Workforce of The Future The Competing Forces Shaping 2030 PWC

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Workforce of

the future
The competing forces shaping 2030
Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

The messages for leaders 5
The forces shaping the future 6
How digital and artificial intelligence are changing work 8
The Four Worlds of Work in 2030 10
Red World 12
Blue World 16
Green World 20
Yellow World 24
What does this mean for jobs? 30
Working together as a society – our recommendations 32
The individual response 34
‘No regrets’ moves for organisations 36
Conclusion 38
Appendix 39

PwC’s global People and Organisation practice brings together an

unmatched combination of 10,000 people with industry, business, talent,
strategy, HR, analytics and technology expertise in one team across
138 countries.

Together, we build tailored people and organisation solutions with a deep

understanding of our clients’ uniqueness, grounded in rigorous analysis
and data‑driven insight, to create lasting, differentiated value.

We help clients to implement organisational transformation, improve the

effectiveness of their workforce, develop and move talent around their
business, and manage their human capital risks. We work from people
strategy through to organisational execution.

We are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work. Automation and
‘thinking machines’ are replacing human tasks and jobs, and changing the skills that organisations
are looking for in their people. These momentous changes raise huge organisational, talent and
HR challenges – at a time when business leaders are already wrestling with unprecedented risks,
disruption and political and societal upheaval.

The pace of change is accelerating. Competition for the Our report draws on research begun in 2007 by a team
right talent is fierce. And ‘talent’ no longer means the same from PwC and the James Martin Institute for Science and
as ten years ago; many of the roles, skills and job titles of Civilisation at the Said Business School in Oxford and a
tomorrow are unknown to us today. How can organisations specially commissioned survey of 10,000 people in China,
prepare for a future that few of us can define? How will India, Germany, the UK and the US. This has given us
your talent needs change? How can you attract, keep and insights into how people think the workplace will evolve
motivate the people you need? And what does all this mean and how this will affect their employment prospects and
for HR? future working lives. Our thanks to all those who kindly
shared their perspectives.
This isn’t a time to sit back and wait for events to unfold.
To be prepared for the future you have to understand it. No exploration of the future of work will ever be conclusive.
In this report we look in detail at how the workplace might Indeed, one of the defining characteristics of our age is
be shaped over the coming decade. its ability to surprise and confound. This report develops
‘Four Worlds of Work’ for 2030 which will kickstart
your thinking about the many possible scenarios that
could develop, and how to best prepare for the future.
Remember that your starting point matters as much as your
destination; the best response may mean radical change,
or perhaps just a few steps from where you are today. Your
resulting strategy will inevitably mean a combination of
obvious, ‘no regrets’ actions and the occasional, educated
leap of faith.

Carol Stubbings
Global Leader, People and Organisation, PwC

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

“So what should we tell our children? That to

stay ahead, you need to focus on your ability to
continuously adapt, engage with others in that
process, and most importantly retain your core sense
of identity and values. For students, it’s not just about
acquiring knowledge, but about how to learn. For
the rest of us, we should remember that intellectual
complacency is not our friend and that learning –
not just new things but new ways of thinking – is a
life-long endeavour.”

Blair Sheppard
Global Leader, Strategy and Leadership
Development, PwC

“I’m not worried, as an

automated workplace
will also need human
Male full-time student (18),

The messages for leaders
Act now. People not jobs.

This isn’t about some ‘far future’ of work – change is Organisations can’t protect jobs which are made redundant
already happening, and accelerating. by technology – but they do have a responsibility to
their people. Protect people not jobs. Nurture agility,
No regrets and bets. adaptability and re-skilling.

The future isn’t a fixed destination. Plan for a dynamic Build a clear narrative.
rather than a static future. You’ll need to recognise
multiple and evolving scenarios. Make ‘no regrets’ moves A third of workers are anxious about the future and their
that work with most scenarios – but you’ll need to make job due to automation – an anxiety that kills confidence
some ‘bets’ too. and the willingness to innovate. How your employees feel
affects the business today – so start a mature conversation
Make a bigger leap. about the future.

Don’t be constrained by your starting point. You might need

a more radical change than just a small step away from
where you are today.

Own the automation debate.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will affect every

level of the business and its people. It’s too important an
issue to leave to IT (or HR) alone. A depth of understanding
and keen insight into the changing technology landscape is
a must.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

The forces shaping the future

The future of work asks us to consider the biggest questions Megatrends
of our age. What influence will the continuing march of
technology, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have The megatrends are the tremendous forces reshaping Figure 1: When you think about the future world of work as
on where we work and how we work? Will we need to work society and with it, the world of work: the economic shifts it is likely to affect you, how do you feel?
at all? What is our place in an automated world? that are redistributing power, wealth, competition and
opportunity around the globe; the disruptive innovations,
Many commentators focus on technology and the role that radical thinking, new business models and resource scarcity 37% Excited – I see a world full of possibility

automation is predicted to have on jobs and the workplace. that are impacting every sector. Businesses need a clear
Confident – I know that I will be successful
We believe the real story is far more complicated. This is less
about technological innovation and more about the manner
and meaningful purpose and mandate to attract and retain
employees, customers and partners in the decade ahead.
Worried – I’m nervous about what the future holds
in which humans decide to use that technology.
The megatrends identified by PwC form the foundation for
The shape that the workforce of the future takes will be the all our scenarios. How humans respond to the challenges Uninterested – I tend not to think too far ahead
result of complex, changing and competing forces. Some and opportunities which the megatrends bring will 8%
of these forces are certain, but the speed at which they determine the worlds in which the future of work plays out.
PwC survey of 10,029 members of the general population based in China,
unfold can be hard to predict. Regulations and laws, the Germany, India, the UK and the US – base all those who are not retired 8,459
governments that impose them, broad trends in consumer,
citizen and worker sentiment will all influence the transition
toward an automated workplace. The outcome of this battle
will determine the future of work in 2030.

When so many complex forces are at play, linear predictions

are too simplistic. Businesses, governments and individuals
need to be prepared for a number of possible, even seemingly
unlikely, outcomes.

