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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in

Tourism and Hospitality

COURSE/SUBJECT: THC101 – Macro Perspective for Tourism and Hospitality

MODULE TITLE: Tourism Then and Now
TOPIC: The History of Tourism
WRITER: Yvette Chantal T. Mildenberger, MBA

This learning module will provide you a glimpse of the past when and where
tourism activities started and how they significantly evolved up to this modern time,
from the world setting to the local setting. Discussions will focus on the historical
background of tourism from the early times to present and the Philippine tourism
situation. How tourism evolved? What are the recent developments of tourism?
What is the current status of tourism in the Philippines? What are functions of
Department of Tourism? What are the factors affecting the growth of tourism?

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality


1. Start your work with a prayer to guide you.

2. Open the indicated websites in this module and explore.
3. Take down notes and copy some important links so that you could go back
whenever you need information given in that site.
4. You must join the messenger group chat for this subject for updates and
5. You must join the Google classroom class for this subject:
5.1. Download the Google classroom App in Playstore.
5.2. Join the Google classroom class
6. Review videos; download PowerPoint presentations of lessons for offline
7. Make sure to read, watch and absorb first the lessons in the uploaded PPT’s before
proceeding to the activities.
8. Make sure to understand all instructions before you start answering the activities.
9. Participate in online quizzes which will be announced via Google classroom or
messenger group chat.
10. For the virtual meeting, please provide yourself with a study space free from destructions
and noise, and with internet connection.
11. Please come on time in attending virtual classes in decent attire and with proper disposition
to learn, and equip yourself with appropriate available gadgets for the online platform.

UST – Legazpi Prayer

Lord, in our weakness and vulnerability, bless us with your grace to
soar beyond limits. Enlighten our vision and guide our mission that we
may clearly see and fully realize our quest. Keep our passion for the
truth burning and our compassion for humanity bright that we may live
truly and lovingly. Keep us in harmony with the universe that we may
be joyfully one with your creation. Yet above and before all, Lord, grant
us the grace to love you with all our mind and soul and with all our
heart and strength that we may praise, bless, and preach according to
your will. Amen.

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

Lesson Subtopics You will learn to… Estimated Time

Subtopic 1 Early Tourism • Trace the historical 2hrs

background of tourism during
the early time

Subtopic 2 Modern Tourism • Compare early and modern 2hrs

• Discuss the current tourism

Subtopic 3 Tourism in the Philippines • Describe the current situation 2hrs

of tourism in the Philippines
• Evaluate the plans and
programs of the Department
of Tourism (DOT)
• Explain the functions of the
Department of Tourism
• Analyze the characteristics of
top tourist market of the
Philippines and the world

Subtopic 4 Factors Affecting the Tourism • Discuss the factors affecting 2hrs
Industry the tourism industry

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality


Let’s find out how much you already know about this module.
Please answer all the items. Please take note of the questions you
were not able to answer correctly and look for the correct answer
as you go through this module. Are you eager to do this? Let’s

Note:This PRETEST will not be recorded and will serve only as a guide on your understanding
about the topic.

Directions: Please click True if the statement below is correct and click False if it is incorrect.

1. Greece is the country where the first Olympic Games was held (TRUE or FALSE)
2. Tourism in the Philippines has two seasons, the peak season and the lean season. (TRUE or
3. Cebu is one of the pioneer tourist destinations in the Philippines. (TRUE or FALSE)
4. Thomas Cook tour is an educational and cultural travel of young men in England to key
attractions predominantly in Italy and France to learn about culture, language, architecture, and
literature. (TRUE or FALSE)
5. Baedeker is the most popular guide book for European countries first published in 1839.

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

The History of Tourism

As seasons changed and animal migrated, people traveled to survive.
These early travelers moved in foot, they were limited to quite small geographical areas
In this time, travel may remain a localized experience, but people by nature are interested
Travelers climbing a mountain and crossing rivers to satisfy their own sense of adventure and curiosity
as they sought a glimpse of the unknown
Phoenicians, Olmecs, early Chinese traveled for trade and military control
As civilizations became established and spread geographically, travel became a necessity

Early Tourism Timeline

Travel and exploration are basic to human nature
Men traveled since the earliest of time

The word tourism used in the 19th century

Traces of Tourism Activities

Old Testament (Noah’s Ark- first large scale operator of transport and the caravans and traders)
Two forms of tourism:
• Trading and religious

