules can ding and balancillg ill the pressure tilllk is ne-
of dust. Xerogels are used in the same way as (Fig. 4.96). also be used . On passing from the outside to the cessary.
hydrogels, however they do have some advan- At the begiluling of stabilisation the sterilisa-
tages. These include better stabilisation, a smal- tion water still present is displaced from above
ler amount is necessary, they have better clari- by CO 2 (1). The regenerated PVPP cakes stili on Fig. 4.96
Beer stnbilisntioll by PVPP IIsillg n recy-
fying properties and a higher biological the filter disc are slid off by rotating the filter as-
dillg process
stability, and their use is generally more econo- sembly and the PVPP is conveyed back to the
mica!. dosillg device (2). During rotation the filter is
rinsed and the residual PVPP pumped back to Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) the dosing device (3). The filter remains under
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is a compound si- CO, pressure. The filter is then filled with filte-
milar to proteill, which can billd polyphenols to red beer containing suspended PVPP which de-
it. PVP is, however, water soluble and therefore posits on the filter discs (4). Beer stabilisation is
not permitted as a stabilising agent. Only when then performed by flow through the PVPP du- (1)At the beginning of stabilisati-
three-dimensional cross-lillking in the form of ring continuous dosing (5). PVPP particles car- 011 the filter is filled with water.
polyvinlypolypyrrolidone (PVPP) (Fig. 4.95) ried off in the beer are removed in a small post The water is displaced from above
occurs does it become insoluble and can be filter known as a trap filter. At the end of stabi- by CO, nlld oxygen access is there-
used to bind polyphenols. PVPP is a powder in- lisation the residual beer is displaced by degas- by prevented.
soluble in all known solvents and in water it on- sed water (6). For regeneration the PVPP cake is
ly swells. first rinsed with warm water (7). Then 1 % sodi-
PVPP selectively removes all phenol-contai- um hydroxide at 85°C is pumped in for regene-
ning Substilllces. This selection depends on the ration illside the filter (8). The hot caustic is cir-
pH-sensitive formation of hydrogen bonds culated. Then the caustic is displaced agaill by
which are split again ill alkalille solution with hot water (9) . Finally acid is pumped in illld the
release of the adsorbed phenolic compounds. whole plilllt is sterilised cyclically.
This is the basis of the regeneration of PVPP Regeneration of PVPP with hot caustic is very y
which can be used repeatedly. In Germany a effective. Most polyphenols are already washed
maximum of 50 g PVPP/hl of beer may be used. out by the first caustic wash which consequent- (2) The regenerated PVPP cakes
Nowadays PVPP is used mostly ill combilla- ly becomes deep black and is discarded. Becau- still 011 the filter disc are slid off by
tion with a silica gel preparation, but it is often se of its colour, the caustic concentration and rotntillg the filter asselllbly and the
used by itself. For stabilisation temperature it CaIUlOt be added directly to the PVPP is conveyed back to the do-
the PVPP can be added by the dosing device, waste water but must first be diluted with other sing device by the addition of wa-
but then only once, or waste waters in a neutralisation tank. ter.
566 567

4 4

(3) Dllring rotation the filter is

rin sed alld the still relllaillillg
(6) Whell this process is finished
, y
PVpp is plllllped back to the do- the residllal beer is displaced by
sing device. The filter rellwillS degassed water and the filtrntion
IIlIder CO, press llre. thereby ended.

(4) The filter is thell filled with al-

ready filtered beer and dllrillg this
PVPP frolll the dosing device is
(7) Regenerntion is beg lln by rin-
distribllted alld deposited all the
jilter discs. Following filling, the sillg the PVPP cake with warll1
water at 45°C.
beer is circlliated (= precoating).

(8) The PVPP is regenernted with

wal'lll to hot 1 % sodhI/II hydroxi-
(5) The beer is stabilised by fhe de. The enllstic is thereby introdll-
PVPP bll t there is no actllal jiitrn- ced to the cycle. Beenllse of its re- " >
tion . PVPP particles en/Tied off action with the dissolved alit
by the beer are rell10ved ill a sl/lall polyphenols, the enllstic tlll'l1S
down streall1 post filter. black ill colollr.
568 569

comp letely removed again from the beer, mea- prod uced at the mixing point, the qual ity para-
ning that its use is also in accordance wi th the meters of which can be adjusted according to
Rei.nhei tsgebot. the requirements of the brewery.
It is, however, necessary to ascertain an opti-
mal dosage by prior experimentation. This is
necessa ry both for the desired effect and in or-
4 y der to reduce costs. 4
5 3
Stllbilisntioll IIsillg CSS
The CSS method (Combined Stabiliza tion Sy-
(9) For Ileutraiisiltioll 0.1 to 0.2 % stem) by the Handtmann compa ny, Biberach, -J.--
HN0 3 Ilcidified wilter Ilt 40 to basically consists of an adsorber constructed
50 °C is pUlI/ped illlllld filllllly the 7 8 I
from polysaccharide agarose and the disaccha- I
filter is sterilised cycliclllly. I· I' I
ride residues ga lac tose and 3,6-anhydrogen lac- I ' I
· I I
tose, w hich, by means of a special procedure, I'
· I I
i L._(fO i
has tmdergone an intense cross-linkage with an 9
I Addition of antioxidants extremely stable, insoluble matrix with a parti- i
As is described in the following Section, beer The use of antioxidants is not permitted un- cle size of 100 to 300 pm. Proteins with a mole- i
flavour changes after filling as a result of an in- der the German Reinheitsgebot. cule size between 30 and 40 kDa are bound by
8 2
crease in the amount of carbonyl compounds the adsorber, whilst foam positive proteins are
which is promoted in particular by oxidation. Addition of silica sol preparations not removed. Polyphenols are removed to a les-
Fig. 4.96n
By the addition of substances which act against Silica sols are colloid solutions of silicic acid ser extent than with PVPP stabilisation, hovve- CSS beer stnbilisntioll systell/
the oxidation (antioxidants), this process can be (SiO,) in water. The stab le silica sols contain tm- ver it is mainly hi gh molecular weight polyphe- (1) beerfroll/ the kieselgllhrfilter
crosslinked, spherical particles,S to 150 nm i.n 1101s, which are largely responsible for haze (2) defilled nllIOl/llt of beer to the CSS filte r
very greatly retarded.
(3) stnbilised beer
Sulphur dioxide hinders the oxidation to size, of pure amorphic silicic acid. These parti- formation, which are removed . The adsorption
(4) II//iforll/ly stnbilised beer
form carbonyls and therefore greatly delays fla- cles have no imler porosity and have a negative of the proteins and polyphenols is reversible; (5) defilled nlllOllllt of II//stnbilised beer
vour ageing. SO, is in fact formed by yeast du- electric charge. following regeneration, the adsorber is again (6) lIIixillg poillt
Silica sol preparations are used in beer pro- fully absorb ant. During regeneration, the mo- (7) COlltrolllllit
ring fermentation but its formation depends on
(8) flow gnllge
the yeast strain [144]. The amount of formed duction to improve the clarity and filterabi lity dules are rinsed with 12% NACI and 4%
(9) cOlltrol vnlve
S02is insufficient for complete stabilisation, but of the beer and, to a small extent, also to increa- NaOH. Protein is hereby removed by the NaCl
it does give a certain amOlmt of protection from se the colloid al stability. The addition of silica without being denaturised and NaOH then dis-
ageing. sol preparations in dimensions of 50 ml sol/hi solves other absorbed material. The stabiJjsing
As well as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (2 - 8 beer (30 to 60 ml/h]) usually takes place after agent is thus fully regenerated and remains ac-
mg/hl), sodium and potassium metabisulphite the final fermentation and before the cold lage- tive in the plant for many years without loss. Best Filtration System BeFiS
(up to 20 g/hl) are mainly used, usually in com- ring phase, but an addition to the casting wort Haze sensitive proteins are adsorbed by the (Pall GmbH SeitzSchenk)
bination. Their effect depends on the release of or before the filter is also possible. agarose; foam active proteins remain unaffec- With this method, filtration and s tabilisation
S02' the maximum amotmt being determined Through the crosslinking of the silicic acid ted so that head retention is retained [356]. occur with kieselgulu-, sili ca gel and PVPP in
by the ED at 10 mg/l. Sugar reductones or glu- particles with protein compOlmds in the beer, a Only part of the beer s tream is now passed one operation in a horizontal filter (ZHF Pri-
cose oxidase (in crown corks) can also be used. hydrogel is formed, which leads to hazing, floc- over the adsorber (Fig. 4.96a); the other part is mus III by Pall) with a Durafil '" precoated base.
The use of ascorbic acid on its own can be detri- culation and finally, due to decelerations of 5 to returned to the mi xing point (6) via a bypass. Following the filtration cycle, the Durafil and
mental in the case of long standing times due to 7 ml/day, to sedimentation . Through the use of The CSS has its own pressure and flow control, PVPP are regenerated in the filter and stored in
the breakdown of the ascorbic acid to dehydro- silica sols, therefore, the clarity and filterability which directly accesses the data of the kiesel- a tank The kieselguhr and stabilising agent are
ascorbic acid [323]. of the beer can be improved. The hydrogel is guhr filter. Thus a tmiformly stabilised beer is clogged each time. The regeneration can occur
570 571

Usu al procedural paths for beer fiitration

Station Plants, machines and vessels required

Storage ce ll ar Cy lindrocon ica l lage r vesse l

4 Prec la rifi ca ti o Separator 4
3 t
Bufferin g IBuffer tank

• rr
:::::::::;:::::: M . c0
Inlmum 3-Sm-+ 12 Mai n filtration IK iese lg uhr tilter I
t:: ! t
Stab ilisation [PVPP filter I
. . .I[]IITIllIl] t
Partic le trap

Fine filtration
[Trap filter

[Sheet filter
I ,
IF ine me mbrane filter I
t t
Additioll of dOlVllstrenlll bit/erillg pmdllcts
Ster ilisation II
Short-time )1 1Co ld sterilisation
(1) ndditioll of dOlVlIstrenlll pmdllcts, (2) ndditioll of PlfPP, silicates, (3) ndditioll of nlltioxidnllt ngellts, mnsted lIlalt beer
heat ing ( HTST) membrane filter I
i i
Buffering Buffer tank
t t
consecutively, chemically with NaOH and nitric on of the dosing pump. Press ure tank farm Pressure tank I
acid or enzymically with water soluble enzyme
preparations (p-glucanase, proteinase) . A combi-
ned procedme is possible with chemical follo-
111e addition of downstream aroma products
(e.g. PHA) should likewise occur after filtration.
Fine filtration

Steri Iisatioll IShort-time heating

Wine filter I
IFine membrane filter l
ICo ld steri Iisation fi Iter
wed by enzymic conditioning. According to data, 4.6.3 Filtration plant (HTST) I
70% of the kieselgulu' and PVPP is saved. The filtration plant comprises all the equipment t
from the lager vessel to the filling stage. The Fi lling I Bottle fi lIer I Dosing with downstream hop products high demands made today of the stable quality
It has been shown (Sect. that the use of of the bottled beer require a treatment of the Fig. 4.97
COllll1101i procedllrnlllletllOds ill beerfiltrntioll
downstream products prevents the formation beer in several stages. Here, it is important that
of a light struck flavour and that as a result the all already present quality characteristics are
filling of beer in crystal clear bottles is possible. maintained and MSR technology with haze measurement, 0 , Precoat candle filter: 4.8 - 6
111e dosage of downstream products, however, any subsequent reduction in quality is ruled measurement, CO, measurement, pressure Precoat layer filter: 3.8 - 4
depends on a series of conditions being met: out. gauge, sen sors for recognition of filling level Sheet filter: 1.8 - 1.5
dosage should occur after the first filtration, In the filtration plant are etc., Steriliza lion filter: 0.8 - 1.0
the yeast cell COlmt should be lmder 2 mio ye- buffer tanks, a control of the plant and PVPP filter : 8.8 - 12
ast cells/m!, filters arranged in order of increasing filtering a pressure tank warehouse.
in the case of high gravity beers, the adjust- sharpness, The firm philosophy dictates which types of Fig. 4.97 gives an overview of the usual pro-
ment should already have been carried out, equipment to generate oxygen-free water, filter are used and how they are arranged one cedures in beer filtration. Procedures which on-
dosing should occur for approx 70% of the tanks to collect the fore run and post l'lU1, after the other. ly affect small amOlU1ts of beer, such as the fil-
circulation time, a filter aid depot/filter aid extension (kiesel- In this context, the following specific filtrati- tration of yeast beer in the crossflow procedure
great attention should be paid to the precisi- guhr kitchen), on capacity in hi per m 2 x h is calculated: (see Sect., have been left out.
572 573

""eries. The separation of the beer has no nega- 4.6.4 Flavour stability
tive influence on the quality, if CO, losses and Even if the beer is made biologically durable
0 , up take are avoided. and colloidally stabilised, the flavour deteriora-
tes with time: the beer ages in flavour. The
possibilities of filtering allrl stabilising the ageing process can be noticeable even after a
beer short time, but it can also proceed for a few
4 There are many ways of filtering the beer and months before it becomes recogr1isable . 4
making it biologically and colloidally durable.
Basically, there is always a row of filters in or- Ageing process
der "from rough to fine". With increasing fine- The ageing process begins with a
ness, however, the throughput always decrea- loss of palate fullness, an
ses, so that with increasing fineness the filter increase of the bitterness, and a
areas must get continuously larger. change of the aroma profile of the beer.
After several days to weeks, the ageing fla-
In the main filtration, the kieselguhr filter is vour begins to form wluch over the course of se-
dominant, but the further clarification, insofar veral months progresses through the following
as it is necessary, is very differentiated. flavour profiles (Fig. 4.97b):
Alongside the "normal" beers, thermally berry-like aroma ("ribes flavour")
treated with HTST, cold filtered "draft" beers cardboard flavour
which are not thermally treated are playing an bread-like flavour
increasing role today in many countries. The caramel-like, honey-like, sweetish
added membrane and sterilisation filter are de- sherry-like flavour.
sigr1ed for their sterilisation. The ageing process can be above all ath'ibu-
Fig.4 .97n ted to oxidation reactions . It can therefore be
Sepnmtorfor prcc/nrijicnti- Pressure tallle warehouse (filtrate beer ware- delayed by reducing the effect of oxygen and by
all of tile beer house) a high content of substances wluch have a redu-
(Westfnlin Sepomtor AG,
TI1e filtered beer is stored in the pressme tank wa- cing effect.
rehouse in pressm'e tanks, The pressure tanks pro- The main factors for ageing are in particular:
vide the buffer before bottling. formation of ageing carbonyls,
Buffer failles Pressure tanks are chrome-nickel-steel tanks breakdown of lipids,
In order to avoid pressure impacts and to enab- is tlU'ough setting up a separator at the begimung without integral parts, which can take in the fil- Maillard reactions and
le the filtration to nm completely muformly, (Fig. 4.97a). A sigruficant amOlmt of the yeast cells tered beer for one to tlU'ee days. Through room the breakdown of isohwnulones.
buffer tanks are set up at the beginning and at can already be removed by the separator and the cooling, the temperature is kept at 0 to 1 0c. For
the end of the filter path. The buffer tanks are yeast sh'ess can be kept at a constant level. this purpose, the pressure tanks today are often Carbonyls (= aldehydes) are formed by the
usually positioned upright, because it is easier Thus, yeast impacts in the filter, which occur equipped with insulation. Strecker degradation of amino acids. Strecker
to clean them, and are only equipped with when drawing up and emptying the tanks, can aldehydes are substances with low flavom and
spray heads. also be intercepted. The kieselguhr consumpti- The cleaning takes place using the CIP proce- aroma thresholds, the concentration of which
on is reduced by 20 to 50% through the setting dure; the highest demands are made of the becomes decisively stronger with the increa-
Attac/11l1ellt of a separator to preclarifiJ up of a separator and the filter standing time of walls and the exit, as far as surface rouglmess is sing ageing of the beer. Numerous ageing car-
The lugh costs for the kieselgulU' (about 450 to the kieselguhr filter is doubled. concerned (electropolished surface) . bonyls originate primarily from Maillard pro-
500 €/t) and its disposal increasingly make sa- In spite of the high costs of the purchase of Any addition of oxygen is to be avoided at all ducts, particularly from the Strecker
vings necessary. One possibility, wluch is increa- the separator and of its operation, the invest- costs (fill the tank with degassed water, compress degradation of amino acids. The aldehydes are
singly used, above all by larger breweries, ment pays off within a short time in many bre- and preload with pme CO" fill from below). reduced to alcohol by the yeast:
574 575

Maillard products, which come into being about the expected stability while the beer is
particularly in kilning and wort boiling, have a s till fresh, in order to come to conclusions for
very important influence on the formation of the teclmological measures to be taken.
the ageing flavour. The formation of the precur- With today's testing methods [154, 343], it is
sors (amino acids) and the total thermal stress possible to artificially age the beer and to gain
on the malt during kilning (see Sect. and information within a very short time about ra-
4 on the wor t during and after wort boiling there- dical reactions in the beer. This occurs through 4
by play an important role. the determination of the lag-time and the anti-
caramel Since a significant fraction of the Maillard re- radical potential (ARP) (see Sect. .
action products are already formed during mal- In all cases, oxygen encourages the formation
ting and can no longer be reduced later, an im- of ageing carbonyls. Oxygen is therefore the
portant aspect of the beer quality is already arch-enemy of beer! Since oxygen is the factor
determined beforehand and must be observed. triggering off the formation of ageing carbonyls
During the ageing process of the beer, an oxi- or of their precursors, it is necessary steadfastly
dative degradation of the isohumulones to al- to avoid the addition of oxygen from the begin-
kenals also occurs. The degradation is furthe- ning of the beer production up lmtil the bottled
red by light. As a result of the effect of light beer. It must, be pointed out that many
(white and green glass!) together with iso-o:- transformations also take place without oxygen.
acid, a light struck flavour (3-methyl-2-buten-l-
Time in weeks
thiol) develops which has a very low flavour Factors encouraging flavour stability
Fig.4.97b tlu'eshold value (30 ng/l). It is therefore necessary to eliminate extensive-
Clwllges ill tile flavolIl' profile dllrillg the ageillg of beer (accol'd illg to Dalgliesh) Heavy metal ions, in particular iron and cop- ly all factors which lower flavour stability from
per ions, have a catalytic effect on the formation the begimung, and in contrast to this to promo-
of radicals. te all factors which improve flavour stability.
The ageing carbonyls do not only have a low Oxidation is furthered by:
Amino acids Aldehyde Alcohol The fatty acids are inh'oduced from the barley, flavour threshold, they also increase in quanti- fatty acids,
valine 2-methyl- 2-methyl- esterified to fats (lipids) with glycerol (see Sect. ty in the bottled beer. With the aid of a Shldy, it aldehydes from the breakdown of fat,
propanal propanol The fatty acids are partially degraded by will be shown here to what extent these compo- oxidising enzymes, such as the lipoxygenases,
isoleucine 2-methyl- 2-methyl- the lipases during germination and mashing. So nents increase [106]: (measurements in flg/l): heavy metals,
butanal butanol far as low temperatures and a higher pH value al- active oxygen, e.g. from enzymic reactions.
leucine 3-methyl- 3-methyl- low it, the lipoxygenases already degrade the fat- Components Fresh beer Aged beer The following have an antioxidative effect:
butanal butanol ty acids in the process (see Sect. phenolic substances,
phenylalanine 2-phenyl- 2-phenyl- Through oxidation of the fatty acids, precur- 2-methylbutanal 60 180 melanoids and other Maillard products,
ethanal ethanol sors of the ageing carbonyls appear. Unsatura- 3-methylbutanal 20 110 antioxidative enzymes, such as catalase, per-
ted fatty acids thereby react particularly active- 3-methylbutan-2-on 16 110 oxidase.
Further ageing relevant substances are for- ly and quickly while forming a peroxy radical, phenylacetaldehyde 45 250 The following factors, which can be influen-
med on the breakdown of lipids . The break- which finally causes the formation of a radical benzaldehyde 4 259 ced teclmologically, therefore promote flavour
down of long-chained fatty acids (C I6-C 1S ) can chain reaction. 2-furfural 40 3000 stability [151, 183, 381]:
occur by enzymic, autoxidative or photooxida- It is important not to forget, however, that the y-nonalactone 60 150 During lI/alting:
tive means. The breakdown occurs in different fatty acids, particularly the lmsaturated fatty use of barley types with a low protein content
intermediate stages and leads to a series of acids, have a great influence on the formation of Since weeks and possibly months go by bet- (10 .0 - 11 .0%),
ageing relevant compolmds, such as hexanal cell substance in fermentation, as main compo- ween the bottling and the consumption of the use of barley types with a tendency to a low
and nonenal. nents of the cell membranes (see Sect. 1.4.1). beer, one is interested in gaining information degree of protein modification,
576 577

low degree of steeping, Ol/ril1g tal/teril1g alld wort boilillg: vel', causes an increased formation of carbonyls. and thus rai se the oxygen content in the tank. It
oxygen reduction during germination s tar- avoid any intake of oxygen, This mea ns that the addition of ascorbic acid is therefore necessary to degas tlus water by
ting from the 3'" germination day, low lixiviation of husks, camlot increase the durability of the beer tmli - (see Sect.
keep the degree of protein modification be- lautering haze should be below 30 EBC for mited ly. stripping-degassing (CO, washing),
low 41 %, more than 60% of lautering time, thermal degassing,
low withering temperatures (30 to 45 DC) and short contact times be tween spent grains in M easures for the avoidance of oxygen using hollow fibre membranes,
4 longer withering times, the wort and those in the water, addition during filtration and bottling vacuum degassing or 4
low thermal stress during kilning input from below, avoidance of oxidative pro- Some preconsiderations and g uidances are ne- reduction us ing hydrogen (catalytic),
(4 h at 80 DC), cesses, cessary for the avoidance of oxygen addition on before it is pressed out of the vessel u sing
keep the thiobarbihlric acid number (TBA) in short boiling times (max. 30 min) enable bet- the way from the lager tank exit to the bottling CO,. The degassing costs money, of course,
the malt < 12, ter flavour stability, stage via the filter plant and pressure tanks: even if, as sometimes happens, the water is re-
a rise in the Strecker aldehydes with increa- miJumisa tion of thermal stress before and af- At the lager tank exit, the beer has an 0 , con- cycled. Moreover, degassed water must be sto-
sing temperahne, ter wort boiling, tent of 0.00 to 0.01 mg/l. red in a CO, atmosphere.
low DMS-P values, evaporation of DMS and other volatile sub- The oxygen uptake to the bottling entrance
correlation between aroma substances and stances, must be 0.01 to 0.02 mg/l at the most. The elimination of oxygen from pipes, fit-
ageing indicators and sensory evaluation. lower the hot temperahlre time in the whirl- Possible sources of oxygen uptake on this tings, elbows, lUnged elbows etc. can cause con-
Ol/ril1g lIIashil1g: pool to under 30 min. path are [152]: siderable difficulties, because air pockets can be
conditioned milling with higher conditioning Ol/ril1g ferlllel1tatiol1 al1d lIIall/ratioll, the press uri sed gas for e mptying the lager formed in particular places, which cause oxy-
temperahlres (up to 80 DC), optimal aeration of wort and yeast, tank, gen addition in the beer. A typical example are
removal of the acrospire, rapid fermentation, the fi lter aid suspension and the filter plant, hinged elbows, wluch inevitably have to be set
particularly avoid addition of oxygen during optimal yeast teclulology, treatment of the the fore and post runs during filtration, up filled with air. It is possible to deaerate them
mashing-in; tuuform mi xing, harvested yeast, cultivation process, • the secondary carbonisation of the beer, using deae ration valves.
low oxygen mashing-in and mashing with a optimal yeast management has a positive ef- the composition of the pressurised gas of the
lugh mashing-in temperahlre (60 to 62 DC), fect on the flavour stability, pressure tank during filling and emptying, It is more difficult with pipes which change
aim for a mash-pH of under 5.4, from mas- quick and extensive separation of the sedi- the shaft sea ls of the pumps, direction vertically several times or run hori-
lung-in onwards with biological lactic acid, men ted yeast in the CCV, the pipes, hoses and fittings, zontally over long stretches. The displacement
gentle transportation of the mash, avoiding SO, values up to 10 mg/l, the equipment, such as pumps, plate heat ex- of air bubbles by means of lugh flow velocities
shear forces, low storage cellar tempera hlre and no over- changers and HTST plants and is possible, but requires a considerably lugher
infinitely variable control of the stirrer, use of long storage times, all leakage points (wherever beer comes out, water consumption - even if degassed water is
frequency controlled mashing pump, avoid any oxygen entrance from filtration to oxygen can diffuse in). used.
keep oxygen away wlule mashing, if necessa- bottling,
ry pump nitrogen in, pay attention to evacuation tmder pressure Mea sllres to elimillate oxygell ill vessels alld It is also possible to wash the air out of the pi-
mashing out from tmderneath, low oxygen and prestressing of the pipes and tanks, pipes pes and containers with CO,. The oxygen is the-
working method, aim at a total 0 , content in the bottle/can The necessary measures to avoid or reduce oxy- reby displaced relatively quickly because of the
no narrow elbows in the piping, no entrance <0.15 mg/l. gen uptake were or will be described in the re- large partial pressure difference in comparison
of air, levant Sections. Special attention must, howe- with the CO,. The pipe can then immediately be
high content of non-oxidised polyphenols ha- The teclmological m easures needed to ac- be paid to the necessary measures when preloaded again with CO,. This variation is
ve a positive effect, complish these factors have been explained in preloading empty vessels and pipes: cheaper than the use of degassed water.
mash storage in the lautering vessel from be- the relevant Sections. Normally, the vessel is firstly filled with wa- The purity of the CO, is very important. A CO,
low, To prevent further oxidation - in cOlmtries ter and the water is then displaced downwards pmity of 99.97% vol is no longer sufficient today,
the use of phenol rich malt provides oxidati- where the Reinheitsgebot does not apply - as- by CO,. Since, however, the water contains rela- because it causes too lugh an oxygen uptake
on protection and improves the antioxidative corbic acid or other reductive means (E 102) are tively large quantities of dissolved oxygen, this [153]. CO, contents of 99.998% have to be aimed
potential. added. The addition of these reductones, howe- oxygen would partly dissolve again in the CO, at in order to avoid oxygen uptake.
578 579 Measures to prevent negative influen- green or other-coloured bottles for advertiSing ced to values of 0 to 2. In filled beer the AI increa- The sell by date on the label, which is requi-
ces on the flavour stability after bott- reasons, it mlls t be protected £ronl.light by suit- ses with the duration and temperahu'e of storage. red in many cotmtries, says nothing about the
ling able packaging. In the case of cold storage, the i.ncrease is very quality of the beer, especially as beers are prac-
Particularly after bottling, the beer is very often small (3 - 5), whilst with warm storage, values of tically limitlessly bright as a result of stabilisati-
subjected to negative influences concerning fla- Stm- and daylight harm the beer more than over 70 are reached. This behaviour can be prede- on. Much more important - for the brewery as
vour stability, over which the brewery often has artificial light. It is necessary, therefore, to have termined by means of forced ageing, mal<ing it well as for the consumer - is the bottling date,
4 only a moderate influence: influence over the distributors and traders, so possible to obtai.n information about flavom sta- since only that guarantees fresh, good-tasting 4
higher storage temperahnes in shops cause that the beer - even during daytime working - bility at a very early stage. beer. Of course, the connection between the
the flavour profile of the beer to deteriorate is not allowed to be exposed to strong light - not The specification of the lag-time is increa- bottling date and the freslmess of the beer fla-
after a while, even during transport! But long exposure to ar- singly used nowadays to provide a definite de- vour must be explained to the customer, who is
constant movement has the same effect, tificiallight also harms the taste of the beer per- termination of the oxidative stability of the unaware of it.
exposure to light leads to the development of manently. beer. Here, the antiradical (antioxidative) po- The flavour stability of our beer is an impor-
a light flavour in the beer, which is very tU1- Recently, there are some breweries that bottle tential (ARP) of the beer is measured by mea ns tant factor for the preservation and expansion
pleasant. The light flavour is formed because, their beer in clear bottl es with a UV blocker for of accelerated beer ageing at an increased tem- of our clientele. It is therefore necessary to ob-
tmder influence of light, 3-methyl-2-buten-1- advertising reasons. Unless one is reckoning perahue (60 Q q. The value d etermined is eva- serve strictly all factors which keep oxygen out,
thiol is separated off from a side chain of the with a considerable loss of quality from the luated as a criterion for the antioxidative poten- from mashing-in up to bottling, and also to ob-
iso-(X-acid of the hop via intermediate pro- start, for the production of these beers tial of the beer. The d e term ination of the serve the other factors. It is, therefore, also very
ducts. no hops or only very small hop fractions have lag-time is carried out using electron spin reso- important that all logistics staff know the fac-
The separating off of the side chain takes pla- been used, or nance spectroscopy (ESR spectroscopy) (Fig. tors which promote flavour deterioration of the
ce, induced by light, at wavelengths of 350 to the beer has been hopped with tetrahydro- 4.97c). Using a specific spin trap reagent (EAP beer.
500 !Un. That is the reason why beer is, as a ru- iso-extract (see Sect. determination), the influence of particular pro- It is, however, also important that we oursel-
le, bottled in brown bottles, the colour of which In order to predict flavour stability, the aniline cedural steps and ingredients on beer stability ves exactly record how quickly or slowly the
to a large extent - but not fully - protects it from index (AI) can be determined . This provides a re- can be demons trated even more accurately flavour in our beer is diSintegrated. If we only
transformation (see Fig. 5.1). Green bottles do ference point concerning the ageing of the beer (370). The theoretical fotmdations of electron ever taste our own fresh beer, we will not find
not protect the beer sufficiently from the light and warm storage. In the casting wort, the AI has spin resonance spectroscopy are, however, very this out. Our customers, however, drink the
flavour; if the beer is nonetheless bottled in a value of 100 and dming fermentation it is redu- complicated [371] and cannot be described wit- beer after it has already (to express it cautious-
hin the framework of this book. ly) been standing arotmd here and there. It is
The flavour stability of the beer is an impor- pointless to praise our own good beer if the cus-
tant factor for the preservation and expansion tomers are only able to drink aged beer and the-
of a brewery's clientele. It is therefore necessary refore have a completely different opinion of
to oblige all staff to make their own contributi- our beer (for tasting, see Sect. 7.4.1).
on to preserving flavom stability.
It is also important, however, that the staff in 4.7 Carbonisation of the beer
charge of the brewery keep on checking the A normally treated beer keeps its CO, content
quality of their beer when it is sold in retail, af- up to the bottling stage. It can happen, howe-
ter it has been standing at various distribution ver, that the CO, content has been lowered
points. The customer is king - after all, he must through trea tment under lower pressure or at a
keep on buying and drinking our beer. He higher tempera hue, and that it now has to be
forms his opinion based on the quality of the improved before bottling.
sold beer, and acts accordingly - our opinion is In these cases, the lost CO, has to be replaced.
of no interest! This process is known as carbonisation. For
ESR spectroll/eter (Bl"llker Bio-
Spill COli/pOllY, Rlleillstelf ell alld this, a carbonisation plant is set up part-way
EII/illgell) As a rule, fresh beer always tastes best! through the beer process.
580 581

wise, one could be exchanging a better carbona- ted up and boiled with the wort. Th is gives a
5 tion fo r a less longer las ting flavour. s ubs tantial economic advantage. This can
Therefore, one is interested in getting by with- roughly be calculated as follows:
out carbonisation if possible. A brewery casts 300 hi of 11 % wort. There are
thus in the kettle about 300 x 11 = 3300 kg of ex-
r--2-------- - -- - - - --- - -- --i 4.8 Special methods for tract. If it is decided to cast the wort with 15 %
4 n I Fig. 4.98 beer production ex tract then for the 3300 kg of extract (300 x 11/ 4
Cnruollisnlioll plnlll
There are several procedures which can be used 15 = 220 hi) are required . In tlus case that is ne-
(1) VeIIlllri jel
(2) Regllinior unlue for co, to obta in certain effects. These include in pat'ti- ver theless 80 hi = 26.7% less than before wluch
(3) CI P unlue cular: has to be heated and boiled.
1-_Cl<J_--;-.' (4) CO, sell sor mashing with a higher original gravity (high This enormous energy saving shows that
(5) Dissoluillg pnlll (slnlic mixer)
gravity brewing), even with a smaller increase in the extract con-
(6) CO, j10lV Illei er
freezing the water out of the beer (ice beer) tent, for example to 13 or 14 %, visible savings
and can be achieved.
the procedure to reduce the alcohol content in The raising of the extract content in the wort
beer. also presupposes, of course, a corresponding
raising of the extract content of the first worts,
4.8.1 High gravity brewing which in general is 4 to 6% higher than the ex-
By high gravity brewing is meant brewing with tract content of the casting wort because suffi-
higher casting wort. The process was thought cient sparging water mu st later be used to wash
up about 30 years ago in the USA to increase the wort out of the spent grains.
Fig.4.98n capacity of existing plants. The process is per- In the above example the first worts' extract
Cnruollisnlioll plnlll nutted lmder the current legislation in Germa- content will be about 19 to 20%. For this the
(PllOlo: HnfflllnllllS GIIIUH,
ny. mashing follows the rule of thumb:
Vel/lo, NL)
In the process a high percentage wort is pro-
duced which later, before fermentation or du- 1 dt of grist + 3 hI water = 20% first worts
In many breweries, the CO, content is standar- The carbonisation plant also contains a con- ring filtration, is diluted with water to the desi-
dised according to the requirements of keg or can- stant pressure relief valve, which is necessa ry red extract content. Hop preparations, dyes and For pure malt mashes in general that creates no
ned and bottled beer is recmbonised. Alter- because the static pressure constantly changes aromas can be mi xed in with tlus to obtain par- problems. Cereal adjLU1ct is preh'eated and hy-
natively, beers with different CO, contents must with the filling of the pressure tank. tiCltlar types of beer. drolised in the cereal cooker. as soon as
be produced with different blll1ging presslU'e. For quality reasons, one must observe the In the case of lugh gravity brewing, there are a large amOlmt of adjlU1ct is mashed together
In the carbonisation plant (Fig. 4.98 and highest purity level of the CO" since the oxygen three possible concentrations of the casting with malt there can be serious problems witl1 ge-
4.98a), CO, is atomised and dissolves in the which has now been introduced causes great wort: latinisation - especially witl1 rice wluch swells
beer, in a subsequent reaction path, which is damage. 13.5 to 14.5 %; this is the norm, greatly. 1£ one heats rice too quickly and neglects
normally laid out in the form of long pipe el- Since there is no longer a filter set up behind 12 to 13 %, to make a correction to the original to liquefy the rice paste by adding a portion of the
bows. In principle, the same applies to this as to the carbonisation plant, one must observe strict gravity, malt mash, it can happen that the rice burns on or
wort aeration: hygiene in the plant. From this point of view, • above 16 % is seldom used . even that the stirrer remains stationary because
The CO, must be atomised as finely as possi- particular importance is given to the method of The reason for introducing the process may the viscosity of tl1e mash is mud1 too high. When
ble and must have the opportunity of dissol- introducing the CO,. The atomisation equip- be an insufficient brew house capacity, in pat'ti- using cereal adjlll1cts one must proceed very ca-
ving in the beer; ment must be easy to clean; sinter candles and culm in the lautering system, which can be reftdly when attempting to obtain an increase in
The linking of the CO, (solution) is at first on- similar tools which it is practically impossible overcome in this way. However, the cluef rea- the ex tract content of the first worts.
ly loose; the tight bonding with the beer takes to keep constantly in a perfect state of hygiene son is that the water wluch is to be used later in In some countries the extract content is raised
some time. should lmder no ci rcumstances be used. Other- a cold sta te for dilution does not have to be hea- simply by the addition of sugar, commercial SLl-
582 583

crose syru p or s tarch syrup. Sucrose syrup is tion mus t be made at the same rate throughout that repel water) is grea ter than with normal In general the foam suffers from the dilution,
pure fermentable sugar. Consequently it increa- the wort traIlSfer to obtain a uniform mixture. It worts. This has an influence on the fini shed the more so the grea ter the dilution. A correcti-
ses the attenuation limit of the beer and this is not possible to obtain a unjform mixture by beer. The reason for this is the increased foa - on, also in relation to the hop bitterness can, as
mu s t be borne in mind w hen m ashin g (e.g. nuuling a predetermined am ount of water into ming aIld all increased activity of proteinase A alread y described, be made by the addition of
jump mash process). With starch syrups the a filled tank ins tead. in the bee r [322]. Proteinase Ais s table at pH va- hop ex tracts or hop aroma essences. Such ad di-
contents of fermentable sugars is quoted. The water should be softened and must not lues between 4.0 and 4.5 and tempera tures be- tions are not allowed for beer produ ced in ac-
4 Syrups are, of course, added to the wort kett- present any microbiological problems. It does low 50 DC. In s tressful conditions - increased cordance with the Rei.tllleitsgebot. 4
le onl y about 10 min before the end of boiling not have to be deaerated since the yeast will a osmotic pressure, alcohol con centration, tem-
when there is no more substrate breakdown. few minutes later h ave removed aIly oxygen perature, mechanic load - increased amounts of
Hjgher ex tract content worts ca n be more ea- contained . One CaIl then proceed normally. proteinase A are released.
sily separated u sing the new generation mash It is also possible, and frequently usual, to In general, with higher tempera hires and a
filters than with lauter The higher ex tract ferm ent the hjgh extract wor t aIld only then di- higher orig inal wort extrac t content m ore fer-
content of the first worts and the greater spent lute it. TI1is admittedly gives hardly any energy mentation by-products are formed. The limit
gra in volume are also limiting factors for mo- gam since the hea t of fermentation must be re- for the original wort extract content is 14.5 to
d ern lauter tuns. moved, but tank capacity, and therefore capital 15%. Above tl1is value the by-products can be
It is important that more tim e is won for was- investment, is saved . detected in the finished beer.
hing out the spent grains in order to keep the When high ex tract wort is fermented, the fer- Water addition after fermentation is p erfor-
ex tract content of the last nuu1ings low. Reuse mentation takes longer and more by-products med as a rule on the way from the lagering tank
of the las t nmnings is unfavourable on the are formed, especially esters (ethyl ace tate aIld to the filter or after the filter (Fig. 4.99). TI1is is
Fig. 4.99
grolmds of quality and time. isoamyl acetate) and higher alcohols. In p arti- the most complicated p ar t o f the entire process Beer redillltioll
Because of the high viscosity of the wort and cular the higher ester content CaIl be detected in since this water must satisfy many require- (I) slIpply of high gmvity veerfro lll the tallk
the correspondingly larger amount of break beer diluted down again LUlless the fermentati- ments. The wa ter must (2) slIpply of degassed mid cold water
and possibly spent hops, trub sedimentation in on is accelerated and yeast growth improved. correspond in chemical composition (pH va- (3) coilirol of oxygell colltellt
(4) pllllip
the wl1irlpool can be worse with hjgh ex tract TI1is is acl1ieved by: lue, salt content) to that used for beer produc- (5) nlitolllatic throllghflow illdica tor
worts. Basically, however, the process proceeds all increased yeas t addition, tion, (6) filter
in the normal maIUler. better supply of oxygen to the yeast - recom- be cooled to -1 DC, (7) cnrvollisatioll statioll

The addition of cold water then follows either mended amount: 1 mg 0 , per p ercent origi- be sterilised by a sterilising filter, (8) lIIixillg statioll
(9) colltrol of the CO, COli tell t
before fermentation, after the primary fermen- nal wort extract, be completely deaerated (vacUlUll, CO, pur- (10) additioll of lso-Extmct, colo III; arollla
tation or only after filtration. intensive aeration of the wort by a static n1ixer ge), (11) fillislled veer 10 tile pressllre tallk
If the water is added b efore fermentation, the or other aeration device, be carbonated to the CO, content of the beer,
fermentation proceeds n ormally and one need removing settled trub a few hours after the and
fear no problems. tank is full aIld attempting, e.g. by blowing in be dosed in throughout the beer transfer. It
With addition after the primary fermentati- air, to mo ve yeast upwards from the lower re- must also be dosed into the fore run and pos t
on, using CCV fermenters and lager tanks of gion, nUl. A subsequ ent correction calUlot be ma- 4.8.2 Ice beer production
the sam e size, the volume decrease caused by collecting yeast as soon as possible aIld pit- de. As is well known, water freezes at 0 DC. Beer
the disappearance of the foam is used and the cl1ing again after aerating. It is advantageous The addition of this water requires complica- freezes at a lower temperature depending on its
tanks CaIl be fully utilised. to provide fresh yeas t in good time for pro- ted control and m easuring equipment. The fi- extract aIld alcohol content:
Addition of cold water after filtration requi- paga tion. Moreover, it is advantageous to nancial expendihll'e necessary for it is only ju- original wort extract 11.5 %
res the grea test care in order to guaraIltee 11ig- employ yeasts wl1ich produce fewer fermen- stified for larger breweries. alcohol content 4.6 % vol
hest beer quality, as is described later. tation by-products or to use s timulating salts Th e flavolU' of beer produced by hjgh gravity freezing tempera ture -2.3 DC;
The addition of water before fermentation is for the yeast. breWing is, after dilution, scarcely distinguisha- original wort extrac t 15.5%
usually performed at the plate cooler and in fact During fermentation of l1igh gravity wo rts, ble from normal gravity beer provided that the alcohol content 6.0% vol
at the SaIlle temperature as the wort. The addi- the loss of hyd rophobic polypeptid es (i .e. ones original wort extract did not exceed 14.5 to 15%: free zing tem peratu re - 2.9 DC.

l±J LtJ IJ
The beer does not freeze homogeneously, i.e. It is therefore necessary for this reason, and to tent can also be aclu eved w ith high grav ity bre-
with a constant composition, but water first be- form large ice crystals, to move the beer il1Ces- w ing. The teclmological expense of the ice beer
gins to freeze out. If the tempera ture is lowered santl y during the cooling dow n stage. At first process can only be justified if an appropriately
below 0 °C, water separates out in the coldest ice crystals form ill the cold beer, but they beco- hi gher price can be obtained for the product.
me increasin gly large as a result of suitable mo- a b c
parts as ice. With the water some components
insoluble at low temperatures, in particular po- vement and the deposition on larger ice cry- Fig. 4.101 4.8.3 Processes for removing alcohol
OSIII05is I reverse os II 105 is 4
4 Iyph enols and polypeptides, also precipitate stals. It is then possible to filter them out or There ca n be several reasons for removiJlg alco-
(n) eq llililnilllll stnle, (v) oSlllosis, (c) reverse oSlllosis
whilst the concentration of alcohol and the ot- separate them iJl hydrocyclones. hol partially or completely from beer:
her ex tract components increases. The beer produced always has a higher alcohol there is an iJlcreasing trend to a healtluer life-
Previously brewers liked to make " their content than the starting beer. Then degassed wa- ped thro ugh three hea t exchan gers in which the sty le without alcohol,
own" Ice Bock by placing a cask (if possible me- ter iJnpregnated with CO, is added to adjust the beer tempera ture is lowered to -4 0c. Small ice motor vehicle drivers can enjoy alcoh ol-free
tallic) of Bock beer in the chilled brine container Ice beer to the desired alcohol content. The alco- crystals are thereby formed. In the following re- beer without haviJlg to fear adverse conse-
or, on a cold winter night allowed it to stand hol content of the fiJlished Ice beer is usually so- crystalliser the beer is mech anically moved and quences,
outside. An increasingly thick ice layer formed mewhat higher than that of the starting beer and the very cold small ice crysta ls deposit on alrea- there a re also religious groLmds for a ban on
on the inside wall whilst the increasingly strong is defuled exactly by the brewery produciJlg it. dy present larger ones. They thereby mute with alcohol.
Bock beer - now turbid - became more concen- As a result of the partial removal of polyphe- the latter to reach a filterable size . A fixed The main problem is that the alcohol makes a
trated inside it. Because the liquid on cooling nols and polypep tides the Ice beer produced in amOlU1 t of ice (percen tage) always remains in the con siderable contribution to the flavour of the
expanded greatly, as a result of the pressure in- this way tastes smoother and rOlU1der. The fo- recrystalliser. The ice is n ow removed by filh'ati- beer and has a flavour enhancing effect. Dealco-
crease the s toppers flew out easily and this am and s tability are usually improved in com- on or in a hydrocyclone whereas the beer enri- holised beer will never attain the flavour of the
could ruin the result if some of the cooling bri- parison with the s tartiJlg beer. ched iJl alcohol is first pumped iJlto a storage original beer, also because other fl avour com-
n e could flow in . The lU1controlled hi gh alcohol The name Ice beer refers only to the produc- tank before it is adjusted with carbonated water ponents are removed together with the alcohol.
content and the pleasantly smooth, mild fla- tion method and has nothing to do with the to the previously established alcohol content. It is therefore necessary to use a different for-
vour made such Ice Bock a "dangerous" drink. drinking tempera ture, as man y people think! mula when producing alcohol-free beer as well
For the production of Ice beer such a batch Fig. 4.100 shows the principle of an Ice beer as making adjustments to the beer fl avour.
process is of course completely unsuitable.
Above all one must avoid the ice which forms
being de posited at one place and with increa-
plant (Labatt/Niro). The end fermented beer is
cooled down by a beer cooler and the yeast re-
moved by a centrifuge. Then the beer is cooled
down even further by a freezer and then pum-
- 4 There are three methods of producing alco-
hol-free or alcohol reduced beer:
the removal of the alcohol by m eans of a heat
trea tment procedure or
sing thickness, obstructing the process.
the removal of the alcohol by means of a
membrane separation process or
the interruption or restriction of alcohol for-
Fig. 4.102 All three types of process are used and have
Prillciple of reverse oSlllOsis their advantages and disadvantages which are
(1) illflow of 1IIIIrented veer
Fig 4.100 considered iJl detail in the following.
(2) lIIelllvmlle
Ice beer prodllctioll
(3) wnler ndrlilioll
7 (4) denlcoholised veer Membrane separation process
(1) frolll fenllell iniioll
(5) dilllied nlco/101S011l 1io11 In membrane separation processes the beer is
(2) beer cooler
(3) celltrifllge passed over an extremely thin sheet of cotton
(4) yenst cellulose or cellulose acetate and the alcohol is
(5) beer freezer
The main ad vantage of the process lies in the thereby removed. But different physical effects
(6) henl exchnllger
(7) recryslnl/iser usually detectable improvement in the quality are used for the removal of alcohol in these pro-
(8) lofil/illg of the beer. A desired increase in alcohol con- cesses.
586 587 Reverse osmosis Water and alcohol are thereby forced through from w hich alcohol is to be removed is s tored. first partially dealcoholised beer is led back in-
Reverse osmosis is the opposite of osmosis. What the membrane against the natural osmotic pres- The pressure is increased to about 40 bar by a to the tank again through a reducing va lve
osmosis is will be explained by the following sure of the beer (2). On the other hand, all larger hi gh pressure pump (2) and, by means of a cir- which reduces the pressure again from the high
theoretical experiment. A vessel is divided in the molecules, such as flavour and aroma Com- culation pump (3), the beer is mad e to flow over pressure of 40 bar in the module. In thj s phase
middle by a wall in the lower part of which there pOlmds, remain in the beer. Since water is remo- the membranes with a high velocity so tha t not- no water is added yet.
is a hole which is sealed by a membrane. The ved, deionised and deaerated water must be hing se ttles. A pressure relief valve guarantees During the alcohol removal there are three
membrane has such fine pores that it aJlows only continuously added (3). Consequently the alco- cons tant pressure. phases: 4
pure water to pass tlu-ough. Membranes which hol content is continuously reduced. Because the The modu les (4) form the largest, most im- the concentration phase,
have such small pores that tIley do not allow sub- high pressure caused by the plU11p also causes portant and by far the most expensive part of the dialysis filtration phase, and
stances greater than a particular molecular size to heating, the equipment must be cooled so that the Lmit. The throughflow capacities of these the redilution phase.
diffuse tlu'ough them are called semipermeable the beer temperature does not exceed 15 °C. membranes, mostly made of cellulose acetate,
(not completely permeable). In this process the beer flow direction is tan- are 50 to 80 I per m 2 per hour. The membrane COl/cel/tratiol/ pTlnse
If the vessel is half filled with water it rises to gential to the membrane surface and the mem- surfaces Llsed must accordingly be very large During passage through the module about 2.2 I
the same height on both sides of the membrane brane surface is washed clean by the shear for- which is reflected in the cost. A plant with 18 se- of permeate are produced per hi of beer. As a re-
(Fig. 4.101). Salt is then added to the left side of ces produced. Processes of this type are called paration modules can produce about 25 hI of sult the alcohol content and concentration of
the vessel and dissolved there. The molecules of tangential filtration or crossflow filtration (see low alcohol beer per hour. the beer increase (Fig. 4.104).
salt have a strong tendency to dissolve in a very Sect. The amo unt of alcohol/water mixture (per-
large amowlt of water. Because the salt molecu- meate) removed is replaced by dialysis filtrati-
les are too large to pass tlu'ough the membrane, on water (5) because otherwise the concentrati-

L i
they draw water through the membrane to their on would be increased. Circulation is continued I Dealcoholised
side lmtil the concentration of dissolved sub-
stances is equally great on both sides. The hydro-
until the desired alcohol reduction is obtained.
A necessary associated installation is a water j/ :
static pressure of the higher colwnn of liquid deionisation plant. The water mus t also be ful- r
ConeenlIalion phase Dialysis fillralion phase Redilufjon phase
which thereby occurs, during which the process ly deaerated to keep harmful oxygen away

comes to a standstill, is the osmotic pressure (= from the beer. Furthermore, only carbon dioxi-
.5 Fig. 4.104
eqlrilibrilU1l pressure) between the water mole- de must be used as displacement gas, including Phases ill nlcohol removal by reverse osmosis
Clues which enter and the molecules which, be- during the storage of the d eionised, deaerated (1) Alcohol COli tell I
cause of the hydrostatic pressure, escape again. water, otherwise oxygen would immediately (2) COllcelltratioll phase
Fig. 4.103 (3) Dinhjsis f iltralioll phase
This process is called osmosis and is well- diffuse into the beer again.
Reverse oSlIIosis plnllt (1I0t colltillllOIlS) (4) Redillltioll phnse
known. All life processes, including those in ye- (1) pressllre tnllk, (2) high press llre P"IllP, (3) circllintioll of the membranes is also extremely (5) DealcollO/ised veer
ast, are osmotically controlled. P"IllP, (4) filter 1II0dllle, (5) ndditioll of dinlysis filtratioll wn- important for the output of the module. All de-
Now if, in contrast, pressure is applied to the IeI' posits must be removed from the membrane to
left side of the vessel, pure water is forced, maintain the throughput. Cleaning processes
against the osmotic pressure of the solution, The water / alcohol mixture which passes and materials depend on the type of membra- Above a certain concentration some of the
tlu-ough the membrane into the right hand side through the membrane is ca lled permeate (5) ne. Improper treatment leads to changes in the beer components, in particular the gel,
of the vessel (c). This process is known as rever- and it has an alcohol content of 1.5 to 1.8 %. The pores and consequently to destruction of the reduce the permeability of the membrane and
se osmosis, the reversal of osmosis low alcohol content does not justify any con- expensive membranes. so the concentration is limited.
centration of the alcohoL The permeate is reu-
Prillciple of alcohol redllction by reverse OSIllO- sed for sparging. Pel/orlllillg the reverse osmosis process [37] Dialysis filtration phase
sis Beer is introduced by the high pressure pump During the dialysis filtration phase the amoLmt
In the removal of alcohol by reverse osmosis the Eqllipll1ellt for reverse osmosis and the circulation pump, in the way described of permeate removed from the beer is replaced
beer is pumped batchwise or continuously A reverse osmosis plant (Fig. 4.103) consists of a above, into the modules, of which there are by completely deionised water until the desired
through a separation module (Fig. 4.102; 1). pressure tank for beer (1) in which the beer usually six in a group fastened together. The alcohol content is obtained in the concentrate.
588 589

Redillltioll phase 2
The concentrate is now rediluted with water to ... ---- ... ._--- --- , - .. .
the original volume of the starting beer and the- 1+-" .... .......
reby the alcohol content is reduced to less than
0.5%. At the same time CO, must be added to
the beer since as a result of the reverse osmosis
l; - .". .. ........
. ... -
Beer Permeate
and the addition of water, only a small amount Fig. 4.105
Prillciple of dialysis
of CO, is still present in the beer. (1) dil'ecfioll offlow ill file ilollow fibre of file beer fo be dealco-
Beer obtained in this way is relatively empty, ilolised,
bready and spice-like in flavour as well as aci- (2) dil'ecfioll offlow of file dialysafe ill file all fer cnsillg

dic. There is a small loss of the bittering sub- Retentate

coho 1flows through the membrane into the dia-
Fig. 4.106 Dialysis processes lysate to reach equilibrium. The further the beer Tile dialysis process
In dialysis processes the membrane is built as a flows to the left the less alcohol it now contains,
hollow fibre with a very thin wall. These hollow whilst the dialysate flowing in the other directi-
fibres have a diameter of a fraction of a millime- on contains even less - and on flowing in at the (diffusion) occurs in a coun terflow process This shows how important the continuous
tre (50 to 200 pm) and have very fine pores. In a left none at all- so that when the beer reaches tIu'ough the fine pores in the membranes. The use of the dialysate is and how complicated this
module many thousands of these fine membra- the left hand end, almost all the alcohol molecu- alcohol-reduced beer is then cooled to about 1°C exchange process is. Similarly with the other
nes are bundled together and, apart from con- les have passed into the dialysate which is sent in a plate heat exchanger (6) and led back to the processes for removal of alcohol there is no ca-
nections, the modules are sealed at both ends. past the membrane in a counter flow. pressure tank. se in which only alcohol is removed since other
The beer is forced uniformly through the fibres The alcohol is thus almost completely remo- The alcohol is removed again from the alco- volatile su bstances behave similarly to alcohol.
whilst the dialysate (or water) passes through ved from the beer but it is now in the dialysa te hol-emiched dialysate in a rectification column Nevertheless, at present dialysis is a common
the hollow fibres in the opposite direction. The and must be removed again so that the process (3) and the dialysate is then pumped back into method of alcohol removal.
exchange of components occurs thmugh the fi- can continue. The alcohol in the dialysate is ca- the module by a dialysate pump (4) with an ad-
ne pores in the membranes (wall thickness 10 to refully removed by continuous distillation at a justment of the temperature (5). Heat treatment processes / distillation
25 reduced pressure (vacuum distillation = lower The claim that only alcohol diffuses through In heat treatment processes the alcohol is re-
distillation temperature). the membrane is, of course, only true lmder cer- leased from the beer by heating. At 1 bar water
Prillciple of tile dialysis process In comparison with reverse osmosis dialysis tain conditions. In practice all volatile fermenta- has a boiling point of 100 °C and alcohol has a
During dialysis all the dissolved substances on requires much more expenditure of both effort tion by-products, as well as CO" are to a large boiling point of 78.3 0C. However, water does
both sides of the membrane try to come into and money. In return the beer is treated more extent removed from the beer during dialysis not begin to evaporate only when it reaches 100
equilibrium with their concentrations on the ot- gently beca use the separation occurs at low [38]. During dialysis the alcohol is driven out - °C but evaporates slowly even at much lower
her side. This means that alcohol passes out of temperatures and is warmed during the pro- and with it a considerable part of other volatile temperatures. Alcohol evaporates with it but at
the beer into the dialysate lUltil the same con- cess only from 1 °C to about 6°C. The system substances, in particular esters and higher alco- a lower temperature than water alone so that in
centration is reached on both sides [113] . If alco- operates with a small overpressure on the beer hols. Consequently these substances pass out of this way a separation can be achieved . Evapora-
hol is removed from the dialysate, alcohol dif- side of about 0.5 bar, which is however sltffi- the beer into the dialysate and are therefore re- tion under atmospheric conditions, however,
fuses from the other side of the membrane until cient for the exchange of materials. moved from the beer. The loss in the case of cer- spoils the taste because of the higher tempera-
the balance is reached. If a counter flow of dia- tain esters is up to 65%. On the other hand sub- ture.
lysate is used (Fig. 4.105), the alcohol is remo- Pe1fol'millg the dialysis process stances from the dialysate can also pass into the As is well known, the boiling temperature, or
ved very quickly. A dialysis plant (Fig. 4.106) consists of the dia- beer. This relates to salts in the water which are evaporation temperature, depends on the pres-
The diagram shows that the beer containing lysis membrane modules (1+2) as the heart of concentrated in the dialysate during rectificati- sure. If the pressure is reduced, in other words
alcohol flows in from the right. Since there is the plant. These modules are usually hollow fi- on and then during dialysis increase their a vacuum is created, the alcohol can be draw n
little alcohol in the dialysate at this position, al- bre modules and the exchange of substances amoW1ts in the beer (sodium, calcium, nitrate). off at a much lower temperature. All hea t treat-

590 591

ment processes to remove alcohol are therefore ways. The following types of evaporation in va-
performed gently in a vacuum, at an absolute cuum distillation are used: :...................?
pressure of between 0.04 and 0.2 whereby 11 10 9
evaporation temperatures of between 30 to 55 2 0

°C are obtained. A reduction in beer quality by "

12 -
the increased temperature then depends on 7
13 5
4 the evaporation temperahlre and 3
the delay time between heating and cooling
""" -;;7' 0 0

down again.
A further point that needs to be taken into
-, 8

consideration is that as well as the ethanol, a va- i

14 ,
riety of other volatile compOlUlds are transfer-
red to the distillate. Although these normally
lj ,'L-6'
have a higher boiling point than ethanol, they 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23
accumulate in the gaseous stage to a greater ex-
tent than the ethanol. As a result, the ethanol
concentration has a greater effect on the beha- Fig. 4.108
viour of the aroma substances. The degree of DenlcollOlisatioll plnllt Sigmntec (API Schmidl-Breltell )
accumulation within the rectification column (1) beer supply, (2) degnssel; (3) fnllillg strenm evnpornlol; (4) rectificntioll colli II II I, (5 ) pipe cOlldellsel; (6) denlcoholised beer
dischnlge, (7) nlcoilol, (8) nromn, (9) CO" (10) brewillg wnlel; (11) glycol, (12) stenm, (13) colldellsnte, (14) nil; (15) feed p"mp,
thus to a large extent determines the relations-
(16) cOlldellsnte pllmp, (17) prodllcl pllmp beel; (18) prodllct pllmp nlcollOl-free beel; (19) vncllllm p"mp, (20) prodllct pump nl-
hip of the aroma substances to ethanol. collOl-free beel; (21) flow dlsc/wge pump, (22) vncuum pump, (23) nromn pump, (24) nromn recovery
In the thermal dealcoholisation plant, a signi-
ficant loss of beer aroma substances such as llig-
her alcohols and esters can therefore be obser- use of tllin layer evaporator with mechanical-
ved. Volatile alcohols (phenyl ethanol, furfural ly created thin film or
alcohol, a.o.) usually remain w1changed, whilst use of falling stream evaporator or, more sel-
the short and medilun chained fatty acids, as dom,
well as ageing carbonyls are reduced to a lesser use of centrifugal evaporation (Fig. 4.110).
extent. The loss of aroma substances is clearly
noticeable from a sensory aspect using this me- Fallillg stream evaporator (Fig. 4.107)
thod . Empty and unbalanced beers are charac- A falling stream evaporator consists of a 4 to 5

teristic of thermal dealcoholisation methods. It m high column (1) containing heating pipes (2)
is therefore necessary to bring about a balance by means of which the beer is heated lUlder va-
in flavour by means of an additional treatment. cuum to a maximum of 45 °C. The alcohol esca-
This occurs either through blending with 8 - pes from the falling film, is separated in a sepa-
10% of an lmtreated beer, without thereby ex- rator (3) cOlmected to the outlet of the eva-
ceeding the 0.5% limit, or through the addition 10 10 porator and finally condensed in a condenser.
of an aroma rich beer or the addition of fresh Fig. 4.107 The already partially dealcoholised beer is sub-
yeast. A CO2 wash of the dealcoholised beer is Fnllillg slrenm evnpornlor jected to t1lis process again in a second falling
also recommended. (1) evnpornlioll COIIlIlIlI, (2) i1enlillg pipes, (3) sepamtor, (4) stream evaporator and finally gently dealcoho-
slenm ill let, (5) colldellsnle outlet, (6) beer ill let, (7) cOlldCllsn- Fig. 4.109
The heat treatment processes used all consist lised to about 0.03 % vol.
lioll of the pnrtinlly denlcollOlised beel; (8) Irnll sfer pipe, (9) High pel!ormnllce
of vacuum distillation plants with a heat ex- removnl of nlcollOl-colllnillillg stenm, (10) removnl of denlco- Increasingly today, rectification columns pnckillg of Iile rectifi-
changer wllich can be constructed in various i10lised beer (Fig. 4.109) are used to remove the alcohol, in cntioll coilllllll

which the beer obtains a very large surface area kg/h alcohol vapo ur passes into the condenser 4 J
As a res ult the blend contains
as a result of a lot of resis tance . Since the beer and is condensed the re. 750 kg/h are returned
wi th filtered beer the proportionate amOlmt
dripping down encounters vapour coming in as a liquid phase to the column head. 250 kg/h
of arom a substances,
the opposite direction, the alcohol can be com- leave the plant at approx 10 °C.
w ith krausen a lively, som ewh a t yeasty, floral
pletely evaporated and is drained off a t the top . About 250 to 270 1/h of brew ing wa ter are ad- note.
The high perfo rmance packing of the evapora- ded to the a roma recovery pl an t (24) to wash
tor can the refore be kept relatively small. out the arom a substances. This amount is then Suppression of alcohol formation 4
The widely used dealcoholisa tion plant Sig- returned to the beer, thus com pensa ting for the
Another method for reducing the alcohol con-
matec, for example, operates as follows: the quantitative loss of the alcohol.
tent is to allow no alcoholic fermenta tion or to
beer flows in at 0 - 1 °c from the storage cella r
interrupt the ferm entation so early that the a l-
(1), is hea ted to approx 40 °C in the heat ex- High pel/or1l1al/ce cel/trifugal evaporator cohol content must remain low.
ch anger, and the CO, is more or less removed in Another useful method of removing alcohol
the degasser (2). The beer is then fed into the from beer involves passing beer in thin films
The problem is that the flav o ur does n ot
rectifica tion collUlm (4) a t the top. As a result of over the h ea ted surfaces of centrifuge pl ates
ch an ge sufficien tly in the direction of beer fl a-
an enormous increase of the surface area, the al- [42,43].
vo ur and a sweet, cloying tas ting wort/beer
cohol is evaporated and the dealcoholised beer As a result of the centrifugal force the beer is mi xture is produced.
drawn off at the bottom . At the column base introduced in thin films be tween the plates and 1
(below), from 40 hI at 40 °C, we now have 43.4 the reby warmed by the sa tura ted steam sent Fig. 4.110
In ord e r to remove or lessen tlus wort-like
hI at 46 - 48 0c. The higher tempera ture and lar- through the double w all of the centrifugal eva- CelltriJl/gnl evnporator
(Ceutri- TI'erJlI process, Alfn Lnvnl) character beforehand the following measures
ger amolU1t are necessary for the required ener- porator (Fig. 4.110). The alcohol consequently
(1) illflow of stenlll nlld rell/ovnl of COlldCllsnfe h ave proved successful [11 2]:
gy input for the substance separa tion alcohol / evaporates and can be led off whilst the alco- (2) distribl/fioll of stenll/to tile ilentnble cClltriJllge discs the s tarting point should be a 7 to 8 % beer,
beer through vapour. The d ealcoholised beer is hol-reduced beer is forced outwards and can be (3) illfl ow of file beer/or nlcollOl rell/ovnl the grist should contain 8 to 15% light cara -
now fed to a falling stream evaporator (3) or a rem oved through a disc COlU1ection. (4) OIlIJlOW of tile pnrtinlly denlcollOlised beer
(5) rell/ovnl of fil e nlcoilol-colltnill illg stenll/
mel malt (see Sect. 2.9. 10),
h eat exchanger. As a result, from the 43.4 hI of In this case a vacuum is also used and tempe-
do not boil for too short a time, to enSLU'e wor t
650 kg of vapour is formed and added to ratures of 30 to 34°C are used to provide the
flavour substan ces are evapora ted; p articu -
the colmID1 base of the rectifier (4). With this best possible protection to the product. Altoget-
larly important in tlus cOlmection are the vo-
m ethod, the evaporator serves only to supply her the process takes less than 10 s, but the pro-
latile carbonyl compounds (aldehyd es)
the power for the rectification collUlm and h as cess must be repeated several times since an im- To obta in a certain amolU1t of flavour m a t- which contribute wort fla vour,
nothing more to do with the dealcoholisa tion. mediate reduction of the alcohol content to ching, the alcohol content is reduced to about suitable selection of yeas t strain for the forma-
The dealcoholised beer with a residual concen- below 0.5% is n ot possible without problems. 0.30 % vol and m a tched by adding, up to the tion of by-products,
tra tion of alcohol below 0.1 % vol is cooled to This me thod is only rarely used . permissible alcohol content of 0.5 % vol (for al- the time of dilution after boiling is impor tant,
about 0 °c by mean s of a heat exchanger. Of the Flavour changes of dealcoholised beers made cohol-free beer), krausen, green beer or fully the pH value of the beer produ ced is impor-
40 hl/h of inflowing beer, approx 40 h1/h have by membrane or evaporation processes matu re beer. This results in aroma compounds tant. With a 10% fermentation the pH rea-
become dealcoholised beer below 0.1 % vol (6). Alcohol-free beer n o longer tastes like the ori- being present in the beer again which at least ched is ca. 5.0 or a little less, and tlus contri-
This takes into account 260 l/h aroma water, ginal beer. There are two reasons for this: partially restore the original flavour. That this is butes to the worty taste.
which is returned to the b eer through the arom a • alcohol itself contributes to the flavour im- not always achieved is shown by a taste compa-
recovery plant (24) . pression, and rison of various alcohol-free beers. Processes witll illterrupted / erlllelltatioll iHelU-
The alcohol-water vapour created from the • during alcohol removal, not only alcohol is re- Similarly when partially reducing the alcohol de
beer flows against the liquid in the rectifier (4) m oved but also many other volatile aroma content of other beers (light beers, diet beers) it fermentation with special yeas ts,
from the colunu1 base to the colunu1 head, and compOlmds with it. This concerns in particular pays to reduce the alcohol content further and the yeast cold contact process,
in doing so, passes through an intensifying co- higher alcohols and then to bring the beer to the desired alcohol interruption of fermentation a t an alcohol
lumn and reaches a concentration at the top end esters, some of which may be up to 80% re- content by blending with krausen, green beer content of less than 0.5%,
of 75 % vol. From the column head, approx 1000 moved. or fully m a ture beer. use of immobilized yeast.
594 595

Ferlllelltatioll with special yeasts IlLtel'l'IIptioll offer1llelltatioll at all alcollOl COIl- every yeast strain and so the selection of suitab- 4.9 Accident prevention in the
TIle simplest method is not to use the usual bre- tellt of less tllall 0.5 % vo l le strains is very important and this also applies fermentation, maturation and
wing yeast but yeasts of the Saccharomycodes These beers are mostly brewed with an original with regard to flavour formation . When the ye- filtration areas
ludwigii species which ferment fructose and glu- wort extract of 9 to 11 % and boiled with a redu- ast has coloni zed the carrier it can work there
cose but are cmable to hydrolyse and ferment mal- ced hop addition, pitched and fermented to an for a long time. Yeast cells washed off are repla- 4.9.1 Danger of accidents due to
tose. Consequently in this process tlle alcohol con- alcohol content of 0.5% (apparent attenuation ced by newly grown cells. fermentation carbon dioxide
4 tent in the beer always remains below 0.5%, but about 10%) . A generally lower final attenuation In the Bavaria brewery Lieshout/NL, 800,000 The greatest source of danger due to fermenta- 4
the beer has a high sugar content and tastes sweet. limit can be obtained by hi of alcohol-free beer are produced per year by tion is without doubt the CO 2 formed during
a jump mash process or this method [45]. Wort flows slowly, in a con- fermentation. It has been mentioned (Sect.
Yeast cold cOlltact process [53] co-use of spent grains to provide flavour com- h'ollable time of 5 to 20 h, at 1 °C (34 OF) through that colossal amOlmts of CO 2 are formed
In this process wort at 0 to _2 °C is intimately ponents [72] . a granular mass which has been colonized by during fermentation. For the brewer who, par-
mixed with brewing yeast. Under these conditi- the yeas t. As a result of the low temperature ticularly in conventional plants, comes con-
ons the yeast produces practically no alcohol In the latter case an approximately 15% mash and the controllable speed of the flowthrough, stantly in contact with the CO 2, it is important
but nevertheless develops its most important (1 dt malt + 4 hi water) is mashed for 60 to 80 min alcohol formation can be accurately monitored that he has accurate knowledge of the proper-
abilities to produce the beer aroma and counte- at 40 °C (104 OF) and added to a spent grain mash and controlled. ties and method of action of CO 2 :
ract the wort flavour. This involves the uptake (1 dt spent grains + 2 hi of last rLUU1.ings) which The process is conh'olled so that although alco- CO 2 is odourless and without taste. It is 1.5 ti-
of certain organic acids and hop aromas as well has been boiled for 30 min, and the total mash hol formation is restricted, fermentation by-pro- mes as heavy as air and therefore collects in the
as the formation of various esters. Very impor- brought to 72 °C (161 °F) (apparent attenuation li- ducts are formed including flavour components. bottom part of vessels and spaces. However,
tant, however, is that the carbonyl compounds, mit 60%). After 30 to 45 min saccharification it is According to information from the company the when the working atmosphere is kept moving
carriers of wort flavour, are reduced. The yeast heated to 76 °C (169 OF) and mashed off. bioreactor operates for months without pro- it does not just settle at the bottom of vessels
should be in contact with the wort for as long as blems. No biomass is formed. Further advan- and spaces, instead there is an increased CO 2
possible. It hereby reduces the wort carbonyls Fermentation is performed at a temperature tages of the method are considered to be: concentration everywhere. When the CO, con-
and cleans their surface. below 8 °C (46 OF) to an alcohol content of less • better utilization of raw materials, centration is increased, the 0 , fraction of the air,
Alcohol-free beers based on the method of in- than 0.5% vol and stopped by no losses, which is necessary for respiration, is decreased
terrupted fermentation are characterised by a centrifuging the yeast off, no envirOlUllental problems, and consequently breathing difficulties can be
marked wort aroma; there is a noticeably sweet filtering it out, or very rapid start-up phase. caused .
flavour and the beers do not have a typical beer flash pasteurisation. Work is being done to improve the process, in With a concentration of less than 1% by vol
aroma. To prevent the wort aroma, it is advan- Then the beer is matured for at least 10 days particular w ith regard to further improvement CO2 no permanent adverse effect is detectable.
tageous to give the beer a stronger hop aroma. at 0 to 1 °C (32-34 OF) to avoid an overpowering of the beer aroma. Therefore, in Germany,
By means of biological acidification, a beer pH sulphur flavour and then filtered, carbonated, Use of immobilised yeast enables accurate the maximum workplace concentration is
value of 4.4 to 4.5 is aimed at. As a result of an stabilised and sterilised. control of the fermentation and maturation pro- 0.5% vol CO2,
intensive CO 2 washing of the beer, wort aroma cesses and therefore provides a good basis for the short time value, the value which may be
notes are washed out. Low temperatures Ferlllelltatioll with immobilised yeasts continuous improvements in the design of reached, but not exceeded, 3 times per shift in
around 0 °C at the start of fermentation have By immobilisation of yeast is meant its attach- plants for the production of alcohol-free beer. the space of 60 min, is established at 1.0 % by vol
shown the smallest amOlmts of higher alcohols; ment to a carrier (see Sect. 4.4.9). Attacimlent of There are clear sensory and analytical diffe- CO 2 ,
the aroma and flavour of cold fermentation are the yeast cells to suitable carrier materials pro- rences between beers produced using the three There are variolls effects on the human body
described as more balanced. vides the possibility of controllable utilization process groups. The starting product is decisive as the concentration increases.
Beers produced using the yeast cold contact of the enzyme potential of the yeast [44], espe- in this case. Achieving a flavour equivalent to a At 1 to 2 % by vol the blood composition
process at 0 °C have the lowest content of hig- cially in the exponential and stationary phases normal beer, however, is not possible. changes when doing phYSical work.
her alcohols and the greatest removal of Strec- of fermentation, and consequently the formati- Above 2 % respiration becomes difficult,
ker aldehydes. The aroma and flavour of cold on and removal of fermentation by-products. blood flow to the brain is disturbed and the first
fermentations is judged to be more beer typical The yeast is made to form a colony on the car- visual disturbances occur (rings and discs).
and more balanced. rier material. This is however not possible with At even higher concentrations the pulse rate

596 597

increases, headaches, dizziness, ringing in the CO, must be removed from the inside of the amounts of beer or wort contained, special re- Cleallillg alldlleatillg oftTle safety devices all a
ears, etc. occur, and at concentrations above 8 to fermenter or tank, before entry, by extraction or qui re ments must be sati sfi ed in particular with CCV
10 % LU1consciousness and finally death occur. flushing out to such an extent that a value of CCVs. The safety devices on tanks can become fLU1CtiO-
The history of brewing records many acci- 0.5% vol CO" and temporarily 1.0% vol CO" is nally inoperative as a result of sticking. Free-
dents with a fatal outcome due to CO,. The cau- reached. MalllIoles zing, especially in the case of outdoor installati-
se was almost always overestimation of perso- A permit has to be available on which the For risk-free entry, every CCV must have a bot- ons, can endanger the reliability of the entire
4 nal ability to cope with CO,. The "pattern" of safety measures to be observed must be stipula- tom and a top manhole with an opening cross- va lve fitting on the dome. Therefore it is neces- 4
most accidents was often along the lines of ted. section of at least 450 mm. The bottom opening, sary
"You go off and eat now - I can make the fer- The person entering the vessel must be pre- whi ch is located in the bottom section of the to include the safety devices in the CIP circuit,
menter or lager tank ready by myself." The oc- viously and regularly instructed about the dan- outlet cone, must be d esigned in such a way to heat the safety devices when necessary.
currence of tiredness and the noticeable loss of gers occurring. that the outlet does not fall down when all the
strength are attributed to the after-effects of the A safety station should exist which is in con- screws have been undone. Accessibility of tlIe dome plate
previous weekend and the work is continued tact with the person entering the vessel. The top opening must be made in the dome It must be possible to reach the fittings attached
until weakness forces the worker to his knees A supervisor must be named who is respon- plate. When entering from above - especially to the dome plate easily and without datlger at
and the higher CO, concentration at the bottom sible for the observance of the safety precauti- for inspection of the state of the walls - the per- any time. For this purpose a service platform is
leads to unconsciousness and finally to death. ons. son entering must be secured by a body be lt located above every CCv, level with the dome
The worker rehtrning from his meal then in and rope. Rope ladders or portable ladders p late, independently of whether the tat1l<s are
most cases found his colleague dead. Measllrelllellt obligatioll must not be used. For entry there are special outdoors or housed indoors.
But even when the colleague survives, serio- In Germany there is an obligation to make mea- personal entry devices, and For yet another reason the CCVs are pressure
us permanent damage must be expected. It is surements in the case of open fermenters and vessel entry devices which enable work on vessels in the sense of the pressure vessel regu-
therefore necessary to take note of the follo- lager tartks because "it is not certain that a dan- tlle walls. lations. Ammonia is sprayed into the cooling
wing information concerning removal of CO, gerous substance will not be present in the In every case thorough ventilation of the tank mantle at a high pressure which is much
before entering containers. workplace atmosphere". must be performed before entry. The "Guideli- greater thatl the pressure inside the tank itself.
Previously this measurement was performed nes for working in containers and restricted Cracks, defective welds, etc. lead to the escape
Removal of CO, before ell terillg vessels by lowering a burning candle to the bottom of spaces" must also be observed. of ammonia from the system. This Catl cause
In the case of cylindroconical vessels the pro- the vessel. If the candle went out there was still very great damage . For this reason the use of
b lem of CO, removal is solved in that one wis- CO, in the vessel. However a candle does not go Safety devices for excess of pressure very large amOLmts of ammonia is subject to
hes to collect the fermentation carbon dioxide out until there is a concentration of 8 to 10% An excess of pressure is possible at any time in strict statutory control.
and send it to the CO, recovery plant in order to CO" in other words in a region in which there is a CCv. Overpressure can occur already if the
be able to use it again for internal purposes. a very acute danger, and this method is therefo- tank is accidentally overfilled. The Max sensor 4.9.3 Working with kieselguhr
With open fermenters, however, the CO, over- re useless for making a measurement. can cOLU1teract this by switching off the pump Filtration without kieselguhr can no longer be
flows and must be led away from the lower part Nowadays a gas detector is used to make spot once the fill level has been reached, thus pre- considered. But when working with kieselguhr
of the fermentation cellar. It must be remembered checks or, better, for continuous measurement. venting overfilling. A possible overpressure, a silicaceous dust is produced which is datlge-
that the greatest CO, concentration there is early however, catmot be discounted even when fil- rous to health according to the datlgerous sub-
on Monday mornings before work begins. In lar- 4.9.2 Work in pressure vessels ling at counter pressure or empty pressure. stances register.
ger plants the removal of CO, must, of course, be Basically it is laid down that all vessels in which For safety reasons, all tanks have a spring or The datlger results from the high proportion
assisted by powerful ventilating fans . an excess pressure greater than 0.1 bar can oc- mass loaded overpressure valve (see Sect. of crystalline SiO, (cristobalite) in the kiesel-
Special guidelines exist concerning the entry cur above the liquid level must be regarded as guhr, which occurs together with the amor-
of fermentation vessels and lager tanks. These pressure vessels and the provisions of the rele- phous form, atld which further increases du-
are important because, as a result of the restric- vant regulation apply. Safety devices for reduced pressures ring the preparation in the rotary kiln.
ted possibility of ventilating these vessels, a Such vessels include conventional lager tanks The necessity for and the method of operation Cristobalite is a crystalline modification of SiO,.
high CO, concentration in them must be expec- and cylindroconical fermentation and lagering of vacuum valves is discussed in Sect. During operations with kieselgulu' this silica-
ted . Important points are: vessels. Because of their great height and the ceous dust is taken in by respiration . A large

part of the dust breathed in is transported out use of a breathing mask (filter device with a
of the lungs again. P2 particle filter), origi n of great beers. ™
Some of the fine dust, however, settles in the delivery of the kieselguhr in a silo wagon and
llmgs. The scavenging cells (macrophages) pre- storage in silos.
sent there are able to take up foreign bodies and Workers who are exposed to the effects of si-
make them harmless. licaceous dust must be regularly examined by a
4 With the inhaled dust these cells are ruined, doctor qualified to make such an examination.
however, with the result that with time calluses
and deformations are caused in the respiratory 4.9.4 General advice regarding accident
tract and lungs. The end result is silicosis and prevention
silico-tuberculosis. Prevention of accidents is a general matter of con-
For this reason strict regulations have been cern for plant operators as it is for the workers in
made for the handling of quartz and quartz- the plant. Observing U1e accident prevention re-
containing dust, to which kieselguJu belongs. gulations of the professional trade associations
The following are recommended as protecti- (BG = Berufsgenossenschaft) should therefore be
ve measures against kieselgulU' dust formation: a matter of course for all employees.
Suction cleaning of the plant and filtration of For the German brewing industry the BG
the dust (fine filter made from paper or other Nahrungsmittel lmd Gaststatten (BGN) is the
membranes), body responsible. They provide safety at work
dust extraction from the dosing device by information (ASI regulations) in the form of in-
means of a water jet vacuum pump, formation and training material.
dust-free emptying of kieselguhr sacks by These draw particular attention to:
means of a sack emptying machine, AS/9.11/96 "Health and safety in breweries",
dust-free removal of the empty sacks by a AS/8 .01/02 "CO, in the fermentation indu-
screw compressor, stry".

The enjoyment of beer depends on small but important details : well thought-out recipes, subtle
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5 I Filling the beer

Beer is filled are very heavy (the packaging - with the crate-
mainly into glass bottles, weighs as much as the contents) and
• sometimes into cans and are breakable - the glass splinters have very
sometimes into kegs, party kegs and smaller sharp edges and there is a great risk of injury.
.. I _"
containers. Removal of the glass splinters can sometimes
I II " Beer is increasingly being filled into plastic cause problems.
I·,J ••,. I
'. I
bottles .
, f '7:.' .[.1. - During filling all quality parameters must be Glass bottle production
- • f
retained and every access of air (oxygen) to the Glass is melted in glass plants, mainly from
beer h as to be prevented. 72% quartz sand (SiO,), 13% Na,O, 10% CaO,
For the filling process, comprehensive machi- 2% MgO, 1.5% Al,0 3 and coloured additives
nery, packing and transport systems are requi- from metal oxides (Fe,O" Cr,0 3)'
red from supply to despatch. By means of a The glowing blanks are blown into bottle sha-
comprehensive inspection system care has to be pes in high performance plants. The mould gi-
taken that only those bottles or containers ves the bottle its exterior shape including the
which fulfil the required norms find their way mouth, whilst the uniform formation of the in-
into the retail outlets (Fig. 5.0). terior including the uniform strength of the
walls is the work of the machine, which has to
5.1 Filling in returnable glass bottles be inspected after the bottle has slowly cooled.
The largest proportion of the beer in Germany
is filled into returnable glass bottles and a smal- Bottle shape
ler proportion into non-returnable bottles. Pla- There is an incredibly large munber of bottle
stic bottles made of PET, PEN or other material shapes. In Germany, as in other European COLm-
are increasingly gaining the interest of brewe- tries, only 0.51 Euro bottles were used for deca-
ries. des .
In the case of the Euro form, the cylindrical
5.1.1 Returnable glass bottles part of the bottle wall was initially designed
with a uniform cylindrical shape (Euroform 1); Advantages and disadvantages of glass the result of this was scratching and damage to
bottles the labels which rubbed directly against each
Glass is in many ways an ideal packaging mate- other. To prevent scratching, small thickenings
rial for beverages. It is or so-called rubbing rings were designed into
VLB Berlin neutral in taste, the top and bottom end of the cylindrical part of
impermeable to gas, the bottle form (Euro form 2). This prevents da-
Centra l Laboratory heat resistant and mage to the labels .
cam10t be deformed . Since 1990 0.5 1 NRW bottles (named after
Nega tive points in contrast are that bottles North Rhine Westfalia, the first state where
www.vl b-berli abor made of glass they were introduced) with a predetermined
[;:] harms@vl

610 611

U1asS of 380 g + 20 g ill1d two rubbing rings ha- Basically brown coloured bottles offer the
ve been increasingly introduced in Germany. best - but not complete - protection from the
TI1e long neck bottle in particular has also now formation of light struck flavour (Fig. 5.1). Bott-
established itself. Nowadays there is an increa- led beer should therefore, as a basic principle,
sing number of bottle shapes ill1d closures for be stored lmder dark conditions. If green or co-
glass bottles, which hinder the sorting on re- lourless bottles are used for advertising rea-
turn in many breweries. In some areas the sons, complete light protection is necessary
swing top is again spreading. which has to be maintained until final con-
5 5
sumption. The light struck flavour Cill1 occur in Bottle colour an extremely short period of time ill1d conside-
The flavour of beer is in particular damaged by rably damages the quality (see Sect. 4.6 .4.4) .
light w ith a wavelength between 350 ill1d 500 The formation of the light struck flavour can
nm, since through the splitting of a side chain of be prevented by the use of Tetra-hydro-iso-ex-
iso-a-acids of the hops, a horrible smelling mer- tract hops (see Sect. thus enabling fil-
captan compound splits off and, even when ling of the beer in clear (white) bottles.
-<= C
greatly diluted, ill1 unpleasill1t light struck fla- In recent times, some breweries have used
V) o
cu <lJ '';:::;
voul' spreads through the beer. This light struck clear glass bottles with UV protection for adver-
S f------+ U
flavour occurs all the more quickly the more in- tising purposes, particularly for the filling of
cu VlC
cu D.. C :3
U tensively ill1d longer the beer is exposed to light cocktails.
ro with this wavelength .
,- -
Transmission at 2mm wall thickness
<lJ in 0/0
u UV range visible range IR range
-0 100

>- '+=i
t:' cu U
oV) "'-' D..


Vl <lJ
'';::::; "--

ro <lJ
D 20
0... u "'-'
-0 cu
D.. o I I I I I
330 400 470 540 610 680 750 820 890 960 1030 1100
t t I
t whiteglass
- brownglass

Fig. 5.1
TImlslllittollce of light rays of riijferellt wovelellgtlls ill I'elotioll to gloss colol/I'
612 613 Surface coating the feeding zone of the bottle cleaning madune. Procedural steps in the filling of Ie washing machine. In many breweries this is
The glass bottle - as it comes out of the blowing For descriptions of these see Sect. 5.7.1. re turnable glass bottles no longer such an easy task beca use frequently
machine - is not able to meet the demands of Nowadays, through the addition of suitable During the preparation and follow-up treat- the proportion of foreign crates and bottles has
high filling speeds nowadays due to its rough additives to the caustic solution [333], largely ment in the filling of returnable glass bottles, a ill creased considerably and manual sorting is
surface and the high wear and tear and tenden- successful attempts are made to protect the number of procedural steps are necessary: no longer possible.
cy to break caused by this. Only through a com- bottles from alkaline attack and to suppress the separation of the firm's own bottles and More information can be found in Sect.
bined hot and cold coating in the glass plant do- scuffing (see Sect. - caustic solution). crates and foreign ones, on means and ways of dealing with foreign
es the glass bottle acquire its smooth surface. In inspection of returnable bottles which have bottles, i.e. those which
5 5
the case of the hot coating at about 600°C, the Bottle aftercoating been returned, do not have the correct height, shape and co-
micro tears on the glass surface are filled with It is possible to aftercoat the bottles between cleaning of returnable bottles, lour or
metal oxide (SnO, TiO) and the glass surface is cleaning and bottling or after filling. Two diffe- inspection of the cleaned returnable bottles do not have the correct mouth or
thereby protected from increased tear formati- rent processes can be used for this: for cleanliness and damage, still have to be decorked or tUlscrewed.
on in the further course of production [185]. As aftercoating using a wax film or filling and sealing of the bottles,
a result the solidity of the bottle is increased. aftercoating with polyethylene film. inspection of the filling height of the filled Factors which influence bottle
By means of a cold coating at about 100 °C bottles, washing
using a basis of polyethylene dispersion, the In the first case it is only a "cosmetic" proce- if necessary, one run through the tunnel pa- To obtain effective cleaning of the bottles, several
glass surface is given a smootlmess and slip dure. In the second case a new polyethylene steuriser, influential factors are used in combination [165]:
which is necessary for a problem h'ee procedure. film is applied to the bottle before labelling by labelling and decorating of the bottles and fi-
means of contact coating (sponge coating). This nally Effect of clemzillg agellt Scuffing hides the view of the rubbing zones and is sup- packing into crates or other containers and The most important cleaning agent is without
After five to seven circuits the cold coating is posed to re-establish the scratch resistance and palletising. doubt water, without which no bottle waslung
more or less washed off by the effect of the smootlmess of the bottle walls. could be carried out. The cleaning effect of the
cleaning caustic at high temperatures. As a re- This aftercoating is applied by means of con- Tius process is accompanied by extensive water on its own is small; the cleruung effect is in-
sult the hot coating also loses its protection and tact coating. This also prevents the coating me- transport plants for bottles, crates and pallets creased by the addition of cleruung agents, usu-
is also attacked by the hot caustic soda (chemi- dium from entering the bottle or getting onto (see also Fig. 5.0). ally caustic soda. Cleruung agents are all<aline
cal scuffing). From now onwards the surface is the mouth area . ruld also partly act as a disinfectant, particularly
totally exposed to all wear and tear effects and 5.1.2 Cleaning of returnable glass bottles at lugher temperatures. They release ruld dissol-
is increasingly scratched and silicon is even eli- Plastic coated light glass returnable All returnable glass bottles have to be cleaned ve dirt; this is the basis of dirt removal.
minated from the glass body. bottles before they can be refilled. The c1eruling caustic is supplemented by ad-
The scratches are particularly noticeable In recent times plastic coated light glass retur- Bottle cleaning has the task of delivering bott- ditives to improve the c1eanlllg effect and to
where the bottles can bump into each other: on nable bottles have been used, above all for the les wluch are prevent the formation of tLIulecessa ry foam.
the rubbing rings. The rubbing rings therefore bottling of spring waters. The particular advan- clean, Furthermore the bottle is given a high gloss ap-
increasingly take the form of wider and wider tage of tlus is that scuffing is practically exclu- germ-free and pearance.
scratch rings. This condition is known as scuf- ded and that the bottles, whilst they may break, residue-free.
fing (mechanical scuffing). cannot however smash because the plastic Since bottles are sometimes returned with Effect of higher treatlllellt telllpemtllres
coating continues to hold the bottle together. considerable contamination and crusting by the Higher temperahues always have an accelera-
The main cause of scuffing is the bumping customer, the cleaning of returnable bottles is ting effect on the dissolution of dirt. To obtain a
and rubbing together of the bottles during their Recently there are also processes whereby the difficult and expensive work and the bottle good cleaning effect
transport paths within the brewery. Particular- container walls are made of two layers: even if washing machine is the largest machine in the cleaning temperatures of 80 to 85 °C for reh1l'-
ly critical zones thereby are: the outer wall is damaged the imler wall still re- filling plant. nable glass bottles are used.
the accumulation, pressure and discharge zo- mains intact. Before the bottles go to the bottle washing, care The bottles caml0t be immediately heated to
nes, This process, however, is not particularly must first be taken to ensure that foreign crates this tempera hIre, however, as stress occurs in
the curved and infeed belts and cheap. and bottles do not succeed in entering the bott- the glass and the bottles could break. Tempera-

614 615

ture jlllllpS of more than 30 K on heating and 20 K Ie washing machines are used:
on cooling should therefore be avoided. In the single end machines and
case of low external temperatures (ice formati- double end machines .
on) particular care has to be taken to ensure a Corresponding to the size of the total filling line,
s tep by step increase and decrease of the tempe- bottl e washing machines are d esigned for '2

rature. Frozen bottles have to thaw before ente- throughputs of below 10,000 to 100,000 bott- 3
E 3 =3
ring the bottle washing machine. les/hour. 8 1: &
5 5
Exposllre tillle Sillgle el/{f wnshing IIInc1,illes
The longer the hot cleaning liquid acts, the In the case of normal single end machines the
greater the cleaning effect. The caustic dipping bottle loading and discharge sections are fOlUld
time is on average 6 to 7 min, but if n ecessa ry at the same end of the machine. A single end
considerably longer. It is determined with the washing machine (Fig. 5.2) operates according
construction of the machine and can only be to the following principle:
changed later within low defined limits. After loading the bottles are first drained of
any residual beer. Since returned bottles very
Mec1ulIlical effect of jettillg frequently still contain acidic residues of beve-
The dissolution of the dirt substances requires rages or of liquid which the consumer has in
adequate dissolution and soaking times. This the meantime been storing in them, it is good if .t:
also applies to the removal of labels, glue and the residual draining of the bottles takes place
foilings. Bottle washing machines are equipped before treatment of the interior of the bottle.
with extensive soaking tanks for this purpose. The drained drink residues are biologically
Once a considerable amOlUlt of the dirt has very heavily contaminated and, where possi- 0>

dissolved, washing is then supported by the ble, should undergo a special anaerobic treat-
mechanical effect of jetting. As a result of jetting ment. "'-

the cleaning agent is rinsed from the bottle. Following this the bottles pass through two
<> <>
=0> y
consecutive immersion baths, in which the dirt i: lO'
"'- 'I: J: Bottle washing machines is pre-dissolved. Furthermore they me pre-hea-
To achieve a complete cleaning effect in the ted inside and out to about 40 °C and, following
bottle washing machines, the following opera- a rotation, rinsed with water at 40 to 50 0c.
ting steps are performed: In the following pre-caustic bath a fmther
draining of remaining beer, heating to about 60°C occurs as well as a furt-
pre-soaking, her partial dissolution of the dirt particles. For
caustic bath, the pre-washing only overflows from the warm
caustic spray, jets of the washed bottles are used . The water
intermediate spray, in the immersion baths increasingly cools
warm water spray, down - particularly in the cold season. In this
cold water spray, way as well as pre-soaking, pre-hea ting of the
fresh water spray. bottles also occurs, and by gentle increasing of
the temperature, stress in the glass bottles is Designs of bottle washing machines prevented .
There are several ways to perform these opera- The longest and most intensive treatment of
ting steps. Basically two different types of bott- the bottles both inside and outside now occurs

in the form of a multiply passage through a cau- mains of the cau stic and the caus tic additives
stic bath for returnable glass bottles and to cool the bottles down step by step, fmal- D Fresh water
for 6 to 8 (to 10) min at 80 °C. ly using fresh water of 10 to 12 °C. It can be as- D Warm water 1
During tl-us time all dirt and every form of sumed that only a drop residue of about 1 Warm water 2
ilnpurity has to be dissolved. This also applies m1/bottle or less remains. D 2nd caustic bath
to the labels and label glue. Whilst the bottles are running through, the Caustic bath 1
If the washillg machine has two caustic baths, used cleaning water is fed back to the pre-soa- Pre-soaking tank 3
the second caustic is often held at a somewhat king tanks and thus works to counteract any D Pre-soaking tank 2 5
lower temperature (65 to 70 °C) and also at a lo- concentration and carryillg over of the cleanillg D Pre-soaking tank 1
wer caustic concentration (0.6 to 0.8% NaOH), agent.
because hot caustic is already being continually It can be assumed that no micro-organisms
will survive the long and hot caustic bath. Ho-

dragged in.
SillCe the cleaning caustic is cooled down by wever, the bottles being discharged from the
the newly incoming bottles, it is circulated bottle discharge zone can only be classified as
using a powerful circulating pump (displace- bacteria-free if no micro-organisms pass back
into the inside of the bottle through the illjecti-

ment 100 to 150 m /h), and permanently main-

tained at the desired temperature by means of a on water. However, long-term s tudies have
flow heater. shown that reusing water which has been con-
The labels are expected to completely dissol- veyed from or held in breweries' own wells can
lead to the presence of micro-organisms, illclu- Fig. S.2n
ve and not to shred because they will otherwise
Flow of wnler liI/'Ol/gillile vallie wnsilillg IIIncilill e
increase the amount of sludge and make was- ding bacteria as well as yeast and mould spores,
hing more difficult. The labels are removed ill the rinsmg water. These can then no longer
using suitable equipment (see Section: Label be removed (assuming that hmnel pasteurisati-
and Glass Splinter Removal) and specially trea- on does not occur). This can cause biological suit, a permissible amOlmt of chlorille dioxide cleaned bottles, which can lead to biological
ted. Nevertheless, sludge forms ill the bottom problems in the finished beer. (C10,) is frequently added to the final rinsing problems if nothing is done about tl-us.
of the machille, wl-uch has to be isolated (see Of particular danger here are also the basins water so as not to take any risks. The perma-
Section: Treatment of Cleaning Caustic), becau- and pipes of the hot water spraymg sections, nently damp and warm headroom above the Double e/l(f bottle washing machilles
se it illcreasmgly hinders the effectiveness of which at temperatures of 30 to 50 °C, provide bottle washillg macl-une must likewise be vie- A different type of construction of bottle was-
the caustic. the bacteria with optimal growth conditions, wed as a reservoir for germs. hing plants are double end machilles, where
The bottles wl-uch are filled with caustic are and which therefore have to be regularly The amowlt of water remailling illside the bottle loading and removal occur at opposite
then diverted, cleansed and any remaining la- cleaned. Tl-us applies above all to the entire spa- bottle falls within half a millute to below 0.5 m1/ ends of the machine . In most cases an equally
bels washed off. The bottles nm back empty ce next to and above the spray jets, which at the- 0.5-1 bottle. This time is, however, not available . intensive treatment of the bottles is obtained by
and the caustic back to the caustic bath. se temperatures provide the basis for the for- The bottles are then passed on to the inspec- means of large caustic baths with vertically ar-
In a second caustic immersion bath, the bott- mation of microbe nests. tion plant. ranged immersion loops (Fig. 5.3). Machines
les are once agaill washed from the outside, If micro-organisms filld their way into the Single end machines are frequently found in are built with up to six caustic immersion loops;
then rmsed out at 50 to 55 °C and thereby coo- bottle in this phase (contamillations), they can Germany. The advantages are: the caustic immersion time in the case of this
led down somewhat. The run off and the sur- no longer be completely removed by the subse- good use of space as well as low surface area machine is also 6 to 8 min, and if necessary con-
plus heat from the caustic sprayillg are fed back quent fresh water spraying. Porous n-uneral sca- and machine height, siderably longer (up to 25 mill).
to the pre-caustic bath. le deposits are also often fOlmd ill the plants, economical operation, particularly in the case Following loading, the bottles are conveyed
In the following stations, the bottles are rill- wl-uch serve as breeding grolmds for contami- of small plants and upwards and their residues are emptied . This
sed out with water which decreases ill tempera- nants. a lower price. residue emptying is very important because in
ture - firstly both illside and outside and then Biologically flawless rinsing water (warm The disadvantage is considered to be that: the returning bottles there can frequently be
only on the illside - ill order to remove the re- and cold) is of particular importance. As a re- uncleaned bottles are fed in near to the found
spoiled drink residues, often in large quanti- bottle carrier does not occur vertically but, for
ties, but also two reasons, at a slight angle:
residues of other liquid which was kept in the a horizontally lying bottle would not comple-
bottle. tely fill, and air cushions would form which
;;; If these enter the first steeping water, it means hjnder the cleaning effect, and
wmecessary pollution. The residues present a horizontally lying bottle cannot completely
a h eavy waste water load and are fed directly empty and would thus transport unnecessa-
to the waste water treatment. rily large amounts of caustic.
In the case of the double end machine illu- With all double end machines, the chain al-
strated (Fig. 5.3), residual emptying occurs first ways runs back empty in the lower part of the
with separate draining, then comes pre-rinsing machine to the bottle infeed.
with warm water followed by pre-soaking in
the caustic immersion bath and a further war- Double elU!lIlacltilles with a flat desig1l
ming of the bottles to 50 to 60 °C. In the follo- It is possible to partly reverse the vertical loop
wing two or three caustic immersion baths the so as to avoid the unusually high design of the
bottles are soaked intensively at different tem- regular double end machines and so obtain a
pera tures and then rinsed out. The long and in- flatter design. The basic construction and mode
tensive caustic treatment guarantees thorough of action of this double end machine corre-
cleaning, which is supported by constant move- sponds to the machines described previously.
ment of the cleaning caustic and removal of la- By means of multi-loop transport of the bottles
bels. in the caustic bath, the same effect is obtained
The first caustic bath has the above mentio- (Fig. 5.4).
ned temperature of 80 to 85 °C. Fig. 5.4a provides information on step by step
The second caustic bath sometimes has a lo- heating and cooling of the bottles in the was-
wer temperature of 65 to 70 0C. lung process; at the same time it becomes clear
The inevitably high construction of this dou- that very large amounts of caustic and water are
ble end machine necessitates a reverse loop at necessary in such a machine.
the end of the machine, which is first used for a
warm water immersion bath, before here too, Main components
al! remains of the caustic and additives are re- of a bottle washing machine
moved in further jetting zones by water at de- All bottle washing machines have a number of
creasing temperatures and finally by fresh wa- common main components which will be des-
ter, and the bottles are cooled down in stages. cribed in the following. These include
The discharge occurs well away from the the heat distribution and recovery sys tems in
bottle infeed and can also be visibly separated the machine,
from the dirty area by a separating partition. the bottle transport through the machine,
This can be of particular in terest in tropical are- bottle loading and discharge,
as. The advantage is however diminished by bottle spraying,
the necessity of supervision at the discharge the machine drive,
end, although this is no longer required in the label and splinter removal,
case of modern machines. Nowadays, supervi- sllctioning off of vapours and hydrogen gas,
sion is only required at the infeed end. sterilisation of the head part as well as
In double end machines the conveying of the operation of the machine .

I CD I Residual draining Post-caustic Submerge bath,

warm water 2
[ 0) [ Pre-soak Warm water 1
[ @ [ Fresh water
ITiIJ Pre-jetting 1 [@] Warm water 2

Main caustic [0 [ Cold water

Fig. 5.4
Construction and mode of action of a double end bottle washing machine, flat design (Type "Lavatec KD-2 -9. .. 3,4", Kl'ol1es Company, Neutraublil1g)

pre-heatiDg 3 (relml) tllumc (roku J)

C3.58-64"C ca. 6-I-70'C
C3. l.Om' 3

Fig. 5.40
Heat effect and water usage in a bottle washing machine
(Type "lnl1ocleal1 OM 52187", KHS, Dortmund) 0'<
(ca. = approx.J >-'



Particular attention should also be paid to the This is genera lly abo ut 3 to 4 seconds and de- case of plastic cells the temperature difference onl y leave the bottle cells again on discharge.
cleaning ca usti c in the machine, the constant termines the throughflow of the bottle washing is very small, but the metal carriers experience If a cycle time of 4 seconds is ass umed, then
maintaining of its concentration and its trea t- machine. tem perature variations between 30 and 80 °C. for one bottle per row
ment. A bottle washing m achine has, depending on This costs energy and effo rt is therefore made 3600 s/h : 4 s/bottles = 900 bottles/h are to be
its throughflow, 200 to 600 bottle cell carriers, to arrange these bottle cell carriers economical- cleaned.
Heat riistrilJlltioll (wri recovery systell1 each with 16 (in the case of very small plants) to ly (Fig. 5.5a). This means that one needs, for example, for
By means of a comprehensive pipe and container 40 bottles (in the case of large plants) p er row. an hourly throughput of
system the spray water flow off is collected and These bottle cell carriers are made of steel and 30,000 bottlesllz = 30,000 : 900 = at least 33 bott-
fed back using plU11pS. A p art of the flow off is very stable and so designed that they do not les/ceil carrier
used to heat up the soaking tank in which the dir- bend even in the areas of 50,000 bottlesllz = 50,000: 900 = at least 55 bott-
ty bottles are soaked prior to caustic trea tment. loading and discharge les/ceil ca rrier.
The contents of the caustic baths are also vi- jetting and The cycle time can be adjusted and depends
gorou sly circulated by m eans of circulating label removal. on the size of the bottle. The follo wing basically
pumps with a flow rate of 100 to 150 m 3/h and ap plies:
the desired temperature maintained by using a The larger the bottle, the slower the maclune
radiator. cycle.
It is, however, frequently necessary to reuse An increased carry-over of the amount of
the spray water because no contamination is caustic mu st otherwise be reckoned with.
present. If, however, constant h eating up occurs Fig. 5.5a
because of the previous caustic bath, hea t also Ellerglj savillg carrier Bottle illfeeri nllri riisclwrge
has to be given up . This can occur as a result of (Piloto Krolles, Nell tmllblillg) Bottle infeed occurs by means of a combined sy-
the transfer of the surplus heat from the caustic stem of rotating and oscillating sets of move-
spray zone to the pre-caustic immersion bath The bottles are conveyed in rows tluough all ments (Fig. 5.6). ll1e accLUTIulated bottles cue the-
by mean s of a plate heat exchanger. Since in the the stations of ilie bottle washing maclune in tl1eir reby gently tilted and fed into the horizontally
following stations spraying with water at a d e- bottle cells by means of the bottle cell carriers and lying bottle cell by means of a rotating conveyor.
creasing temperature occurs, the caustic which
runs off can be reused.

Bottle tmllsport Fig. 5.5

The bottles are conveyed in rows through the Bottle cell carrier witll illsertable plastic bottle cells
machine in bottle cell carriers. The feeding of
the bottle cell carriers occurs either
in cycles from one spray head to the next or - In the bottle cell carriers, bottle cells made of
as is always the case with large machines : plastic or a combination of steel and plastic
continually. In order to optimise the end (Fig. 5.5) are fi xed, in which the bottles are
spraying time in this case, some machines transported. This is necessary because the bott-
now slow down their speed in the end spray- les would otherwise scour against the hard me-
ing zone. tal of the cell carrier, which could lead to their
In both cases one speaks of cycle time. This is being damaged. Furthermore, the bottles auto-
the tin1e matically centre themselves in these cells,
from one s tation to the next, which is very important for spraying.
for the bottle infeed of a row as well as The bottle cell carriers and bottle cells are Fig. 5.6
the bottle removal of a row. heated and then cooled on each circuit. In the Bottle illfeed
624 625

the bottle mouth has a small inner diameter, The jet shaft has perforations to allow the jet
whicll for most bottles is only about 16 mm; stream to flow tlu'ough; it is directed precisely ac-
Advantages this limits the amount that can be injected, cording to tlle slow bottle path and impinges on
- Low falling rate on bottle discharge if a reliable ilmer washing is to be achieved, a the bottle walls atld the bottle bottom from vario-
- High level of operating safety powerful jet must be directed at different us directions atld atlgles of incidence (Fig. 5.9 and
parts of the bottle bottom. This is not, howe- 5.9a). The jet streatn, only impinges on
- Noise minimisation
ver, completely possible since the edge of the a limited area of the bottle bottom with full pres-
_ Gentle treatment of bottles
bottle bottom is rolmd and the jet stream can sure; it is then broken and from then on only has
only be directed in a straight line, a rinsing fLmction. It is only tlu-ough repeated
the volume flow in the bottle has to be measu- dipping atld jetting, as with multiple-batll double
Fig. 5.7
Bottle discllnrge red such that the bottle does not gurgle in the end maclunes, that the mechalucal effect of tl1e
mouth region if more water is injected than rinsing can be intensified.
can flow out. In the opposite case, the rinsing The jets in the rotating jet shaft are attached
Bottle discharge occurs after washing in the which the bottle interiors are rinsed out at de- water flowing out can obstruct the jet stream displaced by 90° with no axial displacement. As
same way by means of a slowly rotating con- creasing temperatures in order to completely re- so that it CatUl0t be totally effective. a result of rotation of the jet shafts in the same
veyor (Fig. 5.7), which places the bottles so that move all caustic residue and other components. Despite the limitations, jetting is very impor- direction, liquid streams through the jets in
they do not fall onto the discharge conveyor The attempt is made to include the side walls tant atld supports the cleaning effect of the soa- constantly changing directions and they are
and then leads them away. A low fall rate disch- and the bottle bottom, the edge of which is par- king tatlks effectively. therefore also constatltly cleaned so that no la-
arge with high operational safety and noise mi- ticularly at risk. occurs by means of spray- This is performed in that a rotating jet shaft is bel residues can stick to them.
nimisation is important here. ing with a powerful jet. Rinsing out, however, is moved synchronously with each row of bottles The spray pressure is about 2.0 to 2.5 bar
Following the cleaning immersion baths the associated with several basic premises and re- (Fig.5.S). overpressure; the hole diameter is, in the case of
bottles in all machines pass through jet zones in quirements:

Fig.5.B Fig. 5.9

Bottle jeffillg /eflillg wifll rofafillg jef sllaffs
(KHS, Dorf/lllllld) (1) collveyOl; (2) calliS, (3) disfrib/lfioll pipe, (4) jef sllaft, (5) drive disc

continuous spraying, 2.0 to 4.0 mm. This hole

diameter must be kept clear, because the cleaning
effect of the jet stream depends on it. The
cleaning sh'earn must be directed in such a way
that the water can nonetheless easily flow out of
the bottle; otherwise gurgling takes place inside
the bottle, and tl1e cleaning effect is low. Advan-
tageously, therefore, interval jetting is used, since 5
tl11.s allows tl1e water to flow off better.
At the high temperatures in the bottle was-
hing machine, however, decarbonisation of the
water begins. Tl11.s eventually leads to blocking of
the jets if coun ter measu res are not taken. A sca-
le prevention additive is therefore added to the
cleaning caustic, to prevent the building up of
Fig. 5.10
scales i.n the jets and on the bottles - as well as Drive slnlioll sprockels L
on all other parts of the machinery.
In order to avoid transferring contaminati-
ons, a permitted amount of chlorine dioxide rotary current brake motor with an electronic fre- Label removal
« 0.4 mg ClO,!I) is often added to the cold rin- quency regulator or a regulating ge- In the hot caustic bath, all labels and pieces of
sing water. The chlorine dioxide plant must be 3l'ing m11.t. The drive stations are driven synchro- foil come off. They should come off whole and
installed outside the bottle washing machine. nously over joint shafts 3l1d slip-on worm drives. the labels must not come apart. However, the
In tl1e case of larger macl11.nes, the drive tal<es longer the labels remain in the hot causti.c bath,
Fig.5.9n Machille drive place at every station using a separate gearing the bigger the danger that they may come apart
Rillsillg ollilile wnll nlld bollol1l The bottle cell carriers are slowly and continu- motor, which is synclu'0l11.sed by a cenh'al fre- and disintegrate (turn into pulp) . One is there-
ously moved through tl1e machine by means of a quency adaptor, in order to ensure that all drive fore interested in removing the labels as quick-
elements run uniformly and to supervise the ly as possible.
electricity uptake of each gearing motor. The The main precondition for this is that the cau-
drive stations are always situated at tl1e 111.ghest stic solution is strongly circulated, using a well-
parts of the arches, because that is where the sized pump which takes the removed labels
stress of the chains is at its 111.ghest (Fig. 5.9b). 1£ away and separates them using a plug-in strai-
the heavy bottle cell carriers were only driven on ner (Fig. 5.11). With larger cleaning machines,
one side, they could very quickly become jagged sieve band filters made of plastic or niro-wire
and stretched. In order to avoid tl11.s, the sproc- material (Fig. 5.12) are often used, enab-
kets of the drive stations, positioned opposite, are le continuous removal.
COlU1ected with each other by torsionally stiff hol- In the case of double end machines, propellor
low shafts, are driven centrally (Fig. 5.10). pumps with a large circulation capacity (up to
At the same time, the pl311t is protected 3000 m 3/h) are used.
from the grease on tl1e bearings by leakage ci1am- The removed labels still contain a lot of caustic
bel'S at the drive stations, 3l1d the bearings are solution, which can be reused . Moreover, wet la-
protected from the caustic. bels cannot be disposed of. The wet labels are the-
The bottle cell carriers are intercOlmected by refore treated in an external, additional label
Drive slnliolls of Iile bailie cell cnrriers
(bille) jreqlle/lcy redireclO/; (yellow) servo redireclO/; (red) genrillg 1110101'5 upright chain links. press, positioned tmder the label discharge.

628 629

In the label press, the labels are about 80%

d ehydrated by a hydraulic cylinder with a pres-
sure of 12 - 15 bar and thereby reduced to 50 to
Fig. 5.13
75% of their soa ked volume (Fig. 5.13). The Old Inuel press
pressed labels dry further whilst ascending the (1) colltrol enbillet
slightly tapered pipe and are emptied, drained, (2) enteh illg tllb
(3) press
into the awaiting container wagon. There can
be problems with the disposal of label residues.
are trapped, som e bottle cleaning machines ha-
Removnl of glnss splillters ve a facility whereby the glass bottles are direc-
It is always possible that individual glass bott- ted over a relatively large-meshed grate. The
les can break before or during treatment and broken bits of bottle fall through the wires and
that glass splinters collect in the lower part of are removed separately.
the machine . Since glass splinters are very hard
Fig. 5.11 and can cause damage to the machines if they Vapollr sllctioll
Lnbel removnl //sillg n sievillg co/lUe//or
(1) Sievillg (2) shnker
In the head part of the macllines, cooling takes pla- Fig. 5.14
ce. Because the temperature falls below condensa- Vnpollr slletioll at bottle delivery stnge
tion point, the vapolll' of the cleaning maclline sett-
les and can drip into the cleaned bottle material as ce aluminium has an amphoteric i.e.
dripping water and condensate. 111is can cause can react as a metal or as a non-metal, when it
contaminators to appear, whicll one can remove meets the caustic soda, sodilUll aluminate is for-
using vapolU' suction at the bottle delivery stage med, whereby hydrogen is released. Combined
(Fig. 5.14). Cold outer surfaces can be prevented with the oxygen of the air, this can lead to the
by heating the criticalmad'line surfaces. formation of explosive gas:

Hydl'Ogell gas sllctioll 2 Al + 6 NaOH + 6 H 20 -+ 2 Na,[Al(OH).l + 3 H,

If a lot of bottles with aluminium foil come into The hydrogen which form s must be sucked
the bottle washing machine for cleaning, there off and directed out into the open, so that the
is a danger of explosive gas formation and, con- feared explosive gas formation CalUlOt happen
sequently, of going "pop" or of explosions. Sin- within the machine (Fig. 5.15).



for alumini um
Fig. 5. 12
Lnbel removnl Ilsillg sievillg eOllveyor Fig. 5. 15
nlld direetioll of the wnterflow Hydragell extmetioll to prevellt the fOl'lllntioll of explosive gns
630 631

In many countries, aluminium foils are no Requirements of the caustic solution additive containers, these containers should be attach themselves to solid surfaces thereby dis-
longer used, removing this danger. It is there fo- Important requirements of the caustic solution installed in protective tanks or on caustic-proof, playing poor rinsing qualities. The surfactant
re necessary to pay close attention to the foils are: non-draining floor tanks. residues adhering to the walls go into solution
used in the respective country. it has to have a high cleaning effect, which in- If aluminium foils are used, the proportion of again, however, within a few days after refil-
cludes caustic alkalinity has to be increased, because ling . The disadvantage of this is the strong foam
Read space disillfectioll - the ability to remove dirt, otherwise the aluminate precipitates and sett- dam aging effect of the surfactants; even
It is also possible to incorporate a facility for the - an inhibiting or lethal effect on bacteria, les. One can reckon with three times the fracti- amounts from 100 mg/llead to foam problems,
cleaning and disinfection of the whole proble- - good wetting power, on of caustic to alumillate (0.7% aluminate re- whereby non-ionic surfactants have the
5 5
matic head area, and thus to achieve effective rapid penetration of the label paper. quires 2.1 % caustic). The concentration is then greatest negative effect.
disinfection even of the parts of the head area It must not be poisonous or introduce toxic so high that the entire aluminium is decompo- To keep foam damage as low as possible, sur-
which are hard to reach (Fig. 5.16). substances into the waste water, sed in the time available. factant addition should occur by means of an
The head area can be disinfected cold or using it should not form sca le deposits, If a second caustic solu tion is used, this is pre- individual dosing tec\uuque separate from the
steam. it should not foam, pared with a reduced concentration (0.5 to 0.8 % cleaning solution and the surfactant concentra-
it should be easy to dose in, and NaOH), and no additives are apportioned be- tion should be constantly monitored by means
it should be as inexpensive as possible. cause these are continually added through the of secure analytical chemistry [194] . It has to be
constant carry-over. said, however, that the c\emung caustic, the la- Components of the caustic solution The additives contain or are supplemented bels, the dissolving glue and residues from the
The cleaning caustic used is by: previous soak tank cml have an equally harm-
ful effect on the foam.
1.5 to 2.0% sodillm hydroxide (NaOR)
AI/ti-foalllillg agel/t:
to which additives are added to achieve the This is an agent which prevents an irritating Sca le prevel/til/g agel/ts (seqllesteril/g agel/ts)
above mentioned requirements. foaming of the caustic in the bottle washing ma- These are agents which cOtmteract the precipi-
It should be assumed that for one part additi- chine. Foaming occurs mainly because of the tation of insoluble CaC0 3 in the washer. Scale
ves, there are 3 to 5 parts NaOH. dissolving label glue. The anti-foaming agents preventing agents are mostly added to warm
Fig. 5.16 Due to the effect of the carbon dioxide in the are mostly treated separately and not as a com- water tmlks because it is there that a considera-
Hearl space rlisilljeclioll /l sillg slealll air, an increasingly large proportion of the Na- ponent of the additive. ble part of the carbonate is precipitated.
OH is converted to Na,C0 3 and NaHC03, Smfactants are frequently u sed as anti-foa- On their passage through the machule the
COlltrollillg the machille which has a considerably lower cleaning effect. ming agents. Surfactants have very good dirt bottle carriers are continually heated to above
As with other machines, bottle cleaning machi- The proportions of NaOH and Na,C03 therefo- removing properties and prevent an tmdesira- 80°C and later cooled down agaul; the same oc-
nes are nowadays equipped with a freely pro- re have to be monitored in order to retain the ef- ble foanling of the cleaning caustic. One there- curs with the bottles. On heating the Ca ions Ul
grammable control, which shows and localises, fectiveness of the caustic solution. An NaOH by differentiates between four tenside com- particular are precipitated by the alkali. In ad-
on a partly rotating display, the current state of concentration of 1.6 % has proved to be optimal. pOtU1ds: dition, as a result of heatulg, hydrogen carbona-
the machine, characteristic parameters and Additives are frequently sold combined as non-ionic surfactants (n-tenside), tes are precipitated as carbonates and conse-
faults, if there are any. active ingredient concentrates and added in the cationic surfactants (k-tenside); these include, quently produce deposits of limescale on the
If desired,. further information systems can order of magnitude of 0.3 to 0.5 % of the caustic for example, the qua ternary ammonia com- bottles and bottle carriers, wluch in turn ulcrea-
also be installed. soda. pounds (QAC), ses the caustic carry-over:
The additives are added by means of an auto- anionic surfactants (a-tenside) and Ca, +2HC03 -+2Na++20H- -+ Caustic solution matic dosing device proportionally to the Na- amphoteric surfactants, which play no role in CaC03 + 2 Na+ + CO/- + 2 H 20
The caustic solution must OH dosage in a fixed ratio, which is controlled bottle washing. l °dH thereby corresponds to a precipitation
fulfil particular requirements, by the conductance. The dosing device is situa- Non-ionic and cationic surfactants in particular of about 18 g CaCOJm 3 of water. It is therefore
the caustic solution must retain its concentrate ted near to the bottle washing machine, usually are used as additives to the cleaning agent for advantageous to use water with a low hardness
on and in the next room. In order to avoid envirolUnen- defoaming. Whilst these surfactants have a for the cleaniJlg caustic. Furthermore, because
the caustic solution must be treated. tal damage in the case of a leak of the caustic or good cleaning effect, they do, however, tend to the hardness formulg compounds are deposi-
632 633

ted on the spray nozzles over time and the hot end and cold end coa ting. The Phosphana- transport the caust ic. Washers already ex ist contained in the caustic. Among these are
cleaning effect is thereby reduced, scale preven- te Additive (GE Betz, Willich) has proven to be which have a cau stic carry-ove r of under 8 paper shred s from shredded labels,
ting agents (pH value adjustment < 8.5) are ad- particularly effective [333] as the only additive ml/bottle. coloured pig ments (titanoxide, caolin, calci-
ded to the rinsing zones (intermediate spray- which provides a high level of protection to the It is different with the water re maining in the um carbona te, heavy-m e tal-containing co-
ing) to prevent scale formation. hot and cold end coating of the bottles. bottle at the end of the draining time followin g lours),
Another environmentally friendly method cold water rinsing. Values of 0.5 ml /bo ttle (opti- label binders (starch, cellulose),
consists of converting the carbonates to water- Retaining concentration in the mal 0.3 mllbottle) are required h ere. Thi s is on- wet s trengtheners (melamin resins, carbami-
soluble hydrogen carbonates in a reactor by ad- cleaning caustic ly achieved by de resins),
5 5
ding carbon dioxide under pressure, thus pre- When the bottles are rinsed they do not imme- long draining times, adhesives (resin adhesives),
venting scale formation. diately drain completely. It can be asslU11ed that only using internal spraying at the end of precipitated sludge from lime components,
a 0.5-1 bottle, even 10 s after emptying, contains sprayin g zon es . dirt sticking to bottles,
SlIlface active substances about 2 to 3 g of liquid - equivalent to 0.5 % of This can, however, result in drying out and thus almost the entire label adhesive, etc.
These are substances which have good dirt re- the amount when full. Only after about 30 s in "grey bottles" in the case of very long draining One must try to remove this sludge, because
moving properties and which ensure that the drip time have the contents fallen to about 1 g. times, because owing to the heat content of the otherwise the caustic may have to be replaced
dirt is bOlmd and the water rLms off the bottle There is also the caustic or water whid1 re- glass, tl1e temperature of the bottles is higher than after only 6 to 8 weeks. There are several ways
walls easily. These substances frequently con- mains on the bottle carrier and bottle cells, mea- that of the tempera ture of the spray water. to remove sludge:
tain surfactants which have to be carefully mo- rung that one can reckon that about 10 to 20 ml of Because of the lost caustic, its concentration
nitored. liquid per bottle are carried over to the next zone. sinks. In order to be able to guarantee a total Allow it to settle Ollt
This is known as caustic or agent carry-over. cleaning effect, the caustic mus t be continuous- The simplest and most common solution is to
Complexation agellts for dissolved a iUlIlilliu1n Thus, if a plant with 30,000 bottles/h has been ly repleted : it is "sharpened". In order to do pump the entire caustic into a separate, heat in-
As a rule these are organic acids which form a rLU1l1ing for 10 hours, then around 300,000 bott- this, the conductivity of the caustic is continu- sulated settling out tank and allow it to settle
complex with the dissolved aluminium from les have passed through the plant during this ti- ously controlled using a dirt-insensitive probe, out there. When the caustic is drawn off from
the labels and foils thus preventing an otherwi- me. If 10 ml (= 0.01011) agent carry-over/bottle and the missing caustic is added from larger the top it is then clean. with this pro-
se possible oxyhydrogen gas formation. There is calculated, then 300,000 x 0.D11 = 3000 I = 30 hI storage containers. cedure, only the particles contained in the cau-
are also complexation agents to dissolve mine- are "hauled" from one section to the next. If the The conductivity is, at a constant temperatu- stic are removed, but not the dissolved dirt.
ral impurities. carry-over is lower, the concentration of dirt in re, proportional to the caustic concentration, Therefore, the dirt content of the cleaning cau-
the caustic increases, because dirt discharge in- which CCU1l10t be measured directly (or only by stic is constantly raised and the dirt is increa-
Scuffillg reducing agellts creases with lower carry-over, whilst the dirt in- titration against an acid). singly dragged into the post-rinsing zone.
Since the coating of the glass is washed off after troduction remains constant. There is scarcely a The storage containers used are plastic ves- Settling out produces a highly loaded res i-
several circuits, the glass is then increasingly at- loss of liquid thereby, because to the same ex- sels, which should stand in collecting tubs in or- due, which must be disposed of.
tacked by the caustic. At a sufficiently high pH tent, the same amOlUlt of liquid is introduced der to prevent undesired drainage in the case of
the glass is increasingly dissolved, since it conti- from the adjacent steeper. leakages (damage to the ground and surface Celltrifllgi ng
nually h"ies to form new stable interfaces with its The steeper, which is set up in front of the water). These storage containers stand, if possi- It is possible to set up a sell-emptying separator
surroundings. This occurs in particular at the caustic bath, is, however, supplied with warm ble, in a separate room (chemicals plant) near in a bypass in the bottle washing machine, to di-
scuffing zones (rubbing rings, abrasion points). water or warm caustic. As a result of the pre- the bottle clecuung machine and are connected rect a constant flow of clecuung caustic through
This dissolution can be reduced by means of steeping, therefore, in every case to the machine through supply pipes, dosing the separator and thus to free the ca ustic of haze
certain ions, e.g. dispersive agents . On the other the caustic bath is cooled down, units, regulating machines and pumps. substances continually, practically without loss
hand, carbonates and in particular phosphates the caustic is watered down, and of caustic. The expenditure for the sepcu'a tor soon
have a strongly aggressive effect on the glass pollutants are introduced. Treatment of the cleaning caustic pays off because of the mculY advantages.
thus increasing the chemical scuffing effect It is therefore advantageous to optimise the In spite of sharpening, the state of the cl eaning
[166]. New additives (e.g. Foodpro) are effecti- carry-over volume to 12 to 15 mllbottle using caustic d e teriorates, because an increasing Membmlle filtmtioll
ve in slowing down the formation of rubbing different measures. This also includes a suitab- amount of sludge is released, cu1d soluble, inso- A widespread way of treating the cleculing cau-
rings [320] and have a protective effect on the le construction of the bottle carriers, which also lubl e or colloidally soluble components are stic is by by-pass filtration using membrane fil-
634 635

tel'S, with which we are familiar from yeast beer wishes to get by with a water consumption of its porous surface and find ideal conditions in 5.1.3 Control of the cleaned recy clable glas
filtration. When such filters are used, the cau- about 150 ml/bottle, the handing-over tempera- the warm surroundings. The micro-organisms bottles
stic can be rLU, for an almost lmlimited period. ture is raised to about 30 °C! The value should then enter the bottles through the jet water. We can assume that all bottles leave the bottle
Depending on the membranes used and on not, however, fall under 150 ml/bottle, since It is recommended to disinfect the water zo- washing machine cleaned . There is nonetheless
their retention rate, there is a reduction of dirt then the dirt carriage can increase considerably nes with peracetic acid or froth them out with a a danger that, in spite of the thorough rinsing,
carriage of up to 80%; still, not all dirt particles through less rinsing and the removal of possi- disinfectant cleaning agent. not all cleaning agents, particularly non-ionic
are removed, especially as dissolved substances ble surface-active residues can no longer be Par ticular attention must be paid to the head tenside, have been completely removed . Resi-
remain dissolved. Through this method of guaranteed. area of the machine and the drop formation dues of such tenside can have a noticeable ne-
5 5
cleaning caustic filtration, the consumption of A real potential for saving water [271] is pro- in this area. Regular cleaning and disinfecti- gative influence on the foam stability because
cleaning chemicals, water / waste water and he- vided by on is necessary here, unless an automatic of their large surface tension.
at energy is considerably reduced, so that the - lU1iformity of the jet pausing times, cleaner (see "Cleaning of the head area") is Therefore, a spot-check is made in which in-
filter plant can pay for itself, in most cases, wit- - conformity of the fresh water inflow with the built in. The same is true of the cleaning and dividual cleaned bottles are rinsed out after the
hin two to three years. current throughput of the machine and disinfection of the bottle in- and output. bottle delivery with a rinsing liquid and tested
Filtration is - especially considering the con- - water recycling, for example reuse of the h'ea- The lmderside of the bottle carrier becomes for non-ionic tenside, CSB, alkalinity and, abo-
stantly rising prices of dirty waste water - the ted water in the fresh water zone etc. coa ted, in time, with a thick film of dirt, ve all, surface tension. Required values are:
most modern form of cleaning. A water consumption of 180 to 200 ml/bottle which must be regularly removed. Older - Surface tension (VLB-Meth.) > 55 mN/m
If one treats the caustic in the appropriate can be regarded as good. bottle carriers become completely covered - Non-ionic tenside (VLB-Meth.) < 0.5 mg/l
way and continuously sharpens it, it can be The heat consumption of the cleaning machi- with sludge if they are not cleaned, and ab- - CSB in the bottle < 15 mg/l
used practically limitlessly without changing ne is 30 to 40 kJ/bottle; a value of LU,der 35 sorb the caustic sludge like a sponge. In general, one aSSlU1,es a good to very good
the caustic, since, owing to the dragging of cau- kJ/bottle is required; optimal values are 25 cleaning effectiveness of the machine, especial-
stic and the continuous resharpening, there is kJ/bottle (double end machines). Clearing away new glass bottles and ly since contaminants should generally not sur-
very soon nothing left of the original caustic cans vive the procedure in the machine. It is, howe-
anyway. The constant removal of sludge sub- Cleaning and maintenance work on While recyclable bottles run the same course ver, necessary to check whether all adherent
stances, however, remains important. the bottle cleaning machine again and again, non-recyclable bottles and dirt has been thoroughly removed. Everyone
One must, however, constantly control the The internal cleaning of the bottle cleaning ma- new recyclable bottles and cans are newly in- knows that very dirty so-called "mason bottles"
composition of the caustic, in order to obtain chine is carried out by fitted jet heads (Fig. troduced into the bottling process and after a cam,ot be sufficiently cleaned in the machine.
full effectiveness. This is very important for the 5.18). These are located short rinse are directly taken to the filler. Between these visibly very dirty bottles and
cleanliness and sterility of the bottles. in the area of the warm and cold water jet zo- The feeding in of these containers, however, new glass bottles, however, there are many in-
nes and collecting basins, is done differently, since they are not delivered termediate stages. The number of sorted out Water consumption during bottle in the bottle input and output area, in crates or boxes, but in pallets with flat divi- bottles provides a certain clue as to the efficien-
cleaning in the pre-soaking area and ders or hooded lids or bases. cy of the cleaning process. For an objective com-
One has to reckon with about 200 to 250 ml wa- in the intermediate jetting area for destoning With the lift-off depalletisers, the glass or parison, a "standard dirtied" bottle was develo-
ter consumption per bottle (150 to 350 ml/Fl) = (acidic medium). PET bottles are lifted off; the lifting off principle ped [281] . This is made by rolling out and
0.3 - 0.7 hi per hi of beer (0.5-1 bottles). Con- As well as this, apart from regular removal of means that they are bound to a particular pac- drying on suspensions of water, yeast, starch
sumption is principally dependent on the num- haze substances from the cleaning caustic, furt- king order. Different packing orders can be ma- and kieselguhr in an exactly prescribed amount
ber of jet sprays, because not all the water can her tasks must be carried out at the end of pro- de possible by conversion in the load head. in a bottle. The amount and type of dirt still pre-
be won back (recuperated) in this process . The duction: Clearers using shifters LUuoad in layers by shif- sent after the bottle cleaning allows conclusions
more often and more intensive the follow-up after the cleaning caustic has been flowed off, ting the containers (bottles or cans); the transfer is to be made about the comprehensiveness of the
sprays, the colder are the bottles when they are the caustic baths have to be rinsed out; thereby kept level so that no container falls over. cleaning process in the machine. I
handed over, but also the greater the water con- the warm and cold water zones have to be If containers - particularly cans - do fall over in As we have just seen, in spite of thorough
sumption. emptied, freed of dirt and thoroughly rinsed large quantities, dents and losses are incurred. cleaning, bottles can still remain (Fig. 5.18a) which
If one wishes to save water, the handing-over out. Care has to be taken that no limestone One is therefore very interested in clearing away are damaged or have height differences in the
temperature of the bottles is increased . If one builds up, because microbes quickly settle in all the containers closely packed together. mouth region (12, 13, 14),

have strongly adhesive pieces of dirt (10) or 2 3 4

contain foreign bodies or foreign substances Inlrared a high frequency b
in the bottle (4, 5, 6, 7). LEO
In order to exclude this, all bottles are con- us

trolled after bottle cl eaning and before filling
with the aid of an empty bottle inspector. The camem
empty bottle inspection must guarantee the
operator and the consumer that only bottles 5
which fulfil the legal requirements of the re-
Lamp Tlansmi\te! Reciever
spective country or the prescriptions of the in-
dustry to the full extent are filled . The presup- Fig. 5.19
position here is that, before bottle cleaning, EII/pty bottle illspeetioll
(1) bottolll illspeetioll, (2) senlillg slllfaee illspectioll, (3) nOllble resinl/alliql/in netectioll: a = illfraren, b = higll freql/elley,
still closed bottles have been decorked,
(4) sidewall illspeetioll
foreign bottles have been filtered out and
wrap-aroLUld labels have been removed.
conveyor belt. This, too, has advantages and Empty bottle inspectors for glass bottles are
Empty bottle iI/spector disad vantages: built as rotary or straight rLUming machilles
Today, bottle inspection is carried out exclusi- the investment costs are less, but and contain
vely electronically, by means of several CCO the bottles must be presorted for size recogni- one or two cameras with a mirror alld/or ro-
matrix cameras. These empty bottle inspectors tion and tation system to capture the outer sidewall,
are built and sold as the bottles have to be treated individually, as a camera to inspect the bottom,
rotary type or with the rotary machine. a camera to control the mouth,
thl'Ough type machines. The weary human eye of course no longer a high frequency caustic detector,
Although the expendihlre involved in l'l1l1- suffices for an objective assessment of the many an infrared residual liquid
rung the machines and their surface require- points and areas of inspection. In order to fulfil a camera to control the imler sidewall and
ment are more or less the same for both types of these tasks, the empty bottle inspector posses- for screw tops: a camera to control the thread.
machine, there are a number of differences: ses several CCD matrix cameras, which dissect Control of the individual inspection modules
the recorded pichue of the inspected bottle part is carried out according to the following princi-
Rotary types rlU1 the empty bottles on a circll- into pixels. According to certain, variable calcu- ples:
lar path dming inspection (Fig. 5.19). They carry lation methods, the pixels are evaluated and the
out bottle is deemed good or filtered out according Olltel' sidewall cOlltrol
exactly defined guidance of the bottles inclu- to the yes/no principle. When controlling the outer sidewall, all irregu-
Fig.5.18n: Wnys to illspeet glass bottles With a filler tlu-oughput of 50,000 bottles per lar feahlres which should not be on the bottle
ding complete rotation,
(1) Sine 1II0lltil illspeetioll, (2) foil neteetioll: sinewall, (3) ab-
a sidewall control with higher resolution, par- hour, the elech'onic device has all of 0.07 seconds are to be recorded, such as label or foil residues
rnsioll neteetioll, (4) foil neteetioll: bOttOIlI, (5) bOtt01l1 illspee-
tiOIl, (6) glass splillter neteetioll, (7) bottolll breakage neteeti- ticularly if a line camera is used. at its disposal for each individual bottle (3600 s = still sticking on, other impurities or scratches on
011, (8) Cflllsticlresinllalliqllin neteetioll, (10) sinewall illspee- For different bottle forms, however, additio- 50,000 bottles; i.e. 15 bottles/s), and a correspon- the su rface.
tiOIl, (11) eOlltOl/r deteetioll, (12) threan illspeetioll, (1 3) COII- dingly much shorter time for the bottle mouth. In In this context, mutual abrasion, known as
nal format parts are necessary, which necessi-
tailler Ileight neteetioll, (14) sealillg sillfaee illspeetioll
tates longer adjustment times, extra costs and order to obtain a clear picture of the inspected scuffing, plays a special role. Particularly at pla-
storage space. part as well as a resolution of the photo whicll is ces where bottles are brought together, corner
have irregularities or signs of wear, e.g. scuf- Moreover, cleaning and maintenance are mo- as high as possible, the photo is "frozen" with the stations and belts with several tracks with diffe-
fing rings (3), re costly with these machines. aid of a stroboscope flash. In some systems, the rent speeds, it can happen that bottles rub to-
still contain liquid residues, and possibly Through type machines guide the bottles for remaining haziness caused by movement is addi- resulting in increasing scratching of the
even caustic residues (8), inspection past the individual stations on the tionally corrected electronically. surface. In order to protect the labels and to Ji-
638 639

mit the scratch es, bottles are in many countri es Also particularly important here is the con- shelly fractures at the mouth,
equipped with a barely visible thickening in the trol of stress cracks in PET bottles. Bottles with cracks and fissures in the glass.
top and bottom area. This reduces the scra t-
1 a relatively large number of stress cracks are re- This observa tion does not detect,
ching in these cases to two rubbing rings, w hich jected . the state of the bottle undernea th the holding
with increasing rubbing become ever broader ring of the crown cork bottle, where e.g. rust
and narrow the appearan ce of the bottle. In so- Mouth cOlltrol rings from crown corks can often form.
me countries, the broadening scuffing ring is The bottle mouths are the most complicated
regarded as being in direct relationship to the and, at the same time, the m ost vulnerable parts
breakage danger of the bottles and filtering out of the bottles. Here there mus t be above all a 5
is required . Detection of the scuffing rings is control of breakages, cracks, fissures or conta-
difficult with we t bottles. minations, which can s top the bottle from being
In order to control the outer sidewall proper- completely sea led up when it is closed again, or
ly, the bottle is rotated by 360° in front of a light can ha rm the e.g. through glass d a-
source, in the case of a rotating machine, and in mage or splinters.
this time a digitalised photo of the bottle surfa- The following are therefore controlled:
ce, in 256 shades of grey, is taken by the CCD the closure tlu'ead on bottles with screw- or
matrix camera u sin g 9 photos. twist-off tops and
The evalu ation of these photos takes place at the mouth sealing surface.
a maximum of 10 insp ection windows; fo r
every window, a separate algorithm with diffe- COll t rol of the closllre thrend
rent sensitivity can be chosen. Bottles with noti- The light source used fo r controlling the closu-
ceabl e scuffing, for example, are rejected here . re thread is eith er a s troboscope with light
With tlu'ough type machines, two CCD line transmitters or a side lamp. Evalu a tion is made
cameras each take 6 views of the bottle surface, in each case llsing a CCD matrix ca mera.
displaced at 30°. The bottle is hereby rotated by ::"- If a stroboscope is used, light from rad iation
180°. sources located opposite is di rected tangential-
Su.. c.. "" PfHW/EIY
In all cases, the exposure time is adjusted to Fig. 5.19n ly onto the thread, is reflected there by the brea- cop tork PEII.NYIIHV

the transparency of the bottle glass, whereby in BOttOl1l ill specl iOIl kage edges and diverted into the receiver op-
several zones, different levels of sensitivity and tics, wh ereby the errors are detected .
evaluation algoritlul1s can be set up. The b ottles If a surface illumination or a sidewall lamp is Fig. 5.1%
MOll th illspectioll
are evaluated according to particular threshold colour differences of the individual bottles. The used, the bottle is rotated and photos are taken
values. evaluation of the bottom can be m ade in zones at the same time:
of different inten sity: in the case of rotary machines, 8 photos with The control of the mouth sealing su rface (Fig.
Bottom cOl/trol ring evaluation, e.g. contamination of the ed- a rotation of 360° and 5.19b) takes place using either
The bottom is controlled using a CCD m atrix ge zon e, glass damage in the case of through ty pe machines, 4 pho- a CCD matrix camera with IR light diodes as
camera with illw11ination by a halogen lamp or block evaluation, p ar ticularly of the edge zo- tos using 4 mirrors displ aced by 45° and a a light source or
stroboscope lamp, combined with a polarisa ti- nes bottle rotation of 90°. a rotating scalmer with 2 to 3 pho to cells and
on filter (Fig. 19a). radial evaluation, p articularly of beverage re- light shafts via light transmitters from a halo-
For the bottom control, the bottle bottom is sidues COl/ tro l of the mOllth sealillg slIIfnce gen lamp.
subdivided into zones, which can be equipped brightness evaluation, e.g. for blocked bottle As part of mouth contro\, the sealing surface, The digitalised photo of the bottle mouth
with different algorithms and levels of sensiti- necks, completely covered bottoms which sea ls the bottle, is tested for intach1ess. from the IR light diodes is assessed for
vity. The ca mera sys tem is equipped with foil d etec tion for transparent foils or glass Above all, the following things are d etected : ring inter ruptions and
brightness compensa tion, which evens out the splinters. broken parts of the sealing surfaces, reflections outside the rings.