Technological breakthroughs Demographic shifts Rapid urbanisation Shifts in global Resource scarcity and
Rapid advances in The changing size, distribution Significant increase in the economic power climate change
technological innovation and age profile of the world’s population moving to Power shifting Depleted fossil fuels, extreme
world’s population live in cities between developed and weather, rising sea levels and
Automation, robotics and AI are developing countries water shortages
advancing quickly, dramatically With a few regional exceptions By 2030, the UN projects that
changing the nature and number the world’s population is ageing, 4.9 billion people will be urban The rapidly developing nations, Demand for energy and water is
of jobs available. Technology putting pressure on business, dwellers and, by 2050, the particularly those with a large forecast to increase by as much
has the power to improve our social institutions and economies. world’s urban population will working‑age population, that as 50% and 40% respectively
lives, raising productivity, living Our longer life span will affect have increased by some 72%1. embrace a business ethos, attract by 20302. New types of jobs
standards and average life business models, talent ambitions Already, many of the largest cities investment and improve their in alternative energy, new
span, and free people to focus and pension costs. Older workers have GDPs larger than mid‑size education system will gain the engineering processes, product
on personal fulfilment. But it will need to learn new skills and countries. In this new world, cities most. Emerging nations face the design and waste management
also brings the threat of social work for longer. ‘Re‑tooling’ will will become important agents for biggest challenge as technology and re‑use will need to be
unrest and political upheaval become the norm. The shortage of job creation. increases the gulf with the created to deal with these needs.
if economic advantages are not a human workforce in a number developed world; unemployment Traditional energy industries,
shared equitably. of rapidly‑ageing economies will and migration will continue to and the millions of people
drive the need for automation and be rampant without significant, employed by them, will see a
productivity enhancements. sustained investment. The erosion rapid restructuring.
of the middle class, wealth
disparity and job losses due
to large‑scale automation will
increase the risk of social unrest in
developed countries.

Find out more about PwC’s Global Megatrends

1 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

2 National Intelligence Council.
Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

How digital and artificial intelligence

are changing work
The potential for digital platforms and AI to underpin and Finally AI: the digital assistants, chatbots, and machine
grow the world of work is unbounded. They already play
an essential role in the development of all Four Worlds of
Work, matching skills to employer, capital to investor and
learning, that understand, learn, and then act based on that
information3. It’s useful to think of three levels of AI: 73%
think technology
consumer to supplier. Assisted intelligence, widely available today, improves
what people and organisations are already doing. A simple can never replace the
This platform layer brings a digital value chain and example, prevalent in cars today, is the GPS navigation human mind.
commoditisation and automation of the back office – programme that offers directions to drivers and adjusts to
but comes with warnings. While it can create a thriving road conditions.
marketplace, it can grow to take over the entire economic
system. And with platform pervasiveness comes
vulnerability to cyber‑attacks or wide‑scale manipulation.
Augmented intelligence, emerging today, helps people
and organisations to do things they couldn’t otherwise do.
are worried about
For example, car ride‑sharing businesses couldn’t exist
automation putting jobs
Closely linked to digital is data. How governments, without the combination of programmes that organise
organisations and individuals decide to share and use it the service. at risk – up from 33%
is key to all our worlds – even the most human-centric. in 2014.
Autonomous intelligence, being developed for the future, PwC survey of 10,029 members
establishes machines that act on their own. An example of the general population based in
China, Germany, India, the UK and
of this will be self‑driving vehicles, when they come into the US
widespread use.

Some optimists believe AI could create a world where

human abilities are amplified as machines help mankind
process, analyse, and evaluate the abundance of data
that creates today’s world, allowing humans to spend
more time engaged in high‑level thinking, creativity,
and decision-making.

3 For more on AI and how it’s changing work, see our 2017 report:
Bot.Me: A revolutionary partnership
“Automation, machines
are replacing so many
jobs. Many people think
that only the poor and
uneducated are being
displaced. I’m afraid that
in a few years everyone
will be replaceable.”
Retired female with
postgraduate degree (67),
USA Autonomous Intelligence


Augmented Intelligence Adaptive continuous

intelligent systems take
over decision‑making.

Assisted Intelligence The future of humans at

work is questioned.

Fundamental change
Today in the nature of
work. Humans and
Automating repetitive, machines collaborate to
standardised or make decisions.
tasks and providing Uniquely human traits –
assisted intelligence. emotional intelligence,
creativity, persuasion,
Increased demand for innovation – become
STEM skills to build more valuable.
new tech ecosystem.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Shaping our own destiny

Megatrends provide the context for future worlds but Collectivism versus individualism Integration versus fragmentation
they don’t dictate their shape or features at a specific
point in time. How humans respond to the challenges and Will ‘me first’ prevail, or will societies work together Will digital technology inevitably mark the end for large
opportunities which the megatrends bring will determine through a sense of collective responsibility? What is the companies? Technology has allowed tiny businesses to tap
the worlds in which the future of work plays out. role of government in balancing a strong economy with the into a vast reservoir of information, skills and financing
interests of its people? Regions and countries – and even that used to be available only to large organisations.
Public sentiment, and its impact, is difficult to predict, cities – will inevitably take a different view on the level of Through the use of technology, small has become powerful.
affected by culture, history and many other local factors. state intervention needed.
As we’ve seen in recent years, public sentiment can It’s also allowed large companies to drastically reduce
radically affect the approach of a nation in the space of a their internal and external costs. Organisations can be
single election or referendum. But there’s no doubt that more productive with fewer staff and can expand their
governments and public sentiment will influence the operations (through contingent workers, for example)
forces underpinning each scenario. For this reason, we without having to invest significant amounts of capital.
added some distinctly human dynamics into our scenario But once again, human agency plays its part.
analysis: the ‘push and pull’ effect of collectivism versus
individualism, and integration versus fragmentation. Government actions can incentivise or penalise larger
businesses, or encourage small business and start‑ups.

Business fragmentation:
Small is powerful.
Large businesses lose their dominance as customers seek relevance
and organisations find scale a burden rather than a benefit. Social
bubbles and affinity groups take on a new importance. Many could not
exist without digital platforms.

Collectivism: Individualism:
Fairness and equality dominates. Where ‘me first’ rules.
The common good prevails over personal preference, A focus on individual wants; a response to the infinite
e.g. collective responsibility for the environment, choices available to consumers.
social good and ‘fairness’ over individual interest.

Corporate integration:
Big business rules all.
Companies get bigger and more influential – the biggest have more
sway than some nations. Brands span many business areas.