The Empire Era

The empire era started from the time of the Egyptians to the Greek and finally came to an end with the
fall of the roman empire
During this time, people began traveling in large numbers for governmental, commercial, educational
and religious purpose
As centers of governmental activities, the city-states become attractions in themselves

Factors that influenced people to travel during the Empire Era

• Affluent population with time and money to travel
• Safe and easy travel
• Widely accepted currencies
• Widely used languages
• Legal system which protects personal safety

• The Egyptians
• The Greeks
• The Romans
• The Middle Ages and the Renaissance Era

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality


Activity 1:

Tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation,
relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. As such,
tourism is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th
century, although it has antecedents in Classical antiquity. Tourism, however, overlaps with
other activities, interests, and processes, including, for example, pilgrimage. This gives rise to
shared categories, such as business tourism, sports tourism, and medical tourism.

Instruction: Visit your IG or Facebook account and look for your oldest photo posted on
it with Mayon Volcano as your background. Take a screenshot of it and send it to our
Google classroom with 2-3 sentences caption. The one with the oldest post, and one
with excellent and exciting caption will receive a plus one on the midterm grade.

Guide Questions.
1. How do you feel about the activity? Please explain.
2. What do you think is the significance of Mayon Volcano as your background?
3. What have you realized about the activity?

Let us now browse the THC 101 Lecture (History of Tourism) and THC 101 Lecture
(Tourism in the Philippines) PowerPoint Presentation attached in the Google classroom.

Activity 2:
These are the following questions you need to answer after browsing the PowerPoint
1. How tourism evolved from the early times to the modern?
2. How the early people deal with travelling?
3. What can you say about the changes during the industrial revolution?
4. How can you describe now the tourism situation in the Philippines?
5. What do you think are factors that affect the growth of tourism industry? Why?

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

RESEARCH (Objectio)
SUB-TOPIC 1. The Early Tourism
The history of tourism can largely be attributed to technological developments in transport. The
more roads that are built, the more places people can drive. The more airports that open, the
more places that people can fly to. Thus, the history of tourism is also closely related to the
global economic, social and political outlook.
We know that cultures and nations moved their armed forces around in order to conquer other
areas, and to control trade routes and various resources that created foundations and
opportunities to travel. As the Egyptian, Roman and Eastern Mediterranean Empires emerged,
necessary travel turned into tourism. The Phoenicians, for example, travelled not only to
develop trade routes but also because of curiosity. They had a desire to discover what lay
beyond that area of the Mediterranean.

During Ancient Roman empire (500 BC – 300 AD), good roads were developed and water
routes improved. Inns were opened, around 30 miles apart from each other a relatively easy
days journey in between, so you always had a place to rest at night. Horses could even be hired
here. Roman roads expanded into a 50,000-mile system. With their currency now almost
universally accepted, and common languages such as Greek and Latin being used, travel
constantly became easier and less stressful. Then the common legal system allowed people to
feel safer and more protected as they traveled whether for pleasure, business or adventure.
Cities throughout the Roman empire (such as Pompeii) became destinations for the middle and
upper classes to explore during their downtime.

Throughout the Middle Ages (5-14th centuries AD) travel became dangerous after the fall of the
Roman Empire. While there had been a commonality among nations, there were now
autonomous areas thanks to a feudal system. Transport was fragmented; so was language and
currency. This made travelling to somewhere different much more difficult than it had been.

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

The Grand Tour Era

The era of the Grand Tour (1613-1785) was when tourism as we know it really came into play.
Those who were ‘coming of age’ would travel throughout Europe to see art, architecture,
science and more in countries other than their own. Generally, the most visited places were
France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. Each ‘Grand Tour’ would last a couple of years.
This changed slightly with the introduction of the industrial revolution in around 1750. Economic
and social structures were changed forever. The revolution meant that lengthy journeys such as
a Grand Tour trip were no longer particularly viable for many people. Factory life and business
management, and indeed modern industrialism as a whole, led to people becoming more tied
Transport changed too – it became more efficient as economies grew and technology
advanced. Markets stretched across borders and individuals had higher incomes; travel was
now for business and leisure, but with less free time trips were shorted. The tourism industry
had to develop rapidly to ensure they could meet the newfound needs of potential customers.

