Take The Money - or Run

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At long last,Petrolink's
founders have the
start-up capital they
need.The VCs check
is in hand-but so is
news that the investor
may have breached
the founders'trust.
Now what?

Take the
Money-or Run?
byJohn W. Mullins

T WAS NEARLY 9 PM. Robert lamcsoii, The BKX lawyers provided a fresh
Kjrl Fenstermann, and Nij^el kitson draft of the documents that included
of Petrolink Transport Tcchnolof^ies the agreed-upun changes from earlier
had been huddled since early morning in the day."|ust look at the highlighted
with their lawyers and with BRX Capi- passages,"said Walter."They're the only
tal's Lech Woitalik and Walter Cronbach ones that we need to reach agreement
and their two lawyers.! hey were in the on. Everything else is OK. We should
final, exhausting stages of negotiating have this wrapped up very soon."
a €4 million investment that would give With a sigh, Robert picked up the
Petrolink the cash it needed to build a newest draft. Despite Walter's recom-
natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea. mendation, he read carefully through
The check lay on the table. tlie whole document, wanting to be sure
After working all day and taking only he had not overlooked anything that he
a short break for supper, they were back or Kari would later regret.The financing
at the table. There were only six items was his responsibility, and he knew that
in the shareholders'agreement to work the Petrolink team was relying on his
out;cverythingelse was already settled. expertise to ensure that this part ofthe
Robert and Karl knew they could give in deal would be well managed.
on these points if they had to, though As he read the antidilution clause,
they were prepared to negotiate to get something caught his eye. He reread it,
the best deal they could. then read it once more. A quick check

HBR's cases, which arc ficlional, present coiniiu>!i manai^vrial dilemiiias

and offer concrete ^dludons fn>m experts.

NOVl-MHI K 2 0 0 4 35
HBR CASE STUDY • Take the Monev-or

against an earlier, predinner version of down soon. Bui we can put you up, and exactly what Gazprom woLild know
the shareholders'agreement confirmed the radio operator can get you in touch from its flow meters if its pipeline were
bis suspicions. The clause had been with your family." used. The information would give the
changed to language far more onerous Karl didn't mind. A night on board deep-pocketed competitor an edge as
to management. "What is this?" asked offered him a perfect opportunity to additional leases were auctioned.
Robert. "This antidilution clause is not get to know Per, a smart move in light "Anyway," he continued, "it's only a
the same as the one in the previous of Balto's interest in purchasing more temporary solution. That 16-inch pipe-
versions" rigs down the line. And he felt a certain line won't have the capacity to handle
pleasure in being warm and safe inside Helmark's output. The independents
The Opportunity while the wind and sea battered the rig will need their own -one twice the size,
The story had begun some 15 months outside. if the field's as rich as I think it is."
earlier, on a cold and blustery Baltic Despite a brief flash of sunshine, the Karl leaned forward. Was this an op-
night. Karl was then the managing di- wind stayed strong, and at 3:00 I'M. Per portunity for Beckman?
rector ofthe Eastern European division announced that the start of operations "Have you thought of building your
of Beckman Engineering, the world's would be postponed until the morning. own pipeline?" he asked."Obviously not
Following a tour to inspect some of by yourselves; you couldn't afford it. Btit
Beckman's latest innovations in rig de- you could get together with the other
Once the gas started sign, the two men joined the rig's senior independents."
flowing, whoever management in the messfordinner,and
they spent a lively evening swapping war
operated the pipeline stories, Per and the production superin-
would be drowning tendent went way back, and Karl's pres-
ence didn't inhibit them.
in cash. After dinner, although the rig was of-
ficially dry, the production stiperinten-
largest developer and builder of rigs dent invited Per and Karl to his quarters
and pipelines for the oil and gas indus- for a nightcap. Per produced a bottle of
try. Given the opportunity, he loved get- Polish vodka from his coat pocket."! was
ting out ofthe office and out to sea. So going to take this back home," he said.
when the president of Baito Gas & Oil "But we'll get better use out of it now."
invited him to visit the company's new Over drinks, the production super-
Beckman-built rig on its first day of op- intendent asked Per how negotiations
erations in the recently developed Hel- were going with Gazprom, the Russian
mark field in the Baitic Sea, Karl jumped oil anci gas giant, which currently op-
at the opportunity. erated the only available pipeline for
The weather turned nasty as the he- shipping gas from l-lelmarktothe main-
licopter carrying Karl and Balto's presi- land. Per grimaced and took a shot from
dent. Per Persson, approached the rig. his glass before answering."Well, we've
It took the pilot three attempts to set agreed to access," he said. "And they
down the aircraft. "We may have to swear that they'll put in safeguards to
spend the night here," he shouted to the keep the flow data confidential. But 1
passengers. don't trust them."
The wind and spray hit them full in Per's concern was understandable.
the face as they scurried under the still- Like all independent gas producers, he
revolving blades. It was a relief to get was unhappy at having to rely on an
indoors. "I'm sorry to get you out on a archcompetitor to take his gas to mar-
day like this," said Per. "We didn't ex- ket. No one wanted Gazprom to know
pect this weather. I don't think we'll be exactly how much gas each portion of
doing anything today unless it calms the field would be producing, which is

