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Tās ir mūsu patreizējā un vispārējā tagadnes.

Bet te ir arī vārdi IZŅĒMUMI ar kuriem

PATREIZĒJO tagadni nemaz nevar izveidot. Paņemam savu ZILO tabulu un paņemam
vārdiņus-izņēmumus. Ja ir noliegums rakstam pilnas formas – do not , nerakstām don’t, is
not, nerakstām isn’t, utt.
Neaizmirstām par dubultošanos (vienīgais sarkanais burtiņš un viņš priekšpēdējais,
neaizmirstam, ka E pazūd, ja pieliek galotni ING). Atceramies, ka pie čūsku skaņām liekam
ES, nevis S.

1. They _________________ (run) in the park every day.

2. They _________________ (like) to run now.

3. The boy ______________ (smile) at the moment.

4. __________ they _________ (have) some fun now?

5. _________ the girl_________ (swing) at the moment?

6. She _____________ (not/work) at the shop in general.

7. She _____________ (work) as a hairdresser every day.

8. She ______________ (talk) to a girl now.

9. She _______________ (not/run) at the moment.

10. They ________________ (go) to school every day.

11. He _________________ (go) to school every day.

12. They _______________ (not/like) each other now.

13. ______________ they____________ (talk) now?

14. __________ he __________ (know) what to do now?

15. _____________ they _____________ (sing) now?

16. ________ they __________ (like) to sing now?

17. They _____________ (not/sit) at the moment.

18. She _______________ (want) to win now.

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