Bsed-Engl 2 Iñego, Jhyrine EDFTC 105 Suganob, Abbygayle

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Iñego, Jhyrine EDFTC 105

Suganob, Abbygayle

As we analyze the case study presented, many underlying factors affect Julian and
Manuel's development. Both have the same disorder, yet they differ in experiences and
life trajectories. To start with the elaboration, Manuel and Julian represent the various
models of disability. The circumstances of Julian showed the biomedical model of
disability. In contrast, the events of Manuel showed the moral/religious model of disability.
The involvement of society in their development also touches the social model of
disability. The underlying factors that affect their development are the society's attitude,
belief, and views towards disability, the support, education, medical assistance, privilege,
and activity exposure.
Manuel grew up in a society that was constructed with conviction. They see
Manuel's condition as a curse, for they still believe in religious traditions. An environment
with this mindset thinks that people with disabilities are unclean and being punished.
Hence, this affects disabled people, for they will grow up adapting and believing those
unproven conclusions. They will live with the idea that they are burdens in the family.
Having this kind of environment makes those people with special needs seek love and
care for those things that are hard to find, especially in their condition. It affects their
development, for they will be treated differently, unlike ordinary people. They receive less
chance of improvement, for they were not given enough attention. With this, no
opportunities to knock on their doors. If there's any, those are very few. They were not
that exposed to activities like games and jobs. Because they are disabled, people think
they are incapable. How would they improve with this kind of treatment? There are times
that only the four corners of their houses knew their talents because they are afraid of
others' judgments.
On the other hand, Julian, who was observed to have the same condition as
Manuel, received a different treatment. His condition was seen as something that needs
medical treatment, not as a fruit of sin. Hence, he immediately undergoes therapies that
would make his situation normal and better. He even enrolled in school with Special
Education (SPED). Even though he experienced difficulties growing up, he has a
supportive environment looking after his improvements. Julian received the love and care
every people with special needs should have. He has given an equal right just like with
ordinary people. With this kind of surrounding, people with disabilities more likely to
improve and get motivated to do better. They were seen as people who need to take care
of, not to be mocked. Also, being appreciated with his possessed skills and being guided
will make him more determined to enhance them, for he believed that there are people
who believe in him.
All in all, various factors affect the development of each child. The way they
perceive things is a result of their exposure to different environments. Manuel and Julian's
case is proof of two people with the same disability but treated differently. They may have
Iñego, Jhyrine EDFTC 105
Suganob, Abbygayle

the same disorder, but it can be taken care of, depending on how the people around them
treat their disability. If disabilities are seen as something that needs to be treated,
everyone who has it might also attain Julian's development. As future teachers, we are
expected to look at a wider lens where disability is not seen as an inability. We should
never let their disabilities hinder them from achieving their dreams and reach great
heights. They should also be given the same attention just like other students and, most
of all, let them feel that they are part of the group. Also, as future teachers, we must
educate everyone on this topic. If more people are aware, there would be greater chances
for people with disabilities to be seen as someone who needs proper medication and
treatment and not as incapable people. With adequate treatment, accommodation, and
mindset, we can indeed end the stigma related to disability.

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