HND Unit Number 4 Business Environment Amended Ass 1

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Centre: Business & Management Course:HND/C Business/Related Subjects     
Assessment Set By: E Hillen      Date:7/10/09
Assessment Validated By:       Date:7/10/09     
Date Issued: Grading criteria attainable within this assignment
Name:       7/10/09 √
Date Due: M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3
Class:       11/11/09 √ √ √ √ √ √
Unit Number & Title:4 Submitted on:
Business Environment 12/11/08 Grading criteria met in this assignment (A/NA)
Time: M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3

Received By: Special instructions to student (if appropriate)

Assessment No: 1 Referral Date:

Outcomes – No. & Title Assessment Criteria A/NA

2. Investigate the economic social (a) explain how economic systems attempt to allocate and make effective use
and global environment in which of resources
organisations operate (b) Discuss the impact of social, welfare and industrial policy initiatives on
organisations and the wider community     
(c) evaluate the impact of macro economic policy measures and the influence
of the global economy on UK-based organisations and stakeholders
4 (Q1) Explore the significance of (a) discuss the importance of international trade, economic integration an global
international trade and the markets to UK business organisations
European dimension for UK      

Common Skills Area & Outcome Number Grade Assessor/s Signature

Student Declaration: I have read the College ‘Policy on Plagiarism, Cheating
and Other Forms of Academic Misconduct’ and I certify that all materials Signed: Date:
submitted for this assessment are my own work.

Assessor/s Signature: ______________________________Date:_____________________________

Cross Marker’s Signature: ______________________________Date:_____________________________

(If appropriate)

Form IM2EH/RC/18/04/2011 1 IM Docs 2000: Issue date August 2007

Internal Monitor’s Signature:_______________________________________________________________Date:
(If appropriate)
Assessment Criteria Feedback

Grading Criteria Feedback

Characteristics/Indicators Feedback

M1 - Breadth, extent of coverage      

− range of ideas used
− range of methods and techniques applied
− range of sources of information/data
− alternative methods/techniques identified

M2 - Application/Resourcefulness
− applies relevant theories and techniques
− analyses knowledge and skills
− makes the most of identified resources
− seeks new resources
− shows initiative

M3 - Coherence (product/language)
− structured, not disjointed
− internally consistent
− accurate technical language

D1 - Validity
− judges validity of information/data
− self critical (of process)
− suggests improvements (to process)
− shows appreciation of the context
(realism, economic, practical etc.)

D2 – Evaluation
− evaluates and synthesises relevant
theories and techniques
− generates conclusions
− judges validity of conclusions
− accommodates the unforeseen
− identifies improvements

D3 - Autonomy/Independence
− minimum supervision
− self-starting
− self-reliant
− individual approach
− ease of performance
− fluent use of technical language

Student Declaration: I confirm that I have

Signed: Date:
received feedback on this assessment.
Assessment Notes

To achieve a Pass students must:

 Be aware of an economic system within enlarged EU

 Understand the objectives of Government and the opportunities

 Created by an enlarged market (domestic, European or global)

 Be aware of the main factors associated with Monetary/Fiscal/Social


 Understand the impact of the ECB & World Bank will have on the
development of accession states and the enlarged EU in general

 Outline organisational responsibilities and strategies for achievement in

the International Business Environment

 Analyse statistical data associated with EU member states

To achieve a Merit students must:

 Display evidence of research into aspects outlined for pass

 Analyse the effect market expansion will have on the competitive

position of EU member states. The impact EU monetary & fiscal policy
will have on national economies and the role the European Central Bank
and World Bank will have on future development.

To achieve Distinction students must:

 Prepare a well presented and researched report, analysing the major

factors to be considered in the expansion of a competitive European

Form IM2EH/RC/18/04/2011 3 IM Docs 2000: Issue date August 2007


Enlarging the EU is an historic opportunity, both for the EU and its new members. It will
answer the challenge set a decade ago when the Iron Curtain came down – to extend the
stability and prosperity currently enjoyed by EU Member states further across the continent
the benefit of all. In May 2004 EU membership grew to 25 states.

Successful enlargement of the European Union will bind the applicant countries into Western
European political and economic structures, enhancing peace democracy, stability and
prosperity. It will increase the EU’s weight in world affairs and it will provide a spur to
growth throughout an enlarged EU, through economies of scale, transfers of technology,
spreading organisational skills and increasing access to expanding markets. Consumers will
benefit through wider choice and the lower prices which come from greater competition;
British businesses will have access to over 100 million new customers in an enlarged single

By working closely with the applicant countries and promoting a constructive within the EU,
this government is working to make these outcomes possible, be sure that British businesses
are ready to seize the benefits. Competition from other member states for the commercial
and other economic gains of enlargement are intense. To be certain that your business
secures the most from EU enlargement you need to be aware of the opportunities offered and
how to exploit them.

Existing members of enlarged EU


SWEDEN 8.88 £17,533
FINLAND 5.15 £16,642
ESTONIA 1.43 £2,308
UK 58.65 £14,676
DENMARK 5.27 £22,646
IRELAND 3.68 £12,284
NETHERLANDS 15.68 £16,984
CZECH REPUBLIC 10.28 £3,530
LATVIA 2.24 £1,659
GERMANY 82.13 £18,212
POLAND 38.72 £2,680
LITHUANIA 3.69 £1,741
LUXEMBOURG 0.42 £30,919
BELGIUM 10.14 £17,397
SLOVAKIA 5.38 £2,536
FRANCE 58.68 £16,596
ITALY 57.73 £13,769
AUSTRIA 8.14 £18,392
HUNGARY 10.12 £3,092
SLOVENIA 1.99 £6,704
SPAIN 39.63 £9,665
PORTUGAL 9.87 £7,313
MALTA 0.38 £6,932
GREECE 10.60 £8,047
CYPRUS 0.77 £8,172
Student Tasks

1 Examine the table within the case study.

Discuss the various types of economy command, market and mixed.
Why do you think the disparities exist between the countries. How might
E.U. membership enhance GDP for the new members.

2 Discuss the main economic objectives the UK government pursues. Which is

the most important. Why would a new entrant to the EU have different
economic priorities.

3 Explain the significance of monetary policy an fiscal policy in pursing

economic objectives.

4 Explain the following terms. Outline briefly what each does.

European Central Bank
Bank of England
World Bank

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