Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021


Due to anthropogenic activities, billions of tons of waste is generated worldwide. This waste
is increasing day by day. Affluence, lifestyles, changing consumption patterns, heterogeneous
nature of waste, rapid urbanization, economic growth, and rapid population growth are the
major reasons for waste production. Due to increased population, housing demand is
increasing and leads to rapid growth of towns, which ultimately causes increased waste
generation. It is estimated that the construction industry is responsible for the production of
35% of the total generated waste. Despite several researchers have highlighted this issue and
a lot of work is going to reduce the amount of construction waste, but still the percentage of
construction waste in the US, Hong Kong, Canada, UK, and Australia are 33%, 65%, 35%,
50% and 30% respectively.

The construction industry is one of the mega consumers of natural resources. Though
complete utilization of these resources in their natural form is impossible. An acceptable
amount of waste is permissible which is unavoidable in any industry. Waste generated by the
construction industry is termed as construction waste. The term construction waste is defined
differently by various researchers as defines all the waste produced as a result of construction
activities like construction of building, bridges, road, their demolition, renovation, and other
operations as construction and demolition waste (C&DW).

Construction waste differs from household waste, as it contains hazardous matters as

well. Heavy metals, asbestos, organic compounds, and other harmful organic materials are a
threat to the environment so cannot be directly dumped. Furthermore, Construction activities
may cause agricultural land loss, loss of soil, and air pollution. It is reported that direct
dumping of such waste into forests, riverine, and to water streams have shown erosion to the
soil, contaminated water in and on the ground, and also enhanced fire hazards.

It is advised to minimize waste as among the produced waste, some of the waste can
be reused as it is or after recycling rather than the disposal. The techniques used to reduce the
amount of waste are termed as waste management techniques and has described many of
these techniques which are in correspondence with.

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021

In many countries, including Pakistan, rising levels of waste generation, increasing

unregulated and illegal dumping of C&D waste, and the scarcity of landfill space has become
critical issues. In order to protect the environment and guarantee sustainable development,
numerous environmental regulations and initiatives have been developed. Most of these
endeavors aim to prevent the generation of C&D waste and/or minimize it as much as
possible. Pakistan has recorded a continuous increase in the population where it is reported
that over 200 million people are living there. With this increase in population, the generation
of solid waste is also increased. As reported by, waste generation in Pakistan is around 0.23-
0.61 kg/capita/day and a total of approximately 59,000 Tons every day.

It has been highlighted that the generation of waste is due to mismanagement, and
there are devastated environmental concerns of this waste which are being faced by all of us.
In an estimate, more than 10 billion tons waste is produced across the globe on daily basis. In
the ten billion tons of total solid waste, the construction and demolition waste from various
sources like domestic construction, commercial construction, and industrial construction
waste, is more than two billion tons. It is necessary to formulate such policies and strategies
which could abide by the ill effects of construction waste. Prior to that the reduction in the
waste production should be ensured to ensure a sustainable and healthy environment. Every
year, A large quantity of construction waste is being produced at construction sites due to
C&D activities. Present developments create a lot of harmful and negative environmental
impacts on the ecosystem. It was found that the waste generated at the construction site
caused two cost factors for the construction workers, namely the cost of transportation and
disposal of on-site waste and the cost of procurement. Pakistan’s construction industry also
suffers from a huge amount of C&D waste generation.

Literature of construction waste mainly focuses on three major areas, which are to
identify waste generation attributes, identification of waste management techniques and
estimation of construction waste. Through literature review, various waste generating
attributes and estimation of construction waste are identified. Waste management techniques
are then separately reviewed. Site conditions, dump distance, and other attributes are also
considered deeply. This will ultimately reduce the waste amount and this reduction takes up
towards economical completion of the project.

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021

1.1 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to

the natural intelligence displayed by humans or animals. Leading AI textbooks define the
field as the study of "intelligent agents": any system that perceives its environment and takes
actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals. Some popular accounts use the term
"artificial intelligence" to describe machines that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans
associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving".

Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956, and in the years since
has experienced several waves of optimism, followed by disappointment and the loss of
funding (known as an "AI winter"),[8][9] followed by new approaches, success and renewed
funding. AI research has tried and discarded many different approaches during its lifetime,
including simulating the brain, modeling human problem solving, formal logic, large
databases of knowledge and imitating animal behavior. In the first decades of the 21st
century, highly mathematical statistical machine learning has dominated the field, and this
technique has proved highly successful, helping to solve many challenging problems
throughout industry and academia.

The various sub-fields of AI research are centered around particular goals and the use
of particular tools. The traditional goals of AI research include reasoning, knowledge
representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception and the ability to
move and manipulate objects. General intelligence (the ability to solve an arbitrary problem)
is among the field's long-term goals. To solve these problems, AI researchers use versions of
search and mathematical optimization, formal logic, artificial neural networks, and methods
based on statistics, probability and economics. AI also draws upon computer
science, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and many other fields.

The field was founded on the assumption that human intelligence "can be so precisely
described that a machine can be made to simulate it".This raises philosophical arguments
about the mind and the ethics of creating artificial beings endowed with human-like
intelligence.Some people also consider AI to be a danger to humanity if it progresses
unabated. Others believe that AI, unlike previous technological revolutions, will create a risk
of mass unemployment

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021

AI is a rapidly advancing technology made possible by internet that may soon have
significant impacts on our daily lives, AI traditionally refer `to an artificial creation of human
–like intelligence that can learn, reason, plan, perceive or process natural language. These
traits allow AI to bring immense socioeconomic opportunities while also posing ethical and
socioeconomic challenge. AI is beginning to make its way into construction. In the future of
construction, AI will play a larger role in terms of improving productivity, quality, and safely
on the jobsite (Clavero, 2018). AI captures large amounts patterns and trends. In essence, AI
uses the power of machines to model natural intelligence of human. It uses the machine
learning (ML) to store problems and execute tasks with greater speed & recovery. (Tan,
2016; Rajgopal, 2017). Hence, we can say AI in construction happening now. Some of the
strategies on application of AI in CI are summarized here.

