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1. How are sensory, working, and long-term memory linked?

Sensory, working, and long term memory are linked with each other
because it can be incorporate as processes that one stimulus can’t
proceed to another process if it won’t acknowledge it. That is why another
stage of process are needed to further interpret it into something. With
sensory memory, whatever that has been touched, seen, smelled, tasted,
and heard abruptly by an individual will automatically be stored in the
memory that will be interpret later on by the working memory. The working
memory will interpret what the stimulus is all about and process the
information. The long- term memory is about the information that has been
attained by an individual and chooses to store a long time for future use.

2. What techniques can enhance the storage of information in long-term


There are many techniques that can enhance the storage of

information in long-term memory and these are chunking, rehearsal,
recirculation, and elaboration. Chunking is the act of grouping information
from individual pieces in order to make a whole information out of it to be
easily remembered by an individual. Example of it is grouping different
digits into 4 or 3 for it to be easily recall. Rehearsal is the act of practicing
something in a short time for later use. Example of it is when someone told
you to buy something and you repeatedly say it to yourself so you won’t
forget it until you are able to buy it.
3. What is a schema and how can the associations in a schema be

Schema is a pattern of thoughts of an individual towards an object or

anything. The different thoughts of a person towards something can affect
the behaviour that he or she will act on it. The associations that are
interconnected with the schema are the degree of favourability,
uniqueness, and salience. Favourability is the degree of preference of an
individual towards something. If an individual has positive thoughts on an
object then consequently, he will show a positive attitude towards it. But
when an individual has poor thoughts on an object then he will show
negative attitude on it. Uniqueness is considered as the extent of an object
or product to be different from its similar objects or products. When an
individual think that a certain object is unique, then he or she will
remember it. Salience is more like for a thing to be noticeable. When an
individual saw something and the first thing that comes to her or his mind
about that thing, that is what we called salience. It is superior from the rest
for it has been thought first compared to others.

4. What are taxonomic categories and how do consumers use them to

structure knowledge in memory?
Taxonomic are specifically used to classify objects or products with
similar categories that we know in an orderly manner. Taxonomic
categories are the superordinate level, basic level and subordinate level.
The superordinate level offers broader similarities for products with little
differences. The basic level are the products which share lesser similarities
with other products with finer difference on it. The subordinate level are the
products which share the least similarities to other products and with fines
differences. Consumers use the taxonomic categories in order to structure
knowledge from memories. They use it as eliminating process to be careful
and selective to buy the products that may suit their preferences.
5. Explain why is it useful for you as a marketer to understand how people
categorize information.

Understanding how people categorize information is very useful for me

as a marketer because it will help me analyze my consumer and their
wants on certain products. With the help of it, I will be able to develop the
products according to the preferences that the consumers mostly want to
find in a product. knowing these things, can give me high advantage to my
competitors for I will know where to focus, what to change and what should
be improved.

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