The Four Worlds of Work in 2030

The Yellow World The Red World

Humans come first Innovation rules
Social-first and community businesses prosper. Crowdfunded capital flows Organisations and individuals race to give consumers what they want.
towards ethical and blameless brands. There is a search for meaning and Innovation outpaces regulation. Digital platforms give outsized reach
relevance with a social heart. Artisans, makers and ‘new Worker Guilds’ thrive. and influence to those with a winning idea. Specialists and niche profit-
Humanness is highly valued. makers flourish.
Collectivism Individualism

The Green World The Blue World

Companies care Corporate is king
Social responsibility and trust dominate the corporate agenda with concerns Big company capitalism rules as organisations continue to grow bigger and
about demographic changes, climate and sustainability becoming key drivers individual preferences trump beliefs about social responsibility.
of business.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Innovation rules: The Red World

In a world with few rules, a vibrant market of specialists and niche profit-makers race to serve the
needs of individuals and powerful affinity groups.

Red World: The road to 2030

2020 2021 2022 2025 2030

High-profile personal A lifestyle app developed by UK Court of Appeal rules A decade of demergers and The number of US workers
scandals and corruption six Taiwanese 17-year-olds that ideas developed outside ‘carve outs’ across industry in full-time ‘permanent’
by politicians and business for their final-year exams is business hours by colleagues sectors peaks. employment drops to
leaders in a number of sold for $49m in a worldwide of the same company remain 9% of the workforce,
nations are unresolved, online auction organised by its intellectual property, an all-time low.
signalling to the world that the students’ school. even if the workers are not
‘anything goes’ and creating permanent employees.
a push back on turn-of-the-
millennium standards.

A world of innovation with few rules Agility and speed are essential What it means for workers

think ‘few people will
The Red World is a perfect incubator
for innovation.
Big business has been outflanked in a digital-
enabled world that’s teeming with small
Specialism is highly prized in the Red World
and a career, rather than being defined by an
entrepreneurial companies. employer or institution, is built from individual
have stable, long-term New products and business models develop at blocks of skills, experience and networks.
employment in the lightning speed, far more quickly than regulators Digital platforms match worker with employer,
future’. can control. Technology encourages the skills with demand, capital with innovator, Near‑zero employee organisations are the
creation of powerful, like‑minded, cross‑border and consumer with supplier. This allows serial norm. Organisations of a few pivotal people use
PwC survey of 10,029 members
of the general population based in social ‘bubbles’. Businesses innovate to create entrepreneurs to reach far beyond their size in technology, the supply chain and intellectual
China, Germany, India, the UK and personalisation and find new ways to serve terms of influence and scale. property, rather than human effort and physical
the US
these niches. assets, to generate value.
Anxious to compete, larger employers fragment to
There are high rewards on offer for those ideas create their own internal markets and networks to The commercial value of learning takes
and skills that best meet what companies and cut through old‑style hierarchies and encourage precedence; a university degree is seen as
consumers want. But in a world with few rules, and reward workers to come up with new ideas. less valuable than specific and relevant skills
the risks are high. Today’s winning business The pace of development and testing of new or experience.
could be tomorrow’s court case. products and services has accelerated, increasing
the risk of brand damage and failure. Workers know that the most sought‑after
skills will mean the biggest reward package.
Many move frequently and stay only as long
as the project or business lasts. Contract
negotiations are key and ownership of
intellectual property and the freedom to work
are as important as financial incentives.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Who leads on people strategy? What does the workforce look like? Organisational challenges “There’s a lack of loyalty
from the company
• Innovation and people are inseparable in the • Specialism is highly prized and workers seek • Speed to market is everything in the Red towards the employees.
Red World. to develop the most sought‑after skills to World – any decision‑making process or
Workers with skills in
command the biggest reward package. hierarchy that delays innovation is a barrier
• HR does not exist as a separate function and to success.
demand will prosper,
entrepreneurial leaders rely on outsourced • Organisations are typically stripped‑down and those with outdated skills
services and automation for people processes. nimble, supplemented by talent attracted by the • While ideas flourish, organisations compete to will be abandoned.”
next promising opportunity. ‘own’ them. Part-time Government
• Larger organisations scour the world to employee (66), USA
‘acqui‑hire’ talent and intellectual property • A small number of ‘pivotal people’ with • Innovation creates a high‑risk environment;
using specialist talent strategists in combination outstanding management skills command regulation struggles to catch up – but when it
with AI to identify the specialists they want. high rewards. does, it impacts unevenly and suddenly.

• Digital platforms match worker with employer • Like‑minded workers gravitate towards each • Workforces are lean but there’s still intense
and skills with demand. other, aided by technology, sparking bubbles competition for critical skills.
of innovation.
• Performance is all about the end result rather
than the process – ‘old‑fashioned’ performance • Projects quickly flourish, evolve and resolve and
measurement and analysis is rare. specialists move rapidly from one to the next.

ure view

Anticipating your talent needs
I want to _
Red World
In 2030, the search
for talent is as difficult
as ever. Artificial
intelligence allows
businesses to identify
the talent they need,
when they need it.
Here’s an extract from
an AI‑powered talent
tool which might
be readily available
in 2030.

SkillScanExTM Aggregator SkillScanExTM Anticipator SkillScanExTM Business planner

Find the talent you need, no matter which Connect at a deeper level and Anticipator will Business Planner links customer enquiries, open
platform it’s on. Our natural language interface alert you when you need new skills or capacity innovation projects and current human and
allows you to tell us what you need – and what from the conversations happening within your automated productivity to forecast both business
you don’t. business. Anticipator helps you make the right performance and critical skills gaps.
choice between human and machine talent.

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Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Corporate is king: The Blue World

Global corporates take centre stage. Consumer choice dominates. A corporate career separates the
haves from the have nots.

Blue World: The road to 2030

2020 2021 2022 2025 2030

The net worth of the top Merger of the world’s biggest The world’s biggest employer UN agrees its Ethical Charter India’s largest tech company
1% of Chinese households social media site and agrees unique ‘borderless’ on Human Enhancement. announces a 24% increase
overtakes that of the top Africa’s largest telecoms working for its employees in annual revenue, largely
1% of US households for the company becomes the biggest across its six biggest markets attributed to its introduction
first time. corporate deal ever recorded. in a ground-breaking tax of cognitive-enhancing drugs
deal with their governments. for its workforce.