John W. Mullins (imullins(d>iundon.edu) is an associate professor ofnianoi^einenl prac-

tice at the London Busine.ss School. He is a coauthor of "How Fast Can Your Company
Afford to Grow?"(HBR, May 2001) and the author of'The New Business Road Test:
What Entrepreneurs and Executives Should Do Before Writing a Business Plan
(FTPrentice Hall. 2003).

36 H A R V A R D BDSINl-SS Kl V l h W
Take the M o n e y - o r R u n f • H B R CASE STUDY

"They won't bite,"replied Per."Every- he could stay on deck. The talk had put The Team
one wants to save their money tor the a crazy idea in his head that he needed Karl knew he woLild need help. In spite
new leases. Anyway, none of us has any to think through. Beckman, he knew, of having built his division from nothing
experience in managinga pipeline. And wouldn't bite. The company had turned into Beckman's fastest-growing unit in
we'd probably still have trouble keeping down this kind of business before, five years, he had never been a real en-
the flow data under wraps. Why would But what if he, Karl Fenstermann, trepreneur. Besides, he was not about
we trust each other any more than we were to operate the pipeline? As a ven- to walk away from Beckman without
trust Gazprom? No, we really need a dor, Beckman could finance some ofthe being more certain that his idea would
third party to do it for us. Do you think construction, and if he could get com- work. What if he built the pipeline and
Beckman might be interested?" mitments from Per and the other inde- the independent producers decided to
Karl didn't think so. "We'd love to pendent producers that they would use use Gazprom's existing pipeline instead?
build it," he said. "But I doubt we'd be the pipeline, why shouldn't he be able to What if someone else beat him to mar-
interested in operating it. I'll make some raise more money? Once the gas started ket with a competing pipeline? What if,
noises." flowing, whoever operated the pipeline despite the projections, Helmark didn't
The conversation moved on, and Karl would be drowning in cash. He looked play otit?
reckoned it was time to leave the others up, and for a moment the clouds parted His first call was to Robert Jameson,
to it. Besides, he needed to clear his and he saw a brilliant full moon, high an entrepreneur whom Karl had met
head, and the wind had eased a little, so in the sky. in the 19S0S, when both were working

NOVFMBFR 2004 37
HBR CASE STUDY • Take t h e M o n e v - o r Run?