1.2 How can we leverage AI in Construction?

The adoption of Technology in the construction job-site is happening sure, it’s happening
slowly. However the good news is that the adoption is casting on. Thanks to cloud-based
applications and mobile devices the amount of data i.e. captured (Jobsite photos, material
used, labor hours, equipment utilization etc) on a job-site has grown exponentially ever the
past 10 years. The value of this information is to do deeper analysis, trending, and what-if
scenarios to make projects and companies more profitable. Activities that hamper
construction can now use AI to make improvements in productivity, safety, quality, and
scheduling. (Goubau, 2018). The immense potential of AI in construction industry is well
explained by Chaturvedi (2018) and he stated that the further digitalization and automation of
the construction industry would involve synchronization of AI & BIM. A new ecosystem has
to be developed which faster ingenuity and helps in increasing an arenas about the prospects
of AI. It has the potential to be a decisive game-changer would be helpful in its evolution as
mass adoption of it in construction becomes a reality. In the same year, Cheung has broadly
explained the massive potential of AI in the C.I

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021

1.3 How AI is changing construction?

In year, 2010, Wang described importance of parallel control management for intelligent
Transportation Systems, concept, Architectures and applications.

AI is changing the way the construction industry does business. After years of hype,
the technology is finally here and can boost productivity, safety, and other critical aspects of
business success.( Monroe,2017). Kranz makes the analogy that AI is the brain and IoT is the
body, with IoT providing both input (Data) and output (action) for the smart computing and
analytics function of a centralized AI system. For the construction industry, AI has come long
in leaps and bounds, both a solid tooling option and a management support. (Debney, 2018).
By using combination of Virtual Assistants (VA) and AI in place of manpower, the CI can

New business Models in
save money and time.
1.5 The rise of AI in Construction

Rajagopal (2017) exhaustively described various processes those are making changes across
various areas, including risk management, Schedule management, Subcontractor
management, Construction site environmental monitoring, and Safety. As part of the BIM
360 project IQ team at Autodesk, he had the privilege to participate in Autodesk’s foray in to
ML for construction. Clavero (2018) mentioned AI utilizes computer processing to complete
tasks that normally require human intelligence. However, it performs action with a greater
level of accuracy & much quickly. Because of this capability, AI in CM is another tool in a
contractor’s digital tool box.

1.6 Emerging Trends of AI in Construction safety sensors

The IoT has automated our home to be more energy efficient. Similarly, the IoT is
automating our job-site to make them safer; we have able sensors such as spot identify the
location of workers & provide any alerts if a worker slip or falls. Field reporting software
allows foreman to enter job-site activity or alerts issues like keeping important project stake
holders informed in real time even if they are not on job-site. Drones, Autonomous vehicles,
and Robots are some emerging trends of AI (Clavero, 2018). Wu et al(2017), in their project
on supply chain resilience assessment with structure dynamics consideration, analyzed AI in
engineering risk analytics. Risk exit in every aspects of our lives, and can mean different
things to different people.

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021

1.7 How does AI works?

According to father of AI, McCarthy, it is the science and engineering of making intelligent
machines, especially intelligent computer programs. AI is a way of making computer a
computer controlled robot, or a software think intelligently. In the similar manner the
intelligent human think. AI is a complied by sliding how human brain thinks, and how human
learns decide, and work while trying to solve a problems of this study as a basis of
developing intelligent software systems. What is exact role of AI in next 20 years?

Users Tool/technique Activity

1 Designers Autodesk’s Generative i) To generate option

Design. ii) To select
iii) To edit

2 Estimators Combine AI with BIM Estimates with greater accuracy

within a short time.

3 Safety Managers Smart……. Visual processing algorithms are

risk monitoring & prevention tools

4 Project Manager Drones sensors cameras Jobsite activity

To measure quantity of material

To keep the project on schedule

5 Foremen The 3D Model To detect the defect, if any error or


Table 1.1: Summary of applications of AI in CM

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021



2.1 Research Papers


WASTE MANAGEMENT” Sasitharan Nagapan1 , Ismail Abdul Rahman1 , Ade Asmi2
, Aftab Hameed Memon1 , Imran Latif1 1 Faculty of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat,
Johor, Malaysia.

Construction wastes have become a pressing issue in many developing countries and have
adverse effects on environment, economy and social aspects. Illegal dumping is a common
issue created from the physical construction waste and besides that non physical waste like
cost and time overruns are not properly addressed among the construction players. This paper
explores the impacts of construction on sustainable construction and contributing causes
which will help the practitioners to formulate ways in avoiding or reducing the waste. It also
highlights the sustainable approach in managing the construction waste as practice.


PROJECTS USING SIMULATION” - Chandrakanthi, M., Hettiaratchi, P., Prado, B.,
& Ruwanpura, J. Y. (n.d.)Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.

Growth in construction activities increases the amount of construction waste generated.

Recycling of construction waste is an important component of environmentally responsible
construction, as it reduces the amount of waste directed to landfills. In addition, it enhances
the resource recovery for future construction work. A model is presented in this paper to
predict waste generation rates, as well as to determine the economic advantages of recycling
at construction sites. A future advanced version of the model can be applied to any
construction site to: determine the amount of daily waste generation, resource and time
requirement for sorting and transporting of recyclables. The model, therefore, is a valuable
tool for construction managers interested in asserting the viability of recycling projects.

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Application of AI in Construction Waste Management 2020-2021


BY THE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT”- Ho Chi Minh City Open University,

Statistics in 2013 of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment points out more
than 7,200 - 8,100 tons of solid wastes being discharged every day in Ho Chi Minh City in
Vietnam. In particular, 6,400 - 6,700 tons of wastes was gathered and buried, along with
about 1,200 - 1,500 tons of non-hazardous industrial wastes, 250 - 350 tons of hazardous
industrial wastes, 14-18 tons of hazardous medical solid wastes, 900 - 1,200 tons of
construction wastes (e.g. debris). Domestic solid wastes mainly consist of highly
biodegradable food left over (at low heat and high humidity), which accounts for 55-65% of
waste weight. The rest is paper, plastic, rubber, etc., which are high heat and recyclable.
Industrial solid wastes (hazardous and nonhazardous) and non-hazardous medical solid
wastes are diversely composed, highly degeneratable and can make high market values. At
present, construction solid wastes are primarily used for leveling and provides an abundant
source of raw materials for manufacturing unburnt bricks adapting to climate change. A
major part of waste is poorly treated, causing negative environmental effects. Therefore,
management of construction waste is critical to not only saving precious soil resources, but
also for minimization of adverse environmental impacts. this paper presents four main factors
affecting the management of construction wastes in Vietnam using fuzzy logic.


