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1. How do you measure 2 and 3/4 cups of flour?

Spoon flour into measuring (1 cup) cup and level; for 3/4 cups, use 1/2 cup and 1/4 cups.
2. If you need 6 pieces of eggs, how should you open them?
Open eggs one at a time, cracking open one egg in a small bowl; if okay, transfer to bigger bowl; open another egg
into the small bowl, if okay, transfer to the bigger bowl; and so on..
3. How would you know that you have creamed the butter well enough?
The butter is lighter color
4. What is the role of each ingredient- flour, fat, yeast, sugar?
•Flour - gluten development;
•Fat - shorten the gluten strands;
•Yeast - rise the dough
•Sugar - food of the yeast
5. What is the difference between flavor extract and flavor emulsion?
Flavor extract is alcohol based, while a flavor emulsion is oil based.
6. What is the difference between Cake flour and all-purpose flour?
Cake flour has the least amount of gluten of all wheat flours (7-9% protein), making it best for light, delicate
products such as sponge cakes, genoise, and some cookie batters. Cake flour often comes bleached, which gives it a
bright, we appearance.
While all purpose (or occident) flour has a moderate protein content (10-13% protein) and is used more frequently.
7. How do you know that you have beaten the eggwhites to thick peaks??
The peaks of the egg whites stay up even when you invert the bowl, or it is thick consistency.

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