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Ch- 1- Introduction- International Commercial Arbitration

Ch-2- international commercial arbitration in India

Ch-3- International Commercial Arbitration in UK

Ch-4- Analysis of the performance of both

Ch-5- Conclusion

Topic: Comparative study of legal issues in international commercial arbitration with specific
reference to India and UK

Chapter 1


1. Alternative Dispute Resolution

1.1. Origin and Development of Alternative dispute resolution system
1.2. Objectives of Alternative dispute resolution system
1.3. Various aspects of Alternative Disputes Resolution System
1.4. Arbitration process in general & International Commercial Arbitration
1.5. Arbitration and its various forms
1.6. Conclusion

Chapter 2

International Commercial Arbitration

2.1. International development of International Commercial Arbitration

2.1.1. Origin & Development of International commercial arbitration at International

2.1.2. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)

2.1.3. Theories/Principles of International Commercial Arbitrations

2.2. National development of International Commercial Arbitration

2.2.1. Concept of Arbitration
2.2.2. Regulations relating Arbitration
2.2.3. The Arbitration Act, 1940
2.2.4. Arbitration trends in India
2.2.5. Conclusion

3.1. International Commercial Arbitration in India: A Legislative Approach

3.1.1. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

3.1.2. 176th Report of Law Commission and its analysis

3.1.3. Foreign Awards under Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

3.1.4. Grey areas of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

3.1.5. The arbitration and conciliation (amendment) bill, 2003

3.1.6. Salem bar association case

3.2. Judicial Approach towards International Commercial Arbitration in India

3.2.1 Challenges to the Foreign Awards

3.2.2 Intervention by Courts

3.2.3 BALCO & White Industries


Chapter 4 International Arbitration law: a Comparative Study

4.1. Arbitration in Singapore

4.1.1 General background

4.1.2. Singapore Arbitration: Benefits to International users

4.1.3. Fundamental principles of procedure before the SICC

4.2 Arbitration in United State America

4.2.1 General background

4.2.2. Community-based dispute resolution

4.2.3. Dispute resolution in the judicial system

4.2.4. ADR programs through state court in U.S.A

4.3 International Commercial Arbitration (ICA) in other countries

Chapter 5 Case Study

Perkins Eastman


Konkan Railway

Chapter 6- Conclusion and Suggestion

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