The pho to ex posed by the photo di odes is as- II/terior sidewall cOlltrol pens w ith the rejected bottles. The re is the pos- be realised that a continuously excellent pro-
The control of the exterior sidewall only PaTtly sibilityof duct qua lity can only be achieved throu gh the
sessed according to light differences:
damaged sm-face evaluation (sealing surface, detects faults and inadequacies in the interior si- assigning the bottles to broken glass or use of high quality inspection technology. This
dewall, which mean s that an additional conh'ol cleaning the s till dirty bottles in anoth e r a lso affects the protection of the customer as
thread damage)
brighhless evaluation (sealed bottles, bottles of the interior sidewall is necessaly. This also pro- rOlmd of cleaning or well as of the brewery from d a ma ge of all
vides the opporh.mity to subject bottles with a differentiating and dividing them up (broken kiJlds. Given the high hourly throughput which
without a neck)
burnt-on label to illl additional inside inspection. glass, another cleaning cycle). is normal today in the filling plants, it is no lon-
The interior sidewall is controlled with the ge r possible to use human workforce in this
Residllalliqllid detectioll (always dOllble) 5
5 The possibility, in particularly unfavourable aid of a CCO matrix camera and illuminated by COl/tro l of tlie iI/spector a rea.
circumstances, of residues of cleaning cau stic a lamp on the bottom . On the sensor of the CCO Agreat deal d epends on the reliable work of the
remaining in a bottle after cleaning, cannot be camera, a reflection of the visible bottle wall inspector. If it allows damaged, dirty bottles or 5.1.4 Bottle filling
excluded: for example, if a label residue has got illld of the bottle bottom is created. Of course, bottles contaminated with harmful substances
into a bottle and prevents residual emptying. the closer they are to the camera, the larger the to pass through, there is no control system af- Principles of filling
This caustic must be detected and the bottle parts or faults are reproduced . terwill'ds which can protect the customer from Bottle filling must be carried out in such a way
The control of the interior sidewall causes dif- the damage. tha t the quality characteristics remain comple-
must be filtered out.
The possibility of still remaining residual li- ficulties with some types of bottle, because the The work of the inspector therefore has to be tely and lastingly intact. Beer is, however, diffe-
quid is therefore always con trolled doubly, transitions in the neck area sometimes do not controlled. This ought ideally to happen conti- rent from other beverages in many of its quali-
with the aid of two different procedures, name- allow a 100 % control. The security associated nuously, but no brewery can afford a second ex- ty characteristics.
with a 100 % control of empty bottles, however, pensive (control) inspector after the first one, to For example, beer, soft drinks containing
High frequency radiation (HF) and is increasingly leading to the introduction of control its work. CO" alcohol-free beverages and of course
more easily controllable bottle material. One makes do, therefore, with rlUU1ing test sparkling wine are characterised by a high CO2
Infrared radiation (IR) .
Faults behind inscriptions or very strong bottles through the plilllt according to a prescri- content which must remain intact until it rea-
COl/troll/sil/g high freqllel/cy radiatioll scuffing can be detected with the aid of interior bed programme. The test result is then compa- ches the consumer. Many beverages, such as
With HF (high frequency) caustic de tection, use sidewall control. red w ith a pre-prepared result matrix. If all the beer or non-sparkling alcohol-free beverages,
is made of the fact that the di-electricity con- requirements are met, the test has been passed . are vulnerable to micro-organisms, while no
stant for these liquids is about 2 to 3 times hig- Possible aririitio l/ ai cOJ/trois The system responsible for the test bottle must microbes can develop in spirits. While most
her thilll that of glass. If caustic is present, the If a bottle has not already been rejected, one can give an appropriate signal. drinks can be filled as a thin liquid, the normal
sensor receives more energy. If even the smal- now use additional procedures to reject bottles The test bottle control programme should be difference in pressure is not sufficient for a
lest change of capacity is detected, the objectio- which nm every 30 minutes or after a number of bott- practicable filling of highly viscous emulsion li-
are too tall or too short, les which normally corresponds to a 30-minute que urs. It is clear from this overview that there
nable bottle is filtered out.
For better detection, the bottle is slightly til- have a different colour, filwlg time. camlot be a lmiform filler for all beverages.
have a different diameter or contour or It must also be tested whether all bottles de- According to the filling principles, four
ted, so that the liquid accumulates.
have particular characteristics marking them tected as being faulty really have been rejected. groups of fillers Cilll be distinguished :
COl/ troll/sillg illfrared radiatiol/ out as foreign bottles. This testing equipment (reject verification) 1. According to the filling pressure,
To complement the HF residual caustic detecti- It must be guaranteed that from now on only must be constructed in such a way that it camlot 2. according to the dosage of the beverage
on, infrared (IR) residual liquid detection is bottles which are absolutely clean and which be rendered unusable by misalignment, dirt or quantity,
used, which contrary to HF caustic detection comply with the requirements 100% in all posi- other influences. On the other hand, however, it 3. according to the filling temperah.1l'e and
makes use of the infrared parts of the strobosco- tions are passed on to the filler. must also be checked that no faultless bottles 4. according to the pre-treatment of the bottles.
pe illumination of the camera bottom control. were rejected, because although this incurs no
The IR control unit consists of a lamp casing, Rejected bottles damage, bottles wrongly rejected have a nega- 1. Fillillg pressllre
an infrared sensor with zoom objective and a The reasons for rejecting bottles are various; tive influence on the plant productivity. One a ttempts to fill the beverage into the bott-
computer, which displays any residual liquid they extend from impurities to damage to the In spite of the relatively high costs that the in- les as rapidly as possible and without illly da-
glass body. It must now be decided what hap- spection technology definitely entails, it must mage to it - tlle efficiency of the plant is depen-
on the bottom .

dent on this. Here, one must distingu ish b et- greater than the equilibrium pressme of the CO, quj ds and can be ignored here. The advantage 4. P retreatm ell t of the bottles
ween filling pressure and the difference in pres- in the beverage (sahu·ation pressure). It is depen- of mass fillulg is that temperahlre differences of Bee r is extremely sen siti ve to the slightest trace
sure, the driving force. dent on the CO, content and the temperahlre. the fillulg amount are tmimportant. We will re- of oxygen. The remauling oxygen makes a con-
The "difference in pressure" is dependent on Counterpressure fillers are used to fill all be- fer to tlus again in the section on keg fi lling, siderable contribution to the oxidation of con-
the difference in height between the beverage verages containing CO,. If one were to fill beve- specifically the weighing of filled kegs. tent substances, so that an agulg flavour can oc-
level in the storage container and in the bottle. rages containing CO, tmder normal pressure, cur in the bottled beer in a short time, as a result
This difference in pressure can be increased by they would immediately begin to foam and one 3. Fillillg tell1perntl/re of the formation of agulg carbonyls. One makes
additional pressure (filling pressure) . would not obtain a full bottle. Beer fillers are al- During bottle cleaning, the bottles reach very a grea t effort, therefore, to remove the air which
5 5
According to the pressure which occurs du- ways und erpressure fillers. hjgh temperahlres. If the beverage is also filled is normal and present in every empty bottle as
ring filling, one distinguishes between while hot, afte r a hot rinse of the hot bottles, no thoroughly as possible. This is, however, not at
vacuum fillers and high vacuum fillers, 2. Dosage oftTle amOl/llt of bevernge micro-organ isms can develop. Then one has a a ll easy.
normal pressure fillers and The dosage of the amount of beverage may be sterile beverage wluch no longer needs to be By pre-rinsi ng with CO, tmder ah110spheric
overpressure fillers. carried out according to pasteurised. Tlus is known as pressure and pretensing with CO, under over-
VacllLilll filling/high vacuum filling: the dri- height (level), hot filling at temperatures above 60 °C. pressure of 2 bar (wi th a CO, percentage of
ving force is the difference in pressure compared volume or Apart from this, there is a distinction bet- 98.5%), one can considerably reduce the pro-
with the ahnosphere. This conh·ols, at the same mass. ween portion of air in the bottle, whereby because of
time, the opening of the liquid path (no bottle - warm fillulg at temperatures of 18 to 25 °C, mixing of air and CO, proportions, optimal va-
no vacmilll). With these fillers, a slight tmder- Dosage accordillg to height or level i.e. at room tempera hire, and the usual lues cannot be reached. For an optimal effect,
pressme of about 0.93 to 0.98 bar (absolute) is With level filling, the bottle is filled to a preset cold filling at 5 to 10 °C. today one also carries out a double evacuation
produced in the bottle and the liquid is thereby height - calculated from the mouth. The mar- Hot filling is particularly ulteresting for bevera- of the bottles w ith a 90% vacuttm (more would
sucked in. Such vacumn fillers are used for low king is fixed through the entrance of the retmn ges where the heat effect does not have a negative entail too high teclmical costs) and a double
viscosity still beverages such as wine, milk, juices gas hlbe or using an electronic sensor. This is influence on the content substances of the bevera- prefillulg of the bottle with CO,. This makes it
or spirits, and they accelerate a process which possible because all glass bottles are nonned ge. Hot fillulg has not prevailed with becau- possible to reduce the air content in the bottle to
would proceed more slowly at normal pressme. absolutely, and plastic bottles within the tole- se subsequent taste unpairments are caused by the about 1 % of the origulal arHOtmt.
High vacuum fillers are used for the filling of rance limit, and thus a specific volume is filled. effect of the heat, as well as a lugh abrasion, condi- Fig. 5.19c shows clearly the different reducti-
beverages with a higher viscosity such as li- Level filling is the usual method of filling . tioned by filling pressures of more than 6 > bar. on of the air content USUlg different pretrea t-
queurs, syrups, oil and tomato pulp. Filling of After hot filling, the bottles are cooled down ments: the red bottle coming out of the bottle
these highly viscous liquids would take a very Dosage accordillg to vollime to storage temperahlre by recooling. washer is s till completely filled with air and is
long time at normal pressure . Because of the It is possible to measure the filling volume for With warm filling, one goes without a tho- (green) subjected to a doubl e evacuation,
underpressure (0.6 to 0.9 bar absolute), a the bottle before the filling procedure and thus rough cooling Ul the las t part of the bottle was- through whjch the air content of over 52 ml is fi-
greater vacuum is created in the bottle, because to achieve a particularly rapid exact filling. For hing maclune and fills at 20 to 25°C. This has nally reduced to almost 0 ml. If, however, the
of which the highly viscous liquid is sucked/ this, the volume flow measurement by means advantages for saving water. same bottle (blue) is prerulsed with a CO,/air
pressed more quickly into the bottle. of IDM or mass flow through measurement is Cold filling is by far the most common way of mixture from the ring bowl with a CO, propor-
Normal pressure filling: with these fillers, the now increasingly used. filling beer. Here, the fresh water temperature is tion of 99%, the air content first sulks, because
static liquid pressure alone determines the fil- But dosing by volume also plays an impor- of grea t importance. With fresh water at 12 to of the prerulse, to 56.68 ml and aiter the pre ten-
ling speed. The flow path of the liquid to be fil- tant role in the filling of containers which are 13 °C, one can cool the bottles down to about sUlg to aroul1d 5.67 ml air. Recently, Ul some
led must be controlled. Normal pressure fillers not normed, of plastic bottles with thumer 15 °C before filling. The only way to aclueve lo- plants, even a triple pre-evacuation is applied,
are seldom encountered. walls and of open vending machines. wer temperatures is by cooling the water (e.g. whereby the air content is reduced s till further.
Overpressure filler: the liquid pressure alone Volume dosing must be coupled with com- with beer). But the cooled bottle now comes in- The 0 , uptake in modern filling machines is <
determines the filling speed. The beverage inlet pensation of the fillulg amount temperahtre. to contact with the cold beverage. The lower the 0.02 mg 0,/1.
is only opened when the pressure is the same in temperahll"e difference between the two, the lo- Tlus repeated pre-evacuation, however, can-
the bottle and the gas above the liquid (isobaro- Dosage accordillg to mass wer the danger of foaming Ul beverages contai- not be carried out with thin-walled and therefo-
meh·ic principle). The filling pressure must be Dosage by mass can only be used for a few li- nmg CO, - a feared occurrence. re vacuum-sensitive packages and containers
644 645

(cans and PET bottles), Slnce they are compres- The filling goods and the n ecessa ry pressure If there are 200 filling positions, there is a di-
111 . (blocked) and must therefore be considered to-
sed by underpressure. In this case, therefore, gases including the evacuati on pipes are di - vision of about 100 mm. The larger the bottle gether with these.
one must pretense with CO 2 or use long filling rected via a distributor (11) to the ring chan- the larger the sp ace required by the Among the component elemen ts of the fillin g
tube valves to displace the air from the bottle nel (8), to which the filling organs are fitted individual bottle, and the smaller the number machine, the fo llow ing are of particular interest:
and achieve an O 2 uptake of < 0.02 m g/l (see (beverage from below, gases and ClP return of filling valves with the same diameter. the machine drive,
Sect. 5.3.4). Today, bottle filling ma chines with from above). the infeed of the media to the filler,
which both glass and plastic bottles can be fil- The bottles enter the machine individually, Component elements of the bottle insertion, treatment and discharge of the bott-
led are increasingly ava ilable. are separa ted by an infeed screw and are cen- filling machines les,
All bottle filling machines today (with a few tred onto the plates of the hub cylinder (3) lU1- It is necessary to fill the bottles as quickly as 5
the construction and mode of operation of the
exceptions) are built as rotating m achines with derneath the filling organs (loading star wheel). possible and subsequently to seal them imme- lifting elemen ts,
up to 200 filling valves. We are interested in After circulation and fillin g, they are directed to di ately. For this reason, all fillin g machines height alte ration and adaption to different
the prmciples of construction of the bottle fil- the crown corker (5-6) (transfer star wh eel) and today are unified with the sealing machines bottle sizes and sh apes,
ling machines, sealed. Then the bottles are put onto a sla t con-
important components and parts of the ma- veyor individually by a discharge star wheel.
chines and particularly The filling process itself only las ts about 5 to 6
the filling valves and how they work when fil- seconds today, but the pre- and post-treatment
ling beverages. of the bottles also takes some time. Larger hour-
ly throu ghputs of the machines can therefore Principles of bottle filling machine only be achieved with a larger number of filling
design heads and therefore wi th a larger filling diame-
All bottle fillers (Fig. 5.20) have the same basic ter. The diameter of this "carousel" can today
construction : be 1.40 to 6.5 m, and throughputs of over
The basis is the machine frame with the drive 100,000 bottles/h are achieved.
from which all rotating parts are driven syn- Since the fillers h ave to be transported, their
chronously over a cog mechanism . diameter is limited to a maximum of around 6.5

Example: 500 ml boll/e, COi air mixture ring container

total volume 520 ml C02 1raction 99.0%
/illing pressure 2.0 bar

I. Evacuation Intermediate purging 2. Evacualion Pretensing Filling

Vacuum 100 mbar 468 ml Vacuum 100 mbar Overpressure 2.0 bar Return gas (1500 ml)
CCk 463.32 mt (1560 - 52ml =) 1508ml C02 Iraction 98.67 %
Air 4.68111t C02 1492.92 ml C02 1480.05 mt
Air 15.081111 Air 19.95 mt

Air conlelll Air contenl Air content Air content 5.67 ml Air conlent 20.75 ml
520ml 52mt 56.68ml C02 conlenl 46.331111 C02 conlent 1539.25 ml
(lolal52 ml) (tola11560 ml)
Fig. 5.20: Bailie Jillillg IIInchille (w i opell )
Fig. 5. 19c (1) illfeed screw, (2) londillg stnr wheel, (3) liftillg elelllcllt, (4) celltrillS tlllip, (5) lIIiddle stnr wheel, (6) closllre slnr wheel, (7)
Redllclioll of Ihe nil' proporlioll ill ti,e bailie by lIIenllS of dOllble eunwntioll or prerillsillg with CO2 dlsclll1lge stnr wheel, (8) nlllllllnr Inllk, (9) unW lI1II clll1ll11el, (10) JillillS unlue, (11) rotntillg distrilm tor
646 647

the construction and mode of functioning of nously rotating loading star wheel (Figs. 5.22
the filling organs, and 5.22a). Since the bottles, because of the ra-
the sealing of the filled bottles, dial force which occurs, have a tendency to mo-
the cleaning of the machine and ve outwards, they are transported with low
the operating instructions. friction and abrasion in plastic cells. The noto-
rious scuffing only occurs when the bottles rub
Bottle fillillg l/1ac/,ille drive together with the rubbing rings, not when they
The filling and sealing machines are driven no- are transported individually.
5 5
wadays by a frequency regulated rotary current The discharge of the glass bottles is also to a
motor, whose drive momentum is distributed large ex tent unproblematic. For sealing, the
from the machine onto two paths: bottles are fed from the tral1sfer star wheel to
via a parallel cm'dan shaft to the ball turning the synchronously rotating closure star wheel
attachment of the filler carousel, and sealed. If all the transfers are exactly coor-
via a further drive level to the sealer, the loa- dinated, all the preconditions for a gentle glass
ding and discharge star wheels and the drive Fig. 5.22 bottle infeed al1d discharge are met.
of the infeed screw at the entrance. Loadillg/discharge star wheel

The cogs are now partly constructed from COl1structiOIl alld mode of operation of tbe lif-
seal-proof plastic and are therefore extremely tillg elemellts
2---- - - - -- 2
quiet. The gearings and an optimal lubrication The bottles, centred underneath the filling val-
guarantee a very advantageous quiet operation. ves, must now be quickly al1d securely lifted
and pressed gastight against the filling valve.
Feeding the media ill to the filler After the filling process, the bottles which are
While the upper part of the filler continuously Fixed parts still open must be lowered in such a way that no
rotates, it is necessary to feed in or let ou t all Rotating parts bumps occur and also that no CO, can escape.
media continuously as well. This includes: _ Seals The lifting elements operate according to the
feeding in the filling goods: beer or other be- pneumatic-mechal1ical principle:
verages, from below, Fig. 5.21: Distriblltor (prillciple) the bottles are raised by meal1S of compressed
pumping in the tension gas COy (1) vaClIlI1II olltlet pipe air and
feeding in compressed air, (2) vaClIlI1II ill let pipe mechal1ically lowered in a curve after filling.
(3) CO, sllpply pipe
feeding in stealn (if necessary), With most lifting elements, the lifting move-
(4) CO, disc!wrge pipe Fig.5.22a
letting out air to create a vacuum (if necessa- (5) call II terpress lI re air sllpply pipe ment is as short as possible, to allow the bottles
Loarlillg/rlisc!wrge star wheel with straits
ry), (6) cOllllterpressllre air discharge pipe to be quickly positioned on the filling valves.
the Clr infeed alld return path etc. After the lifting orgall has been pressed onto
These media must be fed into the rotor coaxi- Illsertioll, treatmeJtt mId dischmge of the bott- the filling valve, the filling processes are started
ally through rigid pipes via rotary distributors, the sealing surfaces have a particularly low- les (Fig. 5.23) (see Section: Consh'uction and mode
because a flexible hose cOlmection is not possi- abrasion, hard surface and It is necessary to tral1Sport all the bottles lmi- of operation of the bottle filling orgal1s).
ble owing to the rotation. special seals with long life cycles are used, in £onnly, quietly and safely to the filling ele- After the filling process is over, the bottles are
The media are fed in by a media distributor order to prevent media mixing reliably even ments. The same is true of the discharge of the lowered in the discharge area in a curve which
(Fig. 5.21) which is fixed centrally to the tank. under extreme filling conditions . filled bottles to the sealer and finally onto a lowers a gliding roller on the lifting element
The height of the beverage in the filling tal1k is In the case of computer controlled fillers, the discharging slat conveyor. first of all quickly, and then increasingly slowly
regulated by a pair of floats. In order to avoid a computer is also installed revolvably above the The incoming bottles are separated by the in- thereby forcing the compressed air back into
metabolic exchal1ge between the media in the filler and controls all the processes in the filling feed screw into distallCeS which guarantee all the pipe, so that the compressed air consumpti-
distributor, organs from here. lmproblematic exact transfer into the synchro- on can be minimised.
9 £


sibl e time. An alterna ti ve is either the bottle is raised and pressed against wa rds, without there being an y s ubs tantial con-
manual adjus tment and con- the valve, or tac t between the beer aIl d the gas in the bottle.
trol of the fi lling organs. the valve is lowered onto the bottle. There is consequently ve ry little oxygen uptake
As is shown later, the second method is em- with this filling method. Construction and pl oyed in can filling. In bottle filling, the bottle The flow through cross-section of the filling
mode of operation of the is always raised. But in order to obtain correct tube is, however, limited by:
bottle filling organs centring of the bottle on the fil1ing head, an in- the umer bottle mouth 0::; 17 mm.
The filling of the bottles is of tennediate centring element, shaped like a tu- ex ternal filling tube diameter 14 mm .
J course the mos t importan t lip, is fitted w hich is ca rried upward s by the for drink inflow 0::; 10-12 mm.
procedure. Here, all the quali- bottle being raised (Fig . 5.24). The centring tulip
ty parameters of the filling be- centres the bottle in the middle of the filling The 11m a fill DRF-B (KHS Dortmund) is ci ted
verage mus t remain unalte- head aIld seals it aga ins t the filling head. here as an example of a filler with a long filling
red . In order to achieve this, tube (Fig. 5.25). 111 the filling process, the bottle
the filling organs, which de- is firs tly not pressed quite up to the fillulg head,
pend on the different require- so that the CO, introduced from the tanl< can
ments of the beverages, are al- rinse out the bottle, whereby the oxygen is al-
so very different in their most completely removed (Pas. 1). Subsequent-
construction and hmction. ly, the bottle is pressed firmly onto the filling
a b The fi lling heads h ave a head aIld CO, is introduced thl'ough the retlU'-
very complicated s tructure ning gas va lve and the bottle is pretensed (Pas. 2).
Fig. 5.23
Liftillg elelllellts consisting of a number of dif- Sh ortl y afterwards, the bottle is brought to the
(1) IIpper Iwldillg device, (2) lower lIoldillg device, (3) Internl gllide, (4) coillpressed ferent components which are sa me pressure as in the tank, using CO2 (tensed)
nil' pipe, (5) f ixed pistoll rod, (6) liftillg plnte, (7) liftillg pistOIl, (8) lIIovnble roller ns- described individually in the (Pas. 3), and the beer is introduced to the bottle
socinted wit II tile liftillg plnte, (9) COlli pressed nil' ill let nlld olltiet, (10) cOlllpressed
following. They include bottom throu gh the filling tube (Pas. 4). Since
nil' fo r rnisillg tile baffle
(n) lifted, (b) lowered the centring tulip, firs tly only the relief gas htbe is open, the beer
filling valves with a long fil- firstly only flows in slowly and thu s foaming is
H eigllt anjllstl/lellt a/ln anaptioll to nijjere/lt ling htbe (long hlbe fillers), prevented. Through the addition al open ulg of
bottle sizes filling valves w ith a short return air tube the la rge r rehlrning gas tube, the beer now
It is normal today to fill bottles of different si- (short htbe fillers), flows rapidly into the bottle (Pas. 5) until the
zes and shapes using the same plant. The mar- filling valves with a filling sensor (short hlbe beer flow is slowed down by closing the retur-
ket very often requires a rapid transition from fillers), ning gas tube aga in (6). This phase is known as
one bottle size and shape to another. Long con- the valve control and the brake or correction phase. It is ended wh en
Fig. 5.24 the inductive flow measurer (IDM), which is
version times hinder and reduce the efficiency the volumetric filling d evice .
Celltrillg fillip witll gllide
of the plant. Modern bottle filling plants, with Basically a distinction is made today between only ind ica ted in the diagram as a double wall,
which different bottle sizes can be fil1ed, are - mechanically controlled and has established the exactly set amount. At this
equipped with a height adjustor. - computer control1ed valves. m oment, the beer valve closes (Pas. 7). TIU'ough
With a height adjustor, the upper p ar t of the Control is carried out u sing sensors or induc- initial relief and easing off, the pressure in the
filler, with the annular tank and the filling val- tive flow measurers (IDM) . Fillillg systel/ls with a IOllg jillillg tllbe bottle is made to sink only slowly, preventing
ves, is raised to the necessary h eight u sing When filling valves with filling tubes are u sed, fOaIning (Pas. 8). By lowering the filling valve
spindles and a gear rim. For this purpose, the Ti,e celltrillg tlllip the air is first rinsed au t of the bottle through aIld opening a lateral chaImel, air is let under the
bottle height for different bottle types is entered Basicall y there are two possible methods of the long filling tube and then the beer is fil1ed filling valve and the beer remauling Ul the filling
into the computer, so that the conversion to the bringing the bottle and the filling valve toget- into the bottle just above its bottom. ill this way, tube then flows into the bottle. At the end, the ex-
other bottle size call happen in the shortest pos- her: the bottle is slowly filled from the bottom up- actly set amOtmt is in the bottle (Pas. 9).




654 655

Fillillg systems witilollt filling tllbes on above the beer level. Consequently the beer
The narrow mouth of the bottle sets a limit to could no longer come into contact with ex ter-
the d iameter of the filling tube and consequent- nally moved parts, but it was in continual con-
t t ly to filling speed and filling performance. tact with various springs and other built-in fit-
Attempts are therefore made to speed up the tings, which was not good from a contamina-
process by using filter valves without filling tu- tion point of view.
bes. For this, however, the beer must be led on- It was therefore desirable to move away as far
to the bottle wall, and inevitably this involves as possible from the use of springs and otl1er in- 5
an increased risk of oxygen uptake . built fittings and to use other means of conh·ol.
These fillers are also frequently known as An important step in this direction was the repla-
"Short filling tube fillers" in conh'ast to the long cement of valves moved mecl1anically from out-
filling tube types. This description is, however, side by pneLm1atically moved membrane valves
incorrect since the short hlbe which can be seen is (Fig. 5.27), with which the cOtmterpressure gas is
always the air pipe, and the beer is led onto the only guided against the sealing membrane.
internal wall of the bottle. Introduction tlu-ough a
short filling tube would inevitably cause foaming
of the beer and a very large uptake of oxygen.
One attempts to remove the air beforehand
using a repeated vacuum and to replace it with
CO,. We have seen that one can reduce the air
content in the bottle to arOlmd 4 mI/0.33-1 bottle
using double evacuation. These procedures have
largely prevailed today in the bottling of beer.
Short filling tube fillers have a relatively high
perfOlmance, since for the infeed of the beverage
they can use almost the whole mouth surface of
the bottle mouth, which is only reduced by the
cross-section of the air pipe. Gurgling, such as
can occm during bottle jetting, is excluded here.

Control of tI,e filling process

Control of the filling process was subject to
great changes in the past. Until well into the
1950s cock fillers were used, so named after the Fig. 5.27
cock which was turned by stationary catches Pll ellllwticnlly lIIoved lIIelllurnll e valves
(1) cOlltmllllelllurnlle, (2) deaerntioll, (3) sealillg lIIelllumll e
and which released, one after the other,
the air initially present,
beer and return air
and at the next filling operation allowed the The membrane valve is moved by control air
beer above the cock to be sprayed back into the (pneumatically) from the compressed air mains
tank and thus into the next bottles. (Fig. 5.28). With this type of control there is no
Later valves were developed which permit- need for any springs or other internal fittings in
ted actuation from outside only in the gas regi- the filling element.

db IJ
656 657

pneumatic membrane valve

membrane valve 5
product channel

Probe _--1+-tl

product inflow
with spin insut

centring be:ll

Fig. 5.28 1 Control cylinder

rubber stal liquid valve
Pllwlllalic cOlllrol of Ille lIIelllurnlle valves 2 Pressu ri zing
valve return gas
valve (fast)
3 Pressurizing
Some types of filler possess a beer outlet with rises to the lower end of the air pipe, because valve return gas
A Snifting channel valve (slow)
a spin insert. This is a specially shaped cone the air situated above it can no longer escape of the gas channel 4 Snifting valve of
BVacuum - and CIP
which, as a result of its shape, causes the beer to (mechanically controlled filling valves), and return cha nnel
the gas channels
5 Vacuum- and
be led in so that it rotates arollnd the wall of the those where it CSni ft channel ClP-valve
bottle and nms downwards along the wall.
TI1e filling height is nowadays, in many models,
rises to a sensor, which finishes the entry
(computer guided filling valves).
6 Snifting valve
Bottleheadspace J
elech·onically controlled by sensors or inductive Both systems can be found in breweries.
flow measurers. A filling height sensor scans the The filling valve of the type VP-VI (Krones
height of the liquid in the bottle by means of sen- company, Neutraubling) (Fig. 5.26) will now be
sitive sensors and finishes the beer entry by me- presented as an example of the mode of opera-
ans of a "slow filling" phase when a particular fil- tion of a computer guided valve:
ling height has been reached . TI1e final and exact Pha se 1: Basic positioll Phase 2: First evacllatioll
ending of the entry is also achieved using the sen- The bottle is not yet raised, all pipes are closed. The bottle is pressed, air-tight, against the filler
which has a very sensitive mechanism and is head by the centring tulip, and the vacuum val-
therefore housed in a protective tube (air hlbe). ve (5) is opened pneumatically; the air is fed in-
In the case of inductive flow measurement, to the vacuum ch31U1el (B) 311d within a very
only an exactly defined amount is filled. short time 90 % evacuation of the bottle is achie-
According to the bottle filling control, there- ved. A vacuum protection device which is rai-
fore, one distinguishes between systems in Fig. 5.26/1 - 10 sed by the centring tulip prevents collapse of
which the beer in the bottle COlllp"ler gllided shorlillue bollie filler the vacuum when no bottle is raised.
658 659

) 5

o o o

Phase 3: Intermediate pllrging with CO, Phase 4: Seco ll d evaclIatioll Pllase 5: COllnterpressHrising Phase 6: Filling phase: rapid
he gas valve (3) is opened and CO, passes into The process described for phase 1 is repeated The process used in phase 2 is repeated, but After the pressure equalisation be tween the
the bottle from the filler bowl and purges the and again an approximately 90% evacuation is now the counterpressure valves (2 + 3) are ope- bottle and filler bowl, the relief valves (2 + 3) re-
bottle. This process lasts only a very brief time produced. This vacuum sucks out the still pre- ned and the process lasts longer. The CO, flo- main open. The beer can now - isobarom etical-
and is ended shortly. The pressure in the bottle sent air with the CO, from the bottle. The air wing in produces a high CO, concentration in ly - flow downwards and is deflected by the de-
increases to about atmospheric pressure. fraction in the bottle sinks to about 1%. the bottle after the twofold evacuation. Simulta- flecting cone (9) against the bottle wall and
neously the pressure in the bottle is raised to flows down the wall in a thin film. The dis-
the same pressure as that in the annular tank. placed CO, flows back into the bowl through
the air pipe and the return air valves (2 +3).
------------------------------------------------------------------- :I

) 5

o o

Phase 7: Fillillg plwse: slow Phase 8: Emf of fillillg Pha se 9: Pressure release Phase 10: elP cleallillg phase
Towards the end of the filling process, the fil- The sensor ends the filling process and causes By opening the valve (4), the bottle interior is Once a week, the bottle interior is elr cleaned.
ling speed slows down, in order to achieve an all valves to close. The bottle can now be lowe- connected with the relief channel, which lowers For this, specially shaped containers are placed
exactly controlled filling level. To do this, the red. It has the required filling level. the pressure in the bottle slowly by means of a under the filling elements and all valves are
return gas ' valve (2) closes, and the return gas The exact filling height is an important crite- tapered connection and thus prevents a large opened for a thorough rinsing with cleaning
valve (3) lets less gas return through a smaller rion for the quality of our bottled beer: wlderfil- overfoaming of the beer after lowering. and disinfectant agents. Next, the cleaning
cross-section; thus the flow is slowed down. ling is a fraud on Cllstomers and taxation, over- agent residue is thoroughly rinsed again with
filling reduces our profit: 1 ml difference per water.
0.5-1 bottle amounts to 200 hI with a bottled beer
output of 100,000 hi (= 20 mio. bottles)! Even
small quantities add up.
662 663


) 5

Comp"ler collirolled sillgle chnmberfiller willI hollow sell sor !1l1l1ofill ORS-ZiVlS/S, KH S, Oor/llll1l1d)
Explnllnliolls ill Ih e lexl

Th e sensor can also be a hollow sensor (Fig. ratory air valve and thus equal pressure is pro-
5.26a) and in this case has two functions: " rin- duced (Pos. 4). Now the beer valve opens and
se" after pre-evacuation and "return air" during the beer fl ows along the wall into the bottle,
filling . The computer controlled single chamber while the CO, is fed back into the bowl (Pas. 5).
filler lImofill DRS-ZMS/S operates with a triple The filling end (Pos. 6) is reached when the beer
pre-evacuation and a double CO, rinsing using has reach ed the re turn air pipe. The beer and re-
the hollow sensor, which also sets the filling turn air valves close (Pas. 7) . By opening the
height. pressure release valve (arrow), the beer present
Many breweries prefer mechanically control- in the return ai r va lve can flo w back into the
led fillers. A mechanically controlled single bottle (Pos. 8) and thus determines the height of
ch amber filler with pre-evacuation and CO, rin- the beer level in the bottle.
sing is, fo r example, the Innofill DMG-SVF
(KHS Dortmund) (Fig. 5.26b).
The filling process proceed s as follows: the
bottle is pressed against the filling head and the
evacuation valve (arrow) is opened. The bottle
is evacuated (Pos. 1). By additional opening of
the prepara tory air valve, CO, is fed into the
bottle and purges it (Pos. 2). Thro ugh a second
evacuation, the residual air is removed from the
Fig. 5.26b
bottle (Pos. 3) and subsequently, CO, is fed into iVlechnllicnlly COli/roiled filler type OiVIG-SVF (KHS Oor/-
the bottle from the bowl by opening the prepa- 1I11111d )
664 665 High pressure jetting at the elld of the discharge star wheel
Resid u al air in the bottle neck is extremel y 0.35 mg/l
harmful to the beer. beer without high pressure jetting
Becau se of air in the bottle neck 0.43 1I1g/l.
aerobic microbes in the beer start growing, In other studies [272], it has been pro-
bu t above all ven that without high pressure injection, conside-
the aging process in the beer is accelerated. rably more strecker aldehydes were formed than
The more oxygen the beer contains and the with the use of high pressure jetting, This speal<s 5
more oxygen gets into the beer during filling or in favour of using high pressure jetting.
gets stuck in the bottle neck, the more quickly one In order to optimise this process, the water jet
¢:: can expect flavour deterioration in the form of is controlled, in modern filling machines, by
aging of the beer flavour. One must therefore ma- computer-supported proportional injection,
ke every attempt to displace still remaining oxy- The necessary jet pressure, and to a certain ex-
gen residues from the bottle neck. This is done tent the position of the injection, is regulated ac-
using a high pressure injection system (HPIS). cording to the filling throughput, and the tech-
In the high pressure injection system, a very nological values in the bottle neck are kept
fine water jet is injected from above into the constant even in deceleration and acceleration
path of the bottle mouth at up to 40 bar. Every phases,
filled bottle which comes by receives a few hun- Generally, the necessary injection pressure ri-
dredths of a millilitre of hot water at 80 °C from ses with increasing output, but after attaining a
this fine jet as it goes by. As a result of this, the maximum value, sinks again when the output
'i§ beer foams up immediately in the bottle neck increases even more, Indication lines for the re-
and thereby displaces the air remaining in the levant injection pressure are allocated to the
o bottle neck upwards and out of the bottle. One different throughputs of the filling machine;
o must, however, be careful that not too much these can, however, can be altered at the brewe-
I,vater is injected, because a quantity of oxygen ry's discretion.
is dragged along with the water jet and shoots
into the beer; the exploding CO 2 has to purge The timillg of the HPIS is very importallt.
this oxygen out again before the air can be dis- The filled bottle is now immediately sent to the
placed from the bottle neck; and that the bottle closer.
does not foam up too much, because beer is lost
with the foam , 5.1.5 Closing the bottles
The correct setting of the high pressure jetting is The glass bottles are now equipped with a
therefore velY important, The earlier jetting oc- crown cork.
cms and the more time there is available for foa- It is also increasingly common to use swing
ming, the more oxygen is removed out of the neck stoppers for beer bottles.
of the bottle [296], Thus the following oxygen To a small extent, and only for special purpo-
amOLUlts were measured in the neck of the bottle ses, beer bottles may be corked and equipped
Oil jettillg with a wire handle (as with sparkling wine; Bel-
at th e start of the discharge star wheel gian and French special beers),
0.21111g/l The more sensitive the beverage is to oxygen
ill the middle of the dischmge star wheel influences, the more rapidly the stopper must
0.26mg/l be applied .
666 667

If the beverage is not subsequently pasteuri- Crown corks for sparkling wine and similar cork closure has b een itltro-
Cm". CIJ(/( - standard
sed, one must prevent air and micro-organisms beverages have an internal diameter of 29 mm duced for the closing of beer
from getting into the beverage on the way to the and a height of 6.80 mm + 0.15 mm. CroitlI cOfk - /JJ.rrier bottles itl mallY cOLmtries. For
stopper or through the stopper itself, thus en- The steel sheets used for crown corks are ma- '/i,is/-()f(" Cfo'Ntlcork
this, the non-recyclable bott-
dangering its stability. de of les used must possess a pseu-
Ptaslic cJOSIJre - standard
electrolytically tituled steel plate (tinplate) do-thread, which is closed
with 2.8 g Sn/m 2, PtasliccJOSIJre-barrier _ with a Twist-off crown cork.
electrolytically chromed steel plate (ECCS) C/oSl1r8 Itilh a stopper The consumer can then open
with min. 60 mg Cr/m 2 on each side the bottle again without an
C/o&JIe with actile scavenger _ 110
stainless steel plate (INOX). PlJrmeahiffty in opener, by an anti-clockwise
CtOSlJre d· O.2t bar
The crown corks are lacquered itlside and quarter rotation. Since the
outside. crown cork, however, has
18 19
The outer lacquering is produced, according very sharp edges, many con-
to the wishes of the customer, by digitally con- sumers use a tissue or a cloth,
Fig. 5.30n
trolled computer systems using lithographic itl order to avoid itljury to the
setting copies. Today, high quality lacquer and ball of the hand. Others still
highest quality pritlted colours can be gUal'an- are just as suitable for hot fillitlg and pasteuri- open the bottle with an opener, which Call, ho-
teed. The outer lacquering also protects the sation. cause damage to the pseudo-thread. The
cork from corrosion and abrasion . Crown corks made from titlplate or chromi- breweries winch employ such twist-off closures
For the imler lacquering, various adhesive um steel sheet with compressed cork discs and often form the bottle bottom as a crown cork ne-
lacquers are used for the sealing insert; either spot are used for alcoholic aperitifs and sterili- gative, so that the underside of the bottle Call
for PVC or for PVC-free material. sed milk. function as an opener.
To encourage sales, crown corks are someti- Crown corks are increasitlgly often equipped
mes used which have a removable sealitlg in- with a sCalwanger compound, which can bind Sortillg the croWl! corks
sert with the company logo . Special adhesive 2-4 m g of oxygen by means of settled reducing For untroubled closure, all the crown corks
I ___ lacquers are used for this. The sealitlg materi- agents and can thus counteract oxygen uptake must have the same position, so that they can be

r d,
als used are on a long-term basis . set on the bottle mouth without problems, with

L,l itljected sealing inserts using PVC,

cold embossed sealing inserts without PVC
Even with the crown cork, oxygen
uptal<e tlU'ough the compolmd Call generally be
the compound facitlg downwards.
This positioning takes place in the sorting de-
Fig. 5.30: Crow II cork stopper or even expected, just as surrounding smells Call be itll- parhllent using a tunnng tube (Fig. 5.31). Use is
compressed cork discs w ith an alumitnum or parted Witll time into the beer flavour duritlg sto- made of the fact that the jagged side of the crown
vitlyl spot. rage of bottled beer - despite the difference itl cork is significalltly larger thall the closed side. Closing with crown corks Most sealing inserts are made from PVC com- pressure between bottle interior alld SUlTOLU1- If a crown cork enters the turning tube with
powld and are injected into the crown corks and cling air. The different closmes vary considerably the open side facitlg the observer (Fig. 5.31,
CroWIl corks embossed Lmder heat. They have a neuh'al fla- in tlleir permeability to oxygen (Fig. 5.30a). right), it is turned a quarter-turn to the left by
Crown corks (Fig. 5.30) are the most commonly vom and are also suitable for hot filling, pasteuri- the mechalnsms in the tube and leaves the tube
used stoppers. They consist of lacquered steel sation and sterilisation. They seal very well and Twi st -off crown corks with the open side (to the right) .
plate with a standard sheet density of 0.235 mm many filling compalnes prefer them for this rea- Twist-off closures are closures winch attach the The left crown cork enters the turnitlg tube itl
+ 0.020 mm and a sealing insert. son, although this causes PVC disposal problems. cork firmly to the vessel by a quarter rotation exactly the opposite position (Fig. 5.31, left) .
Crown corks have an internal diameter (d,) of PVC-free sealing inserts are extracted from a and winch can be opened again by a short anti- The mechanisms force it to turn to the right, so
26.75 mm and 21 teeth. Their indication is 26 granulate on a PVC-free basis and are embos- clockw ise rotation. These closures are common that it fitlally comes out in the same direction as
mm; the external diameter (d,) is 32.1 mm + 0.2 sed in different forms for the different bottle with bottles alld jars with a broader mouth. Ori- its partner on the right - with the open side (to
mm and their height (h) 6.00 mm + 0.15 mm . mouths. They too have a neutral flavom alld ginatitlg in North America, the Twist-off crown the right).

In this way all the crown

corks, whatever direction
they arrive in, are sorted into
the sa me direction.
Subsequ en tl y th e crOWn
corks - packed very close to-
ge ther - are guid ed Over a
feeding groove to the transfer
and finally put on the bottles. 5
In the course of the
many millions of crown corks
pass throu gh these sorting
d epa rtments, turning tubes
and feeding grooves. Because
of the sharp edges of the mil- 2 4
lions of closures, all the pas-
sageways become broader
with time; this leads to wed-
Omm 3.7mm
ging and blockages. In order 7.7mrn 4mm

to avoid this, these machine

parts should be m eticulously Fig. 5.32n
Pnllr of tIle closillg e/ell/ellt dllrillg closure
Fig. 5.3 1 inspected and refitted or re- Explnlwtiolls ill tire text
TlIl'llillg tllbe to till'll tire CroWII corks to tire correct positioll placed in good time.
The tran sfer of the crown the force of the leading spring ac ts on the crown
corks takes place mechanically cork (2). In a second closure phase, the ejection
and magnetically (Fig. 5.32). spring is pressed and the pressure on the bottle
The crown cork is fed into the increases. The closure procedure is over when
h'cU1sfer segment (1) and direc- the crown cork has moved 7.7 mm into the clo-
ted by a towing loop, over a sing ring (3). Thus the crown cork is 1mm with-
ramp (2), to the magnet (3), in the cylindrical part of the closing ring, and
which holds the crown cork the necessary closure diameter of 28.6 to 28.7
firmly in this position. mm is exactly reached (Fig. 5.35). This ends the
The closing procedure is re- closing procedure, and the closure force d ecrea-
latively complicated, since ses again (4).
one must attempt to even out Through the delayed effect of the ejection
very slight h eight differences spring, a high closure quality with low pressu-
(Fig. 5.32a). The closing ele- re on the bottle is guaranteed. When the closing
m ent lowers itself until the ring moves further downwards over the crown
2 3 closing ring of the crown cork cork, the pressure piston blocks this. This also
meets the bottle and is held evens out the bottl e h eight, w hereby bottles Fig. 5.33
by it (1) . Then the closing ring which are too hig h press th e bottle pl ate Crow II cork closillg nwe/lille
(1) CroWII cork sortillg plnllt, (2) Sortillg plnllt drive,
Fig. 5.32 alone m oves further down- dow nwa rds until the lowest p art of the closing (3) CroWII cork e/wllllel witlr tUl'lling tube, (4) Closillg ele-
CroWII cork trnllsfer ill tile closllre plnllt wards. In the first phase, only elem ent is reached. Controlled by the lifting Illellt, (5) Bottle cnrriel; (6) Drive
670 671

cu I've, the closing element now moves upwards has a row of openings which the pressed-on Closure with a swing stopper TellsiOIl of the wire hal/dles
again and the leading spring presses the ejecti- crown cork ei ther passes through, does not pass Swillg stoppers It is sensible to control the tension of the wire
on stamp back into the starting position. through or just goes over. This test Inust be car- Swing stoppers were still the normal closures handles, since their tension is reduced with ti-
ried out with all elements of the closure pro- for beer bottles fifty years ago. In a number of me and the porcelain heads then can no longer
cess, in order to control the uniformity of their breweries, swing stoppers have been reintrodu- be adequately pressed on .
a. ced to characterise individual types of beer.
activity. If the opening which the diameter of
the crown cork occupies
is too small, there can be difficulties opening Swing stoppers consist of
5 a porcelain head, which usually has an adver- 5
the bottle;
if it is too large, this can lead to leakage or the tising logo on it,
crown cork can jump off.
Newly applied crown corks can be turned
a rubber sea ling and
the two-part wire handle made of galvanised
steel wire or stainless steel wire.
Fig . 5.35
using a bit of force. As studies show, this mobi-
lity has nothing to do with the firm positioning a
Prillciple of the crowlI cork closllre Clo sllre procedure witTl swil/g stoppers
of the crown corks. The corks only "stabilise
(1) CI'OWII cork
themselves" with time. When the porcelain head and rubber sealing
(2) I ll sert
(3) Teeth are placed on the bottle mouth, they can be
(4) Cllrves bet wee/! the teeth Trallsport amI storage firmly pressed on by pressing down the tensing
(5) Bottle 1Il0llth handle, and the bottle contents is thus sealed
Crown corks consist of sheet steel and are the-
(6) Rillg to hold the closllre
refore magnetic. The transport of the crown off. This procedure can be repeated as often as
n = III1c1osed b = closed
corks is therefore usually carried out ma- required. A significant resistance must be over-
gnetic tapes, by means of which ver ti cal trans- come when pressing the handle down.
After closure, the bottle is sprayed with wa- port can also be achieved unproblematically. Fig . 5.36
ter, in order to free it from adhesive beverage Because of the transportation on magnetic ta- For mechanical closure, therefore, there are Swillg stoppel' with rllbber disc
residues (danger of corrosion, growth of micro- pes, the crown corks also cannot rub against several necessary intermediate steps: (n) III1c1osed (b) closed

organisms). Water from small jets is directed at each other. setting up the handles in one direction,
the space between the crown cork and the bott- Crown corks have sharp edges, with which putting the porcelain heads and the sealing
le mouth. they rub agains t each other and against the ca- on the bottle and Contamil/atiolls ill t he 1'IIbber sea l
Even after closure, the unprotected sharp sing. They should always be transported and pressing down the h and les. The rubber seals lie very close to the porcelain
steel edges of the crown cork remain intact. In stored in a s table plastic casing. If they are This means that swing stopper closure ma- head when the bottle is open (Fig. 5.36). If the
combination with water which collects under transported freely in boxes, they always rub chines have a relatively complicated structure. bottle is closed, the rubber is pressed upwards
the teeth, rust is formed by an electrochemical against the box when moved. The abrasion, They are therefore only used for sorts of beer and it removes itself slightly from the porcelain
reaction between tin or chrome and iron, and which also contains a relatively small amount with which one can balance out the higher costs head at the lower end (b). There contamination
this rust develops, if stored wet for a longer pe- of colour abrasion from the crown corks, can la- for the bottles and the closure by demanding a nests can build up, which then, when the bottle
riod, into an ugly rus t ring underneath the sup- ter be found swimming in the bottle on top of higher price. is open, are protected between the porcelain
port ring of the bottle. It is therefore necessary the filled beverage, since it is virtua lly impossi- head and the rubber and generally survive all
to rinse out the space underneath the teeth ble to remove it again. Problems with swillg stoppers the procedures. As soon as the bottle is closed,
edge of the crown cork with water and then The same applies to the abrasion which occurs ProtectiOI/ of the CO l/tellts they are active again.
to blow it out with air, and because of the movement of the crown corks in Swing stoppers are usually sealed by a handle But it is not only because of this that the rub-
to avoid condensate wa ter on closed bottles the sorting plant (hopper), which should there- label, which is attached to the bottle neck and ber seals are a source of contamination: old rub-
by airing the storage rooms well. fore not be constantly filled with crown corks. which bridges the handle. This label provides, ber and bad quality rubber tend to form tears,
The correct pressing of the crown corks onto The height level indicator of the fwmel should however, insufficient protection, since it can ea- in which contamination nests build up and cau-
the bottles is tested with a stencil. The stencil tl1erefore be set as low as possible. sily be removed. se hazing. Moreover, bad quality rubber and


old rubber emit flavour s ubs tan ces into the Filler Star wheels and bic bacteria such as Pectinatus and Megasphae- Everything possible must therefore be under-
beer, which can considerably harm the quality centring tulips ra can establish themselves and reproduce. Lac- taken to prevent the formation of biofilms. If
of the beverage. Casings in the tic acid, formed from la ctic acid bacteria, is par- su ch germ beds are formed, the dangerous
The potential problems and higher costs have conveyor area ticularly favoured by these two anaerobic germs can reproduce more and more and are
had the result that the swing stopper for beer Conveyor belts contaminants and thus its reproduction is en- dragged into all sorts of areas of the plant by air
bottles is now largely confined to particular, Infeed screw couraged. movement, injection s, bottle conveyors and
usually higher priced beer types. II/spector Star wheels personnel. Thus the widespread germs become
Conveyor belts
5 a potential source of danger, particularly becau-
5.1.6 Cleaning the filler and the closer (high humidity) se they get more and more used to the beverage
The cleaning of the filler and closer is always an Was/liug lIIachille Dripping water at the milieu and thus become real contaminators.
urgent hygienic necessity. In plants in which ea- toothed sheet above the It is therefore extremely necessary to be meti-
sily spoilable beverages, such as beer, alcohol- bottle exit culous in taking all m easures to remo ve the
free beverages, lemonades, fruit and vegetable COl/ve!f0r belts Dripping noses germ beds on and in the filler and closer as well
juices are filled, the thorough cleaning of the fil- Collecting sheets as in the whole filling plant area, and always to
ler and closer can even become crucial to the Troughs, belt chains keep these areas m eticulously clean. The follo-
survival of the plant, since very many contami- Filler SIllTOlIlUfil/gs Fouling of machine wing measures are used:
nants can find their way into the beverage on parts CIP cleaning systems for the filler and the clo-
the filling journey. Open tile gaps
If the beverage is then not pasteurised in the Congested gullies Drenching particularly vulnerable parts of
bottle, micro-organisms can breed in the beve- Vapour formation Grooves above the bottle the plant with water and
rage, haze it and spoil its flavour. exit Fig. 5.36n
Automatic chemical foam cleaning of the en-
FOrlllnlioll ofbiofi lllls Ih rollgh Ih e excrelioll of polylller SlIb-
The causes of secondary infections in beer in- tire filling plant.
slnllces nllli sigllnl 1II0leCllIes
clude [317]: Although most pests are sensitive to hea t and
- inadequate hygienic conditions at the filling above all to dry surroundings, they can usually ClP cleallil/g s!fstellls for the filler aun the
plant, only survive and breed in the protection of ot- Biofilms are symbioses of micro-organisms in closer
- rapid formation of biofilms, caused by high her robust micro-organisms. varying compositions. They form in all areas of Regularly cleaning and sterilising all parts
degree of plant complexity with a lot of cor- Such robust micro-organisms are mainly ace- life wh ere it is wet or at least damp and become which come into contact with the beverage is a
ners and seams, tic acid bacteria, which appear everywhere and noti ceable as a thin layer of slime which CaIU10t basic prerequisite for biologically secure filling.
- ideal environmental conditions for micro-or- cover themselves with a slimy capsule, colJecti- simply be washed away. Biofilms form everyw- With modern fillers, all parts which come into
ganisms, such as beer harming bacteria and vely known as biofilms. These slimy capsules here - even in our clean toothbrush mugs, a bio- contact with the beverage, including the cent-
foreign yeasts (humidity, warmth, nutrients), form an excellent protection against drying out, film layer forms after a period of time, which ring tulips and the returning gas tube, are
- formation of aerosols (fog) in high perfor- but also against heat or disinfectants. Bacteria can and mus t be m echanically removed wit- cleaned by a closed CIP circuit system. In order
mance plants, of the strain Acinetobacter as well as Pseudo- hout difficulty. The type of colonised micro-or- to achieve this, special cleaning caps are atta-
- reduced mechanical cleaning in favour of monas have been identified as pioneer organ- ganisms depends on the situation. Thus the ched to the filling elements, enabling thorough
chemical cleaning and costs, isms [315] which colonise even on smooth most varied strains come into contact as a result rinsing out using the cleaning agent.
- poor aeration and ventilation in the filling cleaned surfaces within a few hours and start of the excretion of polymer substances and si- With modern crown cork closing elements,
and labelling areas. forming biofilms. If such omnipresent acetic gnal molecules (Fig. 5.36a) , and form a sort of too (Fig. 5.37), a rinsing cap (5) is attached,
acid colonies establish themselves in corners symbiotic commlmity in which they can com- which allows the cleaning agent (drawn in red)
Main causes of contamination were fOlmd to and germ beds, other germs can also arrive he- plemen t each other and thrive. Biofilms create access everywhere. There are also good oppor-
be: re, which also take advantage of the protection the basis of life for beer spoiling organisms, tunities for a targeted drenching of the closing
Closer . Closure stamp of the slimy capsules. Since the acetic acid bac- which have a considerably higher resistance to elements with hot water.
Non-removable covers teria love oxygen, they use up the oxygen sup- biocides and cleaning agents within these bio- Also especially important, however, is regu-
Star wheels ply of the capsules very quickly, so that anaero- film s (see Sect. 7.4.2). lar cleaning of the crown cork sorting plant,
which is achieved using integrated jet sprays.
With screw closure plants, an analogous proce-
d u re must be used .

6- --..rti:=1
7 Water rlrel/cllillg
2 It is sensible to drench particularly vulnerable
parts of the filling and closing plants with wa-
ter at regular intervals, in order to prevent con- VerschlieBkopf
taminants from establishing themselves. crowning head 5
The following parts have proved to be suitab-
le (Fig. 5.38): Abschwallung
on the filler at the height of the controlling Offenliegender
valves, lifting cylinders and tulips (1), -!+--+--- Druckslempel
Open design of
on the closer to drench the closure stamp (2) plunger

between and above the loading and discharge Crowning throat
stars (3) including the conveyor belt. valve

4 Cold water with a chlorine dioxide additive is

3 usually used for water drenching. The dren-
clung should take place everyone to two homs,
if possible during an interruption for the time
- - Flaschenleller
of 2 to 3 filler rotations after removing the bott-

Fig. 5.37
les at half speed. The drenching should be in Fig.5.38a
CroWIl cork closillg elelllel lt Witil 011 tel'
AnschluB fUr Wasser /
Oesinfektionsmitlel i3 g Spring-loaded
bottle platform

the form of a broad water jet, not a dispersing rillsillg Water/disinfectant supply
Crow II cork closillg elelllellt (illtemal cleallillg)
(1) closllre COile, (2) lIIagllet, (3) crOWIl closllre, (4) closllre spray and also not in the form of finely disper-
hend, (5) rillsillg cap, (6) CIP illfeed, (7) CIP retllm pipe, sing jets.
(8) colllpellsatioll sprillg, (9) ejectioll sprillg Particular attention must be paid here to the
thorough rinsing of the crown cork closing ele-
ment (Fig. 5.38a).

Foam cleal/ing the ell tire fillillg plal/t

We have seen that the first contaminants can al-
ready enter the bottle on the drip plates of the
cleaning maclune. It is therefore imperative to
take regularly all measures which contribute
towards keeping the entire plant clean.

The maill lIIeasures are:

automatic external foaming according to a fi-
xed time plan (after approx. 10 to 12 homs),
regular cleaning of all machines and machine
Fig. 5.38 Fig.5.38bl
Drellc/lillg with hot water parts, use of foaming cleaners for the inacces-
Strollglll adhesive/oalll
(1) fillel ; (2) closllre star wheels, (3) trnllsfer star wheels sible parts after thorough rinsing; the foam cleallillg


cleaner has to be viscous and adhesive if it is

to be effec ti ve (Fig. 5.38b1),
front table to substantia lly prevent the accu-
mulation of contam i.nants.
digital cameras.
Infrared recognition occurs in a defin ed area . .1 _·'.........
_·_ -
... StWwMill· ... An.
M · Clfllr,,-*....tft

Plate ch ains, plas ti c rails and distributing star in the label free zone of the tran sparent bottle
pa rticular attention mus t be paid to the co- i 36 IE 00
wheels are popular weak p oints w ith many (Fig. 5.38b2).
ve rs, bottom plates and machine dri ves,
boreholes and em pty spaces; In the case of x-ray or radiom etric recogniti on L s,o
which are difficult to reach; modern fillin g
(gamma ra ys), the fillin g level is controlled ex-
m achines h ave an open d esign with out a the floors are often p opular contamination l
\--$OO ml
sources because of missing and loose tiles; actly irrelevant of w hether the control a rea is '-
dirty corners, llllJleCessary things or machine covered w ith a label or fo il. For can filling, y-
5 5
p arts lying around . rays and x-rays are also preferred .
measuring head
In order to make jet shadows visible, it is advi- In x- ray (b) or y-ray fi lling height control, the
sable to spray, or better grease and then dry out, transmitter with the ray source is located on
w ith kieselguhr powder first! After water d ren- one side of the measuring bridge, and on the
clling, the lmh'ea ted areas are easily recogn.isable. opposite side is a scintillation tube used as a re-

ceiver. Because of the necessary protection mea-
5.1.7 Control of the filled and closed bottles sures for galllJn a and x-rays, one gladly d oes
After closing, the bottles are controlled without this m ean s of control. Nowadays high
2 for the correct filling level (filling level con- defini tion cameras (640 * 480 pixels) are m ainly
trol), used for measu ring the filling level control of
3 for missing or badly positioned closures and bottles and the area to be controlled is illumina-
Fig. 5.38b
if possible, also fo r oxygen residues in the ted with LEDs (light-emitting diodes).
Stellcil Jor lIIeasllrillg
bottle n eck. Each bottle w hich p asses the sensor is registe- filli llg ileigill ill 1111
red according to the prescribed characteristics wi til a closed 0.5-1
and either di rected onwa rds o r rejected. 10llg lIeck bollie Filling level control
After closure, the prescribed filling height in Since the filling height control machine is
the bottle is controlled . This is necessary, in or- electronically coupled to the filler and closer,
der to one can always, unconnected with actual filling
protect the consumers fr om lmderfilling and sta tistics, prove Oxygen in the bottle n eck
thus to p rotect the brewery from a loss of how many under- or overfillings happen ed at We h ave seen that the oxygen content at the end
image, each filling element, of s torage in the tank is n early 0% (0.0 to 0.01
to protect the brewery from losses caused by which fillin g elements are working fa ultil y m g oxygen/I), since the yeas t h as consumed all
r--- 7
overfilling and from bottles breaking during and also the available oxygen . On the filtration journey,
6e--- rN-- . .. subsequent pasteurisation. which, if any, closin g s tamps are working the oxygen content in the beer rises somewhat
Moreover, it can happen that a bottle is only faultily. (air addition in the kieselguhr, the wa ter, the fil-
half filled or n ot filled at all. Apart from this, regular inspection of the ter etc. ), so that one can expect
At the sam e time, the filling height control sy- work of the control ins trument is necessary. For 0.02 to 0.03 m g 0 ,/1
stem must register missing or crookedl y po- this, one uses measu ring gau ges which are ad- at the filler inlet.
sitioned closures and reject these bottles. apted to the bottle fo rm and attached to the up- During filling, too, there is a slight addition of
Fig.5.38b2 Faulty bottles must be filtered out. per bottle ed ge. The distance between the cl osu- air, but p ar ticularly important apar t fro m this is
Fillillg level cOllt rol llsillg illf rared mid x-ray recogllitioll re and the liquid level is measured (Fig. 5.38b) . the oxygen rem aining in the bottle neck after
Filling height control can be carried out
(n) illf rared recogll itioll
(1) ovelfillillg trallslll illel; (2) ovelfill illg receivel; (3) IIlIder- using: This is basically unp roblem atic in the case of filling, since it gets into the beer th rou gh gas ex-
fillillg trallslllittel; (4) IIl1delf illillg receivel; (5) lIIeasll rillg infrared rays, bottles w ith crown cork closures, while screw ch ange and causes d amage w hi ch has already
ilead x-rays, closures present p robl ems beca use of their non- been described. We h ave seen that attempts are
(b) x-ray recogll itioll stan dard point of reference. made to eliminate this oxygen by foa ming up
(6) x-ray SOll rce, (7) set-poill t fillillg level, (8) receiver gamma rays and
the beer in the bottle neck by means of high We have seen that the very finely bubbled fo- The drum shown in the diagram represents a 5.1.8 Pasteurising in bottles
pressure injection . am produced by high pressure injection rises comparison with the electromagnetic impulse
The gas found in the head space of the bottle up to the mouth aJl.d di splaces the air oxygen on the crown cork. Principles of pasteurisation in bottles
consists of CO, and air. We will see (Section upwards. Oxygen is thereby whirled in during
If a beverage is p as teurised in the bottle, no mo- that one can easily remove the CO, gas high pressure jetting aJ1d is only partly remo- By conti.nually controlling all filled and clo-
re microbes CaJl. develop in the beverage. Pa-
during analysis using caustic soda. Air consists ved again. As it does so, the foam bubbles in- sed bottles and by rejecting incorrectly filled
s teurisation is therefore the best m ethod of se-
of around 21 % oxygen - but volume here is not creasingly take up air and thus become larger. bottles, the shelf life of a beverage, especially if it
the same as mass, and this plays a role in the da- From the larger bubble volumes, one CaJ1 deduce consis tent product quality on the market is
contains dissolved subs tan ces which are still
ta. Air contains the following fractions: a higher fraction of dissolved oxygen. guaraJl.teed, fermentable. 5
But not all bottles are filled so ideally: the prescribed shelf life of the beer is secured
The precondition for the pasteurisation effect
N, 0, Ar CO, H, in some bottles, the foam does not rise to the and missing or badly sitting closures are im-
is, that the required pastemisa tion
Volume-% 78.08 20.95 0.93 0.03 0.01 top, with the result that air remains in the mediately detected.
units (PU; see Sect. are adhered to _
Mass-% 75.51 23.01 1.286 0.04 0.001 mouth;
even in the coldest part of the bottle. When a fil-
in some bottles, the foam crown comes out of 1 led bottle is warmed, the warmed beverage ri-
This results in the following conversion fac- the opening; the foam crown is dras tically al-
ses upwards at the outer interior side, while the
tors for air and oxygen at 20°C and 1013 hPa: tered by the centrifugal force in the star
still cold beverage in the middl e flow s
1 ml air 1.2 mg air wheel area and thus enables air to enter;
downwards (Fig. 5.39). The coldest part of the
1 ml 0 , 1.33 mg 0 , when the filler is slowed down, comes to a
beverage is therefore to be found directly above
1 ml air contains 0.21 ml 0 , = 0.28 mg 0 , standstill aJ1d is restarted after malfunctions,
the middle of the bottom. Mixing through and
1 mg air 0.83 ml air = 0.232 mg 0 , such phenomena occur particularly often aJ1d
equalising of the temperature only takes place
1 mg 0 , 0.75 ml 0 , = 3.6 ml air encourage air entraJ1ce into the beer.
slowly. The heat transfer is also slowed by the
The volume ratio of air to oxygen is 1 : 0.209 The result is that inequalities in the quaHty of bad conductivity of the glass.
the beer and thus loss of image occur.
Conversion factor for oxygen and air at 0 °C It is possible to control this air entraJ1Ce conti-
and 1013 hPa: nually, i.e. with every bottle, and to push out
1 ml air 1.293 mg air objectionable bottles. For this purpose, an elec-
1 mlO, 1.429 mg 0 , tromagnetic impulse is created above every
crown cork in the process, by means of which Fig. 5.38e
The air in the head space (residual resi- aJl. electromagnetic field is created. This causes COllirol of boltle fillillg nlld of Ihe closllre IIsillg eleelroll/nglle-
lie ill/plilse
dual gas, head space) is given the crown cork to be very briefly raised aJl.d let
(Hellf l Syslellllecllllik COlllpnllY, BllIgbriihl)
in ml/bottle or can go of again . As this happens, its free middle (1) good baffle
ill. ml 0 , per bottle or can or part vibrates briefly. One can record aJl.d eva- (2) nil' ill Ihe baffle lIeck
in mg 0 , per bottle or can. luate these vibrations using an audio frequency (3) crookedly plnced closure
(4) II/issillg closllre
It should not exceed receiver (Fig. 5.38c). One can conclude from the
0.06 mg 0 , in 0.33-1 bottles and vibrations (frequency, amplitude) whether
0.08 mg 0 , in 0.5-1 bottles. 1. the bottle is filled correctly up to the top with
In order to evaluate how endangered the finely pored foam, The bottles are subsequently
bottled or caJul.ed beer is, one calculates the to- 2. the missing or very largely pored foam indi- either immediately labelled or
tal oxygen content. The total oxygen dissolved cates a higher proportion of oxygen, firs t pasteurised aJl.d then labelled.
in the beer (including the oxygen in the hea d 3. the crown cork was put on crookedly and is Labelling of comse only takes place after pa-
room) is given in mgll (see Section The therefore not airtight (so-called sleeping cap) steurisation, because otherwise the newly ap- Fig. 5.39
total oxygen content in the filled beer should or plied label would be soaked again and washed COll veelioll 1I10Vell/elli ill Ihe f illed bOltle
(left! whell wnrll/illg
not exceed 0.10 to 0.15 mg 0 ,/1. 4. no closure was put on. away.
(right) whell coolillg


ser by far the larges t plant in the entire bottling stainless s teel rails and bottle is set down by lowering the bars and the
When pasteurising, one warm s the entire
plant. Larger tlmnel pasteurisers are therefore stainless s teel slat-band ch ains on low-abrasi- bars are moved back again. The mechan.ism for
bottle contents up to the desired pasteurisation
often se t up across two storeys, in order to save on plastic rails, and increasingly toda y this is compli cated and ca n only be Lmderstood
temperature, which one maintains long enough
space. two-pa rt belt modules with s ta inless s teel by keeping the reference line in mind.
to provide the beverage with the necessa ry pa-
chai n links with polypropylene ribbed upper In Fig. 5.40, the fi xed (black) bars face the mo-
s teurisation lUlits (PU) to destroy all contami- Important components of the tunnel parts, so-ca ll ed "marathon belts" (Sand e r ving (red) bars. In order to understand the me-
nators. The following must be observed:
pasteuriser Hansen A/S, DK). chanism, one must always have in mind the re-
Liquids and gases expand more and more as
The ttmnel pasteuriser consists of The na rrow-meshed belts g uarantee sa fe lationship between the fixed black bars and the
the temperature increases. If only a limited vo- 5
a machine casing with a drive, work and faultless transport and a safe transfer moving red bars. One can see that the mov ing
lume is available, the volume of the gas com-
a slat-band for the bottle transport, of the bottles at the inlet and outlet. bars are lifted with the bottle, moved forwards
presses itself when warmed, increasing the
a spray system with Since the belts, which are several meters wi- and set down again a little bit further on the fi-
pressure . Liquids, however, are not compres-
a facility to regulate the hea t and water balan- de, are put under a lot of stress, two belts are so- xed grid. The moving grid then goes back to the
sed (they are incompressible); they expand furt-
ce, metimes used per level. left into its original positi on.
her - independently of the resulting pressure.
a comprehensive pump and ttlbe system and Since the belts run tlu'ough the machine with In thi s procedure,
This means, with regard to the bottle contents:
a recooling system. the bottles, they warm up with the bottles and the vertical movemen ts are carried out by
If a bottle to be pasteurised is completely fil-
Apart from this, twu1el pasteurisers can have re-coo l as well; this puts more s tress on the me- hardened rollers over the slanting level and
led with beverage (without a gas cushion), the
a system to regulate the PU when the machine tallic stainless steel bands than the less reactive the horizontal movements are carried out by
contents expands increasingly when warmed.
is standing still. plastic bands. Nonetheless, a lot of energy is horizontal rumung surfaces .
The resulting overpressure of several bar inevi-
lost here. In order to save energy, the walking For this, two hydraulic cylinders respectively
tably causes the bottle to explode at some point.
Machille casillg beam procedure was developed. are built in at the end of the pasteuriser.
Even a very small gas cushion cannot prevent
The crate-shaped machine casing is a self-sup- The distance between the bars must be cho-
the breaking of the glass, since the closure, too,
porting welded construction up to 30 m in Wal1d ng beam proced1lre sen in such a way that the bottles calU10t fall
normally endures a higher pressure.
length, in which the individual temperattlre zo- In the walking beam proced ure, the bottles over. The special advantage of the proced ure is
This means:
nes are housed with a roof, sidewalls and water stand on fixed p arallel bars of a grid. By means that the moving elements remain in the same
When pastel/rising, a sl/fficiently large gas
collectors. The interior can be observed using of a very original mechanism, they are lifted, temperature zone, and thus constant warming
cl/shion 11111St be provided, ill order to prevellt
large-scale inspection windows. The water col- moved forward in (small) cyclical steps and put up and cooling down, with the energy losses
the forwatioll of too large all overpressl/ re wit-
lectors are equipped with pitch for dow n again by intermediate moving bars. that this entails, is avoided.
llill tile bottle.
purposes; narrowly m eshed plug-in strainers The forward movement results from lifting
The necessary headspace is calculated at
hold back contaminations which could block and moving the intermediate bars. Then the Sprayillg device
arolmd 4 % of the bottle volume; for a 500 ml
the spray jets. The water is pumped round wit- The object of the spraying device is that all the
bottle, that is about 20 ml, if the fixed bursting
hin the section by circulation pumps. bottles in this section are sprayed with water at
pressure value is not to be exceeded (for beer
The bottle transport is driven by a frequ ency a particular temperattll'e, uniformly and frol11
bottles> 10 bar) . The gross filling volume,
regulated drive motor. A spring loaded torque all sides.
which is marked on every bottle, is 520 ml in
support with a limit switch secures the motor TIle spray system consists of removable square
0.5-1 bottles.
against overloading. The running time and spray ttlbes. On the LU1derside of the spray ttlbe
During pasteurisation, the bottles, standing
temperatures are set automatically by the selec- are lmge, square openings, tlU'ough wh.ich tlw
on conveyor belts, are fed slowly through the
ted programme. water is sprayed out. The water is churned up in
tlmnel pasteuriser and at the same time war-
the interior area by deflecting plates, to achieve
med up by spraying with warm and hot water, • 0 <
Trllllsport belt jetting over a large surface. Thus and tlu'ough an
pasteurised and subsequently cooled down
The bottles are conveyed through the tempera- alternating arrangement of the jet ttlbe openings,
ttne zones of the machine by a continually nU1- optimal spraying of the bottles is aclueved.
This process lasts about an hour. This means
ning transport belt. Most commonly used are Fig. 5.40 The water is collected as it flows off and, after
that the surface required is 3 to 3.5 m2/(1000
heat-proof plastic belts, e.g. intralox bands on Wn/killg benm procedllre filtration with pumps, fed into circulation
bottles· hour). This makes the tlll'tnel pasteuri-

again . The water is heated by means of heat warm the bottles up in severa l stages to bring In this way, most of the consluned wa ter is won
After the fa ult has been removed, the tempe-
transferers which are built into the piping . The them to p asteurisation temperature, back. The overflow water from the first zones can
rature mus t be raised back to the set-poi nt va-
temperature is regulated, since the exact tempe- p as teurise them (keep them hot) and then be caught separately and cooled using a coolll1g
lues before the bottle tran sport is turned on,
rature is a decisive factor for carrying out the re-cool them. tower. Thus the consumpti on of cool wa ter can be
so that the prescribed PU va lu es can be rea-
pas teurisation process correctly. The quantity of heat w hich is released w hen considerably decreased in the w inter. ched .
the hot and warm bottles are cooled down can be In the way described here, beverages can be
Th e lowerll1g and raising of the temp erature
Heat al/d water ma1lagemellt. Willllillg back used to warm up the next bottles. In this way, one pas te urised faultlessly, unless a malftmcti on oc-
mu st be supervised by a contro l.
heat can redu ce the energy and water conslU11ption to curs beca use a machine com es to a s tandstill _
An important precon di tion for a low sensory
In order to warm the bottle contents, the jet a minll11llI11 through heat transfer between the for wh atever reason. If nothing is d one about it,
influence on the beer is that the oxygen con -
temperature must of course be higher than the warming up and cooling dow n zones (Fig. 5.42). overpas teurisation Occurs w hi ch CaIUlOt be rec-
tent in the beer is as low as possible.
temperature of the beverage. The temperature Multiple heat regeneration is possible: tified, beca use the hot bottles calU10t be moved
Th rough the regulated feeding in of cold wa-
of the jet water and of the bottle contents can the coldest water, fl owing out of Zone C3, is on aI1d recooled . The flavour of the beverage
ter into these zones aI1d th ro ugh regula ted con-
only be the same when the desired pasteurisati- fed back ll1to Zone H I to be warmed up, suffers fro m this, and this can affec t m any thou-
trols, overpas teurisation mus t be largely pre-
on tempera hue is reached . the somew hat warmer water fro m Zone C2 is san ds of bottles if the pasteuriser is full.
vented . By a step -by-s tep tem pera hire adj us t-
Usually, one wants to process the beverage fed back ll1to Zone H2 and A PU ftl se mus t therefo re be built in.
ment - corresp onding to the m achine stoppage
flUther in a re-cooled s tate after pas teurisation . the s till warmer water fr om Zone CI is fed
time - jus t enough cool water is fed in as is ne-
One must, therefore, back into Zone H3. PU fu se
cessary given the duration of the back-up and
If malftU1 ctions occur in the p roduction flow,
the p u. Here, the temperatures and PU w hen
measu res must be taken to avoid a PU increase
the m ach ine is continu ally flmctioning normal-
completely or at leas t to keep it at an accep table
ly are compared with the situation wh en the
level. This means that there mu st be the possi-
machine stops and a back-up occurs with in-
bility of
creasll1g s toppage time.
accurately reducing the temperature in the
A computer is coupled to the pasteurisation
pas te uri sa tion zones through the addition of process; this computer
cold water.
calculates the p roduct temperature and the

Fig. 5.43

.... -_ .... ......... -

The II/ollitor ill/nge sliows tlie jet
temperatllres (frn ll/ed ill bllle), the
prodllcltemperatll re (red bars),
Fig. 5.42 the set-poillt vnlile (yellow lille)
Hent nlld wnter II/nllngell/ellt dllrillg pnstellrisntioll of bottles or enlls flI/d the ndded pnstell risntioll III/its
(H1) Hentillg zOlle 1 (lient trallsfer witli coolillg zOlle C3); (H2) Hentillg zOlle 2 (lient trnl lsfer witli coolillg zOlle C2); (H3) Hen- (PU) (grew bnrs).
tillg ZOlle 3 (lient trnl lsfe r witli coolillg zOlle C1); (5) overlientillg zOlle; (P) pnstellrisntioll zOlle (Pnstelll' PLI Regllintioll)


added PU from the jet temperatures in the in- The PU to be aimed at is calculated from this. tractive presentation, the ir brilliant colouring
dividual zones and from the h'eahllent time The current batch can no longer be corrected, and their overa ll effec t. Metallisalion
for all parts of the pas teuriser.
The course of pasteurisation is recorded by
the computer as a process simu lation. The
but the set-point values for the nex t batch can
be altered (Fig. 5.43a).
Labels can be applied as
body labels,
back labels,
- [gJ"
PrimeI ilk
- " vamish
computer can therefore reproduce the pro- 5.1.9 Labelling and foiling the bottles chest labels and -
cess in ad vance and introdu ce suitable con- Nowadays it no longer suffices to produ ce a neck labels.
trol measures if faults occur. good beverage: the bottle must also present it- Other labellings are also possibl e.
The setting of the output of the pas teuriser self to the consumer in an a ttractive form . This Recently, wrap-around labelling has been 5
can be changed and it can make the appro- includes gaining importance.
priate alterations. The label paper contains the important and
Since, however, machine stoppage can only being decorated with at least one label and effective imprints used to decorate the bottle. In Fig.5.43b
be brought about by the pasteuriser itself or by sometimes also being decorated with a closu- order to do this, the label paper must have the COlllpositioll oln lIIetnllisen lnbei pnper
the subsequent machines and plants (labelling), re foil. foll ow ing properti es:
all measures should be taken to ensure an LUl- The re levant information here is about It must be good for printing on. In the case of
disturbed continua l run, in the interes ts of the labels and foils, labels with gold or silver in the graphic de-
maintaining the quality of the beverage. the glue and sign, it must be possible to apply a lacquer In many cOlUltries (e.g. USA, UK, OK, etc.) a l-
The course of pasteurisa tion, with all the im- the labelling process . and metallisation. For this the label paper is kali-soluble papers are used and the labels form
portant information about the process, can be coated and smoothed on one side. a pulp . This C3Jl only be done when the cleanlllg
record ed by a monitor (Fig. 5.43). Labels and foils Labels must not develop a hole or a llow the plant is d esigned to cope with pulp and there
The monitor records The design of the label, its shape, colour and ef- background to show throu g h iJl either the are no objections to the load III the waste water.
the jet water temperature, fect is of tre mendous importance, and this must wet o r dry condition. To prevent this, titani- Labels must not become curl ed or form crea-
the course of the temperature in the bottle as not be lU1d erestimated . Many consumers buy um dioxid e is added as a fill e r durlllg m anu- ses. Because only the front sid e is coated,
a fLUlCtion of time, with the eyes and, given the same content, pre- facture and the raw paper is fully g lued. The prlllted and lacquered, labels tend to roll up
the com se of the set-point value temperature. fer bottles which attract them more by thei r at- glue and bottle co lour must not be visible. Lmless the reverse side is a lso treated or pre-
Labels must be resis tant to caustic. The for- pared with a light pigm ent appHcation. This
mation of condensation water in itse lf n eces- also lllhibits the absorp tion of water.
sita tes a water-resistant adhesive; but resi- Water uptake is measured b y the Cobb value
stance of the labels to the cleaning caustic in (16 - 20 g/m 2), but this by itself is not sufficient
the bottle cleaner is p a rticularly important to for quality evaluation.
prevent disllltegration of the labels. For rapid 3Jld complete release of labels in
Paper labels are fundamentally small works the plant the fo llowmg properties
of art. This pertains to both the composition of are llll port3Jlt:
the label and its gra phic design. The compositi- - caus tic penetration time,
on of a normal paper label consists of raw paper - prlllt colou r resis t3J1Ce to caustic,
(Fig. 5.43b) with a paper coatlllg and a thin re- - resis t3JlCe to caustic and
verse coa ting. In the case of m e tallised labels, - water resis tance.
an additional coating is applied, which consists The orientation of the fibres III the paper plays
of a priming varnish, an aluminium layer, the 3Jl import3Jlt role in labelling . The imprlllt
Fig. 5.43n prim er and the printing ink This additional
After n IIlne/Ii/le stoppnge, tile should always be d esig ned so that the fibres of
coating, however, causes 3Jl increase in the re- the label nUl at rig ht angles to the longi tudinal
IIIDllitor illlnge silows n regllinted
pnstellrisntioll cOll rse. moval time of the label during bottle cleaning axis of the bottle (Fig. 5.44) (improvement of
(Pns tellr PU Regl lintioll) [365].
the rlllsabiHty of the label off the bottle).
glitter effects on the labels, reminiscent of ice Casein is a lactic protein. The adhesive is pro- Adhesive Advantages Disad vantages
crystals, duced by breaking down the casein in an alkali
thermo labels, which show optimal drinking environment at temperatures of 50 to 90 DC. Casein Suitable for cold Less adhesive
temperature when the temperature changes, Characteristic of caseUl adhesives is the great based or wet bottles power than
labels with holes in, which show the umer si- dependence of their viscosity on temperature Rapidly sets on dextrin glue
de of the back label, and thixotropic behaviour (this means that the cooling Thermostattulg
labels with a "no-label-look", which are p31"ti- adhesive becomes thilmer the longer it is stirred). Condensation is necessary
cularly effective on colourless bottles. In order to be able to work without problems, the water resistant Frost sensitive 5
The colour pigments used to inscribe the la- temperahu'e of the glue must be kept at the pre- Dries less quickly
bels are free of heavy metals, with the excepti- scribed level (between 25 DC and 38 DC) for a fair Plant Suitable for hot Longer bonding
on of the colour blue. A complex copper com- amolmt of time before processulg and during based and cold time
Fig . 5.44 pound is contained in blue. If slight colour processing. A viscous-medium pump brings bottles Longer soaking
Fibre directioll 011 Inbels
(top correct; bOttOll1 illcorrect) variation is taken into account, blue colours can back unused adhesive and keeps the temperatu- time
also be printed without copper. The varnishes re constant. Casein adhesives are used today for Very condensation Frost sensitive
(lacquers) used contain no heavy metals. throughputs of up to 80,000 bottles/h. water resistant
Silver is printed without heavy metals on the A viscous-medium pump provides constant
basis of alwninilU11. Gold colours are also pro- transportation; gravity is used to return the sur-
Labels are supplied and stored in storable
duced on an aluminium basis for deep prulting, plus amount. The temperature is kept constant Adhesive is applied either all over the label
stacks. Storage should be at 60 to 70% relative
whereas for offset prulting, gold colours on the usulg electric heating and thermostats. surface, in stripes or as a grid.
air humidi ty and at 20 to 25 DC to ensure the la-
basis of a copper-zink alloy, containing heavy Starch and dextrin based adhesives are less According to Kremkow the following relati-
bels remain flat.
metals, are used. dependent on temperature than casein adhesi- onships exist between the requirements and the
A special type of labels are wrap-arOlUld labels,
ve. For this reason, they are particularly suitab- properties of the adhesive:
with which bottles can be labelled without adhe- Label adhesive le for labelling warm and hot bottles. They, too, the higher the viscosity of the adhesive, the
sive, i.e. the adhesive is not applied to the bottle
The task of the label adhesive is to attach the la- are thermostatted and constantly transported more rapidly the initial stability of label ad-
but only as a sh'ip onto the label, so that the label
bel or labels firmly and securely Ul the right pla- in circulation. hesion is achieved,
can be removed again before the bottle is cleaned.
ce. Since the labels are put on by labelling ma- The mdividual adhesive types have the follo- the greater the casein content, the more firm-
Wrap-arolUld labels are processed continuously
chines with a high throughput, other properties wing characteristics: ly the labels adhere after 5 min,
from the roll (see Section: Wrap-arolUld label-
of the adhesive are also important: the thinner the adhesive application, the bet-
ling). Above all, plastic foils made from
short bonding times, Adhesive Advantages Disad vantages ter the resistance to condensation water,
thin layer thickness and thus low operatiIlg the thinner the adhesive application and the
polyethyls, or
costs, Starch Condensation Long threads are lower the pH, the more rapidly the labels are
polystyres, but also
condensation water resistance, to avoid later based water resistant pulled released in the caustic bath.
labels made from label paper are used .
SlippUlg, Suitable for The aim of glue application is the uniform
The foils have the advantage that
does not form threads when applied. labelling hot coating of the label with glue. The thickness of
they are imprintable and the printing colours
The adhesive also ends up, however, in the bottles the layer should be optimal:
come out shiny and
bottle washing machule, where it must ensure a Dextrin High surface Not condensation if too thick - longer removal time, danger of
they are somewhat stretchable when applied
rapid removal of the label. Nonetheless, the la- based adhesion water resistant soiling.
and later attach themselves more closely to
bel adhesive must be able to be dissolved biolo- Sets rapidly if too thin - insufficient label adhesion, sme-
the bottle.
gically later, before it is fed Ulto the ulterceptor. Insensitive to Dries quickly aring.
Apart from the foils used for wrap-around la-
Most glues in the beverage industry are frost To keep the costs as low as possible, as little
belling, one also often uses metallic (gold or sil-
casein adhesives (about 90%), or Also suitable for Problems with glue as possible should be applied. Costs are in-
ver) looking foils to fold rolmd the head of bott-
starch adhesives (about 9.5%) and hot bottles surface coated curred not just by the glue itself but also by the
les (see Section: Foiling bottles) .
alternative glues on a synthetic basis. bottles necessary additives and anti foams in the
Some new ways of decorating bottles are e.g.:
cleaning caustic and the higher waste wa ter lo- der (5) and, with the glued back side faci ng out-
ad caused by these. ward s, in the fo llowing bottle carousel (6) it is 2 3 4
For economic use a figure of 8 to 15 g of adhe- transferred w ith the glued back side onto the
sive p er 111 2 can be assumed . bottle and brushed on.
The problematic p art is the gripper cylinder Basic principle of labelling (Fig. 5.47), which mus t be set exac tly for the ta-
The basic principl e of labelling is: the label keover and p assing on of the labels. The most Fig 5.46
should be stuck firmly and completely s traight important p art is the g rippe r finger, w hich Labellillg statioll
at the predetermined p osition on the bottle. holds the labels on the anvil rail by p arts of the (1) labellllagazille 5
(2 ) gill illg pallet
This is achieved by the following s teps (Fig. label w hich are not glued . There are lmglued
(3) gll/illg roller
5.45): parts because of gaps on the glue pallets. (4) gripper cljlillder
The gluing p allets (2) roll against the gluing The opening and closing of the gripper finger (5) celltrillg bell
roller (1) and are equipped there w ith a thin ad- is ca rried out by a control curve, guiding the (6) datillg device
(7) pnllet enrol/sel operatillg
hesive film . Each gluing p allet rolls agains t the curve roll and roller lever, opening and closing
ill all oil bntil
label magazine (3) and picks up one label by its the g ripper fin ger at the predetermined time. (8) colltrol en/ II
back. The filling d ate is printed onto the label The entire labelling process is depicted again (9) oil-cirClilatioll Il/brientioll
by the d ating device (4) and the label is then in Fig. 5.46. of bo ffle table
(10) bmsll-oll device
cau ght by gripping fin gers at the gripper cylin- 6
(11) batfle plate 7 8 9 10 11 12
(1 2) bat fle table

Restore spring

,,-------- Polygon hub

Air blast
r-.._---- Lubricant line

Roller lever - - ---'"

Air supply
Camfollower- --../'

Control cam Pressuresponge

6 Anvil bar Gripper finger

Fig. 5.45
Labellillg process Fig. 5.47
(1) gll/ illg rollel; (2) gll/illg pallets, (3) label lllagazille, (4) datillg device, (5) gripper cljlilldel; (6) bm sllillg Gripper cljlillder

690 691 Design of labelling machines the adhesive pa llet cylinder; the adhesive pal- sell through w hich the bottles pass. Depending p led to the d isch arge star wheel, in ord er to
Depending on the size of the filling pl ant and lets ro tate aro und their axis unifor mly or on requirements, one or more m oveable label- guarantee a synchronous p rocess.
the required number of labels to be applied, a non-lmiformly or only ro tate to a limited ex- ling aggrega tes are attached, each with its own
distinction is m ade tent, synchron ous drive, w hich can then ap ply the 5.1.10 Dating the labels
according to the throughput: the label magazine and the label container, desired labels. Las tly, the bottle must be provid ed with the ne-
lab elling machines with a straight through- the gripper cylinder, cessary dates, which depend on the regulations
put and the drive, H ead folding with foil s of the resp ecti ve nation and the p rescriptions of
rotary machines; the machine control and In the case of head folding, gold or silve r co lou- the fi lling plant. Normally, these are:
5 5
according to the number of labelling stations: the d ating device. red aluminium foils with the co mpany logo are the fillin g or sell-by d ate and
labelling m achines with one labelling station, The control of the m achine must ensure: applied as a company code, from which it is possible to
labelling m achines with two labelling stations no bottle - no label is removed, round foils (Fig. 5.48) or trace back the bottle.
and if the bottles run out, the d rive switches to mi- pointed fo ils. In Germ an y it is also necessary to label w ith
labelling m achines with more than two label- nimal speed after a predeterminable time, The cut fo ils are taken from a foil m agazine the shelf-life d ate, w hi ch guarantees the good
ling stations; when bottles are present, the machine is swit- and, analago usly to labelling, glued and ap - quality of the beverage lmtil this d ate. Howe-
accord ing to the supplying of the labels: ched back to the normal throu ghput speed. plied, with the foil tip in the direction of the la- ve r, since the flavo ur quality of the beer
m agazine dispatch, The brewery is frequently forced to mak e mo- bel. changes for the worse with time, more and m o-
roll dispatch of wrap-arOLmd labels. difications to the typ e or form of labelling. In Head folding takes place immediately after re breweries abroad are going over to printing
The essential components of the labelling ma- order to be able to achieve this task, labelling labelling. The foiling machinery is situated di- the filling d ate (born-on d ate) and giving a qu a-
chine are: machines are now built using modular teclmo- rectly at the h ead of the machine, which is cou- lity recommendation (fresh est tas te) of con-
the adhesive machinery, consisting of adhesi- logy. The machine (Fig. 4.47a) consists of the sumption within 90 to 110 da ys.
ve applicator rollers, adhesive roller and ad- front table with the the infeed and For the reference marking, the da te bar on the
h esive kn.ife (blade), discharge star wheels, and the machine carOll- label edge can be used and the info rmation en-
tered there. This can be done using
stamping devices for plants up to 60,000 bott-
les per h ou r,
by sawing in the information onto the im-
printed label edge border,
embossing d evices or perforation devices for
papers with a lacquered surface (for lesser ca-
Head folding: round foils p acities),
ink jet printers; these apply the inform ati on
without contac t by using a jet of ink (see Sect.
laser coders.
Laser printers are very often employed for
the m arking of labels. With these a high energy
(up to 6 J) infra red light pul se lasting about 2 ps
is directed using a tightly sealed radiation gu i-
Fig. 5.47a Head folding: pointed foils ding system (Fig. 5.49) to the appropriate p osi-
Mod llie tec/ll lOlogy illiabel/illg tion on the label. In the radiation p ath there is a
(1) sepamtioll, (2) illfeed star
Fig. 5.48 metal mask w ith the shelf-life d ate and batch
wheel, (3) label/illg aggregates,
(4) lIlachille enrollsel, (5) diSc/l- (n) Hend foldillg: rOlllld fo ils info rm ation cut out. This information is m ar-
arge star wheel, (6) cOlltrol desk (b) Hend fold illg: poillted foils ked onto the appropriate place on the label by


means of the laser beam in about 0.2 Either 5.2 Special features when filling later the lowering of the bottles is achieved by ned off the bottles, by means of the drainage
a coloured layer is evaporated and a back- into non-returnable glass bottles means of a curved path, through which the fin- tub (11), into the drain (12).
grOlU1d of a different colour becomes visible, or Non-returnable glass bottles are supplied by ger of the bottle gripper is led. The addition of 0.2 to 0.3 mg chlorine dioxi-
the colour or structure of the surface changes . the pallet from the glassworks. The bottles are During transport through the rinser, the bott- de/I (CIO,) is recommended for the biological
In any case the very brief but effective laser be- arranged in layers on pallets and protected les ar e rinsed out; the rinsing can occur using purification of the fresh water, which improves
am marks the label very cleanly and appropria- with foil. Since the bottles come directly from cold water, but in the case of rinsers with seve- the biological quality of the water without for-
tely at the correct position. the works, they are clean and can only contain ral compartments, one can use separate feed-pi - ming chlorophenols . Measurement and regula-
The ozone produced by the laser must be ex- some works and transport dust. The treatment pes to the jets to spray in cold water and/or tion occurs using a Redox measuring device, by 5
tracted. of these bottles before filling is limited to war111 water and blow in air, thus removing the means of which the chlorine dioxide content
pushing or lifting from the pallet layer and residual liquid more rapidly. The total treat- can be set exactly in mg/l.
rinsing off in the rinser to remove dust parti- ment time of the bottles is between 8 and 10 se-
cles, a process which is sometimes omitted. conds. The process is controlled by means of a 5.3 Filling into PET bottles
A precondition is, however, that the protecti- sliding window. The water running off is collec- Drinks are increasingly being filled in plastic
ve foil of the pallet is not damaged and the pal- ted in collector tubs and drained off. bottles. In recent times, this applies particularly
let formation is not disturbed. Fig. 5.50 shows a mechanically controlled rin- to the filling of beer. Especially bottles made
ser w ith its main components. The throughflow from polyethelene terephthalate (PET) are used
5.2.1 Clearing of new glass bottles of the bottles occurs clockwise in this case. The in this case.
For clearing away the pallets are lifted in layers spray water is introduced in (9) and distributed Plastic bottles offer numerous advantages:
and the new glass bottles lifted off layer by lay- by the distributor (6) to the spray heads (7), they are very light - a 0.5 litre bottle weighs
er (see Fig. 5.72). This has to happen very care- which are not all illustrated. The water is drai- less than 30 g,
fully so that no bottles fall over which could ea-
sily lead to a mass fall (see Sect. 5.5.2).
As an alternative the layers can also be lifted 6

using clamping grippers. The intermediate lay-

ers are collected and recycled.

7 5.2.2 Rinsing
New bottles come from the manufacturer and
Fig. 5.49
contain no drink residues and are more or less
Loser prill tel'
(1) Revcrsillg lIIirrol; (2) bcolII pot", (3) cylillder lells, (4) 011- sterile owing to the manufacturing process. The
tOllloticolly call trolled p"oto 1II0sk, (5) gillilig pollet wit" 10- small amount of dust contained in them from
uel, (6) joclissillg IIllit, (7) divertillg IIlin"Ol; (8) "eigllt odjllst- the glassworks can be removed by means of
IIICllt, (9) LeT disploy Fig. 5.50
spraying in a rinser. iYlec"ollicnlllj COli trolled rillscr
(1) tll l"lltoule drive
Bottle rillsers (2) cordoll s"o ft
5.1.11 Controlling the labels
Bottle rinsers are usually constructed as rota- (3) drive IllataI'
Perfect positioning of the label is very impor- 5-
(4) "eig"t OdjllstlllCllt - 4
tant for the reputation of the brewery. To meet ting machines. In order to be able to rinse out
(5) gripper 9
these high demands the correct position of the the bottles coming in on the belt, they have to be (6) dis triblltor 10 -
label and the absence of defects are controlled rotated so that the mouth is pointing down- (7) spmy "eod
wards. For this purpose the rinsers are equip- (8) protective cover
using a sensor or camera, as is the presence of a
(9) rillsillg lIIedilllll ellt mll ce 3 -
barcode . This final inspection is often carried ped with plastic grippers which gently grip the
(10) porticle/iltcr
out together with a control of the correct closu- bottles, lift them, turn them 180 and fi x them (11 ) dmi ll oge tllU

re of the bo ttle. directly above the spray heads. The lifting and (1 2) rills illg IIICdillll1 exit
694 695

they do not shatter and as a result cause no the chains of molecules are loosely connected to The most important factor is of course oxy- All three methods are used and being suc-
damage, and are unbreakable, each other; it is only above 80 °C that a glass-like gen which can have a considerable effect on the cessfully expanded.
they can be dyed any desired colour, state (Tg) occms. This minimum temperature has flavour s tability of the beer. The first thing to re-
breweries can produce the bottles themselves, to be reached to obtain a suitable forming of the mark on here is that under atmospheric condi- Mllltilayer
the brewery can design bottles with indivi- material. Above 120 °C, on the other hand, a se- tions and at normal room temperature, about The multilayer method, often featuring an addi-
dual shapes, mi-crystalline state occms characterised by the 0.012 mg 0 , is released per 1 mg PET [277], or in tional surface layer, has the largest market share
the bottles can be recycled . formation and growth of spherical structures in other words [278]: 150 ppb/O.5 1 bottle. This is (about 70 %). Multilayers have three or five layers
PET bottles also have disadvantages: the material, which reaches its climax at about not insubstantial and the content further increa- as well as developments of hybrid systems with 5
they are only temperature resistant to 60 °C 160 °C (Tc) resulting in the material changing to a ses corresponding to the age of the bottle. As a six to nine layers. There are numerous suppliers
and therefore not suitable for hot filling or milky-white opaque structure. As a result there is result of the partial pressure difference between (Owens-Illinois, Constar International, Amcor,
pasteurisation. a temperature window for the shaping of PET the b eer and the surrounding atmosphere, a Honeywell, Evalca, M&G a.o.).
Recent developments, however, are delive- bottles of 90 to 125 °C. As a rule temperatures of high oxygen transfer occurs which can lead to The technology of Amcor PET Packing Ger-
ring a higher temperature stability than with about 110 to 115 °C are used for shaping. The oxidation of the beer within a few weeks, parti- many, Mendig, is used here as an example . Am-
pure PET (e.g. Polyclear 2201 PET copolymer to structure formed at the highest temperature is cularly at higher storage temperatures. An ef- cor works with various oxygen barriers, e.g.
92 °C, Polyclear 2203 from PET and PEN copo- not reversible dming cooling. fort is therefore made to improve the barrier AmGuard™ with nylon or AmGuard™ with
lymer to 95 °C). properties by means of interlining. In the case Bind-Ox+TM (Fig. 5.52a). The insertion of the
of 0.5 1 PET bottles permeability is [277]: multilayers occurs during the manufacture of
5.3.1 PET bottles multilayer bottles 8 - 15 the preform (Fig. 5.52b). Using special teclmo-
PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is a polyester, vacuum steamed bottles 4 -10 logy, the layer is embedded in the PET (Fig.
which is polycondensed in a melt from ethyle- bottles with 0 , scavenger 0- 2 5.52c) and lmiformly distributed over the bottle
ne glycol and terephthalic acid. (figures in at 23 °C) . wall during blowing of the bottle.
In addition to the oxygen which not Structural properties of PET only occms in tl1e gaseous area of the bottle neck
The inner structme of PET depends greatly on but also along the entire bottle walls, CO, transfer Product
the temperahtre (Fig. 5.51). Below arOlmd 80 °C plays an equally large role as far as quantity is
concerned, although it is less significant.

Filling into untreated PET bottles therefore

only comes into consideration in the case of still -co,
water. Such plants have been and are being
!V[nss trnllsJer tllrollgll
PETwn/ls built and operated in large munbers.
To be able to fill beer in PET bottles, every ef-
fort must therefore be made to exclude oxygen Barrier properties of PET transfer in the bottle or to reduce it to an accep-
PET is problematic as a bottle material because table amOlmt. For this purpose, interlining (lay- Fig.5.52n
it displays considerable solubility and permea- ers) or coating is used. Bnrrier lnyer elllbedded ill tile IIIl1ltilnyer bottle
bility to gases. The blocking ability of a separa-
ting wall regarding exchange of gases is refer- Barrier technology
red to as barrier properties, the exchange of gas To prevent the exchange of gases through the
60 100 120 140 160 180 200
itself as permeation. Furthermore, exchange of bottle walls, barrier layers are applied. This can II/tenlal coatillg
Tg Tc
materials between the contents of the bottle and occur by means of: The application of an internal coating is more
Fig. 5.51 the walls occurs which is known as migration layers within the mono/multi layer, difficult as it requires an expensive coating
Stl'llctllrnl properties oj PET
(Fig. 5.51a). All of these exchange processes are internal layers or technique with additional machines . Since the
(Tg) trnllsitioll to tile glnss-like stnte, (Tc) crystn/lisntioll
poillt important factors in the case of PET. external layers. coating material has to applied in an explosive

Introduction 01the The::!:reT B:!:hamber
POLYMER bottle into the treat- is inlroduced inlo aches Ihe plasma reach almospheric
ment chamber Ihe boille slage air pressure again

Vacuum inside and Energy inpul using Deposil 01 amor- Removal ollhe Irea-
oulside Ihe botlle microwaves phous carbon on the ted bottle Irom the
Fig.5.52d intemal side 01the chamber
Illtel'llal coatillg usillg the Actis bottle
Hot Runner process, Sidel, \liel'llheilll

5.52e) . The procedure prevents migration of coating is tight and leak-proof and does not
dissolved gases and substances into the pro- quickly come off or is damaged by mechanical
duct and represents an effective barrier against load.
oxygen, CO, and chemicals. The BestPET Technology by Krones, Neu-
traubling, has for example an extern al barrier
layer beset with scavengers which is protected
with a n ano-thin but highly scratch-resistant si-
licon oxide barrier on the outside. The protecti-
Fig. 5.52v alld c on of the external coat is very important with
(v) cOllstfllctioll of ti,e multilayer prefonll (Otto Hofstetter AG, LlZllachICH) this procedure because rubbing reduces the
(c) illsertioll of the barrier material durillg the prefonll Ilwllufa cture (A lll cor PET Packagillg)
barrier qualities considerably. Only non-retur-
nable PET bottles are used for beer, however for
supply gas
pure PET. The Actis material is suitable for re- the filling of water, returnable bottles have esta-
manner, it is necessary in advance to create a
cycling. blished themselves.
vacuum in the bottle and in the treatment
chamber arolmd the bottle. With the Plasmax Internal Coating by SIC
Corpoplast, Ham.burg, PICVD coating teclmo- The importance of Scavengers
In the case of the Actis method by Sidel
logy (Plasma Impulse Chemical Vapour Depo- It has already been shown in the case of crown
GmbH, Viernheim, a vacuum of < 0.1 mbar is
sition) is used. A compOlUld (hexamethyl disio- corks that by means of the integration of a sca-
created inside and outside the bottle. Acetylene
loxane) is used to prepare a reaction which venger in the insert, good oxygen binding can
gas (C,H ,) is then introduced and as a result of
forms a glass layer on the inner side of the PET be obtained. 0 , scavengers are substances on
microwave radiation of 2.25 GHz, a huge sup-
bottle. A gas mixture from this compolUld and Fig. 5.52e the basis of N a,SOy which bind oxygen in such
ply of energy is created, which, for 1.2 to 2.5 sec,
oxygen is introduced (in a similar way to that of Plnsllwx Illtemal Coatillg (S IG Corpoplast, Hamburg) a way that the latter is no longer available for a
creates a plasma . Within 2.5 sec, the internal
the Actis method) into a bottle lmder vaCUlun reaction with the filled beer. The scavenger do-
layer of the bottle is coated with a permanent
conditions and by means of pulsed energy from es, however, only have a limited oxygen ab-
layer of amorphous carbon (Fig. 5.52d). The lay-
er prevents the exchange of flavour between a microwave, a plasma is ignited, the reaction Exte/'/wl coatillg sorption capacity.
products of which are deposited "with a hint of It is easier to apply external layers than internal For the closure of PET bottles, screw-cap clo-
beer and PET and demonstrates a 7-fold better
glass"on the internal side of the bottle (Fig. ones. However, this only makes sense if the sures usually (but not inevitably) come into
CO, barrier and 3D-fold better 0 , barrier than
698 699

consideration (see Sect. 5.3.5), through which to inhibit the development of acetaldehydes, or Stretching and blow-moulding of PET down to keep its sh ape. Figure 5.54 once again
an increased access of air into the head space is UV-blocker to prevent the penetration of UV bottles shows the single stages of moulding a PET bott-
possible. By means of a sealing compound with rays. Today s tretching and blow- moulding of PET le sta rting with the preforms.
an inserted 0 , scavenger, 2 - 4 mg of 0 , can be bottles is usually performed directly at the bott-
chemically bonded with the result that permea- 5.3.2 Production of PET bottles ling plant (Fig. 5.53); sm all er breweries receive
tion in the interior of the bottle can be effective- The production of PET bottles occurs in two sta- preformed PET bottles from a (common) blow-
ly prevented. ges: mou lding station.
This is not the case with the oxygen transfer the production of the preforms and Preforms are delivered in large quantities, 5
via the outer wall, the prevention of which is at- the stretching and blowing of the PET bottles. stored in large containers (2) and sorted mouth-
tempted using layers. It is worthwhile instal- side up by a roller-type sorting m achine (4). The
ling the scavenger itself as an active barrier in Production of the preforms preform s are fed into a long stretched-out line-
the container wall and protecting against the The production of the preforms from ethylene ar stove (7) via a feeding rail (5) or a similar fee-
oxygen in the atmosphere by means of an oxy- glycol and therephthalate acid is carried out by ding device, where they are slowly preheated
gen barrier facing outwards. specialist companies using the injection moul- by heater boxes. Then the preforms pass
ding process. The complete shaping out of the tlU'ough a transfer sta r to the blow-moulding
F/l rth er characteristics of plastic mouth with the thread and the neck ring there- station where th ey are enclosed in a blow-
Plastic is in the position to bind certain aroma by occur, which meet the demands of the super- moulding form (Fig. 5.53a) in the blowing
components such as acetaldehydes and to re- light bottle. This part undergoes no further wheel, with the neck ring and its thread staying
lease them later. This excludes the use of PET change in the following processes. The "lower" outside and being cooled . Now the process of
bottles as rehlrnable bottles for certain pOUl'a- part of the preform is designed both in size and stretching and blow-moulding starts with the
ble products (beer, soft drinks, water). the amount of materials so that the finished insertion of the blowing tube which at first cau-
The macro-molecules in plastic are subject to bottle has the necessa ry wall strength in every ses a stretching of the preform body (Fig. 5.53b).
ageing through mechanical and thermal s tress. position. During the shaping of the multilayer As soon as the bottom is reached, a bubble is
Ageing occurs in the form of "greying" of the preform, the barrier polymers also have to be formed in the upper part which moves steadily
polymer, the appearance of scratching and ten- poured in . downward until it fills out the whole form. The
sion cracks with increasing use, so-called stress Preforms are produced in large numbers by new bottle is ready, but it still has to be cooled
the manufacturers and sold unorganized in lar- Fig.5.53n
cracks, which lead to elimination during in-
Blowillg lIlollld
spection of returnable bottles. It is no longer ge containers.
possible to completely clean the tension cracks
thus giving rise to the risk of contamination.
This effect, however, does not (yet) occur in the Fig. 5.53
Mnchille overview of n stretcll-
case of non-rehlrnable bottles described here.
blow-IIl01lldillg IIlnchille COllli-
foml S (Krolles)
Co!ol/ri1lg of PET bottles (1) preforlll lillillg device, (2)
preforlll slorage (3) 2
For filling with beer, the preforms are to be dy-
preforlll (4) preforlll rol-
ed "beer brown" to prevent the development of
ler-type (5) preforlll fee-
a light struck flavour. Very stringent require- dillg rail, (6) illfeed stnr wheel,
"lIP 3
ments are made on the dye which represents (7) lillenr oven, (8) hentillg
only 0.08 % mass of the bottle: high temperatu- cilnill, (9) henlillg boxes, (10)
Il'nllsfer stnr wheel, (11) blow-
re resistance, low tendency towards sublimati-
11101lid stntioll, (12) blow-lIlollld
on, physiologically without risks. Additives are Fig. 5.52 wheel, (13) nil' (14)
also often added to improve particular proper- Preforllls; the tlll'end wilh Ihe ben reI' rillg (lleck rillg) is flllly (15) colltrol enbillel, (16) 5 4
ties, such as, for example, acetaldehyde-blocke fOrllled wnler sllpply, (17) nil' slIpply

If the PET bottles are to be

filled w ith beer, the inside or
outside must be coated with a
block ing layer llsing one of a
number of m ethods. As this
layer must be d ry before the
bottles are filled, these have to
be stacked and s tored for so-
me time. This costs tim e and 5
money! That is w hy it is ad-
Fig.5.53b van tageous to de velop me-
Slwpillg of file baffle ill fil e blowillg thod s tha t all ow an uninter-
lIIollld (Sidel)
rupted process sequ ence from
the blowing-w heel to the fil-
Fig. 5.54n: Coolillg of tile bnse of tile baffle IISillg iced wnfer
ler, for beer filling, too.
6 Monitoring of the m anufactured PET
Infeedand It can easily h appen that the m achine produces
1 inspection .""
Streching and pre-blowing rejects. The foll owing can be p roduced :

.g 2 wrinkle formation in the case of uneven m a-
£ 7 terial di stributi on in the neck area
cloudiness in the case of Lmeven cooling of the
Blowind to final shape,

0- Inversion
in infeed starwheel
retraction of strechingrod,
ma terial
stress w hitening in the case of too little mate-

I g= 8
Unlocking and opening
of mould,
lowering base mould
distorted contour in the case of incompletely
blown bottles
ova lity of the seal fa ce in the case of an in suf-
ficiently cooled thread
It is therefore necessary to p erform a check Fig.5.54b
::I: 4 9 direc tly follow ing the s tre tch -blow process to Rillsillg of fil e lIew baffles

be able to immedia tely recogni se and elim ina te


vertical starwheel, U """,'", botll,
irregularities and hence supply the filling stati-
on w ith only fl awless bottle material. Th e in-

_____________ !
pitch modification
g' via pitch modification
specti on con sis ts of checking the base, sea l fa ce
and side wa lls. Rinsing of the new bottles
The n ew bottles sh ould be rinsed to remove ad-

En route to the filler the PET b ottles can recei- h ering d irt par ticles an d to cool dow n the bott-
ve an addition al cooling in the base region (Fig. le completely (Fig . 5.54b).

l' iT
§ Raising base mould, 5.54a) using iced wa ter in order to p revent foa- Rinsing the freshl y blown bottle is llsually
closing of mould, Discharge into ming of the filled liquid in the subsequent fil-
Fig. 5.54 avoided because each drop of wa ter brin gs ad -
locking mould "-_ _-=
=_IJ_ _ , air conveyor ling process .
Pmdllcfioll of plnsfic baff- ditional oxygen into the beer.
les (Krolles)
702 703

5.3.3 Transportation of the PET bottles modern plants the bottles are alternately held pre-evacuation). The oxygen uptake is about Pas. 2 CO, purgillg
Th e problem begins w ith the transport of the above and below the neck rin g by spr ing pres- 0.08 mg/l in the case of PET. The bottle is raised almost to the fill ing valve
light PET bottles (0 .5 1< 30 g). On the conveyor sure or switch and transferred synchronously b. Long-tube fillers are used which, due to their and the gas is admitted by m ean s of a needle
belt the bottles quickly fall over and cause cha- from star w heel to s tar w heel (Fig. 5.55a). length, make pretensing with CO, with lower va lve. The CO, flo ws out of the ring bowl into
os w ithin seconds. They a re therefore tra nsp or- The use of mag ne ts prevents the breakage of uptake of oxygen (0.02 mg/l) possible (exam- the return air pipe and from there into the bott-
ted by m ean s of compressed air, whereby the sprin gs; modern plants are therefore equipped ple I1Ulofill DRF). le and rinses it. The CO, - air mixture escapes
bottles hang by the neck rin g (Fig. 5.55). The air wi th magnet systems. To also enable the fi lling of beer into glass into the atmosphere.
is filtered before hand to minimise the risk of bottles u sing the same plant, co mbined fillers
- for glass a nd plastic - are increasingly offered
contamination. On transfer to the inlet star 5.3.4 Filling of PET bottles Pos. 3 Pretell sillg
wheel, the bottles are passed on individually. In The thin walled non-returnable PET bottles are nowadays. The bottle is now pressed tightly to the filler
sensitive to vacuums and therefore cann ot be and under the sam e pressure as in the ring bowl
pre-evacuated. Two possibilities therefore exist (isobarometric) filled w ith CO,. This process ta-
for the fi lling of PET bottl es: kes only a very short time .

a. Short-tube fillers are u sed and the air contai- Pos. 4 Filling pltase
ned in the bottle is blown out usin g CO,; the The filling valve is raised and the beer flows
air escapes into the atmosphere (example along the wa lls into the bottle and increasingly
pre-condensa tion polymer VKP-PET). Since fills it. The CO, flo ws throu gh the return air pi-
CO, has to be blown into the bottl e, the com- p e past the gas n eedle back into the bowl. This
pressed air in the lower par t of the bottle is process takes the most time.
not immediately rinsed out of the bottle (Fig.
5.55b). For its removal a considerably higher Pos. 5 Ella of filling
CO, use must therefore be accep ted (about The filling process is finished when the beer h as
Fig. 5.55 600 g/hl in contras t to about 250 g/hl with reach ed the bottom end of the return air pipe.
Air collveyor The filling va lve and the gas valve are closed.
The bottle is now still under pressure but it is,
h owever, completely separa ted from the bowl.

Pos. 6 Relief
The valve to the relief ch 31Ulel is opened; h owe-
ver, the pressure in the bottle can only sink
slowly because the relief channel is tapered. As
a result an inappropriate foaming of the beer is
preven ted. The bottle is now lowered 3l1d clo-
Fig. 5.55v sed.
Purgillg of PET vottles with CO,

Pos. 7 CIP pha se

Fillillg systelll witlt a sltort tube (Fig. 5.56) In the CIP phase dummi es, m e311 t to represent
Mecafill VKP-PET (Krones, Neutraubling) the bottles, are placed und er all the valves, the
valves are opened and the CIP solution circula-
Fig. 5.55a Pas. 1 Basic positioll ted. This guarantees that all plant p arts coming
Trallsfer of the hnugillg PET
Before the bottle is lifted, all valves are closed, into contact wi th the beer can be cle311ed and
_....... _... vottles vy IlIeallS of a c1mllp stnr
. . ..&...1_11.1 wheel the bottle is held by the neck rin g. disinfected .