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution brought about major changes in scale and type of tourism development
• Introduction of new technologies resulted to social changes
• Travel became desirable as recreational activity (travel for pleasure)

Factors affect the desire to travel

1. Increase in productivity
2. Regular employment
3. Growing urbanization
4. Middle Class emerged with higher income and well educated

Tourism in the 19th Century

• Introduction of railway
• Development of steam power
• Tourism became organized with travel organizers emerged
• Thomas Cook as first modern travel agency
• 1841- first excursion train trip between Leicester and Loughborough with 570 passengers at a round
trip of one shilling
• 1866 – first American tour
• 1874 – introduced the “circular notes” accepted in banks, hotel and shops – first traveler’s check.
• Baedeker- most popular guide book for European countries first published in 1839

THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

20th Century
• Pleasure travel continue to expand (increasing wealth, curiosity and outgoing attitudes of the people)
• WWI -Large scale migration boosted the demand for international travel
• Mass communication (press, cinema, radio and television) stimulated interest in travel
• 1903 – first aircraft by Wright Brothers
• Popularity of cruise ships
• WWII – interest in knowing different culture
• Progress in aircraft technology
• 1954- introduction of Boeing 707

Post war Economic Recovery

• Increased in discretionary income and leisure time (labor negotiations and social legislations, increased
length of official and paid holidays)
• Travel for conferences and congresses

SUB-TOPIC 2. Modern Tourism

Mass tourism continued to develop in the first half of the 20th century. George Westinghouse
introduced the idea of paid leave from work, with a firm belief that allowing staff paid time off
would be beneficial to productivity levels overall. This gave the working and middle classes in
certain countries the time and money to fulfil their travel dreams wherein demand for tourism

Many factors contributed to the exponential growth of the travel industry. Hotels and motels took
to the franchising model of business expansion, and jet travel was properly introduced in the
1950s, becoming popular throughout the 1960s. Another fifties introduction helped: the credit
card. Originally the Diners Club card, this provided travelers with the means to buy things
wherever they were in the world without the hassle of currency exchange and carrying cash. To
this day, credit cards are the preferred way to spend money when travelling.

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Tourism and Hospitality
People no longer necessarily travel just for the sake of travel – they want an immersive
experience, adventure and the chance to give back to the local community. Tourism, and the
travel companies with the industry, have to keep up with the different demands.

Throughout the 21st century, Internet access has become more common and new borders have
opened. There is always increased wealth and mobility of citizens. As different countries
become attractive to tourists, their economy grows

These days, consumers are more savvy, more fussy and more aware and people care more
about environmental conservation, community impact, economic leakage and other such issues
and are far more considerate when they plan and undertake their travels. People now search for
experiences that are authentic and are looking to experience a range of different types of
tourism. Organizations working within the sector can now offer far more smart tourism
experiences, such as virtual tourism which was widely used during the Coronavirus outbreak of
2020. Further, consumers are more Internet savvy, meaning that they are leaning towards
independent research and dynamic packaging as opposed to using the traditional package
tourism methods that were so popular for so many years. This resulted to change in buying

Over the decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening
diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world.
Modern tourism is closely linked to development and encompasses a growing number
of new destinations. These dynamics have turned tourism into a key driver for socio-
economic progress.

Technology Trends in the Travel Industry

Technological advances have changed the way we travel, and these new developments
promise an even more interactive and exciting experience.

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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality
Today, nobody doubts that technology and travel are the perfect combination. This joint force
also plays a crucial role in the way we travel: from the vacation destination we choose, all the
way to what we do once we're there and even in the time after we've come back from our
adventure. It is so prevalent, that according to a Google Travel study, 74% of travelers plan their
trips on the Internet, while only 13% still use travel agencies to prepare them.
Millennials have also played a significant role in this paradigm shift. They love to travel and are
also passionate about new technology. This combined interested has given way to a new
context where social media, apps, blogs, and so more have an important part to play when it’s
time to play a trip. By that same token, the industry, as it becomes increasingly aware of this
trend, has followed suit by adapting its business model and product offering to attract this
coveted target.
◼ Internet of Things (IoT)

One of the most exciting emerging travel technology trends is the Internet of Things (IoT), which
involves internet-based inter-connectivity between everyday devices, allowing them to both
send and receive data. IoT technology can be used in hotel rooms to provide customers with a
device that connects to everything from the lights, to the heaters and air conditioning, allowing
all to be controlled from one place. In airports, meanwhile, luggage cases can be installed with
sensors that will alert passengers when they pass by.
◼ Recognition Technology

This technology itself includes finger print recognition, facial recognition, retina scanning and
various other biometric identifiers. It is already being used in some hotels to allow access to
rooms via finger prints, or to allow for semi-contactless check-outs. However, in the future, it is
hoped that this technology may be able to allow for customers to pay for meals in the hotel
restaurant simply by walking through the exit.
◼ Virtual Reality (VR)

