Worksheet I - Kinematics of Particles

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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Worksheet - I (Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics)

1. A particle moves along a straight line such that its acceleration is = (4t2-2) m/s2 where t is in
seconds, when t = 0, the particle is located 2m to the left of the origin, and when t = 2s, it is
20m to the left of the origin. Determine the position of the particle when t = 4s.
2. Car A starts from rest at t = 0 and travels along a straight road with a constant acceleration of
6 ft/s2 until it reaches a speed of 80 ft/s. Afterwards it maintains this speed. Also, when t =
0, car B located 6000 ft down the road is traveling towards A at a constant speed of 60 ft/s.
Determine the distance traveled by car A when they pass each other.

3. The particle P moves along the curved slot, a portion of which is shown. Its distance in meters
measured along the slot is given by 𝒔 = 𝟐𝒕𝟐 + 𝟓𝒕 − 𝟏 , where t is in seconds. The particle is at
A, when t = 3.00s and at B when t = 3.5s. Determine
A. The magnitude of the average acceleration of P between A and B
B. Express the average acceleration of P between A and B in vector form
C. The angle between vector velocity at point A and average acceleration of P between A
and B.

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4. A motorcyclist starting from rest travels along a straight road and for 10 s has acceleration
as shown. Draw the v-t graph that describes the motion and find the distance traveled in 10s.

5. A car starts from rest and travels along a straight road with a velocity described by the graph.
Determine the total distance traveled until the car stops. Construct the s-t and a-t graphs.

6. A particle is traveling along the parabolic path y = 0.25x2. If x = (4t2 - 4) m, where t is in

seconds, determine the magnitude of the particles velocity and acceleration when t = 2s.
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
7. A golf ball is driven from a point A with a speed of 40 m/s at an angle of elevation of 30°. On its
downward flight, the ball hits an advertising hoarding at a height 15.1 m above the level of A, as
shown in the diagram below. Find
A. The time taken by the ball to reach its greatest height above A,
B. The time taken by the ball to travel from A to B,
C. The speed with which the ball hits the hoarding.

8. A stone is thrown from a point A with speed 30 m/s at an angle of 15° below the horizontal. The
point A is 14m above horizontal ground. The stone strikes the ground at the point B, as shown
in the figure below. Find: The time the stone takes to travel from A to B, and the distance AB.

9. A ball in struck by a racket at a point A which is 2 m above horizontal ground. Immediately after
being struck, the ball has velocity (5i +8j) m/s, where i and j are unit vectors horizontally
and vertically respectively. After being struck, the ball travels freely under gravity until it strikes
the ground at the point B, as shown in the diagram below. Find
A .The greatest height above the ground reached by the ball,
B. The speed of the ball as it reaches B,
C. The angle the velocity of the ball makes with the ground as the ball reaches B.

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10. If the car decelerates uniformly along the curved road from 25 m/s at A to 15 m/s at C,
determine the acceleration of the car at B the distance from A to B 250m and B to C is 50m.

11. The car is traveling at a speed of 30 m/s. The driver applies the brakes at A and thereby
reduces the speed at the rate of at = (-0.125t ) m/s2 , where t is in seconds. Determine the
acceleration of the car just before it reaches point C on the circular curve. It takes 15 s for the car
to travel from A to C.

12. At the instant shown, cars A and B travel at speeds of 70 mi/h and 50 mi/h, respectively.
If B is decreasing its speed at 1400mi/h while A is increasing its speed at 800 mi/h, determine
the acceleration of B with respect to A. Car B moves along a curve having a radius of
curvature of 0.7 mi.
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

13. Car A negotiates a curve of 60-m radius at a constant speed of 50 km/h. when A passes
the position shown, car B is 30 m from the intersection and is accelerating south toward the
intersection at the rate of 1.5 m/s2. Determine the acceleration which A appears to have when
observed by an occupant of B at this instant.

14. Car A is traveling at the constant speed of 60 km/h as it rounds the circular curve of 300-m
radius and at the instant represented is at the position θ = 450. Car B is traveling at the constant
speed of 80 km/h and passes the center of the circle at this same instant. Car A is located with
respect to car B by polar coordinates r and θ with the pole moving with B. for this instant
determine VA/B and the values of r and θ as measured by an observer in car B.

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15. Pin P at the end of the telescoping rod in Fig. (a) Slides along the fixed parabolic path y2 =
40x, where x and y are measured in millimeters. The y coordinate of P varies with time t
(measured in seconds) according to 𝒚 = 𝟒𝒕𝟐 +6t mm. When y = 30 mm, compute (1) the
velocity vector of P; and (2) the acceleration vector of P.

16. At the bottom of a loop in the vertical (r- θ) plane at an altitude of 100m, the airplane P has a
horizontal velocity of 600km/h and no horizontal acceleration. The radius of curvature of the
loop is 1200m. For the radar tracking at O, determine the recorded values of r and Ѳ for this

17. The boats A and B travel with constant speeds of VA =15 m/s and VB = 10 m/s when they
leave the pier at o at the same time. Determine the distance between them when t = 4 s.
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
18. If motors at A and B draw in their attached cables with an acceleration of a = (0.2t) m/s2
where t is in seconds, determine the speed of the block when it reaches a height of h = 4 m,
starting from rest at h = 0 . Also, how much time does it take to reach this height?

19. Determine the speed of car A if point P on the cable has a speed of 4 m/s when the motor M
winds the cable in.

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