Asymmetry in Farm Retail Price Transmiss 7965b1e6

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No.



Sahara1, and Bagus Wicaksena2

lecturer in Department of Economics, Bogor Agricultural University and Deputy
Director in International Center for Applied Finance and Economics
Staff/Junior Researcher Center for Domestic Trade Policy, Trade Policy Analysis and
Development Agency, Ministry of Trade, Indonesia

Artikel diterima Februari 2013

Artikel disetujui untuk dipublikasikan Juli 2013

A decade of strong economic growth and rapid urbanization are transforming
outlets are reorganizing how high value fruit and vegetable supply chains operate,
effecting quantities, varieties, quality and prices. Among the agricultural development
these transforming fruit and vegetable markets. This study examines asymmetric price
transmission in chili supply chains to assess emerging market failures and potential
equity implications for producers and consumers. The Indonesian government recognizes
chilies as one of its 10 priority crops. Chilies are produced by more than 400,000 small
scale producers and are an essential ingredient in the Indonesian daily diet. Historically,
chili markets have exhibited large price fluctuations in Indonesia. Two methods for
examining asymmetric price transmission are compared using monthly data over an 18
commonly believed that modern retail sectors are increasing market power and
influencing prices, both models suggest that there is no price asymmetry issue in the chili
supply chain in Indonesia.
Key word: chili, price, asimetric, transmission

INTRODUCTION (Indonesia Retailers Association and

MediaData in Pandin, 2009). The
For a variety of reasons, including
rapid growth of income per capita, dramatic increase in supermarket chains
liberalization of trade, foreign direct has led to a transformation of the supply
chains of High Value Agricultural
investment and urbanization, modern
Products (HVAPs) in terms of improving
market chains have penetrated rapidly in
to developing countries (Reardon and on quality and food safety standard,
Berdegué, 2002; Reardon et al., 2004). prices and consistency in supply of
HVAPs (Weatherspoon and Reardon,
Similar situations occur in Indonesia
2003; Reardon et al., 2004). Such
where in 1970 only one supermarket was
available and since 2008 around 11,868 situations lead to efficiency issue as well
modern markets have been operating in as distributional consequences in the
Indonesia particularly in JavaIsland. agricultural development particularly in
During 2004-2008 the number of
One of important HVAPs in
modern markets- minimarket,
supermarket and hypermarket- increased Indonesia is chili that including as 10
priority crops producing by more than
significantly by about 80.23 percent
400,000 small scale producers and are an

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

essential ingredient in the Indonesian to Indonesian horticultural sector as well

daily diet (Ministry of Agricultural, cited as its production aspect. In 1992 the
in AGRINA, 2009). The chili crop contribution of chili to the value of
exhibits a large price fluctuation and horticulture sector only 0.25% and
many people feel that the chili price reached around 3.54% in 2007
transmission from producer and (Department of Agriculture, 2008b and
consumer levels are not transmitted in Central Bureau of Statistics, 2008). From
the same speed. Although price 1996 to 2007 the production of chili in
asymmetry exists in most agricultural national level grew by about 9.15
products, no studies confirm the percent with the main production area is
asymmetric price issue in the chili Java Island that contributed by about
supply chain in Indonesia. 58.73 percent. Among provinces in Java
Analyzing price asymmetry is Island, those three provinces, i.e. West
important in providing information about Java, East Java and Central Java
the welfare between producers and contributed around 22.48, 19.33 and
consumers, as well as, as an indicator of 13.13 percent to the national production
price efficiency in the marketing channel (Department of Agriculture, 2008a). It is
(Balcombe,, 2007; Cutts and expected that the production of chili will
Kirsten, 2006; Koutroumanidis, et al., increase since the Indonesian population
2009; Miller and Hayenga, 2001). and consumption per capita of chili
Evidence of asymmetric price increase.
transmission indicates that a group is not To capture the current market
benefiting from a price reduction situation of chili, a scoping study was
(consumers) or increase (producers) that conducted in West Java and Central Java
would, under conditions of symmetry, in August-September 2009. Several
have taken place sooner (Meyer and v. players were involved in the supply
Cramon-Taubadel, 2004). Furthermore, chain of red chili in Indonesia, i.e.
the slow response of price changes farmers, collectors, wholesalers, food
between producer and consumer levels industries, modern retailers, traditional
show inefficiency and inequity of price retailers and consumers. Collectors have
transmission in the marketing channel an important position since around 60-
(Miller and Hayenga (2001). 70% of chili volume from farmers is
delivered directly to collectors before
being distributed to other middlemen
who will deliver chili to food industries
and retailers. Farmers and buyers are
currently coordinating through
Indonesia is one of the major production and marketing contracts.
countries that produce chili in the world However, because substantial price
although only a small amount of fresh fluctuations occur, supply chain
chilies are traded from Indonesia to participants have been unable to pre-
international markets (on average 739.48 determine prices. Therefore, current
tones and 155.99 of chilies are exported contracts contain no price specifications.
and imported respectively during 1996- Chili prices will be determined by
2007), the value of chili trade balance current market prices, thus both farmers
tended to increase, indicating the and buyers are faced with price risk.
potential market at the international Before a participant delivers chili to the
level. next participants in the chili supply
The recent data also indicate an chain, he/she will collect the price
increasing trend in the chili contribution