It is one of the most promising tech trends for tourism-related companies, because it allows
them to digitally transport customers to a virtual recreation of a specific place. This affords
hotels the opportunity to showcase their rooms, reception areas and even local tourist hotspots
on their website, in order to encourage bookings

Other examples might include interactive virtual maps or VR hotel tours/ 360 video tours to
present your hotel upfront.
◼ Robotics

Robots are also utilized for a variety of other reasons. For example, in airports, they can be
used to detect concealed weapons, while some manufacturers are also using robotics to create
luggage cases that intelligently follow you. Moreover, travel agents are using robots for pre-
screening, making waiting times more productive for customers.
◼ Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Away from robots, artificial intelligence is being used in other ways too. Perhaps the most
obvious use within the travel and tourism industry is for customer service purposes, with
chatbots possessing the ability to deliver rapid response times to problems or queries. It is also
able to continuously learn from interactions with customers.

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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality
Virtual tourism is essentially a hybrid concept- it combines both the notions of virtual reality
and tourism. Virtual tourism facilitates a tourism experience, without actually having to travel
anywhere. It takes many different forms and comes in vary degrees of technological capability.
In its simplest form, virtual tourism may comprise of a video of a tourism destination. The
‘tourist’ watches the video, utilizing their hearing and sight senses.
More sophisticated forms of virtual tourism include being immersed in an environment through
use of a headset or simulator. It may involve use of various props, users may be required to
wear gloves and there may be additional sensations such as movement (like in a rollercoaster
simulator), feeling (for example if the user is sprayed with water) and smell.

Activity 3:
Watch this video

1. Can this virtual tour effectively promote the tourist destinations? Why?
2. Look for 2 other virtual tours and post the link here. What particular attraction, event, physical
attribute did you like? Explain why.

Seamless Travel Booking and Payments

Travelers nowadays want to be able to make online payments that are fast, secure and easy to
use. When they are ready to buy, they want to be able to do so online, quickly and efficiently.
Global online travel payment and Digital Wallets and Local Payment Schemes have gained
popularity like Western Union, PayPal and bank transfers.

In the U.S., credit cards are still the most popular way to pay for travel. Amadeus found that they
were used to pay for 57% of travel in 2018, down from 61% in 2017. E-wallets accounted for
23% in 2018, up 3 percentage points from the year prior, and bank transfers accounted for 8%,
up 2 points from 2017. Cash accounted for 4%, up 2 points, and "other" accounted for 8%,
down 3 points from the year prior.
The "other" alternative payment services popular in the U.S., Amadeus said, are, in no particular
order, PayPal, Square Cash, Visa Checkout, PayQuick, Venmo, Zelle and PayNearMe.

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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

Companies mentioned for travel bookings

• AirBnB Inc.
• Alibaba Group Holdings
• Apple Inc
• Booking Holding Inc.
• Cleartrip Pvt Ltd
• EasyJet Plc
• Mastercard Inc
• PayPal Inc
• Tencent Holdings
• Visa Inc


Web Conferencing
Web conferencing is used as an umbrella term for various types of online conferencing and
collaborative services including webinars, webcasts, and web meetings. A webinar (or web
seminar) is a live online conference or presentation. They are generally interactive, with
participants getting information, asking questions, and discussing in real-time.

SUB-TOPIC 3. Tourism in the Philippines

Tourism in the Philippines traces its origins during the ancient times when the first set of
people chose to migrate through land bridges, followed by the other sets of migrations from the
Malayan archipelago in the south and Taiwan in the north.
Timeline of Tourism in the Philippines
✓ Intertribe travel, Discovery of Magellan, Galleon Trade
✓ 1920’s to 30’s – airlines introduced
✓ Americans reach Manila after 2 weeks on board of Pan American airways
✓ Manila and China Clippers are airline pioneers MNL- HKG
✓ Private cars as colorum - illegally used vehicles
✓ Tour operators and travel agents formally existed
✓ Drivers served as guides

Archaeological evidence indicates that people have been traveling around these islands way
before the Spaniards. Such travels involved trade, diplomacy or war. The Sultan of Sulu who

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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality
traveled to Beijing to pay tribute to the emperor is a case in point. What is more uncertain is
whether any such travels were done for leisure.