2 I Ill-II

1 2

Fig. 5.56
Short-tube filler Mecafill VPK-PET, Krones, Neutraublil1g
(1) control Cl)lil1der for the liquid valve and pretel1si11g, (2) gas 11eedle to open and close the CO, gas l11ain, (3) gas barriel;filling valve, (4) relief chm111el

3 4


LOllg t ube fillillg systems

Filling process u sing filling valves with a long At the same time the pressure ill the bottle is
filling tube, Ilm ofill DVF-B, KHS DorhTILUld lowered somewhat by opening the pre relief to
In the case of the fillin g process using a long prevent foam ing of the beer. The pressure is
fi ll ing tube (Fig. 5.57), the bottle is firs tly raised then reduced to atmospheric level by means of
but no t pressed onto the filler, and CO, is intro- a separate chatmel (Pos. 8). The bottle is then lo-
duced, which forces most of the air out of the wered somewhat from the filler and, by means
bottle and into the at mosphere (Pos. 1). The of a relief va lve, air is given access to the filling 5
5 bottle is then pressed onto the filler and is the- tube under the filling valve. As a result the beer
reby sealed. In the following Pas. 2 the pressu- still present in the filling tube ca n n ow fl ow in-
re is in creased through the introduction of CO, to the bottle (Pos. 9). This amOlUlt has of course
th rough the returning gas valve, the bottle is to be taken illto accOlUlt w hen calculating the
pretensed and then immediately tensed with filling height at the end of filling. The bottle is
CO, from the fillillg tube at the sam e pressure then lowered further and closed.
as in the ring bowl (Pos. 3). The beer valve is Pas. 10 shows how by placing bottle dum-
then opened and the beer flows throu gh the mies underneath, all pipes of the filler can be
long filling tube lUltil it reaches the bottom of cleaned u sing the CIP procedure. This is an im-
the bo ttle - slowly a t first because only the portant prerequisite in m aintaining the requi-
small relief valve is open (Pos. 4). The larger re- red standard of the filling process.
turning gas valve is then also opened and the A new feature of modern plants is the con-
beer flows faster and fills the bottle almost to struction without a front table, which permits a
the desired level (Pos. 5). The returning gas val- h ygienic mode of operation. All the aggregates
ve is then closed agaill, the beer inflow stagna- are synchronously driven which all ows a pro-
tes (Pos . 6) and is then s topped completely by blem free transfer from s tar w h eel to star wheel,
closing it (Pas. 7). The fillin g height is control- with the aid of a neck ring in the case of PET
led by an inductive flow measurer (IDM, the bottles (Fig. 5.58a).
thicker part in the diagram).

710 711


712 713


Fig. 5.58
Bottle fillillg with a IOllgfillil1g tllbe (type \fa-OM for PE T, Kl'OlIes, NC/ltrnllblillg)

(]) gas valve forfast fillillg alld bottle rillsillg, (2) gas valve for slow fillillg, (3) relief valve, (4) pretellsillg valve for pllre co"
(5) cOlltrol valve for pipe vClltilatioll alld rillsillg, (6) colltrol valve for pipe rillsillg, (7) aile stage plIWlllatic colltrol (8)
illrillc/ive flow /lleaSllrer (10M), (9) relief clWIIIICI, (10) cOllllectillg c!lmlllel to rillg bowl, (11) CO, pllre ciWllllei


Cl osillg procedllre /l s i/lg plastic screw cap bottle Lmtil tl1e sea ling disc whid1 is cOlu1ected to
the closure is lying on t11e bottle. The tlu'ead is
The closures are fed to the closer from the sor- then sprayed and the closure screwed on .
ter. The closer has, depending on requirements,
10 to 25 closing heads, each of which ca n per-
form up to 2500 closures an hour.
The closing heads ha ve a continuously elech'i-
cally adjus table torque which is ad ap ted to closu-
re requirements and guarantees a constant closu- 5
re torque. For the cl osing of plastic bottles it is
recommended to give precedence to the Pick and
Place procedure. In this process, the plastic screw
caps are fed through a slide ohto a carousel set up
COllstl'llctioll withollt frallt tnble
in front of the so that the closures me ar-
ranged mouth downwards and put onto the bott-
5.3.5 Closing of PET bottles les. By using this procedure the possible torsion
PET bottles are as a rule sealed with a screw from polypropylene and have high shape stabi- and jarring of closures when putting them onto Fig.5.64n
cap. lity even at high temperatures. The sealing in- bottles, which can occur when this process is not Plnstic screw cnp closure witll pre-closllre
(n) pre-closure ill plnce, (b) complete closure
Screw caps are retail friendly because they sert consists either of PVC or a PVC-free sealing used, is prevented.
can be opened tmaided and if necessary closed mass with a scavenger insert. The reduction On filling with beer it is im- Integrated sealing tip Sealing disc
again. This is a considerable advantage which medium inserted in the cap sealing compOlmd portant that the foam rising out
contributes to their increased popularity. Screw can chemically bind 2 to 4 mg O, and thus pre- of the bottle rises as high as the
caps of varying types have therefore, with the vent p ermeation in the bottle interior. A tight mouth, thus forcing the air
exception of beer in glass bottles, nowadays lar- sea ling from above as well as from the sides from the bottle neck. The high
gely taken over the beverage bottle market. guarantees complete retention of the inner pressure injection is for this
The screw cap enjoys considerable advan- pressure (Fig. 5.64). To allow the overpressure pLU'pose. TI1e foam can now ri-
tages: to escape from the bottle quickly on opening, se higher and lodge itself in the
it preserves the original quality of the drink, there are vertical gaps in the thread. The closu- t1u'ead where it can give rise to
it secures the contents of the bottle against res are usually ribbed for better grip. On their mou ld formation. As a result
manipulation, upper side as well as insid e on the tab - below there are procedures to initially
the bottle and its contents can be reclosed and the sealing insert - the closures can be imprin- close the bottle using only a
the consumer is protected from injury on ope- ted with numbers, graphics or pictures. The simple pre-closure (Fig. 5.64a) ptastic Barrier Crown cork
rung and reclosing. possibilities h ere are practically unlimited . and before screwing on the clo- 0, 0,

There are two basic types of screw caps: Since the legislation pertaining to food and SLU'e cap, to blow or spray the
aluminimTI roll-on caps and drink in most countries prescribes that the con- t11read. At the same time it has
plastic screw caps. tents of bottles have to be secured against un- to be checked whether a pre-
Both types of closures are used for glass bott- authorised access, the closures have a safety closlll'e has actually been pla- Bailie
les as well as PET bottles. ring, which separates away on opening. One ty- ced on the bottle.
pe is an already broken safety ring, with 26 There is a second process Plastic screw cap closures hooks providing resistance to a left turn, which where the pre-closure is inte- I I
PET bottles are usually closed with two piece is separated away on opening. The separated grated in the screw cap closure. One- and two-piece plastic screw cap ctosures Crown corks or aluminium rOil-on closures
plastic closures with a 28, 35 or 38 !TIm thread seal shows that the bottle has already been ope- In this case the closure is Fig. 5.64
diameter. Plastic screw cap closures are made ned, even if has been closed again. brought down so fm onto the PInstic screw cnp c10sllre

to remain on the closure, so that problems do
CloSllre techlliq /l e not occur on renewed cleaning and refilling .
Plastic cap closures can not be put on like crown
corks and h ave to be screwed tightly to the
mouth. Therefore the closer has closing heads
(Fig. 5.64b) equipped with stron g magnets sur- closing head
rOlll,ding the closing mechanism. A ring of non-
magnetized permanent magnetic material is
positioned arolll,d the strong magnets acting as Compensation 5
a hysteresis brake (Fig. 5.64c). During the closu-
re process the magnets turn synchronously
with the outer non-magnetized material to
screw the caps on (A) . As soon as the cap is fa-
Fig. 5.62
stened completely, the closure mechanism and Control and Allllllillilllli rolled-all closllre
its solidly com,ected permanent magnets stop ejection bar - - -

tlll'ning, though not suddenly, as the non-ma-

closing element For non-returnable bottles there is no pro-
gnetized permanent magnets of the surroun-
ding hysteresis ring slow down the process.
Thus the closure mechanism slips and comes to
Fig. 5.64b
Closillg fI ead for plastic clos llres Roller
o blem in using closures where the safety ring
completely separates from the rest of the closu-
re and remains on the neck of the bottle.
a fu ll stop (B). In this way all bottles can be clo-
Closures also exist which ensure that the vacu-
sed tightly. Sometimes they are so tight that ol-
um which arises when the drink cools down fol-
der people have problems reopening them! Aluminium rolled-on closure Oecapping segment lowing filling when hot remains constant, and
(all 4 edges
Altll,inium rolled-on caps are used for the clo- by turning) that the volume only equilibrates on opening.
U/lscrewiltg techllique
sing of glass and plastic bottles with a closure A special feature is the aluminium rolled-on
When tmscrewing the returned bottles (in the
tluead, in particular bottles used for alcohol- Fig. 5.64d closure with a red plastic safety ring, w hi ch can
case of the returnable bottle system) such care is
free drinks, but also for other drinks. They are Ullscrewer also be used in the case of carbonated drinks,
not necessary. In this case it is sufficient to tms-
not common for beer bottles. hot filling and pasteurisation.
crew the closures mechanically (Fig. 5.64d).
These closures are supplied pre-formed and
. Hys teresis ling 01non-
printed. The tlueads are only provided when Sealillg process IIsillg alllll1i1lillm rolleri-oll
magnetIzed permanenUy
magneUc material
the bottles are closed by rolling and pressing closllres
Hys tcfesis material is manipulated
bymagnels on clrcumlerence onto the tluead on the mouth of the bottle. To Altuninitill1 rolled-on closures are placed on the
head rotation Is stopped genUy
safeguard the contents of the bottle: bottle without a tlu-ead. The tlu'ead is provided
• from a drop in external pressure, an insert dming the sealin g process by means of tvl'O or
made from PVC or a PVC-free sealing com- tlu'ee tlu'ead rollers, which shape the thread and
pound is placed in the closure, ensure a safe and airtight closure. A further roller
• from unauthorised opening, a safety ring can will flange the guard ring if required (Fig. 5.63).
be introduced at the bottom end of the closu-
re (Fig. 5.62), which tears open or off on ope- Dissolvillg of oxygell rillrillg fillillg nllri clo-
ning. sllre of PET bottles
When the bottle is opened for the first time, The oxygen is very much dependent on the pro-
, Torque exeeded the closure opens with a clear clicking thus pro- cess used. In the case of long-tube fillers, oxy-
ClOsing process Q uniform dIsengaging 01
closing element ving that it was intact. This is the usual method gen absorption is 0.02 - 0.03 mg O 2/1 and there-
Fig. 5. 64c
ClOSlIre process for plastic closlIres of closing returnable bottles; the safety ring has by lower than with short-tube fillers wh ich
718 719

glue usage. In particular, metallic foil labels are A rotating cu tter cuts the labels off the reel at
optically very effective. the point where a photocell recognizes the in-
The main point of wrap-around labelling is dex mark, always providing a clear cut. The
to use the whole cylindrical surface of the cleanly cut label is then passed on thl'Ough a va-
bottle for advertising purposes, cuum drum to the glueing process.
that the bottle no longer comes into contact This size-adjustable transfer drum features a
with glue. projecting area corresponding to the trailing
As a result it is also possible: edge of the overlapping strip, approximately 1
to remove the label before the bottl e is 5
cm wide, of the label. This overlapping s trip,
cleaned (in the case of returnable bottles), when passing the glueing cylinder, is coated
the labels can thus be recycled according to with a very fine hot-melt film. The glueing cy-
brand and in a dry s tate, linder is sprayed with hot glue through the jets
Fig. 5.63
Sealillg process IIsillg aill/Ilillilllli roiled-oil closu- use of glue is considerably reduced, of a hot-melt appliance. Compared to cold glue,
res cleaning caustic and energy are saved and hot g lue dries faster and sticks better, too.
(a) closure placed 011 boltle, (b) closure process, (1) the cleaning caustic is no longer contamina- The vacuum drum holds the label until it is
bottle 1II0uth with thread, (2) sealillg COIllPOUlld,
ted by label pulp. taken by the rotating bottle and wrapped
(3) roil-Oil closllre, (4) (5) (6)
tllI'ead (7) flallge roller Labelling is performed with pre-printed la- around it synchronously. Shortly afterwards
bels fed continuously from a reel. The label-car- the front and back end of the overlapping
absorb 0.08 mg 0,/1. The proportion of air in the role in the chemical binding of these large rying band is guided by a label aligner (web- strip meet and are glued together within se-
heads pace following high pressure injection is amOlUlts of oxygen. tracker) to the intended height. conds.
0.35 mill with both systems. The screw cap clo-
sure introduces a considerable volume of air - Problems with mOllld forlllatioll
about 3.15 ml in the case of aluminium screw In contrast to the crown cork, which tightly clo-
caps and 5.25 ml in the case of plastic screw cap ses the bottle circularly, the screw closure is
closures [279]. Bearing this is mind the use of a characterised by screw paths which allow inter-
pre-closure in the case of plastic screw cap clo- mediate spaces. If the beer foams over, beer re-
sures should not be foregone. In tests with 0.5 sidue enters the screw paths and is difficult to
litre glass bottles with crown corks and PET remove. Mildews and their spores, which are
bottles with plastic screw caps, the loading in attracted by static charging of the plastic, deve-
mgO,ll was: lop and can thus badly damage the firm's repu-
tation. It is therefore necessary to let the beer fo-
Glass bottles PET bottles am up but not foam over after filling. Strict Fig. 5.65
Wrap-arolllld labellillg, T1fPc
(crown co rks) (screw closures) attention must be paid to this. COlltiroll (Krolles, Nelltrallb-
Content in liug)
filtered beer 0.05 0.05 5.3.6 Labelling of PET bottles (1) hot gille appliallce, (2) pres-

Absorption PET bottles are labelled in the same way as sure (3) tmll sport
(4) statiollary kllife, (5) step-
during filling 0.03 0.08 glass bottles. There is the tendency, however, to pillg (6) optical sel/sor
Absorption use wrap-arolU1d labelling on PET bottles (Fig. for step-lIIark cOlltrol, (7) 01'-
tlu'ough headspace 0.15 2.90 5.65), which can be more effective from an ad- toelectroll ic path coll trol, (8)
Total oxygen 0.23 3.03 vertising point of view. The most varied types nlltolllatic glueillg device for
reel challgillg, (9) VaCl/lI111
of foils are used for labelling, which can be ree- (10) rotatillg
Seen from this point of view, scavengers in led off from the roller and due to being glued at kllife, (11) fille-adjustlllellt for
the compOlmd take on an extremely important the start and end, have a considerably lower statiollnry kllife

720 721

5.4.2 Cleanin g of returnable plastic 5.4.3 Ins pection of foreign substances

bottles (returnable bottles)
Plastic bottles are very light and float on the Following washing, the cleaned bottles (Fig.
surface. If no additional measures are taken in 5.67a) lmdergo the u sual inspection for
the bottle washing machine, chaos very soon removal of all impurities,
occurs due to bottles floating around. This not complete emptying of the container and
only occurs at the spraying stations, where the the intactness of the thread.
Fig. 5.65a
bottles can shoot out like missiles through the Furthermore plastic bottles also have to be
Label/illg wilil seiFadilesive la- 5
bels pressure of the spray jet if no protection measu- checked to see if
(1) dispell ser edge, (2) ligilt bar- res in the form of downholder sheets are taken the bottle is still completely impermeable,
rier starl alld 5101', (3) dale lIol- (Fig. 5.66; next page). It also has to be taken in- large numbers of stress cracks point towards
Sln/llpillg, (4) label-carryillg
to aCCOLmt that during washing, lmder no cir- a reduced shelf life and increased risk of con-
valid, (5) pllsilillg (6) 1'111-
/illg (7) reel-lip ior ell/ply cums tances should the temperature exceed tamination.
lavel-carryillg valid 60 °C because the material slowly softens and Such checks alone, however, are not suffi-
loses its shape. An exception to this are bottles cient for returnable bottles. Since aroma sub-
made of HC-PET or PEN which are not sensiti- stances easily dissolve in the plastic and can on-
TIle labet now forming a loop, is glued to itself 5.4 Filling of plastic returnable ve to temperature and can be treated at tempe- ly be washed out with considerable difficulty
but not to the bottle. For secme label positioning bottles ratures of 75 - 80 °C. PEN can survive tempera- and can thus affect the flavour of a subsequent
the label is slightly stretched before being ap- Beer is always filled into PET bottles which are tures above 80 °C so that there is no great filling, the contents have to mO!utored for fo-
plied to the bottle and non-returnable, since recycling treatment of the danger during washing, in particular in the reign smells.
the bottle is sprayed with an air - water mix- economically produced PET bottles is not area of the stress cracks which are biologically In addition, some people are inclined to keep
tme before the label is applied . worthwhile. For beer in returnable bottles, only at risk. other drinks or even petrot solvents or similar
The applied label contracts again and sits PEN comes into consideration. A particular solution for the washing of rettlr- substances in bottles with screw cap closures.
tight on the bottle, supported by a thin film of nab Ie plastic bottles is the model "Spiragrip" Moreover, one also has to reckon with malicio-
water. 5.4.1 PEN (Krones) (Fig. 5.67) . It is useful to follow the us behaviour in the case of some people. If such
A speCial type of wraparotmd labelling are PEN (polyethylene naphthalate) is closely rela- bottle's journey in tlus tUlusual machine. a bottle finds its way into the bottle washing
stretch sleeves and shrink sleeves. They are ted to PET; however, it has a considerably lug-
produced in the form of a tube on rollers, un- her gas barrier than PET, is substantially more
wound and stretched individually over the temperature resistant and can be pasteurised.
bottles during processing and then shrunk to The price for PEN is however five times as high
fit the contours of the bottle in the subsequent as for PET, so that it does not come into consi-
heat ttuulel without the use of glue. For this, deration for non-rettunables. PEN is therefore
however, a special machine to apply the label the only solution at present for plastic returna- Discharge
to the bottle and a shrinking tUlUlel are requi- ble beer bottles.
red . PEN can be used for about 20 cycles.
As PET bottles are non-rettunable articles it is The price for the rettunable bottle solution is
possible, beside hot glue labelling, to use self- however very lugh:
adhesive labels. In this case the stickers are fa- the inspection of returnable bottles has to be
stened to a label-carrying band and transferred much more intensive than with glass bottles
Inked secti on
and glued precisely to the bottle by a label dis- because the plastic wall absorbs and releases Imme rsion ba t h I Fig. 5.67
Imme rsion ba th II
penser (Fig. 5.65a). This relatively expensive aroma substances, and Irmlle f sian ba th III Bottle wasilillg lIIacilillCfor plaslic
Dri p-off and bottles, II/Odel "S pirngrip "
method of labelling is economical only for the additional demands have to be made on bott- d isc harge sect ion

higher-priced small variety of bottles. le washing.

722 723
machine, it ca n conta minate tho usands of bott-
les. Foreign substance inspectors (which are ex-
pensive) are therefore in stall ed before the bott-
le washer to remove any such bottles.
The foreign subs tance in sp ectors (sniffers)
opera te m ain ly as rotary machines but some ti- Fig. 5.67n !
mes also as s traight machines. To enable s mell Possibililies of illspee-
samples from bottles to be taken even at speed s lioll of rell/mnble pln-
of more than 50,000 samples have slie boilies 5
(1) Senl il/g slllfnee ill-
to be taken from about 15 bottles every second. speelioll, (2) side
This occurs by means of quickly bl owing a je t of IIIOI/ Ih illspeeliol/, (3)
air into the bottle, as a result of which a gas lenknge leslillg, (4) nb-
sample of the contents of the bottl e is forced out rasioll delee lioll, (5)
residllnlliql/id de leeli-
for inspection (Fig. 5.67b). The air jet has be di-
all, (6) illspeelioll of
rected very sha rply in order to force the air out bollolll, (7) IIInl/l/fne-
of the bottle in a fra ction of a second (Fig. II/rer's code deleeliol/,
5.67d). (S) illl/er side wnll il/-
speeliol/, (9) side wnll
Since these for eign substa n ce in sp ec tors illspeeliol/ iI/side nlld
"sniff out" the foreign material, they are known ol/Iside, (10) colliollr
as "sniffers". Particularly since the introduction det eetioll, colltniller
of plastic re turnable bottles, m ore and more COIO IIl; (11) Ihrend ill-
speelioll, (12) colltni-
highly sens itive high speed foreign substance
lIer heighI deleetioll
inspectors are being used so as to maintain the (sllrillknge)
b c
Fig.5.67b Fig. 5.67e : Liqllid nllnlysis
Gns nllnlysis SOllie residllnlliql/id nlthe bollol/l of
The nil' ill Ih e bailie is rill sed ol/Iwitholll eOlllnc! by lIIen llS of shnrply illjeeled fresh nil' the bailie is saeelled while the bailie
nlld en ll be nllnlysed. Deseriplioll ill lext. is tilled ill nl nllgle nlld nllnlysed.

Drill1c residlle alia lysis (USM) and to d is tinguish them fro m lU1d esirable h y- ni a molecule is then tran sm itted . By means of a
1 A beam of light with spectral parts in the ultra- drocarbons. refin ed selection method, the highly sensiti ve
violet, v isible and infrared area scree ns the In the case of ethan ol (alcohol) a further con- selecti on of ammonia with detection limits far
drink residue in the slightly tilted b ottle (Fig. centration de terni nation has be carried out, sin- below the human sense of smell is possible.
5.67c). For m easuring purposes a small amOlmt ce, for example Further trea tment (filling, closure, labellitlg
of diluted sodium hydroxid e solution is added ferm ented soft drinks ca n b e classified as etc.) occurs in the san1e way as w ith n on-retur-
immediately after the bottle has been unscre- "good" due to the low concentrati on of alco- nable bottles.
wed in order to obtain a minimum level and to hol, and 5
release the NH3present. Throu gh a light collec- spiri ts can be classified as "bad " due to their 5.5 Filling of cans
tor, the bea m of light enters an optoelectro nic high alcohol con centra tion. The filling of can s differs from the fillitlg of
spectromete r, which captures the light reducti- b ottles in a number of p ositions. This applies in
on w ith 512 sen sors in the form of " fin ger- Aro matic det ectioll p articular to:
prints" . Vi a a sign al processor abl e to carry out Particu larly important is the total identification cans and ca n closures, material and special
about 200 million calculations per second, the of ring-sh ap ed a roma ti c h yd rocar bon CO I11- fea tures,
drink residues are analysed according to the pOlU1ds, which are m ainly characterised by a s torage, d epalletisa tion and remova l of cans,
substances they contain and classified as good very low threshold odour number. These itlclu- rinsitlg of can s,
or bad. During this process the spectra of the de compOlUlds such as naphthalene, phenan- inspection of empty cans,
drinks and their fermentation products are de- threne and other polycyclical arom atics, which fillitlg of can s,
p osited in a substan ce library and drawn on du- are con tained in many substances in everyday closing of can s,
ring the analysis for comparati ve purposes. use. This group of substances is identified by wid gets and their special fea tures,
The wavelen gths of different compounds can means of the pulse fluorescen ce p rocedure. The itlspection of filled can s,
vary considerably and can therefore be drawn sensitivity is so high that even one fo reign sub- p as teurisation,
on for differentiation. stan ce molecule amongst more than 100 million labelling and
air molecules ca n be detected . d ating of can s.
HydrocarboJl recogJlitioll (SOX) In this process the foreign subs tan ce molecu-
It is p ossible that hydrocarbons such as petrol, le is made to glow by an ultraviolet li ght impul- 5.5.1 Cans and can closures
diesel, aceton e, paint thitUlers, benzol etc. have se an d the light impulse emitted is regis tered by Fillitlg in cans has become w idesp read for ma-
Fig. 5.67rl been stored in the bottle sit1Ce the last fillitlg. a highly sen sitive sensor. This results itl the re- n y varieties of drillk in recent years. In particu-
A slimp jet of air elilll illates ti,e gas f rolll tile bottle
Even th e smallest traces of these substances jection of the bottle before bottle washitlg. lar for beer, refreshment and sports dritlks, ice
(1) IIozzle fo r tile sllarp jet of air
(2) gas colltellt escnpillg fro lll tile bot tle spoil the drink and render the bottle lU1usable. tea etc., cans varying in size from 250 ml to 500
This h as to be detected and removed. Alii III 0 IIi a d etectioll (NO X) ml, seldom to 11, are in use. The content details
quality of the filled drink in every asp ect and to In the d etection of these carbohydrogen com- An important group are the ammonia-contai- are given itl either ml and /or ounces (fl. oz.),
prevent or minimise customer complaints. pOlUlds, use is m ade of the fact that they cause ning subs tances which are found, for exam ple, whereby one h as to remember to differentiate
Since both volatile foreign substan ces and wavelen gth-dependent light reductions within in cleaning agents, colour rem overs, washitlg between the U.S. and u.K. (= imp) oz (see in for-
h eavy substances fOlU1d mainly in residual li- the infrared spectral area. As well as substance agents, everyd ay chemicals, as well as in the de- ma tion on volumes at the end of the book) . The
quid in returnable bottles have to be detected, detection, these also p ermit a determination of ad tissue of d ecomposing itlsects. increasitlg p opularity of cans is maitlly based
both the gas phase and drink residues in the the concentration of the substance (Fig. 5.67b). The identifica tion of ammonia-containitlg sub- on the follow ing advantages:
bottle are examined by means of four sensory As a result it is possible, itl dritlks - and thus stances occurs by mean s of the weakenitlg of can s are unbreakable,
systems: itl returned bottles - to recognise normal ly oc- high frequency microwave radiation (Fig. 5.67b). they are dissitnilarly lighter than glass bottles of
drink residue analysis (USM), curring compounds, such as for example A small amount of caus tic soda is added to the the same vol tune, only weighing a few grams,
hydrocarbon detection (SOX), flavour substances, such as lemon or bottle which is to be tested resultitlg in the re- itl most cOlUltries empty cans are disposed of,
aroma tic detection (pulse fluorescen ce) and fermentation products, su ch as ethanol or lease of NH3" A frequency in the range between awkward and heavy bottle crates are elimina-
ammonia detection (NOX) . ethyl acetate 20 and 25 GHz specially adjusted to the ammo- ted,

they can be easily stacked, 0.09 mm for steel cans,

2 3 4
they provide good use of space in a fr id ge and 0.11 mm for aluminium ca ns.
cool rapidly, In addition, to guara ntee a sufficiently tight
they ca n be opened without a tool and the clo- seam in the area of the flange, a stren gth of
sure remains on the can (SOT, sta y on tab), 0.15 mm for steel cans,
they are opaque so the contents are not at risk 0.18 mm for aluminium ca ns
through light, is used.
they can be a very effective means of adver ti- As a result, it becomes clear that the can ac- 5
sing tlU'ough printing or labelling, quires its stability through interna l pressure. It Rolling Ihe melal slleel Deep drawing of Ihe bowls Wall ironing of Il1e bowls Trimming of IIle blanks
off Ille roll
it is very easy to pasteuri se the drink in the is easy to crush all empty ca n with a han d . To
can, obtain sufficient internal pressure in the case of

5 6 7 8
following closure, cans absorb no further oxy- s till drinks, the pressure h as to be artifiCially
gen, produced by the addition of inert gas, e.g. by / , \

cans are easy to recycle. using a drop of liquid nitrogen. The cans are
Cans are produced in two par ts (can and lid) provid ed with a neutral interior coating. i--iAJ
from steel or aluminium sheets; the lid is al-
ways made of aluminilU1l. TIle can lid is produced as a pull-tab lid made
The decision whether to use steel or alumini- of allUllinium sheet (Fig. 5.70) . A lid weighs about
um is far less a question of quality and d epends 3.8 g. Nowadays only SOT lid s (stay-an-tab) are Washing willi water Application of Drying of Ihe while base coal Application of decoration
used, whereby the complete opening system re- wlJile base coat
much more on the normal practice of the COLU1-
try or of the fillin g company. Both materials ha- mains on the lid after opening, thus preventing
9 10 11 12
ve a nlunber of advantages and disadvantages, pollution of the environment. The width of the
lid opening is usually 15 I1Ull; in the case of mo- I = 1=1
whicll are not however decisive with regard to
quality. The technology of can production is the dern systems this i.ncreases to 25 mm .
7 ' I , '""-
The can is produced b y drawing and redra- Rega rding the size and shape of drink cans,
wing or by deep drawing (Fig. 5.69). The crite- there is a variety and d evelopment which is
rion of deep drawing is that a change in shape mainly projected towards a fu rther reduction of
""ill occur whilst the thickness of the material mass, more profitable processes and the satis- Baking of the printing ink Flanging and drawing in Application 01 bollom
exlerior laquering
Inlernal jelling
remains the same. In the case of the drawing faction of customer requirements. This also i.n-
and redrawing process, on the other hand, the cludes the lid size which has been reduced from
13 14
thickness of the material is reduced. the previously com mon 2.06 lids to 2.02 lids,
The can , which has to ha ve an internal pres- and in the case of small cans there are now on-
sure resistance of at least 6 bar (overpressure), ly 2.00 lid s. The m aterial thickness is
is produced from basic material of approx. in the case of 2.06 lids, 0.27 to 0.28 mm and for I
0.27 mm strength in the case of steel cans, 2.02 lids, 0.22 to 0.23 mm . I
0.30 mm in the case of alum inium cans. The m ass of a can is approx. ( , )
'L--, _ ,..J./
This material s trength is more or less retained f'v\/V'JI""\:.
in the bottom area: 2.06 a/1I1Ilillillll/ 330/ll1 12 g 5001111 16 g Drying of Il1e In-line conlrol
inlernal jelling
0.25 mm strength in the case of steel cans, 2.06 steel call 3301111 27 g 5001111 37 g
0.29 mm in the case of aluminium cans, The main dimensions of 0.33 and 0.5 I cans
however, ill tI,e dl'mvlI (JIld redrmvlI walls tile with a 2.06 lid are listed in the following and Fig. 5.69
thiclwess of the material is redllced to abollt clearly illustrated in Fig. 5. Pl'Orill cfioll of veer cnlls

0.33 I Figures 0.5 I rable improvement in s tability. Despite their

1 2 3 can in mm can higher price sh aped ca ns have a very good
A chance du e to their lUlmistakable brand im age.
closed can h eight 115.2 ± 0.4 163 ± 0.4 The innovatio ns in cans are num erous (e.g. il-
B luminated cans, cans w ith temperatu re indica-
head space h eight 12.2 ± 0.5 14 ± 0.5 tors, a.o.). These special fea tu res, however, are
C not cheap and are only used if the appropriate
internal diameter sales potentia l ex ists.
of mouth 57.4 ± 0.3 It shou ld be pointed out that
L j' D Steel can s react magnetically and so used cans
Blank lid forms from 11m sileel metal roll external diameter can be easily separated and introdu ced to the
Blank liel "sI7el/" Rolling 017 //Ie sl7e1l
of can 66.1 ± 0.4 recycling process.
E Alum inium cans can be immediately remel-
bottom standing ted and reprocessed.
9 11 12
ring dia meter 53.6 ± 0.2 52.8 ± 0.2
F 5.5.2 Storing, depalletising and removal
depth of bottom 11 .2 ± 0.3 of empty cans
Cans are supplied in pa liets in the form of so-
ca lled tali-packs. Every pallet of cans (tall-pa l-
As well as the usual d esign of drink cans, in let, sp ecial pallet) consists of 15 to 23 layers;
recent times further possibilities for can d esign each layer consists of a thin intermediate layer
have developed . Some of these are described of cardboard or plas tic on which, depending on
Formation of tile tear tab Connection of //7e tear lab below: the size of the p allet, up to 360 cans are accom-
will7 culling line witilthe rivet Packing and pallelising of //Ie lids
By means of labelling the can lid, the top side modated. Th e pallets are stabilised by means of
of the can ca n be covered in such a way that it angle s teel fram es, a covering layer and plastic
provides a very effective form of adve rtising. bands so that it is possi ble to s tack the pallets.
Fig. 5.70
Prodl/ctioll of call tids (shortel1cd illl/strntioll) TIle top end label can be removed again relati- Unloading the lorry and storage occurs main-
velyeasily. ly by m ean s of fork lift trucks, in some countries
"G li.icksdosen" (Lucky can s) are ca ns wh ich using automatic pick-up systems of specia l ve-
have a do uble lid . Wh en the w ilU1er tea rs off the hicles directly onto pallet back-up conveyors.
LIpper dummy lid, w hich ca nnot be recogni sed Since the cans have very thin walls, they are
as such, the prize hidden below is immediately very sensitive w hen empty to any jolt which
recognisable. As a result participants in prize can deform the can . Such deformations transfer
compe titions can receive their pri ze immediate- very quickly to neighbouring can s and wh ole
II ly. The lid to the actu al can can be found below rows. This m eans great care has to be taken of
Fig. 5.71
Beer cal/ the pull-off d umm y lid. the pallets of cans from p icking up to removal.
A call height "Shaped cans" are s teel sheet can s of an lU1- This includes the follow ing:
B lleadspace height believably large variety. By means of a special fork li ft trucks have to drive into the pallets
C il/tem at diallleter of
high pressu re process, the s teel sheet cans can gentl y and w ithout hi tting them,
D extemal diallleter of be elongated initiall y to 20 to 30 %, and later spacer rails are helpful against jolt damage,
call 80 %, of their basic fo rm. Although the can wall on stacking distance has to be maintained to
E bottolll stalldillg ril/g
is th inner th an a h air following elongation, the the side stack and behind,
j dialll eter
F deptll of bottOll1
Fig. 5.71a
Ca ll tid witll allti-rotatioll eielllCllt reshaping and embossin g can lead to a conside- before the entry of the pallet into the lift shaft,

all cans recognisably damaged during trans- sed air. The following transport of single cans
port are to be removed since they lead to in- over longer di stances is preferably carried out
terruptions in the can flow. by cable belt conveyors.
Dents in cans must never be pressed out! Now the cans are turned upside down, fed
By means of the remover (Fig. 5.72) the pallets into the rinser where they are sprayed and later
are lifted in layers, the intermediate layer is lifted turned back again. After that they are turned on
and the layer of cans pushed onto a conveyor ta- to the empty cans inspection.
ble. The angle frame is placed on the empty pal- Often cans are encoded at the bottom before 5
let and both are stacked and returned. being put into the rinser (best-before date).
The conveyor table consists of slat-band Delivery and trea tmen t of lids is far less com- Fig.5. 72n
plicated than that of the cans. When delivered Illspeclioll of Iile emply call
chains, steel belts or plastic belts. (1) illspectioll of Iile bend
Delivery must be lminterrupted as cans are the lids have a pre-rolling diameter that is 8 mm (2 ) side wnll illspectioll
not very stable when standing and have a ten- larger than the diameter of the closed lid. They (3) illspectioll of tile call bollolll Fig. 5.73
are packed in paper bags, each containing (4) illspeetioll of Iile slnlldillg slllfnce Cnll rillser
dency to topple. After having been pushed from
the pallet the cans stand tightly togetl1er so that about 600 lids, delivered on pallets that carry
their stability is improved. The wide-band con- up to 246,000 lids (2.06). The bags are fixed with
veyor has to have lateral rails and guides. strong paper tape. as on storage and removal from s torage. If the 5.5.4 Rinsing of the cans
top edge of the can is not perfec tly rolmd, the When rinsing the light cans, one refrains from
At the end of the conveyor platform cans are
5.5.3 Inspection of the empty cans closer will crash. touching them and turning them in the rinser as
singled out by conveyor segments of graduated
As a result of their very low wall strength, emp- Damage leads to a loss of production, the ma- for bottles, since touching them would imme-
velocities (see Sect. 5.7.1). In facilities of high
ty cans are sensitive to deformations whid1 can nufacture of waste goods and a loss of image diately lead to deformations of the sensitive can
operational capacity (over 1200 cans/min) the
very easily occur during transportation, as well with the customer. neck. Since removal involves lifting anyway,
sorting process can. be supported by com pres-
Before filling the empty cans therefore have the individual cans moving at a grea ter height
to be checked (Fig. 5.72a) for can be turned and then rinsed off without pro-
roundness of the cans, blem while they are slowly sliding downwards
deformation of the flange at the top of the can, (Fig. 5.73). Rinsers are nowadays constructed
deformation of the can walls and bottom of with an angle of tilt of 30°.
the can, The turners can be changed quickly corre-
faults in the interior coating, and sponding to the can size.
foreign bodies in the inside of the can. Following drying off, the cans are turned
mouth upwards in a second turner and trans-
The objectionable cans have to be removed ferred to the can filler.
because they will cause faulty quality and lffi-
necessary follow-up costs. 5.5.5 Filling of the cans
The inspection of the empty cans occurs by Several problems occur on filling the thin-wai-
Fig. 5.72 means of an empty can inspector which is in- led cans:
COlltniller Slidel; IIlOdei "Pnlmmnstcr" stalled between the clearer and the rinser. It If a can is filled with the same plug pressure
(Krolles Co., Nell trallblillg)
consists of a photoelectri c cell, a camera which as bottles, it will inevitably be compressed
(1) gravity roller COllvcyor
(2) pnllet lift (liftillg slwf!) can inspect up to 140,000 can s/hour, and a pus- beca use it tolerates dissimilarly less axial
(3) illterl/ledinte Inyer IIwgnzille her which immediately rejects faulty cans. The pressure.
(4) COll tniller oll tflow lise of empty can insp ectors is (for cost reasons) If a can is (pre-)evacuated as a bottle is, it will
(5) mil-alit for elllptil pnllets
not ye t generally common. The cans which ha- inev itably contract, since it is thin-wa lled and
(6) calli rol pnllel
(7) operatillg plntfaf/II ve not been rejected are passed to the can rinser. thus vacuum sensitive.

height fillers (level fill ers) ends as soon as the li- the exact volume is determined, for exam ple, mos tly CO" immedi ately starts flowing from
Sep arate fillers are therefore required fo r the
quid has reached the bottom end of the return by mean s of a m agne tic-inducti ve flow mea- the gas tank through the re tu rn gas pi pe UltO
filling of cans. The filling of ca ns the refor e initi-
gas pipe. surer (IDM). the can . With this action the air Ul the can is
ally occurred by m eans of a long tube, la ter -
In the case of volume fill ers there are two op- Altho ugh the basic principles of ca n fillin g pressed out through a valve UltO the exha ust
and in the case of m any plants even toda y - by
tions: are the same as fo r bottle fillin g, n amely channel. It is Lmderstood tha t an evacua ti on of
a number of short filling tubes. With all m odern
the desired volume is collected in a separate riDsin g with CO, and pre ten sing w ith CO" the thin fo iled can is no t considered because of
can fillers the drink to be filled is introduced to
dosing container, w hilst the previous filling fi lling and rapid fillin g, its vac uum sensitivity!
the can wa lls in a cl osed liquid film.
process is jus t endiDg. If the am ount is mea- reduction of the filling s peed and adjustment For p re tensing, the exhau s t valve is now clo- 5
Can fillers are ca tegorised into tw o groups
sured exactly, the fillin g process can occur of the exact filling height, sed and throug h the pre ten sulg valve CO, flows
with respect to the filling:
very quickly, because at the end of the filling slow release of pressure to prevent foa ming, into the can keeping the contents Lmder pressu-
heigh t fill ers (level fi llers) and
process one no longer needs to throttle the fil- there are addition al sp ecial fea tures with re- re from CO, until full pressure equality with the
volume fill ers.
ling speed owing to the exact volume of the gard to cans: tank is achieved (Pos. 3).
As is the case w ith bottle fill ers, which are
flow of liquid . The empty cans h ave a very low m ass, the re- Afte r the pressure equalisa tion a roller lever
m ainly h eight fillers, the filling process for can
fore it is necessary to guide them gently and low e rs the re turn gas pipe, the liquid valve is
safely. Empty cans can be completely th rown opened and the filling procedure beguls. The li-
Fig. 5.76 off track by grea t radial accelera tion in very quid runs through an ammlar p assage and ea-
Call fi ller ill fi ll illg tallk large fillers. sily flows down the umer w all of the can for-
(1) Tilt illg lever fo r valve colltrol
The empty cans are not ra ised fo r filling, but mUlg an unulterrupted fluid film w hile CO, is
(2) CO, alld ClP valve
parts of the filler are lowe red to the can to fill pressed back tlU'ough the re turn gas p a th ulto
(3) release valve
(4) fillillg tllbe them in o rd er to create a gas tight cOlmection the tank (Pos. 4). Filling is finished as soon as
(5) adjllstable retll rll air pipe witll ball lock between the can and filler. the charge closes the return gas pipe by lifting a
(6) differelltial press ll re cila111ber/celltrillg (red) ball (Pos. 5). The complete fillulg process
Crea ting the connection between can and fil-
ler is problem a tic becau se the can , due to its only takes about 5 seconds.
(7) CO, allli Cl P Ciln/llle!
(8) beer feed extrem ely low w all s treng th, has a very poor The liquid valve is closed by a roller lever and
(9) rillg coll taillerfor beer alld CO, stability and can easily be compressed (see the return gas pipe is raised again (Pos. 6). For re-
(11) roller for lifti llg tile fillillg valve lief (Pos. 7) the p ressm e Ul the upper p art of the
diffe rential pressure chamber).
(1 2) storage of tile fillillg valve ill tile rillg
Un til very recently the fille rs of can fillers we- can is released through a relief valve mto the re-
re built so tha t the drink to be filled ran down lief chaImei. There is very li ttle foam forma tion
into the can along the ume r w alls from 14 to 16 durUlg pressure relief. Afterwards the fillirlg val-
small filling tubes a t an an gle of 30 to 45° (Figs. ve is raised aIld the CaIl is released (Pos. 8).
S.75 and 5.76) . Such fillers are still frequ ently
used nowad ays. With m odern can fille rs the Height adjll stllt ellt
drink flows Ul the form of a closed liquid film As the empty CaI1S are not raised for the filling
into the can. process, there is need fo r a height adjus hllent
when CaI1S of different heights are introduced. Mechanical can fillers The comple te upper fillin g mechanism plus
In the case of the can filler l1mofill DMD (KHS rin g-shap ed tank and fillin g valves can be posi-
Co., Dorhnwld) (Fig. 5.77), firstly the can s are pla- tioned a t the exa ct required height with the
ced Lmder the filler (Pos. 1) and immediately clo- help of several spindles and a gear rin g. For mi-
sed hermetically to the outside world by the filler nimal change-over time th e res p ec ti ve ca n
Fig. 5.75 as it is lowered . The CO, flu shulg valve (Pos. 2) is heights are registered in the computer.
Drillk valve witll f illillg tllbe
released by mean s of activating the valve (arrow). N owad ays even the fillulg height in the can
(PllO to KH S, Dortlll ll lld)
When the fill ing d evice is lowered, Ulert gas, can be chaIlged at the press of a button . The fil-

3. Vorspannen
2. lnertga ss pulung Pressurization
inelt gas nf/smg
Spi/lmg r.illl

Fig. 5.77
Fillil1g stages IIsing a mechan ical em1 filler
Model DMD (KHS Co., Dortl1llll1d) . Explanations of the fillillg stages il1 text

5 Fl,ill en de 6. Venti l schlieGen 4. Ruckgasrohr absenken I Fullen

End of filling Ruckgas rohr anheben Lou'enng Ille return gas
Close valve and 1If! the lube. Idling
retum gas tube

IV I>:::;

g u


ling h eight in the can can be regulated by ± 1.5 act filling height, however, the filling process
)11111 upward s and downward s. Alternatively must be slowed down towards the end of fil-
the return gas tubes have to be changed. ling. This means that time is lost and the filler
Thus the headspace height of a 0.33 1 and a 0.5 output is less .
I can differs by 1.8 mm. The exact adjustment of To circumvent this problem a filling process
the filling height is also necessa ry if the follo- has been developed in which
wing is considered: with a can diameter of 66 the exact filling volume is determined before-
111111, every millimetre of height difference cor- hand,
responds to a volume of the measured volume can flow in quickly, and
V = r2 x n x h the next filling volume can a lready be measu-
r =33 mmn =3 .14h=lmm red whilst the previous bottle is lowered and
V =33 mm x 33 mm x 3.14x 1 mm = 3419.46 mm 3 released and the next bottle is introduced.
= 3.42 cm 3 This is called volLU11etric filling.
Le.: 1 mm height difference means 3.4 cm 3 • An exact measurement is preferably made in
This is about a narrow vessel since the difference in height
1 % in the case of a 0.33 I can and corresponds to a lower volume.
0.7% in the case of a 0.5 1 can. In the volumetric can filling system VOC
Therefore the filling height and complete (Krones AG, Neutraubling) (Fig. 5.78) the volu-
contents of the can must also be checked after me is measured in a thin measuring chamber by
filling. using a floating high resolution ultrasonic sen-
sor with a filling volume accuracy of less than Can filler with volumetric filling 1.5 ml. The measuring chamber is filled without
Bottles are always filled to a predetermined turbulence from below (C) through an inlet val-
height which is determined by the return gas ve (5) and is ready to deliver the filling volume
pipe or by an electronic sensor. To obtain an ex- at the beginning of the filling process.

Fig. 5.78
lVIecllnllicni enll jiller wilil voill",etric jillillg, (\IOc, Krolles AG, Nelllrnllviillg)
(1) press llrisillg nlld reillm gns vnive, (2) 511ifl vnive reillm gns eilnllllei, (3) sIIift vnive cnll ilend spnce, (4) CO, fl" Silillg nlld CfP
retllm vnive, (5) colltroi c!fiillder prodllct sIIppilf vnive, (6) colltroi c!fiillder iiqllid vnive, (7) colltroi c!fiillder iijtillg II11it
(A) SIIif t cllnllllei, (B) press llrisillg eilnllllei, (C) prodll et cilnllllel. )11 stnges two to eight, ollilf tile vnives wilicil nre opell nrc silowII

Phase 2: CO , pllrgillg
From the upper part of the measuring cham- Pha se 3: CO, plll'gillg
ber CO, is fed into the can via the valve (1) and The purging is now continued with the can
purges it. Since the can is not yet pressed onto pressed up to the filler and the escaping remai-
Phase 1: Basic positioll the filler, the air in the can can escape; for this ning air led off via the valve (4). Plznse 4: Pretellsillg
The can is raised tmtil it is almost at the fill er; in purpose the valve (4) is opened through which It can now be assumed that all the oxygen has The valve (4) is closed thus obtaining the neces-
this position all valves are closed. the gas can escape . been driven out of the can and replaced by CO,. sary pre tensing pressure in the can.
740 741

5 5

{] I{]

Pllns e 7: R elief
Two release valves w ith fine jets (2 and 3) cause
Phase 5: Fillillg a slow fall in pressure in the can . As soon as the
The exactly measured amolU1t to be filled is now Phase 6: Emf of fillillg fill ing va lve is closed, refilling of the measuring
available at the beginning of the fillin g process The measuring chamber d oes not empty com- chamber begins for the new filling p rocess, in Pllflse 8: e lP pha se
and there is n o need to be concerned about over- ple tely, only to a pred etermined residual other words use is m ade of the time required For cleanin g and disinfection the filler is closed
or tU1der-filling. On opening the filling valve the amount. As a result it is possible to prevent los- for the remova l of the filled can , the entry of the and all interior valves opened, so that a com ple-
pre-measured amow1t fl ows quickly along the ses th rough foa m and CO, by mean s of an lU1- new can, CO, flushing and pre tensing of the te CO, circul ation within the elements of the fil -
can walls into th e pretensed can. d erlaye r refill of the chamber. next can . ler is gu aranteed .

1. Dose abdichten 2. Dose mit C02 spulen

Rinse can with C02


Fig. 5.78a
Computer COli trolled can fill er witiJ inductive volume meas urement (/l1IlOfill DVD, KHS Dortmund)
Explanations in text

3. Vorspannen mit C02 4. Fullen

Counter-pressurization with C02 Filling

744 745

5 5



746 747

The advantages of this form of filling are seen 5.5.6 Closing the cans the lid is kept in the ri ght posi- Can Iransfer Conveyor bell
as being: tion and
the exact measurement of the volume filling, Closure procedure the mo uth of the can and the lid
the filling valve without interior parts, When closing the cans the lid, after being pla- are not deformed ri ght up to
the introduction of the beer in a thin veil ced on, is so tightly flanged by means of two the closing rim.
along the walls, successive operations w ith the can edge that the
the pneumatic lowering of the valve. can has a gas tight seal. The cOl1J1ection must be
An alternative exists in volumetric filling by made without any wrinkles or overlaps in or- Lid infeed
der to achieve a permanent gas tight connection
from above 5
means of inductive flow measurement (rOM)
(see Sect. 7.5.2). It is important that no gas bub- between can and can lid (Fig. 5.80) .
bles rise in the measuring area which falsify the
measurement result.

This is illustrated by the vollU11etric can filler

llmofill DVD, KHS Dortmund (Fig. 5.78a).
Fig. 5.81
• Can wilhoutlid o Can with loose lid
The procedme of the filling phases is si milar Lid delivery ill tllefiller cnrol/sse/
o Lid • Sealed can

to that of other can fillers . The can is placed un-

der the filler and raised (Pos. 1). It is then flus-
h ed with CO2 (Pos. 2) and in Pos. 3 pretensed
with CO2 , As soon as equ al pressure has been
obtained, the beer flows in alon g the can walls
(Pos. 4) and fills the can. The end of the filling
process (Pos. 5) is determined here, however, in Fig. 5.80
Correctly rolled all lid
that the inductive flow measuring instrument 3
(illustrated in the figme symbolically by the
coating of the beer flow underneath the tank) Th e closing process starts with the lid being
Fig. 5.82 Covel' before pressillg all
gives the computer the order to close the filling placed upon the can, if possible, when the can is (1)C/osillg Ilend, (2) C/osillg rollel;
and reuun gas valve on reaching the predeter- still in the filling machine (Fig. 5.81). The can (3)lid, (4) cnll
mined amOlmt of beer, and frees the beer passa- with its lid is lifted up by a centre sleeve plate
ge for the next filling process. running on spring mOlU1ted bearings and then
;!Id operation
it is pressed against the closing head.
Low oxygen closure A can closer consists of the closing h ead and
By already flushing the empty cans with CO2 in both closing rollers. The closing process is car-
the inlet star, the oxygen which still remain s ried out in two consecutive operations.
should be completely removed. A total oxygen The closing head ro tating synchronously
content of only - 0.02 m g 0 ,/1 is thereby obtai- with the can (Fig. 5.82; 1) keeps the lid positio-
Fig. 5.83
ned (with 0.6 to 0.8 kg CO,/hl) . This can be vie- ned . A closing roller numing in the opposite di- c/osillg of tlie lid ill two operatiolls
wed positively in view of current teclul010gy. rec tion (preparatory roller) (2) is pressed (1) first roller
Since air still has to be removed from the against the closing head where the outer part of (2) colllpressillg roller
(3) C/osillg liend
headspace of the can in the area of the closure the lid is bent down and around the closed top 4
(4) liftillg plnte
machine before closing, gassing under the lid is of the can (Fig. 5.83 1" operation). The closing (5) cnll
applied for this purpose. head makes sure that (6) lid

In a second op eration the closu re between the CIP cleaning systems for fillers and closers, ned, the ni h'ogen empties in to
can and lid is made gas tight by the pressure of a wa ter dre nchin g for parts which are at risk, the beer and gives it an attracti-
the closing ro ller. Improper closing inevitably an d ve head. The effect of nitrogen
leads to pressure d rop an d loss of quality. clea ning of the fi ll in g plant with foca l p oin ts. has long been used in gastro-
The closing of can s is carried out in a very nomy which uses a gas mixtu -
short time and therefore all involved par ts have For CIP cleanin g there are two possible solu- re of CO, and N, as a prop ellant
to be absolutely accurate to measurement. tion s: gas for dis pensing. Th is is
It is necessary to control every can closing a CIP rinsin g cap is attached to every filling mainly to prevent ca rbon isa ti-
s tation for w rinkle-free operation and correctly valve, the cleaning agent is continu ally pum- on of the keg beer if it rem ains 5
overlapping seams. Wrink les n ear the lever ring ped th rough the entire fillin g va lve and the standing under pressure for a
inside of the can rim are a sure indica tion that a rinsing ca ps are tak en off again afterwa rds, longer time. With w idgets (Fig.
second operation h as been adju s ted too loosely. in the case of autom atic feeding the ri nsing 5.84) w hich we re introduced in
If this is observed, the fill ing sh ould be s topped containers are autom atically added and auto- Englan d and enjoy considera-
to readjust the seamer. There is n o sense, howe- m atically rem oved aga in afterward s. ble popularity there - despite
Fig. 5.84
ver, in adjus ting the second operation tighter the higher p rice fo r can s with Widgels
than n ecessary. To a certa in ex tent, the closure A number of other m achine p arts and plants widge ts - this foa m fo rming
machine is con structed in a way to compen sa te should nevertheless be clean ed regularly. This proper ty of ni trogen is made use of.
for a varying thickn ess of m a terials with out includ es the following: The problem is: h ow d oes on e induce the ni-

squeezing the closure. As soon as the limits of all sources of dripping mus t be eliminated trogen to enter the wid get - and h ow does it get
fl exibility are exceeded because of an adju st- from which d ro ps can fa ll into open can s, ou t aga in?
ment w h ich is too tight, the shee ts at the seam transport of cans which are s till open h as to For the uptake of the nitrogen gas every widget
are rolled out and side-effects occur (e.g. wea- be closely moni tored to ensure that contami- has a lip va lve which initially faces inward s,
kening of the closure - bursting of the closures n ants d o n ot get into the beer alon g this path, which lets the gas in but does n ot let it out again.

under thermal trea tment). This especially hap- the filling tubes m ust not be blown empty bet- On the opposite side there is often a similarly for-
pens to aluminimn can s w hose seamed rims are ween the disch arge an d inlet p oints of the fil- med outlet valve or at least fine openings p resent.
0.02 mm thicker than those of steel cans. ler so that no beer or foam residues are spray-
Grea t attention has to be p aid to ensure the ed around, Exnmple 1:
can is thoroughly closed since it is only the in the case of open transfer of the lids, they In the s till empty ca n the w idget is jammed on-
compound of the cover w h ich h as to pro tect the should be fed in a steam s teriliser between to the bottom of the can w ith the entran ce ope-
contents of the can against an y losses. feeding and closing of the can and trea ted in- nin g facing d ownwards and the can is fill ed . Fig. 5.85
When closure is complete the fill ed can s are di vidually with steam, iVlethod of opernlioll of widgets
Shortly before closure a thin jet of liquid nitro-
Expinllnliolls ill lext
insp ected . Before this, h owever, cleaning of the the sealing h eads are to be regularly rinsed gen is added to the contents of the can w hich,
filler and closer h as to be considered . with h ot water, due to the enormous drop in tem perature, only
at least once a day the entire filler is to be used evaporates after closure and then increases the n ings in the w idge t hold back the gas.
5.5.7 Cleaning of the can filler and closer for at least an hom for thorough cleanin g (filler inner pressm e in the can (Fig. 5.85). If the can is now opened, the overpressure es-
As is the case w ith bottle cleaning, great signifi- sterilisation p rogranune). For this gel or foam If the can is no w tu rned 180°, the en trance cap es and the ni trogen can now flow out lmhin-
cance is given to cleaning the can filler and clo- cleaning should also be used . During this time openin g of the w idget faces upwards and the dered due to the higher pressure.
ser. In particular, if the d rink is to be filled follo- the folding rollers in p ar ticular lUldergo a tho- nitrogen gas can with overpressure fl ow into Th e foam w hi ch is form ed is very fin e-pored
wing short-time p asteurisation or cold s terile rough cUld long cleaning with hot wa ter. the widget (w hich is still fi lled w ith ahnosphe- but n ot very s table. Its form ation is heavily de-
filtration, special safety measures are necessary. ric pressure). p endent on the temperature and it is advisable
BaSically every thing written in Section 5.1.6 5.5.8 Widgets If the can is turned back again n othing h ap - to onl y open well-cooled ca ns and then to em p-
- Cleaning of the filler and closer - applies he- Wid gets are hollow bodies in the can w hich are pens because the pressure in the interior of the ty them quickl y - otherwise there w ill be tro u-
re. H ere, too, there are filled w ith nitrogen gas; wh en the can is ope- can is the same throughout and the sm all ope- ble with the h ousewife!

draught beer with an object detector for wid- All ulspection systems are of course equip- ac hieve the highest decoration quality USUlg
gets. Empty cans w hleh contaul no widget are ped with an integra ted elimination system. brilliant prultulg quality and
rejected. The ca mera with picture evaluation Faulty cans a re disca rd ed by means of a pusher. achieve a cost adVaIltage by meaI1S of econo-
described for the empty can inspector can, in The elimination is monitored via special scan- micalunprinted can material.
addition, easily ca rry out the object detection ners and feedba ck chains. Besides the reduced warehollsulg for prulted
for the widget. The filling height inspectors are also regularly cans and the concern about unused remaining
monitored using test cans which are weighed. amounts, there is a further advantage in the
5.5.9 Inspection of the filled cans great fle xibility in the lead tune, whjch is 3 to 4
5 5
As is the case with bottles, it is also necessary in 5.5.10 Pasteurisation of cans days for new labels whilst being 6 or more
the case of cans to monjtor the filled and closed CaImed drutks such as beer or new-age pro- weeks for newly prmted cans. A further advan-
can with regard to its correct filling level. ducts are usu ally pasteurised. The same applies tage results from the munerous design possibi-
Thjs normally occurs by means of an ulspector for can pas teurisa tion as for bottle pasteurisa ti- lities when printing the label Ul brilliant colours
which works on the basis of y-rays. SU1Ce the mo- on; however it has to be assumed here that heat using the abrasion resistant Flexoprint process.
vement of liquid and the presence of foam have transfer (metal, low wall s trength) occurs dissi- Photo-like illustrations, nUU1lllg colours, hjgh
to be accOlmted for, the y-ray is directed at a sin- milarly better and faster than with bottles. gloss effects etc. are no problem when USUlg
gle relatively deep point and thereby offers an ex- In the case of pasteurisation of CaI1S, the pasteu- this process. High flexibility using short lead ti-
act conh'ol Ul the case of lmderfillillg of the can. risation tempera hire should not exceed 62°C be- mes and low costs guarantee quick market ac-
The disadvantages of this process are cause the inner pressure resis tance of the can is cess.
that it works with radioactive rays and only 6 bar and a higher temperahlre leads to a Smce the can is a non-rehlrnable form of pac-
it does not work precisely enough for some higher umer pressure dependant on the CO, kaging, it is equipped with
Fig.5.85n companies. content, which can easily result m bulges Ul the ulitial gluing of the label on the can and a
Cnll willI widget Newer equipment monitors the filling height lid (swells). an approx. 1 cm wide end gluing of the label
and leakage usulg x-rays. With this equipment Values of 18 to 20 PU are aimed for in the pa- to secu re it.
the drutk contents ca n be read both vertically steurisation of canned beer. The labels made of polyehylene (HDPE) or
Example 2:
Some widgets are added in the form of pon- and horizontally and as a result provides an ex- In the case of heavy bacterial contamination polypropylene (OPP or CPP) are cut off from
toons and the filled can is likewise sealed follo- tensive picture of the upper part of the can . up to 30 PU are necessary. the label roll (wrap-around process), as is the
wing the addition of a drop of nitrogen gas, e.g. With a monitoring speed of 2400 cans a mUlute case Ul the wrap-around labelling of bottles,
in the case of Guumess stout. (= 144,000 cans/hour), a fillulg height precision 5.5.11 Wraparound labelling of cans and put onto the can by the labelling machine.
In this case the widget immediately fills with of ± 0.5 mm can be checked. As a rule the cans are printed USUlg several co- The can labelling macl1llle has a labellulg ag-
the higher pressure gas Ul the can . In addition it is also possible to obtam a pre- lours at the manufacturer's according to the gregate. The labelling aggregate (Fig. 5.86) con-
On openulg the pressure above the liquid al- cise determination of the net contents of the can wishes of the filler and are an effective means of sists of
so immediately escapes; however, the lip valve Ul m1. Altogether the following values are esta- advertismg. They are produced and supplied in a label cutting lU1it, the cutter,
prevents the escape of the nitrogen gas up- blished: large quantities. This method has fOlU1d broad a vacuum drum and
wards . On the other hand, the nitrogen gas, precise fiDing height check, acceptance and will continue to remain the the glue drum.
which is under pressure, can escape on the basis of the curve of the lid, determina- best-value method for the identification of The label is cut from the bruld with the aid of
downwards from the widget into the liquid, tion of over- or underpressure, drink cans which are filled in large numbers. a rotating knife in the cutter. By means of a re-
thus obtauling the same effect. too much foam and/or wrong lid (underpres- Nevertheless there are a number of points gistration mark on the bruld which is detected
The spread of widgets shows the growing Ul- sure) = leakuless, which make the labellulg of cans ulteresting. By by a sensor, every label is identified in the pre-
terest of the consumer; at the same time it illu- foam density measurement, meaI1S of labellulg cans it is possible to determmed place and cut off.
strates that the widget teclmology can also be of missing lid, closures or tear rings are deter- unmediately adjust to a change from one sort The label is now - as is the case with the
interest analogously for other sectors. mmed. to another, wrap-arow1d labellulg of PET bottles - taken
At the same time it is also necessary to equip Leaky cans leak Ul the pasteuriser and are de- in a company with a large production range, over by the vacuum drum . The beguuling and
the empty can ulspector in the case of so-called tected durulg the fillulg height control. save considerable warehousmg, end of the label are thereby laid on small raised
752 753

5.5.12 Dating of the cans

1 Leading-edge gluing The cans are to be furnished with the
2 Trailing-edge gluing prescribed and lor company data; this
3 Label wrapping includes:
1 2 .3
the filling- and/or sell-by date (see
2 also Sect. and
internal company information re-
Label reel
garding batch tracing (batch code).
The inwardly curved bottom of the • 5
can lends itself to the dating of the
cans. Since the bottom of the can also
Fig. 5.87
gets repeated ly wet by turning du- IlIk jet prillter (operatillg prillciple)
- ---;.- --1i;!IWliil ']1 ring further processing resulting in (1) illk colltrol vnlve, (2) crystnllille specinl jet, (3) sepnratioll of tile drops, (4) deflector plnte for plncillg tile drops
difficulties in printing, many filling
companies already take advantage of
the dry state of the can following re- tom, only about a third of the time is available to calibration plate showing the capacity and the
moval for dating. it. In individual cases laser is also used which a p- name of the brewery, and the barrel number is
The usual form of printing occurs plies the coding onto highly contrasted coloured also branded on this end. Many wooden barrels
Infeed by means of an ink jet printer (Fig. areas of the can (evaporation of the paint). also have a further tappi ng hole, the Bavarian
5.87). Special ink is thereby pressed Anstich (Fig. 5.88), by means of which the bar-
Fig. 5.86 via a control valve (1) through a cry- 5.6 Filling of casks, kegs, party casks, rel can be tapped in an upright position.
Cnll Inbellillgfrolll tile roll
stalline special jet (2) which has the and large cans Wooden barrels are li.ned with a special pitch
diameter of a human hair, and the ink (pitched) . TIns pitch, which consists of colopho-
is separated into drops by means of 5.6.1 Filling of wooden barrels and casks
rails on a higher level, made from special pla- 66,000 possible impulses/s; the drops are sepa- Wooden barrels have determined the transport
stic material, called pads. The hot glue is ap- rated in a subsequent batch tunnel (3). The of beer for centuries. The classical wooden bar-
plied to the begimnng and end of the label from drops are directed by a deflector plate (4) onto rel is made of oak and consists of barrel staves,
the rotating glue drum. When the beguming of the intended position on the bottom of the can, the top (front end), the bottom (rear end) and 1
the label comes into contact with the can, the which has been previously set using a cartrid- the barrel hoops. The staves are curved so that
vacuum is reduced and the label is easily blown ge, and dry there immediately. the hoops can be forced on . This was necessary 2
against the can during the continued rolling. The distance between the deflector jet and the because the staves of the empty barrel increa-
The label is rolled against the can rotating in the bottom of the can is only a few centimetres. The sUlgly dried out and had to be forced on agaul.
opposite direction and firmly glued by means size of the print depends on the distance and This very work intensive task was formerly do-
of the overlap. becomes larger as the distance increases, but al- ne by a barrel maker, also known as a cooper 3
so less clear. ("Schwager") in the German brewing langua-
Can labelling occurs with a throughput of The performance of this printer is very high. ge, in the cask department using special ham-
45,000 cans/hour, and for stability reasons only In the case of a throughput of a filling line of mers (see Fig. 0.8). Larger breweries also em-
filled and closed cans are labelled. 60,000 cans/h, 16.7 cans pass by in a second wit- ployed a powerful hoop fitting machine.
Recently labelling of the lid of the can using hout stopping to be marked. If 120 to 150 points Previously, also, the water tighhless of the bar-
advertising-effective printed aluminium foil are calculated for the printing per can, the prul- rel was tes ted by immersion in a testing bath
has sometimes been applied, which makes use ter has to place 2000 to 2500 points every second Fig. 5.88
and observing if air bubbles rose to the top.
Cllrollle lIickel steel cnsk witll plnstic cover
of the upper side of the can, winch is otherwise (times 16.7 cans per second). However, SUlce it Barrels also have a bung hole in the middle of (1) stnilliess steel cnsk, (2) plnstic IIIn1llle /llnde of PU, (3)
of little interest, for advertisulg purposes. can only mark the middle part of the can bot- one stave. On the top is the tap hole bush, the bllllg IIDle, (4) tnp 1I01e, (5) tnp 1I0ie (Bnvnrinll Allsticll)
754 755

nium, paraffin and resin oil, is sprayed in at mely labour intensive and was responsible for then rinsed with cold water and inspected.
about 180 °C and spread over the surface by roI- the coopers being the second largest occupatio- Clean ing ma chines for corrosion resis tant
ling the barrel. Every time a barrel is cleaned nal group in the brewery after the brewers (Fig. metal casks also permit rinsing with caustic at
the condition of the barrel is examined by an in- 4.23a). 90 to 95 °C and with acid at 60 to 70 0c.
spection lamp and if necessary is repitched. During cask filling the cask must be manu a l-
This was very labour intensive work (Fig. 0.8). Metn 1 casks ly positioned beneath the fill er head. The filler
The walls of wooden barrels are more than 3 As an alternative to wooden barrels, metal head is then lowered, also manually, onto the
cm thick in order to withstand the internal pres- casks were developed which eliminated a l1Llln- cask which is then filled in two s tages, in which
5 5
sure and survive transport. This means that the bel' of disa dvantages of wooden barrels. the cask is first pretensed with compressed air
empty barrel itself has a considerable weight Metal casks are made either bellied or cylin- or CO2, and
which must always be transported with the drical. Casks with a belly are often provided the beer flow s in isobarometrica lly after pres-
beer as packaging. For instance the weight of an with two rubber rolling rings so that they can sure equalisation is completed.
empty wooden barrel of be rolled more easily. The cask filling head is relati ve ly complicated
30 1 contents is 25 kg Metal casks are made of aluminium or dU'o- and there a re many different designs. Never-
50 I contents is 32 kg. me nickel steel. For corrosion stability, alumini- theless, in all cases the same operating steps are
These numbers show why the high packa- um casks have an internal lacquer coating or perfor med (Fi g. 5.89):
ging weight is not justifiable with modern dis- are passivated. Untreated aluminium casks can The contact cone (8) of the filling head is pres-
tribution systems. Moreover, barrel filling, even be used for only 5 to 7 years. sed against the bung hole of the cask and
with very experienced operators, requires a lar- Cylindrical metal casks are made of chrome seals it from the outside.
ge number of manual workers. It is particularly nickel steel and equipped with two reinforcing TIlen the beer pipe (15) is brought into the lo-
disadvantageous that the processes of barrel rings. A disadvantage is the low buckling resi- west position by rotating the control lever
cleaning and filling cannot be automated. stance and the inability to automate filling. (28). At the same time the purge air valve is
This brief description shows the problems They are not widely used. opened and the inside of the cask is pretensed
and the high labour requirement associated Every cask has a bung screw which after fil- with compressed air or CO, in a few seconds.
with barrel filling without mentioning the bio- ling the cask is turned in the bung hole and clo- TIlen the bottom valve (19), which until then
logical risks (max. cleaning temperahlre 40 to ses it. The bung screw and a sealing bung cloth had been held in the upper (closed) position, Fig. 5.89
Cnsk fillillg !rend
45°C). Of course the wooden barrel also has ad- must be thoroughly cleaned and sterilised and is opened and the beer can flow into the cask
Expinllntiolls ill text
vantages, e.g. its very stable shape, its heat insu- the operator's hands must be clean when seal- and fill it.
lation properties and its long lifespan, but the ing the bung hole. It is obvious that under such TIle air present in the cask escapes through the
advantages do not compensate for the disad- circumstances at most one can only speak of re- return air pipe (11). The almost full state of the
vantages. latively germ-free filling. cask is shown by the presence of foam in the Apart from the large amount of labour requi-
Nevertheless, when used for advertising pur- sight glass in the return air pipe. The cask is full red and other disadvantages, the large amoLmt
poses the wooden barrel is even today highly Cnslcs fillillg processes when beer is seen in the sight glass. of oxyge n picked up during filling is a great
satisfactory. When a fully laden and decorated Apart from the described "special treatment" o If the control lever is now turned in the oppo- disadvantage with this type of filling system.
brewery dray drawn by 10 horses passes every cask passes through site direction, the beer and compressed air It has been shown that there are a great many
through the town, people immediately feel a the cask cleaning machine and supply is closed by a complicated mechanism reasons why cask filling should be discontinued.
terrible dryness in the throat. The same applies the cask fi lIer. and the filling head is raised. The cask can The traditional cask form will, however, not
when the mayor of the town broaches a wooden In the cask cleaning machine the casks are now be closed. Beer present in the return air disappear and will be retained for certain pur-
barrel containing Bockbier with skilful blows. conveyed by a rocker ann mechanism through pipe is displaced into a foam pot during the poses. For the customer the sight of a wooden
As a side note it should be pointed out that various stations and thereby nex t filling operation. cask is associated with tradition, nature and re-
just a htmdred years ago, the storage casks as soaked and brushed clean on the outside by Cask filling plants were for many years built gional identity. It is therefore understandable
well as the transport casks in the brewery were rotation, o with filler buffer tanks and later that some breweries use similarly formed pla-
hand made by the coopers. The work was extre- rinsed with hot water from below, and o without filler buffer tanks. stic casks with a chrome nickel steel imler part,
756 757

w hi ch can be easily cleaned, in place of the o ld a pitch coating supe rfluou s; however, a total and the noise volum e durin g handling is so- flat-top fitting,
wooden casks. It is also possible to a utomate transition and in pa rticular an automisation of mewhat reduced. Furthermore, the surface can well type fitting and
virtually the entire processing of these casks the processes could only be achieved following better be used for adver tis ing purposes and bet- combi-fitting.
from receiving the empty cask to palletisation the introduction of kegs. ter heat insulation is obtained.
of the filled casks [280]. Kegs are cylindrical metal barrels with a her- Flnt boriy valve or flnt-top fittillg
metically sealed imler part which are cleaned, Size al/rimass (Fig. 5.91)
5.6.2 Kegs and fittings filled and emptied by means of fittings (Fig. The content of the kegs varies . In Europe 50 I The flat-top fitting has a flat surface and a valve
Kegs h ave replaced the traditional wooden 5.90). The fitting is COlU1ected to a riser pipe and 30 I kegs are usua l, but other sizes are also which has the double flU1ction as a beer and
5 5
casks for almost half a century. Dealing with which reaches to the bottom of the keg thus en- in use. pressuri sed gas valve. The flat fitting consists of
casks was very problematic: abling the filling and emptying of the keg. The The mass of a keg is ap prox.: only a few individual parts and is the refore
the wooden casks were heavy and could only keg is always unde r pressure; loss of pressure is cheaper and easier to maintain .
be moved by rolling, therefore an important indicator for leakiness Aluminium Stainless Coated
thorough cleeming was only partly possible, or manipulation of the keg. steel stainless steel Hollow boriy vnlve or well type fittillg
the pitch layer and their tighhless had to be 30 I lceg 6 to 7 leg 8 to 12 leg 9 to 11 leg (Fig. 5.92)
regularly inspected, Material, shape and size of the keg 50 I leeg 8 to 9 kg 10 to 15 leg 13 to 14 kg The well type fitting has two sepa rate indivi-
they had to be regularly de- and rep itched and The material for the production of kegs must dually operating valves for the beer and pressu-
automisation of the treatment and filling was fulfil the following conditions: rised gas. The robushless of the fittings and its
not possible. it must not affect the flavour of the beer, Proriuction of kegs small mass are of advantage. Both valve sy-
Some of these problems did indeed improve it must be robust and not be easily deformed, Kegs are produced eithe r by rolling or deep stems have proven themselves in practice.
with the introduction of aluminilUll casks and it has to be pressure resistant, drawing.
later chrome nickel steel casks which rendered it should be easy to process, In the case of a rolled (three part) keg, the cy- Co III bi-fittillg
the mass should be as small as possible and linder is bent from a sheet and welded together (Fig. 5.93)
the price should be appropriate. by means of a welding sea m . The two deep The combi-fitting is not a new system but con-
Nowadays chrome nickel steel is almost ex- dra wn ends are then welded on so that there n ects the two-valve system of the well type fit-
clusively used. are three welding seam s. ting with the flat-top fitting and makes the
handling of this easier.
Alumilli 11111 kegs Deep drawn (two part) kegs are produced
Aluminium kegs are produced with wall from two deep drawn half shells which are then Riser pipe
strengths of 2.5 to 3. 0 mm and provided with an welded together using one welding seam. As a The riser pipe is a smooth pipe without restric-
inner lining to prevent corrosion which make result there is a lower risk of corrosion since tions and baffles; its mouth is just above the bot-
the kegs lmusable after a few years. Synthetic- welding seams in particular provide a starting tom of the keg, which is deepest at this point,
resin varnish or epoxide resin coating is used point for erosion . The mechanical strength of a the reby enabling a complete emptying of the
for the imler lining. It is also possible to line the deep drawn keg is thus greater. keg. On the other h and the riser pipe enables
inside with an oxide layer. flushing of the lower and p eriphary parts of the Keg fittings keg surface during cleaning.
Chrome lIickel steelleegs Every keg possesses a threaded bushing at the
In general chrome nickel steels are used, e.g. upper end into which the keg fitting is screwed . Dispellse henri
with qualities 1.4301 or 1.4306 according to DIN The keg fitting consists of a valve casing with an By means of the dispense head a link is made
17007 with a wall strength of 1.3 to 2.0 mm, and external thread and the attached riser pipe. The between the cask fitting and tapping unit. The
in the case of coated kegs with a wall strength of valve casing contains the beverage and pressu- dispense head, which is easy to operate, has a
1.0 to 1.5 mm. rised gas valves. The dispense head is attached hose COlU1ection for the transport of beer and
Fig. 5.90 Metal body coats (combined kegs) consist of to the valve casing. This keg fitting is formed as the introduction of pressurised gas, and it is via
Keg polyurethane. As a result the keg is more robust a so-called this that the cone valves are operated.
758 759

5 5

;, I Fig. 5.91
OJ''. Well type jillillg
Fig. 5.93

5.6.3 Cleaning and filling the keg ve this the keg is picked up by grippers and in-
Due to their standardisation and because they verted .
are transported when standing, it is possible to
automate keg cleaning and filling processes. Decnppiug
Depending on the company size and the It is possible and frequently the case that the
amount of kegs, varying sized plants are built. polyethylene protective cap has been placed
In the case of very small plants only cleaning back on the fitting to prevent contamination.
and the actual filling occur mechanically, all ot- Before inversion the cap has to be removed sin-
her procedural stages have to be implemented ce otherwise no connection to the fitting and
manually. Large plants perform all procedural hence to the inside of the keg can be made.
stages automatically in one or more lines in the
following way: Pressure testing
The keg retains the internal pressure which it
Depo lletisillg has a t the end of tapping. Since there is a drop
From the depalletiser the kegs are placed on the in pressure from the inside to the outside, not-
conveyor belt (chain or roller conveyors) and hing can enter the cask. Before starting to clean
Fig. 5.92 transported to the in verting device. the cask the internal pressure therefore has to
Flnt-top jillillg
be inspected. If the internal pressure has drop-
II/versioll ped sharply or is no longer existent, then
For fur ther processing the keg has to be inver- the keg is leaky,
ted so that the fitting is at the bottom. To achie- the fitting is defective or
760 761

the keg has been manipulated by wl authori- end filling phase and a fa st main filling phase. Sta tion 2 Station 3
sed persons. Dming the pre-filling phase the beer inflow is
In all cases the cause has to be investiga ted. relatively slow to prevent foaming and to keep
Following this pressure tes ting, the remai- oxygen absorption as low as possible. The oxygen
ning beer and CO, is driven off by mean s of absorption should not exceed O.1mg per litre.
compressed air (residual emptying). In the fas t fillin g phase the pressure diffe-
rence is increased and the flow of beer let in Cleaning of the keg quickly. As soon as the beer flow s out of the
5 Station 4 Station 5
(see also Fig. 5.94) standpipe, the filling process is ended.
It is also possibl e to equip the filling station
Extemal deallillg with a volumetric filling device which can be
Before starting to clean the interior, the kegs are calibrated.
generally soaked with water and caustic on the At the end of filling, the filler head is blown
outside, cleaned u sing hot water and rinsed out and rinsed and the keg is taken out.
with clear water. This is necessary because the 8

kegs - depending on weather conditions, the lo- MOllitorillg tlte fillillg 1teigltt
Station 7
cation and duration of storage - frequently ha- Kegs which are not properly filled ha ve, of
ve a very unattractive appearance and could course, to be prevented from leaving the brewe-
thereby damage the reputation of the brewery ry. For this purpose, a filling height check is ne-
if they were to reappear for sale - filled - in a cessary, since the kegs are not transparent.
dirty condition. The external cleaning is sup- Weighing the kegs is possible but only makes
ported by means of high pressure spraying sense if all the kegs ha ve exactly the same emp-
and/or rotating brushes. Any remaining labels ty mass. Weighing the empty kegs is normal it 15 16
or coding must also be removed. practice with a number of breweries and saves
Fig. 5.94
the regular follow-up calibration of the volume.
TrenlllleJ/1 slnliolls ill keg c/en llillg, slerilisnlioll nllri fillillg (K HS Co., Dorllllllilri)
Iilte1'llai deallillg The same applies to volumetric filling using
Internal cleaning is of course the most impor- Hn villg veell pili all Ih e eelltrillg slnlioll, Ihe relllnillillg pressllre is f irstly testeri (1), the resirille elllplieri nllri CO, expelleri.
tant process, particularly as it is not known for Can tactless filling height checks using "{-rays III the fo llowillg siniioll (2), n plllsnlillg wnter rillse OCClIrs, nllri ill slntioll (3) the resirillnl wnter is vlowlI 0111 wit/I sterile nil'.
This is fo llowed vy n plllsntillg cnllstic-l rillse of the wnlls nllri stnllripipe. The cnllstic-l is Ihell ngnill vlowlI Ollt IIsillg slerile nil'
how long and at which temperature the keg has are usual but, d epending on the safety regulati-
(5), flIIri tllell n plllsntillg cnllstic-2 rillse of Ihe wnlls nlld stnllripipe is pelforl lleri (6) .
been lying around. Since it is not possible to see ons of the country in question, require a radia-
The keg is thell Jilleriwilh cnlls tic-2 (7) nllrithe cnllstic is leflto tnke effect (8). The cnllslic-2 is t/lell rirnilleri off nllri n relleweri
or smell inside the keg, it has to be assumed that tion protection officer or other expert.
p"lsntillg rillse of the wnlls nllri stnllripipe is pelforllleri (9), wh ich is wderi witll vlowillg olltlhe cn llslic vy lIIenllS of slerile nil'
a rich microflora has developed in the beer resi- The followin g applies to use in small brewe- (10).
due of the keg, which now has to be complete- ries:
A plllsntillg nciri sprnyillg lIelltrnlises Ihe cn llstic residlle (11) nllri is likewise expellerillsillg slerile nil' (1 2). A plllsn tillg 1101 wn-
ly eliminated. This now occurs in several when beer flow s out of the dispense pipe, the ter rillse (13) lIelltrnlises Ihe keg cOlltellls nllri expels nlly resirilles.
cleaning and sterilisation stations, the extent of keg has to be full,
No w the wnter is expelleri vy lIIenllS of stenlll (14) nllri throllgh the vllilri-llp of press llre Ihe lenk tigfltll ess of the keg is IIlOlIitared
which differs from machine to machine. when the top end is basically cold as far as the (15 ). Stenlllillg VI/ lIIenllS of sleriliseri stemll nlso pnrtly pretellses (16). The relllnillillg stemll is Ihell vlowlI alit willi CO, (17), the
imler circle, the keg is full. keg prelellserito its Jillnl pressllre level (18) nllrithell fi lleri (19) . Filling the keg
Filling of the keg occurs at a filling station . For Illversioll
this purpose, firstly the keg is The last but one station prior to palletising is Cappillg
pretensed to the desired end pressure with the inverting device where the keg is again ro- In most countries the keg fitting is provided fication of the contents, company, filling date
CO, and then tated through 180 0 so that the fitting is at the with a cap which protects the closure mechani- and other details, the cap secures the contents
the beer is filled with a slow begitming and top . cally and hygienically. With its coloured identi- and provides the batch registration .
762 763

5.6.4 Keg plants as a whole opened. The zeo lith imm ediately begins to take CoolKeg a special plant is necessa ry. The filled
The kegs are conveyed cyclically fr om s tation to up wa ter which is located in the absorbent flow keg is then labelled with a wrap-a round label
station and trea ted there. Treatment of the kegs of the evaporator. The evaporation hea t neces- (as w ith cans). Printing the profi led keg cover is
occurs either sary for evapora ti on ex tracts the water from the not suitable since the keg walls have to be hea-
with a rotary machine or adjacent beer bubble (2), w hich as a result cools ted to 250 °C with each regeneration.
with a straight (linear) machine. down. After approx . 30 min the contents of the
Both types of machine are common and in use. keg have coo led d ow n sufficientl y that they can 5.6.6 Filling of large cans
Linea r keg cleaning and filling plants are gene- be dispensed . Th e temperature of the keg con - Ma ny breweries offer large cans w ith 5 litre
5 5
rally equipped for up to 300 kegs/h; larger keg fil- tents of 6 - 9 °c is maintained for about 12 contents. They are mainly intended for fam ily
ling plants for up to 1000 kegslh are mainly in hours. and ga rden parties, when an in creased joint
operation as rotary machines (with one to three beer consumption in a small circle is expected
cycles). It should be mentioned, however, that and one wish es to enjoy keg beer from a com-
very small plants are also in operation with only mon ca n (keg). The cans a re filled and sealed in
one keg head for very small filling plants. specia l filling plants. With the aid of a simpl e
Thorough pre and post trea tment and moni- purchaseable d evice, the beer ca n be pressed
toring is also necessary in the case of keg plants Fig. 5.95 out. In the simples t case a flowing off device is
to guarantee that only correctly fill ed and clean
"KegglJ" coll tniller 2 fitted into the can which only needs to be pul-
(Keggy drillk systelll GIIIV H, Netl llkircitell, Sieger/nlld)
kegs leave the plant. led, whereby one should not forget to make an
opening in the upper part to prevent the forma-
5.6.5 Filling of small and party kegs tures, in order to guarantee a proper cOlUlecti- tion of a vacuum and thu s a stagna tion in the
In many cOlmtries special small kegs are also in on . The CO, is weighed in . fl ow. More expensive dev ices are preferable
use. By thi s is generally meant small containers w hich through the introduction of air or CO, re-
with contents between 10 and 15 litres, which Self-coolillg bee r lceg "CooIKeg" tain the internal pressure to the very end, so
are equipped with easy-to-handle fittin gs, are Another speciality is the self-cooling beer keg that a flattening of the residual beer is preven-
lent out by breweries or other beverage compa- "CooIKeg" (Fig . 5.95a). The CoolKeg, offered in ted sh ould the drinkin g speed d ecrease to-
nies and serve to provide keg produ cts in do- sizes of 5 to 20 litres contents, consists of tlu'ee wards the end. Large cans are likewi se enjoying
mestic circles. shells: th e inner shell is formed by the keg increasing popularity and h ave become a per-
A typical example of such a small keg is the (beer) bubble (2). In the middle shell an absor- maJlent fea ture at summer garden par ties.
"Keggy" container (Fig. 5.95) shown here, with bent flow, which contains water, is applied un- Large CaJ1S also ha ve to be marked with the
a keg content of 12 litres. As well as a s tainless der vacuum. Th e flow is s urrounded by a perfo- best-before da te.
steel beer keg, it also consists of a built-in CO, rated wall, the evaporator (5). In the third shell Fig. 5.95a
tank with an integrated pressure regula tor. A there is a layer of zeolith (4), also under vaCUUlll Self-coolillg veer keg "Cool Keg" 5.7 Transport and packaging
(1) valve activatioll, (2) veer vllvvle, (3) valve, (4) zeolilll, (5)
rectangular, elastic outer coating protects the and separated by a shell with a valve (3). Bottles aJld cans are purchased indi vidually by
Keggy from collisions, blows and hea ting, thus Zeoliths are characterised as a group of alka- th e cons umer in only a very few cases. For
making it easy to transport. line and alkaline-earth aluminium silica tes tran sport and sale they are p ac ked and trans-
By mea ns of an easily attachable fitting, dis- with changing water content. Zeoliths are very For regenera tion purposes, the covering sur- p o rted in p ackagin g units su ch as crates,
pensin g beer at home becomes a clean pleasure strongly hygroscopic. On heating zeoliths can fa ce of the keg is hea ted to about 250 °C for a ca rton s, trays or sixpacks. For transport bet-
even for the amateur, beca use all ex tra tasks release bonded water and take up other ch emi- short time from outside resulting in the tran sfer ween the brewery and the retail outlet these
(tapping, adjusting the compressed gas etc.) are cals or ions instead . As a result zeoliths are in of water from the zeolith back to the flow in the packaging units are stored on pallets and trans-
eliminated. Sp ecial safety fittings ensure the the position to ex tract wa ter from liquid s or ga- evaporator, wh ere it again conden ses. The va l- ported. This results in a considerable number of
optimum safe ty of the customer. ses. This is mad e use of here. ve, however, then h as to be closed again other- individual functions for the brewery:
The cleaning and filling of the "Keggy" oc- Through opening the valve (1), the cOlUlecti- wise the process imm ediately restarts. For the depalletising, i.e. the removal of cra tes with
curs in the keg plant with the aid of special fi x- on between the eva porato r (5) and the zeolith is cleaning when empty and the filling of the empty b ottles from the pallet,
764 765

the unpacking and sorting of empty bottles h ad an impressive appearance and a clearly vi-
from the packaging, sible company logo.
transportation of the bottles and can s up to Plastic crates are in use in very varied sizes,
closure and labelling, shapes, colours and designs. They are used for
packing of filled bottles and can s in cra tes, packaging from 6 to 24 bottles with contents of
cartons, trays etc. and 0.25 to 11. The cra tes are always equipped with
pall e tising of crates, tra ys, six pa cks or compartments to prevent the bottles banging
cartons. into and rubbing aga inst each other. The height
5 5
Since the pallets and packaging also have to of the crate exceeds the height of the bottle to
be checked and transported, a number of pro- protect the bottles, and an appropriate crate de-
blems and tasks arise, which will be described sign makes a safe and lU1problematic stacking
in more detail in the followin g: of the crates possible.
transportation of bottles and cans (container One can distinguish between individual cra-
A vn riet lf of pnckngillg is offered 011
tran sport), tes which clearly mark the company and beer todny's IIlnrket
transportation of crates, cartons, trays, etc., type by means of colour d esign, company logo
transportation of pallets, and other features. The individual crate which
the feeding in of new glass and cans, has a powerful advertising effect has on the ot- carton folding machines and quickly sea led other similar small-si ze p ackages are not suit-
packing and unpacking of bottles and cans, her hand the di sadvantage that the crate always using hot glue and /or staples. Folding cartons able for transport in large qu an tities, they are
palletisin g and depalletising, and has to be returned to this company. This is so- are offered with or without compartm ents, usu ally p acked together in trays in larger pak-
checking the packaging. metimes difficult and above all causes costs. whereby the inclusion of compartments some- kaging lUutS (Fig. 5.95b).
Group crates forego the advertising effect; times causes problems. On the other hand com-
5.7.1 Transport containers the group can, however, use the pool of cra tes partments prevent the bottles or cans rubbing Pallets
Transport containers for bottles are plas tic cra- in their joint association. Using windows and against each other. Nowadays comparhnents Pallets are the larges t form of packaging in the
tes, cartons, sixpacks and other sm all packages. openings, in connection with labels turned in are p refabricated. brewery. In filling compa ni es and between
Nex t to the label on the bottle or can they are the right direction, a certain advertising effect companies and the trade the packaging units,
the important link from the producer to the can nevertheless be achieved. Trn ys that is the crates, cartons and trays, are stacke
consumer. Layout, colour, shape, d esign and Plastic crates are the usual means of transport By trays are mea nt flat cardboard trays which on pallets, transported and s tored. By p allet is
condition of the package or container convey to for returnable bottles. Large crates (20 - 24 bott- are used for picking up and packaging cans or meant a base on wluch to put stackable goods,
the conSluner an important individual impres- les) are however becoming increasingly less po- small bottles. To achieve better stability, trays the bottom surface of which is regulated at
sion, which h as a great impact. It is therefore pular because they are much too heavy for the are frequently covered with foil. As is the case company, n ational or interna tional (i.e. EU) le-
unders tandable that most drinks compani es shopper, in particular for women and old people. with crates and cartons, trays can also be stack- vel. There is a great range of different pallets of
pay a great d eal of attention to the design of the The crate with empty glass bottles weighs almost ed on pallets; in this case, however, the weight w hich mainly two typ es are in use in filling
p ackaging . as mud1 as the entire contents. As a result smal- lies directly on the cans or bottle mouths. Even compan ies:
Plas tic crates playa special role amongst the ler crates are also offered by many breweries, e.g. if the weight is equ ally dis tributed, the h eight box or crate p allets, e.g. for the transport of
transport containers because they are the only EIfel' (eleven-bottle) crates. of the stack is limited. small-sized goods, such as crown corks and
form of packaging used for returnable bottles. flat pallets for the storage and transport of
Cal'tolls Sixpac/cs, wrapal'ollllrfllHlIltipaclcs packaging W1itS.
Plastic crates Folding ca rton s are used as non-returnable By sixpacks is meant easy to handle and sui tab- Flat p allets (Fig. 5.109) consist of a standardi-
Earlier there we re only flat wooden cra tes with packaging . If returnable bottles are packed in ly designed p ackaging of 6 bottl es or cans, sed surface made from knot-free boa rds, wluch
compa rtments; in the side wall of the cra te the folding cartons, the cartons can be used for the which are packed in foil or offered as wrapa- are held at such a height by s table wooden gus-
name of the brewery was clearly burnt on. With return transport bu t not for renewed p acking. rolU1d/multipacks and effective from an adver- sets that the fork lift truck h as enough space. To
the emergence of plas tic teclmology, the plas tic Folding cartons are offered in varying designs tising point of view. Other formations (4 to 8) provide further strength there are boards posi-
crate with compartments d eveloped, which and formed in the desired way with the aid of are, however, also common . Since sixpacks or ti oned underneath the gussets (or squared tim-
766 767

bers). Depending on the arrangement of boards 5.7.2 Treatment of plastic crates treatment always takes up working time, the company depends to a great extent on the appea-
and timbers one distinguishes between Plastic crates are the only returnable form of most frequent causes are to be established and rance of the crate. The crates therefore pass
two-way skid pallets (A), which can only be packaging. Their treatment therefore requires consequences drawn for future work with trade through a crate washer before being filled with
lifted from two sides, special attention. This applies to or other customers. the bottles. Crate washers are usually simple Ml-
four-way skid pallets (B), which can be lifted the elimination of foreign and damaged cra- The sorting of foreign crates and bottles can nels which the crates pass through upside down
from all sides, and tes (bad crates), prove to be very costly if there is a large variety (so as to remove mechanical impurities such as
four-way window pallets (C), which can also washing of the crates and of containers and bottles. splinters, etc.) in one or sometimes two lanes (Fig.
be lifted from all sides. intermediate storage in the crate magazine. In the same way the packed containers (full 5.102). They are thereby sprayed either using
5 5
packs) which are leaving the plant are to be in- high pressme spraying with caustic or at least Elimination of foreign and damaged spected by means of a full pack inspection devi- with hot water and cold rinsing in SUdl a way
crates and bottles ce with regard to that all surfaces are treated effectively and
The empties which are returned have to be completeness of the container (no missing cleaned. The crates then dry off, are turned rOLmd
checked because any irregularity will inevita- bottles or cans), and are now available for renewed filling.
bly lead to problems in the further course of filling in accordance with regulations (no un-
production, which will have a negative impact derfilling), Crate magazine
on the result. This check occurs separately for proper closing (no missing or poorly fitted When a new sort enters, the crates which have
empty bottles and crates. closures), been relieved of the empty bottles remain lmused
The returned empty bottles are checked in an no broken or leaking containers. for the space of time between bottle cleaning and
electronic empty goods monitoring device TIle bad crates here also have to be pneumati- labelling, and sometimes even pasteurisation.
equipped with a CCD camera with regard to cally pushed out and brought into an orderly They would completely block the crate
bottles with incorrect height or shape (too tall condition. In these cases the mistake is, tlu'oughput if they were not housed for this leng-
or too short, wrong shape), always to be fOLmd within the company itself. thy period of time, whidl can be half an hour or
bottles with incorrect colour, more, in a crate magazine, from which it is possi-
closures still on the bottle. Washing of the crates ble to remove them again at any time.
Bottles which are detected as being incorrect TIle crates are returned by the customer in a mo- There are different ways of stacking the cra-
are rejected by the pusher. re or less clean condition. TIle reputation of the tes. A popular solution is the empty crate line
The same factors apply to monitoring the emp-
Fig. 5.109 ty crates. TIley represent the brewelY to an equal
Flnl pnllels Crate turner I
(A) Iwo-wnlj skid pnllel
extent and may only leave the brewery again in a
(8) !ollr-wn!! skid pnllel clean and lUufonn condition. For tlus pm pose fo-
(C)!ollr-wn!! wiJldow pnllel reign crates or ones which are not in accordance
with the regulations are checked for elimination
The size and shape of the pallets has to corre- according to the following parameters:
spond to the size and shape of the packaging company logo,
units to obtain optimum use of the surfaces. For crate colour,
improved stability of the structure - particular- cracks on the grip hole,
ly in the case of cartons and trays - the packa- coarse objects in or on the crate,
ging layers often alternate between lengthways bottle breakage or other irregularities.
and widthways. Each level of containers is re- Following detection, "bad crates" are filtered
ferred to as a layer. out by a pusher and then treated separately.
At present within the EU Form B dominates When - particularly in the case of small brewe-
as the Euro-pallet with dimensions of 800 x ries - no checking device is available, this check Collecting tray Col lecting tray

1200 mm (brewer-pallet). has to be carried out visually. Since this special Fig. 5.102: Crnle wnsiler
768 769

refore high demands are made of the chains in

relation to the pulling forces, undesired chain

lengthening, the surface hardness and the accll-
racy of their measurements . Mos t s lat-band
chains are made of stainless steel sheets - run-
I ning straight or in curves - (Fig. 5.97), which are
r run along smooth guiding rails . In order to re-
5 duce the rubbing coefficient, band lu -
bricant must also be used.

Fig. 5.101
: n;;JIi emte IIIngnzille
(1) drive
lZ :\ = . (3) lever nllgle
,,- •• •
\.---- ....
• -- •• 1

(4) slide wny with p" elll"ntie stoppers

(5 ) protective bnrs

magazine, which provides a large storage capaci- Bottle and can transport
ty with a minimal space requirement. This emp- The transport of the bottles and cans usually ta- Fig. 5.96 "
ty crate line magazine is a narrow (only as wide kes place by means of slat-band chains made of Sint-bnlld chnill drive
(1) Adjllstnble milillg holder
as a crate) but very tall plant (Fig. 5.101) into chrome-nickel steel, on which the containers (2) Slip-ill gllides
which the empty crates are introduced lUltil a li- are transported gently and securely. In accor- (3 ) 11mlsport clwill
ne is full. Then the line is raised and the next line dance with the requirements, the slat-band (4) Stntiollnry jettillg systelll to cleml the chnill
is filled. The process carries on until the first bott- chains are laid out in one or in several lanes. (5) Drive 1II0to/; adjllstable
(6) Balf bearillg
les come out of the plant to be packed. The crates Each slat-band chain transporter (Fig. 5.96) is (7) Drive gear chaill wlleef
which are numing through then are filled with made up of a securely positioned support (8), (8) Leveller (spheriCIII ClIp feet)
the filled bottles, willie the full magazine stands which can also even out lmevelmesses of the M

still, for the moment. When the first crates have floor, and one or more drive gear chain wheels port. In the case of single container transport
nUl through, the magazine is emptied again in (7), which move the slat-band chain (3) evenly on Fig. 5.97
with single lane and multiple lane plants, slat-
Slat-balld chaills for stmight tmllsport or tmllsport ill cllrves
the same way so that at the end all the crates of smooth guiding rails, and are driven by a drive band chains rLUu1ing in curves are preferred .
this type are filled again with full bottles. motor with a shaft. Side railings (1) gtilde the When travelling in curves on the multiple-Ia-
bottles and cans and prevent the transport con- ned conveyors, the bottles jostle and turn each Balld lubricant
5.7.3 Transport technology tainers from falling out. The side railings have other and rub against each other. This creates The simplest kind of band lubricant is pieces of
The bottles and cans must be transported in particular importance here, since they have to be the scratches on the surfaces of the containers, washing soap which gradually get used up. So-
bulk without causing any problems and as noi- designed differently in accordance with the ty- which one can reduce to two rubbing rings by metimes there is also immersion bath lubricati-
selessly as possible from one station to the next, pe, shape and size of the containers being used shaping the bottles appropriately but which on, in which the lower belt of the chain runs
the crates must complete particular paths in or- (glass bottles, PET bottles, cans), in order to nonetheless worsen the appearance of the bott- through a vessel in which there is a mixture of
der to be filled again at the right time, and final- avoid LUu1ecessary abrasion or damage. les increasingly with every run. soap and water. This is all suitable as a lubri-
ly the pallets must transport the large milts to Sometimes a 90° change of direction is neces- The throughput of the entire plant is depen- cant; on the other hand, the soap foams up and
the predetermined places. sary at several points on the container trans- dent on the quality of the slat-band chains. The- in combination with hard water creates insolu-
770 771

ble co mpounds, which h as a negati ve effect. thus a source of contamin ati on w hich should Plas tic band s are also increaSingly used fo r into this area. Any in terruptio n of the filli ng
Agents to bind the water h ardness are therefo- not be underestim ated . It is therefore ad visable crate tra nspor t an d as tra ns port ma ts in and closure procedure res ults in a reduction of
re added to the soap y lubrica nt. These agents, to add a disinfecting component to the lubri- th rough p as teurisers. the turnover and of the quality. Such a continu-
however, often ca use the release of heavy me- cant, e.g. chlorine dioxide (7 mg/l) . Plastic cha ins are offered tod ay as straight run- al suppl y is, however, only p ossible if sufficient
tals fro m the waste water dregs, w hich has led ners or in curves; they can be produced in any "buffe rs" are formed beforehan d, in which a
in many cOlUltries to the prohibition of the use P/n stic bnuris width, w ith closed or p erforated ch ain links, pool is built up out of which enou gh b ottles can
of these agents. In recent times pl as tic bands have been in crea- sh'aight or jutting out at an angle (Fig. 5.98). be continu ally supplied to the fi ller. One aclu e-
Tod ay, conunercially p roduced lubricants con- singly used, w hich fulfil the same requirements It is clea r that the transfer on the band s run- ves this by laying multi-Ia ned chains on which 5
5 but do not need band lubrica nts. They can eit- ning at an an gle of 90° to each other is ca rried the b ottles are pushed "forwa rd" . A t the sam e
taining aminos are offered, and recently also ami-
no-free lubricants which consist of non-ionic SUl'- her nUl in a dry condition, or a constant d ampe- ou t without problems. Plasti c bands of diffe- tim e, one is often working w ith d iffe rent band
factants and the use of which has considerable ning wi th water is all that is required . This of rent w idths and di fferently design ed surfaces sp eed s in order to achieve a sp ecific movement.
advantages. In p articular, de-hardening of the course saves resources considerably and does are alread y very wid esp read. For these container tra nsports, man y tra nsport
water is no longer necessary and the dan ger of n ot load the waste water. The significant ad vanta ge of using plas tic elements are available in order to aclueve a de-
precipitation is low. They must, however, be bio- Plastic bands today are made out of poly pro- bands is that the use of band lubricants is no sired form ation or change of direction of the
logically degradable. pyls, polyethyls, acetal thermoplastics, non-flam- longer required . Thus there is no foamin g on containers. The p arallel slufting is applied abo-
The chain lubricants are added autom atically, mable thermoplastic polyester, shock-resistant or the flo ors, and the loading of the waste water is ve all in areas where, fo r example, containers
since a LUliform application is very important heat-resistant nylon. The acetal thermoplastics in reduced . with a critica l stability, such as PET bottles or
for the firm. The am ount required dep ends on particular have a good combination of mechani- bottles with a bottom surface diameter of under
the length of the chain, the speed of the ch ain, cal, thermal and chemical properties. Th ey are Bllffe r stretches nllri isolntors 60 mm, must be tran s ported .
the type of container, the level of hmnidity and very du rable, resistant to material fatigue and ha- The working rhythm of the individu al machi- An important factor are isolators (container
the drying off, the entraitUnent ratio and the ve a low abrasion coefficient. nes and plants in a bottling plant is inevitably jLUlctions). Th eir job is to ensure that a continu-
water quality. For obviou s reasons, one is inter- Breweries prefer to use plas ti c bands for the very different. While the p allet unloading takes al supply of individual containers from the lar-
ested in adding as little band lubricant as possi- transport of cans, PET bottles and filled glass place on a larger timescale, in a bottling plant ge pool of bottles or ca ns is gu ara nteed . This is
ble, since the lubricants otherwise tend to cause bottles. The reserva tions w hi ch are sometimes with e.g. 50,000 bottles per h our, 14 bottles must aclu eved using
undesirable foa ming under the b ands and can still held against using plas tic bands for empty be insp ected, filled and closed each second
also be fO LUld aga in in the was te water. gla ss b o ttles are based on the concern that (50,000 : 3600 s). This area - fr om inspection via Glirielilzers
Th e bands, however, also inexorably attract sharp and h ard glass splinters could damage fill ing to the immediately following closure of Glideliners (Fig. 5.98a) en able the isolation of
contaminating bac teria into the cycle and are the chain or could get jammed in it. the bottles or cans - must be p assed tlU'ough b ottles arriving on several lan es according to
without problems or interruptions. This means the sloping level princi ple. The containers p ass
that the bottles or cans must b e continually fed over bands rutUling at different speeds and get

Illfeed glidelillers, sepamtioll

Fig. 5.98 Discharge glidelillcrs, IIl ll lt iple-row
Tm llsfe r statioll with plastic ballds distribtttioll

into line without back-up pressure. Since the refore designed to be as cleaner-friendly as pos- 5.73.2 Container transport Flush -grid belt conveyors are particularly
band speeds are only slightly different, the gli- sible, and the traJ1Sport interior cleaning is au- Conta iner transport takes place by m eans of suited to the transport of non-recyclable conta i-
deliner works noiselessly and is gentle to the tomated . For this purpose, all critical areas, e.g. slat-band chain transporters made of plastic or ners, since the containers lie on the entire floor
deflection and drive wheels, spacer pieces and stainless steel, using roller conveyors, reel con- surface. Ascending stretches, too, ca n be mas te-
transport chains (Fig. 5.96a) are cleaned from veyors, conveyor belts and flush-grid belt con- red well with rubber-coated flush-grid belt con-
the insid e to the outside with optimally selected veyors with plastic bands. veyors.
Discharge glidelillers
At the machine discharge, the glideliners have jetting systems located within the transport fra- The s tainless steel chains are predominantly
the opposite function as distribu tors (Fig. mework, and thus the formation of contamina- used for plastic and run on particularly low-ab- 5.7.4 Packaging technology 5
5 5.98b): the containers come in one row out of tion nests is counteracted. rasion plastic slide rails. For curves, Magnetflex The unpacking and packing of the bottles and
the machine at a high speed and pass onto a slo- The following general rules therefore apply systems with strong permanent magnets are cans places high demands on the machines and
ping transporter, on which the speed is redu- to slat-band chains: used. plants. After all, in a plant with 50,000 bottles/h,
ced. Here the flow of containers is spread out, Allow no dirt nests: Roller conveyors have many different appli- 2500 crates with 20 bottles each mus t be unpak-
since the individual containers skid to different avoid screw COlUlections; weld on guiding cations as ked or packed each hour; in other words (60
rails, railing holders, feet, keep contact surfa- roller conveyors with a drive, min/h) 42 crates every minute or (60 s/min) 0.7
ces small back-up roller conveyors with a drive, crates per second. With such a turnover, the
Guarantee good access for cleaning purposes: gravity roller conveyors and highest precision and accuracy is necessary in
The inliner is used to isolate plastic bottles. It no mudguards, large refuse glass discharge aligmnent roller conveyors. order for everything to rWl smoothly. Packing
has a horizontal transport surface and a pat"abo- Guarantee the draining of liquids (med ium for By means of rotating equipment, crates or teclmology is therefore of the greatest impor-
lically shaped railing along which the contai- growth of contaminants): cardboard boxes lying lengthways can be put tance today. Moreover, it is not only the packer
ners glide. The bottles are brought together wit- sloping drainage surfaces, no horizontal sur- crossways or rotated in the other direction . Slat- for crates but also increasingly the packers for
hout back-up pressure using bands running at faces band chains mostly work with a speed diffe- the various types of small packaging who de-
rence between the coated and uncoated chain, mand high standards.
different speeds.
which is made of stainless steel in the case of
Gas distriblltors plas tic crates and plastic in the case of cartons. Packing head and packing tulips
Containers arriving in one lane are distributed Plastic chains nm without band lubricant on At least one packaging unit is always being
onto two parallel flllming bands by a pneuma- plas tic rails and are above all used for empty packed or unpacked, i.e. one or more
tically controlled switch. The bands positioned cartons or trays. plastic crates,
a Non-recyclable packaging such as shrink wrap-around cases (with or without compart-
after the switch are slightly tilted outwards in
order to lead the containers easily onto the se- packs can be securely and gently transported ments),
on reel conveyors. trays or other packaging lUlitS.
lected band.
Conveyor belts are often employed as "stop" To pack or lUlpack the bottles, the packer or
Noiseless distriblltioll (Blls!} Compact) separation bands to create gaps between the unpacker is equipped with one or more pac-
For the distribution of masses of bottles, the dis- containers; because of this, they can also be king heads with the sa me number and order of
tributing slide sheet is applied in good time, in used effectively as control bands for full and packing tulips, corresponding to the number
order to distribute the stream of containers noi- empty goods control. For cartons and trays the and order of the bottles in the packing unit (cra-
selessly and calmly - without falls . conveyor belts can be used as ascending and te, carton, tray). If, therefore, 20 bottles (4 x 5)
descending conveyors at up to 20° descent or are in the crate, the packing head must possess
Cleallillg ti,e slat-baud cllaills ascent. Conveyor belts are preferably used as 20 packing tulips (4 x 5). Thi s also means that
If the slat-band chains are not cleaned suffi- ascending conveyors with or without a prelimi- each packer is only equipped for a particular ty-
ciently, contamination nests establish themsel- nary band, in order to achieve, by means of the pe of packing lmit. Other types of packaging
Fig.5.96a motor-driven band, an excess height from therefore require the conversion of the packer.
ves in this area, which increasingly and conti- Exlerior alld illierior c/eallillg of slal-balld cilnill s
nually spread contaminations in the direction (a) exlerior c/eallillg - illlegmied ililo Iile milillg, (b) illierior which the crates can roll onto a further plant by The procedures for unpacking the empty
of the filler. Transportation plants today are the- c/eallillg means of their own gradient. bottles are in principle the same as for packing
the full bottles. Packers are therefore usually con- no larger, sm aller or di ffere ntl y designed
sh'ucted today as both packers and lU1packers. bottles are contained in the cra te and
the re are no cro wn corks on individu al bott-
_ J
In the case of bo ttles with a screw closure,
unscrew ers must always be a pplied.
Th e central elem ent of the packers a re the
gripper p ac king tuli ps w hich have to hold and
5 transport th e bottles or cans reli ably, but also
sa fely. They are the connecting elem ent be t-
ween the machine an d the pack ing goods. A di-
Fig. 5.103 s tinction is mad e between m echanical and m e-
Packerlllll packel; chanical/pneumatic grippe r p acking tulips.
Basic ilIOlkillS pl illciples
Mechanical g rippe r packing tu lips grip the
(1) Basic jrnl/lewolk
(2) Pockillg Ilend sll spellsiall bottle directly at the bottle m outh (Fig. 5.104).
(3) Pnckillg !rend Fig. 5.104 Additional decorations, such as foils, tamper-evi-
Meclwll icnlly opernted pnckillg tlllip !rends
(4) Switclluanld dent labels, tapes etc., must not be dam aged in
(5) Cln te pnt!r
the process. There are therefore different gripper
(6) Bottle tnule
systems for glass bottles, PET bottles, tw ist-off
The prin ciple m ode of opera tion of a packer wide neck closlU'es and other closure systems.
is expl ained using the exampl e in Fig. 5.103. Mechanical/pne uma ti c g rippe r packin g tu-
The bottl es are fed into the pac ker via a bottle lips (Fig . 5.104a) p ossess a pneuma tically ope-
table (6). So that there is always a sufficient sup- rated bottle g ripper. Here, only insensiti ve fin-
t ply of bottl es, the bottles are collected before- gers are p ressed pne uma ti ca lly agains t the
hand and g uided into di vided lan es. The bottles bottles, w hi ch are thus held in place. The pro-
now stand in line in rows. An electronic bottle tected bello ws in the top section of the gri pp er
num ber control is ca rried out to check that the- d oes not com e into contac t w ith the bottle cl o-
re are no mi ssing bottles. sure and the glass of the bottle. The pneum a tic
The p acking head (3) lowers itself and picks bottl e gripper consists only of a few individual
Li p 24 bottles or cans with its 3 x 8 = 24 p acking pa rts. Ope ra tion, m ainten an ce and repa ir are
tuli ps, goes back and places them in the waiting therefore simple an d cost-effecti ve.
crates or cartons, w hich are then immedi a tely
led aw ay. Mean w hil e the n ex t bottles or can s Types of p acker
and the n ext crates h ave appeared and the pro- Corresponding to their design and their mode of
cess can begin again . operation (Fig. 105a), one distinguishes between:
With the lLl1packer, the p rocedure takes p lace packers with a cyclical opera tion and
in the opposite direction : the cra tes are stopped packers with continual opera ti on .
and placed in a pa rticula r p ositi on . The unpac- Increasu1g importan ce is being given to pak-
ked bottl es are put d own securely onto th e run- ke rs for sm all p ackage units (sixp acks, w ra pa-
off table, w hich then d oes not of course possess ro lLl1d/multiple p ackages).
Fig.5.104n any distribLi tion lan es . There a re also multi packers wh ich are ad di-
Pllellllln tically opernted pnckil/g
The lLl1pac king procedu re can of course onl y tion ally ca pable of p ackin g sm alle r p ackages,
tll lip
(aperntillg pl illciple) take place smoothly if s uch as sixpacks, into larger ones.

a b

Differellf desigll s for packillg lIlachilles
(a) cyclicaill/Ode of opern tioll, (b) cOllf illll -
OilS 1Il0de of operntioll Cyclical packers the packing gripper tulips in the required way.
Cyclical packers (Fig. 5.105) possess stable dri- According to its size, the packin g head picks up
ving mechanisms which move the packing or deposits up to 10 package units in a row at
head suspension with the packing head (4) and once. By means of an electromotive dri ve, a
continual, uniform rotational Fig. 5.107
COll tillllalll llpncker "Cirkle-
movement of the crank is pro-
pack" with I/Orizolltally cirCIIln-
duced, which is the basis for tillg gripper heads
the uniform operation of the
gripper girder. nonetheless necessary, many packers possess a which must be controlled and mu st run preci-
Depending on the type and format change facility in the profile framework sely at all times.
size of the packaging and on above the packer. A lifting device lifts an remo- To do this, the gripper head s are led in an el-
the possible single or double vable frame upwards, takes off the fittings and liptical or long oval orbit and raised or lowered
row packing head d esign, puts different fittings on, so that the packer is as necessary. Meanwhile, the incoming bottle
very large turnovers are possi- ready for operation again within a short time . s tream is divided up practically without pres-
ble. In most cases, only the sa- sure, and the alrea dy separa ted-out individual
me type and size of bottle is Packers for continuous operation s treams are removed by a rapid chain rlllUling
packed or unpacked using this In all packing systems d escribed so far, the in a curve alld distributed into severa l lanes.
packer. If a format change is packaging mu st stand still at the moment of Thus they arrive in closed rows in the grouping
the removal or addition of the containers so station, where they are divided up into packing
th at correct transfer can take place. However, formations . This packing formation (in Fig.
the larger the turnover, the less time is left for 5.107 it is 6 x 8 bottles) is moved lU1iformly on
Fig. 5.105
stopping and aligning the crates and bottles. the bottle table and there caught and picked up
Cyclical packel; 1Il0dei Lillapac /I, Kro-
lies Neu trnblillg The result of this is that rotary typ e packers by the packing tulips which lower themselves
(1) Liftillg COI IlIlIlI (Fig. 5. 107) have been developed, which carry synchl'onously.
(2) I/Orizolltal axis out the packing procedure in a continuous cir- On the other side of the packer, the crates run
(3) gripper hend cnrrier
culation. This, however, involves a very com- in the opposite direction, as necessitated by the
(4) packillg head
(5) cOllfniller table plica ted m echanism since several packing movement of the packing tulips. The packing
(6) safety device head s are continually in use, the movements of tulips are lowered, the centring frame catches
778 779

the crate (in ollr case there are four crates) and faults occur, the packing head will be removed
lowers the bottles into the crates as they conti- from the location of the fault.
nue to move. Then the packing head rises again Rotary ty pe packers are built for one- or two-
and begins the process afresh. lane cra te tran sport so that they can also d o ju-
Ca rton d ischarge - -+-_ .,...::'"
While in the case of the rotary type packer stice to higher filling turnovers.
described here the gripper h eads with the bott- The
les are guided horizontally in an elliptical mo- empty crates are fed into the crate washing
vement, the continually rUlUling packing/un- machine, and Ca rton formation
packing machine "Round pack II 464" (Krones the full crates nm into the palletiser.
company, Neutraubling) (Fig. 5.108) has a verti- Pack conveyor

cal gripper circulation, in which the in- and out- Packers for multiple packages
put of bottles and crates are arra nged under In many countries, packers for multiple packa-
each other. This guarantees low space require- ges - mostly for four or six containers - are
ments and good access to the plant. playing an increasingly large role. The main
These rotary packers present the most com- reason for this is likely to be the cumbersome-
plicated packer system and also make great d e- ness and weight of the hea vy beer crates, which Operator pa nel _ _ _ _40--_

mands on the material. Also, the gripper h eads one can avoid in handling by using the conside-
must move without jolts and jerks and mus t rably lighter multiple packages. not
guarantee the synclu-onous movement of the everybody wishes always to have a whole cra te Fig. 109n
packing heads and packages. At the same time, lying around. Small multiple packages, whet- Pnckerfor III II It iple pnckngillg (lIIodei Wmpnpnc T, WT, Krollcs Neu tmblillg)
there must also of course be a guarantee that if her these are foiled sixpacks with an inscription

Fig. 5 .108
COlltillllnlly rullllillg
pnckillglllllpn ckillg IIIncilill e,
lIIodel " Rolllldpnck 11 464"
(Krolles colllpnllY, Nell tmllb- Fig. 10%
lillg) Pnckerfor IIIl1ltiple pnckngillg (lIIodel W 30, Krolles Ne lltmllblillg)
780 781

The production of PE requi-

res 3 times less energy than
the production of paper,
PE foil only requires 25% of
the m aterial required for
Shrink packages are stable
when packed, so that no di-
viders are necessary,
PE foil can be imprinted
with the company logo.
Slu-ink packages are produ-
Fig.109c ced with or without a tray. Fig.
Compnrlmeul feeder 109d gives information about
the manufacture. The prepac-
ked sixpack is steamed with Fig. 5.106
hot air in the adjacent shrink Ml1llipncker
Container twmel. This makes the foil go
soft, and it shrinks on cooling.
The foil grips the package tightly and gives it crate washing whidl normally comes between
good stability. lmpacking and packing is of course omitted.
Multipackers are packers with which small Sorting packers containers can be packed into larger ones.
In the bottling plants, the bottle types me segre-
gated when they enter the plant after labelling Bottle alignment
and are packed into the crates or cartons. There Filled individual crates are unmistakeably
are, however, also plants in which bottles come identified by the crate colour and the company
Film cutting together from different filling plants to be pac- logo. In the case of group crates, the identifica-
ked and then have to be divided into types and tion on the crate itself is omitted. In these cases,
Film feed packed away in the predetermined crates. This however, the crates usually have windows and
requires very complicated plants with transla- perforations through which one can see the la-
Fig. 109d
tors and division facilities, in order to complete- bels and therefore recognise the firm. The pre-
Pncknge willi Imy nJld si1riuk foil (model Ifnriopnc TFS, Kl'Oues Ne l1lml1blil1g)
ly guarantee that only crates with the preselec- condition for this, however, is that the labels are
or wrap-arolU1d blank cartons with the compa- bottles from knocking together and the conti- ted bottle type enter the corresponding level of actually recognisable through the windows,
ny logo, are introduced in formation on a band nual noise that this entails during transport. the plant or palletisation. Repackers are packer since correct product presentation is an impor-
and first of all divided according to package ty- The mechanical application of a compartment that repack bottles from small crates into large tant success factor when selling. For this purpo-
pe. The problem lies in the introduction of the made of corrugated cardboard is very work- ones or vice versa. The packing and lmpacking se, one can turn the bottles in the same label di-
exactly designed and pre-perforated cartons. intensive. Using a side maga zine, prefabrica- of the bottles is carried out in the space of one rection using a bottle aligmnent machine.
Fig. 109a clarifies the teclmological processes ted compartments can be unfolded and pus- working cycle of the joint packing girder. With the bottle aligner, as with the packers,
with a smaller turnover, Fig. 109b does the sa- hed between the bottles during the nUl (Fig. Combipackers are machines with a joint gir- the bottles in the crate are held by pneumatic
me for a larger turnover. 109c). der with which one can lmpack and pack crates rotating grippers. These bottle grippers are sto-
In the case of larger cartons, the application of Shrink packages are becoming increasingly in one working cycle. Since the crate is, in this ca- red so that they can be individually rotated and
compartments is recommended to prevent the important today. Advantages: se, immediately filled with full packs again, the are rotated at the top end by a motor. At the bot-
782 783

They carry ou t comp lex ma-

chine function s, e .g . pac-
k ing, palletisin g, sor ti ng,
They save space in compari-
son with conventiona l sy-
stems; tran sport systems are
redu ced.
By means of the axis con trol,
the robo t can fo llow predeter-
/ mined curves in its path and
d rive exac tl y to each point
within its working area. It is
therefore very flexible with re-
gard to the tasks it can p er-
form and the uses to whi ch it
can be put. Fig. l 09g
There is a dis tin ction bet- Robot witll collnpsible nl"lliS nlld six nxes
Linear operated robots w ith
two axes (Fig . 10ge),
Fig. 10ge Fig.109! Robots with rotating arms and three axes (Fig. led on - today, usually by a multi -axis robot -
Lillenr operated robot witll two nxes Robot witll rotntillg nnlls nlld tillu nxes 109f) and and removes one layer after 31l other 31ld puts
Robots with collapsible arms and six axes them down on the b31ld, w hich now passes the
tom there is a slanting reflective light sensor. however, one must first form the individu ally (Fig. 109g). packing lUutS onto the package outlet exactl y
This sensor shows the position of the label end incoming p ackage units into layers or, in the ca- Robots are used tod ay in many areas of the row by row. In this way, the pallet is empti ed
when the bottle is rotated . When the bottle is ro- se of dep alletisa tion, take the layers apart again brewery, but particularly in the bottle cellar for layer by layer and can be transpor ted on to the
tated by 360°, the position of the label is first ex- withou t malhmction . palletising and depaUetising. pallet magazine.
actly measured and then the bottle is turned in- In the work of the palletiser and depalletiser, This workin g model, however, onl y works li-
to the p resc ribed position by a step motor robot technology is gaining increasing impor- Design and function of the palletisers ke this in principle. The demands made of the
control. tance today. and depalletisers different companies are so va rious that one C31l-
In this way, all bottles are positioned with the The individu al palle tiser and depalletiser not set a llluform norm . For example, the lifting
label towards the window. Robot technology pl31ltS differ in many details. The basic con - device with the lifting framework and lifting
If two labels are used (body and back label), In recent years, robot teclmology has entered struction of a de palletiser is shown in Fig. 5.110: drive C31l be designed very d ifferently 31ld the
the light sensor must first detect which is the the brewery. The arrival of robots is at the same The heart of the pl ant is a machine frame horizontal lmdercarriage with the rotary and
body and which the back label on the basis of time a clear example of how computer teclmo- which can be designed with a single column or sliding device - with or withol! t telescope - can
the different label sizes; only then can the bott- logy is becoming increasingly strongly integra- as a gantry. On it si ts a device with a ro- be driven by a crank drive .
le be aligned ill the desired way. ted into the m ac hine itself. It is now hardly pos- tating device for the loading head, which holds The slufting platforms to shift the package
sible to imagine a modern brewery without the layer clamp head. The layer clamp head, Lmits are formed either as a plate or as a roller
5.7.5 Palletiser and depalletiser robots. which will b e described in more detail shortly, ca rpet. The loading plate is suitable for the
equipment Robots ex tend the machine programme in the holds the layer of containers. treatment of non-recyclable and recyclable con-
The packages are stored on the p alletising plant area of sm aller tasks, e.g. as combined pack The full pallet is led onto the rolling convey- tainers and h as a structured, removable wea ra-
or removed from it in layers. For this purpose, and p alletiser centres, or and brought to a halt. The packing head is ble surface. A special aspect of the palletisers
784 785

Tube gripper Il eaas

Tube gripper heads are used,
like the packing tulip heads,
for s tacking bottles in laye rs,
but here the bottle necks are
clam ped by blowing up the gripping head magnetic head
cl amp ing tubes and can be
stacked in thi s way. The tube
division can be set to the requi-
red bottle fo rm ation by sten-
cils, if the bottle diameter, bott-
le shape and the arran gement
of the bottles allows them to be clam ping head vacuum suction head
gripped row by row.