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

information from the reference markets, have been conducted in developed

i.e. major wholesale markets. countries by applying various
The traders in major wholesale econometric methods. Among those
markets explained that prices will be methods, the Houck model, the
determined depend on daily situation of cointegration method and the threshold
demand and supply of chili in these autoregressive specification are widely
markets. For example, when a lot of used in detecting price asymmetry
chilies are delivered to major wholesale (Reziti & Panagopoulos, 2008).
markets while demand in normal Houck (1977) proposed a price
situation, then chili prices will decrease. asymmetry test by dividing of
Chili prices will increase when chili independent variables, i.e. farm
supply in the major wholesale markets (producer) prices into rising and falling
decrease or when demand of chili phases. Kinnucan & Forker (1987)
increase particularly on the national big adopted the Houck approach to test price
celebration, i.e. idul fitri. Similar asymmetry in dairy products in the
situation occurs in modern market where United States and conclude the evidence
chili prices from supplier to supermarket of asymmetry in the farm-retail price
depend on market prices of chili in the transmission process with the speed of
major wholesale markets that will be adjustment in the retailer level for price
renegotiation each week. The increase being faster than for a decrease
supermarket supplier receives chili in dairy prices. Aguiar & Santana (2005)
payment from modern markets HPSOR\ +RXFN¶V PHWKRG IRU VRPH
fortnightly. agricultural products, i.e. tomatoes,
In order to assess emerging market onions, coffee, powdered milk, rice and
failures and potential equity implications beans in Brazil. Except onion and rice,
for producers and consumers in the chili the rest products under analysis are
market, the main purpose of this paper is asymmetry with higher transmission rate
to investigate asymmetry price for price increases. Capps & Sherwell
transmission between producer and (2007) compare to two methods, i.e.
consumer levels in Indonesia. The Houck and von Cramon-Taubadel and
analysis will be focused on the three Loy error correction model (ECM) to
main production areas of chili in detect price asymmetry in milk products
Indonesia, i.e. West Java, Central Java farm prices to retail prices in the seven
and East Java. Analyzing at a regional cities in USA. Both methods conclude
level is essential since most of previous the existence of price asymmetry in the
studies focus on asymmetric price seven cities, except for the case of 2% of
transmission only at national level. In milk in Seattle.
fact, as Frey and Manera (2007) show von Cramon-Taubadel and Loy
the incidence of price asymmetry (1996) and von Cramon-Taubadel (1998)
depends not only on the type of product initiate cointegration techniques in
but also the location of analysis. testing price asymmetry that knowing as
an error correction model (ECM).
THERITICAL FRAMEWORK AND Similar to Houck method, the ECM has
LITERATURE REVIEW been utilized extensively by many
An extensive literature has evolved authors and the conclusions of
dealing with price transmission issue asymmetry price issues are inconclusive.
mainly focused on commodities that Pfaff, et al., (2003) conclude the
VLJQLILFDQWO\ FRQWULEXWH WR FRQVXPHUV¶ existence of price asymmetry at the
daily expenditure such as gasoline and producer-wholesale levels in the meat
agricultural products. Most of the studies marketing channel in Germany, but no

