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Filed on 1.2.

2020 with IRB by Fax and

UCI: 61822763
Question #1 presented: Whether Saad Noah was in Finland or Illinois USA, on January
13, 2010. Or Where was Saad Noah on January 13, 2010?
Shouldn’t Finland also be declared unfit to stand trial for stating that I was at and within
Finland on January 13, 2010? See the Letter from The Finnish Immigration Service
signed by Taija Joutsenvuo. Whether Taija Joutsenvuo of the Finnish Immigration
Service also unfit to stand trial or the entire Finnish Immigration Service is unfit to stand
trial, or may be the whole government of Finland is unfit to stand trial because they
agree with Saad Noah and the facts support that Saad Noah was In Finland on January
STATES OF AMERICA and the perjure James Glasgow.
The US Federal and States’ of New York and Illinois Judiciaries placed Noah under
extreme psychological, physical ,and chemical torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and
Degrading Treatment and Punishment in jail and in mental hospital in the attempt to
make Noah submit to their persecution by torture and withdraw his objection that the
Courts in the USA has no jurisdiction on him because he was in Finland on January 13,
2010. The US government placed Noah in 8 eight years of torture in the USA because
he refused to plead guilty to the false charges of eavesdropping and insisted that he
was in Finland on January 13, 2010 and Will County Court and all the Courts in the USA
have no jurisdiction on Noah when he was in Finland. Noah objects to the reports
written against him by officers who do not know or had no time to read Noah’s Court’s
documents that they did not include in the disclosure. No sane person is going to
appreciate the persecution and the VOID orders of the judiciary of any country including
the USA’s. “Curiously the court documents were all submissions [by Noah] to the court,
we were unable to find and [sic] responses.” [Emphasis added]. There is no responses
by the judiciary or the defendants in the cases Noah files, because that’s the judiciary of
the USA they do not file response because the judges sua sponte dismiss Noah’s cases
and force Noah to plead guilty or torture Noah until he submits and plead guilty or face
the longest sentence possible based on the false charges. All the cases that Noah filed
are disposed by NULL and VOID orders and the false charges against Noah are false
and do not stand trial. Does any reasonable person appreciate the persecution of
denying his/her legal rights with all kinds of torture?
Note: from its phone number 708.349.0004 the FBI phoned Noah 26 times since
September 30, 2019, Noah did not answer the FBI calls. Therefore, on October 4, 2019
, at 12:35 PM an FBI agent called "Private Number" and had no choice but to leave a
voicemail stating "Mr. Noah Sir, how are you doing today? I am an agent with the FBI, I
am calling in regard to a complaint you had aa in reference to the Will County State
Attorney's office [James Glasgow is the State Attorney of Will County Illinois]. I just want
to follow up with you aa to see what your concerns were and aa just kind of assess the
situation. Please feel free to give me a call back in your earliest convenience. My
number is 708.364.6150 that's 708.364.6150 have a nice day Sir, Bye.’ [Emphasis
Question #2 presented: Whether Saad Noah arrived to Finland from his country of
Origin Canada on July 27, 2009. Yes Canada that’s not a typing mistake.
Dear Ms. Helen DeMarco,
Please find attached additional exhibits in support of my December 30, 2019 Application
to change the hearing date because I did not receive the notice of the hearing. The
attached file consist of the following:
1. First two pages is the information of my travel to Finland from Toronto on July 27,
2009 until November 1, 2010.
2. The March 30, 2010, decision of Finnish Immigration Service. Page 4 states that "The
applicant has arrived [to Finland] from a safe country of origin[Canada]." Please see
paragraph 1.
3. State of Illinois Application for Requisition (AFR) by the Will County State Attorney
James Glasgow, who perjuriously stating in page 1 paragraph 2, that on January 13,
2010, Saad Noah was PERSONALLY PRESENT at Will County, Illinois USA.
Furthermore, Glasgow states in page 2 paragraph 4 that Saad Noah had a meeting with
Sheriff Kaupas on January 13, 2010... Noah then fled to Finland following his indictment
of August 18, 2010. See Bill of indictment by Grand Jury at page 7 of AFR.
James Glasgow MUST be an International Criminal, insane, ignorant of Geography, not
in touch with reality, suffering from extreme "Delusional Disorder, Persecutory Type"
disconnected from reality and being overly fixated in wining cases by any means
necessary. Does any person know any sane person who can make such delusional
AFR as James Glasgow did? Glasgow needs a team of doctors to see if there is any
medication would likely improve Glasgow's extreme serious psychological and
psychiatric problems.
4. You also find the May 1, 2014, Motion to Dismiss Indictment of eavesdropping filed
by the public defender after two years of the eavesdropping law was declared
unconstitutional. However, you never find objection about the jurisdiction of the Court on
Noah who was in Finland on January 13, 2010.
Furthermore, in page 2 paragraph 12 you find "[a] government owned telephone"
therefore, it was a phone call between Noah and Sheriff not an in person meeting at and
within Will County USA. However, the international criminal, insane the mentally sick
Glasgow stated in his AFR that on January 13, 2010, at and within Will County Illinois,
USA Noah had an in person meeting with the Sheriff. I do not know of any sane person
would trust the USA and its judiciary or even any part of its government, which put
Canada and the Canadian people between the anvil and the hammer in the case of
Meng Wanzhou of Huawei based on a perjurious US request for extradition by an
imaginary grand jury indictment as the imaginary grand jury of August 18, 2010 in
Noah's case and the charge of eavesdropping.
The USA must answer the first question above.
Where was Saad Noah on January 13, 2010?
Furthermore, Finland needs the Canadian help to answer the second question above.
Noah is a convention refugee beyond any reasonable doubt based or the facts and the
laws of Canada and the United Nations Human Rights and the Geneva Convention
among other treaties which Canada is signatory thereof.
Please find attached the documents mentioned above.
Furthermore, I object and reject all the negative notes in the disclosure of my case.
Moreover, about 65% of the papers in the disclosure of my case consists of the
documents I demanded as part of my appeal in forcing chemicals in my body as part of
the torture. I do not see my complaint for release by a writ of habeas corpus before the
United States Supreme Court, or my complaint for release by a writ of habeas corpus
against Obama et. al., case No. 11cv727 in Southern District Court of New York, or my
complaint for release by a writ of habeas corpus against Sheriff Kaupas of Will County
Illinois before the US District Court in Chicago, or my complaint for release by a writ of
habeas corpus against Will County Sheriff before the Supreme Court of Illinois.
Furthermore, I do not see any of my pleadings that stand admitted by the perjure James
Glasgow for not filing any response in the false charge of eavesdropping before Will
County Circuit Court. I do not see my appeal before the third District Illinois Court of
appeal. I do not see my case against John Kerry for mandamus before the US District
Court of Colombia to issue me the Certificate of Loss of US Nationality. I do not see my
counter complaint and third party complaint before the US District Court in Chicago
before Judge Pallmayer who declared me a citizen of Finland as part of my requests. I
do not see my direct appeals before the Supreme Court of Illinois. Why my other cases
are not part of the disclosure, while there are hard copies of them in my boxes.
I present a question before the Honorable Member of the Immigration and Refugee
Board: Do you also believe in the statement of the perjure James Glasgow, who
perjuriously stated that I, Saad Noah was at and within Will County Illinois and had an in
person meeting with Sheriff Kaupas, as affirmed by the United States Government, and
affirm that I was at and within Will County Illinois, USA on January 13, 2010?
Please find the link to some of the supportive documents in my application for the
change of the date of the hearing and my claim for refugee as a stateless refugee:

Respectfully Submitted,

Saad Noah

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