Capitalism reigns supreme Extreme talent What it means for workers

In the Blue World, companies see their size and

influence as the best way to protect their prized
Corporates may dominate the Blue World,
but workforces are lean.
For workers in the Blue World, the pressure to
perform is relentless. Those with a permanent
would consider using
profit margins against intense competition from role enjoy excellent rewards, as do in‑demand
their peers and aggressive new market entrants. Exceptional talent is in high demand – contract workers with specialist skills – but both treatments to enhance
Corporations grow to such a scale, and exert employers secure a core group of pivotal know that their future employability depends on their brain and body
such influence, that some become more powerful high‑performers by offering excellent rewards keeping their leading‑edge skills relevant. if this improved
than nation states. but otherwise buy in flexible talent and skills employment prospects
as and when they’re needed. A corporate employer separates the haves from in the future.
Success depends on a productive workforce as the have nots; companies provide many of the
PwC survey of 10,029 members
large companies compete for the best talent. Human effort, automation, analytics and services, from children’s education, eldercare of the general population based in
They push past the limits of human ability by innovation combine to push performance and healthcare, previously provided by the state. China, Germany, India, the UK and
investing augmentation technology, medication in the workplace to its limits; human effort the US – base all those who are not
retired 8,459
and implants to give their people the edge. is maximised through sophisticated use of The price workers must pay is their data.
physical and medical enhancement techniques Companies monitor and measure obsessively,
and equipment, and workers’ performance from the location of their workforce to their
and wellbeing are measured, monitored and performance, health and wellbeing – both in and
analysed at every step. A new breed of elite outside the workplace. Organisations use the
super‑workers emerges. data to predict performance and importantly,
to anticipate people risk.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Who leads on people strategy? What does the workforce look like? Organisational challenges “The gap between the
rich and the poor. Either
• The Chief People Officer (CPO) is a powerful • Aside from a core group of high‑performers, • The challenges of size and scale mean that people will have a high
and influential figure, sometimes known as the talent is bought in where and when it’s needed. organisations are at greater risk from external
paying job or no job
‘Head of People and Productivity’, and who sits ‘Retainer and call‑up’ contracts are frequently threats such as technology terrorism or
on the board. used for rare skills. meltdown and they find it difficult to effect
at all.”
change quickly. Unemployed female (50),
• The science of human capital has developed • Top talent is fiercely fought over – the best Germany
to such a degree that the connection between engage an agent to negotiate and manage • The value of human capital at the top level
people and performance is explicitly their career. is high and the upward pressure on reward,
demonstrated by the CPO. particularly for senior executives, is intense.
• Employers begin their search for exceptional
• The people risk agenda is one which is taken talent early, forming links with schools and • Organisations must develop models and
seriously by the board – as a result, the CPO engaging promising youngsters. systems which enable individuals and
and HR become more influential. their agents to negotiate the value of their
• Employees of all levels take an active role in human capital based on employees’ personal
their own career development, honing their investment strategies.
skills whenever they can and however they can
– including human enhancements.

• Society divides into those with a corporate

career – and those who don’t have access to
the same level of financial rewards, healthcare
and benefits.

ure view

World News
3 May 2030 09.30 ET

Blue World
In 2030, organisations Drumhum Inc leads the pack in the use of cognitive-enhancing drugs in the workplace as
begin to realise the companies begin to realise their benefits.
benefits of human
enhancement in
the workplace.
Drumhum Inc, the first large employer to Cognitalin, a modified methylphenidate
An online news report offer cognitive‑enhancing medication to its substitute developed by PharmaXcog, increases
from 2030 details the employees, says it has seen a 4% increase in concentration and enhances memory function
first large-scale use of productivity during the first three months of by increasing the synaptic concentration
cognitive‑enhancing the financial year. of the neurotransmitters dopamine and
drugs. noradrenaline by blocking their reuptake and
Drumhum offered the methylpehnidate‑based stimulating the prefrontal cortical network.
drug Cognitalin, the first cognitive enhancer It was licenced for non‑medical use in 2027
to be mass produced specifically for use in the following the publication of the Ethical Charter
workplace, to its employees on a voluntary on Workplace Enhancement.
basis at the beginning of the year. “The
programme,” said Nancy Cole, the company’s Drumhum measured the performance
Head of People Performance, “was closely of the Cognitalin group against a control
monitored; it was also heavily oversubscribed, group of employees of similar experience
with more than 73% of Drumhum’s 3,000 and demographics, who continued with
workers based in the US volunteering to Drumhum’s standard programme of gaming‑
take part.” based cognitive training. “The group taking
Cognitalin,” said Cole, “proved significantly
more productive, completing a complex coding
exercise around 10% more quickly than the
control group – with 4% fewer errors.”

Read more

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Companies care: The Green World

The need for a powerful social conscience is paramount. Workers and consumers show loyalty
towards organisations that do right by their employees and the wider world.

Green World: The road to 2030

2020 2021 2022 2025 2030

‘Stop the Bots’ marches A year-long drought in The #waterwaster International accounting The European Union
against job losses attract tens eastern Pakistan and social campaign targets standards require a ‘Natural introduces legislation that
of millions of demonstrators northern India causes organisations that have Capital and Social Capital bans all companies trading
in Detroit, Toronto, Mumbai the deaths of two million failed to reduce their impact’ balance sheet from within the EU from using
and London. people. More than 30 million water consumption since all listed companies. petrol and diesel vehicles.
are displaced. international guidelines were
agreed in 2020. The share
price and revenue of a dozen
multinationals plummet.

Companies have to care The automation conundrum What it means for workers

In the Green World, corporate responsibility isn’t

just a nice‑to‑have – it’s a business imperative.
Automation and technology are an essential
element of the Green World as they help
Employees enjoy family-friendly, flexible hours
and are encouraged to take part in socially‑
say ‘doing a job that
Companies are open, collaborative organisations to protect scarce resources and minimise useful projects. They trust their employer to treat
that see themselves as playing an essential role environmental damage. them fairly in terms of pay, development and makes a difference’
in developing their employees and supporting conditions and in return are expected to reflect is most important to
local communities. Technology is used extensively to replace the the culture of the company in their approach their career.
need for travel, driving rapid innovation in and behaviour. PwC survey of 10,029 members
Reacting to public opinion, increasingly scarce communications technology. of the general population based in
China, Germany, India, the UK and
natural resources and stringent international The high ethical standards to which companies the US
regulations, companies push a strong ethical and But the question of where people fit into the are held has cascaded down to employees;
green agenda. This is characterised by a strong automated Green World looms large. Technology conduct and ethics are taken very seriously at
social conscience, a sense of environmental is a double‑edged sword for Green World work and performance is assessed against a wide
responsibility, a focus on diversity, human rights employers – it allows them to meet their ethical range of measures, including how efficiently
and fairness of all kinds and a recognition that and environmental agenda, but at what cost workers manage their travel and resources.
business has an impact that goes well beyond to humans?
the financial.

