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Abbygayle M.

Suganob (BSED-ENGL 2)

EDFTC 105 – Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education

Module 1 & 2 Assessment of Learning through a written reflection. Due on Feb. 19,

Individual Reflection Paper

Write a reflection paper about your insights and developed perspective on disability, as
a future teacher, by finishing the sentences below. Write in your own words. If you will
copy statements from your textbook, explain & share your insights. (It is all right if your
answers are not on the lines, or you may remove the lines.) (30 Pts.)

1. Disability is often associated with weakness, vulnerability, and discrimination. But

disability should be seen as something more, enabling us to see the bigger picture.
Disability is not an avenue to make others feel inferior; instead, it is a way to make them
feel that they are not a burden and can also achieve things that other people do.
Disability is not inability. It will never be the basis of someone’s success nor future.

2. Pupils/Students with disabilities or disorders are individuals who need proper

assistance and understanding. We must show a positive attitude towards them to make
them feel that they are one with the other students and not separate from the rest. As
future teachers, what we show to other students must be the same way when it comes
to them. We need to enable ourselves to be just and fair when it comes to our students'
approach and treatment regardless of their differences. The same as with others,
students with disabilities also need to be taken care of, cater their unique needs as they
are the ones who need proper accommodation and supervision. Like other students,
they also have the right to develop, and as teachers, we should allow them to attain
development in a way that can help them holistically.

3. As a teacher of an inclusive classroom, I will become more welcoming as I support

my students' diverse needs. I will make them feel that they are warmly welcomed
Abbygayle M. Suganob (BSED-ENGL 2)

despite their differences. I will make sure that everyone can have the chance to get to
know each other more, learn from each other's beliefs, and be of great help to one
another as no one should be left behind. Inclusion gives kids a way to talk about how
everyone learns in their way. Research shows that an inclusive classroom has peers'
benefits, too. They're more comfortable with and more tolerant of differences. They also
have increased positive self-esteem and diverse, caring friendships. Also, in an
inclusive classroom, teachers weave in specially designed instruction and support to
help students make progress. With this, students with a diverse way of learning will
absorb, comprehend, and participate engagingly since their specials needs are


Clarity of thoughts expressed in writing – 30%

Depth of Reflection - 20%
Correctness & Applicability to classroom teaching & learning – 30%
Originality of written reflection – 10 %
Promptness – 5%
Completeness, Organization & structure 5%

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