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

evidence of price asymmetry for the Balcombe et al. (2007). Unfortunately, at

wholesale-retail levels. Bakucs & Fertõ an empirical level, the data required for
(2005) reject the existence of price the threshold model, i.e. transportation
asymmetry in Hungarian pork market. and transaction cost, are rarely available
Cutts & Kirsten (2006) find out (Balcombe et al., 2007; Sanjua & Gil,
asymmetric price in four South African 2001). As a result many authors still
agro-food industries, i.e. maize, wheat, prHIHU WR DSSO\ ERWK +RXFN¶V PRGHO DQG
sunflower and milk. Asche, et al. (2007) ECM to test the asymmetric price issue.
conclude asymmetry in the salmon price
transmission process in Norway and UK. METHODOLOGY
Reziti and Panagopoulos (2008) compare 1. The econometric Model
between a variants of ECM which is Due to the limitation of
based on the Engle-Granger two-step transportation and transaction cost data
estimation method (ECM-EG) and LSE- in the chili supply chain in Indonesia, the
Hendry general to specific models methods that will be employed in this
(GETS) in testing asymmetry price in paper are is Houck approach and a
food, fruit and vegetable markets in variant of ECM in Reziti and
Greek. Both models agree the existence Panagopoulos (2008), i.e.ECM-EG.
price asymmetry in food, but reject price There are three stages applied in testing
asymmetry in fruit markets. However, no price asymmetry which based on the
unified conclusion between the two stages in Rao and Rao, (2005), Reziti
models in vegetable market where ECM- and Panagopoulos (2008) and Capps and
EG rejects price asymmetry while GETS Sherwell (2007). First, the cointegration
model concludes the evidence of price issue must be checked as well as the
asymmetry. number of lags tthat will be included in
The cointegration model that is each asymmetry equation. Second, the
utilized by authors above cannot capture causality relationship between producer
non-linearity issue in price transmission (farm) and consumer prices must be
mechanisms. In fact, as Balcombe et al. determined. After that asymmetry price
(2007) state there are two main factors in Indonesian chili supply chain will be
leading to non-linearity of price exist, analyzed by following Houck approach
i.e. high transaction and transportation and ECM-EG.
cost. Both can cause imperfect arbitrage 1.1. Cointegration issue
and are examined whenever price The first stage is to verify the
differentials are larger than the cost of cointegration between producer price
transaction (Koutroumanidis et al., and consumer price series. The
2009). Accordingly in such situation, stationary price series data at producer
some authors prefer to utilize threshold and consumer level in each province are
model to test the existence of nonlinear confirmed by applying the Augmented
transaction costs and the incidence of Dickey Fuller (ADF) test. Then for each
price bands where there is no price series that are cointegrated in same
transmission (Reziti & Panagopoulos, order, the application of the Johansen
2008). Early studies applying this model and Juselius, (1990) are used to test their
include asymmetric price in the Swiss cointegration as indicated in equation
pork market by Abdulai (2002); (1a) and (1b).
asymmetric price in farm-milled rice in k
Arkansas, Lousiana, California and Pt P ¦3 P i t 1 et (1a)
Texas by No et al. (2004); and the j 1

evidence of threshold effects in Brazilian

wheat, maize and soya prices by

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

where Pt is vector of producer and The conclusion is indicated below;