Sucti oll lleaas

Suction h eads are often used
for the s tacking and tUls tack-
ing of layers of ca rtons.
Through suction with the aid tube gripper head pusher plate
_ Mach ine frame
of a number of suction discs,
lifting mechanism/vertical trolley
one can lift closed containers,
loading head
layer preparation table e.g. carton layers and also ot- L ]
Pallet holding area her large containers, layer by
D Package and container layer.
_ infeed/discharge
Fig. 5.110
Lnljer pnlfeliser (Overview of
colI/pollellls) Magnetic lI eaas packi ng tul ip head roller carpet head
Magn etic heads are used to lift
are the loading h eads. The loading heads are Layer clalllpillg heaas and h"cll1sfer containers made of Fig. 5.111
Londillg " ends for pnlfelisillgldepnlfelisillg
joined to the lifting device and are either Layer clamping heads clamp the layer together steel; this is also possible for the
rotated or with parallel guided short lift cylinders over h'ansfer of steel can s, which are
pushed out. rubber-covered clamps and thus prevent fal- protected in this way, particularly as empty steel with lying kegs. Depending on the working
Dep ending on the package lll1its which are to ling. The head can be set d ouble-sided or fo m- cans are eXh'emely sensitive owing to the thin- method, suitable gripper sys tems are available
be gripped, the loading h eads are con stru cted sided according to the formation, in order to ness of their walls. for the unloading and loading of kegs.
for this purpose (Fig. 5.111): grip the loading goods securely.
Keg loaaillg lIeaas Stacking plants for full pack pallets
Hookea grippillg heaas Pacldllg tlllip fIeaa s Kegs, too, mus t be palletised and depalletised. The pallets w ith full packs are picked up by
Hooked gripping heads are equipped with pneu- If bottles are to be laid on top of each other in In the case of the keg loading h ead, the layer is fork lift trucks, transported into the full pack
matically driven rotatable hooks. For gripping, layers, p acking tulip heads are used. These are positioned and gripped in positive locking by warehouse and stacked there. The transport of
the hooks are rotated inwards and grip the loa- equipped with so m any packing tulips that rota table sid e gripping b ars. The ca rrying plate the returned empty packs l"LIl1S in the other di-
ding goods. The hook rows are arranged so that they can remove the whole layer and work like can be carried with the layers by means of sep a- rection. It is also possible to stack the loaded
different formations can be gripped. Exact stack- an oversized packer. In this case, no cra tes or rately controlled gripping fingers. This wor- pallets in double or triple layers using an auto-
ing is achieved by means of centring frames. cartons are present. king method is possible both with standing and matic pallet stacking machine.
786 787

The loaded pallet enters the stacker at gro1md Infeed and output equipment
level via a roll or chain conveyor segment. A lif- Great importance is given to the orderly and ra-
ting frame with pick-up handles on both sides pid infeed and output of the containers to and
lowers itself and grips the pallet. Then the pal- from the palleti sing equipment. Depending on
let is raised by a lifting element and lowered on- the hourly throughput, the infeed and output of
to the nex t pallet, which has in the meantime the containers takes place on one, two or three
been tran sported into the stacker. In the case of tracks. Depending on the formation, integrated
triple layered stacking, the process is repeated. or external container rotating devices or gap
The pallet s tack leaves the stacker via a roll or parts and guiding units are controlled by the
chain conveyor segment. programme. Within the processes, too, there
In the case of the de-stacker, the procedures are are many possible combinations. In container
repeated analogously in the opposite direction. transport, plastic bands have prevailed to an in-
creasing degree. Transport plants for pallets
The full pack and empty pack pallets are trans- Pallet magazines
ported by fork lift trucks and put down on or As with crates, temporary s torage of the pallets
collected from set positions for further trea t- in a pallet magazine is also necessary 1mtil the
Fig. S.111a
ment. From there, the pallets are brought into first crates appear again, having been filled, Loarlillg of a pallet bYllleallS of a
the desired position by means of infeed and and must be palletised . collapsible arlll rabat; cOll tral by
output equipment. In the pallet magazine, up to 15 empty pallets lise of a scm Iller
are stacked on top of each other. In the stacking Pallet set positions process, the incoming empty pallets move onto ring boards and damage is ascertained by me- next to each other are not s tabili sed agains t
The pallets are put down on the set position by the pallet transport element, which can be rai- ans of control levers. One also tests the outer each other. Full pallets are secured in that
the fork lift truck and transported to the wor- sed and lowered. The empty pallets which are blocks, the pallet height and the pallet length in the upper part a tight, stretch-free plastic
king height of the process equipment. To meet there already are raised and put down again and can thus reject non-standard pallets. band or cord is pulled around a layer or
the very different conditions and requirements, onto the incoming empty pallet. This procedu- • the pallet is wrapped in foil or welded in.
a large number of different pallet lifting and re is repea ted 1mtil a sensor limits the maxi- Pallet pressure COl/troT Fo il wraparound is common particularly in
transport plants are available. mum stacking height. With pallet pressure control, d amage to the pal- the case of new glass and empty can deliveries
The pallets are stacked in the stores in such a let is ascertained by means of pressure stamps, as well as for pallets with trays and more easily
way that Pallet control which press on the pallet boards. One also tests m ovable packaging units. Foil also protects
the available magazine space is used as com- The flat surface of the pallets is an important the outer blocks, the pallet h eight and the pallet agains t dust, so that crates are also foiled if re-
pletely as possible, criterium for the stable position of the package length. quired .
the "first in - first out" principle is adhered to milts. The boards of the pallet surface, however, Foil can be wrapped as s tretch foil or it is
and are subjected to grea t stress, and is particularly Securing the pallets wrapped and shlTmk to form fixed lmit loads.
there is good access to the pallets. liable to be weakened by knotholes and hidden With increasing height of the struchue, the sta- Cardboard containers are partly fixed by me-
On the pallet stacking positions it is usual to faults, which can lea d to transport damage. The bility is reduced, in particular if the packaging ans of an anti-slip agent which is sprayed on.
have boards and outer blocks of the pallets are there- milts are not pla ced on top of each other in a do-
block stacking depots, fore checked for their ability to function, their vetailed fashion as frequently happens in the Palletising in keg filling
high shelf depots, full number and s trength. This test is carried case of cartons. And whilst crates are stabilised Robot teclmology has also arrived in the filling
nm-through depots and others. out either by rollers or by pressure stamps. tmderneath each other, in that the bottom of the of kegs. The increasing loading of the pallet
A detailed description of the construction of crate meshes into the opening of the crate be- (Fig. 5.111a) is read by a laser scatmer and the
these depots would go beyond the compass of Pallet cOl/tro1 IIsillg rollers low it, this does n ot apply to the crates which information passed on to the robot.
this book. With this control, rollers are led along the cove- are next to it. As a result the columns standing
Iti ,6- --- -£3- --- -Gl- - - - - - -f2I- - - - - - -£3 - - -
8_ --Er- -- -- -i3- --25
I-- -e --,·'----8-
11'·."-;...... . .----
-- '-


Fig. 5.112: Bottle filling plant for 50,000 bpl7, 0.5 l (KHS, Dortmund)
(1) pallet adjusting device (9) decrownil1g machine (17) e1l1ph) bottle inspector
(2) disengagemel1 t of pallet safeh) device (10) bottle Impacking machine (18) filling al1d closure machine
(3) depalletising machine (11) crnte tuming device (19) area for pasteuriser and ClF system
(4) pallet cOl1trol (12) crnte washil1g machil1e (20) crown cork conveying system
(5) emph) pallet magazil1e (13) empty crnte magazine (21) bOltle flushing device
(6) pailetising machine (14) bottle packil1g machine (22) labelling machine
(7) pallet safety device (15) full crnte cOl1trol (23) fillillg height and closure conlrol, control of label positiol1il1g
(8) emph) crate cOl1trol with discharge system (16) boltle cleal1il1g maei!ine (24) belt lubrication system

Labelling ma·:h n? Fillirg ard o wach re nspec: en CI2En n, mcrire Gonl mach r:

'f' --\'
!-'act r, mcrine Jnpad ,n, mach ire

.. ""


,. • C,,'emagaz na .... Cral<lurrer n ""!: ;;g Crat:: 'j',asher

'- <=== _n :- __-_=--::-= __

L..... i_ __ -- l5si=======C== =3

, ((__ 4 4
I ! [ ;.-=+1= .
! - -
ti, I(-
,-, - -, I

ii=i 5
Ell' ' I"
m; ,-ull craie aLlpLi • . Palle.iS,ng machine
IlLJ f¥iiJJ;--
. 01
Palle: inspeCI'O;;==::::
Oepalle:,slng mach,ne
Nc'" bailie dep,II?lis2r

ta::le inleej

Fig. 5.113 '-.J

Bottle filling plant for 45,000 bph, 0.51 bottles (TU Munich-Weihenslephan; Chair for Food Packaging Tech11010fS1))

790 791

5.8 The filling plant as a whole and palletising. In this area everything remains
The filling plant with its necessary transport dry and one therefore sepal'a tes if possible thi s
equipment and stack ing rooms is by far the lar- area as the dry part and the larger we t part. The
gest, most expensive and mos t labour intensive guid ance of the trallsport paths for the crate
pl ant in the entire brewery (Figs. 5.112 and and bottle transportation depends mainly on
5.113). The smooth running within the entire the arrangement of the machines in the plallt.
plant depends on its structure, the design of the According to the 3lTallgement a difference is
plant and the trans port paths. The machines of made between
5 5
the filling plant have to be sensibly linked to line arrangement: in this case all the machines
each other and throughput capacities tuned to of the filling plant s tand in the order of their
each other in order to ensure uninterrupted use in a row. This arrallgement is seldom
operations in the case of problems. seen,
...... Within the framework of this book of particu- comb arrangement: in this case the m achines
lar interest here are of the plant are next to each other in a comb
possibilities rega rding arrangement of machi- formation and are connected to each other
nes, with far back-reaching buffer s tretches . This
tlU'oughput grading of the machines in the fil- type of arrangement is very common,
ling plant and arena arrangement: in this case the machines
information regarding regulations and re- of the plant are arrallged in a circle as in an
commendations on the setting up and opera- arena and as far as possible in a space saving
...... ting of filling plants. formation .
'" Points to be taken into consideration for the
Po ss ibilities regarrfillg armllgelllellt of 1//(/- positioning of the machines in the plant in rela-
chilies tion to each other are in particular that
The processes of the filling plant are characteri- the machines are arranged in such a way that
sed by three cycles (Fig. 5.111b); the service personnel retain the overview and
The pallets are prepared on the way to the if necessary can act quickly, without first ha-
emtpies warehouse, depalletised, checked and ving to pass under or over a number of trans-
stored in the magazine, before they are reloa- porters,
ded and supplied to the trade via the full bottle the machines me accessible in the case of re-
warehouse. pair or maintenalICe and
Following depalletising the crates are unpac- the transport paths between the machines are
ked, washed and remain in the crate magazine so organised that a permallent problem-free
for renewed packing and inspection before they feeding of bottles to each machine is guaran-
are palletised again. teed.
After being unpacked, the bottles are This requires a grading in the throughput of
cleaned, checked, filled and closed. Following the machines.
labelling, they are inspected and put back into
the crates. Gmrfillg ill tIle tIl 1'0 IIghpllt of the lIlacllilles of
The bottle cycle is by far the greatest because the plallt
the bottles have to undergo all the processes. In The machines of the plant have to produce va-
..... comparison, the movements of the pallets can rying throughputs to guarantee that the plant
be limited to a minimum between depalletising operates at maximum capacity.

792 793

The core part of the filling plant is the filling used for the automatic operation of the through- Arivice regarriillg DIN stallrial'ris allri other se la ws a nd regulations do not app ly, one
and closing machine. Its maXimUlTl tlU'oughput put of the individual machines in the line. reco 1/11/1 ellri a tio 11 s should observe their guideline jurisdiction.
always has to be ensured by means of smooth One attempts to avoid movements which For the setting up and operating of a bottle fil-
feeding and discharge of the filled bottles and lead to the bottles turning and producing the ling plant, there are a number of standards, em- 5.9 Beer losses
cans. This means, that the machines dreaded scuffing rings as they rub against each piri cal values, considerations and observations. At the end of the production and filling processes
before and after the filling and closing machine other. These cam10t be discussed further within the the question of yield or losses during the entire
have to operate at a higher throughput to ensu- Interesting examples of complete filling framework of this book. It should, be process mises. The first part - the yield - has al-
re the feeding and discharge of the bottles or plants are given. pointed out that for the setting up and opera- ready been obtained in the brewhouse. Subse-
5 5
cans even following temporary breakdowns. An empties warehouse and full pack ware- ting of beverage filling plants in Germany, the quent losses, however, also of course occur. Nahl-
For this purpose the following grading in the house are of course part of the complete plant. following recommendations are given which rally, 100 hI of beer is not obtained from 100 hI of
throughputs of the machines has to be calcula- The empties warehouse has to have adequate should be observed: casting wort, but definitely less, because wort
ted (Berg Graph, named after Prof. Berg) : dimensions and be so arranged that a perma- DIN 8782 Beverage filling technology and beer losses occur after casting.
nent problem-free supplying of the filling plant - terms for filling plants and individual By beer loss is meant the difference between
Depalletising machine 135 - 140% with suitable empties (crates with the same lo- aggregates, the amount of cas t wort and the amount of beer
Unpacking machine 120-125% go, the same bottle types etc.) is possible. DIN 8783 Beverage filling teclmology for sale produced from it. The loss is quoted as
Bottle washing machine 110 -115% - tests on filling plants a percentage of the cast wort volume. It is an
Inspection machine 110 -115% The full pack warehouse also has to meet the DIN 8784 Beverage filling technology important internal brewery control figure from
Bottle filling machine 100% following demands: - minimum information and informati- which it can be seen how good or bad the pro-
Labelling machine 110 - 120% the full pack pallets, divided according to on concerning orders duction processes were.
Bottle packing machine 120 -125% brands, are to be stored so they are protected DIN 55405 Nobody can follow a brew quantatively from
Palletising plant 135 - 140% from frost, - terms for packaging the brewhouse until it is filled in bottles or kegs
depending on requirements a full pack stock because, as a result of the repeated blending
This does not mean, however, that the depal- should be sufficient for 2 to 3 days, Special Teclmical Delivery Conditions for during production, the amounts of individual
letising machine, for example, permanently has the pallets which are stored first also have to labels, brews cannot be followed separately.
to produce 135 to 140% of the performance of be delivered first (first-in, first-out), crown corks, Consequently the beer loss is calculated over
the bottle filling machine - this would soon re- the space available should be optimally u sed beer bottles, a fixed time, usually a month or even a day, and
sult in a jam - but means that it should be (stacking of several layers of crates on top of beer cans, different beer brands are treated separately.
equipped for such a throughput so as to fill out each other). beer cra tes. In modern breweries the necessary data is re-
the subsequent buffer stretch if necessary. The moving and stacking of the pallets is per- corded electronically and can be called up at any
In order to operate without interruptions, formed using a fork lift truck. As a rule the pal- Legal reqllirell1ellts are, amollgst others: time. The determining occurs on a daily basis ac-
buffer stretches of several lanes (bottle stations) let stocks me arranged in blocks. Since the fork Federal Emission Protection Law, cording to type. The basic principle, however, is
with ensuing isolators have to be positioned lift truck drivers require enough space for Economic Recycling and Waste Law the same as in our example, which due to the hi-
between the machines, in particular the filling transport and stacking processes, the surface Water Economy Law storically monthly recording of information, oc-
and closing machine, in order to guarantee con- area available used for block stacking can only Teclmical Standards Noise curred over a considerably longer period of time.
tinuous feeding of the bottles in the case of a be 50 to 60% . Teclmical Standards Air The amounts of cast wort brewed in a month
temporary failure. In order to use the available surface area con- Pre-Packaging Regulation in our brewery are recorded separately, accor-
The isolator is designed above all as a "pres- siderably more efficiently, other storage forms Product Liability Law ding to beer type, in a brewing report where
sureless collector" . such as, for example, high shelf storage are set Accident Prevention Regulations in force and they can easily be fOlU1d . In larger breweries the
The buffers operate with a filling level of up, which also have no problem dealing with Safety at Work Information of the Trade As- calculations are of course done by computer.
about 50% so that in the case of temporary fai- the principle of "first-in, first-out". sociation for Food and Restaurants. A few points must be considered with regard
lures, the uninterrupted running of the machi- In this book, however, it is not possible to dis- The legal requirements mentioned are of to the calculation of the amount of sales beer be-
nes before and after filling is ensured . cuss in detail all aspects of this wide ranging course also important for other departments of fore the calculation of the beer loss can be W1-
The filling level of the buffer stretches can be field. breweries and maltings. In cOlU1tries where the- derstood .
794 795

5.9.1 Calculation of the amount of sales the fermenters, The conversion can therefore be mad e using
Amount stock amount x (100 % - total loss)
beer produced in the lagering cellar, the following formula:
of sa les 100 % -loss from brew house amOlUlt
To d etermine the amOlUlt of sales beer produ- in the desp atch depa rtment (kegs, casks and Stock amount 2,430 hi x 89.7% = 2,384.8 hI
ced in the month of the report - e.g. in May - it bottled beer). 91.4% beer for sale
can be assumed that From th e amounts of beer recorded, the This is illustrated in the following example:
the amount of beer sold in May (including amounts of beer for sale must be calculated Similarly the conversion of the beer in the fer- On stocktaking the followin g amounts of Vollbier
free beer consumed by the brewery workfor- from the losses established by previou s experi- mentation cellar to the amount of beer for sale were fOlll1d in the brewery considered above:
ence. can be calculated, using of course the figures for in the fermentation cellar 1,420 hi
ce) together with 5
the amollnt of beer present at the end of May The total loss can be subdivided into separa- losses obtained in the brewery for this partiClI- in the lager cellar 8,174 hI
was produced in May, provided that te parts. The losses are determined for each ty- lar sort of beer. in the keg s tore 210 hi
the amolUlt of beer already present at the end pe of beer individually. Thus, the following formula applies: in the full bottle store 32 hI
of April is subtracted because, obviously, this
was produced earlier. Exa11lple: For this particul ar type of beer the following processing losses were determined:
Consequently the amount of beer produced In a brewery the total loss and the loss during a
for sale in May is calculated as follows: particular s tage, for one brand of beer, is Volume concerned % loss from brewhouse Conversion to sa les beer volume
Beer sold in May (including free beer consu-
cast wort volum e x 89.7%
med by the workforce) total loss 10.3% Cast wort vollll11e o
100 %
+ beer stocks at the end of May (last day of the loss from brewhou se to lage ring cellar 8.6%
month) Stocktaking showed there was 2,430 hI of this
pitching wort volume x 89.7%
- beer s tocks at the end of April (last day of the beer brand in the lager cellar. To what amOlUlt PitC/lillg wort voillme 6.5
93.5 %
previous month). of sales beer does this correspond?
It would be mistaken to say that, from the
lager cellar volume x 89.7%
Exa mple: 2,430 hi of beer being lagered, 10.3% - 8.6 % = Lager cellar volllme 8.6
91 .4 %
Stocks (31st May) 9,478.55 hI 1.7% mu st be subtracted, since the 1.7% does
+ Beer sales in May not refer to the 2,430 hi as the basic value.
output volume x 89.7%
(report month) 21,240.00 hi It is necessary, on the contrary, to consider the Olltput volllllle 10.3
30,718.55 hi situation as follows:
- Stocks at end of previous 100 hi of cast wort, with the losses mentioned
month (30th April) 8,640.55 hi above, produce The cOllversioll of the actllal all101lllts measllred is therefore:
91.4 hI of beer in the lager cellar,
AmolUlt of beer produced and from this Department AmOlmt measured (hi) Ca lculation Sales beer in hI
for sa le in the report month 22,078.00 hi 89.7 hi of beer for sale.
1,420 x 89.7%
The amolUlt of the beer in the lager cellar Fermentation 1,420 1,371.9 I,
To be able to perform these calculations a (2,430 hI) has therefore been produced from
stock record must be made on the las t day of
8,174 x 89.7%
each month. 2,430 hi x 100'1'0 = 2,658.6 hi cast wort Lager cellar 8,174 8,021 .9
5.9.2 Stocktaking and calculation of beer From this amount of cast wort, with the total Cask/keg store 210 21 0.0
for sale loss mentioned,
Stocktaklng consists of recording the complete Bottle store 865 865.0
stocks of beer, separated into type. 2,658.6 hi x 89.7% = 2,384.8 hi beer for sa le
Records are made separately of the stocks 100'},0 are produced Stock calculated as beer for sale = 10,468.8 hi
in the fermentation cellar, in the case of CCVs in
796 797

5.9.3 Calculation of the volume loss There is here a double monitoring which 6% is 9 kg malt (0.05 ml) per second is produced at any locati-
From the difference between the cast wort volu- shows not only that the total loss is greater than 11 % is 17 kg malt on, in the course of a year these drops add up to
me in the monthly report and the amowlt of normal, but that the difference between 16% is 26 kg malt 0.05 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 = 1,576,800 ml = 1,576 I
beer for sale produced the volume loss can be brewhouse and fermentation cellar is abnor- Stated differently, for emphasis: for quantita- = 15.76 hI. Therefore it is important to replace
calculated which now must be expressed as a mally high. tive control in the brewery the following con- leaking seals immediately and to eliminate all
percentage. Continuous monitoring of the loss is very im- trol systems, which are independent of one places where drops or streams can form .
For exall1ple: portant for internal brewery control since only another, can be used: Spent hops retain wort.
Amount of cast wort in April 11,692.0 hi in this way can faults be discovered and quick- Using hop sieves the extract is not recovered
5 5
- ill1l0Wlt of beer for sale produced 10,468.8 hi ly remedied. M alt grist Cast wort Sales beer completely. Loss is decreased if sparging is do-
= volume loss 1,223.2 hi On average beer loss is 8 to 10% [50]. ne with several small volumes. Nowadays hop
Total loss = 10.46% breW/lOl/se extract or pellets are therefore used. If whole
ill %

One mLlst expect that as a result of contraction of hops are also used, they are crushed and collec-
If it is already known that the usual loss with the hot wort about 4% ted together with the trub .
this sort of beer is 10.3 % and in this month of disappears without illly being lost • malt usage in kg/lll • Trub contains wort.
April the loss is 10.46 %, then something has go- Evaporation with The brewhouse yield controls the process Recovery of wort from trub in a recovery
ne wrong. A search must be made to find out open cooling is about 2.5 - 3.0% from milling to casting, the beer loss controls plilllt is incomplete. If the trub is added back to
where the fault lies. The loss in the the process from casting to sales beer. the wort nm off, the extract contained is almost
One possible approach is to calculate the loss fermentation cellar is 1.3 -1.7% Malt usage covers both control systems illld gi- completely recovered.
occurring from the brewhouse to t!le fermenta- in the lager cellar is 0.6 - 0.8% ves illl objective pichlre of the operations in the The foam from a fermentation contains extract.
tion cellar in the month in question from the during filtration 0.8 - 1.0 % brewery. If the fennenter is filled too full, and foam
difference between the cast wort amount and illld during filling 0.2 - 0.8% It is however not possible or reasonable to consequently overflows, illl avoidable loss oc-
the pitching wort amOlmt. This part of the loss add the percentages of the brew house yield illld curs. The foam cover removed from a fermenter
is also expressed as a percentage. 5.9.4 Calculation of malt usage in kg beer loss together. That does not make sense . also contains beer. If it is removed carelessly,
In April the figures were: malt/hi beer then for each 100 hi about 10 to 20 1 are lost. In
cast wort volume 11,692.0 hi and Beer loss recording is simply an internal brewe- 5.9.5 Importance of the loss and possible some breweries the foam cover removed is
pitching wort volume 10,468.8 hi ry control which can be easily altered by ways of reducing it transferred to a vessel and the beer in it is allo-
illld thus a changing the teclmological parameters. Beer loss means profit loss for the brewery. It is wed to settle out.
volume loss of 778.1 hi The sihlation is different when the starting therefore one of the most importilllt tasks of any The yeast remaining after beer trilllsfer con-
illld thus the part of material, the grist, is related to the amOlmt of brewer to ensure that within his field of respon- taillS beer. This loss is higher the less firmly the
the total loss occurring end product, the beer for sale. If the amOlmt of sibility he helps to keep losses as low as possi- yeast settles.
between brewhouse illld grist used is divided by the amolmt of sales ble. Even small sources of loss in time add up to If the yeast is added dry (not previously resus-
fermentation cellar was 6.65% beer the result is the malt usage in kg/hi for the large losses. pended ill water) to the next brew, the loss is
beer considered. smaller because the beer it contains is not lost. If
The following comparison Cilll then be made: Commoll sOllrces of loss possible the yeast should therefore be used again
Total loss Loss between For example: Losses occur on vessel walls. Small vessels give ill a dry state. The possibility of the recovelY of
brew house and AmOlmt of grist used in April 383,460 kg rise to relatively greater losses because of the beer from yeast is discussed ill Section 4.4.6.
fermentation cellar Sales beer produced in April 22,078 hi comparatively large surface area of their walls. During kieselguhr filtration with plate and
Usual vallie 10.30 % 6.5% Malt usage = 383,460 kg Moreover, wort remains in pipelines and the frame filters the beer loss is about 0.4 to 0.8 %.
Vallie ill April 10.46 % 6.65% 22,078 hi = 17.4 kg of malt/hi beer longer the pipeline is the greater the loss. With a pressure filter it is less (about 0.3%) sin-
Increased loss 0.16 % 0.15% This figure is important and Cilllll0t be mani- All places where there are leaks, whether ce it is possible to press these empty and fill
This shows that the fault is probably COlmec- pulated. drips or sprays, are sources of loss . them with CO2 ,
ted with the cooling which occurs between cast- It Cilll be assumed that the amount of malt re- There are places in a brewery at which drops The loss in modern bottlillg halls is less than
ing and pitching. quired for 1 hi of beer of strength of wort or beer are formed. If Ollly one drop in older ones illld is only about 0.2 to 0.4 %.
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Competence in So lutions.

6 Cleaning and disinfection

It is very important that the quality parameters Special attention has to be paid when dealing
of a beer remain constant over a long period of with
time. This applies to the tas te and smell of the aluminium vessels,
beer as well as its foam s tability and its clarity, vessels at1d pipes made of V2A steel, and
lmless it is a beer which is n a turally turbid. vessels and pipes made of other materials. 6
The maintenance of these parameters CatU10t
be achieved, howeve r, by means of filtration it- 6.1.1 Aluminium vessels
self; all factors which guarantee clean operati- Aluminium is a relatively cheap mate rial for
ons have to be observed. Keeping the producti- tat11<s atld other vessels; it is neutral, does not
on stations, vessels and pipes cleat1 at all times, affect beer flavour at all and therefor e does not
at1d the regular and complete removal of any require a protective lining. L1 that respect alu-
occurring impurities plays a vital role in all pro- minium is ideal; however,
duction departments . aluminilun is not resistant to alkaline agents
To lmderstand the tasks at1d problems con- and is rapidly damaged. Aluminium is a so-
nected with cleat1ing and disinfecting, the follo- called earth metal (group 3 of the pe riodic ta-
wing have to be considered: ble) and as such is closely related to the alka-
vessel and pipe materials and their proper- li (Na, K) and alkaline earth (Ca, Mg) metals.
ties, In an alkaline medium, the smooth surface of
cleat1ing and sterilising agents, and the aluminium soon greatly changes; pitting
the implementation of cleaning and disinfec- occurs (danger of contamination), and the
tion u sing the CIP system and in other ways. vessel walls are slowly des troyed .
Aluminium is at the end of the electro-chemi-
6.1 Materials and their behaviour cal series of elements. If aluminium comes in-
towards cleaning agents to contact with other metals (e.g. copper coo-
Older vessels are frequently made of steel and ler with an aluminium vessel), a galvanic
have a lining of pitch or plastic, which protects element is formed atld in time the aluminium
the beer from them . These linings are neutral becomes corroded away (isolation necessa-
and can usually be treated with the usual ry).
cleatling agents. A disadvantage is that these li- Aluminium is not resistant to strong acids
VLB Berlin rungs have to be renewed from time to time, as atld is destroyed in a short time. Local ele-
they Cat1 be damaged and give rise to contatlli- ments are formed atld it can therefore only be
nations. used in the case of extreme purity (> 99 .9 %
Research Institute for Only aluminium vessels are used w ithout a AI) .
Management and Beverage coating because they rapidly develop a penna- Aluminium is very soft and therefore CatUlOt
Log istics (FIM) nent oxide layer, which protects them. withstat1d a vacuum . Even in the case of a
Today, vessels, pipes at1d fittings are made small underpressure in the lagering vessel,
www.vlb-berli fim from chrome-nickel steel (stainless steel, V2A there is the danger that the tank will collapse
@ heyer@vlb-berli steel) and thus rendered CIP-friendly. inwards.
802 803

The disadvantages outnumber the advan- denum steels (CrNiMo) also contain 2 - 3% mo- Clu-ome-nickel-molybden um steels (CrNiMo cms tlu'Ough contact Witll acids and sh'ong alkalis.
tages and therefore aluminium has increasing- lybdenum. The carbon content in all hi gh-grade steels) are highly corrosion resistant to strong A particularly negative effect is produced by
ly disappeared from breweries . steels is under 1 %. acids, all<aline solutions and chloride ions. They chloride ions which penetrate the passive layer
are therefore all-plli'P0se and can also accumula- locally. Pinprick-like indentations are created
6.1.2 Vessels, pipes and fittings made of There are many different types to correspond te active chlorine containing cleaning solutions. and as a result of their growth, pitted areas,
chrome-nickel steel to the varied demands made on the material. Chrome-nickel-molybdenum s teels of s teel which can exhibit very different forms.
For several decades chrome-nickel steel has Only very few sorts are used in the brewery. groups 3 (1.4429, 1.4435, 1.4436) and 4 (1.4439, The danger of increases
been increasingly used for vessels, pipes and Since chrome-nickel-molybd enum steels have a 1.4462, 1.4539) are very corrosion resistant in with an increaSing concentration of chloride
fittings . Instead of the term clu'ome-nickel steel conSiderably higher corrosion resistance but water with a high chloride ion content. ions,
) or stainless steel, standard factory notations are also more expensive, a difference between The corrosion resistance of chrome-nickel with increasing temperatures, and 6
such as V2A, Rostfrei or Nirosta (Tyssen- them and standard steel has to be made. In steels in comparison with standard steel consists with higher pH va lu es.
Krupp) are the norm. Europe the steels are differentiated according in the ability to form a passive layer. A wafer-thin When using cleaning and steriliSing agents,
Chrome-nickel steels are non-rusting steels to the European standard DIN EN 10 088-2 .; the smface film of metal oxides rich in chromium is the composition of the agents and their compa-
which are characterised by their resistance to abbreviated name is derived from the composi- thereby formed, which separates the metal from tibility regarding different materials has to be
corrosion. Standard steels contain on average tion. In addition to the European standards, its slliTolUldi.ngs. This passive layer forms spon- checked precisely in order to prevent damage.
17 - 20% chrome and 8 - 13% nickel; the even there are also other standards which are listed taneously and also reforms if there is damage to The following table gives an overview of the
more corrosion resistant chrome-nickel-molyb- here: the smface. The higher the clu'omium content, use of cleaning and sterilising agents in the ca-
the more resistant the passive which is hut- se of stainless steels. Particularly important he-
Clu-ome-nickel steels (CrNi steels) Steel group 1 (selection) her increased by the addition of molybdenum. re is that to prevent damage, the chlorine ion
Discoloration may occm as a result of welding content must be kept low (see notes).
Abbreviated name in USA ASTM Japan CIS
COST and soldering, whidl prevents the formation of For the use of cleaning and sterilising agents in
EN No. DIN EN 10 088-2 Type/UNS JIS
the surface film. In these cases, passivation must the case of CrNi steels, the following criteria ac-
1.4301 X 5 CrNi 1810 304 SUS 304 08Ch18N10 then occur by means of, for example, abrasion. cording to DIN 11 483 apply in Germany (tlu'es-
1.4306 X 2 CrNi 1911 304 L SUS 304 L 03Ch18N11 An increasingly erosive smface corrosion oc- holds for CrNiMo steels are listed separately):
1.4541 X 6 CrNiTi 18 10 321 SUS 321 08Ch18N10T
1.4550 X 6 CrNiNb 18 10 347 SUS 347 08Ch18N12B Agent Concentration Temperature pH value exposure time

Vessels, pipes and fittings are today usually made from dU'ome-nickel steel. They are the all-pm- Na- hypochlorite <5% < 70 °C > 11 <l h
pose steels used for areas of application where corrosion is a less serious problem. In the case of + NaOH 1)

higher pH values (above 9), higher temperatures and the presence of more than 50 to 100 mg/l cluo- NaOH ') <5% < 140 °C >13 <3 h
ride ions, these chrome-nickel steels are not deployable in perpetuity (see table). Na-hypocluorite 3)
< 20 °C > 9 <2 h
As a result of their titanium or niobium additive, steel types 1.4541 and 1.4550 already have Na-hypochlorite 3)
< 60 °C > 9 < 0.5 h
slightly increased corrosion resistance. H 2S0 4 < 1.5 % 4) < 60 °C < lh
H 2S0 4 <3.5% 5) < 60 °C < lh
Chrome-nickel-molybdenum steels Steel group 2 (selection) HNO,lH3 P04 6) <5% < 90 °C <lh
(CrNiMo steels) HNO,lH3P04 7) <5% < 140 °C <5 l11in
Peracetic acid 8) < 0.15 % < 20 °C <2 h
Abbreviated name in USA ASTM Japan CIS Peracetic acid S) < 0.0075 % < 90 °C <30 min
EN No. DIN EN 10 088-2 Type/UNS JIS GOST Iodophore < 50 mg iodine/I < 130 °C <24 h

1.4401 X5 CrNiMo 17122 08Ch16N11M3 Il < 300 IIIg CI iOllsl/ ill illilia/ sO/lIlioll, " < 500 IIIg CI iOllsl/ ill illilia/ sO/lltioll , JJ < 300 IIIg acl. C11/, " < 150 IIIg CI iOllsl/ ill ill-
316 SUS 316
ifia/ sO/llt ioll ill Ille case of CrNi sleels, 51 < 250 IIIg CI iOlls/l ill ill ilia/ SO/" lioll ill tile case ofCrNiMo sleels, " < 200 IIIg CI iOlls/l
1.4404 X2 CrNiMo 1713 2 316 L SUS 316 L
ill illitia/ sO/lltioll ill I/le case of CrNi slee/s, " < 300 lllg CI iOllsl/ ill illitia/ sO/lIlioll ill Ille case of CrNiMo slee/s, .'1 lip to 300 IIIg
1.4571 X6 CrNiMoTi 1712 2 316 Ti SUS 316 Ti 10Ch17N13M2T C/ iOllsl/.

Since non-rusting steels neither require a damage to the illside are difficult to detect and
ISO R 1629 Characteristic Trade name
coating nor give off any flavouring substances, locate.
abbreviation colouring
there are no limits to their use. In their Rubber hoses mus t be cleaned only with dilu- vinylidene fluoride rubber FPM Viton®
main advantage is that as a result of their insensi- te alkali. Oxidising agents, such as nitric acid, ethylene-propylene-diene copolymers EPDM black Buna ApD
tivity towards acids alld caustics, they Call be alld copper ions cause ageing of the rubber. Ca- pheny l-methyl-polysiloxane MPQ red
cleaned eXh'emely easily in the CIP system. New re must therefore be taken, for example, that no (Silicon rubber)
plants are therefore only built with this in mind . rubber hoses are cleaned together with copper
It is eXh'emely importallt thereby that the umer pipes in the same circuit. Thermoplastic materials
surface of the vessel is as smooth as possible (low Rubber quality is very val·iable. Many rubber polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE Teflon®
6 peak-to-valley height), to enable a thorough inl- hoses inh'oduce flavour substances into the polyvinyl chloride PVC
plementation of the clealWlg and remove all con- especially when their Ulterior is damaged or they 6
polyamide PA
tamination residues. This applies above all to become old. The suitability of the rubber hoses for
the grulding off of weldulg seams and foodstuff applications must therefore be checked.
the polishulg of the ilmer surface (as far as To avoid the risk of contaminations and the
this is possible), increased risk of oxygen uptake resulting from
Since the seals are integra ted ill the CIP circuit, the chemicals contained in the cleaning and ste-
in particular in the case of vessels, filters, using hoses, they are gradually being replaced
rilising agents attack the seal materials to differillg degrees. According to DIN 11483 the followulg
pumps, and pipes from the fermentation stage in breweries by fi xed pipes.
criteria regarding usage of clemung and sterihsing agents for the material EPDM apply:
of processing (see Sect. Sealing materials, with which all screw joults
Stainless steels only achieve their resistance and fittulgS are equipped, cause at least as ma- Agen t Concentration Temperature Reaction time
to corrosion if their surface is metallically pure ny problems as rubber hoses. Because they co- HN0 3 <2% <50°C < 0.5 h
alld a passive layer can form. The oxidation lay- me UltO contact with beer they must be of the HN03 <1% <90 °C < 0.5 h
ers or oxidation tints therefore have to be remo- quality prescribed by the Federal Health De- H,PO, <2% < 140 °C <lh
ved mechanically (by means of brushing or parhl1ent alld must not affect beer flavour. Peracetic acid <1 % <90 °C < 0.5 h
gruldulg) or chemically (through acid cleaning) Seals are made of rubber-like elastic materials Peracetic acid < 1% < 20 °C <2h
following shielded arc welding (TIG, MIG) so which differ considerably ill their properties Iodophore < 0.5 % <30 °C <24 h
that the passive layer can reform. Stainless steels such as hardness, tensi le strength, stretch resi- Hot water < 140°C without limit
must not come into contact WiUl oUler iron mate- stance alld final elongation as well as their tem-
rials since iron ions Call lead to corrosion. perature and swelling behaviour.
Rubberised materials with a relatively good 6.2 Cleaning agents substances which Calmot form emul sions and
6.1.3 Hoses and seals resistance to the effects of chemical processes ClealIDlg removes product residues alld depo- are not soluble. These substances must be
Most hoses are made of rubber. Rubber hoses and temperature are elastomers based on: sits, such as proteins, resins, oils, organic and emulsified after wetting.
are dangerous cOlUlecting pipes. There is a ten- NBR - acrylonitrile-bu tadiene rubber, inorganic salts, and micro-organisms from the The simplest and least problematic cleaning
dency to judge the interior state of a hose from silicon rubber, surfaces of vessels, etc. medium is water.
its external appearance. This is often a great mi- PTFE - polytetrafluoroethylene alld A surface free from chemicals is obtained by Water is used successfully with brushes and
stake. Many large stresses are put on the inte- EPDM - ethylene-propylene-diene copolymer. the disulfectillg effect of chemicals alld sterilisa- scrubbers of all types and sizes for manual
rior of a rubber hose and moreover they are dif- Fluoride elastomers also h ave a particularly tion by heat trea tment. cleaning. Admittedly not everything can be
ficult to clean (hose bath). Cracks and slight good resistallce. Contamulations can be classified accordulg cleaned manually in this way nowadays, but
to the following aspects: the process must not be forgotten. Primarily,
ISO R 1629 Characteristic Trade name substances which are truly soluble and dissol- clealWlg with pressurised water, as used in mo-
abbreviation colouring ve during the cleaning process, vable sprayillg devices, is of great importance
Synthetic rubber materials substances which can form emulsions but are for thorough cleaning of appliances such as val-
acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber NBR blue Perbunan® not soluble; these substances must be emulsi- ves, which are not included in a CIP circuit and
chlorobutadiene rubber CR Neoprene'" fied, and Calmot be cleaned in a caustic bath.
806 807

As well as the mechanical cleaning agents, acid or citric acid with the addition of inh.ibi- amphoteric tensides. ning cle31ling agents [71]. Amending the Ori-
pressurised wa ter and bru shes, chemical tors. Chlorine dioxide achieves a disillfecting ac- gin of Waste Water Regulations of 27 May 1991,
cleaning agents are used. One particular fact must be taken into accOlmt tion with an application of only 0.5 to 2 ppm. the German Federal Govern ment has se t thres-
The followin g properties are required of a with regard to cleaning. An increasingly thick The ClO, peneh·a tes the cell wall into the cyto- hold values for dangerous substances in the
chemical cleaning agent: layer of beer stone (beer scale) is inevitably depo- plasm of the micro-organism and destroys it by sense of § 7a of the Domestic (drinking) Water
high solubility in water, sited in time on all parts of vessels which come in- breaking d own essential amino acids. CIO, is Regulations produced by the use of chlorine-
good cleaning power with regard to dirt con- to contact with beer. 111e rough surface of the characterised by a broad spectrum of activity containing products. The chlorine-containing
tamination, beer stone forms an ideal hiding place for conta- effective aga inst yeas ts, bac teria, mould, viru- produ cts are converted to Ad sorbable Org31lic
effecti ve at low temperatures, minations. Consequently the beer stone must be ses and even spores. Halogen compOlil1ds (AOX) which pass into
) high wetting power, regularly removed. The best medilU1l for remo- The risk of pitting formation (see Sect. 6.1.2) the waste wa ter (see Sect. 9.2.1) 31ld lead to in- 6
little redeposition of dirt, ving beer stone is still dilute nitric acid . caused by sta nd ard meth od s previously used creased was te water treahnent costs.
no foam formation, Most cleaning media supplied are based on of producing CIO, from sodium chloride and It is not possible to list here all the commerci-
easily rinsed off, no deposits, caustic soda. This is a ve ry efficient cleaner hydrochloric acid is prevented nowadays by ally availabl e clearting 311d disinfecting agents,
no reaction with salts in the wa ter, w hich also kills micro-organisms. Additives the use of modern production procedures (e.g. with their names, compositions 31ld concentra-
not corrosive to the equipment materials, can substantially further increase its cleaning ASiRAL-Duosept) . Application occurs in the tions employed . For these, reference must be
easy to use, power. One group of additives are the tensides. bottle spraying water (7 m g/l), conveyor lubri- made to the suppliers' application guidelines
low cost and Tensides are water soluble active compounds cation (7 mg/l), in the exterior cleansing of the concerning their use in practice and to operatio-
little pollution of the waste wa ter, use of bio- employed in cleaning media to release dirt by filler and in the erp cleaning. Chlorine dioxide nal experience of the agents. However, in every
logically d egradable chemicals. lowering the surface tension of the water. In is completely broken dow n and does not cause case a detailed examination of the suppli er's
Cleaning agents are available in various Germany the tenside regulations sp ecify that AOX formation. cleanin g and disinfecting agent ca talogu e
forms nowadays (powders, pas tes, liquids). In the tenside must be at least 80 % degradable. Peracetic acid is employed in 0.01 to 0.1 % solu- should be made to establish
general a liquid for m is preferred since the me- Ca talogues of cleaning agents almost always tion . Its disinfectant action depends on the re- for what purposes the agen t should be used,
dium is then easier to handle and ca n be d osed show whether the agent contains tenside or not. lease of atomic oxygen which ac ts as a disinfec- what concentration is recommended for use,
more easily. Tensides must be completely removed on rin- tant and disappears from the solution by forming 311d
All commercially manufac tured cleani n g sing beca use they can spoil the beer foam (see molecular oxygen. Peracetic acid is an ideal disin- which materials it can be used with and what
agents contai n two components: Sect. fect31lt in that it leaves no residues behind which limitations exist.
a carrier substance (caustic soda or an acid) From the aspect of environmental pollution, must be taken care of. yeasts which
and the use of biologically degradable organic acids form ascospores sllch as Sacch31·omyces diastati- 6.4 Cleaning and disinfecting using a
active agen ts (stabilisers, solvents, d eter- is important - such as citric acid or lactic acid . cus are insensitive to peracetic acid. ClP system
gents). Quaternary ammonium compounds (QAV) In small breweries and plants brush es and
Depending on their pH they are classified in- 6.3 Disinfecting agents are present in many disinfecting agents. They scrubbers still reign supreme. This w ill not
to: The same properties are required for a disinfec- are cationic tensides with a neutral pH and change in the future.
alkaline, acidic and neutral cleaning agents, tant as for a cleaning agent except th at instead good bactericidal (bacteria-killing) properties. However, with in creasing vessel and installa-
and of good cleaning power the decisive factor is a They are very surface active 31ld thus ensure tion size m31lual clea ning becomes increasingly
acidic, n eutral and alkaline disinfecting powerful disinfecting effect over as wide a good wetting. Disadv31ltages are that they are uneconomic and finally impossible. This h as
agents. spectrum as possible. difficult to rinse off (residue problems). led to the development of specialised brewery
Alkaline cleaning agents are predominantly Preferred disinfectants are When clea ning and diSinfec ting, howeve r, sections, the cleaning and s terilisin g stations,
based on 60 to 80 % caustic soda with additions halogen containing disinfecting agents thou ght must be given to the fact that 31ly of the which use fixed devices to clean the equipment
of sodium carbonate, metasilicate, polyphos- (e.g. NaOCl = sodium hypochlorite, ClO, = agent which is not used up will appear in the in which they are ins talled, in other word s to
phates, trisodium phosphate, wetting agents chlorine dioxide, m on obromoacetic acid), was te water and possibly cause environmental perform cleaning in place (erp). By automating
and inhibitors. oxidants (H,O" peracetic acid), problems. the erp valuable working time is also saved.
Acidic cleaning agents are based on phos- quaternary ammonium compounds (QAV) A particular type of problem with waste wa- Nowadays all machinery and installations in
phoric acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, gluconic and ter is presented by the use of chlorine-contai- the brewery are d esigned from the s tart so that
808 809

14 IXI
9 t !XI
container bad: run

13 13 13 +- pipe: back. run

container fOlefUll
10 10 10 fresh
!XI I><J4 !XI+

2 3 5

fresh disin - acid caustic stored

water fec tant 80' C 8O'C water
20' C 20' C

y y y y
Fig. 6.1 oj.
ClP deallillg sys teJ/l (£xalllp/e 1) condensate
(£xp /allat iolls oJpos.1 -7 ill text) dtsinfecting agent acid caustic
(8) cirCII/atillg plllllp pipe, (9) back-flow pipe, (10) Jil/illg pipe Jar d eallillg al/{I disillfectillg agellt, (11) elllptyillg, (1 2).fi"es/1 wa- condensate concentrate concentrate
ter m try, (13) ClP d eallillg oj tile coll taillcrs, (14) back flow oj tile dea llillg alld disillfect illg IIledia sO/lltiolls Fig.6. 1a
( /P c/eallillg systelll (£xa llip/e 2) Krolles, Nelltrallb/illg

eIP can be used, i.e. they can be connected in Peracetic acid is unsuitabl e for hose baths be-
one of the eIP circuits. As a result, in modern cause it gradually dissolves rubbers. system. Durations of flows, amounts, tempera- drain the diSinfecting solution
plants there is no manual cleaning from the It is important to arrange all equipmen t parts tures, etc. are established from the results of off 1-3 min
brew house to filling . in the disinfectant baths in such a way that aU practical experience in the brewery. A typical final rinse with fresh water 3-5 min
Despite this arrangement, in every brewery surfaces are wetted . Air bubbles mus t be pre- programm e is: drain the water off 1-3 min
there are equipment parts, for instance curved vented. prerinse with water - The entire programme thus lasts 1 to 2 h.
pipe connectors, cOLUlection fittings, valves, A CIP plant consists of the following vessels fo r this the stored final To keep the costs fo r cleaning and pollution
etc., which caLUlot be cOLUlected into the circuit. (Fig. 6.1): rinse water from the of the environment as low as possible, great ca-
In order to be able to clean and disinfect these a storage container for fresh water (1), previous cycle is used 3-5 min re has to be taken in arranging the vessels and
parts, there are s terilising troughs containing a a storage container for s tored water (2), drain the water off 1-3 min pipes for the CIP plant. This includes [265]:
disinfectant solution into which these parts can a s torage container for the disinfectant soluti- clean with alkaline cleaning paying great attention to a close separation of
be placed. Many breweries also have long "ho- on or hot water (3), solution by circulating a the mixing phases in the case of cleaning fore
se baths" into which the hoses can be inserted a storage container for acidic solution (4), 1 to 2 % solution at 70 °e 30-50 min and back runs (observance of dead clea ning
for sterilisation / decontamination. a storage container for the caustic solution drain the caustic off 1-3 min ends, positioning of branching pipes),
It is important to ch eck the solutions in these (5), intermediate water rinse 4-5 min the installation of rate of flow volume regula-
troughs and baths regularly, beca use with time a circulating pump (6), drain the water off 1-3 min tors in place of programme process control,
they lose their disinfecting activity and in the a heating s tation (7) acid rinse w ith the ins ta ll a tion of pressure regulating sy-
end become nutrient solutions for contaminati- as well as num erous pipes, valves and 1 to 2 % nitric acid 10-15 min stems for cleaning the containers lmder over-
on nests. The solution should be changed from pumps. dra in the acid off 1-3 min pressure,
time to time because, particularly with quater- A powerful flow of medium is pumped from intermediate water rinse 2-3 min the creation of short cycles by means of an
nary ammonium compound s, resistant beer these con tainers, using automatic swi tching, drain the water off 1-3 min optimal placement of the CIP plant in the sy-
spoilage organisms can develop. through the vessels and pipes of the attached- rinse w ith diSinfecting solution 15-20 min s tem,
810 811

fresh water forerun containers with the smal- nents necessary for a problem-free operation, ments thereby are the measurement of the w ith fresh water. Subsequent disinfection using
lest possible volumes (Fig. 6.3 (4)), such as overflow, manhole, fill height indica- conductivity of th e individual media, the peracetic acid or a solution of chlorine dioxide
lowest possible cycle volumes by means of tor, sampling facility, interior cleaning facili- temperature and the volumetric flow rate. in the final rinse is important.
the correct choice of pipe diameter: ty, overflow, vapour release and, in the case of During elP cleaning, contaminations passing
heated vessels, heat insulation. from one department to another must be pre- Plallts for IlIlfiltered beer tallles (CCVs)
nominal size of The pumps, pipelines and fittings must be ar- vented . Thus different elP stations are used by There are several ways of cleaning unfiltered
pipe diameter DN80 DN65 DN50 DN40 ranged in such a way that no cavitation (see means of which different sections are treated beer tanks (cylindroconical fermentation and
content in 1/m 5.0 3.3 2.0 1.3 Sect. can occur. Accidental mixing of differently. Hence, certain sections are always lagering tanks):
delivery in m /h 45 30 18 12 media must be prevented by appropriate cleaned with hot caustic whereas others are not
6 tank diameter in m > 6 6 4 3 switches. or only reluctantly. A possible division [146] is Allcalille hot callstic cleallillg 6
The delivery and storage of the chemicals must to have separate Alkaline hot caustic cleaning is a widespread
It should be noted that the speed of the flow - according to the laws of the individual coun- plants for the brewhouse and wort path, procedure for cleaning tanks. With hot caustic
of liquid is dependent on the nominal value of try - OCCLLr in such a way that no damage can plants for pipes carrying lmfiltered beer, cleaning the tank is sprayed with a defined
the pipes and the voltune flow (m3/h or 1/min). be caused should a defect arise. Since large plants for lmfiltered beer tanks and amOlmt of alkaline (caustic soda or a cleaning
The respective values can be read in the dia- amOlmts of liquid are sometimes being dealt plants for the filtrate and filling process. agent with an NaOH basis) .
gram in Fig. 6.1b . with here, great attention must be paid to this. Plants for the brewhouse and wort path (Fig. Problems:
The following statements also apply to the The measuring teclmology and plant control 6.1a) usually have The NaOH reacts with CO, to form insoluble
machine parts of a CIP plant: must ensure problem-free operations in the tanks for hot caustic for brewing vessels, sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHe0 3 )
The storage containers must have all compo- right order. The most important measure- tanks for hot caustic for wort path (division which precipitates, thus causing the caustic
because of heavy soiling caused by the cau- to become increaSingly ineffective. The CO,
stic from the brewing vessels), has therefore first of all to be removed to pre-
acidic solution, vent lllu1ecessary loss of the caustic. On the
disinfectant (for the wort path), other hand, the inert CO, is important becau-
fresh water, stored water. se it prevents oxidation. For the removal of
The cleaning of brewing vessels occurs today the CO, two variants can be considered:
using low alkalinity (2 to 3 % NaOH) and oxidi-
sing additives, by means of which the cleaning Variant 1
process is considerably accelerated and a more The tank is pressed empty by means of air
thorough cleaning occurs. By means of a short (emptying time < 12 hours); the CO, cushion of-
acidic cleaning measure, cleaning agent residu- fers reliable protection of the beer against oxy-
es are absorbed and the vessels or pipes then gen. If only a part is emptied, CO, gas first has
rinsed with fresh water. to be used as a tensing gas.
Plants for lmfiltered beer pipes are equipped After emptying, the tank must be expanded
with via the cone: first comes CO" then air! As a re-
tanks for hot caustic, sult of this, the tank is free of CO,.
tanks for acid,
tanks for fresh water (possibly from mtmici- Variant 2
pal supply), The empty tank is rinsed with compressed air
tanks for stored water and (air from above) or, energetically better: CO, is
tanks for disinfectant. vacuumed off, or displaced with air. For this a
The unfiltered beer pipes - like the brewing high pressure blower can be used.
Fig. 6.1u
Speed of liqllid flow depelldellt vessels - are as a rule cleaned with hot caustic, More recently, attempts have been made to
all pipe diallleter neutralised with acid and rinsed thoroughly obtain pure nitrogen (99.9 %) and thus to to-
812 813

tally eliminate oxygen from the tank. This, TIle approximate timescale is then:
however, only has a future if it is possible to pre-rinsulg 10 mUl
prepare pure nitrogen very cheaply. acidic solution 60mUl
A vaCUlU1l can OCClli' in the interior through intermediate rinsing 5mul
spraying with cold water if the vacuum valve is disinfection 15 min
closed. The tanl< can conh'act (implode); this fresh water 10 min
happens very quickly since the vessels are vul-
nerable to vacuums. It is therefore preferable to Plmlts for filtered beer
create overpressure from the beguuling, which These include the filter, the pipes behind the fil-
6 then decreases again on COOlulg, or the pressu- ter, the pressure tank area and the fillulg paths. 6
re is monitored by means of a controllulg devi- The equipment for these are:
ce and if necessary exh'a gas is added. tanks for alkaline cleaning agent,
Hot caustic cleaning is possible to above tanks for acidic cleaning agent,
Fig. 6.2
90°C. However, a condition for this is that the hot water (acidified), Microbiologicnl f illerfrolll Inble, low-
tank is equipped to withstand these tempera- fresh water and cOlllnill illnlioll Iiesigll
ture increases . This is not usually the case. disinfectant. (KH S Dorllllllilil colllpnlly)
CCVs are therefore are only cleaned at luke- This area is particularly sensitive sU1Ce any
warm temperatures of not more than 35 °C. remainulg contaminations here can no longer
It is also possible to clean the tanl< using a cold removed and can permanently harm the beer. tical surfaces and are therefore effective only expect the most meticulous cleanliness from the
alkaline solution. This, however, does not in ge- The necessity of intensive cleaning has alrea- for a short time or not at all. producers of their beer. This open cleanluless
neral achieve much . It is therefore preferable to dy been discussed in the context of the cleani.Jlg If cleanulg foam is used, these disadvantages mus t be absolute law Ul all departments!
use a combination of alkali.Jle and acidic cleanulg. of the bottle filling and sealulg machine. A "mi- are prevented. The cleaning foam is formed in a The cleaning caustic of the Clr plant accumu-
crobiological" filler front table (Fig. 6.2) h as centrifugal pump with a working pressure of 12 lates dirt substances during cleanulg and can
Acidic olle-phase cleal/illg been developed in order to prevent germs from to 25 bar overpressure with the addition of therefore only be used for a limited period.
Cleaning with only the usual acidic agents does collecting on the front tables and the filling ca- and the approx. 2 mm thick foam layer is spray- With time, the cleaning caustic, because of the
not prove successful over a period of time be- rousel and new plants even work without a ed onto the surfaces which are to be cleaned. accumulated dirt substances, becomes a nu-
cause the dirt particles are not adequately re- front table (see Fig. 5.58 a). Sometimes a single jetting (pressure < 3 bar trient solution for microbes. In order to prevent
moved and the cleaning solution becomes in- overpressure) is sufficient to create foam . this, there are two possibilities:
creasingly contaminated. It is advantageous, Foam cleallillg The foam distributes itself and crawls slowly The cleaning caustic is only used twice: once
however, that it is possible to perform acid Of particular ulterest is foam cleanulg, which is UltO the cracks and gaps (see Fig. 5.38b). The for the second cleaning and then for the first
cleaning ill a CO, ahnosphere. This means that very often used for the outer cleanulg of vessels dissolved dirt is taken up by the foam and can cleaning of the next batch. Then the caustic is
an ea rlier removal of CO, is not necessary, and plants. Foam cleanulg is used to avoid the later easily be rinsed together with the foam . discarded; alternatively,
which has a positive effect on costs. disadvantages of other cleaning methods: The contamulations, too, are not swirled UltO The caustic is cleaned by letting it sit or filte-
Owing to the development of acidic cleaning The high-pressure jet spray with up to 200 the atmosphere, but detached and rUlsed out ring or treating it, as with the bottle cleanulg
solutions on a nitric and phosphoric acid, and bar overpressure shoots not only into the con- with the water. Foam is easily visible, and foam caustic (see Sect.
sometimes gluconic acid, basis, in combination tamination nests, but also into ball bearulgs, residues show that the rinsing after the foam Re-use of the used cleanmg and disinfectant
with tensides and anti-foaming agents, it is pos- electrical plants and movable parts. Water cleaning has not been sufficient. solutions (recovery) is only possible or useful to
sible to carry out a thorough soil removal Ul the thereby penetrates the plants, thus encoura- Foam cleaning has become dominant in the a limited extent. Today, one is more interested
tank using an acidic one-phase cleaning pro- gUlg corrosion. past few years. Adherent gel can be used in pla- in setting up the plants so that a combination of
cess, as well as disinfection, Ul a very short time. Contaminations are transported over di- ce of foam. recovery and fresh batches is possible (Fig. 6.3).
This type of tank cleanmg is becoming more stances with the water droplets in the jet mist, The brewery of today must be as open as a Clr pipe cleanulg as a rule requires recovery,
and more widespread today, in particular also and reappear Ul unsuitable places. greenhouse, clean and without dirt corners - while cleanulg of the containers can be perfor-
for the cleaning of pressure tanks. Liquid cleaning agents rapidly run down ver- only thus can it be presented to visitors, who med advantageously according to the "no reco-
814 815


10 - - I - - { ; "

2 1

" 6

Fig. 63
COlllvilled recovery alld fresh vatch cleallillg systelll
Fig. 6.4
(1) storage tallk for cleallillg SOllltioll, (2) storage cOlltaillerfor disillfectillg SOllltioll, (3) storage tnllk for IIsed watel; (4) fresh Freqllellt callses offnllits with flow-tlllnllgh cleallillg
wnterfirst rillse cOlltnillel; (5) dosillg of chelllicals (callstic, acid, disillfectillg ngellt), (6) PIlIllP, (7) hentillg sectioll, (8) vnck rtlll,
(9) forertlll, (10) fresh watel; (11) stenl/I, (12) cOlldellsnte

In the case of high pressure spraying a shar- cleaners are available from the relevant su p-
very" principle. It therefore makes sense to use by a dosing unit (5). The storage tank then ply defined jet at up to 60 bar overpressure is pliers. However, it is necessary to ensure that
a combined system which permits both variati- contains only the weakest concentration ne- used for predominantly mechanical cleaning. all spray heads have a small opening at the bot-
ons and enables a minimisation of water and cessary. In the case of low pressure spraying a sub- tom to allow all residues of cleaning solutions
chemical consumption [355] . Because the particular shape of the water first stantially larger flow of solution (20 to 75 m 3/h) to drain out.
With such an installation in place it is possi- rinse container (4) involves a "support co- at a lower pressure (up to 6 bar overpressure) is
ble lumn", as normally used for raised water sprayed onto the vessel wall and flows over it Every eIr installation comprises two pumps.
to withdraw liquid from the storage tank or towers, it provides a high, and above all con- allowing the chemical effect of the solution to One pumps the cleaning solution through the
bypass it, stant, inflow pressure into the cleaning system be obtained . Nowadays low pressure spraying pipes to the spray head, the other pumps the
to either reuse the solution (store it) or to dis- with minimal storage capacity. is mainly used . draining solution back. To ensure there is no
card it after use (single use cleaning), The art consists in mOlUlting suitable spray hold-up, the second pump has a maximum per-
to adjust the cleaning solution to the desired 6.5 Cleaning procedure heads and jet cleaners in the vessels so that all formance up to 25% higher than the first.
temperature (7) and Vessels are cleaned by spraying them with parts of the vessel, even the peripheral corners, err installations operate without problems
to adjust the cleaning agent concentration as cleaning solutions. Both low pressure spraying are reached every time cleaning is performed. only when the following are constantly monito-
desired. The concentration is increased again and high pressure spraying are used. For this an extensive variety of spray heads and red and strictly observed:
816 817

sequential and complete adherence to the regular cleaning of the CIP installation itself. 6.6 Mechanical cleaning out the brewery there should be no dirty cor-
programmed steps, In-line measurement is lIsed to control the Not only must the vessels be clean insid e, the n ers.
exact separation of solutions (conductivity flow-through velocity, parts w hich are attached, such as bent pipe con-
measurements with time supervision), temperature, and nectors, closing devices, va lves, and other a t- 6.7 Monitoring of cleaning and dis-
correctly sized pumps, conductivity (and therefore the concentration) tachments must also be cleaned. This is usually infection
careful supervision of spray heads and con- of the cleaning caustic and so all necessary done in a bath with cleaning solutions. Moreo- The results of cleaning and disinfection are re-
centrations, process data can be collected. ver, the parts which camlot be moved, such as flected in the contaminations which occur in the
regular maintenance of valves, sensors and Faults often occur when cleaning the pipes, cOlmection pipes and the like must be m echani- brewery. Supervision is provided by the micro-
measuring devices, and their causes are not always immediately cally cl eaned. For this, small movable hig h biolog ical control section (see Sect. 7.4.2) which,
6 easily cleanable construction of all components apparent. Fig. 6.4 shows some of the causes of pressure spraying dev ices are u sually employ- using specific methods, determines the site and 6
which come into contact with the product, these faults [51]. ed. In the brewery a specific programme is es ta- time of every contamination alld thus s upplies
blished for com prehensive cleaning. the basis for conclusions concerning what £Lut-
Error Remedy All parts which are not clea ned by the eIP sy- her steps are necessary.
1. Dead water spots double angle valve or T-valve instead of a stem have to be cleaned and disinfected manu-
sh'aight through valve ally using brushes of varying shapes and sizes; 6.8 Protection at work when cleaning
in most cases spraying is insufficient. and disinfecting
2. Air pocket because of a pipe dismantle When working with cleaning alld disi.nfecting
with a blind end above it These parts include taps, ball valves, valve agents, the safety of the person handling them
gates, screw operated valves, sampling taps etc. is first priority. Human skin will be burnt or
3. Air pocket in Bourdon manometer use membrane devices They have to disassembled manually, cleaned, corroded by most of the agents used. The hallds
greased with silicon grease and reassembled . alld face, but in particular the eyes have to be
4. Air pocket because the highest point in the install vent, no upward bends well protected £L'om such harm when working
pipework is not vented. A similar risk exists Even when all the vessels are cleaned by the with cleaning and dis infecting agents. When
with pipes bent up to form a saddle (4a). CIP system, complete cleanliness and order are working with cleaniJlg and disinfecting agents,
still not necessarily achieved. In addition the following have to be strictly adhered to:
5. Residues because the pipe is bent to form no low level sections, install a the floors and drainage chalmels must be the safety information sheets must be read
a lower section which is not drained. drain point clealled, and observed,
The same sihlation exists at the lowest vessels must be clealled on the outside, when mixing chemicals, the order of
point (Sa). walls must be whitewashed 01' painted, etc. acid/caustic/water must always be observed.
the boreholes and caissons have to be tidied Anyone not following this order risks suffe-
6. Residue in a valve use valves which when suitably installed drain empty and cleaned . ring serious injury,
protective goggles must be worn to protect
7. Residue in sagging pipe install horizontal parts of the pipework But even when everything is in order, one the eyes,
with a uniform fall, support well must also think of the general mechanical the prescribed protective clothing must be
cleaning of worn and
8. Residue because of pipe widening use constant diameter, make any the regions which are swept, such as the bot- the prescribed work protection measures,
or constriction reductions in vertical pipes, use eccenhic reduction tom of the mill, should be vacuum cleaned, such as eyebaths, safety showers, etc. must be
the brewery yard must be swept, and through- used in the case of emergency.
9. Tlu'ee-way taps or valves which must be lise suitable valves for £1ow-
disassembled for cleaning through cleaning

10. Screwed on tank outlet cOlmections with use tlU'eaded connections welded
internal seal to the container
-- ----


7 I Finished beer

The end product of the production process is logical inhibitions, a feeling of well-being, tal-
the packaged, finished beer. To retain CllstO- kativeness, conviviality and a feeling of conten-
mers and win new customers, a consistently tedness . Larger amounts of alcohol lead to
good beer quality is required . drunkel1Jless, a state in which each person be-
To ensure that a high quality beer is always haves differently. It is important for every bre-
produced, however, knowledge of a number of wer, who has to dea l with beer every day, to be
interrelationships discussed in this chapter is in control in this respect.
necessa ry. This includes knowledge of A good brewer is not distinguished by the
beer composition and the importance of indi- fact that he drinks a particularly large a1110lmt
vidual components, of beer, but by the fact that he can produce par-
£lavou r and foam, the most iIllportant criteria, ticularly good beer. A brewer who is his own
beer types, their special fea tures and proper- best customer is in the wrong place.
ties, and finally an extremely important sub- When expressing alcohol content, a diffe-
ject is rence is made between the usual value expres-
quality control of the beer, which is of special sed as vol % and the value expressed in mass
importance. per cent (mass%) - usually expressed as % by
weight; the values differ considerably because
7.1 Beer composition when alcohol is mixed with water it is "swallo-
Water at about 91 to 92 % forms by far the lar- wed", i.e. 1 I of water and 1 I of alcohol do not
gest, if not the most important, component of a give 2 I of mixture but considerably less.
beer. A beer drinker very soon notices that it
must contain a lot of water. 7.1.1 Components of beer
The water requirement for humans is 2 to 31i- The following table shows the average alcohol
tres per day - and it can be consumed in many contents of a few beer types [93].
forms. The water in beer, together with the dis-
solved mineral compounds, the CO, and the Beer type Alcohol % Alcohol %
cool drinking temperature is particularly thirs t by weight by volume
quenching. average range average range
The alcohol content is, at 4.5 to 5.5% by volu-
me, one of the major constituents of beer. The Pale full beer 3.8 3.3 -4.5 4.94. 3 - 5.8
VLB Berlin alcohol is taken up directly by the body and Export pale beer 4.3 3.7 - 4.6 5.4 4.4 -5.9
transformed directly into energy - as can be Marzen 4.3 3.7 - 4.6 5.5 4.7 - 5.9
Research Institute for Water and seen and heard in the case of some drinkers. Pilsner 3.9 3.4-4.5 5.0 4.4 - 5.7
The slower the uptake of the beer, the lower Bock bee r 5.0 4.2 - 5.9 6.4 5.5 - 7.5
Waste Water Technology (FIWAT)
the alcohol level in the blood. Alcohol uptake is Diet beer 3.8 3.7 - 4.1 4.8 4.7 - 5.1
reduced when food is present in the stomach. Alcohol-fr. beer 0.3 0.0 - 0.5 0.4 0.0 - 0.6 The effect of small amounts of alcohol is ex- Light bee r 2.2 1.6 - 2.8 2.8 2.0 - 3.6
5:l ahrens@vl pressed in the increasing release from psycho- wheat full beer 4.0 3.5 - 4.6 5.2 4.5 - 5.9

820 821

As well as ethanol, small amOlUlts of other her alcohol as possible through deamination of Inorganic Amount in Physiological effects With regard to ex tract content, one must di-
higher alcohols are formed by yeast metabo- am ino acids. substances beer (mg/I) in humans stin guish between apparent and real extract
lism during fermentation. These higher alco- The extract in beer consists, approximately, of calcium 35 - 40 ca n prevent heart since these values are very different. The appa-
hols are referred to as fusel oils and in large 75 to 80% carbohydrates, in particular limit rent extract is obtained by meas uring the
quantities these can lead to headaches, nystag- dextrins (maltotetraose, maltopentaose) and magnesium 100 - 110 lowers the cholesterol gravity with a hydrometer, the real content on-
mus, altered reactions, hangovers and poiso- very little maItotriose, level, ly after removing the alcohol.
beneficial effect on
ning symptoms. In contrast to ethanol, which 6 to 9% nitrogenous compounds, Examples of extract content [93]:
cardiac activity
can be broken down by the enzyme system of 4 to 5% glycerine (glycerol) and also
the (beer accustomed) body in a relatively short inorganic compounds, tamlins and bitter sub- phosphate 300 - 400 important constituent Beer ty pe Apparent ext ract Real ex tract
time, higher alcohols cannot (initially) be bro- stances, organic acids and a number of com- of bones and teeth; content in % content in %
res pons ible for ener -
ken down by the normal body mechanisms. potmds wluch, despite their low concentration, a verage range average range
7 gy storage and tran s- 7
These, much to the suffering of the afflicted, are have a large effect on the quality of the beer. mi ssion
passed backwards and forwards in the body The nitrogen compounds play an important pale full beer 2.4 1.5-3.4 4.2 3.4 - 5.0
until replacement mechanisms finally enable sulphate 150 - 200 without important
role in the extract. The following values may be export pale beer 2.7 2.0 - 3.9 4.6 2.7 - 6.0
them to be degraded more slowly. This usually regarded as normal : Marzen 3.3 2.5 - 4.3 5.2 4.6 - 6.1
takes at least a day. total nitrogen in the beer 600 - 1100 mg/l chloride 150 - 200 daily requirement of Pilsner 2.3 1.5 - 3.7 4.1 2.9 - 5.6
Larger amounts of such higher alcohols (fusel coagulable nitrogen 18 - 20 mg/l humans is Bockbeer 4.1 3.4 - 6.8 6.5 5.8 - 8.7
about 2500 mg
oils) are usually fotmd in beers with a high al- MgSO, precipitable lutrogen 130 - 160 mg/l die t beer -0.1 -1 .2-0.3 1.9 1.6 - 2.1
cohol content, whereas on the other hand beers a.-amino nitrogen (FAN) 80 -120 mg/I nitrate 10 - 80 nitrate can be conver- a lcohol-fl'. beer 5.3 2.0 - 7.6 5.5 2.9 -7.6
with a low alcohol content contain less higher formol nitrogen 160 - 210 mg/l ted to nitrite wheat full beer 2.4 1.8 - 3.7 4.3 3.7 - 5.3
alcohols and are consequently much more which is harmful to
health. The amOlUlt of
agreeable. 80 to 85% of this lutrogenous material is deri- nitrate in beer is be- One must clearly understand that there is
Beer contains the following higher alcohols: ved from the malt and about 10 to 15% from the low the legal limit of much more extract in beer than an attenuation
mg/l yeast. The effects on foam stability, palateful- 50 mg/l for drinking limit of 80 to 85% would suggest!
water and is harmless
n-propanol 9.8 ness and beer stability are described elsewhere. Attention must also be paid to other substan-
isobutanol 9.6 Pale full beer contains on average 500 to 1600 Other substances also present in the extract at ces present in low concentrations:
amyl alcohol 60.1 mg of glycerine per litre. It arises as a by-pro- low concentrations but, sometimes, with large the viscosity of beer is between about 1.40 to
2-phenylethanol 19.8 duct of alcoholic fermentation and contributes qualitative effects are, for example 1.60 mPa' s . A lugher viscosity can make beer
to the palatefulness of beer and smootlung of its 220 - 400 mg/l filtration more difficult,
These alcohols are produced by the yeast by flavour. Methanol does not occur. anthocYaJ.l0gens 5 - 50 mg/I the vicinal dike tone content (diacetyl) at the
removing amino groups from the amino acids InorgaJ.uc compmmds also affect beer quality. The phenolic compmUlds in beer, especially end of maturation should be at most 0.10
present and replacing them with the -OH group They are mainly contributed by the malt. anthocyanogens, are very effective, in particu- mg/l. In every case efforts must be made to
of the alcohols (Sect. lar those with a low molecular weight because ensure that the maximum is 0.10 mg/I,
The amount of amino acid either present or they are bactericidal, the pH of beer is 4.3 to 4.7. Wheat beers have
Inorganic Amount in Physiological effects
lacking therefore plays a very important role. substances bee r (mg/I) in humans they affect cardiac activity and counteract sto- a slightly lower pH (4.3 to 4.5) .
For instance, if valine is lacking, more isobuta- mach cramps, The nutritional and physiological value of
nol is formed, and if leucine is lacking, more sodium 30 - 32 low sodium content they contribute to the absorption of iron and beer is very high . Reasons for the popularity of
3-methylbutanol is formed, etc. magnesium, and beer - excluding the hmdamental effect of alco-
In this context it is important to draw attenti- potassium 500 - 600 daily requirement they have a very s trong reducing power aJ.ld hol - include:
on once again to the fact that by suitable proce- about 250 mg, inhibit oxidation. Beer quenches tlurst, in other words the lon-
good for prophyla xis
dures during mashing (see Sect. at least The wide range of values shows, however, ging for liquid, better than other drinks.
against infarction;
20 mg of a.-amino nitrogen FAN/lOO ml are pro- a high potassium how great the differences in composition of dif- Beer stimulates the appetite - the taste of beer
vided for the yeast in order to form as little lug- content is diuretic ferent beers are. is also designed to ensure that consumption of

one bottle of beer results in the desire for anot- (the figures in brackets are the number of sil1-
r acetaldehyde can then accumulate in the cen- mains tmchanged or even falls, if the total

her one. gle compounds which were recorded with the tral nervous system and lead to drowsiness, energy intake remains constant.
Beer assists digestion - this is accomplished measurem ent) headaches and dizziness [312]. Thus the break- Moderate beer cOnStU11ption leads to reduced
because the low alcohol concentration and also alcohol 4.8 - 5.1% vol (ml/100 ml) down of higher alcohols, also known as fusel amount of fat because alcohol has a limiting
the carbon dioxide released stimulate the acti- extract 3.9 - 4.1 g/100g oils, only occurs indirectly. These are responsi- effect on the metabolism of fat. Moreover,
vity of the digestive enzymes. The assistance of water 920 g/kg ble for the well-known thumping head and fee- moderate cOnStU11ption of beer has a positive
diges tion by beer is very important. physiological energy 400 - 440 kJ/kg ling tUlwell the following day until the body effect on blood clotting and blood pressure
Beer has a powerful diuretic effect. This is carbohydrates 27 - 30 gil has broken them down using indirect means. regulation.
probably due to the hop components and po- protein and amino acids 4.3 gil This is the effect ethanol has on many East Asi- Moderate consumption of beer has a positive
tassium salts. The effect is considerable and can inorganic substances and ans whose bodi es have no suitable enzyme sy- effect on protective cholesterol (HDL) in the
also be a nuisance. Urologists utili se the diure- trace elements 1500 - 1700 mg/l stem for its breakdown. blood. At the same time the amotmt of arteri-
7 7
tic effect of beer to flush the kidneys and pLi rge of which It is, indisputable that long-term ex- al schlerosis-causing cholesterol (LDL) is re-
them of kidney stones. sodium 40 - 45 mg/l cessive beer consumption can damage health duced. These changes are particularly likely
Beer does not make a person fat. Body weight vitamins 200 - 220 mg/l and lead to addiction . to occur in people with an active lifestyle. In
remains tmchanged when moderate amounts organic and fatty acids (> 100) 630 - 680 mg/l A distinction therefore has to be made bet- this case, moderate consumption of beer re-
of beer are consumed. The beer cannot be bla- phenolic substances 150 - 155 mg/l ween [207] duces the risk of a heart attack.
med if frequent consumption leads to an increa- hop content substances 250 - 500 mg/l moderate consumption of alcohol, which There is a considerable amotmt of evidence
se in appetite. carbon dioxide 0.50 g/100 g harms neither the drinker nor society, which indicates that people who consume
Beer has a soporific effect. Even small sulphur dioxide 3mg/l misuse of alcohol; this means an excessive low or moderate amotU1ts of alcohol suffer fe-
amOtmts of alcohol rapidly have a calming ef- nucleic structural elements 300 mg/l consumption of alcohol, which deviates from wer cardiovascular diseases or die from these
fect. Small amounts of beer do not induce tired- amines, amides, pyrazines 70 mg/l the usual rules and occurs in individual ca- than people who drink no alcohol at all. At
ness but overcome nervous tension. If however fermentation by-products 1500 - 1800 mg/l ses. This includes, for example, consumption the same time, people who drink large
a tiredness is uncovered, the soporific effect of fibre 1520 - 1530 mg/l of alcohol whilst driving or at work, and amotmts of alcohol have higher death rates.
alcohol comes fully into play. The hop resins nitrate 25 - 33 mg/l alcohol d ependence; this n1eans that the per- Moderate alcohol consumption increases ce-
have no effect on tiredness. oxalate 12 -13 mg/l son has an irresistable desire for regularly rebral perfusion, expands the coronary blood
Although yeast removes almost all the vit- reccurring or permanent intake of alcohol to vessels, increases diuresis and expands the
amin B1 from the wort, the beer still contains 7.1.2 Beer and health prevent a feeling of unease. Physical and blood vessels in the skin [312].
valuable vitamins, in particular of the B group There are always voices which equate beer with mental health, interpersonal relationships Following the consumption of moderate
(B1 and B2) and much vitamin PP (nicotinic high alcohol consumption and harm to health . and the ability to perform social and profes- amounts of beer the blood sugar level drops,
acid). However, because yeast stores most of This is incorrect in this form. As was described sional tasks are affected. which results in an increase in insulin and an
the valuable vitamin B1, it is more healthy to in the previous section, beer contains a number Moderate consumption of alcohol or alcohol improved responsiveness to insulin. Both the
drink unfiltered, yeast-containing beer. This ho- of easily digested and health promoting sub- misuse do not automatically lead to dependen- sugar and fat balance depend on this.
wever conflicts with the desire to drink spark- stances and has a calming and relaxing effect on ce on alcohol. All tests carried out in recent ye- People who consume moderate amOtU1ts of
lingly clear beer which must also be catered for. the person consuming it. The human body is al- ars prove unanimously that moderate con- beer have a lower blood pressure than those
It is here that the microbrewers have an advan- so in the position, with the help of alcohol de- sumption of beer is not harmful, but can by who do not drink. As a result changes in the
tage with their unfiltered beer. Breweries are in- hydrogenase, to rapidly break down the etha- contrast, have a positive effect on the health of balance of hormones, water and electrolytes
creasingly offering beer with cellar haze; howe- nol to acetaldehyde which in turn is broken the person drinking it [169, 207] . In this respect occur.
ver, the turbidity does not necessarily have to down via acetate to water and CO2 in the body, the following points should be made: Beer promotes urination resulting in the ex-
derive from the yeast. Protein haze has the ad- if it is consumed in moderation. Therefore the- Beer does not cause a person to become fat, cretion of increased amounts of cooking salt,
vantage that it does not settle and does not af- re are no after-effects. In the case of excessive al- providing that the enjoyment of the beer do- whilst the excretion of potassium and magne-
fect the taste. cohol consumption, the acetaldehyde is excre- es not promote the joy of eating and lead to sium is prevented. High alcohol consumpti-
The average contents of a beer (Pilsner type) ted by the liver into the blood and finds its way an increased intake of food. In the case of mo- on, on the other hand, has the opposite effect.
are [169]: into different organs via the bloodstream. The derate beer consumption the body weight re- Moderate consumption of beer leads to a de-
824 825

ficiency of neither magnesium nor potassi- ten influenced by elements depending on the Top fermen tation yeasts produ ce considera- air, eddy formation) becau se of the producti-
um. In recent times studies have brought the country and on fashion. All the same it must sa- bly more esters and higher alcohols than bot- on of isovaleric acid (smells cheesy),
protecting effect of antioxidants (polyphe- tisfy the customers' expectations in order to win tom fermentation yeas ts, influenced mainly by filling Ul the presen ce of little or, preferably,
nols) to the focus of attention. These substan- them away from the beers made by competitors. higher fermentation temperatures in top fer- no oxygen.
ces not only have a protecting effect on the The taste is conveyed during the initial drin- m en tation, whereas Hop aroma also affects the flavour stability of
vascular system, but they also reduce the risk king by the use of pressure decreases their formation . beer.
of suffering from cancer and heart attacks. aroma and the palatefulness, supplemented An estery aroma is desirable in strong beers Sulphur compounds affect the tas te of beer
All in all, tests verify that moderate beer drin- by the (Bock beers, festival beers, etc.) and rounds off through the formation of sulphur dioxide .
kers develop a reduced risk for heart attacks Liveliness (sparkl e) of the beer. In the afterta- the flavour. On the other hand, in the case of Sulphur dioxide has a beneficial effect on beer
and cardiovascular diseases than teetotallers or ste the bottom fermentation beers, especially Pil sner flavour, in particular on flavour stability [144,
beers, the formation of high e r alcohols and 285,296]. SO, is formed as atl ultermediate pro-
7 heavy beer drinkers . According to extensive bitterness of the beer is predominantly ex- 7
studies [169] the death rate and number of car- pressed. esters is suppressed. duct of the synthesis of sulphur-containing
diovascular diseases amongst men is lowest if All these sensations finally merge with one The hop aroma is particularly noticeable and amino acids in the last phase of fermentation.
they have drunk between 20 and 40 g of pure al- another and give a (more or less) balanced taste desirable in Pilsner beers. Hop aroma is contri- Formation of SO, depends on
cohol daily; this corresponds to an upper level to the beer. buted by bitter substances and the hop oils, but the yeast straul atld
of two bottles of beer a day. Amongst the annu- it is not so much the amolmt as the composition the aeration conditions. Low aeration leads to
al deaths represented in the study, teetotallers Beer aroma of the hop oils wluch is important. The matmer a considerably higher SO, content Ul the case
accOlmted for twice as many as moderate drin- The beer aroma depends on of hop addition (intact hop cones, pellets, ex- of harvested yeast, but also to an Ulcrease in
kers. Above a threshold of 40 g, however, the the yeast strain and the fermentation by-pro- tract) atld the time of hop addition have a pro- the fermentation time. By mixulg harvested
mmlber of deaths increased again. ducts formed by it, nOLmced effect. and assimilated yeast it is possible to obtaul a
Expressed as an amoLUlt, the consumption of the hop varieties and the amount of hops The desired soluble hop oils are more easily lugher SO, content with the same fermentati-
one to three alcoholic drinks a day (on average used, and obtained from hop cones or pellets thatl from on time. In the same way, a reduction in the
two a day) is seen as moderate [207]. This corre- sulphur compOlmds. extracts. Addition of hops to the first worts in aeration or not aerating the last brew at all
sponds to 13 to 39 g of alcohol per day (average The yeast strains differ greatly with regard to the kettle results in a substatltial part of the hop both maultains the fermentation activity atld
26 g per day). their formation of fermentation by-products, in oil being extracted in a beer-soluble form. Bitte- has a positive effect on SO, formation atld the
Related to beer this amOlmts to 1 to 3 0.33 1 particular higher alcohols and esters, and the ring hops in the form of extract should therefo- ageing stability of the beer [288].
glasses (average 2 x 0.33 1) of beer with an alco- ratio of the floral smelling esters to the higher re be added at the start of boiling to drive out
hol content of 40 g or 50 ml per I. (aliphatic) alcohols. The ratio of higher (alipha- the hop oils (including undesirable oils) with Off-flavollrs
Professor Piendl comments: "One beer is better tic) alcohols to esters is 2.5 - 3 : 1 in "normal" the steam. In addition to the so-called normal flavour asso-
thnn 110 beer. Two beers nre better thnn aile beer. Four fermentations. Under certain circumstances, To obtain the best hop aroma it is advisable to ciated with different beer types, off-flavours Catl
beers, howevel; nre not twice ns good ns two beers." e.g. with frequent topping up (Drauflassen) in a add the finest hops - which are usually the also occur Ul beers, wluch are llilpleaSatlt atld
long pitching phase, the ratio may be 4 - 5: 1, or, most expensive - last, for instance with a one Catl hmm the overall impression of the beer. Off-
7.2 Taste and foam when growing yeast with rapid topping up and hour boiling time [143]: flavours Catl be recognised in that the general fla-
The taste and foam of beer are very important intensive aeration, up to 11 - 12 : 1. vour is different. Off-flavours ulclude:
quality parameters, which may be accorded a The latter beers taste empty and harsh and 25% at the start of boiling,
different weight in different cOlmtries and for lack a smoothing effect [143]. 25 % 40 min before the end of boiling, Stale flavour
different types of beer. Nevertheless some basic In such cases a gradual addition of the yeast 25% 20 min before the end of boiling, and Stale flavours occur in beer over time pm·ticu-
statements can be made about the two quality when filling the tank in steps and a second aera- 25 % 5 min before the end of boiling. larly as a result of the influence of oxygen. The
criteria. tion are recommended to make it possible for timing of its occurrence Catl vary enormously
the yeast to grow as uniformly as possible. The The fineness of the hop aroma depends on atld great efforts are made to ensure to defer
7.2.1 Beer flavour vessel geometry also influences the ratio of lug- the quality of the uutial hops and of the pel- tlus for as long as possible, at least until the best
Beer flavour is a very important characteristic. her alcohols to esters. A diameter to height ratio lets, before date (BBF) (see also Sect. 4.6 .4) . Firstly, a
It must be suitable for the type of beer and is of- of 1 : 2 (to 1 : 3) has proved to be favourable . air uptake in the hot wort stage (drawing in of blackcurrant aroma occurs which, through the

oxidation of w1saturated fatty acids, turns into

a cardboard flavour. As a result of Maillard pro-
ducts, a more bread-like and sweet malty fla-
It has already been mentioned that malt Con-
tains the precursors of OMS, S-methyl methio-
nine (SMM) and dimethylsulphoxide (OMSO)
r of iron II ions. It can occur through contact of
the product with metallic iron, but may also ori-
gina te from the kieselguhr.
as a result of limited oxygen uptake during
wort preparation,
as a result of biological acidification of the

vour then arises which finally ends in a sherry- and through the effect of heat are increasingly mash, and
like flavour (see Fig. 4.97b). converted into volatile OMS. This process, Ligllt stmck flavol/r as a result of a rather slow primary and secon-
The occurrence of a stale flavour impairs the which begins during kilning (see Sect., A light struck flavour smelling like bad eggs dary fermentation.
beer quality and therefore considerable efforts continues during wort boiling (see Sect. can occur after a short time if the beer is expo- If the wort is also subjected to shear forces
are made to retain the flavour stability for as Care, however, has to taken that following wort sed to sunlight. A malodorous mercaptan is he- whilst hot, the aroma can change to become
long as possible. boiling, no further OMS is formed from the pre- reby split off from a sidechain of the iso-a.-acid more "onion-like", and custOlners may C0111-
cursor which can then no longer be evaporated of the hops (see Sect. plain about this.
GreeH a1'0 III a and results in the flavour being affected (see Light struck flavour is counteracted by pro-
7 7
A penetrative green apple aroma, tasting of green Sect. . Care also has to be taken that the tecting the beer from exposure to light of 350 to Palatefulness (body)
beer, is indicative of too short a lagering time and OMSO can later be converted by certain yeasts 500 nm wavelength. If complete protection The palatefulness of a beer is detected at the initi-
thus not completely degraded acetaldehyde (see and bacteria to OMS, which can become notice- against light is not provided (keg, can), the al stage of drinking and the conSlll1er forms an
also Sect. 4.1.3). Furthermore, high exposure to able in the flavour. glass or can is coloured brown. Brown glass impression of the "sh'ength" of the beer. The "bo-
oxygen may have occurred. The acetaldehyde The causes of a cooked vegetable aroma are protects the beer better than green. Neverthe- dy" of the beer depends on its original gravity:
tlU'eshold level is about 15 mg/l. thus : less, the beer has to be kept away from sunlight The higher the original gravity of the beer the
inadequate kilning of the malt, or exposure to bright light. more full-bodied it tastes . This is due to the al-
Butter a1'0 111 a insufficient boiling of the wort, With the use of light stable hop products (e.g. cohol content and the residual extract content.
A buttery sweet aroma is caused by diacetyl (see formation of free OMS in the whirlpool, tetra-hydro-iso extract), light struck flavour do- There are deviations from this basic rule in
Sect. The al'Oma occurs when diacetyl contamination by wort bacteria. es not occur or is hardly noticeable. This enab- the case of
from the yeast has not yet been broken down be- les filling in clear (so-called white) bottles. light-bodied Pilsner beers; in these the palate-
low the flavour threshold level, to be monitored, Clove-like flavol/r fulness must not be so pronounced,
of 0.1 mg/l. The causes for this can be: A clove-like, phenolic bitter flavour, similar to Rmlcid flavour light beers; with these one a ttempts to add bo-
a lack of FAN in the wort, that at dentists, occurs as a result of 4-vinyl A sweaty, musty, dull, cheesy, old hop flavour is dy by adding dark, more highly kilned malts.
insufficient yeast activity, the yeast is not vital guaiacol. It is a metabolic product of certain ye- formed by butyric acid and isovaleric acid. It In addition, high molecular weight protein
enough, asts and is formed from ferulic acid. 4-vinyl arises as a result of excretion of the yeast, auto- degradation products (10 - 100 kOa) contribute
the yeast settles to the floor and no longer guaiacol is an off-flavour, however when com- lysis in the case of long lagering times or to palatefulness.
breaks down. bined with the formation of certain esters and through contamination by butyric acid bacte- The following malt analyses are considered
The butter aroma can also arise thl'Ough con- other compounds, plays an important part in ria, Pectin a hlS or Megasphaera. The use of hops to be beneficial (see Sect. 2.8.3):
tamination with pedicoccus (Sarcina). the overall flavour of yeast beer (see Sect. stored for too long can also be a cause. protein content 10.5 -11%
A butter aroma is desirable in the case of so- and is desirable in this case. The typical concentration of fatty acids nor- nitrogen modification 39 - 41 %
me beer types. mally lies below the threshold value of butyric fine-coarse difference 1.7 - 2.0%
Medicillal flavo l/ r acid (2-3 mg/I), isovaleric acid (1.5 mg/l) and ca- viscosity 1.54 - 1.57 mPa.s
Cooked vegetable al'Oma An aroma of hospitals or chemists is indicative prylic acid (4-6 mg/l). wort/boiled wort colour 2.5 /5.5 EBC
Dimethyl sulphide (OMS) is responsible for of the possible vestigial presence of chlorophe- Overmodified malt gives a musty smell and
causing a cooked maize, vegetable or cabbage- nols. The flavour can occur if chlorinated bre- Sui phidic a 1'0 111 a taste and no palatefulness. In the case of beers
like aroma (see Sect. .5; and wing water is used or disinfectant residue is not A foul, sulphury-yeasty flavour reminiscent of made with 20% adjw1ct (rice or maize) the valu- completely removed. Inadequate rinsing of stink bombs and sewers is formed by volatile es should be:
Objectionable threshold values for OMS are bottles can also account for this. sulphur compolU1ds, in particular hydrogen nitrogen modification up to 42%
60 ppb in the case of beer made with adjuncts, sulphide and mercaptans. fine/coarse difference 1.5 - 1.7%
or Illky taste This beer character is produced and
100 to 120 ppb in the case of malt beers . An inky or iron-like taste points to the presence as a result of using not very highly kilned malt, viscosity 1.50 - 1.55 mPa ·s.
828 829

The addition of gypsum or calcium chloride Apart from the CO, content, the tingle is af- Protein bitterness can result from ty); this means that within limits they can in-
to the brewing water also the increases the sen- fected by the pH of the beer. A lowe r pH gives a use of undermodified malt or crease their surface area and also, after the bub-
sation of mellowness and body on drinking. Re- better tingle. m ore intensive bles have risen, they form an ela s tic skin
sidual alkalinity and acidification produce mo- Recommendations are Yeast bitterness becomes detectable when around the gas bubble.
re full-bodied, softer beers. a pH of 4.35 to 4.40 for all malt beers, and the yeast is in a poor physiological condition, The greater the amOtU1t of dissolved CO" the
Nowadays protein degradation is restricted a pH of 4.0 to 4.2 for adjtU1ct beers. the yeast is reused too often, or more foam is formed. But foam formation is not
so that the FAN contributes only 21 - 22 % of the the yeast content of the beer at tratlsfer is too the same as foam stability. Foam is only stable
total nitrogen in the wort. To achieve this, it is Beer bitterness high. in the presence of these surface active substan-
possible with the well-modified malts com- The bitterness of beer is produced The taste of the beer, which depends on so ces.
monly available today primarily by the hops, but in addition there m any individual factors, is in the end the deci- No stable foam can be formed in a glass of
to mash in at 60 to 62 °C and can be sive link in the chain of evaluations made by the mineral water since there are none of these sub-
7 7
to draw off the first boiled mash at 62 °C (see a polyphenol bitterness, cus tomer. Consequently everything must be stances present there. Thus one must always di-
high temperature short mash process). a protein bitterness atld done to prevent undesirable changes and varia- stinguish between foam formation atld foam
Long rests in the 45 to 55 °C range lead to a yeast bitterness. tions in the beer flavour. A brewer must be awa- stability. It is the stability which is most impor-
empty, harsh beers with little tingle and a poor Hop bitterness is, of course, mainly caused by re at an early stage of atly deviations from the tatlt.
foam. the bitter substances derived from hops . A desired flavour and their magnitude in order to
strong bittering effect is attributed to cohmllU- deal with them and to ensure a consistently Foa111 collapse Tingle lone. The combined effect of the bitter substan- good beer quality. Foam begins to collapse as soon as it is formed,
By tingle or sparkle is meant the prickling sen- ces and hop oils is important with regard to the but the rate of collapse is very variable. Collap-
sation on drinking the beer. This tingling sensa- rounding off of the bitterness. The bittering hop 7.2.2 Beer foam se begins with the bursting atld flowing back of
tion should last to the end of the drink. A beer containing the least desirable hop oils is added The foam of the beer is a parameter which is the skins of the gas bubbles, as a result of which
which no longer causes tingling soon tastes flat first during wort boiling in order to drive off the evaluated very differently in different coun- evaporation processes are encouraged and the
and insipid. hop oils in the steam. The effect of hop variety tries. Whilst in Germany and most European foam becomes more solidified in the upper re-
Tingle depends on on beer bitterness is therefore clearly defined . cOlmtries great value is attached to a large, sta- gion. This makes it possible to dispense more
the carbon dioxide content of the beer, and ble head of foam, in England, for example, no beer into the glass after a relatively short time
the pH of the beer. The hop varieties can be arranged in order of importatlCe is placed on foam . This is emphasi- (after about a minute) so that the solidified fo-
The tingle becomes visible as the CO, in the increasing bitterness and decreasing aroma sed by the glass being filled to the brim, atld not am is pushed up to form a foam crown above
beer is slowly released from the beer in the strength [144] : only in the case of beer, whereas in other coml- the glass .
glass. The period over which CO, is released de- Hersbrucker/Perle-Hli Iler tries the glass is only intended to be filled to the The further solidification of the foam Catl be
pends on Bitter Record, Northern Brewer, calibration line to leave sufficient room for the recognised by the formation of foam rings pro-
the matmer of dispense (e .g. foaming from a new Americatl super-a-hops foam. duced on the wall of the glass each time a drink
great height or carefully into a tilted glass), Brewers Gold, Nugget and Magnum. For the evaluation of good foam, its volume is taken .
the duration of CO, release in the glass, Polyphenol bitterness is particularly notice- atld stability are of interest.
the imler surface of the glass (porous areas in able when Factors affecting foa111 stabilit!J
the glass). last nmnings or pressed spent grains water is FOIlIll formatio11 Basically there are foam positive (beneficial)
It is therefore recommended reused, Foam occurs on dispensing the beer as a result and foam negative (detrimental) substances.
to pour carefully into the glass, so as not to the proportion of sparge water is very high of the formation of CO, bubbles released by the The main foam positive SubstatlCes are the
release the CO, prematurely (see Sect. on fo- when very strong first worts are produced, reduction in pressure . The CO, bubbles occur higher molecular weight protein degradation
am), the polyphenols are highly oxidised, e.g. by preferably at condensation points (cracks, ad- products with a molecular weight between
to fill and present the glass within a short ti- drawing air into the wort or formation of herent particles) in the glass and collect surface 10,000 atld 40,000 (10 - 40 kDa) with the main
me (recommended 3 min), whirlpool-like currents, active materials as they rise . These surface acti- fraction consisting of 40 kOa, in particular the
to pour into smaller glasses and preferably hop polyphenols are more completely extrac- ve substances have a low surface tension but a lipid transfer protein (LTP1) with 10 kOa and
more often. ted by use of carbonate-containing water. high hydrophobicity (water repellent proper- the protein Z with 40 kOa, as well as the hop-a-
830 831

acids. Consequently, a more stable foam can be mashing method 60 °C nu mber of additional condensation points are Slut of food consumption and can destroy the fo-
expected from a more highly hopped beer. Wort: coagtuable nih'ogen 20 - 40 mg/l created - the beer foams over, am in a matter of seconds. Use of clean glasses
On the other hand, the main foam negative MgSO, without the slightest film of fat, exchange of
substances are alcohols, particularly the higher precipitable S/lbseqllellt factors affectil 19 foam stability empty glasses with fatty rims, and use of clean
ones, and several fermentation by-products nitrogen 130 - 180 mg/I Apart from the teclmological factors during polishing cloths are only a few of the conditions
and also anthocyanogens and a higher concen- FAN 220 - 250 mg/l beer production, foam stability can be affected needed to ensure good foam stability. Even the
tration of amino acids. ex-acids 1 - 3 mg/l subsequently, The greatest negative effect is the smallest traces of fat are harmfuL Much work re-
Effects on foam stability (reported in points iso-ex-acids 10 - 40 mg/l fo am destroying effect of oils and fats which be- mains to be done to teach umkeepers - and also
on the Ross and Clark scale) are therefore very Fermen- come applied to the rim of the beer glass as a re- home consumers - how to mallltaiJl beer quality.
variable [142]: tation: zinc 0,15 - 0.30 mg/l
rcp Factors affecting beer foam
7 > 6.0
Factor Change in Changes the foam methylene blue below 5% Negative factors Positive factors
the factor by stability by surface tension 40 - 44mN/m
coagulable N + 0.1 mg/lOO ml + 1.0 point LTP1 2-6 - very high proteul modification> 45% Malt - proteul content of 9.5-11 % in malt
high molec. protein Z 100 - 250 pg/ml (dry matter)
weightN + 1.1 mg/lOO ml +0.9 points - protein modification 39-42 %
proteinase A < 50 U * 10 - Simi
- lipid h'ansfer protein content (LPT) 2-6 pg/ml
viscosity + 0.1 cP +2.6 points medium chained - formation of melanoid ins
isohwl1luones +1 .1 mg/100ml +0.5 points fatty acids < 8 mg/I - lipid breakdown during mashulg-in Mash - prevention of lipid breakdown
low molee. dmulg mashing in
weight G1Ishillg - mashing in temperahu'e > 60 °C
polypeptides + 0.1 mg/lOO ml - 0.3 points -long rest at 45 QC - prevention of further proteul breakdown
It can happen that on opening the bottle, the
- lipid breakdown stopped
anthocyan- beer foams out forcefully and sprays upwards. - shorter mashing times
ogens + 1.1 mgll - 0.2 points This unpleasant feahue is known as gushing; it - long and intensive boiling Wort - higher content of ex-acids, iso-o,-acids
alcohol + 0.1 % - 1.4 points is more common in some years than others and - cloudy wort > 40 EBC - gentle boiling, shorter boiling tline,
The main components of the foam positive occurs more frequently - but not only - in yeast moderate temperature, few shear forces
substances are - besides hordein and glutelin beers, - coagulable nih'ogen: 2-4
- biological wort acidification
fragments - mainly the lipid transfer protein Many tests have been carried out to ascertain - use of bitter substance free hop exh'acts
(LPTl) consisting of 10 kDa as well as the pro- the causes of gushing. The most recent [351] ha- -late removal of yeast Fermen-
tein Z, a 40 kDa protein. During lagering and in ve identified the following processes as causal: following fermentation and tation - early yeast crop, repeated
beer which is not heat treated the LPT1 is in- During gushing, besides the LTP which is eit- matm'ation - cold yeast storage (I-4 °C for beer or wort)
- long contact period between yeast - short yeast storage
creasingly broken down by the yeast proteina- her missing or only present in low concentrati-
and green beer - control of the physiological condition of
se A, which leads to a decrease in foam stability ons, other surface active proteins of fusarium pitdling yeast
[261] . By means of heat treatment of the beer culmorum or hydrophobines accumulate in the - too long and slow fermentation -low wort pH
(HTST, pasteurisation at at least 30 PU) the ye- gas bubbles. As a result of electrostatic repulsi- - mistakes in yeast maJlagement - optimal yeast maJlagement, assimilation
ast proteinase A is inactivated. on, islands of different species of proteins are - mcreased pitching - powerful fermenting yeast
- high gravity worts - cold aJld short fermentation aJld maturation
Of the large quantity of factors which can af- formed in the skin of the bubble, These islands
- proportion of dead yeast cells> 5 %
fect the foam, a number of these are summari- behave differently to LTP and do not form tight - no HTST or pastemisation
sed in Fig. 7.1a. bonds with LTP aggregates, As the bubble - warm and long yeast storage under
From an analytical point of view, the factors grows on release of pressure, the skin of the water
affecting foam are [344]: bubble caJmot provide resistance to the growth - oils and fa ts Filtration - downstream hop products
- surface-active agents / tenside Filling - additives
Malt: protein modification 39 - 43 % of the bubble, The fragments of the burst skin of Finished - nitrogen as dispensing gas
Mashing: mashing in temperahue the bubble expose the water repellent ilmer si- beer
through short de to the watery surroundings, As a result, a
832 833

Insufficient pressure in the delivery pipes of It should be pointed out that with the additi- three minutes. A low foam is first dispensed in- Belgium, as Lambic, Gueu ze, Trappis t beers,
the pub, inadequately cleaned beer pipes, un- ons, in almost all cases there is a flavour change, to a tilted glass, and after the calming and s tif- White beers, etc.
suitable dispense tap fittings and unsuitable mostly to a softer taste. These additions, howe- ferun g of the upper layer of foam a second dis- Top fermenting beers differ from bottom fer-
washing up liquid can also decrease the stabili- ver, are not permitted under the Reinheitsge- pense forces the stable foam crown up out of menting beers regarding importance diffe-
ty of the foam. bot. the glass . Pils beer cannot be dispensed in one rences in the yeast as well as their metabolic
There are also a number of positive factors How catastrophic an uncontrolled addition mo vement. Modern dispense plants permit the products which give the beer its own indivi-
which increase foam stability. One factor is the can be, when thought of and used by an indivi- dispensing of a sparkling beer with a stable fi- dual character. Before describing the different
nature of the gas forming the foam. It has been dual company, is illustrated by what happened ne-bubbled foam on which great importance is sorts of top fermenting beers, the characteristics
mentioned that foam is formed by the fonnati- a few decades ago at a Canadian brewery. A lar- placed in many countries. of top fermentation in contrast to bottom fer-
on of gas bubbles surrounded by a liquid film. ge number of drinkers of the beer from tlus mentation will first be explained.
The gas dissolves in the liquid film and the bub- company suffered severe myocardial damage 7.3 Beer types and their special
7 which proved to be fatal in many cases. Investi-
ble then bursts. However, the solubility of diffe- features Special features of top fermentation
rent gases in the liquid is very variable. Gases gations showed that for successful improve- There are many thousands of different beer Top fermenting yeast is characterised by LUl-
which dissolve only with difficulty in the liquid ment of the foam, the brewery had added cobalt brands throughout the world and every brewe- wiedly clumps of buds wluch break up only af-
build a more stable foam than those which dis- salts which were not excreted again from hu- ry a ttempts to tailor its beer as closely as possi- ter fermentation has taken place. These connec-
solve easily. CO, is relatively soluble and so do- man organs but, as a result of enrichment in the ble to the customers' taste in order to obtain ted clumps of buds are carried to the top by the
es not form as good a foam as, for example, air, body, caused the aforementioned terrible da- good sales. Many of these beer brands can be carbon dioxide produced during fermentation,
which is less soluble and with which a more sta- mage. A customer cemetery belonging to the classified in defined beer types which have de- so that the yeast becomes enriched on the surfa-
ble foam can be produced. brewery is not exactly a suitable advertisement veloped in the course of time in some cOLmtries ce and can be harvested there.
Pure nitrogen gas (N,) in gas bubbles dissol- to attract new customers. or regions.
ves much less easily and is therefore an ideal It also has to be mentioned that the addition Depending on the yeast used and the fennen- Physiological differellces betweell top fermen -
propelling gas for producing a fine bubbled, of foam stabilising agents, in most cases, also af- tation process determined by this, a first classi- tillg alld bottom fermenting yeast
very stable foam (see widgets, Sect. 5.5.8), fects the flavour of the beer. fication into two groups can be made:
which, however, does not solidify. An important opportunity for improving the top fermentation beer types, and Raffi1lose fer1l1elltatioll
Nitrogen (N,) gas is also increasingly being amount of foam and its stability is provided by bottom fermentation beer types. A feature which differs considerably is the fer-
used for this reason in many countries for dis- the shape of the beer glass. Here the character A few important beer types and their special menting ability of the trisaccharide raffinose,
pensing cask or keg beer. The saturation pres- of the beer is particularly expressed - together feahlres are described in the following, and so- which can be utilised completely by bottom fer-
sure relationships of the two gases (CO, and N,) with the plulosophy of the brewery in the form me development trends are also indicated. menting yeast, but only a third of it by top fer-
must be borne in mind to avoid CO, losses. of design, decorative beer mat, etc. Beers pro- menting yeast.
Nitrogen alters the beer flavour to make it ducing a lot of foam, such as wheat beers are al- 7.3.1 Beers produced by top fermentation
milder or softer; the "bite" and tingle caused by ways served in very tall glasses (and WeiBbier Top fermentation is the oldest method of beer Ability to for111 spores
CO, are largely lost. in a special very wide glass) to caphll'e the lar- production, whereas bottom fermentation was Most top fermenting yeasts already form spo-
An alternative way to improve foam stability ge amotmt of foam. not referred to until the end of the 15'" cenhu')' res after 48 hours, whilst bottom fermenting ye-
is to add foam stabilising salts or agents. These With Pils type beers one expects a very copio- and acquired importance in the second half of asts have very poor spore-forming ability.
include, primarily, iron salts (0.6 g/hl) together us stable foam with head retention values of the 19'" century. Yet even a htmdred years ago
with reducing agents to prevent browning of 120 to 130 sec three-quarters of beer was produced using top Fer111eJltatioll by-products
the foam. Iron, nickel and zinc salts, together by the Ross and Clark method, or fermentation. Top fermenting yeasts develop considerably
with high molecular weight protein com- 220 to 290 sec Top fermented beers have developed in par- larger amOtmts of fermentation by-products,
pOlmds also stabilise foam. by the Nibem method (see Sect. ticular in such as higher alcohols and esters, and in parti-
Alginates, xanthan and gum arabicum also This is best shown in narrow, tall glas- Germany, in the form of Weizenbier Berliner
h cular ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate. Moreo-
improve head retention. The dose rates recom- ses and smaller glasses (0.3 and 0.4 1) are prefer- WeiBe, Altbier or Kolsch, but also as alcohol- ver, wheat beer yeast is able to form
mended by the relevant suppliers must be ob- red ("better two small than one large"). In tlus free malt beer or double caramel, etc., 4-vinyl-guaiacol
served exactly. case special emphasis is put on serving witlun Great Britain, as Ale, Porter or Stout, and in amounts of 0.5 to 3.0 ppm and

834 835

in amOlU1ts of 0.1 to 0.7 ppm
These, together with the esters, are responsi-
ble for the typical wheat beer taste and smell,
------ Yeast sprouting begins abou t one d ay (to 1.5
days) after pitclling, and the yeast is then fre-
quently skimmed, preferably every 3 to 6 hours.
The temperature rises to 18 to 22 °C, whereby fer-
Thus a multiple CCV cycl e results in a reduc-
tion of the 4-vinyl-guaiacol formation, whereas
if the yeast spends longer in the fermented beer
the proportion is increased .
which reminds one of cloves. W mentation proceeds very intensively, so that the
necessary fermentation cellar degree of attenuati- Secolldar!f fennentatioll
Pel/orlllillg top fermentatioH on is obtained afte r 48 to 60 hours. With modern processes a basic difference is ma-
To Lmderstand the special features of top fer- de between the mahu ation an d lagering stages.
mentation, there is particular interest in C/ulIIges ill tile wort During the m ahlration phase firs tly the break-
the fermenting vessels used for top fennenta- 1
1 r I As a result of the higher fermentation tempera- down of the diacetyl is wa ited fo r before the
tion, tures, but also because of the other properties of beer is cooled to about 7°C, the yeast is elutria-
7 Fig. 7.1
top fermenting yeast as opposed to bottom fer-
the composition of the wort, Gpell nlld closed Inllks will! overflows for lop fenllel/lnlioll ted and the beer then cooled to -1 °C. This can
pitching, men ting yeast, a number of changes OCC Ul" in occur in the same tank (one tank process) or by
the course of the main fermentation, contrast to bottom fermentation: means of a cooler in a cold storage tank.
changes in the wort, is described in Section (Fig. 3.40 a) . As The pH is more grea tly reduced from that of
secondary fermentation and a result the glucose content in the wort can be the wort of 5.4 - 5.7 to 4.0 - 4.2 as a result of in- The elutriation of the yeast frequently occurs
the treatment of the top fermenting yeas t. increased to 35 to 40%, whereby the compositi- creased yeast propagation and more intensive by means of transferring it a separa tor. In
on of th e fermentation by-products changes fermentation. any case the yeas t has to be completely remo-
FenneHtation vessels IIsed for top ferllleHtatioH considerably, and more ethyl acetate and isoa- The bitter substances are precipitated to an ved, otherwise an increase in the pH occurs and
Since the yeas t is skimmed from the surface in myl acetate are formed, the latter being respon- increased ex tent as a result of the larger pH re- autolysis products get into the beer. For special
the case of top fermentation, older fermentation sible for the banana-like aroma in w h eat beer. duction and grea ter CO, development. fea hues relating to the production of wheat
vessels are open at the top or at least provided In the case of the fermentation by-products, beer see the following section .
with an overflow (Fig. 7.1). The yeast flows over Pitching in particular considerably more higher (alipha-
or is pushed into the overflow with a ladle or Pitching is performed at a temperature of 12 to tic) alcohols and esters are formed. The propor- Treatmellt of top fermeutillg !feast
mouldboard and collected in a tank. There are 16 °C with 0.24 to 0.5 I yeast/hI. Aeration occurs tion of these fermentation by-products ca n Cleaning of the harvested yeast can be perfor-
also adjacent lying fermentation tanks with a by means of the usu al aerating plant with an amOlmt to up to 50% more than in the case o f med using sieves if this is necessary. A short
sealable yeast discharge outlet, the lower edge oxygen content of 5 to 8 mg/l. bottom fermentation. term storage of up to four d ays can occur in
of which is reached by the fermenting beer. A special feature of wheat beer yeast is that it beer at 3 to 4 °C; however, w h en for up
More recently cylindroconical tanks have Course of maiH fermentation decarboxylates ferulic acid present in the wort to to ten d ays it is recommended to keep the yeast
been increasingly used for top fermentation. In With top fermentation one only has to distin- 4-vinyl-guaiacol. The fer ulic acid is released under wa ter.
this case, however, the yeas t settles in the cone guish between two s tages: when the pentosans are broken down, which can The number of cycles is far more frequent
of the tank and can be harvested there. In the hop sprouting and be encouraged during mashing by means of a than wi th bottom fermentation. 5 to 15 cycles
case of CCVs a headspace of approximately yeast sprouting. rest at 45 °C, a pH of 5.7 to 5.8 and a barley malt are common, and there are also breweries
50% is required. Hop sprouting occurs about 8 to 12 hours af- propor tion of at least 40%. At fermentation tem- w hich successfull y use the sa me yeast - lmder
ter pitching and las ts approximately 12 to 24 perahlres of 22 to 24 °C this 4-vinyl-guaiacol gi- tight control - for years w ithout renewed pro-
Special features of wort compositioH hours. As a result, hop resins in parti cular, ves the wheat beer its typical flavour; a pagation.
Whea t beer has to be produced using at least which precipitate due to the lowering of the balanced ratio of 4-vinyl-guaiacol (1.2 to 1.7
50 % wheat malt. If a larger proportion (up to pH, and trub components as well as protein ppm) to the content of esters and higher alcohols Wlleat beer yeasts can gradually lose their abi-
70 %) of whea t malt is processed, one has to as- talmin compounds are precipitated together in the wheat beer is decisive for the balanced fJa- lity to fo rm 4-vinyl-gu aiacol after 2 to 3 cycles. In
sume that a considerably lower conten t of assi- with the yeas t in the head . This hop shoot is vom of the w heat beer. A very high concentrati- the case of wheat beer yeasts it is therefore neces-
milable nitrogen w ill be present, which has to skinuned to obtain a pure yeas t. on of 4-vinyl-gu aiacol suppresses the ester note. sary to cultivate these again. The propagation of
be cOlmterbalan ced by means of well-modified In the high head which is then formed, the ri- The shape and size of the fermentation tank also top fermenting yeasts occurs in principle in the
malt. The mashing process recommended here sing yeast is precipitated to an increasing extent. playa very important role. same way as bottom fermenting ones.
836 837 Wheat beers (Weizenbiere) Low ester contents (below 3 mg/l isoamyl ace- mash acid ifi cation, santly yeasty aroma is expected, not a su lphury
Weizenbier is a top fermentation beer made tate and below 35 mg/l ethyl acetate) occur if high glucose content (sugar adjunct outside or musty aroma or even an autolysa te fl avo ur
with at least 50% wheat malt and an original mash and wort acidification is introduced, the German y), in the beer. The bitter aftertaste which is caused
wort gravity of at least 11 %. pitching amount is increased and intensively poor wort aeration, is also unpleasant.
aerated (see Sect. and Fig. 3.40a). Ot- high number of yeast cells on pitching,
Character of wheat beers henvise, the ester values are too high and thus higher main fermentation temperature (auto- The production of good yeast wheat bee r re-
As a result of the typical aroma components there is no banana aroma. lysis at over 24 0c), quires a lot of experience in thi s field. Accor-
which are formed by wheat beer yeast, these Of the higher alcohols (normally about 150 to selective yeas t s train. ding to the remaining yeast cells in the wheat
beers also have typical aroma impressions 160 ppm), propanol and methyl propanol are par- In the case of esters, amounts of more than 4.5 beer, a difference is made between
which differ considerably from bottom fermen- ticularly noticeable; if they have a ratio of 3 - 4:1 to to 6.0 mg/l are no longer experienced as pleasant wheat beers with at leas t 1 million yeast
ting beers [201] : esters, a balanced flavour can be expected. (fmity). If the ester content is too high, one should: cells/ml and
7 A highe r content of fatty acids (above 0.7
The typical wheat beer aroma is mainly influ- no longer apply mash and wort acidification, turbid wheat beers with 10 million yeast
enced by 4-vinyl-guaiacol (0.2 to 3.2 ppm, mean ppm) and h ence a higher content of FAN (> 12 lower the fermentation temperature, cells/ml.
value 0.5 to 0.7 ppm), whose flavour in large mg/lOO ml) as well as an increase in the pH are reduce the amolUlt of pitching yeast,
quantities fits into higher alcohols and esters signs of excretion by the yeast, which have a ne- decrease aeration, and In 2004 yeast beers ranked third in Germany
(flavour threshold 0.7 mg/l). gative effect on the flavour as well as the head apply pressure fermentation. with 8.1 % of sales. It is possible to detect a cle-
The formation of 4-vinly-guaiacol (clove aro- retention. The yeast excretes protein degrading ar North East / South West divide ill the con-
ma) is aided by enzymes (Proteinase A) which can cause the fo- Effect of isoa11lyl acetate alld etllyl acetate all sumption of wheat beer. The highest proporti-
low mashing-in temperatures, am to deteriorate. sellsoryevalllatioll on of sales (2004) by far were Bavaria with
-long 45°C rest (see Fig. 7.1 al), Based on the features of the aroma substan- It can be seen that the formation of a balanced 21.1 % and Baden-WLirttemberg with 15.1 % of
a mash pH of 5.7 to 5.8, no mash acidification, ces, it is possible to divide white beers into four white beer aroma depends on a number of fac- total beer sales in the state.
at least 40% part barley malt, main types: tors. The most important are shown again ill The reasons for this popularity are to be
the strain of yeast, estery, their coaction in the following schematic dia- fOlUld in
fermentation temperatures of 20 to 24°C, phenolic, gram (Fig. 7.1al) [296]: the high carbon dioxide content of 6 to 10 gil,
one or two yeast cycles and yeasty, and In the formation of differen t aromas, the du- which has a refreshing and beneficial effect
early harvesting of the yeast. neutral. ration of the 45°C rest is not insignificant [326]: (providing one has first overcome the pro-
Frequent yeast cycles in CCVs lead to neutral The estery type has a dominant fruity aroma, blems of pouring), and
beers with an aroma profile resembling apple whereby isoamyl acetate with its banana-like Duration of 45 °C rest (min) Aroma impression the typical wheat beer aroma, which is cha-
esters. These beers taste more like bottom fer- character stands out. o 10 25 racterised by a high content of esters, alcohols
mented beers. 4-vinyl-guaiacol is then no lon- The phenolic type is characterised by the clove- phenolic 1.2 2.1 3.3 and special phenolic compounds (4-vinyl-
ger perceptiple. like smell of 4-vinyl-guaiacol. The yeasty aroma estery 4.1 3.4 2.6 guaiacol).
Long maturation times before harvesting the is predominantly characterised by esters and yeasty 1.8 2.6 2.8
yeast at high temperatures cause a considerable sulphur compolUlds. There are two types of ""heat beers:
deterioration in flavour. White beers which do not have any dominant A rest of at least 10 to 15 minutes should be
Of the esters, in particular ethyl acetate acetic components are described as neutral. observed to achieve a clear phenolic aroma. Hefeweizell (wheat beer contailung yeast). In
ester and isobutyl ester give the beer an aroma- A balanced flavour impression is obtained Mash acidification suppresses the release of the the case of these beers the ex tent of fermentati-
tic note . Their amounts also depend on the with approx. 4.0 mg/l isoamyl acetate and ferulic acid and thus the formation of 4-vinyl- on ill the bottle is determined by the exact ad-
strain of yeast, the treatment of the yeast and about 45 mg/I ethyl acetate (Fig. 7.1 b) . guaiacol. On the other hand, an extended 45 °C justment of the residual ex tract and amOlUlt of
the fermentation proceedings. A pleasant inten- Ester formation depends on a number of fea- rest reduces the occurrence of an estery aroma. yeast immediately before filling . Great care is
sive ester aroma arises with an isoamyl acetate tures: A particular problem is the yeast aroma, sin- needed when producing these beers.
content of about 4 mg/l in the form of a desit'a- low mashing-in temperature below 45°C are ce the yeast is inactivated in the case of yeast
ble banana aroma. At the same time, the ethyl beneficial for ester formation [332], the same turbid beers and the proportion of dead yeast Kristallweizell. This is a filtered sparkingly
acetate content should be below 45 mg/l [296]. applies to cells can increase to 100%. A neutral, or plea- clear wheat beer no longer containillg yeast.

Prodllctioll of Hefeweizell a "Speise" (feed) is added. By Speise is meant

40-45 ·C rest, Yeas t-containing wheat beers are produced over an exactly dosed amount (about 6 to 7 %) of
pH 5.9-6.1 a wide range of colours from an 8 to 14 EBC mut first worts which lllust have been s terilised
Original wort *1 Acidification! pale type to a 25 to 60 EBC dark type. previou sly. This should produce a difference
The original wort content is usually 11 to 12 % of about 12 % to the final attenuation and , as
Sugar composition *2
but is better with 12.5 % to 13 % [332]. The whe- a result of fermentation of the added ex tract,
Aroma s influence at malt proportion varies from 50 to 100 %. The an adequate CO, enriclun ent will be obtai-
each other colour is obtained by adding dark malt, dark ned. Alternatively,
caramel malt, or coloured wheat malt (see Sect. casting wort is added, or
Yeast strain 2.9.10). bottom fermentation krausen with a hydro-
Vitality Temperature The mashing procedme used today by some meter reading of 9 to 10 % is added to the mi-
7 Viability Aeration
60 % of breweries, despite the somewhat difficult xing tank and fermented under pressure.
protein breakdown, is an infusion mash process In both cases fresh yeast must be add ed for
* 1: High gravity aromas (or single decoction mash process) with a mas- the secondary fermentation and bottom fer-
*2: Maltase procedure
hing-in tempera ture of 35 to 37 °C and an inten- mentation yeast is normally used. A haze in He-
Cell number in the bottle I sive protein rest of up to 30 min at 45 to 50 dc. feweizen can only be achieved temporarily by
Mash boiling lasts 20 to 25 min. The main wort shaking, because the yeast settles due to its par-
Yeast strain
}<-_---j Cell number mashing ratio is 1 : 3 to 1 : 4. Final attenuation is ticle size (5 - 8 pm) . A permanent haze can only
Viability Temperature 78 to 85%. For favourable mashing processes for be achieved with a particle size of 0.1 - 1 pm.
Aeration wheat see Section and Fig. 3.40a. The main components responsible for ha ze in
The wort is pitched with 0.3 to 11 of yeast/hI Hefewei zen are therefore proteins, polyphe-
(2 - 4 mio cells/ml) at about 15 °C. Primary fer- 1101s and starch fragments [297].
Fig. 7. lnl mentation commences very vigorously and fi- During mixing after the primary ferm entati-
Mnill illf!lIellcillg jnctors ill tile jonllntioll ojwllent beer nromns (nccordillg to Bnck /330]) nal attenuation is reached in three to four days on care mus t be taken to avoid oxygen uptake.
at 13 to 21 °C. The yeast is then collected (from A special feature of Hefeweizen beers is fer-
an open tank by skimming, from a CCV by re- mentation in the bottle. A distinction is made
moval from the cone). between
Additive and sy nergetic effects of esters Higher fermentation temperatures and hig- bottle fermentation without prior lagering in
Sensory Isoa myl acelale '" 4.0 mgtl her pitching numbers encourage the formation a tanl<, and
evalualion 4,0 Elhyl acelale < 45 mgt I of an estery aroma. The phenolic aroma is influ- bottle fermentation with prior lagering in a
enced by the choice of yeast strain and the feru- tank.
3,5 lic content of the wort, and only slightly by the
fermentation parameters. Bottle ferl1lelltatioll withollt priorlagerillg ill a
TIle tanl<geometry and the different heights of tallk
the fermentation vessels have a strong effect on The green beer with added "Speise" (feed) and
the aroma formation. It is strongest in open fer- yeast is filled into bottles and lagered in two
mentel'S and decreases considerably in horizon- stages:
tal tanks and particularly in CCVs. The phenolic Stage 1: 3 to 7 days at 12 to 20 °C. This results in
aroma is also reduced in CCVs and the fermentation of the exh'act to 0.1 to 0.2 % and
25 Estery ".,/
Ethyl Acetate ........ comse of several cycles, disappears altogether. reduction of the diacetyl. The pressure in the
(mg/ll ..,/ Fig. 7.1n2 To obtain sufficient CO, in the secondary fer- bottle increases to 1.5 to 2 bar overpressure.
4.0 65
Isoamyl ace lale Img/ll 6,0 Empty ,t••••••••• Additive nlld sYllergetic mentation, fresh extract-ricll wort must be ad- Stage 2: 14 to 21 days at 5 °C. The pressure re-
ejfect s oj esters /296] ded. There are hvo alternative ways of doing this: mains at about 2 bar overpressure.