for Siemens's railway engine business over several rounds of equity and debt. of questions from Charles and his asso-
in Germany. Although the two men I le suggested they offer the first-round ciates. Why would the independent oil
had kept in touch, their careers had di- eqtiity investorsa28%stakeforan initial producers do business with a start-up
verged, with Karl eventually joining €4 million. instead of with Gazprom, and on what
Beckman and Robert moving to Berlin Unfortunately, venture capital inves- terms? I low would Petrolink's compet-
to start and successfully sell four ven- tors had grown very cautious following itive advantage be sustained? Could a
tures,three of which served Eastern Eu- the dot-com bui^t, the downturn in tech- price war be avoided? Could Petrolink
ropean markets. nology company valuations, and the re- really fend off Gazprom in the market-
To Karl's delight, Robert was immedi- cent dearth of IPOs. After six weeks of place? flow important was Gazprom's
ately sold on the idea: "We're perfectly knocking on doors in various European political and market clout? Did the PetR>
matched. I've got the experience raising financial capitals without success, the link team have what it would take to
money and setting up a new business Petrolink team members were intro- successfully bultd the business?
from scratch. You know the people in duced to Charles jackson-Poole.a man- Karl was impressed with this profes-
government and business we'll have to aging partner at London Development sionalism. "They ask great questions,"
he said to Robert after one ofthe meet-
ings. "Charles would be a great person
The biggest sticking point was that LDP-despite to have on our board, even though he
doesn't know all that much about the
its lack of experience in the oil and gas business- oil and gas business. I really like his ap-
expected to have de facto veto power over most proach in dealing with us. He tells us
what his concerns are and trusts us to
important decisions. figure out the solutions."
After six weeks, LDP finally came to
deal with, and you're well placed to find Partners, a large, well-established ven- the point. "It's good to see you chaps
someone with operational experience. ture capital firm. again," said Charles, welcoming them
Once we've got our candidate, we can LDP's roots were in private equity in- to LDP's oak-paneled offices in London
go to the VCs." vesting, and over the past 20 years it had Wall. "The material you sent last week
"[already know the person," said Karl. built a portfolio of early-stage invest- has eased our concerns about the Gaz-
"My number two, Nigel Ritson, spent ments in companies that were mostly, prom situation, so we'd like to talk today
ten years at Transco, the company that but not exclusively, technology based. about what sort of deal might be possi-
runs Britain's gas grid. He's in his thir- LDP typically would provide a relatively ble for us."
ties and hungry. I think he'd jump at the small early round of investment to en- "Great!" replied Robert."We look for-
chance." able the founders to prove the viability ward to hearing the terms."
oftheir concept, build prototypes, and But Karl and Robert's enthusiasm was
The Backers: Part 1 attract beta customers, and then follow short-lived. The package Charles outlined
with the team in place, the Petrolink with additional rounds of investment was far from what they'd been hoping
project moved forward quickly. Nigel to help the company develop. It was for. Instead of €4 million, LDP would
and Karl negotiated a draft contract for common for LDP to bring additional commit a mere €1.5 million for the first
the pipeline construction with Beck- investors into syndicates to fund these round, for which it would receive a 20%
man and secured letters of intent from later rounds, both to share the risk and stake, and would make no tangible com-
Balto and three other large independent to provide the sometimes large amounts mitments to future rounds. What's more,
producers, accounting for half of the of capital that were necessary to fully management's 80% stake would vest
potential independent gas production take advantage ofthe opportunity as it over a three-year period and would be
in the Helmark field. developed. diluted in ftiture rounds, though it was
Robert brought in Philip Calfhorpe, Robert was delighted that LDP was not clear by how much.
a former senior vice president of a large interested in investing in Petrolink. He But the biggest sticking point was
London-based investment bank, as a fi- viewed LDP's interest as validation of that LDP-despite its lack of experience
nancial adviser. Heteltthat a deal could the project. "If they think we have a vi- in the oil and gas business-expected to
be struck with a capital structure of able business here,"crowed Robert over have de facto veto power over most im-
approximately one-third equity, one- beer and kielbasa one night in Warsaw, portant decisions, through board con-
third debt, and one-third vendor finance, "then we probably do!" trol and a detailed set of shareholders'
which Beckman would provide. Philip LDP was certainly serious. Over the agreements to be negotiated to align
estimated the funding requirements at next several weeks, Robert and Karl with LDP's "standard" terms.
nearly €42 million (of which €37 mil- made numerous visits to London to an- Robert thotight it best to put their
lion was capital expenditure), phased swer what seemed a never-ending array cards on the table. "Karl and I really