consumer prices (PP and CP); and et is (i) if S1 • DQG S 2 • WKHUH LV D
Gaussian residuals feedback long-run relationship
Re-parameterize the the equation (1a) between the two variables
into the VECM form (equation 1b) is (ii) if S1 = 0 and S 2 • VR PPt in
needed to determine the rank of 3 and the long-run causes CPt
to reach the conclusion about the number (iii) if S1 • DQG S 2 = 0, so CPt in
of co-integration equations.
k 1 the long-run causes PPt
'Pt c 3Pt 1 ¦ B 'P
j 1
j t j H t (1b)
1.3. The issue of Asymmetry (ECM
where 3 is a matrix of long run and YHUVXV +RXFN¶V PRGHO
adjustment parameters; B j is matrix of Supposed based in stage 2,
the short-run parameter; H t is vector of assuming that PP cause PC, therefore the
Houck approach can be written as
i.d; and jis the number of lags. Trace
statistic will be used in testing the
cointegration between producer and 'CPt D 0 D1'PPt D 2 'PPt H t (3)
consumer prices for each province.
Where PP and PC are producer and
1.2. Causality test consumer prices respectively.
Granger causality test is applied to
'PPt PPt PPt 1 , if PPt> PPt-1and 0
investigate the causality between
producer and consumer prices. Two otherwise; 'PPt PPt PPt 1 , if PPt<
equations are used in this step (equation PPt-1and 0 otherwise. Many literatures
2a and 2b). In equation 2a, a regression conclude that there is a time adjustment
equation of the producer prices is run as for producer price to change in the
a function of lagged producer and consumer price (Capps and Sherwell,
consumer prices. Equation 2b is 2007). As a result, a static model above
consisted of consumer prices as can be re- specified as a dynamic model
dependent variable and two independent as follow (equation 6).
variables, i.e. lagged consumer and M1 M2
producer prices. Those equations based
on two-step methodology proposed by
'CPt D0 ¦D1i 'PPt
i 0
i ¦D
i 0
2i 'PPt i Ht
Granger and Engle (1987). Following (4)
Reziti and Panagopoulos (2008) and 7KH .1i coefficient corresponds to
Koutroumanidis, et al. (2009), the the impact of rising producer prices on
causality test is concluded by applying a FRQVXPHU SULFHV DQG WKH .2i
weak exogeneity test. coefficientcorresponds to the impact of
n1 n2
falling producer prices on consumer
'PPt P1 ¦ E pp'PPt i
i 1
i 0
pc 'CPt i S 1Z t1 1 et1
prices. A formal test of asymmetry
(2a) hypothesis is indicated by equation (5).
If the Ho is rejected then we conclude
and that there is asymmetric price
n1 n2 transmission from consumer prices to
'CPt P2 ¦E
i 0
pp 'PPt i ¦E
i 1
pc 'CPt i S 2 Z t 2 1 et 2 producer prices.
M1 M2
H 0 : ¦D1i ¦D 2i (5)
i 0 i 0

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

The ECM-EG model has the following production areas of chili in Java Island,
form: i.e. West Java, Central Java and East
n2 n1 Java provinces are utilized in the
'PPt P1 ¦E
i 0
PC 'CP t i ¦E
PP 'PP t i S1Zt 1 analysis. The chili prices at consumer
n3 n4
level were deflated by the regional
i 0 i1 regional agricultural price indexes are
The plus (+) superscripts on the utilized to deflate the chili prices at
coefficients and the variables indicate producer level. Those data are published
that changes in the variables are by Indonesian Central Bureau of
positives. The minus (-) superscript Statistics.
The producer and consumer prices
indicate that changes in the variables are
negative (Rao and Rao, 2005). To test utilized in this paper are expressed in
the existence of asymmetric price terms of IDR per kilogram. Average real
transmission hypothesis in equation (3) a producer prices of chili ranged from IDR
formal F-test will be utilized as the null 5,417 per kilogram (West Java) to IDR
hypothesis indicate in equation (4). The 7,041 per kilogram (East Java). Average
evidence of the asymmetric price real consumer prices of chili ranged from
transmission in the chili supply chain is IDR 13,299 per kilogram (Central Java)
included if the null hypothesis is to IDR 17,583 (East Java). East Java has
rejected. the highest level of coefficient of
variation (Table 1). To reduce the
H 0 : S1 S2 (7) variation of the data, we transform our
data into natural logarithm form that
2. The data would from economic perspective allow
The chili price data at the producer us to interpret the result in elasticity
and consumer levels from January 1990 terms.
to December 2007 in the three main
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Chili Prices at the Producer and Consumer Levels from
January 1990 to December 2007 in the Three Provinces
Real prices Natural Logarithm
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. CV Mean Std. Dev. CVa
West Java
- Producer price (PP) 216 5,417 2,833 52.30 8.48 0.46 5.47
- Consumer price (CP) 216 13,522 10,393 76.86 9.27 0.69 7.41
Central Java
- Producer price (PP) 216 6,371 5,773 90.61 9.13 0.85 9.33
- Consumer price (CP) 216 13,299 12,707 95.55 8.51 0.65 7.66
East Java
- Producer price (PP) 216 7,041 6,560 93.17 8.61 0.64 7.48
- Consumer price (CP) 216 17,583 17,549 99.81 9.34 0.94 10.02
coefficient of variance (in percent)