840 841

Bottle fer111elltatioll with prior lagerillg ill a within 10 days to 0 °C at 5 bar overpressure. A The most we ll-know n Weifsbier is Berliner Pitching is either
ta 11 Ie week before filtration it is cooled to -2 °C and Wei Be, which is served in wide glasses. The pi- with 0.51 of yeast/hl at 12 °C with the highest
In the process using intermediate la gering in this temperature is maintained until filling . quan t drink with its floral flavour is very thirst- temperature being 16 DC, or
a tank, after a short initial fermentation the beer In addition to the usual Hefeweizen-Vollbiers quenching. To lessen the acidic taste, most cus- with the normal yeast addition at 18 DC, with
is fully attenuated in the fermentation tanks (6 fermented in the bottle, other wheat beers are tomers drink the WeifSe "mit Schuss", i.e. with a hi ghes t temperature being 20 De.
days warm tank at 16 - 22°C, 14 days cold tank also often produced, either pale or dark, e.g. shot of (red) raspberry syrup, or in spring with After cooling to 14 to 16 DC some of the yeast
at 1 °C) and thereby matured. It is then fennen- wheat export beers bottle fermented with 12 a (green) shot of Waldmeister (sweet woodruff) is removed and after waiting for the breakdown
ted in bottles. to 13 % original wort gravity, syrup. Thus the "white" beer can have various of the diacetyl, the beer is cooled to 0 °C and la-
The Hefewei zen haze is caused by protein. strong wheat beers such as Weizenbock with colours. In recent times Berliner WeiiSe mixed gered cold for one to two weeks.
The yeast cells are too large for a permanent ha- 16 % original wort gravity or Doppelbock with syrup has been produced ready-to-drink
ze; they settle to the bottom and are s tirred up with 18%, in bottles. In some cases Berliner WeiiSe is also KOlsch
7 7
there. light wheat beers with 6.5 to 8.5% original brewed with a higher original wort gravity. Kolsch is a dry, pale beer which can only be pro-
Wheat full beers (bottle fermentation) had wort gravity or Apa rt from Berli11er WeiiSe, only a few WeiiS- duced in Cologne (Kolsch Convention). Kolsch
the following average analysis values [200]: alcohol-free wheat beers in the form of low biers have more than local importance. Of these is brewed with 11.2 to 11.5 % original wort
gravity beers with 4.5 to 7.0% original wort the "Leipziger Gose" should be mentioned, an gravity, has a colour of 7 to 10 EBC, a bitterness
original wort gravity 12.20% gravity. (originally produced in Goslar) lactic acid beer of 16 to 35 BU and an alcohol content of 4.6 to
apparent extract content 2.33% which is drunk from s temmed glasses and, as a 5.1 % vol.
actual extract content 4.22% A confusion of the definition with WeifSbier, result of the addition of salt and coriander, has In 1996 Kolsch beer had the following avera-
alcohol content 4.12 mas % described in the following, occurs regionally; its own specia l acidic flavour. ge values [200]:
alcohol content 5.26% vol thus in Bavaria in particular, Weizenbier is fre- original wort gravity 11.28%
output degree of attenuation 81.6% quently referred to as Weillbier. Altbier apparent ex tract content 2.27%
pH value 4.32 Altbier is top fermentation beer made in the "old ac tual extract content 4.01%
colour, pale beers 10.9 EBC Berliner Weige way" with the use of barley malt and wheat malt. alcohol content 3.74 mas%
colour, dark beers 36.9 EBC Berliner WeifSe is a naturally cloudy, pale, ap- The colour is dark amber and it tastes bitter, he- alcohol content 4.77% vol
bittering units 17.9 BU proximately 7.5% original gravity beer mad e arty and a little rustic. Altbier has an original apparent degree of attenuation 80.6%
head retention (R&C) 126 s with 35 to 50% wheat malt. It contains about 2.7 gravity of 11.5 to 12 % and an alcohol content of pH value 4.44
to 2.8% by vol. alcohol and 0.7% CO,. Fermen- 4.8 to 5 % vol. ll1e colour ranges between 30 and colour 8 EBC
Prodllctioll of Kristallweizell tation is performed using a mi xed culture of top 38 EBC and the bitterness is 30 to 40 BU. head retention (R&C) 120 s
Kristallweizen is usually brewed at a strength fermenting yeast and lactic acid rods, which Almost all the Altbier breweries are in the lo-
of 12.5 to 13 % and has a colour of 8 to 12 EBe. live together in symbiosis. As a result, at the wer Rhine region. Nevertheless, Altbier, which In Germany Kolsch has a market share of
The malt grist consists of up to 50 to 70% pale end of fermentation the Weigbier is acidic with was rediscovered a few decades ago - but with 2.1 %, which is almost exclUSively limited to the
wheat malt with the addition of special malts a pH of 3.2 to 3.4. In some WeiBbier breweries a much better quality - is sold throughout Ger- Cologne region.
which contribute colour. The same mashing wort and yeast are again added to the beer and many. The proportion of Altbier in the total It is brewed using mainly Vielma malt with
process is used as for Hefeweizen and the treat- secondary fermentation is performed as bottIe sales output was 3.2% in 1997 and 11.5 % of the up to 20% wheat malt to produce palatefulness
ment up to the primary fermentation is normal. fermentation. The lactic acid produced makes total amOlmt of that is drunk in North Rhine and smoothen the flavour. Infusion or single
However, directly after the primary fennentati- the beer stable so that it can be stored in the Westphalia. mash procedures are used. Primary ferm entati-
on the beer is transferred without cooling, and bottle for years, whereby the flavour continues The malt grist may consist of: on is for three to four days at temperatures of 14
still 12 % below the final attenuation into a to mature as a result of the slow breakdown of 99% pale malt and 1 % coloured malt, to 18 De. It is then cooled to 8 to 10 DC and trans-
warm tank. The pressure in the warm tank is the acid under the formation of aroma substan- 90% dark malt and 10% pale malt or ferred with its residual extract.
controlled at 4 to 5 bar excess pressure and after ces. The wort is not boiled in the production of 70% Vielma malt, 20 % Munich and 10 % whe- Lagering takes
3 to 7 days it is cooled to about 8 0e. WeiBbier but held at about 95°C for 25 to 30 at malt (see Sect. 2.9.10). at temperatures of 4 to 5°C, 40 to 60 days,
The beer is then transferred with the addition min. The addition of a small amOlU1t of hops (20 Normal mashing procedures are used . Very at temperatures of 0 to 1 DC, 14 to 40 days with
of yeast or krausen into a cold tank and cooled to 30 g/hl) occurs in the mash. high quality hops are added in 3 to 5 batches. a previous maturation phase.
-------------------------------------------------- -----

842 843 Ale Originally the term mild ale was given to relati- Sweet stout refers to an equally black stout as added to the wor t. Fermentation is performed
Ale is the collective name for several, mos tly vely YOlmg, incompletely fermented beer w hich dry stout with a original gravity of 10.5 to 11.5 % using the monastery's own top fermentation
dark, but always top fermented English beer ty- had not aged. Its popularity as a drink which and approx. 4.0% vol alcohol content; howeve r, yeas t, at 20 to 25 °C, and a secondary maturati-
pes, for the production of which well-modified could be dnmk in great quantities by labourers in- owing to the addition of lactose and vitamins, on is performed at 0 to 5 0c. Before it is filled in-
malt is used. An infusion mash is used or, in volved in heavy manual work has decreased be- the flavour is softer and milder. to bottles, sugar and yeast are add ed and the
many cases, a jump mash process or addition of cause most of these jobs no longer exist. Nowa- bottles undergo a warm maturation for three to
separate adjunct mash. days there is a preference for less sweet, more Porter six weeks in air-conditioned lagering halls at
Raw grain is normally used, although for so- alcoholic beers such as bitter, pale ale and lager. Porter is a very dark beer. Once a very impor- about 25°C. The beer has a shelf life of up to fi-
me beers only ingredients allowed by the Rein- tant typ e of beer in England, it has in the mean- ve yea rs. As a result of the repea ted ad dition of
heitsgebot are used. Scotcli nle is made with aromatic malts and time been almost completely replaced by stout sugar, Trappist bee rs have a hi gh or very high
The alcohol content of ale beers can vary bet- consequently has a malt flavour. The colour has and bitter. Nowada ys porter is produced as a alcohol content. The ex tensive fermentation by-
7 7
ween about 3 and 10%. Depending on their alco- 20 to 25 EBC and the bitterness is 30 to 50 BD. dark (about 300 EBC Lmits) and bitter (about 40 products which are also produ ced give Trappist
hol content they are called light, heavy, export or The name Scotch ale is often used for a very BU) beer with an original gravity of 13 to 14% beers interesting flavour nu ances.
strong. Many special beers are now being produ- dark and strong special beer with a malty taste: and 4.5 to 5.0 % vol alcohol. Production is as follows:
ced, often for a very limited time (e.g. 1 or 2 Heavy ale original wort gravity 8.5 to 9.5% For a long time porter was produced as a very Brasserie de Rochefort
months) using a wide variety of fruity adjLmcts Export ale original wort gravity 10 to 11 % strong dark beer. A smaJl group of brewers are Rochefort 6 with 7.5% vol alcohol
such as honey, ginger or orange peel. There is Brown ale is a 14 % malty ale with up to 6% still producing relatively small quantities of por- Roch efort 8 with 9.2 % vol alcohol
currently a revival of the type known as India Pa- vol alcohol content. The colour has an EBC va- ter containing about 9% vol alcohol. For this they Rochefort 10 with 11 .3% vol alcohol
le Ale, a beer originally produced with a high al- lue of 60 to 120 EBC and is extremely d ark. sometimes use - as "vas originally the case - Bret-
cohol content and very heavily hopped so that it Brown ale has a bitterness of 20 to 35 BD. tanomyces sh'ains of yeast with typically sh'et- Brasserie d'Orval
could withstand tlle long time and vigorous sha- ched out cells to perform secondary fermentation Biere Trappiste Orval w ith 6.2% vol alcohol
king which it received when being sent by ship to Stout and to give the beer a fruity taste. Brettanomyces
India and other distant cOlmtries. Stout, which has up to 200 EBC LmitS, is a black sh'ains of yeast work very slowly but are still ca- Brasserie de Chimay
top fermentation beer made from a mixture of pable of living after many years. Chimay Capsule Rouge with 7% vol alcohol
Pnle n le is a copper coloured, often 11 % beer very well-modified pale malt and 10 to 20% of Chimay Capsule Blanche with 8 % vol alcohol
with an alcohol content of 4.5 to 5.0% vol. The a very highly coloured malt, such as black malt Belgian beer types Chimay Capsule Bleue with 9% vol alcohol
colour has 15 to 30 EBC and the bitterness Lmits or caramel malt. Guinness, which is still the lar- Beers produced III Belgium have a confuslllgly
range between 20 and 25. Pale ale is usually gest producer of stout, uses 10% roasted barley. wide range of highly lllteresting tastes. Many Brouwerij Westvleteren
sold as bottled beer. The hop addition is very high at 600 to 700 g/hl beers are fermented USlllg special stralllS of ye- Westvleteren 6 (red) with 6.2 % vol alcohol
(40 to 50 BU). Furthermore, caramelised sugar ast, including secondary fermentation yeasts; Westvleteren 8 (blue) with 8% vol alcohol
Bitter (ale) on the other hand is a somewhat is added to the kettle. fermentation sometimes occurs with the inclu- Westvleteren 12 (brown) with 11 % vol alcohol
darker beer with a cheshlut brown colour and As a result of its ingredients (dry) stout has a sion of acid forming bacteria, whereby the aci d
with 25 to 40 BU comes as a strongly hopped beer very strong burnt taste and has a harsh strong decreases with mcreasing lagering, leaving a Brouwerij Westmalle
with a dry taste and is usually sold in kegs. Bitter bitterness. The stouts made by GUllmess taste ch aracteristic mild flavour. Westmalle Dubbel with 7% vol alcohol
is the major type of top fermentation beers. The less sweet but do not have an after bitterness. Of the specialities, the following are descri- Wes tmalle Tripel with 9% vol alcohol
original wort gravity is between 9 and 13 % and The use of nitrogen gas when dispensing bed here :
the alcohol content is 4.0 to 5.5% vol. draught Guilmess or in cans with widgets gives Trappist beers which are produced by the Lal1lbic beer is a very unusual type of Belgian
Mild ale is sweeter and darker since caramel a very fine, persistent foam. strict order of Trappis t monks in their monas te- beer with a very wide and fascinating flavour
malt is used and caramelised sugars are added Other brewers of stout are also increasmgly ries [170]. Five of these monasteries are III Belgi- spectrum. Lambic is mainly brewed in Brussels,
to the kettle. It usually has a lower alcohol con- using nitrogen to dispense their beers, thus um, one is in the Netherlands. in the sLllToLmdings of which Lambic is also bre-
tent of about 3.0 to 3.5% vol. The colour is very GUllmess is no longer as predominant as it was. The beers are brewed using 10 to 15 % cara- wed by many small breweries. Lambic is a spon-
dark with 40 to 50 EBC and the hop bitterness is The origlllal gravity is 11.5 % and the alcohol mel malt in an lll£usion process, hopped with taneously fermenting beer containitlg 30 to 40%
lower with 20 to 25 BU. content 4.5 to 5.0% vol. mainly whole hops, and liquid candy sugar is wheat. The barley is only lightly malted, whilst

844 845

the wheat is processed in an LUU11alted state. The With the invention of the refrigerating machi- between about 11.3 and 12.2% (10.2- pleasant refined bitter taste. The selection of the
wort is boiled with whole leaf hops for a very ne by Linde (1871) it became possible to 14.0) . hop variety to be used as well as the timing of
long time, when it is already strongly oxidised. maintain low temperatures during fermenta- In 2002, tests carried out on 375 German beers hop addition is of particular significance in this
Fermentation is wild and the then natul'ally sour tion and lage ring independent of the ambient of the Pilsner type in the Central Laboratory of respect. Regarding the strength and purity of
beer is stored for half a and sometimes lon- conditions. the VLB resulted in the following average valu- the fresh, bitter hop aroma, Pilsner beers differ
ger (up to tlu'ee years), whereby the interesting The development of mechanical glass blo- es [275] (selection): grea tly in the bitter taste from North to South.
flavour forms which characterises this beer. wing made it possible to manufacture cheap The Pilsner type beers examined varied con-
The original gravity is 11.5 to 13.5% and the bottles and drinking glasses which replaced original wort gravity 11.57 % siderably in their bittering unit content between
alcohol content is 4.5 to 5% vol. the previous customary earthenware jugs. As appa rent extract content 2.04% 21 and 42 and also express the differing expec-
Lambic is frequently the basis for the produc- a result it was possible to examine the con- actual extract content 3.84% tations regarding the bitterness, which ranges
tion of fruit beers (Kriek and Fromboise). Kriek tents of the glass. alcohol content 3.98mas% from "Fresian bitter" to "only slightly". In ge-
7 With the invention of beer filtration using a alcohol content 5.07% vol
is a variation of Lambic where cherries are ad- neral, the bitterness of Pilsner beers has decrea-
ded to the cask. This beer is called Fromboise if mass filter (1878) by Lorenz Enzinger it was final degree of attenuation 85.0% sed in the past few years, which corresponds to
raspberries are added. possible to prod uce completely clear beer actual degree of attenuation 83.0% the general trend to less bitter beers.
and this has since become an essential quali- pH value 4.39 In contrast to the German type of Pilsner
Gell ze is a dark mliiltered beer with a strong ty criterion. colour 7.0 beers are the Bohemian beers, represented by
apple aroma but very sour, like Berliner Weille. Up to the end of the 19 th century, in middle bitterness units 28.8 BU (19-44) Pilsner Urquell (Plzenske prazdroj), the pro-
Geuze is produced in different forms, frequent- Europe almost the only bottom fermentation head retention (R&C) 122 s duction of which, on the other hand, favours all
ly by continued fermentation in the bottle, blen- beer drunk was that brewed in the Bavarian head retention (NIBEM) 277 s factors which result in a robust flavour and a
ding with normal beer or fruit juice. There are way. Tlus type, also called Munich beer, was viscosity 1.60 mPa.s somewhat darker colour (intensive three-mash
no LUuform instructions for producing Geuze. dark, lightly hopped, very palatable and initial- anthocyanogens 54 ppm method, wort boiling duration of over two
ly was only dnmk from earthenware jugs. total phenols 133 ppm hours, to name but a few). Tlus "Bohemian ty-
By Faro is meant the sweetened Lambic ver- The change occurred with the arrival of pale haze at 20 °C 0.4 EBC pe" has its distinct clientele which is not at all
sion containing 4 to 6% vol alcohol. beer brewed in the Bohemian way. The Pilsen forced test (warm days) >2 divided by cOlmtry borders. It is therefore pos-
city brewhouse, which later became the Pilsner air in headspace 0.23 ml (0.1-0.5) sible, without exaggeration, to split Pils drin-
DlIvel (Devil) looks pale like a Pilsner and ta- Urquell Brewery (Pl zenke Prazdroj) was the p-glucans 306 ppm kers, who make up the greatest part of beer
stes soft and pleasant. It has dense, durable fo- leader here. Here in 1842 the original Pilsner ty- dextrins 0.41 % drinkers in middle Europe, in to these two
am, but with 8.2 % vol it has a very lugh alcohol pe was developed which, because of its taste, usable carbohydrates 2.43 g/lOO ml "camps" - very pale and dry German Pilsner
percentage. The yeast gives Duvel its characte- tingle and wholesomeness caused a turning physiological calorific value 40 kcal/100 ml beers and darker Bohemian Urquell types.
ristic flavour. point in the lustory of beer from top fermentati- = 168 kJ/I00 ml

on to bottom fermentation. tluobarbituric acid index (TBA) 40-45 Lager beer ("Vollbier")
Belgian Witbier is produced using 50% raw vicinal dike tones (diacetyl) 0.08 ppm Lager beer is a beer type which is not defined
wheat grain, dried, grOlmd orange peel and co- Pilsner type beer exactly by anything. Nowadays it accolmts for
riander as a pale top fermentation beer with an Pilsner type beer accOlmts for 68.6% of beer There are considerable differences in beer co- about 80 to 90% of bottom fermentation produ-
original gravity of 12 %. The alcohol content is sales in Germany [213], by far the most fre- lour in Pilsner beers. Very many breweries pla- ced beers worldwide, including in Germany the
about 5% vol. The flavour of Witbier is sweet- quently dnmk beer (2002) . A clear gap between ce a lot of significance on a very pale Pilsner so-called "Vollbier" . Basically, all beers wluch
bitter. the Northern and Eastern federal states (Schles- with colour values from 4.5 to 7 EBC, whilst ot- cmmot be categorised under any particular ty-
wig-Holstein, Hamburg 85.0%, Saxony-Anhalt hers favour a dark Pilsner with colour values pe are lagers. These beers are not provided with
7.3.2 Bottom fermentation beer types 82.3%, Berlin 81.8%) on the one hand, and Ba- from 8 to 10 EBC. a varietal designation but are given an invented
The development of the present bottom fer- den-Wi.irttemberg (48.7%) and Bavaria (31.7%) The general trend is moving further towards name for advertising purposes, linked with the
mentation beer types did not occur until the last on the other hand, can be clearly observed. a very pale, dry Pilsner. The particularly valu- name or location of the brewery.
century and depended on a number of circum- Pilsner type beers in Germany have an avera- able factor with Pilsner is the high quality hop Lager beers have an original gravity which is
stances and developments: ge original gravity of 11.6% which fluctuates, bitterness which is supposed to give the beer a generally between 10.5 and 12.5%, an alcohol


content of 4.7 to 5.3% vol and, as they have 18 Export beer used for its production contribute a roasted, but wadays, increasingly two types of Marzen are
to 23 BU, are only moderately bitter. Beers which are brewed somewhat stronger are no t burnt, flavour which, together with the al- brewed:
produced under this name. The nam.e Export is cohol content, makes the black beer very plea- a pale type with a colour of 11 to 12 EBe (9 to
The German version of lager beer is Vollbier, misleading because the beer is not exported at sant. The bitterness is often stronger than with 19) and
which is usually brewed as the pale variation. all. Export, which also includes Edel and Spezi- Export beer. a dark type with a colour of 40 to 60 EBe.
In 1997 Vollbiere had a market share of 3.6% in al in this category, is ranked second behind Pils- Black beers often enjoy great regional popu- Because of the higher original gravity and a
Germany with insignificant proportions in the ner for bottom fermentation beer types in total larity. high attenuation limit of 80% or above, the
different federal states; only in Bavaria did this beer sales in Germany (2002) with a share of 5.7% by vol (4.7 to 5.9) alcohol content is rather
type achieve a share of 26.1 % [213]. 7.3 %. It corresponds to the earlier "Dortmtmd Festival beers high. Marzen is a type of beer which is only
type". Festival beers are seasonal beers which are bre- produced in small quantities. It should be on
Pale lager has the following average compo- Export is a mainly pale brewed beer with an wed on the occasion of special festivals or cere- sale for only a very limited time.
7 7
sition [200]: original gravity of 12.5 to 13.5% and is also con- monies. Depending on the character of the
original wort gravity 11.65% siderably stronger than Pilsner. The alcohol event they are mostly pale beers, and more ra- Marzen average values in Germany 1996 we-
apparent extract content 2.28% content of export is on average 5.5% vol (4.8 to rely dark beers, with at least 12.0 to 12.5% ex- re [200]:
actual extract content 4.05% 5.9) = 4.3 mas % (3.7 to 4.6). tract, which are full bodied and sweet, and ex- original wort gravity 13.31 %
alcohol content 3.91 mas% With 20 to 25 bitterness tmits there is less em- pensive to buy. apparent extract content 2.83%
alcohol content 4.99% vol phasis on hops than with Pilsner; however, it is Festbier for the Oktoberfest in Mtmich is bre- actual extract content 4.81 %
final degree of attenuation 81.4% considerably more bitter than pale beer, palate- wed at 13.5 to 14 % and after a few litre-sized alcohol content 4.42mas%
actual degree of attenuation 81.1 % ful and mild, and aromatic in flavour. With 8 to jugs have been consumed, its incapacitating ef- alcohol content 5.65% vol
pH value 4.58 15 EBe Export is somewhat stronger in colour fect is clearly seen. actual degree of attenuation 79.6%
colour 7.8 EBe than Pilsner. pH value 4.53
bitterness units 21 BU Pale Export has the following average values Ice beer head retention (R&C) 125 s
head retention (R&C) 117 s [200]: Ice beer is not really a special sort although it is
original wort gravity 12.47% sold as such. The name refers to the production Bock beer
Dark lager are frequently brewed stronger. apparent extract content 2.42% process (see Sect. 4.9.2). In this proteins and po- The name Bockbier originates from the beer of
With 12.5% (11.8 - 13%) they make a stronger actual extract content 4.32% lyphenols are precipitated and the taste of the the Einbeck brewery in Lower Saxony, whose
impression; with 5.0 to 5.2 % by vol they contain alcohol content 4.22 mas% beer with a slightly increased alcohol content beer, along with the Braunschweiger Mumme,
more alcohol and with 18 - 20 EBe less bitter- alcohol content 5.38% vol becomes milder and softer and thus less expres- was already famous about 500 years ago. The
ness. The 30 - 40 EBe colour is considerably actual degree of attenuation 81.3% sive. beer from Einbeck (Ainpockisch) also arrived in
darker. Dark lager beer has a more malty aroma pH value 4.61 Particularly in North America, the beer is fur- Bavaria where the name was changed to "Oam-
and taste because of the use of special malts colour 8.2 EBe thermore ice cooled and dispensed in pre-iced bock" and finally "Bock" .
(Munich type - see Sect. 2.9 .10). Black beers ha- bitterness units 23.2 BU glasses . This might cool the beer down but the Bock beers are very strong beers brewed from
ve an even more intense flavour. head retention (R&C) 118 s flavour can only unfold at higher drinking tem- 16 to 17 % original wort exh'act and are mostly
With 45 to 100 EBe dark Export is a very dark peratures (8 to 10 DC) . seasonal (May, AutUllli1 or Clu'ishnas Bock beers)
The average composition of dark lager is [200]: beer, whereby the tendency often exists to brew and are more rarely sold throughout the year.
original wort gravity 12.18% the beer somewhat stronger (13%) to obtain the Marzen Production of Bock beer requires great skill be-
apparent extract content 3.03% necessary palatefulness. The name Marzen (March beer) relates to the cause, as a result of the longer fermentation and
actual extract content 4.76% fact that previously in many breweries a stron- lagering, conSiderably more aroma substances
alcohol content 3.83 mas% Black beers ger beer was brewed in spring, in March, which are formed which affect the flavolU of the beer
alcohol content 4.90% vol Blacks beers have an original wort content of was very popular. more or less strongly - but in evelY direction.
actual degree of attenuation 76.0% 11.5 to 11.8% and are characterised by a parti- Marzen beers, brewed with an original wort Thus the Bock beer is not the same every year and
colour 60 EBe cularly dark colour (100 to 150 EBC) and an al- extract of 13 to 14 %, are relatively strong beers the Bock beer should be made differently depen-
bitterness milts 22BU cohol content of 4.8 to 5.0% by vol. The malts with a colour between pale and dark beers. No- ding on the season, for example:

848 849

May Bock somewhat paler, dryer and m ore Double bock beers are brewed and sold as Alcohol is an impor tant fl avo ur contributor. Nevertheless this s till does not resul t in the
and seasonal beers. Producti on over the course of During alcohol removal inevitably other volati- necessary 100 % at tenu ation (apparent attenua-
Christmas Bock more sa ti ating, fuller an d the whole yea r in volves a risk of over-ageing le subs tances a re removed and so alcohol-free tion limit above 100 %) required for com plete
milder [114]. and conseq uently of possible fla vour deteriora- beer is always different from the control beer. A carbohydra te degradation. Consequently, to
Especially in the case of Bock beer, attention tion. direct com parison is therefore pointless. obtain complete breakdown, malt extract (2 to
must be paid to the fact that all beers have a pe- Alcohol-free beers can, of course, be prepa red 3%) or malt flour (2 x 300 g/hl) are add ed, usu-
ak time up to which their qu ality improves on Alcohol-free beer just as well from top fermentation beers. Sales ally at the beginning of fermentation and mixed
s torage in the lage r cellar. Bock beers can be la- In Section 4.9.3 the process used to remove alco- of alcohol-free beer amounted to 2.6% in Ger- well with the fermenting wor t. Th e a-a mylase
gered for three to four months if it is stored, hol pal'tially or completely from or to pre- many (2006). present then breaks down the dextrins s till pre-
krausened, in a very cold cellar. However, it vent its formation were explained. People who sent, very slowly but also very systema tically,
mu st be carefu lly monitored to make sure th at drink alcohol-free beer fo r various reasons do not 7.3 .2.11 Dietetic beer so that the sugars p roduced can be fermented.
7 7
the yeast does not auto lyse and spoil the tas te. wish or are not allowed to drink alcohol. Usually Dietetic beer (diet beer) is produced for custo- This results in a very alcohol-rich beer.
The danger of a premature stale flavour oc- the customer associates this with the expectation mers who wish to have or mu st have a low nu- This, however, results in the fo llow ing pro-
curring is very high with Bock beer. that SUd1 beer has little nutritional va lue and/or trient diet (e.g. diabetics). blems:
Bock beers are pale (8 to 13 EBC) or dark (45 contains few fattening ca rbohydrates. This is, ho- In many cOLmtries there are legislative regu- with the use of malt extract or malt fl our, mi-
to 100 EBC) beers. Despite the low attenuation not always the case and it depends very lations in force for the manufacture and sa le of cro-organisms also n aturally pa ss into the
(65 to 75 %) they have a high alcohol content of mud1 on the process used . With most processes dietetic foodstuffs. beer, which can reduce its shelf life, and
7% vol (6.0 to 7.5%). there is s tiU a relatively large amount of carbohy- In normal beer production, although all the with the use of m alt ex trac t, proteolytic enzy-
drate in the alcohol-free beer. starch is degraded, some of it is not degraded to m es also pass into the beer, w hich slowly
Bock beers had the following average values In Germany, where a m aximUll1 alcohol con- sugars and fermented but only to (iodine-nor- break down the high molecular weight foam-
[200]: tent of 0.5 % vol is allowed, alcohol-free beer is mal) dextrins which remain lll1£ermentable in the forming proteins and result in a visibl e dete-
original wort g ravity 16.18% usually prepared beer. To produce dietetic beer, these dextrins rioration of the foam .
apparent extract content 4.50% with an original wort gravity of 5.0 to 6.0% must also be broken down further to su gars and There are ways to prevent particula rly the se-
actual extract content 6.73% and with a fermented to alcohol. Consequently a higher con- cond problem :
alcohol content 4.99 mas% usable ca rbohydrate value of 2 to 5 g/100 ml cenh'ation of alcohol is automatically produced It is possible to m ash-in 2 to 3% of the m alt
alcohol content 6.42 % vol (Pilsner 2 to 4 g/100 ml); in the dietetic beer and in many COlll1tries the law mash separately at above 60 °C and to add
actual degree of attenuation 73.5% a calorific value of 10 to 23 kcal/100 ml (Pils- states that this must be reduced again . thi s part lU1boiled and cooled in the fermen-
ner 35 to 50 kcal/100 ml) tation cellar. At 60 °C (and above) the pepti- Double Bock a dex trin content of 2 to 2.5% (Pilsner 0.3 to COlllplete brea1cdowll of starc" to fel'111elltable d ases are already inactivated so that no furt-
Double bock beers brewed with an original 2.0%). sllgllrs h er breakdown of foam-forming p ro teins can
gravity of 18 to 30% are the s trongest com- In 1996 alcohol-free beer had the follow ing With the usual mash processes s tarch degrad a- occur. On the other hand, limit residual dex-
monly brewed beers . The alcohol content of average values [200]: tion comes to a halt at a final attenuation valu e trins are still active and during fermentation
double bock is 7 to 12 % vol, in other words original wort gravity 5.22 % of 80 to 85%. There is insufficient time and resi- and maturation are able to split a-1.6-com-
very high. Double bock beer purchasers are li- apparent ex tract content 4.48% dual enzyme activity present to degrade the re- pOLU1ds and thus ensure a complete break-
mited in number because there are limits to actual ex trac t content 4.61% maining d extrins (equilibrium reaction). dow n of the starch.
the amounts which can be con sumed without alcohol content 0.31 mas% If an attenuation limit of 90 to 92 % is requi- It is pOSSible, after gelatinisation and liquefac-
w1pleasant after-effects. It must certainly be alcohol content 0.40 % vol red, mashing must be performed for a very long tion at 62 °C, to once again lower the tempera-
remarked upon that beers brewed at higher degree of attenuation 14.7% time (3.5 to 4 h) and very inten sively [73], e.g. ture of the mash to 50 °C, to enable the limit
gravities always contain more higher alcohols head retention (R&C) 118 s mashing-in at 50 °C with a 30 min rest, dextrins to completely break down the starch.
and esters which - if enjoyed in large amounts bitterness units 23.7 BU rests at 62 and 65 °C, each for 45 min, Using this process an apparent fin al degree of
- by next morning at the lates t make it absolu- dextrins 2.21% rests at 68 and 70°C, each for 30 min, attenuation of 88 to 92 % is obtained.
tely essential to avoid any rapid movements of usable carbohydrates 2.26 g/100 m1 rest at 72 °C for 15 min, For breweries which do not have to abide by
the head. physiological calorific va lue 14 kcal/l00 ml mashing-off at 73 to 74 °C. the Reinheitsgebot, the simplest method is

850 851

the addition of enzyme preparations (see Light beers are often produced with a much cided that in Germ any in future, malt beer had to the beer iJ1 the filling process, and can fer-
Sect. during mashing or in the fer- lower calorie content and are often made even to be called "malt drink" (Malzh'l111k). As a top m ent it due to the rich sugar content. As a result
mentation cellar, which guarantees a comple- more acceptable by partial removal of alcohol. fermenting beer, it is possible for malt beer to be of rising pressure, the bottles can burst and cau-
te breakdown to fermentable maltose and In Germany light beers have a 0.9 % market sha- sweetened. se considerable harm to people and damage to
glucose (V/ inal above 100%). re, with a downward trend. By malt drink (malt beer) is meant a dark am- property.
In most countries dietetic beer has to fulfil the In Germany most light beers have ber coloured drink with an original wort With a physiological calorific value of 44 to
requirements of diabetic beer. Thus the prevai- an original wort extract of 6.5 to 8.0 % gravity of 11 .7 to 12 %. The beer is initially bre- 46 kcal/100 ml (185 to 193 kJ!100 1111) malt beer
ling regulations in each cowltry have always to an alcohol content of 2.5 to 4.0% vol wed with 7 to 8 % and it is only after filtration has only slightly more calories than, for exam-
be observed regarding a dextrin content of about 1.0% that so much sugar is added that an original ple, Pilsner, which has about 40 kcal/100 ml; ho-
usable carbohydrates, a usable carbohydrate content of about wort gravity of 11.5 to 12 % results. The alcohol wever, it has far more usable carbohydrates
physiological calorific value and 2.0 g/100 ml and content of the beer, as with alcohol-free beers, is (average 10.5 %).
7 7
alcohol content. a physiological calorific value of 25 to 30 below 0.5 %. As a result malt drinks have acqui- Malt beer is an ideal energy drink which, be-
If a reduction of the alcohol content in this kcal/100 ml. red the reputation of being thirst-quenching cause of its lack of alcohol as well as its easily
beer is required, this is linked with considerable drinks with a concentrated amount of nu- digestible carbohydrates, proteins and vit-
costs. Some breweries help themselves by pum- Ma1lllfactllre of light beer trients. amins, can be recommended as an energy pro-
ping back a part of the fermented beer into the Light beer can be produced by dilution of a nor- vider at any time to both children and athletes.
kettle and removing the alcohol by boiling. This mal gravity beer - but it then tastes as if it has! Pronllctioll Forbidden under the Reinheitsgebot but usu-
is, of course, considerably cheaper than part de- For a good light beer a special flavour note is 65 to 75% Munich malt, 3 to 5% dark caramel al practice in other countries is the addition of
alcoholisation using the usual processes. Oxy- needed to make the character of the beer more malt, the remainder Pilsner malt are mashed in sugar to slightly sweeten bottom fermentation
gen uptake is just one of the problems that may pronounced . This can be done by [75]: the usual manner, lautered and boiled for 60 to dark or black beers with an alcohol content of
occur. use of darker, more highly kilned malts, 70 min with few hops (15 to 20 mg a.-acid!l up to 5% by vol. This gives these beers a slight-
In Germany dietetic beers had the following use of mashing procedures to keep the final wort). Pitching occurs at 10 °C with top fermen- ly sweet aroma which secures them good sales
values [200]: degree of attenuation especially low or high, tation yeast and is already interrupted after on- particularly amongst women.
original wort gravity 9.48% use of a higher hop addition and more inten- Iya few hours by cooling to 0 to 1 °C in order to At the same time it is possible to produce a
apparent extract content 0.25% sive boiling, keep the alcohol content below 0.5 %. In this sweetened bottom fermentation caramel malt
actual extract content 2.02% use of warmer fermentation with thorough short time the top fermentation yeast of course beer (double caramel malt beer) providing the
alcohol content 3.80mas% diacetyl removal, does not develop any metabolic products. In or- Reinheitsgebot does not apply. Each addition of
alcohol content 4.80% vol nutrient deficiencies (amino acid or zinc defi- der to abide by the conditions of the law, top sugar (preferably caramelised brewing sugar),
degree of attenuation 97.4% ciencies) must be avoided in light beer fer- fe rmentation yeast must be added since this however, always makes it necessary to pasteu-
dextrins 0.66mas% mentations, beer is defined as top fermenting. rise the beer in the bottle or can. To improve the
usable carbohydrates 0.77 g!100 ml the difference between the attenuation at the Following lagering at a temperature of 0 to formation of foam, a rest can be taken at 30 to
physiological calorific value 33 kcal/100 ml end of fermentation and the attenuation limit 1°C, the missing 4 to 5% (4 to 5 kg/100 kg wort) 35 °C before or at the beguming of pastemisation
= 139 kJ/100 ml must be controlled. of sugar is added in the form of caramelised so as to encourage fermentation; for this it is ne-
In contrast to Germany where they have not brewing sugar (80% concentration), sugar sy- cessary to add a small amount of yeast to the 1111- Light beer achieved a breakthrough, light beers have won rup or inverted sugar and mixed together. Mi- filtered beer beforehand. Thorough pasteurisati-
Light beers are produced in the form of pale or a substantial market share on the North Ameri- xing is problematic at times since the sugar do- on is required, otherwise the fermentation which
dark, bottom fermentation or top fermentation, can beer market in particular. es not dissolve completely and mixing two begins will bmst evelY bottle (see above).
low gravity or full gravity beers. Consequently liquids of differing thickness in large containers
no generally applicable description can be gi- Malt drink (beer) without a stirrer is incomplete. Beer types with a very low distribution
ven. Light beers, with a low content of alcohol Following a "sweet beer war" in 1960 it has sin- The drink is then carbonised, filled into bott-
and other substances which cause weight addi- ce been forbidden in Bavaria to produce malt les and pasteurised. Treatment in the high-tem- Dr!! beers
tion, such as dextrins, are primarily used as mi- beer with the addition of sugar. The result of se- perature short-time pasteuriser is too unsafe By dry beers is meant beers which usually have
xing drinks. veral court cases was that the Federal Court de- since microbes, especially yeast cells, can get in- an original gravity of 11.3 to 11 .8 %, are very
852 853

highly fermented and strongly hopped. As a re- cess is, however, very se ldom used and only by _.. '
sult, a desired bitter dry flavour is obtained, very small breweries.
which gives the beer its name. Beer lIIix drillks
Cellllr beers In Germany beer mix drinks are well-establis-
In recent times normal Vollbiere have been left hed drinl<s which, at the request of the guest, water
in their natural state, i.e. lu1filtered, and sold as were mixed together from beer and lemonade-
based drinks by the bartender, and because of

......... .........
cellar beer or Zwickelbier (unfiltered beer from
a storage tank). The name Zwickel refers to the their individual flavour and low alcohol con-
sampling cocks that were attached to the stora- tent were very thirst-quenching.
ge tanks to draw off (still cloudy) samples. The- Nowadays beer mix drinks are produced rea-
7 "" \fiIctftlm 7
se slightly turbid beers have an average original dy to drink with a mixture ratio of 1 : 1 of beer,
gravity of 11.5 to 12.5% and a degree of atte- which is brewed according to the Reinheitsge-
nuation of 76 - 78%. With an alcohol content of bot, and lemonade, cola or other drink, with an
4.4 to 5.0% vol, they are produced as pale or alcohol content of 1 to 2.7% vol and mainly fil-
dark types and sold lmfiltered - with a cellar led in cans.
haze - mainly as draught beer. The haze, howe- Traditional beer mix drinl<s are, for example:
ver - as with Hefeweizen - does not have to be Radler mixture of pale beer
a result of yeast. Protein haze has the same ef- (shandy) and lemonade,
fect and does not settle. Alsterwasser mixture of pale beer
Cellar beers and Zwickelbiere are not lmi- (shandy) and lemonade,
formly defined beer types. Mixery mixture of pale beer
and cola,
S1Iloked beers (RIlHchbiere) Russn mixture of Kristallweizen Fig. 7.2n
By smoked beers are meant beers which are pro- and lemonade, Mulli-cO/upollelll lIIixillg plnlll (Wilri illring, /-Ieirielbel g)
duced using smoked malt. Smoked malt is indu- Diesel mixture of wheat beer and
strially produced by passing cold smoke through cola,
the green malt thus preventing the formation of Turbodiesel mixture of wheat beer, cola
nitrosamines. h1 small breweries it is still produ- and admixture.
ced by passing the heating gases inunediately Beer mix drinks are no longer only seasonal
tlu'ough the malt dming its production. h1 addi- beers for the warm season. The requirement for lues regarding its composition, CO, content, Analogous to this is the production of swee-
tion beech wood is bLUnt, which gives the beer its thirst-quenching drinks with a low alcohol con- etc. For this a mixing plant is necessary which is tened mix drinks. However, in the case of these
typical smoky-scratchy flavom that has made tent is has greatly increased. h1 other cOlmtries able to mix the individual components of the fi- drinks, the risk of subsequent contamination
Rauchbier well-known. Rauchbier is only produ- too, the demand for beer mix drinks has stron- nished mix drink in exactly measmed amOlmts and fermentation is much higher, so that these
ced by a few small breweries in Bamberg and one gly increased in recent years, whereby there is a and quality (Fig. 7.2a). At the end, the drink thus drinks have to be filled either when hot or in an
has to get used to its flavom. general trend towards low alcohol (1 to 3 %) ta- produced has to be mixed with the beer at a ra- aseptic plant free from contaminants of any
sty drinks. tio of 1 : 1 and blended in a buffer tank. It should kind (Fig. 7.2b). This occurs by means of either
Stolle beer (Steillbier) Many breweries today are trying to establish be pointed out again that liquids of different wet sterilisation using peracetic acid or H,O,-
By Steinbier is meant a beer whose mash or themselves in the beer mix drink sector, with density and viscosity do not mix intimately of based dry sterilisation. Recently, plasma sterili-
wort is heated by placing glowing hot stones in- varying degrees of success. However, it requi- their own accord. Stirring is also necessary be- sation or other high-energy irradiation have
to it. Through contact with the hot stones, cara- res precise knowledge of the drink to be mixed, cause the complete drink has once again to be been used .
melisation processes occur which aromatise the since the finished drink, which is taxed in Ger- thoroughly impregnated with CO, to guarantee For il1formation on the solubility and soluti-
flavour of the wort and hence the beer. This pro- many as if it were beer, has to satisfy certain va- that the mix drink has the required tingle. on of sugar, see Section 1.5.6.
854 855

11 Thus, a number of breweries, mainly micro- 7.3 % maltose,

and pub breweries which like to experiment, 1.3 % sucrose,
add the following natural products - indivi- 1.5 % higher sugars,
2 3 duall y or in combination: tangerine peel, oran- 0.04 % lutrogen,
[] 4 ge peel, orange blossom, elder blossom, sage, 0.17 % mineral matter a.o.
II II camomile, coriander, ginger, cilmamon, cloves, The protelll content of the honey is ll1itially
5 blackberries, strawberries, cherries, pumpkllls, very low, as is the mineral matter content, whe-
nuts, wild flowers, buckwheat, etc. reby dark honey tends to have a higher mineral
A particular trend is beer with the addition of content. The pH of honey is 3.9. Honey is rich in
hemp . A part of the hop, to which hemp itself is organic acids, mainly gluconic acid, at 0.57%.
7 10 rel ated, is replaced by hemp blossom. Hop use The importance of honey lies mainly in its
6 7
7 is generally reduced in all beers which are pro- lugh content of easily re-absorbable carbohy-
duced with the addition of fruit and plant parts drates and in its content of aroma substances,
to allow the typical fruit or combination flavour wluch have always given honey a particular si-
8 to h ave its effect. In the case of the admixtures it gnificance. We need only to think of honey wi-
should of course not be forgotten to place the ne, the mead of our ancestors.
relevant health benefits of the plant in the fore- The aroma is formed by more than 300 vola-
grolmd of the label in the advertisement. St tile compolmds, of which 200 ha ve been identi-
Fig. 7.2b
Jolm's wort, for example, helps against insom- fied. These lllclude esters of aliphatic and aro-
Soft drillk lIIixillg plallt (Krolles, Nelltrallblillg)
(1) sligar lip take alld storage, (2) sligar SOllltioll alld pastellrisatioll, (3) COllcelltrate IIptake, (4) Big Pack/Sack plallt, (5) powder
nia and nervousness, etc. Significant in each ca- matic acids, aldehydes, ketones and alcohols.
solvwt, (6) tea preparatioll, (7) blwdillg tallks forfillislled beueragelfillislled symp, (8) IIli.reI ; (9) 1I0t jillillg, (10) aseptic jillillg, se is the particular mixhlre which leads to a mu- Depending on the main collection area, the
(11) CIP plallt que flavour. origlll of the plants (nectar flow), a difference is
The addition of sugar as a sweetener ll1 fllus- made between
7.3.3 Trends regarding the development Apart from the production of traditional beer hed beer was discussed in Section 1.5.7. flower honey and
of beer types not corresponding to types which continue to dominate the market, honeydew honey.
the Reinheitsgebot there are therefore many trends in the develop- HOlley beer as a speciality Flower honey (e.g. honey made from heather,
The production of beer brewed according to the ment of new beer types. This development is A speciality is the u se of honey wluch is beco- lime, acacia, clover, rape, lucerne, buck wheat,
Reinheitsgebot is the traditional way of produ- especially supported by the opening of nume- ming increasingly important in some countries. fruit blossom) is syrupy and translucent when
cing beer and requires the brewer to have great rous restaurants and microbreweries in many Honey is produced by bees who take up nectar fresh and becomes increaslllgly solid and cry-
skill. Within the framework of the Reinheitsge- cOlmtries around the world. or other sweet juices from living plant parts, en- stalline with age. The colour of the honey is -li-
bot there are still many ways to alter the flavour In cOlmtries and breweries which are not ob- rich them with their own body substances, alter ke the aroma - dependent on the collection
nuances, e.g. by using different strain s of yeast, liged to abide by the Reinheitsgebot, aromatising them in their bodies, store them III honeycombs area. Thus
which, due to their metabolic products, can af- additives such as natural fruit or plant parts are and allow them to matme there. The nectar tllik- maple honey is pale yellow,
fect the flavour and aroma formation. increasingly being added to the beer in order to kens and llwerts as a result of the acids and enzy- heather honey is dark reddish,
It has already been mentioned that in many obtain interesting flavour and aroma compo- mes taken up by the bees. Mineral vit- clover honey is pale yellow to reddish,
cOlmh·ies a part of the barley malt has been repla- nents which find the approval of interested cir- a.mins and aroma substances from the bees' food meadow flower honey is yellow to brown in
ced by other cheaper natural products for pmely des of conSlrmers. These beers are frequently less are concenh·ated here to a water content of 16 to colour.
economic reasons. It can be stated that nowadays important for the consumer with regard to thirst, 19 % of the honey mass and when harvested in The taste and aroma is sweet and aromatic to
85 to 90 % of beer produced worldwide is not bre- but more for the pleasme, whidl they no longer the form of exh·acted honey, it is centrifuged from highly aromatic. Some types, such as some he-
wed according to the Reinheitsgebot. Fmthermo- wish to renOlU1ce. For SUdl llmovations there are spawn free, warm honeycombs. ather honeys or buck wheat honey, sometimes
re, it is possible to replace a part of the barley malt endless possibilities as a result of an ablmdance This honey contains on average have a more plmgent aroma than other types.
with raw materials whidl have a particular effect of fruit, spices and plants and their mixes. It is up 38.2 % fructose, Honeydew honey (pine, spruce, leaf) solidi-
on the aroma formation. to each individual to explore these possibilities. 31.3 % glucose, fies only with difficulty. It is also less sweet,
856 857

darker in coloLu' and has a more spicy and re- Option 2: the honey is apportioned just befo- OtTt er v nrieties are parameters which camlot be measured ana-
sin-like flavour and smell. re filling . The sweehless and full aroma are then Anoth er interes ting var iety is horseradish lytically. But these are exac tly the factors which
expressed to their full advantage. For this one beer produced by a brewe ry in Japan. If green the beer consumer is mos t interested in . The
C!loice of !/olley requires horseradish is brewed together with the beer, a beer must taste so good that no other w ill do.
The choice of honey for the production of beer a well-functioning dosing pl ant (or one mixes green beer with a spicy and aromatic flavour is To measure these quality determining para-
is of particular significance since honey contri- by means of circulation), produced. The completely different colour of meters, the bee r must be tasted to exa mine the
butes considerably to the aroma even in small a device for secondary carbonisation and the drink and the different fl avour make the various aspects of the aroma and tas te of the
amounts. For this reason great care has to be ta- a pas teurisa tion p lant for conservation and dri nk interesting . The horseradish, unlike ho- beer. If specific conclusions are to be drawn, the
ken when selecting from the types of honey prevention of und esirable fermentation . ney, does not provide any fermentable extract tasting must be performed in accordance with
available. Honey which is characterised by a This is of course an ex pensive process, espe- and should only be viewed as a condiment, al- established rules and tasters must be previous-
very s trongly aromatic or pLmgent aroma does Cially as honey is not chea p. It is nevertheless beit a very s trong one. ly selected illld trained.
7 7
not usually come into considera tion for beer the best method. This somew h at s trange example shows that Since there are very man y flavour nUilllCes,
production. The honey is supposed to give the Care has to be taken, however, to prevent the the range of options is by no means exhausted the "Flavour Wheel" [321] (Fig. 7.2c) has been
beer a residual sweetness with a pleasantl y soft, drink from becoming too sweet. The balance of and that there are s till many ways to enrich d eveloped to facilitate description.
but not pungent flavour of honey. Particular at- residual sweetness, a light honey aroma and a beer. When experimenting, however, it should For tas ting, people are needed who can detect
tention should therefore be paid to the selection slight hop bitterness is what makes the drink never be forgotten to write down exactly all in- very small differences in taste and aroma. In or-
of honey. interesting. gredients (amount, origin, temperahlIe when der to test this, beers are served to the potential
As a rule, 1 to 3 % of (diluted) honey is added processing, time of addition, etc.). It would be tasters in which
Till/illg {lIId n 11/0 IIIl t of !wlley to be ndded before fil tra tion and the bottles pasteurised. very unpleasant if an optimal mixture could not 10 % of the beer is replaced by degassed water
As a result of its high content of fermentable su- The honey then gives the beer a residual sweet- be reproduced beca use the mixhlIe was tln-own (dilution test),
gars and aroma substances, honey is idea l as an ness, which together with a weak honey aroma together "somehow". 4 gil of sugar is added (sweetness compari-
admixture for the production of beer. One can make it a very pleasant "ladies' drink". It is re- FLll·tllermore, one has to be aware of the fact son), or
thereby choose all possible variations between commended to brew the beer, which in this ca- that this drink - whether it is allowed to be called 4 mg iso-(x-acid is dissolved (bitterness com-
the two options: se should be more wea kly hopped, somewhat beer in the cOLU1try in question or not - will al- pa ri son).
stronger (13 to 14 %) in order to increase the wi- ways only have a small market share and will not The test bottles are closed again in the normal
Option 1: the honey is added as a supplier of ne-like character of honey beer through the hig- be able to replace the large beer brands and types. fashion, hlrned by 180 °C, and stored overnight
extract in the brewhouse shortly before casting her content of alcohol and esters . in a refrigerator with the control beer. It is then ta-
and then processed as normal. In this case the The higher costs of the honey can be balanced 7.4 Quality examination sted
micro-organisms present in the honey are kil- by the sales price of the honey beer, which in Quality examination of the finished beer has in the duo-test in which the difference bet-
led, but some of the valuable volatile flavour addition attracts a completely different and th ree different aspects: ween the two samples is examined and des-
compOlU1ds which make up the flavour are also new circle of consumers. Very frequently, sim- beer tasting, cribed, or
lost. The beer then has no residual sweehless at ply a reference to the use of honey causes the microbiological monitoring and by triangular tasting in which the tas ter recei-
the end of fermentation. The addition of honey consumer to pick the product up out of interest. chernical and phYSical properties examination. ves two samples of one of the test beers (A or
can occur immediately before casting, since the In general, they will assume that the product B) - i.e. in the sequence AAB, BBA, ABA,
micro-organisms are killed within a very short will taste very similar. 7.4.1 Beer tasting ABB, etc. The taster must detect the odd sam-
time at 100 °C and the high temperatures in the The addition of honey or other natural pro- Many of the substances in beer and its proper- ple and give their reasons.
whirlpool also guarantee sterility. duct must always be d eclared on the label. This ties can be measured specifi ca lly, e.g. The selection of tasters described above is
Honey is almost 100% fermentable and is in- is particularly important because the consumer the amount illld s tability of the foam, made from the brewery workforce available for
deed fermented! Honey is relatively expensive of the beer expects a pure and natural product the colour of the beer, or selection, illld with time they can make increa-
as a supplier of extract and does not provide, in even if it is not brewed according to the Rein- the tu rbidity of the beer. sing ly correct distinctions because of their ex-
a fermented state, many advantages, particular- heitsgebot. However, tas te illld aroma attributes of the perience. However, it is also important to know
ly as the aroma substances are almost comple- In Germany the drink is of course not permit- beer, such as the cleanness illld fineness of its how consumers will receive individual pro-
tely lost. ted to be sold under the name of beer. bitterness and the tingle component of its taste, ducts. For this consumer preference tests are

858 859

made at a more or less hjgh position between Fea ture Points Description
the Jines their opini on of the beer. But here it is exa m ined awardable
important tha t the beer tas ted fi rst should be ta- Bod y 5 full bodied,
sted again at the end! well rounded
4 full bodied
To perform the tas ting there are quite sp ecific 3 not very full bodied
recommendations. Thus the beer should be 2 not well ro L\J1ded
poured without foam into a dark coloured 200 1 empty, watery
ml tas ting glass and tas ted a t a predetermined
temperature be tween 8 and 14 °C. The beer Tanginess 5 desirably tan gy
mu st have already been brought to this tempe- 4 tangy
7 7
rature during the prev io us rught. The tasting 3 not very tangy
room, its tempe rature, the positioning of the ta- 2 flat
ster, e tc. are all closely controlled so that com- 1 very flat
pletely tU1biased results are obtained.
There are various schemes for tasting sam- Bitterness 5 excellent
ples. Representative of these is the German ta- quality 4 good
sting scheme u sed for the DLG beer quality ex- 3 som ewhat lingering
amination. 2 lingerin g
1 very lingering
Feature Points Description
examined award able
Because tas ting is always p e rformed wi th se-
Aroma 5 perfect vera l tas ters, important concl usions can be
4 still perfectly accep ta- drawn from the average results of the tasting
ble results. Older samples should al so be included
C> 3 sli ght odour faults in these tas tings in order to determine objecti-
C> (diacetyl,oxidised) vely at w h a t time flavour deterioration can be
C> 2 pronOlU1ced odou r de tected. Tasting is a very importa.nt fe ature of
fa ults (very es tery) beer eva lua tion.
1 g reat odour faults However, it must al so be pointed out that
(musty, yeasty) beer is a drink to which on e becom es acc usto-
Fig . 7.2c m ed and its taste becomes regis tered in the
Flnvo llr Wlleei (nccorrlillg to OLG)
Taste quality 5 perfect mem ory. The beer w hich som eone drinks re-
4 still perfectly accepta- g ula rly tas tes better to them even when - and
ble perhaps because - it has a quite di s tinctive ta-
3 sli ght tas te faults ste. It is said that beer needs its own home
(diace tyl, oxidised) town and many hundred s of sm a ll breweries
performed . Because this involves the genera l of the taster. The taster is given a sheet of paper 2 pronotU1ced taste profit from this. They still exist - pa rticularl y
public and untrained persOlmel the simplest on wh.ich there are two horizontal lines 10 cm faults (very estery) in North Ba va ria - and they sell their beers
possible tasting m ethod is u sed . apart. The upper line re presents the best result 1 grea t tas te faults (mu- su ccessfully in their own ne ighbou rhood.
For this closed bottles of the brewery's own imaginable, the bottom line the worst possible s ty, m e talli c, light-
beer and of a competitor's beer are put in front result conceivabl e. The tas ter shows by a m a rk s truck)
860 861

7.4.2 Microbiological examination A parti cular ris k here is posed by biofilms. By These mi cro-organi sms are anaerobic, but h a- and so spoil) . It is absolutely decisive that the
It is possible for beer spoilage micro-organisms this is m eant the establishment of colonies of ve the option of living aero tolerantly. presence of such contaminants is detected as
- contaminants - to pass from the wort or beer bacteria on th e walls, in pipes, on seals, in Yeasts can also cause d amage to beer by gi- ea rly as possible so that countermeasures can
produ ction route into the finish ed produ ct. If cracks and splits - basically, everywhere beer ving rise to fermentation probl ems or seconda- be introduced.
these contaminants multiply they at first form a can access. First of all, bacteria of the genus Aci- ry fer mentation. Pediococcus damnosus is a Samples are taken according to a pl an esta-
slight deposit in the beer and then eventually netobacter [315] colonise, as well as acetic acid fea red s train of bacteria (sa rcina) in this regard, blished for the brewery, whereby samples of
make the beer turbid and through the formati- bacteria and other strains, which accumulate at which excretes diace tyl as a metabolic product wort and beer are taken at different locations
on of various metabolic products spoil its taste the bottom and form a slimy protective layer thus giving the beer an unpl easant flavour, or and monitored. Controls occur on the basis of a
and even make it undrinkable. around them selves which protects them from even making it LU1drinkable. s te p by s tep control plan, separated according
Consequently everything possible must be environmental influences. Beer spoiling micro- to
done to detect foreign micro-organisms as ea r- organisms can also hide in these biofilms, and Beer spoiling yeasts are: the production area: primary contaminations
7 7
ly as possible, to discover the sites at which they then escape into the beer at a suitable time (see yeas t cells still present in the beer after filtra - and
get into the wort or beer, and to adopt measures Sect. 5.1.6 and Fig. 5.36a). tion, the filling area: secondary contaminations.
to prevent them from multiplying. This is the The obligatory beer spoilage organisms have foreign Saccharomyces yeasts. These are rela-
task of the microbiological control department. a particularly damaging effect. These include ted to the culture yeast but are not desired he- The examinations occur on
Not all micro-organisms which somehow get especially re and cause d eposits, turbidities and flavour obligatory beer spoilage micro-organisms
into wort or beer are spoilage organisms. Basi- Pectil1ntlls cerevisiiphi/lls and defects. II potentially damaging micro-organisms
cally three groups can be distinguished with Megnsphnem cerevisine. III indirect beer spoilage micro-organisms
regard to spoilage: These strains of bacteria are anaerobic, i.e. They include IV indicator germs.
harmless accompanying micro-org ani s ms they can only multiply LU1der stringent exclusi- Sncchnl'Omyces dinstnticlIs, The step by step control should include the
(indirect beer spoilage organisms), on of oxygen . Since everything possible is done Sncchnl'OlIlyces pnstorinl'llls, nl1d following stations:
potentially damaging micro-organisms, and to keep oxygen away from beer, the living con- Sncc/wl'OlIIyces ellipsoidells. wo rt (I - IV) 50 ml wort + 8 ml NBB-C + 120 ml
obligatory spoilage micro-organisms . ditions for these beer damaging organisms are pas teurised beer
The harmless accompanying micro-orga n- at the same time improved (exclusion of air, lo- Non-Saccharomyces foreign yeasts also occur harves ted yeast, pitching yeast, pure culhlre
isms consist of mould spores and many species wer pH). This means that these bacteria can in beer. They include (1 - IV) NBB-B, Schi.ittler
of bacteria and yeast. They cannot grow in beer multiply in the fill ed oxygen-free beer. The me- Brettnl1oll1yces, green beer before high krausen (I - III) NBB-C
and consequently die, but their presence often tabolic products they form develop a disgu- Tal'll/apsis, + 20% water, Schiittler
indicates the presence of more LUldesirable mi- sting, liquid manure-like smell and taste and Hnl'lSel1l.1/n and storage tank sample (I, II) after green beer
cro-organisms (indicator germs). can make the beer undrinkable. Detecting and Cnl'l didn. transfer; NBB-C + 10 % water, Schi.ittler
The potentially damaging micro-organisms destroying them ea rly is therefore extremely daily sample (I, II) continuously before sheet
can only multiply in finished beer when the important. We also know (Sect. that the- In all cases foreign yeasts produce sediments filter; liquid enrichment
conditions are favourable for this, e.g. se oxygen-hos tile bac teria collect and enrich and turbidities in beer if they multiply. Further- daily sample (I, II) continuously after sheet
if the oxygen content of the beer is high or themselves in the protective mucous shells of more, as a result of their multiplication and me- filter; membrane filtration
if the beer pH is relatively high (4.7 to 4.8) or the omnipresent acetic acid bacteria in order to tabolism they lead to deficiencies of nutrients grouped valves (1, II) before and after, liquid
if the hop bitterness is very low. be able to become active at a given time. for the culhll'e yeast. enrichment
The potentially damaging bacteria include, Other obligatory beer spoilage organisms al- The task of the microbiological control de- daily sa mple (I, II) filling point of entry conti-
for example, so have a damaging effect through the fonnati- parhnent is to make checks at as many locations nuously, liquid enrichment
Lnctobncilllls cnsei, on of unpleasant by-products. These include in as possible, and as frequently as possible, in or- rinsing water sample from the entire beer
StreptococCIIs /nctis, particular: der to determine where and how micro-organ- route; 50 ml water sample + 5 - 20% NBB-B +
EI1 tel'Obncterincen. Lnctobncilllls brevis, isms (MO) enter the wort or beer. Such foreign beer
Some of these bacteria, for instance Strepto- Lnctobncillus Lil1dl1eri, micro-organisms are collectively called conta-
coccus lactis, produce lactic acid but also an LU1- Lnctobncilllls frigidlls nl1d minating organisms, abbreviated to contami- The s tep by step plan, however, is only the
pleasant flavour in the beer. Peddioco ccll s dnllll1osll s. nants (from the Latin col1tnlllil1o = merge with - firs t s tage towards a combined test plan for the
862 863

safe detection of trace contaminations, whereby ganism s in one step within a few hours [212]. Swa bs (5) should be taken at intervals, parti- Type V sall/ple for air
the rapid detection method should be included Using a more recent method [276] it is also pos- cula rly in the bottle cellar, from exposed locati- Use an agar sampling medium exposed for a
[285] . Fig. 7.2d illustrates the control points sible to distinguish between living and dead ons (filler, filler surroundings, belts, etc.). The few 111.inutes.
and methods: cells in beer samples by means of PCR and thus swa bs should then be incubated preferably
The wort route is anchored in the step by step to recognise false findings. usin g NBB-B-AM for three days aerobically at Type VI sal11ple for swabs
control plan. Water and air should be monito- With this method it is subsequently possible 25 - 28 D C (yellow coloration = biofilm!). Liquid enrichment or membrane filtration.
red occasionally. Monitoring in stages (1) is per- to detect and at the same tim e determine diffe- Harvested and pitching yeast, water, air - all
formed as described above. Besides this, speci- rent beer spoilage Lactobacillus strains such as are possible sources of contamination which Important nutrient media are, for example,
al samples (2) should monitor the weak points Pediococcus, Megasphaera and Pectinatus wit- mu st be monitored. The more thorough the mo- wort agar,
on a staggered basis, with particular attention hin a few hours. As a result the brewery is able nitoring the greater the chance of nipping a NBB agar of different compositions, NBB-B,
paid to detecting indicator germs. Rapid detec- to assess both the risk potential and the cause of source of contamination in the bud . It is not suf- NBB-C, NBB-AM, etc.,
7 7
tion methods are required especially in the ye- the contall1inations considerably faster. fici ent to rely on the use of sharp filtration and VLB S7 agar,
ast and filter cellar as well as before filling, par- The rapid detection method should be cou- flash pasteurisation. The most scrupulously yeast autolysate,
ticularly the PCR analysis (3). pled with a continuous sampling (bypass m em- clean operating procedures must be used. hopped wort,
The usual detection systems for bacteriologi- brane filtration) after filtration or before filling Samples are taken in such a way that there is pasteurised beer,
cal contaminations have the disadvantage that in order to detect all foreign microbes (4). With no risk that they can be contaminated. In other ammoniacal fermentation samples, etc.
they are not as fast as desired . The result may bypass membrane filtration (BM system) [286], words, it must be ensured that only sample ma- A stability sample is taken from every filled
sometimes not be available for five days, which beer is continuously withdrawn via a bypass terial from the collecting site and nothing else is batch and stored in an incubator at a constant
may be too late under certain circumstances. pipe, filtered by a membrane filter and the fil- obtained. The sample material is added under temperature (26 DC) . The stability sample must
In the case of the PCR analysis (Polymerase trate fed back into the main flow. The contami- sterile conditions to nutrient solutions or to a not show any sediment or turbidity in the mini-
Chain Reaction) parts of the genotype (genetic nants left behind accumulate on the filter. At nutrient medium and incubated at a constant mum shelf-life period.
fingerprinting) of the organisms to be detected the end of filtration the filter is removed and in- temperature. Biofilms provide a basis of existence for beer
are identified - and not the cell in its entirety. cubated in a special medium. The microbes can Different types of samples are used for diffe- spoiling organisms which, while protected by
Since only a limited range of microbes occur in then be recognised lmder a microscope by the rent materials [94]. This is supposed to accelera- the biofilms, can develop a multi-thousandfold
beer, it is possible with this method to detect as trained eye as a result of their typical colony te the growth of contaminations to enable better resistance to cleaning agents. It is therefore ad-
well as differentiate between beer spoilage or- formation. identification. These include: visable to control the primary colonisation and
Type I sample for filttered beer al1d ril1sil1g water the onset of biofil111 formation. On sensors in-
sall/ples stalled in the immediate vicinity of the checkin
Wort Water Air CO2 Membrane filter method followed by incubati- points (e.g. the filling inlet and discharge stars,
1 1 1 112 1
on on nutrient agar or nutrient broth. crown inlet etc) [325], the same microbiological
II fouling occurs as on the adjacent surface area.
Type II sall1ple for yeast sall1ples This means that the extent of coating formation
II IT II II Ammoniacal fermentation probe. Incubation can be continually recorded online and the ne-
1 I 2 3 1 I 2 1 I 2 1 I 2 1 I 2 on agar or broth. cessary measures can be taken.

-- Fermen-
-- Storage
-- Filter r-
Cellar r-
3 Pressu re
r- f-
Filling Type III sall/ple for yeast-col1tail1ing beer
NBB-concentrate method or beer stability me-
7.4.3 Beer analysis
To produce a good beer with a consistently high
quality a number of parameters must be conti-
nually monitored. These involve above all:
Type IV sall/ple for wort analysis of the original gravity to determine
Membrane filter method or modified NBB con- the extract and alcohol content,
COlllbilleri test ploll for the sofe rietectioll of trnce cOlltnillillotiolls
(1) step by step cOlltrol, (2) specinl sOlllples nt wenk POillts, (3) rnpiri rietectioll by lIlenllS of PCR nllnlysis, (4) bypnss IIlclIlbrnllC centrate method. determination of the pH,
filtrntioll systelll, (5) swnbs determination of oxygen content,
864 865

determination of the diacetyl content, r--- I 2.0665 g of extract on average produce A density m easurement is therefore required
1 1 1.0 g of alcohol for every beer anal ysis which is p erform ed
measurement of the bitterness units, 1
- I CO 2 1 and using
measurement of the CO, content,
1 1
determination of the colloidal stability 1 0.9565 g of carbon dioxide and together a pycnometer,
0.11 g of yeast } 1.0665 g a precision-made density hydrometer,
and other measurements. The methods of de-
termination described ill the following only ex- ·:-:':·iiiti·;·:·:-: ':-:-:'iifc::-:-:-: a hydrostatic balance or
plain the principle; the exact procedure must be - ·:-:ij6f::%:·: According to the overall Balling formula the a bend oscilla tor.
obtained from the values determilled in each original extract content (p) of the beer is calcu- The most exact measurement of the density is
individual case. lated as follows: performed by means of a pyolometer. TIlis is a
glass vessel with a very thin spilldle neck (Fig.
(A x 2.0665 + EJ x 100% Determination of the original gravity p= 7.3) with a 50 ml graduation mark. By weighing
7 100 + A x 1.0665 7
The determination of the original gravity is the volume at 20 °C, the immersion weight ratio
Fig. 7.2
supposed to provide information about the C/wIIges ill tile extmet nud nlcollOl eOlltellt dlll'illg fel'lllelltnti- of 20/20 °C is determined. A reference solution
constituents of the beer. However, only a part of 011 where A = alcohol content in weight % of water must be weighed beforehand. The me-
the original constituents are still present becau- E", = real extract in weight % thod is laborious but very exact and is used for
se a considerable portion is lost durillg fennen- content (E,J, the alcohol must be removed, e.g. reference analyses.
tation. Attempts must therefore be made to de- by distillation. It can then be seen that 1 to 1.5% The origillal gravity is inferred accordillg to
tennille the extract content of the finished beer more extract is present (e.g. 3.8 mas%) than is the overall Balling formula and this calculation TIle density can also be determined with the aid
before fermentation. shown by the hydrometer. If the weight percen- is used in Germany, for example, to determine of a precision density hydrometer; this is an aero-
The extract content of the wort before fer- tage of the alcohol were now to be measlued, it the beer tax. This calculation is not correct in the meter already familiar to us from the brewhollse.
mentation is the original gravity or origillal would be seen that this value is now about 1 % case of Its buoyancy is dependent on the density of the li-
wort extract (Fig. 7.2) . It is for example 11.5%. below the percentage value of the vol. percent • beer where alcohol has been removed, (alco- quid in which it swims. The more fill ely the
It was shown ill Section 4.1.2 .1.1 that the fer- (e.g. 3.9%). This gives rise to the following pro- hol-free beers, light beers, dietetic beers) and spindle neck is designed, the more exact the indi-
mentable extract is split into almost equal parts portions in a beer: • top fermentation yeast beers (Hefeweizen), cation. It has an accLU'acy of 2x10-' g/cm 3 .
of alcohol and carbon dioxide during fermenta- Apparent extract (EJ =2.3% because yeast is still contailled in the beer.
tion. The parts are, however, not quite equal, Alcohol =4.9%vol To determille the original wort extract con- In modern plants, the density is determined
since 92 g of alcohol and 88 g of CO2 are produ- Real extract content (E,J =3.8% tent, one therefore has to ascertaill using bend oscillators (denSity-measuring
ced from 180 g of sugar. Alcohol =3.9 mas% the extract content of the beer and cells). The bend oscillator consists of a vibratillg
If the un fermentable extract still present ill • the alcohol content. U-tube filled with the liquid which is to be ex-
the beer were now measured, USillg for exam- If it is now known, however, what the mass amined. The basis for measurement is the inert-
ple, a simple hydrometer, a considerably lower percentage of alcohol in the beer is, it can be cal- This cannot, however, occur at the same time ness of oscillating masses in relation to their
amount would be registered, e.g. 2.3 %. The rest culated how much extract it has been derived because the proportion of both factors is very density. The U-tube's own frequency depends
has obviously fermented, that is disintegrated from, since the slightly lower mass amolmt of different and on the density of the filled sample (Fig. 7.3a).
into almost equal weight = mass parts of alcohol CO 2 has, of course, been lost ill the meantilne. • the extract content mcreases the density whe- TIle bend oscillator is made to vibrate with a
and CO,. If the alcohol content of the beer is Its amount, however, is determined by the alco- reas characteristic frequency; the resultillg frequen-
measured, a volume of about 4.9% is ascertai- hol by weight %. • the alcohol lowers the density. cy depends on the density of the filled sample.
ned, i.e. 100 ml beer contaillS 4.9 ml alcohol. We now know the The oldest and most laborious method con- The resulting frequency is measured and con-
real extract content still present and the sists of distilling the alcohol (distillation me- verted illtO density (Fig. 7.3b).
These results are only seemillgly correct be- content of alcohol by weight %. thod) and exactly measurmg the To determine the original gravity it is neces-
cause the specifically lighter alcohol causes the In addition to that there is another small • extract - water mixture and sary to ascertaill the alcohol content and real ex-
hydrometer to Sillk slightly more than would amount of extract which was used by the yeast • alcohol - water mixture tract content, which occurs by means of
reflect reality. We therefore speak of apparent to form new cell matter. In total it can be calcu- which is produced to determine the original • a distillation analysis or
extract (E,). To obtain the true or real extract lated that gravity. a refraction analysis.
- - -- - - - -

866 867

the alcohol content is determined from the di-

stillate (A) and "'/
"'I 1 I
the real extract (Ew) is determined from the / / /'"
topped-up residue .
The exact measurement is performed using a
pycnometer. 6

Refractioll mwlysis
Graduation mark 50 ml The principle of refractometric analysis de-
pends on the fact that a ray of light changes di-
rection on passing from an optically less dense
) 7
medium into an optically denser medium. This
effect is known from the appearance of objects 3
partially immersed in water.
It is possible to measure the change in direc-
tion of the light passing from the optically less
Fig. 7.3V
dense liquid into the optically denser prism
Belld oscillntor
Fig. 7.3 very exactly (Fig . 7.4). This change in direction, (1) gns filled glnss cylilldel; (2) Ll-tllve fil-
Pycllollleter expressed as a number, the refraction index, is a led witil VeeI; (3) IIIngllet, (4) spool, (5) 0'
function of the concentration (alcohol, extract), nl/lplifiel; (6) evnlllntioll, (7) illdicntor
temperahll'e and wavelength. The refraction in-
dex is expressed as a ftmction of the angle of en-
try D, and the exit angle of the light beam. content from the refractive index, the apparent
Distillatioll a1lalysis density and special nomogrammes. The appa-
In the case of distillation analysis it is assumed Refractive angle n = sin (J. rent density is determined by means of a hydro-
that the alcohol has a lower boiling point than meter or bend the refraction index by
the water. With distillation the alcohol and a The optical density of the liquid depends on an iIrul1ersion refractometer or a refractometer
part of the water is distilled off. After both parts the alcohol and extract contents. It is therefore with a heated prism.
are weighed up to 100 g, possible to determine the original wort extract
Allalysis 111ac/lilles
Nowadays analysis machines are iIlcreasiIlgly
replacing the processes which have just been
described because they work through a large
number of beer tests in quick succession with a
high level of reproducibility. To do this, they
® combine the previously described methods
(bend oscillator; refraction) or implement new Fig. 7.4
measuring methods, e.g. bend oscillators and iVlenSlIrelllellt of tile refrnctioll illdex
sowld rangiIlg. In this case, the sonic speed is
put next to the density in place of the refraction
figure. The sonic speed spreads out, according
Prillciple of tile velld oscillntor to the concentration of the dissolved substan- two parallel surfaces. The sonic speed is defi-
(n) Ll-tllve filled witil nil': low dells ity - iligil tOlle, (v) U-tllve filled witil wnter: lIigll dCll sity - low tOile ces, over a distance of 5 mm which is defined by ned by the quotients from the distance and the
868 869

time measured . Instead of the refraction figure, the original ex tract content,
the alcohol content can directly measured as the relative density,
well as the density. By means of neal' infrared the real and apparent degree of attenuation,
(NIR) spectroscopy, a selective alcohol measu- the physiological calorific value (calorie con-
rement with a high resolution can be performed tent).
using NIR absorption. This makes it possible The FermentoStar [316] from FunkeGerber,
nowadays to have analysiS machines which can Laborteclulik Berlin (Fig. 7.5a), the Scaba Auto-
perform a large number of high precision ana- matic Beer Analyzer from Foss, Hamburg, and
lysis parameters in a very short time. An exam- the InfratecTM 1256 Beer Analyzer from Foss,
ple is the Alkolyzer Plus Beer Analysis System Hamburg all function in a silTlilar ma!U1er.
from Anton Paar, Graz/ Austri a (Fig. 7.5), or ex- Measurement of beer colour
tended by using the PBA-B measuring system.
These measure: The colour measurem ent is performed visually
the original extract, by colom comparison with s tandardised colour
the extract content, discs. Samples and colour discs are adjusted in
the density in g/cm 3, a comparator lUltil the same colour is obtained.
the colom in EBC and ASBC, In the case of dark beers dilution with a diluti-
FerJllw toStnr (F llll keGerbel; Lnbor-
the CO, content and on factor (K) is often n ecessary to measure the tecllllik, Berlill)
the pH value. colour.
As a result it is possible to calculate rapidly : The col oms are given in units on the EBC scale.
the alcohol content by weight (mass) %, It is also possible to measure the beer colour fluences of the human eye. The measurement usually placed in a protective housing and can
the real and apparent extract content, spectrophotometrically to avoid subjective in- occurs with a wavelength of 430 !UTI and is com- then also be used under working conditions.
pared against a factor on the EBC scale. Normal pH values are usually
beer colours are: in the casting wort 5.3 to 5.5 (optimally 5.0 to
Pilsner beers 6 to 11 EBC 5.2),
pale full gravity beers 7 to 12 EBC in beer 4.3 to 4.6 (optimally 4.2 to 4.3).
dark full gravity beers 30 to 40 EBC
export pale beers 7 to 15 EBC Measurement of the oxygen content of
export dark beers 45 to 100 EBC beer
Marzen, pale type 9 to 15 EBC The monitoring of the oxygen content is one of
Bock pale type 8 to 15 EBC the most important controls in the production
of beer. High oxygen values can have a very de- Measurement of the pH trimental effect on the quality of the beer and its
The pH is also always measured in beer analy- flavour stability.
sis. The measurement of the pH is very impor- In the simplest case the air in the headspace
tant because all enzymic processes are depen- of the bottle or can is monitored with the aid of
dent on it as is the behaviour of micro-orga- the underwater flUmel method, with or without
nisms. a supplementary burette.
The measurement of the pH is performed With the underwater flumel method, the gas
with a glass electrode and located in the neck of the bottle is collected un-
Fig. 7.5
with a reference electrode. der a flume I filled with gas (Fig. 7.8) and then
A lko l!Jzer PillS Beer AlInl!Jsis SysteJII They are usually both combined in a single slowly passed through a liquid collUml of sodi-
(Photo: Alltoll Pnm; Grnzl AlIs trin) rod measuring chain. The measuring chain is um hydroxid e solution, where the CO, is absor-
870 871

bed as NaHC03 • The residual gas - air, con si- trodes. The beer is used d irectly as electrolyte measure used for foam stability is the average
s ting of nitrogen and oxygen, is collected in a an d the measurement performed di rec tl y wit- li fetime of the foa m bubbles w hich is determin-
burette and the vo lum e read off as "air in the hout a membrane (e.g. device Oigox produced ed from the collapse time of the foa m and th e
bottle neck" . An air bubble of 1 ml corresp onds by Co. D r. Thj edig). The m easurement can oc- ratio of the collapsed foatn to the foa m s till pre-
to an oxygen content of 0.28 mg. The result is al- cur in the laboratory or by means of a transpor- sent. TIns method is used in p articular when
ways given in ml air/bottle or can . table or stationary attached device in situ . Part the effect of the CO 2 content in the beer on foam
A more accurate m ethod of measuring the o f the fl ow of beer is then p assed in a byp ass fo rmation is to be excluded .
oxygen in the hea dsp ace ex ists w ith the aid of (10 l/h) throu gh the sensor and the oxygen con- Th e foam is more s table the higher the value.
the "hea d-space an alysers" (O rbisphere, Li ch). tent is measlUed directly (Fig. 7.7). Foam values are between 90 and 140 sec, on
Even more important than the meaSluement of The ex pected va lu e is average about 120 sec.
the oxygen is the meaSlUement of the total oxy- in the case of lage r tank beer 0.00 to 0.01 mg/l, With the N IBEM method the time is measu -
gen. The total oxygen consists of both the oxygen at fillin g 0.02 to 0.03 m g/l and red within whk h the surface of the foam head
dissolved in the beer and that contained in the in tIle case of filled beer 0.10 to 0.15 mg/l. (Fig. 7.9; A) is lowered 10, 20 or 30 111m (B). Th e
bottle neck. The beer is firstly shaken according measurement is m ade by a m ovable electrode
to defined rules an d tlle total oxygen is then di- M easurement of the diacetyl conten t of system (a) with long needles (b and c). The time
rectly measlUed and determined by means of a beer is measured in sec. The evalu ati on scale is
table value. This total oxygen content meaSlUe- As h as been m enti oned, the removal of diacetyl 2
values below 220 sec are very bad,
ment is performed electro-dlemicall y (Dr. TIne- during maturation is considered to b e a d ecisi- values between 260 and 280 sec are good, and
dig, Orbisphere, Mettler-Toled o, among others). ve criterion. Consequently in most breweries values above 300 sec are very good.
The oxygen is reduced on the cathode of a mea- the removal of di ace tyl during the maturation
suring cell with a defined (polarisation) voltage. phase is regularly controlled and cold lagering
TIle elech'icity thereby produced is measlUed; it is n ot begun befo re the di acetyl content h as Fig. 7.8
is the directly p roportional to the parti al pressu- been reduced to less than 0. 10 mg/l. Ullderwnterf llllllell1letliod
re of the oxygen and thus to the oxygen content. Diacety l is measured as part of the total vici- (1) bnlnllcillg tnllk,
(2) pnrt filled witii sodilll1l lIydroxide soilltioll to billd tile
The measurement occu rs either nal diketones using the Hetzel/Gjersten photo-
with membrane covered measuring cells or metric method and the Parnas apparatus. The (3) cnlibmted bllrette,
with measuring cells without m emb ran es. solution with an added chemical is dis tilled . As (4) glnss flI II IICI fi lled witii wntel;
a result of a reac tion another compolmd is for- (5) nir ill tlIe bottle lIeck of tlIe opelled bottle

Men Sllrell1ellt II sillg membmlle covered lIIenSII - med, the amowlt of winch is measured with a
rillg cells spectrophotometer beca use it h as a sp ecifi c ab-
Tins measurement is usually performed by me- sorption at 335 mn. The diacetyl content of beer
ans of a polarograplnc membrane measuring should be less than 0.10 mg/ 1.
cell according to Clark. For tIns gold or plati-
num is used for the cathode and silver/silver Measurement of foam s tability
chloride for the anode. Tile m embrane foil con- Because foa m stability is an important quality pa-
sis ts of 10 to 25 thick PTFE or PE. rameter it is often measured. For tIns two me-
thods are mainly used . The results obtained with Fig. 7.9
MeaSllrelll ellt II sillg lIlen sllrillg cells w ithollt them CatUlOt be compared directly. They are Electrode systelll of tlIe N IBEM Stnbility Tester
111 emb mil es foa m stability by the Ross atld Clark method
The reduction of the oxygen occurs on a polari- and
sed electrode. The electro-chemical measuring the NIBEM foam s tability method. M enSllrelll ellt IIsillg Foallltest er
Fig. 7.7
principle is thereby u sed by means of a poten- MenS ll rel1lwt of tlIe oxygell colltellt ill tlIe bljpnss In the Ross and Clark (R&C) method a d efi- Foa m stability is also dep endent on a number of
tiostatically adjusted arrangement of tlu-ee elec- (Co . Dr. TlIied ig, Berlill) ned foam volume is produced in the bee r. The environmental factors, such as temperature, air
872 873

pressure, humidity, etc. These factors ha ve an in warm water at 40 °C (untrea ted beer) or
effect on the read so that an objecti ve result 60 °C (stabilised b eer) and then
is not possible. The Foamtester was developed in cold water at 0 °C
to eliminate these environmental factors (Fig. lmtil an increase in h aze of 2 EBC for mazin
7.9a). In this case foam production occurs by units or a light opalescence ca n be observed. By
pressing a cons tant volume of beer through a multiplica tion of the stability determined, ex-
0.6 111m wide nozzle. Behind this the foam deve- pressed in wa rm days, with a con version factor,
lops in a glass cylinder where its collapse is de- the approximate time during which the beer
termined by mean s of optical m easurement. w ill remain haze-free is obtained .
The use of a constant amOlUlt of beer leads to fo- In addition, precipitatio n method s are used
am collapse times w hich correlate with the re- Fig. 7.10 to d etermine the tendency of the beer to form
7 llltefligellt CO, CelIa /- 7
sults of the R&C method. Air pressure, humidi- h aze. In this case the h aze which is formed by
ty and air mo vem ent have no effect on the Typei-OGM
the precipitation of proteins or phenols with
results, since the measurement occurs in a clo- HaJJllinIlS correspond ingly reactive substan ces is measu-
sed system. lIell/alNU red by means of a nephelometer e.g . TalUlome-
The method developed by the company LG- tel' (Pfeuffer) or Opto-ems (Raske and Sclmei-
Automatic aps, Frederiksvard /DK has now der Brew Service). The m ost well-known test is
been further developed by the company Stein- Measurement of bitterness units the determination of the tamlins, a p ar ticularly
furth Mess-Systeme, Essen. Measurement of the bitterness is an important reactive form of the phenolic compounds. By
control since the bitterness of the taste grea tly means of the alcohol coo test accord ing to Determination of the carbon dioxide a ffects the beer. Chap on, mainly the unstable protein-tamling
content Determination of the bitterness lU1its (EBCI agent compOlU1ds are determined, which have
The dissolved CO, content of the beer is an im- ASBC) is performed spec troph o tometri ca lly a negative effect on the colloidal s tability as
portant quality parameter, particularly for the using a method which will not be described in well as the filterability of the beer. The alcohol
production of good tingle in beer. "Normal" more detail here. Values for different beer types cooling test is p erformed on the Tann0111eter
Fig. 7.9a
CO, contents can be considered to be: are: (Tatmomat) within one hour u sing a sma ll sam-
FST Faalll Stability Tester (Steilljllrt/I Mess-Systeillc, ESSCll)
0.45 to 0.60 gil in the case of bottom fermen- Pilsner 25 to 40 BU ple amOlUlt (4 ml) atld shows a clear correlation
tation beers, and pale full gravity beer 20 to 30 BU to the forcin g test.
0.40 to 1.00 gil in the case of top fermentation in the liquid is proportional to the partial pres- export p ale beer 22 to 26 BU
beers. sure of the gas in the gas phase, provided that it Filterability of the beer
Beers with lower values begin to taste flat. is in the equilibrium condition. This equilibri- Measurement of haze tendency The filterability of beer is the capacity of the
um condition is achieved by vigorous sh aking A very impo rtant measurement is the haze beer to affect the quality of filtration based on
There are two basic types of method for CO, or constant inversion of the bottles or by electric tendency of the beer. Clear filtered beer in ti- its material composition.
measurement: heating. The pressure is measured by a mano- me loses its brilliance until it finally becomes For the brewery it is important to be able to
manometric methods, and meter. hazy (turbid). It is therefore important to predict the filterability of the b eer. In the case of
titrimetric methods . With the "Intelligent CO, Gehaltemeter" know as soon as possible if the beer will be filtration problems a number of undesirable
Whilst the titrimetric methods are very lab o- (Haffmans BV, Venlo/NL) (Fig. 7.10) it is possi- stable for a long time or if it w ill soon form a features occur:
rious, with the manometric methods only the ble to determine the CO, content in beer quick- haze. Consequently m ethod s have been deve- the beer loss rises,
pressure in the thoroughly sh aken bottle and ly and precisely. With the "CO,lO, Gehalteme- loped which will predict, afte r only a few the usage of kieselgulu- and sheets increases,
the tempera ture are measured . ter " it is possible to combine the CO, measme- days, the tendency of a beer to form a haze. higher persOlmel costs arise,
The method s d ep end on the Henry - Dalton ment with an a, measurement. The most important m ethod is the forcin g test. there is an increased requirement for water,
law. According to this, at a defined tempera tu- In the forcing test at leas t 5 bottles are immer- heat and electrical energy, and
re, the concentration of an (ideal) gas dissolved sed alternately for 24 h waste water pollution is increased .
874 875

To monitor the filterability, it is possible to directly in the plant, e.g. in the container or in tel's a re used:
use - 1 the pipe or COLUlters with movable parts,
the membrane filter test and off-line: in this case they are completely outsi- inductive flow measurer (rOM),
the Raible test.
With the membrane filter test beer which has
been cooled to 0 °C is pressed through a membra-
-6 2
de the process, e.g. in the laboratory or in the
form of a hydrometer sta tion in the brewhou-
se, and are aided by the human sampler.
mass flow measurer according to the Corioli s
principle (MOM),
instruments using ultrasoLUld impulses.
ne filter LUlder pressure of 2 bar (Fig. 7.10a). The The term "in line " , often used for "online", is In the case of counters with movable parts
amOLUlt of filtrate is thereby periodically measu- not used in measurement technology. (annular piston, oval wheel or w ing wheel
5 -
red by weighing it on scales placed below and Nowadays there is a n increasing wealth of COUJlters) the flow of liquid activates a specifi-
from this a coefficient is calculated, whidl can different possibilities in process measurement ca lly formed wheel or a piston. The flow rate
serve as a comparative value for filh·ation. The and anal ysis technology. Here, we will briefly a nd velocity can be ascertained from the speed
7 7
coefficient is given in grams. Values below 50 are describe the following com mon measurements with which the piston or wheel are turned. The-
considered to be bad, over 100 is good and the in- and sen sors [211]: se counters are hardly u sed any more in the bre-
termediate values are normal- good.
o tempera ture meters, wery except in the case of water (WoltmaJul
In the case of the Raible test, beer which has 4 flow meters, counter).
been cooled to 0 °C is filtered using kieselguhr. o filling level m e ters, With the inductive flow measmer (IDM; also
density m e ters, MID) the conductivity of the beer is used to mea- Other measurements haze meters, sure the amOLUlt flowing through. According to
Only a large brewery can afford to perform the me ters to measure oxygen, Faraday's Law of Induction, in aJl elech'ic con-
Fig. 7.10 a
previously listed measurements frequently it- pH value me te rs, ductor which is moved tlU'ough a magnetic field,
Melllbrnlle filter tes t
self. Other measurements are done when neces- (1) colllpressed gas, (2) coolillg jacket, (3) coolillg IIledilllll, (4) meters to m easure cond uctivity, a voltage is induced which is proportional to the
sary or for occasional monitoring by large ana- scales, (5) lIIelllbrnlle jiitel; (6) illfllSioll 1'00111 limit value probes and velocity of the conductor - in this case the beer.
lysis companies or institutes which have access pressure meters In the flow meter - a pipe without interna l fit-
to the very costly equipment and trained per- tings (Fig. 7.11) - the beer flows through bet-
sOTmel required. 7.5.1 Temperature meters ween the electrodes which are arranged a t right
Some of these analyses, with normal values, ses may be made. However, the description of The usual temperature meter is the Pt100. Pt angles to it. Using suitable evaluation, one can
are listed here: these is beyond the scope of this Chapter. stands for a thin platimun wire, which has a resi- read off the flow rate directly on the display.
Total nitrogen stance of 100 n (at 0 0C) and is embedded in a This measurement is highly accurate and inde-
Casting wort 900 to 1100 mg/I 7.5 Process measurement and analysis small glass capsule. The electrical resistance pendent of pressure, temperature, viscosity
Beer (12%) 700 to 800 mg/l technology which this wire has at a particular temperatme is a nd consistency of the product (the temperatu-
Formol-N Apart from the exact control of the raw materi- known. TIlese Pt100s come on the market as sen- re differences CaJl be electron ically compen sa-
Casting wort 300 to 350 mg/l als, intermediate and end products, it is beco- sors, inserted into a stainless steel protective pipe ted). These flow meters work completely wit-
Beer (12 %) 160 to 210 mg/l ming increasingly necessary to measure a nLUn- and smeared with synthetic resin, or are manu- hou t abrasion aJld enable the most accurate
Free amino-N (FAN) ber of parameters during the process. This is all factured as transducers. In this case the areas of possible controls. The result is, however, distor-
Casting wort 200 to 250 mg/l the more necessary since maintaining constant measurement (50 or 100 K are normal, e.g. 0 to ted by gas bubbles. It is therefore advisable to
Beer (12%) 100 to 120 mg/l product quality is only possible by controlling 100 °C, 0 to 50 0C) are fixed and give a standardi- install the measuring pipe vertically or at an in-
Total phenol (EBC) the maintenance of the quality of the interme- sed starting signal, e.g. a current or a voltage (e.g. clination, to remove the gas bubbles.
Beer 150 to 200 mg/l diate products. This, in turn, is only possible 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V), which can be processed di-
Anthocyanogens today by implementing online measuring tech- rectly by the stored program control (SPC). The inductive flow measurement has now
Beer 50 to 70 mg/l nology in combination with the communication become LUuversa lly accepted and is offered for
Nitrate systems in use in the company. 7.5.2 Flow meters dimensions of all sizes. Worthy of particular
Beer 20 to 30 mg/I The sensors are either For many processes, the amount flowin g men tion is its use in the filling of bottles, CaJ1S
In addition many other differentiated analy- online: in this case the measurement is made t1U'ough is important. The following flow me- and kegs. With deviations of only 0.2 % of the

876 877

measuring value, they fulfil the requiremen ts of the flow velocity. An advantage here is that the
the Prepackagillg Act. ultrason ic sensors a re installed exte rnally on
the pipes so that no built-in components are ne-
Mass flow meter acconfillg to the Coriolis prill- cessary.
ciple (MDM)
With this flow meter, the Coriolis force is ex- 7.5.3 Filling level meters
ploited, which acts on every body moving in a The measurement of the filling level is of p ar ti-
rotating sys tem. The rotating motion overlaps cular importance. In m any cases, it is critical not
..c ..c
with a straight motion. Applying thi s principle to exceed the maxi mum permitted filling level, <l

to the measurement of the flow rate, the bevera- in order to prevent damage. In the case of bulk
ge to be measured is led tlu'ough a measure- materials, three different systems are employ- Sensor 1
Fig. 7.12
ment path consisting of two parallel pipes or pi- ed: Fillillg levellllensllremellt all lite bnsis of
pe loops or a pipe spiral. The measurement capacitive sensors, which are cheap but only press llre differellces
pipes are mad e to oscillate. This ca uses a phase have a low level of discenul1ent,
discrepancy between the beguuling and end of oscillating fork sensors, whose oscillation is
dampened as soon as the sensor is covered by The content of tallks can also be determuled By applying inducti ve flow measurement
cereal, which the inbuilt electronic teclmolo- very easily and accurately by registerulg the in- with ultrasound measurem ent, it is p ossible
gy can easily interpret, and flOWUlg alld outflowing volume usulg IDM. cons tantly to measure the wort concentration
wing wheel signallers, whose motor driven Emptiness uldication p robes (on the basis of online and thus, i.n combulation with a s uitable
wing wheel comes to a halt as soon as the measurement of conductivity or using oscilla- regula tion, to achieve all optimisa tion of the
bulk material has reached a particular level. tUlg fork sensors) give a signal as to whether the original wort concentrati.on (Di essel, Hildes-
For liquids, a variety of different probes are container is full or empty. heim).
used. With ultrasound measurement, the diffe-
Fig. 7.11 Fig. 7.12 shows the filling level measurement 7.5.4 Density meters rence in the operating time is measured, which
J'vJensllremellt prill ciple of tlte illdllctive flow mens llrer (10M) on the basis of pressure differences Ul a closed Bend oscillators and ultrasolmd sensors are im- can also be used to determule the density m the
(UE) J'vJensllrelllellt voltnge, (0 ) dinmeter (electrode distnllce),
contauler (Endress + Hauser). From the diffe- plemented as density meters, alld in combinati- case of d efined liquids. This ultrasOlmd measu-
(v) flow velocity, (B) mnglleticfield
rence between the total pressure, measured by on with other method s are also used to determi- rement (US) Call also take place through thin
sensor 1, and the CO, head pressure, measured ne the alcohol content of the beer. For example, walls, so tha t no internal fittin gs are necessary.
by sensor 3, the pressure compensated fillin g bend oscillators are used with ultrasound sen- The accuracy of measurement of US systems is
the measurement pipe. This change to the reso- level is given. This, however, is dependent on sors (Anton Graz) or ultrasound sensors up to 0.2 %mas. Because of this, they are used,
nance frequency is measured . It is proportional the density. with Corio lis mass flow meter (Diessel, Hildes- for example, for extract indications in wort kett-
to the mass flow and can also be used as the It is also possible to determule the tallk con- heim). les, for the separation of first and las t rlumings
density measurement. tents in standing or lyulg tanks using ultra- The extract measurement is approached from in filtration or for re-thinning in the High
The procedure is highly accurate and can be sound (echolot principle). For this, one sensor di ffe rent angles. Gravity procedure.
built UltO plants which have been officially cali- measures the diameter of the tank, the other the The density of the wort is determined using For even more accurate measurements, bend
brated . height up to the beer level (Fig. 7.13) . The tank bend oscillators, ultrasOlmd and mass flow me- oscillator systems are used which achieve an ac-
contents are determined from this by all evalua- ters. curacy of 5 x 10-5 g/cm 3 . As well as in the labora-
Ultrasollic flow lIIeasuremellt tion ulstrument. The sensors are simply stuck Beer values (original wort content, ex tract tory, bend oscillators are used to determine the
Usulg this method, the duration of an ultraso- to the tank on the outside, so that internal fit- content, fermenta tion level) are determined concentration foreruns during lauterulg . The
nic signal in the direction of flow and agaulst tmgs are LUUlecessary. ln the case of lyUlg tal'lks, usulg mode of operation of the bend oscillator was
the direction of flow is measured. From the dif- the uldication only appears when the tank is bend oscillator and refraction or described in Section
ference between the two measurements, it is more than half full. The uldication is accurate to bend oscillator and ultrasound or The differential pressure measurement (En-
possible to determme the volume flow rate and within 1 %. mass flow meter and ultrasolmd. dress + Hauser) is based on the correlation bet-

ween the differential pressure and the hydro- At different points during the production
s tatic height and the density of the medium . process, there is a necessary phase separation,
Two ex tremely accurate pressure measurement for example during the transition from yeast to spectrum of electromagnetic waves
sensors measure the hydrostatic pressure at beer, the transition from wort to water or water
1DB 109
two different heights of the tank. Based on to beer. In every case, the correct changeover
knowledge of the height difference, the opera- point is decisive from both an economic and a microwaves
tional density of the current tank tempera ture qualitative point of v iew. It is h ere that optical
can then be calculated. online measuring technology has come into its
own, whereby the different light fractions are
used in different ways (Fig. 7.15).
Haze is an optical effect caused by the ad-
sorption and diffusion of li ght on particles
which are dis tributed in liquid. The particles
here are all three-dimensional in form and have
a different refractive index from that of the li- 400 450 500 570 590 620 670 (nm)
quid - that is, they are solids, such as: colour measurement, suspension measurement,
• yeast cells, independent 01 haze independent 01 colour
kieselgulu· (PVPP),
diffused light, residual haze
• filter aids. independent of colour
As gas bubbles also have their own refractive
index, it is not possible to take a measurement
in beer with CO, release, because the gas bub-
bles distort the measurement result.
Fig. 7.15
In the case of ha ze measurement, the degree Process pholollleiry lIIenSlIrelllell1 vnllles
of haze is m easured by: speclm lll of elecirolllng ll elic wnves
the absorption of light or
the diffusion of light.
In both cases, the process medium of a beam
of light is penetrated; a receiver then measlll"es angle of measurement from 11 to 25 (for- 0 of the photometer (tI) is considerably faster
Fig. 7. 13 the difference in the light beam. wa rd light diffusion measurement) and than the mean value of the response time using
CO lllellis lII ensllrellle1llllsillg IIllrnsollllri angle of measurement of 90 (Fig. 7.16) . 0
the human eye (t2) [287]. Time is money; many
• In the case of absorption measurement, the
(EellDlol prill ciple) (III nlllolllniioll)
detector is located directly on the optical axis In recent years, optical measuring teclmology small losses or gains accLunulate over time!
of the light beam and measures the attenuati- has been increasingly incorporated into process In addition to the examples mentioned, there
on of light, which occurs as a result of the par- measurement and analysis teclu1010gy in bre- are many other possibilities for the application of
ticle concentration (e .g. measurement of the weries . With the aid of optical measuring tech- optical measuring teclmology: for example, in
7.5.5 Optical online measuring technology yeast concentration during yeast removal). nology, it is possible to evaluate the mass flow filter backwashing,
Optical sensors in the form of meters are impor- In the case of light diffusion measurement, more rapidly than by using conductivity or ot- pitching control,
tant elements in automation teclmology. With detectors d etermine the amount of light that her measuring techniques, and thus to take any roasted malt beer dosage,
their help, much smaller differences in the de- is scattered below a certain angle (e.g. resi- necessary measures. The saving in time and concentration of disinfectant,
gree of haze or colour can be recorded than is dual haze following filtration). thus the economic ga in is even greater in con- rinsing,
possible with the human eye. Optical online With light diffusion measurement, two an- tras t to the human reaction (Fig. 7.17). From the polluting load in CIP,
measuring teclmology was developed for this gles of measurement ha ve proven to be partiClI- example of a phase separation of beer and ye- output control (COD),
reason . larty favourable: ast, it can be clearly seen that the response time water inflow control a.o.
880 881

yeast mixture beer


II ' ;11
19 8
,, 3


\ I
Fig. 7.16
Allgle distriulltioll of diffll sed

ligllt for Inrge nlld s111nll pnrti-
7 cles
90 0: 111nilll!! for slllnll pm·ticles Fig. 7.17
(e.g. proteill, tm111ill1110leCIIles)
t1 : process
Sigllnl pnllem ill phnse sepnmti-
11 mid 25 0: 111nillllj for lnrge all !Ienstfueer t2 : visible process
_ _ _-' pm·ticles (!Ienst cells, kieselgllhr)

As well as haze measurement, optical sensors In m an y areas, portable measuring instru- mum or m ax imum fillin g levels which h ave to The measuring instruments used are:
are used for ments are often u sed . The adjustment of the in- be measured, and if necessa ry also intermedia- m an ometers if the indication is made on the
measuring op tical d en sity - concentration struments is carried out using buffer solutions. te values. Generally only a yes/no result is ne- spot or
measurement, cessary. • pressure sensors (pressure transdu cers) if the
measuring colour, 7.5.8 Conductivity measurement Li mit value probes are based on capacitive or pressure is measured remo tely.
measuring fluorescence and Cleaning agents are used up with time and have inductive m easurement. The conductivity mea- TIle measuring part of a manome ter consists
measuring the refractive index . to be topped up. Directly measlll'ing the concen- surement, change to the optimal density or me- of a pipe spring, a plate sprin g or a capsule
tration is very laborious and time consuming. chanical measurements can also be evaluated. spring made of brass.
7.5.6 Oxygen meters Cleaning agents and disinfectants, however, Pressu re sensors often have as measuring parts
The measurement of the oxygen content in the consist of solutions of acids, alkalis, or their 7.5.10 Pressure measurement stretchable measuring strips, piezoelech'ic effects
beer has become increasingly important in the salts and are thus dissociated. The conductivity At many points on the production path, the pres- of resistance or inductive or capacitive measu-
last few years. Oxygen measurement using por- of a liquid is therefore proportional to the con- sure must be m easured . The lUut of measure- ring techniques; the last-mentioned mostly in
table and, increasingly, also p erm anently instal- centration of the ions in the liquid and can be ment for pressu re is the Pascal (Pa). For tecluucal c01Ulection witl1 ceran1ic membranes. Pressure
led instruments is gaining more and more im- measured as such. Therefore the conductivity measurements, bar is preferred. 1 bar = 105 Pa. sensors are produced with a margin of error of
portance (see Sect. can be u sed to determine the concentration of In. addition, for low pressures, the lIlut Meh'e 0.6%, 1 % and 1.6 %. The first-mentioned instru-
watery solutions, such as cleaning agent soluti- water collUnn (m WC) is given, and for still lower ments should be preferred. Particularly for blU1-
7.5.7 pH value meters ons or disinfecting agent solutions and their au- pressures mm we. On old m anometers one so- ging, manometers of Class 1 at least should be fa-
The measurement of the pH value is very impor- tomatic refill (topping-up) doses. metimes still finds the indication kp/cm2 = 1 a t -1 vOlu'ed, in order to avoid overpressure.
tant, since very many processes in the production The lU1it of measurement for the specific con- wluch is no longer permitted to be used. Process m easurement and analysis teclu1010-
of wort and beer are dependent on the pH value. ductivity is the Siemens (e.g. mS/cm) . It is pre- Manometers generally show the overpressure gy has become highly developed in recent years
Measurement takes place using a glass elech'o- ferable to use inductive conductivity sensors in relation to the air pressure. A m anometer pres- and provides the brewery w ith extensive possi-
de and a reference elech'ode, which are usually which are not disturbed by possible d eposits. slll'e of 0 bar tllerefore m eans an absolute pressu- bilities to manage and control the processes
combined to form a "single rod measuring chain" re of 1 bar. Overpressures are therefore indicated very exactly according to previous specificati-
and which are also capable of temperature com- 7.5.9 Limit value probes with P<y e.g. Po = 3 bar or p = 3 bar (0). Unlabelled ons. This increasingly eliminates human mista-
pensation. The glass electrodes are made of very Limit value probes are employed to reveal or si- pressure indica tions are absolute pressures. kes and ensures the quality.
thin glass and are velY sensitive to the touch! gnal particular filling heights. Mostly it is mini-
VLB Berlin

Central Laboratory
leading in purification
Beer Analysis without
Sample Preparation
The modular measuring system PBA- B
Generation M determines the original extract,
alcohol, extract, CO 2 content, and other
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mixtures. Sample is taken directly out of the
package, and the quick and accurate analysis
requires no sample preparation.
PBA-B Generation M is a combination of a
DMA 4500 M or DMA 5000 M density meter,
an Alcolyzer Beer ME measuring module, a
CarboOC ME measuring module and a PFD
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The Beer Monitor uses the density and sound
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- are detmmined exactly.

VLB Berli n Influences arising from changing temperature, pressure

and degree of fermentation are compensated.
Research in the dissolved CO 2 content can be measured and
compensated using an inline CO 2 transducer. The Beer
Monitor can also be used to measure nonalcoholic beers and beer mixtures.

Anton Paar Measuring Instruments for

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D igox 6.1
Your reference analyser for 0 2 measurement
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8 Small Scale Brewing

Previously the talk was always about making regional breweries with an output of more
large volumes of beer in large installations. than 17,550 hi = 15,000 US bbl and
About 95 % of the total global beer production microbreweries with an output of below
is now brewed by large brew ing companies. 17,550 hI = 15,000 US bbl.
With their brands they dominate the marke t The structure of the pub breweries is defined as
and everyone can buy their beers. in Germany whereas microbreweries are not per-
However, in many countries people increa- mitted to have restaurant operations.
singly wish to brew their own beer or to sit in a In addition there are also contracted brewe- 8
pub and watch bow tbe beer is brewed, experi- ries which brew and l'lm specialities for other
ence how it smells and observe what goes on. breweries.
Of course the beer is always produced using the What is the difference between pub and mi-
same stages as has been d escribed but there are crobreweries? Depending on the legal regulati-
a few special features which apply to these ons applicable in the particul ar cOlmtry, they
small breweries which should be mentioned sell their beer
bere. A distinction must firs t be made between in the attached eating and drinking establish-
two different groups: on the one hand there are ment (pub breweries),
the "home brewers" or "hobby brewers" who or
brew their own beer and who also drink the they supply their beer (cask or bottle beer) to
small amounts (more or less) which they pro- res taurants (microbreweries) beca u se they
duce themselves, and on the other hand the- are not permitted to, or do not want to, sell
re are beer in the brewery.
the "pub brewers" and " microbrewers" who
produce and sell about 500 to 10,000 hl per 8.1 Pub breweries
year. In pub breweries there is a direct cOlmection
In many cOlmtries sma ller commercial bre- between beer production and gastronomy. The
weries with a capacity of up to about 30,000 hI pub brewer has therefore a very close relations-
are called microbreweries. There are a conside- hip with customers. The customers of a pub
rable number of micro and pub breweries and brewery expect
the number grows daily. In Germany there are to be able to see (and possibly to some extent
about 680 micro and pub breweries with an an- smell) how the beer is brewed,
nual output of up to 5,000 hI, of which 220 are to see the brewer, to talk to tbem and get to
res taurant bre weries, and in the USA their know them,
VLB Berlin number has increased in recent years to more tbat the beer will taste good and it will be a
tban 1500. In other countries too, the number of pleasure to have another glass of it,
Eventmanagement micro and pub breweries being opened is in- tha t the pub will be a comfortable place in
creasing. which to sit and talk, In the USA a distinction is made between that there will be a choice of nourishing meals
[2,J brewmaster@vlb-berlin .org small breweries as follows: suitable to go with the beer, and
890 891

that there will be an atmosphere of good com- the expelled mois ture smellin g of wort and may
panionship. even stay away. Noises associated w ith b rewing
As a result one refers to "themed restaurants" are not always received positively. It is better
or "event gastronomy" . n ot to mix the display va lue of the brewhouse
These are the high expectations which a pub with noises and smells.
brewer must satisfy. And it is not quite so easy for The Figures of brewhouses of different 111i-
a pub brewer to do this, as pub brewers who ha- crobreweries (Fig. 8.1) are intended to give tips
ve been unsuccessful point out. Problems such as and ideas.
the choice of the building fo r the brewery, the What equipment is absolutely essential fo r a
catchment area, the customers to be expected pub brewe r and what ca n be used to comple-
from the ca tchment al"ea, the status and ability to ment this? The core equipment for considera ti-
pay of the potential customers, the expectations on is the brewing plant.
3 of the brewer, the type and variety of the foo d to Basic considerations must include the follo- 8
be provided and the serving staff, etc. w ill not be wing question s.
discussed in detail here. an indication How large is the exp ected beer trad e?
will be given of how greatly the answer to these How many sea ts d oes the pub ha ve and how
and similar questions can affect the results. many of them will be occupied at midda y/in
The pub brewer is first of all interested in gi- the evening?
ving p articular emphasis to the display value of What is the anticipated beer turnover daily,
their brewery. This includes, for example, an a t- weekly, m onthl y and yearly?
tractive (and wh ere possible, copper) brewhou- How man y brews should be m ad e each
se, in some cases w ith an attracti ve wood en week?
cladding, exhibited close to the publi c so that it What size of vessel d oes this require?
can almost be touched. The two vessels w hich it What are the possibilities for exp ansion?
m ay comprise should be slightly raised so that For example: with a 10 hi brewing plant (cast
everyo ne can see them. It should be automated, wort output 10 hi) about 8.5 hi of beer can be
but only when no-one is there, and at other ti- produced (ca. 15% loss). If on e brew is made on
mes the brewer should viSibly m anually control each of fi ve d ays p er week for 40 weeks a year
it in p erson . The fermentation cellar sh ould al- (5 weeks holiday, 3 weeks illness, 2 weeks re-
so be on show - behind glass of course for hy- pairs) then
giene reasons - with the fermenting yeas t head 8.5 x 40 x 5 = 1700 hi of beer p er year
in the open fermentation vessels visible to all. are produced .
Palms look good in the brewhouse, but attracti- If one assumes (with 300 opening d ays) 6 hI
Fig. 8.1
ve wa ll decora tions must also be p resent. Here of beer consumption per day this is equivalent III the pllb brewery
one mus t h ave one's own id eas . Everything to Th e Figllre shows differell t pllblic maillS witll illtegmted brewillg eq ll ipillellt. Th e two copper (nlso copper plnted or copper
w hich the customer sees mus t be stimulating . 300 x 6 = 1800 hI of beer p er year. conted) brewillg vessels nre nlwnys the cell tre of nttelltioll for the gll es t. Tllis nlolle, I/Owevel; is 1I0t sllfficiell l; Ihey shollid be posi-
liolled ill the lII iddle of the mOIll, mised nll d sepnm ted by n decomtive grille to prevellt nccidwts - the vessels nre sOllletillles I/Ot
High-quality music, an tmobtrusive pianis t or a It is obvious that in this case there is a defi-
or IIIny overflow.
small band which plays occasionall y also make ciency and there are no reserves. However, if a
a pub interesting and attractive. The brewer can d aily consumpti on of only 4 hI is consumed, PnrtiCIIlnrly decomtive is n 10llg nttrnctive bnr IIInde of copper ill the snllle style, ns well ns IIInllY wnll decomtiolls nlld dingmllls
also talk about his b eer or how it is made - the then Iypical to n brewery or old brewery eqlliplllwt nlld itellls. This nil hns 10 be illteres fillg nlld excitillg fa fhe CIIstolllers nlld nl/mcf
their nttell tioll. The shnpe nlld desigll of tIle pllblic m01l1 sl/OlI ld nlso be givell n lot of nftell tioll : divided pnrtit iolls, lIiches nlld
customers want to be entertained . 300 x 4 = 1200 hi of beer p er year
sll/nll spnces nre f reqllell tllJ desirnble sentillg nrens.
It is m ore difficult if the brewer cooks in the are need ed. The requirement is covered an d a
presence of the gu ests. Some gu ests d o not like large reserve is avail able. Photos: (1 - 4) Knspnr 5chlllz, Bnll/berg (5) Appnmtebnll Nordhnllsell (6) BTE Bmllerei-Tech II ik Essell

892 893

It is of course possible to produce more than Because of teclul010gy u sed for beer producti- Pub brewers usually employ a simple two- for special additional ingredients such as salt,
one brew a day, but this catmot be done indefi- on, a pub brewery also has a hot section (the bre- roll mill for milling, located outside the public coriatlder, cloves, lemon or orange peel, honey
nitely by one brewer alone. It is importatlt that wing equipment) and a cold section (fennentati- room but, if possible, visible. Care must be ta- etc. Attention must be paid to storage life, sto-
the beer production process extends into the on atld maturation cell at') which must be suitably ken with dust formation during milling atld it rage temperanlres atld possible spoilage.
eve rung pub trading hours because this consi- separated from one another (Fig. 8.2). must be kept away from the guests. Careful consideration should be given to au-
derably increases the entertainment value atld Points to be considered by the pub brewer The kettle is indirectly heated by steam tomation of the plant. Basically everything
the customers feel directly involved in the bre- with regard to the plant and its operation will which is produced by a low pressure boiler. Ot- should be automated to set the brewer free . On
wing process . now be considered. her types of heating (direct burning of gas or the other hand it must be possible to switch to
In Germany one reckons with 10 hI of oil, or electric heating) may be used but cause manual operation everything which makes a
beer/seat in the pub per year. Brewillg plallt pro blems. Heating Catl also be done by means visual impact and illustrates the brewing pro-
A pub brewer must first calculate this basic fi- Because of the small quantities involved, malt is of an external boiler. However, the heating sur- cess.
gure since it is from this that the size of the delivered in sacks. The sacks must be stored lU1- face must be calculated accurately to avoid de-
mash vessels are calculated. del' dry conditions because malt is hygroscopic trimental effects. Ferlllelltatioll al/{l lIlatllratioll cellar 8
One assumes the following approximate va- atld gradually becomes moist. With silo storage Great value should be put on vapour conden- It is best to use open fermenters, located behind
lues (Sect. 3.6.2) per dt (0.1 tonne) of grist: at least two silos must be provided and stored sation, especially when the pub is located in a glass, in order to show consumers how fermen-
mash and lauter vessel 6 - 8 hI batches should not be too large . A weighing de- built-up area. Over-powerful smells in the pub tation proceeds. If there are height differences
mash and wort kettle 8 - 9 hi vice must be available for smaller quantities. area Catl also be lUlpleasant! Vapour compressi- mirrors Catl easily be used. Fermenters should
on can be used but is very expensive. be suitable for the brew size. Because of the risk
The lauter nUl must be well insulated to pre- of contamination, non-circulation cooling is
Brewhouse whirlpool vent lU1desirable cooling of the small quantities. preferable; the fermenters have wall cooling.
(hot rooms) Wort separation should not be enclosed because
it is in any case impossible to prevent oxygen
tratlsfer in the small quantities and
the visual effect of open lautering is dispro-
portionately greater.
The visual effect Catl be increased, for example,
by using a hand pump to pump back the clou-
dy wort or by a visibly connected lauter mano-
meter (with explanation) . Removal and dispo-
sal of the spent grains throughout the year
23 should be kept in view.

Pipework should consist of stainless steel pi- Fig. 8.3
Cooling, Aeration pes and butterfly valves should preferably be Fenllelltntioll nlld IIIntllrntioll cellnr of n pllb brewery
B Fermentation
11 (Photo: BTE Brnllerei-Teclillik, Essell )
9 used. Transfer should be performed by centri-
12 Q1 I (cold rooms) fugal pumps with open impellers (up to 60

13 8 G 6n A hI/h) with a flow velocity not greater thatl 1.3

;Pf14 F m/s in the suction pipe. Special attention should be given to fennen-
The whirlpool should be built near the cop- tation vessels (wall cooling) .
Fig. 8.2
Plnllt nlld process dingrnlll for n pllb brewery per or the copper built as a combined whirl- Lagering should be performed in vertical
(BTE Brnllerei-Tecllllik, Essw) pool-kettle. The trub should be sprayed out ma- tat1l<s with dished bottoms, or pOSSibly CCVs
(1) IIInlt bnlnll ce, (2) IIlnlt lIIill, (3) IIlnshlwort kettle, (4) IOllter till I, (5 ) Wllirlpool, (6) wort coolel; (7) wort nerntioll, (8) (9) nually and wort cooled by a plate cooler. (Fig. 8.3), made of stainless steel. Fixed pipes
beerfiltel; (10) pressllre tnllk, (11) tnppillg, (1 2) sipllOlI, (13) keggillg, (14) pllIllP, (15) ClP tnllk, (2 1) sten/II gellerntol; (22) COIII-
Hop pellets or hop extract should be stored in should be used. When hoses are used these
pressed nil; (23) ice wnter plnllt, (24) wort unpollr colldellsntioll, (25) IlOt wnter tnllk
A) cold wntel; (B) hot wntel; (C) hops, (0 ) spellt grnill, (E) tmb, (F) yenst, (G) kieselgllhl; (H) colllpressed nil; (I) ice wnta a refrigerator. Similar storage must be plamled should be of the highest quality. In small plants
894 895

cleaning and disinfection is best done w ith d is- mains res pon sib le for control of the d ispense Becau se honey is produced by bees fro m a w ithout knowled ge of, and complian ce w ith,
posable solutions (no storage containers). equipment. very wide va ri e ty of mead ow fl owers it con- the legal reg ulation s. One sho ul d therefore first
The full y fe rmented beer is forced, unfiltered tains the abund ant flavour, a nd m ostly vola tile, pay a ttention to the lega l requirem ents. In most
and cooled to 0 °C into h olding tanks. Th e loca l Types of beer arom a compo unds of these m eadow plants. countries these include:
regul a ti on s of the revenue authorities rela ting It is ex trem ely im portant for the pub brewer to Corresp o ndingly the typ es of hon ey d iffer a licen ce to brew beer,
to recording the a molmts of beer so ld must be d ecide wh a t type of beer wi ll be brewed, w hat grea tly in qu ality d epending on the m eadows building regulation con sent to establish a pub
obse rved exactl y, otherwise unpleasa nt surpri- it sh ould tas te like and w ha t the cus tomers w ill visited by the bees (see Sect. 7.3.3). brewery,
ses ca n occur. There sh ould be a t least three hol- expect. O ther fac to rs w hich can pl aya role in the de- en vironmental protection regula tions,
ding tanks - m ore if more than on e type of beer It is inherently nonsensical to com pete with the velopment of a brewery 's own brands are tax/revenue regul ation s, and
is sup p lied . m ajor bra nds. Large breweries nahlrally have the u se of a top fermentation yeast ins tead of other rele vant legal requirem ents w hich have
It d oes not p ay a pub brewer to have his ow n comple tely different opporhmities for ensuring or before the bottom fermenta tion yeas t, o r to be observed in this case, such as, for exam -
yeas t p ropagation unit. Yeast should be obtai- the qu ali ty of their products. The pub brewer the use of a second ary ferm enta tion yeas t ple, lega l requirem ents rega rding food, hy-
8 ned fr om a larger brewery. A fter a brewing must find his own niche and produce only a few with a special aro ma profile (e.g. Bre ttano- giene and wa ter, as well as 8
shutdo wn (m aintenance, holiday, illness) fresh types of beer. The development of own brands myces), o r work a nd fire protection .
yeast must in any case be obtained from a larger should be based on the following considerations: use of lac tic acid bac teria.
brew ery. Wha t original gravity sh ould be chosen - thi s Acidic beer can be desirable, but when the Investigate mOlley sav illg altel'//atives
to a la rge extent determines the alcohol con- acidifica tion proceeds Lmcontrolled the beer be- Since no pub brewe r builds or ins talls his plant
Dispellse eqllipmellt tent of the beer. In general the tend ency is to comes undrinkably sour. It is be tter in su ch ca- himself he is dep endent on tenders. When the
In a p ub brewe ry the connection between beer produce a rather weaker beer with an ori gi- ses to obtain cu ltured lac tic acid bac teria from a pub brewer - and this is usually the case - is not
production and disp ense is very close. The pub n al wor t content of 10.5 to 12 %. Much s tron- supplying institute and allow them to wo rk in a a t the outset wea lthy, h e must save money. H ow
brewer is therefore interested in adjusting the ger beers result in lower consumption becau- controlled way. The consumer must then have can this be don e? Chea p is not the same as eco-
sa tura tion pressure in the holding tank to the se they are less pala table. available a sweet additi ve to balan ce the fl a- nom ic. Advantages for the pub brewer are:
dispense and drink ing temperature. This tem - • What ch aracter should be given to the beer, vour. Of p articular importance is the co-ordu1a- the b eer d oes not need to be filtered and pac-
perahlre varies from cOlmtry to cOlmtry and is, i.e. sho uld the beer have a stronger or less tion of the foo d m enu with the type of beer. kaged,
for example, pronolmced tas te; this is also affected by there is n o o utside trade and no contacts with
in Europe 6 - 8°C the colour of the beer, which can be made to Ell ergy sltpplies s uppliers.
in Am erica 0 - 4 0c. vary fr om pale, through m edilll1 and d ark to For opera tions the pub brewer requires Con sequently th ere a re only th e in-h ouse
N owad ays a CO,IN, mi xed gas is preferably black, but must be adapted to the ch a rac ter of a low pressure plant for steam production, costs.
used as dispense driving gas and this ca n be ob- the beer. In this context a decision must be possibly a flash w ith Matters which must be a ttended to are:
tained everyw here as a mixed gas or p roduced m ad e wh ether a hot wa ter tank, fU1ancing, compan y capital, credit, interest,
in sih!. the beer should h ave m ore malt flavour or a refri gera tion plant, electrica lly opera ted rep aym ent, time p eriods,
It is obvious that the dispense cOlmter w ith the m ore bitterness or w he ther with glycol cooling, or more simply costs for ma terials and energy, wages and as-
dispense COllU1111 should be attractively equip- by the use of additives a m ore aromatic fla- • an ice w a te r s torage unit for wort and beer soci ated costs, the number of employees the
ped . The brewery's ow n decora ted glasses w ith a vour differing to a lesser or grea te r extent cooling, and also business h as, wha t one can p ay, what is secu-
special shape, possibly also special mugs and ot- from the normal sh ould be produced. Exam- an air compressor for wort ae ra tion. red and w hat is n ot, what is the p ain thres-
her containers, should also be used . H owever the ples of such additives are Because the en ergy supplying equipment is hold,
cost fac tor must also be considered. spices such as cooking sa lt, cloves expen sive, both to purch ase and to op era te, the exp ected income, profitability.
Production of na turally h lrbid beer d oes n o t and cuu1am on, or much attention should be p aid w hen justifyin g
elimi.nate the n ecessity for d aily cleanin g of the fruits such as cherries, blueberries or d ried its selection . The inexpensive supply of h ot w a- 8.2 Microbrewers
dispense equipment. Without it contaminations orange or lem on peel, ter, in p articul a r, mus t be ensured . In contras t to a pub brewer, a microbrewer has
soon becom e es tabli shed, which are in this case herbs such as basil, sage or camomile, and fewe r worries about the appea rance of his bre-
more difficult to see but can soon cause lmplea- m ore recently and increasingly Wit/, regard to legal regltlatioll s we ry. It must of cou rse be clean and attrac tive
sant tas tes and smells. The op erator always re- honey. It is not p ossible to brew beer in any cOlmtry but it is n ot on displ ay to the beer consumers
896 897

every day. The larger the microbrewery, the mo- Others purchase the ingredients but prefer to yeas t, this must be obtained in a container added at intervals of about 6 to 8 hours, not for-
re applicable the comments made in the prece- work with the materials obtained at home and fro m a brewery if a dried yeast is not used, getting to bring the barley from the bottom up
ding section regarding plant and processes. prepare their beer there. the quality of which CatUlot be guaratlteed. to the top again.
However, every microbrewer also needs fil- A third group refuse to obtain pre-prepared Turning once again to malt. One can make After about two days the barley has taken up
ling equipment because the beer in not sold on extracts and materials and instead are proud to this oneself. It has been shown (Sect. 2) how it is enough water to start to grow and slowly it be-
the spot. O£ course there are also microbrewe- produce a good quality beer by themselves, produced. But there are a few problems when gins to germinate, as Catl easily be seen (see
ries which operate a pub attached to them. In starting from the begilming. Since the amount producing such small amolUlts which will be Sect. 2.4.2). In the following days the germina-
that case the boundaries between the two defi- of equipment required is relatively expensive to discussed here. ting barley must be thoroughly turned - prefe-
nitions are blurred. purchase and operate, sometimes such groups rably by hand - 2 to 3 times a day and preven-
First and £orelnost a micro brewer needs a keg o£ hobby brewers take turns to a use a co-opera- MnldHg YOllr OWH 1I1nlt ted from drying by spraying from a bottle. It is
filling plant. Depending on the amolmt of keg tively bought and operated plant and then com- How much malt is needed? Rather more possible to see how the rootlets grow and gra-
beer a plant with one or more filling heads is re- pare their products with one another. That is (comparatively) than by a large brewery which dually intertwine. If care is not taken and tur-
8 quired . When the opportunity arises, or when it very enjoyable! of course, using 17 kg of malt per hi of 11 % beer, ning is forgotten, the heap becomes too warm 8
is necessary, microbrewers also use bottle, sy- In order to make good quality beer - even in can operate more efficiently. It should be assu- and a felted mat is soon produced. Therefore
phon or can filling equipment. small quatltities - good raw materials are requi- med that for home brewing the germination vessel is best kept in a cool
Because a microbrewer sells his beer off the red. The raw materials for malt and beer pro- for 1 hi o£ 11 - 12 % beer about 20 kg o£ malt is room at 14 - 15 DC. The germinating barley has
premises, the beer must be filtered and stabili- duction or only for beer production are availa- required . a strong smell of fresh cucumbers.
sed before it is filled. Moreover attention must ble for purchase in the respective shops in large If a smaller volume is to be produced then the This procedure has to be observed very close-
be drawn to the merits o£ the product by suitab- towns: quantity is simply divided appropriately. ly because the processes now occur very quick-
le labelling and advertising, because direct use barley or malt - different types, In order to produce the malt, a larger quanti- ly. When the rootlets have reached about 1.5 ti-
catmot be made of the display value o£ the bre- • malt extract (to be diluted to wort), ty of barley is needed because about a fifth to a mes the length of the corn, germination must be
wery as is the case with a pub brewer. But the hops in the form o£ extract, pellets or whole quarter o£ the weight is lost during malting (see stopped and kilning conunenced. The kiln must
microbrewer must also compete successfully leaf hops, Sect. 2.7). Thus it can be calculated that now be ready, otherwise a miniature green field
against the major bratlds by establishing a ni- yeast of different strains, stored cool and with for 1 hi of beer 25 kg of barley is needed of barley will soon have been produced for the
che with his own special beer brands, which the a reasonable shelf life, partly as dried yeast. or the appropriate fraction thereof. waste bin.
consumer likes, and convincing the customers In addition: vessels, measuring cylinders, Steeping Catl be performed in a simple contai- It has been pointed out (Sect. 2.5.1) that kil-
of the quality of the beer. spindles and much more. ner with a flat bottom. For this water equal to ning primarily depends on air flow. A large
Otherwise everything which is described in Anyone who does not know such a shop or just less than half the weight of the barley is amolUlt of hot air results in good drying. An at-
section 3 to 5 applies also to microbrewers even have one within a reasonable distat1Ce, has to needed. Thus it can be calculated that tempt must now be made therefore, to force a
though the equipment used is rather smaller. look arOlUld in the neighbourhood. 25 kg o£ barley (15% water) contains 3.75 kg lot of hot air through the germinating barley
• malt, to be obtained from a brewery or mal- ,.vater, to which is added 12 1 o£ water (which is called green malt at this stage). The air
8.3 Hobby brewers tings - or home made! = 12.00 kg water, producing 37 kg of temperature must not increase above 50 DC if
The number of home and hobby brewers has in- hops, preferably as pellets, vacuum packed, steeped barley containing 15.75 kg water the risk of producing glassy malt is to be avoi-
creased considerably in recent years in some from a brewery or hop merchant. One should =42.5% ded. Only after the malt is almost completely
cOlUltries. This movement is supported by nu- try to obtain the smallest possible packet of dry can the temperature be increased to 80 DC.
merous compatlies which, in many cOlUltries, different sorts - hops are very important for This is the degree of steeping we want. Of To do this within one day is not very easy.
supply the necessary raw materials for beer the aroma. course the water is not absorbed immediately, One possibility (Fig. 8.4) is to construct a clo-
production in small packages available for pur- • water, only the local supply is available. But but first very rapidly and then increasingly sed box (1) with a false bottom screen (3) on
chase and also make available equipment and beware - water is usually chlorinated and slowly. Consequently just less than half the wa- which the green malt (4) is placed. Hot air is for-
assistance for wort production and £ermentati- this produces an unpleaSatlt chlorinated phe- ter is added at first, in other words about 5 1, ced under the "floor" by a fan . In the simplest
on on the premises o£ the company. Conse- nol flavour in the beer. It is advisable in such and the steeping barley is well mixed from time case this Catl be a fan heater (2). However, the
quently an individual can make their own beer cases to install an active carbon filter or to boil to time until all the water has disappeared from air only passes through the layer of malt, which
with minimal outlay. the water beforehand. the bottom. Then the remainder of the water is offers a resistance, when the space beneath the

false bottom is air-tight. It is therefore highly If the small fan is not suitable for the malt cu- some cOlUltries the amOlUlts of beer w hich can be Lautering often presents problems w hen
advisable to seal this container to begin with . ring ( 3 hours at 80 °C), this last stage must be per- prod uced without paying tax are very small. In such a sieve is lacking. A well proven alternati-
Furthermore the green malt layer must not be formed in a closed vessel, rather like a steam hea- Germany, for example, the fi gm e is 200 I per ye- ve method is the following:
more than 10 cm thick, so that the resistance is ted pot or an oven with a recirculation mode, so ar, but this even this amOlmt has to be registered . A chair is turned upside down and placed on
not too great. To reduce the resistance to the air as not to cause overheating. The malt must be Exceeding this amOlUlt causes problems with the another one, so that the four legs project up-
and to pass the necessary amount of air through quite dry at the end of the process, otherwise it taxation or excise authorities. wards. A corner of a permea bl e cloth (coarse li-
the green malt layer, a chinmey cowl (5), wit- rapidly becomes spoilt. moist malt is The composition of the grist of different nen or muslin cloth) is ti ed to each of the four
hout a filter, should be fitted on the box. not easy to mill for the mashing process. malts (Sect. 2.9.12) for the beer to be produced legs. A good wort separation and sp ent grain
Kilning can also be performed by drying the is the firs t important matter to consider. retention is obtained with the s training vessel
green malt in securely closed linen bags in a To grind the malt a ball mill or hammer mill thus formed .
5 tumble drier for washing (with an adjustable such as a kitchen grinder or coffee mill is used but The wort is allowed to l"lU1 into the "kettle",
temperature). As a result of the rotation of the grinding must not be too fine (see Sect. 3.1.2). which in the simplest case is a large cooking pot
8 drier and the large amount of hot air (depen- The next consideration is how varied and dif- (if possible with a run-off tap) and it is boiled
1 Fig. 8.4
ding on the drier type), the green malt dries
A fl ollle-lIlnde IIInll ferentiated the equipment requirement is and for a full hour with the hops added (see Sect.
killl well. Linen bags must be chosen which are what equipment is available. In the simplest ca- and A considerable amOlU1t of
(1) woodell or plnslic much larger than is necessary to contain the se mother's cooking pot can be used for mas- water boils away and the extract concentrates,
amount of green malt put in them, so that the Inventiveness is called for when the cash which has to be monitored .
(2) frl/l fl enler
(3) fnlse bottolll
malt corns continuously change their relative supply is short. The hop addition in the small brew is nahlral-
2 screell positions and the moisture distribution inside Mashing-in is done using the ratio ly small and depends on the beer type (see Sect.
(4) grew IIInII the bags decreases uniformly. 1 kg malt grist to 3 I water. 7.3). If 25 bitterness units are required in the
(5) ciIillllley cowl w il -
For curing what was said above applies. In this way, with subsequent dilution during beer (see Sect., then it is necessary to
flolIl n filler
At the end of curing the seedlings must be sparging (Sect. 3.3.1) and spraying the vessel add about
rubbed off and removed since they are useless clea n, an original extract content of about 12 % 25 BU = 2.5 g/hl, which with a 30 % yield
and even damaging, because of their high pro- is obtained after boiling with hops (see Sect. 3.4) = 7.5 glhl of a-acid
How much air should be passed through the tein content, in the further process. in the wort kettle. It tl1en depends on how much a-acid the foil
malt? This depends on how thick the malt layer Finally a malt is obtained which can be used Mashing is best done using an infusion process package contains - but that is generally marked
has become. First of all then, what surface area for brewing. or by increasing the temperature by adding boi- on it.
is required? Barley has a hi weight of 68 to 75 kg What has been described above for Pilsner ling water to the main mash, but of course other Finally the wort must be separated from the
(Sect.; if the figure of 70 kg is used: malt applies similarly to other malt types which methods can be used if enough money is availa- hot trub . This se ttles cleanly in the middle of the
one - although in smaller amOlU1ts - can also ble for the equipment. Mashing-in is performed cooking pot if a rotational movement of the
70 kg = 1.00 hI = 100 I, therefore make oneself. A standard range should contain, at 58 to 60 °C and the temperature raised after a contents is caused at the end of boili11g (whirl-
25 kg = 0.36 hI = 36 I in addition to Pilsner malt, at least caramel malt 30 min rest to 63 to 64 0c. After a maltose produc- pool effect, see Sect. Consequently the
For 36 I, and a thickness of 10 cm, the surface and black malt (cured in a baking oven) . tion rest of a further 30 min, the temperature is wort can be easily and cleanly drawn off
needed is 0.36 1112. A real fan will also try to convert other cere- slowly increased to 70 to 72 °C and held lU1til sac- through the side tap in the cooking pot. If there
The green malt layer must not exceed 10 C111 . als apart from barley to malt - wheat, rye, em- charification is completed, as shown by testing is no run-off tap, the separation is of course mo-
25 kg of barley produces a volume of 361 x 1.5 mer or others . It can be seen very quickly that with tincture of iodine (see Sect. It is re difficult.
= 54 I of green malt. each type of cereal reacts differently - a very in- equally possible to mash-in already at 60 to 63 °C The wort is now put in the vessel in which it
teresting field of activity! and to hold this temperature for 60 min before in- will be fermented and allowed to cool. The ves-
With a layer height of 10 cm, 0.54 m 2 kilning creasing it to 70 to 72 0c. When the wort is iodine sel must be sufficiently large and have a loose-
surface is required; this is a surface area of 0.75 Beer prodllctioH normal, the temperahlre is raised to 75 °C and the ly fitting lid. In the simplest case a waste bucket
m x O.75m. Before beginning to make beer one should, to wort then lautered. For this a large close-mesh or milk churn can be used. Since, on the one
To kiln the 25 kg of malt about 150 m 3 of air is be on the safe side, investigate the taxation re- sieve is used and the spent grains held back are hand, the fermenting beer now develops a consi-
required. gulations of the cOlU1try relating to this subject. In eXh·acted with not too much hot water. derable head due to the carbon dioxide which is
900 901

produced, and on the other hand, there is the risk a re closed w ith crown corks or better with a
of foreign micro-organisms passing into the beer swing stopper o r screw closure, a second ary
which could chan ge its taste, it is better to look fermenta tion is allowed to occu r for a week at 9 I Waste disposal and the environment
arOlmd for a fermentation vessel which can be about 18 DC, then the bottles are stored cool and
sealed, and which by m eans of a fermenta tion the beer consumed as soon as possible.
closure should en able the release of CO, w hilst In addition to this "standard brew ", testing of Du ring the manu fac tu re of beer a number of fe which ca n have da ngero us consequences.
preventing the entry of contaminants. Moreover the numerou s p ossible varia tions of the grist substan ces are p ro duced w llich must be d ispo- Observa tion of env ironme ntal regula tions is
a fermentation closu re clearly sh ows when fe r- composition and the use of possible additives sed of, prevented or rep rocessed . These include therefore of param ount impo rtance for b rewe-
mentation has finished. Containers of this ty pe is, as in the case of pub brewing, extrem ely en- Ul pa rticular ries in every cowltry.
are, for example, fermentation balloons w ith a joyable. Even when a composition d oes n ot ta- waste wa ter with its po llution load, In Ge rmrulY numerous environm ental laws
fermentation closlLre or even better are party s te so good, one should not become d iscoura- spent grains and sp ent hops, are ex tremely impor tant. These ulclude Ul pa r-
kegs or syrup containers with the appropria te fit- ged but should m ake further tests. tr ub, ticula r:
tings and dispense possibilities using CO,. However, always m a ke no tes on w h at h as excess yeas t, The Fed eral Emissions Control Act w ith 21
8 been used and how much - otherwise the great kieselg uhr slurry,
When the wort has cooled to 6 to 8 DC the ye- by-laws, including
ast is added and stirred in thoroughly. With the su ccess canno t be repea ted . Enjoy yourself ex- label residues, 1. BIm SchV - combus tion plants VO 9
end of boiling the largest problem commences. perimenting ! broken g lass, • 4. BImSch V - plants requiring au thorisa-
From then on micro-organisms can pass into Most hobby brewers begin their brewing at- smells from the brewhouse, tion
the b eer. These can no longe r be removed and tempts in the kitchen o r its vicinity. It then d oes exh au s t gas fro m the b oil er plant, • 9. BImSchV - authorisation p rocedure
can completely ruin the beer. Lactic acid and n ot take long until there is trouble with m others the n oise produced a t m an y locations, 11. BlmSch V - Sta tem ent of Emissions
ace tic acid producing b ac teria are present becau se one constantly needs some thing, b e it a d ust from the raw ma te rials, by-law
everY'",here and can acidify the b eer in n o time ladle or a sieve or a good sau cepan . And then packa g ing residues, • 12. BImSch V - MalflUlction by-law
at all and m ake it wlacceptably sour. Every- the u tensils are not always cleaned properly. re turned cans, glass an d PET bo ttles, • Teclulica l Instruction for Air
thin g possible must therefore be done to keep Such senten ces then u sually b egin w ith the amongs t others . • Teclulica l Instruction for Noise
micro-organisms out of the w or t and beer. Ho- words: have you been .. . Env ironment Li ability Ac t,
w ever, this is very difficult under the conditions This causes many hobby brewers, particularly 9.1 Environmental legislation Federal Wa ter Ac t includulg
u sed by hobby brewers. if they are determ ined, to invest a little more m o- The times when one could dispose of these Was te Wa ter Origin Act,
For fermentation and m aturation the fermen- ney in their hobby in tlle form of somewhat better things oneself w ithout an y probl em are long Indirect Discha rge Act and
tation vessel should be placed in as cool a place equipment. Such equipment is available nowa- past. Nowad ays in m ost cOlmtries there are re- • 1/11 Was te Wa ter Admulis trative Regulati-
as p ossible (6 to 8 DC) and the beer left quietly d ays at brewing trade fairs in every price range, gula tions to ma ke sure that these substances are on
for about a week to ferm ent. The end of fe rmen- whereby several friends frequently club together dealt with in a proper m anner if their occurren - Was te Wa ter Ch arges Ac t,
tation is indicated by a dirty brown foam layer to buy even better or larger or more ath'active ce itself crumot be prevented . Refu se Ac t includ mg
on the b eer w h ich can be removed ca refully equipment and thus produce even better beer and Th e basic issues are regula ted by the recy- • Rehlse DefiIlition O rdulance,
w ith a boiled foam rem oving sp oon . The beer have more hm Witll brewing. Nowadays tllis de- cling and was te disposal laws of the individual Residual Material Defuli tion Ord inrul ce,
still does no t taste good since it must first ma tu- velopment can be seen all over the world. cOlUl tries. The aim of en vironmental legisla tion Sewage Sludge Ordinrul ce,
re. That occurs onl y after filling. Beer production fulishes with lagerulg here, is to en sure that the rul10unt of rubbish and wa- Used Oil Ordinance,
No-one wish es to drink 50 to 100 litres all a t too. Filtration and filliIl g lmder the exclusion of ste produced is continuously d ecreased so that Packaging Ordin an ce,
once and so it must be carefully filled into bott- air and aseptic conditions would be far too labo- in the end the process is p erfo rm ed without rulY O rdulan ce regardiIlg the Re turn of Plas tic
les . In order to obtain CO, production by a se- rious and expensive in tlus sm all format. If it is not ru bbish or waste at all, in tha t subs tan ces are re- Packagulg,
condary fermentation, and thus to produce a desired that the fuushed beer is tapped from tlle peatedly used (recycled) . Energy Saving Act,
pressure in the bo ttle, a teaspoon of boiled su- lagerulg vessel for a famil y celebration, it should Even in countries which d o n ot ye t h ave en vi- Chemicals Act inclu d ulg
gar syrup is added to each bottle. This should be filled Ulto bottles as previously described and ron mentallegisla tion, it soon becom es evident • H azard ou s Ma terials Ordinance,
be - also fo r quality reason s - the only su ga r secondary fe rmentation performed there Witll the that in creasing p ollution affec ts all areas of life • P rohibition of PCB, PCT, VC Ordin ance,
production during beer production . The bottles addition of sugar for the prod uction of CO,. and fi nally lead s to a paralysis of commlmity li- • Prohibition of FCKW, Halon Ord in ance, etc.