University of Kebangsaan Malaysia

T Traditional waste management system operates based on daily schedule which is highly
inefficient and costly. The existing recycle bin has also proved its ineffectiveness in the
public as people do not recycle their waste properly. With the development of Internet of
Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the traditional waste management system can be
replaced with smart sensors embedded into the system to perform real time monitoring and
allow for better waste management. The aim of this research is to develop a smart waste
management system using LoRa communication protocol and TensorFlow based deep

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learning model. LoRa sends the sensor data and Tensorflow performs real time object
detection and classification. The bin consists of several compartments to segregate the waste
including metal, plastic, paper, and general waste compartment which are controlled by the
servo motors. Object detection and waste classification is done in TensorFlow framework
with pre-trained object detection model. This object detection model is trained with images of
waste to generate a frozen inference graph used for object detection which is done through a
camera connected to the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ as the main processing unit. Ultrasonic
sensor is embedded into each waste compartment to monitor the filling level of the waste.
GPS module is integrated to monitor the location and real time of the bin. LoRa
communication protocol is used to transmit data about the location, real time and filling level
of the bin. RFID module is embedded for the purpose of waste management personnel


Management, Business and Entrepreneurship University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

The construction industry is liable for producing a whole variety of different onsite waste; the
amount and type of which depends on factors such as the stage of construction, type of
construction work, direct or indirect stakeholders’ design change contribution, and practices
throughout the project lifecycle. The current thinking on construction waste minimisation is
heavily focussed on several issues relating to physical construction waste and recycling
guides. Indeed, much had been published on ways to improve on-site waste management and
recycling activities but very few attempts made to address the use of BIM for waste
minimisation in design practices. Waste minimisation is defined as any technique which
avoids, eliminates or reduces waste at its source. BIM is defined as the parametric modelling
of a building and it is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of
a facility. Simply stated BIM allows the project team to virtually design and construct the
building. This paper presents the preliminary literature review of findings on the techniques
to be employed for designing out waste. The initial findings outline the benefits that can be
obtained by using BIM tools to achieve waste minimization through ‘Designing-Out-Waste’.
The objective of this paper is regarding ‘waste minimization’, ‘design-out-waste’ and also
‘Building Information Modelling’. The methodology employed in this paper is based on the
secondary source, information were collected from various form and reviewed in order to
achieve the objective of this study.

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3.1 Waste

The concept of waste is not new, it has been addressed for decades. This term is defined
differently by different researchers like defines waste as the final product which has no worth
for the owner at the end. Similarly, describes waste as the unwanted products and material
which exist but are of no use. This waste may be physical or non-physical. Physical waste is
the type which has its physical appearance like materials, things and good. While nonphysical
waste is termed as the waste having no physical appearance but leads to produce physical
waste. Like time layover, delays and waste of money. Described the term of waste as any
product that is needed to be disposed of looked this concept as the damages produced by
operational works and process of construction.

Waste (or wastes) are unwanted or unusable materials. Waste is any substance which
is discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use. A by-product by
contrast is a joint product of relatively minor economic value. A waste product may become a
by-product, joint product or resource through an invention that raises a waste product's value
above zero. Examples include municipal solid waste (household trash/refuse), hazardous
waste, wastewater (such as sewage, which contains bodily wastes (feces and urine)
and surface runoff), radioactive waste, and others.

What constitutes waste depends on the eye of the beholder; one person's waste can be
a resource for another person.[1] Though waste is a physical object, its generation is a physical
and psychological process.[1] In the United States, people who work with waste professionally
use four terms – trash, garbage, refuse, and rubbish; trash is dry, garbage is wet, refuse is
both, and rubbish is refuse plus construction and demolition debris.

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3.2 Construction waste

The most common source of solid waste is construction waste. This waste is referred as one
of the most common and main causes of environmental degradation and health problems.
This waste includes asbestos, debris and other waste generated in the result of construction
and demolition activities. Building materials which remain unused in any construction project
are the main source of this waste Construction waste can be defined as any materials by
product of human and industrial activity that has no residual value. Waste is a product or
material that is unwanted. Construction waste clustered into two groups namely the physical
and non-physical waste. Experts in the construction sector have believed, for long decades,
that there is a direct relationship with only the debris disposed from project site and the
construction waste produced from different construction activities. Hence, some researchers
have defined the waste produced from construction activities, in terms of mathematical
analysis, as “the difference between the value of materials delivered and accepted on site, and
materials used properly as specified and accurately measured in the work”. Hence,
minimizations of non-value adding activities provide an extensive potential improvement in
most operational processes. Besides a clear understanding of the construction waste concept,
it is necessary to identify the classification of waste in different perspectives. Construction
waste or debris is any kind of debris from the construction process. Different government
agencies have clear definitions. For example, the United States Environmental Protection
Agency EPA defines construction and demolition materials as “debris generated during the
construction, renovation and demolition of buildings, roads, and bridges.”

Construction and demolition materials are created during the process of creating a
new building or structure or when renovating or demolishing an existing structure. These
materials are usually heavy materials used in large volumes in modern construction, such
as concrete, steel, wood, asphalt and gypsum. Of total waste in the United States, 90% comes
from the demolition of structures, while waste generated during construction accounts for less
than 10%.[1] Construction waste frequently includes small amount of hazardous materials that
require they be disposed of differently than most construction waste, such as fluorescent
lights, batteries, and other electrical equipment. [2]

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When these waste products are created, they are dealt with by exporting to a landfill,
recycling materials for new use, waste incineration, or direct reuse on site, through
integration into construction or as fill dirt. In dealing with construction and demolition waste
products, it is often hard to recycling and repurposing because of cost of processing.
Businesses recycling materials must compete with often the low cost of landfills and new
construction commodities.[3] In a report including data from 24 participating states in the
United States, the percentage of total solid waste in the US that was caused by construction
and demolition (C&D) waste materials was 23%. [4] This is almost a quarter of the total solid
waste produced by the United States, and it does not include the water polluted during
construction and during the time a lot of this waste spends in a landfill leaching toxic
chemicals into the surrounding environment.