RESULT AND DISCUSSION levels. The trace statistic tests show that
every pair of chili price series under
The results of ADF indicate the
consideration in the three provinces are
presence of a unit root for all price series
cointegrated at the level one (Table 2).
in levels. This indicates that stationarity
has accomplished for all price series in

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1


rd West Java Central Java East Java
0 29.80* 26.13* 29.06*
1 11.01 10.81 10.02
Significant at the 5% level

The causality tests show that the (2005), and Capps and Sherwell (2007).
values of F-test for Zt-1 FRHIILFLHQWV Œ1 As a result for asymmetric test we
and Œ2) in both equations are significant estimate two equations for each
in the three provinces (Table 3). province, i.e. one equation associated
Therefore, we conclude the simultaneous with consumer price causes producer
relationship between producer and SULFH &3:33 DQG RQH HTXDWLRQ UHODWHG
consumer prices in West Java, Central to producer price causes consumer price
Java and East Java. The results differ 33:&3 7KHUHIRUH ZH KDYH
from previous studies where most of equations associated with asymmetric
them conclude that producer price cause price in the Houck and the ECM
consumer price, e.g. Kinnucan and approaches.
Forker (1987), Aguiar and Santana
Table 3. Granger causality results
Province No. of lags Weak exogeneity Causality results
Price 1 Price 2
H 0 : S1 0 H0 : S 2 0
West Java 1 5.42* 7.57** PP causes CP and CP
(0.0209) (0.0065) FDXVHV 33 33<&3
Central Java 2 9.45** 8.43** PP causes CP and CP
(0.0024) (0.0041) FDXVHV 33 33<&3
East Java 1 9.45** 8.43** PP causes CP and CP
(0.0024) (0.0041) FDXVHV 33 33<&3
*Significant at the 5% level and ** significant at the 1% level
Table 4 and 5 presents the With the Houck approach, the
estimated coefficients and the estimated cumulative effect on the dependent
p-values concerning the Houck approach variable of rising prices exceed the
and the ECM-EG approach for both cumulative effect of falling prices occur
equations in the three provinces. In at PP : CP equations in West Java and
general, the Houck and ECM-EG East Java; and at CP:33 HTXDWLRQV LQ
approaches produce consistence Central Java and East Java. In the other
parameter estimation both sign and size. WZR HTXDWLRQV &3:33 LQ :HVW -DYD
At the level significance 5%, variable DQG 33:&3 LQ &HQWUDO -DYD WKH
associated with current time of the rising cumulative fall exceed the cumulative
price variables and the declining price rise. However, in all equations in the
variables are significant. This finding Houck approach, the F-test values are
indicates that the producer (or consumer) insignificant at the level 5 percent,
prices adjust with the changes in accepting the null hypothesis. Therefore,
consumer (or producer) price at the same there is no evidence of price asymmetry
period. The number of lag associated between producer and consumer prices
with rising and declining price variables in the three provinces, over this data
typically are one in West Java and East period. The price rises or falls pass on
Java and two in Central Java. the same speed between producers and
consumers in the three provinces.