Trust is the basic currency underpinning

business and employment. Companies have to
place their societal purpose at the heart of their
commercial strategy.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Who leads on people strategy? What does the workforce look like? Organisational challenges “Climate change [will
be the biggest impact on
• The CEO drives the people strategy for the • Workers are attracted to Green World • Communicating corporate purpose and the way we work], we are
organisation, believing that the people in the companies by the opportunity to work for an values effectively, to the right people, is a
going to have to change
organisation, their behaviours and role in organisation they admire, whose values match fundamental requirement.
society have a direct link to the organisation’s their own.
our priorities.”
success or failure. • Building and maintaining trust with Female manager in the
• Even so, competition remains intense for the employees and wider society, especially when pharmaceutical industry
• The HR function, renamed ‘People and best talent; financial reward is still important. it comes to the use of automation, is essential. (30), USA
Society’ embraces a broad mix of HR,
marketing, corporate social responsibility • The incentives package is an essential tool • The brand must be protected at all times.
and data analytics. in attracting and retaining workers and has The possibility of non‑socially responsible
become increasingly inventive. Three weeks’ behaviour within the organisation or
• A priority for HR is developing and paid leave a year to work on charity and social anywhere along the supply chain carries
maintaining a series of virtual social networks projects is standard practice. huge risks. Quality assurance and vigilance
across the organisation and client base to is paramount.
encourage communication and minimise • Workers are expected to reflect the values of
the need for travel. their employer – both at work and at home • Being compliant is not enough: organisations
through ‘organisational pledges’. are under pressure to raise the bar and
• Many people decisions are tightly controlled establish policies and practices which go
by regulation, from diversity quotas to, • Travel is tightly controlled and monitored and beyond and even anticipate regulatory
mandatory wellbeing support (eg sleep there are incentives for inventive and efficient requirements.
clinics and ‘digital dieting’), to the number use of resources.
of redundancies companies can make during • Organisations have to balance the trade‑off
a downturn. • The idea of a ‘job for life’ returns to the between short-term financial and long-term
workplace lexicon. societal good.

ure view
Fut Energy per employee Back to comparisions Home | Sign in | Register | My account | Help

Green Bar Brewing Inc

Sustainability hub Water consumption per annum (baseline 2022)

Energy and Water Consumption – Summary
Updated 11:00 GMT 12/11/2030
Green World Energy use 2029/30 (to date) 2028/29 FY
2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
In 2030, real‑ Total energy consumption 2025/26 FY (Gw) 1,002 1,130
97% 95% 93% 92% 91%
time reporting of Total consumption per FTE (Kw) 0.09 0.13
sustainability data is CO2 emissions (kilotonnes) 17.3 18.1
a legal requirement Travel‑related emissions 6.4 8.3
for all listed
Peer group comparison
companies – most
Top 10%
unlisted entities 2029/30 (to date) 2028/29 FY
Our water report
also voluntarily
produce detailed Total consumption (million gallons) 823 889
Water used per litre of product 2.7:1 2.9:1
quarterly data.
Here’s an extract Water consumption per country
from an imagined
organisation’s 2030 Key suppliers
sustainability report In accordance with the Sustainability Act 2022, we collect
and publish key sustainability data for any of our suppliers
which allows online
that contribute to more than 7% of our total costs.
comparison with peer Click through for information.
group organisations. Company 1
Company 2
Company 3

Social impact 2029/30 (to date) 2028/29 FY

Number of workers* 7,610 7,789
Community hours/per worker 9.6 8.3
*All individuals undertaking paid work for this organisation ‑ both employed and self employed but
excluding suppliers with more than 1 employee.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Humans come first: The Yellow World

Fairness and social good are dominant. Businesses with a heart and artisans thrive in a bustling and
creative market with a strong emphasis on ethics and fairness.

Yellow World: The road to 2030

2020 2021 2022 2025 2030

European Commission The world’s largest taxi The Shanghai Stock Brazil becomes the last of the The ‘Made by Me’ quality
agrees the Fair Pay Directive. company bows to public Exchange announces that G22 nations to renationalise mark – indicating that no
pressure and introduces all listed companies must be its water and energy supply. machines have been involved
a ‘human driver please’ free from the use of conflict in production – achieves
option to its app. minerals by the end of 2025. worldwide recognition.

We’re all in this together The two sides of technology What it means for workers

In the Yellow World, workers and companies

seek out greater meaning and relevance in what
Technology has helped to create the vibrant
Yellow World by lowering barriers to entry
Workers feel the strongest loyalty not to their
employer, but to people with the same skills
say their ideal employer
they do. by providing easy access to crowdfunded or cause.
capital and a worldwide market. This allows is an organisation
A strong desire for ‘fairness’ in the distribution entrepreneurial companies to compete in areas The Yellow World is the perfect breeding ground with values matching
of wealth, resources and privilege drives previously the domain of large organisations. for the emergence of new worker Guilds, similar their own.
public policy, leading to increased government to the craft associations and trade fraternities of PwC survey of 10,029 members
intervention and consumers and workers voting But there is a central conflict around technology the Middle Ages. These Guilds develop in order of the general population based in
China, Germany, India, the UK and
with their feet. and automation; in the Yellow World, people are to protect, support and connect independent the US
less likely to take the downsides of automation workers and often provide training and other
Workers find flexibility, autonomy and without a fight. As more people are impacted by benefits that have traditionally been supplied
fulfilment, working for organisations with a technical advances and see their skills become by employers.
strong social and ethical record. This is the obsolete, disaffection and the push‑back against
collective response to business fragmentation; policies that seem to favour the ‘elite’ grow.
the desire to do good, for the common
good. A wider range of work is regulated by However, ‘invisible technology’ such as
a concept of ‘good jobs’ and decent work; AI-driven ‘back office’ functional support and
moving away from traditional employer/ the automation of tasks that are damaging
employee relationships. or impossible for humans, still pervades.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Who leads on people strategy? What does the workforce look like? Organisational challenges “The ability to work from
anywhere, combined
• Business leaders are responsible for people • Like‑minded workers gravitate towards each • Brand and a good ethical record is essential in with the advances in
direction and management. other, aided by technology platforms. the Yellow World. The risk of brand damage
from rogue workers must be actively managed.
• HR rarely exists as a separate function as • Individuals come together to collaborate on
makes us geographically
organisations rely on outsourced services, projects or to deliver on an idea – for as long as • Organisations are judged on trust and fairness; neutral. However
specialist suppliers and automation for it takes. organisational purpose must be clearly we must ensure that
people processes. articulated and lived. the personal touch
• Guilds help workers create scale when needed, is retained.”
• Guilds support workers to build skills and remain current and build trust in their services. • Ethical and transparent supply chain
Manager (52), UK
experience by providing training and career management is critical and penalties apply
development support alongside other help • Guilds provide members with a strong sense all along the chain for non-compliance.
and advice. of identity – individuals see themselves as
members of their profession, identifying with • In the Yellow World, relationships with
• Digital platforms create mobility and help each other because of their particular skills set, governments and NGOs are vital and need
match worker with employer and skills and interests and goals. to be closely managed.
attributes with demand.
• Non-financial rewards are assessed fairly in a
• Performance is about delivering an trade‑off for less pay.
organisational goal but also, importantly,
about employees’ behaviours and • Work is often a fluid concept and a regimented
societal impact. 9 to 5, Monday to Friday working week is
rare; the borders between home and work
are blurred.