3.3 Types of Construction Waste

There are two types of Construction waste:

1. Physical Waste

2. Non-Physical Waste

Figure 3.1 Types of Contruction Waste

3.3.1 Physical Waste

Physical construction waste is defined as waste which arises from construction, renovation
and demolition activities including land excavation or formation, civil and building
construction, site clearance, demolition activities, roadwork, and building renovation.
However, some defined directly to solid waste: the inert waste which comprises mainly sand,

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bricks, blocks, steel, concrete debris, tiles, bamboo, plastics, glass, wood, paper, vegetation
and other organic materials. Another way to understand the physical waste or construction
debris can be seen in construction site. This type of waste consists a complete loss of
materials, due to the fact that they are irreparably damaged or simply lost. The wastage
usually removed from the site to landfills.

Figure 3.2 Cement Waste

3.1.2 Non Physical Waste

The Non-physical waste normally occurs during the construction process. By contrast with
material waste, non-physical waste are time and cost overrun for a construction
projects.The Non-physical waste normally occurs during the construction process. By
contrast with material waste, non-physical waste are time and cost overrun for
a construction projects. Similarly, researchers from Indonesia defined waste as not only
associated with waste of materials but also other activities such as repair, waiting time and
delays. Besides that, the waste can be considered as any inefficiency that results in the use of
equipment, materials, labor and money in the construction process. In other words, waste in
construction is not only focused on the quantity of materials on-site, but also overproduction,
waiting time, material handling, inventories and unnecessary movement of workers. From the
interview it was found that least attention was given for this type of waste in construction

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Figure 3.3 Design error leads to rework Figure 3.4 Equipment failure leads to stooped

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Table 3.1 Factors contributing in Physical waste and Non-physical waste in

Construction Industry

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Construction waste management can be defined as the reduction and minimization of
construction waste by applying waste management techniques. It is also defined as
minimizing any kind of disposal of construction materials like debris, rubbish, and other
construction waste. It also includes the reusing, the materials, recycling it or reducing the
procurement by sophisticated estimations of materials. It has been observed that construction
waste management has been compromised and given low priority when there are limited
financial resources and technical professionals. It is highlighted by that sufficient waste
reduction can be attained by applying the proper waste management technique and imposing
these techniques as a functional part of the project.Construction waste management is a skill
and legislation which require the intensive cooperation of all professional personnel involved
in the specific project. Despite their rank, designation and experience, designers, engineers,
contractors, workers, clients, material suppliers, planners, and supervisors need to work in a
collaborative manner from concept level to the final stage for the surety of effective
management plans.

Figure 4.1 Photo of Contruction Waste Management

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Environmental management, being a raising issue, is not possible except effective

construction waste management, highlights the importance of construction waste
management by linking it to the environment. Negative environmental impacts can be
minimized by properly managing waste contributors, and construction waste are one of the
major contributors. Waste management includes several steps like transportation, monitoring,
disposal, and collection techniques, defined waste as tools which identifies the suitable waste
stream, targets the generation of waste and decides the best suitable technique accordingly.
While defines this term as an organization and planning to reduce waste production is
actually waste management. The construction waste generation has created serious problems,
both locally and globally. Construction waste materials are generated when new buildings are
built. Buildings include all residential and non-residential structures, as well as public works
projects, such as roads, bridges and dams. In 2002, the United Kingdom (UK) generated 200
million tons of total waste. 50% of this quantity was generated by construction, demolition,
renovation and refurbishment works. 24% generated in commercial and industrial activities,
with households responsible for a further 14%, Whereas EPA, which is located in the United
States (US), stated that “approximately 136 million tons of construction waste was generated
in 1998, and it raised to 170 million tons in 2003”.

4.1 Causes of construction waste generation

Among various researches published around the world about construction waste generation
and its management, only a few studies can be identified as those that are focused on
revealing the factors contributing to construction waste generation. Researchers that covered
construction waste generation detected a number of construction waste sources that may rise
during the life cycle of a project. The construction management performance factors are
described as the actions which decrease construction waste quantities and contribute to
increase recycling at the construction sites. Hence, with the concept of the possibility of
decreasing construction waste, several factors were collected through interviews and
extensive literature reviews. Subsequently, it was discovered that several factors would have
influence on construction waste generation. Thus, 15 factors were categorized by common
characteristics: “Materials Management OnSite”, “Materials Handling, Transportation and
Storage” and “Site Management and Practices”.

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Table 4.1 Construction waste Sources

As mentioned above, these 14 factors indicate the elements which may contribute to
decreasing waste quantities at the construction site. As such, if a construction site is assessed
based on these 15 factors in terms of execution level of the site, it is possible to assess the
performance level of the project. However, since all the factors do not have the same level of
importance, it is necessary to determine the magnitude of importance of all the identified

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4.2 The benefits of proper construction waste management include:

 Compliance. Under the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011, it is a legal
requirement for businesses to control their waste. This applies to those that produce,
import or export, carry or transport, keep or store, treat, or dispose of waste.
 High standards of health and safety. Proper waste handling and segregation will
protect workers and members of the public from accidents. You’ll prevent materials
from being left in inappropriate places. For example, where they could fall onto
people or cause a trip hazard.
 Reduced costs. Proper construction waste management reduces costs in multiple
ways. You’ll reduce spending by reusing materials and you’ll prevent double costs,
which refers to paying for a material that goes to waste and then paying again to have
it removed.
 Corporate social responsibility. Managing your waste will help you limit how much
you generate and dispose of, as well as ensure it’s properly processed once removed
from your site. This will help to conserve our planet’s natural resources and minimise
the energy required to transport and reprocess waste.
 Improved reputation. Businesses that demonstrate they’re doing their part for the
environment will develop a positive reputation, which improves their relationships
with customers and clients. It can even help you gain opportunities with government-
funded projects, which often require certain standards of waste management.
 Improved company-wide awareness. When workers adopt safe, sustainable waste
management practices at work, they may then feel compelled to apply these practices
to other aspects of their work and their personal life.

Increased disposal costs and reduction in number of landfills have created a need for
implementing effective waste management in the construction industry. As every
construction project is unique in its way of development, benefits from the waste
management may also differ from project to project and thus project characteristics should be
taken into consideration when implementing the strategy. This study seeks to investigate how
different project characteristics affect perception on benefits, from construction waste
management, based on the survey results from 66 industry experts.

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4.3 Waste Minimisation and Recycling Techniques

Every year, millions of tons of waste are generated from both households and building
construction, most of which end up in landfills with a small percentage being recycled. Thus,
there is a great need for waste minimization as this will not only have a huge environmental
impact but also present substantial economic and social benefits.

