Misfortune Must Be Spoken To A Person Carefully So That It Does Not Kill Him So Much

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Ex 6, 10.

1) If it were not for hope, the heart would break - Человек живет надеждой.

The absence of hope causes one to feel the greatest degree of sadness or despair possible. When things are

very difficult, what prevents us from giving up in despair is the hope that things will get better.

2) If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. – Аналог: подсластить пилюлю, т.е. добавить какие-
то утешительные слова к неприятному сообщению. 

Any misfortune must be spoken to a person carefully so that it does not kill him so much.
3) If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. – Если бы не было туч, то мы не ценили бы солнце.
Эквивалент: чем ночь темнее, тем ярче звезды. Из близкого по значению: без костей рыбки не бывает,
или не бывает лета без зимы, т.е. без трудностей нет успеха.   We can have too much of a good thing; and
happier times seem all the happier if they are interrupted now and again by gloomy spells. This is sometimes
basely used an excuse for accepting poverty, overwork and hardships.

4)  If things were to be done twice all would be wise. – Эквивалент: задним умом всяк крепок, т.е. всего
не предусмотришь, или знать бы, где упасть, соломки бы подослал.-  The proverb means that if people
were given a second chance to redo certain areas of their life they would probably make better decisions than
the decisions they had previously made. This proverb is similar to the one that goes "I wish I knew then what I
know now," since if the person knew in the past what was going to occur in the future or what the outcome of
their decision was they could change it in order to make the outcome a better one.

Ex 14, 36.

2) Should a child be punished? If not, how to make children obey?

When we talk about discipline, we usually refer to the efforts by parents and teachers to reduce
annoying child behaviors. Punishment is designed to reduce behavior and may appear like the perfect
match for these goals.  The term “discipline” includes the notions of instruction but also
of punishment.

It is not more effective and, in fact, moderate to severe application increases the risk for all sorts of
undesirable outcomes (e.g., aggressive and antisocial behavior, poor school performance, problems
of physical health, damage to the immune system). Teachers have no right to punish a child, that is,
to use physical force. If the child is guilty, then you can give him a low grade or intimidate that he may
be expelled from school. As a last resort, call his parents and describe the situation in which the
student was guilty. But the teacher should not beat someone else's child! Thus, he can leave a bad
impression of school in the child's head and generally discourage him from motivating him to study

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