During the Spanish colonial era, most travel involved trading between coastal towns and cities.
The rivers and seas help linked the settlements. Mountains and forests formed natural barriers
in the interior spaces of most of the islands. As road-building technology was not well
developed, communities located on mountains or near forests were considered remote. Some
of the more common reasons for traveling during the Spanish colonial period included getting an
education, searching for work and going on a religious pilgrimage.
A popular journey was visiting the Church of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage in Antipolo.
In May, pilgrims seeking the Virgin’s blessings and protection would board boats near Quiapo,
heading upriver to either Cainta or Taytay. Since the church was located on top of a hill, visitors
took transport either in hammocks carried by crews of men or by horse-drawn carriage. After the
pilgrimage, some visitors would go bathe in a nearby waterfall known as Hinulugang Taktak.

✓1947 orderly tourism activities started

✓ 1952 PTTA Philippine Tourist and Travel Association which funded by the government to
promote tourism industry. It was organized to put together all existing establishments serving
domestic and international travelers
✓ Later it was renamed BTTI – Board Travel and Tourist Industry which was tasked to
Regulate, supervise and control the tourist industry
✓ 1960’s – 1970’s hindered the development and promotion of tourism

Problems: poor peace and order

Poor sanitation
Lack of financial support
◼ 1972 after the declaration of Martial Law when tourism prospered ◼ Better services
◼ Safety to tourist
◼ Support by private sector
◼ More financial support from the government

Favorable conditions:
◼ Early 1970’s temporary tourist boom
✓ 1973 – the creation of MOT - Ministry of Tourism
✓ 1987 – became DOT - Department of Tourism as NTO or National Tourism Office

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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality
By 1999, the country was able to attract 1.9 million visitors. This is because the DOT started
investing in a marketing campaign. The first campaign launched by the DOT was in 1994 with
the slogan “Fiesta Island Philippines!”
The sector that gave tourism the biggest boost in the 1990s was local civil aviation. It was then
that budget airlines were introduced and more provincial airports were opened to international
flights. This move enabled local and foreign travelers to go to areas that were once too remote
and expensive. The move helped stimulate tourism in provinces such as Batanes and Palawan.
The island resort of Boracay became a popular international resort destination.
In 2000, the country saw the introduction of the long weekend, where the celebration of a public
holiday was moved to the nearest weekend, creating a three-day holiday break. This gave
Filipinos more time to travel around the country. In addition, an increase in income and car
ownership, as well as a better highway network, enabled Filipinos to explore their own country
like never before
In 2001, the DOT relaunched the country’s tourism image with a new campaign called “Wow
Philippines.” The campaign was deemed a success as the volume of visitors increased to three
million by 2007.
In 2012, a new marketing campaign was launched, dubbed “It’s more fun in the Philippines.”
Within weeks of its launching, it was judged one of the top three smartest campaigns by global
marketing campaign ranker, it did help tourist arrivals rise to 4.2 million.
To sustain the growth momentum, the DOT continued its campaign with a “Visit the Philippines
Year” in 2015. Visitors figures reached 5.3 million. The following year, the DOT further
increased visitor arrivals to 5.96 million, an 11.31 percent growth, with the “Visit Philippines
Again 2016” campaign.
Indeed, Philippine tourism has come a long way, although challenges to local tourism are still
numerous, particularly in the areas of security, marketing and infrastructure.

The Department of Tourism (DOT)

The government agency that regulates all the tourism maters in the Philippines

Republic Act (R.A.) 9593 known as Tourism Act of 2009


This law emphasizes “tourism as an indispensable element of the national economy and an
industry of national interest and importance, which must be harnessed as an engine of socio-
economic growth and cultural affirmation to generate investment, foreign exchange and
employment, and to continue to mold an enhanced sense of national pride for all Filipinos.”

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Tourism and Hospitality

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Tourism and Hospitality


✓ Increase visitors arrival from nearby markets like Japan, Korea, Hongkong and Taiwan and
high spending market Germany
✓ Increase tourism receipts through longer stay
✓ Expand domestic tourism through promotion, cheaper tour packages and new facilities
✓ Expand capacity of tourism by promoting more private sector investments
✓ Improve the standards of service through the expansion of training programs
✓ Program major tourism infrastructure projects
✓ Engage in tourism estate and resort development
✓ Classify facilities in tourist sites according to international standards
✓ Enforce strictly the tour facility standards
✓ Promote self-regulation among sectors in the tourism industry
✓ Complete a national tourism plan and a destination tourism plan
✓ Encourage consumer advertising to selected markets
✓ Work closely with private sector in product development
✓ Develop and strengthen linkages with the local governments and private sectors and
general public through tourism councils

Activity 4:

Please watch the following videos created by Department of Tourism in promoting the
Philippines as a tourist destination.
1. (Its more fun in the Philippines 2018
2. (Its more fun in the Philippines AVP)
3. (the recent campaign “ Wake up in the

Please answer the following guide questions;

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Tourism and Hospitality
1. Which from the videos do you think had a greater impact to audience as target market? Why?
2. Do you think DOT may achieve its goals to attract more tourists thru these promotional
3. What do you think are the best features of the Philippines being emphasized in the videos?
Support your answer.