HBR CASE STUDY • Take the M o n e y - o r

appreciate your interest, Charles, and a real oil and gas man, and Walter has BKX Capital, in the ofi^ccs of BRX's
we've really benefited from all ofthe the entrepreneurial background. And lawyers in Warsaw on a stormy Octo-
tough questions that you've raised about don't be worried about the Party thing- ber night.
our business plan. I think you shoLild anyone who wanted to be anything
know,though, that we've been in discus- joined back then. Of course, we should The Dilemma
sions with another prospective investor, keep an eye on them, but BRX really "What's the story here, Walter?" asked
and we're meeting iarer this week. We want^to be in this business, and they're Robert. Walter's face went red. I lis body
want to hear what that company has to much more likely to give us the deal language made it plain that the changes
say before making any commitments. we want." in the antidilution clause had been in-
We'll be in touch next Monday with our Karl's optimism seemed to be justi- tentional. "Ihe lawyers, however, were
response." fied. BRX not only agreed to the capital much smoother, blaming the discrep-
strLictLiro that liobert had proposed, but ancy on a typing error made by a junior
The Backers: Part 2 it also agreed to invest both the tirst- staff member. They left the room, osten-
shortly after their second meeting with and second-round equity amounts, total- sibly to find out what had gone wrong.
LDP, Robert and Karl had been intro- ling €8 million. On completion ofthe "We've worked with them for years,"
duced by their financial adviser to a Pol- first two rounds, management would said Lech. "It must be a clerical error."
ish venture capital firm, BRX Capital. hold 55% ofthe equity and BRX 4'^%. The Lech and Walterthen left the room as
Although BRX had been in business funding would come in as convertible well. In a few minutes, they returned,
fewer than tive years, it had already loans that would convert to equity upon and Lech said, "It's no problem; we're
made several investments in infrastruc- certain management milestones, which putting the earlier language back in."
ture deals in Eastern Europe, including were also tied to a management share- Robert asked for a recess. He, Karl,
two in the oil and gas industry, one of option scheme. and Nigel went next door to discuss
which was with an independent pro- BRX, however, was not interested in what to do."Doing business with peo-
ducer that had signed a letter of intent participating in the third round of eq- ple we can't trust isn't my idea of fun,"
with Petrolink. uity or the debt financing. The proposed said Robert. "If they're trying to screw
Karl and Robert hit it off well with arrangement met Karl and Robert's us before our deal is even done, what
BRX's senior partners. Karl in particular main objectives in several important will they try to do to us in the future?
got on well with Lech Wojtalik, one of ways. Not only would both the tirst- Can we expect them to help us if we
the firm's founders, whose background and second-round funding be in place, get into trouble, or will they try and
steal the business? Even if tbis is a bet-
ter deal now, I'm not sure we won't re-
'Doing business with people we can't trust isn't gret it later."
"I don't think we have a choice," said
my idea of fun. If they're trying to screw us before
Karl, "We've spent almost six months
our deal is even done, what will they try to do getting here. Maybe LDP will still do a
deal with us, but we already know it
to us in the future?" won't be anything like this. And we
don't know how long LDP's due dili-
was in the oil industry. Robert, for his but the third-roLind funding from a dif- gence will take and whether its deal
part, developed an easy camaraderie with ferent investor would ensure that no will actually come through at the end
Walter, a former entrepreneur whose one investor would wield too much ofthe day, What if someone else is work-
career mirrored Robert's own. clout over Petrolink. ing on a Helmark pipeline? There isn't
Nigel was more skeptical. "Do you The deal was irresistible. Karl called room for two of us, I think we still have
trust these chaps?" he asked on^ day LDP's Charles lackson-Poole to tell him to go with these guys, even though we'll
over lunch with Robert and Karl."It all of their decision, "I'm disappointed." have to watch them."
seems a bit too friendly. I'd be happier said Charles. "We like your team, and "I don't like this any more than you
if they asked more questions. And these we like your btisiness. i'm sorry we can- do," added Nigel, "But remember, Karl
guys don't have the track record of not meet the terms proposed by your and I are planning to leave Beckman
LDP-they've only been going five years. other investor, but if things don't work at the end of this month. We don't have
And Cm sure Lech used to be a Party out, we'll still be here." Robert then called the cash to pay our iialaries yet, and
member." Walter Cronbacb and said, "Let's wrap both of us will need to be working full-
"Don't worry," said Karl. "It's easier up our deal." time soon."
because they know our business. The And so, after a hectic three weeks of
reason LDP was all over us was becatise due diligence and drafting, there they Should Petrolink make the deal with
they were new to the gas business. Lech's were with their prospective investors. BRX? • Four experts weigh in on page 42,