ure view

Guild University opens for business in Helsinki

23 August 2030

Yellow World
Guilds have extended The GDA (Guild for Data Analysts) University in Finland, the first campus university opened by a Guild in Europe, will
their responsibilities
welcome its first residential students next month. The GDA announced in 2026 that it was to invest €35m in developing
for their members,
including wellbeing, a university dedicated to data analytics research and teaching in response to growing demand from its members.
pensions, training
and by 2030, The new GDA University is set on the former The university will initially offer modular “As a Guild we are constantly striving to help
university education. site of Urban‑Metro University, which closed courses and accreditation which build into our members develop the skills that have made
its doors in 2027. The campus was purchased the three levels of Guild Certification, today’s them so valuable in the workplace,” said Julia
Here’s what an by the GDA in 2028 and has undergone an gold standard for data analysis professionals. Hawley, chief executive of the GDA. “Our new
education news forum extensive refurbishment and digital upgrade. While applications are accepted from all, those university will track the skills demands within
could report in 2030. “We can offer our students the very latest students that are already members of the GDA the industry and move quickly to make sure
learning technology and infrastructure,” said will enjoy subsidised fees. that our students leave their education ready to
GDA University Vice Chancellor Eino Virtanen. add real value to businesses worldwide.”
“As you would expect from a Guild that
represents the finest talents in digital analytics,
our campus is state‑of‑the‑art.”

The GDA is the largest and fastest growing

of the Guilds with more than 18m members
worldwide. It has run an extensive programme
of training courses since it was set up in 2021;
its library of MOOCs (massively open online
courses) is heavily used by members and
non‑members alike and a selection of short
residential courses for Guild members was
launched in 2025.

Read more

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

The people

Red World

Blue World
challenges in 2030

People with ideas and organisations with capital seek Organisations compete to find and secure the best talent
each other out in a vibrant online marketplace. Talent is available and use extensive search and evaluation methods
Finding, sourcing and attracting talent attracted by a combination of financial reward and the to lock in the stars of tomorrow.
opportunity to be involved in winning projects.

Those with in‑demand skills expect the highest Performance is obsessively monitored and measured –
financial rewards. often in real‑time. Excellent incentives are on offer for the
Reward and performance best talent, as long as they perform.

It’s every man and woman for themselves in the Red World Development is concentrated on a small core group of
– individuals hold responsibility for improving their own high‑potentials.
Learning and development skills using a new generation of open‑source learning tools.

HR as we know it vanishes, replaced by automation, HR uses advanced analytics to predict future talent
outsourcing and self‑organising teams. demands and to measure and anticipate performance and
The role of HR retention issues.

Technology powers the Red World but performance is Sensors and data analytics measure and optimise
Role of technology in managing people judged primarily on short‑term results. performance continuously.

Yellow World
Green World

“Technological trends
will destroy many jobs.
But at the same time also
create numerous jobs.”
Full-time female student,
(19) China

Green World companies seek likeminded individuals to Companies use technology to explain their purpose
extend their corporate family, taking great care to select and cause openly. If their values are right, and the idea
only talent with the right behaviours and attitudes. appealing, talented individuals and relevant Guilds flock
to help.

Organisations focus on total reward, which recognises Fair pay drives the Yellow World; organisations and
corporate citizenship and good behaviours alongside workers respect each other’s needs and capabilities.
performance. When disputes occur, the Guild will stand up for
its workers.

Personal and professional development fuse in areas such Individuals take responsibility for lifelong learning,
as volunteering. Companies train people to deal with turning to Guilds for support.
ethical dilemmas and weigh up difficult economic v social

HR acts as guardian of the brand. There is a strong focus on The traditional core functions of HR are held by business
creating the right culture and behaviours and on guarding leaders, the collective or taken on by Guilds.
against sustainability and reputational risk across the
supply chain.

Technology helps people to build work into their lives and Technology creates and supports the open, honest,
minimise their environmental impact. collaborative community of the Yellow World.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

What does this mean for jobs?

Our Four Worlds of Work are each markedly different, It’s clear that automation will result in a massive This view is supported by business leaders worldwide who
but through each runs the vein of automation and the reclassification and rebalancing of work. Some sectors and responded to our most recent CEO survey5. While CEOs are
implications of robotics and AI. Will robots eventually roles, even entire sections of the workforce will lose out but keen to maximise the benefits of automation – 52% told
replace us all at work? Or will we create a new world where others will be created. us that they’re already exploring the benefits of humans
people and machines work alongside each other? It’s the and machines working together and 39% are considering
most fundamental – and difficult – question we must ask of Automation will not only alter the types of jobs available the impact of AI on their future skills needs – the majority
the future of work. but their number and perceived value. By replacing workers (52%) were also planning to increase headcount in the
doing routine, methodical tasks, machines can amplify the coming 12 months. Finding the skills they need has become
As more individual tasks become automatable through comparative advantage of those workers with problem‑ the biggest threat to their business, they say, but the skills
AI and sophisticated algorithms, jobs are being redefined solving, leadership, EQ (Emotional Intelligence), empathy they’re looking for are particularly telling: problem‑solving,
and re‑categorised. A third of people worldwide are now and creativity skills. adaptability, collaboration, leadership, creativity and
worried about losing their job to automation4. innovation top the list.
Those workers performing tasks which automation can’t
yet crack, become more pivotal – and this means creativity,
innovation, imagination, and design skills will be
prioritised by employers.