Waste minimization entails limiting the amount of waste that is generated, thereby
helping to eliminate the production of persistent and harmful wastes, effectively supporting
efforts that promote a society that is sustainable. Thus, waste minimization involves a change
of societal patterns that relate to production and consumption as well as redesigning products
to eliminate the generation of waste.Starting with a goal will help guide the decision-making
process, as well as provide direction for subcontractors and suppliers. It is also provides a
baseline for measuring how well the project succeeded with waste minimization and
recycling. This provides you with “boasting rights.”As will be discussed in the final section
of this document, in addition to the cost savings and environmental good that is achieved
through waste minimization and recycling, it positions your business in a unique niche that
can benefit your overall business development. Being able to prove that you have succeeded
in the past is therefore essential. Having a goal and measuring your results provides that

4.4 Waste Minimization Strategies Waste minimization includes:

• Using only those materials that you need.

• Decreasing the amount of material that has to be disposed of as trash and

• Diverting materials from disposal to reuse or recycling.

Minimizing what you need to buy and planning to use these materials efficiently is the first
step to avoid waste. There are many effective strategies to achieve this; all of which also lead
to cost savings and increased profitability. Consider the following strategies; many of which
you may already be part of your regular practices, but new ideas may occur to you as you
move through this list. In all instances, apply the old adage “measure twice cut once” and
avoid over-estimating and rounding-up the purchasing requirements. Rounding-up leads to
wasted money and wasted materials that you have to deal with at the end of the job.

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5.1 Construction waste management Hierarchy

Rapid urbanization in old cities results in increased demand for infrastructures. Multistory
building, shopping malls, tall commercial buildings, and other social amenities are made to
fulfill this demand. These structures undoubtedly produce massive construction and
demolition waste. This waste makes a huge contribution to solid waste of an area and has
severe environmental and social impacts. Presence of enormous building waste in the society
is waste of precious resources like building materials as well as of time & money, which are
been spent to manage such waste. Furthermore, massive landfill space is occupied by this
waste which adds up the land shortage for other residential and recreational purposes.

Presence of harmful substances in various construction materials jeopardizes the

wellbeing of human being and environment. It is quite difficult and impossible to completely
eliminate the ill effects of waste even after treatment. This is the reason many researchers are
in opinion to avoid producing waste. Therefore, the most practical approach to minimizing
the effect of waste on the environment is to prevent generating waste. The second most
feasible approach may be eliminating waste completely by converting it in such things which
can be decomposed like soil.

If it is not possible to avoid production of waste nor it is possible to eliminate the

waste, then waste should be reduced to its minimal level. Though it is also not recommended,
but due to unavoidable nature of waste, it is the third step that a manager could take.
Furthermore, it is always recommended at any stage if anything from the waste can be
reutilized then a manager should go for it and reuse the material which could be reused. After
that it should be tried upon to reuse the produced waste after recycling it, means produced
waste should be reused after recycling. And if nothing is possible then at the last stage it can
be dumped to a landfill for final disposal but before disposal, proper treatment of the waste
must be ensured.

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The complete hierarchy of waste management is presented in below Figure

Figure 5.1 Representation of Constructuction waste Management Hierarchy.

Based on the above facts, the terms of the hierarchy can be defined as

 Avoid: Up to the final extent, waste production should not be encouraged and the
application of those techniques should be implemented which produces no waste.

 Reduce: Adopting materials, and techniques which produces minimal waste. It also
includes the design and procurement of materials which could reduce the toxicity of waste.

 Reuse: Use of something from the waste for the same intended purpose of some other

 Recycle: Series steps and activities performed on waste to modify it and make it usable to
be used aged again for the same purpose or some other purpose.

 Treat and dispose: Dumping of useless material to a piece of land. This is done after
applying a thorough process of killing all hazardous materials and converting them to non-

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5.1.1 Source Reduction

Source reduction involves the use of processes, practices or products to reduce or eliminate
the generation or the toxicity of pollutants and wastes. Source reduction includes, but is not
limited to, material substitution, process substitution and process elimination, source
reduction involves reducing the amount of material used through more careful estimating to
eliminate waste. Reduction is the most efficient method to minimize the generation of solid
waste. Source reduction does not incur costs for waste handling, recycling, and disposal for
waste that is never created. Hazardous materials are usually the main target for reduction.
Moreover, the rising of hazardous waste disposal costs would encourage the contractor to
reduce it. Source reduction is activities designed to reduce the volume, mass, or toxicity of
products throughout the life cycle. It includes the design and manufacture, use, and disposal
of products with minimum toxic content, minimum volume of material, and/or a longer
useful life. An example of source reduction is use of a Reusable shopping bag at the grocery
store; although it uses more material than a single-use disposable bag, the material per use is

Current lifestyle, particularly in weather societies, have increased the demand for
convince and time -saving goods, and the demand for new products. This has led countries to
generate huge quantity of solid waste and there is great potential for reducing much of this
waste at sources in wealthier communities, particularly in industrialized countries. Some
governments and private industries in industrialized countries now sponsor education
campaigns about waste minimization and hazard reduction. Some governments provide
subsidies for a wide range of intensities for waste minimization and hazard reduction. There
are lows and policies favoring the reuse and recycling of products in industrialized countries.
Extensive waste reduction strategies using traditional practices of repair, reuse, and waste
trading and recycling by the informal sector, in poorer parts of the developing world, play a
remarkable role in source reduction. In most countries the informal sectors is not part of the
national management plants. For example, as in other developing countries, the recycling of
solid waste materials from the waste stem is carried out at various stage in most of the urban
areas in Bangladesh. The first stage is at individual household level, where housewives
separate refuse with a good market value, such as clean papers, bottles,containers,old cloth,
shoes, etc. and sell it directly to waste material shops or to street hawkers. In developing
countries, more attention needs to be paid to design stratagem plans to regulate percentage
practices, and to change the behavior and attitude to different actors involved in waste

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management. This is needed to improve the environment safety of traditional practices of

refuse, recycling and waste treading by the informal sectors.

Advantages of Source reduction

 It reduces the consumption of energy through reuse of goods by consumers and use of
minimum quantities of materials in industry. This leads to the production of fewer
products, which ultimately saves the energy require to collect raw materials, to
produce the products, and to transport them to the consumers.
 Emission at treatment and disposal sites are reduced.
 Pressures on vegetative cover and trees are decreased as source reduction minimizes
the demand of raw materials for new products.