H B R C A 5 E C O M M E N T A R Y • 5hoiJld Petr-ohiik m a k e t h e de<3l w i t h BRX?

R obert Jameson, Karl Fensteiinann, and

Nigel Ritsoii are facing a problem: what
to do ahout BRX's deceptive alteration ofthe
It's easy to see how the team got into this
mess. Sometimes we want things so badly
we don't see the warning signs. And if they
antidilution clause in the contract offered to are brought to our attention, we dismiss
them. But they are al^o confronting difficul- them with facile explanations. BRX, we are
ties because of their desires and decisions told, wasn't askinq many guestions. The
concerning the BRX contract. Petrolink team chose to think it must have
If the legal circumstances surrounding been because the company knew all the an-
this contract are unclear, the ethical circum- swers. Furthermore, BRX was ready to make
stances are not. It is hard to imagine any a seemingly I'rresistible deal, but no one else
plausible ethical system that would condone would make a similar offer. The team mem-
what BRX did. Even if the altered contract bers should be alert to the possibility that
had been legally enforceable, it is still morally they are treading in treacherous territory,
George G. Brenkert their judgment clouded by their own desires
damaged. Morality and the law do differ.
(brenkgia'insb.edu) is a pro-
In these situations, managers should con- and aims-
fessor al Georgetown Univer-
sity's McDonoiigh School of sider not only their own best interests but There is also the problem of psychologi-
Business in Washington, DC. also their responsibilities to others. If Robert, cal commitment. We often get so bound up
He is also the director of Ihe Karl, and Nigel sign the contract with BRX, in projects that it is difficult to back away.
Georgetown Business F.tliics they will hire employees, make agreements The psychologist John Dartey, a professor at
tn.'^titutc. with suppliers and customers, and eventu- Princeton University, has discussed the prob-
ally seek other investors.These groups will be lems to which committing to a course of
Petrolink's stakeholders. If BRX acts again as action may lead. One need only think ofthe
it has acted in this instance, it is plausible that space shuttle C/'j;j//t'f!:;t=/; the Ford Pinto, and
these stakeholders will be harmed. One way the brakes B. F Goodrich initially manufac-
to discharge their responsibilities is to pro- tured for the Air Force's A7D aircraft. In all
tect stakeholders from any future malfea- these cases, individuals and organizations
sance by BRX. Another committed themselves to certain projects
way would be to advise and then sought excuses, explanations, and
Even if the altered contract the stakeholders of the evasions when bad news cropped up so as to
had been legally enforceable, risks of being involved permit these troubled projects to go ahead.
with BRX. If Robert, Karl, The Petrolink team seeins headed down a
it is still morally damaged. and Nigel are uncertain similar road in its relationship with BRX.
Morality and the law do differ. whether they can do the
What should the team do? If it can meet
former and are not pre-
its responsibilities to other stakeholders, it
pared to do the latter, they should consider
might go ahead with the present deal. But
pulling out of the deal. Part of looking at mat-
it is a perilous course and should be taken
ters ethically is considering the consequences
only after the team has looked closely at BRX
for all affected parties. Informed choice is cru-
and its past dealings with other ventures.
cial both to ethics and to economics.
Absent a better explanation of BRX's behav-
Finally, trust (or distrust) is a theme that ior than we currently have, Petrolink should
runs throughout the case. Because o f t h e explore how far LPD might go to improve
change in the contract, Robert, Karl, and its offer. Even if the tea m does not get a bet-
Nigel do not trust BRX. This lackof trust will ter offer, Petrolink would be working with a
impel them to write a tighter contract, to solid, reputable firm tbat it can trust. Once
monitor BRX's behavior more closely, and committed to this project, LPD might well
to protect important Petrolink information. help Petrol ink to find other sources of funding.
This will be costly and may have a negative If this is not possible, it may be a sign that the
snowball effect on the relationship. Even the project is fraught with so many difficulties
best-constructed contract will not give scru- that, both personally and morally, the risks
ples to scoundrels. outweigh the advantages of going ahead.