Figure 2: Jobs at risk of automation by country 6

US Germany UK Japan

38% 35% 30% 21%

4 PwC survey of 10,029 members of the general population based in China, Germany, India, the UK and the US
5 PwC 20th Annual Global CEO Survey
Adaptability – the key to the future
Pivotal talent: The ultimate prize
One clear lesson arises from our analysis: adaptability –
in organisations, individuals and society – is essential for Automation of routine tasks encourages the increased
navigating the changes ahead. specialism we see in the four worlds. This suggests
that those workers with the critical skills that
It’s impossible to predict exactly the skills that will organisations need will become the ultimate prize
be needed even five years from now, so workers and – whether they are full‑time employees or contract
organisations need to be ready to adapt – in each of the workers. These are the ‘pivotal’ people – those that
worlds we envisage. contribute outsized and absolutely crucial value to
their organisation.
Inevitably, much of the responsibility will be on
the individual. They will need not only to adapt to Finding and keeping these pivotal people will be a
organisational change, but be willing to acquire new skills huge challenge in every world. They will be hard to
and experiences throughout their lifetime, to try new tasks find and difficult, in a loyalty-light world, to keep.
and even to rethink and retrain mid‑career. And in the hard‑driven Red and Blue worlds, the risk
of losing pivotal people to burnout or early retirement
Governments and organisations can and should do much (comfortably funded by the high rewards they’ll
to help: easing the routes to training and retraining, and command) will be a constant worry.
encouraging and incentivising adaptability and the critical
and increasingly valued skills of leadership, creativity That’s why organisations will need to pay careful
and innovation. attention to the employee value proposition –
the reasons why these extraordinary people were
attracted to working with them in the first place.

are ready to learn new
skills or completely
retrain in order to
remain employable in
the future.
PwC survey of 10,029 members
of the general population based in
China, Germany, India, the UK and
the US – base all those who are not
retired 8,459

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

Working together as a society – our recommendations

Managing the impact of the trends shaping our Four Worlds of Work won’t be easy. It requires collaboration and
engagement from governments, organisations and society at large. Together we should:

Be deliberate in the way we allow technology Look for innovative ways to address
to develop unemployment caused by technology

Governments, organisations and society should work All governments will need to address the issue of
together to develop a responsible approach and policies unemployment driven by technology. This could include
that govern the impact of technology and automation testing social safety nets such as universal basic income
on jobs – including a clear discussion on the ethics of AI. and identifying new sources of income for citizens.
Governments should engage with organisations developing Underdeveloped countries that will increasingly struggle to
the use of robotics and AI at all stages of policy making, to catch up with the rest of the world will need to go further
create a pool of thought leaders with a deep understanding and consider radical new approaches. In the long run, they
of the interplay between technology and its effect will need to create their own internal markets as their
on society 7. primary sources of revenue.

Help people help themselves

As the ‘typical’ linear career path ceases to exist,

perceptions of the value of the new norm of a ‘portfolio
career’ must change. Time does much to shift thinking but
incentives are needed too. For many workers job mobility,
constant retraining and rotation will become the crucial
way of improving their adaptability, employability and
usefulness to society. But many people also feel tied to
their current career and job because of the pressures of
debt and the ‘stickiness’ of employer benefits – whether,
that’s student debt, mortgages or loans, or non‑transferable
benefits like employer-sponsored healthcare or pensions.
This too has implications for wider society. Incentives
aimed at encouraging mobility and development of skills
will be important.

think governments
should take any action
needed to protect jobs
from automation.
PwC survey of 10,029 members
of the general population based in
China, Germany, India, the UK and
the US – base all those who are not
retired 8,459

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

The individual response

As individuals – be it workers, students, parents or Plan for an automated world
“As individuals – actual human beings – what do we need to
consumers – it’s important to have a clear view of what the
do to thrive and prosper in whatever the new world brings?
future, driven by the megatrends and our own actions, will Find the gaps: In an automated world we will still need
The secret for a bright future seems to me to lie in flexibility
look like. What role will we play? What actions should we human workers. Whether this is working to develop
and in the ability to reinvent yourself. If you believe that the
take? What should we tell our children and grandchildren, technology, alongside it – or in narrow, very specialist or
future lies in STEM skills and that interests you, train for
colleagues, neighbours and friends about the future very human types of employment – the places automation
that. But be prepared to rethink if the world doesn’t need so
of work? simply can’t compete in yet. Work out where you want
many programmers. If you are a great accountant who has
to be.
prospered by building strong client relationships, think how
We believe that individuals should: you can apply that capability, without necessarily having to
Get your skills in order: The skills needed for the future
be an accountant. Think about yourself as a bundle of skills
Understand the big picture are not just about science and technology. Human skills
and capabilities, not a defined role or profession.”
like creativity, leadership and empathy will be in demand.
Pay attention: Understand how technology is developing Identify the skills you need and start to concentrate on how
Carol Stubbings
and what it and the other megatrends could mean for the to build them – and how to use them alongside technology.
Global Leader, People and Organisation, PwC
world of work – and you specifically.
Take action
Expect the unexpected: Use our four Worlds of Work to
consider how different the world could look and plan for Adapt to survive: The human race is infinitely adaptable but
multiple scenarios and outcomes. also risk averse. Work out what holds you back – whether
structural and financial (loans, mortgages, responsibilities)
or emotional. Work out what matters to you and your
family and plan for change.

Jump on a passing ship: There is no one future‑proof

career, only better options for you. Determine how to get
to the ‘next better thing’.