5.1.2 Reuse

Reuse techniques is defined as re-employment of materials to be reuse in the same

application or to be used in lower grade applications. Once the wastes generated cannot be
reduced or unavoidable, reuse techniques is a desirable option. A variety of reusable and
unused materials could be found in construction activity such as lumber of different sizes,
piping, plywood, asphalt shingles and so on. The re-use of products or materials that would
otherwise become waste can provide a range of social, economic and environmental benefits.
Many building materials may be reusable during renovation projects where a new building is
built following the demolition.

All systems recycle the biosphere is a network of continually recycling materials and
information in alternating cycles of convergence and divergence. As materials converge or
become more concentrated they gain in quality, increasing their potential to drive useful work
in proportion to their concentrations relative to the environment. As their potentials are used,
materials diverge or become more dispersed in the landscape, only to be concentrated again
at another time and place. Fitting the patterns of humanity to these material cycling pathways
has become paramount in importance as our numbers and influence on the biosphere

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The energy performance of buildings (the EPBD) requires several different measures to
achieve prudent and rational use of energy resources and to reduce the environmental impact
of the energy use for buildings. This is to be accomplished by increased energy efficiency in
both new and existing buildings. A basic requirement for measures is the existence of a
general framework for a methodology of calculation of the total energy performance of

Buildings will have an impact on long-term energy consumption and new buildings
should therefore meet minimum energy performance requirements tailored to the local
climate. Best practice should in this respect be geared to the optimum use of factors relevant
to enhancing energy performance. As the application of alternative energy supply systems is
generally not explored to its full potential, the technical, environmental and economic
feasibility of alternative energy supply systems should be considered; this can be carried out
once, by the Member State, through a study which produces a list of energy conservation
measures, for average local market conditions, meeting cost-effectiveness criteria. Before
construction starts, specific studies may be requested if the measure, or measures, is deemed
feasible. Incorporating reusable/recyclable/biodegradable building materials in your project
can reduce waste, pollution, and energy use. Some examples of reusable / recyclable/
biodegradable building materials include:

a. Wood (reusable/recyclable/biodegradable)

b. Earthen Materials (reusable/biodegradable)

c. Steel, Aluminium, Iron, Copper (reusable/recyclable)

d. Bricks (reusable/recyclable)

e. Concrete (may be crushed and recycled)

f. Gypsum/Drywall (recyclable, sometimes biodegradable)

g. Straw Bale Insulation (biodegradable)

h. Wool Carpet (biodegradable)

i. Linoleum Flooring (biodegradable)

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Advantages of Resue:

Reuse has several advantages over recycling:

 saves or delays purchasing and disposal costs.

 conserves resources.

 reduces the waste stream.

 causes less pollution than recycling or making new products from virgin materials.

 makes needed items available to those who can’t afford to buy them new.

5.1.3 Recycling

Recycling is the reprocessing of a reclaimed material and converting it into a new material or
use. Reuse and recycling opportunities for construction and demolition wastes depend on the
markets for the individual materials comprising the wastes and the ability to process the
commingled waste or separate the individual materials. The benefits from waste recycling are
not solely environmental, but economic and aesthetic as well. Recyclable materials have
differing market values depending on the presence of local recycling facilities, reprocessing
costs, and the availability of virgin materials on the market. In general, it is economically
feasible for construction sites to recycle those waste materials.

Significantstrides have been made in the recycling over the years and it is possible to
believe that there will be greater amounts of construction and demolition waste be recycled in
the future due to the environmental concerns, increasing cost for the disposal of construction
and demolition waste by landfilling, higher tipping fees and the success of entrepreneurs in
processing both source-separated and mixed wastes. The quantity of steel and iron wastes
was produced in a bulk amount in the construction industry. The continuously production and
application of the new steel and iron in the construction industry make the people lazy and
omit to do the recycling on steel and iron wastes. Actually, the new steel and iron production
will bring a lot of negative impact not only to the construction industry but also to the general
However, this problem can be solving easily by the way of doing the recycling on
steel and iron wastes. Recycling of steel and iron is a need for the construction industry. It is
the best method to reduce the quantity of steel and iron wastes and also reduce the
requirement of the new steel and iron production. Therefore, recycling is important for the
construction industry to have a non-polluted air and water condition in order to have a

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healthy and green environment. Furthermore, recycling minimise the environmental impact
by reduce the extraction and manufacturing processes for production of new materials.
“Recycling can prevent emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants.” Besides
that, recycling also can avoid the additional discharge of greenhouse gases and water
pollutants in construction industry. The recycling of construction wastes can reduce the need
to extract raw materials and produce new material in order to reduce the production of
greenhouse gas emissions and water pollutants.

5.1.4 Landfill Disposal and Zero Waste

Disposal is the “no alternative” option because it is the last functional element in the solid
waste management system and the ultimate fate of all wastes that are of no further value,
construction and demolition waste is commonly managed via land filling. There are some
management concerns that must be considered such as environmental impact, public concerns
and the adaptability for multiple uses in the waste management system. In the management of
existing landfills, the major concern is to ensure that proper operational procedures are
followed carefully and routinely.

A landfill is an engineered pit, in which layers of solid waste are filled, compacted
and covered for final disposal. It is lined at the bottom to prevent groundwater pollution.
Engineered landfills consist of a lined bottom; a leachate collection and treatment system;
groundwater monitoring; gas extraction (the gas is flared or used for energy production) and a
cap system. The capacity is planned and the site is chosen based on an environmental risk
assessment study (UNEP 2002). There are also landfills specially designed to encourage
anaerobic biodegradation of the organic fraction of the waste for biogas production by
monitoring the oxygen conditions and moisture content. Landfills need expert design as well
as skilled operators and a proper management to guarantee their functionality.

Besides municipal solid waste, faecal sludge can also be discharged into landfills.
Well-constructed and maintained landfills are safer than open dumping sites, but even the
best sanitary landfill will fill up and, after many years, probably start to leak. Therefore only
waste, which cannot be reused further should be disposed of in landfills. To solve current
waste problems, prevention of waste in the first place remains a priority. Separation of
different types of wastes and reuse is much more sustainable. For instance, the disposal of

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faecal sludge should only be considered, if there is no need and market for soil conditioner/
fertiliser(see also composting large-scale and small scale, fertiliser from sludge, anaerobic
digestion and use of compost).