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

Table 4. Empirical results of Houck approach of chili in the three provinces, January
1990-December 2007
West Java Central Java East Java
&3:33 33:&3 &3:33 33:&3 &3:33 33:&3
Intercept 0.012 -0.028 -0.003 0.033 -0.009 0.004
(0.563)b (0.112) (0.908) (0.171) (0.718) (0.837)
¨&3-t 0.452* 0.522* 0.492*
(0.000) (0.033) (0.000)
¨&3-t-1 0.045 0.097 0.081
(0.532) (0.148) (0.235)
¨&3-t-2 -0.029
¨33-t 0.864* 1.004 0.926*
(0.000) (0.000)* (0.000)
¨33-t-1 -0.046 0.024 -0.100
(0.694) (0.821) (0.227)
¨33-t-2 0.062
¨&3 t 0.324* 0.463 0.549
(0.000) (0.000)* (0.000)*
¨&3+t-1 0.096 0.014 0.120
(0.123) (0.845) (0.113)
¨&3+t-2 0.155*
¨33+t 1.054* 0.980* 0.979*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
¨33+t-1 -0.030 -0.030 -0.032
(0.615) (0.684) (0.581)
¨33+t-2 -0.159*
Cumulative 0.497 0.818 0.590 1.090 0.573 0.826
Cumulative 0.420 1.024 0.632 0.791 0.669 0.947
R2 0.356 0.690 0.435 0.6512 0.416 0.728
R -adj 0.343 0.684 0.412 0.6410 0.404 0.722
F-test for 0.22 1.00 0.05 1.66 0.35 0.55
symmetry (0.638) (0.319) (0.825) (0.199) (0.558) (0.459)
parameter estimate
In ECM-EG approach, only the between producer (consumer) and
cumulative effect on the dependent consumer (producer) prices where the
YDULDEOHV RI GHFOLQLQJ SULFHV Π-) in null hypothesis is accepted by all
&HQWUDO -DYD DQG (DVW -DYD DW 3&: 33 equations in the three provinces. Price
equations significant at 5% level. At the falls are passed in the same speed with
same significant level, no cumulative price rises.
effect associated with rising prices Π+) The result from both Houck and
is significant for all equations in each ECM-EG approaches agree in terms of
provinces. Similar to Houck approach, rejecting price asymmetry issue in the
the Wald test reject asymmetry price chili supply chain in the three provinces.
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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

Similarly, Aguiar and Santana (2005) prices. The supply chain participants
conclude asymmetry price in onion and both in modern markets and traditional
rice in Brazil as well as the Reziti and markets are unable to predetermine chili
Panagopoulos (2008) study that report prices in their current market contract.
asymmetry price in fruits and vegetables Therefore, price changes from consumer
markets in Greek. As a perishable level will be transmitted at the same
product which has a large price speed to producer level as well as
fluctuation, both producers and increasing prices or decreasing prices
consumers of chili in Indonesia will refer from producer level to consumer level.
to reference markets in determining chili
Table 5. Empirical results of ECM approach of chili in the three provinces, January 1990
December 2007
West Java Central Java East Java
&3:33 33:&3 &3:33 33:&3 &3:33 33:&3
Intercept 0.023 -0.007 0.005 0.026 -0.024 0.076
(0.337) b (0.845) (0.868) (0.599) (0.496) (0.181)
¨&3-t 0.427* 0.504* 0.476*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
¨&3-t-1 0.003 -0.059 -0.055 -0.155 0.060 -0.135
(0.975) (0.641) (0.516) (0.137) (0.609) (0.188)
¨&3-t-2 -0.003 0.102
(0.972) (0.368)
¨33-t 1.225* 1.106* 1.049*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
¨33-t-1 0.157 -0.044 0.079 0.056 0.062 -0.001
(0.223) (0.823) (0.546) (0.750) (0.609) (0.996)
¨33-t-2 -0.012 -0.010
(0.926) (0.953)
¨&3 t 0.327* 0.446* 0.529*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
¨&3+t-1 0.118 -0.178** -0.013 -0.032 0.130 -0.204**
(0.086) (0.092) (0.876) (0.778) (150) (0.069)
¨&3 t-2 0.147** -0.132
(0.081) (0.243)
¨33+t 0.746* 0.698* 0.638*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
¨33+t-1 -0.137 0.349* -0.037 0.122 -0.134 0.146
(0.152) (0.020) (0.715) (0.362) (0.208) (0.262)
¨33+t-2 -0.091 -0.064
(0.386) (0.642)
Œ- -0.052 -0.135** -0.182* -0.169** -0.217* 0.010
(0.359) (0.058) (0.004) (0.094) (0.009) (0.907)
Œ+ -0.067 -0.032 -0.035 -0.053 -0.358 -0.118**
(0.229) (0.554) (0.555) (0.370) (0.546) (0.061)
R2 0.383 0.393 0.477 0.476 0.046 0.458
R -adj 0.359 0.370 0.446 0.444 0.439 0.437
F-test for 0.03 0.88 2.23 0.69 2.22 0.83
symmetry (0.873) (0.350) (0.137) (0.408) (0.138) (0.363)
parameter estimate
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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