These substances increase the concentration ly polluting the soil. (Nevertheless in the bre- ment slud ge and must be avoided as much as
No t without ca use, mos t areas of en viron-
of impu rities in the waste water. If this concen- wery, as before, nitric acid is used in the CIP possible.
mental law deal with waste wa ter as this is also
tration is multiplied by the corresponding p lant to dissolve beer stone) . Acids, ca ustic solutions, cleaning and d isin-
the area of most concern.
amOlmt of waste wa ter, the waste wa ter load is fecting agen ts are also dangerous substances
obtained. Special attention is also paid to wa ter-endan- for w hich tested storage tanks and - as for
9.2 Waste water gering or d angerous substances because they
These waste wate r loads require large capaci- hea ting oil - collecting troughs or double
With the exception of the water which is contai-
ty trea tment plants and cause regular cleaning endanger h ealth . These include salts of me- walled containers are stipulated .
ned in the beer itself or the by-p roducts, or is
costs in the form of increased waste wa ter char- tals su ch as m ercur y, lead, cad mium and In Germany the following h armful substan -
evaporated, every drop of water used ends up
ges. To save costs, measures to reduce the waste clU'omium, but also AOX and halogen ated ces or groups of harmful substances are consi-
as waste water.
wa ter load are required, su ch as m easures to hydrocarbons. These s ubstan ces rem ain in dered to be equivalent to the lU1its of damage
It can therefore be calculated that excep t for
hold b ack the was te and recycling. These pro- the water after wa ter treatmen t or in the trea t- sh own:
up to 1.8 to 2.5 hI of water p er hI of beer, the rest
of the total wa ter used b ecomes waste water. blems play an increasingly important role par-
Harmful substance One d amage unit corresponds Threshold value depending
With 6 hI of water used per hI of beer, that me- ticularly in the highly indu strialised countries. or group to the followin g measurement on concentration and
ans there are 3.5 to 4.2 hl of waste water/hi beer; unit alU1uai am ount
9.2.1 Waste water costs 9
with lower wa ter usage rates the value is corre-
Communities and waste water associations are Oxidisable material 50 kg 0 , 20 mg/l
spondingly lower.
legally obliged to make consi derable invest- in COD 250 kg atmual amOlU1t
On the way through the brewery the water
picks up or dissolves many substances. Brewe- ments for waste wa ter trea tment. In addition
Phosphorous 3 kg 0.1 mg/l
very large sums must be spent for the renovati-
ry waste water contains: 15 kg annual amount
on of defective sewage systems. The costs of
beer and wort residues,
these m easures mus t be recovered from the Nitrogen 25 kg 5 mg/1
last rW1nings,
contributors as decid ed by the community. 125 kg annual amount
waste water containing trub,
Consequently the waste water charges, inclu-
waste water containing yeast,
ding the sewage pipework costs which someti- Organic halogen 2 kg 100 m g/l
waste water from the CIP plant,
mes amolU1t to more than h alf the cost, will in- compOlmds as AOX 10 kg annual amolmt
waste caustic from the CIP plant,
acid from the CIP plant, crease in the foreseeable future.
Metals and compounds Thresh old AlU1uai
black caustic from the PVPP filter, Additional charges for heavily polluted wa-
for amount
w as te water containing kieselgulU', ter, w hich almost all breweries pay, dri ve the concentration
costs for waste water treatment even higher.
alkaline cleaning water,
warm, dirty waste water and in particular For all these reasons breweries have been for- • Mercury 20 g 1 100 g
ced to consider very seriously how the costs for • Cadmium 100 g 5 Fg/l 500 g
waste caustic from the bottle cleaner contai-
waste water disposal can be substanti ally redu- • Chromium 500 g 50 2.5 kg
nmg • Nickel 500 g 50 Fg/l 2.5 kg
insoluble substances su ch as shredded paper ced.
• Lead 500 g 50 Fg/l 2.5 kg
Certain substances are rega rded as pm·ticu-
from labels, slurries, etc. • Copper 1000 g 100 Fg/l 5.0kg
soluble substances such as adhesive, caustic, lady damaging to the envirOlUl1ent and large fi-
nancial penalties have been placed on their in-
m etal salts,
troduction into public waste water system s. It is now necessary to explain here the positi- Indirect dischargers: these are fir ms which in-
traces of oil and fat from plant lubricants,
Substances rega rded as par ticularly harmful on w ith regard to legal responsibility when in- troduce their waste wa ter throu gh the com-
residual beer from rehlrned bottles, casks and
to the environment are: troducing waste water into the trea ted water sy- mlmal water treatment plant, and
Nitrogen in the form of nitrates stem (Fig. 9.1 ). Direct dischargers: th ese are firms w hi ch
beer sprayed off the filler.
EnvirolUl1ental damage by nitrates has recei- discharge their waste water after cleaning di-
Even the belt lubricant from the slat plate belt
ved much attention. Nitrate passing into the There are two groups of waste water dischar- rectly into a public surface water l'lm-off sy-
also finally ends up in the waste water - it does
ground water and waste wa ter is increasing- gers, namely stem (brook, stream or river) .
not disappear.

thus, for example, for COOs above 500 mg/l vessel is used. This has a flUmel shape at the bot- Instead of the KMnO. method there is ano t-
The water discharged the nUl-off system is
up to 1000 mg/l + 0.25 EUR/m 3 was te wa ter tom. Measmement is made after 2 h settling. her method wluch u ses a solution of potassium
subject to the Domestic Water Regulations. These
also include the Waste Water Discharge regulati- up to 3000 m g/l + 0.50 EUR/m 3 waste wa ter dichromate (K,Cr,0 7) in sulphuric acid. With
ons with the maximlUll permissible discharge li- above 3000 m g/I + 0.75 EUR/m 3 waste wa ter BODs this method the orgaluc compounds are com-
Waste water is very expensive and tlu'eatens to The BODs is the biochemical oxygen demand of pletely oxidised according to their theoretica l
nuts and damage lUUt data listed above.
be increasin gly expensive in futme . It is therefo- the waste water, i. e. the amount consumed in a oxygen requirement. The boiling tim e necessa-
Before that, however, the Local Community
re necessary to consider how to improve the qua- period of 5 da ys at a temperature of 20 °C by ry is 2 h. This method has repl aced the previo-
Law applies up to the discharge into the run-off
lity of waste water, to limit the amOlUlt of waste bacteria. us COD standard method.
system . The waste waters discharged by brewe-
water and thus reduce costs. In order to do this, To determine the BOD, the instantaneous oxy-
ry A as indirect introducer into the communal
however, a few terms must be explained wludl gen content (8 to 9 mg 0 ,11) of the water sample Wn s te wnter fond
sewage network and the communal trea tment
previously have been used inaccurately. to be measured is first established. TIlen the oxy- By waste water load is meant the product of the
plant are processed in the communal water
gen content of a second sample wluch has been amount of waste wa ter (in m 3) by the BODs con-
treatment plant, but the pollution load they
9.2.2 Definition of terms used relating to stored closed for 5 days at 20 °C is measmed. TIle centration (in g/m 3 ).
contain is charged to the brewery.
waste water difference in oxygen content is the BODs. Howe-
The Association of local community sewage
authorities which is responsible for the operati- The following term s are used in connection ver, because a water sa mple is rarely so clean that ResideHt eqllivnlellce vnllle 9
with waste water: it still contains any dissolved oxygen after 5 days, The resident equivalence value is a ratio wluch
on of the commlUlal sewage treatment plants
sedimentable solids, an amOlUlt of pure water saturated with oxygen ex presses, for comparison, the amount of pollu-
establishes maximum values, in order to pro-
BODS' must be added to the waste water sample so that tion which a resident of a middle European
tect the pipework and an optimally operating
COD, there is still at least 2 mg 0 ,11present after 5 days country produces in 200 I of waste water per
treatment process in the sewage plant. These in-
waste water load, (dilution method). d ay. TIle following basic values have been esta-
clude, for example:
resident equivalence value. A few guidelines for BODS concentrations blished for this:
tempera tures up to 35 °C,
are shown as follows:
pH values between 6 and 9 (10) .
Sedilllelltnble solids domestic waste water 300 mg 0 ,11 mg/l = g/m3 inorgani c organi c total BOD,
By sedimentable solids is meant those wluch, be- brewery waste water 1200 mg 0 ,11 sed imen tabl e
The so-called heavy polluters and waste wa-
cause of their greater density compared to the treatment plant outflow 20 mg 0 ,11 mate ri al 20 30 50 20
ter concentrations which greatly exceed those
waste sink to the bottom. To measure them last numings up to 10,000 mg 0 ,11 non -sed i men table
of domestic waste water are charged increased
rates by the community and additional charges, a 40 cm tall, 1 I capacity Imhoff sedimentation pressed spent sllspend ed
grains water up to 15,000 mg 0 ,11 materi a l 5 10 15 10
beer about 80,000 mg 0 ,11 dissolved
ma teri al 75 50 125 30
CO D to ta l 100 90 190 60
I nalional and regionallegis/alion
community legislalion TIle chenucal oxygen demand (COD) is deter- (g/resident/day)
I (IJomeslic Waler Regulalions - mined from the reaction of a sh'ong oxidising
agent with the oxidisable orgmuc mld inorganic
i surface lValer
substances in the waste water. Previously potas- The load per resident is about 60 g BODs a
.I I run-olf syslem
l' (brook, river) silUn permmlgmlate (KMnO.) in acidic solution day.
locality -"T".;.r:)
communallrealmenl planl l -........ I I was usually employed. The method is very easy these definitions vary from COW1-
and quick to perform. In Germany the sample is try to cmUltry.
II: \' I /1 \I Wasle Waler
Discharge regula/ions boiled for 10 min . In England the sample is usu-
ally kept at 27 °C for 4 hours. However, tlus me- 9.2.3 Waste water treatment
!! thod gives values wluch indicate different con- There are very mmly substances in waste water
1/ 1\ Fig. 9.1
Direct dischnrgers nlld illdirect
centrations when different pollutmlts are present which can be decomposed by micro-orgmu sms.
discllnrgers and consequently it should not be used. For this, however, the micro-organisms require
906 907

oxygen . It is therefore possible to go a long way Aerobic waste water treatment plants Large roughened plastic discs, 2 to 3 m in dia- Carbon in CO2 = 50 %

towards cleaning the water through the intro- There are many different aerobic waste water are attached at short spacings on a horizon-
duction of air. This results in the formation of treatment plants and they can be divided into tal shaft and are about 40% immersed in the wa- Organic carbon
in waste water
activated sludge which is interfused with aero- three groups: ste water. They are slowly rotated mechanically 100 %
bic micro-organisms. This is called aerobic 1. Activnted sludge bnsil1s nl1d troughs aJld aerobic micro flora grow on them and slowly Carbon
in sewage
treatment of the water. Because the air does not These are large basins up to 50 m long and breal<down material in the waste water. Basically, sludge
= 50%
simply pass into the water, energy must be used with a water depth of 3 m in which the waste aerobic methods are as shown in Fig. 9.2.
to introduce the air. water is supplied with oxygen through aera-
If no air is used, the waste water is slowly de- ting devices. At the same time these aerators Anaerobic waste water treatment Residua; carbon in nm'oll = 1 %

composed by putrefying bacteria. This results homogenise the waste water and prevent the plants
first in the production of organic acids by hy- sludge from settling. Anaerobic processes have been used success-
drolysis and then biogas (methane) is produ- 2. Specinl renctors fully for many yea rs for highly polluted waste a) Carbon balance in the
aerobic activated sludge process
ced. This is referred to as anaerobic treatment of These are devices in which the waste water is wa ters from sugar factories, wood pulp facto-
the water. In comparison with the aerobic treat- subjected to intense aeration. The slurry there- ries, distilleries, etc . and have also become of
ment the removal of the waste water pollution by produced is removed by special equipment. more interest to other sectors of industry, such 9
Cilfbon in blogas 90 - 95 %
is less and at the same time the amount of ex- 3. Renctors cOl1tnil1il1g illllllobilised bioll1nss as breweries, since energy in the form of com-
cess slurry is less. Biogas is produced which can In these reactors the biomass remains perma- bustible methane gas can be recovered. Moreo-
nently in contact with the waste water and at Organic carbon
produce energy when burned. ver no energy is required in this case to opera- in wasle lValer
Both processes - aerobic and anaerobic - are the same time is supplied with oxygen . A ty- te the aeration device. A great deal of energy is 100 %

used in practice; modern plants are frequently pical representative is the rotating screen fer- required for this in the case of aerobic treat-
anaerobic plants with a subsequent aerobic stage. menter. ment.
Anaerobic treatment plants usually consist of
large cylindrical or cylindroconical digestion Organic residual
carbon in excess slurl'j 1 - 5 %
(decomposition) tanks in which d ecomposition
processes occur at constant temperahue. The
process is divided into several stages (Fig. 9.3)
at the end of which mainly methane (biogas) is b) Carbon balance in Ihe

from the plant

buffer - - CSJ produced. The process requires uniform loa-
ding and highly skilled persOllllel are needed to Fig .9.4
anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds
from the plant operate the plant because the anaerobic bacteria Cnrboll balallces ill aerobic nlld nIInerobic lIlethods
Llsed are highly discriminating gourmets ma-
acidifitationstage: methane:stagt: king high demands on their enviromnent. consideration with regard to the trea tment of
The carbon balance in anaerobic processes is brewery waste water.

Multistage: atrobic bioloqicaillealme:nt

(only with very different to that in aerobic processes (Fig.

9.4). Whilst in the case of aerobic processes Amount and composition of brewery
about 50% is converted to sludge and about waste water

50 % escapes as CO2, in anaerobic processes mo- Waste water is not produced at a luliform rate or
re than 90% can be recovered as methane and
I i :, ===
to the surfact
clarifYing plant
or ae:fobkslage:
Llsed as a source of energy.
with a constant composition in the brewery. There
are peak times on certain days and small flows at
ae:ratton UttsS slurry
control, dosage: I setting
For the treatment of waste water in tlle brewe- night or at the weekend. Often the waste water is
pH valvte:tc
ry, anaerobic plants with a subsequent aerobic very alkaline and hot when, for example, hot
Fig. 9.2 Fig. 9.3 stage are being increasingly used these days. water baths of the bottle cleaning machine
Aerobic wnste wnter tren tllwllt (prillciple) Allnerobic wnste wnter trentl1lell t (prillciple) There is, however, another very important are emptied, or
908 909

very acidic when the spent acid from the CIP With this waste water flow alone it is difficu lt Waste water treatment with mixing and tanks to equalise a day's output or
plant is discharged, or to maintain or be below a target guideline of 4.0 equalising tanks tanks to equalise a week's output.
dark in colour and very alkaline when the re- hI waste water/hI beer with a maximum COD of The mixing and equalising tanks (System VLB)
cycling caustic from a PVPP filter is drained 600 g/hl in order to save surcharges for heavy consist of Using type B2 as a tank to equalise a week's
off. pollution loads. a circular tank similar to a silage container, output the following is achieved:
One is never safe from surprises with waste Waste water treatment is more expensive an immersion aerator for aeration and mixing, a 90 to 95% biological decomposition,
water, principally because there are some em- than waste water prevention. From this point of a controllmit for the aeration and control of a reliable neutralisation of all polluting loads,
ployees who consider the drain in the floor to view the prevention of waste water is of parti- the process, and
be the final cure-all. If the inspector of the sewa- cular significance. This should be a matter of a drainage control system. a uniformly purified waste water.
ge control authority arrives at such an inconve- consideration in the brewery.
The type B2 equalising tanks operate in four
nient moment, there is inevitably a great deal of Particular importance is put on the waste wa- A distinction can be made between two basic stages (Fig. 9.5):
trouble. The brewery is then forbidden to use ter treatment. One possibility for the treatment types:
the public water treatment facilities by revoca- of waste water is to employ an aerated mixing Stage 1:
tion of permission to feed in waste water and is and balancing tank, able to equalise the d aily or Type A - Plants in which the biomass is not Starting position - the tank contains only the ap-
forced to pay surcharges for heavy pollution lo- weekly output, to collect the output and make it held back and is therefore washed out with the proximately 1.5 m high biomass layer. This con- 9
ads and damages which the commlmity is entit- more consistent and possibly to neutralise it. waste water. For breweries with water which is dition occurs at the earliest on Slmday everting.
led to charge. not too polluted there are
However, it is not only the large amounts of Advantages: small tanks with the capacity to equalise a Stage 2:
alkali or spent acid, which are only occasional- acidic and alkaline waste waters neutralise day's output and Equalisation, neutralisation and biological de-
ly released, there are also the continuously oc- each other and thereby prevent too high a large tanks with the capacity to equalise a gradation - at the start of work on Monday the
curring small residues of tank bottoms, break, pH, week's output. production waste water flows into the tank. The
spent grains or kieselguhr which make the pla- temperature differences are equalised and tank fills slowly and the aerator operates at in-
ce look dirty and are simply rinsed away. There there are no more unacceptably high tempe- Type B - Plants in which the biomass is retai- tervals depending on the oxygen utilisation.
are also the residues which always occur in the ratures, ned designed as The biological decomposition of the organic
bottling hall, such as for example [83]: very strong colours are to a large extent dilu-
In waste water Resulting waste amounts of waste water released can be con-
water load in g trolled and also distributed over the night ti- PhrTJe 1 Phase 2
COD/hi beer me hours and weekends, 3
Beer rinsed off because of the reduction of the waste water 1

0.96 ml/bottle 23 load there is no high pollution surcharge.
Beer residues
1.6 - 2.6 ml/bottle
Extract from labels
38.4 - 62.4 There are also cases where the local sewage
regulatory authority can advantageously use
25 - 37.5 mg COD/bottle 5 - 7.5 the composition of the brewery waste water to
Label adhesive 6 compensate for the properties of the quite diffe- PhtrIe .3 Phcm: 't
Intermediate total 72.4 - 128.9 g COD/hi rent domestic waste water. The circumstances
Fig. 9.5
differ from town to town and a brewery is well Wnste wnter trentmellt by the ScJlII-
This is a permanent flow loading the waste
water and one is hardly able to control the
amolmt of beer residues, sent back by custo-
mers, which are discharged during bottle
advised to cooperate with the local authority in
this ma tter.
In this connection waste water treatment
with mixing and balancing tanks is particularly
IIWIIII IILB process IIsillg mixillg nlld
eqllnlisillg tnllks

1 = illlet
.:. . .
2 =olltlet
cleaning. important [80]. 3 = immersioll nerntor
910 911

substances occurs with the formation of the car- There are thus subs tantial amounts of waste
bon dioxide required for neutralisation. which must be d ealt with in every brewery.
Today many breweries are still able to dispose
Stage 3: of some of these waste substances relatively
Sedimentation - the biomass separates and sett- cheaply. Increasing costs, however, compel ever
les, whereas the cleaned water collects above it. more breweries to decompose the waste materi- Fig. 9.6
als themselves. The anaerobic decomposition Spell t graill colI/vllstioll plnllt
(1) wet spellt graill silo
Stage 4: process has an increasing role in this. (2) velt press
The cleaned sediment-free waste water is led (3) riry spellt grnill silo
off. For drainage a floater device is used in or- 9.3.1 Spent malt and hops (4) riosillg screw
(5) colI/vllstioll voileI'
der always to remove the cleanest water from Every dt of grist results in about 110 to 130 kg
(6) stenll/
the top. wet spent grains with a 70 to 80 % water content (7) nil' filt er
or about 20 kg/hi sales beer (see Sect. 3.3.5). (8) nil' preilenter
Stages 3 and 4 occur after every fresh charge It can thus be assumed that ammally about (9) rillst filt er
(10) flll e
9 of waste water. There are several of these per 200 t of wet spent grains are produced per 9
day. Under defined conditions, the amount of 10,000 hi of sales beer (= 4 t/week).
sludge in the tank increases only slightly. After The Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods and Ani-
production pauses, old sludge is decomposed mal Feed Code stipulates the protection of the Increasingly therefore, the spent grains are MWh thermal energy) . Using this method, up
by autolysis and endogenous respiration. The consumer in the area of food and animal feed used in combustion or biogas recovery, thus to 90% of the primary energy in the brewery
inorganic substances formed by the breakdown by prevention of, or defence against, risks to providing energetic benefit in addition to the can be supplied. Furthermore, old labels can al-
leave the tank as dissolved and no longer sedi- human health. This means that in the case of grain disposal. In order to be able to burn the so be burnt in this way and used for energy pro-
mentable material. The removal of sludge asso- animal feed too, care has to be taken in the pro- spent grains, a spent grain combustion plant duction. The ash, which is rich in phosphates (9
ciated with excess sludge production is not ne- tection of animals by preventing risks to animal has to be used (Fig. 9.6) [348,350], in which the kg per t spent grains with a phosphate content
cessary. health. This means that if spent grains and ye- water content firstly has to be reduced from 70 of 60 %), is in demand as a fertiliser additive.
Because of increasing waste water costs, wa- ast are used as animal feed, as a foodstuff they to 80% down to approx. 42%. The press water (520 litres per t spent grains)
ter treatment will in the coming years place are equated with beer and for reasons of food Since the costs of thermal drying are too high, has a high BODs and is beneficial in the produc-
even greater demands on breweries. safety must be considered as such. This requi- it either occurs by means of a tube btmdle dry- tion ofbiogas. Combustion of the spent grains
res a certified quality assurance system. These er (Vetter, Kassel) or belt dryer (Fig. 9.7). Here, thus results in considerable advantages for the
9.3 Residues and waste material legal regulations must in future be strictly ob- the spent grains are pressed between two belts brewery, which redeem the costs of the plant in
It is, not only waste water but also ot- served when decisions are taken regarding use with increasing pressure so that a continuous a relatively short time.
her waste material which must be disposed of as animal feed. dewatering occurs tmtil a water content of 42 to A disadvantage is that the belt press has a
by breweries. It can be assumed that the follo- It is very advantageous to sell these spent 45% is achieved. At the end of this process the tendency to become clogged so that the pre-
wing amOtU1ts of waste materials occur [100]: grains as cattle feed. In many districts this has spent grains, which are now pre-dried and lar- drying process does not always occur at the de-
proved very successful, because spent grains gely biologically stable, are fed into a dry silo. sired level. Also, the cleaning of the flue gases
Type of waste kg/hi sales beer are a valuable additional food, but there are al- The spent grains dried in this way are fed via also requires an expensive plant owing to the
Spent malt and hops 18.86 so regions in which the farmers have no need a dosing screw into a combustion boiler (Fig. tightening of the Air Directive.
Surplus yeast 2.64 for it or there are no farmers. 9. 8) where the thermal reaction occurs. The Another option for the recycling of spent beer
Hot break 1.42 energy recovered is returned to the production grains is anaerobic fermentation - together
Cold break 0.22 Particularly in summer many farmers are not in the form of saturated or hot steam. The ex- with the tank bottom yeast and the break. The
Kieselguhr sludge 0.62 prepared to take spent grains. Drying them - haus t gases are cleaned and used to preheat the problem with this is that the cellulose and he-
Malt dust 0.12 and thereby making them storable - only ma- combustion air. micellulose fraction, which makes up to 50 %, is
Labels/paper 0.29 kes sense when they can be sold for 4 to 5 times From 1 t wet spent grain « 80% water con- very difficult to break down. Recent tests [366]
Packaging material 0.04 the price, and that is even more doubtful. tent), it is possible to produce 1.4 t steam (1 work with mixed enzymes to achieve an enzy-
912 913

It can be ass umed th at atUl ually about 15 to to compress the kieselguhr slurry to a wa ter
18 t of surplus yeast per 10,000 hi of sales beer content below 50% to obtain a product which
must be d ealt w ith . can be crumbled . Suitable kieselguhr presses
The best solution is, of course, to sell the pro- are band filters or chamber filter presses [1 41].
tein and vitam ill-rich yeast as ca ttle feed. Ho- In this form the guhr can be distributed on the
4 weve r, the informa tion provided in Sect. 9.3.1 ground by farmers u sing available spreaders
Fig. 9.7
Belt drlfer (Flottweg, lIilsbibllrg) regarding food safety mu st be observed. For [101] . The spent kieselguhr, with the yeas t cells
(1) belt 1 storage it must be stea med as soon as possible it contains, is a valuable nitrogen -rich soil im-
(2) belt 2 becau se otherwi se it s ta rts to ferment in the prover and plant fertiliser for farmers. Moreo-
(3) wet SPellt graill illfeed
(4) dry spellt grnill discllnlge
cows' stomachs and causes severe colic. Fur- ver it also improves the water retention capaci-
(5) belt cienller thermore the yeas t very rapidly s tarts to autoly- ty of sa ndy soils without adversely affecting the
se atld the gases produ ced a re very lU1pleasant. g round wa te r.
The yeast is dried and added to the mixed Spent g uhr contains yeas t which soon begins
matic breakdown of these extremely resistant any more. TIlere are also hardly any breweries fodder. It can also be used in the pharmaceuti- to auto lyse . As a result the protein it contains is
9 cOlnpowlds. As a result of the combustion of with hop sieves because of the work and losses cal industry in the recovery of vitamins. The op- decomposed and strong smelling ammonia is 9
the biogas produced, up to 35% of the energy involved. When natural hops are used they are fi- tion of recycling in a biogas plant has already released and its unpleasant presence is soon de-
requirement can be covered by the fe rmentati- nely milled and form part of the break. been discussed above. tected . This must be taken ca re of by temporary
on of the spent beer grains [366] . The cans and foil packets in which the extract s torage of the guhr.
or foil pellets are delivered are put in the refuse 9.3.4 Kieselguhr slurry Nowadays the co-use of spent kieselguhr for
and are partly recycled. One can expect about 500 g of kieselguhr slurry the manufacture of bricks, asphalt or concrete is
per hi of filtered beer. Consequently there will being considered [88] .
9.3.2 Break be 5 t kieselguhr slurry per 10,000 hi of sales Because of the high costs there is atl interest
Break occurs as a trub cone in the whirlpool, beer. In GermatlY, about 70,000 t of kieselguhr in finding more economic methods to replace
more rarely as a discharged material from sepa- slurry accumula te annually. kieselguhr for beer filtration (cross-flow filtrati-
rators or settling tanks. In every case the break Since 1 July 2005, this kieselguhr slurry Catl on or kieselguhr fre e substitutes) .
still contains wort which can be recovered. no longer be disposed of as dom estic waste.
Most breweries pump the cloudy wort as spar- The disposal of hazardous waste incurs con- 9.3.5 Old labels
ging water into the lauter tlU1 to recover this siderably higher costs. About 1.5 t of old labels which must be disposed
wort and at the same time to convert the pro- The reprocessing of kieselguhr is, in compari- of are obtained each year from the bottle cleaning
tein-rich break, which is a good source of nu- son with improper disch a rge into the waste wa- machine per 10,000 hi capacity of re turnable bott-
trients for cattle, into a useful form . Those w ho ter drain, very laborious and expensive. In the les. TIle amolU1t can be greater depending on the
do not wish to have the lower quality cloudy Tremonis process using a heat treatment of the size of the labels atld number used .
wort in the wort kettle add it directly to the kieselguhr slurry the costs are necessarily high One does not Watlt the labels to dissolve com-
spent grains. [54]. TIle gulU' Catl, however, be used again to pletely or to diSintegrate. Aluminium foils re-
replace up to 50% of the kieselguhr atld so the quire a higher caustic concentration, and more
9.3.3 Surplus yeast amount of new guhr needed is reduced. frequent changes, in the bottle cleane r to release
A large amount of the yeast after use is surplus, Kieselguhr in sedimentation tanks atld in wa- them. Moreover they Catl cause explosions du-
or waste, yeast. Tank bottom yeast has a COD ste water pipes Catl in time become solidified so ring bottle cleaning.
COlllbllStioll fllmace witll stealll gellerntioll value of 0.53 kg/hi and therefore belongs to the that it sets like cement and is then very difficult In the bottle washing m achine the labels are
very strong oxygen removing materials. Yeast to remove. sieved off and then pressed becau se they still
must therefore under no circumstances pass in- For this reason, and because of rising diSpo- contain some caustic.
In contrast, spent hops are no longer an im- to the waste water since it would soon lead to sal costs, attempts must be made to get rid of Disposal of used labels causes problems be-
portant topic. Intact hop cones are scarcely used putrefaction there. the guhr at a favourable cost. One possibility is cause recycling is very energy intensive and re-
914 915

sults in only a low yield of useful paper pulp. cause some people leave empty cans in public made to take care of all the was te and recycle as Forklift trucks must be equipped with stan-
Consequently most used labels end up on the places along with other litter such as packaging mu ch as possible. This involves high costs, but dard catalysts. Exhaust fumes from diesel mo-
dump. material, paper and bottles. In many counties, these are lower when it is possible to collect the tors are carcinogenic.
There are also disposal problems because however, it has been possible to collect empty individual types of waste separately.
there are always fragments of glass bottles and cans, compress them and send them back for re- 9.4.4 Noise emissions
crown corks amongst the labels which can easi- cycling. 9.4 Emissions Legal declarations regarding permissible noise
ly cause damage to comminution mills and It is possible to recycle both steel and alumi- emissions are laid down in Germany in
must be removed before the paper is reproces- nium cans. Aluminium is the only substance 9.4.1 Dust and dust emissions Teclmical Instruction Noise
sed. which can be recycled practically without limits Dus t is produced during malt intake, malt § 15 of the Workplace Regulation "Protection
Recently a possible application has been sug- for similar applications and is thus particularly transport and milling in a dry mill which - apart against Noise" alld
gested [88] for used labels in brick manufacture enviromllentally friendly. Whilst the producti- from the risk of explosions - can cause obstruc- the Accident Protection Regulation UVV Noi-
as a filler which can be burnt out, or for burning on of new aluminium requires a large amolmt tions. It must be removed by suction, separati- se (VBG 121).
during spent grain combustion (Sect. 9.3.1). of electrical energy, recycling requires relative- on and collection.
This provides a good method of disposal while ly little energy. Dust is exh'act rich but this is not good quality Particularly high noise emissions are recor-
9 recovering energy. extract. The dust is collected in sacks or silos and ded in general 9
9.3.8 Minor sources of waste sent to the dump or added to the spent grains. in the bottling hall,
9.3.6 Broken glass In addition to the sources of waste mentioned, near air alld refrigerant compressors,
Glass breakage in a brewery depends greatly which in general are neatly collected alld remo- 9.4.2 Brewhouse emissions near vapour condensers, alld
on the quality of the glass. It can be assumed ved, in every brewery there are also smaller During wort boiling water containing volatile near vapour compressors.
that with average glass quality, annually 0.5% amounts of waste material which in time accu- wort and hop components evaporates. It is the-
i.e. about 3.5 t of broken glass is produced per mulate. These include, for example refore often possible near a brewery to detect Noise emission is reduced by
10,000 hi capacity of returnable bottles. In the cardboard and carton packaging material, when wort is boiled by the smell produced. suitable selection of building materials, e.g.
case of bottle material with 1.5% breakage, the waste paper from administration and produc- This can, according to the Federal Emissions double wall construction with insulation,
amOlmt can increase to 11 t per 10,000 hI of re- tion departments, Prevention Law, be fOlmd to be an odour pollu- windows with sound damping,
turnable bottles annually. foil and plastic waste, tion. installation of sound damping ceilings in the
The broken glass is collected in containers waste wood, Use of a kettle vapour condenser greatly re- bottling hall,
and regularly disposed of. Usually the glass is scraps of various metals, duces these emissions alld they are almost com- restricted use of wall tiles,
sent back to a glass manufacturer for rep'oces- old tyres, pletely suppressed by use of vapour compressi- sowld insulating covers on particularly noisy
sing. old batteries, on. machinery.
cleaning cloths, The examples quoted briefly outline the ex-
9.3.7 Beer cans kitchen waste, 9.4.3 Exhaust gas emissions tent of the problems which every brewery has,
Empty beer cans are easily damaged because of lime sludge, In general in the case of boiler plants the thres- and indicate a few ways to overcome them. En-
their extremely thin walls. It must therefore be oils and fats, hold limits are observed by use of a suitable fu- viromnental problems and the associated dis-
assumed that about 3 to 4 % of the cans Calmot solvents, el (natural gas or extra-light heating oil) [84] . posal problems will continue to increase in fu-
be filled and are rejected. One must therefore residues of oil alld fat removers. To keep below the limit set for oxides of nitro- ture years. Many of the currently existing
expect an alulual amOlmt of steel Call waste in It always pays to collect such materials separa- gen (NOX) and CO refuse dumps will be closed in the next few ye-
the brewery of about 380 to 400 kg per 10,000 hi tely since they are then easier to sell or get rid of. in the case of smaller stationary diesel motors, ars. Companies will be increasingly compelled
of beer in steel cans. When aluminium CallS are The waste mOlmtains are growing bigger in swirl chamber motors are used. (recycling and refuse laws) to deal with their
used the value is halved. every country with increasing consumption Larger diesel motors contain a three-way ca- waste themselves - or not to produce ally in the
The cans are compressed alld sent back for re- and greater industrialisation. Consequently all talyst. This is also the case for four stroke first place.
processing. countries are compelled sooner or later to take spark ignition motors. With this in mind, it is the duty of every bre-
With the increasing amolmt of cans used, in measures to avoid being "suffocated" by it. Diesel motors should be equipped with a wer to help ensure that as little waste as possi-
many cOlmtries there are disposal problems be- Thus to an increasing extent attempts must be smoke filter. ble is produced.
916 91 7

9.5 Recycling of PET bottles

PET is produced from crude oil; 1 kg of PET is
teclul010gy remove closures, beverage resi-
dues and labels.
10 I Energy management
produced from approx. 1.9 kg of crude oil. The in the brewery and maltings
returned PET bottles can be recycled and half of 2"" stage:
the recycled material used for the production of In a reaction with caustic soda the surface of
new PET bottles. With the increasing filling also the flakes is dissolved and adherent or inter- Energy is needed in all stages of brewing, mal- converted. The most important are shown at the
of beer into PET bottles, the necessity is becoming calated impurities removed. This also applies ting and bottling. The forms used are end of the book.
even grea ter to recycle the returned bottles and to intercalated or applied layers and quen- electrical energy, Work is force times distance, or alternatively
thus return them again to the cycle. For this there clung and tempering in the case of beer bott- heat energy (thermal energy) and expressed
are several recycling concepts; in the following le flakes. Residues of foreign material and pnelll1latic energy. Work is power times time.
the American URRC process is briefly described. aromas are then also removed in a rotary The unit for work is the Joule (J) .
The precondition for recycling is the reRU- kiln. 10.1 Energy requirements in malting 1 J =1 W x s =1 Nm
ning and sorting of the bottles according to and brewing
their colour. The material collected is pressed 3"'stage: Electrical energy is required for From tlus it results that:
9 into balls consisting of 3000 - 5000 bottles and In the third stage the flakes are rinsed and cooling purposes, 3600 s =1 h
any final impurities removed. production of compressed air, 3600 Joule = 1 Wh (Watt-hour)
processed in three stages: 10
operating pumps and valves, 3600 kJ = 1 kWh or alternatively expressed:
1" stage: The recycled ma terial undergoes several driving stirrers and conveyors, 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ = 860 kcal or
The bottles are isolated and comminuted; tra- checks with regard to its suitability for reuse in switdting and control of fittings, alternatively expressed: 1 kcal = 4.19 kJ.
ditionally operating separators and washing renewed contact with food . h'ansfer and processing of data, and
lighting. Amounts of energy are always measured in
Thermal energy is required for kilo-Watt-hours (kWh) or
hot water production, kilo-Joules (kJ), Mega-Joules (MJ), and occasio-
heating kilns, nally (outdated) in
heating mashes, kilocalories (kcal).
heating and boiling wort, In the following table are the conslUnption va-
bottle cleaning, lues for heat and electrical energy in the indivi-
cask and keg cleaning, dual areas of conventionally equipped breweries
flash or tmUlel pasteurisation, [89]. The figures are differentia ted
the crr plant, according to the size of the brewery (breweries
steaming filters, fillers and pipework, with 20,000 hI and breweries with 250,000 hi
hea ting blwdings and other purposes for per- output per year) and
sOlUlel comfort. according to optimal and average values (see
TIle energy requirement for malting and bre- Table next p. ).
wing forms a substantial part of production For the entire beer production process one
costs. It is the job of the brewer to use energy as must therefore reckon with an energy COnSlll1lp-
efficiently as possible to keep these costs as low tion of
VLB Berlin as possible. 180 to 200 MJ per hI of sales beer for hea t ener-
All forms of energy can be transformed into gy and 10 to 12 kWh per hI of sales beer for elec-
Research Institute for Water and
Waste Water Technology (FIWAT) one another and therefore compared with one trical energy.
another. For this purpose the International Sy- At a glance it can be seen tllat:
12; stem (SI) of Units was developed. This consists of The greatest users of heat energy in the brewe-
a few basic lmits to whjch all other lUutS can be ry are the brewhouse and filling departments,

918 919

the greatest u sers of electrical energy are refri- 10.2.1 Fuels aIllolmt. TIle lugher h eating value (HHY) is the much 1 kWh or 1 MJ costs Ul the end. It is deter-
geration and also the filling and brewhouse de- Nowadays the fuels most commonly u sed are pe- theore tical greatest possible value. This differs mUled from the followUlg formul a:
partments. troleum oil and natural gas, but other fuels are al- from the lower heating value (LHV) - which is
Price of the fuel per t or m 3
A brewery contains the following types of so economically advantageous for various rea- the only figure quoted in tables - by the conden- Heat price =

sation hea t value. Heat value (HI) of the fuel

plant and equipment producing or using energy. sons.
They will be considered individually: There are two bases of comparison for evalua- Water is produced in every combustion pro-
boiler plants, ting the heating value of various fuels: cess; for example: The result is expressed Ul EurolMJ or (kWh.
refrigeration plants, the hard coal unit and CH, (metllaIle) + 20, CO, + 2H,O. However, this result does not give any uLfor-
electrical equipment, the (lower) thermal value. TIlis meaI1S that steam is produced in evelY m ation about the extent to which the boiler CaIl
plUllpS and compressors. The hard coalwut (HCU for Steinkohleeinheit) combustion process aIld it condenses on cooling. actually convert the energy Ul the fuel to heat
is the average energy content of 1 kg of hard co- TIle condensation heat produced is the difference energy - aIld tlus is also very ullportaIlt with re-
10.2 Boiler plants al. Tlus is established internationally as 29,400 kJ. in energy between the upper and lower heating gard to the cost. The ratio of these two numbers
In the boiler water is converted to steam which Other fuels have the following values: values. Payments are always based on the upper is called the boiler efficiency.
can be used to perform work. Steam has 1 kg petroleum oil 1.44 HCU heating value. TIle importaIlt available heat price (or net heat
a considerably higher heat content than water, 1 m 3 natural gas 1.40 HCU The lower heating value is the aInOlmt of h eat price) is obtauled as follows:
1 kg wood 0.50 HCU wluch is released when the steam produced du-
o and
Available h eat price
(Gross) heat price 10
can be easily transported . 1 kg crude lignate 0.26 HCU ring bunung is cooled to 20°C but is still present =
boiler efficiency
To lmderstand boiler plants better, the science 1 kWh 0.123 HCU as water vapolU'. However, the upper heating va-
relating to steam must first be considered. To pro- TIle thermal value of a fuel is the amount of he- lue is u sed for calculating the aIllOlmt of fuel re-
duce steam a fuel is required. at which is released on burning a defined quired. Thus the available heat price shows exactly
Commercial fuels in Germany have the follo- how many Euros one MJ or kWh finally costs for
wing thermal values (LHY = Hlower). production purposes.
Energy source LHY in kJ Nahlrally, the available heat price is always
Heat usage in MJ/hl Electricity u sage in kWh/hi lugher than the heat price because the boiler effi-
20,000 hi 250,000 hi 20,000 hi 250,000 hi Fuel oil EL 42,700/kg ciency is less thaIl 100 %. Modern brewery ser-
opt. imn opt. imn opt. imn opt. imn Fuel oil M 41,020/ kg vice water boilers partially condense the exhaust
Fuel oil S 39,770/ kg gas and therefore aclueve - related to the lower
Raw materials to weighing 6.34 10.98 5.60 8.64 0.30 0.41 0.25 0.34 Gas oil (diesel) 41,820/ kg heat value - efficiencies above 100 % ("conden-
Brewhouse to wort discharge 66.2 114.8 58.6 90.4 1.97 2.71 1.65 2.27 Hard coal (Ruhr) 31,800/ kg SUlg value boiler") .
Fermentation cellar to h'ansfer 1.72 2.37 1.44 1.89 Blast furnace coke 28,900/kg If one ultends to evaporate water in the boiler,
Lagering 1.60 2.20 1.34 1.85 Gas coke 29,300/ kg one should know more about the properties of
Filtration 8.49 14.71 7.50 11.58 0.57 0.79 0.48 0.66 Brown coal briquettes 20,090/kg steam.
Bottle / can filling 26.61 46.12 23.51 36.29 2.24 3.07 1.88 2.58 Crude brown coal (Saxony) 10,460/kg
Keg / container filling 13.94 24.16 12.31 19.00 0.46 0.63 0.38 0.52 Crude brown coal (Lausitz) 9,630/kg 10.2.2 Steam
Packaged goods to ramp 3.17 5.49 2.80 4.32 0.40 0.54 0.33 0.46 Peat, air d ry 15,490/ kg When water is heated to boiling poult aIld addi-
Residue (dispatch, distribution) 9.19 15.72 6.34 8.48 0.55 0.76 0.46 0.64 Town gas 16,120/ m 3 tional heat is then supplied, steam is produced.
Administration, cantine, Na tural gas L 31,950/ m 3 The temperature at wluch water boils is called
workshops 13.05 22.62 11.53 17.80 0.99 1.36 0.83 1.14 Natural gas H 37,500/ m' the boiling point. The boiling point increases
Refrigeration 4.16 5.71 3.49 4.79 MethaIle 35,880/m' with increasulg pressure.
Water supply 9.12 15.81 8.06 10.99 0.40 0.54 0.33 0.46 PropaI1e 93,210 / m'
Beer production, total 130.0 225.0 113.0 173.0 9.9 13.6 8.3 11.4 Heat of evaporation
Soft drink production 33.5 39.2 28.8 33.8 1.9 2.3 1.7 2.1 From the economics point of view a very un- To convert water ultO steam, heat is required to
Malt production per dt 253.0 331.0 204.0 285.0 8.5 12.2 7.3 11.0 portant figure is the heat price. Tlus shows how evaporate it.

920 921

The heat of evaporation is the amOLmt of hea t ration temperature and the pressure. With in- Wet steam Superheated steam
necessary to convert 1 kg of water to steam at the creasing temperature and increasing pressure it The steam produced during boiling is ca lled In ord er to be able to move the s team wi thout
same temperature. becomes increasingly smaller. At the "critical ste- wet steam. It has the same temperahlre as the loss, the sa turated steam is heated furth er to
For example, to convert 1 kg water at 100 °C am pressure" of 221.2 bar = 374.15 °C no further boiling liquid and and s till contain s about 20 % 300 °C (570 OF) by suppl ying additional hea t
and at the normal pressure of 1 bar to steam at heat of evaporation is needed. The boiling water water. As soon as the heat of evaporation has (Fig. 10.1). Superheated steam catmot ye t con-
100 °C, is converted directly to steam. been supplied completely, one speaks of dry sa- densate even if it is slightly cooled; the stea m
2257.9 kJ = 2257.9 Ws = 0.6272 kWh = 539 kca l 111e following table shows for each pressure turated steam which can be led off. Howeve r, as only condensates if it falls below the tempera hl-
is needed. the corresponding stea m temperature and the soon as the temperature drops it condenses re of evaporation.
The heat of evaporation depends on the eva po- amOLmt of heat contained. again and loses a considerable amolU1t of its he- Such s team is called superheated stea m. Its
at content. During condensation the hea t for large hea t content m akes it possible to convey it
Pressure Temperahlfe Amolmt Heat content of the Heat of eva poration is se t free again. over long dis tances without much loss of ener-
of steam water steam evaporation 111e vollU11e of steam produced during boiling gy. H ea t transfer, despite the high tempera hIre,
under saturation conditions is extremely lal"ge. If we boil at 1 bar (normal is relatively poor. One therefore tries to keep
bal" in °C inm3/kg inkJlkg in kJ/kg in kJlkg pressure), 1.694 dm3 of steam (see table) are pro- the heating surfaces as small as possible and to
duced per kg of evaporated water: that is, about introduce the steam into the heat exchanger as
129.20 29.34 2514.4 2485.0
a 0.010
32.898 28.19 137.77 2561 .6 2423.8
1700 litres. This enormous increase in volume
makes it possible, for example, to produce a lot of
sahlrated steam. For this reason condensa te is
often sprayed into the superhea ted steam short-
0.10 45.833 14.67 191.83 2584.8 2392.9 steam with a relatively small all10Lmt of water ly before it enters the heat exchat1ger to remove
0.50 81.345 3.240 340.56 2646.0 2305.4 and thus to operate a steam engine. the superheating (steam cooling).
0.70 89.959 2.365 376.77 2660.1 2283.3 Conversely, during condensation a lot of steam
0.80 93.512 2.087 391.72 2665.8 2274.0 produces a small amOLmt of condensate. Hot water
0.90 96.713 1.869 405.21 2670.9 2265.6 It is also possible to distribute heat in a different

way by hea ting the water under pressure to 160
1.0 99.632 1.694 417.51 2675.4 2257.9 IIi 1-
J- !-': i - i-- to 170 °C without allowing it to boil. This very
;;j..c::I _r-.. r-- r-- r-t--
kg I-
111.37 1.159 467.13 2693.4 2226.2 !- r-.
1.5 3000 § hot water can then be trans ported at1d used for
2.0 120.23 0.8854 504.70 2706.3 2201 .6 Koo r...... boiling. In this case one sp eak s of hot water boi-
zsoo V '-
. c::
'"i'. ling or hydroboiling (see wort boiling).
It is advantageous to be able to use the full
heating potential for heating. In addition the
4.0 143.62 0.4622 604.67 2737.6 2133.0 :2 management of condensate and its control is no
j,. V
critical point
longer n ecessary.
Disadvantageous is the substantially large pi-
I. -
6.0 158.84 0.3155 670.42 2755.5 2085.0 pe diameter at1d the higher pump performance


8.0 170.41 0.2403 720.94 2767.5 2046.5 I.....- ,.., needed to transport liquid water ins tead of ga-
V seous steam.
10.0 179.88 0.1943 762.61 2776.2 2013.6 1/
1888.6 500'
/ ·s
10.2.3 Boilers

50 263.91 0.03943 1154.5 2794.2 1639.7 Classification of boilers
100 310.96 0.01804 1408.0 2727.7 1319.7 Boilers, in the sense of the Germat1 Boiler Regu-
o 80 120 160 bp/ .2'rf} lations, are closed containers or arrat1gements
200 365.70 0.005877 1826.5 2418.4 591.9 steam pressure of pipes which produce steam at higher than at-
221.2 374.15 0.00317 - 2107.4 0.0 Fig. 10.1: Henl cOlllell 1 of slenlll mospheric pressure for use outside the boiler.

922 923

In Germany boilers are classified in 4 groups: the fuel (type and hea t value in kJ/kg or /m3) High speed stea lll producers The boiler consists of a hori zontal, well insu-
Boilers of Group I with a maximum water and High speed s team producers are a specia l type lated sheet steel cylinder (Fig. 10.2; 1). A t one si-
content of 10 1. the water capacity. of wa ter-tube boiler in which water is forced by de of the boiler is the fire-tube (2) at the front
Boilers of Group II have a capacity of more pumps through hea ting co ils and as a result end of which the burner (3) is installed. By me-
than 101, a maximum overpressure of 1 bar and Types of boiler structure evaporated in the shortest possible time (2 to 10 ans of this the gas/air or oil/air mixture is burnt
a supply temperature of 120 dc. Basically there are two types of boiler construc- min). in a large flame in the fire-tube.
Boilers of Group III have a capacity of up to tion: With water-tube boilers a dis tinction is made Water flows around the fire-tube and the water
50 I. fire-tube exhaust gas-tube boilers and between natural flow and forced circulation level is maintained at a constant level above the
1. with an overpressure of more than 1 bar pro- water-tube boilers. boilers. fire-tube by a boiler feed pump (controlled by
vided that the product of the water content in In natural circulation boilers the less dense water level electrodes). The direction of flow of
litres and the permitted overpressure in bar Fire-tube exhaust gas-tube boilers stea m/wa te r mi xture rises upwards whilst the the exhaust gases produced is reversed in the re-
does not exceed 1000. In these the combustion occurs in a fire-tube wa ter in the cooler part sinks downwards. This ar direction changing chamber (4) and is sent to
2. if during hot water production the permitted and the exhaust gases pass tlu'ough exhaust results in a natural circulation in the water the front of the boiler again through a blUldle of
supply temperature is more than 120 DC (250 gas-tubes. The fire-tube and the exhaust gas-tu- cha mber of these boilers, which are operated at exhaust gas tubes (5) forming the second path .
OF) and the product of the water content in li- bes are both located in the water chamber. a pressure of up to 180 bar. In a front direction changing chamber (6) the
o tres and the permitted overpressure in bar
does not exceed 1000.
Because of their great water content these
boilers are also called large water space boilers.
In forced circulation boilers the water is circu-
lated by a plU11p. The pump circulates the boiler
direction is reversed again and the exhaust gas
is now led to the rear of the boiler again - third
Boilers of Group IV - all other boilers. This In the form of two fire-tube boilers these large wa ter from the steam separator through the hea- path - in the bundle of exhaus t gas tubes (7). Be-
Group includes the boiler plants used in brewe- water space boilers have been used for many ted tube system and thereby brings it to the boi- cause of the cooling of the exhaust gas which
ries. years very successfully for steam production in ling temperature set by the boiler pressure. has occurred by then, the third path consists of
Boilers of Group IV must be contained in a breweries. Double fire-tube boilers are still built conSiderably fewer tubes.
boiler house. According to the Teclulical Regu- today with modern designs for outputs of up to Three pass boilers Whilst the exhaust gas is cooled, the water is
lations for Steam Boilers (TRD 604) the equip- 30 t of steam/h. Most breweries have one or more three pass brought to boiling point and the s team leaves
ment may, under certain circumstances, be Nowadays most boilers in breweries are boilers of various sizes which can be switched the boiler through a steam valve (8). Fig. 10.3
used in 24 h lU1supervised operation. three pass boilers. on according to the energy needed. shows once again the flow of the exhaust gas.
This term is used because the flame and ex-
Boilers are classified haust gases pass tlu-ough these boilers in three
according to the operating pressure (high flow paths. The heat exchange surfaces availa-
and low pressure boilers), ble are thereby used optimally.
according to the type of fuel (coal, oil, natural The advantages of the large water space boi- Fig . 10.2 Tllree pnss boiler
gas, electric), lers are considerable: (n) sirie v iew
(b) lop v iew 1
according to the type of water circulation (na- because of their large water content they are
(e) frol ll view Z
tural and forced), and very robust and can compensate for inequali-
according to the medium flowing through (fi- ties in rates of use. (1) boiler wn ll
re-tube and water-tube boilers). because of their large evaporation surfaces (2) fire-II/be
The most important operating d ata of a boiler they supply relatively dry steam. (3) bl/mer a G
(4) renr riireelioll cllnllg illg
plant are cll nmber
the capacity in t of steam per hour, Water-tube boilers (5) exllnl/sl gns II/be bl/I/rile
the furnace output in MW per hour, In contrast to fire-tube boilers these have water (2 1/ri pnss)
the operating overpressure in bar, and steam in the tubes. These tubes form the (6) fro lll riireelioll b
cllnl/gillg cllmllber
the steam temperature in the boiler or super- outside of the furnace chamber. Water-tube boi- (7) exlwl/sl gns II/be bl/I/rile
heater outlet, lers are built for medium and high outputs with (3 rt! pnss)
the water temperature at the boiler inlet, operating pressures of up to 180 bar. (8) slemll vnlve
924 925

In a double fire-tube boiler the three paths for opera te at pressures of up to 32 bar = 235 °C.
each of the two fire-tubes are obtained by a Boilers used in breweries mostly supply 5 to
layered arrangement of the exhaust gas tubes 15 t s tea tn/h.
(Fig. 10.4). The fuels mostly used are crude petroleml1 oil
To provide operation of the boiler without and natural gas, but solid fuels are also used. Re-
continuous supervision according to Boiler Re- cently biogas from the brewery's own anaerobic
gulation 604, the boiler must be equipped with sewage treatment plant has also been considered.
an appropriate control and safety system . The fuels are burnt in the boiler at a high tem-
This includes, in addition to the previously perature. The furnace temperature depends on
mentioned water level safety electrodes: the heat value of the fuel, the amount and tem-
a water level indicator, perahll'e of combustion air and the heat radiati-
a manometer with special marking of the hig- on in the furnace chamber. The furnace tempe-
hest permissible pressure, rature is lower than the combustion
a device for shutting off the steam line, temperature because the latter could only be
feed water control valves, reached with complete combustion with a theo-

o a water and oil separator, retically total amOlU1t of combustion air and 10
a controller for fuel supply and burner con- without any radiation.
trol, Theoretical combustion temperatures
a safety pressure controller and limiter, and Bihlminous coal 2300 °C
an early warning and fault indicator. Fuel oil 2000 °C
Brown coal (Rhineland) 1500 °C
Fig. 10.4 Three pass voileI': exaillple of a dOllvle fire- tllve voileI' (IIKK Stalldardkessel, Kiithell )
Three pass boilers are built in sizes of Actual average combustion temperahnes (1) voiler vody, (2 ) f ire-tllve, (3) exhallst gas tllve, 211d pass, (4) exhallst gas tllve, 3rd pass, (5) rear directioll challgillg cham vel;
1 to more than 30 t steam/h, Coal, oil, nahnal gas 1200 to 1600 °C wa ter cooled, (6) f/'Ollt directioll ehallgillg ehn/llvel; (7) exhallst gas discharge, (8) eeolWl/lisel; (9) sllperheatel; (10) satllrnted ste-
have a performance of up to 20,000 kWh, and am pipe, (11 ) hot steam discharge, (12) drnillillg valve Energy recovery and improvement of Exa1l1ple 1:

efficiency A boiler with a large capacity and a water tem-
It is advantageous to use the energy released perahlre of 65°C is switched on on Sunday to
from the fuel as completely as possible within steam the air filter for wort aeration. Most of the
the brewery. For this purpose heat is produced for no useful purpose. The ef-
the feed water is preheated in an economiser ficiency in this case is almost 0%.
by cooling the exhaust gas,
the steam is superheated to make it transpor- Example 2:
table, and In many breweries a high speed steam produ-
condensate losses and condensate expansion cer is used to prepare steam (Fig. 10.4 a). A high
are prevented. speed steam producer with two stages (6 tlh
A closed condensate rehll'n system only ope- and 12 t/h) is operated in a brewhouse in which
rates if the plant is always under pressure. The 50 h1/h is evaporated. In this case it can happen
plant must therefore rW1 365 days a year. that the boiler is continuously switched on and
The efficiency of the boiler, however, de- off, low output, high output, etc. The result of
Fig. 10.3
pends on the number of starts, and the opera- this is that during ventilation of the flow paths,
Three pass voiler: example of a sillgle fi re-
tllve voileI' (Th. Laos, Gllllzellhallsell ) ting and use times. which is necessary to avoid explosions, the hot
926 Return of condensate then escapes unused. Such a process is comple-

The condensate also contains a considerable tely t.meconomic and little used nowadays.
amount of heat which can be recovered. The Counterpressure operation:
condensate, which is under pressure, is still The pressure on the steam is reduced only to
above 100 °C, sometimes considerably above 2 to 3 bar alld it Cal, be used for boiling and hea-
this. By returning the condensate, at 140 to 180 ting purposes.
0c, to the boiler about 10 to 12 % of this heat Condensation operation:
energy can be recovered. For this it is necessary The steam is condensed . Its volume therefore
to have a closed system since as soon as the con- decreases alld as a result a vacuum of 0.1 bar is
densate is no longer under pressure, it evapora- produced. This increases the drop in pressure
tes until a temperature of 100 °C is reached. and consequently the mechanical efficiency.
Basically is must be said that the use of steam
10.2.4 Steam engines powered equipment to provide an internal sup-
Fig. 10. 4n ply of electricity is more ral'ely found in brewe-
Earlier it was customalY for every brewery to ha-
Higll speed slemll prodllcer
(Til. Laos, Gllll zelilInllSell) ve its own steam piston engine in which some of ries nowadays. It is more adValltageous where
the steam was used to produce rotational move- low cost fuel is available as an incentive . Nowa-
.0 10
combustion gases are removed unused . The ef- ment. Using a decorative flywheel an electric ge- days combined heat alld power plalltS are more
ficiency is less than 50%. nerator was driven and this more or less provi- commonly used .
In most cases the nominal efficiencies are re-
2 ded all the brewery's own energy requirements.
lated to optimal operating conditions. Conse- Such steam piston engines can nowadays be ad- 10.2.5 Combined heat and power plants
quently average efficiencies greater than 85% mired in brewery muset.U11S. Only about 12 to (CHP)
are rarely obtained. 14% of the energy contained in the fuel was COI1- Instead of the old steam operated machines,
vetted in these machines to mechanical move- combined heat and power plants (CHP) are in- Economiser (Eco) ment energy (mechanical efficiency). The largest creasingly encountered. The name "power sta-
The combustion gases are still very hot when part of the energy in the steam CalUlOt be conver- tion" leads one to suppose something rather
they leave the boiler. So as not to lose this heat, ted to rotational movement alld occurs as heat greater than it is.
serpentine p ipes are installed in the space im- energy (waste steam or hot water). A combined heat alld power plallt consists of
mediately behind the boiler aDd the boiler feed Fig. 10.5 EcollOllliser Later, instead of steam piston engines, steam a gas or diesel motor or a gas turbine, in which
water is led through them in a cot.mterflow. The (prillciple) turbines were used in which, by means of ro- the nahlral gas or fuel oil is combusted. In this
(1) exllnllsl gns illflow tors, a continuous rotation was obtained inste- process, mechanical work is converted into
hot exhaust gas, still at about 260 to 300°C, is (2) exllnllsl gns 10
thereby cooled to about 120 to 130°C whilst the cilillllley ad of the to and fro movement of the steam en- electrical energy. The combustion gas is used
boiler feed water is heated to above 100°C (Fig. gine. Such turbines Cal, still be encountered in for heating purposes .
10.5). The boiler efficiency can be iDcreased to the water carried with the steam out of the a few breweries. Their viability was increased An electricity generator is attached to the gas
above 95 % in this way. Such an exhaust gas wa- boiler is vaporised, and in GermallY when the state, in order to sup- motor and, producing a voltage of 380 V, it l'Lms
ter preheater or economiser (Eco for short) is the dry steam can be transported over long di- port the production of private sources of elec- in parallel to the su pply network alld provides
cOlUlected directly to the boiler or fixed by flan- stances with little cooling and without con- tricity from coal, paid a subsidy for such use of a substantial part of the internal electriCity
ges in the exhaust gas pipe. densing. coal. needs or, if the internal needs are small, it Cal,
Superheaters are constructed with one or mo- To use heat energy as economically as possi- supply electricity to the public network. Tem- Superheater re stages and consist of smooth pipes bent in a ble, the following types of processes were deve- porary electricity requirement peaks Call thus
In the superheater the temperature of the steam serpentine shape . The exhaust gas flowing past loped: be covered.
is raised above the saturation temperature. This on the outside supplies additional heat to the Non-condensing operation: However, use of a gas motor simply as an
increase in temperature has the following ad- steam in the pipes and su perheats it to 250 to In this process the steam expallds in the ma- electricity generator CalUlOt be justified since
vantages: 300°C. chine t.mtil it reaches atmospheric pressure alld the electricity provided is much too expensive.
928 929

in th e low temperature cooling ph ase the tem- A substance is ch osen which requires a lot of
perature is fin ally lowered to 0 to -2 DC, and energy for its evap ora tion - usu ally ammonia
the bright beer storage tank and (NH3)' These substances which withdraw heat
exhaust the fermentation cellar and lagering cell ar by evapora ting are called refrigerants.
¢ must also be cooled . Besides ammonia, in smaller plants fluorina-
This results in the follow ing cooling require- ted hyd rocarbons (FCs) and h ydrochlorofluo-
exhaust heat exchanger ments [11 9]: rocarbons (HCFCs) are used to a decreasing ex-
kWh/hi tent. These, h oweve r, are hi ghl y criticised
warm water Wor t cooling 1,668- 2,224 because of their ozone-depleting activity. These
Fermentation and h alogenated FC refri geran ts are referred to by
low temperature cooling 1,270- 2,427 an "R" (refrigerant) followed by a combination
Room cooling, etc. 2,780- 5,830 of numbers relating to the number of ca rbon, hy-
Total requirement 5,718-10,489 drogen and chlorine atoms (e.g. R21, R22). The
accompanying brand nam e relates to the manu-
Fig. 10.6

If it is ass umed that a diffe ren ce of up to 2 D C facturer (Frigen 12 Farbwe rke by H oechst, Freon
COlllvill ed !len t nll d power plnllt

o _________ __ (C H P): prillcip le

can be cooled by the cooling medium, fo r all
cooling below 12 to 14 DC cooled media are re-
12 by Du Pont, etc.). Even ammonia h as a num-
ber (R717).
qu ired beca use the process wa ter cannot be
It only becomes of interest wh en the heat from Con sequently a combined heat and power used for cooling to lower tempera tures. Colder Because ammonia has no ozone-d estroying
the motor can also be full y utilised (heat and plant comprises media are produ ced in a refri gera tion plant. potenti a\, and so does no t contribute to the
power plant). the gas motor with an electricity generator, It was n ot always so. Our grandfa thers did greenhouse effect, it is increasingly employed
The basic idea behind the heat and power plant and not have refrige rating m achines but they too as the refrigerant, even for smalier refri gera tion
is to employ the kinetic energy obtained from the low and high temperature water circuits w ith needed a sou rce of cooling in summer. It was plants. Nevertheless, a few comments mus t be
energy in the n atural gas by converting it to elec- storage tanks. then customary for brewery employees to cut made about its dangers:
trical energy and to use the heat produced in the Installation of heat and power plants in brewe- blocks of ice from a nea rby pond in the bitterly Anunonia is a very corrosive gas w hich can
form of hot water or steam in the brewery. ries and maltings to cover a substantial p art of cold winter and laboriously brin g it back to the cause irritation or even burning of the respi-
It can be expected that of the 100 % amount of their own energy requirements is an important brewery. The very cold ice was then stored in a ratory pathway,
energy in the n atural gas, about 96 % can be step towa rds reducing energy costs. The plant is thick-walled ice cellar - these still exis t in old Ammonia is explosive w hen mixed w ith air
used i.e. 33% by conversion to electricity and cOlmected p arallel to the supply network or in breweries althou gh their function has me- at high temperature. It reacts w ith CO, and
58 % as h eat (hot water or steam) together w ith "isolated op eration" which can be very advan- anwhile been changed . The ice had to cover the acid w ith the production of a large amount of
5 % from radiation from the motor which can al- tageous in m any cOlmtries. In the case of large cooling requirements until ice w as collected heat.
so be used fo r preheating. plants using gas turbines one speaks of "power- again the n ext winter. Cooling w as then p erfor- Ammonia is a water-endangering m aterial
In order to be able to use the heat energy re- heat coupling". Whether the installation of med using floa ting devices containing ice. The- belonging to Class 2 of the water protection
leased efficientl y it is u su ally recovered in two CHPs makes economic sense depends on the re were, however, problems in ice-free w inters classifica tion. Sites where plants containing
water circuits [103] using energy situation in the cOlmtry in question. which often occurred . amm onia are located must be equipped with
a high tempera ture water circuit at about collection troughs so that no NH3can pass in-
140 C and
D 10.3 Refrigeration plants 10.3.1 Refrigerants and cooling agents to the ground wa ter.
a low tempera ture water circuit at about 65 DC During beer production cooling mus t be used It is, however, p erceptible even w h en highl y
and the corresponding storage tanks. many times: Refrigerants diluted, so that small defects can be recognised
The high temperature water circuit at ab out the casting wort is cooled to pitching tempe- Cooling is produ ced as a result of the fac t that and corrected very quickly.
140 DC corresp onds to a pressure of 3.5 bar. This rature, on evaporating a liquid h ea t of evaporation is If there are large faults, the evapora tion of
hot water can be used directly for h ea ting or the fermenting young beer is cooled in the needed and this is taken from its surroundings. NH3 immediately produces an ice-cold aerosol
boiling. ferm entation and m aturation phases, In this way the surroundings cools dow n. cloud at -70 DC w hich can cause grea t d amage.

Breweries usually employ very good safety Compression refrigeration plants: in these Temp. abs. Hea t content (entha lpy) Hea t of pora tion and +35 °C liquidifi er (condensator)
procedures when using ammonia, but a num- the gas is compressed by a compressor and pressure in the liquid in th e steam evaporation r outlet. A ll other areas are of little sign ificance
ber of incidents in the past show that great care condensed during cooling, and in °C in bar h' in kJ/kg h" in kJ / kg in kJ/ kg for our consid eration.
must be taken when working with ammonia. Absorption refrigeration plants: in these the 15 7.284 269.0 1474.9 1205.9 Fig. 10.6b shows a cross-sec tion from the
In Germany, plants with a total ammonia ca- gas is absorbed by water and later driven out 20 8.573 291.4 1479.0 1187.6 pressure-enthalpy diagram (log p-h diagram)
pacity of more than 3 t (attendant facilities 2 t) again by hea ting. 25 10.030 314.9 1482.4 1167.5 for ammonia; the (red) curve A is the line of tbe
are regulated by the Federal Emissions Protec- 30 11.669 338.5 1485.3 1146.8 saturated liquid (boilin g tempera ture) and
tion law. Ammonia cooling plants with a total Operating principle of refrigeration * The enthalpy h ' for 0 °C is es tab lis hed arbi trarily, in o r- shows tbe beat content of the liquid; the (red)
ammonia capacity of over 50 t are subject to the It has been shown in the context of steam pro- de r to avoid negative val ues. If the value is established at 500, curve B is the line of the saturated s team and
statutory order on hazardous incidents. duction (see Sect. 10.2.2) that the boiling tempe- all h va lues mu s t be increased by 300 kJ/kg. shows its hea t content. Since the diag ram
Nevertheless, ammonia will still remain the rature of water is dependent on pressure and would be very elongated if all the values of the
principal refrigerant used in coming years. that it increases with increasing pressure. In or- The steam table for ammonia provides the heat content to around 1,600 kJ/kg were dis-
der to evaporate the water completely, an addi- necessary values for this: the ammonia boils at played, many of the intermediate values have Cooling agents tional amount of heat must be obtained, which the tempera hire which corresponds to the gi- not been shown . This, however, does not effect
Refrigerants are is the heat of evaporation. It is only after every- ven temperature. To achieve complete evapora- our und ers tanding.
either directly evaporated (direct cooling) thing is evaporated that superheating of the ste- tion, the appropriate amount of heat of evapo-
o 10
where the cooling is required (cooling zones am can occur on further addition of heat. ration is necessa ry. This is shown in Fig. 10.6 b Circulation in the refrigeration plant
in CCVs, cooling pipes for room cooling etc.) These occurrences, with which we are famili- as a curve. The curve marking the change in Let us begin with an example: if liquid ammo-
or ar, also apply of course to other liquids and ga- pressure is, however, very elongated in the case nia at -1 0 °C and a pressure of 2.907 bar (OP =
the cooling power is transferred in an evapo- ses, although with different values. This is also of ammonia, resembling a scimitar, since the 1.907 bar) (see Table) is put into a tank system,
rator to another free zing-resistant nledium, h'ue of ammonia, which is usually used for ref- critical point lies at tk 132 °C and pk 113 bar. it begins to boil and evaporates if more heat is
known as a cold transferring agent or cooling rigeration . These are values which lie far outside the area added. It takes this bea t out of its surroundings,
agent. Cooling agents transfer the cooling Ammonia is a gas at the normal pressure of 1 shown. The curve is therefore always shown which as a result of this inevitably cool down.
power but do not evaporate. In the same way bar. At normal pressure it is only liquid at tem- logarithmically shortened (log p), so that the This hea t transfer takes place in evaporators or
that they become warmer during this heat ex- peratures of under -33.8 0c. At higher tempera- decimal powers (0.1; 1; 10; 100) are at equal di- in the pipes or cooling pockets which are wel-
change they must be cooled down again later tures, the liquid state can only be obtained stances on the scale. ded to the CCV (see Fig. 4.42 a). Wbile the eva-
(indirect cooling) . The efficiency of the plant through increase of pressure. In order to evapo- The area which is relevant for the refrigerati- porating ammonia retains its temperahlre and
is thereby decreased and nowadays, where rate it, heat must be added at the desired evapo- on plant lies between -10 °C tempera hIre of eva- only cbanges its state from liquid to gas, the
possible, there is an increasing switch to di- ration tempera ture with the appropriate pres-
rect cooling. There are, however, areas in sure from the surrOlmdings (the medium to be I I
/ I
which, mainly for safety reasons, use of indi- refrigerated).
Temp. abs. Hea t content (enthalpy) Heat of
rect cooling is preferred. Only frost-resistant in bar in "C

and non-aggressive media can be considered pressure in the liquid in the s team evaporation r IS 37 !4-________

for use as cooling agents, in particular in °C in bar h ' in kJ/kg h" in kJ/kg in kJ/kg 10

glycol, an alcohol-water mi xture and - 30 1.195 64.5 1422.5 1358.0 20

- 25 1.515 86.9 1429.7 1342.8
chlorine-free brine. Fig. 10.6b

In both cases they are mostly referred to as - 20 1.901 109.3 1436.6 1327.3
Opernfillg prillciple of n colllpressioll coo-
-15 2.362 131.8 1443.2 1311.3
brine in the brewery. lil/g plnl/t
-10 2.907 154.5 1449.4 1294.9 (A ) lil/e of ti,e sntll rnted liqllid, (B) lille of
The vaporised cold gas must then be recon- · 10

tile sntllrnted stemll "

velted into the liquid state so that it can be eva- - 5 3.548 177.2 1455.2 1278.1 ·15

4.294 200.0 * 1460.7 1260.7 c-o coolillg pel/onl/al/ce, 0-£ cO/llpressi-

porated again. Depending on how this occu rs, a 0 011 , £-F cOl/dellsntiol/, F-C retllmil/g of I

distinction is made b etween two types of refri- 5 5.158 222.9 1465.9 1243.0 tile col/del/ snfe, C-C1IIl/l/snble coolil/g I EnlhaJpie in kj/kg
10 6.150 245.9 1470.6 1224.7 pel/onl/nl/ce
geration plant:


SUlTOLU1dings - i.e. the tank contents - cool down. Ways of savillg ellergy nllrillg refrigerntioll I

The heat content (the enthalpy) of ammonia, on If one wants to save energy, one must consider /

the other hand, has increased by 1294.9 kJ/kg: the at which places of the pressure - heat content p T
in bar
value of the h ea t content of the steam-heat con- diagram (log p-h diagram) changes can be ma- 15 37
, ,I E
tent of the liquid (1449.4 - 154.5). This corre- de. There are three basic possibilities for this: 30
10 25
sponds to the distance from C to D in Fig. 10.6 b. decreasing the difference in pressure between 20
When the (red) line B is reach ed, the evapora- evaporator and condensator, 15

tion ends, because the all of the ammonia has separating the cooling circulations according 10

now been evaporated . But if one now adds even to evaporation temperature and
more energy to the evaporated ammonia, while subcooling the ammonia in the condensator.
the pressure remains the sam e, superheated
· 15
s team is formed, the enthalpy of which thereby Decreasing the difference in Fig .1O.6c
pressure between evaporator and Redllclioll of Ihe pressllre differelliin/
rises (see table): I
condensator /Jelweell evnpora lor nlld cOlldell scr / Enthalpy in kj/kg
-10 °C 1449.4 kJ/kg E.rp/nllnlioll s ill Ihe text
1455.2 kJ/kg The energy consumption is determined abo-
1460.7 kJ/kg ve all by the pressure differential (D - E), which work with higher temperatures of evaporation,
lO of the compressed ammonia to the same level
1465.9 kJ/kg the compressor has constantly to overcome. as opposed to indirect cooling using a cooling as the other compressors (Fig. 10.6 d). 10
Since the ammonia must be reused, it has to be One tries therefore to keep the pressure diffe- agent (e.g. glycol).
subsequently returned to the liquid state. In or- rential between the temperature of evaporation With direct cooling, only one h eat transfer is Subcooling the ammonia in the eva-
der to be liquefied, the ammonia is compressed. aDd the temperature of condensation as low as required (.0,8 '" 3 .. 4K); with indirect cooling, porative condenser
The pressure and enthalpy of the gas thereby ri- possible. Higher temperatures of evaporation double the amOLU1t is needed (6 .. .8K). This me- The condensa tion of the amm oni a is ended
se and the gas heats up considerably (distance D correspond to higher pressures (see table) : ans that indirect cooling, as a result of the lower when the (red) line A is reached. This also gives
- E). This compression is the PaIt of refrigeration At 2.410 bar = OP 1.410 bar it boi Is at -15°C temperature of evaporation, requires (.0,8", 3 ..4K the basis for the evaporation path Cl - D in the
which requires a large amowlt of energy. At 2.966 bar = OP 1.966 bar it boils at -10°C x '" 3 % / K) = 9 ... 12 % more electrical energy. evaporator. From here on, one is interested in
The compressed hot ammonia must subse- At 3.619 bar = OP 2.619 bar it boils at -5°C.
quently be converted back into the liquid state Separating the cooling circulations
by cooling. For this purpose, liquidifiers (con- Because of the higher pressure in the evapo- according to temperature of evapo-
d ensators) are used . The condensators are usu- rator at a higher temperature of evaporation, ration
ally pipe systems through which ammonia however, the compressor must p erform less In most breweries, the ammonia is exh'acted from
flows while cold water trickles over it outside work for the compression. Because of this, the a single evaporator. The lowest required tempera-
and the ammonia cools; the cooling effect is in- necessary electrical drive performance is dimi- ture then determines the temperature of evapora-
creased using ventilators. nished (Fig. 10.6 c) (C2-D2-E2-F2). Because of tion (e.g. -10 °C or -15 °C). The refrigeration requi-
As soon as the condensator temperature has this, it is generally the case that [269]: 2
rement differs greatly, however: willie one area
reached the line of the saturated liquid (F), the a lK lower temperature of condensation only needs -5 °C, anotller needs -10 °C or -15 °C.
ammonia has condensed and is liquid again. The saves 2 ... 2.5% drive output. If it is possible, one separates tile cooling cir-
liquid ammonia is now released into the evapo- a lK higher evaporation temperature saves culations according to the necessary temperahl-
rator again via a tlu'ottle valve which only lets li- 3 .. .3.5% drive output. re of evaporation and throttles the pressure as
quid ammonia tluough. The enthalpy thereby re- This makes it possible to increase considerably far as n ecessa ry. This makes it possible to keep
mains at the same value - which is why the path the cooling performance of the plant and to redu- the temperature of evaporation in the respecti-
from F to Cl is a vertical downward line. At the ce the energy requirement, since the compressor ve evaporator as high as possible and thus to
same time, it can be seen that the diffe- operating time can be considerably reduced. throttle the en ergy consumption. In this case, Fig .1O.6d
rence in entllalpy C - Cl is not available for the The aim is direct evaporation cooling of wa- Sepnraliofl of tI,C cooliflg cirClf/nliofl S nccordiflg 10 ICfilpcmlfl-
however, one mus t have for each circulation a
re of cvnpoml iofl
cooling circulation, but only tile difference Cl- D. ter, wort and beer, since in this way one can separate compressor which raises the pressure E.rp /nflnl iofls ifl lire lexl

subcooling the ammoni a still process, h ot water is formed, which can be reu- operating principle explained in the previo us
further, because the condensa- sed. The cooled-down ammon ia can now be sec tion, a compression refrigeration plant con-
tion path then shifts to the left compressed in a second s tage to about 19 bar sists of four devices connected to on e another
in bar In cC (heat pump) and is thus heated considerably. by pipes (Fig. 10.7):
15 37
...t../_ - - - -+7- - - - --/- -- ---, E via line A (Fig. 10.6 e). This me-
ans that a greater evaporation The hot ammonia steam can be condensed by

10 25 potential (from C' to C1) is the circulation wa ter of the h eating plant and
achieved in the evaporator and the conden sa te can subsequently b e cooled
10 the performan ce of the plant is down using service water, w hich itself warms :5

improved. The additional coo- up to around 50 °C in the process and thus ca n

c, ling takes place in evaporative be used again. Although electri ca l energy must
condensers in cOlU1ection "vith be used here in the form of the drive for the se- 3
cooling towers, in w hich the cond compression, more total heat is m ade
200 300 400
warmed-up water is cooled available for heating, in the form of hot water,
Enthalple in kj/kg

Fig. 1O.6e
down again. The temperature
of the wa ter remains almost
than the electrical energy needed.
The op era tion al costs of a h ea t pump plant
SlIucoolillg of tlte nllllllollin ill tlte colldellser are, however, so high that this theoretical solu-
constant. By using larger heat 10
o h'ansfer surfaces, finer jets and tion is not made use of in practice.
lower tlu'oughputs (Fig. 10.6 f), one can, with an Other ways of saving energy
improved interior cooling, achieve a circulation
Fig. 10.7 COlllprcssioll refrigemtioll IIl1it (prillciple)
water temperature which lies about 10 K Lmder Further ways of sav ing energy are possible in
(1) (2) (3) colldellscr (liqll efier), (4)
the temperatuxe of condensation of the ammonia the operation and maintenance of the refrigera- expn llsioll vnlve, (5) Itent ellergy
[270]. In this way, one can obtain a subcooling of tion plants; in particular:
the already liquid ammonia. In the SUl1uner, the mechanically keeping the hea t h'ansfer sur fa-
extent of this is limited by high air temperatures ces clean, so that an optimal heat transfer is
and air humidity. guaranteed. In particular, coa tings of grown
microorganisms (biofouling) must be remo- Evaporator (1): Attaching a heat pump ved . Oil displaces the hea t transfer; a O.lmm The liquid ammonia is fed into the evaporator
When condensed steam is com pressed, the en t- ca lcification of the pipes reduces the heat and eva porated here - depending on the requi-
halpy value rises at the same time as the pressu- transfer by 10%! rements - at temperatures between -4 and -10
re. If enough energy is added in this process, operating the refrigeration plants using a ba- 0c. The h eat required for evaporation is with-
the condensate returns to the vaporised state lance storage tank, by m eans of which energy drawn fr om the envirOlU11ent which therefore
with a high en ergy content and it can perform peaks can be balanced out and becomes cooled. The pipe or plate system of the
work and release energy again. Such plant muts minimising energy losses by using well- evaporator is, for this,
are known as heat pumps. functioning hea t insulation . Coldness insula- immersed in brine or glycol solution or
The vapour compressor lmit in the brewhou- tion must be equipped with a water vapour form s a store of ice in the wa ter by freezing
2 se (see Sect., in which the vapour com- diffusion lock (steam brake) (see also Sect. the water around the evapora tor pipe.
presses by means of a roots blower, and thus re- 10.3.5 and This type of cooling is termed indirect coo-
turns to being steam of a higher temperature ling since it is not the cold ammonia but the
capable of hea t exchange, is in principle a heat 10.3.2 Compression refrigeration plants cooling age nt (the glycol solution or the cold
Fig.1O.6f pump. This is also true of the compressor in the water) which is pumped to w here the cooling is
SlIucoolillg of tlte nil II 11011 in IIsillg circllintioll wnter refrigeration plant, which raises the enth alpy Operating principle required.
(1) nlll IIIDII in frolll tile (2) nllllllollin to tlte tltrottle When the evapora tor is located where the
value by mea ns of pressure increase. The hea- Most refrigera tion plants in breweries are com-
vnlve, (3) liqllidifier witlt wnter tricklillg, (4) ndditiollnillent
ted ammonia must be cooled; in the cooling pression refrigeration plants. According to the cooling is required, one speaks of direct coo-
tmllsfe rerfor slIucoolillg

936 937

ling. This has already been mentioned in the When the energy flo w of a compression refri- lar plates and the reby extracts the
description of cooling of CCVs (Sect. 4.4.2 .2). geration plant is compared with a steam power heat for evaporation from the sur-
Direct cooling by the direct evaporation of plant it can be seen that they operate exactly rounding fluid or air.
ammonia is becoming more and more wide- conversely (Fig. 10.S). Two of these evaporators are
spread today. described here :
To achieve a good heat transfer, it is necessa- 11
ry that the pipes or plates of the evaporator are Ve rtical t/lbe evapol'l1tors (Fig.
kept free on both sides from coatings of all 10.9)
kinds (oil film, limescale). Vertical tube evaporators are as a
2 4 2 rule rectangular concrete contai-
C0111pressor (2): ners in which the vertical fall pi-
The cold ammonia gas is sucked in by the com- pes (4) are immersed in brine or a
pressor and compressed to S-10 bar overpressu- glycol solution. The liquid am-
re. This increases the temperature of the com- a monia (3) supplied evaporates in 5
pressed NH3 to SO-90 0c. the vertical pipes (6) and is led via
Fig. 10.9: lIerfienllllbe evapornfor (olrl Iype)
The compressor is electrically operated and is Fig. 10.8 Ell ergy flow a liquid separator (S) to the com- (1 ) evapornfor hOllsillg (illslliaf erl), (2) covel; (3) ill lei sprny, (4) rlOWII pipe, (5)
the machine with the greatest electrical energy (a) cOlllpressioll refrigernlioll plnuf cirellif pressor (9). Many evaporators al- liqllirl col/eelioll pipe, (6) evnpornfioll pipes, (7) vapollr col/eelioll pipe, (8) liqllirl
(1) collfrol valve, (2) evapornfol; (3) cOlllpressol; (4) COllriC/l- separnfO/; (9) sll elioll pipe, (10) oil relllovnl, (11 ) brille sli"" el; (12) brille
requirement in the brewery. so comprise a stirrer (11) which
improves the heat exchange by
COlldellSer 01' liquefier (3): (b) sfenlll ellgill e plnlll cirCllif producing movement.
The hot ammonia is cooled to 20-30 °C and is (1) boilerfeerl PIllIlP, (2) collrlell sel; (3) slealll ellgill e, (4) boi-
ler Sllell alld t/lbe evapol'l1tors (Fig.
thereby reliquefied. For better heat exchange
the condenser is built as a plate system or pipe 10.10) 2
system. Energy source Energy supplied In the newer models the NH3 is
Steam power distributed by a spray hlbe and I I
Expallsioll valve (4) : plant heat mechanical energy evaporated whilst the pipes are
cooled in the brine . The advan-
The expansion valve separates the evaporator Compression mechanical heat from low
and condenser. It allows only a small amOlmt of temperature tages of this construction are:
NH3 into the evaporator and prevents a pressu- refrigeration plant energy is brought up to a better heat transfer (smaller,
re equalisation between the evaporator and high temperature cheaper),
condenser, which would reduce the cooling ef- easier to control,
ficiency of the equipment to zero. A compression refrigeration plant is therefo- smaller subsequent evaporati-
The temperature and pressure changes in the re at the same time a heat pump. on if there is a sudden stop,
compression refrigeration plant are typically as smaller amOlmts of NH3 used .
Fig. ID.I0: SI,ell ami fllbe evnpornfor wilh eoolillg lIIerlilllll Irieklillg for liqllirl
follows: Evaporators A special type of shell and hlbe
Temp. Over- Heat energy Evaporators are built in many very different evaporator is the ice-water cooler (1) brille illlel, (2) vrill e ollilel, (3) NH J circlliafioll PIllIlP, (4) oil ex/rne/ioll, (5)
pressure forms . Thus there are vertical tube evaporators, (see Sect. NH J /0 fhe colllpressor
in °C in bar shell and tube evaporators, ribbed tube evapo-
Evaporator +25 to-5 2 energy required rators, coiled pipe evaporators, plate evapora- Compressors
Compressor -5 to +80 2 to 10 mechanical energy tors (special design), lamellar plate evapora- The task of the compressor is to compress the screw compressor,
Condenser +80 to +25 10 energy supplied tors, etc. cold NH3 gas. For this various types of com- rolling piston compressor,
Expansion The basic principle of all evaporators is that li- pressor are used: rotating piston compressor, or
valve +25 10 to 2 quid ammonia evaporates in the hlbes or lamel- reciprocating piston compressor, hlrbocompressor.


Reciprocating pistOl1 compressor: sure pipe, an increase of up to 14 % liquefaction

The reciprocating piston compressor is the ol- can be gained .
dest type used in the brewery. These compres- These compressors can be classified as
sors were for a long time built as horizontal open compressors which have a closed casing
slowly moving compressors and were often subject to the pressure of the cooling medi-
coupled with the steam engine. Nowadays ver- um . The drive is applied from outside to the
tical fast moving compressors with a perfor- crank shaft, which is sealed against NH 3 .
mance range of 100,000 to 300,000 kJ/h are pre- semi-hermetically sealed compressors (mo-
ferred. tor compressors) which contain the electric
Compression is performed in these compres- motor as well as the compressor in a screwed-
sors by the piston moving to and fro in combi- on casing, and
nation with the opening and closing valves. The hermetically sealed compressors in which the
ammonia is thereby heated in the piston com- motor and compressor are contained in a
pressor to 90-100 0c. welded, tightly sealed casing (enclosed com-
Reciprocating piston compressors mostly pressors, household refrigerators).
Fig. 10.13: Screw call/pressor
o contain several cylinders, the pistons of which
are fixed to a common crank shaft (Fig. 10.11). Screw compressors
The casing is separated by dividing walls into Screw compressors (Fig. 10.12) consist of two
crankshaft chamber, suction chamber and pres- rollers moving towards one another (drive rol-
sure chamber. ler and auxiliary roller) which lead the gas flow
By using a sub cooling appliance, an additio- against the tightly fitting casing. Because they
nal performance increase of 5% can be achie- only perform a rotating movement they have a
ved, and by using a desuperheater in the pres- constant output and idle running speed. Mo- Fig. 10.14
reover, they require no valves and are not sen- Fig. 10.12 Rotntizlg pistoll
Screw call/pressor (operntillg prill cipleJ coll/pressor
sitive to the presence of liquid . Consequently
they are continuously adjustable, and this is the
reason for their increasing use, especially in lar-
ge breweries (Fig. 10.13). Screw compressors lar cylinder. The separation of the suction from TlIrbocompl'essol's
are, however, very noisy in operation. When the pressure side is achieved by one or more sli- In turbocompressors the compression is perfor-
one adjusts them the efficiency decreases : since ding plates in the cylinder. m ed by acceleration of the gas flow in an impel-
they work without friction there is a slippage ler and subsequent conversion of the kinetic
and when the rotation speed is reduced the R otatillg pistoll compressors energy of the flow into a pressure increase in a
slippage is disproportionately great relative to In rotating piston compressors the compression diffuser.
the useful flowrate. is obtained by an eccentrically mounted rota- Turbocompressors are used in very large ref-
The slippage is reduced by oil. The oil seals ting piston containing several sliding plates rigeration plants which hardly ever exist in bre-
the two rollers against each other and at the sa- which are pressed by centrifugal force against weries.
me time cools the cooling agent (improvement the cylinder wall. Consequently individual
in efficiency) . compression cells are formed (multi-cell com- Condensers (liquefiers)
pressor) (Fig. 10.14). Rotating piston compres- Condensers are heat exchangers in which the he-
Rollillg pistoll compressors sors are very suitable for large output volumes at removed from the cooling agent (heat of eva-
In these compressors the compression is obtai- with a low pressure difference. They are there- poration and compression) is taken up by a coo-
ned by a piston, eccentrically mOlmted on a fore often used for a low pressure stage in two- ling medium (air or water). The condensation or
Fig. 10.11
Reciprocntillg pistOiI call/pressor shaft, rolling against the internal wall of a circu stage compression. liquefying process proceeds in tlu'ee stages:

940 941

removal of the superheating heat until the The amOlmts of cold water required for the 4
evaporation temperature is reached, condensation are considerable. The water beco-
removal of the heat of evaporation, mes warmed by the cooling agent but it cools
cooling down of the liquid (Fig. 10.15). thro ugh evaporation. Depending on the exter-
There are three groups of condensers: nal humidity, even with high external air tem-
water cooled or flowthrough condensers, peratures a water temperature of about 25°C is
air cooled condensers, and established.
evaporative condensers. To reduce the specific energy consumption,
the condensed cooling agent can be further coo-
led in a heat exchanger (subcooling).
in .( f Control valves
TIle amOlmt of liquid cooling medium flowing
Fig. 10.18
out of the condenser into the evaporator must be Higil pressllre Jiont CO il troller
2 controlled according to the cooling requirement (1) illiet vnlve, (2) olltlet vnlve, (3) draill vnlve, (4) velltilnti-

) 1/ ------1---- whilst simultaneously allowing reduction of its al l vnlve, (5) vy-pnssillg level; (6) low pressllre jet, (7) tilrottle
,,---- Fig. 10.16 Silell nlld tllve colldenser
(Pilato TIl. Witt Kiiltelllnscilillell, Ancilell)
pressure. This regulation is nowadays usually
performed with automatic control valves.

" Usually float valves are employed for this

Evaporative connel/sers purpose and they are referred to, depending on
If an air cooled condenser is additionally sprayed the connection,
Q with the cooling performance is substanti- on the high pressure (condenser) side as high
ally increased by evaporation of the water, since pressure float controllers, or
Fig. 10.15
LiqlleJnctioll (co l/{/ellsillg) the heat of evaporation is also led away. on the low pressure (evaporator) side as low
(1) relllovnl oj tile sliperilentillg ilent, (2) cOlldensn tioll to li- Evaporative condensers therefore operate pressure float controllers.
qllid, (3) sllvcoolillg A high pressure float controller (Fig. 10.18)
with water circulation using a sufficient excess
of water (Fig. 10.17). Problems with soiling by contains a float ball as control element which
Water coolen cOl/nel/sers spraying water in an open flow of air are a dis- floats on the liquid ammonia. When the liquid
The most common type are shell and tube con- advantage. level sinks, the ball sinks and thereby closes the
densers. TIlese consist of a horizontal cylinder outlet to the evaporator.
with tube plates welded on at both ends between The ventilation valve (4) is necessary to drain
which internal hlbes are welded (Fig. 10.16).
Shell condensers have a simple construction
l7Iois/tJ r e sep'lfotor ! spray jets

off the enclosed air, since otherwise the liquid
infeed is hindered.
and are relatively easy to clean. They are used / 1\ ; :\ / j" ,;\ /: \

when large amounts of water are available rela- sre-ominffol'l Ice water storage unit (Fig. 10.19)
tively cheaply (water from lakes or rivers) . In every brewery there are phases in which very
low refrigeration performance or none at all is
/ necessary. This time can be used to store a reser-
Air coolen cOl/nel/sers
These basically consist of finned tube systems. I ve of cooling potential. The ice water storage Fig. 10.19
Because air has a low heat transmission coeffi-
cient, it is forced past the fins or lamellar blades
ron collection trougll
- -
)0 unit is thus the cowlterpart of the hot water
energy storage Lmit (see Sect.
lee wnler storage II/Iii , (TIl. Witt Kiiltelllnscilillell, Ancilell)
(1) ice wn ter vnck Jiow
(2) ice wn terJorem l1
by fans. The heat exchangers are usually arran- Fig. 10.17
By ice water storage Lmit is meant a vessel in (3) glycol illJeed (-9 °C)
ged horizontally. Evnporative call denser which fresh water (process water) is cooled to (4) glycol vnckJiow (-6 °C)

942 943

below 0.5 0c. Cooling is performed by continu- Prillciple of tlIe absorptioll coo lillg machin e
1 ,..-.... - 9
ous recirculation of the water, which is forced (Fig. 10.21)
downwards in the central pipe and rises again
laterally, and in doing so, passes plastic pipes
made of high-d ensi ty polye thylene (HDPE),
through which brine cooled to -9 °C is pumped.
Ammonia passes through the control valve (6) ill-
to the evaporator (1) and withdraws the necessa-
ry heat for evaporation from the slUToundillgs.
The absorber (2) cOtmected to the evaporator con-
L - - -- -,-,J


In the process, the water cools and slowly free- tains water. Water has a strong tendency to ab-
Fig. 10.21
zes by forming an increasingly thick crust of ice sorb ammonia gas, the more so the less satmated
arOtmd the pipes. the solution is. As a result of conrulUous absorp-
A usorplioll coolillg pin 11 I (prill-
-, 2
Consequently, in addition to the ice water at tion of gas the solution becomes more concentra- (1) (2) (3)
l'> "
0.5 0c, a reserve of cooling potential is produ- ted.TIle heat of solution produced is led away by
!zen l (4) (5)
: <" "
ced which can be built up during the night-time the coolillg medium. TIle dissolved ammonia is
(6) co lllrol vnlve, (7)
5011llioll PlllllP, (8) liqllid sepn-
- .. -t"
'> :>
<........ -
or at appropriate tilnes for storage. The ice wa- driven out agaiIl by hearulg to 120 °C in the boi- (9) coolillg urille, (10) coo- ..- 70
ter removed becomes warmed by passage ler (4) and it is liquefied again ill the condenser Iillg (11) slrollg 5011l1ioll,
12 1
tlu-ou gh the external plate cooler or cooling pi- (5). Steam is used for the h eating; in smaller
(12) weak SOllllioll, (13) !zenlillg 11
) pes and is led back slightly warmed illto the ice plants gas or electricity is also used . As a result of
storage unit. There it becomes cooled again by the evaporation of anullonia ill the boiler the so- many breweries which use brine for indirect Depending on the arrangement of the brille
the ice coatillg wh ilst the latter slowly melts. lution becomes less concentrated agaill.TIle wea- cooling. pipes, two groups of coolillg system are distill-
The maximum ice coating aimed for is 25 mm ker solution (12) must be moved from the boiler With indirect cooling (Fig. 10.22) there is guished:
thick; if the ice coating becomes too thick or the to the absorber whilst the enriched solution (11) a cold medium producillg circuit (a) and
ice joins together between the pipes, the evapo- must be moved from the absorber to the boiler for a cold medium distribution circuit (b). Stationary cooling
ration temperature is lowered and the efficien- removal of anUllonia . This movement is perfor- There is therefore a double circuit for brine The coolillg systems through which the brine is
cy is decreased. med by the solution pump (7) . cooling, but advantages are: to flow are attached to the ceiling of the room to
Ice water is used for cooling open or closed The "weak" solution from the absorber needs if there is a leak, no ammonia can escape mto be cooled (e.g. lager cellar, filling hall, storage
fermenters and for secondary coolillg in plate to be cold in the absorber. A heat exchange is the workillg space, room). Because the cooled air sinks downwards
coolers. In contrast to direct refrigeration, the performed ill a temperature exchanger (3) con- the evaporator acts as a reservoir of cold me- a natural circulation occurs in this room.
refrigeration capacity is made up of the dischar- nected between the evaporator and absorber m dium which can be produced using night-ti- TIle coolillg pipes are the coldest places ill the
ge capacity of the storage lmit and the remai- which the "strong" solution is heated by the me electricity supplies and is also useful if room to be cooled. Moistme ill the air ill the room
nillg direct refrigeration. As a result, the capaci- "weak" solution, which thereby cools. there are peaks in cold requirements in the therefore condenses on them and they become co-
ty of the compressor can be considerably Absorption cooling machines are not com- brewery. vered with ice whilst the room air becomes drier.
reduced. At the same time, all the other compo- mon in breweries. They are used mainly for
nents of the refrigeration plant can thus be sca- cooling cabinets since almost no mailltenance is
led down. necessary for their operation. b
10.3.3 Absorption cooling machines 10.3.4 Space and liquid cooling
In absorption cooling machines there is no com- Space cooling and liquid cooling procedures
pressor. Instead of the compressor there are used ill breweries depend on the size and lay-
three devices: out of the equipment.
an absorber, a temperahtre exchanger and a
boiler. Cooling of conventional fermentation
and lager cellars
Fig. 10.22 Izldirect coolillg (prillciple)
The condenser, control valve and evaporator It has been pointed out that nowadays the trend
(n) prodllctioll of cold llledilllll: (1) (2) (3) (4) colllrol vnlve
are the same as ill compression coolillg machilles. is to direct cooling. Nevertheless there are still (u) dislriulllioll of cold llledilllll: (1) coolillg urille ill (2) urill e PlllllP, (3) urille cool illS pipe sy slelll

944 945

Admittedly to a certain extent th e ice layer on the air velocity must remain below 0.5 m/s. The
the cooling pipes forms a reservoir of cooling cooling requirem ent using air circula tion coo-
power which still acts after the cooling is swit- ling is somewhat greater than w hen u sing sta-
ched off; n evertheless: tionary cooling since the energy used to drive
The ice insulates the pipes and thereby impe- the fan is converted to heat. Both smooth and
des heat transfer. ribbed cooling pipes are u sed. In the case of rib- N
Consequently the layer of ice should be regu- bed pipes the surfa ce of the pipe is artificially
larly thawed off. Thawed pipes transfer cold increased and as a result there is a greater con-
25 % better than hea vily iced pipes. When the tact surface with the room air.
cooling is switched off, the ice on the cooling pi- Because of the increased surface of the ribbed N
pes thaw s and the tha wed water drops off. pipes a cooling sys tem made using ribbed pipes
When the thawed w a ter drops onto the ves- can be much shorter than one made with
sels it soon forms permanent ru st stripes which smooth pipes. The latter are often 200 m long.
m ake a new coat of paint desirable . Conse- Stationary cooling and circulated air cooling N
quently the cooling tubes are installed so that are nowadays only found in old, small cellars 's
the drips of water cannot drop onto the vessels and pub breweries.
) 10
or else diversion cha1U1els are placed under
them . Modern cooling plants "8
Air cirCIIlatioll coolillg
Modern cooling plants are nowadays construc-
ted as central N H 3 cooling plants to which all ""
In the fermentation cellar, for hygienic and space equipment using cooling is cOlmected, inclu- 4

reasons, it is not desirable to install cooling pipes ding the CO 2 recovery plant (Fig. 10.24).
in the cellar itself and if possible they are instaHed Because, on economic grounds, operations
in an adjacent cooling chan1ber (Fig. 10.23). nowadays require different evaporation tempe-
The cold dry air is forced into the fermentati- ratures, most modern cooling plants also have M ...-iIII--....

on cellar by a fan and sucked out again from several evaporators.

there by the fan. The fan is of such a size that it Liquid ammonia (green) is led via an NH3
can circulate the air in the fermentation cellar 4 collector (3) into one of the evaporators (3).
to 6 times an hour. To avoid rheumatic illnesses From there the liquid ammonia at approximate-
ly -6 DC is led into the cooling pipes of the CCVs
and evaporated there (direct evaporation)
(right section). If the CCVs are to be cooled in-
directly, the NH3 evaporates in a separate eva-
porator and thereby cools the brine (pale red),
which is stored in a brine container (6) (middle
section) . To cool the brewing water, an indivi-
dual evaporator is frequently used (left section)
in which, through the evaporation of the am-
monia, the cooling water for the deep freeze sta-
ge of the wort cooler is cooled down to I-2 °C.
Fig. 10.23
In all cases, the superheated NH3 vapour
Air circulotioll coolillg (prillciple)
(1) coolillg cllOlllbel; (2) space to be cooled, (3) brille pipes, (4) (blue) is led back into the NH3 separator. (For
fall advantages and disadvantages of direct and in-
946 947

direct cooling, see Sect. From there, it the shell and tube cooler for the glycol coo- small residual temperature difference between The advantage of two-stage cooling is tha t
is drawn off by the compressors and compres- ling of the yeast tank and bright beer tank, the cooling fluid and and the fluid being coo- energy is needed only for the production of the
sed to 11 to 12 bar (red). The NH3 is heated by the ice water cooler. led. If one wants to cool to a pitching tempera- much smaller amolmt of cooled water at 4 DC.
the compression In the case of modern cooling plants the CO, ture of about 8 DC, cooled water with a tempe- The cooling energy is therefore needed only
in the case of screw compressors to 70-90 DC, liquefaction (see Sect. 4.4.8) is integrated in the rahlre of 4 to 5 DC at the most must therefore be for the amount of wa ter needed for low tempe-
in the case of piston compressors to 90-110 DC. cooling plant. For this a liquid NH3 pump sup- used. To cool well water at 12 DC to cooling wa- rature cooling in the second cooling s tage.
The compressors switch automatically on plies cold liquid ammonia to the NH3 conden- ter at 4 to 5 DC, however, electrical energy is re- The cooling energy requirement in a two-sta-
and off with a uniform work load . ser of the cooling plant for CO 2 liquefaction. On quired. ge cooler is smaller the lower the transfer tem-
In the subsequently cOlUlected condensers - safety grounds the cascade cold plant in the Cooling can be performed in two possible perature is at the conversion pla te (6).
here there are three double evaporative con- ammonia circuit operates separately from the ways: The advantage arises because no cooling
densers - the hot ammonia gas is cooled by the NH3 cold plant and possesses its own compres- single stage cooling, or energy is required to reach the temperature of
evaporating water and liquefied again (green), sor (not shown here) as well as the CO, liquefier two-s tage cooling. the well water since the cooling potential of the
so that at the end it can flow into the NH3collec- as evaporator. well water is utilised. Therefore, although in
tor again at about 25 DC and is available for re- Sillgle stnge coolillg (Fig. 10. 26, n) both cases the same amount of heat energ y
newed circulation. Cooling of liquids The hot wort at about 98 DC is cooled in COLU1- must be removed from the wort, the two-stage
Not shown in the diagram are the further sec- It is necessary to cool flowing wort or beer at terflow to cooled water at 4 DC to the pitching cooler has a lower cooling energy requirement
o temperahll'e of 8 DC. The cooling water is there-
tions in which the ammonia evaporates and various stages. This concerns in particular than single stage cooling.
thereby withdraws heat from the surroun- cooling of hot casting wort to pitching tempe- by heated to about 80 DC and can be reused as For the second stage shell and hlbe coolers
dings; these include, for example, rature, hot water. By increasing the size of the plate are often u sed with direct evaporation of am-
the cooling pipes on the CCVs, cooling the beer after the main fermentation, cooler, the temperature of the hot water can be monia.
the shell and tube flowthrough cooler for low deep cooling of beer before filtration, etc. raised to 94 to 95 DC and this hot water can be Because of the low water requirement, many
tempera hire cooling of beer, Cooling is performed by stored in a hot water storage tanl (see Sect. breweries use a single stage cooler, because on
the shell and hlbe cooler for brewing water plate coolers (with a seal) for indirect cooling, for heating purposes . the other hand an additional heat exchange r is
cooling, or To be able to perform single stage cooling, all required for the brew water cooling and a stora-
pipe coolers (welded) for direct cooling. the cooling water must first be cooled from ge tank for the ice water. For this, a temperatu-
If well water at 12 DC is available, the hot wort about 12 DC to 4 DC. This gives rise to a cooling re control, pumps and fittings are necessary.
can be cooled by a plate cooler to about 3 DC energy requirement of Single stage cooling requires less cooling wa-
above this temperature, in other words to about ter but more cooling; two-stage cooling requi-
(12 DC - 4 DC) total amOlmt of cooling water res less cooling but more cooling water.
15 DC. A lower temperature cannot be reached X

a because the well water is not sufficiently cold. x spec. heat capacity The decision as to which method is more suit-
With heat exchange there is inevitably always a able for the firm must be made under conside-
4 ...... This energy requirement is relatively large. ration of all relevant criteria (above all the costs
of cooling and water).
Two-stnge cooling (Fig. 10.26, b)
In this the hot wort is cooled in the larger pre- 10.3.5 Advice for economic operation of
cooling section by well water at 12 DC. No ener- cooling plants
3 Fig. 10.26 Wort coolillg by plnte coolers gy is required for this, since the well water is
(n) sillgle stnge cooler
(b) two-stnge cooler
available at this temperature. More cooling wa- Pronllctioll of coolillg potel/tinl
b (1) coolillg wnter nt 4°C ter, however, is required than with single stage Because the cooling plant is by far the greatest
(2) hot wnter nt 80 °C cooling. user of electrical energy, one must always think
(3) hot wort nt 98 °C In the following smaller deep cooling section about using it cost-efficiently.
1. . (4) cooled wort nt 8 °C
(5) brew wnter nt 12°C
the now precooled wort is cooled by cooled wa- For this it is necessary that the compressor,
(6) cOllversioll plnte ter at 4 DC to the pitching tempera hue of 8 DC. depending on the cooling requirement, always

948 949

compresses to the established preset degree . boiling performance. The same effect occurs Because of the ease of transport of electrical mers ill the power stations to 60 to 380 kV and
This is achieved by use of a control device when air gets into the refrigeration system: energy it is the ideal energy source and it is traIl.sferred over long distances at this voltage
(Pressostat) which, when the external air tem- Even small amounts of air in the ammonia u sed everywhere in the brewery except where by overhead cables. For muniCipal supplies the
perature is low or there is a smaller usage of cause the condensation pressure to increase cheaper sources of energy should obviously be voltage is transformed by local transformer sta-
cooling, maintains the condensation pressure considerably and decrease the efficiency of the used. tions to a moderate voltage of 10 kV all.d distri-
always at the level of the stipulated pressure by coollll.g plaIlt. buted preferably lll. underground cables.
switching off condenser surfaces. 10.4.1 Supply of electrical energy Breweries also receive most of their electrical
Nowadays central cooling plants for direct Distributioll of coolillg Electricity is predomillaIltly produced in power energy m this form through one or more traIl.S-
NH3 evaporation are preferably used. Because When working in cold rooms the following stations. In Germany in 2005 formers supplied with 10 kV or 20 kV, and pro-
different evaporation temperatures are needed at measures should be observed: 28.0% of the electricity was produced from ducing a 380 V output voltage. In some other
the suction side of the compressor, vaCUWl1 pres- Keep windows and doors closed in warm nuclear energy, countries and continents quite different volta-
sure regulators which malll.tain. the lowest pres- seasons of the year. In wlllter the colder outside 24.7% from crude lignate, ges are customary, for example, three-phase 600
sure level are employed. The compressors there- temperahtre CaIl. be used by opening the cold 21.7% from hard coal, V supplies are often used. This voltage can be
fore always operate with the lowest suction room doors. Walls and doors must be insulated 8.4 % from nahtral gas, used as a three-phase supply or in the form of a
pressure and the highest condensation pressure. as well as pOSSible. An interruption of the room 6.2 % from hydroelectricity plants, smgle phase alternating current at 220 V.
cooling for several hours each day is advisable
o 1 °C lower condensation temperature gene- to melt the ice on the coollll.g pipes and to remo-
0.6% from fuel oil,
2.5% from other heat sources such as burning
The energy suppliers charge breweries for
the amOlmt used in kWh. But even when elec-
rates 1 % higher cooling capacity with appro- ve the cushion of ice. A better storage of cooling of rubbish. tricity is not belllg used, 50% or more of the un-
ximately 2.5% less effective refrigeration potential is obtained by use of large volumes of used power must be paid for. It is therefore in
compressor performance. brllle in the pipes . Smooth pipes contain more Water and wind powered power stations are the lll.terest of the compaIl.Y to compensate for
1 °C higher condensation temperature gene- brllle than ribbed pipes . Because the spaces bet- the most envirOlIDlentally sustainable, but lll. the inevitable inactive currents. To be able to
rates 6 % higher coollll.g capacity with appro- ween the flllS on the ribbed tubes are often com- the GermaIl. geographical situation CaIl provide understand this the power factor cos <p must
ximately 3 % less effective refrigeration com- pletely iced up, their efficiency is substantially only a small part of the energy supply. first be explained.
pressor performance. impaired . Consequently, m rooms cooled to a In all power stations the electricity is produ-
low temperature, such as lager cellars, smooth ced by electrical generators in which mechani- 10.4.2 Power factor cos <p
The efficiency of a plant greatly depends on the pipes are mostly used. Ribbed pipes are restric- cal energy (rotational movement) is converted Two alternatmg currents are in the same phase
evaporation temperature. As a rule, different eva- ted to fermentation cellars, filling halls, etc. TIl.e to electrical energy. when the zero values all.d the maximum values
poration temperatures are required on the sucti- space to be cooled is decreased by occupymg A generator consists of a fixed stator all.d a ro- of their sine-shaped instantaneous values in
on side. It is therefore advisable to lll.stall several the space as tightly as possible. In sections tating part (rotor), both of which are equipped each case colll.cide. When they do not occur si-
cycles with different evaporation temperahlres which are not in use no cooling is used. with wmdings. As a result of the rotation of the multaneously the currents are "phase shifted".
rather than a central plant, which has to continu- Of particular significance in cooling distribu- rotor a voltage is lllduced ill. the stator which The size of the phase shift is expressed III an-
ally operate at the lowest suction pressure. tion is the layout design and configuration of follows the shape of a Sllle curve. gular degrees; III fact the phase shift angle (<p) is
As a result of differlll.g tempera hIres and loads the refrigerant pumps. Since the coolmg loads To produce electricity, generators with three the time by which the current precedes the vol-
on the plant tlle conditions are always changlllg are frequently a considerable distance apart, wlll.dlll.g coils at 120 ° are used. As a re- tage.
but they can be measured and related to one anot- the pump plants are often equipped with for- sult, a current is produced m each coil, the volta- A phase shift CaIl also occur between the cur-
her. TIlis gives rise to the possibility of optimislllg ced recirculation of the refrigeraIlt. In the pro- ge fields of which continuously overlap. Such a rent sh'ength and the voltage of one all.d the SaJ11e
operation of the plant by prograI1Ullable compu- cess, liquid refrigerant is led from the sump of current is called a rotary or three-phase current. alternati..tlg current. TIlis always occurs with lll-
ter conh'ol, as has been lll.h·oduced already lll. ma- the liquid separator to the evaporator, where The electrical energy from power stations is ductive loadlll.g, i.e. when all. current
ny brewies. Because the refrigeration plant is such the refrigerant then evaporates. still supplied by overhead lmes. Becau- passes through magnet wlll.dlll.g coils, as is the
a large user of electricity, llwestments m elech'ici- se very thick wires with high transmission los- case with alternating current motors (Fig. 10.27).
ty savlllg soon pay for themselves. 10.4 Electrical equipment ses are required for distributing energy at vol- In the curves in the Figure the same altern a-
As has been shown in relation to wort boi- A substantial amount of the energy used by a tages of 10 to 20 kV, such as are produced by the tlllg current is shown with inductive loads of
ling, air in the steam considerably reduces the brewery is provided as electrical energy. generators, the voltage is increased by traIl.sfor- different magnitudes:

950 951


Fig. 10. 28 Active, illnctive nJl(i nppnrwt

C/l rrellt
(1) active cllrrellt, (2) illnctive CIIITellt,
(3) appnrellt cllrrellt
cos Tile sallie reintiolls npply to tile power.
voltage Ivave

The factor cos qJ is known as the (electro tech- and thus the efficiency of the equipment is de-
nical) power factor. In the case of a phase shift creased.
Fig. 10.27
o (05<1,,0 Power curve witll pllnse sllif- angle of qJ = 0 0 , cos qJ = 1, whereas when qJ = 90 °, Apart from this, with a poor cos qJ the cables
tillg cos qJ = O. must be thicker. This in turn means more cable
material must be used, which cam10t be justi-
1. The first curve shows the non-loaded current, axis) correspond to the power which the user Tile ecollomic importallce o/the power/actor fied, as well as higher ohm losses.
the current strength and voltage of which are supplies to the generator. In the case of purely cos qJ On average one expects a cos qJ of 0.7 to 0.8.
in phase. The dot and dash line is the power inductive loading (qJ = 90 °) the energy thus os- To be able to supply a specific power output to The power factor can be easily read at any time
curve of the current. The power curve is the cillates to and fro between the generator and the user, a greater current (I) is required the by an in-built cos qJ meter.
product of the voltage and current strength; user without any useful power being supplied smaller the power factor cos qJ is.
the average power output (n) is the axis divi- to the outside . For example, if 10 kW active power is to be Improving the power factor cos qJ
ding this curve. Consequently the power of all inductively transmitted through an alternating current at A poor power factor frequently occurs because
2. The second curve shows an inductively loa- loaded and thereby phase shifted currents is re- 220 V, what is the current strength when the motors and transformers are permanently
ded current. Because of the phase shifting the duced. underloaded. With underloading the cos qJ is
curve of the instantaneous power is partially The size of the reduction depends on the pha- 1. cos qJ = 0.8 or 2. cos qJ = 0.47 smaller than with full loading. Permanently lU1-
negative when the current strength and vol- se shifting. Fig. 10.28 shows the phase shifted N a = U x I x cos qJ derloaded motors should therefore be replaced
tage are of opposite signs. The power curve, current broken down into its components which by those appropriate for the required power.
and with it the average power output, beco- allow the active current to be determined. Na
Usually to improve the power factor use is
mes increasingly lowered with increasing lo- The active current is recorded displaced by qJ v x cos qJ made of high voltage condensers. The conden-
ad and approaches the time axis. relative to the effective voltage. Drawing the ser causes in the alternating current a phase ad-
3. The third curve shows the current with a pu- perpendicular line gives the inactive current 1. I = 10,000 W 57 A vance of the current strength relative to the con-
rely inductive loading (qJ = 90°). For half the and the active current. The larger qJ is, the 220 V x 0.8
denser voltage . These condensers which consist
time the current strength and voltage have greater the inactive current and so the smaller of two thin metal plates, separated only by an
opposite signs and the average power output the active current. 2. 1= 10,000 W = 114 A insulation layer, act as stationary phase shifters .
coincides with the time axis, i.e. the average Expressed as trigonometric functions 220 V x 0.4
They produce almost no energy loss and are re-
power output is zero. Active current Ia = I x cos qJ This means that for the same achlal power latively cheap to buy.
The positive values of the power curve (i.e. and output twice the cu rrent strength must be used In general the cos qJ is not compensated to a
those above the axis) represent the power sup- Active power N a = U x I x cos qJ when the power factor decreases by half. value above 0.9 because above this phase, shif-
plied from the generator to the user. The nega- and in the case of three-phase current With poor power factors of electric motors ting is relatively lU1important and its improve-
tive values (i.e. those shaded below the time N = v3 x U x I x cos qJ. disproportionately more current is required ment brings no practical advantages .