H B R CASE C O M M E N T A R Y • S h o u l d P e t r o l i n k m a k e t h edeal w i t h BRXi'

Is Petrolink willing to say no to both BRX and LDP and

go back to the venture capital markets looking for a
new investor?

I n my career as an entrepreneur and an

adviser to entrepreneurs, I have faced this
dilemma before, and I would recommend
team with comparable knowledge and cap-
ital could very easily take their opportunity.
They also should have continued the LDP
that Petrolink take BRX's money-but only process in parallel with the BRXone-there's
the first tranche. Robert is correct that ac- no evidence that either VC had requested
cepting funding from potentially untrust- Petrolink to enter an exclusive negotiation.
worthy investors is very risky, but Petrolink's If the team had moved LDP along to a point
management can mitigate this risk by meet- where It and BRX both had checks on the
ing the plan's targets; bringing in a strong table, and then mentioned to LDP that some-
second investor quickly; continuing to con- one else had offered better terms, Petrolink's
trol the majority of the company; basing the negotiating position would have been stron-
company in a jurisdiction where the rule of ger. Now, ifthe team returns, LDP will realize
law is powerful; and controlling the local that something has gone wrong with Petro-
operations. link's other potential funder and perhaps
At the same time, the team needs to go tighten the terms.
back to LDP and ask what terms the firm Before making any decisions, however,
might want in order to be the second-round they need to ask themselves some hard ques-
investor and what structures it would con- tions. Are they willing to say no to both BRX
sider unacceptable. Many of the corporate- and LDP and go back to the venture capital
governance control measures that LDP seems markets looking for a new investor.^ How
to be insisting upon now may be moot by the long are they willing to continue the search
Sonia Lo is the cofounder time a second round is needed.(For example, for capital? They also need to get a better
and a managing partner the team will have met its plan or the busi- grip on the competitive situation. With such
ofChalsys Partners, an invest-
ness will need serious thinking "outside the a large infrastructure opportunity, it's odd
ment and financial advisory
box," LDP's key strength). that the team wouldn't know whether there
firm based in London. She
was selected as one ofthe top If the team really feels BRX can't be trusted is someone else looking to build a pipeline.
100 Technology Pioneers to or managed, I would return to LDR ask the Whatdo they want from their investing part-
the World Economic Forum firm to lead the round, and then bring BRX to ner: industrial expertise {BRX) or analytical
at Davoi in 2001 and 2002. the table as part of a syndicate. Petrolink expertise (LDP)? Most venture capitalists
should also insist on the full €4 million. The place themselves in one of these two camps,
team can also argue that if LDP can't indicate and many entrepreneurs won't take funding
its commitment tofurther rounds of fund ing, from what they consider"dumb" money. Who
then the VC needs to remove clauses from really is the dumb money here?
the terms that later-round investors wilt find Finally, Petrolink's founders need to re-
unacceptable. Petrolink will need to 3sk its consider their financing structure to see
financial adviser to conduct research into whether they can build any more wiggle
second-round financing term sheets. If LDP is room into the deal. Can they spread out the
as experienced as the case indicates, the firm financing rounds at all? Can they afford to
will appreciate this argument. spend time looking for money as well as de-
The members ofthe team have only them- veloping the venture? There is a trade-off
selves to blame for this situation. They gave between the comfort of having one investor
notice to Beckman without securing the cover two rounds and having the kind of
cash to fund themselves after their depar- control they seem to want, and they need to
ture. Now their idea is in the market, and a revisit that issue.