Short run and long run elasticities causes 10.54% increase in consumer
for increases and decreases both in SULFH ZKLOH LQ &3:33 HTXDWLRQ D
&3:33 DQG 33:&3 HTXDWLRQV DUH increase in consumer price of chili
presented in Table 6 (Houck approach) causes 3.24% increase in producer price.
and in Table 7 (ECM-EG approach). 0RUHRYHU LQ &3 : 33 HTXDWLRQ RI ERWK
With the Houck approach, the short run approaches, short run elasticities
elasticities are the coefficients of current associated with rising prices are greater
differencing of falling and rising prices, than declining prices except in East Java.
D1t and D 2t , while the long-run :KLOH LQ 33:&3 HTXDWLRQ LQ ERWK
elasticities are calculated from the approaches, short run elasticities
summation of all coefficients associated associated with rising prices are greater
price falls or price rises. Similar to than declining prices except in Central
Houck approach, the short run Java.
elasticities of the ECM-EG approach are It is interesting to note that the
obtained from the coefficients of current long run elasticities in the Houck
differencing of falling and rising prices. DSSURDFK IRU 33 :&3 VHHP ORZHU WKDQ
Meanwhile, the long run elasticities are those in short run. Such situations
calculated from the coefficient of price happen since there is a trade off impact
in the first stage of ECM-EG equation of dependent variables at current time
(Reziti and Panagopoulos, 2008). and their lag. For instance based on
Both approaches provide short run value from Table 4 DW 33 :&3 HTXDWLRQ
and long run elasticities greater in in West Java, a 10% increase in producer
33:&3 HTXDWLRQ UDWKHU WKDQ WKRVH LQ price of chili causes an instantaneous
&3:33 HTXDWions. It indicates that 10.54% increase in consumer price and a
rising or declining prices in producer 0.3% decrease after one months.
level will be adjusted to consumer level +RZHYHU IRU &3:33 HTXDWLRQ WKH ORQJ
bigger than adjusting of rising or run elasticities are higher than those in
declining prices from consumer level to the short run. With the ECM approach,
producer level. For example for a Houck the long run elasticities seem higher than
model, a 10% increase in the producer short run elasticities in both equations.
price of chili in West Java in short run
Table 6. Elasticities of price transmission of chili with the Houck approach
Province Variable Short-Run Elasticity Long-Run Elasticity
ûPP - 1.054 - 1.024
û&3+ 0.324 - 0.420 -
West Java -
û33 - 0.864 - 0.818
û&3- 0.452 - 0.497 -
ûPP - 0.980 - 0.791
û&3+ 0.463 - 0.632 -
Central Java
û33- - 1.004 - 1.090
û&3- 0.522 - 0.590 -
ûPP+ - 0.979 - 0.947
û&3+ 0.549 - 0.669 -
East Java
û33- - 0.926 - 0.826
û&3- 0.492 - 0.573 -

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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, hlm. 1-13 Vol. 2 No. 1

Table 7. Elasticities of price transmission of chili with the ECM-EG approach

Province Variable Short-Run Elasticity Long-Run Elasticity
&3: 33 33 : &3 &3: 33 33 : &3
û33+ - 0.746 0.384 0.843
û&3 0.327 -
West Java
û33- - 1.225
û&3- 0.427 -
û33+ - 0.698 0.607 1.034
û&3+ 0.446 -
Central Java
û33- - 1.106
û&3- 0.504 -
û33 - 0.638 0.487 1.028
û&3+ 0.529 -
East Java
û33- - 1.049
û&3- 0.476 -

CONCLUSION major issue for chili in domestic market

Under the rapid development of so that the evidence of price efficiency is
modern market chains in Indonesia, it is necessarily considered for policy
commonly believe that their existence formulation. Center for Domestic Trade
will increase market power and Policy (2011) highlights the price
influencing prices leading to the stability in consumer level has been the
main concern of the government.
asymmetry issue in the chili supply
chain. By comparing the Houck and Therefore, trade policy that is formulated
ECM-EG approach, the empirical results to address this issue shall behold the fact
show cointegration between producer that the transmission in consumer price
and consumer prices in all provinces. to producer price is greatly higher than
Granger causality tests indicate a the vice versa.
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