The basic issues for the planner and manger are:

1. Justification of need for a landfill.

2. Evaluation and community acceptance of the landfill location.

3. Landfill design and cost-effectiveness.

4. Management policies and regulations.

5.1.5 Construction Waste Recycling

Recycling is the removal of material from waste for reprocessing. Recycling is recognized
today as a solid waste management strategy that is preferable to landfilling or incineration
and environmentally more desirable. Recently, increased awareness of the environment,
concern over guaranteeing sustainable development, and aware of the need to organize waste
management have all contributed to enhancing the image of recycling as an important
instrument to attain these environmental objectives. The recycling of waste materials has
many benefits, which will indirectly protect the natural environment. In almost all
communities in the country today, there is a growing concern for recycling and the
environment. The true success of a construction and demolition waste recycling operation
must be determined by establishing the scale of the operation to be implemented and its
resulting economics. Before establishing a waste recycling operation, it is important to
identify all possible alternatives.

The construction waste poses great danger to environment. This has put construction
industries under pressure to consider suitable methods to protect the environment across all
industries including construction. Quantity and quality of construction waste generated from
any specific project would vary depending on the circumstances and types of materials used
in the project. Recycling of construction waste is one way to counter risk to construction
wastes. So, the invention of proper technology to recycle these materials is of great
importance. For instance, concrete waste can be crushed and used as recycled aggregate.

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Advantages of Recycling

Recycle technique is defined as utilizing wastes as raw materials in other applications. It

takes less energy to process recycle materials than it does to use virgin materials. The
advantages of a construction and demolition recycling program include:

 Avoid trash collection and disposal fees.

 Save resources and money through deconstruction.

 Improve organization’s public image.

 Make new products from old materials.

 Improve the market for recycled content products.

 Help community meet local and state waste reduction goals.

Furthermore, CWMP has been a concern for long periods, as a result of poor management
and controlling procedures which affect the environment as well as the general public. Solid
wastes are produced by residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, C&D, municipal
services, and other human processes. This has been identified that about 90% of C&D waste
is being dumped to landfills across the globe. To protect the environment, various
organizations and many countries have formulated certain rules and regulations. Similar laws
must be articulated for each and every country and handsome penalties should be imposed on
firms who violate these laws. Waste reduction has been the area on which extensive research
has been going on since the last two decades. The urgency of waste management has been
driven from the sustainable movements from industrial and government perspectives. And
applying Concepts of waste management hierarchy is the emerging solution to this problem.
But the application of the suitable technique to each and every unique case of waste
generation is not the same and their applicability can have various forms. It is beyond the
human capacity to target each case and analyze each and every attribute for the decision of
this technique. However, programming, computers and artificial intelligence might be a
solution for decision making in this regard.

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Minimize Construction Waste Impacts

The following considerations can minimize waste impacts on any size project. From the
broad influences of design to the specific methods used on the job-site, all play a role in the
prevention of waste.

A. Design to Prevent Waste. Design with standard sizes for building materials.
Specify materials and assemblies that can be easily disassembled at the end of their
useful life. Design precast concrete members for concrete (Tilt- up) construction.
Choose durable non-toxic interior finishes or materials. Design spaces to be
flexible for changing uses. Consider reusing materials (on-site) or installing
salvaged materials from off-site sources.

B. Plan for Waste Prevention. Target specific waste producing practices for waste
prevention. Include waste prevention measures in a Waste Management Plan.
Communicate your waste management plan at meetings, post it on-line, and
promote the result.

C. Use Construction Methods that Prevent Waste. For wood construction, use
advanced framing techniques (e.g. 24″ on-centre, and insulated headers), trusses
for roof or floor framing; finger- jointed studs and trim, and engineered wood
products. Consider using wood frame wall panels prefabricated off-site.

D. Practice Job-Site Waste Prevention Methods. Set up central cutting areas for wood
and other materials. Reuse concrete forms or choose reusable metal or fiberglass
forms. Clearly mark areas key to waste prevention, such as the material storage,
central cutting, and recycling stations. Practice material storage and handling
procedures to prevent loss or damage.

E. Purchase to Prevent Waste. Purchase salvaged, recycled, or recycled-content

materials and equipment. Check to ensure the correct amount of each material is
delivered to the site. Maintain an up-to-date material ordering and delivery
schedule to minimize the amount of time that materials are on-site and reduce the
chance of damage. Replace toxic materials with less toxic or non-toxic products to
reduce hazardous packaging. Choose products with minimal or no packaging

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Resource Efficiency can be accomplished by utilizing materials that meet the following

 Recycled Content: Products with identifiable recycled content, including post-

industrial content with a preference for postconsumer content.

 Natural, plentiful or renewable: Materials harvested from sustainably managed

sources and preferably have an independent certification (e.g., certified wood) and
are certified by an independent third party.

 Resource efficient manufacturing process: Products manufactured with resource-

efficient processes including reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste
(recycled, recyclable and or source reduced product packaging), and reducing
greenhouse gases.

 Locally available: Building materials, components, and systems found locally or

regionally saving energy and resources in transportation to the project site.

 Salvaged, refurbished, or remanufactured: Includes saving a material from disposal

and renovating, repairing, restoring, or generally improving the appearance,
performance, quality, functionality, or value of a product.

 Reusable or recyclable: Select materials that can be easily dismantled and reused
or recycled at the end of their useful life.

 Recycled or recyclable product packaging: Products enclosed in recycled content

or recyclable packaging .

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6.1 Flowchart of Methodology

The Concept Draw DIAGRAM is a professional software for quick creating great looking
flowcharts. The vector stencils from object libraries allows you to use RapidDraw
technology. By the clicking on direction arrows one can add new object to flowcharts. This
technology gives to users the ability to fast creating visualization for the structural data.

Figure 6.1 Methodology of Flowchart

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6.2 Method of Surveying

The general methodology of this study relies largely on the survey questionnaire which will
be collected from the local building contractors of different sizes by mail or by personnel
meeting. A thorough literature survey was initially conducted to identify the waste
management factor that affect the performance of construction industry as a whole. This
study has adopted the more general and broad definition of waste management factors from
other literature. Also some interviews with industrial practitioners were conducted to produce
to check effectiveness of questionnaire.