H B R CASE C O M M E N T A R Y • Should Petrolink make the deal with BRX'

In these situations, the first and foremost issue is

one of trust. Whenever you take VC money, you are
simultaneously paying for it and hiring a partner.

T his situation Js not uncommon. I've seen

at least a dozen cases where lawyers
have come back with very different docu-
wonderful description of the due diligence
carried out by LDP. They asked a ton of gues-
tions, called lots of people, and checked ref-
ments than the entrepreneurs thought they erences. There's no evidence that the entre-
had agreed to. In these situations, the first and preneurs have done the same kind of due
foremost issue is one of trust. Whenever you diligence on their potential investors. They
take VC inoney,you are simultaneously pay- need to find venture-founding CEOs who
ing for it and hiring a partner, someone who's have worked with BRX-ones who were fired
going to help you succeed. Given the harsh- and ones who lasted the course. Because BRX
ness of the VCs terms, you're paying a lot; has already committed a breach of trust, the
you should get a partner who will help rather due diligence will need to be especially thor-
than harm you. ough. If Karl and Robert find any indication
There are many ways in which VCs can that BRX has behaved badly toward other
quite legally make life miserable for entre- entrepreneurs, they should walk away,
preneurs. As in the case of Petrolink, VCs LDP made much more sense as a partner,
stage their capital commitment, which means Ofcourse, there was less money on offer, and
William A. Sahlman is the that the venture is guaranteed to need more Karl and Robert were quite reasonably wor-
Dimiiri V. D'Arbelqff- MBA money. First-roLind VCs have a huge impact ried about running out of money before pro-
Class afi955 Professor of on the pricing and availability of that new ducing enough information to justify a sec-
Business Administration at
money. If they are supportive, new capital ond round. But for all Kar! and Robert knew,
Harvard Business School in
can be obtained on fair terms from helpful LDP might have a good history of support-
Boston. He is the author of
several HBR articles, most investors. If not, the process can be messy ing their companies by helping them raise
recently "Expensing; Options and expensive. Moreover, because the VCs money elsewhere or by providing interim
Solves Nothing"(December have seals on the board, they can be help- funding themselves. Perhaps they routinely
2002). ful-in tasks like hiring, setting strategy,form- lowball their first offer to see how the entre-
ing partnerships, and raising money-orthey preneurs react and are actually quite open
can be difficult. Bad directors often meddle to bargaining. Choosing so quickly between
in operations and make obstreperous or LDP and BRX is further evidence of these
self-interested financial decisions. Some entrepreneurs' inexperience.
VCs have hidden agendas. They back another
Karl and Robert's worries about control
horse in the same race or have secret plans
are typical. But control, in these kinds of sit-
to replace management soon after the deal
uations, is a nuanced issue. I may own 70% of
IS consummated.
the stock, but if the venture capitalist has
I should point out that the dilution clause only given me enough money to get to the
is only about sixth or seventh on the list of first milestone, at which I have nothing really
things an entrepreneur should care about. valuable, then I have no control, by defini-
There's a distinct possibility that there are tion. If the entrepreneurial team has only i%
other agreed-upon terms in the contract that ofthe equity, but they're doing a terrific job
are more damaging than the new dilution and the investor can't hire equally good re-
clause. Karl and Robert need to begin by re- placements, then the entrepreneurs are the
viewing what they did agree to as well as ones in control. For Karl and Robert to as-
checking the document for changes. sume that the size oftheir stake determines
They must also assess how these VCs be- their level of control only underscores how
have when the chips are down. There's a naive they are.