952 953

10.4.3 Transforming the electric current current generator and drives this directly and In order to be ab le to work correctly w ith eq ui pment as closely as possible and so h elp to
As h as been men tioned, the electric cu rren t pro- so produces direct current. The effiCien cy of electrically operated eq uipment, safety m easu- ensure that people and plant are not endan ge-
vided to the brewery is a three-phase current such motor genera tors is, however, low (75 to res must be used for electrical equipment at red.
with three phases shjfted relative to one an ot- 80%). over 50 V which ensure
her. In this form it can only be used directly for A motor and generator are united by a syn- protection to preven t accidents, 10.4.5 Information concerning economic
some of the motors and equipment. chronous converter. The converter winding protection agains t overvoltages, use of electrical energy
In many places the requirements are operates at the sa me tim e as a motor and ge- that the equipment is insulated properly, Electricity usage nowadays is 10 to 12 kWh/h I
voltages of 220 V, for instance for lighting and nerator winding. The efficiency of this recti- th at the equipment is properly cOlU1ected to of beer. This electricity h as to be bought. The
smaller items of equipment, fier is consequ entl y high (up to 95 %). earth. energy sup ply companies (EVU in Germany)
in a few areas, where human contact cannot Th ese two rec tifi ers have no signifi can ce To prevent accidents electrical equipment sell this electricity, but it is to their adval1tage
be excluded (hand lamps), the low sa fety vol- today. must possess that the elech'icity should be used at a constant
tage must be at most only 42 V, Semiconductor rectifiers (dry-plate rectifiers) protection against direct contact al1d rate to avoid consumption peaks. This is not
many motors are nowadays operated w ith are increasingly used nowadays instead of protection agains t indirect contact. important on mild summer nights, but in win-
direct current, rotatin g rectifiers and they convert the Cm - These requirements are sa tisfied by the follo- ter at the s tart of severely cold Monday mor-
in the case of many motors, the frequency of rents silently and almost without loss. wing measures: nings the current requirem ent is very high.
o the alternatin g curren t has to be changed du-
ring operation. Freqllellcy COHverters
protective in sulation,
protective low voltage (below 42 V),
To avoid such peaks the suppl y conditions of
the EVU provid e for an amount used price and
In order to meet these various needs and re- For a number of tasks the rotation speed of mo- protective grounding, a supply price.
quirements some specific electrical devices are tors must be changed to suit the requirements. earthing, The amOlmt used price d epends on the kWh
necessa ry: To maintain the full power of the motor in spite protective piping, used and - as with domestic supplies - is conti-
of this, static frequency converters are used fau lty voltage protection switching, nuously measured . The price per kWh is vari-
Trans/orll1ers or voltage changers which convert the supply voltage and 50 Hz fau lty current protection switching and able.
Transformers change the incoming three- frequency to a variable frequency and voltage. safety insulation (ga lvanised) . The supply price is based on the maximum
phase current at a defined voltage and frequen- Thereby the rotation speed of three-phase mo- Because of the risk of accidents, voltage car- power consumption in kW (more exactly kVA)
cy (50 H z) to a different voltage at the same fre- tors can be adjusted in a step less malU1er. rying parts of electrical machines and equip- as 15 min peaks. The consumption peak is mea-
quency. By transforming one phase of the tlu'ee This meal1S it is easily possible to use motors ment must not be touched. In addition care sured with a maximum value recorder and the
phase supply it can be converted to the custo- economically for purposes such as maintaining must be taken that no foreign bodies or water supply price is fixed accordingly. This basic pri-
mary single phase 220 V voltage. Through furt- constan t flow rates and pressures, constant tor- penetrate into them. Dep ending on the location ce which is fi xed for a year is often charged in
her transformations other chosen smaller volta- ques and constan t power output. of the ins tallation and purpose for which it is incremental s teps. Consequently it can happen
ges can also be obtained. used, protection agains t accidental contact, wa- that in the end a lot of money mus t be paid for
10.4.4 Safety measures ter or foreign bodies is necessary. 1 kWh in the current peak.
Rectifiers and inverters Electrical equipment and facilities may only be in- To avoid any excessive heating of elech"ic ca- Consequently, the supply price is a financial
The conversion of direct current to alterna- stalled, modified or serviced by a qualified electri- bles an d overloading of connected facilities, parameter which compels breweries to avoid
ting current and conversely is performed by a cian. The releval1t regulations are contained in the each cable diameter has an associated maxi- current p eaks, otherwise the electri city costs
rectifier or inverter. Accident Prevention Regulation 4. Electrical mLUn permissibl e continuous loading which, in soon grow end lessly. Therefore the following
A device which converts alternating current equipment and facilities (VBG 4) and in the the interest of plant safety, must not be excee- basic rules apply, amongst others, in breweries:
to direct current is called a rectifier. appendix to the instructions for executing the ded . Monitoring of cables is performed by fuses refrigeration compressors, as the greates t
A device which converts direct current to al- Accident Prevention Regulations. VBG 4 (issu- and safety switches. If the permitted current va- electrical energy users, must above all be maxi-
ternating current is called an inverter. ed April 1992). lue is exceeded, these devices must reliably in- mally operated at night al1d provide reserves of
Rectification to direct current can be perfor- Persons who are not qualified electricians - terrupt the current. Interruption by a fuse is the cooling power.
med in various ways: which includes brewers and maltsters - may conclusive proof of overload ing of the wiring. Large cooling brine con tainers and ice water
By a motor generator; this is an alternating not lmdertake al1y work on or make modificati- It is the duty of every brewer to observe the tanks act as cooling power stores and must be
current motor which is coupled to a direct ons to electrical equipment. specified instructions for operatin g electrical fully loaded at night.

954 955

Because the power peak is divided by the 10.5 Pumps, fans and compressors goods w hich can be shovell ed, su ch as s pent the flow rate is easy to adjust,
power factor cos <p, it is important to ob tain In many places in a brewery or maltings, li- grains, can also be pmnped . they are very flexible because differently de-
high cos <p values for the electric motors by in- quids, pas te-like materials or gases mus t be mo- There are very many different types of signed impellers ca n be llsed.
stalling condensers. ved . Dep ending on the type and extent of the p umps. In the brewery those most frequ ently Depending on their design they are classified
The power factor of the entire plant should be movement of these media, pumps, compressors used are as
adjusted by a condenser plant to obtain a high or fan s are used. centrifuga l pumps (impeller pumps), and al- radial centrifugal pumps,
cos <po so side chal1l1el pumps/s tar w heel pumps,
Saving electricity is a task which involves all 10.5.1 Pumps positive displacement pumps, and to a lesser non-clogg ing impeller pumps, and
employees. For lighting purposes more current Pumps are fluid-moving machines for moving ex tent mi xed fl ow pLUnps (semi-axia l fl ow pumps).
saving lamps should be used. Fluorescent tubes a fluid from a lower energy level to a higher jet pumps.
use less electricity than filament bulbs to pro- energy level. Thereby Radial centrifugal pumps (Fig. 10.29)
duce the same amOlmt of light. a h eight difference is overcome, or Centrifugal pumps Radial cen trifuga l pumps opera te in the man-
The maximum current is usu ally recorded the pressu re in the system is increased, or The most frequently used pumps in breweries ner d escribed above. They are n on self-prim ing
only after 15 min. To avoid mishaps, despite all liquid is dosed in. are centri fu ga l pumps. Pumps of various sizes pumps; thi s means that the suction line cannot
efforts, frequently power con sumption control- In breweries pumps are preferably used for and outputs are used and they are used for va- be emptied of air by the pump itself. Th e pump
) lers are installed which, when a preset current moving or dosing liquids and even highly vis- rious applications. can only develop proper suction when the su c-
strength is reached, switch off the equipment cous m aterials such as: Centrifugal pumps work on the principle that tion pipe and pump are filled w ith liquid. They
and motors in a predetermined sequ ence, to cold liquids such as beer or water, the liquid flowing axially to the impeller w heel are therefore usually loca ted below the medi-
prevent the power peak being exce2ded ("auto- hot liquids su ch as wort or hot water, is ca rried rOlmd by the latter aIld is thrown out- um to be moved. Depending on the shape and
matic shedding of ballast"). A further way of viscous fluids such as yeast or kieselguhr pre- wa rds by the impeller aIld led off from the peri- construction the variollS impellers are cl assifi ed
saving is by using cheap er night electricity. parations, and phery. The increase in pressu re results from the as (Fig. 10.30):
acceleration of the liquid in the impeller w heel. the closed impeller (a) for liquid s only,
Centrifuga l pumps h ave m any ad van tages the open impeller (b) for liquids containing
Centrifugal pumps Displacement pumps Jet plU1lpS which m ake them indispensable for use in the solids, with gentle movement,
ro tating reciprocating brewery: the free-flow impeller (c) for gas-containing
they deliver at a uniform rate, liquids, and
Operation dynamic s tatic static dynamic they are rob ust and simple in construction, the chaImel impeller (d) for specia l purposes.
possessing no valves of aIly kind,
Delivery continuous almost continuous pulsating continuolls

Principle flow displacement displacement jetting

Pump s truchlre radial centrifugal eccentric piston

type pumps spiral pLUnps pumps
side chaImel lobed rotor membrane liquid jet
pumps pLunps pumps pumps
non-clogging rotating piston membrane
impeller pumps plU1lpS piston pumps
mixed flow gear pumps
pumps internally toothed
displacement pmnps
Fig. 10.29
hose pumps Rndinl cell/rifllgni plllllp (exp loded pic-

956 957

10.5.1 .1.2 Side channel pumps/star wheel ing v iscous medium (mash) aJld for wet goods
pumps when wet cas ting badey in pneumatic plaJltS.
Side chaImel pumps differ only slightly exter-
10.5.1,1.4 Mixed flow pumps
a b a b c n ally from radial centrifuga l pumps, but they
develop suction by themselves and are conse- Mixed flow pumps are used preferably as mul-
Fig. 10.32
quently known as se lf-priming centrifugal ti-stage pumps for deep bore h ole wells becau-
Plllllp-drive 1II0lor cOlllleclioll
(a) ill serled silaft, (II) block cO llslm ctioll, (c) bearillg COllllccli-
pumps. se they are characterised by a sma ll impeller
all The su ction connection and pressure side diameter and consequently can be installed in
connection must face upwards, so that the narrow bore hole pipes.
c a j pump always stops when it is filled with liquid .

Fig . 10.30 1 TIle pumping priJ1ciple (Fig. 10.33) depends Screw centrifugal pumps
Screw cenh·i.fugal plilllpS (Fig. 10.34 a) con sist of
IlIIpellers of radinl celllriJllgnl plllllpS on the fact that a star wheel (1) rotates, wi th litt-
(n) closed illlpellel; (b) opell illlpellel; (c) freeflow illlpellel; (d) le lateral play, in a housing which contains the a specially sh aped scooped impeller (1) which
cilnllll el illlpeller suction opening (2). A lateral chaJmel (3), wh ich combines the properties of a centrifugal pump
tapers at both ends, and the pressure outlet are with the advaJltages of a positive displacement
Radial centrifugal pumps are installed in bre- located on the other side of the wheel. When the pump. In the suction cone (5) the supply stream
o weries principally for wort and beer movement. plOup is switched on, the liquid fi lling the plOup from the inlet (2) is accelerated in rotation in the
For conveyan ce to a great height or use at hig- is carried rOlmd by the star wheel and thrown in- spiral wheel element (7). As a result the solid s,
her pressures these pumps are bl:ilt as multi- to the lateral ch aJmel. TIle pressure in the plOup
stage pumps (Fig. 10.31). aJ'ises mainly by a pulse h'aJ1sfer in which the li-
The con nection wi th the drive motor (Fig. quid in the rapidly rotating star wheel repeated-
10.32) is made in different ways: ly transfers energy to the more slow ly circula-
by use of an inserted sh aft (rigid coupling) (a) ting portions of liquid in the lateral chaJU1el (Fig.
or 10.34). Such pumps are used for su ckin g off ye-
they are both incorporated in on e casing Fig. 10.33 ast aJld taJ1k bottoms, for taking saJuples or as a
Side cilllllll el plllllp (operalillg prillciple)
(block stru cture) (motor shaft = pump sh aft) cleaJung liquid return pump.
(1) slnr wileel blade, (2) sll clioll COIIIICelioll, (3) side cilallll el,
(b), or (4) press llre side cOlllleelioll
they are connected throu gh an intermediate 10.5,1,1.3 Channel impellers
bearing (cOlmection of the shaft ends by flexi- The conveying principle of non-clogging Ch aJl - 2
ble coupling) (c) . nel impellers is similar to that of side chaJmel
impellers. They are used preferably for convey-

7 8
Fig . 10.34 a
Screw celllriJllgal plllllp
Fig . 10.31 (1) screw-celllriJllgal illlpellel; (2) ill lei, (3) ollllet, (4) spiral
Mlllli-slage celllrijilgal plllllp ilOII Sillg, (5) sll clioll COliC, (6) plllllp silafl, (7) screw illlpeller
(exploded piclllre) Side cilllllllel plllllpls lnr wileel pllllip (cxploded picllll'c) parI, (8) celllriJllgnl illlpeller pnrl

958 959

whid1 are heavier than are carried into the not produce a reciprocal movement. This ensu- this pump almost anything can b e pumped, in- piston and as the size of the operating chamber in
cenh'e of the surrounding liquid. res the constancy of the delivery. This type of cluding paste-like materials. front of the presslU'e outlet decreases it is pushed
In the following centrifugal wheel part (8) the displacement pump includes: The stator is a part which is subject to wear into the outlet (Fig. 10.38).
flow of liquid is then carried radially outwards eccentric screw pumps, and is relatively expensive. The pump is not
and led off at the outlet (3). rotating piston pumps, suitable for dry operations. It can be cleaned
Because the particles do not undergo any lobed rotor pumps, suitably for foodstuffs.
sudden change of direction, the conveying is gear wheel pumps, In breweries such Mohno pumps are used for
gentle and there are only minimal shear forces. internally toothed pumps, transporting spent grains or for transporting
Substantial advantages of screw centrifugal hose pumps. mash or yeast deposits.
pumps mentioned are:
they operate without choking and can pump Eccentric screw pumps
even highly viscous materials (up to more than Eccentric screw pumps (Fig. 10.35) consist of an
4000 mPas), outer stator made of elastic material and an in-
pumping is very gentle, ternally located shaft (rotor) made of stainless
they have a high efficiency (above 80%), steel. As a result of its shape this pump is also
they have a constant power consumption, referred to as a single spindle pump or, after the 10
J Fig. 10.38
their NPSH values (see Sect. are low, name of its inventor Moineau, it is often called
Rotntillg pistoll pllllip (exploded pictllre)
and so there is little risk of cavitation. a Molmo pump or Mono pump.
Screw centrifugal pumps are being increa-
singly used in breweries, particularly because Lobed rotor pumps
of their gentle action, as mash and wort circula- Lobed rotor pumps (Fig. 10.39) operate in a si-
tion pumps and for wort transport. For food hy- milar way to rotating piston pllinps but each of
giene reasons they can only be installed in the tl1e two rotating pistons (rotors) have three lo-
hot operations region, in other words lU1til wort Fig. 10.36 bes which engage in one another with the same
casting. Movell/wt of tlie rotor ill tlie stntor angular velocity and carry the medium to be
pumped with them. The pumping action is Positive displacement pumps very gentle and, as with rotating piston pumps,
rotor worm housing Rotating piston pumps paste-like and high viscosity materials can be
Positive displacement pumps move the liquid
forward by displacing it from the suction cham- stutor A rotating piston plUl1p (Fig. 10.37) contains two gently conveyed .
ber to the pressure chamber. The liquid is trea- rotatable pistons which are driven by gear When gaseous materials are pumped the
ted very gently during the displacement. A di- CClvi ty wheels at the same angular velocity. ll1e medium pumps are usually called rotating piston blo-
stinction is mabe between to be conveyed enters into the empty operating wers or compressors (also Rootes blowers after
continuously rotating displacement pumps chamber, which becomes larger as the piston ro- their "inventor"); they compress to a pressure
without valves, and tates, is carried in the direction of rotation of the difference of about 0.5-0.6 bar.
pulsating displacement pumps which move
to and fro and for which valves for closing Fig. 10.35
Eccelltric screw plllllp witii cOll veyillg worlll
and opening the working chambers are ne-

Fig. 10.37 Displacement pumps with constant As a result of the rotational movement of the ro-
Rotntillg pistoll
delivery tor (single flighted) and the long hollow cham- pili lip
Constant delivery displacement pumps contain ber formed (Fig . 10.36) in the stator (double (operatillg prill-
a uniformly rotating drive element which does lead), the liquid is propelled forwards. With ciple)

cous goods such as yeast slurry. pinion teeth and the supply stream can enter bet- Flexible vane pumps
For motors and machines, they ween the teeth. At position (4) the flow sh'eam is A fle xible vane pump (Fig. 10.43) consists of a
are used as lubrication pumps. forced out through another gap formed between stainless steel or epoxyresin cylinder with a ta-
the teeth and leaves the pllinp through the pres- pered internally thickened part (1) in its cross- Internally toothed sure side c01U1ection. These pllinps are u sed for section and contains a flexible, elastic impeller
pumps slightly to highly viscous materials. (2) made of neoprene.
In the case of internally toothed As soon as the flexible lips of the impeller bla-
pumps (Fig. 10.40), the rotor with Peristaltic (hose) pumps des change from the bent to the extended posi-
internal teeth (1) carries the pini- The main component of a peristaltic pump (Fig. tion a reduced pressure is formed on the sucti-
on sh aft (2) in rotation with it. The 10.41) is an elastic hose or tube (1). By means of on side (3). Consequently liquid is sucked in
teeth on the pinion shaft are ar- several squeezing rollers (2) the hose is pressed and moved on further (b) . As soon as the impel-
ranged eccentrical ly. against the cylindrical casing wall and this for- ler lips reach the tapered part they force the
As soon as the motor hm1s, a gap ces the goods to be conveyed forwards in front conveyed goods into the pressure-side pipe (c;
(3) is formed between the rotor and of the rollers whilst as a result of the reduced 4) . Consequently a constant flow is delivered in
Fig. 10.39 pressure behind the rollers more material is which to a limited extent small solid compo-
Lobed rotor plllllp drawn in (Fig. 10.42). nents can be carried.
10 I
2 . . . . . ._ .
These are used in various forms:
in pneumatic compressed air and vacuum 1
plants (Sect. or
during boiling for vapour compression in the
brewhouse (see Sect. * Gear pumps
Gear pumps operate on the same principle as
lobed rotor pumps. Lobed rotor pumps have
Fig. 10.42
two, three or four lobes, while gear pumps ha- Peristaltic plllllp
ve many lobes. Fig. 10.40: (4) sllctioll clIalllbel; (5) illller challlber of tile plllllp cOlltaillillg tile rotOI; (6) SIlCtiOIl clImllbel; (7) press llre clImllber
Illtemall!! tootlled displacelllellt plllllp
Gear pumps are used - like rotating piston (1) rotor witll illtemalteetlI, (2) pillioll siiaft willi extemal
and lobed rotor pumps - for transporting vis- tee III, (3) gap betweell tile teetlI, (4) closillg of a gap, (5) closllre 1 2

a b c
Fig. 10.43
Fig. 10.41 Flexible valle plllllp
Peristaltic plllllp (1) rotor 1/OIISillg witii tapered tlIickellcd pnrt, (2) illlpellel; (3) slIctioll side, (4) press llre side
(1) elastic 1I0se, (2) sqllcezillg roller
962 963

By reversing the direction of rotation, the di-

rection of conveyance can be changed. ..
,..............------- T the pumping pressure where-
as the rate of rotary pumps is
very dependent on the pum- Displacement pumps with ping height.
pulsating conveyance
In the case of these pumps the suction and the Cnvitntioll
pressure increase are produced by a piston mo- During operation of rotary
ving backwards and forwards. By means of val- pumps it can occur that noises
ves, cOlU1ected to the suction or pressure line, a are produced inside the pump
pulsating forward flow is achieved and a back which at first sOLU1d rather li-
flow prevented. This group includes ke a quiet sewing machine but
piston pumps and eventually sound as if pebbles
membrane (piston) pumps. b are being transported; in addi-
tion, powerful vibrations oc- Piston pumps cur. This effect is called cavita-
Piston pumps are the oldest pumps used in bre-
weries. For a long time hand operated piston j tion.
Cavitation is caused by a
pumps were the only possible means for trans- Fig. 10.44 drop in pressure in the suction
porting liquid goods within the brewery. Even Pis tall 1'111111' (operntillg prillcip/e)
region of the pump resulting
(n) expel/illg, (b) drnwillg ill
lU1til the beginning of the fifties there were still in the boiling point tempera-
many piston pLUnps in operation as transfer ture being reached or excee-
pumps and pressure regulators. They had large remen ts must be met. Such a membrane pump ded . Vapour bubbles are the-
air chambers to smooth out the strongly pulsa- has already been mentioned in cOlU1ection with refore formed which, during
Fig. 10.45
ting operation of the pump. In the "wind cham- kieselguhr dosing. passage to the pressure side in Melllbrnlle 1'111111' (operntillg prillcip/e) drivell by COlli pressed nil'
ber", which was partly filled with air, with each The membrane can also be the pump casing, implode
stroke of the piston the air was slightly com- attached to the drive with a positive fit or violently as the pressure in-
pressed and this smoothed the pulsation slight- actuated by means of an intermediate fluid. creases (increased boiling point), and these im- The NPSH value of the plant must be larger
ly. Hand operated plLmger pumps are still used These pumps are used for dosing chemicals, plosions cause the noise. Cavitation produces than the NSPH value of the pump.
in some garden and agricultural businesses to as well as for transportation of yeast and kiesel- shear forces, the adverse effects of which on Cavitation causes a large decrease in flow ra-
provide an individual supply of ground water. guhr sludge . mash and wort quality are well known. te and can eventually cause cessation of flow.
Piston pumps operate with valves (suction This pressure decrease when cavitation oc- Continual cavitation leads to serious material
and pressure valves, Fig. 10.44), which send the Selection of pump size curs is always due to the fact that the permissi- damages in the pump and causes shear forces
flow conveyed always in the one direction. There are numerous pumps available and it is ble suction height has been exceeded or the de- in beer, for example.
They are sometimes used in breweries as do- necessary to install the correct pump for the livery height is insufficiently high. Too Iowa
sing pumps for cleaning and sterilising agents. particular application. The main criteria for delivery height means that the amount deliver- Control of the pump rotation speed
pump selection are: ed is increased and this in turn involves ill1 in- A pump only operates optimally when the Membrane pumps the desired flow rate, admissible suction height. pump output capacity corresponds to the re-
Membrane pumps operate in a similar way to the desired pumping rate, The feed height (suction height) of the rotary quirement. If the pump is throttled, its output is
piston pllinps (so they are also called membra- the power requirement, pump, which is characterised by the NPSH decreased and the efficiency is reduced consi-
ne piston pumps), but the piston is separated the efficiency, and (net-positive-suction-head) value or total retai- derably.
from the fluid by a movable membrane (Fig. the rotation speed . ned pressure height, is closely related to cavita- To be able to adapt to continuously chill1ging
10.45). Membrane pumps are used mainly in It should be noted that displacement pumps tion. The NSPH value is therefore very impor- operating conditions, frequency regulated
places where particularly high hygienic requi- always deliver at the same rate independent of tant when selecting a pump . pumps are often used nowadays. With these
964 965

frequency controlled PLUTIPS, by step less adj ust- woven from textile fibres were ten sed. Thi s easily accessible. The counter-ring is sealed off reby ca use air movement. In old kilns air was
ment of the rotation speed all other operating pa- plug socket package must not be tensed too aga iJlst the pump casing by the seal (7) . sucked out by powerful axial fans.
rameters can also be adjusted . It is possible with tightly, because it is not then lubricated and The lubrica tive ring seal mus t neve r run dry Axial fans must not be opera ted against clo-
a static frequency changer to convert the 50 Hz burns due to the heat of friction. and mus t always be filled with liquid, in order sed flaps because then they begin to pump and
frequency and voltage of the supply network in- Nowadays lubricative ring seals (Fig. 10.45 a) to secure lubrica tion in the space between the rapidly cause d amage to the bearings.
to a variable frequency and voltage. nus can be are used for sea ling off. For the function of the lubricative ring and the counter-ring.
used for continuously variable adjush11ent of the lubricative ring sea l it is important that the lu- Materials used for the lubricative ring and Radial fans
rotation speed of a rotary current motor. bricative ring (5) can be easily moved to and fro the cOlmter-riJlg are Radial ventilators or radial fan s comprise a ra-
A pump can thus be integrated as an ideal on the pump shaft (1) and can be pressed hmgsten carbide, silici um carbide, alumini- pidly rotated paddle wh eel which forces the air,
control element in a control circuit and in tlus aga inst the counter-ring (6) by means of the um oxide, hard metal, CrNiMo s teels sucked in axially, radially outwa rds. By means
way the pump need no longer be oversi zed . pressure spring (2). In this process, the lubrica- carbon graphite, bound or impregnated with of a hOUSiJlg the stream of air is directed w here
Advantages of frequency controlled pumps are tive ring is sealed off against the pump shaft by synthetic resin ("synthetic carbon" ). it is wanted . Very powerful radial fans are built
40 to 50 % electricity saving, the sealing ring (4). This sealing ring mus t be There are various types of cons truction of lu- nowad ays which can move well over 100,000
gentle trea tment of the material conveyed, able to be easily moved without leaking. Tlus bricative ring seals, such as m 3 of air/h.
no pressure shocks on starting (a gen tle start sliding is facilitated by silicone grease. Particu- the simple lubricative riJlg sea l, The most important area of use for radial fans
is made possible by suitable software), larly with wort pumps, the sliding surface must the simple lubricative ring seal with Quench, is the maltings: powerful radial fans force the
fe wer current surges in the network, be regularly clean ed . The CIP cleaning proce- the double lubricative ring seal constructed
necessary amounts of air through the thick
no adjustment fittings. dure is often insufficient, since this area is not back-to-back and green and cured malt layers. Radial ventilators
Frequency controlled pumps are used prima- the double lubrica tive ring seal constructed in are also operated without a casing. Th ey are al-
rily where, with changing conditions, very ex- tandem. so used to aerate the bottling plants.
act pressures or temperahlres mu st be obtai- Further detail s concerning these seals, which
ned, e.g. for constihlte additional safety measures, wo uld 10.5.3 Compressed air plants
maintaining a constant volume flo w during go beyond the scope of this book . At various stages of beer production compressed
filter coating, air is needed, which must fulfil many different
maintaiJling a constant pressure in the KZE 10.5.2 Fans requirements. In some places, particularly lugh
(flash pasteuriser), Fans, or ventilators, serve to supply air or ven- pressures and large amOlU1ts of air are necessary,
maintaining constant pressures in filtering, tilate enclosed spaces. Depending on their de- while iJl other places compressed air is needed
bottle and cask filling machines, 2 34 5 6 7 sign they are classified into wluch is free from oil and contamiJlations.
maintaiJling a constant filling level in buffer axial fans or ventilators, and Compressed air is needed
tanks, radial fans. as a tensing gas to move or displace liquids,
pressure control of cleaning pumps, as sterile air to aerate the yeast,
maintaining constant press ure differences Axial fans or ventilators as an energy source in the pneum atic trans-
and tempera hues in water supplies, etc. Axial fans or ventilators are found in many si- port of spent grains, malt etc.,
zes in breweries and maltiJlgs and are used for as an oi l- and germ-free rinsiJlg gas to remo- Lubricative ring seal va rious applications, e.g. ve CO, before alkaline cleaning,
A particular fea ture of pumps is that the fast- for ventilatiJlg rooms and removing CO" as control air for the operation of valves and
nuuung shaft must be sealed off against the sta- as germination box ventilators, as workmg air for pneumatic equipment.
tionary pump casing, in order on the one hand for moving cooling air towards motors, To supply these demands, a compressed air
to prevent the pumped liquid from escaping Fig. 10.45 a for moviJlg air in evaporative condensers, and p lant is n ecessary in the brewery. SiJ1Ce, howe-
and on the other hand to avoid lubricants from LlIbricative rillg seal (schematic)
as ceiling or table fans for cooling. ve r, the compressed air has to fulfil different
(1) pllmp shaft, impeller side, (2) pressllre sprillg, (3) IIllder-
getting in. Iyillg rillg, (4) senlillg rillg (rolllld rillg), (5) Illbricative rillg, tasks, the supply of compressed air is generally
This sealing off used to be done using plug (6) cOllllter-rillg, (7) senlillg rillg ill the pllmp casillg, (8) Fan s have 4 to 6 propeller-like blades which subdi v id ed according to the above-mentioned
sockets, in which rings made of packiJlg string plll/lp casillg, (9) plll/lp shaft, drive side ro tate about a sh aft at up to 1400 rpm and the- areas.

966 967

The s teril e and oil-free process air puts the Place of application Compressed air CO, SOl',which is se t up for the required transporta - reciprocating pis ton compressors,
highest demand s on the p lant. If even a trace of bar (OP) bar (OP) tion height. Th is air does not have to be dried. rotating pi ston compressors,
oil enters the beer, the foam is destroyed. Even Storage cellar For any necessa ry blowing o ut of CCVs and scroll compressors,
a single contaminant can, if it reproduces, call (filling & emptying) ca. 2 <2 pressure tanks to remove CO" high pressure toothed rotor compressors,
the qu ality of the beer into question. And the Filtration 4 to 6 >6 blowers are suita ble (OP < 1 bar). screw compressors a nd
process air may only come into con tact with the Kieselg uhr removal 4 to 6 The individual components of the compressed tu rbocom pressors.
bee r in two places: Bright beer bearin g <2 air plant require a more detailed explanation.
for intensive aera tion of the wort when pit- Convent. cleaning ca.2 Reciprocating piston compressors
ching, and Bottling >6 >4 Compressors Reciprocating piston compressors are nowa-
to aerate the yeast after the harvest; also In the compressor, the a ir is compressed . When days mostly built as vertical, dry running com-
to empty tanks (under certain conditions). According to the equ ipment used, one needs the air is co mpressed, the volume of gas decrea- pressors
We know that no further contact of air with 4 to 10 m3 of (sucked in) air/hI of sales beer; of ses, while the pressure increases. Because of the as single stage compressors up to 7 bar over-
beer is permissible because of the possible da- thi s, compressing of the gas volume, the tempe ratu- pressure, and
mage to the flavour s tability. 50 to 60% in the bottling plant, re of the compressed gas inevitably increases, as multi-stage compressors up to 10 to 12 bar
There are a number of tasks involving the use 5 to 10 % in the cask plant, too, according to the formula overpressu reo
of working air and control air (air for ins tru- 7 to 10 % for the controlling air, Only sin gle s tage compressors are used for
ments): the rest for the s torage cellar and the
pI x VI = p2 x V2
brewery need s.
T1 T2
workin g air for pneumatic transport. In spite brewhouse.
of the relatively high ene rgy requirem ent, A compressed air plant comprises In this formula,
working with compressed air to remove an air filter which frees the sucked-in air from pl = pressure before compression,
spent grains and to transport malt is very wi- contaminations, p2 = pressu re after compression,
despread. No particular demands are m ade a compressor which compresses the sucked- VI = volum e before compression,
on the quality of this compressed air. in air to the required pressure, V2 = volume after compression,
working air for pneLUl1atic drives (production a cooler which cools down the air, which h as Tl = tempera hIre before compression (in Kel-
air), e.g. for pneumatic opera tion of the lifters been warm ed by the compression, vin),
in bottIe filling or keg plants as well as the fit- a dryer which dries the cold air, T2 = temperature after compression (in Kelvin).
tings. a compressed ai r con tainer as a buffer vessel
In the following places in the brewery, com- and Since the pressure continues to rise as the
pressed air or CO, LUlder pressu re is need ed: a branched piping ne twork. temperature increases, it is necessary to cool
The order in which the equipment is set up down the compressed air after compression.
Place of application Compressed air CO, can vary. As the air cools down, its ability to take up
bar (OP) bar (OP) In conh'ast to the established views tha t every moisture decreases. If water then escapes, this
General control 2 t0 4 pressure level should have a separate plant, re- can be very problematic. One is therefore for-
Pneumatic conh'ol 6 t0 8 cent studies h ave show n [198] that it is possible ced subsequently to force the air, by further
Conveying air to save 22 to 23 % of the electrical energy requi- coo ling, to release the water contai ned in it and 2
for malt tran sport <1 rement if, instead, one to remove this water using a dryer.
Pneumatic cleaning installs a central compressor station with a The compressor is the most important com-
with dust filter 2 to 4 .' pressure level of 4 bar and ponent of the plant.
Spent grain h'cll1sport 2 to 3 achieves the necessary pressure increases by In order to prevent oil from the lubricant of
Wort aeration 4 to 6 means of additional smaller, local compres- the compressor from entering the compressed
air during compression, one preferably works Fig. 10.46 Reciprocntillg pistoll cOli/pressor
Fermentation celieI' sors.
(1) II-belt plllley, (2) crallkshaft, (3) collllectillg rod, (4) cylill-
(filling & emptying) ca.2 <2 The compressed ai r for the s pent grain trans- nowadays with oil-free compressors, which are
del' block, (5) pistoll with tefloll rillgs, (6) coolillg water pipe
Yeast cultivation 2 to 4 port should be provided by a separa te com pres- built nowadays as (7) slIctioll filter with lIoise dall/per
968 969

A dry nmni ng com p ressor (Fig. 10.46) consists eccentrically rota tin g spira l. Th e ai r sucked in End of compression: the enclosed air is com-
of a d rive element (1) driven by m eans of V-belts passes into the co mpression chamber on the ou- pressed; the intake is opened again fo r the nex t
by a p owerful electric motor. By m ean s of a ba- ter side of the spiral. As soon as the air is sucke cycle .
lan ced cranl<shaft, connecting rod and crosshe- in, the rota ting sp iral seals off the suction ope- Di scha rge: the outle t opening is Lmcovered
ad, the rotational movement of the cranl<shaft is nin g. The air is then fo rced into an increasingly and the compressed air can flow out.
converted to a to and fro movement. The entire small space and lea ves the spiral throu gh the Too thed rotor compressors are often sin gle
crank d rive mech anism is lubricated by a lubri- outlet opening . In thi s way a pulsa tion-free stage, but they are mostly two-s tage comp res-
cating oil circuit. A gas plug socke t seals off the flow of compressed air is produced. so rs w ith air or water cooling a nd a power ra-
piston rod. The most important p art is, of cour- Scroll compresso rs op era te very quie tly and ting of up to 55 kW. Every compression heats
se, the piston which moves up and down in the are built w ith small power consumptions of up the air to ove r 100 °C and it mus t be cooled af-
cylinder and thereby compresses the gas. Becau- to 3.7 kW. ter each compression stage (Fig. 10.50).
se compressors produce heat, this must be remo-
ved. This is done by w ater or oil cooling. Toothed rotor compressors Screw compressors
The air inflow and compressed air outflo w In these pumps two very curio usly shaped, but Screw compressors a re also ca lled air screws
are controlled by automatic suction and pressu- d ynamically bal anced, rota table "toothed" ele- an d are very fr equentl y used . The two screw
re valves. Operation is very noisy and attempts m ents (Fig . 10.48) a re m oved in opposite direc- elements, which ha ve alrea d y been mentioned
a re m ade to redu ce the noise by a ttaching a suc- tions to one an o ther. The rotating teeth neither in relation to refri gera tion compressors, comb
tion ai r fil tel'. touch one ano ther no r d o they touch the hou- aga inst one another with their asy mme trica l
Reciprocating piston compressors are nowa- sing wall. screws. Beca use they are ins talled in high per-
days s till the cheapest w ay of p roducing com - formance bearings, and op e ra te without con-
Fig. 10.48
pressed air. TI,e rotatillg teeth prillciple (Fig. 10.49): Too tlled rotor elel/lell ts tac ting on e another, they contain no oil (Fig.
Suction: Air passes into the compression cham- 10.51). Scroll compressors ber; the secondary ro tor closes the intake. Screw compressors, lil<e toothed ro tor com-
The scroll principle (Fig. 10.47) involves com- Start of compress ion: intake and outle t are p ressed as a result of the reduction of the volu- pressors, are usually two-stage, air or water coo-
pressin g the air be tween a fi xed spiral and an closed, the air between the two rotors is com- me of the chamber and the pressure is thereby led compressors (Fig. 10.52). They are built for
increased. minimal motor power ratings of up to 700 kW,

6 1 10

Fig. 10.47: Scroll prillciple

(n) fixed spiral, (v) rotntillg spiral, (c) ill tnke opell illg, (d) sllctioll cllnl/lvel; (e) col/l pressioll e1,n/llvel; (fJ discllnrge opellillg, (1 - Fig. 10.49
10) cOll/ pressiol/ plwses Too t/led rotor prillciple

- 971


10 l
Fig. 10.50 Fig. 10.52
Two -s tage tootheri rotor colllpressor with air coolillg (Type ZT 18-37) Screw cOlllpressor
Airflow: (1) illstmlllelli pallel, (2) colllpressioll 1I0ise riatllpel; (3) illterllleriiate coolel; (4) electric IIIOto/ ; (5) high press llre stage, (6) COII-
(A) air ill take fill el; (B) sllctioll ellri SOllllri rialllpel; (e) air ill take valve, (0) 10lV press llre elelllellt, (E) illterllleriiate coolel; (F) riellsate sepamtol; (7) after-cooler with collriellsate sepamto/; (8) oil coolel; (9) oil PIlIllP, (10) vel/tillg, (11) low press ll re slage,
high presslIre elelllellt, (G) riischarge ellri SOllllri rialllpel; (H) afler-coolel; (J) 1I01l-retllm valve, (J) cOllriellsate sepamto/; (K) ,wise (12) 1I01l-relllnl valve, (13) riisc/latge coolel; (14) ill take cOlltrol valve, (15) air ill lake filler wilh 1I0ise rialllper
Oil flow: (L) oil SIIIIIP, (M ) oil PIlIllP, (N ) oil coolel; (0) oil fill el; (P) by-pass valve
forms a culture medium for contamination water-saturated state into a tank. There it must
nests. pass through a slowly rotating drum which is
but for production of compressed air in brewe- 30,000 m of compressed air/h. Turbocompres-
One therefore tries to remove the water con- divided into many small sectors which are im-
ries only much lower power ratings are used. sors are not used in breweries.
tained in the air. For this purpose, air driers are pregnated with a drying agent. The air therefo-
used. re releases its moisture, becomes dried and is Turbocompressors Air driers
There are two ways of drying air: removed. The small sectors in the drum have
By turbocompressors is meant compressors The sucked-in air contains water vapour. The
cooling the air down below the desired pres- now taken up the moisture and must be dried .
with the highest output performance. With 500 water vapour content of the air is dependent on
sure dewpoint and For this purpose compressed, but not yet coo-
to 2700 kW coupling power they supply up to the temperature and decreases more and more
using adsorption driers. led air, is taken from the after-cooler (9). Becau-
as the temperature falls (Fig. 10.54, a). The tem-
Absorption driers, on the other hand, are no se it is hot it can take up the mois ture. This is
perahlre at which the saturation pressure in the
longer used . performed by sending it through the upper part
water vapour-air mixture is reached is called
One can regenerate adsorption driers in the of the drum in the other direction, thereby dry-
the dewpoint. When the temperahlre sinks be-
following ways: ing it (Fig. 10.54) . Because the drum rotates
low the dewpoint, moisture is precipitated.
using separately produced hot air, slowly, the air is continuously dried .
When compressed air is expanded, the
using lU1cooled tightly compressed air and
dewpoint decreases in proportion to the change
using dried, expanded compressed air (Heat- In many driers, the compressed air is fed
of volume. This temperahlre in. relation to the
less procedure) along cooled heat exchange surfaces (ribbed pi-
pressure is known as the pressure dewpoint.
Air driers often work as adsorption driers pes) and cooled. At about 0 °C the water is re-
The water which escapes as condensate
(Fig. 10.53). The air, compressed in two stages (3 moved (removal by freezing is avoided) and the
hinders the otherwise smooth procedure,
Fig. 10.51 & 6) is cooled (4 & 9) and passes in this cold and air thereby dried.
Screwelelllellts causes rust formation and corrosion and
972 973

Hot, unsaturated
air used for Hot, saturated a ir
used for

saturated air

Fig. 10.54 Dry air

Rolalillg adsorplioll drier
Oryillg alld regellernlioll seclor
Fig. 10.53
Adsorplioll drier (opernlillg prillciple) become loose and start to leak. One can expect
COlllpressor: (1) air ill lake fillel; (2) ill lake valve, (3) low press llre elelllelll, (4) illlerlllediale coolel; (5) cOlldellsale discharge, (6)
that these leakage losses [198] amOlmt to
10 '
higll pressllre elellleHl, (7) disc/wrge liaise dalllpel; (8 ) IIOIl-relllm valve, (9) after-cooler
5% in the case of small and new piping sy-
Drier: (10) ejeclol; (11) drive 1Il0101; (12) colldel/sale separnlO/; (13) IIIIDllie valve, (14) dryillg seclO/; (15) regeuernlioll seclioll, sten1s,
(16) regellernlioll coolel; (17) cOlldellsale separnlor wilh safellf valve, (18) dry air ollilel
10% in the case of highly branched piping sy-
stems and
Subsequently the cold, dry air is used in a he- cy. Using this procedure, the re is an energy even 30-35 % in the case of old piping systems.
at exchanger for the precooling of the hot, non- saving of 5 to maximum 10% compared with As the number of leakage points and ope-
dried compressed air. conventional procedures. nings increases, the energy costs inevitably
Using cold drying, dewpoints of only 1 to 2 shoot up. Often one hears the whistling of the
°C are achieved (using adsorption driers, -25 to Pressure containers air from the leakages in the brewery, and one
-40oq. A pressure container is built into every com- can exactly measure the total amount of leaka-
A simple, very effective method for drying pressed air network. The purpose of the pressu- ge by filling the air tank and measuring the
the compressed air is to lead the air tlU'ough re container is to balance out pressure fluctuati- drop in pressure.
water wh.ich is kept at 0 °C (32 OF) by cooling pi- ons in the network through its sufficiently large Modern networks are therefore welded (ma-
pes (direct or indirect evaporation). The air volume and thus to provide for a continuous terial: stainless steel), the branches are installed
cools to 0 0c. At the same time the dewpoint is pressure. At the same time, an overpressure without dead corners, and drainages are atta-
lowered and the excess water separates out (in valve secures against the forming of too high ched at all the low points.
the water); the escaping air is ice-cold and dry. pressure (only necessary with a compressor The modern compressed air network must be
In most plants, the air drier is connected be- which provides higher pressure than is permit- able to be vaporised and ClP compatible! polypropylene
hind the compressor. Nowadays, however, the ted for the equipment) . drainage web
drier may also be connected separately on the Air filters
supporting PTFE polypropylene
intake side. An example of this is the Gossler Pressure piping network Compressed air free from all possible contami- membrane protection web
drier, in which the sucked-in air is cooled to -25 The piping network is the weak point of the nants, in particular free from any microorga-
°C [198] . This means that there is also a lower compressed air plant. The piping network con- nisms, in other words sterile, must be used for Fig. 10.55
intake volume for the compressor. It is necessa- sists of a more or less highly branched system a number of purposes. This applies above all to Sialldard filter call die for slerile f iltrnlioll of air
polypropylClle drnillage web
ry, however, that the equipment is 100% sealed of pipings, which are c01U1ected by flanges, compressed air
sllpporlillg PTFE lllelllbrnlle
off, since inleaked air is detrimental to efficien- sleeves, and couplings. The c01U1ections age, for wort aeration and po!ypropy!Clle proleclioll web

974 975

12 solar collector,;
16,0 Use of solar energy

10 14,0

2 8

o Asia Pacific
"b 10,0 iii' • Africa energy storage tank

o Middle East
8,0 o Europe & Eurasia
• S , & Cent. America
c- boUer

§'" 6,0 o North America


heal collsumer,;

CD r-
r- g CD
Ol C; 10
Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol 0 0 brell'flOllSe
Ol Ol Ol Ol N N

hot water

Fig. 10.57
Fig. 10.56
Solnr powered brewery
Developllle/ll of globnl ellergy dellwlld

will in the future be replaced by gas and steam combustion engines is also a source of opti-
for conveying crown corks. 10.6 The global demand for energy is turbine power plants with a considerably hig- mism for the near future,
Sterile air is obtained by filtering the com- increasing her degree of efficiency of 50 %, thus saving Of increasing importance are offshore wind
pressed air tlu-ough filter candles (pore diame- How then can the increasing hLmger for energy substantial amounts of primary energy. For parks which are rising up 30 km or more from
ter < 0.2 (Fig. 10.55). The view of the con- be satisfied without the CO2 content in the at- this, however, special nickel steels will have to our coasts, thus lying in an area where the wind
struction shows the internal structure of a mosphere, which bears a lot of the responsibili- be used to withstand extreme high temperatu- blows much more constantly and strongly than
standard filter candle. As a result of folding of ty for global warming, continuing to rise? Fur- res and pressure on a permanent basis. Never- on land. These power plants with rotors of over
the membranes to give a filter surface area of thermore, it has to be assumed that the global theless, during combustion these power plants 100 m in diameter calUlot be compared with
about 0.75 m 2 per candle, a very effective filte- reserves of natural gas and crude oil, whilst still emit fossilised CO2 bound in the gas. This is not windmills in our rural areas, which as a result
ring effect can be obtained with a high flow ra- lasting a number of decades, are nevertheless the case with the combustion of biomass, be- of a lull in the wind far too frequently remain
te. As many candles as are desired are installed coming to an end. Something therefore has to cause here on combustion only the CO 2 is re- motionless and always require a reserve power
in the filter candle housing. be done! leased which was previously bound in the plant plant.
Not only are the particles which are larger In many countries nuclear power plants have from the air during photosynthesis. Biomass is Photo voltaic plants should also not be forgot-
than the pore diameter of the membrane, which been and are still being built. In Germany, the therefore CO, neutral. In Germany, 20% of elec- ten, which can today already be seen on many
is of the order of 0.2 held back, but as a re- construction of new nuclear power plants and tricity consumption is to be supplied from rene- roofs and outdoor installations and which abo-
sult of electrostatic forces microorganisms are the prolongation of operations at existing wable sources by 2020. Particularly significant ve all support the heat supply in the buildings,
also held back which are smaller than the pore plants are controversial on ideological grOLmds. with regard to this is the increasing extraction Increasingly, however, attempts are being made
diameter. It can therefore be assumed that air The existing coal fired plants with a relatively of bioethanol and biodiesel as fuel for combu- to convert an ever larger proportion of the ener-
filtered in this way is sterile. low degree of efficiency of aroLmd only 38% stion engines. The use of hydrogen as fuel for gy into electricity which can be conducted furt-
976 977

her. More southerly locations with permanent Freising, for a brewery which obta ins at least a
sW1shine give rise to hope for the more distant substantial proportion of its energy from a solar 11 Automation and plant planning
future. plant (Fig. 10.57). (co-written by Dr Hans-Ji.irgen Manger)
The greatest potential, however, lies without The boiler plant would be operated by this
doubt in the economical use of energy. Here, and in combi nation with the brewing plant, the
everyone has the possibility to save. We are all hot water supply of the brewery would also be Everyone feels the need for a better life and ea- sant and to save costs. Automisation relies, how-
ca lled upon to be economical with energy in assured . The low temperatures necessary for sier working conditions. Genera lly, large efforts ever, on a l1lLillber of preconditions, and compre-
our daily life. the cooling of the CCVs will be provided by an are required to achieve this aim. These efforts hensive teclul010gy must be installed. This chap-
Energy is becoming increasingly expensive absorption refrigeration plant connected to the are the driving force in the development of hu- ter will give information about this.
due to the rapid increase in the energy demand heat cycle. In the form described, the plant is man society, and this is also reflected in the de-
in all countries. In breweries, too, we are conti- not possible in Germany without additional velopment of every branch of industry. It can be 11.1 Indications concerning the
nually required to think about energy saving energy; this approach, however, is in the right clearly seen in the development of beer produc- use of measurement, control
and a reduction of energy consumption. An ex- direction and will prove successful in the near tion in the last 50 to 60 years. An old brewer and regulation technology
ample is a proposal by the Steinecker company, future. today mi ght tell his astonished grandchildren
how, 60 years ago, he had to crawl into the sto- 11.1.1 General indications
rage tanks in order to clean them with a scrub- The choice of optimal type of meter or measuring
ber, brush and lots of water. It is easier to explain procedure for a particular measming task must
how tight it was in the sadd le tanks containing be made very carefully and must always be ma- 11
only 15 to 20 hI than to explain the technique de for the w hole plant. Althou gh the connecting
used to drain the remaining water from the dimensions of the measuring h'cll1sducers are to a
round-bellied tank and fin ally the adventurous large extent normed or standardised, it is always
action required to leave the tank head-first wit- sensible for the cOlmecting dimensions, effective
hout tumbling down and landing on his head. At range, measm"ing principles and manufacttu'ers
the end of this, his hard work had enabled him to to be standardised within the plant as far as pos-
clean just 150 to 200 hi of tanks contents, no mo- sible at the plant plamung stage, in order to faci-
re. But the tanks, aI-though they were pretty litate maintenance and to reduce costs.
clean, were by no means free of contaminants. The genera l principle for all tecluucal measu-
Water, scrubber and brush were the dail y tools rements is: "as accurate as necessary" and "as of-
of the brewer - all at temperahues of around ten as necessary", in order to keep the total ex-
O°c. During the nine-hour working day, in spi- pense as low as possible. In every plamting, one
te of wearing several pullovers, the cold seeped should ca refully check that each measurement
steadi ly through the continually soaked over- point is necessary and meaningful. In several ca-
alls. And some workers spent the w hole of their ses, measurement results are only needed when
working life in semi-darkness. a plant is inaugurated or w hen adjusting equip-
Such a situ ation seems almost tmbelievable ment parts.
today, but it is not so long ago that that was the
norm, in large and small breweries. Today, no 11.1.2 Requirements concerning the
brewer enters the cylindroconical tank to clean it, measurement uncertainty of the
and the water consumption is carefully measu- measuring technology used
red. An intensive development lasting a few de- The measuring teclu1010gy requirements con-
cades led to automisation, which is the current cernin g measurement uncertainty vary a lot.
state of teclmology in beer production. It stems One can divide the equipm ent, for example, in-
from the desire to make life easier and more plea- to the following categories:

general opera tional meters, have very narrow tolerance levels for the opti- It is important to document this activity. The Connecting parts are fixed using screws,
meters or measuring devices which directly mum and maximum temperature, and excee- super vision of testing and measuring devices is clamp connections or tensing ring connections
influence the product quality, ding these can lead very quickly to deactivati- a basic element of quality control systems. (e.g. in the VARIVENP system), more rarely
meters relevant to business management and on), exact adherence to the pasteurisation u sing flang e COlU1ections.
laboratory meters and measuring devices. temperature and time, the measurement of 11.1.3 Requirements of the place of The connecting dimensions correspond to the
The purpose of operational meters is to show bunging pressure (the CO 2 content of the beer is installation and cleaning and usual pipe nominal dimensions (preferably DN
general process data. In many cases, it is only to fixed by this, in relation to the temperature), the disinfecting requirements 50, but also DN 25, 32, 40, 65, SO, 100 - pipe
show that the machines or equipment are measurement of the 0 , and CO 2 content of the The requirements made of the construction of width in millimetres) .
functioning "normally". The readings should beer, the beer analysis (determination of the ori- the measuring technology and the place of in-
be within agreed limits. Inacceptable deviati- ginal extract and of the alcohol content) or the stallation for meters or measurers are very va- i- - -
ried in the fermentation and brewing industry. - -i-
ons from measurements relevant to safety or malt analysis. i
production should be indicated, or automatic Econoll1ically relevant measurements must Places of installation can be pipes, containers i
interventions should be triggered off. Operatio- be carried out with the smallest possible mea- and machjnes or apparatus. Basic demands of i
nal meters with relative margins of error of 1 to surement uncertainty, in order to be able ex- the meters or measuring transducers are:
2 % are sufficient for this purpose. actly to record and evaluate the operational resistance to chemicals,
The measurement is always made only as ac- costs. This includes above all meters or mea- mechanical robustness,
curately as necessary, since the margin of error suring devices to record the energy and water they must be easy to assemble and to replace
1 of a meter is usually in inverse proportion to its consumption and the consumption of raw and if repairs are needed; the place of installation 11
price. Meters with larger margins of error are auxiliary materials. must be accessible,
also often more robust and therefore less likely Where pOSSible, weighing should be used, they must be CIP suitable for cleaning and 2 1
to malfunction. because the recording of mass is only subject to disinfection,
This group includes machine thermometers, small measurement lmcertainties. Weighing is they must not damage the product,
manometers, flow monitors, filling level and also very suitable for calibrating volLUne mea- they must react quickly,
flow meters, conductivity meters, etc. suring devices, if the density is known. the measurement must not be distorted by an
MeasLU'ing h'ansducers are parts of measuring The working order of the measuring device lUlsuitable place of installation: e.g. distorti-
devices and generally provide the signals for or meter and the meaningfulness of the con- on because of heat conductivity, coating for-
conh'ol and regulation equipment. The larger the sumption values or measurement values mation, electric fields.
demands on the accuracy of the controls or regu- should be continually checked using control Resistance to chemicals is guaranteed in the ca-
Fig.11.1 COlllleclillg pnrtfor sellsors
lators, the greater the effort which must be made measurements and calculations (for example se of metallic materials by using rust- and acid-
(Vn rivellf" systelll, GEA TllciIelliIngell)
in recording the measurements. With modern by comparison with the delivery note figures resistant stainless steels (e.g. material numbers (1) "0" rillg, (2) tellsillg rillg, (3) collllectillg disc sCllsor
measuring transducers, the measuring signal is and the actual delivery amounts and quality 1.4301, 1.4401, 1.4541, 1.4571- see Sect. 6.1.2).
usually digitally processed and any lmwanted parameters or by comparison of the indivi- These materials are resistant to almost all media The connecting parts are equipped with the
influences are thoroughly compensated, so that dual/partial amount measurements with the to- used in the brewery. Mechanical robush1ess is respective measuring transducers; for example,
a satisfactory measurement accuracy and long- tal amount measurement) . usually secured when the above-mentioned ma- thermometer protection pipes are welded on,
term stability of the meters is secured. If measu- Redundant measurements can improve the terials are used. Limits are set, if at all, by the wall or the cOlmecting parts are formed as pressure
rement signal transducers were in the past the certainty of the assessment. thickness, which must be designed to be relative- transducers, into which manometers or pressu-
weakest link of the chain, nowadays it is usually The highest demands are made of quality se- ly thin in the interest of quick reaction times in re meters of any design can be screwed. Fig.
the adjushnent fittings. curity or laboratory meters or measuring devi- the case of temperature transducers or high sen- 11.1 shows example designs for attaching con-
Meters or measuring devices affecting quality ces, in order to guarantee the meaningfulness sitivity in the case of pressure transducers. Me- necting parts.
must fulfil higher demands on the measuring and comparability of the readings. These me- chanical demands which exceed the operational For pipes, special transducer casings with 2
results and the measurement uncertainty. Ex- ters must therefore in some cases be checked, ones can occur, for example, in the case of liquid cOlU1ections are often provided; their cross-sec-
amples are the temperature measurement of calibrated or adjusted every day or before every strikes resulting from operational errors, vaClllun tion surface increases in order to keep down the
mash and sparging water (the malt enzymes use. formation or assembly errors. pressure losses resulting from the installation
980 981

of the measuring transducers. These housings food indu stry, cooking oil and silicon oi l are 11.1.5 Maintenance and upkeep known as stored program controls (SPC), but
origina te in the valve lmit construction systems used for this purpose. In the brewery, silicon oil requirements also tharlks to reductions in software costs and
of the fitting manufac turers and are manufactu- s hould be used for product measurem ents Regular m aintenan ce and, if necessary, repair is above all sin ce opera tion of the SPCs has been
rer-specific . The housings are welded on or con- (wort, beer, yeast, water); in the case of damage, important to guarantee the good workillg order improved and simplified, these have been able
nected with flanges. it does not ca use an y foam impairment. of the measuring technology. The material costs to "conqu er" large territory. The end of thi s
The exchangeability of measuring transdu- and staff effort required should of course be very happy development is not yet in sight.
cers is facilitated if it is not the measurement it- 11.1.4 Operational and equipment kept to a minimum . The requirements of a control mus t be drawn
self which is given as a proportional signal, but security requirements It is therefore important to make sure, during up particularly carefully. The ex tent of the work
if the measurement is directly transformed and The reliable procedure alld security of operati- the plalUlllg or projecting phase, that the work- performed IllUSt be especially carefull y formu-
amplified and prepared in the form of a nor- ons rely on effiCiently hmctioning measuring ability controls and the calibration of the mea- lated, also bearing ill mind possible extensions
med unit signa\. The measuring d evice then en- teclul010gy. As well as a high degree of measu- surement teclmology Call be ca rried out with as and future d evelopments.
co mpasses meas uring transduce r, amplifier, ring teclmology reliability, the highest possible little effort as possible. One must ask the following questions:
trall sformer and measured value indication in long-term signal stability is exp ected, with mi- Shut-off fittings or samplillg fittings in the Are there alread y automatic controls (SPCs)
one compac t hOUSing. nimal maintenance costs. plant are, ill many cases, suitable cOlUlecting ill the firm?
Thus there is no more need for the more or less Newer meters or measurill g devices often points for the compmative measurillg devices; al- Must/ca n the individual SPCs be interconnec-
time-consuming tuning alld adjustment work check or tune themselves and are automaticaJiy ternatively, the measurillg trallsducers Call be ea- ted? What expectations are there about the
after the m easuring transducer has been calibrated or adjusted . Possible faults are auto- sily taken apart alld checked . It is adValltageous desired hierarchy concernillg levels of access,
chan ged, and the installation costs are conside- matically eva luated, and, if necessary, the if appropriate cOlm ecting pieces are available for the fillal construction s tage, operational data 11
rably reduced. equipment is shut down. If very high demands the cOlUlection of the available measming illstru- collection, use of the d ata?
The unit signal Call be, for example, a voltage are made of the operational safety or if the ments or stalldards of measurement to the above- Is there already an operational stalldard for the
of 0 to 10 V or a current of 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 equipment is run automatically, measuring mentioned fittin gs throughout the plallt. bus system; wirelille or optical waveguide?
mAoIn the last-mentioned exam pie, a current of transducers or measurillg devices must be ill- In many cases, the measurement devices pre- Should there be central or decentral SPCs in
4 mA would correspond to the lowest measu- s talled twice, fault detection and switching sent in other deparhnents in the company can be the company, deparhnent or plant?
red value on the sca le and a current of 20 mA over must of course occur automatically, the used for testing or calibration; for example, flow Should automatic regulations of process di-
the highest value. The last-mentioned unit si- fa ults mus t be documented and fault indicators measuring devices Call be tested using a cold mensions or plarlt components be carried out
gnal allows a simple function control of the must be reset. wort measurillg system or a flow al1l0LUlt is col- using hardware or software regulators, or com-
transmission path. A current of 0 mA, for exam- lected (e.g. ill a road tallker) alld tested by weigh- billed? What is the maximum rarlge expected
ple, indicates a broken wire. Values of < 4 mA or If quality control or quality mallagement sy- ing. The measurement tecimology often present of the SPCs? Which options should there be
> 20 mA can similarly be automatically inter- s tems are used, the supervision of measure- in CIP plalltS (e.g. inductive flow measurement, for later ex tensions?
preted as an indication of error. ment and checkillg devices is all important ele- temperature and conductivity probes) Call be How much work is to be put illtO recording
Suitability for CIP cleaning and disinfecting ment which mus t be appropriately documen- used to control other meters; to a certaill extent, process or operational data and how ex tensi-
entails, apart from the already-mentioned che- ted. the CIP media can be included in the test. vely should this d a ta be archived? Is this
mical resistance alld lack of dead spaces and The following are suitable for this purpose: Mailltenance costs can be minimised if care is compatible with office software?
gaps, the requirements of: badges, control s tamps or stickers on which the taken to standardise everything within the Should the recorded data be used for opera-
complete wettability, nex t inspection date Call be read, or which iden- plallt, so that the number of necessary meters, tional optimisations, for example to control
automatic aeration and emptying, tify a measuring point as being dysfunctional types of device, effective ranges and connection the automatic shedding of ballast or for the
the material surfaces must be as smooth as or closed off; cards which accompany the devi- sizes are already reduced to the absolutely ne- detection of avoidable faults or breakdowns?
possible (average roughness values as low as ce and other meall S of documentation. cessary in the plarming phase or when the How ex tenSively should the automatic opera-
possible; electric polish is suitable), It should be taken for granted that all meters equipment is bought. tional eva luation of these data be carried out?
temperature resistallCe up to 100 °C (or 130 °C, alld measuring devices are recorded ill an index How can the data be taken over by the opera-
if steaming occurs). or database and are appropriately managed . 11.1.6 Requirements of automatic controls tional sales software?
With some pressure measuring transducers, The basis for this Call be the illdication of the Thanks to some considerable reductions in Should the laboratory and analysis data be ill-
fluids are used as pressure trallsducers. In the measuring POilltS on the RI mimic diagram . hardware costs for the indus trial controls cluded in the documentation (from raw ma-
982 983

terial to fini shed product, including tra cin g "on ", "off" indications for the position of the should be faded out so that it can be faded in facturers. They are then li1stalled in the finn
the product's journey to the point of sale)? fittings or adjustment fittings, if needed; the same a pplies to the parameteri- and adapted and optimised during the li1augu-
How should this data be entered? indications of the position or presence of ma- sing level of the software regtl1ator. ration p hase.
How ex tensive should the process be recor- nually operated connecting elements, such as the signalisa tion of fa ults (optical, acoustic, There are two ways of creating programmes:
d ed, particularly the malfunctions? Which hinged elbows, where?, what?, when?) The contractor creates the necessary pro-
demands should be fulfill ed rega rding evi- indications of the switching position of the For visua lisation, large format monitors of gramm es from the avai lable programme mo-
dential value according to the malfunction le- drives. course ha ve advantages in comparison with dules according to his experience on the basis
gislation, the product liability act, etc.? sm aller displays - also from the point of view of of the conceptua l formu lation or description
Is a manual control level necessary? What ex- Reqllire111ellts co ll cemillg vislla lisation of th e recognition hom different angles. There is, how- of the custom er. He also determines the num-
tent of the tasks should be assigned to manual procedllres: a trend towards large-format TFT displays. ber and content of the individu al program-
control? Which safety lock cond itions shou ld The presentation of the process-relevant d ata The number of monitors set up should be de- mes at his discretion. Th e customer receives a
remain intact in the case of manual control? on a monitor or display ("operator terminal") termined by the number of processes which ha- standard software package. This can be opti-
How sh ou ld the on-the-spot switch ing of should be made on the basis of the RI mimic ve to be supervised at the same time - or by the mal but does not have to be.
electric drives (repair switching) be carried diagram, which can be simplified for this pur- l1l1l11ber of linages which are needed simultane- The customer gives the contractor his detai-
out? How should the on-the-spot operation pose. ously. Although it is possible to switch between led ideas concerning the contents and the
of pneumatic and electric drives be carried The SPCs are usually operated using a "mou- process linages, this takes time w hich cannot al- programme procedure of the individual pro-
ou t in the case of repair work or dam age? se" or similar input ins truments (trackball, ways be taken without disturbli1g the procedu- grammes . The contractor develops from this
Manual control or the use of the manual con- touchpad) or by touch-screen. res. the sp ecial software using his programme 11
trollevel with an SPC should always remain an The graphic design and the colouring should The number of opera tli1g seats or monitors modules. The customer receives an optimi-
exception and should be limited to emergencies be crea ted with the aim of opelUless, transp a- should not be made too small due to a false sen- sed software - the more detailed the concep-
or damages. Use must be confined to a permit- rency of the processes and clarity. The use of se of economy. The number of available opera- tual formula tion, the better the software.
ted gro up of people (password protec tion), DIN symbols for plant elements such as fit- tli1g seats should at least be set so that extra pla- The last-mentioned option is the more deman-
who are suitably qualified, and it must be docu- tings, pumps, heat transferers and measure- ces, possibly temporary ones, can be set up if ding, since the creation of the programme can ta-
m ented. ment, control and regulation points should be needed (for example whil e the equipment is ke into account sp ecial wishes and demands
On the other hand, the manual control level is preferred. being inaugurated or durli1g necessary optima- from the begim1ing and the customer receives a
considerably easier for particular situa tions, fo r On the visualisation level, the followin g tion works). "ta ilored" product. The operational optimisati-
example when testing the workability of equip- should be displayed: An SPC should also be easy to program. on and adaption can then be carried out relative-
ment components, when setting up equipment, the current process data in a form relevant to Changes or extensions to the software and the ly quickly.
when remedying damages and when testing the machine and apparatus; in the case of re- process images, if need ed by the compan y, The precondition for this, however, is that the
new procedures. gtllated process dimensions, this includes the should be able to be carried out by company customer can give the contractor his detailed
These concerns must be taken into considera- set theoretical values, staff. ideas for the individual programme steps and
tion when setting up the safety locks, which selected programmes, current programm e The same applies to the parameterising of the procedures in good time, in the form of a pro-
will also apply to manual control. If necessary, steps and the time they need, or the remai- equipment, the entry and changli1g of formula e gramme description and/or a programme pro-
different lock levels must be set up. rung time needed for a step. It is also sensible and of other data . cedure plal1 or function plan.
The successful use of an SPC depends on ha- to give inform ation con cerning !"luming time For practical purposes, the programmes
ving the necessary information concerning the supervisions and supervision tim es, Reqlliremellts of the programme should be worked out, fin e-tuned and tested by
s tate of the equipment: the switch positions of fittings and drives, Programmes must be available for all the desi- a team of competent representatives of the cus-
using probes for the necessary measurement shown by different signal colours, red process steps or procedures which are to be tomer and the contractor, of course before the
and set dimensions, the switched-on flow paths, shown by a co- carried out by the control. test operation starts. In the same way, the neces-
signals indicating the availability of the patti- lour transition, These programmes are generally provided sary formu lae or procedure ins tructions al1d
cipating media (for example water, compres- the identifications of the fittings, measuring and delivered by the contractor of the controls. their parameterising should be worked out al1d
sed air, CO" steam, R/D mean va lue); "secu- points and pumps and other equipment parts The programmes themselves are created from fin e-hmed . The same is also true of the process
rity against missing product", on the RI mimic diagram; this information "programme modules" by the software manu- images (design, graphics, contents).


In order to reduce the amount of data, if possi- 11.2 Plant planning stry includ e p lants for the intake, treah1lent aIld Operational development concepts, new p ro-
ble, only data which deviate from the theoretica l storage of raw materials, plants to process raw duct developments, market ana lyses, ana lyses
values or the prescribed tolerances should be ar- 11.2.1 Introduction ma terials into a sa leable (end) product, for exam- of the opera tional costs, ana lyses of the teclmi-
chi ved . "Data graveyards" should be avoided. Plant planning is an extensive specialist field, in ple maltings plants, brewery plants, bottling cal staIld ard, maintenan ce findings etc. can be
which the teclmologist (the brewer, the malts ter, plan ts, clea ning and disinfecting plaIlts inclu- the basis of this.
Gelleral illdicntiollS the beverage teclmologist) and the supplyer of ding chemical sto rage. A con ceptu al formulation is worked out
One should aim for an open software architec- the plant must work very closely together. The The second ary plants in the fermentation ind u- from these data . This con cep tual fo rm ul ation
ture which is independent of the hardware de- supplyer of the plant must cover a very compre- stry include, for example, plaIltS which provide is intended to d escribe the problem to be sol-
li verers as far as possible. Stand ard operating hensive area of work, for exa mple the machines, energy (heat, cold and elech'ica l energy, provisi- ved comprehensively a nd fro m all aspects .
systems should be used . app aratus and equipment for the maltings, the on of compressed air), plants whi ch provide CO" The better the con ceptua l formulation, th e
The data should be compatible with the ope- brewery, the bottling of the beverages including plants w hich p rov id e and prepare water, waste grea ter the probability that the wo rk, plans or
rational office software. the production of alcohol-free beverages, the wa ter collection and drainage, and sometimes al- orders resulting from it wi ll produce the ex-
Decenh'alised, object-related SPCs which are storage and dispatch of beverages, the provision so waste water trea h1lent plants, plants to collect pected res ul t.
integrated into a hierarchical structure enable of the plants with wa ter, hea t and electrica l ener- and prepaI'e by-products (spent grains, CO,) and On the basis of the conceptual formulation, a
the process procedures to be optimised without gy, compressed air, carbon dioxide, the di sposal waste, as well as any other plants w hich CaIU10t first rough plan can be made, on the basis of which
distmbing the preceding and subsequent pro- of spent grai.ns, waste wa ter and residues from be counted as production plants. the feasibility or economicalness CaIl be exami -
cess steps and are relatively easy to exchange. In bottling. Plant elements are the sm allest, ftmctional ele- ned for the first time. This examination is also
1 the case of damage, only part of the equipment is ments of a plant which generally CaImot be furt- known as a "feasibility study". If the rough 11
shut down. The SPCs can take over the optimi- General remarks concerning her subdi vid ed. Examples are pumps, compres- plan seems to bring the d esired solution, a pre-
sa tion of the process procedures for individual plant planning sors, h eat con veyors, drive motors and liminary project CaIl be worked out, which in
process steps if the corresponding software is The extent of the tasks involved in plaIming containers. turn is subjected to all economic study. Parallel
p rovided (fuzzi logic, fuzzi control) . and building plants CaIl vary a lot. It depends Apparatus means plant elements which ge- to this preliminary project, the first work to-
The installation costs at the field level for the on the con ceptual formulation. This can ha ve, nerally have no moving parts. Their purpose is wa rd s gaining official approval CaIl already be
control of the drive technology, fittings and po- for example, the following aims: usually to add or remove energy or materials in s tarted .
sitioning elements and the i.nformation-gathe- to build a new plaIlt, connection with goods which are to be trea ted. The preliminary project must already contain
ring by the MRS teclmology can be considera- to replace individual components of a plant, Machines are plant elem ents which carry detailed information concerning the intended lo-
bly reduced by using field bus systems (for to replace an entire plant, ou t mechanical work by transferring fo rces cation, the procedme, the size of the plant, pro-
example Profibus). The flexibility of the plant to fulfil official conditions resulting from le- onto the good s to be treated. They have mo- duction design, suppl y and disposal and the spa-
teclul010gy is, moreover, considerably increa- gislation. vin g parts w hich move according to laws. cial concept. On this basis, quotations must be
sed; the BDE is simplified. Plants are made up of individual plaIlt compo- gathered from the suppliers and service provi-
The after-sales service offered by the chosen nents (machines, apparatus, pipes, fittings etc.). General remarks on the process of ders who come into question. The quotations
contractors or suppliers is p ar ticularly impor- They are often cOlmected with special conveYaIl- plant planning must give information, in particular, about the
tant. It is desirable to have a bank secmed cus- ce elements. Plants are complete, functioning or- The plmming of plants is an iterative process, expected invesh1lent and operational costs.
tumer service p eriod guarantee for the hard- ganisations which produce a product. They con- the progress of which depends on a continuous If the second economicalness test does not pro-
ware delivery and software maintenance . sist of th e production equipment and the parallel exa mination of the intermediary results duce any hmdamentally new findings, and the
Clear agreements should be made regarding secondary equipment necessa ry for their opera- and their consequences. concept seems feasible, the decision to carry out
the availability of the hardware and software and tion. The following diagram schematically sh ows the project can be made. This decision can entail
the time taken by the maintenance service to re- As well as the machinery and apparatus, the the step-by-s tep decision-making process for considerable consequences, particLllal"ly of a fi-
act. buildings or struchlfal plants including the ne- plant plalming. This sch em e CaIl aIlalogously naIlcial nature. It must therefore be very carefull y
Remote diagnosis or remote maintenance of cessary provision plants (water, heating, aerati- be ap plied to all form s of plant plaIuung and prepared, in order to avoid bad inveshnents aIld
the controls, particularly of the software, by on, air conditioning, sanitary facilities, lighting can also be simplified. to minimise the residual risk. Cost maIlagement
ISDN modem or in other ways, is increasingly etc.) CaIl also be part of a plant. The production The basis of all planning activ ity is the formu- must begin with the decision in favolli" of the pro-
gaining importance (cost reduction). plaIlts in the fermentation and beverage indu- lation of the problem which must be solved . ject, at the latest.
986 987
Schematic di agra m of the planning process
preparation of the test run and the training of sal of energy, water, waste rubbish etc., en-
I Formulation of the goal the staff regarding compul sory procedure and vironmen t milllagement etc.
work instructions.
I Drawing up of the conceptual formulation I A not inconsiderable problem in making an
Such plalUung must not take place lUlder ti-
me pressure and mu st be fut ure-orientated. It is
I Feasability study r l rough planning offer regarding the extent and price of suppl y important to constan tl y update the data as a
I economic study I I and perform ance is that the person making the precondition for quick reactions to changes to
plan is offer already has to invest a large amOlUlt in de- the initial situation or to the market.
r test
not tailed work in o rd er to justify the attribute "bin- In all phases of plilluling and construction of
. . . . . ... L..{ preliminary project 1+ realised ding" - without knowing whether or not he plants, the enviromllental and teclUlica l secu ri-
will receive the contract. On the other hand, an ty issues must be taken into account.
decision on I decision on !I I decision on I I decision on the ;11 decision on exact calculation of th e supply and perfor-
the location the procedure the plant size Iproduction conditions the rooms mance offered ca n only be made if the extent of The legislntive basis of plnllt plmlllillg
the offer can be clearly demarcated. When planning illld constructing plants, the na-
examination of the I economic study 2 I "d
Project planning comprises all phases or de- tionallegislative guidelines must be taken into
official gUidelines T ring quotations tails of a plan. This includes for exa mple: account. In the member sta tes of the European
examination financial plamung, Union (EU), national law mus t, of course, be in
I authorisation plamung, accordance with EU law (EU legislations, EU
application for preliminary procedural and system planniJlg, guidelines) . In the various c01mtries outside the 11
official examination project decision object and detail plamung, EU, national regulations and rules must be ad-

detailed planning I
location plmming,
construction and buildings plamung,
acquisition plalming,
hered to. An importilllt source for the norms,
rules and legal guidelines which mu st be obey-
ed in the Federal Republic of Germany, particu-
official approval I description of the work I preparation planning, larly concerning environmental protecti on on
I quotation comparisons and negotiations I course of events and reali sa tion plamung, an EU, national and communal level, is the

1 I
final project examination
plmming of provision and disposal,
inauguration planning and training of the
"DIN Ca tal ogue for technical rules".
The size or extent of a concrete plilll determines
staff etc. which laws, prescriptions and administrative
distribution of tasks The project management is in charge of the guidelines must be obeyed. One must therefore
r delivery and performance
contracts realisation and control of the project as a whole start out the relevant legal regulations as
I building and assembly and comprises the most importilllt staff of the soon as possible in the planning phase. This

I inauguration/test operation I project group. should be carried out in pal'hlership with tlle re-

sponsible authorisation or supervisory authority.
I performance verification I 11.2.2 Basic aspects of plant planning In gen eral, the following legal regulations
Plant planning must be a part of the compmly must be obeyed in Gerlllillly:
rpermanent operation of the plant I plamling and must be based on continuous, sy- environmental law authorisations,
stematic work. building rights authorisations,
The medium illld long-term company, finan- au thorisa tions for plan ts requiring supervision
The next steps are then: negotiating the quotations and subsequen tly cing, inveshllent illld plilllt planning must, for ex- according to the trade regulations,
further detailed implementation planning, selecting the supplier ca refully, resulting in of- illllple, comprise all important aspects and busi- water law authorisations, permission and ap-
the collecting of quotations on the basis of ca- fering a contract for the necessary supply and ness meas, product quality, product rilllge and proval,
refully worked out conceptual formulations performance. design, staff development, operational costs and authorisations for the disposal of residual
or descriptions of the extent of performance, Further important s teps 1Ultil the project is se t profits, location questions, logistics, maintenance materials,
examining the quotations, up are the building and assem bly work, the of the plants and buildings, provision and dispo- other au thorisa tions.
988 989

EuvirOllll1wtn flnw s: plwpose nl/{i illlportnllt Formulation of the applica tion documents res ult ill incomplete quo tations or contracts, illformation concernillg the characteristic
t erJ/l s w ith the consequ ences of overproportionally ri- operation al data and COlUlection values of
Handing in of the app lication Sillg costs when a given contrac t is later impro-
The purpose of envirolUllentallegislation is " ... the necessa ry m edia (water, was te water,
to protect hum a ns, animals and plants, the Examinat ion of tbe completeness ved and of plants which d o not work well or ha- hea t, cold, electrical energy, worki ng air,
g rolmd, water, atmosphere and cultural and ot- of the app li cat ion documents, ve faults. CO" s terile air, ch emica ls, safe ty d a ta
h er inanimate goods from damaging environ- On the basis of the conceptual formulation, a sheets),
The responsible authorities check the application teclUlical description is written.
m ental in£luences, as well as from the dangers, information about assembly regulations
considerable di sadvantages and impairments _No te or authorisation, possibly with The teclUlical description is the basis for the ga- and assembly procedures, building site
which can result from plants which require aut- therillg of quotations with the sa me guidelines or constructions and building si te rules, buil-
horisa tion ". The aim is also to prevent the pro- Preparation , bui lding and assembl y or tbe plant preconditions for all the suppliers asked. It al- ding site sa fe ty, buildil1g si te supervision,
duction of ha rmful envirolUllental influences . lows different companies to give a comparable assembl y supervision, dead lines, required
Test run/inauguration
This has great significance for the planning offer for a clearly defined ex tent of supply and guaran tees (for example technological pa-
and setting up of plants. In environmental le- Approva l of the plant by the authorisation body performance and thus to a pply for the conh'act. rameters, capacity/outpu t/throughput, spe-
gislation, fWldamental terms are defined for le- The person writmg the description hopes to cifi c co nsumption va lu es, scaffolding ti-
gal purposes . Here are the main ones: receive directly comparable quotations which mes, staff requirem ents, cleaning require-
Emissions are air pollution, noise, vibrations, 11.2.3 Different procedures for can be examilled and n egotiated at low cost. ments, mailltenance, aftersales service),
light, h ea t, radia tion and similar things emit- planning and setting up a plant Therefore the teclulica l d escription, too, must required documentation,
ted from a plant, The plamung and setting up of a plant involves be worked out in de tail and conscientiou sly. It labels and illscriptions, 11
Immissions are air pollution, nois2, vibrations, at least two parhlers: should be transparent and clearly structured. It g uidelines for packing and transport as
light, hea t, radiation and similar envirolUnen- the customer, who is usually also the future must oblige the suppliers makillg the quotations well as disposal of the package material
tal influences which affect people, animals and operator of the plant, and to go illtO all necessa ry de tails ill the desired or- and assembly remaills,
plants, the grOlmd, the the atmosphere the contractor. der and with the d esired amount of illformation, general information: for example, de tails of
and cultural and other inanimate goods, The customer is usuall y also the builder and Important components of the teclUlical des- the company contact person for queries, the
Air pollution means changes to the natural must take on duties and responsibilities as cription are the followill g points: d ate or handmg-il1 deadline for quotations,
composition of the air, above all smoke, soot, such. the supply and performance description of the binding deadline for the quotation, the
dust, gases, aerosols, steam, odours, Between the two parhlers, there can be, at le- the requested item . This involves among ot- statem ent that the quotation is free of charge
Plants are industrial premises, stationary as t in the case of larger objects, a project leader her: and not billdillg for the customer and that the
equipment, machines, tools and moveable or project leadership . The project leader or pro- a detailed description of the desired article cus tomer can give out a contract at his own
equipment, vehicles and land on which stora- ject leadership is responsible for the entire pro- or plant, if necessa ry sketches of the availa- discretion, without beillg bOlmd to the chea-
ge or work takes place and from which emis- ject management. ble surfaces or rooms, stock plans, location pest offer,
sions can occur. The customer mu st exactly formulate, or em - plans, demarca ted route plans, R+I plans, illformation about the desired contract condi-
The s tandard for the evaluation of harmful ploy someone to formulate, thei r wishes con- bindillg prescriptions concerning the ope- tions: for example p aym en t conditions, deli-
environmental effe cts, influences or impair- cerning the extent of supply and performance, rational standards w hich must be adhered very dates, assembly, illaug ura tion, perfor-
ments are the recognised rules of teclUlology or for example ill a conceptual formulation. The to (materials, surface designs, special deli- mance verification, handing over the project
the s tate of teclUlology. synonyms p erformance description or delivery verers for fittillgS, pumps, pipes, electro- documents, trailling the s taff, place of deli-
Authorisation procedure for a plant requi- description, standard specification, statement tecrulical equipment, cables, controls, mo- very and assumption of the transport, unloa-
ring authorisation: schematic presenta tion: of specification and quantity listing can also be tors, gear motors, MSR d evices, sw itch dillg and assembly costs, and the insurance
u sed . cupboards, colouring, sa fe ty teclUlology, for transport and assembly,
Draw ing up or a conceptual rormulation It is of fundamental importance that the con- heat illsulations, painting systems etc.) and g uidelines for bank g u ara ntees, asse mbly
for tbe investment object ceptual formula tion (or the above-mentioned technical details, a nd compl etion guarantees, m a intenance
synony mous term s) is worked out exactly, establishment of the supply or perfor- g u a rantees, guarantee obligations, safe ty
Preliminary discussion about the mance limit, ag reements and contractual fines for not ad-
conscientiou sly and completely. Any missmg
investment object with the authori sation body
I details of the extent of supply and performan ce information concerning the capacity, hering to the guarantee param eters, the deli-
990 991

very, assembly and inauguration dates, as- contractor involves costs (these are normally a teclmical/technological procedure descripti- The methodical process:
sumption of the costs for performance verifi- dependent on the level of investment costs and on, location plans, building plans, installation As soon as the procedural mimic diagrams are
cations, inspection and reports, are a percental part of this value). plans, pipe plans and drawings for all the me- basically finished, the conceptual formulations
general delivery and assembly conditions, In international plant construction, projects dia, route plans for pipes, electrical, news and for the other works, particularly for building
exclusions of responsibility (e.g. for tools, as- are usually, for the above-mentioned reasons, bus pipes, assembly sketches and plans, volu- work (structural and civil engineering and ex-
sembly materials etc.). described as "turn-key projects", in which a me mimic diagrams, sometimes designed as tensions), provision and disposal, assembly
If plant suppliers are contracted to draw up possible contractor, the head contractor, offers Sankey diagrams, equipment lists for machi- etc., can be drawn up.
the conceptual formulation or the teclmical des- and delivers a finished plant ("turn-key plant"). nes, apparatus, MSR teclmology, pipes, fittings, These are, moreover, the precondition for set-
cription, care must be taken that the service has assembly material etc., lists of spare parts and ting up further plans and schemes mentioned
no supplier bias, so that one-sided advantages 11.2.4 Important documents and files wearing parts, all sorts of construction plans, above (pipe plans, assembly plans) as well as
for one candidate are excluded and the work is concerning plant planning staff and training plans, plans for workability the lmit lists for ordering the equipment ele-
objective. tests and for the inauguration, maintenance ments needed for the machines and apparatus
After suitable offers for the intended extent of General remarks and repair plans, lubrication plans, RID plans, and other materials. If enough building materi-
supply and performance have been collected, ex- As well as verbal formulations, graphic files and procedural and working instructions, opera- al is available, the opposite direction is also pos-
amined and negotiated on the basis of the confir- doclU11ents are used particularly often in plant ting instructions, winter service plans, anti-da- sible: the possible procedure scheme is develo-
med conceptual formulation or the technical planning, in order to clarify the goals formulated mage plans. ped from the available amount of space or
description, the task can be allocated and a suit- in the conceptual formulation and to aid com- The relevant norms must be adhered to when surface.
able supply and performance contract is drawn mlmication between the participating parh1ers. drawing up basic mimic diagrams, procedural 11
up . These graphic documents should be easy to mimic diagrams and RI mimic diagrams and The procedure scheme
The actual plant planning - the detailed plan- understand, adhere to the relevant norms and other plans. This scheme is, in principle, the first draft of a
In Germany, these are mainly the norms ac- plcumed procedure. It should contain the im-
ning - is generally lUldertaken by the plant sup- rules and be very informative while not being
cording to DIN 28004 (mimic diagrams for pro- pOltant procedure steps and show basic relati-
plier after the contract has been made. The basis costly to prepare. The same applies to all furt-
cess plants, Parts 1 to 4,) and DIN 19227 (gra-
for this is the preliminary work which the con- her phases of project planning and realisation. onships and cO!U1ections. Procedure schemes
phic symbols and code letters for process
h'actor had to do in order to work out the quota- The documents in question are, above all: power system management, presentation and are also often used for presentations, posters
tion. mimic diagrams tasks) . etc.
The contractor must perform work on the ba- schemes
sis of supply and performance contracts. It will plans and
be the goal of the customer to keep the number lists Raw mat erials interm ediate
of contractors as small as possible, in order to These developments will generally run as ite- product
minimise his own coordination work and to re- rative (repetitive) processes . According to the
lieve the project management. At the same ti- required level of iniormativeness in the context
main product was te
me, he must be constantly reminded that this of the project preparation or realisation, the fol-
work also involves his own risk regarding the lowing graphs are differentiated:
consequences of exceeding deadlines and costs. the procedure scheme,
If a contractor is hired as a head contractor, the basic mimic diagram, seconclary materi al
who also has to coordinate all the participating the procedural mimic and prod uct composition

contractors as sub-contractors, these questions the pipe and instrument mimic diagram
are easier to solve from the point of view of the (RI mimic diagram) .
customer. In the past, the term "technological scheme" Proceclu re En ergy
procl uct Assistent
From the point of view of the customer, gi- was sometimes also used. 'The use of the term material
ving the contract to just one contractor who is "scheme" instead of "mimic diagram" is not per- Fig. 11.2
the head contractor is always desirable. One mitted. £.tnlllpies ofelell/elll desiglls for proce- a: 30 ... 50mm b: 50 ... 70mm c: 40 ... 60mm d: 15 ... 20mm
dll re schell/es e: optional
must note here, however, that the use of a head Further important .doC;lU11ents referred to are:
992 993

;;; ::=
s: LL
treasu re 0 "0
OJ (j) 'Vi
¢ ) c 0)"0
c .c_ .-ro 0
Dosing Q) (j)
'- m ¢ :2
a. 0 Q) '-
::= ro
III "0::=
¢ ) :J
4= i.L: ....
Milling ;;::

Refrigeration plant
Clarifying the wort .. ·· ·4-··· ········ ········· ·:· ··············l

Cooling the wort - _.- - - - - - - - "'
Pure yeast cu lture
maturation - -.- - - - - - - - -
Lagering . .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- . \ co 2 \ :
. _ "" "" "3} : .
yeast coll ection Filter

yeast storage

'" '"

CIP- 0>
if .r::.
Fig. 11.3 Fig. 11.4
EXnll1ple of n procedure scheme: "beer productiol1 " Exnmple of n bnsic mimic dingrnm

The process control technology comprises the

process-related electrical, meas uring, control 0])
and regulation teclmology, the so-ca lled EMSR
technology. The chara cteris tic parameters o f
B1 B2
machine and appara tus equipment are usually
given in list form. TIle charac teris tic parameters
of the pipes (DN, PN, materials, numeration
etc.) and drives are shown . The pipes and fit-
tings, m achines and apparatu s as well as the
MSR p oints should be drawn in with the correct
y Fig. 11.5 fLmction, classification and ills talla tion position.
Example of a p/'Ocedllral mimic

The design is not regulated according to


The basic information of a procedural mimic Fig. 11.6 I

norms. In Fig. 11.2, examples of the design of the diagram consists, among other things, of the ne- Examples of lite idelllificalioll of meaSllrelllelll, Call 1/'01 alld
elements are given. TIle product flow is normally cessary plant elements and their labels with-out reg llialioll poill is ill RlllIilllic diagrallIS
shown vertically from top to bottom. TIle scheme drive machines, the flow paths of the materials
can go into as much detail as required. Fig. 11.3 and energies, their labels and amOlmts and the QIS
Fig. 11.7
shows an example of a procedure scheme. characteristic operational conditions, from the
points of view of cleaning and disinfection, the
ExallIple of all RI milllic diagralll willt basic alld exira illfor-
401 L mS The basic mimic diagram O,-hee working method, procedural safety, quali-
TIle basic mimic diagram is the simplest form of tative aspects and loss reduction, if necessary in
the representation of a procedure or a' procedural the form of an explanatory procedure description.
plant. Rectangles connected by lines are used to TIle extra information comprises, among other
represent sections of the procedure, basic opera- things, the characteristic flow rates of the partici-
tions, plant parts etc. The connecting lines repre- pating materials and energies, the relevant fit-
sent flow lines for energies or materials. tings and the measurement, control and regula-
Basic information and extra information for tion points (MSR points), the important para-
the participating materials, the flow paths and meters of the machines and apparatus, usually
characteristic processes are shown. Fig. 11.4 in list form, and important height information.
shows a basic mimic diagram. Fig. 11.5 shows an example of a procedural mi-
mic diagram. The procedural mimic diagram
In the procedural mimic diagram, graphic sym- The pipe and instrument mimic
bols represent plant elements for a procedure; diagram
these are cOJUlected by flow lines for energies and The pipe and instrument mimic diagram shows
materials. the technical equipment of a plant: machines,
(In Germany, the graphic symbols can be deri- apparatus, containers, drives, fittings, pipes and
ved hom the norm DIN 28004, Part 3; the repre- other means of conveyance, the task-related pro-
sentation and labelling adheres to the rules of cess power system management and the MSR
Norm DIN 28004, Part 2 and Part 4; MSR points points. TIlese are shown by graphic symbols and
are designed according to DIN 19227, Part 1.) lines. Reserve wuts are represented as well.
996 997

In Germany, pipe and instnU11ent mimic dia- a b 1 Tnvle 2 Exnlllpies of Iile processillg of Iile lIIenSllrelllelll riil1le11siOIl
(secollri nllri sllbseqllellllell ers ill Iile IIIcnSllrelllClI1 poillls sylllbol)
grams must be drawn up according to the norms

U rb
DIN 28004 Part 1 to Part 4 and DIN 19227 Part 1.
Measurement points are represented by a circle code letter Processing of the cod e le tter Processing of the
(or a rOlUlded oblong) which is connected with m easurement dimension meas urem ent dimension
the measming position by a line of reference. A I indication Q integration of the measure
horizontal dividing line shows that the place of ment value, s umm ary
dish'ibution and operation of the measm ement Fig. 11.8
value or the process power system management Grapilic sYlllbols ns n slIpplelllellllo Ille IIOl"llleri sYlllvols R registration E function of a m easuring
tal<es place in a master display, not on the spot. transducer, always without
The code letters give information about the a second le tter
measurem ent dimension and its processing; in the norm DIN 28004 Part 3, some further
they are entered into the upper half of the sym- non-nonned symbols which are often applied C automatic regulation o Yes/No sig nal,
bol. In Table 1 and Table 2, examples of code let- in the fermentation and beverage industry are On/Off Sig nal
ters of important measurement dimensions and shown in Fig. 11.8.
their processing are shown. Fig. 11.6 shows ex- A brea kdown signal s switclung
amples of the representation of MSR positions Pipe and assembly plans
in mimic diagrams. Pipe and assembly plans are usually drawn up The procedure description The procedure description demonstrates the 11
In the lower half of the symbols, a meter isomeh'ically, in order to make them more h'ans- The procedure description is drawn up to sup- system limits and also allows a demonstration
number can be entered, which continually re- parent, above all for the assembly workers. plement the proced ural, pipe and instrument of the flexibility required of the plant compo-
cords the MSR points. The first figures can also In principle, pipe and assembly plans can be mimic diagrams. Its purpose is to explain tech- nents or of the plant, parti cul arly the possibili-
be used to distinguish or localise the measure- developed from the pipe and instrument mimic nical/technolog ical colUl ections, in particular ty of simultaneous technolog ical manipulation
ment dimensions within the plant. Fig. 11.7 diagrams, given enough detail and if the instal- special requirements of the plant and MSR tech- and CIP procedures.
shows an RI mimic diagram as an example. As lation plans are observed - or the diagram can nology from the point of view of cleaning and Thus it can, at the same time, be the fOlmdati-
a supplement to the graphic symbols described also be used for this purpose. disinfection, procedural safety, quality control on for the drawing up of procedural and work
(exclusion of 0 ,), the exclusion of unintended instructions.
Tnble 1 Exnlllpies of carie lellers for lIIenSll relllClI 1 riil1lell siolls/illilinl riilllellsiolls product mixing etc.
(firslleller ill Iile 11IenSllre/Ile111 poilll sylllbol) Its main purpose is to aid commLUucation bet- The creation of design documents/
ween the individual contractors involved in a graphic procedures
meas urement dimensioncode measurement dimensioncode project with rega rd to the division of compo- A distinction is made between hand sketches
letter letter nents, the fi xing of dividing points, the reasons and drawings.
temperature T position G justifying special requirements etc. Drawulgs of every kU1d are increasingly crea-
Together with the mimic diagrams, it is an un- ted with the aid of a computer. The appropriate
pressure P speed S portant Workulg basis for the coordinatu1g pro- CAD software is fully available.
ject engmeer, who takes charge of the other con- Comfortable systems (they enab le the entire
flow F W tractors working on a project, and it is indis- plannulg as far as the lUlit list, the orderu1g of
pensible for the decision about the extent of the the components, the project controlling and the
filling level L weh1ess M necessary plant teclmology. virtual depiction of the plant from every angle)
A detailed procedure description is based on are, however, still relatively expensive and re-
qualitative size or material a thorough analysis of all procedure steps quire some practice from the user, w ith the re-
quality (e.g. pH value, wluch come into question with regard to their sult that they are predominantl y used only by
hand intervention/ H 0 , contents, CO, contents, Q feasibility given the necessa ry teclmological larger plamung offices or companies. Drawings
entry conductivity) preconditions. can be created 2 or 3-dimensionally. In the 2-D
998 999

picture, the front view, bird's eye view and side The models can be u sed ad vantageously - as etc.) are saved on a data carrier (disk, hard disk, ween cus tomer and contractor, after the object
view are often shown. plant models, individual models, equipment magnetic tape, CD-ROM and further develop- of the contract has been fi xed on the basis of a
Of the axonometric projections, it is above all models or complete models - for presentations, ments of these), duplicated and passed on. Ap- conceptual formulation, quotation aIld evalua-
the isometric representation that has attained competitions and exhibitions, coordination and propriate output devices (screen, printer, pIot- tion which are as exact as possible. The object
great importance for pipe and assembly plans. training of contractors and assembly staff and ter, beamer) are necessary to read them. and conditions of the contract must be negotia-
When drawing, normed scales are to be used for staff training. ted aIld fixed in detail, since these can have con-
(Table 3). Most important are the scales for size siderable economic consequences for both cus-
reductions. The scale 1 : 25 and multiples of it tomer and contractor.
should not be used. The object of the contract must be described
Table 3 Scales for size reductions 3 4 clearly in all its parameters. These include, for

(DIN ISO 5455) example: deSign, extent of supply, supply limit,
1 : 2; 1 : 5; 1 : 10; 1 : 20; 1 : 50; 1 : 100; 1 : 200; agreed performance aIld performance descrip-
1 : 500; 1 : 1000 etc. tion, guaraIltees, lack of defects of title, quali-

Fig. 11.9 d • ties, qUaIltities; the supplier's obligation to sup-
Depictioll of n IIl1it: frollt view (I), vil'ri 's eye view (2) nllri si-
Model projectioll rie view (3, 4) ply objects or equipment manufactured ac-
Model projection is possible with 2-D and 3-D 9 II a
cording to the current state of science and tech-
models. In the case of the 2-D model projection, y nology, which also correspond to the relevant
Fig. 11.11
two-dimensional shapes (patterns) are used,
Exnlllple of nil isollletric represelltntioll: plnte lIent trn'lsfcl'l'C/'
environmental aIld food law guidelines, the le- 11
which generally correspond to the scaled-down gal regulations, TR, norms aIld UVV; all sorts of
bird's eye view, simplified, of an element of accessories, documentations and plans for the
equipment. plant as well as the operational handbook,
With these 2-D models, which are reasonably a:b: c= 1:1:1 Permanently available hard copies can be maintenance handbook, operation instructions,
priced or easy to set up oneself (card, cardboard produced, according to format, using a printer operation, inspection and maintenaIlCe instruc-
boxes, transparencies; self-adllesive or with an z x or plotter, on paper or film . These "originals" tions; spare parts to be delivered with the
adhesive magnet), variations of the plant de- can then be reproduced any number of times equipment, upkeep instructions, guaranteed
Fig. 11.10
sign or the plant layout can be tested or the sur- using xerographic procedures ("copiers") (the provision of spare parts for a fixed period
Exnlllple of nil isollie/ric represelltntioll: n ClIve
face or space use can be optimised with little ef- copies are also, not quite accurately, described (maintenance guarantee), rules about "After-
fort (for example in the beverage industry for as "photocopies"). If necessary, they can be va- Sales" service; garage books, spare parts lists;
the layout of complete breweries, maltings, riably enlarged or reduced. training of the staff; rules about special designs,
brew houses, CCT plants, machine houses and Tools for d1'l1wing lip pi(f/Illillg doclIments, The clarity and meaningfulness of the plan- sub-companies or suppliers, materials, lubri-
energy centres, bottling plants, filling plants, drafts alld drawillg formats ning documents (RI mimic diagrams, pipe CaIltS, surfaces, colour; safety data sheets etc.
stacking halls, full and empty bottle storage, In the modern phuming office, format drafts are plans) can be conSiderably improved by multi- The conditions of the contract must be laid
loading lines etc.) . made on the Pc. The same applies to drawing coloured CAD pich1l'es, printed out, for exam- out in great detail. Among these are the follo-
Assembly and disassembly processes can al- drafts or drawings which are edited on the ple, by colour printer, plotter or copier. wing:
so be easily tested with this method. computer. In the past, duplicable paper (traI1S- The microplan-film teclmique (microfiche) is deadlines and responsibilities for permitted
Thanks to the progress of computing techno- parent paper and transparent tracing paper) still used to archive writing and drawings, but building or assembly work,
logy hardware and software, virtual architectu- with all appropriate imprint (side edges, wri- it requires special recording and reading equip- deadlines for delivery aIld for the begitming
re, plant and pipe models, but also ftUlction mo- ting fields, headings etc.) was used. The size of ment or re-enlargement machines. and end of builditlg or assembly work,
dels, are increasingly being set up and used. the formats is normed. deadlitles aIld responsibilities for workability
The CAD technology offers considerably 11.2.5 Indications for the drawing up tests, inauguration, the begitming and end of
greater possibilities than the classical model The dllpiicatioll of plant doclIlHmtatio/l of contracts the test run,
projection at comparatively moderate costs. The electronically produced plaIming docu- The acquisition of economic goods and services responsibility for the costs of the workability
Function models can also be made . ments (texts, lists, mimic diagrams, drawings takes place on the basis of '!. contract made bet- tests and the test nUl,
- 1001

responsibilities, begilming and conditi ons of 11.2.6 Inauguration and performance run Of course, it always lasts until the agreed para- over ready for operation,
the performance run or approval, assumpti- The inau g ura tion of a plant mus t be prepared meters of the pl311t are con stan tly reached. Fi- after all agreed documentation for the plant,
on of the costs for ex ternal reports, in good time. The plant itself mu st be ready to n311cial compen sa tion if the test rmming time is particularly the revised drawings, plans and
possible sanctions if d eadlines are exceeded be operated; the m edi a required for operation exceeded must be laid down in the contract. li s ts, mate rial attestations, test certificates,
or agreed para meters are n o t reached, mu st be ready. This also includes the readiness As soon as the plant has reached the contrac- particularly with regard to sa fety technology,
d etails concerning improvem ents and gua- for operation of the MSR technology and possi- tually sec ure d p erfo rm a nce pa ram eters or the vario us handbooks and ins tructions have
rantees, g uarantee d eadlines, ble controls . w hen the customer and contractor have ag reed been hand ed over,
mainte na nce guarantees and inform a tion Workability tests, the cleaning of the plan t and on this, the perform ance verifica tion or appro- after the s taff h as been su ccessfully tra ined
about After-Sales serv ice, safety-related tests must be completed, valid test val of the plant can be prepared and written on and ins tru cted, in cluding regarding accident
commercia l agreements su ch as prices (fixed certificates mus t be ava il able (for exa mple from the basis of the supply 311d performance con- protection. It is sensible to h ave the staff con-
price, hig hest price, ca lcula tio n according to TUv etc.). The realisa tion or m aintenance of pos- tract. firm the ins tructions given to the m w ith the ir
expen se o r confirm ed dimensions, va ri able sible conditions must also be checked. The pers011l1el involved in the performance signa tures,
price clau ses e tc.), reduction of the contrac- The operating staff mu st be familiar with the run or inspection of the plant or service is fixed after all work has been paid for.
tual price if the contract is no t fulfilled ("pe- plant and its operation, cleaning and disinfecti- before the contract is completed. This can con- A t the end of the project, the con tractor can
nal clause"), on and maintenance. The condition for this is sist of customer 311d contractor staff. It can, ho- have the su ccessful inspection of the plant and
payment conditions (payment d eadlines, da- generally appropriate training of the staff by wever, also be an ex ternal, "n eutral" company the handing over of the plant to the customer or
tes, cash discOlmt etc.), (a positive pay ment the plant supplier and the presence of operati- (engineering office, university ins titute, experts u ser confirmed (handing-over protocol). This
philosophy should be one of the contractual on and m aintenance h andbooks. These conditi- e tc.). External tes te rs can be brou ght in to give m eans tha t the plant o r object of the contrac t 11
obligations of the customer when the contract ons should always be pa rt of the contract. judgem ent if no consensual eva lua tion of the h as been ins talled .
has been fulfilled!), It is always recommend able to document that results can be reached by customer 311d contrac- Every contractor will certainly push for the
rules about customer security in the case of assembly work has finished and that the plant tor. customer to install the plant as soon as possible.
any pre-payments or part-payments in the is ready for inauguration and the s tart of the The results of the performance run or of the The custom er is, however, well advised to ag ree
form of bank pledges which are fre e of char- test Hm. inspection are documented and eva lua ted. Re- to the completion of a project only when all the
ge for the customer or security transference Relevant, detailed checklists, on the basis of sidual work or improvem ents res ulting from contractuall y agreed work h as ac tually and ve-
of ordered economic good s, which the bas ic indi vidual ac tivities can be this are fixed in content and time-scale. At the rifiably been carried out without fault, i.e. after
completion pledges from the contractor, checked and confirmed, are helpful for the pre- time of the successful performance Ilm, the da- it h as been documented that the plant has been
safety clauses in the case of possible reduc- para tion. The tested or reached parame ters tes for the agreed gu arantees begin, lmless a " h311ded over without complaint".
tion of the work or not fulfillin g the guaran- mu st of course be documented (who?, when?, different agreement h as been made.
tee values, result) and the relevant measures, deadlines 11.2.8 Documentation of the project
assumption of the packaging, transport, crane and responsibilities mus t be fixed in order to re- 11.2.7 End of the project Project d ocuments of every nature which have
and lmloading costs, medy possible faults. The end of the project is reached, among other been worked out w ith the preparation and exe-
removal of the p ackaging, The more conscientiously these checks are things: cution of a project are important d ocuments for
supply or performance location, etc. carried out, the sooner the plant will reach its after the successful and documented p erfor- the comp311y.
The object and conditions of the contract must projected parameters. m311Ce rLm, Particularly important are the design docu-
above all be exactly formulated and confirmed If possible, all indiv idual s teps of the process, after the fulfilment of all the contractu ally ments, for example the proced ura l mimic dia-
in case of possible regression claims. Insurance the cleaning and disinfection and the fW1Ction agreed work including docum ented residual g ram s, RI mimic dia gra m s, the building and as-
questions (building, assembly and liability insu- of the machine and apparatus-connected work and improvements as well as keeping sembly drawings, operation h andbooks, main-
rance, fire insurance) and the exclusion clause equipment must be checked. to the authorisation procedure and work pro- tenance h andbooks, operation and mainten311-
for destruction or damage of tools and materials If the check-lists are already written during tection cond i tions, ce instructions, spare par ts li sts, m a terial a tte-
must be regulated in the contract. The aim must the pl31ming phase, possible faults C311 be re- after all faults have been remedied, s ta tions, welding a ttes ta tions, company attesta-
always be clarity in the formulation of the con- cognised 311d remedied in good time. after all agreed paym ents in kind (pl311t, sp a- tions, examination and inspection docum en-
tract as far as object and conditions are concer- The test rLu1l1ing time which follows the inau- re parts, wearing parts) are handed over; it is tation for pressure containers, sa fe ty fittings
ned . guration should be d etermined in the contract. documented that they have been h a nded e tc., th e fo undation plans, reinforcement

1002 1003

plants, s tructural engineering and solidity pro- source of inform ation for this is the "DIN Cata- ments (the development of the equ ipment ele- hollow profiles,
ofs and the building and operational authorisa- logue for technical rules". (DIN = German In- ments necessary for this began arowld cons istent separa tion of shaft bearing and
tions given. These are mostly lmique speci- s titute for Norms eV) The "recognised rules of 1965/1970). sea l,
Inens. technology" represent the generally applica- Because of the resulting costs for equipment complete emp tiability, no product or CIP me-
Quotations, documents concerning negotiati- ble, applied and tried and tested expert technology, even mod ern plants are not fluly dia residues,
on of quotations and assigned tasks, cost calcu- knowledge. equipped for automati c operation. The parts of prevention of contact of contaminated surfa-
lations concerning the project as a whole and The next section contains some indications for the plant which only need to be operated at re- ces with the product,
the components etc. should also be archived, at the practical design of equipment elements and latively large intervals (e.g. filling or emptying all kinds of covers, passageways and machine
least for a substantial period. plants and for the requirements of plants partiCll- a CCT), in particular, are opera ted semi-auto- housings must be design ed in a CIP suitable
It is particularly important to update and re- larly in the fermentation and beverage industry. matically or manually. form, resistant to soaking and jetting,
vise the files when the project is ended. This is The aim of these indications is also to draw avoidance of the uptake of unster ile surroun-
especially true of the building and assembly de- attention to important issues which are someti- 11.3.3 Requirements of pipe and plant de- ding air during CIP procedures or w hen
sign sketches, piping plans, electrical and MSR mes forgotten or not given much attention. sign with respect to contamination- emp-tying containers. It is advantageous to
installations, electrical current, cable and clam- The issues concern the following areas: free work secure a constant slight overpressure in the
ping plans, and the up-to-date software for the the practical design of the plant, Contamination-free work in a plant and the ful- plant.
available controls or regulations, channel plans, the contamination-free working method, filment of the machine- and apparatus-COIU1ec- Success can only be ensured if the maintenan-
and route plans. the oxygen-free working method, ted preconditions for this are important aims ce of the above-mentioned criteria and conditi-
Measurement values of the performance run procedural, plant and operational safety. which must be taken into aCCOlll1t in plant plan- ons is constantly tested during the planning 11
should also be collected. ning and must be consis tently continued when and assembly phase and when choosin g the
Project documentation should therefore be 11.3.2 Preconditions for the selecting, acquiring and processing components. supplier or acquiring the parts.
archived in a clear and orderly way. automatisation of modern plants Important aspects of the design of pipes, fit-
The archive room should fulfil safety require- In order to automate plants in the fermentation tings and plant components for contamination- 11.3.4 Operational safety requirements of
ments (for example concerning fire protection, and beverage industry, the following precondi- free work are: the plants
theft protection, protection against water dama- tions must be fulfilled: the choice of m aterials: sta inless steel, rus t-
ge). to carry out the plalmed procedure or pro- free<D with corresponding corrosion resstance Separation of media
There must not be any undoclilllented removal cess, for the task required, Any unintentional mixing of media must be
of written docLUnents or sketches! If possible, on- an algoritlun must be available, according to seals: suitable sea ling materials, static seals avoided at all costs. The only secure ways of
ly copies of the original documents should be which a process plan can be worked out; with defined pretension and minimal surface cOlUlecting "enemy" pipes are therefore:
used in the company. The constant, lll1COmpro- all plant components must be remote control- touching the product, dynamic seals with a manually operated hinged elbows or other
mised up-dating of the company files (procedure lable; clear separation between product and envi- connecting elements. These are only activat-
descriptions, formulae, work insh'uctions, opera- the plant components must be cOlmected by rOlunent, ed when n ecessary and should only occur in
tion insh'uctions) is an important task of the com- firmly installed pipes and fittings; the material surface: average roughness va- one place. If possible, they should be unmi-
pany executive, and it must rlm according to cle- the plants must be suitable for CIP cleaning lue Ra < 1.6 pm (according to DIN 4762) for s takable. The cOlUlection should be supervi-
ar rules. and disinfection; sur-faces touching the product, sed by sensors (Fig. 11 .12).
the plants must contain sensors for all rele- the processing of the materials: qualified ten- a leakage fitting combination, consisting of
11.3 Plant design and the vant measurement dimensions, which enable sing gas welding procedure with gap-free three fittings, the position of which is super
requirements of the plants time-plan controls to be made for the process for-mating, passivation of the material surfa- vised by sensors ("block and bleed" installa-
or which allow the process quantities to be re- ce after welding, tion) (Fig. 11 .13) .
11.3.1 General indications gulated and the process to run optimally; no gaps and d ead spaces, no thread with con- double sea t valves with a suitabl e design,
The plmming, design and building of plants the materials of the plant must be corrosion- tact to the medium, with shock-resis tant operation or installation.
must always be carried out in adherence to the resistant. complete wettability by CIP media, The hinged elbow is the simplest and most
relevant legal foundations, norms and the re- The above-mentioned conditions can be ful- accessibility of all surfaces for cleaning and cost-effective solution; however, it is not suitab-
cognised rules of technology. An important filled in accordance with the current require- disinfection, no corners and angles, no open le for automated plants. It is recommended that
1004 1005

The "hinged elbow" with length compensati- In principle, the three fittings can for econo- in such a w ay that the medium closes the valve
on ("articulated shears") mList have an additio- mic reasons be activated jointly; individual con- with the highest possible pressure (particularly
nal joint. It can be used more or less universally trol is, however, preferable (advantages in the in the case of damage), or that the pressure of
as a COlUlection between parallel pipe ends ly- case of a fau It). the liquid pushes in the direction of the closing
ing on a level. The considerable disadvantages of the leaka- force or the direction of closure.
To fit the connecting element within the avai- ge fitting combination as opposed to the double Double seat valves are fabricated with one
lable space, it must possess at least four seat valve are that it takes up more space and flow path being shock-resistant (one valve plate
"joints"(screw fittings). It can be made up with that an amount of liquid remains between the is pressure balanced or the valve plate is placed,
little effort, for example, from five 90° screw el- shut-off fittings when working without 0 ,. The- form-held, on the seat) or with both flow paths
bows, and sometimes needs linear lengthening. se disadvantages occur above all when a pipe being shock-resistant (both valve plates are pres-
Fig. 11.12
The leakage fitting combination is the most matrix is cOlUlected in a very small space ("val- sure balanced). Shock-resistant fittings cannot be
Exnlllpies of tile stl'lictlil'e of Ililiged elvow collllectiolls
cost-effective solution to the problem of separa- ve knot"). For this type of application, double opened by the pressure of the medium.
the controller should check that the hinged el- ting different media, excluding mixing, in auto- seat valves have obvious advantages. The space between the two valve plates of the
bow is positioned in the right place using a sen- mated plants. The nominal dimensions of the The application of a ball cock is a special case. double seat valve can be rinsed out separately.
sor. The position of the cOlUlected fittings can leakage fitting can be relatively small. It is im- The ball cock can be used as a shut-off fitting in Possible leakages are drained off without pres-
also be recorded. portant to activate this combination during all the eIP admission and return pipes, if the hou- sure through this space.
The rigid hinged elbow can only be fabricated CIP processes . The leakage fitting can be arran- sing is equipped with a rinsing and leakage at- The liquids resulting from eIP valve seat
as a 180° elbow, since it allows almost no tempe- ged in such a way that the space between the tachment. Ball cocks are more cost-efficient than cleaning procedures and the switch leakages 11
rature-dependent length compensation. The two lock fittings empties automatically. In the double seat valves even with large nominal di- are drained off via special pipes (with an inlet
strict requirements that the screw fittings which case of plants where it is important to work free mensions, and are sometimes even less expensi- cone or flUmel) or via collecting tanks (flat
are to be cOlmected should be parallel necessita- of 0 " this automatic emptying must be preven- ve than leakage fitting combinations. The ball sheets with a rim and storage function).
te careful installation. To compensate the error if ted - for example, by arranging the leakage cock is shock-resistant. The double seat valve is Separate valve seat aeration by means of a se-
they are not quite parallel, at least one additio- drain-pipe vertically at the top or on the side certainly the most practical fitting to COlmect two pal'ate lift drive (the piston should be variable to
nal screw fitting in the 180° elbow is needed. with a swan neck. pipes with no danger of mixing and separate con- limit the amOlUlt that comes out) is highly re-
trols. In principle, the relatively high costs of ac- commended for pipe circulations with greater

quiring and repairing the double seat valves are requirements regarding low-contamination or
- ---r- - - - Medium 1
the only disadvantage (see Sect. .1). contamination-free work, for example in the
. .- Successful use of a double seat valve is, ho- area of filtrate or wort and yeast. The only alter-
wever, dependent on using the appropriate de- native is eIP cleaning with temperatures> 85°C.
sign for the given application: The area of the skid surfaces of the valve rod
b Y double seat valves with a shock-resistant de- seals and the body of the valve is a problem zo-
Medium 2 ne; its condition depends on the wear and tear
_ _ _L -_ _ _ _
sign or with pressure-relieved valve plates,
double seat valves with separate valve seat of the sealing materials. Here, too, hot cleaning
Fig. 11.13
EXnlllple of pipe nttncillllellt li sillg n len- aeration in the case of eIP processes, reduces the problem. If the requirements are
air pressure knge fittillg colllvillntioll ("vlock nlld double seat valves with a rinsing attachment higher, these sealing zones must be designed so
vleed" cOllllectioll)
t --..------ (n) lenknge fittillg cOlllvillntioll,
to the valve shaft seals, that they can be rinsed, or sealed with folding
double seat valves with folding bellows or a bellows or a membrane. They can also be equip-
(v) nlltolllntic elllptyillg of tile membrane as a gap-free seal for the valve ped with a disinfectant lock or a steam lock.
lenknge spnce, shaft for sterile operation.
: Q
- (c) joillt cOlltrol of tile fittillg The appropriate choice must be made in or- Securing the plants against
... collivillntioll,
- ----'- - - - - (d) sepnrnte cOlltl'ol of tile fit
der to prevent the valves from opening automa- unauthorised pressures
c d tillg cOlllvillntioll, tically as a result of the pressure of the medium . All components of the plant must be operated
(P) pilot vnlve (two-wny vnlve) In many cases it is sufficient to install the valves in such a way that the authorised operational
- 1007

pressure is not or camlot be exceeded. For this One-way safety measures (for example bur- pressure of the container should be supervised stallation welding procedures are the WIG hand
purpose it is necessary to equip the plant with sting discs) can also be used . by the controller. welding procedure and the automated orbital
automatic safety devices, which reliably pre- If hot cleaned containers are not cooled down welding procedure. The inert gas is argon; the
vent the occurrence of unauthorised operating Secllrillg the plnllt ngaillst IIlInlltilOrisen IIlIner- (rinsing with hot water; autonomous post-ten- pipes must be thoroughly rinsed ("formed")
conditions. It must be borne in mind that the pressure sing with sterile gas during slow cooling, e.g . with inert gas. Argon or "forming gases" (for ex-
safety precautions must also be effective if the Securing the plant against lUlauthorised lmder- when the container is being filled), installations ample forming gas 90/10 with 90% nitrogen and
supporting energies (electrical energy, com- pressure is the task of the operator. Since dama- are relatively simple. 10% hydrogen) are used for this purpose.
pressed air, control air, hydraulics) or the con- ge or danger to staff health are not generally cau- After welding, the welding places must be
trols fail. They should be autonomous. sed by lmderpressure, the plant does not need to 11.3.5 Indications for pipe design passivated (by brushing and/or scouring). To
be supervised in relation to this. scour, scouring solutions or scouring pastes are
Secllrillg the plnllts ngnillst IIlIautilOrisen over- Large containers (storage tanks, CCTs) are par- General indications used; their important components are HF,
pressllre ticularly sensitive to lmderpressure. Generally, The nominal dimensions of the pipes are nor- HNO, and HCl, mostly mixed .
The plant (these plants generally require super- pressure containers are also in danger, even with med. In the case of product pipes, the nominal di- The ilUler sides of pipe seams are usually
vision) must be secured against overpressure very small overpressures (a few water COllU1Ul mensions DN 10, 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, inaccessible. Therefore, the pipes must be tho-
according to the regulations of the relevant fra- millimeh'es high), lUlless they have a vacuum- 125 and 150 are almost exclusively used (the no- roughly formed before welding. Running co-
mework of rules . For this purpose, the equip- proof design. minal dimensions are given in millimetres). lours CaIUlOt, or only to a limited extent, be re-
ment must be provided with automatic safety Underpressure in a system can occur as a re- The nominal pressure (abbreviation: PN) of moved - even with high percentage HN03 !
or overflow valves. These are operated by sult of: product pipes made of stainless steels is, de- Abrasion of WIG inert gas welding seams 11
spring force or mass force. emptying containers without compensating pendent on the nominal pressure of the stain- usually brings disadvantages for the surface
It is important that the diameters of these the drained medium, for example with gas, less steel fittings used, limited to PN 16; some of aIld should therefore be avoided, unless R., va-
safety fittings are measured sufficiently. a lifting effect when containers overflow, the fittings, too, are only permissible for PN 6 or lues of 1.6 pm CaIl be secured. The surface of
Safety fittings must undergo a construction the container contents cooling down without 10 (e.g. looking glasses). the welding seam is generally smooth, since the
check and their working order must be checked compensating the change of volume, Generally, the lll1iversally applicable materi- melt solidifies without any rougluless as a re-
and documented at regular intervals. a chemical reaction of the container contents. als with material numbers 1.4404 and 1.4571 are sult of the surface tension. Specialist welding
For example, it must be observed that if the Pressureless containers must have a suffi- used (these qualities correspond in English- caterpillar tracks do no harm. Abrasion and
overflow fuse fails, the volume of liquid l'lU1- cient cross-section in contact with the atmo- speaking areas to the qualities AISI 316 and 316 electrolytical polishing improve not only the
ning out of containers which are filled by sphere. Overflows on containers must possess a Ti) - for more on this, see Sect. 6.1.2. outward appearance but also the resistaILCe to
pumps must be drained by the safety fitting relief drill-hole or a stand pipe open at the top, For less demanding applications as far as cor- corrosion.
without unauthorised increase of pressure . The in order to prevent a lifting effect (vacuum rosion is concerned, material nmnbers 1.4301,
design of the safety fitting must therefore cater stress on the container). 1.4550 and 1.4541 can be used (they correspond Separable pipe cOllllections
for the highest possible liquid flow rate. The follow-up gas flow rate required to cool to the quality AISI 304). At higher temperatures Separable pipe cOlUlections and connections
The pressure relief pipes or overflow/flow- down hot or warm containers is dependent on (8 30°C), pH values < 8 and in the presence of between pipes aIld apparatus or machines can
off pipes must be sufficiently measured . They the cooling speed of the container (flow rate of halogens - mainly chloride ions 50 mg/l- the- be made using the following types of connecti-
must be laid in such a way that if they are made the cooling medium, container mass, container se material numbers are no longer usable, since on:
use of, no dangers can occur. Product pipes size, specific heat capacity, temperature diffe- corrosion is to be expected. screws,
must be CIP suitable. Therefore, safety fittings rences) and can be controlled with these para- Pipes should be labelled according to the flanges,
are designed so that they can be aerated and are meters. Vacuum valves must be designed for flow medium, as should fittings and sensors, to clamps,
activated during Clr processes. the highest possible necessary flow rate, taking correspond to the RI mimic diagram. tensing rings.
A contribution to the improvement of the into accolmt the usable differential pressures. The screw cOlUlection consists of cone nozz-
operational safety of the equipment can be ma- The hot CIP cleaning of CCTs can be carried Pipe connections les, thread nozzles, sealing ring aIld cap-nut.
de by equipping fittings with drives which, if out advantageously if the cold container has a IllsepaJ"llble pipe cOl1l1ectiolls The cOlUlection of the two nozzles with the pi-
the supporting energies or control fail, close of slight overpressure and in order to prevent gas Product pipings made of stainless steel should pe is made using suitable welding procedures
their own accord by means of spring force. from flowing off during cleaning. The imler be fixed in place as far as possible. Suitable in- (see above).
1008 1009