Figure 3: I have the following skills and attributes

think technology will
believe it’s their own
(percentage who agree or strongly agree)

86% Adaptability

improve their job responsibility to update

prospects in the future. their skills rather than
relying on any employer.
85% Problem solving

Collaboration skills
PwC survey of 10,029 members of the general population based in China,
Germany, India, the UK and the US – base all those who are not retired 8,459
76% Emotional intelligence “Technology and the
ability to save so much
74% Creativity and innovation time. I think that a lot of
jobs that were needed in
Leadership skills the past will no longer
69% be needed. Different
jobs will be created
69% Digital skills
that demand different
skill sets.”
60% Risk management skills
Unemployed skilled manual
STEM skills worker (46), USA
50% Entrepreneurial skills

PwC survey of 10,029 members of the general population based in China,

Germany, India, the UK and the US

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

The ‘no regrets’ moves for organisations

Organisations are faced with an array of choices when
looking at the future. This requires an understanding of
the possibilities – both desired and undesired – to plan
Linear predictions Make decisions
No matter what the future holds, we believe there are don’t cut it based on purpose
some ‘no regrets’ moves that apply universally: and values

• Plan for multiple and emerging • Build a future‑looking understanding

visions of the future using a of how humans and machines
scenarios approach. might collaborate to deliver your
corporate purpose.
• Understand clearly how each
creates different workforce • Clarify your values and behaviours
challenges and implications. that underpin your policies, processes,
decision‑making and priorities.

• Identify and engage with internal and

external stakeholders to manage their
expectations and co‑create the future
of work.

• Create an open and transparent

narrative on how you are influencing,
planning and delivering on the future
of work – for your organization, society
and individuals.

“The technological or
robotized workforce [will
be the biggest impact on
the way we work] but
the human work will
Embrace technology as a Focus on the humans and
always be a unique and
force for good the humane determining factor in any
Engineering & Construction
sector worker (37), USA
• Clarify how robotics and artificial intelligence can • Understand the skills you have in your workforce
enable the redesign of work, enhance productivity now (not just the roles your workers currently do)
and customer experience, and enable a focus on more and the gaps to the skills you will need in the future.
value‑added tasks. Think beyond simplistic concepts like ‘we need more
STEM skills’.
• Use sophisticated workforce planning and predictive
analytics to plan for talent pipelines in multiple • Strengthen innovation, creativity, empathy and
future scenarios. leadership capabilities in your business alongside
critical technology skills.
• Look for ways technology can enhance your people
offering for potential and existing employees. • Make talent and capabilities management a matter
of urgency – or risk losing the battle to harness
technological breakthroughs and innovation in
your sector.

• Build and nurture adaptability in your workforce by

harnessing a flexible talent mix. new ways of working
and learning, and radically different career paths.

• Redesign traditional ‘one-size-fits-all’ HR

programmes and policies to deliver on new learning
and development models, career paths, capability
models and the redesign of jobs and compensation

The Future of Work to 2030

We’ve outlined in this report four very different models with huge implications for
the world of work. The forces shaping these Four Worlds – the impact of megatrends,
and automation in particular – cannot be ignored by governments, organisations
or individuals.

None of us can know with any certainty what the world will look like in 2030, but it’s
very likely that facets of the Four Worlds will feature in some way and at some time.
Some sectors and individuals are already displaying elements of the Blue and Green
Worlds; the Yellow and Red Worlds are more radical, but no less plausible.

Those organisations and individuals that understand potential futures, and what each
might mean for them, and plan ahead, will be the best prepared to succeed.

How we developed the Four Worlds
In 2007, we worked with the James Martin Institute for Science and Civilisation at the Said
Business School in Oxford to develop a map of the factors that were influencing business
and those that would become more influential in the future. The exercise identified four
main influential factors that are creating a ‘push and pull effect’: individualism against
collectivism, and corporate integration against business fragmentation.

Three worlds become four

When we began our research and first built our Worlds of Work scenarios ten years ago
(back before the term ‘gig’ talent was coined) we were just starting to recognise the ways
that technology could power and sustain a fragmented business world. At the time one
of the biggest areas of debate was the tension between individualism and collectivism.
The boundaries were so blurred that we created a single fragmented world. In hindsight
we were both right and wrong – the platform layer we described in that world is now
ubiquitous. The Red and Yellow worlds have also become more ‘realistic’. Ten years ago we
weren’t sure that either Red or Yellow world could exist – we thought the Red World just
too aggressive and the Yellow World unrealistically focused on social good. Today our view
has changed. It could go either way.

Use of examples in this report

All companies, individuals and products described in our Visions of the Future and Road to
2030 sections are entirely illustrative and bear no relation to any real‑life examples.

Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030

We would like to thank the following who contributed to this this study:

Authors Contributors

Justine Brown Padmaja Alaganandan David Lancefield

Tom Gosling Cristina Ampil Joao Lins
Bhushan Sethi Jon Andrews Rob MacCargow
Blair Sheppard Chris Box Sarah McQuaid
Carol Stubbings Emily Church Thomas Minet
John Sviokla Charles Donkor Sarah Muir
Jon Williams Ceri‑Ann Droog Susan Price
Daria Zarubina Karen Evans Alla Romanchuk
Dee Hildy Faye Sargent
Liz Fisher Sophie Holtham Gerald Seegers
(Freelance writer and editor) Zina Hunt David Suarez
Bridget Jackson Leyla Yildrim
Nick Jones Johnny Yu

Carol Stubbings North America Western Europe Central & Eastern Europe Australia
Joint Global Leader,
People and Organisation Orla Beggs Christopher Box Alla Romanchuk Peter Wheeler
+44 20 7804 9859 +1 646 818 7493 +44 20 7804 4957 +7 (495) 232 5623 +61 (3) 8603 6504

Bhushan Sethi Carrie Duarte Peter Brown Middle East South and Central America
Global People Strategy +1 213 356 6396 +44 20 7804 7007
Consulting Leader, David Suarez Roberto Martins
People and Organisation +971 4304 3981 +55 11 3674‑3925
+1 646 471 2377 Jean McClellan Anthony Bruce +1 403 509 7578 +44 20 7213 4524 China/Hong Kong Africa
Justine Brown
Director, Bhushan Sethi Henk van Cappelle Johnny Yu Gerald Seegers
Future of Work +1 646 471 2377 +31 88 794 65 63 +86 (10) 6533 2685 +27 (11) 797 4560
research programme
Global People and Organisation
+44 113 289 4423 Peter De Bley South East Asia +32 2 7104321 Nicky Wakefield
+65 6236 7998
Charles Donkor
+41 58 792 4554 India

Sarah Kane Chaitali Mukherjee

+41 58 792 2683 +91 124 626 6620

Till Lohman
+49 40 6378‑8835

Christian Scharff
+352 49 48 48 2051


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