Should Petrolink make the deal with BRX? • HBR CASE C O M M E N T A R Y

T his project is much riskier than Robert,

Karl, and Nigel seem to realize. In East-
ern Europe, the gas pipeline industry is po-
gence process, which suggests that LDP's
questions were to the point. LDP's limited ex-
pertise in oil and gas is actually an advan-
litically sensitive, and Gazprom, the domi- tage; it means LDP needs management's
nant player, is rich and immensely well expertise more than BRX would. LDP also
connected. Although Poland is changing, it has a much healthier approach to control. It
retains much o f t h e mentality and work simply wants to mitigate the high risks of
hahits imposed hy 50 years of Soviet rule; this investment.
1 would not want to rely on Polish officials Karl and Robert's real dilemma is not
or courts to protect me against Gazprom. about taking BRX's money - they absolutely Charatambos Vlachoutsicos
For that very reason, my company has al- should not-but whether they should go back (vlaclnnit(akuieb.gr) is an
ways avoided investing in raw materials to LDP or abandon the deal all together. If adviser to 71 Capital Partners
businesses. A gas pipeline attracts more at- they go back to LDP, they should focus on Emerging Fiiropc, a private
tention from governments than a chocolate understanding the logic behind the deal equity fund investing in
factory. Last, but not least, Petrolink's partners structure LDP proposed. Perhaps its strin- emerging European fcoiio-
have never operated as a management team. gent terms reflect a history of investing in mies. He is also a visiting pro-
There are many imponderables to a new businesses that are not capital intensive or fessor at the Athens University
venture in Eastern Europe. Institutions are a sense of not knowing enough about the of tconomics and Business,
still fragile, business environments unstable, a senior fellow at the Hellenic
industry. If so, it maybe that Karl and Robert
Foundation for European and
and courts inexperienced in dealing with can persuade LDP to put in more money. To
Foreign Poliey, and a senior
complex business agreements. These consid- do this, though, they need to work harder at
iiswcialed research fellow al
erations make trust crucial. Because each winning LDP's trust. Greater trust will also
the Stockholm School of Eco-
party has a certain measure of control, the make LDP more relaxed ahout the control is- nomics in Saint Petersburg
VC-entrepreneur relationship is inevitably sues that clearly worry the Petrolink team Russia.
interdependent. The VCs may hold the purse- and will make the VCs more likely to give the
strings, but they usually need the entrepre- team latitude.
neurs to run the company and for informa-
If the team members cannot reach a com-
tion, expertise, and local networks. Unless each
promise with LDP, they should go back to
side feels that it can trust the other not to
their old jobs. None of them will have lost
abuse its power, the relationship will not pro-
more than six months of their time over
duce a win-win outcome.
the deal, and Karl
BRX has blatantly proved its untrust- and Nigel will not
worthiness. Lech Wojtalik and Walter Cron- find going back to If the team members cannot reach
bach's crude attempt to swindle Karl and Beckman as hard as
Robert by changing the dilution clause is typ- they seem to think. a compromise with LDP, they
ical ofthe apparatchiks (if indeed Lech was Beckman was will- should go back to their old jobs.
a Party member) whose networks still have ing to supportthem
clout in the raw materials industries in East- in the venture, so it
ern Europe. The move also suggests that BRX clearly values them. What they have already
wants control of Petrolink-certainly in terms gained in terms of experience in dealing with
of ownership and probably also in terms of VCs will stand each of them in good stead in
managerial decision making. Robert is right any future venture,
toworry about what BRX might do down the Robert also needs to ask himself whether
road. With 45% ownership already agreed to, he, Karl, and Nigel can function as a man-
it doesn't have far to go. agement team. His reaction to BRX's move is
LDP would make a much better partner. It quite measured; the others are a little hys-
is large and well established, and it has a long terical and lacking in biisiness instincts. \/
track record in investing and helping suc-
cessful ventures. Both Karl and Robert were Reprint R0411A
engaged in and positive about the due dili- To order, see page 151.

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