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Cyber Espionage

1- Surveillance technology under debate

a) After the disclosure of in-depth investigation by journalists and human rights groups

b) Indian government targeted foreign journalists, leaders, activists and opposition leaders

(Including PM Imran Khan)

2- Various types of surveillance technologies fall into two categories

a) Mass Surveillance

b) Targeted Surveillance

3- Mass Surveillance

a) It is carried out on massive scale.

b) It is direct access surveillance whereby all internet traffic is monitored

e.g. Web Monitoring System in Pakistan

India has similar Central Monitoring system

4- Targeted Surveillance

Uses Malicious ways to infect the devices or accounts of specific people to gain access to
information, data, contacts, messages, emails, photos, etc. on the target’s phone or computer.

Done by using Pegasus Virus

5- Pegasus Virus is downloaded on target's device and gives attacker access to their camera,
microphone and access to record phone calls

a) It is a product of Israel-based NSO Group

b) They claim they only sell this to Governments

6- Investigation shows it has been allegedly used by a number of countries

Including Saudi Arabia, UAE, India.

7- Companies that develop and sell surveillance technologies must be held accountable

a) Need of licensing terms that enable companies and governments that abuse this technology
for purpose
b) Dire need to implement export controls on this technology
c) subject it to human rights due diligence
8- These technology should be prohibited until international regulations

put in place regarding these

9- Why it is illegal?

a) It violates citizens' rights to privcy

b) induces fear in activists and journalists and citizens of being observed by agencies

c) violates the right of freedom of speech and right to information of citizens.

d) A lot of personal information is abused by the all-pervasive spying technologies

e) use to blackmail official and other ( e.g. Justice Qazi faez Isa case)

f) violation of freedom of press which is guaranteed by constitution of all democratic states

g) India's spying on Pakistan's PM is cross border International crime


a) It is needed to have international standards regulating surveillance technology

b) Principles of International Human rights law to supervise, sale, purchase and use of these

i) to minimize abuse of technology

ii) Protect the rights of citizens

iii) Preventing Governements from abuse of power.

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