Preferably, only screws in which the seal is sequences of an enlarged lever effect of the ring), but sometimes also as a profile seal. In this
pretensed with definition and the con e and hook wrench are increased seal wear and the case, one flange is a so-called smooth flan ge,
thl'ead nozzles are form-colU1ected and centred danger that the thread will be "ea ten up". Mo- while the other carries the seal. In other word s,
should be used (sterile model screw cOlU1ection reover, the tlu'ead should always be lightly lu- pairs of flan ges are used. The amoLU1t of seal sur-
according to DIN 11864-1; see also Fig. 11 .14). bricated with silicon grease of food stuff quality. face touching the product sh ould be minimal,
Th e sealing materials used should only be and the seal should have no dead sp aces. It is
EPDM (ethyl-propyl-diene-mixed polymerisa- pretensed with definition. Th e flanges are scre-
te, coloured black) or silicon (coloured red, so- wed on form-held with no space in between.
metimes also translucent). Th e blue-coloured They can be centred, but the screws, too, can cen-
NBR (nitrile-butadiene-Iatex) is generally LU1- tre the flanges.
suitable for applica tions which are hot-cleaned The measurements of the flan ges are not n or-
using the CIP procedure (see Sect. 6.1.3) . med; the designs of the individual manufactu-
The flange cOlUlection is preferred if possible rers are not interchangeable.
for qualified pipe cons tru ction. Flange COlUlec- Aseptic flange cOlU1ections al'e normed accor-
tions for the fer mentation and beverage indu- ding to DIN 11864-2 (ON 10 - 150). They are ma-
stry are fabrica ted predominantly as so-called nu fac tured with "0" ring seals and profile sea ls. Fig. 11.16
Fig. 11.14 Clnlllp colllleetioll
light construction flanges for the nominal di- Fittings, espeCially shut-off valves, are often
Screw colllleetioll, (n) sheet lIIe/nl desigll, (b) ens t desigll
sterile lIIodel mension PN 16 (more rarely PN 10). The flan ge used in the so-called between-fla nges d esign. 11
length should be chosen so that orbital welding The fittings are wedged between two smooth
procedures are ap plicable. One must, ho wever, fl anges. They are generall y sealed off by the The tensin g ring type of COlUlection is used
Screw connections are fabricated in the nomi- sometimes deviate from this rule if it is impor- sea ls appropriate for the respective fitting. mainly to COlUlect fitting components (for ex-
n al dimensions ON 10 to 100 (150) . tant to ensure minimal dead spaces, for exam- The basic advantages of flange connections as ample, for the installation of double seat va lve
The disadvantage of screw connec ti ons is ple in the case of pipe jLU1ctions. opposed to screws are that the flange COlUlecti- hou sill g parts) 311d senso rs w ith their equip-
that their ends must be slightly axially dis- on is more functional, its ins talla tion and dein- ment, for example w ith a piping system . An ex-
placed when they are taken apart. If this displa- stallation are simpler and it is more reason ably ample of this is the VARIVEN1'" system made
cement is not possible, problem s occur. Screws priced. With a flange cOlU1ection, slight installa- by the Tuchenhagen company.
should not be used for pipes s tanding lmder tion errors can be more easily compensa ted
mech anical tension or w hich are exposed to fre- than with a screw. The laying of piping systems and
quent temperature changes. The same is true of Whenever flange colUlections are used, particu- the construction of pipe holders
screwed fittings. larl y with flat gaskets which are not installed In pl an nin g and laying piping systems, the
Screw cOlU1ections can only be used without form-held, the jet protection of the flange COJUlec- change of length ca used by tempe rature
disadvantages if the screw components are wel- tion must be secured, for example with appro- ch an ges is an important aspec t which must be
ded absolutely parallel to each other. Possible priate housings or sleeves. This is h'ue of all d311- taken into account. The pipes must be laid in
deviations, caused by inaccuracies during in- gerous conveyance media (for eX3111ple elP pipes, such a way that the ch anges in length do not
Fig. 11.15
stallation, cannot be compensa ted by the seal. chemical pipes) which must be conveyed lU1der lead to mechanical tensions. This is true both of
In the case of older screw models, a slight com- ligilt collst1'1letioll de- higher pressures. The clamp cOlUlection (Norm the piping systems themselves and of cOlUlecti-
pensation was made possible, against the regu- sigll ISO 2852) is used more or less internationally, but ons between the pipings and the fixed connecti-
lations, by an asymetrical "squashing" of the seldom in Genn311y. It is in principle a tensing on points of the equipment parts.
seal. ring connection with a profile seal (Fig. 11.16). Piping systems are normally laid with a gra-
The cap-nut (groove nut) is put on using a The nominal dimensions of the light con- The adv311tages are that the cOlUlection is easy dient of 1 to 2 %. In m311Y cases this is not possi-
hook wrench. No particular exertion of force is stru ction flan ge are in the region of ON 10 - 150. to install 311d reasonably priced, 311d there are no ble; in these cases, the pipes are laid hori zontal-
n ecessary for this. If, this is the case, The seals are mostly, in observa nce of the disadvantages concernin g its ability to be ly. When laying them, one must make sure that
this is a clear sign of ins tallation error. The con- VDMA 11851, d esigned as a round ring ("0" cle311ed. the pipe can, if necessary, be completely emp-
tied. Possible changes to the cross-section must ble aIld facilitate installation. The material for
Wall aIld ceiling passageways must be for- terials: rubber, PTFE, PE),
be carried out using eccentric tube tapers. the holders must, as far as possible, be identical
med with particular care. Particularly in the ca- metal/folding bellows compensator,
The distances for pipe holders or supports with the pipe material, in order to avoid corrosi-
se of ceiling passageways, protective pipes with coaxial pipe compensators, sea led by a plug
must be carefully chosen so that the pipes do on. Therefore only stainless steel profiles come
the appropriate nominal dimensions (taking in- socke t or sea ling rings,
not "hang". into question.
to account possible hea t illslilations), liquid-re- co mpensa tors with a sanitary d esign.
Moreover, it is desirable that pipes, if required,
SiStaIlt on the construction side, must be used . The stretch compensation between the pipes
are laid constantly rising, in order to facilitate 8 7 The passage pipes are then fle xibly sea led off and the fixed attachment points is usually and
venting. Since this requirement CaIUlot always be
against jet water by welded pipe bells. If the re- preferably secured using joint hinged elbows;
fulfilled, particular measures must be taken for
g ion is dry, simpler pipe shafts or ridges, which in the case of smaller nominal dimensions, tu-
venting. Pipe junctions should be horizontal.
can also be covered, can be sufficient for the cei- bes are also used. These are applied combined
With this design, no product residues or gas
ling passageway. at 90° bends in order to avoid narrow tube radii
bubbles remain in the pipe (see Sect. 6.5).
or the snapping of the tubes.
Pipe holders are designed as fixed bearings 1 Therlllally callsen c1wIIges ill /ellgtli
or slide bearings. The position of the fixed be-
All materials ChaIlge their length when the tem- 11.35.4 The flow velocity in pipes/
aring should be chosen in such a way that heat-
perature changes. If this s tretching were to be pressure losses
caused changes in length are symmetrically
prevented, this would result in considerable When the flow velocity in pipes is fixed, pressu-
distributed . The pipe must be able to stretch
tensions, or bending or torsion moments. re losses aIld inves tment costs should be taken
freely between two fixed bearings.
The one- and two-part pipe clamp aIld parti-
It is there fore very important to guarantee into consideration. A further relevant point is 11
that a pipe can stretch out freely. The possibili- the CIP suitability of the pipe.
cularly the pipe handle are suitable as fixed and
ties here are: The importaI1Ce of shear forces is often poin-
slide bearings. If a slide bearing is used, fue pipe
using slide bearings so that the pipe CaIl mo- ted out, aIld the lowest possible flow velocities
must be able to be moved without daIlger of dis-
ve freely (see above) (this also includes han- for wort aIld beer are recommend ed. The data
placement or jamming as a result of frictional
ging bearings/ the hanging of pipes), with regard to gel formation and other
forces aIld self-hindraI1Ce. The holder must be
firmly screwed on and have a small gap facing
o using compensators, influences on quality as a result of high shear
Fig. 11.18 llsing several bends in the piping aIld instal- forces should be taken very seriously, but not
the pipe. Prefabricated pipe holders, which en-
COII/pel/sniorfor pipes wilh n sm lilnry desigll (GEA TIle/lell- ling suffiCiently long pipe shanks, which overrated, as long as, for example, circulation
able the pipe to be justified even after installati- hngell)
compensate the change of length by bending. pumps as conveying machines, double seat val-
on, are desirable. In most cases, the pipe holders (1) Gnpless senlillg (2) pipe level, sll/oolh pnssnge (3) VARI-
VEN T" f1mlge (4) f1nllge to fix the cOlI/pel/sntor e1ell/ellt The last-mentioned variation is only usable if ves or centrifugal separators remain acceptable
are fabricated on the spot or prefabricated ele-
(5)rolllld wire rillg (6) Illetnllic strike (7) fixizlg of tile COlll- there is a sufficiently large installation surface- for the clarification of beer.
ments aI'e fitted. The holders should be adjusta-
pellsnlioll e1ell/elll (8) strike to /ill/it the pnssnge (9) rolllld that is, generosity in the pipe planning. The pi- In the case of longer pipes, for example wort
rillg (10) lenknge izu/icnlor
p e shank mlls t be a few metres long, in order to pipes, the operational costs are mainly influen-
limit the bending or torsion tensions which oc- ced by the resulting loss of pressure. Limits are
cur. Creating the extension compensation by therefore set to the flow velocity which can be
_._ ! ' _.
laying the pipes in a U form is only possible in sensibly u sed. It is always desirable to keep the
a few cases. This variation is practised, for ex- total costs to a minimum; these are made up of
ample, in the case of remote heating pipes. This the investment costs and the opera tional costs.
form of stretching compensation can also be With short pipe lengths, considerably higher
used when pipes are laid underneath CCTs or flow velocities can also be tolerated . For exam-
Fig. 11.17
pressure taIlks. ple, hinged elbows can be designed with smal-
Exmllples of pipe holders Stretch compensators are often used for me- ler nominal dimensions than those of the pipe,
(1) two-pm·t pipe c1nll/p dia pipes. The following designs are usually in order to facilitate handling. In suction pipes
(2) tell sillg IWlldle used : in front of pumps, on the other haIld, low flow
(3) split venrizlg shell
elastomer/folding bellows compensator (ma- velocities and therefore minimal pressure los-
1012 1013

ses mus t be guaranteed, in order to rule out ca- of temperature and CO, content) at any point = gravitation al accelera tion = 9.81 mis' 6p = r' g' Hv
vitation. This s tatement is particularly true of on the flow path. = pressure loss height as a liquid 6p = 1000 kg/m3 . 9.81 mis' . 48 m = 470,880
the conveyance of hot and gas-containing me- The flow velocity during e IP processes must, column in m N/m' = 470,880 Pa = 4.7 bar
dia with a low initial pressure or coming from depending on the tempera ture and nominal di- The pressure loss is 4.7 bar.
pressureless containers. In many cases, a parti- mension, be fi xed in such a way that a sufficient A good estimation for water can be:
cular inflow height into the pump can be n eces- mechanical component of the eIP media is se- H ,. = 10 m If, however, we enlarge the nominal dimension
sary; i.e. the pump must be set up as low as pos- cured (the gauge of the dividing layer is, among 6p = 1 bar (more exactl y 0.981 bar) of our pipe to ON 65 (65 mm), retaining the sa me
sible or the container outlets must be raised . other things, a function of the Reynolds' num- The pressure loss height is given on the ordi- flow rate of 40 m 3/h, the resulting pressure loss
Important information concerning the req ui- ber; see also [1]). nate in water column metres per 100 m of pipe height is only 22 m (dotted line) and the flow ve-
red inflow height is given by the so-called The flow velocity in a pipe can be calculated length, and the flow rate is recorded on the ab- locity is 3.4 m/s (diagonal line rising to the left).
NPSH value (net positive suction head) of the from the flow rate and the nominal dimension scissa. This results in a pressure loss height of 22 x 60 :
pump; this plays a large role in plamling the (equation 1): The principle of the simplified determination 100 = 13.2 m and consequently a pressLll'e loss of
equipment. The NPSH value can be obtained of pressure loss consists of the following steps: 1.3 bar.
from the data sheet of the pump; more informa- v= w . A = w . 11: . d' record the actual pipe length in metres,
tion is given on this in Section convert the existing pipe components or fit- Measures against liquid strikes
In pipings and fittings, according to the lite- (1) tings into an equivalent pipe length, and vibrations
rature, the following flow velocities are desira- v =flow rate in m 3/s ascertain the apparent pipe length from Pos. 1 Liquid strikes occur when the kinetic energy of
ble, taking into consideration the resulting w = flow velocity in m/s and 2, a liquid flow in a pipe is transform ed in a short 11
pressure losses: A = pipe cross-section surface in m' determine the pressure loss height of the pipe space of tim e into potential energy and vice ver-
mash for lmltering vessels 1.5 m/s d = pipe diameter in m with the given nominal dimensions and the sa, for example as a result of abrupt closing or
mash for mash filter For practical purposes, calculations of this given flow rate in pressure loss metres p er opening of fittings at large flow velocities or
and in the distillery 2.5 m /s kind can be made using a nomogram. Interme- 100 m of pipe length using the nomogram, high pressures (operating errors!).
wort and beer m/s di-ary values can easily be interpolated. In ma- calculate the pressure loss height from Pos. 3 In order to avoid liquid strikes or unauthori-
water 4.0 m /s ny cases, these nomograms also enable an esti- and 4 and convert into pressure loss using the sed pressure peaks, the flow velocity in the pi-
water in long pipes 2.0 m/s mation of the expected pressure losses. equation. pe should be as low as possible, and the swit-
thick pulpy yeast suspensions 1.0 m/s ching times of the fittings should not be too
suction pipes for plUnps, cold media 1.8 m/s Esti1llatioll of pressllre losses IIsillg a 1101110- Example: short.
suction pipes for pumps, hot media gmm for liqllids A flow rate (water) of 40 m 3/h is conveyed in It is very difficult to fulfil the last-mentioned
without preliminary pressure 1.0 m /s As an alternative to calculating the dynamical- a pipe of nominal dimensions ON 50 (50 mm) condition manually with shut-off fittings with a
cooling agents (gycol, brine) 2.0 m/s ly caused pressure loss of piping equipment, it for 60 m. How large is the pressure loss? closing angle of 90° (shut-off valve, ball cock)
ammonia, liquid 1.6 m/s is possible to estimate it to an accuracy which is and it is always dependent on the subjective in-
anunonia, gaseous 20 m/s sufficient for the fermentation and beverage in- From the nomogram, we read on the abscissa fluen ces of the staff.
compressed air, CO, 10 - 25 m/s dustry by using a nomogram. (example in orange): 40 m3/h, and pursue this li- But the use of remote-controlled fittin gs with
control air 10 m/s With a nomogram, a so-called pressure loss ne as far as the ON 50 line rising diagonally to the pneumatic drives also has its problems. The in-
steam at £ 3 bar 15 - 25 m/s height 6Hv is ascertained, in relation to a pipe right. There we can read off the flow velocity on itial torque required is relatively large and, on
steam at 10 to 40 bar 20 - 40 m/s length of 100 m . The pressure loss proportional the line rising diagonally to the left at a height of opening, an excess torque occurs, which leads
gases in suction pipes 6 -10 m/s to the pressure loss h eight is established accor- 5.7 m and, at the left edge of the nomogram, the to rapid opening. On closure, a large part of the
condensate 2 m/s ding to the equation: pressure loss height of 80 m/100 m pipe length. closing angle has more or less no influence on
With media containing CO" care mus t be ta- 6p = r · g. H ,. If the pressure loss height is 80 m with a pipe the liquid flow. It is only in the very las t part of
ken when fixing the flow velocity that the pres- (2) length of 100 m, with a pipe length of 60 m it is the angle that a sharp deceleration occurs.
sure does not go below 1 1/2 times the value of Here, 48 m. Adjustable tluottle valves in the pneumatic
the CO, partial pressure (this corresponds to 6p = pressure loss in N/m' Putting this information into the above for- pipes could go some way toward s solving this
the CO, equilibrium pressure and is a function l' = gauge in kg/m3 mula: problem .
- 1015

In the case of d ou ble seat valves, the liqui d Degass ing/oxygen removal is in man y cases
Flow rale V in m'n, ___ flow can even raise the closure speed even mo- an im portat1t precondition to guara ntee quality.
re. Installing the va lves in acco rdance w ith the It can be carried out by:
flow can be of assistance here. d isplacing or dissolving the oxygen using
A further desirable method of operation is, in oxygen-free water,
the case of autom ated equipment, operating the d isplacing the oxygen using CO 2 ,
fittings in a pressureless state. Th e pumps are The a pplication of d e-gassed water presup-
only hlrned on after the fl ow p aths are opened, p oses sufficient supplies and su fficientl y large
for practical purposes using a frequen cy con- flow velocities. As long as the gas bubbles can -
vetter with an adjus table starting ramp. The not be displaced by the fl ow, oxygen can only
switching-off process occu rs the other way be removed by being dissolved in wa ter. This
rolmd. process is dependent on time and is limited by
The operation of pumps using frequen cy the partial pressure difference.
1 1 converters, or at least using a "gentle drive"
mode, can of course also be u sed to advantage
For this reason, oxygen also ca nnot be remo-
ved by air-sa tu ra ted water. The disadvantages
when working manu all y. of this option are the relatively high costs for
ID In cases where the pressure p eaks cannot be the prep ara tion of oxygen-free water and of the
E fully compensated using the control system, wa ter itself. Considerably cheap er for the com- 11
cotU1ected or indep endent overflow valves can pl ete removal of oxygen is rinsing the pipe with
be used, which, mus t be op erated in inert gas, preferably CO" which can at the same
cycles during CIP p rocedures. Vibrations or tim e be used to pretense the pipe.
pulsations can be ca used by pumps, compres- The pressure of the rinsing gas mus t be about
sors or throttle valves. Buffer tanks or gas cus- 0.4 - 1.5 bar larger than the maximlun possible
hion s (with a p ressure vessel ftmction) can be of static pressure of the liqltid column . With a lower
assistance, but always entail ex tra expense, p ar- overpressure, a relatively large rinsing time is
ticularly for CIP procedures . Decoupling the pi- needed .
p es and pumps by means of compensators or The rinsing gas Cat1 only be pa rtially used to
h oses etc. can also lessen the vibrations. In or- remove residual liquid, since the liquid residu-
der to mute the vibrations (noise absorption), es are "rinsed over" in h orizontal pipes.
the pipe holders are sometimes housed in rub-
ber. Creating heat insulations in
0.1 0.1 pipes
0.08 0.08 Venting the pipes; oxygen In the case of heat insulati on (also known sim-
0.06 v (; 0.06
0.05 -?J/S'J h 0.05
ply as insul ation), the thickness of the insula-
The ideal of a continuously rising pipe is tech- ting layer is fixed according to economic crite-
nically very difficult to fulfil. Differences in ria : the ex pense mus t be in rela tion to the
height determine that the pipe CatU10t vent it- energy cos ts which are to be saved . Future cost
self automatically. developments must also be taken in to account
0.01 L.l....Ll.1L.LL.J..LL...I-Ll..Uu.....w...Ll.l.....L.LLJ.J-.J......L..J...J Automatic or controlled venting fittings at here.
0.5 3 4 5 6 810 20 30 40 60 60100 200 300 500
Flow rate II in m'th ___
the respectively highest p art of the pipe can Important insulating materials are PUR hard
provide assistance. In the case of product pipes, foam, preferably processed into in situ cellular
however, this typ e CatU10t generally be used for plas tic, at1d prefabricated elem ents (split be-
cleaning and disinfec ting reasons. aring shells) m ade of PS-foam or foam glass for
1016 1017

cold numing pipes ("cold insulations "). For the Heat insula ted pipes should be laid in su ch a flu sh ed w ith ten s in g gas or a small gas shut-off fitting. Forks are usually positioned ho-
sam e purpose, foamed plastics (soft foam, ela- way that they camlo t be damaged during main- flowrate is m aintained. ri zontally to the pipe axis. In this way, p rod uct re-
stomers) are used (e .g . trade name "AF/Arma- tenance and repair work (designs using PUR Media w hich crystallise if they go below a par- sidues and gas bubbles are avoided . The pipe
fle x" ). hard foam, sp ecia lly processed as in situ cellu- ticular temperature (for example caustic soda or forks are, for practical purposes, closed with a co-
For insulations at temperatures above room lar plastic, have an advantage in this respect; sugar solutions), or considerabl y increase their and the shut-off valves are opened . In this
temperature, mineral wool is mainly used, and heat insulations mus t not be trodden on). viscosity, must be either diluted or thermostated. way, they are continually clean ed w ith the pipe
more rarely g lass wool. when it is cleaned using the CIP procedure.
With all cold rLUming pipes (product pipes, ice Shaping of pipe outlets Dead spaces in pipes
water, cold water, cooling agents, refrigerants), Flushing pipes and overflow pipes from safety As a matter of principle, the re should be no d ead Steam pipes
vapour diffusion must be reliably elimina ted. valves, venting pipes, drainage pipes, rinsing spaces in product, crr or water pipes etc. in the It mu st be g uaranteed that s tea m pipes can
This considerably deteriorates the heat conducti- pipes, CIP outlet pipes, e tc ., which ha ve to fermentation and beverage indushy For all other stre tch out without hindrance. Ll order to avoid
vity coefficients of the insulation ma terials and, drain a medium under pressure, should nUl in- supply and disposal med ia, a complete absence condensa te s trikes, the pipe mus t be laid in
when the dewpoint is readled, results in conden- to containers or pipes, in order to prevent the of dead spaces is also desirable (see Sect. 6.5). such a way tha t the inevitable condensa te can
sation or soaking of the insulation material. m edia from being sprayed onto the floor and to The ideal situation is a pipe which nms straight be coll ected and drained off at regula r intervals .
Since there are no diffusion-resistant plastics, run them off without d anger (danger of scal- without jlUlctions, i.e. only one track. Similarly to The drains must be equipped with a buffer volu-
metal barrier layers (so-called "vapour brakes") ding, corrosion). It is always prefe rable to have electroteclmology, therefore, pipes are "rubbed me wluch has the nominal dimension of the pipe
must also be used to seal off the insulation layer. a direct, pressure-proof integ ration into the se- tlu'ough" if necessary, to avoid dead pipe secti- (T-piece), wludl is later reduced to the DN of con-
TIle vapour barrier is generally combined with wage system . ons. d ensate pipes. Ll order to drain off condensate, 11
mechanical protection of the insulation. The m e- If these pipes have to end in the air above the In cases requiring junctions, for example for suitable condensate drainage systems must be ap-
chemical protection usually also protects against they should be ca rried as far down as pos- the attaclunent of a CCV to a product pipe, the plied. They are combined witll pipe sieves. The
weather conditions. sible and have a s table holder. The pipe end junction is closed with a shut-off fitting .It is im- condensa te is coLlected and retlll'ned to the tank
The m e tals used are mainly aluminium steel, should be a so-called baffle pot, which breaks the portant that the fitting should be placed as near with as little loss as possible. Closed condensate
reinforced steel, galvanised (sometimes with jet before it lands on the floor, in order to prevent to the pipe as is teclmicall y pOSSible, in order to system s are desirable. Any expansion vapours
additional plastic coating) and stainless steels, spraying. minimise the occmring dead space. It is desirable wluch occur should be used . Forks on steam pi-
partly with a structured surface, in order to im- tllat the maximum distance to the jlmction end pes are positioned on tlle top side of the pipe.
prove the outward appearance. Smooth or po- Securing the pipe against frost should be shorter than the pipe diameter. 11us al- Cold steam pipes must be put into operation
lished surfaces show up imperfections, dents, and blockages so applies to the cO!mection of pipe circuits with slowly. Steam and condensate pipes must be
scratches e tc. very clearly. One can also protect Pipes can be equipped with an accompanying crr admission and return pipes: tlle cOlmecting equipped with a heat insulation. Heat bridges on
against vapour diffusion using Al-/PE wrap- hea ting system to prevent freezing. The heating points should be fitted as close as possible to the the pipe holders are to be avoided.
ping foil, which is glued or welded on and pro- is usually electric and is controlled by a thermo-
tected by a suitable hard coating. The use of bi- stat. The resis tan ce hea ting bands are wrapped Table 4 IlI slIlatioll lIIaterials alld I,eat colldllctivity coefficiell t A
tumen products as a vapour barrier is arOlmd the pipe and protected by the already
out-of-date. present heat insula tion.
The vapour brake, then, must be made va- Other heating media can be condensa- Insulation materials A inW/(m'K) Thickness in kg/m3
pour-resistant (by using sealing masses or wel- te and water. The working order of the accompa- PS-foam (polystyrene foam) 0.04 22 - 25
ding the steel sheets). The end pieces must be nying heating systems must, of course, be super- PUR-hard foam (polyure thane h ard foam) 0.03 - 0.035
form ed very carefully. A welded end disc is pre- vised. CFC-free (chlorofluorocarbon-free) ;:: 45
ferable. In an emergency, in situ cellular plastic 0.038 at 20 °C
The holders or bearings of the heat insulated a pipe can be pumped in circulation, foam glass 0.44 150
pipes must be form ed in such a way that the va- the flow rate can be lowered (continuous cir- mineral wool mats 0.03 ;::110
pour brake is not interrupted. It is therefore ad - culation), glass fibre mats 0.03 - 0.045 55 -130
vantageous to use split bearing shells, on which • the pipe can be drained. If it is not possible to "Armaflex" soft foam 0.034 at -20 °C
the hard coating lies flat (see also Section 12.6). drain the pipe completely, the pipe can be 0.036 at O°C ca. 90
1018 1019

11.3.6 Indications for the creation of The same is true of heat insulations which ha- illld included in the CIP procedure. Pipe screws illld
heat and cold insulations ve a lower surface temperature than the sur- where it is important to keep installation illld clamp cOlUlections CillUl0t compensate any de- General indications rounding temperature. The thickness of an in- maintenance costs down. viations in axis or illlgle. The parts wluch are to
In order to reduce energy losses, machines, de- sulation layer must therefore be measured in For example, a CCT department for fermen- be connected must therefore be fitted absolute-
vices, pipes and equipment, including fittings, such a way that the dewpoint will definitely not tation and maturation provides relatively large ly parallel with each other.
are equipped with a heat insulation. The heat be reached on the surface. room for millloeuvre for bottling, emptying and The panelling teclmique using a lunged el-
insulation is intended to increase the resi- For the same reason, it is important with a he- CIP. Similarly, distributors for CIP admission bow connection can only be operated milllually.
stance to heat conductivity in order to reduce at insulation layer to prevent vapour from con- and return pipes Cilll be made using panelling The advantages, however, are:
losses. densing at the places of dewpoint temperature teclmique at a reasonable price. the low costs,
The driving force of heat h',\l1sfer - preferably because of vapour diffusion in the insulation The condition for the millmal cOlmecting tech- the high level of operational safety or expli-
by heat conductivity and convection, sometimes material. The condensate would soak the insu- nique is that 0 , entry via hinged elbows or other citness of the COlU1ection.
also by radiation - is a temperature difference. lation material and considerably increase the cOlU1ecting elements is prevented, for example If several joints have to be made on a pipe, the-
Since the causes of convection and radiation can heat conductivity coefficient. by rinsing the cOlulecting elements with CO,. re are two possible variations of the panelling
scarcely be influenced, an attempt is made to re- Vapour diffusion can only be prevented with This condition also applies, of course, to fixed pi- teclulique which differ in the expenditure re-
duce the heat flow by reducing the conductivity. metal barrier layers (steels, metal wrapping foils) ping. quired for the fittings (see also Fig.11.20).
The prevention of condensation in cold rwming or with bitumen coats or bitumen cardboard co- COlmecting a filter plant with the pressure till1k The hinged elbows or hinged elbows with a
pipes and on apparatus surfaces is also the task of vered with allU1linilU1l foil. TIle vapour barrier, deparhnent or cOlUlecting the pressure till1k de- joint Cilll be designed with smaller nominal di-
heat insulation. also known as a steilln brake, must always be ap- pill'hnent with various filling plillltS can, at least in mensions than the pipe, in order to improve ma- 11
The necessity of heat insulation is justified by plied on the side with the higher temperature. larger firms, scarcely be aclueved milllually any nageability. TIle pressure losses resulting from
the reduction of energy losses, a cost factor more. the smaller nominal dimensions can generally be
which can be considerable, and which is direct- 11.3.7 Indications concerning pipe ignored.
ly influenced by energy prices. In other words, connection, application of The manual connecting
this factor is dynamic. The foreseeable changes fittings and sampling technique Fixed piping
in energy prices must therefore be taken into General indications The milllual cOlUlecting techniqu e and manual If equipment has fixed piping, all the necessary
consideration when planning the extent of the The number of fittings used should generally control of the fittings!flow paths demands qua- flow paths are made use of. The activation of
heat insulations. An economic insulation mate- be minimised in order to save costs illld elimi- lified, careful work from the operating staff. the flow paths is undertaken using fittings
rial thickness is aimed for, taking into accOlU1t nate possible sources of faults, particularly with The demands on the staff regarding low-conta- which are switched on manually or by remote
the continually rising costs of energy and heat respect to possible contaminations. mination or contamination-free work are consi- control. Here, too, the indications of the fitting
insulation. The "life-span" of a heat insulation In the fermentation illld beverage industry, derable, but milllageable. positions are illlalysed by the control. Any oc-
and the maintenance of the calculation princi- two basic variants of the cOlmecting tecluuque Great attention must be paid to the condition curring faults are signalised and the equipment
ples playa large role here. for pipes and apparatus or equipment are used: of the surfaces of the elements to be cOIU1ected. then switches of its own accord to a defined, fi-
According to this, for CCTs, for example, the in- manual cOlUlection using a passing piece or These must be free of contamination. They xed state.
sulation layer thickness is ;::: 100 mm. At present, hinged elbow and must therefore Fixed piping systems ensure, relatively reli-
layer thicknesses of 120 - 150 mm are produced. fixed piping. be rinsed and disinfected after use or ably, illl lUlillnbiguous, transparent and docu-
Pipes are insulated with 40 - 60 mm thickness. Between these two extremes, all the interme- be integrated without interruption into the mented operational procedure. Switching er-
diate variants are of course possible . CIP cleillung and disinfecting process and rors can be avoided if a certain expenditure for Avoidance of vapour diffusion If the equipment is automated, the manual the contamination-free state must be maintai- sensors illld controls is taken into account.
and condensation cOlmecting tecluuque is no longer possible. The ned, for example by meilllS of screwed-on co- The preconditions for uncompromised ope-
Cold rwming pieces of equipment (they are manual cOlUlecting teclmique is mainly suitab- vers, storing in disinfectant solution or spray- rational procedure are, among other things:
operated under room temperature or SUlTOlU1- le for cases ing/brushing with it. optimal design of equipment illld pipes,
ding temperature) have a tendency to form con- where the operating frequency extends over Shut-off valves on pipe forks are, for practical the flow-path must have no dead zones,
densation. The reason for this is that they have longer periods of time or purposes, closed with a cover and remain in the prevention of lUlintentional media mixture,
reached or gone below the dewpoint of the air. where the time-scale can be flexibly arrilllged open position. This enables the pipe forks to be efficient, serviced fittings and pipe connec-ti-
1020 1021

ons, ftmctioning seals, ce here that the valve design is fixed according Fittings for pipes and equipment tromechanically. The piston or rotary an gle dri ve
leakage supervision of the fittings, to its ftmction; see Sect. parts can be opened with compressed air and closed
the pipe and fitting installation must be pro- This space-saving fitting arrangement has the When fittings for product pipes in the fermenta- with spring force or vice ve rsa . It is also possible
perly carried out, advantages of the small space required and the tion and beverage industry are selected, particu- to open and close it with compressed air.
regular elr procedures, possibility of prefabrication and fLU1ction testing lar attention mus t be paid to the following The current position of the fitting must be
tested, secure procedures as well as reprodu- of the entire fitting combination, meaning that it aspects: commlmicated to the control via sensors. It is
cible procedure parameters for all production is easily and quickly assembled and put into ope- the flmction of the fittings, desirable that both end positions should be si-
and cleaning phases, ration. It is, of course, important that the fittings fLU1ctional security, particularly the exclusion gnalised. It is often the case that, for cost saving
a workable quality checking system. are easily accessible for maintenance and repair of product mixing, reasons, only the active state is recorded.
This form of pipe cOlU1ection is a necessity for purposes. avoidance of contaminations, The construction of the fittings must enable
automated equipment and should always be The valve housings are generally welded into a expense, the work to be almost or completely free from
preferred if matrix. It is important here to allow the pipes to CIr suitability. contamination. Gaps and dead spaces should
high security against contaminations is requi- stretch if temperature change causes a change of The following types of fittings for product pi- not be present; static and dynamic seals must be
red and if length (for example one pipe hot, one cold). This pes are produced: formed appropriately for the required ftmction.
the frequency of operation is high enough. requirement limits the nlU11ber of valves that can shut-off fittings (designs : shut-off valve (see The material expense, in other word fitting
Double seat valves in various designs - for be arranged in a row, forming a knot; alternative- Fig. 4.31), double seat valve (see Fig. 4.32); costs, are considerably influenced by the requi-
example, container outlet valves, double seat ly, it necessitates the use of compensators (this is the tap is outdated); the modern ball cock is red nominal dimension, nominal pressure, ma-
valves with valve seat aeration, shock-resistant often disregarded in practice). also used for elr circulations, terial and construction. The selection of fittings
double seat valves, sterile double seat valves - Modern double seat valve designs have inte- container drainage fittings (special type of and the fixing of parameters should therefore
possess considerable advantages, particularly if grated pilot valves and bus triggering which shut-off fitting), be made with care.
the pipe cOlU1ection is designed as a matrix on 2 enable considerable reductions in the assembly sample fittings (see Fig. 11.21), elr suitabili ty requires suitable materials
levels ("pipe knots") . It is of eminent importan- expenditure. multi-way fittings used as multi-way valves and an appropriate surface quality (rouglmess)
(two-way valves/flipped valves, valves with as well as an appropriate design.
2, 3 or 4 housing connections; usually desi- The desired average rouglmess values of the fit-
gned as a double seat valve) or sometimes as tiJ1gS, pipes, machines and apparatus should be
multi-way taps (outdated), adapted to ead1 other. ll1e evaluation of the sur-
; -0- safety fittings (valves used as overpressure face constitution of all equipment components af-

-0" : " .'
valves, overflow valves, vacuum valves or
vacuum flaps),
fected by the product must be Lmdertal<en accor-
ding to lU1iform criteria and requirements.
A A • control or regulation fittings (usually desig- In this context, it is relevant to adapt the err
' r, ' - ·3. .
., ._._._......./
b ned as a valve, more rarely as a ball cock). parameters to the given material surfaces; hot
.. .
The functional security encompasses, above cleaning is in any case desirable.
-W- --{S}{j)-- < - all, the resistance of the materials and sealing

'--8- materials to temperature, corrosion and chemi-

cals, that they are hermetically sealed within Sampling fittings
Sampling fittings at the right place are essential
the nominal pressure area and their shock-resi- in order to secure quality in the fermentation
'0 ! Fig. 11.20 stance. Security against unintended product and beverage indus try.

\. . . ._-_.- .-._... /
£?3 -+-<ViSJ- ;
Pipe forks Ollri pOllcllillg teclllliqlle ill vo-
riolls forllls:
n) pipc riivisiollwitilOlltfittillgs
b) pipe riivisioll witll fi ttillgs
mixing is also included.
Also included is the defined behaviour of the
fitting if the drive's supporting energy fails.
The applied fittings must allow a representa-
tive, unadulterated sample to be taken and
must not become a source of contamination

c) fork off 0 pipe witil fitt illgs Drives are almost exclusively powered by pneu- themselves.
a c
1) sellsor illriicotillg tile positioll of tile matic supporting energy (Po;::: 6 bar) - and in so- In many cases, it must be possible to tal<e a fo-
ilillgeri elbow me individual cases also hydraulically and elec- am-free sample even with media containing CO2 ,
1022 1023

The requirements of a sampling fitting are as (metal/metal or metal/elastomer seal) . The sam-
follows: pling chick taps which were widely used in the
it must be guaranteed that the sample is taken past are ftmdam entally unsuitable for microbio-
under aseptic conditions, logical reasons. Modern taps specially designed
no product residues should remain in the fit- with "0 " ring seals in DN 2 - 4 can sometimes
ting; they should be rinsable, provide a usable compromise for hot cleaning. Fig. 11.21
Snlllplillg fittillgs: exnlllpies
manual or automatic cleaning/disinfection/ Ball cocks in DN 6 (R %) or 10 (R 3/8) are not the (n) KEOFTTT COillpnll!] (OK) 2 3
sterilisation of the fitting before and after the first choice, but are reasonably priced, hermetic snlllplillg fittill g 5 4
sample is taken must be possible (singeing), and, if handled appropriately, can certainly be a (d, = 5 or 8 111111, d, = 4 or 9111111,
the fitting should be CIP suitable; manually usable compromise. During CIP cleaning, which dJ = 25 111111 or cOllllectioll for Vnri-
vell t®, rillsnble
operated fittings run constantly with a low is always hot, these ball cocks must be operated (b) VARWENT® snlllplillg
flow during the CIP programme and should several times and must nm continuously thrott- systelll: GEA -TU CHENHA GEN
be opened and throttled at intervals; fittings led (lost cleaning). The outlet should already be cOlllpnllY, IIInllllfnctllred for pipes of
driven on the spot run in cycles. cOlU1ected to a pressure compensation spiral be- ON 10.125 (1) cOlllpressed nil;
(2) VARJIIENT® 1I0ll sillg,
Automatic samplers generally fulfil these re- fore sterilisation (see above). (3) snlllple
quirements; the sample is collected in a sterile The usual singeing of the sampling fitting can (c) SLiOMO colllpnlly sa/llplillg vnlve
vessel. They are cleaned using the CIP procedu- only improve the level of contamination on the (1) prodll ct pipe (1I0t to scnle),
re.In this way, average samples can be gained re- surface. A thermal effect is illusory in the case of (2) snlllple ON 15, 11
(3) PTFE foldillg bellows
latively easily over a predetermined timespan. fittings/pipes covered by the product, on the (d) NOCAOO cOlllpnlly snlllplillg
If the requirements concerning contaminati- grounds of heat conductivity. In the case of vnlve
on-free work are higher, the samplers can be taps, moreover, the lubricant is removed! For
operated with a vapour barrier. this reason, prophylactic chemical decontami- end. A practical form of assembly is the inter-
Manually operated fittings must be rinsable nation of the flow paths is preferable in any ca- mediate flange assembly. Shut-off valves are
and should contain two lockable cOlU1ections se, and the sampling utensils must be stored in the preferred fitting in the brewery and bevera-
(thread nozzles, hose spouts, plugs). After the disinfectant solution. ge industry for water and all sorts of products.
sample, they are rinsed and filled up with dis- In Fig. 11 .21, various sampling fittings are de- The valve is the classic shut-off fitting for al-
infectant (peracetic acid solution, ethanol solu- picted. most all media (Fig. 11.27a). The valve seat is si-
tion etc.) . tuated vertically to the valve spindle, the valve
The preconditions for rinsing after sample-ta- Types of fitting designs is operated by a thread spindle (by hand or
king must be given, for example water COlUlec- There is a general distinction made between the with a drive motor) or by a pneumatic drive.
tions with a suitable nominal dimension. following fitting design types: The valve rod is sealed with a stuffing box or
Fittings with only one outlet can only remain in the shut-off valve, folding bellows. The COlU1ection to the pipe is a
a filled state after the CIP procedme and the first the valve, made using a screwed or welded flange or
sample. After rinsing, the outlet is put into a con- the double seat valve, using a screw. The membrane valve is a modern Fig. I1. 23n + b
tainer filled with disinfectant, so that contamina- the slider, construction type. SlllIt-off vnlves
(n) witll p"ell/"ntic drive, (b) IIWIIIWI operatioll
tions can be excluded. Pressure compensation the tap. The single seat valve with a pneumatic drive
spirals are also suitable for this. Alternatively, The shut-off valve is becoming increasingly is used for simple tasks in which product mi-
there is a limited possibility of rinsing and disin- widespread even with large nominal dimensi- xing can be excluded, for example on CIP con- ve to be variably cOlUlected in a small space
fecting; tlus, however, requires a qualified wor- ons, because of its advantages (reasonably pri- tainer outlets (Fig. 11.24). ("valve knots"). The drive is almost exclusively
king method and staff willingness to perform re- ced, reliable). It is operated by hand or by me- The double seat valve is, after the shut-off pneumatic.
sponSible exh'a work. ans of a pneumatic drive (Fig. 11.23). valve, the preferred fitting of the brewery and Double seat valves are produced as shut-off
Sampling fittings are consh'ucted as membrane Shut-off valves are manufactured with the beverage industry. Its use is preferred if pro- fittings, container outlet fittin gs, COlulection fit-
valves (elastomer/metal seal) or as needle valves following connections: screw, flange, welded duct mixing has to be excluded and if pipes ha- tings with 2 to 4 connections, double seat valves
- 1025

with a balancer and flipped fittings (two-way The slider (Fig. 11.27b) has been displaced,
valves). mainly by the shut-off va lve. The sealing surface
The valves ca n be additionally equipped with is ver tica l to the product flow. For bulk m a te ri- Fig. 11.27
lifting drives, which enable separate aeration of als (silo outlets) and spen t grains, flat sliders or IInlve (n) nmi slider 3
the two valve plates during CIP cleaning m aterial sliders are used. (v)
(1) IInlldwheel,
(cleaning of the sealing surfaces). Double sea t The tap, des igned as a passage tap or multi- 4
(2) vnlve spill rile,
valves can be made shock-resistant by being de- way tap, was the classic fitting in the brewing
(3) threnri,
sig ned with a "balancer" (Fig. 11.25) (product indus try 1mtil the 1950s (Fig. 11.28). (4) st ltJJillg vox,
pressure cannot unintentionally open the val- The ball cock is a modern construction which 3
(5) vn l ve COile,
ve). This compensa tes the forces which ac t on is very suitable for water and e lP circula tions. 8
(6) vnlve sent rillg, 6
the valve plate. Double seat valves are a basic Ball cocks are shown in Fig. 11.29 and 11.30. (7) 1lOllSillg, 9
7 7
preconditi on w hen setting up automatic plants. (8) slider senlillg,
(9) slider
For mo re on the hmction of double seat val- a
ves, see Sect. In Fig. 11.26, the rinsing of
the leakage room is depicted schematica lly.

. :-.,: ' (j) Fig . 11.26
Lenknge IOOlllllllSlIlg
(1) ClP nrilllls
_ J
(2) e lP letllill
k max. tit'

Fig. 11.25 Fig. 11.29

DOl/vie sent -, Bnll cock (APII) w i th
Fig. 11.24 vn l ve pllel/lllntic ririve
Sillgle sen t vnl ve
(GEA TI/ch el/I,ngell)
willi vnlnllcer
(GEA Tl/chelllIngell)
Fig. 11.28
Tnp - two-wny desigll
ntld ril/ sillg COl/llec-
tiol/ a
1026 1027

particular, must be optimised in order to Hot cleaning of the equipment has many ad-
avoid cavitation, vantages. As a result of the lower surface tensi-
sufficiently measured sewage inlets, corre- on of the hot fluids, the surfaces are more easi-
sponding to the accruing reject flow rate . ly wetted, the cleaning effect increased and the
Batch cleaning can be used to advantage for media also reach gaps, for example the gaps
pipe cleaning, particularly with long pipe sy- between HT plate and seal, the seals in pipe
stems. "Lost" cleaning is advantageous for con- screw or flange connections, and the seals of
tainer cleaning, particularly if only cold shut-off covers and valves.
cleaning is possible. The CIP station should ide- In the case of gaps and dead spaces, thermal
ally be equipped for both cleaning options, in reduction or killing of germs is the only possi-
order to be able to use the advantages of both bility, particularly as surface-active disinfec-
systems. tants have not only the problem of incomplete
Fig. 11.30
The net volume of the eIP batch containers wetting ability but also the problem of incom-
Bnll cock for gel/ernl pl/rposes willi c1nlllp c10sllre
should always be minimised, in order to lower plete removal by rinsing (backlog problem).
the heating, chemical and water costs. In this context, the advantages of disinfecting
11.3.8 Indications concerning the specification (interior cleaning with spray eIP cleaning of containers always constitutes with acidified hot water (8 ;::: 90 o e, pH value s; 4
arrangement and operation balls, heat insulation, geometry of the contai- an open circulation, which requires the media to avoid carbonate secretions) must be pointed
of CIP stations. ner, gross and net volume), overflows, aerati- to be returned. If the CIP plant can be installed out. The CIP return pipe should be laid in such 11
Precollditiolls for automatic clealling alld dis- on and venting, fibre removal with water se- on a lower level than the equipment which is to a way that e0 2 ca1U10t escape. This preconditi-
illfectioll paration, be cleaned, the rehm1 pump may be rendered on makes it possible, for example, to detense
See Section 6 for more on this. . the decision concerning hot or cold cleaning, Ulmecessary by the use of gravitational convey- eeTs above the cone nozzles and the eIP return
When planning the plant, one must decide, storage cleaning or lost cleaning, alcaline or ance. pipe, to remove possible residues and above all
among other things, whether to use a central acid cleaning, combined or separate cleaning Particular attention must be paid to avoiding to remove eo,.
eIP station or decentral equipment. Here, one and disinfection, or minimising media mixing when changing
must remember that the eIP requirements of installation of a heat transferer to heat up the the media within the CIP container cleaning 11.3.9 Indications for the chemical
the individual departments are often determin- main or secondary flow, programmes. The rule must be: warehouse
ed by time, meaning that several optimised the preparation or re-sharpening of the eIP • first displace the "old" medium as far as the The rooms and particularly the floors and batch
plants are practical, for example for the follo- media, container, tanl<s of the chemical warehouse must, in Ger-
wing areas: brewhouse incl. wort cooling, fer- manual switching of the CIP admission and • then return the rest of the "old" medium out many, correspond to the regulations of the wa-
mentation/maturation/yeast, filtration and pres- return pipe using panelling teclmique, or fi- of the container and ter economy law (WHG); this means that they
sure tank mea, bottling. The allocation can only xed piping and automation, only then pump the "new" medium. must undergo a design test. This also applies to
be made with knowledge of the operational de- manual control of the eIP programme or use The above-mentioned gravitational conveyan- the delivery points for tank goods.
tails (operational rhythm, batch required of an SPS, ce is suitable for this problem. Intermediate rin- In many cases, the batch tanks and the deli-
err intervals, time needed per eIP programme the extent of the MSR, sing stages can be made relatively short in order vered containers (tank palettes, kegs, canisters)
and possible preparation times (purging of should the admission and rehlrn pipe pumps to save water, especially in the case of pipe must be placed or stored in so-called acid cups.
eeTs), pipe lengths etc.). be operated using a frequency converter, if cleaning: the rinsing water is only sent through These must be large enough that, in the case of
From the point of view of investment costs, a necessary regulated in the flow rate, or the pipe as a water stopper. Mixing within the pi- accident, they are able to absorb at least the con-
central plant is desirable, at least for the chemi- should only a gentle drive be used, pe is very slight, even if, for example, heat trans- tents of the largest container. Double-walled
cal warehouse. The basic questions regarding the necessary flow rate for the individual ap- ferers (HT) are integrated. The media can then be containers can also be used instead of the cups .
the arrangement or requirements of a CIP plant, plications, separated at the end of the pipe. The protective container is pressureless and
which have to be answered during the planning the observation of the pressure losses of the The displacement of a medium using tensing should possess a leakage indicator. Possible mi-
phase, are : pipes and apparahls. The storage container gas can also be an option to reduce media con- xing, and the corresponding reaction of the par-
the number of storage containers and their outlets and the suction pipes of the pumps, in sumption. ticipating chemicals, must be excluded; if ne-
1028 1029

cessary, separate rooms or collecting cups must 11.3.10 Indications concerning (the influences of water flooding and jetting). should be sealed off with cap nuts. Open drill-
be erected (an example is the separate storage the surface constitution of Smooth, gap-free surfaces are a basic precon- holes, screw or bolt connections are not permit-
of the components which make up chlorine di- machines and apparatus dition here. Liquids must drain without for- ted, nor are spot-weldings and open seam ed-
oxide: sodium hypochlorite and hypochloric Surfaces touching the product should possess ming puddles. Material transitions and assem- ges. Metal strikes from hea t insulation linings
acid). as smooth, pore-free and corrosion-resistant a bly gaps should be avoided; welding on all must be done in a waterproof way in areas af-
The water inlets must lead to the production surface as possible, to facilitate cleaning cu1d sides is to be preferred. fected by liquids. The surface of metal linings
waste water and they must not have any con- disinfecting with the CIP procedure, but also Full, pipe or crate profiles should generally cu1d thin materials should be structured in such
nection to rainwater collecting chcumels. for mcu1ual cleaning. be preferred; they must be sealed at the ends, a way that mechanical damage (scratches, dents
The chemical costs can sometimes be consi- Cold rolled stainless steels partly fulfil these preferably by welding. Open profiles (angle, etc.) does not show. Polished and matt polished
derably reduced if larger amow1ts are acquired, demands; for special requirements, the surface U-, double, T-profiles) should not be used. surfaces are very sensitive; circular ground sur-
preferably using road tankers (bulk reduction; rouglmess of these materials must be altered by Clamp joints with slits and lowered inner six- faces and blasted surfaces (glass bead blasting),
loose goods are cheaper) . This is of particularly abrasion or polishing. edged screws are to be avoided. Screw ends on the other hand, are relatively insensitive.
interest for larger companies. The average rouglmess value of surfaces tou-
The batch tcu1ks must be large enough that ching the product should be R ::; 1.6 desit'a-
one road tcu1ker chamber can be emptied (road ble values cu'e ::; 0.8 pm (see Sect. 4.4.1).
tankers are not allowed to be moved with part- Seamless stainless steel pipes are produced
ly emptied chambers) . The batch tal1ks must, of with an average rouglmess value of R ::; 2.5 pm
course, possess CU1 overflow safety device; the cu1d ::;1.6 welded pipes are produced with 11
filling pipe should have a free outlet and should an average rouglmess value of R., ::;1.6 and ::;
drain of its own accord. 0.8
The up-take fittings should be wunistakeab- For various reasons, it is not sensible for indi-
Ie. The up-take place must be designed as an vidual elements of equipment to place larger
acid-resistcu1t sloping cup with an inlet into the demands on the surface constitution thcu1 the
production waste water. Winter operation must "weakest lil1k of the chain" can fulfil - unless
be guaranteed. If concentrated caustic soda is these demands CCU1 be justified with other argu-
taken up, the concentration should be diluted ments (for example the cone surface in the case
with water to around 25% (mixing container or of CCTs to improve the removal of sediments) .
cross-section proportional to the volume), in or- The crp parameters must in CU1Y case be adap-
der to avoid cristallisation caused by cooling. ted to the maximum rouglu1esses which occur.
Chemical warehouses must be aerated and pro- The surface constitution of the welded seCUl1S
tected against corrosion. should be the SaIne as that of the materials; slight
The stock-taking of consumption and the rec- differences are permissible. One should, howe-
ording of delivery amow1ts is carried out using also take into accOlmt that the costs of the
the installed MSR teclmology; in the case of loo- materials cu1d their processing are considerably
se wares, weighing is appropriate. influenced by the demands on the rouglu1ess.
Pipes conveying chemicals must fulfil the Therefore the maxim "only as much as necessa-
work cu1d health protection regulations. They ry!" must apply here, too. There is almost always
must, if necessary, be designed with jet protec- the alternative possibility of limiting the
tion, a drip gutter, or double walls. Free draina- rouglmess demcu1ds by fixing the crr paI"cune-
ge of the pipes into the containers is always de- ters in a suitable way. The outer surfaces of the
sirable, in order to avoid pressure build-up. machines cu1d apparahls must of course also be
Any shut-off fittings present must be secured seen from the point of view of cleaning and dis-
against unintentional closure. infecting, corrosion behaviour and rinsability

Conversion of legally defined and commonly used measurement units

In most eOLmtriesthe m eh'ie system of milts is Area

used. Consequently, in this book SI lmits are 1m 2 = 100 dm 2 = 10,000 em 2
used when referring to mmlerieal figures. The m2 sq in sq £t sq yd
commonly used alternative English units are 1 m2 1 1,550 10.76 1.195
quoted in brackets. 1 sq ft 0.092 144 1 0.111
When not otherwise stated, the values used are 1 sq yd 0.836 1,296 9 1
- meh'ie ton (or tOimes) = 1,000 kg and
- beer barrel = US bbl = 117.3 litres Volume
1 m3 = 10 hi = 1.000 I = 1.31 eu yd
Lenght 1 hI = 100 I = 3.53 eu ft
1m =3.2808 ft = 1.0936 yd = 39.37 in 1I = 61.02 eu in
1em 0.39 in 1 m3 = 35.314 eu ft
1 ft 12 in = 30.48 em 1 in = 2.54 em 1 cu ft = 1,728 eu in = 28.3 I
1 yard = 3 ft = 0.9144m 1 eu yd = 0.764555 m 3 = 764.555 I

US Capacities UK capacities

US liquid US dry British imp liquid

measure measure and dry m easures
1 US bushel bu (4 peck) 35.238 I 1 imp bushel bu (4 p ecks) 36.3687 1
1 US peck pk (8 quarts) 8.8091 1 imp p eck pk (2 gallons) 9.09221
1 US gallon gal (4 quarts) 3.785 I 1 imp gallon gal (4 quart) 4.54611
1 US quart qt (2 pints) 0.9461 1.101 I 1 imp quart qt (2 pints) 1.1366 1
1 US pint pt (4 gills) 0.473 I 0.550 I 1 imp pint pt (4 gills) 0.5683 I
0,5 US pint (2 gills) 0.237 1 0,5 imp pint (2 gills) 0.28411
1 US gill gi (4 fl oz) 118.291 ml 1 imp gill gi (5 fluidOLUlees) 142.066 ml
1 US fluid oUllce fl oz 29.573 /Ill =128 oz/ga/ 1 imp fluid Ollllce fl oz 28.416 1111 = 160 oz / gal
1 US fluidram fl dr 3.696 ml 1 imp fluidram fl dr 3.552 ml
1 US minim mi 0.0616 ml 1 imp minim mi 0.059 ml

Barrel beer (bbl) Barrel beer (bbl)

1 US bbl = 31 US gallolls = 117.348 1= 1.173 111 1 UK bbl = 36 UK gallons = 163.659 1= 1.636 hI
1 hI = 0.85217 US bbl 1 hi = 0.61103 UK bbl
1 US bbl = 25.8129 imp. gallons = 0.717 UK bbl 1 UK bbl = 43.2342 US gallons = 1.394 US bbl
1 US gal / eu ft = 0.13368 1/1 1 kg/hi = 2.5870 Ib/US bbl = 3.6080 Ib /UK bbl
1 US gal/min = 0.227m 3/h = 0.063 l/s
1 Us gal/ton = 4.1731/t
1 US grain / gal = 0.0171 g/I
1 US pOLUld (Av)/ gal = 119.83 G/I
1032 1033

Weight Work, Energy

1 leg = 2.20462 Ib = 0.0787 qt 1 slIort tOil = 907.185 leg = 2,000 Tb IJ = 1 N' III = 1 Ws 1 BTU = 1.055 1(J = 0.293072 WI!
lib =453.59237 g 1 Ztr = 50 leg = 110.231 Tb lWl1 = 3,6 leWs = 3.6 leJ = 252.165 Calories TH
Imetr;c tOil = 1,000 leg 1 rlz (rlt) = 2 Ztr = 100 kg = 220.462 Ib lleWl, =3.6 MJ = 860 kenT lleJ = 0.995 BTU
1 10Hg tOil =1,016.05 leg lleenl = 4.19 leJ BTU = British Tllermal Ullits

kg Ztr d z (dt) meh'ic t

1 kg 1 0.02 0.01 0.001
lib 0.454 0.009 0.0045 0.00045 kJ kWh kcal BTU
1 short ton 907.18 18.14 9.07 0.907 1 MJ 1000 0.278 239 948
liang ton 1016 20.32 10.16 1.016 1 kWll 3600 1 860 3,412
1 meh'ic ton 1000 20 10 1 1 kcal 4.19 0.001 1 3.968
1 dz (dt) 100 2 1 0.1 1 BTU 1.055 0.00029 0.252 1

1 Grain (1 gr) 0.0648 g 1 g/kg 7.0 grain Ib

1 drams (1 dr) 1.7718 g 1 g/m3 0.437 grain/cu ft Force
1 Ounce (1 Oz) 28.3495 g =16 dr 1lb/cu ft 16.0185 kg/m3
1 Pound (lib) 453.559237 g = 16 Oz = 256 dr 1 gr/lb 0.1426 g/kg 1 Pa = 1 N / m 2 = 0.02091b / ft2
1 ton/sq mile 0.3503 g/m2 1 bar = 0.1 Mpa = 1kg / m 2;; 1 at = 10 m WS (water column)
1 gr/cu ft 2.2884 g/m3 0.1 bar = 0.1 at = 1 m WS = 0.1 kg/cm2
lib / in 2 (psi) = 6895 N / in2 = 68.95 mbar
1 Ib / ft2 = 47.88 N / m 2 = 0.4588 mbar

Power Refrigera tion

1 kp ' m/s =9.81 W 1 BTU/h = 0.29307 W 1 Refdgerntioll tOil = 3.51685 leW 1 Refriger(ltioll tOil = 4,716.17 HP
1 kcal/s = 4.19 kW 1 hp Horsepower (UK) = 0.745700 kW 1 leW = 0.2843 Refl'. tOilS = 2,009.1Ib ice melted per day
1 kcal/h = 1.16 W 1 HP Horsepower (metr) = 0.735499 kW = 228,000 BTU / rlay = 37.971 kg ice melted per hour
lleW = 1.36 PS (HP metr) = 12,000 BTU / 11
1 PS =0.735 leW
1 Watt =3.41212 BTU/h
1 leW = 3,412.13 BTUl1I Prefixes for metric units (Multiples and fraction of wlits)

1012 Tera T 10-1 Dezi d

109 Giga G 10-2 Zenti c
kW MW HP (metr) hp kcal/h BTU/h 106 Mega M 10-3 Milli m
1kW 1 0.001 1.3596 1.34 859,845 3,412 103 Kilo k 10-6 Mikro m
1MW 1000 1 1,359.6 1,341 3412,142 102 Hekto h 10-9 Nano n
HP metr 0.735 1 0.986 632,415 2,509 10 Deka da 10-12 Pika p
hp 0.746 1.01 1 641,186 2,544
1034 1035

List of Advertisers
Reference to diagrams and documents used
Alfa Laval, Process Technology Division, Soborg, Denmark, 607
Anton Paar, Graz, Austria, 885 I would like to thank the following listed engineering works and supplier companies for the
Aspera Brauerei Riese, Muelheim-Ruhr, Germany, 219 comprehensive material which has been made available to me for the revised version of this
Joh. Barth & Sohn, Nuremberg, Germany, 221 book. Of the large amount of material, however, it has only been possible to u se a small propor-
BASF SE Nutrition Ingredients, Limburgerho£, Germany, 603 tion. In the selection of templates used for diagrams, preference has always been given to those
E. Begerow, Langenlonsheim, Germany, 607 depictions best suited to promote the process of understallding. Furthermore, for the sake of cle-
Bitburger Braugruppe, Bitburg, Germany, 4 arer illustration, many diagrams have been Challged, simplified and sequence of movement or
BUhler, Uzwil, Switzerland, 215 flow of materials clarified by use of a second colour. Those diagrams which have been left main-
Dr. Thiedig + Co, Berlin, Germany, 887 ly unchanged, are listed below next to the respective companies with their Figure numbers; the
DSM Food Specialties, Delft, The Netherlands, 601 authors of the photos are referred to in situ.
EUWA H.H. Eumalm, Gartringen, Germany, www.euwa .com 217 I am particularly grateful to all the employees who have contributed personally in helping me
FILTROX, St.Gallen, Switzerland, 605 fulfil my frequently not exactly modest requirements with regard to the graphic design of the book.
GEA Brewery Systems, Kitzingen/Biichen, GermallY, 599 The documents listed here have been made available to me by the companies listed below. A
GlobalMa lt, Osthofen, Germany, 221 number of the companies listed are meanwhile no longer in existence, have been integrated into
HVG Hopfenverwertungsgenossenschaft, Wolnzach, GermallY, 213 other compalues or now operate under a different name.
KHS, Dortmund, Germany, 799
KASPAR SCHULZ Brauereimaschinenfabrik & Apparatebauallstalt, Bamberg, GermallY, Alcoa, CSI Europe, Worms (5.62; 5.64) 412 Alfa Laval GmbH, Glinde (4.110; 10.42)
Landaluce, Torrelavega, Spain, book marker Alltec GmbH & Co. KG, Uibeck
Mettler-Toledo Process Analytics, Urdorf, Switzerland, 887 Amcor PET Packaging Deutschland GmbH, Mendig
Norit Haffmans, Venlo, The Netherlallds, 883 Apparatebau Nordhausen GmbH (8.1)
Novozymes, Bagsvaerd, Denmark, 413 APV Rosista GmbH, Unna-Konigsborn (4.108; 4.109)
SCHAFER WERKE, Nelmkirchen, Germany, www.schae£ 799 Atlas Copco Kompressoren GmbH, Essen (10.47; 10.48; 10.49; 10.50; 10.52; 10.53; 10.54)
Schmidt-Seeger, Beilngries, Germany, 217 Bactria GmbH & Co. KG, Kirchheimbolanden
Siemens, Industry Sector Food & Beverage, Nuremberg, GermallY, BAM Apparate- und Maschinenbau GmbH (Freising) (3.89d) 2. cover page Barth, Joh. & Solm, Hopfen und Hopfenprodukte, Nlirnberg (1.12; 1.13a)
Weyermalm Brau-, Rost- und Caramelmalzfabrik, Bamberg, Germany, Beca ProzeBanlagen GmbH, Neuwied book marker Begerow, E., GmbH & Co., Filterteclmik, Langenlonsheim
Beraplan Harter GmbH, Mlinchen (3.89b; 8.1; 8.3; 8.4)
Bier-Drive Kellertanksysteme GmbH, Massenbachhausen
Blefa GmbH & Co.KG, Kreuztal
Brigl & Bergmeister Papierfabrik GmbH, Niklasdorf
BTE Brauereitechnik Essen GmbH (3.34a; 8.2; 8.5; 8.6)
Blihler GmbH, Braunschweig (2.2; 2.6; 2.7; 2.9; 2.10, 2.11; 2.17; 2.28; 2.31; 2.32; 2.41; 2.43; 2.44;
2.50; 2.50a; 2.52; 2.52a; 2.52b; 2.59; 2.60; 2.61; 3.5; 3.7; 3.13; 3.14; 3.15; 3.21)
Butting GmbH, Wittingen-Knesebeck
Carl, Jakob, GmbH, Goppingen (2.22)
CC Kontro ll anlagen GmbH, Freudenberg
Centec GmbH, Bruchkobel
Cool-System Bev. GmbH, Fiirth
CPM, Carl Prandtl GmbH, M iinchen
Crown Bender GmbH, Frankenthal (5 .63)
Danbrew Ltd. A/S, Frederiksburg C/DK
1036 1037

Diessel GmbH & Co., Hildesheim Intralox Inc. Europe, Amsterdam (5.98)
Diversey GmbH, Wiesbaden (6.2) Joha - Hartenstein KG, Joha1Ules Arno, Hof
Ecolab GmbH % Co.KG, DUsseldorf Jolmson Pumpen GmbH, Herford
Endress + Hauser MeBteclmik GmbH + Co., Wei! am Rhein JolmsonDiversey Deutschland GmbH & Co.OHG, Malmheim
Esau & Hueber, Schrobenhausen-Steingriff (3.114; 4.8; 4.17; 4.25) Kaeser Kompressoren GmbH, Coburg
Euwa, H. H. Euma1Ul GmbH, Gartringen (1.20; 1.21) Katadyn Produkte AG, Wallisellen/Schwei z (1.21a)
Feichtenschlager GmbH, Industrieanlagen, NeusalS Keggy drink systems Gm bH, Nemlkirchen/Siegerland (5.95)
Filtec Inspektions-Systeme, Hamburg KHS Maschinen- und Anlagenbau AG, Dortmund: 4.92; 5.5; 5.6; 5.8; 5.10; 5.12; 5.20; 5.23; 5.24;
Filter- und Verfahrenstechnik, Karlsruhe (2.33; 2.33a) 5.25; 5.29; 5.33; 5.37; 5.39; 5.40; 5.42; 5.43; 5.43a; 5.48; 5.50; 5.53; 5.54; 5.55; 5,56; 5.61; 5.67; 5.72;
Filtrox-Werk AG, St.Gallen/Schweiz (4.73; 4.76; 4.78; 4.79; 4.80; 4.82a; 4.96) 5.78; 5.79; 5.81; 5.108; 5.113
Fischer & Porter, GmbH, Gottingen Kieselmann GmbH, Knittlingen (4.24; 4.30; 4.36)
Fischer, Ernst P. Apparatebau GmbH, Erbreichsdorf Krones AG, HermaIlll Kronseder Maschinenfabrik, Neutraubling: 5.2; 5.2a; 5.3; 5.4; 5.7; 5.11.
Flexon GmbH, Wilnsdorf (5.97) 5.14; 5.15; 5.16; 5.18; 5. 19; 5.22; 5.22a; 5.26; 5.27; 5.28; 5.49; 5.59; 5.60; 5.65; 5.73; 5.74; 5.75; 5.76;
Fristam Pump en F. Stamp KG (GmbH & Co.), Hamburg (10.29; 10.31; 10.34; 10.38) 5.77; 5.82; 5.86; 5.94; 5.96; 5.99; 5.100; 5.l01; 5.102; 5.103; 5.104; 5.105; 5.l06; 5.107; 5.110; 5.111;
Fromm, Mayer-Bass GmbH, Handelsgesellschaft OHG, Mi.inchen 5.112
GEA Ahlborn GmbH, Sarstedt/HaImover KUnze!, WiUlelm, Maschinenfabrik, Mainleus (3.81)
GEA Finnah GmbH, Ahaus Landaluce S.A., Torrelavega/E (3.65; 3.65a; 3.65b)
GEA Till GmbH & Co., Kriftel Laporte ESD, Ladenburg
GEA Tuchenhagen, Otto, GmbH & Co. KG, Biichen (3.115; 4.31; 4.32; 4.33; 4.34; 4.35; 4.37; 4.38; Lausma1Ul, Gebr., KG, Regensburg (2.55)
4.39) Loos, Th., Dampfkesselsysteme GmbH, Gunzenhausen (10.2; 10.3)
GEA Wiegand GmbH, Ettlingen MCK Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Koln
Grassle adVaI1Ced teclmologies; Pfinztal-Berghausen (5.57; 5.58) Mehrer, Josef, Maschinenfabrik, GmbH & Co., Balingen (10.46)
Haffmans B.Y., Venlo/Niederlande (4.98) Mettler-Toledo GmbH, ProzeBanalytik, Steulbach
Hafner, Kalte + Klimatechnik, Balingen (10.19) Meura S.A., Tournai/Belgien (3.63; 3.63b)
Hager + Elsasser GmbH, Stuttgart Micro Matic GmbH, Grafelfmg (5.91; 5.92; 5.93)
Hallertauer Hopfenveredellmgsgesellschaft mbH, Mainburg Monitek GmbH, Di.isseldorf
Handtmann, Albert, Armaturenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach-Riss (4.24; 4.30; 4.36; 4.89; Nerb, Hans, GmbH & Co. KG, Freising (3.29a)
4.89a) Novo Nordisk A/S, BagsvaerdlDK
Hauner, Be1Ulo, Maschinenfabrik Diespeck (2.55a; 2.55b) Nordon & Cie, Nancy Cedex; Frankreich
Henkel Hygiene GmbH, Di.isseldorf Norit Process Teclmology B.Y., Enschede/NL
Heuft Systemteclmik GmbH, Burgbrohl (5.38a) Optec-Danuta GmbH, Essen
Hidrostal Pumpenbau, Wiehl-Bielstein (10.34a) Orbisphere GmbH, GieBen
Hilge, Philipp, GmbH, Bodenheim/Rhein (3.36; 3.36a; 4.26) Paar, Anton, Graz/A (7.3a; 7.3b; 7.5)
Hoesch & Solme, Eberhard GmbH, Di.iren (9 .6) Pall Filtrationstecllllik, Dreieich (4.87; 4.87a)
Holvrieka Ido B.Y., Emmen NL Pall SeitzSchenk Filtersystems GmbH, Waldstetten
Horst Company GmbH & Co. KG, Mainburg Physica MeBteclmik GmbH, Stuttgart (3.28)
HUppmaIlll, Hrch., GmbH, Maschinenfabrik, Kitzingen (3.19; 3.20; 3.32; 3.33b; 3.37; 3.37a; 3.48; P01Uldorf Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Kassel (3.66; 3.67)
3.49; 3.50; 3.51; 3.52; 3.53; 3.53a; 3.68a; 3.73; 3.75; 3.75d; 3.75e; 3.84; 3.86; 3.97; 3.117; 4.47a; 4.56; Pi.Uller, Karl, jr., KG, Bergneustadt
10.24) Reillnann Process Engineering GmbH, Freiburg
Ingold MeBteclmik GmbH, Steinbach/Taunus Sabroe Industriekalte GmbH, Flensburg (10.11; 10.13)
Inoxpa Stork Pumpen GmbH, Bad Oeynhausen (10.39) Sartorius AG, Gottingen (4.88; 10.55)
INPE, Industrieanlagen, Mi.inchen (3.89c) SCaIldi-Brew A/S, Soeborg/Danemark (4.7)
1038 1039

Literature references
In the text numbers in square brackets, [], indicate literature references, mostly in German,
which the reader can consult for more detailed infonnation. The numbers refer to:
Schenk Filterbau GmbH, Waldstetten (4.54; 4.64; 4.81; 4.82; 4.90a; 4.90b)
Schmalbach-Lubeka AG, Braunschweig (5.69; 5.70; 5.71; 5.80) [ 1] SCHULTZE-BERNDT, H.-G: personl. Mittlg. S. 1012
Sclmlidt-Bretten GmbH, Bretten [ 2] Wochenschrift Bl'auerei (1893) S. 79
Schmidt, Gebri.ider, AG, Beilngries (2.18) [ 3] KRAUSS, COOK und VERZELE: Mon. f. Brauerei 22 (1969), S.209
Schott Engineering, Mainz (4.57; 4.58) [ 4] Hopfenrundschau Aug. 1992, S.50
Schulz, Kaspar, Brauereimaschinenfabrik, Bamberg (8.1) [ 5] HACKEL-STEHR, K.: Diss. TU Berlin 1987
Seeger GmbH, Pli.iderhausen (2.42; 2.51; 2.51a) [ 6] FORSTER, A : Hopfenrundschau Aug. 1992, S.41
Seitz-Filter-Werke GmbH & Co., Bad Kreuznach (4.83; 4.84; 4.85; 4.86; 4.91) [ 7] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 23 (1992), S.1072
Sensor-Teclmik Wiedemann GmbH, Kaufbeuren [ 8] BERDELLE-HILGE, PH.: Brwlt 38 (1992), S.1759
Sidel GmbH, Viernheim [ 9] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 37 (1992), S.1696
Simonazzi Germany GmbH, Hamburg [10] WAGNER, 1., ESSER, K. D., KRUGER, E.: MfBrauwi 41 (1988), S.384
StabifLx Brauerei-Technik GmbH & Co . OHG, Griifelfing [11] HERRMANN, H.: Brwlt 28 (1991), S.1227
Standardkessel, Duisburg (10.4) [12] WACKERBAUER, K., EVERS, H ., ZUFALL, c., HOLSCHER, K.: Brwlt 41 (1992),
Steinecker, Anton, Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Freising (3.18; 3.54a; 3.75c; 3.85d; 3.85k - p; 3.98) [13] KOLLNBERGER, P.: DBMB 5/1984, S.186
Steiner, Simon H., Hopfen GmbH, Mainburg (1.13a; 1.14a) [14] KOLLNBERGER, P.: Brwlt 7 (1987), S.254
Steinfurth Mess-Systeme GmbH, Essen [15] KIENINGER, H.: Brwlt 76 (1977), S.1714
Stora Papyrus Deutschland GmbH, DUsseldorf [16] NARZISS, L., MIEDANER, H., KUSTNER, M .: Brwlt 106 (1966), S.394-404
Si.idmo Schleicher AG, Riesbi.irg [17] WACKERBAUER, K., ZUFALL, c., HOLSCHER, K.: Brwlt 29 (1992), S.1366
Sulzer Escher-Wyss GmbH, Kiiltetechnik, Lindau/Bodensee (2.35) [18] MICHEL, R: Brwlt 24/25 (1992), S.1133-1140
Sulzer, Verfahrens- und Kiilteteclmik, Winterthur/CH (3.115a) [19] WEINFURTNER, F., WULLINGER, F., PIENDL, A: Brwlt 106 (1966), S.405
Thiedig, Dr. + Co, Berlin (7.7) [20] DENK, v., und MULLER, H.: Brwlt 15/16 (1990), S.568-576; DENK. v.: Brwlt 28 (1991),
Topfer Kulmbach GmbH, Kulmbach S.1219-1225
Videojet Systems international., Inc. Wood Dale, IL USA (5.87) [21] EISELE, J.: Brwlt 24/25 (1992), S.1142-1146
Weissheimer, Friedrich, Malzfabrik, Andernach (1.0; 2.43b) [22] LITZENBURGER, K.: Brwlt 10 (1990), S.329
Westfalia-Separator AG, Oelde (3.106; 4.55; 4.97a) [23] FELGENTRAEGER, W: BrforWll 20 (1993), S.169-172
Wiesner Anlagenbau GmbH, Bayreuth (2.57a) [24] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 6 (1990), S.178-184
Wigol W Stache GmbH, Worms [25] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 27 (1992), S.1287-1288
Witt Killtemaschinenfabrik, Aachen (10.10; 10.16; 10.18; 10.20) [26] WEINFURTNER, F., WULLINGER, F., PIENDL, A: Brwi 19 (1966), S.390
Zeppelin-Metallwerke GmbH, Achim bei Bremen (10.6) [27] WEITH, L.: Brwi 13 (1960), S.214-218
Ziemann + Bauer GmbH, Tank- und Apparatebau, Bi.irgstadt/Main (4.28; 4.29; 4.42a) [28] SCHMUCKER, F.: Brwlt 3 (1993), S.69
Ziematm - Hengel S.A, Sane-Union, Frankreich [29] Deutscher Brauer-Btmd e.v.: Statist. Bericht 1992-1995
Ziemann, A, GmbH, Ludwigsburg (3 .48a; 3.65b; 3.65c; 3.74; 3.74a; 4.47) [30] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 36 (1991), S.1523
Centrale Marketingges. del' deutschen Agrarwirtschaft (CMA) (1.11a; 1.11b) [31] LAUFFENBERG, A : Brwlt 40 (1992), S.1891
sowie die Ubernalm1e folgender Zeiclu1tmgen aus Arthur W. Rohner, Maschinenkunde [32] HOUGH, J. S., BRIGGS, D. E., STEVENS, R : Malting at1d brewing Sc.1971
Mi.iller, [33] WACKERBAUER, K. : ref. Brwlt 32 (1987), S.1419-1421
Verlag Schweizerische Berufsbildtmgskommission Mi.iller (1.12; 2.3; 2.4; 2.21; 2.36; 3.2; 3.4; [34] ANNEMULLER, G: Lehrbriefreihe Bier, Heft 2
3.10; 3.11; 3.12) [35] Festschrift 75 Jal1l'e Hoisten-Brauerei: Hamburg 1954
[36] KOHNKE, H.-V.: Brwlt 23 (1991), S.975
[37] HODENBERG, G W: Brwlt 15 (1991), S.565-568
[38] DONHAUSER, S., GLAS, K., MULLER, 0.: Brwlt 15 (1991), S.548-556
[39] WACKERBAUER, K.: ref. Brwlt 32 (1987), S.1419-1421
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[40] HUG, H.: Brauerei- w1d Getrankerundschau 7/8 (1992), S.123 [81] Seitz-Enzinger-Noll: Hauszeitschr. Laugenbehandlung, S.24
[41] LETTER, R: EBC-Proceedings Congr. 1977, S.211-224 [82] MAYER, E. S.: Brind 4 (1993), S.278-281
[42] NARZISS, L., WOLFINGER, H., STICH, S., LAIBLE, R: Brwlt 51/52 (1992), [83] SCHUMANN, G.: Brwlt 29 (1993), S.1272-1277
[43] PLETT, E.: Brind 6 (1991), S.531-533 [84] FLAD, W: Brwlt 25 (1993), S.1100-1104
[44] UJDERS, J.: Brwlt 3 (1994), S.57-62 [85] MULLER-BLANKE, N.: Getr.technik Feb. 93,1.13-17
[45] N.N.: ref. Brwlt 7/8 (1993), S.302-306 [86] SCHILDBACH, R: 2.Dresdner Brauertag, ref. Brwlt 25 (1993), S. 40
[46] UNTERSTEIN, K: Brwlt 27 (1992), S.1280-1285 [87] KUMPEL, G.: Brind 6 (1993), S.486-492
[47] RIESS, S.: 80.VLB-Taglmg Siegen 1993 [88] RUSS, W, MEYER-PITTROFF, R, FEIX, R, KIRNBAUER, P.: Brwlt 30 (1993), S.1328-
[48] ESSLINGER, H.-M.: Brwlt 23 (1991), S.971-973 u.a . 1334
[49] KRIBBE, J.: Brwlt 12 (1993), S.524-526 [89] MAYER, A. F.: Brwlt 14 (1992), S.616-622 u. Brwlt 46 (1992), S.2427-2432 sowie Brwlt-
[50] MANGER, H.-J.: LelU'briefreihe Masch. lmd Apparate der Ferm. Brevier 1996, S.371-394
[51] SCHOFFEL, FR: Brwlt 110 (1970), S.1479-1501 [90] LUDWIG, H.-H.: Brforum 30 (1991), S.251-254
[52] ANNEMULLER, G., MANGER, H.-J., MUKE, 0.: Handbuch der Brauerei, S.435 (nicht [91] HILGE: Brauerei-Pumpen-Taschenbuch 11/90, S.27-31
veroffentlich t) [92] BACK, W: Brind 73 (1988), S.118-1195
[53] SCHUR, F.: ref. Brwlt 30 (1983), S.1281 [93] ANGER, H.-H. : Brforum 23 (1993), S.193-196
[54] DONHAUSER, S., WAGNER, D.: Brwlt 27 (1992), S.1286-1300 [94] BACK, W: Brwlt 122 (1982), S.2090-2102
[55] NARZISS, L. : ref. Brwlt 9 (1993), S.375-376 [95] Hopfenmarktbericht: Brwlt 37 (1993), S.1733
[56] GIRR, M., BARTELS, H.: Brwlt 7 (1990), S.220-227 [96] SCHOTT-Engineering: Sonderdruck 600 33 d
[57] LAACKMANN, H.-P.: Brwlt 14/15 (1993), S.620-623 [97] MANDL, B., GEIGER, E., PIENDL, A: Brwi 27 (1974), S.57-66
[58] FINIS, P, GALASKE, H.: Brwlt 128 (1988), S.666-669 [98] RATH, F.: 22.Intern. Braugerstenseminar der VLB, 13.0ktober 1993
[59] CHAPON, L.: Brwlt 108 (1968), S.1769-1775 [99] BACK, W, BOHAK, I., ACKERMANN: Brwlt 39 (1993), S.1960-1963
[60] ESSLINGER, H.-M.: Brwlt 5 (1993), S.208 [100] BEHMEL, U, MEYER-PITTROFF, R: Brwlt 42 (1993), S.2126-2136
[61] LITZENBURGER, K: Brwlt 16 (1993), S.659-668 [101] SCHILDBACH, R: 3.Dresdner Brauertag, 22.April 1994
[62] ANNEMULLER, G., MANGER, H.-J.: 2.Dresdner Brauertag 23.Apri11993 [102] BetriebsinfOl'mahon Schmalbach-Lubeca
[63] GEIGER, E.: Brwlt 16 (1993), S.646-649 [103] KLEMM, W, GROSSHANS, D.: Ki Klima-Kalte-Heizlmg 3/92, S.78-83
[64] KRIBBE, J.: Brforum 12 (1993), S.95-97 [104] WEINFURTNER, F., WULLINGER, F., PIENDLA, A: Brwi 19 (1966), S.390-395
[65] WACKERBAUER, K: Brforw113 (1988), S.264 [105] WEITH, L. : Brwi 13 (1960), S.214-218 u. S.262-267 u. S.288-294
[66] Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.v.: 20.Stat. Bericht 1992, S.55 [106] MIEDANER, H .: ref. Brwlt 44/45 (1993), S.2264
[67] WIEST, A: Brwlt 20 (1993), S.880-881 [107] SCHMIDT, H.-J.: Brwlt 44/45 (1993), S.2254-2260 u. 2269-2277
[68] HACKSTAFF, B.W: MBAA Techn.Quart 15, 1-7, 1978 [108] BACK, W, BREU, S., WEIGAND, c.: Brwlt 31/32 (1988), S.1358-1362
[69] WACKERBAUER, K., KAAMPER, P, TOUSSAINT, H.-J.: MfB 33 (1980), S.91-99 [109] KIEFER, J.: Brind 11 (1993), S.1150-1158
[70] ESSLINGER, H.-M.: Brwlt 9 (1993), S.379 u. 13 (1993), S.577 ft. [110] FORDEMANN, K.: Brwlt 39 (1993), S.1964-1968
[71] GUTKNECHT, J.; Brind 4 (1993), S.272-276 [111] MANDL, B., GEIGER, E., PIENDLA, A: Brwi 27 (1974), S.57-66
[72] Patentschrift: ref. ESSLINGER, H.-M., Brwlt 22/23 (1993), S.999 [112] NARZISS, L., MIEDANER, H., KERN, E., LEIBHARDT, M.: Brwlt 19/20 (1991), S.784-
[73] NARZISS, L.: Teclmologie del' Wlirzebereitung, 7.Aufl., S.l96 805
[74] PIENDL, A: Brind 10 (1991), S.959-970 [113] SAIER, H.-D.: Brwlt 51/52 (1993), S.2578-2581
[75] ESSLINGER, H .-M.: Brwlt 18 (1993), S.789-791 [114] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 26 (1993), S.1136-1143
[76] WOLF SEDER, A: Brwlt 27/28 (1989), S.1180-1181 [115] DUCHEK, P: Brwlt 24 (1993), S.1053-1059
[77] KOCH, P.: 2.Dresdner Brauertag, ref. Brwlt 25 (1993), S.1118 [116] DUCHEK, P: 81. VLB-Tagung, Miinster, 15.3.94
[78] MOSSIN, B.: Brwlt 12 (1993), S.528-529 [117] WACKERBAUER, K., EVERS, H. : 81. VLB-Tagung, Miinster, 15.3.94
[79] Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.v.: Die deutsche Brauwirtschaft 1992 [118] MEYER-PITTROFF, R: 39. Brauwirt.-Taglmg, Weihenstephan, 28.4.94
[80] SCHUMANN, G.: Brwlt 11 (1988), S.408-412 [119] SCHU, G.F.: Brwlt 19 (1994), S.881-890
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[120] ZIMMERMANN, H: 23.Intern. Braugerstenseminar del' VLB, 12.10.94 [161] RATH, F.: Weissheimer Malz; Nelles aus del' Forschung 1
[121] SACHER, B.: ref. Brwlt 22/23 (1995), S.1111-1114 [162] RATH, F., MANKE, w., u . SARX, H . G: WeilSheimer Malz; Nelles aus del' Forschtmg 2
[122] KRUGER, E.: 81 .0ktobertagung del' VLB, 12.10.94 [163] STUKE, H: Brind 8 (1996), S.602-607
[123] EISELT, G: Dissertation TU Berlin 1995 [164] FORSTER, A. : Brind 9 (1995), S.725-730
[124] LINEMANN, A.: Dissertation TU Berlin 1995 [165] Biebelrieder Kreis; Reinigtlilg von Mehrweg-Glasflaschen, VLB 1997
[125] SCHILDBACH, R.: Brwlt 45 (1994), S.2436-2456 [166] ROTHKIRCH, H: 83.Brau- und Masch .teclmische Tagung del' VLB 1997, Braunschweig
[126] DEWAR, J.: lOB Afrikan. Convention, ref. Brwlt 28/29 (1995), S.1396 [167] KOLBACH, P.: Mon.f.Br. 6 (1953), S.49
[127] MIEDANER, H.: 40.Brauwissenschaftl. Taglmg Weihenstephan, 28.4.95 [168] WACKERBAUER, K, u. HARDT, R.: Brwlt 40/41 (1996), S.1880-1889
[128] MOBIUS, J.: 82.FriihjalU'Stagtmg del' VLB Dresden, 14.3.95 [169] KLUTHE, R., u. KASPER, H: Alkoholische Getranke und Ernahrungsmedizin; Georg[
[129] TAYLOR, J.: lOB Afrikan. Convention, ref. Brwlt 28/29 (1995), S.1396 Thieme Verlag Stuttgart + New York, 1998
[130] BACK, W. : 40.Brauwirtschaftl. Tagung Weihenstephan, 28.4.95 [170] PIENDL, A ., LANGFELD, F., u. SCHWINGSHANDL, L., Brwlt 21/22 (1997), S.828-840
[131] SEIDL, P.: Brwlt 16/17 (1992), S.688-700 [171] DENK, V: Brwlt 33/34 (1997), S.1311-1321
[132] MEYER-PIETROFF, R.: Brwlt 33 (1995), S.1618-1627 [172] HERRMANN, H.: Brind 1 (1995), S.24-27
[133] VDI: Meehan . Briidenkompression, 1990 [173] STIPPLER, K, WASMUTH, K, u. GATTERMEYER, P.: Brwlt 31/32 (1997), S.1265-1267
[134] MEBAK: Brauteclm. Untersuchtmgsmethoden Bd.l, S.18-19 lind Brwlt 35/36 (1997), S.1386-1397
[135] HOFMANN, H: Brwlt 44/45 (1993), S.2275-2277 [174] DELGADO, A., NIRSCHL, H., u. DENK, V: Brwlt 7/8 (1997), S.232-235
[136] BACK, w.: Brwlt 39 (1994), S.1936-1942 [175] WACKERBAUER, K , TAYAMA, T., u. KUNERTH, S.: MfBrwi 7/8 (1997), S.132-137
[137] BACK, w.: Brwlt 42 (1995), S.2068-2076 [176] WACKERBAUER, K, TAYAMA, T., FITZN ER, M ., u. KUNERTH, S.: Brwlt 3 (1997),
[138] BACK, w.: Brwlt 16 (1994), S.686-695 S.80-86
[139] ESSLINGER, H-M.: Brwlt 24/25 (1994), S.1147-1152 [177] MONCH, D., KRUGER, E., u . STAHL, u.: MfBrwi 9/10 (1995), S.288-296
[140] Del' BARTH Bericht Hopfen 1994/95; 1995/96; 1996/97; 1997/98 [178] SCHUCH, c.: Brwlt 44 (1996), S.2022-2027
[141] PENSCHKE, A., RUSS, w.: Brwlt 22/23 (1995), S.1108-1109 [179] YANAGI, K, ISHIBASHI, Y, KONDO, H ., OKA, K, u . UCHIDA, M.: Brwlt 21/22 (1997),
[142] KREMKOW, K : MfB 24 (1971), S.25-32 S.841-859
[143] NARZISS, L. : Brwlt 45 (1995), S.2286-2301 [180] MANGER, H-J., u . AN NEMULLER, G: Brwlt 45 (1996), S.2160-2170
[144] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 49 (1995), S.2576-2606 [181] NARZISS, L.: Brwlt 9 (1996), S.409-411
[145] NARZISS, L.: Intern . Beer marketers symposium Denver, Okt. 1995 [182] WACKERBAUER, K, EVERS, H, u. KUNERTH, S.: Brwlt 37 (1996), S.1736-1743
[146] KALINOWSKI, R.: Brforum 20 (1995), S.315-317 [183] FORSTER, c.: Arbeitstagg. Bund del' osten. Brmstr. Maria Tafer!, 11.09.97
[147] RATH, F., MANKE, w., SARX, HG: Neues aus del' Forschwlg, Weissheimer Heft 2 [184] EVERS, H .: Bdorum 19 (1997), S.297-298
[148] WACKERBAUER, K: 83.Arbeitstagung del' VLB Marmheim, 18.-21.3.96 [185] SCHAPER, M.: Bdorum 18 (1997), S.278-280
[149] LINEMANN, A., KRUGER, E.: Brwlt 27 (1996), S.1266-1272, und 37 (1996), S.1748-1752 [186] FORSTER, c., NARZISS, L., u . BACK, w.: EBC-Proceedings 1997 (67), S.561-568
[150] The Emerging Markets Brewery Fund Company-Book 1998, ref. Brwlt 28/29 (1998), [187] WACKERBAUER, K, u. ZUFALL, c.: EBC-Proceedings 1997 (76), S.639-648
S.1278 [188] GUNKEL, J.: FI fiir Rohstoffe der VLB, ref. in Brforum 1 (1998), S.4-6
[151] BACK, w., FORSTER, c., KROTTENTHALER, M., u.a.: Brwlt 38 (1997), S.1677-1692 [189] HERTLEIN, J., BORNAROWA, K, u. WEISSER, H: Brwlt 21/22 (1997), S.860-866
[152] MANGER, H-J.: Brwlt 18 (1997), S.696-701 [190] FOHR, M., u. MEYER-PITTROFF, Brwlt 12 (1998), S.460-464
[153] HAFFMANS, B.: Brwlt 27 (1997), S.1084-1088 [191] MULLER, c., u. SCHILDBACH, R.: Brwlt 6 (1998), S.220-221
[154] WACKERBAUER, K, u. HARDT, R.: Brwlt 40/41 (1996), S.1880-1889 [192] ZIMMERMAN N, H .: Brwlt. 6 (1998), S.190-194, 207-209
[155] FORSTER, A.: Brwlt 31/32 (1996), S.1474-1475 [193] BACK, w., KROTTENTHALER, M., u. VETTERLEIN, K Brind. 2 (1998), S.81-86
[156] MAIER, J. u . NARZISS,L.: Brwlt 6 (1997), S.188-192 [194] GROMUS, J,: Friihjahrstagung del' VLB, 9.-11 .3.98; ref. Brwlt 13 (1998), S.529
[157] MOBIUS, J.: Brind 1 (1997), S.26-27 [195] European Brewery Convention; Marlual of good practice; Hops and hop products, S.55
[158] BACK, W.: 42. Brauwirtsch. Tagung Weihenstephan, 22.4.97 [196] SCHWILL-MIEDANER, A., EINSIEDLER, F., u. SOMMER, K : Brwlt 12 (1998), S.466 - 471
[159] EUMANN, M.: Brwlt 6 (1997), S.197-200 [197] WASMUTH, K , u . GATTERMEYER, P., Brwlt 12 (1998), S.472-477
[160] KEIL, H: Brind. 4 (1997), S.216-218 [198] EVERS, H .: Friihjahrstagung del' VLB, 9.-11 .3.98 Monchengladbach
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[199] ElLS, H .-G., u. HERBERG, W-D.: Brwlt 14 (1998), S.601-607 [235] SCHU,G.F., STOLZ,F., JORDAN,U., KANSY,R. Brwlt. 4 (2001) S. 116 - 17
[200] ANGER, H-M.: Jahrbuch del' VLB 1996 S.247-272 [236] AHRENS,A Oktobertagung der VLB 2002, ref. Brforum
[201] BACK, W, DIENER, C, u . SACHER, B.: Brwlt 28/29 (1998), S.1279-1284 [237] FAO Production Yearbook; Vo!.53; 1999 S.67-68
[202] WACKERBAUER, K., u . ZUFALL, C: Dresdner Brauertag, 17.4.1998, ref. 5 [238] LUTJE,H 31. Internat. Braugerstenseminar 2002
(1998), S.133-134 [239] Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.Y. 23. Statistischer Bericht Mai 2001
[203] KOCH, P: Dresdner Brauertag, 17.4.98, ref. Brforum 5 (1998), S.134 [240] Brforum H. 11 (2002) S. 309 - 311
[204] LEHMANN, J., u. BACK, W: Brind 4 (1997), S.225-227 [241] EVERS,H. Oktobertaglmg del' VLB 2002, ref. Brforum
[205] WACKERBAUER, K., u. BECKMANN, M.: Dresdner Brauertag, 17.4.1998, ref. Brforum 5 [242] ANGER,H.-M. Analysen 2000, Jalu'buch VLB Berlin 2000 S.233 - 261
(1998), S.133 [243] KRAUS-WEYERMANN, Th. Brwlt 5 (1996) S.213 - 216
[206] BACK,W : 43.Brauwirtschaft!. Taglmg Weihenstephan, 27.4.98 [244] Produktspezifikationen del' Fa. Aspera Brauerei, Riese GmbH
[207] PIENDL, A: Brwlt 20/21 (1998), S.922-929 [245] FORSTER,C Brwlt 21/22 (1999) S.995 - 997
[208] FORSTER, C: 31. Teclmologisches Seminar Wei hen stephan; 4/1-2 [246] KROTTENTHALER,M. 35. Teclmologisches Seminar Weihenstephan 7/4
[209] KELCH, K.: Brwlt 24/25 (1998), S.1050-1051 [247] ANGER, H.-M. Analysen 2001, Jahrbuch VLB Berlin 2001 S. 234 -261
[210] DE MAN, TH. A 43 .Brauwirtschaftliche Tagung Weihenstephan, 28.4.98 [248] BAMFORTH, M . et al; Journal of the Institute of Brewing, H.4 S.235 - 239
[211] MANGER, H.-J.: Brforum 22, 24 (1996) lmd 2, 4 u. 6 (1997) [249] SARX, HG. Brforum 1 (2003) S. 4 - 6
[212] VOGESER, G., u. GEIGER, E.: Brwlt 24/25 (1998), S.1060-1063 [250] ZURCHER,A, WUNDERLICH,S., BACK,W 36. Teclmolog. Seminar Weihenstephan
[213] Deutscher Brauer-Blmd e.Y.: 22.Statistischer Bericht 1997 [251] BACK,W. 36. Teclmologisches Seminar Weihenstephan 1/2
[214] BACK,W.: 35. Technologisches Seminar Weihenstephan; 1/3 [252] KREISZ,S. 35. Teclmologisches Seminar Weihenstephan 5/5
[215] SCHILDBACH, R. : 31. Internationales Braugerstenseminar 2002, Berlin 8.10.02 [253] WACKERBAUER,K., MEYNA, St., PAHL,R. Brwlt 48 (2002) S.1826 - 1833
[216] LINNEMANN,A: Dissertation 1995 TU Berlin [254] MEZGER,R., KROTTENTHALER,M., BACK,W Brwlt 4/5 (2003) S. 93 - 99
[217] Hopfen - Der Barth Bericht 2001/2002 [255] KROTTENTHALER,M. 36. Teclmologisches Seminar Weihenstephan (2)
[218] AHRENS, A Die Trinkwasserverordrlwlg ab 1.1.2003, VLB 2002 [256] ZURCHER, A 36. Teclmologisches Seminar Weihenstephan (10)
[219] SCHWILL-MIEDANER, A u. MIEDANER,H Brwlt.18 (2001), S. 670 - 673 [257] ANGER, H.-M. Analysen 2002, Jahrbuch VLB Berlin 2002 S. 294 - 356
[220] EVERS, H. Brwlt. 5 (2001) S. 148 - 155 [258] ANNEMULLER,G., Lehrbriefreihe Bier, Heft 3 S.99; Staat!. Getrankekontor 1979
[221] HAHN,AF.; BANKE,F.; FLOSSMANN, R.; KAIN.J.; KONIGER.J; Brwlt 24 (2001) [259] WAGNER, P 90. Brau- und maschinenteclm. Arbeitstagung del' VLB, 10.-12.03.03
S.892 - 897 [260] COLESAN,F. und PETERSON,S., Brwlt 8/1999 S. 300 - 302
[222] HACKENSELLNER, Th.; Brwlt 46/47 (1998) S. 2282 - 2288 [261] STAHL, u., TWA der VLB Garung, Lagerung, Abfi.illlmg, 10.03.03
[223] SCHWILL-MIEDANER,A.; Brwlt 17 (2002) S.603 - 606 [262] HERBSTER,Th., BAARS,A und DELGADO,A 36. Teclmologisches Seminar
[224] MANGER, H; Brforum 1 (2002) S. 12 - 14 u . Brforum 2 (2002) S.43 - 45 Weihenstephan (6)
[225] KOLLER,A; Brwlt 17 (2002) S. 607 - 609 [263] LEHMANN, J., 10. Dresdner Brauertag; 9.05.03; ref. Brforum Nr.6 (2003) S.169-170
[226] WEINZIERL,M., STIPPLER,K., WASMUHT, K., MIEDANER,H., ENGLMANN,J. Brwlt 5 [264] HAUSER,G., EBC-Kongress 2003, L45
(1999) S. 185 - 189 [265] ZURCHER, ChI., 10. Dresdner Brauertag; 9.05.03
Brwlt 13/14 (1999) S. 600 - 606 [267] WASMUTH,K., STIPPLER, K., GATTERMEYER,P., Brwlt 30 (2003) S. 948 - 952
[228] STIPPLER,K., FELGENTRAGER,J. Brwlt 35 (1999) S. 1556 - 1558 [268] KAIN,J.,HAHN,F., KRIEGER,J. Brwlt 36/37 (2003) S. 1133 - 1145
[229] JAKOB,E., KRIEGER,R., WAHL,R. Brwlt 5 (2001) S. 166 - 170 [269] FELGENTRAGER,W Hrch. Huppmann, Sonderdruck Sept. 1993
[230] KROTTENTHALER,M., HARTMANN,K., BACK,W Brwlt 39 (2001) S.1690 -1693 [270] SCHU, G.F.,: Brwlt 19 (1994) S. 881-890
[231] COORS,G., KROTTENTHALER,M., BACK,W Brwlt 42/43 (2000) S. 1696 - 1699 [271] AHRENS.A, 89. Brau- wld maschinenteclm. Arbeitstagung der VLB, 11.-13.03.02
[232] BACK,W, FORSTER,C, KROTTENTHALER,M., LEHMANN,J., SACHER,B., THUM, [272] METHNER,F., 90. Oktobertagung del' VLB, 6.-8.10.03
B. Brwlt 38 (1997) S. 1677 - 1692 [273] GAUB,R., 90 Brau- lmd maschinentechn. Arbeitstagung del' VLB, 10.-12.03.03
[233] KANTELBERG,B., HACKENSELLNER,Th. Brwlt 34/35 (2001) S. 1290 - 1303 [274] BROENS,L., 90. Oktobertagwlg der VLB, 6.-8.10.03
[234] SCHU,G.F., STOLZ,F., JORDAN,U. Brwlt. 26 (1999) S. 1183-83 [275] ANGER,H.-M., Jahrbuch del' VLB 2002, S.294 - 324
1046 1047

Index of technical terms

[276] BRANDL,A., TENGE,E. u . GEIGER,E., Brwlt 39 (2003) S.1690 - 1692 For easy reference, in the case of compounds which begin with a number, this number has been
[277] VOGELPOHL,H., Getranke H.4 (2002) S.30 - 33 omitted in the index . Example: instead of 4-vinyl-guajakol, refer to vinyl-guajakol.
[278] HUMELE,H., Krones Magazin 4/2003 S. 70 - 71
[279] FISCHER,S., Krones Magazin 4/2003 S.66 -69
[280] RUST,U. u. MONZEL,A., Brforum 12 (2003) S. 329 - 332 a-acid 64,282,324 - driers 970 aroma 824
[281] WACKERBAUER,K., EVERS,H. u. SOLTAU,I<., Brwlt 51/52 (2003) S. 1756 - 1761 54 - filters 973 - hops 61
[282] SCHMIDT,G. Brwlt 3 (2004) S. 63 - 66 a-aluminium oxide 520 - pollution 988 aromatic detection 724, 725
[283] BAARS,A., HERBSTER,T., SCHMIDT,T., DELGADO,A. 37. Teclmologisches a-amino acid 257 air-free grist and aspirator 106
Seminar, Weihenstephan 20. - 22.01.04 (26) a-amylase 156, 183, 248 mash preparation 276 assimila tion proced me 451
[284] KROTTENTHALER,M., REITER, T., BACK,W. 37 Technologisches Seminar, 157, 183, 248 alakine hot caustic attaching a heat pump 934
Weihenstephan 20. - 22.01 .04 (25) 66 cleaning 811 attenuation limit 434
[285] BACK,W. 37. Technologisches Seminar, Weihenstephan 20.-22.01.04 (29/1) 46, 252, 278, 821 alcohol removing 585 Aureo-basidium 152
[286] BACK,W., POSCHL,P., Brwlt 46/47 (1998) S. 2312 - 2315 - content 161 alcohol-free beer 848 automatic controls 981
[287] EVERS,H. 89. Oktobertagtmg VLB - gel 279 alcoholic automation 977
[288] TENGE,C., GEIGER,E., WALLERIUS,D. Brwlt 12 (2004) S. 336-338 -layer 43 fermentation 418, 419 available heat price 919
[289] BLUML,S., FISCHER,S. Handbuch der Fiilltechnik, Krones 2004, S. 264 - solubilase 156, 157, 158, 253 aldehydes 432 axial fans 965
[290] BARTELS,H., 11. Dresdner Brauertag, 30.04.04 433 Ale 842
[291] BACK,W. Handbuch der Fiillteclmik, Krones 2004, S.218 y-rays 677,750 aleuron layer 48 B
[293] Der Barth Bericht; Hopfen 2003/2004 S. 24 alginates 832 Bacterium escherichia coli 84
[294] MANGER, H.-I., Brforum H. 7,9 u. 10 (2003) S. 193-195; S. 246-249; S. 275-279 A alkaline cleaning agents 805 ball cock 1005,1013
ability to form spores 833 Altbier 841 Balling 466
Die Abkiirzlmgen bei den Literaturstellen bedeuten: absorption cooling aluminium rolled-on - formula 865
Brwlt. BRAUWELT, Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Brauwesen und die Getrankewirtsch. machines 942 closure 716 band lubricant 769
Verlag Hans Carl GmbH & Co. KG Niirnberg; ISSN 0724-696X acetaldehyde 432 aluminium vessels 801 barley 39, 107
Brforum BRAUEREI FORUM, Fachzeitschrift fiir Brauereien und Malzereien, acetoin 340 amino acids 48, 423 - cell walls 43
Getrankeindustrie und deren Partner, Informationsservice der VLB Berlin acid malt 204 ammonia 929 - cleaning and grading 116
Herausgeber Versuchs- lmd Lehranstalt fur Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) acidic one-phase - detection 724,724 - cooling 139
ISSN 0179-2466 cleaning 812 - in water 89 - cultivation 41
Brind BRAUINDUSTRIE, Magazin fiir Management, Braupraxis, Markttrends, acrospire 154 amyl alcohol 820 - drying 138
Technologie, Teclmik, Verpacktmg, Logistik, Marketing addition of yeast 460 amylopektin 37,38 - storage 138
Herausgeber u . Verleger W. Sachon, Mindelheim adenosine diphosphate amylose 45,46 - endosperm 43
MfBrwi MONATSSCHRIFT FUR BRAUWISSENSCHAFT; das wissenschaftliche Organ der (ADP) 97,418421 anaerobic waste water - enzymes 55
Fakultat fiir Brauwesen, Lebensmitteltechnologie wld Milchwissenschaft, adenosine triphosphate treatment 906 - evaluation 55
Weihenstephan, (ATP) 97,418,420 analysis machines 867 - germ region 43
Versuchs- lmd Lehranstalt fur Brauerei in Berlin (VLB), adjuncts 105 animal pests 142 - germination 154
Wissenschaftlichen Station flir Brauerei in Miinchen adsorption drier 972 anionic surfactants 631 - germinative capacity 59
aeration of the yeast crop 509 anthocyanidins 80,261 - germinative energy 59
aerobic waste water treat- anthocyanogens 325,821 - grading 57,114
ment 906 anti-foam agent 631 - hardness 58
aflatoxin 143 antioxidantien 568 - hectolitre mass 58
after-sales care 977 apparent percentage - intake 114
ageing carbonyls 573 attenuation 465 - kernel 44
air circulation cooling 944 arena arrangement 791 - pre-cleaning 115,116
1048 1049

- respiration 137 biochemical oxygen bru mal t 203 cavitation 958 cold break 399,408 - of the kilned malt 193
- steeping 143 demand 904 bucket conveyor 126 CCD matrix camera 636 - iJlsulations 1015,1017 - plilll ts 930
- storage 141 biological acidification 261 buffer stretches and CCV, - sterile filling 559 - requirements 490
- thousand corn mass 57, 58 - acidification plant 264 isolators 771 cooling possibilities 491, 582 colloidal hazes 561 coolship 387
- varieties 40 bio-reactor 494 buffer tanks 539,570,1015 -, direct cooling 491 - stabilisation of beer 562 corn shapening method 161
- water sensitivity 59 biotin 97 butanediol 430 -, heat transfer 491 - stability of beer 439, 555 couleur 110
- water uptake 59 bitter ale 842 butterfly valve 484 -, indirect cooling 491 colouring sugar 110 cucumber-like aroma 144
barriere technology 695 bitter substances 64, 439 bu tyric acid 436, 827 cellar beers 852 comb arrangement 791 Crabtree effect 416, 420, 444
basic mimic diagram 990,994 bittering hops 69,370 bypass membrane cellulose 44 combi fitting 757 crate magazine 766
Bavarian purity law 23 black beer 846 filtration 862 centrifugal evaporator 592 combuled heat and power crates washing 788
beer analysis 863 blending the beer 468 - force 388 plants 927 crossflow batch process 547
- and health 735 blending Lmit 476 C - mixers 405 compressed air - continual process 547
- aroma 824 block and bleed 1003 calcium 88,427,821 - pumps 893 conveyors 131 - filtration 545, 550
- bi tterness 828 block brew house kettle 333 calculation of beer centrifuges 394 - air plants 965 crossflow-membrillle
- by top fermentation 833 Bockbier 847 produced 794 chemical oxygen demand compression cooling filtration 547
- cans 914 body 860 - of ma It usage 796 (COD) 904 plilllt 931 crosspure process 552
- clarification 471 boiler plants 915,918 - of the volume loss 796 - warehouse 1026 - refrigeration plants 935 crown cork 665
- colour 845,868 boilers 921 can closing 746 chill hazes 561 compressors, cyclical packers 776
- filtration 518 boiling the wort 368 - dating 752 chlorine dioxide 93 compressed air 937 cyclones 134
- flavour 573,824 boiling fermentation 463 - filler cleaning 748 chlorine-free brine 930 -, refrigeration plants 935 cyluldroconical vessels
- foam 824 bottle aftercoating 612 - filling 731 chokolate malt 206 condensers (liquefiers) 939 (CCV) 478
- losses 793 - and can transport 768 - inspection 731 clu-ome-nickel steel cask 753 conditioned dry milling 235
- mix drinks 852 - cell carrier 622 - inspection of filling 725 clu'ome-nickel steel conditioning the D
- recovery 512 - cleaning 629,634 - overall labelling 726 vessels 802 ventilation air 167 dark malt 148, 179, 190
- stabilisa tion 554 - colour 611 - pasteurisation 726 CIP cleaning equipment 488 conductivity dater degassing 94
- stabilisation by PVPP 563 - filling 641 - rinser 731 - stations 1026 measurement 722,816,880 dating the labels 691
- tasting 857 - filling machine 644 candida yeast 860 - system 807 congress mash 197 deadend filtra tion 544
- transfer 474 - inspection 636 candle filter 520 circular boxes 171 container transport 764, 773 deawner 120
- types 833 - rinser 692 cans and can closures 725 circula ting air conti-prop 449 decoction processes 281, 295
beer, alcohol contents 863 bottom control 640 capacitive sensors 876 wumowers 118 contraction or correction deep cooling of the beer 477
-, average content 822 - fermentation beer types 833 caramel malt 202 clamp cOlmection 979 factor 379 degassing of water 94
-, dimethyl sulphide 163, - fermenting yeasts 103 carbon dioxide, danger 595 clean steam injector 269 control uldicator 488 degree of attenuation 464
382,826 box maltings 169 - dioxide, measurement 872 cleaning agents 805 - of cleaned glass bottles 635 - of proteul
-, extract con tent 821 break 912 carbonate hardness 88 - and disinfection 801 - of closure thread 639 modification 161,575
-, palatefulness 824 Brettanomyces 843,861 carbonisation of beer 579 - caustic 621 - of germination 178 - of steeping 146, 163, 180
-, qualitiy examination 857 brewhouse capacity 383 carbonyl compounds 432 - of bottles 613 - of ulspector 641 density meters 875
-, sulphur compoLU1ds 827, - emissions 915 Carl von Linde 24 - of plastic bottles 721 - of mouth sealing depth filtration 518
836 - equipment 381 carlsberg flask 446 - procedure 814 surface 639 desoxinivalenol (DON) 143
-, tingle 828 - vessel size 382 cartons 763 - the filler 672 - valves, refrigeration dextrin based adhesives 687
beer-membrane filtration 548 - yield 373 cartridge (candle) filters 541 - the slat-band chains 772 plilllt 941 diacetyl 429, 518
belt conveyors 129 - yield, determination 380 casein adhesives 686 closulg the bottles 665 cool keg 763 diacetyl content,
bend oscillator 865 brewing water cast wort 360 CO 2 recovery 515 cooling agents 929 measurement 870
Berg curve 791 requirements 85 casting the wort 386 coagulable nitrogen 373 - jackets 456 dialysis processes 588
Berliner WeiBe 840 broken glass 912 caustic solution 630 coarse break 386 - of liquids 946 diastase malt 205
Bernreuther apparatus 145 brown ale 842 cationic surfactants 631 coated screen disc filter 536 - of the CCV 490 dietetic beer 849

digestion process
dimeth yl sulfide (DMS) 181,

eleva tor
ex tractable ex tract 321
ex traction of spri ng water 82
- of surface wa ter 82
I filterability
478, 520
filtrate beer warehouse 573
fromboi se
Hansen ula
haze meters
- stability, measurem ent 873


- sulfoxide (DMSO) 181, 435 Parnas 419 filtration plant 571 Fusarium culmorum 142 head fo lding with fo il s 691
dimple jacke ts 492 Emil Christian Hansen 24 F fUlalmash temperature 277 Fusa rium graminearum 142 headspace 480
direct dischargers 903 emission s 915, 988 falling stream evapo rator 590 fire-hlb e exhaus t gas-tube fusel oils 432 hea t exchange 402,404,407
disc valve 484 emme r 208 FAN 49, 293, 445, 458 boilers 922 fuz zy logic control 497 - insulations 989, 1011
discharge glideliners 772 empty bottle insp ection 636 fans 940 first wor t 296 - of evaporation 914
disc separa tors 396 end fermentation limit 250 fat metabolism 425 fittulg designs 1022 G - price 919
disinfection agents 806 endo-b-glu canase 156, 158, fats 50 fittings for pipes 1021 Galland drum 168 - trea tment processes 589
distillati on ana lysis 865 165,252 fat ty acids 50, 98 five roller mills 231 gas analysis 725 hea ting by means of a
distribu tion of cooling 948 endosperm 38 feasibility study 985 fixed pipUlg 1019 gas distributors 772 direct s team injection 269
distribution panel 483 endo-xylanase 156 fermentation by-products 415 flash evapora tion gea r pumps 954 hefeweizen 837
DMS 163,181,325 energy loss through - cellar 445 "varioboil" 361 gelatuusa tion 247 hemicellulose 46, 911
- precursor (DMS-P) 163, 181, hea t irradiation 490 - cellar yield 459 flash pasteurisa tion 556 gentle boiling procedure 352 hexan al 258, 329, 353, 373
182, 200, 267, 329, 341 - management 917 - heat 490 flat body or flat top fittiIlg 757 Geotrichum 153 lugh gravity brewing 426,581
Doppelbock 840 - recovery 925 - in the bottle 839 flat bottomed germination killung unit 175 - krausen 445
double end washing - storage tank 350 - stages 454 s teeping vessel 148 - regulators 164 - pressure jetting 665
m achines 617 - usage during - tanks 456 flavour stability 573 geuze 844 - speed steam producers 923
double sea t valve 485, 1003, wort boiling 365 - wi th uml10bilized yeasts 594 flavou r w heel 858 gibberellic acid 155 - tempera tu re
1005 Enterobacteriacea 860 - with special yeasts 594 flex auger 129 glass bottl es inspection 636 wort boiling 345
drink residue an alysis 724 enviromnentallegislation 901 fermentation, flexible vane pumps 961 glass heat exchanger 185 high -alpha-hops 61
drinking wa ter en zyme for mation 155 fa t metabolism 425 flocculation beha viours 89 glidelulers 771 lugher alcohols 423,429,
requirements 84 - preparations in -, lIT value 438 - of the yeast 442 glucose 250, 420 432,582
drum magnet 119 mashing 293 -, pH value 438 floor m altulgs 154 glucose sy rup 110 hobby brewer 889,896
- maltings 167 - structure 53 -, phosphor 427 flotation 399, 407 glycerule 820 home brewer 889, 893
dry beers 851 enzy mes 48 -, potassium 427, 438 flow meters 875 glycogen 100, 416, 423 honey beer 855
- destoners 120 - destruction 327 -, protein metabolism 423 foam cleaning 812 glycol 491, 895, 930 hop 61
- milling 224,229 epithelium 38 -, redox properties 438 - collapse 829 grading cy lulder 123 - a.-acids 61,324
dust filters 134 escherichia coli 84 -, rH value 438 - formation 859 - the throughput 791 - addition 368
- removal 224 esters 429 -, sulphu r 435 - stability, measurement 831 grain cleaner (trieur) 121 - bitter subs tances 56, 65,
Duvel 844 ethyl acetate 433 -, sulphur compounds 434 folic acid 97 - moth 142 324, 339, 369
dynamic low pressure ethyl butyrate 436 -, zinc 441 fore and post rlms 477,527 - weevil 142 - cone structure 63
boiling 343 ethyl lacta te 436 festival beer 847 fore-run 476 green beer aroma 429 - eva lu ation 68
evaporation of water 326 fillulg level meters 875 formation of reductones 328 - hubid transfer 468 - ex tract powder 77
E evapora tors 936 - of cans 725 four roller mills 231 gripper cylinder 688-690 - ex traction 75, 76, 77
eccentric screw pumps 958 exh aust gas emissions 915 - of PET bottles 702 frame-type filters 539 grist case 235 - extraction with ethanol 75
economiser 925 exo-b-glucanase 156, 158 - plant as a whole 791 free amino nitrogen - evaluation 244 - ex trac ts 75
ecotherm procedure 355 explosion pressure - pressure 641 (FAN) 49, 293, 445, 458 grouth process 154 - nitrogen compolmds 68
effects of factors release 225 - pru1Ciples 641 free DMS 325,329, 352, 375 ground wa ter extracting 81 - oil 76,324
on the yeast 440 exponential phase 102 - temperature 641 frequency converter 952 gum arabicum 832 - pellets 72
Ehrlich mechanism 423 export beer 846 - the beer 566, 609 fresh wa ter use Ul the - polyphenols 324
electrical equipment 918 external boiler 333,336 - with long fillulg hlbe 648 brewery 80 H - products 71
electronic tubular extract composition 267 - without filling tubes 648 friabilimeter value 252 hammer milling 224,236 - resul s 324
weighing machines 228 - content 306,368 filter aids 520 - meter value 200 hand eva luation 55, 195 - varieties 70
1052 1053

HappIer falling ball isobutanol 820 - casei 860 - kilning 178 Megasphaera cerev isiae 514, noise emissions 915
viscosimeter 256 isobutyl acetate 436 - frigid us 860 - milling 224 860 noiseless di stribution 772
hops 59 isohumulone 324 - Lindneri 860 - polishjng 194 melanoid in malt 203 non-ionic surfactants 631
hops, growing regions 59 isolation of suitable yeast lager beer 845 - storage 194 melanoidins 179 nozzle filters 135
hoses and seals 804 cells 445 lagering tanks 472 -, acrospire length 196 membrane filter test 874 NPSH 958
hot air drier 138 isomerised hop extract 77 lambda-mash filter 317 -, density 196 - filters 540
- filling of beer 559 isomerised pellets 75 Lambie beer 843 -, extract difference 198 - pumps 962 o
- water 892 isovaleric acid 436 large bubble -, extract yield 198 membranes 507 ochratoxin 143
- water heating 331 fermentation 463 -, friability 196 mercaptans 434, 827 octanoic acid 436
humulene 59 J laser printer 691 -, germinative ability 196 Merlin procedure 361 old labels 911
humulon 64 jump mash process 293 last numings 298 -, glassiness 196 methyl butanal 329,353 operational meters 978
husk properties 56 Lausma1Ul system 173 -, hardness 196 - butanol 436 optical measure
hydrocarbon recognition 724 K lauter tun 298 -, Hartong-Kretschmar - propanal 574 technology 872
hydrogen gas suction 629 keg cleaning and filling 759 lautering 304 method 199 - propanol 51,436,437,574 organic halogen
hydrogen sulphide 434 keggy container 762 leakage fitting 1003 -, corn shaping method 161 Meura 311 compounds (AOx) 903
hydrometer 379 kegs and fittings 757 Lg-foamtester 871 -, hectolitre weight 196 microbiological original gravity 273, 326, 864
hydromill 242, 243 kettle vapour condenser 346 light beer 850 -, Kolbach index 199 examination 860 oscillating fork sensors 876
kieselgulU' 520 light flavour 578 -, sinker test 198 - stabilisation 555 outer sidewall control 637
- filter plants 538 limit dextrinase 156 -, thousand corn weight 196 microbrewery 889, 896 overpressure 1003
ice beer 847 - filh'ation problems 537 limit residual dextrinase 156 -, wort viscosity 199 mild ale 842 - filler 642
- beer production 583 - -, candle filters 540 line arrangement 791 maltose 217,230 millet 107 oxidation during
- water storage lmit 941 - -, dosing equipment 563 lipids 50 - production rest 250,277 mixing cross 469 mashing 280
Imhoff cone 390 - -, plate and frame filters 529 lipoxygenases (LOX) 163, maltotriose 267,284 model projection 998 oxidisable substances 902
immissions 988 - slurry 901 240,259 marzen 847 modern wort boiling oxygen content,
immobilised yeast 517 kieselguhr-free filtration 543 liquefaction 247 mash converter 268 systems 352 measurement 880
india pale ale 842 kilning temperature 181 liquid analysis 723 - filter 310 monoterpenes 67 - during filtration 526
indirect introducers 903 kilns with tipping floors 186 - heat 490 - in 234 mouth control 639 - in the bottle neck 677
inductive flow measurement Kolbach index 199 - strikes 979 - tun kettle 269 moving batch system 175 - on steeping 263
(IDM) 656, 746, 875 Kolsch 841 lobed rotor pumps 958 - vessels 269 module filters 541 ozone 93
infusion mashing 280, 281 kometronic process 553 logarithmic phase mashing 268 multi micro system filters 541
inhibitors 164 krausen kollapsing 463 (log phase) 417 - duration 287 mLUuch malt 190,192 P
ink jet printer 691 kriek 844 Louis Pasteur 24 - with adjuncts 288 mycotoxin 142 packaging teclmology 773
inliners 772 kristallweizen 837 lubricative ring seal 964 - with maize corn 292 myrcene 66 packer types 775
inspect glass bottles 636 Kubessa process 562 lucky cans 729 - with rice 291 packers for continuous
inspection of foreign - with sorghum 292 N operation 777
substances 721 L M - with sugar or net-positive-suction-head - for multiple packages 778
insulation materials 1016 label adhesive 686 magnesium 821 sugar syrups 293 (NPSH) 963 pale ale 842
integral brewhouse 385 label removal 622 magnetic devices 119 mashing-in temperahue 273 Nibem method 832 pale malt 145, 181, 202
interior sidewall control 640 labelling machines 690 maillard products 161,327 mashing-off temperahue 251 lucotine acid 97 pallet control 789
internal boiler 329 - of PET bottles 718 - reactions 161,573 mass filter 524 lutrogen 904 - magazines 786
internally toothed pumps 958 labels 692 maize 105,826 measuring teclmology 977 - compounds 48 - pressure control 787
interrupted fermentation 593 Lactobacillus malt cleaning 193 - transducers 978 - gas 741 palletising 782
iodine test 249 amylolyticus 263 - drink 850 mechanical cleaning 817 - metabolism 101 pallets 765
iso-ex-acids 54,370 - amylovorus 263 - evaluation 195 - premasher 275 - oxide-rich gas (NOX) 182, 183 pantothenic 97
isoamyl acetate 436 - brevis 860 - extract 207 - vapour compression 347 nitrosamines 182 Pasteur effect 418
1054 1055

- in a tunnel pasteur
- plans
piston pumps
procedural mimic
diagram 994
r brewhouses
reserve osmosis
saturation beer with
carbon dioxide 470
S-methyl methionine
- in bottles 679 pitching 460 process control 437, 461 resident equivalence value saving water 95 181
- unit (PU) 557,679 - cellar 456 production of cooling 904 scavenger 667 smoked beers 852
- lUlits necessary 558 - temperature 462 potential 947 residual alkalinity 91 schoko procedure 358 smoked malt 205
Paul Lindner 24 plan kilns with loader 187 - of munich malt 192 resid ualliquid detection 638 Schumann treatment 806 S02 formation 500
PCR 862 plansifter 126 - of pilsner malt 191 respiration 421 scotch ale 842 sodium hydroxide 564, 630
Pectinatus cerevisiiphilus 860 plant design 998 programme modules 983 retentate 544 screw centrifugal pumps 957 - in water 89
Pediococcus danulosus 559, - elements 994 propanol 820 return of condensate 927 - compressors 946, 967 solubisation of 158
860 - pests 142 protein breakdown 163 riboflavin 97 - conveyors 128 sorghum 113
Pegasus 307 - platming 994 - breakdown products 50 1M - turner 169, 172, 173 - malt 209
PEN 720 plastic bands 681,729 proteinases 156 rinsing 692 scroll compressors 968 sorting crown corks 667
pentadion. 429 - crates 764 proteins 49,50 roasted malt 205 scuffing 612 - packers 672
pentosans 48 - crates treatment 766 pub breweries 889 - malt beer 206 scutellum 42 specific gravity 374
peptidases 156 - screw cap closures 714 - brewhouses 384 robot technology 782 second mashing 282 spelt 208
performance run 1000 plate heat exchangers 400 pumps 954 rollers of malt mills 232 - wort 296 spent grain analysis 321
performing wort boiling 367 Plato table 376 pure yeast culture rolling piston compressors sedicanter 513 - grain silo 320,366
pericarp 42 pneumatic conveyors 130 propagation 443 938 segment pipe cooler 493 - grain transfer 320
peristaltic (hoses) pmnps 961 - malting systems 166 PVPP 541 rootlets 144 self cleaning separators 395 - grains 320,892
perlite 399, 407, 520 polyacrylate 520 pycnometer 865 Ross and Clark method separation of media 1003 spring barley 39
permanent hazes 561 polyamide 520 pyridoxal 97 (R&C) 871 - to preclarify 570 stabilising agents 563
- magnet 119 polyether SUlfOll 520, 548 pyruvate 418, 420, 421, 224 rotating piston pumps 954, separators 393 stage optimised aroma
permeate 544 polymerase chain reaction 959 sesquiterpenes 66 boiling 355
pest infestations 142 (PCR) 862 Q rougluless value 1003, 1021, settling tank 360,387 standard operating
PET barriere properties 694 polyphenols 52, 67, 68, 439 quality examination 857 1028 shaped cans 729 systems 983
- bottles 694 polyurethane foam 496 rousing 460 shear forces 253,278 starch 45
pH of the wort 328 polyvinylpolypyrrolidone rye 105,208 sheet filters 524 starch breakdown 162
- value 85 (PVPP) 541 R short grown and - degradation 246
- value meters 875 Porter 843 radial fans 965 S chit malt 204 - granules 44
phenylacetaldehyde 575 post-run 477 - rake 149 saccharifaction 248 shut-off valve 311,1009, - ha ze 246
phenylethanal 330, 352 potassium 78, 85, 87, 820 raffinose 104 saccharification rest 250, 277 1013 static mixers 405
phenylethanol 436, 820 powder filters 525 - fermentation 104, 833 saccharomyces silica gel preparations 563 stationary cooling 943
phosphates 452, 427, 806 - factor cos cp 949 real percentage attenuation carlsbergensis 96 - sol preparations 568 steam 919
phospholipids 98 - heat coupling plant 349 465 - cerevisiae 96 silicates 52 - engines 872
phosphorous 903 precoating 523, 525 rectifiers and inverters 952 - diastaticus 556, 807 single end washing - pipes 1017
pilsner malt 1178, 191, 202 preforms 698 red corn 56 - ellipsoideus 861 machines 614 - temperature 331
pilsner type 822 pressure indicator 489 redler 129 - pastorianus 861 - floor tipping kiln 187 steep conditioning 238
pipe and instrument - losses 979 refined corn grits 106 saccharose 374 - mash processes 283 - vessels 143
mimic 994 - mashing 287 refraction analysis 865 safety measures, electrical - seat valve 1023 steeping process 144, 152
pipe and plant design 1003 - measurement 877 refrigerants 929 equipment 952 - stage cooling 947 steinbier 852
- connections 1007 - tank warehouse 573 refrigeration plants 929 - valves 475 - vessel pure yeast stimulators 164
- design 1007 - valve 474 Reinheitsgebot 23 sampling 489 culture 452 Stockhausen-Cobli tz 454
- fence 483 pretreatment of bottles 643 relief valve 474 - fittings 981, 1021 six packs 765 storage in bins 1141
- holders 1009 principles of bottle filling 641 removal of CO 2 485 sartoflow crossflow - roller mills 229 - in silos 140
- outlets 1016 proanthocyanidins 180 research and training filtration 552 - row barley 39 - vessel tapping 475

I i
1056 - 1-- 1057
I - water treatment 905 - pre-cooling 356
s trecker aldehydes 179, 327, - value 365, 918 - stage cooling 403, 947 water 79 - sterilisation 32
strecker aldehydes 328, 330, thermocompression 348 - cycle 79 - stripping procedure 360
352 thermometer 375, 483 U - hardening 92 wrap-arow1d labelling 685
streptocossus lactis 861 thermo-siphon boiling 334 Ubbelohde capillary - hardness 88 -- multipacks 765
stretch blow moulding thiamine 97 viscosimeter 256 - improvement procedures
machine 701 thin film evapoator unboiled wort 266, 326, 330 89 X
stromboli procedure 340, 364 "merlin" 361 underpressure 1006 - obtaining 81 xaI1than 832
subcoooling the aI1Ul10nia thiobarbituric acid amount uni-cont malting system 176 - recycling 81
932 (TBA) 179, 182,200, lU1saturated fatty acids 51, - requirements 84 y
sugar 44,108 327, 329, 353, 373 52, 99, 239, 258, 425, 574 - sterilisation 93 yeast 96, 415
- syrup 109 three mash processes 283 wlscrewer 717 - uptake on steeping 143 - cell 96
sulphate in water 88 three pass boilers 922 UV irradiation 93 water, decarbonation by - cell membrane 96,426
superheated steam 921 throughed chain conveyor neutralisation 92 - cellar 456
su perhea ter 926 129 V -, removal of dissolved - collection 470, 508
suppression of alcohol tipping weighing machines vacuoles 100 materials 82 - crop 508
formation 593 225 vacuum drier 138 -, residual alkalinity 88 - cropping 507
surface coating 612 toothed rotor compressors - evaporation 357 -, softening by ion - membrane filtration 512
- constihltions 1028 967 - valve 486 exchaI1ge 92 - multiplication 101
- filtration 519 top fermenting yeasts 103, valve 1022 water-tube boilers 922 - pressing 512
- roughness 478, 479 835 vapour brakes 1016 weighing machines 115,224 - propagation 98, 399, 443
surplus yeast 499, 511, 910 topping up 417,427 - compression 347 welded seams 1028 - propagation plants 447
swan neck tap 302 Torulopsis 861 - condensate 366 well type fi tting 757 - proteinase A 479
sweet stout 843 total alkalini ty 87 - condensation 302 wet milling 237,241 - separation 506
swing stopper 572, 900 tower maltings 169 ventilators 932 - steam 921 - sieve 506
systems with displacement h'ansamination 424 venting the pipes 1015 wheat 113 yield during malting 195
172 transformers or voltage venturi pipe 405 - beers 821 - factor 376
chaI1gers 952 vertical kilning 189 - malt 206 yowlg beer flavour 432
T transforming electric current vicinale diketone 429 whirlpool 388
tangential flow filtration 546 952 vierula malt 202 - kettle 345 Z
tanginess 859 traI1sport aI1d packaging 763 vinyl-guajakol 826 widgets 725, 748 zearalenon (ZEA) 143
tank bottom beer 477 - technology 768 vinyl-phenol 826 wing wheel signallers 876 zinc 261,293,330,419
- bottom beer, treatment 479 Trappist beers 833 viscosity of the wort 161 winter barley 39
- dome valves 486 trays 765 visualisation the produres Witbeer 843
- size 480 trehalose 417, 426 982 wooden barrels 472,753
taruuns 46,67 trieur 121 vitamins 53 - vats 472
tap 1022 triticale 108, 208 vitreolls malt 179 work in pressure vessels 596
taste quality 859 turbocom pressors 939 working with kieselgulu- 597
tempera hIre meters 875 turn-key plant 990 W wort aeration 399
- of pasteurisation 557 twin-flow-system (TFS) 535 walking beaIn procedure 681 - boiling 323
temporary hardness 87 twist-off crown cork 667 washable extract 321 - buffer vessels 368
temp-plates 493 two component jets 405 washing and steeping - COOlillg 393
testa 42 - floor kilns 188 drum 150 - kettle 331
tetrahydro-iso-extract 78 - mash processes 284 waste disposal 901 - kettle with low pressure
thermal insulation 496 - roller mills 231 - water 901,902 boiling 336

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