6.3 Questionnaire Structure

The questionnaire was tested with survey for clarity. The questionnaire survey is divided into
two parts. The first part consist of general information like type of company, experience
value of their project etc and the second part consist of the construction waste management
factors for evaluation. Waste management factors for this study are classified into seven
categories namely,

1. Design.

2. Handling.

3. Worker Workers' mistakes.

4. Management.

5. Procurement.

6. Site condition.

7. External Factors.

6.4 Estimated Composition of Construction Wastes in India

According to 11th five year plan, in terms of magnitude construction industry is second only
to agriculture. Based on an analysis of the forward and backward linkages of construction, the
multiplier effect for construction on the economy is estimated to be significant. With around
27,770 enterprises involved directly in the activity of construction in 2005, the industry is one
of the largest employers in the country and is characterized by a mix of both organized and

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unorganized entities. The employment figures have shown a steady rise from 14.6 million in
1995 to more than double in 2005 that is 31.46 million personnel comprising engineers,
technicians, foremen, clerical staff, and skilled and unskilled workers. With several ambitious
projects anticipated during the 11th Plan, the demand for construction manpower is going to
grow at a consistent pace of at least 8%–9%, thereby resulting in an annual accretion of
around 2.5 million persons to the existing stock.

The construction industry sets in motion the process of economical growth in the
country. Over US$ 100 billion has been invested in this sector during 2004-2005, with the
private sector contributing to 32.7 per cent of this investment. This sector is likely to continue
to record higher growth in the coming years due to the Government of India’s (GOI) recent
initiative to allow 100 per cent foreign direct investment in real estate development projects
[4]. As shown in Figure 1, construction share in total GDP has grown from 6.4% in 2000-01
to 7.2% in 2004-05. Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
study mentions that total construction work for five years during 2006-2011 is equivalent to
$847 billion.

Figure 6.2 Estimation of Construction waste in India.

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Figure 6.3 Contruction Waste in India.

The above Figure represents the components which causes the Construction waste in India.
According to the above Figure Dimentional lumber costs 25% of the total waste which is the
highest amongst others and other packaging, plastic and foam and others will cause the least
contribution in the construction industry which is of 4% each.

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During the past decades, construction and demolition (C&D) waste issues have received
increasing attention from both practitioners and researchers around the world. A plethora of
research relating to C&D waste management (WM) has been published in scholarly journals.
However, a comprehensive understanding of the C&D WM research is somehow absent in
spite of its proliferation. The aim of this paper is to develop a framework that helps readers
understand the C&D WM research as archived in selected journals. Papers under the topic of
C&D WM are retrieved based on a set of rigorous procedures. The information of these
papers is then analyzed with the assistance of the Qualitative Social Research (QSR) software
package NVivo. A framework for understanding C&D WM research is created based on the
analytic results. By following the framework, a bibliometric analysis of research in C&D
WM is presented, followed by an in-depth literature analysis. It is found that C&D
generation, reduction, and recycling are the three major topics in the discipline of C&D WM.
Future research is recommended to (a) investigate C&D waste issues in wider scopes
including design, maintenance and demolition, (b) develop a unified measurement for waste
generation so that WM performance can be compared across various economies, and (c)
enhance effectiveness of WM approaches (e.g. waste charging scheme) based on new WM
concepts (e.g. Extended Producer Responsibility). In addition to the above research findings,
the approach for producing the research framework can be useful references for other studies
which attempt to understand the research of a given discipline.

Waste management is a complex task involving numerous waste fractions, a range of

technological treatment options, and many outputs that are circulated back into society. A
systematic, interdisciplinary systems management framework was developed to facilitate the
planning, implementation, and maintenance of sustainable waste systems. It aims not to
replace existing decision-making approaches, but rather to enable their integration to allow
for inclusion of overall sustainability concerns and address the complexity of solid waste
management. The framework defines key considerations for system design, steps for
performance monitoring, and approaches for facilitating continual system improvements.

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The first step in waste management should be identifying the most root causes of waste
generation and primarily focus on these causes. The main objective of this study is to
developed a prototype framework, identify the importance levels of the root causes of
material waste during new construction in the construction industry. First, through the
literature, all the waste contributing factors will be enlisted. The limitation and the scope will
be linked; all the developed waste management techniques will be extracted from the
literature. All the gathered data will be put up in a database which will be the first step.

A graphical user interface, enabling the user to input the site conditions, type of waste
and other relevant data, on which decision has to be made, will be developed. The user will
input the required data in the program. This program will be linked to the developed database
in the background. Entered input data will be linked and searched out in the database for the
similar situations which are applied in the previous cases. In the case of relevance, the
limitations of each technique will be matched with the current situation.

Relevance analysis will be coded in the program, which will be run in case no similar
conditions are found in the database. In that case, the program will run an approximate
analysis on each technique and will suggest the technique which will maximize the waste
reduction. In this manner, the user will be able to implement the most suitable, most
economical and most feasible waste management technique.

This is about the framework of the proposed system where this project will only talks
about the frameworks of the coding and in future the complete coding can be done with
respect to this and it can be implemented in Construction Industry of India to avoid the
Pollution or other causes from construction waste. Development of A web-based program
that could be used by the practitioners of the construction industry is the aim or researchers.
However, this paper will focus on the methodological framework and a brief sequential
description that will be followed in future research. This paper will only discuss the detailed
description of the methodology. Linkage of attributes limitation and technique will be
developed in the prescribed framework. The input of attribute and other site conditions will
be given that will be analyzed through the program. On the basis of the analysis, the program
will be able to decide the most appropriate technique which could be implemented to a
specific case and will cost minimal to the user.

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Figure 7.1 Frame-Work of Effective Management System

The above Figure represents the Frameworks for the Maintaing Effective Construction
Management System. In This as discussed before all the root causes will be listed out like
Construction and demolishing attributes, its techniques, efficiancy and scope where it is
linked with its limitations. All this factors will be stored in some database later when the user
enter input it will go to the database and the best method will be selected from it and that will
be displayed to the user who can use that method to attain the zero waste generation in the
construction process.If the related or similar method is not displayed then it will calculate the
appromixate value or the method to the user.

In this way it is very easy to use and also it maintains the good Cutomer-Relationship
Management where it saves the time and money of the customer in before itself.

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