Travel Formalities
1. Passport
2. Visa
3. Philippines Travel tax
4. Airport Terminal Fee

The Philippines has two major airlines Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines

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Tourism and Hospitality


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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

SUB-TOPIC 4. Factors Affecting the Growth of Tourism

Tourism industry play great role in the development of a world and it positively and negatively correlated
with the economic growth of the global economy. There are so many factors which affect the tourism
industry positively and negatively which in the long run or short run affect the global economy of the world
negatively and positively. Among these factors culture, peace, security, developed infrastructure of the
world, visa facilities, natural beautification, attitude of the people, tourist number, Quarantine, World
population, Education, Income level, Price level of different commodities in the world, different languages
and fare of hotel are the well-known factors which affect the tourism industry.


1. Rising disposable income for the large section of the population
2. Growth in the number of retired persons
3. Increase in discretionary time
4. Greater mobility of the population
5. Growth in the number of singles
6. Rising disposable income for the large section of the population
7. Growth in the number of retired persons
8. Increase in discretionary time
9. Greater mobility of the population
10. Growth in the number of singles
11. Shift in values

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Tourism and Hospitality
12. Advances in communication
13. Smaller families and changing roles

Activity 5:
Please watch this video:

Answer the following questions:

1. What happened to the one decade of launching Tourism Act 2009?
2. How does tourism contribute to the local economy?
3. How did tourism help preserve the local culture?

ANALYSIS (Sed contra) -


Activity 6:

Let’s discuss the following: (DO NOT COPY from google/classmates.)

1. How tourism significantly evolved through the years?
2. What do you think are the most significant milestones of tourism since early times that brought greater
impact to the advancement of tourism? Please mention at least 3 and explain.
3. How technology helped the operations of tourism establishments?
4. How technology essentially facilitated the delightful journey of tourists?
5. How the functions of the Department of Tourism create an impact to local economy?
6. What do you think are the significant factors in the growth of tourism in the Philippines? State them and

ACTION (Respondeo)

Activity 7:

Write an article (200-300 words) about the Philippine Tourism citing the recent development and the
salient features of the Philippines as tourist destination. (Do not copy from google/classmates. Cite your

Activity 8: (GROUP)
Using a Meme generator (), create a meme showing the technological development in tourism. Make it a
bit witty but not offensive. Post your output to our Group Chat upon approval of professor.

Output shall be rated on the following criteria:

Promptness- Submission on time 10%
Accuracy- The authenticity of content gathered 30%
Content Clarity- Contents are clearly presented 40%
Presentation- Impact and total packaging of the output 20%

22 | P a g e
THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality

Please answer this ten-point quiz and send your answer to Google classroom.
God bless!

Fill in the blanks with correct answer.

1. The Greeks introduced the Olympic games in ____________ B.C.
2. _______________is considered as Dark Age for Tourism
3. _______________educational and cultural travel of young men in England to key attractions
predominantly in Italy and France to learn about culture, language, architecture and literature
4. _______________most popular guide book for European countries first published in 1839
5. ______________year of introduction of the first aircraft by Wright Brothers
6. ________________year of introduction of Boeing 707
7. _______________is the national agency of the Philippines overseeing the country’s
tourism industry
8. _______________ the current Secretary of the Department of Tourism
9. _______________the former name of Philippine Tourism Promotion Board
10. _______________an organization funded by the government to promote the tourism
industry in 1952

Complete the table below to reflect on your experience in the entire module

Learning Skills Easy, I get it Well, more OMG, I still

examples please need help

1. I can trace the historical background of

tourism during the early times.
2. I can compare early and modern tourism.

3. I can discuss the current tourism industry.

4. I can explain the functions of the DOT.

5. I can discuss the factors affecting the

tourism industry.

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THC 101 – Macro Perspective in
Tourism and Hospitality
1. Cruz, Zenaida L. (2018) Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality, Rex Publishing,
2. Lim, Romeo (2018), A Macro Perspective on Tourism and Hospitality, Mindshapers, Co. Inc,
3. 3G E-Learning (2019) Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality, 3G E-Learning LLC,

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